THE AUTHORITATIVE MAGAZINE ABOUT HIGH FIDELITY APRIL 1976 75C 47425 20,000 -Watt Home Hi-Fi System AmericanRadioHistory.Com PIONEER HAS DEVELOPED «; A RECEIVER EVEN MARANTZ, KENWOOD AND SANSUI WILL HAVE TO ADMIT IS THE BEST. AmericanRadioHistory.Com OU.S. PIONEER ELECTRONICS CORP., 1976. AmericanRadioHistory.Com April, 1976 "Successor to RADfQ Est. 1917" Vol. 60, No. 4 with. Feature Articles 32 Understanding the NAB EQ Standard/Herman Burstein the 44 20,000 Watt Home Hi-Fi/Richard S. Burwen 74 "Celebrating the Duke"by Ralph J. Gleason/Dan Morgenstern best: Equipment Profiles 60 Otari MX-5050-2SH/George W. Tillett 62 Sound Guard Record Preservative/B. V. Pisha First compare °fouls 64 Mark Levinson JC-2 Preamp/Bascom H. King to the Stax UA -7M4 70 Allison:One Speaker System/Richard C. Heyser Polymer damped Jeweler bearings-no Record Reviews knife edges to chatter or uni -pivots to flop 76 The Column Gold -flashed contacts, 88 Canby's Capsules/Edward Tatnall Canby leads, pins and cab -es. 89 Classical Reviews/Edward Tatnall Canby Interchangeable head - 92 Jazz & Blues shells of resonance-f-ee cast aluminum. Audio In General Patented anti -skate system 4 Audioclinic/Joseph Giovanelli which modifies with respect to 6 Tape Guide/Herman Burstein arm position on -ece d. 10 What's New in Audio Bearing frictian and teMo- 12 Dear Editor nance figures that sate the art 18 Audio ETC/Edward Tatnall Canby form 24 Behind The Scenes/Bert Whyte 58 then-find out an arm is listen - Tape Guide II/Herman Burstein able? 78 Advertising Index 97 Classified Advertising /Only $183 from franchised American Audiorort dealers. EDITOR Eugene Pius III PUBLISHER Jay L. Butler ASSOCIATE EDITOR Edward Tatnall Canby MARKETING DIRECTOR Sanford L. Cahn ASSOCIATE EDITOR Bert Whyte DESIGN Janet Lee ADVERTISING PRODUCTION Lynn Lyons CIRCULATION MANAGER Jean Davis Contributing Editors: Herman Burstein, Martin Clifford, Fred De Van, Leonard Feldman, Martha Sanders Gilmore, Joseph Giovanelli, Richard C. Heyser, Bascom H. King, C.G. McProud, Dan Morgenstern, B.V. Pisha, Donald M. Spoto, George W. Tillett, Jon Tiven. AUDIO (title registered U.S. Pat. Off.) is published monthly by North American Publishing Co., Irvin J. 13orowsky, President; Frank Nemeyer, and Jay L. Butler, Vice Presidents; R. Kenneth Baxter, Vice President/Production; Vic Brody, Promotion Director; Mary Claffey, Circulation Director. RATES-United States only: 1 year for $7.00, 2 years for $12.00, 3 years for $17.00; outside the U.S.: 1 year for $9.00, 2 years for $16.00, and 3 years for $23.00. Printed in U.S.A. at Columbus, Ohio. All rights reserved. Entire contents copyrighted 1976 by North American Publishing Co. Second class postage paid at Philadelphia, Pa. and additional mailing office. Back issues, $2.00 each. World Library Congress number: ISSN 0004-752X. Dewey Decimal number: 621.381 or 778.5. REGIONAL SALES OFFICES: Jay L. Butler, Publisher and Sanford L. Cahn, Marketing Director, 41 East 42nd St., New York, N.Y. 10017, telephone (212) 687-8924. Jay Martin, 2525 West 8th St., Los Angeles, California, 90057, telephone (213) 385-2917. REPRESENTATIVES: Continental Europe: V. B. Sanders, International Publishers Advertising Service, Raadhuisstraat 24, Graft -De -Rip, Holland; telephone 02997-1303. For Benelux and Germany, W.J.M. Saunders, Mgr., Herengracht 365. Amsterdam, Holland, telephone 24.09.08. Japan: Japan Printing News Co., Ltd., No. 13.2 Chome Ginza Higasi, Chuo-ku, Tokyo, telephone 541-5795. AUDIO Editorial and Publishing Offices, 401 No. Broad St., Philadelphia, Pa. 19108 Postmaster: Send Form 3579 to the above address AmericanRadioHistory.Com Blueprint for Flat Frequency Response In the graph below, frequency response was measured using the CBS 100 Test Record, which sweeps from 20-20.000 Hz. The vertical tracking force was set at one gram. Nominal system capacitance was calibrated to he 300 picofarads and the standard 47K ohm resistance was maintained throughout testing. The upper curves represent the frequency response of the right (red) and left (green) channels. The distance between the upper and lower curves represents separation between the charnels in decibels. The inset oscilloscope photo exhibits the cartridge's response to o recorded 1000 Hz square wave indicating its resonant and transient response. Smooth, flat response from 20-20,000 Hz is the most distinct advantage of Empire's 5` new stereo cartridge, the 2000Z. The extreme accuracy of ° zo its reproduction allows you the luxury of fine-tuning your audio system exactly the way you kHz nhir Frepuency In Hi (Cyder per secorw) want it. With the 2000Z, you can exaggerate highs, accentuate lows or leave it flat. You can - make your own`/r adjustments without being tied to the dips and peaks characteristic of most other cartridges. Fora great many people, D \, this alone is reasoneas for ..-' owning the Z. However, we engineered this cartridge to give you more. And it does. Tight channel balance, wide sepa- ration, low tracking force and excellent tracking 1. \/. ability combine to give you total performance. ,, See for yourself in the specifications below, then go to your audio dealer far a demonstration you ![ won't soon forget. The Empire 2000Z. Already your system sounds better. Frequency Response- 20 to 20K Hz ± 1 db using CBS 100 test record Recommended Tracking Force -3/4 to 1'/4 grams (specification given using 1 gram VTF) Separation -20 db 20 Hz to 500 Hz 30db 500 Hzto15KHz 25 db 15K Hz to 20K Hz I.M. Distortion- (RCA 12-5-105) less than 08% .2K Hz to20KHz10 3.54 cm/sec Stylus -0 2 x 0 7 mil diamond Effective Tip Mass -0.2 mg. Compliance-lateral 30X10-6 cm/dyne vertical 30X10-6 cm/dyne Tracking Ability -0.9 grams for 38 cm per sec (a 1000 Hz 0.8 grams for 30 cm per sec lu 400 Hz Channel Balance-within 3/4 db is 1 kHz Tracking Angle- 20° Recommended Load -47 K Ohms Nominal Total System Capacitance required 300 pF Output - 3mv 0 3 5 cm per sec using CBS 100 test record D.C. Resistance- 1100 Ohms Inductance -675 mH Number and Type of Poles- 16 Laminations in a 4 pole configuration Number of Coils- 4(1 pair/channel -hum cancelling) Number of Magnets -3 positioned to eliminate microphonics Type of Cartridge- Fully shielded, moving iron Check No. 11 on Reader Service Card AmericanRadioHistory.Com Audioclinic Joseph Giovanelli Noisy Antenna Rotator (Do NOT use electrolytic types.) If installation properly. (This assumes Q. 1 use an FM -band antenna, with your rotator has only three con- that the company does put the FM shielded 300 -ohm cable and drain nections, use two capacitors; if it has signals on the line.) wire, together with a rotator which is four connections, use three capaci- If you wish to check to see if this di- noisy when only rotating. The noise is tors, etc. rect pickup is really what is taking present during rotation whether or If it happens that you listen to just place, disconnect the tuner from the not the is drain wire connected to the one station, and if this station has re- cable and connect it to a regular an- tuner. The shielded lead-in is new cently begun SCA broadcasts, your tenna, which may be an indoor diple cable and never touches the boom, tuner may not handle this situation for this application. Determine mast or other metal on its way down well. Even if your tuner is equipped whether the stereo is still plauged by to the tuner. It never contacts the line with the appropriate rejection cir- the high-pitched whistle. If it is, feeding power to the rotator. cuits, they may be misaligned. While chances are that there is something Somehow, leakage from the motor you are checking alignment, check within the tuner. must be getting to the tuner's antenna detector and MX circuit alignment. input via the shielded lead-in. I thought at first it might possibly be Steps in Tone Controls coming from the rotator control box Stereo Interference with Q. I own an integrated amplifier in the house, but I moved this unit Cable Reception having twin tone controls for both into another room with no change in Q. My year -old tuner is connected bass and treble which move in the noise level. I have also tried bring- to cable TV. I get a high-pitched tone stepped increments of ±2 dB. Since ing the lead-in drain wire to a cold when my tuner is in the stereo mode. the human ear can only detect a water pipe with no luck. The filter helps a little, but the sound change of volume of 3 dB or greater, What do you think is the cause of is still bad. Reception was fine before I why are more and more manu- my problem and do you have any got cable TV. What is wrong? What facturers coming out with this type of ideas about how I can eliminate the can 1 do?-Charles David, Ft. Wayne, system?-Gregory E. Gill, Fort Wayne, noise?-Stanley L. Alekman, Newark, Ind. Ind. Del. A. If your FM reception deterio- A. Actually, the human ear can or- A. I think that the rotator produces rated immediately upon installing the dinarily hear volume changes of 1 dB the noise and more specifically that cable, I would have to think that your about and under special condi- the noise is produced by the system stereo interference is caused by the tions can detect changes of as little as which indicates the direction in which reception of "direct" signals at the 0.25 dB.
Home Entertainment Guide BDP-LX71 for More Than 70 Years Our Standard Has Been to Reproduce a Sound That Comes Strikingly Close to the Original
Home Entertainment Guide BDP-LX71 For more than 70 years our standard has been to reproduce a sound that comes strikingly close to the original. Pure, clear, undistorted and complete in all its fine details. From the evocative power of the human voice in song, the fine nuances of a masterfully played violin or the driving dynamics of a rock band to the rich soundscapes, music and sound effects of movies. From the finest detail of today’s high definition video formats to colours of striking vibrancy and purity. We are dedicated to bringing all this right into your home, and giving you an immersive experience you never imagined possible. Whether on Blu-ray Disc, DVD or Super Audio CD, on CD, MP3 player or USB stick. To achieve this, we employ today’s most effective solutions: selected digital technologies that enable us to come closer than ever to the results intended by the artists, performers and directors. At Pioneer, we don’t just develop and manufacture products. We create digital performing artists, who promise you a unique experience that’s true to the original. Enjoy. seeing and hearing like never before 2 AV Amplifier/AV Receivers – Page 4 Blu-ray Disc Players – Page 14 DVD Players – Page 22 Audio Components – Page 28 Home Cinema Systems – Page 36 Speakers – Page 46 Technical Data – Page 56 Home entertainment combination options – Page 72 Other home entertainment products – Page 80 3 4 Power meets sensitivity. AV AMPLIFIER AV RECEIVERS 5 Sounds and images that jump out at you. 6 Up close and personal.
FREE NO MEAN CITY PDF Alexander McArthur,H.Kingsley Long | 320 pages | 22 Jun 1984 | Transworld Publishers Ltd | 9780552075831 | English | London, United Kingdom No Mean City by A. McArthur No Mean City is the tenth studio album by the Scottish hard rock band Nazarethreleased in The album title comes from the novel No Mean City and features artwork illustrated by Rodney Matthews. With this record the band's sound was heavier, No Mean City the addition of guitarist Zal Cleminson of The Sensational Alex Harvey Band. Earlier remasters included the song Greens as a bonus track. This is not available on the 30th Anniversary remaster of No Mean Citybut is instead found on the same such remaster of Expect No Mercy. From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. This article needs additional No Mean City for verification. Please help improve this article by adding citations to reliable sources. Unsourced material may be challenged and removed. Smash Hits February 8—21, : Hidden categories: Articles needing additional references from December No Mean City articles needing additional references Articles with short description Short description is different from Wikidata Articles with hAudio microformats Album articles lacking alt text for covers. Namespaces Article Talk. Views Read Edit View history. Help Learn to edit Community portal Recent changes Upload file. Download as PDF Printable version. Hard rockblues rock. Expect No Mercy No Mean City Malice in Wonderland Smash Hits. Zal Cleminson. No Mean City | A Guide to Indianapolis Communities & Culture Goodreads helps you keep track of books you want to read. Want to Read saving…. Want to Read Currently Reading Read.
Alex Harvey and “The Tomahawk Kid”: Mode and Interpretation
Alex Harvey and “The Tomahawk Kid”: Mode and Interpretation David Montgomery Abstract: Alex Harvey and the Sensational Alex Harvey Band achieved only marginal popularity during Harvey’s lifetime. Yet an examination of Harvey’s “The Tomahawk Kid,” based on Robert Louis Stevenson’s Treasure Island, shows an idiosyncratic musical style that combines rock and Scottish Celtic influences, subtle textual interpretation, unique compositional choices, and modal tonalities. Introduction The academic study of popular music oscillates between two preoccupations. On one hand, the dogmas of sub-cultural theory still influence popular music discourse and general cultural theory to a great degree. On the other hand, this discourse cannot escape the parameters of its label— popular. In essence, the two poles may be staked as cultural theory versus popular appreciation; but in a way difficult to describe, the application of critical theory has begun to seem more like an attempt to avoid an aesthetic conundrum— a kind of elevation of the demotic artefact to a height it cannot bear. Ever resourceful, the practitioners of popular music studies have wriggled out of this quandary and into the at least temporarily secure embrace of post feminist studies, world pop, and the ethnography of locale; in other words, into areas where inquiry is either of self-evident importance, exotic, or comfortably esoteric. Even if the locale is no more exotic than Glasgow, Scotland or Montgomery, Alabama, or the object mundane, the conceit of the critical stance has proven sufficient. Things change, canons crumble, time has done its work. The difficult “aesthetics” of popular music studies, the indeterminate nature of its aims, is a nagging problem.
Key - $ = US Number One (1959-date), ✮ UK Million Seller, ➜ Still in Top 75 at this time. A line in red 12 Dec 98 Take Me There (Blackstreet & Mya featuring Mase & Blinky Blink) 7 9 indicates a Number 1, a line in blue indicate a Top 10 hit. 10 Jul 99 Get Ready 32 4 20 Nov 04 Welcome Back/Breathe Stretch Shake 29 2 MARXMAN Total Hits : 8 Total Weeks : 45 Anglo-Irish male rap/vocal/DJ group - Stephen Brown, Hollis Byrne, Oisin Lunny and DJ K One 06 Mar 93 All About Eve 28 4 MASH American male session vocal group - John Bahler, Tom Bahler, Ian Freebairn-Smith and Ron Hicklin 01 May 93 Ship Ahoy 64 1 10 May 80 Theme From M*A*S*H (Suicide Is Painless) 1 12 Total Hits : 2 Total Weeks : 5 Total Hits : 1 Total Weeks : 12 MARY JANE GIRLS American female vocal group, protégées of Rick James, made up of Cheryl Ann Bailey, Candice Ghant, MASH! Joanne McDuffie, Yvette Marine & Kimberley Wuletich although McDuffie was the only singer who Anglo-American male/female vocal group appeared on the records 21 May 94 U Don't Have To Say U Love Me 37 2 21 May 83 Candy Man 60 4 04 Feb 95 Let's Spend The Night Together 66 1 25 Jun 83 All Night Long 13 9 Total Hits : 2 Total Weeks : 3 08 Oct 83 Boys 74 1 18 Feb 95 All Night Long (Remix) 51 1 MASON Dutch male DJ/producer Iason Chronis, born 17/1/80 Total Hits : 4 Total Weeks : 15 27 Jan 07 Perfect (Exceeder) (Mason vs Princess Superstar) 3 16 MARY MARY Total Hits : 1 Total Weeks : 16 American female vocal duo - sisters Erica (born 29/4/72) & Trecina (born 1/5/74) Atkins-Campbell 10 Jun 00 Shackles (Praise You)
NO MEAN CITY PDF, EPUB, EBOOK Alexander McArthur,H.Kingsley Long | 320 pages | 22 Jun 1984 | Transworld Publishers Ltd | 9780552075831 | English | London, United Kingdom No Mean City PDF Book I remember being fascinated and discovered in my later years that it was the realism which had appalled my grandmother. Jul 16, Iain rated it liked it. Oct 05, George added it. It has been a bit of a surprise to me to find that my childhood memories bear very little resemblance to the image of Glasgow as it appears in a whole group of popular books and films. Coal was still being used for household heating, milk was still delivered in glass bottles, everybody smoked either pipes or cigarettes, and dirty-faced little boys ran around the streets selling papers. The lives of all of the inhabitants of this novel just seem so incredibly depressing, and filled with violence and hardship. The main character, Johnnie Stark, sees no future beyond The Gorbals and instead fashions his life around being 'top dog' in the dank and miserable arenas that are the tenement buildings and miserable public houses. Energetic Happy Hypnotic. Johnnie becomes "Razor King" of the slums, fighting and slashing his way to fearsome notoriety among the local gangs. I would say it is a book of its time and although it has stood the test of time, it is sometimes quaint and old- fashioned in its language structure. Also, the emphasis on heavy twin-guitar means there is less of the experimentation that distinguishes the best Nazareth album. Would we have escaped their fate any better? Sign In. VOLUME XL - NUMBER 48 - APRIL 14, 1979 THE INTERNATIONAL MUSIC RECORD WEEKLY COSH BOX GEORGE ALBERT President and Publisher If The Price Is Right MEL ALBERT EDITORIAL Vice President and General Manager of records by these un- In the wake of discussions on alternative pricing structures for is a way to increase exposure and sales CHUCK MEYER and similar com- known artists, while at the same time encouraging the consumer Director of Marketing new artists at the recent NARM convention, ments from rack jobbers in this week's survey article (page 8), we to be more willing to take a chance on lesser known acts. to DAVE FULTON believe that the following editorial from the Oct. 7, 1978 issue of We propose a sliding scale of suggested retail list prices Editor In Chief The Cash Box warrants reprinting. While a number of industry ex- cover the various career stages that artists pass through. the J.B. CARMICLE ecutives responded favorably to the concept presented therein, easiest way to establish such a scale would be to base it on Manager. East Coast General no concrete action has yet been taken on this or any other sales history of the respective act. might list for $6.98, a JIM SHARP variable pricing proposal for new acts. For example, a completely unknown artist Director, Nashville proven 250,000 unit seller would list for $7.98, a gold album for $9.98, and so on. The East Coast Editorial New artists are the lifeblood of the music business.
28-09-21 1/3 Nazareth - koncert w Klubie Wytwórnia Nazareth - koncert w Klubie Wytwórnia kategoria: Koncerty autor: Anna Modrzejewska / BRzPiNM Klub Wytwórnia (90-554 Łódź, ul. Łąkowa 29) 08.04.2018 godz. 19:00 W tym roku legendarny zespół Nazareth obchodzi swoje 50-lecie działalności i z tej okazji pojawi się w Polsce na kilku koncertach. Do łódzkiej Wytwórni grupa zawita 8 kwietnia, nie może Was zabraknąć! Nazareth - koncert w Klubie Wytwórnia , fot. mat. pras. Klub Wytwórnia Zespół został założony w Szkocji w 1968, a dokładniej - w Dunfermline. Pierwotnie znani byli jako The Shadettes, lecz później nazwa została zmieniona na Nazareth. W oryginalnym składzie znaleźli się wokalista Dan MacCafferty, gitarzysta Manny Charlton, basista Pete Agnew oraz perkusista Darrell Sweet. Początki kariery zespołu nie należały do najprostszych – w jasnożółtych marynarkach grali w dyskotekach covery innych kapel. Kiedy któregoś dnia otrzymali propozycję sfinansowania nagrania płyty przez ich późniejszego managera, Billa Fehilly, bez wahania porzucili szkockie puby i przenieśli się do Londynu. Debiutancki album zatytułowany po prostu „Nazareth” nie wzbudził jednak oczekiwanego entuzjazmu branży i odbiorców, tak samo jak drugi krążek „Excercises”. Dopiero trzecia płyta „Razamanaz” prawdziwie zaskarbiła serca publiczności. Do jej produkcji grupa zaprosiła basistę Deep Purple – Rogera Glovera, który zwrócił na nich uwagę podczas wspólnej trasy z tym właśnie zespołem. Współpraca zaowocowała świetną hardrockową muzyką i zapoczątkowała czasy największej świetności Nazareth, których piosenki wspinały się na szczyty list przebojów zachodniej Europy. W 1975 roku ukazał się album „Hair of the Dog”, który przyniósł im uznanie na całym świecie. Nazareth - koncert w Klubie Wytwórnia 28-09-21 2/3 Nazareth - koncert w Klubie Wytwórnia W wywiadach wokalista Dan MacCafferty mówił, że "Pomysł sprowadzał się do nagrania tej płyty właściwie na żywo".
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Artist / Bandnavn Album Tittel Utg.År Label/ Katal.Nr
ARTIST / BANDNAVN ALBUM TITTEL UTG.ÅR LABEL/ KATAL.NR. LAND LP KOMMENTAR A 80-talls synthpop/new wave. Fikk flere hitsingler fra denne skiva, bl.a The look of ABC THE LEXICON OF LOVE 1983 VERTIGO 6359 099 GER LP love, Tears are not enough, All of my heart. Mick fra den første utgaven av Jethro Tull og Blodwyn Pig med sitt soloalbum fra ABRAHAMS, MICK MICK ABRAHAMS 1971 A&M RECORDS SP 4312 USA LP 1971. Drivende god blues / prog rock. Min første og eneste skive med det tyske heavy metal bandet. Et absolutt godt ACCEPT RESTLESS AND WILD 1982 BRAIN 0060.513 GER LP album, med Udo Dirkschneider på hylende vokal. Fikk opplevd Udo og sitt band live på Byscenen i Trondheim november 2017. Meget overraskende og positiv opplevelse, med knallsterke gitarister, og sønnen til Udo på trommer. AC/DC HIGH VOLTAGE 1975 ATL 50257 GER LP Debuten til hardrocker'ne fra Down Under. AC/DC POWERAGE 1978 ATL 50483 GER LP 6.albumet i rekken av mange utgivelser. ACKLES, DAVID AMERICAN GOTHIC 1972 EKS-75032 USA LP Strålende låtskriver, albumet produsert av Bernie Taupin, kompisen til Elton John. HEADLINES AND DEADLINES – THE HITS WARNER BROS. A-HA 1991 EUR LP OF A-HA RECORDS 7599-26773-1 Samlealbum fra de norske gutta, med låter fra perioden 1985-1991 AKKERMAN, JAN PROFILE 1972 HARVEST SHSP 4026 UK LP Soloalbum fra den glimrende gitaristen fra nederlandske progbandet Focus. Akkermann med klassisk gitar, lutt og et stor orkester til hjelp. I tillegg rockere som AKKERMAN, JAN TABERNAKEL 1973 ATCO SD 7032 USA LP Tim Bogert bass og Carmine Appice trommer.
Debuten Til Hardrocker'ne Fra Down Under. 6.Albumet I Rekken Av Mange Utgivelser. Strålende Låtskriver, Albumet Produsert Av B
ARTIST / BANDNAVN ALBUM TITTEL UTG.ÅR LABEL/ KATAL.NR. LAND LP KOMMENTAR A Mick fra den første utgaven av Jethro Tull og Blodwyn Pig med sitt soloalbum fra ABRAHAMS, MICK MICK ABRAHAMS 1971 A&M RECORDS SP 4312 USA LP 1971. Drivende god blues / prog rock. Min første og eneste skive med det tyske heavy metal bandet. Et absolutt godt ACCEPT RESTLESS AND WILD 1982 BRAIN 0060.513 GER LP album, med Udo Dirkschneider på hylende vokal. Fikk opplevd Udo og sitt band live på Byscenen i Trondheim november 2017. Meget overraskende og positiv opplevelse, med knallsterke gitarister, og sønnen til Udo på trommer. AC/DC HIGH VOLTAGE 1975 ATL 50257 GER LP Debuten til hardrocker'ne fra Down Under. AC/DC POWERAGE 1978 ATL 50483 GER LP 6.albumet i rekken av mange utgivelser. ACKLES, DAVID AMERICAN GOTHIC 1972 EKS-75032 USA LP Strålende låtskriver, albumet produsert av Bernie Taupin, kompisen til Elton John. AKKERMAN, JAN PROFILE 1972 HARVEST SHSP 4026 UK LP Soloalbum fra den glimrende gitaristen fra nederlandske progbandet Focus. Akkermann med klassisk gitar, lutt og et stor orkester til hjelp. I tillegg rockere som AKKERMAN, JAN TABERNAKEL 1973 ATCO SD 7032 USA LP Tim Bogert bass og Carmine Appice trommer. Her viser Akkermann en ny side av sitt talent. 20TH CENTURY FOX ALAN PARSONS PROJECT, THE TALES OF MYSTERY AND IMAGINATION 1976 POR LP MOV-7003 Portugisisk LP utgivelse, basert på tekster av Edgar Allan Poe.Hipgnosis cover. ALAN PARSONS PROJECT, THE I ROBOT 1977 ARISTA 062-99168 SWE LP Coverdesign av Hipgnosis ALAN PARSONS PROJECT, THE PYRAMID 1978 ARISTA 7C 062-60792 SWE LP Også her med coverdesign av Hipgnosis.