Danny Goodman's JavaScript Handbook Object Road Map (Navigator 3.0 Edition) HTML-Generated JavaScript Objects

window document form frames[i] blur()* onLoad= alinkColor clear() (None) action reset()* onReset=* parent focus()* onUnload= anchors[i] close() elements[i] submit() onSubmit= self scroll(x,y)* onBlur=* applets[i]* open("mimetype") encoding top alert("msg") onFocus=* bgColor write("string") method status confirm("msg") cookie writeln("string") name defaultStatus prompt("msg","reply") domain* target name open(URL,"name","specs") embeds[i]* window close() fgColor opener* setTimeOut("exp",ms) forms[i] onerror* clearTimeOut(ID) images[i]* text, textarea, password lastModified defaultValue focus() onBlur= linkColor name blur() onChange= links[i] type* select() onFocus= history location** value onSelect= referrer length back() (None) title current*** forward() URL* radio next*** go(int | "URL") vlinkColor checked click() onClick= previous*** defaultChecked link length location name target (None) onClick= type* hash reload()* (None) onMouseOut=* value host replace(URL)* onMouseOver= hostname href anchor button, reset, submit pathname name click() onClick= port (None) (None) (None) type* protocol value search applet* (Java vars) (Java methods) (None) checkbox checked click() onClick= area* image* defaultChecked hash (None) onMouseOut= border (None) onAbort= name host onMouseOver= complete onError= type* hostname height onLoad= value href hspace pathname lowsrc port name select protocol src length blur()* onBlur= search vspace name focus()* onChange= target width options[i] onFocus= selectedIndex options[i].defaultSelected fileUpload* options[i].index options[i].selected name blur() onBlur= options[i].text *New in Navigator 3.0 value focus() onFocus= options[i].value **Do not use. To be deleted in a future release select() onSelect= type* ***Only with data tainting enabled ©1996 Danny Goodman. All Rights Reserved. Non-HTML JavaScript Objects fold here

Math string E abs(val) length anchor("anchor") LN2 acos(val) prototype* big() LN10 asin(val) blink() LOG2E atan(val) bold() LOG10E atan2(val1, val2) charAt(index) PI ceil(val) fixed() SQRT1_2 cos(val) fontcolor(#rrggbb) JavaScript Object SQRT2 exp(val) fontsize(1to7) floor(val) indexOf("str" [,i]) log(val) italics() max(val1, val2) lastIndexOf("str" [,i]) min(val1, val2) link(URL) Road Map pow(val1, power) small() random() split(char)* round(val) strike() (Navigator 3.0 Edition) sin(val) sub() sqrt(val) substring(intA, intB) tan(val) sup() 25 August 1996 toLowerCase() Date toUpperCase() prototype* get/setDate() get/setDay() Array* get/setHours() length join("char") get/setMinutes() prototype* reverse() get/setMonth() sort(compareFunc) get/setSeconds() A special service to readers of get/setTime() get/setYear() Function* Danny Goodman's JavaScript Handbook getTimezoneOffset() caller (None) ISBN 0-7645-3003-8 parse("dateString") arguments[] toGMTString() prototype toLocaleString() toString() UTC(date vals) navigator appName javaEnabled()* (None) appVersion taintEnabled()* appCodeName mimeTypes[i]* plugins[i]* For continued updates about JavaScript in userAgent Navigator 3.0, visit the JavaScript Handbook Support Center at http://www.dannyg.com mimeType* plugin* description (None) (None) description refresh() (None) enabledPlugin filename type length suffixes name ©1996 Danny Goodman. All Rights Reserved. *New in Navigator 3.0 fold here