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THE DEFENCE REGULATIONS 1040 to (No 104 No. 60. ■' THE DEFENCE REGULATIONS 1040 TO (No. 0) 1942. χ . ORDER MADE BY THE COMPETENT AUTHORITY UNDER REGULATION 61. In exercise of the powers vested in me by virtue of my appointment by the Governor as Competent Authority for the purpose of regu­ lation 61 of the Defence Regulations, 1940 to (No. 9) 1942, I hereby order as follows :— 1. This Order may be cited as the Defence (Returns of Agricultural Produce) Order, 1943. 2. For the purposes of this Order— " Agricultural Produce " means, wheat, barley, vetches and broad beans. " Local Purchases Officer " means any person or body of persons whom I may appoint as such. " Producer " means the owner or occupier of any land sown with agricultural produce for the 1943 harvest, and includes a part­owner or part­occupier of such land and any person having a share or interest in such agricultural produce. 3.—(1) Every producer shall on or before 20th March, 1943, deliver to the Local Purchases Officer of the town or village in which the agricultural produce is grown, a signed declaration setting out the following particulars :— (a) name and place of residence ; (6) number of persons ordinarily resident in his household ; (c) the number and kind of animals and number of poultry owned by him or other 'members of his household ; (d) the number of donums of wheat, barley, vetches and broad beans sown by him for­the 1943 harvest; (e) the number of donums of wheat, barley, vetches and broad beans which he proposes to sow for the 1944 harvest; and (/) in the case of partnerships, his share in the agricultural produce expected to be produced and the name or names of his partner or partners. (2) No person shall include his household in more than one return. 4. Every person shall permit such person as I may authorize in writing in that behalf to enter upon and inspect his premises for the purpose of ascertaining whether the provisions of this Order have been or are being­ complied with or for the purpose of checking the correctness or accuracy of any declaration made by such person under the provisions of this Order. 5. Any person who— (a) contravenes or fails to comply with any of the provisions of this Order ; (b) makes any declaration under this Order which is false in any material particular ; (c) knowingly misleads or otherwise interferes with or impedes any person exercising any powers or performing any duties under this Order ; is liable to the penalties prescribed in regulation 94 of the Defence Regu­ lations, 1940 to (No. 9) 1942. 6. The provisions of this Order shall not apply— [a) to agricultural produce grown in any of the villages set out in the Schedule hereto ; (ό) to any broad beans grown on land not exceeding one quarter of a donum in extent. 105 SCHEDULE. NICOSIA DISTRICT. Apliki. Ayios Epiphanios. Ayios Epiphanios. Ayios Theodhoros Tillirias. Gourri (Vourri). Ayion Yeorghoudhi. Kambi Pharmakas. Ohakistra. Lazania. Galata. Paleokhorio (Dagh). Kakopetria. Pharmakas. Kaliana. Philani. Kalopanayiotis. Phikardhou. Kambos. Alithinou. Khaleri. Alona. Korakou. Askas. Kourdhali. Ayia Irini. Mavrovouni. Ayios Yeoryios Kafkalou. Milikouri. Kannavia. Mosphileri (Mosphili). Lagoudhera. Moutoullas. Livadhia. Nicos. Mandres. Pedhoulas. Paleokhorio (Morphou). Selain t' Api. Phterykoudhi. Selemani (Ayios Ioannis) Sina Oros. Platanistasa. Spilia. Polystipos. Skouriotissa. Sarandi. Tembria. Xyliatos. Varisha. Agroladhou. Vroisha. Alevga. Yerakies. Asinou. LARNACA DISTRICT. Ayii Vavatsinias. Odhou. Delikipo. Vavatsinia. KYRENIA DISTRICT. Keumurju. Plesia. Kremama Kamilou. Platymatis. Krinia Sinai tikou. Vavilas. LIMASSOL DISTRICT. Akapnou. Arsos. Apesia. Ayios Dhimitrios. Apsiou. Ayios Ioannis. Arakapas. Ayios Mamas. Asgata. Ayios Theodhoros. Athrakos. Dhymes. Ayios Konstantinos. Kaminaria. Ayios Pavlos. Kapilio. Dhierona (Yerona). Prastio. Ephtagonia. Sanidha. Kalokhorio . Spitali. Kellaki. Sykopetra. Klonari. Vasa. Korphi. Vikla. Louvaras. Yerasa. Amiandos, Kato and Pano. Zoopiyi. Agridhia. Kato Mylos. Agros; Khandria. 106 LIMASSOL DISTRICT—continued. Kilani. Phini. .. Platrcs, Kato (Tornaridhes) Kissoiisa. Platres, Pano. Kouka. Kyperounda. Potamiou. Lemithou. Potamitissa. Mallia. Prodhromos. Mandria. Trimiklini. Moniatis. Trie Elies. Omodhos. ,·■ -;· -; .- · Vasa, Paleomylos. ■ Vouni. Polendria. Yerovasa. Pcrapedhi. PAPIIOS DISTRICT. Akoursos. Arkhim andrita, Κ at ο. Kallepia. Arminou. Kourtaka. Asproyia. Moronero. Ayia Marina. Pitargou. Ayios Nikolaos. Akoiirdhalia, Pano. Ayios Photios. Ayia Marina. Gal ataxia. Ayios Dhimitrianos. Kannaviou. Ayios Isidhoros. Kedhares. Ayios Merkourios. Kilinia. Dhrinia. Kithasi. Karamoullidhes. Lemona. Kinousa. Malounda. Livadhi. Mamoundali. Loukrounou. Marona. Meladhia. Mesana. Melamiou. Mousere. Milia. Panayia Pano. Milion. Pendalia. Myrmikoph. Phalia. Phasli. Philousa. Paleambcla. Pretori. Psathi (Psakhi). Salamiou. Sarama. Statos. Trimithousa. Trakhypedhonla. Zakharia. J. MCDONALD, Director of Agriculture, Competent Authority No. 01. THE DEFENCE REGULATIONS, 1940 TO (No. 9) 1942. ORDER MADE BY THE BOARD; FOE THE DISTRICT OF NICOSIA. ^ NoticerNo. 21 Under Clause 4. The Schedule is hereby amended by the- deletion therefrom of Parts 27, 31 and 34 (relating to Kolokass, Onions and Fresh Peas respectively). ■"■■',.'-' B. J. WESTON, Chairman of the Board for the District of Nicosia: .
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    No, 239. THE DEFENCE REGULATIONS, 1940 TO (No. 1) 1948. ORDER MADE BY THE COMPETENT AUTHORITY UNDER REGULATION· 61. / In exercise of the powers vested in me-by virtue of my appointment by the Governor as a Competent Authority for the purposes of regulation 61 of the Defence Regulations, 1940 to (No. 1) 1943, Τ hereby order as follows:— ·"■·■· :'-- 1. This Order may be cited as the Defence (Returns of Cowpeas) Order, Ϊ943. 2. For the purposes of this Order— - ,.\:1.' . ·.·;;. .... " Local Purchases Officer " means any person or body of persons appointed: under φβ Defence (Returns of Agricultural Produce) Order, 1943. .'. Gazette: " Producer " means the owner or occupier of any land sown with cowpeas Supplement for the 1943 harvest. No. 3: , 4 3 1943 3. Every producer shall on or before the 17th July, 1943, deliver to the Local ' ' Purchases Officer of the town or village in which the cowpeas are grown a signed declaration setting out the folio wing particulars :■— _ ·; '■'·.'■' (a) the number of donums of cowpeas sown by him for the 1943' harvest; (b) his expected production of cowpeas from such harvest ;..and (c) the number of persons ordinarily resident in his household. Where no Local Purchases Officer has been appointed the return shall be delivered to the Mukhtar of the village in which the cowpeas are grown. 4. Every person shall permit such person as I may authorize in writing in that behalf to enter and inspect his premises or property for the purpose of ascertaining whether tho provisions of this Order have been or arc being complied with or for the purpose of checking the correctness or accuracy of any declaration made by such person under the provision's of this Order.
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