Inner and Outer Models for Constructive Set Theories
Inner and Outer Models for Constructive Set Theories Robert S. Lubarsky Dept. of Mathematical Sciences Florida Atlantic University Boca Raton, FL 33431 August 2, 2018 Abstract We give a set-theoretic presentation of models of constructive set the- ory. The models are mostly Heyting-valued and Kripke models, and con- structions that combine both of those ideas. The focus is on the kinds of constructions that come up in practice when developing models for par- ticular independence results, such as full models, settling, permutation models, and the use of classical generics. We try to convey some of the intuition behind these constructions, such as topological models as forc- ing a new, generic point, and Kripke models as allowing a change in the underlying universe. The discussion of inner models includes not only permutation sub-models but also L, its basics, and examples of coding constructions from V into L. keywords: Heyting-valued models, topological models, Kripke models, full models, settling, forcing, L AMS 2010 MSC: 03C90, 03E35, 03E40, 03E45, 03E70, 03F50, 03H05 1 Introduction A mathematician who is classically trained, as most are, could well wonder, when confronted with constructivism, what sense it could make. How could Excluded Middle possibly fail, as well as other classical validities? One can give philosophical motivations, say about increasing knowledge over time or the cen- trality of constructions, or proof-theoretic demonstrations of the underivability of these principles, perhaps by cut-elimination leading to normal form theorems coupled with the observation that some such principle has no normal form proof.
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