ANSTEORRAN COLLEGE OF [Device] Missing comma after field tincture in HERALDS blazon. Lovely arms! Collated Commentary on ILoI 0311 Gawain [Device] The chief, having only one edge, is Unto the Ansteorran College of Heralds does Estrill indented, not dancetty. I’d have drawn the Swet, Retiarius Pursuivant, make greetings. dogs and flowers a bit larger, but this should be For information on commentary submission formats or OK. to receive a copy of the collated commentary, you can contact me at: Da’ud Deborah Sweet [Device] There is nothing markedly either “Irish” 824 E 8th, Stillwater, OK 74074 or “hound”-like about these wolves. 405/624-9344 (before 10pm) “Dancetty: Applies only to a two-sided ordinary
[email protected] (such as a pale or fess) which zig-zags or “dances” across the field. Indeed, a fess dancetty may be blazoned simply as a dance. Commenters for this issue: Modern non-SCA heraldic treatises define dancetty as a larger version of indented, but Knute period blazons do not make this distinction.” (Glossary of Terms) The chief here is indented. Aryanhwy merch Catmael – Herald-at-Large, Northshield, Midrealm Seawinds [Device] Vert, three irish wolfounds passant, on a Gawain of Miskbridge - Green Anchor Herald chief dancetty Or three cinquefoils vert. Da’ud ibn Auda - al-Jamal Herald Magnus [Device] The chief should be blazoned as Seawinds Heraldry Guild - Jayme Dominguez del indented. Valle, Pursuivant Extraordinary; Fearghus Cochrane, Deputy Pursuivant; Marguerite du College Action Bois; Caitriona inghean Mhic Lochlainn; Moira Device: Cochrane. Conflict Checking done via the Online Ordinary. Magnus von Lübeck – Orle Herald 2.