[email protected] • Drawer B, Court Square Station, Dublin, Georgia 31040 • 272-5522 Volume 97, No. 247, Pub. No 161860 INSIDE Two-Vehicle Wreck Slows Morning Commute /Page 3a Williams Tapped To Fill McCall’s Seat By PAYTON TOWNS III “You are filling some mighty big shoes,” The Dublin City Council announced said councilman Gerald Smith. “God bless that Dr. Fred Williams will fill Walter Mc- you for stepping in.” Call’s unexpired term on the development Councilman Jerry Davis agreed. authority. “We’re glad you’re doing this,” he said. Special photo • Dear Abby: Rules The announcement came during the Dublin mayor Phil Best hopes Williams change between council’s meeting Thursday evening. Mc- will stay on after his term is completed. Front Row (l-r) Cole Hilson, Grant Stewart, Gabriel Kinney, Evan daughter and dad as Call passed away a few weeks ago. “He’d have to be reappointed again, but Bryan, Hudson Roussel, and Logan Bush. Back Row (l-r) Gerald little girl grows up Williams received high praise from we hope he’ll stay on after that,” he said. Smith, Garry Johnson, Jerry Davis, Mayor Phil Best, Phil Thacker, council members. See MEETING page 3a • All hail the puppet Bill Brown, George Roussel, and Chris Kinney queen - Cheryl Henson Page 7a A FIRE ENGINE NAMED A BAD • Local weather forecast • Community Calendar/ Almanac Page 5a SPORT • Woman’s Study Club Area Coaches Speak Out begins Centennial celebration OnBy Warren-HancockPAYTON TOWNS III Fights Page 6a It’s Friday night high school football, and no matter what happens when the clock reaches zero, both coaches know they’ll meet in the middle to shake hands.