The Power Lives on Through the Blood and Toy Drive

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The Power Lives on Through the Blood and Toy Drive VolumeThe 7 Number 18 SpringWildcat 2014 A Quarterly PublicationRoar of Rocky Hill Middle School The Power Lives On Through the Blood and Toy Drive By Mae McDermott tinues as an annual event in Sam's won, and there is much more than ative of his disease. He did not focus Chief Editor memory. We know he would be so can be done to propel us towards on or fear the outcome. He only fo- proud of this event and have love in victory. The ever-tenacious Ms. Tip- cused on the here and now which his heart for all those who partici- pet has expressed the importance of allowed him to reach the end of his pate.” making contributions to ensure the life on his terms.” Through our efforts to win well-being of others. “ . We can’t Then there are, of course, this war, it seems as though cancer stop thinking about, and working for, the people who knew him best. The has connected us all . we share the the common good of our community. Moores recalled Sam’s good spirit experience, the fear, the heavy bur- At any given time, we don’t know and heart. “Sam inspired us in his life den, and the hope for a future free of what people are dealing with. Partici- with his smile in the face of adversi- cancer as well as the darkness it en- pating in events like the Blood and ty. He was also a fierce defender of compasses. Toy Drive, the coat drive, Pennies the Underdog and wasn't afraid to “Cancer definitely takes a for Patients, and the Willpower speak up when there was an injus- physical toll on society, but also an Game helps everyone in our commu- tice. He was very loyal to his friends emotional, social, financial, and intel- nity.” and family who were extremely im- lectual toll,” Ms. Tippett explained. Sam’s Blood and Toy Drive portant to him and he made sure they “It is so devastating to the whole is a mark of Sam’s battle—his knew how he felt. When he knew he community. Unfortunately, I have strength and bravery in the face of was losing his battle with cancer, Sam Moore many personal stories when it comes the unknown and his incredible abil- Sam made the decision to donate his to the effects of cancer personally. ity to muster a smile even when the brain tissue to research so that other In the face of tragedy our The biggest loss to me was when I harshest winds seemed to be blowing children might live. We will always connections grow strong—we are lost my Dad to cancer on Christmas against him. He continues to inspire be in awe of his amazing courage, able to put aside our differences and Eve last year. That hurt bad.” us. and proud that through his gift he is harness the strength of our combined Mr. and Mrs. Moore have Scout leader Liz Haberman still fighting for the Underdog, all spirits to do incredible things. also developed a firsthand under- guided Sam’s scout career in Troop those kids fighting cancer.” Even though over a year has standing of cancer’s difficult trials. In 1397 and gave blood on December Thank you, Ms. Tippett, for passed since former Rocky Hill stu- their eyes, cancer is not just a disease, 14 as well. She told me, “When he organizing this wonderful event. dent Sam Moore lost his battle with but “an injustice that must be fought. passed, I made hundreds of ribbons Thank you, Ms. Ault, for your sup- brain cancer in August of 2011, he “Childhood is a time that with gray stripes (gray being the col- port of the annual drive. Mr. and still drives us to join together to cele- should be full of joy and wonder. or for brain cancer). Everyone who Mrs. Moore can be sure that, for Sam brate and honor his life by fighting Cancer takes that away and brings attended the funeral wore these, and and everyone else who has suffered for a cure. The annual Blood and Toy pain and suffering. As a society, many still wear them on uniforms to from cancer, we will keep fighting Drive, organized by Ms. Tippett, is each individual must decide how they remember him and what he meant to this war until we have won. one example of many. want to make a stand against cancer us.” Ms. Haberman regarded Sam as On December 14, members as it touches all of our lives in one one of best cooks in their troop. of the Rocky Hill community gave way or another. It could be as simple “Sam was a role model for everyone blood and donated toys, all of which as supporting Rocky Hill's Willpower in our troop of how to live life with were donated to the Children’s Hospi- Game, or the Blood/Toy Drive. Each courage and compassion. Even tal in Sam’s name. The total amount small contribution makes a big differ- though he suffered, he never lost collected—27 pints of blood and over ence.” hope and was never bitter. He was 300 toys—is a testament to the pow- Standing together as one has optimistic; he enjoyed scouting and ers of determination and love, as well allowed our community to do great camping. He won awards from the as Ms. Tippett’s unwavering dedica- things for society as well as individu- troop in the camp cooking contest. tion. als and families who have suffered or We named our annual contest after Sam’s nobility and strength are suffering. “Rocky Hill Middle him to remember him.” was the genesis of this drive. “The School wrapped its arms around our Sam also influenced Ms. blood and toy drive represent Sam’s family during a difficult time,” Mr. Tippett greatly. “Sam lived life to the As always, Mrs. Quinn is delighted to life as a loving, giving, caring young and Mrs. Moore said, “and now hon- fullest. He never dwelled on the neg- make a difference man,” Ms. Tippett said. “It’s the least ors the memory of our son, Sam, we can do. It’s an honor to be a part through the annual Blood/Toy Drive of it.” Our very own Ms. Ault also as well as the annual Willpower grew very close to Sam and took part Games. We are so grateful to be a Table Of Contents part of this wonderful community.” in the Blood Drive. “I feel honored to Front Page Life On The Hill Mr. and Mrs. Moore also be a part of the Blood and Toy Drive The Power Lives On Through the Teens Rise But Don’t Shine gave insight as to how one should in Sam’s memory. I felt very helpless Blood and Toy Drive A-Mazing Teachers deal with cancer if it becomes a per- during his illness and this is a way to help other children fighting this horri- sonal problem. “The most important Editorial Page Special Feature thing to bear in mind when cancer is ble disease. Sam was always con- I Can’t Believe You said That! Bacteria Under Ice affecting your life or someone you cerned about other patients in the hos- It’s A Wonder Traditions and Holidays in the are close to is to see the person, not pital with him and I’m sure he would Winter be very proud of our efforts.” the cancer. When cancer strikes, it Rocky Hill Page likes to take over, don't let it define RHMS Fashion Sam’s parents, John and Car- Home is Where Mr. Wells Is you or the person who is ill. Remem- ol Moore, were present on December Benefits of Outdoor Education Current Issues ber to smile, laugh, and love.” 14 as well, and kindly agreed to speak Charitable Donations: Society’s with me about the Blood Drive. “The This battle has not yet been Writer’s Corner Friend Blood/Toy drive represents Sam's Beloved Betsy New Year’s Music continuing spirit that lives on in oth- ers . we call it ‘The Power of Sam.’ Writer’s Corner (Cont’d) Remembering A Legend It is the spirit to help those in need The Mouse, the Bird, and the and keep fighting in Sam's name. In Sausage Technology many ways, the gifts of blood and Brainboy and the Deathmaster PS4 toys to benefit Children's Hospital are The Candymakers Kindle Fire HDX 7 like offering a smile in the face of Moving Away Poem Entertainment adversity. We have deep apprecia- #Throwback 2013 tion to Susan Ault, Terri Tippet and Sports Pages Cheryl Kemp, all loyal friends of NFL Playoffs DIY Marble Run The Moores and Ms. Tippet at the Sudoku Sam's, for ensuring that the drive con- RHMS Blood and Toy Drive The Winter Olympics Game The Miami Heat: What a Season 1 Editorial Page I Can’t Believe You Said That! By Ms. Katie Odey Supervising Editor them. I would like to point out that it doesn’t matter who uses the word. It Cursing and the use profani- is unacceptable because it is a relic ty are rooted in just about every cul- from a painful era. An important ture, and it makes you wonder why lesson to learn is that words, even people use derogatory language in the when they are not intended to hurt, first place. could have serious consequences. Most people who use profan- Parents and educators ity and other forms of derogatory would agree that boosting children’s slangs do so for the sole purpose of Image from Google Images self-esteem goes a long way to help them achieve their goals.
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