JavaScript and Browser Objects Quick Reference

JavaScript Bible, 6th Edition Danny Goodman Appendix A

©2007 Danny Goodman ( All Rights Reserved. 2 JavaScript Bible, 6th Edition. ©2007 Danny Goodman ( All Rights Reserved. JavaScript and Browser Objects Quick Reference

String 28 Date 30 Control Statements 32 constructor anchor("anchorName") constructor getFullYear() if (condition) { length big() prototype getYear() statementsIfTrue prototype blink() getMonth() } bold() getDate() charAt(index) getDay() if (condition) { charCodeAt([i]) getHours() statementsIfTrue concat(string2) getMinutes() } else { fixed() getSeconds() statementsIfFalse fontcolor(#rrggbb) getTime() } fontsize(1to7) getMilliseconds() fromCharCode(n1...)* getUTCFullYear() result = condition ? expr1 : expr2 indexOf("str" [,i]) getUTCMonth() italics() getUTCDate() for ([init expr]; [condition]; [update expr]) { lastIndexOf("str" [,i]) getUTCDay() statements link(url) getUTCHours() } localeCompare() getUTCMinutes() match(regexp) getUTCSeconds() for (var in object) { replace(regexp,str) getUTCMilliseconds() statements search(regexp) parse("dateString")* } slice(i,j) setYear(val) small() setFullYear(val) for each ([var] varName in objectRef) { split(char) setMonth(val) statements strike() setDate(val) }M1.8.1 sub() setDay(val) substr(start,length) setHours(val) with (objRef) { substring(intA, intB) setMinutes(val) statements sup() setSeconds(val) } toLocaleLowerCase() setMilliseconds(val) toLocaleUpperCase() setTime(val) do { toLowerCase() setUTCFullYear(val) statements toString() setUTCMonth(val) } while (condition) toUpperCase() setUTCDate(val) valueOf() setUTCDay(val) yield valueM1.8.1 *Method of the static String object. setUTCHours(val) setUTCMinutes(val) while (condition) { setUTCSeconds(val) statements Regular Expressions 42 setUTCMilliseconds(val) } getTimezoneOffset() global compile(regexp) toDateString() return [value] ignoreCase exec("string")* toGMTString() input test("string") toLocaleDateString() switch (expression) { lastIndex str.match(regexp) toLocaleString() case labelN : multiline str.replace(regexp,"string") toLocaleTimeString() statements lastMatch toString() [break] lastParen str.split(regexp[,limit]) toTimeString() ... leftContext toUTCString() [default : prototype UTC(dateValues)* statements] rightContext *Method of the static Date object. } source $1...$9 label : continue [label] *Returns array with properties: index, input, [0],...[n]. * 29 Math break [label] E abs(val) try { 31 LN2 acos(val) Array LN10 asin(val) statements to test constructor concat(array2) LOG2E atan(val) } length every(func[, thisObj])M1.8 LOG10E atan2(val1, val2) catch (errorInfo) { prototype filter(func[, thisObj])M1.8 PI ceil(val) statements if exception occurs in try block forEach(func[, thisObj])M1.8 SQRT1_2 cos(val) } indexOf(func[, thisObj])M1.8 SQRT2 exp(val) [finally { join("char") floor(val) statements to run, exception or not lastIndexOf(func[, thisObj])M1.8 log(val) }] map(func[, thisObj])M1.8 max(val1, val2) pop() min(val1, val2) throw value push() pow(val1, power) reverse() random() shift() round(val) slice(i,[j]) sin(val) 29 some(func[, thisObj])M1.8 sqrt(val) Number sort(compareFunc) tan(val) constructor toExponential(n) splice(i,j[,items]) *All properties and methods are of the static Math object. MAX_VALUE toFixed(n) toLocaleString() MIN_VALUE toLocaleString() toString() NaN toString([radix]) unshift() Error 32 NEGATIVE_INFINITY toPrecision(n) POSITIVE_INFINITY valueOf() prototype toString() prototype Function 34 constructor descriptionE arguments apply(this, argsArray) fileNameE caller call(this[,arg1[,...argN]]) lineNumber Boolean 29 constructor toString() message length valueOf() name constructor toString() prototype numberE prototype valueOf() 3 JavaScript Bible, 6th Edition. ©2007 Danny Goodman ( All Rights Reserved. JavaScript and Browser Objects Quick Reference

Globals 35 Appendix A Functions atob()M JavaScript Bible, 6th Edition btoa()M decodeURI("encodedURI") by Danny Goodman decodeURIComponent("encComp") encodeURI("URIString") encodeURIComponent("compString") escape("string" [,1]) How to Use This Quick Reference eval("string") isFinite(number) This guide contains quick reference info for the Each term is supported by all baseline browsers unless isNaN(expression) core JavaScript language and browser object noted with a superscript symbol indicating browser brand isXMLName("string")M1.8.1 models starting with IE 5.5, Mozilla, and . and version: Number("string") parseFloat("string") E— M—Mozilla S—Safari Statements Numbers in the upper right corners of object For example, M1.4 means the term is supported only parseInt("string" [,radix]) // /*...*/ toString([radix]) const squares are chapter numbers in which the object by Mozilla 1.4 or later; E means the terms is supported unescape("string") var is covered in detail. only by Internet Explorer. unwatch(prop) watch(prop, handler)

Operators 33 frameset 16 window 16 Comparison border (None) onload appCoreM addEventListener(”evt”, func,capt)MS onabortM == Equals borderColorE clientInformationES1.2 alert(”msg”) onafterprintE === Strictly equals cols clipboardDataE attachEvent(”evt”, func)E onbeforeprintE != Does not equal frameBorderE closed back()M onbeforeunloadE !== Strictly does not equal frameSpacingE Components[]M blur() onblur > Is greater than rows contentM clearInterval(ID) onclick >= Is greater than or equal to controllers[]M clearTimeout(ID) onclose < Is less than cryptoM close() onerror <= Is less than or equal to iframe 16 frame 16 defaultStatus confirm(”msg”) onfocus dialogArgumentsE createPopup()E onhelpE Arithmetic E align allowTransparency dialogHeightE detachEvent(”evt”, func)E onkeydown + Plus (and string concat.) E E allowTransparency borderColor dialogLeftE dispatchEvent()MS onkeypress - Minus MS MS contentDocument contentDocument dialogTopE dump(”msg”)M1.4 onkeyup * Multiply EM EM contentWindow contentWindow dialogWidthE execScript(”exprList”[, lang])E onload / Divide E frameBorder frameBorder directoriesM find([”str”[, case[, up]])M onmousedown % Modulo E E frameSpacing height document fireEvent(”evt”[, evtObj])E onmousemove ++ Increment height longDesc eventES focus() onmouseout -- Decrement E hspace marginHeight externalE forward()M onmouseover -val Negation longDesc marginWidth frameElementEMS1.2 geckoActiveXObject(ID)M1.4 onmouseup marginHeight name frames[] getComputedStyle(node, “”)M onmove Assignment marginWidth noResize fullScreenM1.4 getSelection()MS onreset = Equals name scrolling history home()M onresizeEM += Add by value noResize src innerHeightMS moveBy(Δx, Δy) onscrollEMS1.3 -= Subtract by value E scrolling width innerWidthMS moveTo(x, y) onunload *= Multiply by value src length navigate(”url”)E /= Divide by value E vspace location open(”url”, “name”[, specs]) %= Modulo by value width locationbarM openDialog(”url”, “name”[, specs])M <<= Left shift by value menubarM print() >>= Right shift by value name prompt(”msg”, ”reply”) >>>= Zero fill by value E navigator removeEventListener(”evt”, func,capt)MS &= Bitwise AND by value popup 16 netscapeM resizeBy(Δx, Δy) |= Bitwise OR by value document hide() offscreenBufferingES1.2 resizeTo(width, height) ^= Bitwise XOR by value isOpen show() opener scroll() outerHeightMS scrollBy(Δx, Δy) Boolean outerWidthMS scrollByLines(n)M && AND pageXOffsetMS scrollByPages(n)M || OR pageYOffsetMS scrollTo(x, y) ! NOT parent setInterval(func, msecs[, args]) personalbarM setTimeout(func, msecs[, args]) Bitwise pkcs11M showHelp(”url”)E & Bitwise AND prompterM showModalDialog(”url”[, args][, features])ES2.01 | Bitwise OR returnValueE showModelessDialog(”url”[, args][, features])E ^ Bitwise XOR location 17 screen sizeToContent()M ~ Bitwise NOT assign("url") screenLeftES1.2 stop()M << Left shift hash reload([unconditional]) screenTopES1.2 >> Right shift host replace(”url”) screenXMS1.2 >>> Zero fill right shift hostname href screenYMS1.2 scrollbarsM Miscellaneous pathname scrollMaxXM1.4 , Series delimiter port scrollMaxYM1.4 delete Property destroyer protocol scrollXMS in Item in object search scrollYMS instanceof Instance of self new Object creator sidebarM this Object self-reference history 17 status typeof Value type currentM(signed) back() statusbarM void Return no value length forward() toolbarM nextM(signed) go(int | "url") top previousM(signed) window 4 JavaScript Bible, 6th Edition. ©2007 Danny Goodman ( All Rights Reserved. JavaScript and Browser Objects Quick Reference

document 18 All HTML Element Objects 15

activeElementE clear() onselectionchangeE accessKey addBehavior(”url”)E onactivateE alinkColor close() onstopE all[]E addEventListener(”evt”, func,capt)MS onafterupdateE anchors[] createAttribute(”name”)E6MS attributes[] appendChild(node) onbeforecopyES1.3 applets[] createCDATASection(”data”)M baseURIM applyElement(elem[, type])E onbeforecutES1.3 baseURIM createComment(”text”)E6MS behaviorUrns[]E attachEvent(”evt”, func)E onbeforedeactivateE bgColor createDocumentFragment()E6MS canHaveChildrenE blur() onbeforeeditfocusE body createElement(”tagname”) canHaveHTMLE clearAttributes()E onbeforepasteES1.3 charsetE createElementNS(”uri”, “tagname) childNodes[] click() onbeforeupdateE characterSetM createEvent(”evtType”)MS childrenES1.2 cloneNode(deep) onblur compatModeEM createEventObject([evtObj])E citeE6MS compareDocumentPosition(node)M1.4 oncellchangeE contentTypeM createNSResolver(nodeResolver)M className componentFromPoint(x, y)E onclick cookie createRange()M clientHeight contains(elem)E oncontextmenuEM defaultCharsetE createStyleSheet([”url”[, index]])E clientLeftE createControlRange()E oncontrolselectE defaultViewM createTextNode(”text”) clientTopE detachEvent(”evt”, func)E oncopyES1.3 designModeEM createTreeWalker(root, what, filterfunc, exp)M1.4 clientWidth dispatchEvent(evtObj)MS oncutES1.3 M doctype elementFromPoint(x, y)E contentEditableES1.2 doScroll(”action”)E ondataavailableE documentElement evaluate(”expr”, node, resolver, type, result)M currentStyleE dragDrop()E ondatasetchangedE documentURIM1.7 execCommand(”cmd”[, UI][, param])EM1.3S1.3 dateTimeE6M fireEvent(”evtType”[, evtObj])E ondatasetcompleteE domain getElementById(”ID”) dataFldE focus() ondblclick embeds[] getElementsByName(”name”) dataFormatAsE getAdjacentText(”where”)E ondeactivateE expandoE importNode(node, deep)M dataSrcE getAttribute(”name”[, case]) ondragES1.3 fgColor open([”mimetype”][, “replace”]) dir getAttributeNode(”name”)E6MS ondragendES1.3 fileCreatedDateE queryCommandEnabled(”commandName”)EM1.3 disabled getAttributeNodeNS(”uri”, “name”)M ondragenterES1.3 fileModifiedDateE queryCommandIndterm(”commandName”) documentES1.2 getAttributeNS(”uri”, “name”)M ondragleaveES1.3 fileSizeE queryCommandState(”commandName”) filters[]E getBoundingClientRect()E ondragoverES1.3 forms[] queryCommandSupported(”commandName”) firstChild getClientRects()E ondragstartES1.3 frames[] queryCommandText(”commandName”) height getElementsByTagName(”tagname”) ondropES1.3 heightMS queryCommandValue(”commandName”) hideFocusE getElementsByTagNameNS(”uri”, “name”)M onerrorupdateE images[] recalc([all])E id getExpression(”attrName”)E onfilterchangeE implementationE6MS write(”string”) innerHTML getFeature(”feature”, “version”)M1.7.2 onfocus inputEncodingM1.8 writeln(”string”) innerTextES getUserData(”key”)M1.7.2 onfocusinE lastModified isContentEditableES1.2 hasAttribute(”attrName”)MS onfocusoutE linkColor isDisabledE hasAttributeNS(”uri”, “name”)M onhelpE links[] isMultiLineE hasAttributes()MS onkeydown location isTextEditE hasChildNodes() onkeypress mediaE lang insertAdjacentElement(”where”, obj)E onkeyup mimeTypeE languageE insertAdjacentHTML(”where”, “HTML”)E onlayoutcompleteE namePropE6 lastChild insertAdjacentText(”where”, “text”)E onlosecaptureE namespaces[] length insertBefore(newNode, refNode) onmousedown parentWindowE localNameMS isDefaultNamespace(”uri”)M1.7.2 onmouseenterE plugins[] namespaceURIMS isEqualNode(node)M1.7.2 onmouseleaveE protocolE nextSibling isSameNode(node)M1.7.2 onmousemove referrer nodeName isSupported(”feature”, “version”)MS onmouseout scripts[]E nodeType item(index) onmouseover securityE nodeValue lookupNamespaceURI(”prefix”)M1.7.2 onmouseup selectionE offsetHeight lookupPrefix(”uri”)M1.7.2 onmousewheelE strictErrorCheckingM1.8 offsetLeft mergeAttributes(srcObj)E onmoveE styleSheets[] offsetParent normalize() onmoveendE title offsetTop releaseCapture()E onmovestartE URL offsetWidth removeAttribute(”attrName”[, case]) onpasteES1.3 URLUnencodedE outerHTMLES1.3 removeAttributeNode(attrNode)E6MS onpropertychangeE vlinkColor outerTextES1.3 removeAttributeNS(”uri”, “name”)M onreadystatechangeEMS1.2 widthMS ownerDocument removeBehavior(ID)E onresize xmlEncodingM1.8 parentElementES1.2 removeChild(node) onresizeendE xmlStandaloneM1.8 parentNode removeEventListener(”evt”, func,capt)MS onresizestartE xmlVersionM1.8 parentTextEditE removeExpression(”propName”)E onrowenterE prefixMS removeNode(childrenFlag)E onrowexitE previousSibling replaceAdjacentText(”where”, “text”)E onrowsdeleteE link 37 37 readyStateE replaceChild(newNode, oldNode) onrowsinsertedE recordNumberE replaceNode(newNode)E onscrollE charset (None) onloadE versionE6MS runtimeStyleE scrollIntoView(topFlag)EMS2.02 onselectstartES1.3 disabled scopeNameE setActive()E href 37 scrollHeight setAttribute(”name”, “value”[, case]) hreflangE6MS head scrollLeft setAttributeNode(attrNode)E6MS media profile scrollTop setAttributeNodeNS(”uri”, “name”)M rel scrollWidth setAttributeNS(”uri”, “name”, “value”)M rev sourceIndexE setCapture(containerFlag)E sheetM title 37 style setExpression(”propName”, “expr”)E styleSheetE tabIndex setUserData(”key”, data, handler)M1.7.2 text target tagName swapNode(nodeRef)E type tagUrnE tags(”tagName”)E base 37 textContentM1.7 toString() title urns(”behaviorURN”)E href uniqueIDE target unselectableE script 37 width defer meta 37 event charsetE htmlFor content src httpEquiv text name type urlE 5 JavaScript Bible, 6th Edition. ©2007 Danny Goodman ( All Rights Reserved. JavaScript and Browser Objects Quick Reference

MS body 18 h1...h6 36 Range 36 alink createControlRange()E onafterprintE align collapsed cloneContents() background createTextRange()E onbeforeprintE commonAncestorContainer cloneRange() bgColor doScroll(”scrollAction”)E onscrollE 36 endContainer collapse([start]) bgPropertiesE br endOffset compareBoundaryPoints(type,src) bottomMarginE clear startContainer compareNode(node) leftMarginE startOffset comparePoint(node, offset) link 36 createContextualFragment("text") noWrapE blockquote, q deleteContents() E rightMargin citeE6MS detach() scrollE extractContents() scrollLeftEM insertNode(node) scrollTopEM font 36 intersectsNode(node) text isPointInRange(node, offoffsetset) color topMarginE selectNode(node) face vLink selectNodeContents(node) size setEnd(node,offset) setEndAfter(node) setEndBefore(node) marquee 36 ol 38 hr 36 setStart(node,offset) setStartAfter(node) behaviorE start()EM onbounceE start align setStartBefore(node) bgColorE stop()EM onfinishE type colorE surroundContents(node) directionEM onstartE noShade toString() EM size height ul 38 hspaceEM width E loop type E 36 scrollAmountEM TextRange EM scrollDelay boundingHeight collapse([start]) E li 38 trueSpeed boundingLeft compareEndPoints("type",range) E dl, dt, dd 38 vspace type boundingTop duplicate() E width value compact boundingWidth execCommand("cmd"[,UI[,val]]) htmlText expand("unit") offsetLeft findText("str"[,scope,flags]) canvasM1.8S1.3 20 img 20 offsetTop getBookmark() text getBoundingClientRect() fillStyle arc(x, y, radius, start, end, clockwise) align (None) onabort getClientRects() globalAlpha arcTo(x1, y1, x2, y2, radius) alt onerror inRange(range) globalCompositeOperation bezierCurveTo(cp1x, cp1y, cp2x, cp2y, x, y) border onload isEqual(range) EM lineCap beginPath() complete move("unit"[,count]) E lineJoin clearRect(x, y, width, height) dynsrc moveEnd("unit"[,count]) E lineWidth clip() fileCreatedDate moveStart("unit"[,count]) E miterLimit closePath() fileModifiedDate moveToBookmark("bookmark") E shadowBlur createLinearGradient(x1, y1, x2, y2) fileSize moveToElementText(elem) E shadowColor createPattern(img, repetition) fileUpdatedDate moveToPoint(x,y) shadowOffsetX createRadialGradient(x1, y1, radius1, x2, y2, radius2) height parentElement() shadowOffsetY drawImage(img, x, y) href pasteHTML("HTMLText") strokeStyle drawImage(img, x, y, width, height) hspace queryCommandEnabled("cmd") target fill() isMap queryCommandIndeterm("cmd") E6MS fillRect(x, y, width, height) longDesc queryCommandState("cmd") E getContext(contextID) loop queryCommandSupported("cmd") EM lineTo(x, y) lowsrc queryCommandText("cmd") E6 moveTo(x, y) mimeType queryCommandValue("cmd") quadraticCurveTo(cpx, cpy, x, y) name scrollIntoView() E rect(x, y, width, height) nameProp select() M restore() naturalHeight setEndPoint("type",range) rotate(angle) naturalWidthM save() protocolE scale(x, y) src stroke() startE strokeRect(x, y, width, height) useMap translate(x, y) vspace a 19 width xMS charsetE6MS yMS coordsE6MS hash host hostname selection 36 href hreflangE6MS anchorNodeM addRange(range)M map 20 area 20 MethodsE anchorOffsetM clear()E alt mimeTypeE focusNodeM collapse(node, offset)M areas[] (None) onscrollE coords name focusOffsetM collapseToEnd()M name hash namePropE isCollapsedM collapseToStart()M host pathname rangeCountM containsNode(node, entireFlag)M hostname port typeE createRange()E href protocol typeDetailE deleteFromDocument()M noHref rel empty()E pathname rev extend(node, offset)M E 36 TextRectangle port search getRangeAt(rangeIndex)M protocol shapeE6MS removeAllRanges()M bottom search target removeRange(range)M left shape typeE6MS selectAllChildren(elementRef)M right target urnE toString()M top 6 JavaScript Bible, 6th Edition. ©2007 Danny Goodman ( All Rights Reserved. JavaScript and Browser Objects Quick Reference

form 21 table 38

acceptCharset reset() onreset align createCaption() onscroll E action submit() onsubmit background createTFoot() autocompleteE bgColor createTHead() elements[] border deleteCaption() E encodingEM borderColor deleteRow(i) E enctypeE6MS borderColorDark deleteTFoot() E length borderColorLight deleteTHead() E method caption firstPage() name cellPadding insertRow(i) E target cells lastPage() cellSpacing moveRow(srcIndex, destIndex)E colsE nextPage()E E E input 22/23/24 datePageSize previousPage() frame refresh()E checked(checkbox, radio) select()(text, password) onchange(text) height complete(image) rows defaultChecked(checkbox, radio) rules defaultValue(text, password) summaryE6MS form tbodies maxLength(text) tFoot name tHead readOnly(text) width size(text) src(image) type tbody, tfoot, thead 38 value align deleteRow(i) bgColor insertRow(i) chE6MS moveRow(srcIndex, destIndex)E textarea 23 chOffE6MS cols createTextRange() onchange rows form select() vAlign name readOnly rows tr 38 td, th 38 type E6MS value align deleteCell(i) abbr wrap bgColor insertCell(i) align borderColor axisE6MS borderColorDark backgroundE borderColorLight bgColor select 24 cells borderColorE chE6MS borderColorDarkE form add(newOption[, index])E onchange chOffE6MS borderColorLightE length add(newOption, optionRef)MS heightE cellIndex multiple remove(index) rowIndex chE name sectionRowIndex chOffE options[] vAlign colSpan options[i].defaultSelected headers options[i].index height options[i].selected col, colgroup 38 noWrap options[i].text align rowSpan options[i].value chE6MS vAlign selectedIndex chOffE6MS width size span type vAlign value width

option 24 caption 38 navigator 39 defaultSelected align form vAlign appCodeName javaEnabled() label appMinorVersionE preference(name[, val])M(signed) selected appName text appVersion value browserLanguageE cookieEnabled cpuClassE fieldset, legend 21 languageMS mimeTypesMS align E form screen 39 onLine oscpuMS availHeight platform availLeftMS pluginsMS label 21 availTopMS productMS MS form availWidth productSub M htmlFor bufferDepthE securityPolicy colorDepth systemLanguageE fontSmoothingEnabledE userAgent optgroupE6MS 24 height userLanguage pixelDepth userProfileE form updateIntervalE vendorMS label width vendorSubMS 7 JavaScript Bible, 6th Edition. ©2007 Danny Goodman ( All Rights Reserved. JavaScript and Browser Objects Quick Reference

EMS1.2 event 25 XMLHttpRequest 27 MS altKey initEvent() readyState abort() onreadystatechange E MS altLeft initKeyEvent() responseText getAllResponseHeaders() E6 MS behaviorCookie initMouseEvent() responseXML getResponseHeader(”headerName”) E MS behaviorPart initMutationEvent() status open(”method”, “url”[, asyncFlag]) E6 MS bookmarks initUIEvent() statusText send(data) E6 MS boundElements preventDefault() setRequestHeader(”name”, “value”) bubblesMS stopPropagation()MS button MS cancelable 39 39 cancelBubble applet object charCodeMS align (Applet methods) alignES (Object methods) clientX altE6MS altE6 clientY altHTMLE altHTMLE contentOverflowE archiveE6MS archiveE6MS ctrlKey code baseHrefE ctrlLeftE codeBase baseURIM currentTargetMS height borderE6MS dataFldE6 hspace classidE dataTransferES2 name code detailMS2 objectE codeBase eventPhaseMS vspace codeType fromElementE width contentDocumentM isCharMS (Applet variables) data isTrustedM1.7.5 declareE6MS keyCode form layerXMS embed 39 height layerYMS hspace alignM metaKeyMS name heightEM nextPageE objectE hiddenE offsetXE standbyE6MS name offsetYE type pluginspageM originalTargetM useMapE6MS srcM pageXMS vspace unitsM pageYMS width widthEM propertyNameE (Object variables) (Object variables) qualifierE6 reasonE6 E6 recordset mimeTypeMS 39 relatedTargetMS repeatE description returnValueES1.2 enabledPlugin saveTypeE type screenX suffixes screenY shiftKey MS shiftLeftE plugin 39 srcElementES1.2 name refresh() srcFilterE filename srcUrnE description targetMS length timeStampMS toElementE type viewMS wheelDataE xE yE

Notes 8 JavaScript Bible, 6th Edition. ©2007 Danny Goodman ( All Rights Reserved. JavaScript and Browser Objects Quick Reference

style 26

Text & Fonts Borders & Edges Inline Display & Layout color border clear font borderBottom clip fontFamily borderLeft clipBottomE fontSize borderRight clipLeftE fontSizeAdjustM borderTop clipRightE fontStretchM borderBottomColor clipTopE fontStyle borderLeftColor contentMS1.3 fontVariantEMS1.3 borderRightColor counterIncrementM1.8 fontWeight borderTopColor counterResetM1.8 letterSpacing borderBottomStyle cssFloatMS lineBreakE borderLeftStyle cursorEMS1.3 lineHeight borderRightStyle direction quotesM borderTopStyle display rubyAlignE borderBottomWidth filterE rubyOverhangE borderLeftWidth layoutGridE rubyPositionE borderRightWidth layoutGridCharE textAlign borderTopWidth layoutGridLineE textAlignLastE borderColor layoutGridModeE textAutospaceE borderStyle layoutGridTypeE textDecoration borderWidth markerOffsetM textDecorationBlinkE margin marksM textDecorationLineThroughE marginBottom maxHeightE7MS textDecorationNoneE marginLeft maxWidth textDecorationOverlineE marginRight minHeight textDecorationUnderlineE marginTop minWidth textIndent outlineM1.8.1S1.2 MozOpacityM textJustifyE outlineColorM1.8.1S1.2 opacityM1.7.2S1.2 textJustifyTrimE outlineStyleM1.8.1S1.2 overflow textKashidaSpaceE outlineOffsetM1.8.1S1.2 overflowXEM1.8S1.2 textOverflowE6S1.3 outlineWidthM1.8.1S1.2 overflowYEM1.8S1.2 textShadowMS1.2 padding styleFloatE textTransform paddingBottom verticalAlignEMS1.2 textUnderlinePositionE paddingLeft visibility unicodeBidi paddingRight width whiteSpace paddingTop zoomE E wordBreak Tables Printing E6MS wordSpacing borderCollapseEMS1.3 orphansM ES1.3 wordWrap borderSpacing widowsM E writingMode captionSideMS pageM Positioning emptyCellsMS1.3 pageBreakAfterEMS1.3 bottom tableLayout pageBreakBeforeEMS1.3 pageBreakInsideM height Lists sizeM left listStyle ES pixelBottom listStyleImage Miscellaneous ES pixelHeight listStylePosition acceleratorE ES pixelLeft listStyleType behaviorE ES pixelRight cssTextEMS1.3 ES Background pixelTop imeModeE pixelWidthES background EMS1.2 posBottomE backgroundAttachment Scrollbars posHeightE backgroundColor scrollbar3dLightColorE posLeftE backgroundImage scrollbarArrowColorE posRightE gackgroundPosition scrollbarBaseColorE ES1.3 posTopE backgroundPositionX scrollbarDarkShadowColorE ES1.3 posWidthE backgroundPositionY scrollbarFaceColorE position backgroundRepeat scrollbarHighlightColorE right scrollbarShadowColorE top scrollbarTrackColorE width zIndex

styleSheet 26 style (element) 26

cssRulesMS addImport(”url”[, index])E media cssTextE addRule(”selector”, “spec”[, index])E type disabled deleteRule(index)MS href insertRule(”rule”, index)MS idE removeRule(index)E importsE media ownerNodeMS ownerRuleMS cssRule, rule 26 owningElementE pagesE cssTextMS parentStyleSheet parentStyleSheetMS readOnlyE readOnlyE rules selectorText title style type typeMS