1941-05-04 [P
_ WATCH 100,000 PEPSIS TO MEET Pirate Semi-Pros Drop BROC fN DOWNS HIM TAKE PURSE RAMBLERS TODAY Opener At Legion Field C UBS, 4 TO 3 Gets Whirlaway Owner Wright $61,275; j Wilmington’s Pirates a But the last half of Cape Fear Baseball Loop Goes dropped up popped Reiser’s Double Is Second And ten-inning game 6-5 to the Golds- And Med- Siaretor Into Its Third Sun- the ninth, a thriller if there ever boro team of the Coastal Plains wick’s Single In Market Wise Third was one. Edwards hit, Edens was Eighth day Of Play league last night in a game that safe on an error. Sandlin hit to Turn The Trick showed the team this year has BV SID FEDER pack the bases and the crowd roar- The Fear ample talent, speed and pep and BROOKLYN, DOWNS, LOUIS- Cape baseball loop ed for victory. Rowan rapped one May 3.-(,?,_A dou- CHURCHILL with a bit more and warm ble by Pete goes into its third Sunday of play playing which the second baseman mis- Reiser and Ducky Med- Ky., May 3.—UP)— wick's ,-jCLK. today with the Pepsi-C'ola Club weather will be the finest team single to left in the eighth in- Whirlaway. the little cued, and that error, plus another journeying to Masonboro to meet Wilmington has had to represent ning gave the Dodgers their horse with full which Carter on winning the big put first, brought for a 1-3 chestnut Frank Hines’ Ramblers. The Jewel it in semi-pro circles in many a margin victory over the the blinding stretch speed, in two runs to knot the count at Chicago Cubs Box will take on the King’s men year.
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