Kessedhek rag Henwyn Tyller ha Arwodhyow Place-name and Signage Panel

Dydh / Date: 21 mis Est, 2015 / 21 August 2015, 10am. Le / Venue: Stevel/Room 2N:06, Lys Kernow / County Hall, Truru / .


1. Diharasow / Apologies

2. Kovnotyansow / Minutes

3. Materow ow sordya / Matters arising

4. Materow Ughella / Strategic Issues

5. Arwodhow yn stret / Street signs  Outstanding translations

6. Henwyn leow / Place names a) Rol Henwyn Tyller – Pluwvadern b) Rol Henwyn Tyller –

7. Towlennow a) Taves an Tir - Rol Henwyn Tyller – Pluwvadern b) Nansledan / Tregurra Valley c) Withiel

8. Negys aral / Any Other Business

9. Dydh an kuntelles nessa / Date of Next Meeting – TBA

Paperow a vern / Background papers  Kovnotyansow kuntelles a veu synsys 17/07/2015 Minutes of the meeting held 17/07/2015 – Previously circulated  Rol Henwyn Stret Gesys – Update to be circulated.

Ober A-dheu / Future Work  Finish Parishes  Towlen Taves an Tir - Resrudh  Complete names on OS 1:250,000 map.



Kovnotyansow an kuntelles synsys: dy’Gwener 21 mis Est 2015 st Draft Minutes of the meeting held: Friday 21 August 2015

Present: N Meek (Chair), R Lyon, L Jenkin, K George

In attendance: S Rogerson

No. Item Action

1. Diharesow / Apologies

J. Edmondson, J. Holmes, P. Hodge

2. Kovnotyansow / Minutes

The minutes of the meeting on Friday 17th July 2015 were read and agreed.

3. Materow ow sordya / Matters arising


4. Materow Ughella / Strategic Issues


5. Arwodhow yn stret / Street signs

Breakwater Road () = Fordh Dorrdonn

The Bude breakwater was not a typical breakwater but there

was a consensus that a standard generic should be agreed

instead of possible types.

The panel considered ‘wave breaker’ and ‘quiet side of a rock’ (the latter was found in Old Cornish vocabulary meaning ‘lull’.

Closed compound words should take the gender of the second element; therefore as ‘wave’ was feminine the new word would reflect this. SR ACTION: Torrdonn (f.) ‘Breakwater’ to be added to dictionary list. Pityme Farm Road (Rock, ) = Fordh Go Vy Pityme is a place-name and not subject to mutation. The ‘farm’ element was considered unnecessary in the translation. Prislow Lane (Falmouth) = Bownder Pryskelow Prislow and Prisloweth, both in Budock are separate entries on tithe apportionments. Prisloweth may have come from Prislow, but with influence from Boslowick. Containing the elements ‘bushes’ + ‘elm trees’. Prislow (Budock) = Pryskelow Swan Pool (Budock) = Lynnyeyn Pryskelow After examining 1326 form Lynyeyn in Madron parish, the panel agreed that (from the historical form Levine Priklo, c.1540) was likely to be a transcription error from Lynnyeyn. Pednagothollan () (House name) = Pedngodhelin Pednagothollan was believed to be named from the nearby Caerthillian (Landewednack). Caerthillian only began to feature ‘carn’ spellings in the late 19th century. Unnamed Watercourses which flow into Caerthillian Cove = Godhelin Consisting of ‘watercourse’ + ‘corner, elbow’. Pedingotholan (source of the E stream that runs into Caerthillian Cove) = Pedn Godhelin Pedingotholan (field name) = Pedn Godhelin Caerthillian (the area between where the two streams meet) = Goodh Elin Caerthillian Cove = Porth Godhelin Caerthillian Stream = Godh Elin Carn Caerthillian = Karn Godhelin Carvinack Meadows = Prasow Karveynek Higher Carvinack (Kenwyn) = Karveynek Wartha Gedon Way () = Hyns Gesydh ‘Gedon’, believed to mean ‘get on’ has several meanings in dialect. One suggestion included ‘nonsense’, but the preferred means ‘you are joking’.

2 Laroche Walk (Bodmin) = Kerdhva an Garrek The intended meaning of ‘Laroche’ was unclear, therefore the panel decided to translate it literally as ‘the rock’. Tradewinds Close (Bodmin) = Kew Wyns Fydhyadow The trade winds main feature were their reliability and were favoured over good winds. The term means ‘reliable, faithful’. Onyx Walk (Bodmin) = Kerdhva Ewinven The ‘onyx’ referred to here was the name of a band. The panel considered that it would be better to provide a literal translation. The agreed translation consists of ‘claw, fingernail’ + ‘stone’. Balsdon Road (Whitstone) = Fordh Rosbella Svensson’s suggestion of ‘Baelli’s Hill’ was queried. The <-don> shown at this location was a hill-spur. East Balsdon = Rosbella Est West Balsdon = Rosbella West Jennings Street () = Stret an Todn The panel agreed that the earlier Cornish language name should be recovered. The element / ‘meadow’ shouldn’t mutate.

6. Henwyn leow / Place names

b. Rol Henwyn Tyller = Withiel

Blackhay (Withiel) = Hay Dhu

The 1284 form shows mutation,

demonstrating that is feminine.

Containing the elements ‘enclosure’ + ‘black’. Blackhay Mine = Hwel Haydhu

Bodmin (Nr Trenance) = Park Bosvena This name was only preserved in a field name, not a settlement. As it was named after the settlement of Bodmin, was added as found in the 1842 form (Bodmin Park).

Bosneives (Withiel) = Boskenneves The final <-e> found in the 1296 historical form may have been a misspelling.

Bosneives is not far from Lanivet.

3 The majority of the panel considered that the name comes from ‘dwelling’ + (personal name), which comes from ‘hound’ + ‘heavenly, sacred grove’.

Bosnieves Common = Kemmyndir Boskenneves

Bosnieves Lane = Bownder Boskenneves Dorras’ Bosnieves = Daras Boskenneves

Higher Bosneives = Boskenneves Wartha Brangoose (Nr Whitehay & Withiel Goose) = Brangoos

The agreed translation includes , but only because the 1842 historical forms (all spelled ) supports this spelling. This may be subject to change pending the discovery of earlier forms. Bridgeman’s (Withiel) = Bargen-tir Bridgeman

Cater Green (Withiel) = Glesin Kerrestir Believed to hold a connection to Retire and .

Cater Yett [historical name] = Yet Kerrestir Coddles (Withiel) = Kaslys

Panel considered that the most likely meaning was ‘bailey, courtyard, camp’ {OC ‘battle’ + ‘court’}. Costislost (Nr Brynne) = Arghans Skollys

The agreed translation ‘silver, money’ + ‘wasted, squandered’ was preferred due to a lack of historical evidence to support ‘wooded’ + ‘tail’. Dalcot (Nr Tregustick) = Dalcot

The meaning of this field-name was unclear and there th were no pre-19 century forms available. The name is probably of English origin. Flap-wing Goose (Nr Withiel Goose) = Koos Kornhwilen

Forge, The = An Wovel

The type of forge was unknown.

Four Lanes End (Withiel) = Penn Peder Bownder

Garland (Nr Withiel Goose) = An Gorlan

Gellard (Nr Withiel Goose) = Pras Gillard

Glebe (Withiel) = Eglostir Gwenne Moor (Withiel) = DEFERRED

ACTION: Check with CW for research on the Gwynnowe CW family.

4 Hillcrest = Krib an Vre

Inch (Withiel) = Enys

Inch’s Spring = Fenten Enys Ker (Nr Church Town) = Ker

Gears Hill = Bre an Ger Gears Wood = Koos an Ger

Kirriers (Withiel) = Kerres As the second element was unstressed, was used in place of .

Higher Kirriers = Kerres Wartha Lower Kirriers = Kerres Woles

Lanjew (Withiel) = Lendu The panel discussed the 1290 form appearing to suggest the <-thu> was mutated by a feminine first element.

The 1356 form shows an unmutated form, leading to the conclusion that the <- thu> was actually a sign of early assibilation, not mutation. Lanjew Mine = Hwel Lendu

Lanview (Withiel) = DEFFERED This may actually be the view of Lanjew/Lendu; further local research would be required.

Lanzoda (Nr Pengelly) = Nans Oda This was likely to be ‘valley’ + (obscure).

Lawellan/Lawellen (Withiel) = An Velin

The French contained in the historical forms may have been an intentional translation of Cornish .

Levellan Bridge = Pons an Velin

Lavellan River = Dowr an Velin

Millvale (Withiel) = Stras an Velin

Navarac = An Havrek The English form is ‘caravan’ spelled backwards; unknown whether this was intentional as it is very close to Cornish ‘fallow land’.

Oaken Stile (Withiel Goose) = Kammva Dharbrenn Oaken Stile Gate (Withiel) = Yet Kammva Dharbrenn

It was unknown whether this was a gate or a gateway. Pedlars Bridge (Withiel) = Pons Troswikor

It was unknown whether this was a plural or a surname.

5 ACTION: Troswikor ‘pedlar’ to be added to dictionary list. SR

Pengelly (Withiel) = Penngelli

Pentonville (Nr Withiel Goose) = Pentonville It was discussed whether <-ville> may come from Norman French. However, the decision was that this is from the English place-name. Pollburrow (Nr Retire & Blackhay) = DEFERRED The <-burrow> may refer to a / +, meaning a ‘mound’. Retire (Withiel) = Restir Historical forms show a Middle Cornish shift from to . Retire Common = Kemmyndir Restir Retire Lane End = Penn an Vownder Restir Ruthern (Withiel) = Rudhyn West Ruthern = Rudhyn West Shang-Ri-La = DEFERRED This name was believed to originate from another language, not a fictitious construction. Slutswell (Withiel) = Fenten Stronk Tepton (Nr. Tregawne) = Tredep The second element <-dep>/ was obscure and left unaltered. Tregawne (Withiel) = DEFERRED The historical forms show that this may come from or , an alternative generic. Trevellan (Withiel) = Trevelin This could come from either ‘farmsteads’ + ‘elbow, corner’ or ‘homestead’ + ‘mill’.

8. Negys aral / Any Other Business


9. Dydh an kuntelles nessa / Date of next meeting

Friday 18th September, 10am, 2N:02, NCH