

MAY 1986



Under Contract No. DE-AC05-81OR20722


Bechtel National, Inc. Advanced Technology Division P. 0. Box 350

Oak Ridge, Tennessee

Bechtel Job No. 14501

200.1e Colonie 01.09 0008 lllllllilllllllliaillHlDllWlllIIi; ABSTRACT

During 1985, the environmental monitoring program continued at the Colonie Interim Storage Site (CISS), Colonie, . The CISS is presently used for the storage of low-level radioactively contaminated soils. Monitoring results show that the CISS is in compliance with DOE concentration guides and radiation standards. DOE Derived Concentration guides represent the concentrations of radionuclides in air or water that would limit the radiation dose to an individual to 100 mrem/year. The applicable limits have been revised since the 1984 monitoring report was published. The limits applied in 1984 were based on a radiation protection standard of 500 mrem/yr; the limits applied for 1985 are based on a standard of 100 mrem/yr.

The CISS is part of the Formerly Utilized Sites Remedial Action Program (FUSRAP), a United States Department of Energy (DOE) program to decontaminate or otherwise control sites where low-level radioactive contamination remains from the early years of the nation's atomic energy program. The environmental monitoring program is carried out by Bechtel National, Inc. (BNI), the Project Management Contractor for FUSRAP.

To determine whether the site is in compliance with DOE standards, environmental measurements are expressed as percentages of the applicable Derived Concentration Guide, while the calculated doses to the public are expressed as percentages of the radiation protection standard.

The monitoring program at the CISS measures external gamma dose rates, as well as uranium and radium concentrations in surface water, groundwater, and sediment. Potential radiation doses to the public are also calculated. . .

During 1985, the external gamma dose rate at the CISS property boundary ranged from 1 to 71 percent of the radiation protection standard. In off-site surface waters, the highest annual

ii average concentrations of depleted uranium and radium-226 were 2.6 and 0.3 percent of the respective DOE Derived Concentration Guides. In groundwater, the highest average concentration of uranium was 0.5 percent of the Derived Concentration Guide, while the highest annual average concentration of radium-226 was 0.4 percent of the Derived Concentration Guide.

There are no specific limits for uranium or radium in sediments. However, the cleanup of uranium is being conducted to a 35-pCi/g guideline developed by the DOE and the New York State Department of Environmental Protection. The highest annual average concentration of uranium in sediment (36.6 pCi/g) was slightly above this guideline; however, this concentration was measured inside the fenced area of the site. The cleanup of radium at the CISS is conducted in accordance with the DOE FUSRAP guidelines for radionuclides in soil. The average concentrations of radium were below the guidelines.

The highest external gamma dose rate in 1985 was approximately 55 percent of the maximum dose rate measured during 1984. Concentrations of total uranium and radium in off-site surface water were consistent from 1984 to 1985. No direct comparisons oan be made between groundwater data for 1984 and 1985 because different wells were sampled; however, from the usable data available, 1985 concentrations for total uranium and radium were lower than in 1984.

The calculated total radiation dose to the maximally exposed individual at the CISS was 17.3 mrem, which is 17.3 percent of the radiation protection standard. The measured background for the CISS area was 87 mrem.

Results of 1985 monitoring show that the CISS is in compliance with all DOE Derived Concentration Guides and the radiation protection standard.



1.0 Introduction 1 1.1 Location and Description 1 1.2 Site History 8

2.0 Summary of Monitoring Results 12

3.0 Data Collection, Analysis, and Evaluation 14

3.1 External Gamma Dose Rates 15 3.2 Water Sampling 18 3.2.1 Surface Water 18 3.2.2 Groundwater 21 3.3 Sediment Sampling 24 3.4 Radiological Exposure 27 3.4.1 Dose to Maximally Exposed Individual 28 3.4.2 Dose to the Population in the Vicinity of the CISS 29

4.0 Related Activities and Special Studies 31

4.1 Related Activities 31 4.2 Special Studies 31

References 32

Appendix A Quality Assurance A-l

Appendix B Environmental Standards B-l

Appendix C Abbreviations C-l

Appendix D Distribution List for Colonie Interim Storage Site Annual Site Environmental Monitoring Report D-l


Figure Title Page 1-1 Map of the CISS Area 2 1-2 Map of the CISS Showing Interim Storage Area 3

1-3 Aerial View of the CISS 4

1-4 Map of Surface Water Drainage in the CISS Area 6

1-5 Annual Wind Rose for Albany, New York 7

1-6 Generalized Land Uses in the Vicinity of the 9 CISS

3-1 External Gamma Radiation Monitoring Locations 16 at the CISS

3-2 Surface Water and Sediment Sampling Locations 19 at the CISS

3-3 Groundwater Sampling Locations at the CISS 22


Table Title Page 1-1 Waste Volume Projections for the Colonie Site 11 3-1 External Gamma Exposure Rates at the CISS, 17 1985 3-2 Concentrations of Dissolved Total Uranium 20 (Depleted) and Radium-226 in Surface Water at the CISS, 1985 3-3 Concentrations of Dissolved Total Uranium 23 (Depleted) and Radium-226 in Groundwater at the CISS, 1985 3-4 Concentrations of Isotopic Uranium in 25 Sediments at the CISS, 1985 3-5 Concentrations of Radium-226 in Sediments 26 at the CISS, 1985 B-l Radiation Protection Standard and Radioactivity Concentration Guides for the CISS B-2 B-2 Conversion Factors B-3


This report presents the findings of the environmental monitoring program conducted at the Colonie Interim Storage Site (CISS) during calendar year 1985. The first environmental monitoring report for this site presented data for 1984. As part of the research and development decontamination program authorized by Congress under the 1984 Energy and Water Appropriations Act, Bechtel National, Inc., is conducting remedial action at the site and at vicinity properties. The work is being performed as part of the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) Formerly Utilized Sites Remedial Action Program (FUSRAP), one of four remedial action programs under the direction of the DOE Division of Facility and Site Decommissioning Projects.


The Colonie Interim Storage Site (CISS) is located at 1130 Central Avenue in the Town of Colonie, New York. It is approximately 6.4 km (4 mi) northwest of downtown Albany and about 4.8 km (3 mi) southeast of the Village of Colonie, as shown in Figure 1-1. The CISS covers 4.5 ha (11.2 acres), consisting of the former National Lead (NL) Industries, Inc. property and buildings where that company manufactured a variety of products from depleted uranium and approximately 0.8 ha (2 acres) of land west of the original property that were acquired by DOE from the Niagara Mohawk Electric Company. Several vicinity properties are also radioactively contaminated as a result of airborne releases 'of depleted uranium compounds produced during operations at the plant. The CISS and the interim storage area are shown in Figure 1-2. Figure 1-3 is an aerial photograph of the site.

Site construction activities are conducted in a manner designed to preclude the migration of contaminants from the CISS via groundwater or surface water. During construction, pollution control measures include the use of prudent engineering controls, such as installation of sedimentation barriers in excavation areas and





FIGURE 1-2 MAP OF THE CISS SHOWING INTERIM STORAGE AREA FIGURE 1-3 AERIAL VIEW OF THE CISS discharges of treated, impounded surface water in batches in accordance with New York State Department of Environmental Conservation (NYSDEC) requirements.

The CISS is located within the Creek drainage basin about 2.6 km (1.6 mi) east of Rensselaer Lake (Figure 1-4). Patroons Creek lies approximately 0.4 km (0.25 mi) south of the site. The surface hydrology of the CISS itself consists of a small stream that enters the site from the northwest through a culvert, flows through an old lake bed, and exits through another culvert on the south side of the site. The stream reappears after passing under the Penn Central railroad tracks and empties into Patroons Creek.

The site is underlain by Ordovician shale of the Normanskill Formation at a depth of about 45.7 to 60.9 m (150 to 200 ft). The bedrock is overlain by a 30.5- to 45.7-m (100- to 150-ft) thick layer of unconsolidated deposits of clay and silt (Ref. 1).

Groundwater in the vicinity of the site is available in small quantities from the bedrock aquifer, and in moderate-to-large quantities from the unconsolidated deposits (Ref. 2). The groundwater table around the site ranged from about 0.6 to 4.9 m (2 to 16 ft) below ground during borehole drilling in March 1981 (Ref. 3). Depths to water measured in wells installed during November 1984 ranged from 1.1 to 5.5 m (3.5 to 18 ft) below the ground surface (Ref. 4). The groundwater flows to the south or east in the vicinity of the CISS (Refs. 4 and 5).

The average annual daily maximum temperature for the Albany Area is 14.2°C (57.6°F), and the average daily minimum is 2.7°C (36.8°F). The highest average monthly temperature is 28.4°C (83.2°F) (July), and the lowest is -11.2°C (11.9°F) (January). Average annual precipitation is 89.35 cm (35.7 in.), with average annual snowfall of 143.8 cm (57.5 in.). As shown in Figure 1-5, winds in the area blow predominantly from the south at a mean speed of 16 km/h (10 mph) (Ref. 6).









7 The residential population of the Town of Colonie is estimated at 74,593. The 1980 population of the City of Albany was 101,727; that of Albany County was 285,909 (Ref. 7).

As shown in Figure 1-6, land was in the vicinity of the CISS is primarily industrial and residential. The site and adjacent area are currently zoned as industrial by the town of Colonie; the site and the Yardboro Avenue area are zoned for light industry by Albany County. Central Avenue is lined by numerous small businesses, but the area across Central Avenue from the CISS is primarily residential and is zoned residential by the town of Colonie (Ref. 7). To the northwest and west, the site is bordered by open land and an electrical substation owned by the Niagara Mohawk Power Corporation. The southeast and eastern boundaries adjoin various commercial properties. To the southwest and south, the facility is abutted by the Penn Central Railroad right-of-way.


The NL Industries plant started producing uranium products in 1958 under a license issued by the U.S. Atomic Energy Commission (AEC), a predecessor of DOE. After the contract was terminated in 1968, plant production was limited to fabrication of shielding components, counterweights, and artillery projectiles from depleted uranium.

On February 15, 1980, the New York State Supreme Court issued a temporary order restraining NL Industries from operating, on the basis that the facility emitted uranium compounds in airborne releases. The temporary restraining order was amended on May 12, 1980 to allow NL Industries to continue limited operation. The amended order also required the company to initiate an independent investigation to assess all adverse environmental effects to surrounding properties that could have resulted from the airborne discharge of radioactive materials from the plant. In 1980, Teledyne Isotopes was contracted by NL Industries to survey the radioactivity in the environs of the facility (Refs. 3 and 8). R X >\

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0 0.5 MILES i—... , i U^l)


9 In February 1984, the Secretary of Energy accepted an NL Industries offer to donate to DOE the land, buildings, and equipment at the Colonie site, including the radioactively contaminated waste and residues on the property. The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers accepted the property on behalf of the DOE on February 29, 1984, at which time the title was transferred to DOE. In addition, in 1985 DOE acquired the Niagara Mohawk Power Corporation property, which borders the CISS to the north and northwest, and designated it as part of the CISS.

Since 1984 the CISS has been used for interim storage of radioactively contaminated' waste materials removed from vicinity properties under FUSRAP. The contaminated materials will be stored at the CISS until such time as a decision is made by DOE regarding their permanent disposition. Waste volume projections for the CISS are presented in Table 1-1 (Ref. 9).


Fiscal Projected Actual Year Property Volume3 Volume (n»3/ (m3/ yd3) yd 3)

1984 Yardboro, Central, and 266/ 532/ Palmer Avenue residences 350 700

1985 Yardboro, Central, and Palmer Avenue residences 517/ 182/ and Reynolds Street residence 680 240 1986 Vicinity residential properties 2718/ and and Town of Colonie properties 3660 Out west of the CISS • Years Buried and surface waste at the CISS; plant building rubble, metal, and equipment 19,304/25,400°

TOTAL 22,800/30,000c aProjected volume estimates are based on current information,, but are not definitive. For example, the volumes may change as the extent of contamination is defined by radiological characterization.

DIncludes building rubble. clncludes actual volumes for FY 1984 and FY 1985. '

-Source: BNI (Ref. 9)


The environmental monitoring program at CISS continued during 1985. Air, water, and sediment samples were collected, and external gamma exposure rates were measured to determine whether contaminant levels were within applicable guides. These guides specify the respective concentrations of individual types of radioactive materials (radionuclides) in air or water that limit the radiation dose to the most highly exposed individual to 100 mrem/yr. The revised DOE Derived Concentration Guides for radioactive materials and the revised DOE radiation protection standards (Ref. 10) are provided in Appendix B. A discussion of the revisions is also included in Appendix B. Radiation doses were calculated to determine dose levels that can be compared to the radiation protection standard.

External dose rates measured at the CISS property boundary ranged from 1 to 71 percent of the DOE radiation protection standard. The maximum dose at the site boundary, assuming a 40 hr/wk occupancy factor, would be 17 mrem (See Subsection 3.4.1). The measured background for the CISS area was 87 mrem. The maximum average exposure rate was approximately 30 percent lower than that for 1984, while minimum average rates were consistent with those for 1984. External dose rates are discussed in Subsection 3.1.

In off-site surface waters, the highest average concentrations of depleted uranium and radium-226 were 2.6 percent and 0.3 percent of the respective DOE Derived Concentration Guides. In 1984, the highest average concentrations of depleted uranium and radium-226 were 118.6 percent and 2 percent of the respective Derived Concentration Guides.

In groundwater, the highest average concentration of uranium was 0.5 percent of the Derived Concentration Guide. For radium-226, the highest average concentration was 0.4 percent of the Derived Concentration Guide. In 1984, the highest average concentration of depleted uranium in groundwater was 1.2 percent of the Derived

12 Concentration Guide; for radium-226, it was 2 percent of the Derived Concentration Guide. In stream sediments the highest concentration of total uranium was 36.6 pCi/g (at a sampling location inside the fenced area of the site); the highest radium-226 concentration was 0.6/pCi/g (Tables 3-4 and 3-5). While there are no limits for sediments, these levels may be compared with the DOE FUSRAP guidelines for cleanup of soils. For remedial action at the CISS, the uranium guideline has been set as 35 pCi/g; the applicable radium-226 guideline for sediments is 5 pCi/g.

Calculations were made of radiological doses received by a maximally exposed individual. This individual is one who is assumed, when all potential routes of exposure are considered, to receive the greatest dose. Two exposure pathways were quantified: ingestion of contaminated surface water or groundwater, and exposure to external gamma radiation.

The dose to a maximally exposed individual from ingestion of groundwater would result in a 50-yr dose commitment to the bone surface (the organ receiving the largest dose) of less than 10 mrem (Subsection 3.4.1). A dose of approximately 25 mrem/yr is received through normal ingestion of food and water (Ref. 11).

External radiation from radioactive materials at the CISS contributed 17 mrem to the dose received by the maximally exposed individual. This value is 17 percent of the radiation protection standard. The total dose to the maximally exposed individual would be 17.3 mrem. (Subsection 3.4.1).

Results of 1985 monitoring show that the CISS is in compliance with all DOE Derived Concentration Guides and the radiation protection standard.


This section provides the results of environmental monitoring activities at the CISS during 1985 (Ref. 12) and states the extent to which these results conform with DOE Derived Concentration Guides (DCGs) and radiation protection standard. A description is also included of the sampling, monitoring, and analytical procedures used. The DCGs in most cases specify the concentration of a radionuclide in air or water that would limit the dose to the most highly exposed individual to 100 mrem/yr. Radiation doses were calculated to determine hypothetical exposure levels, which were compared to this value. DOE DCGs for radionuclides of concern at the CISS and radiation protection standards are included in Appendix B, which also contains a discussion of the revised radiation protection standard and associated DCGs.

Data are presented in summary tables which include number of data points collected; minimum and maximum values recorded; average value; and, where appropriate, percent of applicable standard or DCG. The average values listed in the individual tables are the arithmetic average of the sum of individual results. Individual sources of error (e.g., analytical error or sampling error) were not estimated. The "less than" notation (^) is used to denote sample analysis results that are below the limit of sensitivity of the analytical method based on a statistical analysis of parameters. In computing the averages, where values are less than the limit of sensitivity of the analytical method, values are considered as being equal to the limit of sensitivity and the average value is reported without the notation "less than."

During 1985, water and sediment samples were collected by site personnel, and external radiation dose rates were measured to determine the radioactivity concentrations in the environs of the site.


External gamma dose rates were measured at eleven on-site and one off-site monitoring locations. Ten of the locations are spaced at approximately equal intervals on the site boundary to measure dose rates that might be experienced by individuals immediately outside the property. Of the two remaining locations, one is on site, and the other is a background monitoring station (Figure 3-1).

The external gamma dose rates were measured using lithium fluoride (LiF) thermoluminescent dosimeters (TLDs), exchanged quarterly. Each dosimeter contains five individual chips, the responses of which are averaged. Analysis is performed by Eberline Analytical Corporation (EAC).

I The results of the measurements for external gamma radiation are presented in Table. 3-1. Total annual dose rates at all locations I were below the DOE radiation protection standard of 100 mrem/yr. Total annual gamma dose rates ranged from 1 to 71 mrem/yr at the I sampling locations. The measured background level was 87 mrem/yr compared with the reference background level of 90 to 130 mrem/yr I (Ref. 13). The highest measured total dose rate was 71 percent of the DOE radiation protection standard.

I The maximum average dose rate for 1985 was approximately 55 percent lower than that for 1984, while minimum average rates for 1984 and I 1985 remained near the background level. In 1984, the averages above the background level ranged from 0 to 132 mrem/yr (Ref. 14). I Since dose rates were measured only during the fourth quarter of 1984, there are not sufficient data to allow generation of a 1 meaningful trend chart. Such a graph will be included in future reports when additional data become available. I I I 15 NOTE: BACKGROUND MONITORING LOCATION (LOCATION NO. 11) IS AT 3 FULLER PLACE, ALBANY, NY



Sampling No. of Dose Rate (mrem/qtr) Per cent of Location'3 Measurements Minimum Maximum Average Total mrem/yr St andardc

1 4 0 1 0 1 1 2 4 6 7 7 27 27 3 4 14 15 14 56 56 4 4 14 21 18 71 71 5 4 1 5 2 9 9 6 4 0 3 1 5 5 7 4 10 22 17 66 66 8 4 12 18 15 60 60 9 4 0 1 0 1 1 10 4 0 1 0 1 1 12 3d 6 12 9 36e 36


11 18 26 22 87 87

aBased on continuous occupancy.

"Sampling locations are shown in Figure 3-1. cThe DOE radiation protection standard is 100 mrem/yr (see Appendix B). Measured background has been subtracted.

^TLD not installed until second quarter. eThe quarterly average is used to calculate the total mrem/yr when data are missing for one or more quarters.

^Background monitoring location at 3 Fuller Place, Albany, New York.


During 1985, sampling was performed to determine the concentrations of uranium and radium in off-site surface water and on-site groundwater.

3.2.1 Surface Water

Surface water samples were collected quarterly from three off-site locations and two on-site locations (Figure 3-2). Sampling points were both upstream to establish background conditions and downstream to determine the effect of runoff from the site on surface waters in the vicinity.

Nominal 1-liter (0.26-gal) grab samples were collected to fill a 4-liter (1-gal) container. The samples were analyzed by EAC. The concentration of total uranium was determined by a fluorometric method. Radium-226 concentrations were determined by precipitating radium-226 as the sulfate, transferring the sulfate to a radon bubbler where the daughter of radon-222 is allowed to come to equilibrium, and then counting the radon-222 by alpha spectrometry to determine the amount of parent radium-226 activity originally present.

The results of analyses on surface water samples are presented in Table 3-2. The annual average concentration of total uranium —9 —8 (depleted) ranged from 4 x 10 to 1.6 x 10 uCi/ml (4 to 16 pCi/1). These values are 0.7 and 2.6 percent, respectively, of the DOE DCG of 6 x 10 uCi/ml (600 pCi/1) for depleted uranium.

The annual average concentration of radium-226 ranged from 1 x 10" to 3 x 10~10 uCi/ml (0.1 to 0.3 pCi/1). These values are 0.1 and 0.3 percent, respectively, of the DOE DCG of 1 x 10~7 uCi/ml (100 pCi/1) in water.





Concentration Percent of Sampling Number of (n x 10y uCi/ml)b Standard*1 Location* Sampl<5 S Minimum Maximum Average0 (Annual Average)

Total Uranium (Depleted)

2 4 10.7 19.3 16.0 2.6 3 4 <3.0 16.0 8.0 1.3 4 4 <3.0 6.0 4.0 0.7


2 4 <0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 3 4 <0.1 0.4 0.3 0.3 4 4 <0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 aSampling locations are shown in Figure 3-2. Locations 1 and 5 are on site. bMultiply n (the listed concentration) by 109 to obtain uCi/ml.

cWhere values are less than the limit of sensitivity of the analytical method, values are considered equal to the limit of sensitivity, and the average value is reported without the notation "less than." dThe DOE DCG for depleted uranium in water is 6 x 10~7 uCi/ml (600 pCi/1); the corresponding DCG for radium-226 is 1 x 10~7 uCi/ml (100 pCi/1).

20 In 1984, average concentrations of total uranium (depleted) in -9 -7 surface water ranged from 1.5 x 10 to 8.78 x 10 AiCi/ml (1.5 to 878 pCi/1); average concentrations of radium-226 in 1984 ranged from 2 x 10~10 to 5 x 10~10 juCi/ml (0.2 to 0.5 pCi/1) (Ref. 14). Trend graphs of these concentrations will be included in future reports as sufficient data become available.

3.2.2 Groundwater

In 1985, groundwater samples were collected quarterly from seven on-site wells installed as part of the geohydrologic investigation conducted during the last 2 months of 1984 (Ref. 4). The locations of these wells are shown in Figure 3-3. Samples were collected with a hand bailer after the wells had been pumped dry or two well volumes had been removed. Using the analysis methods described for surface water, EAC analyzed the samples for dissolved total uranium (depleted) and radium-226.

Results of the analyses of groundwater samples are presented in Table 3-3. The annual average concentration of total uranium -9 (depleted) for all samples was 3 x 10 /UCi/ml (3 pCi/1), which is less than 0.5 percent of the DCG of 6 x 10~ /iCi/ml (600 pCi/1) for uranium (depleted). The highest annual average radium-226 concentration was 4 x 10 jaCi/ml (0.4 pCi/1), which is 0.4 percent of the DCG of 1 x 10-7 /JCi/ml (100 pCi/1).

Although samples were taken from different wells in 1984 and 1985 and the data cannot, therefore, be directly compared, several of the new wells (Wells 1, 6, and 7) are in the same general locations as the old wells. Concentrations of depleted uranium and radium-226 in these new wells were slightly lower than concentrations measured in 1984; however, all measured concentrations in 1984 and 1985 were less than 2 percent of the applicable guide. Trend graphs will be included in future reports as sufficient data become available.




Concentration Percent of Sampli ng Number of (n x 109 ;uCi/ml)b Standardd Locati ona Samples Minimum Maximum Averagec (Annual Average)

Total Uranium (Depl eted)

1 4 <3.0 <3.0 3.0 0.5 3 4 <3.0 <3.0 3.0 0.5 4 4 <3.0 <3.0 3.0 0.5 5 4 <3.0 <3.0 3.0 0.5 6 4 <3.0 <3.0 3.0 0.5 7 4 <3.0 <3.0 3.0 0.5 11 4 <3.0 <3.0 3.0 0.5

Radium -226 r- t 4 <0.1 0.2 0.2 0.2 3 4 0.1 0.2 0.2 0.2 4 4 <0.1 0.2 0.1 0.1 5 4 <0.1 0.2 0.1 0.1 6 4 0.3 0.5 0.4 0.4 7 4 <0.1 0.2 0.2 0.2 11 4 <0.1 0.2 0.2 0.2 aSampling locations are shown in Figure 3-3. bMult iply n (the listed concentration) by 109 to obtain AiCil/ml. cWhere values are less than the limit of sensitivity of the analytical method, values are considered as being equal to the limit of sensitivity, and the average value is reported without the notation "less than." dThe DOE DCG for depleted uranium in water is 6 x 10"7 /uCi/ml (600 pCi/1). The DOE DCG for radium-226 in water is 1.0 x 10~7 ^uCi/ml (100 pCi/1).


Sediment samples consisting of composites weighing approximately 500 grams were collected quarterly at the surface water sampling locations (Figure 3-2). The rationale for sampling location selection is stated in Subsection 3.2.1. EAC analyzed the samples for isotopic uranium and radium-226. The total uranium concentration was determined by summing the results of analyses for isotopic uranium. Isotopic uranium concentration was determined by alpha spectrometry, in which uranium is leached, organically extracted, and electroplated on a metal substrate. Radium-226 concentrations were determined by the radon emanation as described for surface water sampling.

There are no specific limits for uranium and radium in sediments. However, cleanup of the CISS and its vicinity properties is being conducted in accordance with DOE FUSRAP guidelines for radionuclides in soil. These guidelines limit the concentration of radium to 5 pCi/g in the upper 15 cm (6 in.) of soil and 15 pCi/g at depths greater than 15 cm (6 in.) (Ref. 15). The guideline for the concentration of depleted uranium in soil established for the Colonie remedial action is 35 pCi/g.

Results of the analyses, based on dry weight, are presented in Tables 3-4 and 3-5, respectively. Average annual concentrations of total uranium ranged from 1.4 to .36.6 pCi/g, while average annual radium-226 concentrations ranged from 0.4 to 0.6 pCi/g. The highest single concentration, (42.0 pCi/g for uranium-238) and the highest annual average (30.0 pCi/g for uranium-238) were both obtained at Location 1, which is inside the fenced site. For radium, the highest concentration (1.0 pCi/1) and the highest annual average (0.6 pCi/g) were both obtained at Location 3.

No trends can be identified for sediment since only one baseline sample was taken from each of three sampling locations in 1984.

24 II


II Number Sampling of Concentrations [pCi/g (dry)]p II Locationa Samples Minimum Maximum Average Uranium-234

1 4 0.6 9.0 6.0 2 4 2.3 34.0 10.0 3 4 0.2 15.0 4.0 1 4 4 0.2 0.9 0.6 5C 4 0.3 0.7 0.4 I Uranium-235 1 4 0.04 1.0 0.6 2 4 0.2 2.0 0.8 I 3 4 0.02 0.5 0.2 4 4 0.03 0.1 0.1 I 5c 4 0.02 0.1 0.04 Uranium-238

1 4 0.7 42.0 30.0 i 2 4 12.0 29.0 17.0 3 4 0.3 4.2 2.0 4 4 0.3 4.8 2.0 C i 5 4 0.4 2.4 1.0 Total Uranium*3

1 4 1.3 52.6 36.6 2 4 14.5 65.0 27.8 3 4 0.5 19.7 6.2 4 4 0.5 5.8 2.7 C 5 4 0.7 3.2 1.4

aSampling locations are shown in Figure 3-2. DThere are no specific limits for uranium in sediment; however de- contamination of the CISS is being conducted in accordance with guidelines for radionuclides in soil. The uranium guideline estab- lished for the Colonie remedial action is 35 pCi/g.

cLocation 5 is considered a background location.

dTotal uranium was determined by summing concentrations of all three isotopes.


Number Sampling of Concentrations TpCi/g (dry)1b Location3 Samples Minimum Maximum Average

1 4 <0.1 1.0 0.5 2 4 0.1 0.9 0.5 3 4 0.4 1.0 0.6 4 4 0.8 0.4 C <0.1 5 4 0.8 0.5 <0.1 aSampling locations are shown in Figure 3-2. bThere are no specific limits for radium-226 in sediment. However, decontamination of the CISS is being conducted in accordance with DOE guidelines for radionuclides in soil. The guidelines for radium-226 are 5 pCi/g in the upper 15 cm (6 in.) of soil and 15 pCi/g at depths greater than 15 cm (6 in.) (Ref. 15). cLocation 5 is considered a background location.


To assess the impact of the radioactive materials stored at the CISS, radiological exposures were evaluated for a maximally exposed individual. This individual is one who is assumed, when all potential routes of exposure are considered, to receive the greatest dose. An appraisal of potential pathways suggested that external gamma irradiation and ingestion of water containing depleted uranium and radium-226 were the principal exposure modes.

For each of the pathways considered at a given site, most organs in the body receive some radiological exposure. However, certain organs receive higher exposure than others, depending on the method of internal deposition and the chemical characteristics of the radionuclides. These are called critical organs because the effect of exposure is maximized in them.

When radium and uranium are ingested, they tend to migrate and incorporate themselves into the bone. This is the critical organ for this pathway. Establishing an internal dose to the bone by converting measured concentrations in water requires several assumptions. An intake rate must be postulated. In making these calculations, the maximum water intake rate (730 ml of tap water per day) of Reference Man was used (Ref. 16). Radionuclide intakes were converted to internal doses to the bone using the methodology described in ICRP 26 and 30 (Refs. 17 and 18). All calculated doses are 50-yr dose commitments. The 50-yr dose commitment concept provides for the fact that an intake of a radionuclide with a long half-life (such as uranium or radium) may result in an internal exposure for many years.

Gamma radiation from external sources is assumed to irradiate the body uniformly. The total body is therefore the critical organ for external gamma exposure. Internal organs are assumed to be exposed to the same level as the entire body. Exposure to organs resulting from internal and external sources is additive.

27 3.4.1 Dose to Maximally Exposed Individual

To identify the individual in the vicinity of the CISS who would receive the highest dose from on-site radioactive materials, the combined dose from ingestion of water and exposure to external gamma radiation was calculated for various monitoring locations that could be accessible to the public. The cumulative doses from these pathways were then reviewed with regard to land use and occupancy factors for areas adjacent to the monitoring points. For the properties surrounding the CISS, the highest overall dose would be received by an individual directly to the northwest of the site. Because the property adjacent to the site is commercial, the doses were based on a 40 hour per week exposure period.

Exposure to external gamma radiation accounted for most of the dose received by the maximally exposed individual. The annual dose rate measured by TLD at monitoring Location 7 (Figure 3-1) was 71 mrem/yr. Exposure to this amount of radiation for 40 hours per week, 50 weeks per year would result in a dose of 17 mrem to the total body. The DOE radiation protection standard limits the total-body dose of members of the general public to 100 mrem/yr. Because gamma radiation levels decrease rapidly with distance, it would be expected that at the nearest occupied residence external radiation would not exceed background.

Although Location 1 had the highest uranium concentration of any of the surface water monitoring locations and is also the nearest to external gamma monitoring Location 7, Location 3 was used to calculate the dose to the maximally exposed individual because it had the highest concentrations of radionuclides leaving the site. The annual average uranium and radium-226 concentrations in surface — 9 -10 water at Location. 3 were 8 x 10 and 3 x 10 ,uCi/ml (8 and 0.3 pCi/1), respectively. Ingestion of this water would result in a 50-yr dose commitment of less than 10 mrem to the critical organ (the bone surface). No attempt was made to quantify the contribution of materials on the CISS separately from the

28 contribution of natural background radionuclides. The above dose can be compared to the 620-mrem dose received by ingesting water _7 containing a concentration of 6 x 10 AiCi/ml (600 pCi/1) of depleted uranium.

The 17-mrem dose from external gamma radiation (see Subsection 3.2) and the 10-mrem dose from ingestion are used to calculate the total dose. However, the 10-mrem dose is multiplied by the internal organ to whole body weighting factor of 0.03 (Ref. 17). This addition results in a total dose of 17.3 mrem to the maximally exposed individual.

3.4.2 Dose to the Population in the Vicinity of the CISS

The dose to the population represents the conceptual cumulative radiation dose to all residents within a 80-km (50-mi) radius of a given site. This calculated dose includes contributions from all potential pathways. For the CISS, there are two potential pathways: direct exposure to gamma radiation and ingestion of water containing radioactivity.

The contribution to the population dose made by gamma radiation from on-site radioactive materials is too small to be measured; gamma radiation levels decrease rapidly as distance from the source of contamination increases. For example, if the gamma dose rate at a distance of 0.9 m (3 ft) from the radioactive source were 10 times that allowable, the dose rate at a distance of 6.4 m (21 ft) from the source would be indistinguishable from naturally occurring background radiation.

On the basis of radionuclide concentrations measured in water leaving the site, it also appears that there is no predictable pathway by which ingestion of water could result in a significant dose to the population. As water migrates farther from the source, radionuclide concentrations are further reduced, thereby lowering potential doses to even less significant levels. Since the

29 contributions to population dose from both potential exposure pathways are inconsequential, calculation of the dose to the population is not warranted. The cumulative dose to the population within an 80-km (50-mi) radius contributed by on-site radioactive materials would be indistinguishable from the dose the same population would receive from naturally occurring radioactive sources.



Remedial action is being performed in two phases at the CISS (Ref. 9). Phase I comprises two main steps: transfer of contaminated materials from vicinity properties to the CISS for interim storage, and stabilization of chemicals left in the former NL plant.

As part of the Phase I activity in 1985, remedial action was conducted at 24 residential properties in the vicinity of the CISS, and the properties were restored to their original condition. With regard to the chemicals stored at the plant, several activities took place. A preliminary inventory was made of chemicals stored in the building, and bench tests of techniques to be used in treatment of the chemicals were performed. Additionally, plating solutions were transferred to plastic storage tanks, and plating solutions and waste oils were characterized. General preparations were made for processing and disposing of toxic chemicals.


After DOE acquired the site, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) Region II was informed that DOE did not intend to continue plant operations. EPA then requested that DOE submit a revised Resource Conservation and Recovery Act Part A application and a closure plan for the site. The revised Part A application was submitted to EPA in December 1984; the closure plan was submitted to EPA and NYSDEC in 1985 (Ref. 19).


Dineen, R. J. Geology and Land Uses in the Pine Bush, Albany County, New York, NY State Museum Science Services Circular 47, Albany, NY, 1975.

Arnow, T. A. The Groundwater Resources of Albany County, New York, NY State Water Power Control Commission Bulletin, GW-20, Albany, NY, 1949.

Jeter, H. W., D. M. Eagleson, and F. J. Frullo. Subsurface Uranium on the Grounds of NL Bearings, Albany, Teledyne Isotopes, Westwood, NJ, December 1981.

Bechtel National, Inc. Report on Drilling and Observation Well Installations at the Colonie Interim Storage Site, Colonie, New York, DOE/OR/20722-61, Oak Ridge, TN, October 1985.

Snavely, D. S. Ground-Water Appraisal of the Pine Bush Area, Albany County, New York, U.S. Geological Survey Water Resources Investigation Report, 82-4000, Albany, NY, 1983.

Gale Research Company. Climates of the States, 3rd Edition, Vol. 1, Detroit, MI, 1985.

Argonne National Laboratory, Environmental Research Division. Action Description Memorandum Proposed FY 1984 Remedial Actions for Vicinity Properties at the Colonie, New York FUSRAP Site, prepared for U.S. Department of Energy, Argonne, IL, March 1984.

Jeter, H. W. and D. M. Eagleson. A Survey of Uranium in Soils Surrounding the NL Bearing Plant, INL-9488-61, prepared for NL Bearings/NL Industries, Inc., Albany, NY, by Teledyne Isotopes, Westwood, NJ, October 1980.

U.S. Department of Energy. Remedial Action Work Plan for the Colonie Site, ORO-847, Oak Ridge, TN, March 1986.

32 Memorandum. R. J. Stern (Department of Energy) to Distribution, "Preparation of Annual Site Environmental Reports for Calendar Year 1985" (Attachment: DOE-Derived Concentration Guides for Drinking Water and Breathing Air Contaminated With Radionuclides by. Members of the Public), February 26, 1986.

International Atomic Energy Agency. Radiation - A Fact of Life, Vienna, Austria, September 1979.

Memorandum, J. Kuhaida, Bechtel National, Inc., to File. "Environmental Monitoring Program," CCN 35839, April 1, 1986.

Klement, A. W., et. al. Estimates of Ionizing Radiation Doses in the United States, 1960-2000. ORP-CSD 72-1, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Rockville, MD, 1972.

Bechtel National, Inc. Environmental Monitoring Report for the Colonie Interim Storage Site, DOE/OR/20722-53, Oak Ridge, TN, July 1985.

U.S. Department of Energy. "U.S. Department of Energy Guidelines for Residual Radioactivity .at Formerly Utilized Sites Remedial Action Program and Remote Surplus Facilities Management Program Sites," Rev. 1, July 1985.

Snyder, W. S. et al. Report on the Task Group on Reference Man, published for the International Commission on Radiological Protection, Pergamon Press, New York, NY, 1975.

Sowby, F. D., editor. Annals of the International Commission on Radiological Protection, Publication 26, Pergamon Press, Elmsford, NY, January 1977.

33 Sowby, F. D., editor. Annals of the International Commission on Radiological Protection, Publication 30, Pergamon Press, Elmsford, NY, January 1977.

U.S. Department of Energy. Closure Plan for the Colonie Interim Storage Site, DOE/OR/20722-74, Oak Ridge, TN, September 1985.


A comprehensive quality assurance program was maintained to ensure that the data collected were representative of actual concentrations in 'the environment. First, environmental data were obtained from a number of locations to prevent reliance on only a few.results, which might not be representative of the existing range of concentrations. Second, newly collected data were compared with both recent results and historical data for each location and each environmental medium to ensure that deviations from previous conditions were identified and evaluated. Third, samples at all locations were collected using published procedures to ensure consistency in sample collection. Fourth, each analytical laboratory verified the quality of the data by conducting a continuing program of analytical quality control, participating in interlaboratory crosschecks, and performing replicate analyses. Fifth, chain of custody procedures were implemented to maintain traceability of samples and corresponding analytical results. This program ensures that the monitoring data can be used to evaluate accurately the environmental impacts from site operations.

The majority of the routine radioanalyses for the FUSRAP Environmental Monitoring Program were performed under subcontract by the Eberline Analytical Corporation, Albuquerque, New Mexico. This laboratory maintained an internal quality assurance program that involved routine calibration of counting instruments, source and background counts, routine yield determinations of radiochemical procedures, and replicate analyses to check precision. The accuracy of radionuclide determination was ensured through the use of standards traceable to the National Bureau of Standards, when available. The laboratory also participated in the Environmental Protection Agency's (EPA) Laboratory Intercomparison Studies Program. In this program, samples of different environmental media (water, milk, air filters, soil, foodstuffs, and tissue ash) containing one or more radionuclides in known amounts were prepared

A-l and distributed to the participating laboratories. After the samples were analyzed, the results were forwarded to EPA for comparison with known values and with the results from other laboratories. This program enabled the laboratory to regularly evaluate the accuracy of its analyses and take corrective action if needed.

Interlaboratory comparison of the TLD results was provided by participation in the International Environmental Dosimeter Project sponsored jointly by the Department of Energy, the Nuclear Regulatory Commission, and the EPA.

To provide for assurance of the quality of dose calculations, all computed doses were double checked by the originator and by an independent third party who also checked all input data and assumptions used in the calculations.


The radiation protection standards and associated Derived Concentration Guides (DCG) applicable to Department of Energy (DOE) installations have been modified (Ref. 10).

The radiation protection standard has been reduced from 500 mrem/yr to 100 mrem/yr. In conjunction with this reduction, evaluation of exposure pathways and resulting dose calculations are based on realistic assumptions. Realistic assumptions may include the use of occupancy factors in determining dose due to external gamma radiation; subtraction of background concentrations of radionuclides in air, water, and soil before calculating dose; closer review of water use, using the data that most closely represents actual exposure conditions rather than maximum values as applicable; and using average consumption rates of food and water per individual rather than maximums. Utilization of realistic assumptions will result in lower calculated doses than previous years. However, these doses will more accurately reflect the exposure potential from site activities.

The associated DCGs, which provide limits for the maximum permissible radioactivity in various environmental media, have also been revised. The new DCGs reflect changes to the radiation protection standard and new uptake models. On a case-by-case basis, the DCG for a given radionuclide may have increased, decreased, or remained unchanged. The DCGs for the common radionuclides at the CISS are presented in Table B-l. For comparative purposes, the old and revised DCGs are presented. Conversion factors for the new reporting units are provided in Table B-2.


Transport Previous Guide Radionuclide Medium (Uncontrolled Areas) New Guide

Uranium-Depleted Water 600 pCi/1 Unchanged*3

Radium-226 Water 30 pCi/1 1 x 10-7 juCi/ml (100 pCi/1) aThe radiation protection standard was changed from 500 mrem/yr to 100 mrem/yr.

DThe values are the same as for previous years, but are reported in different units.


1 year = 8760 hours 1 liter = 1000 ml

1 mrem = 1000 uR

1 mrem/yr = 11 uR/hr (assuming 8760 hours of exposure per year) 1 uCi = 1,000,000 pCi

1 pCi = 0.000001 uCi

1 pCi/1 = 10"9 uCi/ml

1 pCi/1 = 0.000000001 uCi/ml i 1 uCi/ml = 1,000,000,000 pCi/1 10-6 = 0.000001 10"7 = 0.0000001

10~8 = 0.00000001

10~9 = 0.000000001 lO-10 = 0.0000000001

7 x 10-10 = 0.0000000007


\ APPENDIX C ABBREVIATIONS cm centimeter cm/sec centimeters per second ft foot g gram gal gallon ha hectare in. inch km kilometer km/h kilometers per hour m meter 3 cubic mete-rs m mg milligram mg/1 milligrams per liter mi mile ml milliliter mph miles per hour mrem millirem mrem/yr millirem per year m.s.1. mean sea level jaCi/ml microcuries per milliliter pCi picocurie pCi/g picocuries per gram pCi/1 picocuries per liter wk week yd^ 3 cubic yards yr year


Media: Editor THE COLONIE EAGLE 10 Interstate Avenue Albany, New York 12201 Mr. Kyle Hughes THE KNICKERBOCKER NEWS Post Office Box 15-6000 Albany, New York 12212

Mr. Bryan Nearing THE SCHENECTADY GAZETTE 334 State Street Schenectady, New York 12301

Editor THE TIMES-RECORD 501 Broadway Troy, New York 12181 Mr. Kenneth Crowe THE TIMES-UNION Post Office Box 15-6000 Albany, New York 12201 Ms. Pat Bolger WTEN-TV 341 Northern Boulevard Albany, New York 12204 News Director WNYT-TV 15 North Pearl Street Menands, New York 12204 News Director WRGB-TV 1400 Balltown Road Schenectady, New York 12309 News Director WXXA-TV Post Office Box 6423 Albany, New York 12206

D-l Federal: Mr. Christopher J. Daggett, Administrator (5 copies) U.S. Environmental Protection Agency Region II 26 Federal Plaza, Room 1009 New York, New York 10278 Mr. Paul A. Giardina Chief, Radiation Branch U.S. Environmental Protection Agency Region II 26 Federal Plaza New York, New York 10278 Ms. Jenny Moon U.S. Environmental Protection Agency Region II 26 Federal Plaza New York, New York 10278 Ms. Shirley Sherey Disposal Division, 5PD U.S. General Services Administration 230 South Dearborn Street Chicago, Illinois 60604

State: Mr. Henry G. Williams, Commissioner State of New York Department of Environmental Conservation 50 Wolf Road Albany, New York 12233-0001 Mr. Paul Merges, Director Energy Radiation Section Division of Air State of New York Department of Environmental Conservation 50 Wolf Road Albany, New York 12233-0001 Mr. William L. Garvey, Chief Permit Administration Section State of New York Department of Environmental Conservation 50 Wolf Road Albany, New York 12233-0001 Bureau of Radiation State of New York Department of Environmental Conservation 50 Wolf Road Albany, New York 12233-0001 D-2 Mr. Jack Stahl Energy Office State of New York 2 Rockefeller Plaza Albany, New York 12223

Mr. Jerry Mandry Energy Office State of New York 2 Rockefeller Plaza Albany, New York 12223

Mr. Leo J. Hitling, Director Division of Environmental Protection State of New York Department of Health Tower Building Albany, New York 12237 Dr. Karim Rimawi State of New York Department of Health Empire State Plaza Tower Building, Room 495 Albany, New York 12237

Mr. James C. Huang State of New York Department of Health Empire State Plaza Tower Building Albany, New York 12237

Ms. Patricia Martinelli Assistant Attorney General Environmental Protection Bureau State of New York Department of Law Albany, New York 12224

Mr. John Spagnoli, Regional Director State of New York Department of Environmental Conservation Region IX 600 Delaware Avenue Buffalo, New York 14202-1073 Mr. John McMahon Regional Engineer State of New York Department of Environmental Conservation Region IX 600 Delaware Avenue Buffalo, New York 14202-1073

D-3 Mr. S. Pagano State of New York Department of Environmental Conservation Region IX 600 Delaware Avenue Buffalo, New York 14202-1073 Mr. R. ,Manna State of New York Department of Environmental Conservation Region IX 600 Delaware Avenue Buffalo, New York 14202-1073 Mr. J. .Ludlam State of New York Department of Environmental Conservation Region IX 600 Delaware Avenue Buffalo, New York 14202-1073 Mr. David J. Romano, P.E. State of New York Department of Environmental Conservation 2176 Guilderland Schenectady, New York 12036

Local: Honorable Fred Field Town Supervisor Town of Colonie Memorial Town Hall Newtonville, New York 12128

Honorable Tom Whalen Mayor, City of Albany Albany, New York 12201 Mr. Stephen L. Lukowski, Director Division of Environmental Health Services Albany County Health Department S. Serry and Green Streets Albany, New York 12201

Congressional: Honorable Alfonse D'Amato U.S. Senate 520 Hart Senate Office Building Washington, DC 20510

D-4 Honorable Daniel P. Moynihan U.S. Senate 464 Russell Senate Office Building Washington, DC 20510 Honorable Samuel Stratton U.S. House of Representatives 2205 Rayburn Building Washington, DC 20515

Honorable Howard C. Nolan, Jr. New York State Senator Room 302, LOB Albany, New York 12247 Honorable Arnold Proskin New York State Assemblyman Room 723, LOB Albany, New York 12248

Library; Colonie Library 629 Albany-Shaker Road Loudonville, New York 12211 Albany Public Library 161 Washington Avenue Albany, New York 12210


Mr. Park Owen (2 copies) Remedial Action Program Information Center Oak Ridge National Laboratory Martin Marietta Energy Systems, Inc. Post Office Box X Oak Ridge, Tennessee 37831 Distribution (27 copies) Office of Scientific and Technical Information U.S. Department of Energy Post Office Box 62 Oak Ridge, Tennessee 37831 Mr. J. P. Corley Battelle Pacific Northwest Laboratories Post Office Box 999 Richland, Washington 99352

D-5 Ms. Pam Merry-Libby (3 copies) Division of Environmental Impact Studies Argonne National Laboratory 9700 South Cass Avenue Argonne, Illinois 60439 Redacted - Privacy Act

Mr. Jay W. DeDapper Executive Vice President of Operations NL Industries, Inc. 1230 Avenue of the Americas New York, New York 10020 Redacted - Privacy Act

Redacted - Privacy Act

Mr. Tom Ellis ENYCOSH 629 Myrtle Avenue Albany, New York 12208 Mr. H. Fish, ESEP Environmental Measurements Laboratory 376 Hudson Street New York, New York 10014 Mr. J. R. Leach Terminal Hardware 1157 Central Avenue Albany, New York 12205 Redacted - Privacy Act

Mr. Lucian A. Masur Niagara Mohawk Power Corporation 535 Washington Street Buffalo, New York 14203 Dr. John Matuszek Radiological Sciences Laboratory Center for Laboratories and Research Empire State Plaza Albany, New York 12201

D-6 Redacted - Privacy Act

Redacted - Privacy Act

Redacted - Privacy Act

Redacted - Privacy Act

Mr. Thomas J. Rooney Niagara Mohawk Power Corporation 300 Erie Boulevard, West Syracuse, New York 13202 Redacted - Privacy Act

Mr. Don Woodcock Ziebart 1114 Central Avenue Albany, New York 12205

DOE-Headquarters: Mr. David S. Devane, Director, Press Services Office of Communications CP-22, Room 8G-096, HQ-FORSTL

Ms. Joyce A. Brady (6 copies) Office of Congressional Affairs CP-34, Room 8E-070, HQ-FORSTL

Mr. Carl G. Welty, Jr. (10 copies) Office of Environmental Guidance EH-23, Room 3G-092, HQ-FORSTL Mr. William R. Voigt, Jr., Director Office of Remedial Action and Waste Technology NE-20, Room E-435, HQ-GTN Mr. John E. Baublitz, Acting Deputy Director Office of Remedial Action and Waste Technology NE-20, Room E-420, HQ-GTN

Mr. Edward G. Delaney, Acting Director Office of Facility and Site Decommissioning NE-23, Room E-423, HQ-GTN

D-7 DOE-ORO: J. W. Range, M-4 (3 copies) G. W. Benedict, CE-50 E. L. Keller, CE-53 L. F. Campbell, CE-53 J. F. Wing, CE-53 S. K. Oldham, CE-53 S. H. Mccracken, CE-53 R. L. Egli, SE-30 D. B. Howard, SE-33 B. J. Davis, SE-33 (5 copies)
