T h e K e l o w n a C o u r ie r ■TfTtSVWHl-IWtlW iJJ-- Audited Paid Circulation VOLUME 45 JUgwimtKelowna, n will 1—1 n Pritsh an in—ii—inrn- Columbia,i ■rniiiiiw - — Monday,...... ■ —..— -.f'— March------14,----- 1949------NUMBER 61 TWICE WEEKLY—MONDAY & THURSDAY // It's Springtime in the Rockies r r Will Liberal Party Select WORLD NEWS FLASHES 7^ K-=> ( By Canadian Press ) Candidate for Yale Riding?

W eek-end Traffic Accidents Bring ^Vill Decide Issue Tonight Death to Three and Injure Twelve; Kelowna and District Liberal Association Wants Pro- LAKE LEVEL Conservatives to Withdraw Candidate and Choose Couple Killed at Railway Crossing (City of Kelowna Flfurcs) Feet Man Mutually Acceptable to Both Parties—Yale Level tliiii morning ...... 99.34 VANCOUVHK-Wcek-ciKl traffic accidents t(,)

, ■ « il ' I , 1 1 1 ' ' , 1 i S i iw - ..‘'''''■'"i. tii': : I I I I ' ’ I ' ' I/' " > hi' MONDAY. MAUCII 14. 1(M» t h e KELOWNA COURIER I'A G i. T W O uuodoboit Valley Red Cross out- obtained its own medical Bcrvico the opening of a Uircc-bed *ut|K*st post opener the first time In Us history with the llrst of the year.______t.ike this immediate work? INVESTMENT THE KELOWNA COURIER IJnfortuiiatt !y the |nil>lic work.s dc|>;ul- 20 bed oul|H>st at Sheet Harbour opens this month. incrit'.s record (or sjerin^ mainUnaiict work on MKMnlCR AUDIT HIJUKAU OK CTIU’ULATIONS O u r DIARY Tlie New Year saw Uic opening the liighwayH is not a j;ood one. That is not of two 10-bcd outposts in New iiil. nded aN ;i -•^dam but a .simiile Ntatemenl of (Week rndinir March IIth) Brunswick, one at Stanley and oi»e An indepcndcut newspaper pubUshed Tlio following information is sui)- .-verv MotxJiiy and Thursdny at ( t man .' years motorists have been piied to U3 caclr week by Okanagan at FrcdciTckton JimcUon. A Nurs­ Waici !H. Kelowna, by n»e Kelown* .ima/e«l lo c e ''mall breaks in tlic highway sur- Inveslments Limited of Kelowna. ing Station at Bay-du-Vin opened C«>ur1er Ltd. T o w n MARKE1' AVEUAGEJS FOR FLOWERS t.-H e allowed to grow ;md grow and grow until in February. By JACK HCOTT (■ icketcd figures show change for Grosso Isle Nursing Station, last Subsci Iption rtate-'i of a series of four nursing stations made w ith C ar.ad a ...... tliev liave icecome ;i major repair jol) by July week) U S A and Korvifin - $3.a0 per year Toronto New York for the Isolated Magdalen Islands in andI the approacii nnnrnach oi of a mgnwayhitrhways department i ^ THE ^ DESERTfcliS ^ Quebec, opened in January- DENNISON’S CREPE m.ainlenanec crew. mine In London, n young Cuiindian trials 172.49 (2.52) 175.(j4_(I,00) A modem, 20-bcd hopilal was Eastern Advertising BcprcscntaUvc: We do not want those conditions on our newspaperman of great promise utilities 35.01 I ( .20) opened in twenly-bclow weather in Class A Weeklies. Concourse Duildini», Toronto Wc (lo not want imcse decided to remain In England Goigs 94.57—(1.07) January at Nipigon, and a he sure to lily .sircct.s ciijiccirilly those miiinmam arteries discharge from the Anny. gaso similar sire hospital is expected to OUR WINDOWS "What Is hap- Metals 00.25— (1.01) open In Huntsville before the end WATCH Authorized ns second class mall. now under tlic control of the provincial gov- 47.&4 i ( .20) of March. These two arc the first Post O/nce Dept., Ottawa I pening to the Ca- Rallu inuiu'iit. d'liis condition, it seems to this in a scries of five larger-sized med­ nadian newspa­ Borne Dividend Declarations ex- ical centres planned for Ontario. B. P, MacLEAN. PnbUahcr iu.w.si>apcr, is one upon which the City Coun- • pers?" ho writes. Manitoba enters the scrvico with rato payable dividend the establishment tills month of Okanagan Stationers Ltd. l il should move speedily. 'I'lie city should ap­ “Tlicy arc full of Bralorne Mines stories of Eng­ 10 April 25 Mar. two nuralng stations, one at Fisher 1425 EUb St. m o n d .w , m a r c h m , 1 9 4 9 proacii Victoria immediately to ascertain if, Ltd. Branch and one nt Alonsa. Phone 1202 land that read B.C. Elec­ bow and when the department plans to repair lik e obituaries. 1 April 15 Mar. In British Columbia, the north­ Canada must tric 4% ern trading post of Hudson Hopo its arterial highway through this city. B.C. Elec­ Mission'^Creck Work surely think of tric England1 »now ns a <’48 scries) 1.19 1 April 15 Mar. WonI from Hon. K. C. Carson that work placo of gloom iner- on ti)e clearing of Mis.sion Creek would be and despair and 4^ ^ ^ ncar-starvntlon. C49 senes; started at ouce reached the city last week and U.S. Farm Groups Give In 1 April 15 Mar. .Since O ttaw a aha.nlotied il.s illegal prohi- hronght a sigli of relief from city authorities Dock ‘‘A’' 15 Mar. 24 Feb. bition.s on margariue, the provincial govern- the Papers jo u sc^^ Famous and the general i)uhlic as well. VVliilc the work and disgusted at the kind of tripe meiit.s have become the focus of the resistance Players .25 20 Mar. 10 Mar. .■,liouId have been commenced weeks ago, that ...... being sent to them by their hews Imperial Announcement m o v em en t. T here is hardly a legislature which services about conditions here. Tobacco .20 31 Mar. 20 Feb. it is l>eiiig started at even this late date is miMi_iiu.ui. i , , f r . . Even the pictures show only tho Industrial Ac- something. lias not before H the demands of farm gioups seamier side of our life. Aren’t, " ccptance .37^ 31 Mar. 20 Feb. for restrictive regulations designed lo thwart Canadians U^ed of those pictures international Mission Creek is a problem and it will re­ lui h of fish m arkt queues? Nickel 40 21 Mar. 18 Feb. tlie manufacture and sale of that butter substi- . • • main a prolrlem until permanent measures arc [US Funds ...M. Ml ,eni-e

AGENCIES Ltd fk v V .(, 2C0 Bernard Ave, Firm moss well over seeds and water from above. lowing Seeds In Outdoor Box. Transplant Directly Into Garden Among tho perils which seeds packet before tho seed arc re­ starting flower seeds in a seed- a porous soil, sowing the seed, and may encounter, when they first be­ moved, and ohakon well. This will box, or special seed-bed, has many watering, apply to both outdoor gin to grow, is disease. Most plant coat tho seeds sufllciently to pro­ advantages, even after spring has and indoor seed boxes, except that diseases are caused by fungi, which tect them.' arrived, and It is safe to sow out­ the only kind of automatic watering are themselves plants, which live "Wlicn seeds nro sown outdoors doors suitable for outdoors is wick water­ ns parasites on other plants or or­ early in tho spring, before tho ing; and the outdoor box must al­ ganic materials. The particular Except for those that will not ways be well drained. Evaporation weather Is settled, they should bo stand transplanting—which arc few disease which threatens seed is treated, ainco cold, damp soil en­ GEORGE DREW win usually be faster, and more known as “damping off." courages • fungi, and preyents —it enables you to use all the plants water will be needed. An outdoor that grow, placing each In exactly This may attack seeds when they speedy germination. Indoors, tho box lllled with porous soil whicli first sprout, and prevent the growth L e a d e r the spot you want It in the garden lets excess water pass through danger of fungus attack is always During the period of Infancy, when from breaking through the soil; or present, and may bo countered freely can hardly be overwatered, it may wait until the seedling plant the seedling plants need watching. and should be Inspected daily. either by chemical treatment, or . a box may be placed in sun or is growing well, and cause it to wilt by the use of sphagnum moss, If seeds are sown thinly, so that overnight. Protection from fung^ Progressive Conservative Party shade, where’frequont inspection is Ihe plants can grow to garden size which will not allow fungi to grow. FOR SPRINKLER (RRIGATION EQUIPMENT conveniently made. can be given by coating seed with before being transplanted, time will a chemical which will destroy the A thin layer of this moss—soy half w ill sp eak The plants will usually bo free be gained, since they will grow spores of fungi, but this chemical an inch—which has been passed from disease, and have abundant faster if not subjected twice to the must be especially chosen for seed through a sieve, may be spread light; so that growth will be faster shock of being moved. When the treatment, since some disinfectants over the soil in a seed box. Sow and the plants more vigorous than little plants are two or three inches are harmful to seed. In purchas­ the seed in this, just as you would Thursday Night indoors. An outdoor box started high, carry the box directly to the ing, be sure to say what seeds you In soil. Then cover with moss four weeks later than one indoors, place where they are to be set out. which has been rubbed through a plan to treat. will often have plants ready to This will enable you to lift and set A tiny amount, say as much as sieve, firm well, and water from move to the garden only two weeks them in the garden soil with the you can lift on the end of a tootx^ above. There is no danger of over­ MARCH 17 after the indoor plants. least possible disturbance of tbeir pick, may be put into the seed watering when moss is used. rhe same methods of preparing roots. ... The complete porlable'irrigation O N THE SUBJECT have reserved $9,000 this year fpr system/ designed/ installed and series 1948 revolving fund shares Gay N inety Gardens Back CO-OPERATIVE and credited their members with guaranteed to deliver lifetime satis- $44,087.69. . , "The Nation’s Business” Equipment for making special foction with greater efficiency/ less DAIRY SHOWS types of cheese will be installed in trouble and lower maintenance cost B ut w ith a Difference the Enderby plant. The decision now is to ask Association members thaa any other system built. RAPID GROWTH to approve of a special resolution at the annual general meeting on Exclusive dcslsn; lighter, self ■ 2 locking. Embodies unique CKOV, 8:00 p.m.r P.S.T. Original Capital Increased Al­ A pril 8 in Enderby. "double pressure seal" m ost 1,000 Tim es in L ast 25 coupler gasket—it’s locked Your nearest REDIRAIN in, can’t slip, tear or ride up. Y ears MAN CONVICTED dealer is: Inserts easily without tools. Progressive Conserva:tive Party Self-di'ainingl ' UPS AND DOWNS FOR THIRD TIME ja c k FUHR LTD. Sales of Members’ Products Vernon, B.G. Amount to $1,388,582.08 m ON LIQUOR COUNT g . € / w L C , ^ P a s t Y e a r Convicted of his third offence of being intoxicated in a public place, V OFlAOl*l / VERNON—Noting their best year 14 0 EAST', c on DOV A" ST.:',.,;. .It)., VA NCOU VC R.U C . 1- VERBEN^ to date and reviewing progress an interdicted Kelowna man will S. spend the next sixty days “on. the 2 - 5ALVIA since organization 25 years ago, the Board of Directors of the Shi^wap- wagon” in jail. 3 - ALVS5US Okanagan Dairy Industries Co-op­ Acting Police Magistrate G. A. erative Association at their regular McKay sentenced Kenneth G. Kidd meeting, pointed to an increase of -to th irty days hard labor on the in ­ ^ * i alm ost 1,000 times the oripnal cap­ toxication charge wh®n he appeared I ital of the farmers who started tne association. . . . „„ V The Creamery Association was begun on July 1, 1925 when farmers invested 50 cents each to make a to tal of 239.50 as original capital. At the end of 1948, the net worth Back in the days when women freezing weather, even in the north­ 1 of the organization had grown to wore bustles, flowers in front yards ern states, and are easily grown r $237,103.56. The fixed, assets nnd v/ere in fashion. Now that, bustles from seed, when started early tin^ ' equipm ent is now valued at $107,- are coming back, door-yard gar­ der protection, or in the garden it­ 882.95. The real value is much 7 i, dens a're returning, but wim_a dif­ self as soon as the weather permits. higher as the properties were ference from the fashion followed 'The garden illustrated is a sim­ brought at low figures. in the nineties. ple arrangement of border plant­ Ups and Downs HE’S THE GUY THAT WRITES THOSE ings for a small house where the T h e r e were ups and downs during Then, flowers were used to work walk leads from the private drive­ the years and at one time the As­ ADS FOR THE “EASY RIDING out elaborate designs in beds of way to the front door. Both house sociation was actually “in the red geometric shapes. This was an an­ and lot will be made to seem larg­ DRIPMOBILE . . . ! cient fashion, dating back to the alm ost $12,000. This was at the er by this arrangement.- Bright end-of 1931. . . , , # middle- ages, known as parterre red, or pink salvias, and the clear In the past year, total sales of ■•Fill ’er up?” 1 said. "W ith m ist,” he .says. H e’s work. The beauty of the parterre vivid red, pink, blue . and buff ver­ was in its pattern, with the flovyers m em bers’ products w ere $1,388,- living in a cloud these days. Saves wear on tires, benas will provide a brilliant dec­ .582.08. This was an increase of used only to supply the color whmh oration for a white, or grey house. but he. wants to check the air in the cloud. developed it. Few examples of this $383,255.01 over the previous 12 Hness (Hir reputation for giving^ comiilete method are now seen in this coim- Both salvia and verbenas are months. . ' slow growing, and seed should be A feature of the Association s service for any car has been traveling. try. started early in a hot-bed or green­ work, and one which reflects upon . Modern door-yard gardens are house, so that plants of good size the financial stability of the Oka­ Good Used Cars and Trucks for Sale as simple as possible in design, in can be set but as soon as danger nagan; was a loss of $6.40 which order to "center attention upon the of frost is over. If seed is sowrr di­ was not actually collected out of beauty of the flowers. These are rectly in the garden, flow.ers m ay th e $1,383,582.08 sales. This shows “SNAPPY SERVICE WITH A SMILE” grouped in masses of one color, so be delayed two or three weeks. the exceptionally good financial po­ arranged that each mass harmo­ Sweet alyssum, however, will grow sition of the merchants with which nizes with and sets off the others, quickly from seed and either a the Association deals. , W HITEY’S and all provide a pleasing decora­ dwarf white variety, or the dark As one. of the directors said: “It tion for the house. purple Violet Queen Alyssum may has been a long fight and a hard For these beds, annual flowers be used. If the plants are sheared one—but it was worth -it.” of low, compact growth are most when they grow too tall, flowers The directors decided to redeem Ellis St. Service Station suitable subjects. _They will flower •will be increased, and a low grow- all series 1942 shares after May and without .fieaSinK- troro Julv until ’mv border conatautt’' /xmJotained- are calling on their members to is sufficient, goes the ancient saying. 1337 Ellis Street bring them in' then. They also In a rye whisky that word to increasing thousands is “Harwood’s.” A pleasant 9 fusion of fragrance and taste, unvarying in body and goodness, it wins

M o t h e r s — read this plain Grape-Nuts — new friends wherever it go^. message. Important facts are behind it. Y o u r S p e c ia l Breakfd^t Cereal I Som ething for the good of your fam ily. Better nourished, v'ital, energetic — it How yon can benefit. w o u ld be grand having your family feel and act better all day. One good way: B O 9 0 0 . 0 0 o e o o o o o o Breakfast — make breakfast more nutritious, more en­ Speciaf/y Im portant to You joyable, Include appetizing Grape-Nuts 5 ^ Nutritionists say that skimped breakfasts for balanced nourishment. In only two can cause under-nourislunent. Often chil­ tablespoons of this highly concentrated dren don't take the right variety of food cereal there are fine food values — useful at breakfast to carr>' them through the amounts of carbohydrates, minerals and morning properly. Junior may be drowsy. proteins. Delicious with milk or cream. im w e x k His grade may be low at school. Jane may Matchless in flavor. Healthful — cconom- be nervous and inattentive. ical — order from your grocer. tta • food, i isi #■ w fnucJi ntr% A Pr

~2~5^ Y E "A~~R ----- rW“ H“I~S~K~Y-=“M—Ar-K—I N G ------K I L - L -

This advertisement is not published or displayed by the Liquor Control Board or by the Government of British Columbia. MONDAY. MAUCU U. THE KELOWNA COURIER PAGE FO lJE lowna; 2, Poiiliclon; 3. Vernon;4:- 03.0. I’l NTICTON o W /- I I 1_J VERNON MIDGETS Local High School Team 000 -1. M. Plimips, Vernon; 2. R. , ,,>»«■ A-ssociation promotion com- “IRISH” CAGERS series Barlee. Kelowna; 3, J. Byers, l*en- Bears W ill Have to ^now tlctoii; 2:32,2. Chamber of Commerce are backbuf MAY SHOW HERE IlcsulU .tf'.it'. to li vtvc box In Vernon juveniles and midgels W ins Speed Skating M eet Kiitluml 7, Suminerlnnd 9. Pentlcfon. AFTER ST. PAT. Claws Tonight in Final won tlie MuliiUnc-Okanagan hoc- kf'y cliampionslii|> by ousting Kam­ Vernon 7. Penticton 1. loops •Miuads In two-game series. Honors in llio first Okanagan High Higli School. Penticton was tliird Kelowna 0, RuUand-Siiiiiinerlaiid In Spite of the Name Maybe Vernon midgets took botli games Scliools inviUiUonal speed skating with 11 points, combined 2. They're Not Even Irish Stand A gainst Penticton by lop.sided scores of 14-4 and 0-1. cnrnivnl at Memorial Arena Satur- One of tlic most tlirilllng. mom- Vernon‘ juveniles •• dropped • ------* their j.,y went to Kelowna lligii School, ents of tlie afternoon was tlie duel second game to Kamloops by u 10-1) Before an enthusiastic crowd of put on by Mark Phillips, of Vernon, A squad of American hoopsters KELOWNA DYNAMOS 53, RUTLAND INTER B’s 38 students and adults. KIIS boys and Brian Casey, of Kelowna, in may be here for an exhibition count but their previous 7-0 blank­ PENTICTON VETS 39, KELOWNA BEARS 31 ing was good enough to give them garnered 27 points, seven better the 440-yard race. From start to FOR SHEET METAL ,-ame atlainst the Kelowna Bears tlian the 22 chalked up by Vernon flnlsli it was ''ncck-hvncck'’ butt on Friday of this week. W n-il llK-ir I,.nebs u, (hr- wall .rl I'c.mcton .„ui|:l.t, .Iw K.- „nl Phillips shaded Casey at the wire. WORK— (Herb) Capo/./.i, president of the Vernon and Kelowna hockey Kelowna Association, lowlla Hears will have the ' tio nr tile slMMt as they fau ^ similar scries on Ihelr own Just give a ring I nossibic elimination from the Interior Basketball Association ^ c . scml-nnals. Tuesday Icums left little doubt as to their SPRING! • II l-.vr.l1v. and Wednesday flic supremacy in tiio Okanagan. Both nic Wenatchee. Wash.. O'Learys . I’eiiticloii's Vets will) muled tlie leaj'ue sclie- of tills week, What's Doing? will bo competing this coming Fri- W c’rc here to servo. COMES SPRING ! o t Sunnyslope (thal'.s their name dnirin .second spot, have an eight-point lead to work on a.s m id g as wlU Uik^^^^ ^IIveruTes ""hook TONIOUT ' day and Saturd v In tlie B.C. high COMES , ail rlKht) nov.’ arc working on ar- Wisisv. That’s the thing 1 ranitemcnts to make a tour of the they engage tlie fonrth-plaee Bears tonight in tlien second up witli the Kootenay winners,winners. Playoff hockey — First game tot- school championship play at Mcm- COMES ! South Oknnat:an. includln« game of the two-game total-point .senii-linals al-goal series, Lumby vs. Qucsncl, orlal Areno- at Penticton and Kelowna. Coullr- .Sparked hy the stellar sniping of Nick provinciui intermediate B final, U.30. Speed Skating Beralts ★ ★ mation is expected early this week. forged from behind to hand the hglitmg Bears a .0-31 setiuek BANTAM LOOP TUESDAY 440—1, Mark Phillips, Vernon; 2, BERT’S With the Irish tafj the souther­ Playoff hockey — Final game to- b . Cuscy, Kelowna; 3, P. Johnson, ners are carrying, their iwMiblc ar­ in tlie first tilt at the Scout Hall Friday . tal-goal series, Lumby vs. Quesiml, Penticton; 59.7 seconds. OKANAGAN BOLODROME rival here on Friday will be fairly In the preliminary, Kelowna Industrial Llcclne Djiiamos FINALS OPEN provincial interm ediate B Cham*’ 220 shuttle—1, Vernon; 2, Pentic­ well timed, ^riie big day for the 'ill hut cinched the Okanagan intermediate B crown by trounc­ pionship, 0.30 p.m. ton; 3, Kelowna; 32.4. SHEET METAL 265 Lawrence Ave. O'Briens. O’Flynns, O'Rourkes . . . Onc-mllo relay, 8 m en—1, K e­ ing the short-handed Rutland squad 53-38. The hna game of lowna; 2, Penticton; 3:58.4. WORKS Phone 872 and the O'Learys . . . comes oil the llieir lotal-i)oinl scries will be jilayed m the Scout Hall some- s HERE TUESDAY day before (The Slvintccnth). COY One-mile—1, R. Fraser, Kelowna; Phone 611 342 Lawrence Ave. time this week. The Bantam Packers, Kelowna 2, D. B utcher, V ernon; 4:32.3. Night Calls 969-112 Bears had their big say in the first and district representative team 440-shuttlc—1, Kelowna; 2, Ver­ A LOCAL COMPANY — quarter, but after that the Vets seeking the BCAHA-sponsored Ok­ CAPTURED non; 3, Penticton; 1:03.2. IhrotUcd them down to a whisper. LOCAL CAGE anagan bantam hockey champlon- One-mile relay, 4 men—1, Ke­ VARIETY CONCERT With Ross Ferguson opening the sliip, will play their first of a two- United Church Hall scoring in less than a minute of game total-goal series against Ver­ BY NANAIMO play, Roy Longlcy's boys bored TEAM TAKES non here tomorrow night, starting , at Nanaimo .Spon.sorcd I>y tbe .'\.( 1 tlicir way to a 0-1 lead before Dros- at 0 0.30..00. Saturday nlglit. won the Coy Cup .sos started his deadly work. First tryout for the Bantam Pac- «nd the B.C. Senior B hockey cham- ORCHESTRA AND VOCAL NUMBERS Drossos Deadly HOOP TITLE Iccrskers origmauy originally was sunvu slated lui for to-vu- pionsnippionship byuy ^defeating v.<.iv;v,v...|, ^Kirnberlcy------HOCKEY TONIGHT MYSTERY PLAY “IN COLD STORAGE’ IT 1 w'm the key m an ------, night against Lumby. The change Legionnaires 7-5 in the thl^ game AND TOMORROW NIGHT ! in Vh > ih S auartoT settlL High School Juniors Will Now of date and opposition to the Ke- of the best of live llnals Clivers l!y Klduradn I Mayers i^^odng plaT £o^ K Meet Penticton in Final lowna squad was announced dur- thumped Legionnaires ,7-5 on Wed- Memorial Arena—8.30 p.m .______,’\ii ev'eiiiii;.^ of real eiitertainnieiil ! nesday and 5-1 on Friday. Prosscl;' \w jt Held Playoff ‘"'’s^ion^^^tri-BaiUam-Packers It was the third time in the last MARCH 16th — at 8 p.m. nine years that Nanaimo has cap­ Intermediate B po^s^bk;*'angles, cut the Bears' lead junior i,oopslors - all Saturday. tured the coveted silverware. Clip­ TICKETS 50(f to 9-7 at onc-quartcr time. Kelowna High acnooi - pers now will engage the Two more long range direct hits Saturday night at Kamloops won titilsts in the Western Canada se­ PROVINCIAL FINALS by Drossos put the Vets ahead ear- northern section championship H lv lli O vlllvfv/U mi-finals, to start late this week ly in the second. From then on, they of the Interior Basketball A ssocia------cither in the Okanagan or southern LUMBY Flying Frenchmen were never headed, though the lo- ^j^n by erasing a seven-point defl- A lberta. , New Chrysler Now on Display cals lied the count twice during the gnd on top of the Kamloops TEAMS CLASH Meanwhile, the Calgary Fopthills see-saw second chapter. Vets had jm^jors 50-55. Rovers captured the southern Al- vs QUESNEL an 18-17 margin at the main brea- Billy Roth and David Wiens berta title at Calgary Saturday by ther. toting the honors with 17 and 14 IN PLAYOFFS downing the Medicine Hat Tigers RESERVED SEATS go on sale 9 a,m. tomorrow for The outcome of the game was points respectively, the Kelowna 9-5 in the final game of the two- written in the third quarter when defieated Kamloops 35-27 Sat- Ponrp.c:pnted game’* total-goal■ ‘ series. ■ Rovers " won Tuesday’s game. Arena north side. the Vets outscored Bears 13-4. 'The urday night. Previously, in Kelow- Kelowna W ill Be Kepres round 14-8. SEASON TICKET HOLDERS must pick up their tic­ B e a rs h a d their hands on the melon na,'thena, the Kamloops juniors had bca- bea­ By gy Golden Owls ThisT.nis Com-Lom- ' Calgary 'now meets EdmtEdmonton kets by 5 p.m., both dajrs. just as often but the finesse they ten K elow na 28-21. inff Week-end Mercuries for the Alberta crown ' T i l showed early in the game was mis- The local juniors now will meet _____ in a two-game series opening at Front box office open 7.30 p.m. Tonight and tomorrow Penticton for the IBA crown, In MifTh «?ehool Goldcn tonight. If Edmonton Vets hcul to resort. Xto every cie-/I another two-game total-point ser- night. ______o S w I U be"„‘S Wgl. tensive trick in the finale as the dates to be arranged. school puck squads in the province naimo m the OKanagam embattled Bears tried to get back ------into the game: The fCelownaites did competing at Kelowna’s Memorial m anage to outscore the Vets 10-8 A rena this w eek-end for th e B.C. SUMMERLANDERS senior boys title. . however and at the three-minule- The other seven schools after tne to-go mark were only five points in WIN HOOP TITLE provincial ribbons are Vernon, Re- the rear. velstoke, Kamloops, Greenwood, 0 6 6 Only Six Players FOR END RIN BEAUTY AND LASTIH SATISFACTION Summerland copped the Okana­ Castlegar, Bralorne and Trapp Tech Coach Claud Bissel’s Rutland boys New Westminster. Vernon, High , t boreased viiin,'roomer ‘““If gan intermediate A title in the In­ J were value for their money for on­ terior Basketball Association play- School won the crown last year. ... DEMAND ® MAND WINDOWS AND DOORS FOR smaller outside dmensions are some ly half of the game against the Dy­ Based on last year’s performances namos, coming off the fioor on the ^ rla n d '^ a n d ra% l°at in’^the th e Owls ceded ® f short end of a 22-20 score at half tramp total-Doint serles. Ver- to come out on top tnis year. HOME time. But the playoff pace with on­ ?h°ow„'°ab?i?” thoc£.r?rteW ^^ ly six players began to tell in the non-s Dick Douglas potted 34 points S ‘""L’"elSauSn third as the Rutlanders started to ‘'^The "S m e rS e rs now will series run off with the two semi- fade. meet Kamloops in a similar series finals set for .Friday _mght The SprSSe?-cep. .ho Their main scoring threat, .Tony *^e SVerior"'baublr consolations will be held Saturday Chrysler Royal Seven Passenger Sedan which Brummet, was benched in the th ^ right to move' into the BCABA afternoon capp^capped off wdhwith the cham-cham­ is 139% . after four personal fouls were cal­ pionship final that night. led on him, to save him for the last. finals. But while he was off, the power­ ful Dynamos ripped through with a 15-4 verdict in the third quarter to sew up the game. Game Club Urges •Dynamos m aintained a 16-14 m a r­ gin in the last quarter to get the 53-38 nod at bell time. BDl Kane and Brian Weddell paced the Dyna­ Changes for 1949 Season mos to victory w ith 16 and 14 points respectively. Gillard with 12 and An onen nheasant season and association convention be informed Brummet with 11 were the spark­ plugs______for the losers.^ adoption of a tagging system for CAGE CANDIDS — It was one pheasants, of^°WUlow^^and monto of November unless good of the smallest Playo® crowds m with the opra g _ daily bag reasons are put forward to substan- 507 Bernard Ave. Phone 232 loadyears. of Were keen it PENTICTON notfor over fans a bus- at- lumt frank^n for quail as weu as “I'fonSfa longer tiate ^ the recommendation that they tendance would^ave teen, below and a com- That the camp owners registra- the lOOmark. -mose who elk were tion be enlarged"^ to enforce the they would witness a high-scoring binea tag lo recommended camp owners to register all fish duel m the senior b^?°ket were guests and that the di^ppointed. It was a bitte^ deter- , , j.ai j^geting of the Kelowna total be submitted to the game And you get windows both beautiful and praetieil— mmed close-checkmg struggle all district Rod and Gun Club commission at the season’s end. e way. Wednesday night. Game Commissioner James, Cun- doors both attractive and durable. w Close to 80 members, taking a n in g h a m of Vancouver attended the keen interest in the matters to be meeting in an advisory capacity. V ? . oo discussed, turned out to the meet- Eastman of Kelowna, presi- Each M P Window is scientifically "Moisture Proofed** BEA^, sconn^32 of the Vets 39 jjj„ gt the Women’s Institute Hall dent of the zones council, spoke to. make it weather-, shrin^-, warp-, rot- and stain- points . . . . Three Beare were support to the recqmmen- briefly on the grazing of domestic Another M P favorite are there dations on bag limits and season, gbeep in the big. game country. convenient Dutch doorr. proof. This means weatherfight windows that are alway* The recommendations of the KD subject of organizing the junior easy-to open. bi,’ little action pQj-., which covered virtually every ^^g brought up / after the first cpiarter, weakened j, of wild life, how will be for- „ in but tabled for action by the from an attack of the ’flu . . . Warded to the Interior zones con- g|g“ tiv^ a For complete satisfaction order your M P Windows and RUTLAND — Brummet 11, Day, vention at Kamloops late in April „„r,nTT,znon of the meeting Ellergot 8. Malik 5, Gillard 12, Sin- for approval. Thhse of a local na- Doors as complete units—with frames. M P Tru-sguare 2- ^ 8- ■ ture approved wiU likely become SSmlSn™ , frames are precision built to ensure e perfect fit—save KELOWNA DYNAMOS — Wed- law. ^ag ^own -The colored film, de­ dell 14, Ryder 6, Kane 16, Gior- Other recommendations «>vermg was ^ o n. costly, time-consuming delays in building too! » dano 4, HUl 4, A. Williams, D. Wil- matters affecting the province or America was g^erally con- liams, Marshall 3, Anderson 6—53. wide sections of the districts will North America, was gene ^ y_ sidered one of the finest shows of Popular and modem are there M P M P makes many types of doors ranging from (Sarage ■pTrMTT^PTOM VETS — R aitt 8 have to be voted bn at the Harrison its kind ever seen in the Interior. French doom in either wood w S n STelnS' McGoSon I,' Hot Spring, or metal bari. to Mirror Doors and Windows from Comer to Picture. Drossos 16. Hussell 3, Ashley, Moyls a ^ 2. Burgab Marshan-^ 6. Pfovab of ®/,J™''““^,/S ’tSnS. KELO ^A BEARS - Capozzi 6, Ltification. See your M P dealer today and let him help select the Gee 2, Carr-Hilton 1, Ferguson 4, Following are the KDRGC recom- windows and doors you want for your home. J.W* Weddell »f _2, AP. • Weddell.ft \p.\iA\A\iaaA, Saucier J, VA, “Opposite Tostenson 6, Bogress 4, Ardiel—31. BIG GAME Floor officials: (First game) R. The Arena” Wilkinson, R. James; (second Moose: Meeting approved use of ^ TThat’s the amount of the average game) C. Pettman, Kelowna; Col­ a combined tag for elk and moose lins, Penticton. and each hunter be allowed to cheque for some 2,250,000 Canadians, when shoot only one of the two. Season Kelowna Glenmore Combination doors with Interchange to be left at the discretion of the Rutland East Kelowna able glass and scraen are an th e 1943-44 Refundable Savings are returned JJOCKEY S00R£S game commission and its scitenfific Benvoulin MP specialty. advisors. . x- Mission this month. Some will get less. Some will get ------, Caribou: No recommendations. W estbank Peachland SATURDAY; Mountain Sheep: No Recommen- They come from miles more. But, if you have a refund coining m dations. Coy Cup Finals Bear: Retain status quo. (Open around. ! ' you, it will be money you have done without Nanaimo 7, Kimberley 5. (Nan­ season all year on Black and Brown aimo wins test of five series 3-0.) HAVE YOU TRIED OUR Bear.) „ x ... money you’ve a lfea d y saved ... the easiest NHL ' Elk: Open season from Sept, la CANDY? " New York 0, Montreal 3. . to Nov. 30. Limit: one bull. kind of money to keep on saving. Boston 2, Toronto 1. Deer: Open season from Sept. 15 THE CANDY SHOP SUNDAY to Nov. 30, with bag limit of one AND COFFEE Bz^R Kelowna Builders Supply It feels good to have a nest-egg in reserve. Mercantile League buck. r'nn/1-ir C p n trp " Stampeders 8, Black Bombers 1. MIGRATORY BIRDS It means a ready fund you can draw on . .. in Club 13, 5; Rowing Club 5 (tie.) Ducks, Geese and Snipe: Open NHL season on October 1 and to run as case of emergency or opportunity. Montreal 1, New York 1. long as possible. Bag limit: Ducks, Toronto 3, Chicago 1. 8 a day, 100 a season; geese, 5 a Why not put,.your refund cheque away in Boston 6, Detroit 2. day, 25 a season; snipe, 8 a day, 50 a season. a savings account at the BofM? Possession limit on migratory game birds be lengthened from three to six months. UPLAND BIRDS B a n k , o f J M c n t r e a x Grouse: Thirty-day open season on Blue, Willow and Franklin grouse. Sept. 15 to Oct. 15. Bag limit: 4 a day in the aggregate and 16 a season in the aggregate. Pheasants: Open season, from Oct. 15 to Nov. 15, limit of 2 a day and AS ONE FELLOW SAID 12 a season. Recommend a tagging . I9ir.'i/.<8rcuistiis system be introduced if possible. TO US— Quail: Open season same as phea­ “You’re plumb good at sants, with bag limit of 8 a day and 24 for th season. plumbing !’’ Try us ! European Partridge: Closed sea­ son. Other Motions K clon n i W. A. HQTSON. Alanagcr WIGHTMAN W’estbank (Sub-AgenQ): Open Monday and '^urs^y that bag limits on trout be left in Pcachland (Sub-Ageno): Open \Vedn«day and F r^y PLUMBING the hands of the commission and Rudand (Sub-Agency): Oocn Tuesday and Saturday its scientific advisors. Phone 1122 1431 Ellis St. Other motions passed by the ‘-Across from the xA.rena meeting included' WORKING WITH CANADIANS IN EVERY WACK OP LIFE SINCE That the delegates to the Interior


cd that the trouble was Bumo w here lM-tw of 25 miles. 'Hw siH>t wns located about 10 o’clock and .service was fully re.storcd a t PUCK FINALS 1;1.'> a Ml. Fire DrutBer K £ S f f l 7 S Publio Inconvcaicnco was not Uvet OPEN HERE most KoriouB difficulty. The Jubilee llo.spital had to rely on emciKency PERSONAL BUSINESS PERSONAL USED CARS^ TRUCKS PROPERTY FOR SALE PROPERTY FOR SALE Two-Gamo Total-Goal Scries power «nd the danger of fire was Opens in Memorial Arena riulto real. Officials of the Vernon EMERGENCY ARE YOU SUFFEItlNG? NEW CATALOG FOR SPRING 1B49 J047 MAROON MERCURY COUPE 3 - ROOM STUCCO BUNGALOW. and Athletic Club first PHONE NUMBERS For foot trouble, weak archca, de- fruit and nut trees, grape vines, —LOVELY CONDITION. FOR IM- oak floors In living-room and glas-s- OKANAGAN INVESTMENl'S Ltd. Tonight feared that tlu' lee surfaces In tlio formed feet or even backaches, Email fruit, etc. Maiur new varieties MEDIATE SALE. MILEAGE 19,000 cd-ln front vestibule. Cooler and Arena and the club would bo ruin­ consult Arch Supprrrt Specialist, of evergreens, slirubs, roses, peren- MILES. PHONE 890. 57tfe stucco garage. Well insulated, on EBTADLISIIED 40 YEARS TEAM LINE-UPS ed for the opening of tho big bon- COUHIEU COUKTESY 079 Coronation Avc. 60-4-p nlals. Write for free new Instruc------—— ------large, dry lo t Term s $3500 and A SAFE FIRM TO DEAL WITH ~ . -- spiel us generating equit)mcnt nt ------tive catalog; valuable InformaUon p o R SALE—B.S.A. MOTORCYCLE $35.00 per month. Call after 5 com er Qucsnel and Lumby Gam Hoc- the Inland Ice plant wns silenced, FURNITURE VAN LEAVING FOR on blueberries and otlicr plants. |,j good condition. ’nqulre at Rose and Aberdeen, straight east of A GOOD DELIVERY BUSINESS key Finals; Games Start at Church services were held by can- Ambulance ...... 1225 Calgary approximately March 22nd. stock must be ordered early. Wo courier. 50-tf the hospital. 45-tfc FOR SALE 8.30 p.m. Anyone desirous of shipping house- will hold until correct stilpplng This is a comparatively new under­ _____ Power Commission crews faced a Police...... 311 hold cITccts to Kootenays or Albcr- date. SARDIS NURSERIES, 003 ,, 13 LARGE LOTS IN A NEW sub taking ^ and tho lowest weeklyvvuu«. net ta contact D. Chapman and Co. Ltd. Llchman Rd., Sardis. B.C. W A N T E D . MlSCellancOUS division...... on V... the —w lake shore Zy, ..... miles. jjioulprofit BO so lur far lias has beenocen »oo.ou. $05.00. Intermediate ,, f B hockey champion- „* ij-,.. «oL in places mon wacioa tnrougti H o s p ita l ...... 64 Hionp 298. 00-2-c 40-tfc from ' ”Kelowna ‘ post ' office------to ’be----- of-' 'n,e reason the owner Is selling is Arena Lnluht and that were wet and waist------— ------SEWING MACHINE, electric or fered for sale In April. Good soil, „n account of licnlUi. lowna Memorial Arena tonight and tomorrow night between tho Ques- Fire HaU ...... 196 BUSINESS PERSONAL *1ARNESS r e - treadle, in good condition, box 10.59 beautiful view high and dry( no An energetic man can increase this ______—_ PAIRING. Prices are 15 px. lower Kelowna Courier. 01-tf water In my basement). For prices business very substantially. BOARD AND ROOM, 14 WEEKS. «t ^ 0 Coronation Avc. --Open------10 - appTy • owneV Gordon------D. ------Herbert. Prrcr^^:“" cash P-tlaiiy” Covered and the 00-4-p WAN’TED—A DOG HOUSE suit■ Kelowna. 58-lOp This i« » ceiiintr nnH nn» n triiekinci aiTuir gocs botli nlglua at loinaitiing strands broke. in return for loan of $125.00 Apply ' pjn^______This is a selling and not a trucking 0.30. DRUG STORES OPEN: Box 1055 Courier. C0-2p able for small dog. Phone 732-RI. GUARANTEED, EXPERT waslicr Ol-le FOR SALE-16 1/10 ACRE ORCH- fs^f^Smen? an!l NOt V ^ This class of hockey, just a step WE3>., MAKCII lOlh— service at a price you can afford. ARD—Red _ Delicious and Bartlett tflupiment and NOT good will. down from Intermediate A or Sen­ THE WEATHER’S FINE , . . NOW! 7 to 8 p jn . Phono 034-R4. 55-tfc CHEVROLET CYLINDER HEAD— penrs._____ 0 _ room modern house, gar- ior B, is tops in all sections of tho But prepare for more cold weather. 30-31 model. Must be In good con- 22' x 30’. 3 room house. Cabin OKANAGAN INVESTMENTS province where It is played. Tlio We will supply estimates on your LTD. Brown’s Freo. Pharmacy FUR STORAGE ditlon. Write P.O. Box 220 or phone 12' x 10’. Root house. Kangcroos arc to Qucsncl and tho WANTED heating needs without obligation. Store your F urs at MANDEL’SI 200 B ernard Avenue Just send us a rough sketch of 790-R3. fll-lp $0,000 farm equipm ent. ’Tliis orchard Flying Frenchmen are to Lumby Physicians Prea Pharmacy Only 2% of valuation for storage has an average yearly turnover In Business Since 1009 what tlic Packers are to Kelowna. layout and room sizes. Lake’s Ltd., nnd'in^ranco.^FTnr^Btoragr^rate. WANTED: JERSEY BLACK GIANT 2 000 to 18,000. H ard buh surface.-v... t> . Kangcroos, part of a four-team m'lo1029 Commercial Dr., Vancouve^r, j2.oo_ per ^ _ coot; Cloth coats - $1.00 , plUB _ Hatching Eggs. - - Phone G Rissoo, foadt'/ifirl on’^ o ^ide? main hig“hway‘on - — ““* ) ”‘"?iv?s?ints*"?slS ccnrrarhi‘tcrio‘;: B.C______cleaning„1------charge.------Bin M andcl’s, n - - r.n. 5 518TZ _Bcr- 505R. CO-4-cfin.d.n ______(Oil foiTOs), Investm ents (slocto edging and bonds) Phont? 08 or 332 George 3-2 in a sudden- S a l e s l a d y OSOYOOS CUSTOMS NEW GOLFERS—Be sure you in- Ave. WANTED—YOUNG PEOPLE who property. Wonderful locnUon. thoroughly Bpcct tho Spalding Bobby Jones puRS-FURS—FURS— WE HAVE are discouraged and unhappy to ^ NOTICES death final several days ago. Lum- HOURS: line of Woods and Irons — priced ^ up-to-date and exten- YOUTH FOR CHRIST on Saturday. Estate Agent. Phone 3X-5. 01-2p ______by defeated Kamloops Mcrchanis experienced in 8 a.m. to 11 p.m. right at your local agents in Kelow- facilities in the Valley for the March 12, 7.45 p.m. at Grace Baptist ----- — ----- — in a total-goal scries to advance DEPARTMENT OF LANDS AND into tho finals. Coats and Suits na. Trcadgold Sporting Goods care of your furs and fur ' coats Church, — . corner of Richter and Law 59-4C JOHNSON & TAYLOR FORESTS Qucsnel arrived in the city Sal- P’rom alterations to fireproof storage son. 60-2c B. C. Forest Service urdny and have since been prnctic- Apply HELP WANTED HAVE YOU SOME FURNI’TURE «ce Mandcl’s, 512 Bernard Avenue EX'l’RA GOOD HOME WITH SIX NOTICE *ug daily. Chuck Beatli manages the for sale? Ranges, etc.? Well pay 45-tfc FO R SA LE acres of orchard and berry bushes. Examination for Scaler’s Licence i^Qund; Jack Ritson is tlio Kanga- WAN'FED — SECRETARY-TREA you the best prices. See us first! O ~ ------Now five room stucco house, full For PHOTOGRAPHS that will be held at the following places Pjaying coach, SURER by Princeton School Board. L. Jones Furniture Co.“ ■Ltd ■ 58-tfc w in d r y SLABS—10 inches for imme- barement, bath and electric pres- on the following dates, starting; at On the squad are: goal. Bob SWEET Should be able to keep a complete —------please you and your friends ■ ■ pump. Two largo poultry n^orning. Chisholm: defence. Bill (Boxcar) set of Records and use typewriter. C.C.C. — CONSISTENT COURIER Make an appointment at ART’S 2887 Richter St Cl-2p houses, double garage. Income in PHOTO STUDIO, 558 Buckland —------Kamloops, B.C., March 31, 1949, in?*”*’®”*’,’ first lino, Knowledge of school matters pro- COVERAGE—Is best of aU. Try it! 1948 from tills place about $300.00 logs to be scaled at: Kamloops ? , Campbell (c). Bill Keen (rvy), SIXTEEN LTD. lerred. Apply by letter enclosing 52-tfc Ave. — PHOTO FINISHING: any SINGER ^ELECTRIC u- treadle . ^lonth, and this can be increas Jack Ritson (Iw); second line, Jim roll, 0 or 8 exposures, 30c; reprints sowing machines. Will trade for r>„j„„ -cmnnnnn Kamloops Lum ber Co. mill. " ------' " Bernard Avc. references to E. Burr, Chairman, ------Armstrong, B.C., April 2, 1949, Mills (c), Johnny Stokes (rw), Mol Princeton School Board, Princeton- THE SEWING SHOP 4c each. 30 tfc furniture or sell reasonable. Phone ...... 61-lc “ COUNTRY HOME 4 MILES OUT. to be scaled at Armstrong Saw- S ”a\7koJ!^e cK be^T B.C. W P ^ 'b iiv ^ fe /ran T re M WASHING MACHINE — ------_ , _ . . mill. and vacuum cleaner troubles phone l Ac r OSSE BALLS-SPECIAL at Good five room houp on one. half WANTED—A RELIABLE MAN to of sewing machines. Free bobbins. Lumby. B.C.. April C. logs to be ^•enchmen have been spli Rawleigh Products In an Oka- needles and thread. Five year guar- handle parts for aU makes Treadgold’s Sporting G oods^ PHee°L\T'’' caled .itat r.iimhvLumby Lumberf-iimhor CoCo. unable. tot .- practice1 Since ^ their ser- , nagan Locality. No experience aritee, Kelowna Drygoods Store, 631 of washers and wiinger loU^ We See the new Deluxe Lacro^e Penticton, B.C., April, 0. . 1949. logs to be scaled at: Meet at Forest ice. They arc expected to arrive in Today^s Bargain in needed to start. Write today Raw- Harvey Aye., Kelowna. Phone 12W. Wa°she7servicr2«®La’^^^ sticks just an_w_d^------SOUTH OF KELOWNA CITY lim- Rj^p^er's office the city about 7 p.m. Henry Martin leigh’sloiph’n Dept.Dent. WG-C-141-189. Wiiini- Winni 94-tfc ...... • • . SALE—POTATOES 25^ chca- its. Three room house with some The morning will be taken up manages the Frenchmen; playing peg, Man. 58-7c We pick up and deliver. RUPTURED?—SPRING, ELASTIC ------per if called for. Phone G. Risso, furniture. Immediate possession. scaling?>iiK,ci ir.r»clogs and the +1-.,^ afternoon .iiriiiwill coach IS Lon Postill. Lumby roster is: goal, Gerald OAHREI SALMON PO SIT IO N W A N T E D or belt trusses -.ware _available______at_ *P. . DON’T BE PERPLEXED, m other 505-R. 60-4c Price only ...... $1,400.0& be taken up with the written paper. Candidates are required to bring (Foozy) Quesnel; defence. Bob Rad- ftioS^S your^ prec^ws^duSing cin ^^DIES’^ DRESS^^ a pencil, and, if possible, a B.C. loff, Mike ICramer, Boonic Sam- BOOKKEEPER, 10 YEARS experi­ also go. Courier ads tell me so! size 16-18. Girls’ dresses, size 12. 100m bungalow, vacant. Price very SQ^Q**Rule‘ martino, Ronnie Tatt; first line, S. enced------wishes------position^ in Kelowna. MOTOR REPAIR SERVICE—COM Rent-a-Buggy,------, ------Put me------it it!------Hurray These dresses are in u very good ------reasonable and some terms can be Examination fee is Five Dollars Excellent references. Reply Miss A. nlete maintenance service. Electrical for Harding’s, such service ! No condition and very cheap. Phone ai ranged. Herbie Fisher (Iw); second line, L. Foulkners, Gen. Delivery, Kelowna, contractors. Industrial EleStrlc, 256* limit! AK.tf,, 985-L or 528 B irch Ave. 60-3d . Applicants trying the examination Morrison (Iv^, A. JOHNSON & TAYLOR 61-2p Lawrence______Ave., phone 758. 82-tfc NEED A HEARING AID? GET A RIFLE AMMUNITION—WILL not for the second or third time will be 2 ' ^ ’ 270 B ernard Ave. WANTED BY EXPERIENCED car- MASONRY CONTRACTORS—Plas- Telex or Western Electric Demon- be plentiful in 1949. Limited sup- required to show their receipt for ^ ® ‘ ______9 penter, cabinet maker, finishing tcring stucco, cement and brick stration at Kelogan before you buy. pRes of 30-06 and 30-30 now at the payment of the $5.00 fee. and framing. Have power tools and .,york. Orsi & Sons, 572 Glenwood Come in any day you choose. Our Treadgold’s Sporting Goods. 60-2c Application forms and further in- trailer. Phone 1045-Ll. 58-tfc HI tfr fresh battery stock is vuaranteed ------NEW MODERN STUC:CO FOUR formtion may be obtained from the Ave.______Plione 494-L. RemenSr^oim S a r i n l ^ c S LOVEBIRDS AND CANARIES - room bungalow.-Two bedrooms liv- District Forester, Kamloops. B.C. LAUNCH PROBE CONSISTENT COURIER COVER­ TMir TNVT 974-L. 60-2-p 52-tfc [g°7'|loP^f’^^t^^partic^ars consult to divert and use/store water out severing the 66.000 volt transmis- COMING EVENTS ------of Mission Creek which flows wes- sion line of the B.C. Power Com- W R rm ^\^E^°^H O N E! ROOM AND BOARD FOR GEN- SHEARS SHARPENED, Newmach- For Better BUYS in Real Estate terly and discharges into Okanagan, mission and thereby plunging Ver- THE KELOWNA GIRL GUIDE As- “The OJC. Valley Hairdressing tleman, Phone 1071. 28-tfc ine, expert work. Quick service. Lake and give notice of my appli- non, Oyama, Okanagan Centre, and sociatiem are holding a tea at the Oak Barber Shop, opposite the sociamm^e immms a ^ School. Kelowna. B.C.. Government iTr ATVT’TT rn T rt TPTTTVTT' ALWAYS SEE cation to all persons affected. Winfield areas into sudden dark- approved Re^stegd. WANTED TO RENT arena. 57-tfc 'The point of diversion/The stor- ness for approximately six hours, est equipment; 453 Lawrence Ave., age dam will be located at “M” T, M. Gibson, regional manager FISH FRinESS mim 3 p.m. In aid of the Campsite Fund. 77-tfc u r g e n t l y WANTED HOUSE to WILCOX NURSERIES, 1949 PRICE HENRY’S REALTY Phone 414, 1531 Water St. Water Rights Map 8404B. Will be for the Commission, said that po- 1 lb. can Keta Salmon, maahed Everyone welcome. 62-c ______rent as we have to move out of pre- hst is ready.' Fruit trees; berries; 61-lc located at Mission (Crescent) Lake, lice had reported to him that a ORDESi Your VENETIAN BLINDS sent home as it is being made into ornament^s; flowers; roses and 8 eggs separated 8th ANNUAL WHITE ELEPHANT ______L— ------— The quantity of w ater to be di- search had been narrow ed down to now from Me & Me. Measurements office. Phone 274. 61-2p dwarf fruit tree^ Ask fOT your copy FARM FOR SALE—158 ACRES, 6 verted an dstored is 200 ac. ft. a few suspects, 8 tbsp. flour Sale at Kelowna Elementary School. taken. Estimates given. No obliga------— ------"------— giving correct address. W ilcox N ur- Salt and pepper Wednseday, March 16 at 2.30 p.m. Oom I S e a £ t 01m service WANTED IMMEDIA'TELY-IMMEDIATELY- Young series, Oliver, B.C., Phone IR. miles this side of Bridesville, B.C. The purpose for which the water The commission’s main, line from 58-9c on main highway from Osoyoos. 4- will be used is Irrigation (to aug- the Shuswap Falls generating plant H tap. very finely ndneed garlic Bargains galore! Auction sale. Sale Phone 44, 87-tfc respectable business man urgently of candy, homecooking and prac­ requires board and room, close to j£___ room house log barn, other general ment F.W.L. 6183 (in part) F.Ls. was severed by a bullet. 'The break 1 tbsp. minded parsley. buildings. Good well. 30 acres cul- 3778, 4229 and 7726 diversion and was near Keefer’s Gulch in the tical artn Procee of the week at the Coffee cence. W. Honnebauer. Box 76, R.R. <-ation is good Make sure you get all the deductions you are entitled Counter- across from the Arena. 3 Kelowna (Rutland Road). to take. Have your return made up by— .Tfxirv—^o\v—*Anyone may------become> ■ - a member »//% ______■ 61-2p FOR TrIEsE rrmrex' ANDa ivn-. OXtiEtt muTFr? f v - ^ tr . DDUSIVif^ARGAINS------N.ASH .AMBASSADOR— 1-door se- SUPER-QUALITY NEW dan. Twin ignition in good running CLARK^rTHOMPSON SHIRE and RHODE ISLAND RED order. Heater. $895 cash. Phone see CHICKS. S4.50 for 25. $9 for 50. $17 529-Y2."' 61-2c Formerly with the Income Tax Department, Vancouver PI1YSIC1ANS P U a ^ 4 n a c ^ , for 100. $80 for 500. George W. Game lOTERIOR AGENCTES LTD. Room 7 Casorso Block Phone 457 Phone 1177 iOl Radio Bldg., Comer Bernard Triangle Hatchery; Armstmng. TRY COURIER CLASSIFIEDS 266 B ernard Ave. 60-tic ar.d Pendozi Kelowna Phone 811 42-tfc FOR QUICK RESULTS Kelowna.. B.C. MONDAY. MAKCll U. 1M» THE KELOWNA COURIER Tl»e film was in technicolor. FACE SIX Following the meeting, refresh­ ments were servixl and a social Hospital, on Wednesday, March 9. hour *i>enl. UM9. to Mrs, and Mrs. A rchie BccK, Kelowna, a daugjiter. LADIES’ SHOP WIRACHOWSKY -At the Kelow­ BIRTHS na General Hospital. ,m 'Hiursday. CHANGES HANDS March 10. ItKO. to Mr. and Mrs. Al­ Mr. and Mrs W K McDonakl, exander Wiradiowsky, Kelowna, a proprietor:: of the F-M Shops in (laugh ter. Vernon and Penticton, have pur­ chased Geiows Adorable C«t>wn M(rCUKJVDY — At the Kelowna Shop. Gcncrftl Hosrpital, on Friday, March hocated at ir>7!l Pendo/i street, BARTEl.r—At the Kelowna Gen­ 11, 11H9, to Mr. and Mrs. David Mc- the store will be known as FeM eral Iloapltal, on Monday. February Cready, Hutland, a duughUrr. 28. HM9, to Mr. and Mrs. Jacob I3ar- l.jidicB’ Wear. toi, Kefiowna, a eon. ^ A e r c Mr. and Mrs. K. Moisted h.ive PBAIICK—At the Kelowna Gen­ relumed to the city after a holiday eral Hcwpital. on Tuesday. March of eight week*, spent visiting Santa D IIM9, to Mr. and Mrs. David Rotia, Son FranciBCo, Loa Angeles Pre-Dance Parties Planned Pearce, Kelowna, a dauBhtcr. and Palm Springs. G . D. Cameron Elected New PERCIVAI^—At the Kelowna Mr. A. J. MacDonald la a patient Prior to Jaycee '"Cruise" Gcnrcoal Hospital, on Wedricsday, In Kelowna General Hospital._____ H ea d o f Local Riding Club A Vancouver jfucst at tlie Royal M arch 9, 1M9. to Mr. and Mrs. Amie is James CoppiUiorn. also Nautical! Nautical! NAUTICAL I ! Jam es Pcrclval, Brookmcrc, B.C., a licre for several days. daughter. “YOU SAW IT G. D. Cuinerori wa-s elccteci pre-a- • • • Everything will turd green witli URGES GOOD Idcnt of tile Kelowna and dlslrica’ \ Hither and Yon J everyone’s compuss set for tlie fjBjfjlC—At the Kelowna General IN THE COURIER" Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Laurie, of Cruise of the Emerald Isle on Wed­ Hiding Club, at Ibe annual meet­ Cratibrook, are guests of several ing held Wednesday evening in Recent visitors to Kelowna for a nesday evening at S.S. Eldorado LITERATURE brief slay were Mr. and Mrs. Ga­ days at tlie Royal Anne liotel, while Arms, for the second annual Junior board room of B.C. Tree trults. Mr. vlGltlng in the city. Cameron succeeded N. Van der briel Schatz. of Regina. Whilv I" Cliamber of Commerce Ball. tlic city they were guests at the • • • The ballroom of Eldorado Anns FOR CHIUIREN '^W^ R Bailee was cliosen lionorary homo of Mrs. and Mrs. Vincent Miss Joan Hamblin, if Vancou­ will turn Into a ship for the even­ president and IL C. S. Collett hon­ Curran. ver. is a visitor to tlic city, a guest ing witli life belts and port-holes R e d C ross ♦ • • decorating tlie walls. Pursers, stew­ Mrs, M. Ffoulkes Says Child H e lp T h e orary vice-pre.sidcnt. at Ellis Lodge. Miss liambiin plans Should Get Reading Habit at Other oflleers elected for tlie 19- While in the city to give a piano to nialce lier lioine in tlie Orchard ards and maybe even an occasional “I'i season are E. Po(ile, vice-presi­ recital on Marc'll 21, Miss Vera City. ... salty old sea captain will lie on Early Age dent' Mns. A. D. W eddell, secretary; Sopult will be an over-niglit gue.st deck for the trip. and Miss Jane Stirling, treasurer. at tile home of Mrs. J. H. Trenwilli. M rs'Kate Bliss is a guest at the Many prc-dancc parlies are fore­ •Give me a child until ho is soyon, Tlic slate of officers in the new Also a guest of Mrs. Trenwltli for Royal Anne liolcl for the coining cast to licrald in lliis St. I’atrick’s ami 1 will not fear for his ability executive includes. Mrs. C. E. Da­ Day journey. to clioose good books in later life . tile same iiiglit will be Miss Belly montli. Mr. and Mrs. Stuart Wnllcer will vis Misjs Nancy Jolms, Max Be- Manring, of Peachlund. * • * said Mrs. Muriel Ffoulkes of the rard; C. G. Bce.slon. F. W. Pridham , o m * A Vernon visitor to tlic cily over be among pre-dance liosts, enter­ Okanagan Union Library, speakm;' taining for Mr, and Mrs. Fred at a Kelowna Parcnt-'l’cachcr As­ C. Hm rls, L. Wil-son, II. B arrett, G. Mrs. M. E. W ilmot lofl tlie cily the weekend was J. A. Cameron, a Bcrard, Glen Coe, and Miss Patsy guest at the Willow Inn. Campbell. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon sociation meeting Monday evening recently for Williams Lake, where * • * Finch. Mr. and Mrs. George Wil­ in the junior high school auditori­ SAIAM M elver. she will be in charge of the War son and Mr. and Mrs. J. MacGregor. Twenty-eight members were pres­ Memorial Hospital there for one H. M. Tucker, president of tlic um. ... , , Association of Commercial Trav­ Mr. and Mrs. L. G. Wilson will Mrs. Ffoulkes stressed the lati ent at the meeting and the matter month. of building a club house was dis­ ellers, Vancouver branch, is in the also entertain for Mr. and Mrs. Bill that a child should be shown botli cussed. A committee was formed city for several days to attend the Robson and Mr. and Mrs. C. H. sides of good and bad literature at that will discuss the matter further. P, Chcveldave and his brother initiation ceremonies of the Kelow­ Rowcliffc. an early age while his mind is un- N. Van der Vliet, the retiring Peter Chevcldavc, both of Robson, na branch,.rincn whichwnicii was helduuiu at El- Mr. ------and------Mrs.- Vic------Lewis ,will be biased, and he will soon get a right B.C., arc guests of several days at - Arms. Mr. Tucker is a guest hosts at their home, celebrating the sense of the higher values in good president has offered a cup for gjjjg IjOd^C • _ ~ * TV/Tt* T.o\jdh2* IviV. jumping, it was announced at the at the Royal Anne occasion of Mr. Lewis’ birthday, reading. . , , • • » which he shares with St. Patrick. “T here w ere 77,000 children s meeting. , , E. Poole took over at the close Visitors from Calgary for several Lt. Commander G. J. Manson. RC Other pre-dance hosts will include books read during 1948 in the local of the meeting for a discussion of days are H. A. Dan and A. R. Mun- NR, and Lt. D. H. Tye, RCNR, both Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Brodie, who district”, said Mrs. Ffoulkes, and of polocross, a game similar to Pplo ro, guests at the Royal Anne hotel. of Vancouver, were Royal Anne will entertain in their Bankhead these, 10,000 were circulated in Ke­ and lacrosse. It is hoped that this « 4i « guests for several days this week. home, Mr. and Mrs. R. Gore, and lowna. ' , • • • M r. and Mrs. D. H. Clark. game Will soon get underway in the A. Nichol, of Williams Lake, was She suggested that a petition be Gichard City, and that other. Oka­ a recent visitor-to the city, a guest Mr. and Mrs. C. R. Smith, of Lee drawn up for retold classics to be printed as cheaply as comics, so nagan centers will compete. at Ellis Lodge. Creek, B.C., were visitors to the No date has yet been set for the « • city foif a few days recently, guests CHILD INJURED that children would have easier ac- first ride of the season, owing to at Ellis Lodge. CCSS to them.-_—__ She___ also said that Mrs. E. Gerow left the city on , « * • reading to children at night is a uncertain weather conditions. Saturday for a week’s trip to Se­ AFTER FALLING G. S. Hosier and L. Wachter, of good way to train them in good attle. . • * • Trail, were guests of several days reading habits. this week at the Willow Inn. OUT AUTO DOOR Also featured on the agenda was u S m v e An. Eastern, visitor to the city for • • • One of those types of accidents a debate between grade VI pupils. CAR SERVICE several days is F. W. Westren, of Vancouver visitors to. the city re­ that motorists dread happened re­ Those taking the negative were Toronto, a guest at the Royal Anne. cently were Mr. and Mrs. M. cently when a. two-year-old Rut-' Merilyn Jones and Fern Bullen?, SERVICE TO YOUR DOOR! Also from Toronto is A. W. Waters, Douthwright, guests at the Royal land girl opened the back door of with Gail Cumberland and Ronald a Royal Anne guest. Anne. an auto while it was in motion and Anstey arguing for the affirmative. • • • * * ♦ fell out of the car. With the audience as judges, the In these modern times you don’t Mrs. Walter McDonald, of Ver­ Mrs. Paddy Screaton, accompan­ Treated in Kelowna General hos­ affirmative, “Resolved: a dog is a the house to have your laundry done! We 11 pick »P the non, is a guest of several days at ied by her mother, Mrs. Hugh Bar­ pital for multiple abrasions and better pet than a cat” won out. bundle—wash hygienically—iron carefullt and d(.h\c Ellis Lodge. rett, plans to leave the city this then released was Julie-Anne Neu- The debate was a part of a junior feld. The little girl was riding in in double-quick time! • • * week for Vancouver, where they Red Cross meeting held on the Visiting from the Hub City for will meet Mr. Screaton. Mr. Screa­ the rear of a taxi at the time of stage, and J. Maier, their teiachei, a few days, is Miss M. E. 'White, a ton is arriving at the Coast on the the accident. The mishap occurred deserves credit for the manner in guest at the Royal Anne Hotel, be­ Aorangi, having sailed recenty from on the Okanagan highway in the which the children stuck to par­ ■■Re.serve Your fa r” — Phone 222 fore returning to her home in Kam­ New Zealand. vicinity of Five Bridges. liamentary procedure in the meet- Orchari! City laundry Night Phone 1070-R loops. . « • * A film was also shown at the Phone 123 Our Driver Will Call S. M. Simpson has returned to Capacity Crowd Attends meeting entitled “The Garden WEEDEN GARAGE the city, after a trip to California. Book-house”, a library in Victoria. : s m Concert in Aid of Scouts big hand from the audience. A near-(japacity crowd was pres­ “When Day Is Done” was pre­ ent Friday evening in the Junior sented by Cy. Cairns at the piano, No kidding! High School auditorium to hear the and Murray Cowie on the trumpet. Kelowna Rotary Club present an This was flayed slowly at first, evening of music. Proceeds of this then branched off into boogie woo- Z', health comes first . .. concert are to send deserving Scouts to summer camp in July. ■ ^ Cy. Cairns was also featured in, every nickel countsl Bert Johnston acted as master of a piano solo “Smoke Get in Y o^ *1 ceremonies, and the concert was Eyes”,' done in piano styling in the under the supervision of Mrs. A. modern manner. Mr. Cairns dis­ « /u s f can^t ajgrord easing o ff... money simply melis O Kihlbom. Gordon Herbert was played his mastery of the piano chairman; and furniture was loan­ which has made him so well known d a V s ...g o t to lose this let-down feeling... get back my old zip. ed by George Sutherland of Kelow­ to listeners all over Canada.' H® You, too, must be on your toes to safeguard your f na F u rn itu re Co. • was scheduled to appear again m CAN’T if y o u are “irregular” - often caused by lack of bulk food John Sugars and Dons Dam the second half of the show, but opened the program with a duet, was unable to, and Kay Dimaway in the diet. , t, i Sigmund Romberg’s “Wanting You , played De Falla’s ‘ Ritual Fire accompanied at the piano by Kay D3I1CG**. Post’s Bran Flakes supply the natural bulk you need to help Dunaway. Miss Dain’s clear sweet The Ukrainian dancers from Ver­ keep food wastes moving promptly — help you retain vim an vigor. tone blended perfectly -with the full non stole the, spotlight at the end Enjoy wKolesome wheat nourishment too — Post’s Brah Flakes round tones of Mr. Shgars, in a of each half of the program, with very expressive rendition. The their old country dances. These are made with other parts of wheat. A Product of couple stole the spotlight once again dancers w,ere flawless in rythm and./ General Foods balance, accompanied by the accor­ Appetizing as a cereal. Just as tastily effective in the second half of the program in another duet, “Oh. That We Two dian, The costumes were old coun­ when made into light, tender bran muffins.^Follow Were Maying,” by Ethelbert Ne^^n. try peasant style, featuring full recipe on package. Two sizes: large or ■lihis duet was eyen better than the skirts, flowered bandeaus and rib­ regular. Insist on Post’s Bran. first one, with Miss Dain soaring bons around their necks. All mter- in full voice to the high notes. towh rivalry was forgotten as the John Sugars, bass baritone, was audience W3S woven into the spell featured in solos three times in the of the Ukrainian dance. ' .. Sure— she needs course of the evening. His first, an George Yochim was another j hit old Irish air by Monty Carlo, Lit­ of the show, in his monologue “Ai­ BRAN FLAKES — and likes them! tle Old Town in the Old County n’t Life Tedious?” which he car­ Down” was a quiet number, not ried off to perfection. The audience WITH OTHER PARTS OF WHEAT bringing forth full volume but re- ■practically rolled in the aisles wat­ . vealing a full rounded tone. This ching Mr. Yochim’s actions' . . was followed by Vincent Youmans” rather inactions, on the stage. ■ gWitbonut A Song”, and then Mr. Sugars really came into his own with “The Hills of Home”, by Oscar Fnx. A hushed audience listened to him sketch the hills and mountains in. music, and the applause showed their approval. His last three numbers. Burleigh s “Nobody Knows the Trouble I’ve Seen”. “Deep River”, and “Were You 'There When They Crucified My Lord?” were not as good as his first renditions, but after listening " O i: to .John Sugars, bass baritone, one realizes a big musical future ahead aje-soso A \ for him. Though no encores were allo-wed ,o on the program, due to lack of time, ,09 aiid the length of the program, two ”-ritten requests were received for % “Captain Mac” simg by John Su­ gars. He was accompanied by Cv. evto'r® Cairns. ... Joe Baumgarten, scheduled to • ‘V e t * '® ' r> play two numbers on his accordian. was unable to do so, as his accor­ auicK dian had been delayed in Calgary Sofujeom s where it was undergoing repairs. WONDERFUL ... ■ However, an accordianist from Ver­ disabled veterans, supports Out­ non filled in during the second half DESSERTS! l a t e , ' Rushed to the hospital seriously i i i i of the program for Mr. Baumgarten injured in an accident, a little popost Hospitals on far northern and delighted the audience with child’s Ufe h a n g s perilously, in trofrontiers, extends its helping Ukrainian airs. the balance. Will you reach out hand to. suffering humanity Doris Dain. dramatic soprano, and help? There are mothers, everywhere. stole the spotlight with four solos new-born babies, that rannot The Red Cross is YOUR Red f during the evening. Her first two. EASY PIRECTIO N S V lZ i live without blood transfusion. Cross. The work it is doing can "With a Heart That Is Free” by only be done with YOUR help. Alfred Robyn and Rudoloh Friml’s ON THE / j g l i . A Can they count on you? ^ “Bubble Song” were light airy The Red Cross Free B lo o d This work must not be left undone. Give generously. pieces, in which Miss Dain got tfie PACKAGE U i Transfusion Service, fast being tone and idea over perfectly. In PUDDINGS extended across Canada, is P*^ R e d Cross services also in c lu d e : her last two , numbers. “Gianniana fOUPt- of the great work you and Treatment for Crippled Children, Mia” by Rudolph Friml. and Gart- mvORS Nutrition Services, First Aid and i t thousands b i other Canadians Whan coiutdMtna V«w 2*"®5SI5: lin’s "Lflac Tree”, she reallv came Home Nurshsg Courses, Sw im m ing remwnbar Hiot IhU «>• C»«0«» to the foreground, soaring in clear VANILLA are doing. It requires your con­ Rwl O m s BMd« B MOlon Po B i- ^ tinued—your increased support a n d W ater Safety, etc. 40% mof» Ihon prmrlaot eppMS. flawless tones to the high notes. f t She managed to capture the com­ f m —to finanre this great humam- T h is i s yO U R w o r k - O i ¥ S i plete attention of her audience in CARAMEL taxian project- all the songs, and got a big ovation. m Your Red Cross also sends A piano duet, featuring Eleanor ☆ immediate relief wherever d is­ .Tenkinson and Kermit Eutin. “The BUTTERSCOTCH aster strikes, gives assistance to Dance of the Russian Sailors”, from the Red Poppv Ballet bv R. Gliere. TAPIOCA was very well done. Their timing CHOCOLATE PUDDINGS If V '* RED CROSS was flawless, and tone good, though CANADIAN this piece is rather colorless at any ■jSr : time. It is an extremely difficult piece to play, and the artists de­ VANiLLA TAPIOCA ,V':,, serve much praise for the manner ' i-T' ‘ ' in which it was presented. Their CHOCOLATt TAPIOCA second number. Greig’s “Norwegian it O trode-marV owned by Dance No. 2". a quiet number, was Genercl Food*, limited products of Generol Foods PHONE 1140 — 263 BERNARD AVENUE beautifully played and brought a JP-IO? P A G E S E V E N THE KELOWNA COURIER r.KjNOAY, MARCH 14, 1JH9

lient in human terms, the IJritisIi and intcUigent care. rnn-M fif $10 nnd tu^ts riM.-h w<-r<- appioach to Oic problem. Actual HUNGRY MINDS, 10 minutca- Wtb A Wlfctl’i r m city ixjUcc court Manli Through Uie use of sketches of Oie Five Y ears of Trying U P ! / rices D ow n! NEW PICTURES j,eTene in Scotland, but the filrn may Ml JL 7 oil L. Dauphm.iis iitul J, Clciibcr- starving children of Eurotie, this b^^ representative of tiic llritisli at­ dim cdcctivcly presents tlie appeal i;i r f< I l»< iti|! iiitoxiratfd in a pijb- ARE RECEIVED titude Kcncrally. It deal.'S spccific- of tlie U nited Nations for fooil foi Reduced Estimates 1m j/litc* jilly willi tlie lilory of three Iwys the children. Tlicy arc the future Pays O ff for Kelowna — T ax Free from 10 to 14 yeur.i of ngc who get! citi/.ens of ttie vvoild and Uie way I BY FILM BODY involved in petty larceny, and the they are treated now will greatly Exterior Painting (•aie.<>i belilrid each ca.se. T he (Hm alfecl the attitude they wilt have CUTS, B . U R N S ends on a coii-structive noU‘ in iU Interior Decorating U tw (Hina for tlie montha of towards our children in tlie years Cattlem an at Stock Show ndvo<-acy of play centers and orga- to come. Paper Hanging and BRUISES March and April have arrived in iii/.ed activities of all klnds- JOURNALISM. 10 mins—llils Kelowna, the Kelowna Film Coun­ I^SKIMO SUMMER, colour, 20 KAMLOOPS—Five years of trying was Roger Elliott of Wcslwold. who Shingle Staining dim is u rapid, thougti dctall«Hl, patd-oir last week for Uie Basran was making his first npiR'aranco as cil announced today. Tlie list la minutes-Summer in the Eastern analysis of the nl*w.spaper business Spray Painting Arctic is very short, but ns tills pic­ Bros, of Kelowna. an exhibitor in a Kamloops spring .13 follows: from tlie standpoint of vocational ITiclr top-finish, weighty Here­ eboir. ' I By Expert Craftsmen CHILDREN OF THE CITY, 30 ture shows, th e 40.000 nomadic Es­ guidance. Tlie (Urn begins witii kimos living In these icy regions ford steer was named grand cham­ Show-Judge Raymond S. Husted Dr. Chase's Ointment minutes—Tills film deals with Juv­ scenes in a newspaper ofdce and of Los Angeles, one-time inunogcr No Job Too Difficult enile delinquency and seeks to pre- are a resourceful and industrious pion of the open market cattle sec­ tlicn sliows the varied lives of tion of tlie 31st Annual Provincial and part-owner of Uie famed Wyo­ ST race. In 1070 the Hudson’s Bay newspaper reporters. Tlicn It takes Company set Up a trading post, and Bull Sale and Fat Stock Show. ming Hereford Ranch, had to argue up the processea of editing, •citing Tlie grand champion—bred out of with lilmsclf for quite a few mo­ now there arc two hospitals which up, and printing tiie paiicr. Finally PAINTING & DECORATING provide medical services, as well ns the E. C. Weddell purebred herd at ments before ho could make up his of Kelowna the dim analysis general abilities Kelowna—won by a hnlrsbrcadth mind whether the Dasrnn or tho missionary establishments to pro­ needed for newspaper work in all SooR DIdg., 242 Lawrence Ave. ACCOUNTANT WANTED mote the growth of ChriUanlty. over a blocky Shorthorn exhibited Turner steer was tho grand cham­ Phone 905 Today as never before llio future branches. by 15-ycur-old Helene B. Turner, pion. of the Eastern Arctic Eskimo rests LETS ALL SING. No. 2, 10 mins. winner of the grand championship Tlicre wasn’t much to choose be­ with the development of air com­ —An animated sing-song Including: at last year’s show. Her entry came tween them, ho admitted after­ munications. O Susanna, Carry On, Shortenin’ from the Royal Oak hero oi he. wards—nor was there between any Bread, Pock Up Your Troubles. father, tlie noted James Turner, of tho divisional winners and run­ t h i s i s o u r CANADA, 10 lulns. ners-up in tho show. —(n) The Atomic Energy Project THE POLICEMAN, II mins. — Vancouver Island Shorthorn breed­ A wdl cstalilishcd local business requires reliable man at Chalk River, Ontario, (b) Can­ Through the eyes of a little lost er and perennial championship Evenly Fleshed ada’s trade mission to South Afri­ boy, we arc shown the policemen winner In the Shorthorn divisions He favored the Dasran animal with Kood education to keep full set of books. Handle ca—briefly sketches South Africa's ns friends of the community who of ICamloops and western Canada because it is "balanced a little bet­ industries an*^ the film ends with arc working for It and protecting Bull shows. ter and Is very well and evenly Floyd Shook of Clearwater was c(irres[)ondence, .small amount of typing. a native dan. . it twenty-four hours a day, fieshed." WORKERS ON THE LAND, 17 at the halter of the Basran Bros, All during the afternoon of Judg­ FOR HEALTH AND HAPPI­ grand champion. Another Basran State experience, personal particulars, salary expected NESS, 10 mins.—Describes some of mins.—This dim oilers suggestions ing leading up to the grand cham­ for improving living, training, and steer—this one out of the Casorso pionship, Mr. Iluslcd was up the fundamental facts of healthy herd at Kelowna—won the reserve in own handwriting to living and good nutrition which working conditions for farm labour against these very close decisions. so that workers may bo encouraged championship in the open division F or instance, in tho 930-1020 are necessary for the proper growth and placed third in the grand of young people. Numbers of lively, to stay on the farms during the pound class he found hardly a par­ winter. Careful training of farm championship competition. It was ticle of dlfforcnco between the BOX 1058, COURIER healthy children of all ages are shown in the ring by Jngindcr Bas­ shown ns examples of some who workers Is urged and farmers are three top animals—the Earlscourt advised to encourage their men to ran. Farms steer which won first prize, 60-2C have had the right food, exercise, Steady Climb sunshine, alTcctlon, companionship, take advantage of short courses and the C. G. Bryson & D. Lee entry Held dem onstrations. It is five years since the Basran that placed second, and the A. I't RETURN OF THE BUFFALO, 10 Bros, of Kelowna first began show­ W. Watt animal that was third...... mins.—An exciting film depicting ing their cattle at Kamloops. Year Earlscourt got the award because the near extermination of the buf­ by year their animals—all staff-fed the steer "handles better, is a bit falo and how its numbers were re­ at their Kelowna orchard — have more evcntly fleshed” than the at your WHEN YOU MAKE A CONNECTION WITH THE stored in CanadcTs National Parks. climbed up the ladder toward the “thicker” Bryson-Lce animal. Also on hand arc: Eskimo Sum­ blue ribbon but this is the first The Western Canadian Ranching SUrBWMT 8TOBB mer, Jack Frost, Painters of Que­ time the Basran entries have won Company’s challenge trophy was CITY MAIN SEWER- bec, Music in America, and Away major honors. Last year the best presented to A.C.T. Ranch of Ke­ With the Wind. Basran Bros, could do was the sixth lowna when its entry won the You Will Need There will be a preview of the prize in the heavyweight division. championship of the carlot division. new films on Friday evening at Helene Turner’s reserve grand The A.C.T. Ranch also won the N l All Vegetable the Okanagan Union Library, and champion also won the champion­ Hudson’s Bay Company’s challenge 4 •'inch all organizations who belong to the ship of the boys’ and girls’ division. trophy emblematic of the cham­ council are asked to have a r^re- Winner of the boys’ and girls' rc- pionship in the Group of 5 cattle . Laxative Eases Serve champjoiJC'’'” bccxion. Record Price Packers-buyers poured $41,573.41 Hubs and all other into the pockets of the cattle ran­ We have a good stock on hand including double Proceeds1 . From Haddad ■ ■ Concert to chers. Under auctioneer Mat Has­ types of fittings. son’s proddling, they paid more Overnight! than three cents per pound above Go Toward Kinsmen Hospital Ward current market prices for the 179- •S’" top-quality grain-fed cattle. When you’re tired, and farm: chores BUY “ELK BRAND” PORTLAND CEMENT himself. Their bids produced average m Noted Pianist Will Include Haddad has rapidly climbed the prices ranging from to 754 cents seem to weigh like a ton of bricks— —Made in B.C. Group of Syrian Folk Songs ladder of international renown in per pound above the averages of when you get dull headaches—^you in March 24 Concert the past few seasons. the 1948 sale. But because the num­ probably need a thorough, gentle His concertizing the ’47-’48 sea­ ber of cattle offered was less than "housecleleaning” with this a l l v e g b - George Haddad, Canada’s out­ son covered 25,000 miles, included half—170 as compared to 421 in 1948 TABLE Laxative. Nature’s Remedy is a standing young pianist, who is giv­ Mexico and Latin America, the —the proceeds are $32,400 less than real good medicine, for it’s made from ing a recital at the Scout Hall on British West Indies, Canada and last year’s. In 1948, 421 cattle sold vegetables and herbs. You just take Kelowna March 24 under the auspices of Ke­ the United States from Quebec to for $73,929.13; this year, 179 for one or two of the tablets at night, when lowna Kinsmen Club, will include San Francisco, from Vancouver to $41,573.41. needed, with a full glass of water, and Phone 757. in bis program a group of Syrian New York. Top price was the 50 cents per by morning you will have relief. folk songs which he has arranged Within thirty days last fall he pound paid to Jaginder Basran for triumphed at his Town Hall (N.Y.) his grand champion steer, the top- debut, opened the Toronto Sym­ finish weighty Hereford exhibited H onest M edicine, Used By phony Orchestra season, and gave by his family’s Kelowna concern, Farm ers For M any Y ears< a commsind performance at Gov­ Basran Bros., T. Eaton Co. was the ernment House in Ottawa for Their buyer. Nature’s Remedy is not a new-fangled CALVERT 1622 LE GARDEUR 1636 Excellencies; -the Gbvemoir Gen­ Canada Safeway Ltd. bought the idea. It’s time-tested and tried. eral of Canada and Viscountess show’s reserve grand champion, the Thousands of farmers believe in this Alexander of Tunis. splendid Shorthorn shown by Hel­ ALL VEGETABLE Medicine, because they He has-broken records among ene B. T urner of Royal Oak, 15- know it’s mighty hard to beat vegetables Canadian concert artists—ten con­ year-old daughter ^ of the well- and herbs for clearing up the system— certs in ten days followed his in­ known James Turner. Safeway making you feel good and eat good vitation to Government House. The paid her 35 cents a pound. again. Ask yom drug store for Nature’s tour that followed took him across Reserve Champion Remedy, called NR Tablets for short. the U.S.A. and back through Can­ Basran Bros.’ reserve champion Only 25 cents for 25 tablets. ada—his first concerts in the Cana­ of the open classes, another heavy­ »' ' "'VC- dian west since he left Saskatche­ weight Hereford, went to Pacific wan as a lad of 16 to study in To­ M eat Co. Ltd. fo r 3 0 ^ cents per TUMS fer tbe| HI . — 248 ronto. Since then his studies have pound. Tommv taken him on to New York to Sa- Roger Elliott of Westwolef got maroff, Vengerova, Horzowski, and 32^ cents a pound from Safeway to Dumesnil in Detroit. for the 903-pound Angus that was His musicianship grows as his the reserve champion of the junior I reputation widens, and the demand farmers’ division. QUICK RELIEF for for return engagements in the west The champion carlot brought 24^ Acid Indigestion after his initial tour last winter cents a pound and the champion Heartburn • 6os MADE BY THE MANUFACTURERS OF TUMS has been so great, that two months Group of 5 sold for 28; Pacific Meat of engagements in the west were was the buyer in each instance. booked for the fall of ’48, playing Both were exhibited by A.C.T. “YOU SAW IT IN THE COURIER” with leading symphony orchestras Ranch of Kelowna. and music clubs in Canada and the United States. An audience of 14,000 applauded |w. ^ s-'-yV< George Haddad’s playing of the Grieg Concerto in Detroit. The ap­ pearance was televised from De­ troit, and was Mr. Haddad’$ fourth .“VC;? > appearance with that famous or­ chestra in three years. It is believ­ ed that this was the first perform­ ance of a Canadian concert artist . 1 ierre Le Gardeur came to Canada in 1636. Governor of Three Rivers in 1648 and after­ to be televised. wards a member of the Sovereign Council. Also included in his program will He engaged in the fur trade and organ­ be a group of compositions by con­ ized the Company of Habitants. In 1647 Pierre’s son, Jean Baptiste, was elected Mayor of temporary Canadian composers. Himself a staunch advocate of he was granted the Seignories Quebec in 1663. He later formed a new fur com­ Canadian talent, Haddad always in­ pany to obtain greater returns for the colonists. cludes at least one composition by of Cournoyer and Repehtigny; a Canadian composer which he His brother Charles was made Truly a distinguished pioneer Canadian family. feels is worthy of being heard. The recital will be held at the Scout Hall on Thursday, March 24 at 8.00 p.m., under the auspices of the Kelowna Kinsmen Club. All proceeds will go toward the Kins­ men Children’s Hospital Ward. CCF SPEAKER Great Families Create Great Nations URGES GREATER CO-OPERATION the principles of democratic freedom E a r l y in the 17th Century; Thomas Wilkinson, who recently Tetumed from the east after at­ Calvert, head of the famous and religious tolerance which had tending several sessions of the House of Commons as well as the Calvert family, distinguished English previously been denied them. CCF national council meeting, addressed members of the Kelowna statesman and Secretary of State to The family is the corner-stone CCF club recently. The speaker commended O. L. Kingjames I, founded pioneer colo­ upon which great nations are built. Jones, M.P., and said he is co-op­ erating to the fullest extent with nies i n Newfoundland and Maryland. Let each of us strive to promote other members of parliament from B.C. to work out the problems fac­ w ith in th e g reat C an ad ian fam ily the ing this province. He said the CCF, Calvert’s descendants encouraged while criticizing government ac­ same concepts of freedom and toler­ tion, offered constructive criticism their New World settlers to build and was a hard working group. You’ll enjoy the rich, full-bodied flavour of Captain Morgan He advocated a co-operative and to work in harmony for the ance pioneered by the Calvert family, movement in solving present day Gold Label Rum in a Rum Highball, tall and mellow... problems. ' Common good. They also fostered over three hundred years ago; Rev. J. A. Petrie, retired U nit^ Pour one jigger of Captain Morgan Rum over a few cubes Church minister, spoke on “Chris­ tianity and the , Social Order”. of ice and fill glass with soda or dry ginger alet Present day Christianity is some­ thing intended primarily to regen­ Use Cola if you prefer* erate and improve conditions in the world, he said. . He agreed with the CCF protest that Christianity and the present ■ system cannot be reconciled. The present order is contradictory to Calvert religion as it is based on pursuing L i n i material wealth and gain with ev­ %4 ery man thinking only for himself, he declared. Christianity is a reli­ C O L D LA BEL gion to uplift and sanctify all hu­ man relationships. . . in national and international fields as well as only personal. He claimed the RUM present order sacrifices the many for the selfish gain of the few. C a l v e r t DISTILLERS (Canada) Limited In conclusion, Mr. Petrie felt that the two great drives of human life, The richflavour andfutl body of Captain Morgan Gold Label Rum AMHERSTBURG • ONTARIO satisfaction of hunger and satisfac­ result from master blending of carefully selected rare old rums. tion of love, could be combined in a Christian social order. 08 DtsrtAYeD «y mt UQUQt cowriot soabo o* by w i ooYmmtn or tmisu coiumtA, This advertisement is not published or displayed by the Liquor Control Board or by the Government of British Columbia Ernie Burnett was chairman.

„ . S, 1 I 1," •lit 'll ■ MONDAY, MARCH 14. IMt t h e KELOWNA COURIER

PAGE EIGHT a duly to the liberal i««rly. llipy should not give Up service to the Mure About VERNON WANTS Liberals and turn oroutid and walk North and Central Valley Citizens^ toward the Conservatives. IMMEDIATE Dr. Knox asked Mr. Gray to name COMMERCIAL WANTED one man who hod held offlee but ROAD ACTION And Public Bodies Condemn Gov’t who had voted Conservative. TRAVELLERS’ EXPERIENCED DRY GOODS Mr. Gray replied, "I was a can­ VnmON—Veriion City Council didate In UM5, hut I do know people has lost no time In enquiring how DEPARTMENT CLERK Policy in Rebuilding Vernon Road who had expresstrd themselves us From Page I, Column 7 long it will be until this city can . • • /■' going to voie vote v.onseivuwve. Conservative.'' jniiintcd the idea of placing '‘wish expect. linplemontatlon . of tl>e . sec- —cither man or lady— F'RNl )N citi/ciis the Board of Trade and the City Council, ^ ^ j,ard . eUg- Btratcgic locations and tion of the Goldcnbcrg report as it V i titi/.ti . I , f Kelowna residents, are to prove under the secret ballot S^s^wero playing n considerable afreets arterial highways rum. ng in .-KlditKMi to a hir^c nnniner oi tern but he did know people the funds of through municipalities, following Apply UP in arms over tlie condition of No. . hihlnv. > . _ J • ,.^prcBscd theniBclvcs n.s tl,^campaV^ rrhe^VancouvetClub an announcement mode reecnUy by ,,(,,1 . A swampy. sog|;y slonfjh of nunl. pockinarked with m vote Conservative. would^sk Urn Kelowna organlza- Hon. E C. Carson, minister of pub- BOX 1061, COURIER. 1 I 1 -vli-it motorists had to force their cars over when Man of 8 tan

Motorists found that travelling between ..... =s~“=sr“ -iSSSShrS t 1 5 c. per P a c k a g e TAKE NOTICE Program Change. It. II. iirown. Phm.B. E M n ^ ‘IIATTEH’8 CASTLE*’ wUl not ••The Modern Apothecary" A >AMOU» TNBATaa be shown Tbur., the 24th. rbono 58 about •JOHNNY BELINDA" will be Availability of Scata shown 3 days. 24-25-2Cth. tho ap- NOW SHOWING Thur., Fri at 7 and 9.03 dimiK^’a'id KlinbcrlW^Lcg”^^^ ThJ rcconatructcd highway was [uon*'e(pfdiditc would bo an "out- being replaced by a "scrvico BROWNS Sat. Cont. from 1 p.m. diniisiTiii'ivH wc»ro numerous andanu long-luuti- notnoi openedopenuu until unwi Sunday -afternoon,------cast m c^iiawn,Ottawa, ut»as nv.he wouldwvjwiv* i not.v/.. proach \... f.*it PRESCRIPTION iUvihv L 'lu cars, r;irs. trucks IrucKS and anu busesduj>l.u lineduulv* itowuvci However vi one*^. ^ «trctc . of the new , „,,owed in n government cau- fell t Id RETIRED CPR J p.m. - 3.03, .'■>00. Attend Miitinoe un waiting to be escorted tlirough road, u very steep incline, prove play an important role in the liR nig/^IM I^C n MON. TUES. WED Siiows. up wamm. ^ ______, „„,no v«>hiplo:;. Some r r- of the Okanagan. It was a sign, he L lN u lW llliK PHARMACY tho quagmire too much for some vehicle: Some ^ Stephens supported the siig- ..... ------, 7 - 0.03 p.m. Mat. Wed. a t 2 p.m. motorists abandoned their cars.— (.esnonijL'stion oiof iiuiiinnii*i>nnominating an .i.vvi....-indepen- sali of the----- Increased. *v,„ „«r.r,nr.-.ir. ilfo ■"Vernon'a City Council last Mon­ five and a half hours late on Us candidate. He pointed out the tlie Interior in the economic lift day nlglit also discussed the matter, PASSES AWAY The bus from Kelowna was over candidate polled the lowest of tho province. Jor, and Fav, both of Toronto; one ami Alderman David Howrio re- Sunday night run over (lie new j„ jjn. ]„[.t by-election. Due to illTicss in me la i 1 y .1. Henry Weatliorlll, retired Cana­ rniirkcd that a good deal of liarm to brother, Cecil, Detroit, Mich.; four road. "Tiie ciTect of tho resolution Is dian Pacific Railway engineer, died sisters, Mrs. A. Avis. Vancouver; tlio city is resulting from the con­ A few passersby reported seeing merely to ask the Conservatives to s'dcnt, was not pr^tnt in tl c y suddenly at liomc, Ij.30 DeHart Ave., dition of the roads to the south. Mrs. H. Loucks and Mrs. A. John­ 13^ sticks of dynamite in open boxes drop their candidate and come out and *i5„r»nnnld vice nrc- on Friday, Marcli 11, at G.*) i years. t i ston, Saskatoon, and Mrs. R. Bar­ The 'Vernon Board of 'I’radc was beside the road. with an independent candidate." he Arnold (Mac) McDonald, vice pre iruneral service will bo conducted prompt in taking action and the ber, of Rocky Mountain House, Al­ :s?Wl sident. by Veil. D. S. Catchpole from St. berta. mX executive sent a resolution to Hon. q’he old Mission Road detour will said, Michael and All Angels’ Anglican E. C. Carson, Minister Of Public now remain closed until public Churcli on Thursday, March 17, at Works; C. W. Morrow, MLA; and work crews can get it into better 2 p.m., witli Interment in the Kelo­ . v p w •from / m C D. Grigg, Assistant District En­ shape. Improvements arc being TRY COURIER C® made on the strctch.% under cons­ wna cemetery. M 6 M gineer, . condemning government Three Juveniles Found Mr. Wcathcrill came to Kelowna policy truction. The public works depart in December, 1941 from Winnipeg, WANT ADS Practically all the vehicles, who- nicnt has advised motorists to use where he was forced to leave the thcr they got through the detour or extreme care and not travel the railway employee by ill health. not, scraped along with the bottom road unless absolutely necessary, A sleep in Stolen A uto Left to mourn his passing arc his DENNIS of the chasls and.running boards wife, Olive; two daughters, Mrs. W. levelling the road. One motorist R. Hunter, Kelowna, and Mrs. Ir­ had the engine pan torn olT. More About ene Rowden, Prince Rupert; and fflOIH Unsung heroes of the situation Followins 300-M ile Trip one stepson. Jack Appleton, Kelow­ f J JACK B were the mechanics, truck drivers na. WILL UBERAL Sleep and police ran first and trail from Kamloops Pallbearers will be: Messrs. J 1948 Wardlaw, E. Bowers, G. Cross, C. C«IS0I PARTY ^cond in ^300- Pl^outh^and the loot were taken Olson, H. Cretin and F. Thomas. . f f t . LADIES Kamloops tjunctua- back to Kamloops on Wednesday, Remains are resting at Day’s Fun- & From Page 1. Column 8 Po banish that Down- No names were suggested as pro- store on \he Canadian Pacific main trouble before with at-Heel Feeling you baM /”S?lldotes .t ""'u° L^Llng to local polioo. It atl DEATH CALLS need only say ’’’Mcaifwhllo^t” s''knXn that tho The three boys—two ol them 14 stortd at 8 p.m. Monday, when Bie H. J. CONN LOOK HOPELESS? “DINKIE PLEASE” posed- T Thnmton of Vernon, pre- na Provincial Police while napping They apparently headed CARTOON and NEWS ward J. Thornton,------of Vernon, . p _ Kelowna at 1:30 elstoke and when hunger caught___ up_ The death occurred in Kelowna The Nickel Rim Heel grocery General Hospital on Saturday, Mar. To the averiiRe layman, yes! How About Making Up a ‘HATTER’S CASTLE" will not be stated thS^ if'* th r Liberals p“m“‘T^Te“sday,‘less than 24 hours af- with them broke into a S d e ahfad and nominate ter their “take-off" on the crime store at Malakwa, taking igroceries, 12, at the age of 60 years, of Henry Fortunately it’:j every man Matinee Party, Wednesday 2 p.m. shown Thur. the 24th. "JOHNNY At all High-Class Shoe candies and cigarets. James Conn. 2166 Woodlawn St. to his own I ’ade and ours is BELINDA” will be shown 3 days their own candidate,------“four good • * « cnsmininne BoiTi in Saskatoou, the late Mr. See and enjoy this HAPPINESS Arouse Suspicions Kelowna in 1940 from AUTO BODY WORK. SHOW. —24-25-26th. Repair Shops names” at least will come before tonight’s meeting for nomination. ARCHITECT WILL Doubling back* to Sicamo^, Uie jy^ga^ow Lake, Sask. He was a mem- Four Good Names stolen car vvas headed for Kelow- the Loyal Orange Lodge and We will restore that hope- OPEN OFFICE na. The boys are believed to have independent Order of Oddfel- le.ss wreck to its orij^inal He declined to reveal these “four lost their bearings and headed for beauty with all the care that good names” other than to say, one McCulloch, getting as far as Hy- Funeral service will be conducted is from Penticton, one from S^ni- IN KELOWNA draulic Creek before turning back, the chapel of Day’s Funeral only our experts are so fully merland, one from Kelowna and capable of. one from the north.” He further de­ E. O. Woods has. been appointed Appearance------of a passenger, ^ rt-- *•auto ggp^j^e ....on Wednesday,------March 16, “one Kelowna representative of I. on the McCuUoph road at this tune g p.m., under auspices of the at clined to state whether the Morrison, MRAIC.. architect Mr. qj t^e year aroused ^suspicion and joO F. and with Rev. D. M. Perley. from the north" was a Vernon man^ Morrison harbeen in practice in information to that effect was pass- {^Y^-^'‘churcC although well-inform^^^^ thrinterio'r s'in’ce 1932 with the ex- ed m to Kelowiia police. A^short f "{h^ ^ill act as ______2pt ■ ' Overseas Gift Parcels l"4iSatiSTnt"wero^^^^^ caption of two years .in New York ti„,e later^Corporal V^lham^Dayid, pgii^ga^ers: F._ Larcombe. O, MiMarr, TROLLY’S nomination if it were offered him.and'^my "service W h the Royal son~and Constable F. T. Baker In ^ X,- 4 1 C. Baltimore, N. Redstone, F. Free- Mr. Thornton termed it “quiteqnuc canadi^^E^^^neers iSrurineers in Canada and the nolieepolice car snottedspotted tthe stolen and A. Black. Burial will be AUTO BODY possible’’>RRible’’ that a_ candidate—. would overseas. a auto______in_____ East Kelowna. The three in Kelowna cemetery. FOE. EA STER . .. be nominated, judging from the supervising architect for jjgyg jjad pulled off to the side of He is survived by his wife, Ther­ general meeting of Yale Liberals m Canadian building at the New a road and were fast asleep. esa Elizabeth; three sons, Harvey, WORKS Huntley & Palmers Famous Biscuits may be ordered through this store Vernon a month ago. - „„ York World’s Fair and since the all outward appearances, the Earl and Ivor, all of Keloiyna; two 230 Leon Ave. Phone 1120 Penticton Liberals have been le - designed buildings such as undamaged in any way. daughters, Mrs. H. (Marjorie) Ma- up to'March 31st for Easter Delivery. A l l the biscuits and cakes offered ding the way for coahtion ^ Canadian Legion^at Pen- ^ ^gunt of fuel Conservatives in the fortncomi g .^jjg nev^^ wing of the Plaza tank, indicating, police made from “export ingredients,” superior to those offered for normal dominion vote. . . „ hotel in Kamloops and is now em- .thought, the boys had either pur- are At the outset of last triuay gjgygjj ^y Famous Players ta de- gjjagg^ or stolen gasoline some- ALBERTA OILS home consumption. All parcels listed may be shipped to British Isles, meeting, sign a 1 ,000-seat theatre for Kam- \^^^jjg^g along their flight route. We .invite those interested, either for investment ected president of the Kelowim Li- {gopg“iie''has also been engaged by Belgium, France, Holland, Poland, Austria, Czechoslovakia, D en m a rk , beral____ body___ the rmddle^ or lasi the CPR to +« supervise.et.norvicr^ construction nonstruction o r speculation, to write for this m o n th s ; special month, pointed out that me c^cc- remodelling of the railway oil edition of Finland, Italy, Norway, Germany (Western Zone). utive had considered the Penticton Kamloops. resolution, and that while it mu not ^ complete architectural service DID YOU KNOW “THE INVESTOR’S DIGEST approve the resolution, “ did en- offered to Kelowna people We heal for good mailed free on request. PARCEL NO. 17 dorse it in principle. Another res- Morrison setting up an BOILS—ECZEMA PARCEL NO. 11 olution was drafted by the local ™ 1 Dundee Cake (1 lb. 9 oz.) Housewife’s Parcel group, and he said only two mem­ PILES 1 Mixed Fruit Cake (1 lb. 6 oz.) bers of the ten-man executive op­ Internal and External. 1 Tin Short Cake (1 lb.) 1 tin Carnival Assorted (1% lbs.) posed the presentation to the Ke­ d e a t h References . Mail Order (JniemcM onat S o i {UnftdnaUon ./%cL 1 i/< lb. pkg. Chocolate Short Cake CALLS Delivered in Great Britain ...... $3.15 lowna meeting. 1 Dundee Cake (1 lb. 9 oz.) Text of Resolution BIO-HORMONE I DR. C. W. DICKSON PRODUCTS 2 lbs. Sugar Text of the local resolution reads Word was received this morning -'If 1 Jb. Margarine as follows:------v-i- of the death .of Dr. C. W. Dickson, 1064 W. Pender Tat. 1612 248 Bernard Ave., Kelowna PARCEL NO. 12 Whereas the Constituency of Yme government agent, in Grat­ 738 Fort St., "Yictbria, B.C. 2 i/.-lb. pkgs. Tea V*ancouver, B.C. 1 No. 4 tin Carnival Assorted Biscuits (.4^ lbs.) is presently representedihted in thetne ® yesterday , , mornmg.----- 61-M-4C Head Office: 569 Howe St., 'Vancouver, B.C. Delivered in Great Britain ...... $4.15 House of Commons at (Jtiaws "7 Dr. Dickson was well-known in :X Delivered in Great Britain ...... S2«^5 a member of the Canadian Com this district, having ranched near monwealth Federation. Winfield for many years before be­ And whereas such representative ing appointed government agent, He PARCEL NO. 18 does not enjoy the support of a ma­ retired two years ago. pa r c el NO. 13 jority of the electors in this con­ Mrs. W. J. Knox, a sister, is a- 1 Drum Carnival Assorted (2 lbs. net). —For Visitors to U.K. stituency. . 1 • „ mong the survivors. And whereas the overwhelming ® ---- Delivered in Great Britain .... SX»90 1 tin Luncheon Assorted (2^ lb.) weight of public opinion agressive- 1 tin Breakfast (Bread siib. J2 oz.) ly favors a consolidation of the an­ PENTICTON MAY A f-A d -M ti-socialist vote. J T tin Salad Sticks (7 oz.) • Now therefore be is resolved: PARCEL NO, 14 1 tin Savoury Snacks (1 lb. 6 oz.) That the Yale Liberal Association IMPORT PLAYERS $4.45 declare its unqualified opposition PENTICTON—^Two or three “im- —Epicure’s Parcel Delivered in Great Britain ...... (to a division of the anti-socialist ported” ball players may be drafted 1 Dundee Cake vote in the forthcoming general ^^e Penticton Club sen- J 1-;; lb. pkg. Carnival Assorted election., iors this year if members of me i yl lb. pkg. Berkeley PARCEL NO. 19 'That all persons and political as- club hccept an offer from Neu Mc- 1 '/, lb. pkg. Nice sociations favoring a consolidation Kerracher to assume a two or three 1 y lb. pkg; Petit Beaurre —For Visitors to U.K. of such voting strength be called year franchise of the club, 1 , lb. pkg. Ginger Nut upon to participate in the choice of ----— ^------— / 1 '/S lb, pkg. (Dsborne 1 No. 2 tin Ginger Nut (2Vi lb.) one candidate to contest the elec­ 1 i^lb. pkg.^Short Cake 1 No. 2 tin Short Cake (2V4 lb.) tion as an Independent candidate. LETTER TO THE -sofasty-maele wH4 Delivered in Great Britain ...... $3.75 1 No. 2 tin Petit Beurre (1% lb.) That such candidate be commit­ ted. if he be elected, to support EDITOR 1 No. 2 tin Digestive (1 lb. 10 oz.) such legislation as he considers in c.™,« ^■hOLB-QmH 06ILVIE 0/^$ Delivered in Great Britain ...... $4.70 the best interest of this constituen- REFUTES STATEMENT They’re quick and e a t v 1 PARCEL NO. 15 cy and consistent with the precepts Qgar Sir: In the Ottawa report, Tea Time Parcel of free enterprise. .* appearing in iThe Courier of atoren That the Liberal Association call 3 ^ j notice the following mis-state- 1 Square tin Osborne (3j/. lbs.) upon the Progressive Association mgnt: ^ - o u r appe..l ^ c S PARCEL MO. 20 to take such steps as are necessary Mr. Jones wrotes, “To my surprise, Delivered in Great Britain ...... $2.25 —Holiday Parcel to consolidate the strength of the progressive Conservatives, who o atm eal anti-socialist vote. yjgd advocated consulting the P^" CRISPS 1 tin Currant Short Cake ( 1 lb. 14 oz.) temperature: 375°f _ Towards the end that we may vinces before finally approving the M cup shortening 1 Mixed Fruit Cake (1 lb. 6 oz.) Time; 10 minutes assure a continuation of a stable entry of Newfoundland, voted cups brown sugar PARCEL NO. 16 V4 lb. Peppermint Creams teaspoon saJt and progressive form of govern- against Mr. LaCroix’s amendment, unbeaten —Children’s Parcel 1 tin Regal Assorted (1 lb. 2 oz.) ment. ' This amendment was to 1 0 cups OgiJvie Oats i l J^fP«°".b;'«kmgsoda 1 I ; lb. pkg. Osborne Mr. Hayman stated that today’s .jhat the provinces be consulted at 0 teaspoon ginger 1 No. 1 tin Party I ly lb. pkg. Digestive , § 3 ^ 5 trend of public thinking favors no- once, and if favdrable, the proceed- cups OgiIyieaJJ.punx,.se flour teaspoon cinnamon 1 !/• lb. pkg. Milk and Honey yi teaspoon mace Delivered in Great Britain minating a candidate agreeable to jngg of admission of Newfoundmnd / v A 1 >/;ib. pkg. Berkeley both Liberals and Conservatives. .^^Quld be brought to a satisfactory tempera*ture°'^Add"n^K‘^ “ l>PwJ-Jet sf ^ 1 ■ *; lb. pkg. Ginger Nuts ‘Don’t think we are defeatists of conclusion.” 1 No. 2 tin Custard Creams (2^ lbs.) the Liberal cause by embarking on m t. LaCroix’s sub-amendment 1 No. 1 tin Harrow Wafers (15 oz.) PARCEL NO. 21 a temporary expedient,” he declar- actually reads: “That the wwt^, ' ’A>/ 1 Special tin Barley (1 lb. 1 oz.) ed. ’ ‘after they will have ^ven tbmr oiled co o k ieV h ^ roll in p a W of 2 ‘i lb. blocks Chocolate Birthday or .‘Anniversary Cake (10 lbs.) moderate ov„n .%tten with the tin« P^/>cc on Dr. W. J. Knox, former president eonsent,’ be substituted for tne moderate oven. W K,;;of a fork. Bak; O o o , 1 y. lb. pkg. Osborne of the B.C. Liberal Association, words ‘upon a satisfactory pondu- k i n c "iiV. Delivered in Great Britain $5.60 Delivered in Great Britain $12.00 spoke in favor of running a can- gj^n of such consultation.’” (Han- didate approved by Liberals and gard 1949, page 562). PLEASE NOTE--All prices quoted are postpaid prices to any address in Great Britain Conservatives. Mr. Drew’s amendment, to the ■‘The trend of thought is that if effect that the provinces should be t h e y s h o u l d or Eire. Slightly higher prices on parcels to European countries. We accept mail orders three candidates run, O. L. Jones consulted in any change 01 h a r d . • • wUl be elected,” he declared. “There constitution, is identical if cheque or rhoney order is enclosed and will mail receipt. Please cut out this adver­ is no way of losing young people stand taken by that great Dioe ^” ^**YOUR°cHaDREH VITA-B tis e m e n t for future reference. Order parcels by number. faster to the C.C.F. than for the leader. Sir 'Wilfrid Launer, ,w s e r v e y o u r ^ „ost X Liberals and Conservatives stick- said: THE LARGEST INDEPENDENT FOOD STORE IN KELOWNA ing to party principles. If we do “Confederation is a compa , * r S r « h y yXLU what we think is best for the peo- made originaUy by provmce , S e n .eel f - ” ™ ^ pie; these young people will know but adhered to by all the nine pro- '-/J' we are thinking of the commun- vinces who have entered it, ana from delicious — -f,3,'f,re . Rich and ity at large and not merely the submit to the judgment or tni party,” he stated. House and to the best W. Newton opposed the resolu- of “'^embers ^ a t creamy tion. and thought there was little should not ke ligld^y a^^e e^- Vitamin B. tMtOR, kate w-'KEH. GORDON’S chance of the Conservatives with should be altered only for adequate vniltt V/OWEHS tOITO , ^.Q^SUtt drawing their candidate. A. W. cause, ----and after the provinces Gray was equally outspoken. “The themselves have had a ■< your lOCAt HEWSPa reason the Liberal party is weak is ty to because of provincial coalition,” h e (Hansard 1906-7j^ page ^ M ASTER M ARKET Richard Stirling. OVO-2* charged. yV'-'y-y y~ LIMITED The Rutland fruit grower said,, Kelowna. 313 Bernard Ave. ‘“nicre are too many Liberals hol­ ' /y P hon e 30 ding office today who have voted t r y c o u r ie r CLASSIFIEDS Conservative in the past. They owe f o r q u ic k r e s u l t s

: ' ,1 M' , . ; r ' . . ' ’''I' i':'i, ' ' l ' i ; 7 , ; '7 .I;./ ;;''j'',i'.',■ ' . Ksfc: !■' l;i: XX'''.if; £ifi ■ i l ^l s ' 311:^ ‘S'iSS' !i;';ifiS'' iS : •;