NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Mendip District Council has made the following order:- ORDER UNDER SECTION 21 of the Town Police Clauses Act 1847 for the prevention of obstruction etc. WHEREAS during certain hours stated below on 18 to 20 November 2015 (inclusive) the roads detailed below will be thronged and liable to be obstructed, the Mendip District Council pursuant to the powers conferred by Section 21 of the Town Police Clauses Act 1847 do HEREBY ORDER AND DIRECT that for the purpose of preventing obstruction in the said streets on the said days the following regulations shall be observed:-

1. (a) 18 to 19 November 2015 (inclusive) The following road at Wells, shall be closed to all vehicular traffic from 1930 hours on Wednesday 18 November to 0200 hours on Thursday 19 November 2015:- Wells Relief Road (From Dulcote Junction at Dulcote to Glastonbury Road Junction)

(b) 18 to 20 November 2015 (inclusive) The following road at Wells, Somerset shall be closed, as necessary, at the discretion of the Avon and Somerset Constabulary, to all east bound traffic from 1930 hours on Wednesday 18 November to 1530 hours on Friday 20 November 2015 and to all traffic from 0900 – 2300 on Friday 20 November 2015. Wells Relief Road (From Dulcote Junction at Dulcote to Glastonbury Road Junction)

(c) 20 November 2015

(i) The following roads at Wells, Somerset shall be closed to all vehicular traffic at the discretion of the Avon and Somerset Constabulary from 1800 hours to Midnight on Friday 20 November 2015:- Unclassified Road from the western side of Dulcote to Worminster - (passing Dulcote Quarry and Scarlett Withies Farm) Unclassified Roads from western side of Dulcote to road from A39 south of Wells at Browne's Nursery to North Wootton via Launcherley serving Wellesley Cottages, Wellesley Farm, Greenacres and Hill House Farm.

(ii) The following roads at Wells, Somerset shall be closed to all vehicular traffic except for local access on Friday 20 November 2015 from 1800 hours to 2300 hours:- Strawberry Way North Strawberry Way South Durkheim Drive Sheldon Drive (but access to local businesses to be maintained)

(iii) The following roads at Wells, Somerset shall be closed to all vehicular traffic at the discretion of the Avon and Somerset Constabulary from 1530 hours to 2300 hours on Friday 20 November 2015:- Burcott Road (East of Coronation Road) Tucker Street West Street Wells Relief Road (from Dinder Lodge Junction to Glastonbury Road Junction).

The following road shall be closed to all vehicular traffic at the discretion of the Avon and Somerset Constabulary from 1800 hours to midnight on Friday 20 November 2015:- A39 at Tin Bridge roundabout Glastonbury to Wells

(iv) The following roads at Wells, Somerset shall be closed to all vehicular traffic, at the discretion of the Avon and Somerset Constabulary, from 1630 hours to 2300 hours on Friday 20 November 2015:-

Broad Street Chamberlain Street Constitution Hill (towards Dulcote Junction) Glastonbury Road High Street Mountery Road New Street (south of The Liberty) Portway (Coronation Road to New Street/Chamberlain Street) Priory Road St Andrews Street (west of East Liberty) Sadler Street Tor Street Whiting Way

2. Clear access into the roads affected by this Order shall be maintained at all times for the passage of emergency services.

3. Where possible vehicular access to properties adjacent to the road affected will be made available for the occupants of those properties.

4. Drivers of vehicles requiring access or passage into or through the above named streets during the time of the Road Closure as stated above may be diverted along such routes as are considered suitable by Police Officers.

5. The penalty for infringement of the said regulations is a fine not exceeding Level 3 or the Standard Scale referred to in the Criminal Justice Act 1982.

S. Brown Chief Executive

Dated: 4th November 2015

Council Offices Cannards Grave Road Somerset BA4 5BT