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Notabadthing Tohavestamped MadeinGermany. NEW ZE.ALAND CHESS Notabadthing Registered at Post Office Headquarters, Wellington as a magazine. tohavestamped Vol.6 No.1 February 1980 $1.00 onyour next flight. Look this sign when vou bhop for travel The competitors in the 87th Ner^r Championship. The moreyou fly Standing (left to right): E.M.Green, V.A.Smal1, A.L. ,Gturthansa Carpinter, R.I.Nokes, R.W.Srnith, D.H.Beach, P.B.lJeir cERirAil ATRL|NES and M.Evans. Seated: J.N.Metge, O.Sarapu, L.Aptekar - Royal lnsurance BIdg. and P.W. Stuart. 1m-113 Ouoon St., Auckland, N.Z. Tel.: 31529 P.O. Box l{27 I NE\Ir ZE^LLAND CHESS NEIll ZEALAND CHESS is published bi-nonrhly by the New Zealand Clrt.r;r; Ar,r,,,, r rl i()n, P.tJ. Box 8802, Symonds SrreeL, Auckland. Mon ths of issue are lrt,lrrrrrrr y, Al,r il, June, August, October and Dccember. Unless otherwise stated the vlews expressed Vol.6 No.1 February 1980 ilay not necessarily bc t lrorrl the Assoc iation. It was around the middle of 1977 that Editorial we received the IBM Selectric which has EDIT0R: Peter Sruarr, 24 Seacliffe Avenue, Takapuna, Auckland, 9. While no secret, the fact that I am been used ever since. The use of letra- retiring as Editor of New zeaTand Chess set for headings from February 1978 also ASS0CIATE EDIT0RS: Tony Douden (.tago), ,rtvin improved the appearance. (Canterbury) Sarapu TM, Vernon Smalt after this issue has not been well and Tim Spiller (WeIlington). publicised. Perhaps the mjor reason While I have enjoyed producing a for this was the doubt over a successor, mgazine very much, the task 1s very A11 contributions should be sent to the Editor's address. time consuming and I feel a certain will unused manuscripts this being occasioned by the doubt not be returned unless stamped, addressed envelope is enclosed. which has existed for the last three staleness is creeping in. I uould like months regarding the location and to think that the released tine will officers of the 1980 NZCA Council (see Iead to a renaissance in ny chess DEADLINES: The deadline AGM Notes in this issue). pTaqing but this may be too much to for both copy and advertising is the 6th of the month - preceding the month of issue. This issue brings up exactly four hope for! years for me as EdiEor of the magazine I would like to thank all those who (r{rithout - although my name appears on the have contributed remuneration inside front cover of the February 1976 except for a complimentary copy of the ADVERTISING g3O RATES: per fuI1 page, gl5 per column or half page, g7.50 magazite, that issue was actually pro- mgazine) articles, annotations and so half column. per duced under the edirorship of Peter on and I hope you will contlnue to do Goffin, so under the new Editor. One regret is Certainly the mgazine posed a great the lack of real reader particiPation SUBSCRIPTION 1975 of during those four years, although there RATES: ttrese are annual and are in New zealand dolrars. challenge 1n - by the end that year we were six months behind our has been some slight imProvement over the last few issues let us pray that New Zealand $4.50. Overseas (surface mail) publication dates, the June issue - $6.00. coming out a day or two before Christ- it continues! also to those unheralded Airmail: Australia & South pacific Asia & mas, due to circumstances which were My thanks $7.00, North America $g.50, devoEees of the party." This South America, Europe & Africa $10.00. beyond ny control. Ian Mitchell had "folding typed the April 1976 issue but i11- will need sone explanation for most of Note: our readers. TtJenty-four issues A11 enquiries regarding advertising or subscriptions should be health prevented him fron typing the Page The sent to These were up by are usually produced eight pages to a Administration officer, New Zeiland.chess Association, p.o. Box gg02, next two issues. set Slmonds Street, Auckland. an agency using IBM cold type which sheet and these sheets (as well as the had a very good "prinEed" appearance- covers) have to be folded (with the The main drawback, however, was the pages in the correct orderl) and col- very poor layout of the magazine, this lated before the stapling and final ACKN0WLEDGMENT: rhanks are due to rBM for rheir donarion of the rBM sefectric being due mainly to the fact that the Eriming by the printer. Not too many Typewriter used to produce this magazine. manuscripE was alnost wholly hand- printers om one of the expensive written. As it became apparent that I machines designed for this purPose so would have to type the manuscript for the the job is frequently done manua1ly. agency anyway, we decided to sidestep The folding parties are therefore a the middlemn. Appearance suffered as cost-saving exercise and they usually I used a manual portable typewrlter for last for three or four hours - depend- ing on the number of "workers" compared the next three issues. About a year tttalkers.t' earlier we had been hopeful of the to the number of Some of the donation of a Selectric typewriter by really keen "parEy-goerst' have been IBM but, as this seemed to have fa11en doing the job for even longer than I through, I bought an Olympia electric have been Editorl At the risk of unin- model which was used for the April and tentionally omitting someone I mke June 1977 issues. By this time, with speciaT mention of David Gollogly, six issues produced in about four Peter Mataga, SEephen Moratti, Michael months we were backonschedule. Steadman and Don Storey. My successor as Editor will be Paul junction with the Annual (lrrr1,,rr.rrr Spiller and, in wishing him every (2) That Part 1, Ru1<' 1r, :rr,r tl,,rr Burroughs Computers Gentennial Gongress success, I express he (h), subsection (iii) be :rrnt,rrrllrl lry rlr.- the hope that TRIPLE TIE IN 87th N.Z. CHAMPIONSHIP will receive the same support I have leting '31 Ocfober' and sul)..;t itrrt irr1l'15 had. November . ' Report: Peter Stuart Peter Stuart (3) That Part 1, RuIe 5, rrr r I i,,rr (c), Zealand Chess Associa- field for 87th New Zealand Champiorr EDITOR. subsection (i) be amended by rlll,.t irr1l The 87th New the '10 November' and substitutinli ' ll tion Congress uras held at the Civic ship was not as strong as might have AAA October. I Ha1I, Upper I{utt from 27 December to 7 been expected. There was not only the have come to exPect' prize money to consider, but also The first remit is self-exp l;rrr;r I ory. January. As we a very successful Congress possible olympiad selection later in NEW EDITOR,S ADDRESS The other two are simply a tidyinli rr|) following in 1975176 and a number of 40-40 the year. operation on the Constitution. Nunrlrcr 2 there Paul Spiller's address, to uhich all will mean that the Council will in tournaments, the Upper Hutt Chess Club ortvin Sarapu was, of course, an under the guiding hand of obvious favourite and indeed, this being correspondence and copy should be sent, future send out all the documents - organisation, l)('r (Anton was superb. The centennial year, he reaIly wanted to is 59 Uxbridge Road, IIO'r^IICK. taining to the AGM at the one time "the boss" Reid) the A Note that enqnries regarding adver- uhile nrrmber 3 means that clubs must members of the Tournament ComitEee nail the title dom once again. very make Sm11 was also taking tising or subscriptions should still forward nominations for officers and really uent out of their way to abstemious Vernon and Ewen be sent to the Adoinistration Officer, notjces of motion by the same daLe, viz the evenE as enjoyable as possible for things very seriously this time poor (for l\tr.2. Chess Association, P.O. Box 8802, 31 October- all competitors. Green, another relatively his Congress reputaEion) performer last year, was Symonds Streot, AUCKLAND. A feature of the Centennial was the comencement of sponsorship by also showing signs of optimism. ,h A ,h Burroughs Ltd, for an initial three- David Beach was actually second seed tr a tr year term, of the main NZCA tournaments. and Lev Aptekar, a fomer champion, also This permitted a dramatic increase in had a high rating; there lrere, however, CANOIDATES PAIRINGS the total prize fund offered compared doubts about the latterrs form during A.G.M. NOTES with any previous Congress. Strangely, the year in Wellington tournaments. Lev On 17 Novenber lots were drawn For the expected deluge of entries from the himself feels that a return to the The main item of intercst at the the quarter-finals and semi-finals of countryrs top players, with a $1000 stronger competition available in Auck- New ZeaLand Chess Associatlonrs Annual thc 1980 Men's and Womenrs Candidates' first prize as bait, failed to material- land would benefit his play consiflerably. General Meeting, held at Upper Huttrs Matches. ise. Maybe money isn't everythingl Thus The next two on rating were Roger Civic Hall on 2 January 1980, was the Mark Evans, with a pre-tournament rating Nokes who scored 50% last year at his of only 2010 gained selection for the first atterpt but who had been quite election of the new Counc:i1 - or rather Men's Quarter-finals: the decision as to where the admini- Championship event.
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    Australian Correspondence Chess Quarterly Australia Post No PPn 230594/00010 Correspondence Chess League of Australia Postal Address: GPO Box 2360, Sydney, NSW, 2001 Website: May 2017 Vol. 70 No. 2 pp 25-48 $4.00 Editor: Shaun Press ISSN 819-7806 2 Auburn St, Amaroo, ACT, 2914 [email protected] In recent years the CCLA Council has done a lot of work to ensure the future of both Correspondence Chess in Australia, and the CCLA’s own role in supporting this. Realising that the future of CC is based on online chess, the CCLA has made a big effort to move most of its events to the ICCF server. Fortunately most of the membership has been able to go along with this move, allowing the CCLA to provide a better service for all. The flexibility of web based tournaments has allowed the CCLA to organise more events, more frequently. An example of this is the Interstate Teams Championship which is now growing into one of its strongest and most popular events. There is coverage of the 2016 tournament inside this issue, and the 2017 event is under way with a very strong field. The CCLA is also updating its web services, with the address of the new CCLA webserver listed on the masthead. Of course technology isn’t always perfect, and transferring the CCLA Ratings System across to the new server has resulted in missing CCLA ratings for this issue. The Council would also like to welcome Ryan Luey, who has taken on the role of Masterpoints Recorder.
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