25-29 September 2005 Berlin, Germany Joint Meeting

Final Programme

15th SOE Congress

Societas Ophthalmologica Europaea European Society of Ophthalmology

Basic Sciences and Clinical Application

103rd DOG Congress

Deutsche Ophthalmologische Gesellschaft German Society of Ophthalmology

25-29 September 2005 Berlin, Germany Joint Meeting

Basic Sciences and Clinical Application

15th SOE Congress

Societas Ophthalmologica Europaea European Society of Ophthalmology

103rd DOG Congress

Deutsche Ophthalmologische Gesellschaft German Society of Ophthalmology

Final Programme

Major Sponsor Novartis Pharma AG

Main Sponsors *Acri.Tec GmbH Alcon Laboratories, Inc. AMO Germany GmbH Pfizer GmbH

Sponsors Bausch & Lomb GmbH Optos GmbH Pharm-Allergan GmbH Santen GmbH 2 Welcome Address from the Governing Mayor of Berlin

On behalf of the Berlin Senate, I would like to welcome all those attending the 103rd Annual Meeting of the German Ophthalmological Society and the 15th Congress of the Societas Ophthalmologica Europaea to Germany’s capital city.

We are delighted that the world’s oldest medical professional association is holding its annual meeting together with its European umbrella organization here in Berlin. And we are confident that you will find ideal conditions for your meeting here, since today’s Berlin is one of the world’s leading congress and conference venues.

Ophthalmology can look back on a long and distinguished history in Berlin. We can say, in fact, that this branch of medi- cine was born in Berlin, and we are very proud of this. At the same time, Berlin is currently positioning itself as a modern health center with offerings ranging from health care services, medical schools, and cutting-edge biomedical research to high-quality products from the medical technology and phar- maceutical sectors.

Along with the focused work and key professional encounters of your congress, Berlin offers an ideal opportunity to discover the many facets of modern life in a major city. Berlin invites you to explore our exciting city whenever your congress pro- gramme permits; wherever you go, you will encounter traces of a varied and eventful history. Dense urbanism and attractive landscapes exist side by side along the Spree River and give this livable city its appeal.

So take advantage of any breaks in your conference schedule to get to know our world-renowned museums, our opera houses, and our theaters. Or wind up an absorbing day of conference sessions at one of the many trendy bars and res- taurants in the dynamic neighborhoods in the new heart of Berlin.

With this in mind, I wish you an eventful and unforgettable stay in Germany’s capital city.

Once again: Welcome to Berlin!

Klaus Wowereit Grußwort des Regierenden Bürgermeisters von Berlin 3

Im Namen des Senats von Berlin heiße ich die Teilnehmerin- nen und Teilnehmer der 103. Tagung der Deutschen Oph- thalmologischen Gesellschaft und dem 15. Kongress der Societas Ophthalmologica Europaea herzlich willkommen in der deutschen Hauptstadt.

Wir freuen uns sehr, dass die älteste wissenschaftliche Fach- gesellschaft der Welt ihren Jahreskongress gemeinsam mit ihrer europäischen Dachorganisation in Berlin abhält. Und wir sind sicher, dass Sie in Berlin optimale Bedingungen für Ihre Tagung vorfinden werden. Denn Berlin ist heute einer der weltweit führenden Kongress- und Tagungsorte.

Die Augenheilkunde kann in Berlin auf eine große Tradition zurückblicken. Ja, man kann sagen: Hier in Berlin steht die Wiege der Disziplin. Die Stadt ist sich dessen bewusst. Zugleich ist Berlin heute dabei, sich als moderne Gesund- heitsstadt zu positionieren, deren Angebot von den gesund- heitsbezogenen Dienstleistungen über die Hochschulmedizin und die biomedizinische Spitzenforschung bis hin zu hoch- wertigen Produkten der Medizintechnik und der Pharmain- dustrie reicht.

Neben dem konzentrierten Arbeiten und den fachlich bedeutsamen Begegnungen im Rahmen des Kongresses bie- tet sich Berlin geradezu an, um sich auch auf die Vielseitig- keit modernen Großstadtlebens einzulassen. Berlin lädt Sie herzlich dazu ein, sich abseits des Kongressprogramms auf Streifzüge durch eine spannende Stadt zu begeben. Auf Schritt und Tritt begegnet man den Spuren einer wechselvol- len und bewegten Geschichte. Dichte Urbanität und attrakti- ve Landschaften liegen an der Spree nah beieinander und machen den Reiz dieser lebenswerten Großstadt aus.

Nutzen Sie also die Tagungspausen, um unsere weltberühm- ten Museen, unsere Opernhäuser und Theater kennen zu ler- nen. Oder beschließen Sie einen anregenden Konferenztag in einem der vielen angesagten Lokale in den quirligen Quartie- ren von Berlins neuer Mitte.

In diesem Sinne wünsche ich Ihnen einen erlebnisreichen und unvergesslichen Aufenthalt in der deutschen Hauptstadt und sage noch einmal:

Herzlich willkommen in Berlin!

Klaus Wowereit 4 Welcome Address from the President of the DOG

Dear Colleagues

On behalf of the board of the German Society of Ophthalmology it is an honour and a pleasure to welcome you to our annual meeting, which this year is being held as a joint meeting with the SOE, the Association of European Ophthalmological Societies. The DOG received the SOE Council’s aut- horisation to hold the meeting in 1998. Berlin is naturally delighted to be the chosen venue for this European Ophthalmology meeting, particularly as the first impulse for Euro- pean Medical Meetings originated here under the patronage of Albrecht von Graefe more than 150 years ago. The scale of the joint congress, with Euro- pean and international colleagues represented from more than 60 countries has made it necessary, as on previous occasions, to hold the meeting at the ICC Berlin (International Congress Centre) under Berlin’s famous Radio Tower (Funkturm).

In the last few years a large number of new topics have emerged in basic sciences. The integration of these into practical clinical tasks has certainly created significant challenges.

More than 1000 abstracts have been submitted and evaluated by a European Programme Commission. Acceptance from colleagues from the extended EU is extraordinarily large and shows that we can expect further demands of this nature in the future. Colleagues from Russia, the Arabic region and Asia will be contributing substantially to the meeting. Interest from Africa – traditionally integrated in the French annual meeting – will also be accounted for in our international symposia. It is also worth mentioning that for the first time at a European Congress, American colleagues will have the possibility of obtaining Continuing Medical Education (CME) Accreditation points which are obligatory for them at home.

The Keynote lectures deal with the surgical treatment of age-related macular degeneration, and with the recommendations of the European Society for the clinical management of this heterogeneous disease group. New imaging techniques, of diseases of the anterior eye segment to be made such as confocal microscopy of the conjunctiva, as well as also depicting the retina and choroidal membrane structures is the third subject. Finally, an attempt will be undertaken to bridge cataract surgery and the relatively new refractive surgery to form an uniform concept, i.e. develop- ment of an overlap of both methodical approaches.

In addition, a number of symposia by companies will also be held. Large meetings, such as this one, could not take place without the support of industry. We are therefore especially thankful, that the industry is prepared to support an interaction of this magnitude and at the same time present us with the newest innovations and developments.

In its present form, with its numerous sections, the DOG has developed into a broad, consensus proficient scientific alliance, which at this meeting can expect attendance of 5000 members.

Finally, amid all the scientific activity, either personal connections, friendships or cultural exchanges should be sacrificed. The social programme is designed to show you some of the interesting cultural aspects of Berlin, highlighted by the evening in the Berlin Philharmonic Hall with the Philharmonic Jazz Band and the twelve Cellists. I hope that you will return home with good memories after a successful trip to Berlin and a memorable meeting.

Prof. Dr. M. H. Foerster FEBO Präsident derDOG undKongresspräsident Prof. Dr. M.H.Foerster FEBO len undprivatenErinnerungennachHausezurückkehren werden. Ich hoffe, dassSieallenacheinererfolgreichen Reisemitgutenprofessionel- ge AspekteBerlinsnäherbringen,wiez.B.derFestabendin Philharmonie. Austausch zukurzkommen.DasRahmenprogramm sollIhneneinigewichti- Schließlich sollnatürlichwederdiepersönlicheBeziehungnoch derkulturelle die mitdieserTagung ihr5000.Mitgliederwartet. einer breiten konsensfähigenwissenschaftlichenGruppierungentwickelt, Die DOGhatsichinihrer jetzigenFormmitdenzahlreichen Sektionenzu neuesten InnovationenausderIndustriezukonfrontieren. ihr besondersdankbar, dasssiesichbereit findet,unsgleichzeitigmitden Ohne dieIndustriesindsogroße Tagungen nichtdurchführbar undwirsind Darüber hinauswerden auchvonFirmengetrageneSymposienstattfinden. beider methodischerAnsätzeherauszuarbeiten. Chirurgie ineineinheitlichesKonzeptzubringenbzw. dieSchnittmengen rung beiderKataraktchirurgieundnochrelativ neuenrefraktiven sagen. Schließlichwird derVersuch dieSehschärfeverbesse- unternommen, ermöglichen einewesentlichhöhere Präzisionunserer diagnostischenAus- der Netzhaut-undAderhautstrukturen mitHilfeneuerSoftwareprogramme der konfokalenMikroskopie derBindehaut,aberauchbeiDarstellung die sowohlbeidenErkrankungendesvorderen Augensegmentes,wiez.B. heterogenen Erkrankungsgruppedargestellt.NeuebildgebendeVerfahren, europäischen GlaukomgesellschaftzumklinischenManagementdieser der altersbedingtenMakuladegeneration.Weiter werden Empfehlungender Die HauptvorlesungenbeschäftigensichmitderchirurgischenBehandlung punkte erhaltenkönnen. päischen Tagung diezuHausezwingendvorgeschriebenenFortbildungs- Nicht zuvergessenist,dasserstmalsamerikanischeKollegenaufeinereuro- Tagung Symposienberücksichtigt. integriert,werden indeninternationalen Tagung bei.AuchdieInteressen Afrikas,traditionellaufderfranzösischen Russland, demarabischenRaumundausAsientragensubstantiellzuder noch mehrdiesenBedürfnissenRechnungtragenmüssen.Kollegenaus terten EUistaußerordentlich groß undweistdaraufhin,dasswirinZukunft Programmkommission bewertet.DasInteresse derKollegenauserwei- wurden mehrals1000Abstractseingereicht undvoneinereuropäischen zur klinischenPraxiswird dieUmsetzungfürdenAlltagbesprochen. Es verschiedenen ophthalmologischenSubspezialitätenbesprochen. InKursen stattfinden. Inmehrals60Symposienwerden danndieEinzelaspekteder werden anjedemKongresstag von12:30bis13:00UhrHauptvorlesungen von neuenThemenerschlossen.Vorgestellt vonerfahrenen Rednern In denGrundlagenwissenschaftenwurde indenletztenJahren eineReihe gegangen sind. 150 Jahren dieerstenImpulsefüreuropäische medizinischeTagungen aus- kunde seinzudürfen,zumalvonhiermitAlbrecht vonGraefevormehrals ten. Berlinfreut sichnatürlich,derTreffpunkt dereuropäischen Augenheil- 1998 umdieTagung beworbenundvomSOECouncildenZuschlagerhal- chen Gesellschaften,inBerlinbegrüßenzudürfen.DieDOGhattesich men Tagung mitderSOE,Vereinigung derEuropäischen Augenärztli- ist esmireinebesondere Ehre undFreude, Siezurdiesjährigengemeinsa- im NamendesVorstands derDeutschenOphthalmologischenGesellschaft Sehr verehrte Kolleginnen,sehrgeehrteKollegen, Grußwort desPräsidentenderDOG

Scientific Programme 5 Sunday, 25.9. 6 Welcome Address from the President of the SOE Council

It gives me a great pleasure to extend, on behalf of the European Society of Ophthalmo- logists, a warm welcome to all the delegates to the 2005 Joint SOE & DOG Congress in Berlin. Following in the long tradition of previous SOE congresses, this promises to be an exciting meeting in every respect.

“Previous SOE congresses?” I hear you ask. As a matter of fact, SOE was founded almost 50 years ago and its membership consists of ALL the national ophthalmological societies in Europe. It is thus very likely that you too belong to SOE, along with another 40,000 ophthalmologists in 40 European countries.

Every other year, SOE organises a European Congress of Ophthalmology in different parts of Europe. This year, we are fortunate to be the guests of the German Ophthalmological Society (DOG) who proposed a joint meeting, combining the traditional DOG format with wider pan-European participation.

In the scientific programme, ophthalmologists from all over Europe, and beyond, get together in order to learn from each other, as well as from the many experts who have been specifically invited to give keynote lectures, to take part in symposia and to teach in didactic courses. From this year, we involve many more sub-specialty societies and supranational organisations and we are grateful for their ready willingness to participate in our Congress.

The social programme is an important component of our meetings. The venues have been carefully chosen not just to give the flavour of our host country but also to allow for personal contacts between colleagues from different countries to develop and to flourish in the years to come.

The extensive trade exhibition is an integral part of the Congress. All the major manufacturers support this meeting and their representatives are ready to explain the latest innovations in surgical and diagnostic instrumen- tation – every booth is worth a visit!

A meeting of this size does not happen overnight. Here, I must express my gratitude to the members of the Organising Committee who have worked tirelessly to make this Joint SOE/DOG Congress a memorable and worth- while experience for us all. I can assure you that we shall build on their great achievement as we prepare the next SOE Jubilee Congress, which will take place in Vienna on June 9 - 12th, 2007.

We hope that you will find participating in our Joint meeting interesting as well as enjoyable – after all, SOE is your Society!

Zdenek J.Gregor, FRCS, FRCOphth A thank you from the SOE & DOG 7 to all Sponsors and Exhibitors

The Executive Committee of the SOE & DOG Congress 2005 and the Executive Committee of the SOE would like to thank all sponsors and exhibitors for their generous financial support and kind hospitality on the15th SOE Congress and the 103rd Meeting of the DOG. Our special thanks go to the major sponsor Novartis and also the main sponsors *Acri.Tec, Alcon, AMO and Pfizer Pharma.

All participants are cordially invited to visit the Industrial Exhibition. Today, progress in ophthalmology is very closely linked to new and innovate contributions from equipment, instruments, lens and pharmaceutical manufacturers and without many of the conservative and operative techni- ques developed by them, ophthalmology would not be in the excellent condition it is in at present. For that reason the presence of the industry here radically enriches our joint SOE & DOG meeting and more than warrants a visit by delegates.

We wish all participants of this important meeting a successful Congress and a pleasant stay in Berlin.

Graefe memorial in Berlin-Mitte Restaurierung des Albrecht von Graefe Denkmal in Berlin-Mitte The impressive memorial to the founder of the German Society of Ophthalmolo- In Berlin-Mitte vor dem Gelände der gy (Deutsche Ophthalmologische Gesell- Charité an der Ecke Luisen-/Schumann- schaft [DOG]), Albrecht von Graefe straße befindet sich das beeindruckende (22 May 1828 - 20 July 1870) can be Denkmal des Gründers unserer Gesell- found by the gates of the Charité near schaft, Albrecht von Graefe (* 22. Mai Luisenstraße and Schumannstraße in 1828 in Berlin; † 20. Juli 1870 in Berlin). the Mitte district of Berlin. Es wurde im Jahre 1882 auf Initiative der Berliner Medizinischen Gesellschaft The memorial commissioned by the von dem Bildhauer Rudolf Leopold Sie- Medical Society of Berlin and created by mering geschaffen. Das Denkmal stand the sculptor Rudolf Leopold Siemering, ursprünglich im Garten der Charité, dem originally stood in the Charité´s garden, Wirkungsort von Graefes, und wurde close to von Graefe´s main place of später an seinem heutigen Standort wie- work. It was then later moved to its der errichtet. current location. Als Mitbegründer der Gesellschaft hat As a co-founder of the German Society Albrecht von Graefe visonären Weitblick of Ophthalmology, Albrecht von Graefe gezeigt. Die Deutsche Ophthalmologi- is regarded as a visionary. The German sche Gesellschaft ist die älteste medizi- Society of Ophthalmology is the first nisch-wissenschaftliche Fachgesellschaft and oldest scientific medical society in der Welt. Sie wird im Jahre 2007 ihr the world and in 2007 will celebrate its 150-jähriges Jubiläum begehen. Die 150th anniversary. The DOG’s annual Jahrestagungen der Gesellschaft – in meetings, of which the 103rd takes diesem Jahr die 103. – gehen ebenfalls place this September, are also indebted auf die Initiative von Graefes zurück. to von Graefe’s resourcefulness. Die Deutsche Ophthalmologische Gesell- The German Society of Ophthalmology schaft fühlt sich der Tradition Albrecht feels committed to the traditions esta- von Graefes verpflichtet. Wir freuen uns blished by Albrecht von Graefe, and daher außerordentlich, dass das Denk- therefore we are very grateful for the mal des Gründers unserer wissenschaftli- generous contribution the industry has chen Fachgesellschaft mit großzügiger made towards the restoration of our Unterstützung der Industrie restauriert founder’s memorial. und in sein ursprüngliches Erscheinungs- bild zurückversetzt werden konnte. Die The DOG would also like to acknowled- DOG spricht den Spendern ihren beson- ge all our sponsors and welcomes all deren Dank aus und lädt alle Teilnehmer participants at this year’s joint congress des Kongresses ein, das Denkmal zu to view the memorial that documents besichtigen. Dokumentiert es doch die and stands for the foundation of Ursprünge der wissenschaftlichen German scientific ophthalmology. Ophthalmologie in Deutschland.

The DOG wishes to thank the Die DOG dankt den folgenden following Sponsors: Sponsoren:

*Acri.Tec GmbH Bausch & Lomb GmbH

Chibret Pharmazeutische GmbH Hoya Medical Europe GmbH

Alcon Pharma GmbH AMO Germany GmbH Die DOG dankt auch dem Verein Denk Santen GmbH mal an Berlin e. V. – Verein zur Förde- Technomed GmbH rung der Denkmalpflege für die Koordi- nation des Projekts sowie den folgenden Spendern, die ebenfalls zur Pharm-Allergan GmbH Restaurierung des Denkmals beigetra- Rayner Surgical GmbH gen haben: Anteis GmbH Landesdenkmalamt Berlin, Bezirksamt Domilens GmbH Mitte von Berlin, Fa. Lorberg Baumschul- Geuder AG erzeugnisse, AOK Berlin XXXII. International Congress Local Organizing Committee of Ophthalmology President 6-10 June 2010 Prof. Dr. Gerhard K. Lang Berlin, Germany General Secretary in conjunction with Prof. Dr. Anselm Kampik th Treasurer 108 DOG Congress Prof. Dr. Jochen Kammann Scientific Programme Director Prof. Dr. Gabriele E. Lang DOG Managing Director Philip Gass Professional Congress Organizer Monika Porstmann

ICO 2010 Table of Contents 11 Inhaltsverzeichnis

14 Societas Ophthalmologica Europaea SOE 15 Local Organizing Committee 16 International and National Faculties 17 Cooperation with Organisations and Societies

18 Awards Preise

19 Important Congress Information

20 Opening Ceremony Feierliche Eröffnung Closing Ceremony Abschlussveranstaltung

24 Keynote Lecturers

26 Special Sessions

27 Scientific Programme 39 – Sunday, 25 September 2005 57 – Monday, 26 September 2005 81 – Tuesday, 27 September 2005 105 – Wednesday, 28 September 2005 131 – Thursday, 29 September 2005

145 Posters Videos

199 Courses and Wet-Labs EUPO Course

225 Satellite Programme Satellitenveranstaltungen 239 Administrative Meetings Arbeitssitzungen 241 Company Symposia Firmenveranstaltungen

245 Official Social Programme 248 Social Programme for Accompanying Persons

253 General Information 257 General Information for Participants 259 General Information for Authors Allgemeine Hinweise für Autoren 271 Announcements Kongressankündigungen 273 DOG 275 Membership Mitgliedschaft 277 SFO-/DOG-Symposium

278 Commercial Exhibition, Sponsors & Advertisers 283 Index of Authors 323 Imprint 325 General Information about Berlin

Maps Front cover inside Map ICC & Messe Berlin 282 Map of Commercial Exhibition 326 Map – How to get to the Congress Back cover inside Citymap Hotels

Joint Meeting

15th SOE Congress

Societas Ophthalmologica Europaea European Society of Ophthalmology

Basic Sciences and Clinical Application

103rd DOG Congress

Deutsche Ophthalmologische Gesellschaft German Society of Ophthalmology 14 Societas Ophthalmologica Europaea SOE


President Prof. Dr. Zdenek L. Gregor, United Kingdom General Secretary Prof. Dr. Michael H. Foerster, Germany Treasurer Prof. Dr. Gabriel van Rij, The Netherlands

SOE Executive Committee Zdenek Gregor, United Kingdom Michael H. Foerster, Germany Gabriel van Rij, The Netherlands Bo Philipson, Sweden Jean-Paul Adenis, France Rosario Brancato, Italy Günther Grabner, Austria Marko Hawlina, Slovenia

Active Members J. P. Adenis, France Honorary Members A. Alicadic Hosovic, Bosnia-Herzegovina A. Arruga, Spain E. Benedelic, Republic of Moldova D. Basar, Turkey I. Beradze, Georgia T. Bertelsen, Norway T. Birich, Belarus G. Cristini, Italy N. Bobrova, Ukraine K. Cupak, Croatia S. Bosnakovska, Republic of Macedonia J. Ribeiro da Silva, Portugal R. Brancato, Italy P. Eustace, Ireland A. Castanheira-Dinis, Portugal P. Follman, Hungary A. Cernak, Slovakia C. Gailloud, Switzerland D. Chiselita, Romania E. Goldschmidt, Denmark P. Cleary, Ireland D. Greaves, UK T. Fenech, Malta H. Henkes, The Netherlands A. Fielder, UK L. Henc-Petrinovic, Croatia N. Gabric, Croatia T. Kecik, Poland S. Golubovic, Yugoslavia R. Kloti, Switzerland G. Grabner, Austria N. I. Konstantinov, Bulgaria B. Hasanreisoglu, Turkey E. Linner, Sweden M. Hawlina, Slovenia L. Missotten, Belgium F. Jonasson, Iceland J. Oosterhuis, The Netherlands J. Kaluzny, Poland M. Reim, Germany F. H. Koerner, Switzerland R. Sachsenweger, Germany P. Kuchynka, Czech Republic H. Saraux, France T. Kuddu, Estonia S. Scuderi, Italy L. Laatikainen, Finland H. Slezak, Austria G. Laganovska, Latvia A. Tarkkanen, Finland Z. I. Moroz, Russia M. Tost, Germany A. Paunksnis, Lithuania P. Vancea, Romania B. T. Philipson, Sweden D. Pita Salorio, Spain J. U. Prause, Denmark J. Seland, Norway M. Spiritus, Belgium I. Sueveges, Hungary V. Tanev, Bulgaria P. Teesalu, Estonia G. Theodossiadis, Greece Local Organizing Committee 15

DOG President Prof. Dr. Michael H. Foerster Charité – Universitätsmedizin Berlin Campus Benjamin Franklin Hindenburgdamm 30, D-12200 Berlin Tel.: + 49 30 84 45 23 31 Fax: + 49 30 84 45 44 50 E-mail: [email protected]

DOG Vice President Prof. Dr. N. Pfeiffer Direktor der Universitäts-Augenklinik Langenbeckstraße 1, 55131 Mainz Tel.: +49 6131 177 085 Fax: +49 6131 176 620 E-mail: [email protected]

DOG General Secretary Prof. Dr. Anselm Kampik Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München Klinikum Innenstadt, Augenklinik Mathildenstraße 8, D-80336 München Tel.: +49 89 51 60 38 00 Fax: +49 89 51 60 47 78 E-mail: [email protected]

DOG Treasurer Prof. Dr. Jochen Kammann St.-Johannes-Hospital, Augenklinik Johannesstraße 9-17, D-44137 Dortmund Tel.: +49 231 18 43 22 41 Fax: +49 231 18 43 25 08 E-mail: [email protected]

DOG Managing Director Dipl.-Kfm. Philip Gass c/o Augenklinik der Universität Mathildenstraße 8, D-80336 München Tel.: +49 89 5160 3805 Fax: +49 89 5160 3802 E-mail: [email protected]

Directors of Scientific Programme Co-ordination DOG/SOE

Prof. Dr. Gabriele E. Lang Universitätsklinikum Ulm Augenklinik Prittwitzstraße 43, D-89075 Ulm Tel.: +49 731 50 02 75 51 Fax: +49 731 50 02 75 49 E-mail: [email protected]

PD Dr. Klaus Dieter Lemmen St. Martinus-Krankenhaus Augenabteilung Völklinger Straße 10, D-40219 Düsseldorf Tel.: +49 211 917 17 00 Fax: +49 211 39 58 90 E-mail: [email protected]

Professional Congress Organizer Monika Porstmann Porstmann Kongresse GmbH Alte Jakobstraße 77, D-10179 Berlin Tel.: +49 30 28 44 99-0 Fax: +49 30 28 44 99-11 E-mail: [email protected] 16 International and National Faculties

International Faculty National Faculty Jean-Paul Adenis, F Karl-Ulrich Bartz-Schmidt, Tübingen Sunita Agarwal, IND Wolfgang Behrens-Baumann, Magde- Pinar Aydin, TUR burg Francesco Bandello, I Klaus Bergdolt, Köln Christophe Baudouin, F Hans Biermann, Köln Michèle Beaconsfield, UK Susanne Binder, Wien Alan C. Bird, UK Norbert Bornfeld, Essen Stefano Bonini, I Ulrich Demeler, Bremen Rosario Brancato, I Gernot I. W. Duncker, Halle/Saale Gabriel J. Coscas, F Joachim Esser, Essen José Cunha-Vaz, P Michael H. Foerster, Berlin Bertil D. Damato, UK Veit-Peter Gabel, Regensburg Jean Delbeke, B Franz Grehn, Würzburg Patrick de Potter, B Rolf Grewe, Münster Marc D. de Smet, NL Rudolf F. Guthoff, Rostock Harminder S. Dua, UK Christian Hartmann, Berlin † Alain Ducasse, F Frank G. Holz, Bonn Alistair Fielder, UK Horst Hübner, Trier Albert Franceschetti, CH Jochen Kammann, Dortmund Pier Enrico Gallenga, I Anselm Kampik, München Alain Gaudric, F Herbert Kaufmann, Gießen Balder P. Gloor, CH Ulrich Kellner, Siegburg Zdenek L. Gregor, UK Bernd Kirchhof, Köln Olav Henrik Haugen, N Volker Klauß, München Marko Hawlina, SLO Thomas Kohnen, Frankfurt a. Main Anders Heijl, S Gerold H. Kolling, Heidelberg Carl P. Herbort, CH Günther K. Krieglstein, Köln Ed Holland, USA (AAO) Peter Kroll, Marburg Thanh Huang-Xuan, F Friedrich E. Kruse, Erlangen Jiri Jan, CZ Gabriele E. Lang, Ulm Christopher Kennard, UK Gerhard K. Lang, Ulm Tero Kivelä, FIN Klaus Dieter Lemmen, Düsseldorf Artur Klett, EST Wolfgang Lieb, Karlsruhe Fritz Körner, CH Karin U. Löffler, Bonn Lajos Kolozsvári, H Birgit Lorenz, Regensburg Ferenc Kuhn, H Hans-W. Meyer-Rüsenberg, Hagen Klara Landau, CH Georg Michelson, Erlangen D. Frank P. Larkin, UK Gottfried O. H. Naumann, Erlangen Jean-Marc Legeais, F Christian Ohrloff, Frankfurt a. Main Phuc LeHoang, F Norbert Pfeiffer, Mainz Anita Leys, B Lutz E. Pillunat, Dresden Tzvetan D. Markov, BG Thomas Reinhard, Freiburg Ruppert M. Menapace, A Johann Roider, Kiel Daniel Mojon, CH Günter Rudolph, München Linda J. Müller, NL Klaus W. Ruprecht, Homburg/Saar Seyhan B. Özkan, TR Ulrich Schiefer, Tübingen Ioannis G. Pallikaris, GR Wolfgang Schrader, Würzburg Narsing A. Rao, USA Berthold Seitz, Erlangen Serge Resnikoff, CH Hans Eberhard Völcker, Heidelberg Stanislao Rizzo, I Peter Walter, Aachen Geoffrey E. Rose, UK Martin Wenzel, Trier José-Alain Sahel, F Helmut Wilhelm, Tübingen Andrew P. Schachat, USA Sebastian Wolf, Bern Reinier O. Schlingemann, NL Manfred Zierhut, Tübingen Theo Seiler, CH Eberhart Zrenner, Tübingen Stefan Seregard, S Koichi Shimizu, J Eduardo Silva, P Micheline Spiritus, B Bruce E. Spivey, USA Ildikó Süveges, H Adnan Tufail, UK Anthony G. Tyers, UK Jan van Meurs, NL Gabriel van Rij, NL Laurentius J. van Rijn, NL Peter Watson, UK Cooperation with Organisations and Societies 17

The following organisations and societies will take an active part in the congress by organising symposia, meetings, round tables or courses.

International Council of Ophthalmology Academia Ophthalmologica Internationalis Academia Ophthalmologica Europaea American Academy of Ophthalmology (AAO) International Ocular Inflammation Society (IOIS) International Society for Clinical Electrophysiology of Vision (ISCEV) International Uveitis Society Group (IUSG) European Association for Vision and Eye Research (EVER) European Contact Lens Society (ECLSO) European Glaucoma Society (EGS) European Ophthalmic Pathology Society (EOPS) European Pediatric Ophthalmological Society (EPOS) European Professors of Ophthalmology (EUPO) European Society of Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery (ESOPRS) European Strabismological Society (ESA) European Society of Retina Specialists (EURETINA) Berufsverband der Augenärzte (BVA) Bielschowsky-Gesellschaft für Schielforschung und Neuroophthalmologie (Bielschowsky Society for Strabism Research and Neuroophthalmology) Bulgarian Ophthalmological Society Union of Bulgarian Ophthalmologists Christoffel-Blindenmission (Christian Blind Mission) Deutschsprachige Gesellschaft für Intraokularlinsen- Implantation und Refraktive Chirurgie (DGII) (German Society of Intraocular Lens Implantation and Refractive Surgery (DGII)) Deutsches Komitee zur Verhütung von Blindheit (German Committee for the Prevention of Blindness) Hungarian Society of Ophthalmology Julius-Hirschberg-Gesellschaft (Julius Hirschberg Society) Lindberg Society Retinologische Gesellschaft (Retinological Society) Royal College of Ophthalmology (RCO) Society for Ophthalmo-Immuno Infectiology in Europe (SOIE) Société Française d’Ophtalmologie (SFO) Società Oftalmologica Italiana (SOI) 18 Awards Preise

The official Awards Ceremony will take place on Wednesday 28 September 2005 between 16.30 and 18.00 hrs, in Hall 8. Awards presented at this ceremony are appropriately marked below. Some awards will be presented during their respective scientific sessions; the exact times of these presentations can be established by referring to the sessions in the programme using the identification codes provided below.

Die offizielle Preisverleihung findet am Mittwoch, dem 28. September 2005 in der Zeit von 16.30 bis 18.00 Uhr im Saal 8 statt. Die Preise, welche im Rahmen der Preisverleihung verliehen werden, sind mit dem Zusatz 'Award Ceremony' gekennzeichnet. Ein Teil der Preise wird themenbezogen im Rahmen wissenschaftlicher Sitzungen verliehen. Der Zeitpunkt der Verleihung ist am entsprechenden Sitzungskurzzei- chen zu erkennen.

SOE Awards – Charamis Medal of the S.O.E. (Opening Ceremony)

International DOG Awards – DOG Poster award Each year the DOG awards four poster prizes during the Annual Meeting with a jury selecting the four best posters presented. This year the four poster prize awards, with a 1,000 endowment each, will be presented at the end of the four poster sessions (P-2601, P-2701, P-2801, P2901) – Video Award of the DOG, donated by *Acri.Tec GmbH (2609-25) – Theodor Axenfeld Award, donated by „Klinische Monatsblätter für Augenheilkunde“ from Georg Thieme Publishers (Award Ceremony)

DOG Awards – Forschungsförderung der DOG für innovative wissenschaftliche Projekte in der Augenheilkunde – Grundlagenforschung, Klinische Forschung und Klinische Studien (Award Ceremony) – Forschungspreis der DOG, gestiftet von der Kröner Stiftung (Award Ceremony) – Von Graefe-Preis der DOG (Award Ceremony) – Forschungspreis der DOG, gestiftet von Bausch & Lomb GmbH (Award Ceremony) – Forschungsförderung der DOG für innovative Vorhaben auf dem Gebiet der medikamentösen Glaukombehandlung, gestiftet von Pfizer Pharma GmbH, (2509-6) – Chibret Goldmedaille (Award Ceremony) – Leonhard-Klein-Preis (Award Ceremony) – Promotionspreis des Hermann-Wacker-Fonds (Award Ceremony) – Retinitis-Pigmentosa-Forschungspreis 2005 zur Verhütung von Blindheit der Pro Retina Deutschland e.V. und der Retina Suisse, (2509-5) – Makula-Forschungspreis 2005 zur Verhütung von Blindheit der Pro Retina Deutschland e.V., (2609-13) – Uveitis-Forschungspreis der DOG, gestiftet von der Deutschen Uveitis Arbeitsgemeinschaft e.V., gesponsert von Dr. Mann Pharma, Verleihung erfolgt am Montag, 26.09.2005, 09.00-10.00 Uhr, ICC Raum 43 – Förderpreis „Innovative Entwicklungen und therapeutische Ansätze bei altersbezogener Makuladegeneration“, gestiftet von Novartis Pharma GmbH (2709-11) – Tropenophthalmologie-Preis, gestiftet vom Deutschen Komitee zur Verhütung von Blindheit e.V., AMO Germany GmbH, Human Optics Deutschland GmbH & Co. KG, W 2 O Medizintechnik AG (2809-23) – Forschungsförderung Tropenophthalmologie, gestiftet vom Deutschen Komitee zur Verhütung von Blindheit e.V., der DOG und der Carl Zeiss AG (2809-23) Important Congress Information 19

Internet www.soe2005.org www.dog.org www.soevision.org

Congress Venue International Congress Centrum, ICC Berlin Messedamm 22, D-14055 Berlin Tel.: +49 30 30 38 30 49 Fax: +49 30 30 38 30 30 www.icc-berlin.de www.messe-berlin.de

Professional Congress Organizer (PCO) (Technical Organisation of Scientific Programme, Abstract Management, Registration & Hotel Reservation, Commercial Exhibition & Sponsoring)

Porstmann Kongresse GmbH Alte Jakobstraße 77, D-10179 Berlin Tel.: +49 30 28 44 99-0 Fax: +49 30 28 44 99-11 E-mail: [email protected] www.porstmann-kongresse.de

Opening hours of the Congress Office Öffnungszeiten des Tagungsbüros

The congress office is located on the bridge between the ICC and the Messe Berlin (exhibition halls). Die Anmeldung befindet sich auf der Brücke zwischen dem ICC und der Messe Berlin (Messehallen).

Friday, 23 Sep 2005 15.00 - 18.00 hrs Saturday, 24 Sep 2005 07.00 - 19.00 hrs Sunday, 25 Sep 2005 07.00 - 20.00 hrs Monday, 26 Sep 2005 07.00 - 19.00 hrs Tuesday, 27 Sep 2005 07.00 - 19.00 hrs Wednesday, 28 Sep 2005 07.00 - 19.00 hrs Thursday, 29 Sep 2005 07.00 - 18.00 hrs

Tel.: +49 30 30 38 81 400 Fax: +49 30 30 38 81 402 E-mail: [email protected] 20 Opening Ceremony Feierliche Eröffnung der Tagung

Hall 2 Sunday, 25 September 2005

16.00 - 18.00 Opening Ceremony Feierliche Eröffnung der Tagung

Welcome Prof. Dr. M. H. Foerster (Berlin/D) Begrüßung President of DOG and Congress President Präsident der DOG und Kongresspräsident

Music Felix Mendelssohn Bartholdy Octet for Violin, Viola, Violoncello Performed by the Camerata Europaea Musical Direction: Maria Makraki 1. Allegro moderato, ma con fuoco

Welcome Addresses Grußworte Prof. Dr. med. Detlev Ganten (Berlin/D) Chairman of the Board of Charité – Universitätsmedizin Berlin Vorstandsvorsitzender der Charité – Universitätsmedizin Berlin

Prof. Dr. Zdenek J. Gregor (London/GB) President of SOE (Societas Ophthalmologica Europaea) Präsident der SOE (Societas Ophthalmologica Europaea)

Prof. Dr. Dr. G. O. H. Naumann (Erlangen/D) President of the International Council of Ophthalmology Präsident des International Council of Ophthalmology

MD H. D. Hoskins (San Francisco/USA) Executive Vice President of the American Academy of Ophthalmology Stellvertretender Vorstandsvorsitzender der American Academy of Ophthalmology

Prof. Dr. R. Belfort, Jr. (São Paulo/BR) President of the ICO 2006 (XXX International Congress of Ophthalmology) President der ICO 2006 (XXX International Congress of Ophthalmology)

Music Felix Mendelssohn Bartholdy 4. Presto

The President’s Address Ansprache des Kongresspräsidenten Prof. Dr. M. H. Foerster (Berlin/D)

Award Charamis Medal of the S.O.E. Special Guest Prof. Dr. Y. Pouliquen (Paris/F) Lecture

Honory Lecture Prof. Dr. P. Wapnewski (Berlin/D) Ehrenvortrag Des Adlers neue Flügel oder Wie der Geist über die Preußen kam The Eagle’s New Wings or How the Spirit came over Prussia

Closing Remarks & Opening of the Industrial Exhibition and Get-Together Schlussworte & Eröffnung der Industrieausstellung und des Get-Togethers Opening and Closing Ceremonies 21 Feierliche Eröffnung und Abschlussveranstaltung

18.00 - 20.00 Get-Together and Opening of the Commercial Exhibition Halls 12, Get-Together und Eröffnung der Industrieausstellung 13 and 14.1

Live Music A “Flying Buffet” and drinks will be served in the Commercial Exhibition, to allow delegates initial contact with exhibitors.

Closing Ceremony Abschlussveranstaltung

Hall 3 Thursday, 29 September 2005

16.00 - 17.00 Closing Ceremony Abschlussveranstaltung

Closing Addresses Prof. Dr. Michael H. Foerster Prof. Dr. Zdenek Gregor

Future Congresses Prof. Dr. Dunbar Hoskins: AAO Congress 2005 in Chicago

Prof. Dr. Norbert Pfeiffer: 104. Tagung der DOG 2006 in Berlin

Prof. Dr. Zdenek Gregor: SOE Congress 2007 in Vienna

Prof. Dr. Gerhard K. Lang: ICO Congress 2010 in Berlin

Closing remarks Prof. Dr. Michael H. Foerster Amtsübergabe an Prof. Dr. Norbert Pfeiffer

DOG & SOE in Concert 23

Hall 2 Tuesday, 27 September 2005

13.15 - 14.15 DOG & SOE in Concert

Programme Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart (1756 - 1791) Trio für Klavier, Klarinette und Viola „Kegelstatt-Trio“, Es-Dur, KV 498 1. Satz: Andante 3. Satz: Rondeau

Fritz Körner (Bern), Klavier Tanja Guthoff (Würzburg), Klarinette Franz Grehn (Würzburg), Viola

Johann Sebastian Bach (1685 - 1750) Triosonate G-Dur für Flöte, Violine, und Basso continuo BWV 1039 Largo, Vivace, Adagio, Presto

Norbert Pfeiffer (Mainz), Querflöte Esther Hoffmann (Mainz/La Jolla), Violine Georg Fischer-Varvitiotis (Düsseldorf), Klavier Caroline Berghorn (Freiburg), Violoncello

Bernhard Henrik Crusell (1775 - 1838) Quartett für Klarinette und Streicher c-moll, op. 4 1. Satz: Allegro molto agitato 3. Satz: Pastorale un poco allegretto

Manfred Mörchen (Darmstadt), Klarinette Oskar Gareis (Pforzheim), Violine Marcus Blum (Erfurt), Viola Constantin Kriegbaum (Pforzheim), Violoncello

Zoltan Kodaly (1882 - 1967) Sonate für Violoncello solo op. 8 2. Satz Adagio

Urs Voßmerbäumer (Mannheim), Violoncello

Serge Prokofiev (1891 - 1953) Ouverture für Klarinette, Klavier und Streichquartett, c-moll, op. 34 Entstehungsjahr

Oliver Schwenn (Frankfurt), Klarinette Ulrich Orth (München), Klavier Hartmut Fleig (Würzburg), Violine Franz Grehn (Würzburg), Violine Greda Picht (Lübeck), Viola Johannes Borggrefe (Würzburg), Violoncello 24 Keynote Lecturers

Monday, David Wong (Liverpool/GB) 26.9.2005 Surgical Treatment of Age-related Macular Degeneration: 12.30 - 13.00 From Proof of Principle to Practical Proposition Hall 3 David Wong has a keen interest in vitreoretinal surgery. He graduated from the University of Liverpool in 1977, worked in St Paul’s Eye Hospi- tal then Moorfields’ Eye Hospital, and completed his vitreoretinal fellowship at St Thomas’ Hospital, London. In 1987, he founded the British and Eire Association of Vitreoretinal Surgeons and was appointed Consultant to St Paul’s Eye Hospital in Liverpool. Cur- rently, he is Chairman of the Scientific Committee and Vice- President to the Royal College of Ophthalmologists.

Tuesday, Christophe Baudouin (Paris/F) 27.9.2005 New Imaging Techniques for Assessing Ocular 12.30 - 13.00 Surface Diseases Hall 3 Christophe Baudouin is Professor of Ophthalmology in Paris since 1995, after achieving his MD in Nice in 1989 and a PhD in Paris in 1992. Since 1995, he is also the Head of the Department of Ophthalmology, Ambroise Paré Hospital, APHP, Univer- sity of Versailles, and became in 2000 the Head of the Department III of Quinze-Vingts National Ophthalmolo- gy Hospital, Paris. Since 1997, he coordinates a group of research invol- ved in ocular surface immunology and glaucoma treatments, and is now Associate Director of the INSERM unit U598, University Paris 5. He is also Editor-in- Chief of the French Journal of Ophthalmology, President of the Ophthalmological Society of Paris and member of eight inter- national societies. He has published more than 100 papers in international peer-reviewed journals and has developed in his laboratory various original techniques, based on conjunctival imprints, flow cytometry and in vivo or ex vivo confocal microscopy, for assessing ocular surface inflammatory reactions and the effects of topical drugs. Using these procedures and in vitro or experimental studies performed in his laboratory, his research is therefore mainly focussed on dry eye, ocular allergy or toxic side-effects induced by topical treatments, especially in glaucoma. Keynote Lecturers 25

Wednesday, Roger Hitchings (London/GB) 28.9.2005 The EGS and Glaucoma Care in Europe 12.30 - 13.00 Hall 3 IGA Professor of Ophthalmology and Senior Glaucoma Specialist at Moor- fields Eye Hospital, London, England. He has particular interest in glaucoma surgery, imaging, Normal Tension Glaucoma and glaucoma genetics. Roger Hitchings has authored and edited 3 books, 15 book chapters and over 200 peer-reviewed papers on glaucoma. He is currently President of the European Glaucoma Society, and sits on the editorial board of 5 ophthalmic journals. In addition to his glaucoma practice, R. Hitchings is the R+D Director for Moorfields Eye Hospital, responsible for co-ordina- ting research between the Hospital and the Institute of Oph- thalmology. He has recently developed a national 5-year Research Strategy for the Royal College of Ophthalmologists.

Thursday, Thomas Kohnen (Frankfurt am Main/D) 29.9.2005 Bridging Cataract and Refractive Surgery 12.30 - 13.00 Hall 3 Thomas Kohnen is Professor of Oph- thalmology, and Deputy Chairman and Head of the Refractive Surgical Unit, Ophthalmology Clinic, Johann Wolfgang Goethe University, Frank- furt, Germany. Professor Kohnen´s research interests include clinical and experimental cataract and refractive surgery, particularly excimer surgery and implants to correct refractive errors, cornea and glaucoma. He has authored more than 100 articles in such journals as Ophthalmology, American Journal of Ophthalmology and the Journal of Cata- ract and Refractive Surgery. Professor Kohnen attended Medi- cal School in Aachen and Bonn and passed residency in Bonn and Gießen. He took a fellowship at the military hospital in Ulm after which he accepted a two-year research-fellowship at the Cullen Eye Institute, Baylor College of Medicine, Houston, Texas, which was funded by the Deutsche Forschungsgemein- schaft. 26 Special Sessions

SOE Lecture

Monday, Salvatore Grisanti (Tübingen/D) 26.9.2005 Age-related Macular Degeneration. The Critical Role of 15.30 - 16.00 Therapies in Understanding the Disease. Hall 3 Introduction: Prof. Dr. Michael H. Foerster, Germany

Salvatore Grisanti is Professor of Ophthalmology and Deputy Chairman at the Department of Ophthalmology I, Eberhard-Karls University, Tuebin- gen, Germany. After graduation from the Medical School at University of Cologne in 1993, he spent a two- year research funded by the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft at the University of Birmingham in Alabama and at the Schepens Eye Research Institute of the Harvard University in Boston. Thereafter, he worked at the University Eye Hospital in Cologne where he started his vitreoretinal fellowship under the supervision of Professor Klaus Heimann. Since 2001, Professor Grisanti is joining the Ophthalmological Department of the Eberhard- Karls University of Tuebingen. He has a keen interest in vitreoretinal surgery and diseases. His research interests and research group, however include a broad spectrum of pathological processes involving the anterior and posterior s egment of the eye.

Wednesday, Consilium Diagnosticum 28.9.2005 16.00-18.00 Hall 3 The symposium is characterised by presentations of selected unusual cases for diagnosis or for therapeutic advice to an international panel and the audience.

Chair: Völcker H. E. (Heidelberg/D)

Panel: Süveges I. (Budapest/H) Pecold K. (Poznan/PL) Keunen J. E. (Leiden/NL) Wilhelm H. (Tübingen) Scientific Programme 28 Scientific Programme (Overview) Opening Ceremony 16:00 17:00 18:00 AMO Symposium Optimiza- Wavefront tion and Guidance in Cataract and Refractive Surgery (Berlin/D) M. Tetz Company Symposium 14:00 15:00 Symposium Update of the Retinological Vitreoretinal Society N. Bornfeld (Essen/D) K. D. Lemmen (Düsseldorf/D) Symposium French-British-Italian-German-Symposium: Eye and Genetics E. Gallenga (Rome/I), A. Ducasse (Reims/F), P. M. Beaconsfield (London/UK), A. Kampik (Munich/D) Free Papers Free Glaucoma: Diagnosis, Medical Therapy, OP 1 (DOG) L. E. Pillunat (Dresden/D) M. Diestelhorst (Cologne/D) Satellite Symposium 13:00 Course Symposium Update der Sektion Kornea (DOG) Reinhard (Freiburg/D) T. B. Seitz (Erlangen/D) 12:00 Poster Session, Video Papers Free Intraocular Infectiology, Inflammation, Uveitis (DOG) M. Zierhut (Tübingen/D) M. D. Becker (Heidelberg/D) Papers Free Strabismus, Paediaric Neuro-oph- Ophthalmology, Genetic (DOG) thalmology, E. Zrenner (Tübingen/D) H. Kaufmann (Gießen/D) Free Papers Free RPE Degenerations, Artificial Eye, Retina Imaging (DOG) J. Roider (Kiel/D) (Aachen/D) Walter P. Round Table Symposium Keratokonus M. Kohlhaas (Dresden/D) Duncker (Halle a.d. Saale/D) G. I. W. 10:00 11:00 Free Papers Free 9:00 Symposium Update of the German Society Intraocular Lens Implantation and Refractive Surgery (DGII) Pham (Berlin/D) D.-T. G. U. Auffarth (Heidelberg/D) Papers Free Orbita, Plastic Surgery, Conjunctiva (DOG) Guthoff (Rostock/D) R. F. Lieb (Karlsruhe/D) W. Papers Free (DOG) Ocular Tumors N. Bornfeld (Essen/D) N. E. Bechrakis (Berlin/D) Papers Free Diseases (DOG) Retina: Vascular S. Clemens (Greifswald/D) Kroll (Marburg/D) P. Symposium 8:00 Hall 4/5 Hall 7 Hall 8 Hall 2 Hall 3 Sunday, 25 September 2005 Sunday, / talks courses may Please note that venues for some lectures change at short notice owing to seating requirements. 29 Scientific Programme *Acri.Tec Lunch *Acri.Tec Symposium Clinical Experiences with innovative Acrylic IOL: PCO Development, optimi- zation of visual of correction acuity, presbyopia J. Kammann (Dortmund/D) Symposium The Role of the Ocular Adnexae for Surface G. Geerling (Lübeck/D) E. Kruse (Erlangen/D) F. Satellite Symposium of the Hungarian Ophthalmological Society President: L. Kolozsvári (Szeged/H) Symposium Bulgarian-German Symposium (Sofia/BG) Vassileva P. D. Markov (Sofia/BG) T. R. Grewe (Münster/D) Hall 9 Hall 10 Room 42 30 Scientific Programme (Overview) 18:00 Poster Session 1 I. Süveges (Budapest/H) Grehn (Würzburg/D) F. 17:00 Pharm-Allergan Symposium Risk of Glaucoma Progression G. K. Krieglstein (Cologne/D) Symposium Basic Science Symposium M. H. Foerster (Berlin/D) Symposium Neuro-Ophthalmology U. Schiefer (Tübingen/D) Free Papers Free Cornea 1 (DOG) Duncker (Halle a.d. Saale/D) G. I. W. B. Seitz (Erlangen/D) SOE Lecture S. Grisanti (Tübingen/ D) 15:00 16:00 Round Table Round Table in Controversies Modern Cataract Surgery C. Ohrloff (Frankfurt a. Main/D) Symposium Section Glaucoma of the German Society of Ophthalmology: Innovative Ideas in Glaucoma N. Pfeiffer (Mainz/D) Company Symposium Symposium of Retinal Treatment Future Degeneration: Cell Based Therapy J.-A. Sahel (Paris/F) R. Lund (Salt Lake City/USA) Free Papers Free Retina: ARMD 1 U. Schmidt-Erfurth (Vienna/A) G. Soubrane (Créteil/F) 14:00 General Assembly of the DOG Satellite Symposium 13:00 Keynote Lecture D. Wong (Liverpool/ UK) Course 12:00 Poster Session, Video Symposium Vision and Driving in Europe H. Wilhelm (Tübingen/D) L. J. van Rijn (Amsterdam/NL) Free Papers Free Miscellaneous 1 M. Spiritus (Brussels/B) S. B. Özkan (Aydin/TR) Round Table Symposium EVER/SOE Symposium: Basic Science and Clinical Applications in Ophthalmology Z. J. Gregor (London/UK) J. B. Jonas (Mannheim/D) Free Papers Free Retina: ARMD 1 (DOG) G. Holz (Bonn/D) F. G. Richard (Hamburg/D) 10:00 11:00 Free Papers Free Cataract, Biometry J. Kammann (Dortmund/D) R. Menapace (Vienna/A) Free Papers Free Free Papers Free Retina Imaging, RPE Degenerations, Artificial Eye (Bern/CH) S. Wolf (London/UK) A. Tufail Symposium Management of Intraocular Bodies Foreign K. U. Bartz-Schmidt (Tübingen/D) Schrader (Würzburg/D) W. Papers Free Tumors N. Bornfeld (Essen/D) Kivelä (Helsinki/FIN) T. Free Papers Free Miscellaneous (DOG) Ruprecht (Homburg/D) K. W. Gabel (Regensburg/D) V.-P. Symposium to Aspects of Enucleation Techniques Current Optimize Implant Motility and Innovations in Replacement Orbital Volume Guthoff (Rostock/D) R. F. A. Klett (Tallinn/EST) Symposium 8:00 9:00 Hall 3 Hall 4/5 Hall Oslo (14.2) Hall 7 Hall 8 Monday, 26 September 2005 Monday, / talks courses may Please note that venues for some lectures change at short notice owing to seating requirements.

31 cancelled Scientific Programme Course C-26-11 Oculomotor and Sensorial Aspects in Strabismus B. Lorenz (Regensburg/D) M. Spiritus (Brussels/B) Course C-26-12 Phakonit – Bimanual Phaco S. Agarwal (Chennai/IND) Symposium ICO Symposium: "Looking bey- Horizon" ond the European G. O. H. Naumann (Erlangen/D) Gloor (Zurich/CH) B. P. WaveLight Laser WaveLight Case Technologie: studies and treatment strategies in refractive laser surgery Videos Miscellaneous J. Roider (Kiel/D) N. Pfeiffer (Mainz/D) Symposium Joint IOIS-IUSG-SOIE-Symposium on Uveitis LeHoang (Paris/F) P. N. A. Rao (Los Angeles/USA) Herbort (Lausanne/CH) C. P. Wet-Lab C-26-08 Wet-Lab Refractive Surgery Duncker (Halle a.d. Saale/D) G. I. W. Course C-26-10 Management of Scleral Disease (Cambridge/UK) G. Watson P. Course C-26-09 Diagnostic and Therapeutic Aspects in Strabismus B. Lorenz (Regensburg/D) O. Henrik Haugen (Bergen/N) Alcon Lunch Symposium Therapy and Prophy- laxis of Age-related Macular Degeneration (AMD) Symposium Media in Ophthalmology H. Biermann (Cologne/D) Videos Cataract, IOL, Cornea Reinhard (Freiburg/D) T. Course C-26-06 Joint IOIS-IUSG-SOIE Uveitis Course: Practical to the Uveitis Patient in Everyday Approach Ophthalmologic Practic HerbortC. P. (Lausanne/CH), N. A. Rao (Los LeHoang (Paris/F) Angeles/USA), P. Course C-26-07 Plastic Surgery H. Hübner (Gutweiler/D) Wet-Lab C-26-04 Wet-Lab Non-penetrating and Penetrating Glaucoma Surgery N. Pfeiffer (Mainz/D) Course C-26-05 Basic Course on Refractive Surgery M. C. Knorz (Mannheim/D) Videos Plastic Surgery, Orbita, Refraction M. Kohlhaas (Dresden/D) Symposium EOPS/Pathology Symposium K. U. Löffler (Bonn/D) S. Seregard (Stockholm/S) DOG Mini-Symposium: 2005 Award Dry Eye Research H. Brewitt (Hannover/D) Kaercher (Ludwigshafen/D) T. Course C-26-03 Interactive Course on Disorders of Eye Movements – Diagnosis and Management C. Kennard (London/UK) Wet-Lab C-26-01 Wet-Lab Phaco Course for the Advanced (Berlin/D) M. Tetz Course C-26-02 Non-penetrating and Penetrating Glaucoma Surgery N. Pfeiffer (Mainz/D)) Hall 9 Hall 10 Room Madrid Room Hongkong Room Sydney Room 42 32 Scientific Programme (Overview) Free Papers Free Plastic Surgery 1 G. Rose (London/UK) C. Hintschich (Munich/D) Symposium Selective Retina Laser Therapy (SRT) R. Birngruber (Lübeck/D) Symposium New Diagnostic and Therapeutic Methods in Ocular Surface Diseases I. Süveges (Budapest/H) B. Seitz (Erlangen/D) Free Papers Free Cataract (DOG) C. Ohrloff (Frankfurt a. Main/D) U. Demeler (Bremen/D) Poster Session 2 J. Roider (Kiel/D) J. E. Keunen (Nijmegen/NL) Free Papers Free Strabismus, Paediatric Ophthalmology B. Lorenz (Regensburg/D) A. Neugebauer (Cologne/D) Free Papers Free Cornea G. Grabner (Salzburg/A) Z. Zagórski (Lublin/PL) Company Symposium Free Papers Free Refractive Surgery (DOG) (Trier/D) M. Wenzel Kohnen (Frankfurt a. Main/D) T. DOG & SOE in Concert Satellite Symposium 13:00 14:00 15:00 16:00 17:00 18:00 Keynote Lecture C. Baudouin (Paris/F) Course 12:00 Poster Session, Video Free Papers Free Physiological Optics, Information Technol- ogy (DOG) G. H. Kolling (Heidelb./D) U. Kellner (Siegburg/D) Symposium Look on Old Strabismus – A Fresh Diseases and New Challenges B. Lorenz (Regensburg/D) D. Mojon (St. Gallen/CH) Free Papers Free Glaucoma 1 A. Mermoud (Lausanne/CH) G. K. Krieglstein (Cologne/D) Novartis Symposium in Combination with Verteporfin in the Triamcinolone Management of Neovascular AMD U. Schmidt-Erfurth (Vienna/A) Round Table Free Papers Free Free Papers Free Pathology, Anatomy, Genetic E. Silva (Coimbra/P) S. Seregard (Stockholm/S) Free Papers Free Retina: Rhegmat. Detachment, PVR, ARMD 2 (DOG) Traction, Vitreomacular Körner (Bern/CH) F. D. Pauleikhoff (Münster/D) Free Papers Free Diseases Retina: Vascular K. Shimizu (Tokyo/J) G. E. Lang (Ulm/D) Symposium 8:00 9:00 10:00 11:00 Hall 2 Hall 3 Hall 4/5 Hall Oslo (14.2) Hall 7 Tuesday, 27 September 2005 Tuesday, / talks courses may Please note that venues for some lectures change at short notice owing to seating requirements.

33 cancelled Scientific Programme Course C-27-09 – Diagnosis of Ocular Tumors Intraocular Mass N. Bornfeld (Essen/D) B. D. Damato (Liverpool/UK) de Potter (Brussels/B) P. Symposium and Global Ophthal- European mology: "Opportunities and pit- falls for young ophthalmologists in New Europe" G. K. Lang (Ulm/D) Z. J. Gregor (London/UK) Course C-27-10 Chemical and Thermal Burns in the Eye. and First Aid, Treatment Management of Complications H. G. Struck (Halle a.d. Saale/D) Optos Symposium in New Technology 200° Ultra Widefield Retinal Imaging M. Morszeck (Hamburg/D) Symposium SOE-EURETINA Joint Symposium: Current Therapies for AMD R. Brancato (Milan/I), K. Shimizu (Tokyo/J) G. Richard (Hamburg/D) G. Theodossiadis (Athen/GR)

Symposium Lindberg Society Symposium: Exfoliation – Exfoliation Glaucoma Syndrome Kivelä (Helsinki/FIN) T. (Erlangen/D) U. Schlötzer-Schrehardt Symposium Macular Imaging (Bern/CH) S. Wolf A. Gaudric (Paris/F) Course C-27-08 of Retinal Laser Course for the Treatment Diseases G. E. Lang (Ulm/D) DryLab C-27-06 Modern DryLab Pars Plana Vitrectomy (Advanced) Koch (Frankfurt a. Main/D) F. Course C-27-07 in Anterior Challenges and New Trends Segment Surgery G. K. Lang (Ulm/D) cancelled Round Table Complications and Safety Issues in Refractive Surgery Kohnen (Frankfurt a. T. Main/D) Course C-27-04 Accommodative IOLs – Myths and Truths R. Menapace (Vienna/A) Course C-27-05 Neuro-Ophthalmological Emergency Cases K. Landau (Zurich/CH) Symposium Symposium of the Academia Ophthalmologica Internationalis: Diagnostic Imaging in Ophthalmology R. Brancato (Milan/I) G. J. Coscas (Créteil/F)

DryLab C-27-03 Modern DryLab (Basic) Pars Plana Vitrectomy Koch (Frankfurt a. Main/D) F. cancelled Symposium ECLSO Symposium: Therapeutic Use of BVA Contact Lenses by the Ophthalmologist R. Mély (Valmont/F) Symposium Bench to Angiogenesis: From Bedside A. M. Joussen (Cologne/D) R. O. Schlingemann (Amsterdam/NL) Course C-27-02 of Lid Tumours Diagnosis and Treatment K. G. Riedel (Munich/D) Course C-27-01 Advanced Course on Refractive Surgery Kohnen (Frankfurt a. Main/D) T. Hall 8 Hall 9 Room Madrid Room Hongkong Room Sydney 34 Scientific Programme (Overview) 18:00 Free Papers Free Physiological Optics, Neuro-oph- Lids thalmology, (Ankara/TR) Aydin P. U. Schiefer (Tübingen/D) Poster Session 3 Bandello (Udine/I) F. N. Pfeiffer (Mainz/D) Symposium Clinical and Future Present Studies in Ophthalmology M. Zierhut (Tübingen/D) DOG Award Ceremony DOG Award M. H. Foerster (Berlin/D) Consilium Diagnosticum H. E. Völcker (Heidelberg/D) Round Table AMD – Treatment Options between Pharmacological Therapy and Surgery B. Kirchhof (Cologne/D) J. van Meurs (Rotterdam/NL) (Birmingham/USA) Free Papers Free Miscellaneous 2, Trauma Kuhn F. W. Schrader W. (Würzburg/D) Company Symposium Free Papers Free Retina: ARMD 2 J.-A. Sahel (Paris/F) (Coimbra/P) J. Cunha-Vaz Papers Free Cornea 2 (DOG) Sekundo (Marburg/D) W. U. Pleyer (Berlin/D) Symposium in Ophthalmology New Diagnostic Tools Guthoff (Rostock/D) R. F. R. Birngruber (Lübeck/D) Satellite Symposium Alcon Lunch Symposium A Brief Update on Glaucoma – From Pathogenesis to Therapy Pfizer Lunch Symp. Meeting Patient Demands for a Solution to Targeted Dry Eye M. Guillon (London/UK) 13:00 14:00 15:00 16:00 17:00 Keynote Lecture R. Hitchings (London/ UK) Course 12:00 Poster Session, Video Symposium European Vision Symposium European Institute: Functional Genomics in in health and disease: A the retina integrated project new European E. Zrenner (Tübingen/D) J.-A. Sahel (Paris/F) Symposium Angiography Symposium in Fluorescein Club Association with the FAN (Bern/CH) S. Wolf G. E. Lang (Ulm/D) A. Leys (Leuven/B) Round Table Free Papers Free Intraocular Inflammation, Uveitis Infectiology, M. Zierhut (Tübingen/D) M. D. de Smet (Amstelveen/NL) Symposium Management of Orbital Diseases C. Hintschich (Munich/D) Papers Free Glaucoma: OP 2 (DOG) R. Winter (Hannover/D) J. Funk (Freiburg/D) Free Papers Free 9:00 10:00 11:00 Free Papers Free International Ophthalmology S. Resnikoff (Geneva/CH) Klauß (Munich/D) V. Round Table New Glaucoma Concepts Treatment L. E. Pillunat (Dresden/D) Symposium Retinal Detachment Körner (Bern/CH) F. Free Papers Free Plastic Surgery 2, Lids H. Hübner (Gutweiler/D) G. Rose (London/UK) Symposium 8:00 Hall 3 Hall 4/5 Hall Oslo (14.2) Hall 7 Hall 8 Wednesday, 28 September 2005 Wednesday, / talks courses may Please note that venues for some lectures change at short notice owing to seating requirements.


cancelled cancelled cancelled Scientific Programme Course C-28-12 ECLSO-Course: Contact Lenses A. Franceschetti (Meyrin/CH) Course C-28-13 EPOS@SOE Course: News and Views in Paediatric Ophthalmology B. Lorenz (Regensburg/D) Course C-28-11 Macular Age-related Degeneration: Pathogenesis and Clinical Management - an Update G. Holz (Bonn/D) F.

Symposium Symposium Vision 2020/International Vision 2020 – IAPB Europe: Ophthalmology, the coming 15 years S. Resnikoff (Geneva/CH) Klauß (Munich/D) V. Course C-28-10 of Etiopathogenesis, Diagnosis Treatment Nonarteritic Anterior Ischemic Optic Challenge – an Interdisciplinary Neuropathy R. Unsöld (Düsseldorf/D) cancelled

Symposium Clinic – from Intraocular Tumors to Molecular Genetics and Back N. Bornfeld (Essen/D) B. D. Damato (Liverpool/UK) Symposium Traction Vitreomacular A. Gandorfer (Munich/D) Hiscott (Liverpool/UK) P. Course C-28-08 Aspects of Lacrimal Surgery Including Current Techniques Microsurgical H. Busse (Münster/D) Course C-28-07 Angiographic Diagnostic in Fluorescein Macular Disease (Bern/CH) S. Wolf Course C-28-09 Glaucoma Therapy – How to Decide on Medication Strategies N. Pfeiffer (Mainz/D) Room Change: Now in Madrid cancelled

Symposium EPOS@SOE Symposium: Genetics and Paediatric Ophthalmology B. Lorenz (Regensburg/D) H. Dollfus (Strasbourg/F) Symposium Ophthalmohistoric Symposium – Julius Hirschberg Society Krogmann (Thüngersheim/D) F. Course C-28-05 Management of Eyelid Ptosis Press (Trier/D) U. P. Course C-28-04 An Update Serious Ocular Trauma: Kuhn (Birmingham/USA) F. K. U. Bartz-Schmidt (Tübingen/D) Schrader (Würzburg/D) W. Course C-28-06 Basics for Genetic Counselling – Introduction in Methods of Molecular Genetic Analysis D. Besch (Tübingen/D) cancelled Symposium Retinal New Methods for Treating Occlusion Venous L. Hansen (Freiburg/D) C. J. Pournaras (Geneva/CH) Symposium Morbus Adamantiades-Behçet L. Krause (Berlin/D) C. Zouboulis (Berlin/D) U. Pleyer (Berlin/D) Course C-28-02 Amniotic Membrane in Transplantation Ophthalmology B. Seitz (Erlangen/D) Course C-28-01 Evaluation of Pupillary Function (Ankara/TR) Aydin P. H. Wilhelm (Tübingen/D) Course C-28-03 ISCEV@SOE Course: Clinical Application of Ocular Electrophysiology U. Kellner (Siegburg/D) G. E. Holder (London/UK) Hall 9 Hall 10 Room Madrid Room Hongkong Room Sydney 36 Scientific Programme (Overview)

Closing Ceremony cancelled Company Symposium Poster Session 4 Duncker G. I. W. (Halle a.d. Saale/D) M. Hawlina (Ljubljana/SI) Symposium Pathogenetic Factors of AMD and and Emerging Treatment Current Strategies G. Holz (Bonn/D) F. A. C. Bird (London/UK) Symposium Genetic Diseases of the Eye – Diagnostic and Therapeutic Aspects G. Rudolph (Munich/D) E. Silva (Coimbra/P) Free Papers Free Glaucoma 2 Grehn (Würzburg/D) F. D. Chiselita (Iasi/RO) Vision 2020, International Ophthalmology, Countries: Eye Diseases in Tropical What do I need to know about? Klauß (Munich/D) V. Satellite Symposium 13:00 14:00 15:00 16:00 17:00 18:00 Keynote Lecture Kohnen T. (Frankfurt a. Main/D) Course 12:00 Round Table in trau- Controversies ma surgery K. U. Bartz-Schmidt (Tübingen/D) Poster Session, Video Symposium Artificial Vision, Retinal Degeneration (Aachen/D) Walter P. Symposium Symposium ISCEV@SOE: Recent Developments in the Functional Assessment of Retinal Diseases U. Kellner (Siegburg/D) G. E. Holder (London/UK) Course C-29-06 Photodynamic Therapy and Combination Strategies U. Schmidt-Erfurth (Vienna/A) Room Change: Now in Hall 9

Round Table

Free Papers Free Retina: Rhegmat. Detachment, PVR, Traction Vitreomacular K. Pecold (Poznan/PL) S. Binder (Vienna/A) cancelled Free Papers Free Symposium "Functional Assessment in AMD – than Visual Acuity – the More AMD READ Project" (Tübingen/D) S. Trauzettel-Klosinski G. Rubin (London/UK) Free Papers Free Refractive Surgery I. G. Pallikaris (Heraklion/GR) Z. Mandic (Zagreb/HR) Course C-29-02 Diagnosis of Eyelid Differential Tumors L. M. Holbach (Erlangen/D) Symposium and Medical Telemedicine Informatics G. Michelson (Erlangen/D) A. Kampik (Munich/D) J. Jan (Brno/CZ) Symposium / repair Conjunctival surface reconstruction the Why? - When? – How to reconstruct conjunctival fornices G. Geerling (Lübeck/D) E. Kruse (Erlangen/D) F. Symposium 8:00 9:00 10:00 11:00 Hall 3 Hall 4/5 Hall Oslo (14.2) Hall 7 Hall 8 Thursday, 29Thursday, September 2005 / talks courses may Please note that venues for some lectures change at short notice owing to seating requirements. 37

Scientific Programme cancelled

Course C-29-09 Aesthetic Surgery of the Eyelid Region (Hagen/D) Meyer-Rüsenberg H.-W. Course C-29-12 Practice-Related Course: Clinical and Pathological Correlations H. E. Völcker (Heidelberg/D) Course C-29-11 Concepts in the Management of Current Occlusion Retinal Vessel L.-O. Hattenbach (Frankfurt a. Main/D) Symposium Stem Cell Symposium E. Kruse (Erlangen/D) F. Reinhard (Freiburg/D) T.

Room Change: Now in Madrid

cancelled cancelled Course C-29-08 Computer Lab (Part II – Practice) Haigis (Würzburg/D) W. Symposium Uveitis in Childhood M. Zierhut (Tübingen/D) A. Heiligenhaus (Münster/D)

Course C-29-05 of the CorneaIn-vivo Confocal Microscopy Conjunctiva and Eye Lid Structures Guthoff (Rostock/D) R. F. C. Baudouin (Paris/F) Course C-29-07 Diagnosis and : Differential Therapy E. Kruse (Erlangen/D) F. Hoang-Xuan (Paris/F) T. cancelled Symposium Symposia of the European Strabismological Association (ESA): Pitfalls in Strategies of Surgical Management in Strabismus Herzau (Tübingen/D) V. Course C-29-01 Practice-Related Course: Uveitis – Diagnosis and Treatment M. Zierhut (Tübingen/D) Course C-29-04 – Tomography Optical Coherence and Clinical Interpretation Applications A. Gaudric (Paris/F) Massin (Paris/F) P. Course C-29-03 Computer Course (Part I – Theory) Haigis (Würzburg/D) W. Hall 9 Room Madrid Room Hongkong Room Sydney XXXII. International Congress Local Organizing Committee of Ophthalmology President 6-10 June 2010 Prof. Dr. Gerhard K. Lang Berlin, Germany General Secretary in conjunction with Prof. Dr. Anselm Kampik th Treasurer 108 DOG Congress Prof. Dr. Jochen Kammann Scientific Programme Director Prof. Dr. Gabriele E. Lang DOG Managing Director Philip Gass Professional Congress Organizer Monika Porstmann

ICO 2010 Scientific Programme

Sunday, 25 September 2005 YA-65BB / VA-65BB


The first 6.5 mm hydrophobic acrylic blue blocker lens.


DISTRIBUTORS: AUSTRIA: Polytech Ophthalmologie GmbH, Vienna, Ph: +43-1-5132866, Fax: +43-1-5132866 HOYA MEDICAL EUROPE GMBH FRANCE: Anteis France S.A.S., Rennes, Ph: +33-2-99872202, Fax: +33-2-99871990 Bredowstrasse 28 GERMANY: Polytech Ophthalmologie GmbH, Roßdorf, Ph: +49-6154-6999-0, Fax: +49-6154-6999-20 HH/AD/AF1/05/08/SO ITALY: Compagnia Italiana Oftalmologica, Parma, Ph: +39-0521-484339/483123, Fax: +39-0521-483472 D-22113 Hamburg NETHERLANDS: Rockmed BV, Oirschot, Ph: +31-499551020, Fax: +31-499551025 GERMANY NORWAY: Medilens AB, Helsingborg, Ph: +46-42-141225, Fax: +46-42-280229 Phone: +49 (40) 7 31 88 - 21 44 SPAIN: Bloss Group, Barcelona, Ph: +34-93-3036565, Fax: +34-93-3084950 Fax: +49 (40) 7 31 88 - 21 42 SWEDEN: Medilens AB, Helsingborg, Ph: +46-42-141225, Fax: +46-42-280229 Email: [email protected] SWITZERLAND: Mediconsult AG, Roggwil TG, Ph: +41-71-4547020, Fax: +41-71-4547028 UNITED KINGDOM: Spectrum, Macclesfield, Ph: +44-1625-618816, Fax: +44-1625-619959 Scientific Programme 41

Hall 3 Sunday, 25 September 2005

Legend L = lecture, O = oral presentation, S = short oral presentation

8:30 - 10:30 Update of the German Society of Intraocular 2509-1 Lens Implantation and Refractive Surgery (DGII)

Update der Deutschen Gesellschaft Scientific Programme 25.9.2005 Sunday, für Intraokularlinsen-Implantation (DGII) Chair: Pham D.-T. (Berlin/D), Auffarth G. U. (Heidelberg/D)

Pham D.-T. (Berlin/D) 2509-1.01 Introduction

Fabian E. (Rosenheim/D) 2509-1.02 Update Microincision Cataract Surgery (MICS)

Preußner P.-R. (Mainz/D) 2509-1.03 Update modern IOL and IOL quality

Liekfeld A. (Berlin/D) 2509-1.04 Update new generation of multifocal IOL

Kohnen T. (Frankfurt a. M./D) 2509-1.05 Update Refractive Lens Exchange (RLE)

Seiler T. (Zürich/CH) 2509-1.06 Update refraktive Laserchirurgie: PRK/LASIK/FEMTO-LASIK

Lohmann C. P. (München/D) 2509-1.07 Update refraktive Laserchirurgie LASEK/Epi-LASIK

11:00 - 12:30 Infectiology, Intraocular Inflammation, 2509-2 Uveitis (DOG) Infektiologie, Intraokulare Entzündung, Uveitis (DOG) Chair: Zierhut M. (Tübingen/D), Becker M. D. (Heidelberg/D)

11:00 Wegscheider B. J., Weger M., Renner W., 2509-2.01 S Posch U., El-Shabrawi Y. (Graz/A) MCP-1 –2518A>G gene polymorphism plays a role in HLA B27 associated uveitis Rolle des MCP-1 -2518 A>G Gen-Polymorphismus bei Patienten mit HLA-B27-assoziierter Uveitis

11:07 Kruse P., Kakkassery V., Ruokonen P., 2509-2.02 S Hartmann C., Pleyer U. (Berlin/D) TNF-alpha antagonists as a possible promoter of onset uveitis in treatment for rheumatoid arthritis Der TNF-alpha Antagonist als ein möglicher Promoter einer Uveitis bei der Behandlung der rheumatoiden Arthritis

11:14 Preuß B., Doycheva D., Klein R., Zierhut M. 2509-2.03 S (Tübingen/D) High incidence of antibodies to lens proteins in sera from patients with uveitis Nachweis von Antikörpern gegen Linsenproteine in Seren von Patienten mit Uveitis 42 Scientific Programme

Hall 3 Sunday, 25 September 2005

11:21 Wiehler U., Reuland M., Becker M. D. 2509-2.04 S (Heidelberg/D) Hypopyon in anterior uveitis and associated secundary forms of intraocular inflammations Hypopyon bei anteriorer Uveitis und assoziierte sekundäre Formen einer intraokularen Entzündung

11:28 Torun N., Sherif Z., Garweg J. G., Pleyer U. 2509-2.05 S (Berlin/D, Bern/CH) Management of ocular toxoplasmosis – Survey in the section of uveitis in DOG Management der okulären Toxoplasmose – Eine Umfrage in der Sektion Uveitis der DOG

11:35 Schmidt S., Rieger R., Hartmann C., 2509-2.06 S Pleyer U. (Berlin/D) Intravitreal triamcinolone in patients with uveitic macular edema Intravitreale Triamcinoloinjektion zur Therapie des zystoiden Makulaödems bei Patienten mit chronischer Uveitis

11:42 Gracˇner B., Pahor D., Gracˇner T., 2509-2.07 O Falezˇ M. (Maribor/SLO) Pseudomonas keratoconjunctivitis at a contact lens wearer, the therapy and keratoplasty à chaud Pseudomonas-Keratokonjunktivitis bei einer Kontaktlinsen- trägerin – die Therapie und Keratoplastik à chaud

11:52 Koss M. J., Eder M., He L., Blumenkranz M. S., 2509-2.08 O Klauß V., Ta C. N., Miño de Kaspar H. (München/D, Stanford/USA) Antibiotic susceptibility of preoperative normal conjunctival bacteria Antibiotische Wirksamkeit gegenüber präoperativer konjunktival-bakterieller Normalflora

12:02 Eder M., Koss M. J., Fariña N., Gines A., 2509-2.09 O Simancas M., Klauß V., Miño de Kaspar H. (München/D, Asunción/PY, Clorinda/RA) Impact of antibiotic susceptibility of coagulase negative staphylococci and staphylococcus aureus on prophylaxis and treatment of ocular infections in Argentina and Paraguay Einfluss der Antibiotika-Empfindlichkeit koagulase-negativer Staphylokokken und von Staphylococcus aureus auf die Prophylaxe und die Behandlung von Augeninfektionen bei Kindern und Erwachsenen in Argentinien und Paraguay

12:12 Tost F. H. W., Leicher S., Antal S. M., Giebel J. 2509-2.10 S (Greifswald/D) On the topical tolerance of Kanamycin-POS® – a prospective comparative cytomorphological study Zur lokalen Verträglichkeit von Kanamycin-POS® – eine prospektive vergleichende zytomorphologische Studie

12:19 Aguirre-Romo I., Bayrhof M., Dudichum J., 2509-2.11 S Kreutzer T., Hartmann K., Miño de Kaspar H. (München/D) Sterile anterior chamber fluid prior to intraocular surgery after applications of 0.5% Levofloxacin and/or 1% Povidone iodine flushing Sterile Vorderkammerwasserproben vor intraokularen Eingriffen durch Applikation von 0,5% Levofloxazin und / oder Spülung mit 1% Povidon-Jod-Lösung Scientific Programme 43

Hall 3 Sunday, 25 September 2005

13:30 - 15:30 Vitreoretinal Update of the Retinological Society 2509-3 Vitreoretinales Update der Retinologischen Gesellschaft Chair: Bornfeld N. (Essen/D), Lemmen K. D. (Düsseldorf/D)

13:30 Bornfeld N. (Essen/D) und Lucke K. (Bremen/D) 2509-3.01 Scientific Programme 25.9.2005 Sunday, 25 gauge – Vitrektomie: Pro und Contra?

13:50 Heimann H. (Berlin/D) 2509-3.02 „Scleral buckling versus primary vitrectomy in rhegmatogenous etachment (SPR)“ – Studie: Ergebnisse und Konsequenzen

14:10 Kuhn F. (Birmingham/USA) 2509-3.03 10-years of Endophthalmitis-Vitrectomy-Study (EVS), where are we now?

14:30 Pauleikhoff D. (Münster/D) 2509-3.04 Aktuelle Aspekte der VEGF-Inhibition bei altersabhängiger Makuladegeneration

14:55 Bartz-Schmidt K. U. (Tübingen/D) 2509-3.05 Update zur Chirurgie submakulärer chorioidaler Neovaskularisationen: von submakulärer Extraktion (SST-Trial) bis zu subfovealer Aderhaut-Blocktransplantation 44 Scientific Programme

Hall 4/5 Sunday, 25 September 2005

8:30 - 9:45 Plastic Surgery, Orbita, Conjunctiva (DOG) 2509-4 Plastische Chirurgie, Orbita, Bindehaut (DOG) Chair: Guthoff R. F. (Rostock/D), Lieb W. (Karlsruhe/D)

8:30 Pitz S., Hoffmann R., Preußner P.-R., 2509-4.01 O Pfeiffer N. (Mainz/D) Is gaze-dependent tonometry helpful in differential diagnosis of graves’ ophthalmopathy? Hat die Blickrichtungstonometrie einen differentialdiagnosti- schen Wert in der Diagnostik der endokrinen Orbitopathie?

8:40 Pape S., Sommer K., Neppert B., Geerling G. 2509-4.02 O (Lübeck/D) Orbit-3-wall decompression for cosmetically disfiguring exophthalmus in endocrine orbitopathy Knöcherne Orbita-Dekompression bei kosmetischer Indikation bei endokriner Orbitopathie über einen Zugang am lateralen Kanthus

8:50 Wilke M., Hintschich C. (München/D) 2509-4.03 S Outcome and complications after a bony orbital decompression in patients with Graves' disease Ergebnisse und Komplikationen nach knöcherner Orbitadekompression bei Patienten mit endokriner Orbitopathie

8:57 Pressmar S., Sykula-Jezynska E., Feucht M., 2509-4.04 S Mertens S., Schaudig U. (Hamburg/D) Measurement of orbital volume deficiency after enucleation Messung der orbitalen Volumendifferenz nach Enukleation

9:04 Knop N., Knop E. (Hannover/D, Berlin/D) 2509-4.05 S Ultrastructure of conjunctiva-associated lymphoid tissue (CALT) in the rabbit Ultrastruktur des Konjunktiva-assoziierten lymphatischen Gewebes (CALT) beim Kaninchen

9:11 Knop E., Knop N. (Berlin/D, Hannover/D) 2509-4.06 S The immune regulation in inflammatory ocular surface disease is influenced by the Eye Associated Lymphoid Tissue (EALT) Die Immunregulation bei Entzündungen der Augenoberfläche wird beeinflusst durch das Eye-Associated Lymphoid Tissue (EALT)

9:18 Gupta Y., Gupta M. (Aligarh/IND) 2509-4.07 S Xerosis-meter – a new concept in dry eye evaluation

9:25 Messmer E. M., Mackert M. J., Zapp D. M., 2509-4.08 O Kampik A. (München/D) Differential diagnosis of melanocytic conjunctival tumors by in vivo confocal microscopy Scientific Programme 45

Hall 4/5 Sunday, 25 September 2005

10:30 - 12:10 RPE Degenerations, Artificial Eye, 2509-5 Retina Imaging (DOG) RPE Degeneration, Sehprothesen, Bildgebung (DOG) Chair: Walter P. (Aachen/D), Roider J. (Kiel/D) Scientific Programme 25.9.2005 Sunday, 10:30 Koinzer S., Roider J. (Kiel/D) 2509-5.01 O Clinical, electrophysiological and angiographic findings in autosomal dominant vitreoretinochoroidopathy (ADVIRC): a report on a new 3-generation pedigree Klinische, elektrophysiologische und angiographische Befunde bei autosomal dominanter Vitreoretinochoroidopathie (ADVIRC): Ein Bericht über eine weitere betroffene Familie

10:40 Jandeck C., Kellner U., Heimann H., 2509-5.02 O Bechrakis N. E., Foerster M. H. (Berlin/D, Siegburg/D) Retinal changes and anatomical outcome in children with coats disease Netzhautveränderungen und anatomische Ergebnisse bei Kindern mit Morbus Coats

10:50 Foerster P., Neubauer A. S., Kampik A., 2509-5.03 S Ulbig M. (München/D) Comparison of ophthalmoscopy and fundusdrawing with 200° OPTOMAP-SLO in retinal detachment Vergleich von Opthalmoskopie und Fundusskizzen mit dem 200° OPTOMAP-SLO bei Ablatio retinae

10:57 Neubauer A. S., Strauß R. W., Krieglstein T. R., 2509-5.04 S Priglinger S. G., Reis W., Ulbig M., Kampik A. (München/D) A Novel Scanning Digital Ophthalmoscope (SDO) compared to conventional fundus photography Vergleich eines neuen Scanning Digitalen Ophthalmoskops (SDO) mit konventioneller Fundusfotografie

11:04 Klatt C., Ponomareva L., Bunse A., Roider J. 2509-5.05 S (Kiel/D) Significance of the Preferential Hyperacuity Perimeter (PHP) for diagnostic investigation of macular diseases Stellenwert des Preferential Hyperacuity Perimeter (PHP) zur Diagnostik von Metamorphopsien bei Makulaerkrankungen

11:11 Geitzenauer W., Simader C., Michels S., 2509-5.06 O Schmidt-Erfurth U. (Wien/A) Functional central retinal mapping using NIDEK MP1 comparing central and decentred points of fixation Vergleich zentraler Mikroperimetrie mit dem NIDEK MP1 bei zentralem und dezentriertem Fixationspunkt

11:21 Wagner J., Simader C., Aue A., Michels S., 2509-5.07 S Schmidt-Erfurth U. (Wien/A) Correlation of functional mapping and optical coherence tomography (OCT) in full-thickness macular holes Rolle der Skotometrie für die Bestimmung der Funktionsfähig- keit der Makula bei durchgreifendem Makulaforamen

11:28 Springer C., Völcker H. E., Rohrschneider K. 2509-5.08 S (Heidelberg/D) Microperimetry and optical coherence tomography in central serous chorioretinopathy Mikroperimetrie und optische Kohärenztomografie bei Retinopathia centralis serosa 46 Scientific Programme

Hall 4/5 Sunday, 25 September 2005

11:35 Strauß R. W., Thiel M. J., Ulbig M., Kampik A., 2509-5.09 S Neubauer A. S. (München/D) Artefacts in Optical Coherence tomography (OCT) imaging of the retina Artefakte der Optischen Kohärenz-Tomographie (OCT) der Netzhaut

11:42 Sacu S., Leitgeb R., Povazay B., Michels S., 2509-5.10 O Hermann B., Drexler W., Schmidt-Erfurth U. (Wien/A) Three-dimensional ultrahigh resolution optical coherence tomography (3D UHR OCT) Drei-dimensionale hochauflösende optische Kohärenztomogra- phie (3D UHR-OCT)

11:52 Preisverleihung 2509-5.11 Retinitis Pigmentosa Preis 2005 zur Verhütung von Blindheit der Pro Retina Deutschland e.V. und der Retina Suisse

13:00 - 15:15 Glaucoma: Diagnosis, Medical Therapy, OP 1 2509-6 (DOG) Glaukom: Diagnostik, Medikamente, OP 1 (DOG) Chair: Pillunat L. E. (Dresden/D), Diestelhorst M. (Köln/D)

13:00 Munkwitz S., Thieme H., Bechrakis N. E., 2509-6.01 S Foerster M. H. (Berlin/D) Comparison between the Nidek NT-4000 non-contact tonome- ter (with pulse synchronized IOP measurement) and the Gold- mann applanation tonometer in patients with normal and ele- vated intraocular pressure (IOP) Die pulsgetriggerte Augendruckmessung des Nidek NT-4000 Non-Kontakt-Tonometers im Vergleich mit der Applanationsto- nometrie nach Goldmann bei Patienten mit normalem und erhöhtem Augendruck

13:07 Ruokonen P., Schwenteck T., Hartmann C., 2509-6.02 S Draeger J. A. (Berlin/D, Hamburg/D) Evaluation of the impedance tonometer TGDc-01 and ICARE according to the international ocular tonometer standards (ISO 8612) Evaluierung der Impedanztonometer TGDc-01 und ICARE auf der Basis des internationalen Standards für Augentonometer ISO 8612

13:14 Viestenz A., Langenbucher A., Mardin C. Y., 2509-6.03 S Viestenz A. (Erlangen/D) Reproducibility of dynamic contour tonometry and comparison with Goldmann Applanation Tonometry and TonoPen Reproduzierbarkeit der Dynamischen Contour Tonometrie und Vergleich mit dem Tonometer nach Goldmann und dem Tonopen

13:21 Pache M., Wilmsmeyer S., Lautebach S., 2509-6.04 O Funk J. (Freiburg/D) Dynamic contour tonometry (DCT) versus Goldmann applanation tonometry – a comparison of agreement and reproducibility Dynamische Konturtonometrie (DCT) vs. Goldmann-Tonometrie – Übereinstimmung und Reproduzierbarkeit Scientific Programme 47

Hall 4/5 Sunday, 25 September 2005

13:31 Köller A. U., Wozniak K., Spörl E., Böhm A. G., 2509-6.05 S Pillunat L. E. (Dresden/D) Mean ocular perfusion pressure during day and night time in glaucoma patients and healthy controls Evaluation des Perfusionsdrucks während Tages- und Nacht-

druckmessungen bei Glaukompatienten und Normalprobanden Scientific Programme 25.9.2005 Sunday,

13:38 Wozniak K., Köller A. U., Spörl E., Böhm A. G., 2509-6.06 S Pillunat L. E. (Dresden/D) IOP measurements during day and night time in glaucoma patients and healthy controls by Goldmann and Perkins appla- nation tonometry Augeninnnendruckmessung im Tages- und Nachtverlauf bei Glaukompatienten und Normalprobanden mittels Goldmann- und Perkins-Applanationstonometrie

13:45 Lämmer R., Viestenz A., Horn F. K., 2509-6.07 S Mardin C. Y. (Erlangen/D) Measurement of autofluorescence in the parapapillary atrophic zone in patients with ocular hypertension Charakteristik der parapapillären Autofluoreszenz bei okulärer Hypertension

13:52 Viestenz A., Langenbucher A., Lämmer R., 2509-6.08 S Mardin C. Y. (Erlangen/D) Parapapillary fundus autofluorescence as an indicator of glaucomatous optic neuropathy Parapapilläre Autofluoreszenz als Indikator der glaukomatösen Optikusatrophie

13:59 Schmidt K.-G., Raddatz H., Rose S., Elle J., 2509-6.09 S Kohlhaas M., Pillunat L. E. (Dresden/D) AntioxIdative activity in primary open-angle glaucoma patients Antioxidative Aktivität im Kammerwasser von Patienten mit primär chronischem Offenwinkelglaukom

14:06 Thieme H., Rosenthal R., Choritz L., Zorn R., 2509-6.10 O Foerster M. H. (Berlin/D) Endothelin receptor antagonism in trabecular meshwork and its possible impact in glaucoma therapy Endothelin-Rezeptor-Antagonismus im Trabekelmaschenwerk und die mögliche Bedeutung für die Glaukomtherapie

14:16 Schwenteck T., Harnisch J.-P., Galinsky, 2509-6.10a S Draeger J. A. (Berlin/D, Hamburg/D) Evaluating clinical comparison measurements of a new dynamic contour tonometer according to the international standard of tonometers ISO 8612

14:23 Dietlein T. S., Jordan J. F., Krieglstein G. K. 2509-6.11 S (Köln/D) What do glaucoma specialists think they know about their patients? Ärztliches Wissen um Behandlungsumstände und Einstellungen bei Glaukompatienten in einem Glaukomzentrum

14:30 Haustein M., Müller-Holz M. F., Böhm A. G., 2509-6.12 S Spörl E., Pillunat L. E. (Dresden/D) The influence of acetazolamide on different ocular vascular beds Der Einfluss von Acetazolamid auf die okuläre Mikrozirkulation 48 Scientific Programme

Hall 4/5 Sunday, 25 September 2005

14:37 Lanzl I. M., Nagel E., Vilser W., Kotliar K. 2509-6.13 S (München/D, Rudolstadt/D, Ilmenau/D) Local retinal arterial reaction to moderate artificial reduction of perfusion pressure in glaucoma patients before and after treatment with dorzolamide Lokale arteriele Netzhautgefäßreaktion auf mäßige Reduktion des retinalen Perfusionsdruckes bei Glaukompatienten vor und nach der Behandlung mit Dorzolamid

14:44 Kazakova D., Diestelhorst M., 2509-6.14 S Schlötzer-Schrehardt U., Krieglstein G. K. (Sofia/BG, Köln/D, Erlangen/D) A histopathological study of changes in pseudoexfoliative glaucoma in patients treated with Xalatan

14:51 Schlote T., Grüb M., Bartz-Schmidt K. U. 2509-6.15 S (Tübingen/D) Transscleral cyclophotocoagulation as a primary surgical treatment Transsklerale Zyklophotokoagulation als primärchirurgischer Eingriff

14:58 Preisverleihung 2509-6.16 Forschungsförderung der DOG für innovative Vorhaben auf dem Gebiet medikamentöser Glaukombehandlung gestiftet von Pfizer Pharma GmbH Scientific Programme 49

Hall 7 Sunday, 25 September 2005

8:30 - 9:30 Ocular Tumors (DOG) 2509-7 Okuläre Tumoren (DOG) Chair: Bornfeld N. (Essen/D), Bechrakis N. E. (Berlin/D)

8:30 Willerding G., Bechrakis N. E., Höcht S., 2509-7.01 S

Krause L., Wachtlin J., Cordini D., Foerster M. H. (Berlin/D) Scientific Programme 25.9.2005 Sunday, Proton beam radiotherapy in diffuse iris melanoma Protonentherapie bei diffusem Irismelanom

8:37 Buchgeister M., Grisanti S., Süsskind D., 2509-7.02 S Paulsen F. (Tübingen/D) Construction of a fixation aid for stereotactic radiotherapy of eye tumours Konstruktion einer Fixationshilfe zur stereotaktischen Augen- tumorbestrahlung

8:44 Wansel S., Ritter C., Thieme H., Köppel T., 2509-7.03 S Bechrakis N. E., Foerster M. H. (Berlin/D) Vascular endothelial growth factor receptor-1 (flt-1) and -2 (flk-1) in human choroidal melanoma. A correlation of experimental results with clinical, histopathological and immunohistochemical data Vascular Endothelial Growth Factor Rezeptor-1 (flt-1) und -2 (flk-1) beim humanen Aderhautmelanom. Eine Korrelation von experimentellen Ergebnissen mit klinischen, histopathologi- schen und immunhistochemischen Parametern

8:51 Höhne K., Bechrakis N. E., Heimann H., 2509-7.04 S Pfeiffer A. F. H., Foerster M. H., Spranger J. (Berlin/D) Detection of VEGF and PEDF in eyes with uveal melanomas Nachweis von VEGF und PEDF in Augen mit Aderhautmelano- men

8:58 Hümmeke M., Coupland S. E., Joussen A. M. 2509-7.05 S (Köln/D, Berlin/D) Diagnosis of a high-grade malignant retinal lymphoma and a low-grade malignant uveal lymphoma by histopathology examinations: two case reports Diagnose okulärer Lymphome durch histopathologische Unter- suchungen: zwei Fallberichte

9:05 Meyer C. H., Rodrigues E. B., Mennel S., 2509-7.06 S Kroll P. (Marburg/D) Developmental pattern and clinical impact of grouped congenital hypertrophy of the retinal pigment epithelium (CHRPE) ”bear tracks” Entwicklungsmuster und klinische Bedeutung von gruppierten kongentialen Hyperplasien des retinalen Pigmentepithels (CHRPE) “Bärentatzen” 50 Scientific Programme

Hall 7 Sunday, 25 September 2005

10:00 - 11:30 Symposium Keratokonus 2509-8 Symposium Keratokonus Chair: Kohlhaas M. (Dresden/D), Duncker G. I. W. (Halle (Saale)/D)

10:00 Guthoff R. F. (Rostock/D) 2509-8.01 Strukturelle, zelluläre und biochemische Veränderungen beim Keratokonus

10:15 Duncker G. I. W., Grünauer-Kloevekorn C. 2509-8.02 (Halle (Saale)/D) Keratoconus: Epidemiology, risk factors und diagnosis Epidemiologie, Risikofaktoren und Diagnostik des Keratokonus

10:30 Spörl E. (Dresden/D) 2509-8.03 Biomechanics and biophysical modification of corneal collagen by Riboflavin/UVA-crosslinking Biomechanik und biophysikalische Modifizierung des Horn- hautkollagens durch Riboflavin/UVA-Vernetzung

10:45 Kohlhaas M. (Dresden/D) 2509-8.04 Riboflavin / Ultraviolet A-induced collagen cross linking in the management of keratoconus and kerazeczasia after lasik Klinische Ergebnisse der UV-Vernetzung beim Keratokonus und der Keratektasie nach Lasik

11:00 Seitz B., Langenbucher A., Naumann G. O. H., 2509-8.05 Kruse F. E. (Erlangen/D) Surgical strategies for treatment of keratoconus Operative Strategien zur Behandlung des Keratokonus

11:15 Bischoff G. (Hamburg/D) 2509-8.06 Advanced strategies in contact lens fitting of keratoconus Neue Strategien in der Kontaktlinsenversorgung des Keratokonus Scientific Programme 51

Hall 7 Sunday, 25 September 2005

12:00 - 13:30 Update der Sektion Kornea (DOG) 2509-9 Update der DOG-Sektion Kornea Chair: Seitz B. (Erlangen/D), Reinhard T. (Freiburg/D)

12:00 Geerling G. (Lübeck/D) 2509-9.01 Scientific Programme 25.9.2005 Sunday, Blood products for the treatment of ocular surface disorders Blutprodukte zur Therapie von Augenoberflächen- erkrankungen

12:15 Heiligenhaus A. (Münster/D) 2509-9.02 Immunsuppressive Therapie beim Schleimhautpemphigoid am Auge

12:30 Hille K. (Homburg (Saar)/D) 2509-9.03 Keratoprostheses – an update Keratoprothesen – aktueller Stand

12:45 Paulsen F. (Halle (Saale)/D) 2509-9.04 Korneale Wunheilung durch Trefoil Factor Family (TFF) Peptide

13:00 Kruse F. E. (Erlangen/D) 2509-9.05 Verätzung und Amnion

13:15 Pleyer U. (Berlin/D) 2509-9.06 Virale Infektionen der Augenoberfläche

14:30 - 15:30 Satellite Symposium F-25-02 AMO Germany GmbH (Ettlingen/D) Wavefront Optimization and Guidance in Cataract and Refractive Surgery Chair: Tetz M. (Berlin/D) (For details on company symposia see page 241) 52 Scientific Programme

Hall 8 Sunday, 25 September 2005

8:30 - 10:30 Retina: Vascular Diseases (DOG) 2509-10 Retina: Gefäße (DOG) Chair: Kroll P. (Marburg/D), Clemens S. (Greifswald/D)

8:30 Callizo J., Meyer C. H., Mennel S., 2509-10.01 O Schmidt J. C., Kroll P. (Marburg/D) Radial optic neurotomy in central retinal vein occlusion: a one-year follow-up study Radiäre Optikusneurotomie bei Zentralvenenverschluss: 1-Jahr-follow-up-Studie

8:40 Rauber M., Müller S., Mester U. 2509-10.02 S (Sulzbach (Saar)/D) Control of the effectiveness of radial optic neurotomy by venous ophthalmodynamometry

8:47 Lerche R.-C., Richard G. (Hamburg/D) 2509-10.03 S Long-term results after radial optic neurotomy for central retinal vein occlusion Langzeitergebnisse nach radiärer Optikusneurotomie bei ischämischer Zentralvenenthrombose

8:54 Feltgen N., Schumacher M. (Freiburg/D) 2509-10.04 O Multicenter study of the european assessment group for lysis in the eye (EAGLE-Group) for the treatment of central retinal artery occlusion (CRAO): lysis compared to non-invasive therapy Multizenterstudie der European Assessment Group for Lysis in the EYE (EAGLE) zur Behandlung des Zentralarterienverschlus- ses (ZAV): Lysetherape versus konservative Therapie

9:04 Feltgen N., Herrmann J., Agostini H. T., 2509-10.05 O Hansen L. L. (Freiburg/D) Retinal endovascular lysis in central retinal vein occlusion: 1-year results of a pilot study Retinale endovasale Lysetherapie bei Zentralvenenverschluss: 1-Jahres-Ergebnisse einer Pilotstudie

9:14 Kotliar K., Mücke B., Vilser W., Lanzl I. M. 2509-10.06 S (München/D, Ilmenau/D) Age dependence of local retinal arterial reaction to monochro- matic flicker light application Altersabhängigkeit der lokalen retinalen arteriellen Gefäßreak- tion auf monochromatisches Flickerlicht

9:21 Michelson G., Scibor M., Schweitzer D., 2509-10.07 S Hammer M., Harazny J. (Erlangen/D, Jena/D) Oxygen saturation in retinal vessels in normals during flicker Sauerstoffsättigung in retinalen Gefäßen bei Flickerlichtprovo- kation

9:28 Neß T., Auw-Hädrich C., Schmidt D. 2509-10.08 O (Freiburg/D) Temporal artery biopsy; relevance of anamnesis and blood examination Biopsie der Arteria Temporalis – Bedeutung von Anamnese und Laboruntersuchungen Scientific Programme 53

Hall 8 Sunday, 25 September 2005

9:38 Karandish A., Holak S. A., Niederstadt C. 2509-10.09 S (Berlin/D) Intravitreal Triamcinolone for the treatment of macular edema with central retinal vein occlusion Intravitreale Triamcinolon-Injektion zur Behandlung des

zystoiden Makulaödems bei Zentralvenenverschluss Scientific Programme 25.9.2005 Sunday,

9:45 Heimann H., Raß S., Jandeck C., 2509-10.10 S Bechrakis N. E., Foerster M. H. (Berlin/D) Pars plana vitrectomy and ILM peeling for diabetic macular edema Pars-plana-Vitrektomie und ILM-Peeling bei diabetischem Makulaödem

9:52 Weinand F., Toksoy Z., Pavlovic S. (Gießen/D) 2509-10.11 S Posterior subtenon triamcinolone injection for refractory diabe- tic macular edema; a prospective clinical trial Klinische Erfahrungen mit der Subtenon-Triamcinolonacetonid- Injektion bei Patienten mit diffusem diabetischen Makulaödem

9:59 Schulze S. D., Zaki N. V., Silva-Papi M., Kroll P. 2509-10.12 S (Marburg/D) Circumferential retinal cryocoagulation before vitrectomy in proliferative diabetic vitreoretinopathy Zirkuläre Netzhautkryokoagulation zur Vitrektomievorbereitung bei proliferativer diabetischer Vitreoretinopathie

10:06 Stupp N., Kleffner I., Busse H. (Münster/D) 2509-10.13 S Diagnosis confirmed by fluorescein angiography in susac- syndrome: a case report Fluoreszenzangiographische Diagnosestellung beim Susac Syndrom: ein Fallbeispiel

10:13 Padge B., Lommatzsch A., Pauleikhoff D. 2509-10.14 O (Münster/D) Bilateral idiopathic juxtafoveal retinal telangiectasis – natural course and clinical treatments Bilaterale idiopathische juxtafoveoläre Teleangiektasien – natürlicher Verlauf und Therapieoptionen

10:23 Horstmann C., Bunse A., Roider J. (Kiel/D) 2509-10.15 S Vitrectomy in infants with progressive retinopathy of prematurity after laser therapy Vitrektomie bei Retinopathia praematurorum Stadium IV nach Laserkoagulation

11:00 - 12:00 Strabismus, Paediatric Ophthalmology, 2509-11 Neuro-ophthalmology, Genetic (DOG) Strabologie, Neuro- und Kinderophthalmologie, Genetik (DOG) Chair: Zrenner E. (Tübingen/D), Kaufmann H. (Gießen/D)

11:00 Müller C., Meyer C. H., Hörle S. (Marburg/D) 2509-11.01 S Freeman-Sheldon-Syndrome associated with juvenile glaucoma Freeman-Sheldon-Syndrom assoziiert mit juvenilem Glaukom – Erstbeschreibung 54 Scientific Programme

Hall 8 Sunday, 25 September 2005

11:07 Schmidt D., Schulte-Mönting J., Hetzel A., 2509-11.02 S Geibel-Zehender A. (Freiburg/D) Differences between branch retinal artery occlusion (BRAO) and central retinal artery occlusion (CRAO) Unterschiedliche Befunde zwischen Arterienastverschluss und Zentralarterienverschluss

11:14 Stodtmeister R. (Pirmasens/D) 2509-11.03 S Origin and clinical significance of the central retinal vein pulsation Entstehung und klinische Relevanz des Zentralvenenpulses

11:21 Nestel A. R., Whittaker K., Gibson R. A. 2509-11.04 S (Barnstaple/UK) A mysterious case of therapy-resistant headache – Is B-scan ultrasound superior to CT and MRI? Ein mysteriöser Fall von therapieresistentem Kopfschmerz – Ist B-scan Ultraschall dem CT und MRT überlegen?

11:28 Bau V., Habermann A., Hanisch F., Zierz S. 2509-11.05 S (Halle (Saale)/D) Primary ocular manifestation in MuSK-antibody positive myasthenia gravis Primär okuläre Manifestation bei MuSK-Antikörper positiver Myasthenia gravis

11:35 Riebeling P., Schmidt D., Fusch C., 2509-11.06 S Tost F. H. W. (Greifswald/D) Are screening examinations necessary in ruling out ocular malformations after reproduction treatment? Sind Screeninguntersuchungen zum Ausschluss okulärer Fehl- bildungen nach reproduktions-medizinischer Behandlung not- wendig?

11:42 Gusek-Schneider G.-C., Kamoun R., Seitz B. 2509-11.07 S (Erlangen/D) Corneal endothelial cell density following strabismus surgery Hornhautendothelzellzahl nach Schieloperationen

13:00 - 15:00 French-British-Italian-German-Symposium: 2509-12 Eye and Genetics Chair: Kampik A. (München/D), Colin J. (Bordeaux/F), Beaconsfield M. (London/UK), Gallenga P. E. (Roma/I)

13:00 Rudolph G. (München/D) 2509-12.01 Introduction

13:10 Bird A. C. (London/UK) 2509-12.02 The value of genetic registers in genetic counselling

13:25 Simonelli F., Testa F., Rinaldi M., Rinaldi E. (Napoli/I)2509-12.03 The genetics of the posterior pole diseases

13:35 Kaplan J., Perrault I., Hanein S., Gerber S., 2509-12.04 Rozet J.-M.,Dufier J. L. (Paris/F) Leber Congenital Amaurosis

13:45 Rozet J.-M., Kaplan J. (Paris/F) 2509-12.05 Normal Function of the Retina and Pathologic Consequences of Mutations Affecting the Reception of Light and/or its Elect- rophysiological Conversion in Photoreceptors Scientific Programme 55

Hall 8 Sunday, 25 September 2005

13:55 Keilhauer C. N., Weber B. H. F. (Würzburg/D) 2509-12.06 Genetic factors and the development of age-related macular degeneration (AMD)

14:05 Strauß O., Marmorstein A. D. 2509-12.07

(Hamburg/D, Tuscon/USA) Scientific Programme 25.9.2005 Sunday, New insights into pathomechanisms of Best’s vitelliform macular degeneration

14:15 Busin M. (Forli/I) 2509-12.08 Genetics of corneal disease

14:25 Bau V., Deschauer M., Zierz S. (Halle (Saale)/D) 2509-12.09 CPEO – clinical and genetic findings

14:35 Roche O. (Paris/F) 2509-12.10 Hereditary Cataract

14:45 Dufier J. L. (Paris/F) 2509-12.11 Primary congenital glaucoma and secondary iridogoniodysgenesis

14:55 Discussion 2509-12.12

Hall 9

8:30 - 15:30 Satellite Symposium of the Hungarian 2509-13 Ophthalmological Society (For details on the programme see page 234) 56 Scientific Programme

Hall 10 Sunday, 25 September 2005

8:30 - 10:30 Bulgarian-German Symposium 2509-19 Chair: Vassileva P. (Sofia/BG), Markov T. D. (Sofia/BG), Foerster M. H. (Berlin/D), Grewe R. (Münster/D)

Madzharova L., Popova D., Markov T. D. (Sofia/BG)2509-19.01 Orbital indexes in clinical assessment of surgical anophthalmia

Kostova S., Marinov A., Petkova N., Rankova C. 2509-19.02 (Sofia/BG) Central corneal thickness in patiens with primary open-angle glaucoma

Steuhl K.-P., Meller D. (Essen/D) 2509-19.03 Tissue-Engineering of Corneal Epithelium

Vassileva P., Shandurkov I., Sredkova M., 2509-19.04 Gancheva A. (Sofia/BG) Stem cell transplantation in severe ocular surface disease

Doycheva D., Chernodrinska V.-S., Kirilova Y., 2509-19.05 Hergeldjieva T. (Sofia/BG) Diagnosis and treatment of uveitis in childhood

Zierhut M. (Tübingen/D) 2509-19.06 Patient-Interest Groups in Uveitis

Gouguchkova-Ianchuleva P., Vidinova C. N., 2509-19.07 Kjuchukov B., Voinov L. (Sofia/BG) Ultrastructural and UBM studies on PVR patients with and without the application of Fragmin

Sivkova N., Djurdjeva E., Atanassov M., 2509-19.08 Koleva-Georgieva D. (Plovdiv/BG) Rhegmatogenous retinal detachment in eyes with glaucoma

Grewe R. (Münster/D) 2509-19.09 What does the Bulgarian Medical Doctor expect in the European Union?

Room 42

12:30 - 13:30 Lunch Symposium F-25-01 *Acri.Tec GmbH (Munich, Hennigsdorf/D) Clinical Experiences with Innovative Acrylic IOL: PCO Development, Optimization of Visual Acuity, Correction of resbyopia Chair: Kammann J. (Dortmund/D) (For details on company symposia see page 241) Scientific Programme

Monday, 26 September 2005

Scientific Programme 59

Hall 3 Monday, 26 September 2005

Legend L = lecture, O = oral presentation, S = short oral presentation

8:15 - 9:15 Retina Imaging, RPE Degenerations, 2609-1 Artificial Eye Chair: Wolf S. (Bern/CH), Tufail A. (London/UK)

8:15 Hammer M., Richter S., Schweitzer D. (Jena/D) 2609-1.01 S Photobleaching of the lipofuscin component A2-E and its effect on retinal pigment epithelium cells

8:22 Jonasson F., Sander B., Eysteinsson T., 2609-1.02 S Jörgensen T. M., Olafsson B. M., Hardarson S. Scientific Programme 26.9.2005 Monday, (Reykjavik/IS, Herlev/DK, Roskilde/DK) What retinal/choroidal layer is first affected in helicoid peripapillary chorioretinal degeneration?

8:29 Wenjuan Z., Xunlun S., Dajun D. (Yinchuan/CN) 2609-1.03 S Mutation analysis of rhodopsin gene in Chinese with autosomal dominant retinitis pigmentosa

8:36 Dyszak R., Gierek-Ciaciura S., 2609-1.04 S Mrukwa-Kominek E., Magnucka E. (Katowice/PL) The assessment of the multifocal electroretinography in patients with myopia

8:43 Fujimoto J. G., Wojtkowski M., Srinivasan V. J., 2609-1.05 O Ko T. H., Carvalho M., Witkin A. J., Duker J. S., Schuman J. S., Kowalczyk A. (Cambridge/USA, Boston/USA, Pittsburgh/USA, Torun/PL) Three dimensional imaging using high-speed, ultrahigh resolution OCT

8:53 Eter N., Scholl H. P. N., Fimmers R., 2609-1.06 S Holz F. G. (Bonn/D) Evaluation of toxic side effects on the retina of patients receiving intravitreal injections of unfiltered triamcinolone

9:00 Krupsky S., Goren G. (Rehovot/IL) 2609-1.07 S Evaluation of epiretinal membranes with the retinal thickness analyzer

9:07 Zorn M. M. C., Kaucher G., Lang G. K., 2609-1.08 S Lang G. E. (Ulm/D) Characterization of epiretinal macular membranes by optical coherence tomography 60 Scientific Programme

Hall 3 Monday, 26 September 2005

9:30 - 12:00 Cataract, Biometry 2609-2 Chair: Kammann J. (Dortmund/D), Menapace R. (Wien/A)

9:30 Weidmann A., Nebe B., Beck R. (Rostock/D) 2609-2.01 O Intervention into signalling pathways by the calcium channel blocker mibefradil causes inhibition of human lens epithelial cell adhesion

9:40 Reuland M., Reuland A., Nishi Y., Auffarth G. U. 2609-2.02 S (Heidelberg/D) Comparison of corneal radii and anterior chamber depth for IOLMaster versus Pentacam

9:47 Bencˇi´c G., Vatavuk Z., Rojic ´ G., Mandic ´ Z. 2609-2.03 S (Zagreb/HR) Axial length measurement of eye filled with silicone oil: ultrasound vs. CT

9:54 Pfeifer V. (Ljubljana/SLO) 2609-2.04 S Optical and clinical performance of an innovative aberration-free acrylic IOL

10:01 Gupta Y., Gupta M. (Aligarh/IND) 2609-2.06 S A new concept based accommodative intraocular lens implant

10:08 Stodulka P. (Zlin/CZ) 2609-2.07 S Implantation of "standard" hydrophilic acrylic IOL with 6mm optic through 2mm incision

10:15 Kammann J., Lücking S., Klett J. W., Bratke M., 2609-2.08 O Wolff J., Ohm O., Baydoun L. (Dortmund/D) A new concept for anterior chamber lenses – the „TRIC lens“

10:25 Dog˘ u M. B., Kumcuoglu Y. Z. 2609-2.09 S (Kasımpasa-Istanbul/TR) Long-term efficacy of secondary anterior chamber intraocular lens implantation versus sclerally fixated posterior chamber intraocular lens implantation in aphakic patients

10:32 Simmons D., Chabal C., Griffith J., Rausch M., 2609-2.10 S Steele B. (Seattle/USA) A trial of distraction for pain and anxiety during cataract surgery

10:39 Canadanovic´ V., Latinovic S., Babovic S., 2609-2.11 S Babic N., Zikic Z. (Novi Sad/SCG) Quality of life assessment after phacoemulsification and con- ventional cataract surgery

10:46 Georgopoulos G. T., Papaconstantinou D., 2609-2.12 S Moschou M.,Papadimitriou S., Moschos M. (Athens/GR) Phacoemulsification after capsular tension ring insertion in large zonula dialysis

10:53 Schröder A. C., Lingenfelder C., Ruprecht K. W. 2609-2.13 S (Homburg (Saar)/D, Ulm/D) Influence of fibronectin on the adherence of silicone oil to various intraocular lenses by altering their hydrophobicity

11:00 Preskar P., Preskar A. (Novo Mesto/SLO) 2609-2.14 S Management of calcified intraocular lenses Scientific Programme 61

Hall 3 Monday, 26 September 2005

11:07 Li J., Heinz C., Zurek-Imhoff T., Heiligenhaus A. 2609-2.15 O (Münster/D) Intraoperative intraocular triamcinolone injection for the treatment of post-cataract surgery inflammation in patients with juvenile idiopathic arthritis-associated uveitis

11:17 Kasparova E. A., Kasparov A. A., Pavluk A., 2609-2.16 O Fadeeva L., Skripkin K. (Moscow/RUS) Treatment of initial postoperative bullose keratopathy with a local express autocytokinotherapy method (Autological Mononuclear Cells, Activated with poliA : poliU)

11:27 Kasparov A. A., Kasparova E. A., Kasparova E. A., 2609-2.17 S Vorotnikova E. K., Feodorov A. A. (Moscow/RUS) Scientific Programme 26.9.2005 Monday, Phototherapeutic keratectomy (PTK) in treatment of bullous keratopathy (BK) with painful syndrome

11:34 Kasparova E. A., Kasparov A. A. (Moscow/RUS) 2609-2.18 O 7-year experience of excimer laser surgery (PRK+PTK Method) for primary keratoconus in Russia

11:44 Radó G. (Budapest/H) 2609-2.19 S MICS and hard nucleus

11:51 Michael R., Carretié R., Barraquer R. I. 2609-2.20 O (Barcelona/E) Development of a computer controlled device for simulation of accommodation ex vivo

12:30 - 13:00 Keynote Lecture K-2609 Surgical Treatment of Age-related Macular Degeneration: From Proof of Principle to Practical Proposition Wong D. (Liverpool/UK) 62 Scientific Programme

Hall 3 Monday, 26 September 2005

14:00 - 15:30 Retina: ARMD 1 2609-3 Chair: Soubrane G. (Créteil/F), Schmidt-Erfurth U. (Wien/A)

14:00 Soubrane G. (Créteil/F) 2609-3.01 O Twelve month interim efficacy and safety data from a randomized, controlled phase III study of ranibizumab (Lucentis®) for minimally classic or occult neovascularization in age-related macular degeneration

14:10 Schmidt-Erfurth U. (Wien/A) 2609-3.02 O Results of the Phase I/II FOCUS study of the humanized monoclonal antibody fragment VEGF-A inhibitor ranibizumab, in combination with verteporfin-based photodynamic therapy in patients with neovascular age-related macular degeneration

14:20 Michels S., Rosenfeld P. J., Moshfeghi A. A., 2609-3.03 O Puliafito C., Schmidt-Erfurth U., Marcus E. N., Venkatraman A. S. (Wien/A, Miami/USA) Systemic Bevacizumab (Avastin®) therapy for neovascular age-related macular degeneration (SANA) Study

14:30 Puls S., Quagliotti-Puls A., Augustin A. J. 2609-3.04 S (Karlsruhe/D) Efficacy of intravitreal Triamcinolone Acetonide therapy for the treatment of choroidal neovascularization due to age-related macular degeneration

14:37 Frimpong-Boateng A., Bunse A., Rüfer F., 2609-3.05 S Roider J. (Kiel/D) Combined PDT and Triamcinolone Therapy: Comparing the effects of Triamcinolone prior and after PDT

14:44 Offermann I., Schmidt-Erfurth U., Augustin A. J. 2609-3.06 S (Karlsruhe/D, Wien/A) Verteporfin in combination with intravitreal triamcinolone for minimally classic CNV due to AMD

14:51 Aue A., Michels S., Geitzenauer W., Simader C., 2609-3.07 S Wagner J., Kiss C., Schmidt-Erfurth U. (Wien/A) Early changes in optical coherence tomography, fluorescein angiography and visual acuity in patients receiving same day verteporfin therapy and intravitreal triamcinolone

14:58 Kadayıfçılar S., Bilen O., Eldem B. (Ankara/TR) 2609-3.08 S Intravitreal triamcinolone acetonide as an adjunt to photodynamic therapy in retreatment of subfoveal choroidal neovascular membranes

15:05 Framme C., Flucke B., Birngruber R. 2609-3.09 O (Regensburg/D, Lübeck/D) Comparison of reduced and standard light application in photodynamic therapy of the eye in two rabbit models

15:15 Nemec P., Ernest J., Rejmont L., Pasta J. 2609-3.10 S (Prague/CZ) Leksell Gamma Knife in patients with CNV in AMD

15:22 Wittich A., Einbock W., Dreyhaupt J., Wolf S., 2609-3.11 S Holz F. G. (Bonn/D, Bern/CH, Heidelberg/D) Classification of fundus autofluorescence patterns in early age-related macular degeneration: intra- and interobserver variability Scientific Programme 63

Hall 3 Monday, 26 September 2005

16:00 - 16:30 SOE Lecture 2609-4 Chair: Foerster M. H. (Berlin/D)

Grisanti S. (Tübingen/D) 2609-4.01 Age-related macular degeneration. The critical role of therapies in understanding the disease

16:30 - 18:30 Basic Science Symposium 2609-8 Chair: Foerster M. H. (Berlin/D) Scientific Programme 26.9.2005 Monday,

Lütjen-Drecoll E. (Erlangen/D) 2609-8.01 Functional morphology of the choroids

van Meurs J., Maaijwee K., Croxen R., 2609-8.02 Vijfvinkel G., van Hagen M., Baarsma S., Joussen A. M., Kirchhof B. (Rotterdam/NL, Zuidland/NL, Köln/D) The translocation of autologous retinal pigment epithelium and choroid translocation in patients with exudative macular degeneration: Analysis of visual results

Fujimoto J. G. (Cambridge/USA) 2609-8.03 New Developments in Optical Coherence Tomography 64 Scientific Programme

Hall 4/5 Monday, 26 September 2005

8:15 - 9:45 Management of Intraocular Foreign Bodies 2609-5 Chair: Schrader W. (Würzburg/D), Bartz-Schmidt K. U. (Tübingen/D)

8:15 Schrader W. (Würzburg/D) 2609-5.01 Introduction

8:20 Kuhn F., Morris R., Mester V. (Birmingham/USA, 2609-5.02 Abu Dhabi/UAE) Epidemiology and prevention of intraocular foreign body injuries

8:27 Schrader W. (Würzburg/D) 2609-5.03 Diagnostics in ocular trauma with intraocular foreign bodies

8:32 Mester V., Kuhn F., Al Midwahi Y. A. 2609-5.04 (Abu Dhabi/UAE, Pécs/H) Timing of intraocular foreign body removal: Is intervention an emergency?

8:39 Wilhelm F. (Schwerin/D) 2609-5.05 Management of intralental foreign bodies

8:44 Kuhn F., Morris R., Mester V. (Pécs/H, 2609-5.06 Birmingham/USA, Abu Dhabi/UAE) Posterior segment intraocular foreign bodies: surgical techniques

8:51 Grisanti S. (Tübingen/D) 2609-5.07 Prevention and treatment of endophthalmitis

8:58 Kirchhof B. (Köln/D) 2609-5.08 Management of late complications due to intraocular foreign bodies

9:03 Forlini C., Rossini P. (Ravenna/I) 2609-5.09 Safety exit for the removal of giant IOFB

9:10 Velhagen K.-H. (Berlin/D) 2609-5.10 Videopresentation

9:25 Walter P. (Aachen/D) 2609-5.11 Management of chronic, symptom less ferrous intraocular foreign bodies

9:32 Kuhn F., Bartz-Schmidt K. U. (Birmingham/USA, 2609-5.12 Tübingen/D) Summary and Discussion Scientific Programme 65

Hall 4/5 Monday, 26 September 2005

10:00 - 12:00 EVER/SOE Symposium: Basic Science and Clinical Applications in Ophthalmology 2609-6 Chair: Gregor Z. J. (London/UK), Jonas J. B. (Mannheim/D)

10:00 Dua H. S. (Nottingham/UK) 2609-6.01 The amniotic membrane in ocular surface reconstruction: promises and problems

10:20 Söderberg P. (Stockholm/S) 2609-6.02 Cataract, on the laboratory bench today, in clinics tomorrow

10:40 Osborne N. N. (Oxford/UK) 2609-6.03 Oxidative stress in relation to glaucoma and the potential for a Scientific Programme 26.9.2005 Monday, neuroprotection strategy

11:00 Seregard S. (Stockholm/S) 2609-6.04 In pursuit of uveal melanoma pathogenesis

11:20 Bainbridge J. W. B. (London/UK) 2609-6.05 Gene therapy of retinal diseases

11:40 Sahel J.-A., Picaud S., Mohand-Saïd S., 2609-6.06 Delyfer M.-N., Audo I., Léveillard T. (Paris/F) Potential pharmacological strategies to rescue photoreceptor cells in rod-cone dystrophies: relevance to clinical assessment methods

14:00 - 15:30 Future Treatment of Retinal Degeneration: 2609-7 Cell Based Therapy Chair: Sahel J.-A. (Paris/F), Lund R. (Salt Lake City/USA)

14:00 Sahel J.-A., Léveillard T., Mohand-Saïd S. (Paris/F) 2609-7.01 What can we expect from photoreceptor cell transplantation

14:15 Lund R. (Salt Lake City/USA) 2609-7.02 Seeking alternatives to freshly harvested retinal cells to limit photoreceptor loss

14:30 Schraermeyer U. (Tübingen/D) 2609-7.03 Stem cell transplantation to be defined

14:45 Greenwood J., Coffey P. (London/UK) 2609-7.04 Development and evaluation of RPE cell lines for the treatment of retinal degeneration

15:00 Holz F. G. (Bonn/D) 2609-7.05 Transplantation of retinal pigment epithelium: a clinical experience

15:15 Tao W. (Lincoln/USA) 2609-7.06 Application of encapsulated cell technology for treating ophthalmic diseases 66 Scientific Programme

Hall 4/5 Monday, 26 September 2005

16:30 - 18:00 Satellite Symposium F-26-03 Pharm-Allergan GmbH (Ettlingen/D) Risk of Glaucoma Progression Chair: Krieglstein G. K. (Köln/D) (For details on company symposia see page 242)

Hall Oslo

8:15 - 10:00 Tumors 2609-9 Chair: Kivelä T. (Helsinki/FIN), Bornfeld N. (Essen/D)

8:15 Bergman L., Nilsson B., Ragnarsson-Olding B., 2609-9.01 O Seregard S. (Stockholm/S) Additional cancers in Swedish uveal melanoma patients

8:25 Pogrzebielski A., Orlowska-Heitzman J., 2609-9.02 O Romanowska-Dixon B. (Krakow/PL) Uveal melanoma in young patients

8:35 Augsburger J. (Cincinnati/USA) 2609-9.03 O Size overlap between choroidal nevi and choroidal melanomas

8:45 Ziemssen F., Wegner J., Anar R., Szurman P., 2609-9.04 S Süsskind D., Bartz-Schmidt K. U., Grisanti S. (Tübingen/D) Expression of KIT and SCF in uveal melanoma: cytokines and their impact on long-term prognosis

8:52 Mrzyk S., Krieg T., Nareyeck G., Bornfeld N., 2609-9.05 S Iliakis G., Anastassiou G. (Essen/D) In vitro growth of uveal melanoma cells after a single-dose convergence irradiation with the Leksell-Gamma-Knife before surgical resection

8:59 Nareyeck G., von der Haar D., Bornfeld N., 2609-9.06 S Schilling H., Anastassiou G. (Essen/D) Influence of integrins on formation of vascular patterns like structures of uveal melanoma cells in vitro

9:06 Karkhaneh R., Mohammadi N., Chams H., 2609-9.07 O Vosough P., Rezaei M., Valaei N. (Tehran/IR) Subtenon carboplatin in the management of intraocular retinoblastoma

9:16 Schüler A., Fluehs D., Anastassiou G., 2609-9.08 O Jurklies C., Schilling H., Sauerwein W., Bornfeld N. (Essen/D) Retrospective case observation study of beta-ray brachytherapy for retinoblastoma

9:26 Bölöni R., Fluehs D., Anastassiou G., Schüler A., 2609-9.09 S Schilling H., Steuhl K.-P., Bornfeld N. (Essen/D) Treatment of malignant iris tumours with ruthenium 106 plaque radiotherapy

9:33 Guagnini A.-P., de Potter P. (Brussels/B) 2609-9.10 S Photodynamic therapy of circumscribed choroidal hemangiomas

9:40 Fuchs-Koelwel B., Schubert K., Schölmerich J., 2609-9.11 S Schlottmann K., Gabel V.-P. (Regensburg/D) Characterisation of uveal tumors by contrast enhanced ultrasound

9:47 Zografos L. (Lausanne/CH) 2609-9.12 L Proton beam irradiation of uveal melanomas Scientific Programme 67

Hall Oslo Monday, 26 September 2005

10:30 - 12:00 Miscellaneous 1 2609-10 Chair: Özkan S. B. (Aydin/TR), Spiritus M. (Brussels/B)

10:30 Rieck P. (Berlin/D) 2609-10.01 O Modulation of ocular wound healing: Growth factors on their way from basic science to clinical application

10:40 Pitz S., Ionnides A., Sodi A., 2609-10.02 O Sunder-Plassmann G. (Mainz/D, London/UK, Florence/I, Wien/A) Ophthalmological data of 638 patients with fabry disease: latest analysis from FOS – the fabry outcome survey

10:50 Jenzeri S., Jelliti B., Himidi K., Kahloun R., 2609-10.03 S Scientific Programme 26.9.2005 Monday, Ben Yahia S., Messaoud R., Ladjimi A., Khairallah M. (Monastir/TN) Macular involvement in patients with posterior microphthalmos

10:57 Kaltsos K., Boboridis K., Ikonomou A., 2609-10.04 S Georgiadis N. (Thessaloniki/GR) Outcome of early intravenous pulsed steroid treatment in patients with thyroid ophthalmopathy not amenable to somatostatin analogs treatment

11:04 Krause M., Riemann I., Huss C., Hild M., 2609-10.05 O Löw U., Ruprecht K. W., König K. (Homburg (Saar)/D, Kaluga/RUS) Experimental ablation of corneal and retinal tissue with nJ femtosecond laser pulses

11:14 Bodaghi B. (Paris/F) 2609-10.06 O Ten week efficacy and safety results from the Remicade European Study for Chronic Uveitis (RESCU)

11:24 Vide-Escada Eickmann A., Nascimento J., 2609-10.07 S Quintão T., Henriques J., Barrão S., Ágoas V., Castanheira-Dinis A. (Lisboa/P) Aggressive surgical approach in endophthalmitis – the missing key?

11:31 Ando A., Yasuda M., Hagihara M., Terai M., 2609-10.08 O Tokuda A., Nakamura H., Nakamura C., Kurashige C., Fushimi C., Shinohata K., Miyata R., Matsumura M. (Moriguchi/J) Changes in macular morphology after pleoptics in patients with anisometropic amblyopia

11:41 Georgaras S., Korogiannis D., 2609-10.09 O Diamantopoulou K., Neureither B., Voultsiadou D. (Athen/GR) Total cross cutting the artiphakic capsule (TCCC) releases from ciliary body eye pain and increases pseudo-accommodation

11:51 Rohrbach J. M. (Tübingen/D) 2609-10.10 O The German Ophthalmological Society during the National Socialism (1933-1945) 68 Scientific Programme

Hall 14.2. (Oslo) Monday, 26 September 2005

14:30 - 16:00 Symposium Section Glaucoma of the German 2609-11 Society of Ophthalmology: Innovative Ideas in Glaucoma Chair: Pfeiffer N. (Mainz/D)

14:30 Funk J. (Freiburg/D) 2609-11.01 Trabecular surgery

14:45 Grehn F. (Würzburg/D), Mietz H. 2609-11.02 (Aschaffenburg/D) Wound healing in glaucoma

15:00 Grus F. H. (Mainz/D) 2609-11.03 Autoimmune phenomenons in glaucoma

15:15 Spörl E., Böhm A. G., Pillunat L. E. (Dresden/D) 2609-11.04 Biomechanics of the lamina cribrosa

15:30 Hoffmann E., Pfeiffer N. (Mainz/D) 2609-11.05 Biomorphometrics of the optic nerve head: An overview on new instruments and technology for imaging

15:45 Kanngiesser H. (Zürich/CH) 2609-11.06 Principle of the PASCAL® Dynamic-Contour-Tonometer PASCAL® und das Messprinzip der ´Dynamischen-Kontur- Tonometrie

15:52 Draeger J. A. (Hamburg/D) 2609-11.07 New trends in tonometry

17:00 - 18:00 Poster Session 1 P-2601 Chair: Grehn F. (Würzburg/D), Süveges I. (Budapest/H)

Selected posters from poster group P001 to P139 will be presented and discussed followed by the poster award ceremony. Scientific Programme 69

Hall 7 Monday, 26 September 2005

8:15 - 9:30 Miscellaneous (DOG) 2609-12 Varia (DOG) Chair: Ruprecht K. W. (Homburg(Saar)D), Gabel V.-P. (Regensburg/D)

8:15 Horwath-Winter J., Meinitzer A., Gruber A., 2609-12.04 S Kirchengast S., Schmut O. (Graz/A) Comparison of uric acid content in human tear fluid, aqueous humour and serum in cataract patients with and without diabetes mellitus

8:22 Müther P. S., Dell S., Kociok N., Stragies R., 2609-12.01 O Zahn G., Kirchhof B., Joussen A. M. (Köln/D, Berlin/D) Scientific Programme 26.9.2005 Monday, Inhibition of corneal neovascularisation by Integrin alpha5beta1-inhibiting small molecule Inhibition kornealer Neovaskularisation durch Integrin alpha5beta1-inhibiting small molecule

8:32 Maier M., Kotliar K., Bauer S., 2609-12.02 O Winkler von Mohrenfels C., Lohmann C. P., Lanzl I. M. (München/D, Saint-Petersburg/RUS) Effect of intravitreal injections on intraocular pressure. Comparison of clinical data with the results of biomechanical modeling Effekt der intravitrealen Injektion von Triamcinolon (IVTA) auf den intraokularen Druck. Vergleich von klinischen Daten mit den Ergebnissen eines biomechanischen Modells

8:42 Lee S., Dausch D., Dausch S. (Amberg/D) 2609-12.03 S Comparative study of the therapy of dry eye syndrome with artificial tear substitutes especially for the treatment of the disturbance of the lipid layer Vergleichende Untersuchung der Therapie mit Präparaten zur Behandlung von Lipidphasenstörungen beim Trockenen Auge

8:49 Falkner C. I., Binder S. (Wien/A) 2609-12.05 O Acrylic UV-filter IOL versus blue light-filter IOL in combined cataract surgery with pars plana vitrectomy: Is there a difference for surgeons and patients? Preliminary results of a prospective randomized clinical trial

8:59 Fröhlich S. J. (München/D) 2609-12.06 S Quality control in rehabilitation of patients with visual impair- ment and evaluation of use and benefits of magnifying devices Qualitätskontrolle bei der Rehabilitation sehbehinderter Patienten sowie Evaluation der Nutzung von vergrößernden Sehhilfen

9:06 Agostini H. T., Richter B., Mittelviefhaus H., 2609-12.08 O Hansen L. L. (Freiburg/D) An OSCE improves teaching in Ophthalmology Ein OSCE bereichert die Lehre in der Augenheilkunde

9:16 Dick H. B., Pfeiffer N. (Mainz/D) 2609-12.09 L Structured management of dislocated IOLs 70 Scientific Programme

Hall 7 Monday, 26 September 2005

10:00 - 12:20 Retina: ARMD 1 (DOG) 2609-13 Retina: ARMD 1 (DOG) Chair: Richard G. (Hamburg/D), Holz F. G. (Bonn/D)

10:00 Schebitz-Walter K., Priglinger S. G., 2609-13.01 S Kampik A., Welge-Lüßen U.-C. (München/D) Inhibition of tissue transglutaminase activity reduces cell loss and crosslinking of retinal pigment epithelium Hemmung der tissue Transglutaminase Aktivität reduziert Zellverlust und Quervernetzung des retinalen Pigmentepithels

10:07 Semkova I., Fauser S., Lappas A., Smyth N., 2609-13.02 S Kociok N., Joussen A. M. (Köln/D) Over-Expression of FasL in RPE Layer Reduces CNV Lesions Überexpression von FasL in RPE-Zellen

10:14 Einbock W., Mößner A., 2609-13.03 S Wolf-Schnurrbusch U. E. K., Wittich A., Holz F. G., Wolf S. (Bern/CH, Leipzig/D, Bonn/D) Longitudinal variations in abnormal fundus autofluorescence patterns in patients with age-related maculopathy (ARM) Longitudinale Veränderungen der Fundusautofluoreszenz-Mus- ter bei Patienten mit altersabhängiger Makulopathie (ARM)

10:21 Schulze-Bonsel K., Feltgen N., Burau H., 2609-13.04 S Hansen L. L., Bach M. (Freiburg/D) Quantifying visual acuity in low-vision patients using the Freiburg Visual Acuity Test Bestimmung der Sehschärfe sehbehinderter Patienten mit dem Freiburger Visustest

10:28 Trieschmann M., Spital G., Lommatzsch A., 2609-13.05 S Pauleikhoff D. (Münster/D) Macular pigment: changes under supplementation Das makuläre Pigment: Änderungen unter Supplementation

10:35 Krömer I., Spital G., Trieschmann M., 2609-13.06 S Galatsch A., Lommatzsch A., Pauleikhoff D. (Münster/D) Results after laser coagulation in peripapillary chorioidal neovascular membranes Ergebnisse nach Laserkoagulation bei peripapillären chorioidalen Neovaskularisationen

10:42 Hermans P., Lommatzsch A., Scharioth G., 2609-13.07 S Lösche C., Bornfeld N., Pauleikhoff D. (Münster/D, Recklinghausen/D, Mühlheim/D, Essen/D) Choroidal neovascular membranes after verteporfin photodynamic therapy Chorioidale Neovaskularisationsmembranen nach photodynamischer Verteporfin-Therapie

10:49 Schargus M., Keilhauer C., Guthoff R., 2609-13.08 S Schrader W. (Würzburg/D) Photodynamic therapy in subfoveal choroidal neovascularisation in angioid streaks Photodynamische Therapie mit Verteporfin bei subfovealer chorioidaler Neovaskularisation bei Angioid Streaks Scientific Programme 71

Hall 7 Monday, 26 September 2005

10:56 Henschel A., Spital G., Lommatzsch A., 2609-13.09 S Trieschmann M., Pauleikhoff D. (Münster/D) Efficacy of photodynamic therapy in patients recieving systemic anticoagulation therapy with cumarines or acetylsalicylic acid Wirksamkeit der photodynamischen Therapie bei Patienten unter systemischer Antikoagulationstherapie mit Cumarinen oder Acetylsalicylsäure

11:03 Krieglstein T. R., Kampik A., Ulbig M. 2609-13.10 S (München/D) Combined focal argon laser coagulation and intravitreal Triamcinolone – a treatment option for extrafoveal retinal angiomatous proliferation. A preliminary study Fokale Argon-Laser-Koagulation und intravitreale Triamcinolon- Scientific Programme 26.9.2005 Monday, eingabe – eine potentielle Therapieoption bei retinalen angiomatösen Proliferationen. Eine vorläufige Studie

11:10 Wachtlin J., Tillack H., Heimann H., 2609-13.11 S Foerster M. H. (Berlin/D) PDT and intravitreal triamcinolone as a therapeutic option for patients with retinal angiomatous proliferation (RAP) and con- comitant detachment of the retinal pigment epithelium (RPE) PDT und intravitreales Triamcinolon als Therapieoption bei retinaler angiomatöser Proliferation (RAP) mit Abhebung des Pigmentepithels

11:17 Eter N. (Bonn/D) 2609-13.12 L Pharmakotherapie der altersabhängigen Makuladegeneration – aktueller Stand und Perspektive

11:27 Spital G., Trieschmann M., Lommatzsch A., 2609-13.13 S Pauleikhoff D. (Münster/D) Combination of PDT and intravitreal triamcinolonacetonid- injection as therapy for neovascular amd with pigmentepithelium-detachment. A short-time follow-up PDT und intravitreale Triamcinolongabe bei neovaskulärer AMD mit Pigmentepithelabhebung: Kurzzeit-follow-up

11:34 Spitzer M. S., Gelisken F., Süsskind D., 2609-13.14 S Partsch M., Grisanti S., Bartz-Schmidt K. U. (Tübingen/D) Surgical treatment of tears of the retinal pigment epithelium secondary to age-related macular degeneration Chirurgische Behandlung von Pigmentepithelrissen bei alters- bezogener Makuladegeneration

11:41 Eckert T., Eckardt U., Eckardt C. 2609-13.15 S (Frankfurt a. M./D) Macular translocation with 360° retinotomy for pathologic myopia

11:48 Schmidt J. C., Mennel S., Meyer C. H. 2609-13.16 S (Marburg/D) Treatment strategies of recurrent membranes secondary to macular translocation Behandlungsstrategie bei CNV-Rezidiven nach Makula- rotationen 72 Scientific Programme

Hall 7 Monday, 26 September 2005

11:55 Joussen A. M., Heußen F. M. A., Llacer H., 2609-13.16a O Kirchhof B. (Köln/D) Peripheral autologous translocation of the choroid in age- related macular degeneration (PATCH) – 6 months follow-up of 50 patients Periphere autologe Translokation der Aderhaut bei der alters- abhängigen Makuladegeneration (PATCH) – Verlauf von 50 Patienten über 6 Monate

12:05 Preisverleihung 2609-13.17 Makula-Forschungspreis 2005 zur Verhütung von Blindheit der Pro Retina Deutschland e.V.

16:00 - 18:10 Cornea 1 (DOG) 2609-14 Kornea 1 (DOG) Chair: Duncker G. I. W. (Halle/Saale/D), Seitz B. (Erlangen/D)

16:00 Schrader S., Wedel T., Moll R., Geerling G. 2609-14.01 S (Lübeck/D) The use of serum eye drops in combination with hydrogel bandage contact lenses in the treatment of persistent epithelial defects Anwendung von Serum-Augentropfen in Verbindung mit Hydrogel-Verbandkontaktlinsen in der Behandlung von persistierenden Epitheldefekten

16:07 Schlötzer-Schrehardt U., Seitz B., Kruse F. E. 2609-14.02 S (Erlangen/D) Electron microscopic identification, characterization, and localization of corneal epithelial stem cells at the limbus Elektronenmikroskopische Identifizierung, Charakterisierung und Lokalisation der limbalen Stammzellen des Hornhaut- epithels

16:14 Kruse F. E., Dietrich T., Schlötzer-Schrehardt U. 2609-14.03 O (Erlangen/D) Characterization of the corneal epithelial stem cell niche at the limbus Charakterisierung der extrazellulären Nische der Stammzellen des Hornhautepithels am Limbus

16:24 Gerten G., Oberheide U., Schmiedt K., 2609-14.04 S Kermani O. (Köln/D) Lamellar keratoplasty with femtosecond lasers: first clinical experiences Lamellierende Keratoplastik mit dem Femtosekundenlaser: erste klinische Erfahrungen

16:31 Pahor D., Gracˇner B., Gracˇner T., Falezˇ M. 2609-14.05 S (Maribor/SLO) Changing indications for penetrating keratoplasty over a 20-year period, 1985-2004 Veränderungen der Indikationen bei perforierender Keratoplastik im Zeitraum von 20 Jahren, 1985-2004

16:38 Scherer M., Hartmann C., Rieck P., 2609-14.06 S Digweed M. (Berlin/D) DNA fingerprint analysis of donor cell survival in failed corneal transplants DNA-Fingerprint-Analyse des Überlebens von Spenderzellen in dekompensierten Hornhauttransplantaten Scientific Programme 73

Hall 7 Monday, 26 September 2005

16:45 Reinhard T. (Freiburg/D) 2609-14.07 L Predictive parameters for endothelial immune reactions following penetrating keratoplasty

16:55 Reinhard T., Broszinski A., Böhringer D., 2609-14.08 O Maier P. (Freiburg/D) Active TGF-beta2 in the aqueous humor: Predictive parameter for immune reactions following penetrating keratoplasty? Aktives TGF-beta2 im Kammerwasser: Prädiktiver Parameter für Immunreaktionen nach perforierender Keratoplastik?

17:05 Maier P., Böhringer D., Reinhard T. (Freiburg/D) 2609-14.09 S Clear graft survival and immune reactions after emergency keratoplasty Scientific Programme 26.9.2005 Monday, Transplantatüberleben und Abstoßungsreaktionen nach Keratoplastik à chaud

17:12 Pleyer U., Gong N., Ritter T. (Berlin/D) 2609-14.10 O Nerve Growth Factor (NGF): An effective immune modulator in keratoplasty Nervenwachstumsfaktor (NGF): Ein effektiver Immunmodulator bei Keratoplastik

17:22 Frisch L. H. J., Pfeiffer N. (Mainz/D) 2609-14.11 S Corneal grafts from a rabies-infected donor – two current cases Keratoplastik bei Rabies-infiziertem Spender – zwei aktuelle Fälle

17:29 Kohlhof J. K., Löw U., Ruprecht K. W., Hille K. 2609-14.12 S (Homburg (Saar)/D) Endothel cell count in follow-up of deep lamellar and penetrating keratoplasty Entwicklung Endothelzellen bei tief lamellierender und penetrierender Keratoplastik

17:36 Böhringer D., Schindler A., Sundmacher R., 2609-14.13 S Reinhard T. (Freiburg/D, Düsseldorf/D) Visual outcome and statisfaction with penetrating keratoplasty – results of a questionnaire survey Funktion und Zufriedenheit nach perforierender Keratoplastik – Ergebnisse eines Fragebogenzensus

17:43 Horn W., Genée D. (Göttingen/D) 2609-14.14 S Orthokeratology: A prospective study with over-night contact lenses Orthokeratologie: Prospektive Anwendungsstudie mit Nacht- kontaktlinsen

17:50 Schmack I., Dawson D. G., Grossniklaus H. E., 2609-14.15 O Edelhauser H. F. (Atlanta/USA) Light and electron microscopic evaluation of post-mortem human LASIK corneas

18:00 Schrage N. F., Frentz M., Reim M., Nietgen A., 2609-14.16 S Becker J. (Köln/D, Aachen/D) Replacement of the Draize test by a new system of ex vivo cornea culture Ersatz für den Draize-Test durch ex-vivo Kultur von Hornhäuten 74 Scientific Programme

Hall 8 Monday, 26 September 2005

8:15 - 10:15 Current Aspects of Enucleation Techniques to 2609-15 Optimize Implant Motility and Innovations in Orbital Volume Replacement Chair: Guthoff R. F. (Rostock/D), Klett A. (Tallinn/EST)

Considerable progress has been made in eyeball replacement surgery using a variety of implants and implant covering mate- rial and dedicated new surgical techniques. In this Symposium new surgical concepts like a microsurgical scleral dissection technique are presented as well as modern implant materials which allow long-lasting biointegration. Muscle podunculated scleral flaps are an alternative to the use of alloplastic or homoplastic wrapping material to cover an orbital implant and to improve prosthesis motility at the same time.

Tyers A. G. (Salisbury/UK) 2609-15.01 The post-enucleation socket syndrome and its prevention – personal experience with the baseball implant

Adenis J.-P. (Limoges/F) 2609-15.02 How the choice of the implant can help to improve motility and quality of tolerance

Klett A. (Tallinn/EST) 2609-15.03 Muscle pedunculated scleral flaps to improve implant tolerance and prosthesis motility

Guthoff R. F., Schittkowski M. P. (Rostock/D) 2609-15.04 Volume replacement in congenital anophthalmos

Weidner C. (Hamburg/D) 2609-15.05 Custom-made ocular prosthesis to improve implant motility and support soft tissue growth in congenital anophthalmos

10:45 - 12:15 Vision and Driving in Europe 2609-16 Chair: Wilhelm H. (Tübingen/D), van Rijn L. J. (Amsterdam/NL)

van Rijn L. J., van den Berg T. J. T. P., Grabner G., 2609-16.01 Wilhelm H., Michael R., Coeckelbergh T. (Amsterdam/NL, Salzburg/A, Tübingen/D, Barcelona/E, Antwerp/B) The prevalence of impairments of visual function amongst European drivers

van den Berg T. J. T. P. (Amsterdam/NL) 2609-16.02 The straylight basis of disability glare. Assessment and origins

Lachenmayr B. (München/D) 2609-16.03 Peripheral vision and visual field in road traffic

Schiefer U., Papageorgiou E., Hardieß G., 2609-16.04 Mallo H. A. (Tübingen/D) Perimetry and driving ability – Can patients compensate for their visual field defects?

Grabner G. (Salzburg/A) 2609-16.05 Driving safety and refractive surgery

Kolling G. H. (Heidelberg/D) 2609-16.06 Requirements on binocular vision and stereopsis in road traffic in Europe: test methods and recommendations for uniform regulations Scientific Programme 75

Hall 8 Monday, 26 September 2005

Wilhelm H. (Tübingen/D) 2609-16.07 What to do if a patient does not fulfill driving license criteria?

Round Table, Discussion, Cases

14:30 - 15:30 Round Table: Controversies in 2609-17 Modern Cataract Surgery Chair: Ohrloff C. (Frankfurt a. M./D)

Having in mind that the treatment of „After Cataract“ is extremly expensive - the aspects of prevention and treatment will be discussed by D. Spalton, London. Accommodative lenses are – till today – not efficient. Current Scientific Programme 26.9.2005 Monday, problems and future research are demonstrated by R. Menapace, Vienna. Using Ultrasonic for phacoemulsification is well established; the state of the art and possible advantages of Laser-Phako or Aqualase is evaluated and compared with ultrasonic by Th. Kohnen, Frankfurt am Main.

Spalton D. (London/UK) After Cataract

Menapace R. (Wien/A) Accommodative lenses

Kohnen T. (Frankfurt a. M./D) Phakoemulsification: Ultra sonic – Laser Phako – Aqualase

16:00 - 18:00 Neuro-Ophthalmology 2609-18 Chair: Schiefer U. (Tübingen/D)

I. Optic neuritis / multiple sclerosis

16:00 Trobe J. D. (Ann Arbor/USA) 2609-18.01 Optic neuritis / multiple sclerosis – a personal view on current diagnostic and therapeutic procedures in neuro-ophthalmology

16:20 Wilhelm H., Kömpf D., Trobe J. D., 2609-18.02 Frederiksen J. (Tübingen/D, Lübeck/D, Ann Arbor/USA, Glostrup/DK) Optimal strategies for diagnostics and treatment of optic neuritis

II. Neuroprotection

16:40 Lagrèze W. (Freiburg/D) 2609-18.03 Axonal damage during optic neuritis – a possible indication for neuroprotection?

III. Central visual disorders

17:00 Safran A. B. (Genève/CH) 2609-18.04 “More than meets the eye” – Clinical implications of disorders in higher visual processing

17:20 Landis T. (Genève/CH) 2609-18.05 Hemineglect – symptoms and diagnostics

IV. Clinical neuro-ophthalmology

17:40 Schiefer U., Aydin P. (Tübingen/D, Ankara/TR) 2609-18.06 Baseline diagnostic procedures in neuro-ophthalmological patients – what is “in” today?! 76 Scientific Programme

Hall 9 Monday, 26 September 2005

8:15 - 9:45 EOPS/Pathology Symposium: Ophthalmo- 2609-19 pathologic changes in the posterior segment: implication for systemic disease and therapeutic options Chair: Löffler K. U. (Bonn/D), Seregard S. (Stockholm/S)

8:15 Löffler K. U., Auw-Hädrich C. (Bonn/D, Freiburg/D) 2609-19.01 Introduction

8:20 Löffler K. U. (Bonn/D) 2609-19.02 Enucleation for neovascular glaucoma – unexpected findings

8:25 Bechrakis N. E., Coupland S. E. (Berlin/D, Bonn/D) 2609-19.03 Clinical presentation and pathology of intraocular lymphomas

8:40 Feltgen N. (Freiburg/D) 2609-19.04 A case of unilateral blindness

8:45 Kvanta A. (Stockholm/S) 2609-19.05 Histopathologic findings and basic mechanisms in experimental choroidal neovascularization

9:00 Löffler K. U. (Bonn/D) 2609-19.06 Blind eye due to orbital tumour?

9:05 Kiilgaard J. F. (Copenhagen/DK) 2609-19.07 Identification of RPE-stem cells and their possible role in treating AMD

9:20 Staubach F. (Freiburg/D) 2609-19.08 A painful and congenitally blind eye

9:25 Bartsch U. (Hamburg/D) 2609-19.09 Stem cell-based therapies for retinal disorders

9:40 Seregard S. (Stockholm/S) 2609-19.10 Closing remarks

10:30 - 12:00 Media in Ophthalmology 2609-20 Chair: Biermann H. (Köln/D)

The media’s influence on patient behaviour in ophthalmology; Representatives of ophthalmic organisations and the media give an overview of interactions and dependencies of media influence on ophthalmology.

Prof. Dr. Michael H. Foerster, Congress President 2609-20.01 Welcome

Dr. Hans Biermann, Chairman, 2609-20.02 Biermann Media Group Introduction: Media and Ophthalmology – Love story or nuisance?

Dr. Andrew P. Schachat, Editor, Ophthalmology 2609-20.03 Publish or perish – the role of the scientific media in Ophthalmology

Barbara Ritzert, Science writer 2609-20.04 Patients under the influence – how the media affect patient decision making Scientific Programme 77

Hall 9 Monday, 26 September 2005

Dr. Christine Kreiner, Executive Associate 2609-20.05 of *Acri.Tec GmbH Big money vs. information – how the ophthalmic industry can shape ophthalmic decision making via the media

Dr. Dunbar Hoskins, General Secretary, 2609-20.06 American Academy of Ophthalmology The ophthalmologist as newsmaker – what eye docs can do to shape public reception of eye care

13:00 - 14:00 Lunch Symposium F-26-01 Alcon Laboratories, Inc. (Fort Worth/USA) Therapy and Prophylaxis of Age-related Macular Degeneration Scientific Programme 26.9.2005 Monday, (AMD) – A Situational Analysis (For details on company symposia see page 242.)

14:30 - 16:00 Joint IOIS-IUSG-SOIE-Symposium on Uveitis: 2609-21 Evolving attitudes & concepts in inflammatory eye diseases Chair: LeHoang P. (Paris/F), Rao N. A. (Los Angeles/USA), Herbort C. P. (Lausanne/CH)

14:30 Bodaghi B. (Paris/F) 2609-21.01 Current knowledge in the immunopathology of uveitis

14:40 de Smet M. D. (Amsterdam/NL) 2609-21.02 The contribution of OCT in the current approach of retinal inflammatory lesions

14:50 Herbort C. P. (Lausanne/CH) 2609-21.03 New concepts in the appraisal and classification of choroiditis

15:00 Herbort C. P. (Lausanne/CH) 2609-21.04 Visual disability and quality of life in uveitis

15:10 Pleyer U. (Berlin/D) 2609-21.05 What is the role of intraocular corticosteroids in uveitis?

15:20 Markomichelakis N. N. (Athens/GR) 2609-21.06 Update on the management of ocular Adamatiades-Behçet's disease

15:30 Rao N. A. (Los Angeles/USA) 2609-21.07 Clinico-pathologic case presentations

15:40 LeHoang P. (Paris/F) 2609-21.08 New therapeutic approaches in uveitis 78 Scientific Programme

Hall 9 Monday, 26 September 2005

16:30 - 18:00 Symposium of the International Council of 2609-22 Ophthalmology: "Looking beyond the European Horizon" Chair: Naumann G. O. H. (Erlangen/D), Gloor B. P. (Zürich/CH)

16:30 Pararajasegaram R. (Genève/CH) 2609-22.01 What is Partnership in Vision 2020

16:36 Resnikoff S. (Genève/CH) 2609-22.02 The role of WHO in Eye Care worldwide

16:42 Rao G. N. (Prasad Marg./IND) 2609-22.03 Expectations of the IAPB from European Ophthalmologists

16:48 Garms C. (Bensheim/D) 2609-22.04 Christian Blind Mission in Germany, Europe and elsewhere

16:54 Etya'ale D. (Genève/CH) 2609-22.05 ICO-Visit to Nigeria

17:00 Watson P. G. (Cambridge/UK) 2609-22.06 The International Council of Ophthalmology - Assessment Tests

17:06 de Laey J.-J. (Gent/B) 2609-22.07 Experiences with the ICO/IFOS Fellowship

17:12 Klauß V. (München/D) 2609-22.08 Twinning of University Departments Munich and Nairobi

17:18 Guthoff R. F. (Rostock/D) 2609-22.09 Exchange programme Universities Rostock-Kinshasa

17:24 Mermoud A. (Lausanne/CH) 2609-22.10 How to build an Eye Hospital in India in 2 years

17:30 Brennan M. W. (Burlington/USA) 2609-22.10a Current role of supranational Societies in advocating ICO objectives

17:36 Gloor B. P. (Zürich/CH) 2609-22.11 What is real progress?

17:42 Naumann G. O. H. (Erlangen/D) 2609-22.12 The role of ICO in Vision 2020 Scientific Programme 79

Hall 10 Monday, 26 September 2005

8:30 - 9:30 Videos Plastic Surgery, Orbita, Refraction 2609-23 Chair: Kohlhaas M. (Dresden/D) (For details on videos see page 196)

10:30 - 12:00 Videos Cataract, IOL, Cornea 2609-24 Chair: Reinhard T. (Freiburg/D) (For details on videos see page 196)

15:30 - 17:00 Videos Miscellaneous 2609-25 Chair: Roider J. (Kiel/D), Pfeiffer N. (Mainz/D) (For details on videos see page 196) Scientific Programme 26.9.2005 Monday,

Room Madrid

16:00 - 17:00 Satellite Symposium F-26-02 WaveLight Laser Technologie AG (Erlangen/D) Case Studies and Treatment Strategies in Refractive Laser Surgery (For details on company symposia see page 242) 80 Scientific Programme

Room Sydney Monday, 26 September 2005

8:15 - 9:45 Sicca – Forschungsförderung 2005 2609-26 des Ressorts "Trockenes Auge" im Berufsverband der Augenärzte Deutschlands (BVA) DOG Mini-Symposium: Dry Eye Research Award 2005 Moderation: Brewitt H. (Hannover/D), Kaercher T. (Ludwigshafen/D)

Das trockene Auge und damit verbundene Probleme der Augenoberfläche gehören zu den häufigsten Augenerkrankun- gen weltweit. Die Sicca-Forschungsförderung des Ressorts „Trockenes Auge“ im BVA in einer Gesamthöhe von 12.500 dient der Unterstützung, Motivierung und interdisziplinären Zusammenarbeit junger Forscher im deutschsprachigen Raum auf diesem Sektor. Im Rahmen des Symposiums werden aktuelle Forschungspro- jekte präsentiert. Sie haben deshalb Gelegenheit, sich über den Stand der geplanten Forschung auf dem Gebiete des Tro- ckenen Auges und Oberflächenerkrankungen zu informieren.

Cursiefen C., Jacobi C., Dietrich T., Seitz B., 2609-26.01 Schlötzer-Schrehardt U., Kruse F. E. (Erlangen/D) Tear film-based identification and therapy of the immune pathogenesis of dry eye disease (dysfunctional tear syndrome)

Fuchsluger T. A., Meller D. (Essen/D) 2609-26.02 Characterization of corneal epithelial stem cells and modulation of proliferation and differentation by cytokines

Horwath-Winter J., Gruber A., Schmut O., 2609-26.03 Rieger G. (Graz/A, Bad Hall/A) Treatment of dry eye patients with an oil-in-water-emulsion spraying therapy

Jaksche A. (Bonn/D) 2609-26.04 Undiluted versus diluted autologous serum eye drops: a prospective, randomized, double-blind study in patients with refractory dry eye-syndrome

Kabalak G., Witte T. (Hannover/D) 2609-26.05 ILT6 as a genetic risk factor of Sjögren's syndrome

Kindler C., Recker K., Paulsen F. (Halle (Saale)/D) 2609-26.06 Surfactant proteins in the pathogenesis of dry eye syndrome

Kraak R. (Rostock/D) 2609-26.07 Histological in vivo examination of cornea, conjunctiva and oral mucosa in dry eye patients with Sjögren's syndrome

Lux A. (Köln/D) 2609-26.08 Tolerability of hyaluronic acid single-dose lyophilisates in patients with keratoconjunctivitis sicca. A controlled, randomised clinical study

Ziemssen T., Mathias C., Reichmann H., 2609-26.10 Ziemssen F. (Dresden/D, London/UK, Tübingen/D) Analysis of autonomic function and different influence factors (e.g. dopaminergic stimulation, pharmakogenic modulation of tear secretion and lid movements) on the surface parameters of the eye in the therapy of Parkinson syndromes

Vergabe der Forschungsförderung Prof. Dr. H. Brewitt (Hannover) Dr. Dr. C. Kessler, Dr. Mann Pharma (Berlin)

Der Bausch & Lomb / Dr. Mann Pharma GmbH gilt der Dank für die finanzielle Unterstützung dieser Sicca-Forschungsförde- rung. Scientific Programme

Tuesday, 27 September 2005 Mit aktueller Berichterstattung zu Kongressen, ausgewählten Schwerpunktthemen, aktualisier- ten Marktübersichten, Nach- richten zur Pharmaforschung und Medizintechnik, Fortbildung und Fachbeiträgen renommierter Autoren.

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Hall 3 Tuesday, 27 September 2005

Legend L = lecture, O = oral presentation, S = short oral presentation

8:15 - 10:05 Retina: Vascular Diseases 2709-1 Chair: Shimizu K. (Tokyo/J), Lang G. E. (Ulm/D)

8:15 Eichler W., Yafai Y., Reichenbach A., 2709-1.01 S Wiedemann P. (Leipzig/D) Interactions between retinal glial and endothelial cells

8:22 Holak N. H., Holak S. A., Schenk C., Olinger A., 2709-1.02 S Holak H. M. (Salzgitter/D, Berlin/D) Correlation of retinal thickness with the extent of Purtscher retinopathy

8:29 Becker K. A, Hoyng C. B., de Jong P. T. V. M., 2709-1.03 S Rozema J. J., Vingerling J. R., Klevering B. J., Holz F. G. (Bonn/D, Nijmegen/NL, Amsterdam/NL, Antwerp/B, Rotterdam/NL) Intravitreal Triamcinolon for idiopathic juxtafoveolar teleangiectasis

8:36 Fuchsjäger-Mayrl G., Schmetterer L. (Wien/A) 2709-1.04 S Scientific Programme 27.9.2005 Tuesday, Choroidal blood flow during light/dark transitions

8:43 Özcan E., Kazokog˘lu H., Yenice Ö., Bavbek T., 2709-1.05 S Toker E. (Istanbul/TR) The evaluation of risk factors for retinopathy of prematurity

8:50 Obrosova I., Pacher P., Seigel G., Szabo C., 2709-1.06 S Frank R., Stevens M. (Baton Rouge/USA, Bethesda/USA, Buffalo/USA, Beverly/USA, Detroit/USA, Ann Arbor/USA) Early retinal changes in rat and mouse models of streptozotocin diabetes

8:57 Vidinova C. N., Vidinov K. N. (Sofia/BG) 2709-1.07 S Comparative ultrastructural analysis of the proliferative tissue in PDR patients with or without heamophthalm – from ultra- structural approach to the clinical practice

9:04 Petrunya A. M., Spector A. V. (Lugansk/UA) 2709-1.08 S Immune disorders in patients with diabetic retinopathy

9:11 Bezditko P. A., Vlasko H. V., Schadnikh M. A., 2709-1.09 S Zhilina I. D. (Kharkov/UA) The comparative analysis of application of the intravitreal triamcinolone and diprospan in the treatment of patients with proliferative diabetic retinopathy

9:18 Aboutable T. (Prague/CZ) 2709-1.10 S Is removal of internal limiting membrane always necessary during surgery for diabetic macular edema without evident epimacular proliferation?

9:25 Shimizu K. (Tokyo/J) 2709-1.11 L Extramacular vascular involvement in diabetic retinopathy

9:45 Lang G. E. (Ulm/D) 2709-1.12 L New developments in the drug therapy of diabetic retinopathy

9:55 Aiello L. P., Vignati L., Sheetz M. J., Zhi E., 2709-1.13 O Girach A., Davis M. D., Milton R. C. (Indianapolis/USA) The effect of the PKC-beta inhibitor Ruboxistaurin on moderate visual loss: The PKC-DRS2 trial baseline characteristics and preliminary results 84 Scientific Programme

Hall 3 Tuesday, 27 September 2005

10:30 - 12:00 Glaucoma 1 2709-2 Chair: Krieglstein G. K. (Köln/D), Mermoud A. (Lausanne/CH)

10:30 Grus F. H., Joachim S., Bruns K., Wax M. B., 2709-2.01 O Pfeiffer N. (Mainz/D, Dallas/USA) Further implications for autoimmune mechanisms in glaucoma patients from Germany and United States: alpha-fodrin as a novel antigen in glaucoma

10:40 Antón A., Blázquez F., Reyes M., 2709-2.02 S Sebastián M. A. (Valladolid/E) Design and implementation of a telemedicine system for the detection of glaucoma

10:47 Meyer M. W., Yevelenko V., Hoy L., Meyer A., 2709-2.03 S Erb C. (Hannover/D, Bremen/D, Rostock/D) Comparison of intraocular pressure measurements with the self-tonometer proview and Goldmann applanation tonometer in healthy subjects and glaucoma patients

10:54 Horn F. K., Gottschalk K., Mardin C. Y., 2709-2.04 S Jünemann A. G. M. (Erlangen/D) Psychophysical provocation tests with LED fullfield stimulation in normals and

11:01 Kilangalanga N., Kayembe D. L., Moanda A., 2709-2.05 O Schittkowski M. P., Guthoff R. F. (Kinshasa/ZRE, Rostock/D) Glaucoma control in Central Africa. Is trans-eyelid IOP measurement useful in community screening? The experience in Kinshasa, Democratic Republic of Congo

11:11 Schlottmann P., Shewry J. M., Ikeji F. C., 2709-2.06 O White E. T., Garway-Heath D. F. (London/UK) Analysis of the test-retest variability of neuroretinal rim area measurements in normal and glaucoma patients using retinal thickness analyzer

11:21 Turacli M. E., Tekeli O., Tekeli A., Karel F., 2709-2.07 S Ozsan M. (Ankara/TR) Lack of association of pseudoexfoliation with Herpes simplex virus and Chlamydia trachomatis

11:28 Navumenka V. (Minsk/BY) 2709-2.08 S The vasospastic syndrome and computer tomography diagnostic in the low-tension glaucoma genesis

11:35 Behrouzi Z., Mohammad-Rabi H., Azizis F., 2709-2.09 O Daftarian N., Aedeshiri M., Mehrabi Y. (Tehran/IR) Open-angle glaucoma, glaucoma suspect and ocular hypertension in graves' orbitopathy

11:45 Stefanescu-Dima A., Grecu P. I., Stoica C. L., 2709-2.10 O Ursea E. L. (Bucharest/RO) Prognostic variables in primary acute angle closure glaucoma

11:55 Puska P., Tarkkanen A. (Helsinki/FIN) 2709-2.11 O Transscleral krypton and diode laser cyclophotocoagulation for the treatment of therapy-resistant glaucoma secondary to inflammatory eye diseases Scientific Programme 85

Hall 3 Tuesday, 27 September 2005

12:30 - 13:00 Keynote Lecture K-2709 New Imaging Techniques for Assessing Ocular Surface Diseases Baudouin C. (Paris/F)

14:30 - 17:00 Cornea 2709-3 Chair: Grabner G. (Salzburg/A), Zagórski Z. (Lublin/PL)

14:30 Kaluzny B. J., Szkulmowska A, Gorczynska I. 2709-3.01 S (Bydgoszcz/PL, Torun/PL) Spectral optical coherence tomography: a new tool for cornea imaging

14:37 Stave J., Guthoff G. (Rostock/D) 2709-3.02 S In vivo confocal laser scanning microscopy of the cornea comparable to slit-lamp section imaging

14:44 Stachs O., Knappe S., Stave J., Guthoff R. F. 2709-3.03 S

(Rostock/D) Scientific Programme 27.9.2005 Tuesday, The corneal nerve structure – a three-dimensional in vivo study using confocal laser scanning microscopy

14:51 Cursiefen C., Gottschalk K., Bachmann B., 2709-3.04 S Bock F., Rummelt C., Lütjen-Drecoll E., Kruse F. E. (Erlangen/D) Novel in vivo detection of lymphatic vessels in vascularized cor- neas using confocal microscopy (HRT II with cornea module)

14:58 Morita S.-I., Shirakata Y., Shiraishi A., Tanaka Y., 2709-3.05 O Hashimoto K., Higashiyama S., Ohashi Y. (Toon, Ehime/J) Epiregulin, a novel member of the EGF family, plays an important role in the growth of normal human corneal epithelial cells

15:08 Wasmuth S., Bauer D., Steuhl K.-P., 2709-3.06 S Heiligenhaus A. (Essen/D, Münster/D) Lymphocytic cell populations targeted by cytokine mRNA- specific antisense oligonucleotides

15:15 Gualano A. C., Locarno C. M., Marchi V. (Rome/I) 2709-3.07 S Corneal involvement in Pseudoexfoliation syndrome: clinical and ultrastructural findings

15:22 Wali U., Bialasiewicz A., Al-Belushi H. 2709-3.08 S (Muscat/MAO) Quantitative and qualitative corneal morphology of patients with pseudoexfoliation without glaucomas

15:29 Vassileva P., Shandurkov I., Yaneva D. (Sofia/BG) 2709-3.09 S Pitfall in topical treatment of Lyell syndrome late complications

15:36 Mikropoulos D., Boboridis K., Ziakas N., 2709-3.10 S Georgiadis N. (Thessaloniki/GR) Long-term outcome of amniotic membrane transplantation for the management of bullous keratopathy

15:43 Dua H. S. (Nottingham/UK) 2709-3.11 L Limitations of amniotic membrane transplantation

15:53 Szaflik J. P., Udziela M., Szaflik J. (Warszawa/PL) 2709-3.12 S In vivo confocal microscopy of corneal grafts in short-term after penetrating keratoplasty 86 Scientific Programme

Hall 3 Tuesday, 27 September 2005

16:00 Legeais J.-M., Donate D., Albert O. 2709-3.13 S (Paris/F, Palaiseau/F) Keratoplasty and femtosecond laser

16:07 Cursiefen C., Lam V. N., Nguyen N. X., 2709-3.14 S Martus P., Seitz B., Kruse F. E. (Erlangen/D, Ho Chi Minh City/VN, Berlin/D) Surgery-related factors influencing corneal neovascularization after normal-risk keratoplasty

16:14 Beutelspacher S. C., Pillai R., Tan P. H., 2709-3.15 S McClure M. O., George A. J. T., Larkin D. F. P. (Heidelberg/D, London/UK) Function of indoleamine 2.3-dioxygenase in corneal allograft rejection

16:21 Otasevic L., Gong N., Ritter T., Knop E., Orlic N., 2709-3.16 S Pleyer U. (Berlin/D) Spironolactone: A new agent in corneal transplantation?

16:28 Machowicz-Matejko E., Rakowska E., 2709-3.17 S Zagórski Z. (Lublin/PL) Tectonic epikeratoplasty in severe ocular surface disease – the own experience

16:35 Gierek-Lapinska A., Lange E., 2709-3.19 S Gierek-Ciaciura S. (Katowice/PL) Monotoric, bitoric and cross-cylinder ablation in mixed astigmatism PRK

16:42 Kahn D. A. (Panama/PA) 2709-3.20 S Cosmetic artificial iris diaphragm implant (NewIris): results after 18-months follow-up

Molecular Vision is a peer reviewed, open access journal of the molecular biology, cell biology, and genetics of the visual system (ocular and cortical). http://www.molvis.org/molvis/ Scientific Programme 87

Hall 3 Tuesday, 27 September 2005

17:15 - 18:15 Plastic Surgery 1 2709-4 Chair: Hintschich C. (München/D), Rose G. (London/UK)

17:15 Robert P.-Y. (Limoges/F) 2709-4.01 L Congenital obstruction of the nasolacrimal duct

17:25 Boboridis K., Ziakas N., Mikropoulos D., 2709-4.02 S Georgiadis N. (Thessaloniki/GR) Outcome of external dacryocystorhinostomy with sutured versus unsutured posterior mucosa flaps

17:32 Kaçaniku G., Spahiu K., Goranci I. (Prishtina/KS) 2709-4.03 S External dacryocystorhinostomy with silicone intubation using Nunchaku-style tubes

17:39 Bertelmann E., Rieck P., Hartmann C. (Berlin/D) 2709-4.04 S Polyurethane stents for lacrimal duct stenoses: 5-year results

17:46 Davydov D. V., Kravchenko A. 2709-4.05 S

(Moscow/RUS, Moskow/RUS) Scientific Programme 27.9.2005 Tuesday, Transcanalicular endodacryocystorhinostomy using new Neodimium:YAG laser (1440 nm)

17:53 Zikic Z., Bedov T., Ljikar J., Andreic V. 2709-4.06 S (Novi Sad/SCG) Reconstruction of medial or lateral upper lid defects with a tarsoconjunctival flap

18:00 Schittkowski M. P., Guthoff R. F. (Rostock/D) 2709-4.06a S Systemic and ophthalmological anomalies in congenital anophthalmic or microphthalmic patients

18:07 Rose G. (London/UK) 2709-4.07 L Orbital inflammation is NOT a diagnosis 88 Scientific Programme

Hall 4/5 Tuesday, 27 September 2005

8:30 - 9:30 Anatomy, Pathology, Genetic 2709-5 Chair: Seregard S. (Stockholm/S), Silva E. (Coimbra/P)

8:30 Alyahya G. A., Bangsgaard R., Prause J. U., 2709-5.01 O Heegaard S. (Copenhagen/DK, Herlev/DK) Lacrimal gland tissue outside the lacrimal fossa: Clinical and histopathological comparison

8:40 Golicova E. (Bishkek/KIS) 2709-5.02 O Morphofunctional properties of cornea and conjunctiva regeneration when treating chemical burns with chitosan

8:50 Lewandowska A., Zdzieszynska M., Jurowski P., 2709-5.03 S Komorowski J., Gos´ R. (Lódz´ /PL) Matrix metalloproteinases in human aqueous humor in patients with diabetes mellitus with and without diabetic retinopathy

8:57 Wiescher A., Kotliar K., Vilser W., Lanzl I. M. 2709-5.04 S (München/D, Ilmenau/D) Arterial retinal vessel response of migraine patients to lumi- nant-chromatic and monochromatic flicker light application

9:04 Löffler K. U., Holz F. G., Brinkmann U, 2709-5.05 S Wellmann A. (Bonn/D, München/D, Aachen/D) CAS immunoreactivity in subretinal and epiretinal membranes in the human eye

9:11 Terzidou C., Dalianis G., Petounis A. (Athens/GR) 2709-5.06 S The clinical importance of conjunctivochalasis

9:18 Fossdal R., Jonasson F., Kong A., Gosh S., 2709-5.07 O Gulcher J. R, Stefansson K. (Reykjavik/IS) The transcriptional factor TEAD1 is a causative gene for a rare eye disease Sveinsson’s Chorioretinal atrophy / helicoid peripapillary chorioretinal degeneration

10:30 - 12:00 Satellite Symposium F-27-01 Novartis Pharma AG (Basel/CH) Verteporfin in Combination with Triamcinolone in the Management of Neovascular AMD Chair: Schmidt-Erfurth U. (Vienna/A) (For details on company symposia see page 243) Scientific Programme 89

Hall 4/5 Tuesday, 27 September 2005

14:30 - 16:00 Strabismus, Paediatric Ophthalmology 2709-6 Chair: Lorenz B. (Regensburg/D), Neugebauer A. (Köln/D)

14:30 Rudnik A. Y., Vorontsova T. N. 2709-6.01 S (Saint-Petersburg/RUS) The distant results of laser coagulation and cryotherapy in the active period of retinopathy of prematurity (ROP)

14:37 Vorontsova T. N., Rudnik A. Y., Ivanova E. V. 2709-6.02 S (Saint-Petersburg/RUS) Macular electroretinogram (ERG) at the initial stages of the cicatric period of retinopathy of prematurity (ROP)

14:44 Somov E. E., Vorontsova T. N., Rudnik A. Y. 2709-6.03 S (Saint-Petersburg/RUS) Macular changes in children at the initial stages of cicatric period of retinopathy of prematurity (ROP)

14:51 Ribeiro I., Vale P., Tenedório P., Bilhoto M., 2709-6.04 O

Rodrigues P., Pereira H. (Matosinhos/P) Scientific Programme 27.9.2005 Tuesday, Ocular manifestations in 32 children with fetal alcohol syndrome

15:01 Gerth C., Panton C. M., Westall C. A. 2709-6.05 O (Toronto/CDN) How important are ERGs in infants? – Experiences from The Hospital for Sick Children, Toronto, Canada

15:11 Bobrova N. F., Sukhodoeva L. A., Artemov A. V. 2709-6.06 O (Odessa/UA) Lamellar keratoplasty in congenital corneal dermoids

15:21 Ehrt O. (München/D) 2709-6.07 O Subnormal visual acuity in children with mild staphyloma at the posterior pole

15:31 Bobrova N. F., Enukidze D. Z., 2709-6.08 O Ben Houcine C. A. (Odessa/UA) Pupil capture syndrome risk factors at pediatric post-traumatic pseudophakia

15:41 Lugovaya I., Antipova J., Volik E., Galkina V. 2709-6.09 S (Krasnodar/RUS) Efficiency of inocain local application combined with composite anesthesia in pediatric surgery of strabismus

15:48 Antipova J., Volik E. (Krasnodar/RUS) 2709-6.10 S Secondary role of horizontal muscles in formation of concomitant strabismus with vertical component

15:55 Salchow D. J., Chiang M., Langton K., 2709-6.11 O Oleynikov Y., Al-Aswad L. A. (New York/USA) Retinal nerve fiber layer thickness in children 90 Scientific Programme

Hall 4/5 Tuesday, 27 September 2005

16:30 - 18:00 Selective Retina Laser Therapy (SRT) 2709-7 Chair: Birngruber R. (Lübeck/D)

Selective Retina Laser Therapy (SRT) is a new laser treatment modality to selectively impact the retinal pigment epithelium without affecting the adjacent retinal and chorioidal structures. This selectivity is achieved by applying a train of short laser pulses at each exposure avoiding bulk heating of the fundus.

The idea of SRT was developed, experimentally proven and cli- nically validated in the 90th of last century and is now investi- gated for the first time in a prospective, multicenter clinical trial with 100 patients treated for diabetic macula edema, chronic central serous chorioretinopathy branch vein occlusion and occult CNV.

Discussion leader: John Marshall (London)

16:30 Birngruber R., Roider J., Brinkmann R. 2709-7.01 (Lübeck/D, Kiel/D) Concept and Biophysical Basics of Selective Retina Laser Therapy (SRT)

16:45 Hamilton P. A. M. (London/UK) 2709-7.02 SRT-clinical trial for Diabetic Macula Edema

17:00 Elsner H. (Kiel/D) 2709-7.03 Results of the SRT-clinical trial in Chronic Central Serous Chorioretinopathy

17:15 Roider J. (Kiel/D) 2709-7.04 New concepts for SRT in further macula diseases

17:30 Marshall J. (London/UK) 2709-7.05 Panel Discussion Scientific Programme 91

Hall 14.2 (Oslo) Tuesday, 27 September 2005

09:00 - 10:00 Satellite Symposium F-27-04 Chibret Pharmazeutische GmbH (Haar/D) Preservatives in Glaucoma Therapy Konservierungsmittel in der Glaukomtherapie Chair: Krieglstein G. (Cologne/D) (For details on company symposia see page 242)

10:30 - 12:00 Strabismus – A Fresh Look on Old Diseases 2709-9 and New Challenges Chair: Lorenz B. (Regensburg/D), Mojon D. (St. Gallen/CH)

10:30 Lorenz B. (Regensburg/D) 2709-9.01 Introduction

10:36 Ohlsson J. (Göteborg/S) 2709-9.02 Preschool vision screening. Is it worthwhile?

10:48 Fielder A., Gottlob I. (London/UK, Leicester/UK) 2709-9.03 Scientific Programme 27.9.2005 Tuesday, Management of amblyopia

11:00 Mojon D. (St. Gallen/CH) 2709-9.04 Advances in testing afferent and efferent visual pathways in infancy and childhood

11:12 Gräf M. (Gießen/D) 2709-9.05 New concepts of eye muscle surgery – Surgery for congenital and acquired superior oblique palsy

11:24 Simonsz H. J., Kolling G. H. 2709-9.06 (Rotterdam/NL, Heidelberg/D) Controversies in the surgical management of infantile esotropia

11:36 Godts D. (Edegem/B) 2709-9.07 Refractive surgery creates new challenges in orthoptics

11:48 Fricke J. (Köln/D) 2709-9.08 Vitreoretinal surgery creates new challenges in orthoptics

13:00 - 14:00 Lunch Symposium F-27-03 Bausch & Lomb / Dr. Mann Pharma (Berlin/D) Study Report – Macular Pigment: Changes under Ocuvite Lutein Supplementation (For details on company symposia see page 243)

14:30 - 15:30 Poster Session 2 P-2701 Chair: Roider J. (Kiel/D), Keunen J. E. E. (Nijmegen/NL)

Selected posters from poster group P140 to P279 will be presented and discussed followed by the poster award ceremony. 92 Scientific Programme

Hall 14.2 (Oslo) Tuesday, 27 September 2005

16:00 - 18:00 New Diagnostic and Therapeutic Methods 2709-10 in Ocular Surface Diseases Chair: Seitz B. (Erlangen/D), Süveges I. (Budapest/H)

16:00 Seitz B., Resch M., Schlötzer-Schrehardt U., 2709-10.01 Hofmann-Rummelt C., Langenbucher A., Cursiefen C., Kruse F. E. (Erlangen/D, Budapest/H) Amniotic membrane transplantation and keratoplasty

16:15 Süveges I., Füst Á., Imre L. (Budapest/H) 2709-10.02 Amniotic membrane transplantation in special cases of ocular surface diseases

16:30 Németh J., Erdélyi B., Csakany B., Gáspár P., 2709-10.03 Soumelidis A. (Budapest/H) Tear film dynamics assessed by high-speed videotopography

16:45 Nagy Z. Z., Süveges I., Seitz B., 2709-10.04 Naumann G. O. H., Resch M., Szentmáry N., Németh J. (Budapest/H, Erlangen/D) Corneal wound healing following refractive procedures (PRK, LASIK LASEK), the role of secondary ultraviolet-B exposure

17:00 Módis L., Vajas A., Kolozsvári B., Tóth E., 2709-10.05 Berta A. (Debrecen/H) Role of Pentacam in the evaluation of anterior segment disorders

17:15 Resch M., Schlötzer-Schrehardt U., 2709-10.06 Hofmann-Rummelt C., Sauer R., Kruse F. E., Seitz B. (Budapest/H, Erlangen/D) Integration of amniotic membrane into the cornea – light microscopy and ultrastructure Scientific Programme 93

Hall 7 Tuesday, 27 September 2005

8:15 - 10:15 Retina: Rhegmat. Detachment, PVR, 2709-11 Vitreomacular Traction, ARMD 2 (DOG) Retina: Amotio, PVR, Vitreomakuläre Traktion, ARMD 2 (DOG) Chair: Körner F. (Bern/CH), Pauleikhoff D. (Münster/D)

8:15 Dawczynski J., Thomas S., Kasper M., 2709-11.01 S Franke S., Königsdörffer E., Augsten R., Strobel J. (Jena/D, Dresden/D) Angiogenesis in human epiretinal membranes – histological and immunohistological investigations Angiogenese in humanen epiretinalen Membranen – histologische und immunhistologische Untersuchungen

8:22 Kube T., Bragason D. T., Hansen L. L. 2709-11.02 S (Freiburg/D) Autologous serum or autologous platelet concentrat as adju- vants for macular hole surgery? Long-term functional results and anatomic findings with optical coherence tomography

Autologes Serum oder autologes Thrombozytenkonzentrat als Scientific Programme 27.9.2005 Tuesday, Adjuvans bei der Makulaforamenchirurgie? Funktionelle Langzeitergebnisse und anatomischer Befund mittels optischer Kohärenztomographie

8:29 Rüfer F., Frimpong-Boateng A., Bunse A., 2709-11.03 S Roider J. (Kiel/D) Outcome results in idiopathic macular hole surgery following pars plana vitrectomy: Comparison of ILM peeling without and with use of indocyanine green Funktionelle Ergebnisse bei idiopathischem Makulaforamen nach pars-plana-Vitrektomie: Vergleich von ILM-Peeling mit und ohne Gabe von Indocyaningrün

8:36 Reiniger I., Schaumberger M., Gass C. A., 2709-11.04 S Kampik A., Haritoglou C. (München/D) Long-term functional outcome of macular hole surgery: Results of a prospective study Funktionelle Langzeitergebnisse nach Makulaforamenchirurgie: Ergebnisse einer prospektiven Studie

8:43 Priglinger S. G., Haritoglou C., Grüterich M., 2709-11.05 S Alge C., Strauß R. W., Gandorfer A., Kook D., Mueller A. J. F., Palanker D., Kampik A. (München/D, Stanford/USA) Pulsed electron avalanche knife – an innovation in ophthalmic surgery Pulsed Electron Avalanche Knife – Innovative Technologie in der intraokularen Chirurgie

8:50 Eckardt C., Eckert T., Eckardt U. 2709-11.06 S (Frankfurt a. M./D) 23-gauge transconjunctival sutureless vitrectomy

8:57 Mester U., Rauber M. (Sulzbach (Saar)/D) 2709-11.07 S Incidence and prophylaxis of retinal detachment following pars plana vitrectomy

9:04 Sandner D., Herbrig E., Engelmann K. 2709-11.08 S (Dresden/D) First experiences with “heavy silicone oil” (Densiron®) as primary intraocular tamponade Erste Erfahrungen mit „schwerem Silikonöl“ (Densiron®) als primäre Endotamponade 94 Scientific Programme

Hall 7 Tuesday, 27 September 2005

9:11 Beutel J., Weiß C., Klär-Dissars U., Schlenke P., 2709-11.09 O Laqua H., Hoerauf H. (Lübeck/D, Aachen/D) ‘‘No-touch’’-technique using autologous platelets (AP) versus internal limiting membrane (ILM) delamination in macular hole surgery – a prospective randomized clinical trial ‚No touch’-Technik mit autologem Thrombozytenkonzentrat (TK) versus ILM-Delamination in der Makulalochchirurgie – eine prospektive randomisierte Studie

9:21 Haritoglou C., Freyer W., Priglinger S. G., 2709-11.10 S Alge C., Kampik A. (München/D, Berlin/D) Comparison of the light absorbing properties of indocyanine green (ICG) in solution and after adsorption to the retinal surface Vergleich der Absorptionseigenschaften von Indozyaningrün (ICG) in Lösung und auf der Netzhautoberfläche

9:28 Roider J., Klatt C., Bunse A. (Kiel/D) 2709-11.11 O Angiographic and clinical findings after RPE sheet transplantation Angiographische und klinische Befunde nach RPE Sheet Transplantation

9:38 Bunse A., Rudolf M., Roider J. (Kiel/D) 2709-11.12 S Autologous RPE sheet transplantation in AMD – Modification of the sheet by a plasmaknife Autologe RPE-Sheet-Transplantation bei AMD – Modifikation des Transplantates durch ein Plasmaskalpell

9:45 Heußen F. M. A., Llacer H., Rohrschneider K., 2709-11.14 S Lappas A., Kirchhof B., Joussen A. M. (Köln/D, Heidelberg/D) Fixation stability after Peripheral Autologous Translocation of the Choroid in Age-Related Macular Degeneration (PATCH) Fixationsstabilität nach peripherer autologer Translokation der Aderhaut bei der altersabhängigen Makuladegeneration (PATCH)

9:52 Preisverleihung 2709-11.15 Förderpreis der DOG „Innovative Entwicklungen und therapeutische Ansätze bei altersbezogener Makulade- generation“ gestiftet von Novartis Pharma GmbH Scientific Programme 95

Hall 7 Tuesday, 27 September 2005

11:00 - 12:00 Physiological Optics, Information Technology 2709-12 (DOG) Physiologische Optik, Informationstechnologie (DOG) Chair: Kellner U. (Siegburg/D), Kolling G. H. (Heidelberg/D)

11:00 Wilke R., Wilhelm B., Bach M., Zrenner E. 2709-12.01 S (Tübingen/D, Freiburg/D) Evaluation of a novel computerized test for quantification of low vision functions Evaluation eines neuartigen computergestützten Tests zur Quantifizierung von hochgradig eingeschränkter Sehfunktion

11:07 Renner A. B., Kellner U., Koch E., 2709-12.02 O Foerster M. H. (Berlin/D, Siegburg/D) Dysfunction of phototransmission in the inner retina: incidence and clinical causes of negative electroretinogram Intraretinale Transmissionsstörung: Inzidenz und Ursachen des negativen Elektroretinogramms

11:17 Brunsmann F., von Gizycki R., Rüther K., 2709-12.03 L Scientific Programme 27.9.2005 Tuesday, Kellner U. (Berlin/D, Siegburg/D) Ein Anforderungs-gesteuertes Internet-Glossar zur Verbesse- rung des Patientenverständnisses ophthalmologischer Informa- tionen

11:27 Bier C. M., Fröhlich S. J. (München/D) 2709-12.04 S Optical rehabilitation in hereditary retinal dystrophies – current data of a low-vision-department Optische Rehabilitation bei hereditären Netzhauterkrankungen: Aktuelle Daten einer Low-Vision-Ambulanz

11:34 Langenbucher A., Brünner H., Seitz B., 2709-12.05 O Viestenz A., Viestenz A. (Erlangen/D) Determination of the image quality of a pseudophakic eye using raytracing – centred vs. decentred spherical and aspheric IOLs Berechnung des Abbildungsverhaltens eines pseudophaken Auge mittels Raytracing – Zentrierte vs. dezentrierte sphärische und asphärische IOLs

11:44 Kluxen G. (Wermelskirchen/D) 2709-12.06 S Pattern-induced visual effects caused by VDU (Visual Display Unit) workplaces Musternacheffekte durch den Bildschirmarbeitsplatz 96 Scientific Programme

Hall 7 Tuesday, 27 September 2005

14:00 - 15:30 Refractive Surgery (DOG) 2709-13 Refraktive Chirurgie (DOG) Chair: Kohnen T. (Frankfurt/Main/D), Wenzel M. (Trier/D)

14:00 Taneri S., Azar D. T. (Münster/D, Boston/USA) 2709-13.01 O A novel instrument for the undersurface ablation of a LASIK flap using a flying-spot laser with eye-tracker control Re-LASIK mit Eye-Tracker Kontrolle auf der Unterseite des LASIK-Flaps mit Hilfe eines neuartigen Instruments

14:10 Wirbelauer C., Aurich H., Pham D.-T. (Berlin/D) 2709-13.02 S Online-Pachymetry to evaluate the intraoperative ablation parameters in LASIK Die Online-Pachymetrie zur intraoperativen Bestimmung der Ablationsparameter bei der LASIK

14:17 Hammer T., Schmitz-Gießler S., 2709-13.03 S Duncker G. I. W., Mühlbauer E., Peschke E. (Halle (Saale)/D, Binningen/CH, Leipzig/D) TGF-beta and fibronectin expression and their influence after hyperopic PRK and LASIK TGF-beta- und Fibronektin-Expression sowie deren Beeinflus- sung nach hyperoper PRK und LASIK

14:24 Baier T., Sandner D., Langner D., Kohlhaas M. 2709-13.04 S (Dresden/D) ORK guided Re-LASIK with the ESIRIS Excimer Laser ORK-geführte Re-Lasik mit dem Esiris Excimer-Laser

14:31 Kampik D., Wessely D., Kampik K., Vogg L., 2709-13.05 S Grehn F. (Würzburg/D) Laser in situ keratomileusis correction of myopic, hyperopic and mixed astigmatism by bitoric ablation Korrektur des myopen, hyperopen und gemischten Astigmatismus mittels bitorischer Ablation bei Laser-in-situ- Keratomileusis

14:38 Langner D., Sandner D., Kohlhaas M. 2709-13.06 S (Dresden/D) Refractive outcome after LASIK with the ESIRIS Excimer Laser – Comparison of the AMO Amadeus 140 mm and 160 mm plates Refraktive Ergebnisse nach LASIK mit dem ESIRIS Excimer Laser – Vergleich 140 mm vs 160 mm Flapdicke

14:45 Bühren J., Kühne C., Kohnen T. 2709-13.07 S (Frankfurt a. M./D) Defining subclinical keratoconus – Analysis of corneal first-surface aberrations of clinical inapparent partner eyes in patients with early keratoconus Analyse der Wellenfrontaberrationen der kornealen Oberfläche bei klinisch unauffälligen Partneraugen von Patienten mit frühem Keratokonus

14:52 Kohlhaas M. (Dresden/D) 2709-13.08 S Intraocular pressure after phacic posterior chamber intraocular lens implantation – a follow-up of 4 years Intraokularer Druck nach ICL-Implantation zur Myopiekorrektur – Follow-up über 4 Jahre Scientific Programme 97

Hall 7 Tuesday, 27 September 2005

14:59 Kißner A., Kohlhaas M., Spörl E., Pillunat L. E. 2709-13.09 O (Dresden/D) Corneal aberrations before and after small incision cataract surgery Hornhautaberrationen vor und nach Katarakt-Kleinschnitt- chirurgie

15:09 Kohlhaas M. (Dresden/D) 2709-13.10 L Phake Implantate zur refraktiven Korrektur

16:00 - 18:00 Cataract (DOG) 2709-14 Katarakt (DOG) Chair: Ohrloff C. (Frankfurt a. M./D), Demeler U. (Bremen/D)

16:00 Gerstmeyer K., Lehrl S. (Minden/D, Erlangen/D) 2709-14.01 O New clinical aspects of contrast sensitivity on information processing Neue klinische Aspekte – Kontrastsensitivität und Informations-

verarbeitung Scientific Programme 27.9.2005 Tuesday,

16:10 Pieh S., Schmidinger G., Geitzenauer W., 2709-14.02 O Rawer R., Stork W. (Wien/A, Karlsruhe/D) Comparing image quality of intraocular multifocal IOLs of the newest generation Vergleich der Abbildungsqualität von intraokularen Multifokal- linsen der neuesten Generation

16:20 Liekfeld A., Lehrhaft C., Porstmann A. U., 2709-14.03 O Hartmann C. (Berlin/D) Night driving with multifocal intraocular lenses? Results with the MA60D3 (ReSTOR) Nachtfahrtauglichkeit mit Multifokallinsen? Ergebnisse mit der MA60D3 (ReSTOR)

16:30 Wohlfart C., Fellner P., Tschuschnig K., 2709-14.04 S El-Shabrawi Y., Vidic B., Faschinger C., Stangl C., Ardjomand N. (Graz/A) Quality of vision with blue light-absorbing intraocular lenses Qualität des Sehens mit Blau-Lichtfilter IOLs

16:37 Sauder G., Degenring R. F., 2709-14.05 S Kamppeter jun. B. A., Jonas J. B. (Mannheim/D) Implantation of a second toric intraocular lens in pseudophakic eyes to correct high corneal astigmatism after perforating Keratoplasty Implantation einer zweiten torischen Intraokularlinse in pseu- dophake Augen zur Korrektur eines kornealen Astigmatismus nach Keratoplastik

16:44 Wehner W. (Nürnberg/D) 2709-14.06 S Correction of astigmatism through implantation of IOL after minimal incision cataract surgery (MICS) Korrektur des Astigmatismus über den Einsatz von MICS IOL

16:51 Baraki H., Genée D., Quentin C.-D. 2709-14.07 S (Göttingen/D) Intraindividual comparison between ThinOptX Ultrachoice 1.0- and Memory CV 232-IOL Intraindividueller Vergleich zwischen der ThinOptX Ultrachoice 1.0- und Memory CV 232 Hinterkammerlinse 98 Scientific Programme

Hall 7 Tuesday, 27 September 2005

16:58 Geene H., Pahms N., Porstmann A. U., 2709-14.08 S Torun N., Hartmann C., Liekfeld A. (Berlin/D) The effect a multilayered polysaccharid surface coverage on the growth of human lens epithelial cells Vergleich des Linsenepithelzellwachstums nach Implantation zweier Acryl-IOL mit unterschiedlicher Beschichtung an einem In-vitro-Modell am humanen Kapselsack

17:05 Stupp T., Hassouna I., Pavlidis M., Thanos S., 2709-14.09 S Förster W. N. (Münster/D, Bad Iburg/D) Systemic adverse events of topical vs. peri-bulbar anaesthesia in cataract surgery Vergleich der systemischen Nebenwirkungen bei topischer und peribulbärer Anästhesie bei Katarakt-Chirurgie

17:12 Aurich H., Korte P., Wirbelauer C., Häberle H., 2709-14.10 S Pham D.-T. (Berlin/D) Iris sutures for correction of decentered intraocular lenses Irisnahtfixation bei dezentrierter Intraokularlinse

17:19 Tschernjakov L. (Berlin/D) 2709-14.11 S Microinvasive technique for the transscleral fixation of the decentered and dislocated posterior chamber lenses Mikroinvasive Technik zur transskleralen Fixation dezentrierter und luxierter Hinterkammerlinsen

17:26 Pollhammer M., Meiller R., Jacobi C., 2709-14.12 S Cursiefen C., Rummelt C., Thyzel R., Kruse F. E. (Erlangen/D, Eckental/D) Prevention of posterior capsule opacification by in situ ablation of lens epithelial cells in porcine eyes with the ARC- Laser-Photolyse-System Nachstarprophylaxe durch in-situ Ablation von Linsenepithel- zellen am Schweineauge mit Hilfe des ARC-Laser-Photolyse- Systems

17:33 Reis A., Birnbaum F., Hansen L. L., Reinhard T. 2709-14.13 O (Triesen/FL, Freiburg/D) Successful treatment of cystoid macular edema with valdecoxib Erfolgreiche Therapie des zystoiden Makulaödems mit Valdecoxib

17:43 Moustafa B., Hille K., Ruprecht K. W. 2709-14.14 S (Neubrandenburg/D, Homburg (Saar)/D) Combination products – results of a study Kombinationspräparate – Ergebnisse einer Studie

17:50 Haigis W., Lege B. A. M., Bauer M., 2709-14.15 O Neuhann T. F. (Würzburg/D, München/D) Determination of effective corneal radii after myopic LASIK Bestimmung wirksamer Hornhautradien nach myoper LASIK Scientific Programme 99

Hall 8 Tuesday, 27 September 2005

8:15 - 9:45 Angiogenesis: From Bench to Bedside 2709-15 Chair: Joussen A. M. (Köln/D), Schlingemann R. O. (Amsterdam/NL)

Agostini H. T. (Freiburg/D) 2709-15.01 Retinopathy of prematurity (ROP) in humans and a mouse model

Cursiefen C. (Erlangen/D) 2709-15.02 What’s new in corneal neovascularization?

Joussen A. M. (Köln/D) 2709-15.03 Shedding light on choroidal neovascularisation. What conclu- sions can we draw form our current experimental models?

Kirchhof B. (Köln/D) 2709-15.04 Help for the atrophic choroid?

Schlingemann R. O., Kuiper E. J. (Amsterdam/NL) 2709-15.05

Ocular fibrosis: a new therapeutic frontier in ophthalmology Scientific Programme 27.9.2005 Tuesday,

10:15 - 12:15 Symposium of the Academia Ophthalmologica 2709-16 Internationalis: Diagnostic Imaging in Ophthalmology Chair: Shimizu K. (Tokyo/J), Naumann G. O. H. (Erlangen/D) Moderators: Coscas G. J. (Créteil/F), Brancato R. (Milano/I)

Schlötzer-Schrehardt U., Naumann G. O. H. 2709-16.01 (Erlangen/D) Clinical Pathology Imaging in exfoliation syndrome

Belfort, Jr. R. (São Paulo/BR) 2709-16.02 Imaging in Uveitis

Tasman W. S. (Philadelphia/USA) 2709-16.03 Diagnostic imaging in Pediatric Retinal Disorders

Watson P. G. (Cambridge/UK) 2709-16.04 Imaging in Scleral Diseases

Cunha-Vaz J. (Coimbra/P) 2709-16.05 Characterization of diabetic retinopathy phenotypes by multimode imaging

Soubrane G. (Créteil/F) 2709-16.06 ICG-Angiography in AMD

Lewis H. (Cleveland/USA) 2709-16.07 OCT in clinical practice in macular diseases

Theodossiadis G. (Athens/GR) 2709-16.08 Evolution of macular epiretinal membrane morphological and quantitive changes

Deutman A. F. (Nijmegen/NL) 2709-16.09 OCT in macular Holes 100 Scientific Programme

Hall 8 Tuesday, 27 September 2005

14:00 - 16:00 Lindberg Society Symposium: Exfoliation 2709-17 Syndrome – Exfoliation Glaucoma Chair: Kivelä T. (Helsinki/FIN), Schlötzer-Schrehardt U. (Erlangen/D)

Exfoliation syndrome, a degenerative, age-related process of an as yet unidentified cause, affects the entire anterior segment of the eye, more than one hundred million people worldwide, every third patient scheduled for cataract surgery, most ophthalmologists and every ophthalmic surgeon. Members of The Lindberg Society, basic and clinical scientists determined to improve the care of patients with exfoliation syndrome, provide a tailored update to the comprehensive ophthalmologist and ophthalmic surgeon on exfoliation and the difficult-to-manage secondary glaucoma associated with it.

14:00 Kivelä T. (Helsinki/FIN) 2709-17.01 Introduction

14:05 Ritch R. (New York/USA) 2709-17.02 Diagnosis of exfoliation syndrome: how early can it be made?

14:20 Kivelä T. (Helsinki/FIN) 2709-17.03 Pathology of exfoliation syndrome for the clinician and oph- thalmic surgeon

14:35 Schlötzer-Schrehardt U. (Erlangen/D) 2709-17.04 Exfoliation syndrome beyond light microscopy

14:50 Holló G. (Budapest/H) 2709-17.05 Endothelins in eyes with exfoliation syndrome and glaucoma

15:05 Vesti E. (Hyks, Helsinki/FIN) 2709-17.06 Exfoliation syndrome among patients with chronic glaucoma vs. glaucoma among patients with exfoliation syndrome

15:20 Konstas A. G. P. (Thessaloniki/GR) 2709-17.07 What significance has diurnal intraocular pressure for management of exfoliation glaucoma?

15:35 Zetterström C. (Stockholm/S) 2709-17.08 Catarct surgery in eyes with exfoliation syndrome: current procedure of choice

15:50 General discussion Scientific Programme 101

Hall 8 Tuesday, 27 September 2005

16:30 - 18:00 European and Global Ophthalmology: 2709-18 "Opportunities and pitfalls for young ophthalmologists in New Europe" Chair: Lang G. K. (Ulm/D), Gregor Z. J. (London/UK)

Panellists: Marko Hawlina (SOE/EBO), Tero Kivela (EBO/UEMS), Bruce Spivey (ICO), Peter Watson (ICO) EBO: European Board of Ophthalmology ICO: International Council of Ophthalmology SOE: European Society of Ophthalmology UEMS: European Union of Medical Specialists

Introductory remarks of moderators and statements of panellists:

16:30 Lang G. K. (Ulm/D) and Gregor Z. J. (London/UK) 2709-18.01 Introduction: ICO, SOE, EBO – What can all these organisations do for me and what can I do through them?

16:40 Kivelä T., Ringens P. J., Tassignon M. J. 2709-18.02

(Helsinki/FIN, Amsterdam/NL, Antwerp/B) Scientific Programme 27.9.2005 Tuesday, The European Board of Ophthalmology: Current Activities and Goals

16:50 Spivey B. E. (San Francisco/USA) 2709-18.03 The International Council of Ophthalmology: Current activities and Goals

17:05 Watson P. G. (Cambridge/UK) 2709-18.04 The International Council of Ophthalmology: Assessment Test

17:15 Spivey B. E. (San Francisco/USA) 2709-18.05 Sub Saharan Africa - West Africa - Nigeria Project

17:25 Hawlina M. (Ljubljana/SLO) 2709-18.06 Residency exchange programmes (SOE/EBO/ICO)

17:35 Panel discussion with the audience

Residency Exchange Programmes (SOE/EBO/ICO): How can I participate?

CME-Points: Can I collect at home and abroad?

Why should I take the EBO-Exam and become a Fellow of the European Board of Ophthalmology?

What is the benefit in taking the International Assessment Test (Basic and Clinical Science)? 102 Scientific Programme

Hall 9 Tuesday, 27 September 2005

8:30 - 10:30 BVA ECLSO Symposium: Therapeutic Use of 2709-19 Contact Lenses by the Ophthalmologist Chair: Mély R. (Valmont/F)

Introduction: R. Mely BVA, A. Franceschetti ECLSO

Kanpolat A. (Ankara/TR) 2709-19.01 Corneal physiology and new contact lens materials for therapeutic use

Böhme G. (Backnang/D) 2709-19.02 Bandage lenses – the use of therapeutic lenses in Germany

McElvanney A. (London/UK) 2709-19.03 Therapeutic contact lenses – clinical results

Mannucci L. L. (Padova/I) 2709-19.04 Adsorption mechanisms onto hydrophylic polymers of contact lenses

Végh M. (Szeged/H) 2709-19.05 Use of therapeutic contact lenses in the treatment of corneal diseases


Vogt U. (London/UK) 2709-19.06 Keratoconus – therapy with contact lenses

Controversy: 2709-19.07 Mély R. (Saarlouis/D) Contact lenses and the progression of myopia – a review

Biger Y. (Kyriat Shmona/IL) 2709-19.08 Orthokeratology may arrest myopia progression in children


11:00 - 12:00 Round Table: Complications and Safety Issues 2709-20 in Refractive Surgery Chair: Kohnen T. (Frankfurt a. M./D)

Kohnen T. (Frankfurt a. M./D) Introduction and safety issues in refractive surgery


Knorz M. C. (Mannheim/D) Complications of excimer surgery


Seiler T. (Zürich/CH) Management of ablation complications


Lohmann C. P. (München/D) Do we have to expect vitreoretinal complications after refractive corneal and lens surgery?

Discussion Scientific Programme 103

Hall 9 Tuesday, 27 September 2005

14:00 - 15:30 Macular Imaging 2709-21 Chair: Wolf S. (Bern/CH), Gaudric A. (Paris/F)

14:00 Staurenghi G. (Milano/I) 2709-21.01 Fluorescein and Indocianine green angiography. Which are the indications in the macular diseases?

14:15 Kellner U. (Siegburg/D) 2709-21.02 Infrared imaging with a confocal scanning laser ophthalmoscope

14:30 Holz F. G. (Bonn/D) 2709-21.03 cSLO fundus autofluorescence imaging

14:45 van Kuijk E. (Galveston/USA) 2709-21.04 Autofluorescence imaging of macular pigment

15:00 Gaudric A. (Paris/F) 2709-21.05 Of what use is OCT in macular diseases? Scientific Programme 27.9.2005 Tuesday, 15:15 Drexler W. (Wien/A) 2709-21.06 Recent developments in optical coherence tomography

16:00 - 18:00 SOE-EURETINA Joint Symposium: 2709-22 Current Therapies for AMD Chair: Brancato R. (Milano/I), Richard G. (Hamburg/D) Moderators: Shimizu K. (Tokyo/J), Theodossiadis G. (Athen/GR)

The aim of this 2 hours Symposium is to present a complete overview of current knowledge on AMD. The panellists will cover all the topics concerning AMD, starting from pathogenesis, through new diagnostic tools (functional as well as morphologic). Some lecture will be on codified treatment and some other on the new therapeutic options. During these last years new diagnostic tools as well as new therapies became available for clinical use and our capability to guarantee a better treatment to our patients was consequently improved. The hope is that new options will allow better efficacy to our therapies in the near future and the prognosis for our AMD patients will improve.

Cunha-Vaz J. (Coimbra/P) 2709-22.01 Functional imaging of the macula in non-exsudative AMD

Brancato R. (Milano/I) 2709-22.02 Imaging diagnosis: Optical Coherence Tomography (OCT) in macular diseases

Coscas G. J. (Créteil/F) 2709-22.03 Diagnosis and management of vascularized pigment epithelium detachment

Leys A. (Leuven/B) 2709-22.04 Update of PDT

Soubrane G. (Créteil/F) 2709-22.05 Anecortave therapy

Deutman A. F. (Nijmegen/NL) 2709-22.06 Update on Macugen 104 Scientific Programme

Hall 9 Tuesday, 27 September 2005

Bandello F. (Udine/I) 2709-22.07 Update on Lucentis

Schmidt-Erfurth U. (Wien/A) 2709-22.08 The role of the corticosteroids

Richard G. (Hamburg/D) 2709-22.09 Surgery of dry form of AMD

Aylward G. W. (London/UK) 2709-22.10 Surgery for wet AMD

Room Hongkong

16:30 - 17:30 Satellite Symposium F-27-02 Optos GmbH (Munich/D) New Technology in 200° Ultra Widefield Retinal Imaging Chair: Morszeck M. (Hamburg/D) (For details on company symposia see page 244) Scientific Programme

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HT2JK4672_3 Scientific Programme 107

Hall 3 Wednesday, 28 September 2005

Legend L = lecture, O = oral presentation, S = short oral presentation

8:15 - 9:30 Plastic Surgery 2, Lids 2809-1 Chair: Rose G. (London/UK), Hübner H. (Gutweiler/D)

8:15 Klett A. (Tallinn/EST) 2809-1.01 L Muscle pedunculated scleral flaps to improve implant tolerance and prosthesis motility

8:25 Emmanouil I., Weigmann U., Wiechens B., 2809-1.02 S Welkoborsky H.-J. (Hannover/D) Long-term results following endonasal and combined endonasal/transmaxillary orbital decompression in severe endocrine orbitopathy

8:32 Stiglmayer N., Juri J., Tojagic´ M. (Zagreb/HR) 2809-1.03 S Botulinum toxin A in the treatment of the dysthyroid ophthalmopathy

8:39 Ziakas N., Boboridis K., Mikropoulos D., 2809-1.04 S Georgiadis N. (Thessaloniki/GR) Management of congenital ptosis complicated with superior rectus weakness

8:46 Ikonomou A., Boboridis K., Kaltsos K., 2809-1.05 S Georgiadis N. (Thessaloniki/GR) Advantages of polyethylene sheet implants for the repair of Scientific Programme 28.9.2005 Wednesday, complex orbital floor fractures

8:53 Davydov D. V., Reshetov I. V., Kopylova N. E. 2809-1.06 S (Moscow/RUS) Correction of posttraumatic globe distopia and diplopia with the new combined hydrogel implants

9:00 Collin J. R. (London/UK) 2809-1.08 L The challenge of eyelid reconstructions

9:10 Spahiu K., Kaçaniku G., Spahiu L., Perani V., 2809-1.09 S Zhuri B., Shabani A. (Prishtina/KS) Temporary correction of severe congenital ptosis by frontalis muscle suspension with polypropylene 4-0 suture 108 Scientific Programme

Hall 3 Wednesday, 28 September 2005

10:00 - 12:00 Infectiology, Intraocular Inflammation, Uveitis 2809-2 Chair: de Smet M. D. (Amstelveen/NL), Zierhut M. (Tübingen/D)

10:00 Yip Pui Pui T., Chan W. H., Ho C. K. 2809-2.01 S (New Territories/HK) The use of Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR) for detection of neonatal chlamydial conjunctivitis

10:07 Bauer D., Wasmuth S., Steuhl K.-P., 2809-2.02 O Heiligenhaus A. (Münster/D, Essen/D) Amniotic membrane transplantation in experimental ulcerative herpetic stromal keratitis

10:17 Djordjevic´-Jocic´ J., Zlatanovic G., Micic S., 2809-2.03 S Cekic S., Vujanovic´ M. (Nis/SCG) Immune system disorders in patients with scleritis

10:24 Quentin C.-D., Reiber H. (Göttingen/D) 2809-2.04 S The immune response in the eye of multiple sclerosis (MS) patients with uveitis intermedia or periphlebitis retinae

10:31 Attia S., Jenzeri S., Zouid S., Ghrissi R., Jelliti B., 2809-2.05 O Messaoud R., Ladjimi A., Khairallah M. (Monastir/TN) Clinical profile of Vogt-Koyanagi-Harada Disease in Tunisia, North Africa

10:41 Deuter C. M. E., Kötter I., Stübiger N., 2809-2.06 O Günaydin I., Zierhut M. (Tübingen/D) Ocular Behçet's disease: What we have learned from the treatment with interferon alfa-2a

10:51 Jovanovic S., Jovanovic M., Vukosavljevic M., 2809-2.07 S Jovanovic Z., Stanojevic-Paovic A., Paunovic S. (Kragujevac/SCG, Belgrade/SCG) Specific symptoms and sign in the eye with inflamation which point to the type of disease

10:58 Heiligenhaus A., Niewerth M., Mingels A., 2809-2.08 O Ganser G., Thon A., Pleyer U., Greiner K., Minden K. (Münster/D, Berlin/D, Sendenhorst/D, Hannover/D, Cottbus/D) Epidemiology of uveitis in juvenile idiopathic arthritis from a national pediatric rheumatologic and ophthalmologic database

11:08 Zierhut M., Michels H., Häfner R., 2809-2.09 O Kümmerle-Deschner J., Doycheva D., Deuter C. M. E. (Tübingen/D, Garmisch-Partenkirchen/D) Adalimumab in the treatment of chronic anterior uveitis in children

11:18 Kotaniemi K., Tynjälä P., Honkanen V. 2809-2.10 O (Heinola/FIN, Helsinki/FIN) New Biologic Agents in the treatment of Juvenile Idiopathic Arthritis associated Uveitis

11:28 Mingels A., Stegat M., Heinz C., Ganser G., 2809-2.11 S Heiligenhaus A. (Münster/D, Sendenhorst/D) Low-Dose-Methotrexate for the treatment of uveitis associated with juvenile idiopathic arthritis

11:35 Gupta Y., Gupta M. (Aligarh/IND) 2809-2.12 S Digital ocular mediametry – a new concept in the diagnosis and management of endopthalmitis and vitreous haemorrhage Scientific Programme 109

Hall 3 Wednesday, 28 September 2005

11:42 Robert P.-Y., Martin C., Sabatier A., Chainier D., 2809-2.13 O Garnier F., Ploy M.-C., Denis F., Adenis J.-P. (Limoges/F) Pulsed-field gel electrophoresis applied to epidemiology of post cataract endophthalmitis

11:52 Becker M. D. (Heidelberg/D) 2809-2.14 L Indications for therapeutic vitrectomy in patients with intraocular inflammation

12:30 - 13:00 Keynote Lecture K-2809 The EGS and Glaucoma Care in Europe Hitchings R. (London/UK)

14:00 - 15:30 Retina: ARMD 2 2809-3 Chair: Cunha-Vaz J. (Coimbra/P), Sahel J.-A. (Paris/F)

14:00 Zubilewicz A., Wojciechowska K., Szaja B., 2809-3.01 S Zagórski Z. (Lublin/PL) Fibronectine, collagen type IV and laminine as adhesion- promoting factors for cultured choroidal endothelial cells

14:07 Kook D., Priglinger S. G., Kampik A., 2809-3.02 S Welge-Lüßen U.-C. (München/D) Quercetin protects human retinal pigment epithelial cells against oxidative stress in vitro Scientific Programme 28.9.2005 Wednesday,

14:14 Welge-Lüßen U.-C., Kook D., Haritoglou C., 2809-3.03 S Al Saidi R., Yu A. L., Kampik A. (München/D) Prevention of atherosclerosis – a useful therapy of early age related macular degeneration?

14:21 Petrunya A. M. (Lugansk/UA) 2809-3.04 S Dystrophic affections of retina in the liquidators of the crash consequences at Chernobil nuclear power station (CNPS)

14:28 Kürzinger G., Lang G. K., Lang G. E. (Ulm/D) 2809-3.05 S Retinal angiomatous proliferation in age-related macular degeneration

14:35 Zeitz O., Schlichting L., Richard G., Strauß O. 2809-3.06 S (Hamburg/D) Oxidative damage at retinal pigment epithelium: mechanisms and protective approaches

14:42 Scholl H. P. N., Roth F., Helb H.-M., 2809-3.07 S Schmitz-Valckenberg S., Wittich A., Eter N., Holz F. G. (Bonn/D) Luminance sensitivity of macular areas affected by pigment epithelium detachment in patients with age-related macular degeneration (AMD)

14:49 Kampmeier J., Zorn M. M. C., Lang G. K., 2809-3.08 S Botros Y. T. H., Lang G. E. (Ulm/D) Comparison of preferential hyperacuity perimeter (PHP) test and Amsler grid test in the diagnosis of different stages of ARMD

14:56 Simader C., Michels S., Geitzenauer W., 2809-3.09 S Wagner J., Prager F., Sacu S., Schmidt-Erfurth U. (Wien/A) Functional macular mapping in patients with progression from dry to neovascular age-related macular degeneration (AMD) 110 Scientific Programme

Hall 3 Wednesday, 28 September 2005

15:03 Reichel E. (Boston/USA) 2809-3.10 O Results from the TTT4CNV clinical trial

15:13 Gelisken F., Inhoffen W., Völker M., Grisanti S., 2809-3.11 O Bartz-Schmidt K. U. (Tübingen/D) Macular translocation with 360 degree retinectomy vs verteporfin photodynamic therapy for neovascular age-related macular degeneration: interim (6 Month) results of a prospec- tive, controlled, randomized pilot trial

16:00 - 18:00 Consilium Diagnosticum 2809-4 Chair: Völcker H. E. (Heidelberg/D)

Panel: Süveges I. (Budapest/H) Pecold K. (Poznan/PL) Keunen J. E. E. (Nijmegen/NL) Wilhelm H. (Tübingen)

The symposium is characterised by presentations of selected unusual cases for diagnosis or for therapeutic advice to an international panel and the audience. Scientific Programme 111

Hall 3 Wednesday, 28 September 2005

8:30 - 10:10 International Ophthalmology 2809-5 Chair: Klauß V. (München/D), Resnikoff S. (Geneva/CH)

8:30 Makwanga M., Hopkins A. D., Kayembe D. L. 2809-5.01 S (Kinshasa/ZRE) Vision in the Democratic Republic of Congo: preparing a national programme during a civil war

8:37 Hopkins A. D. (Kinshasa/ZRE) 2809-5.02 O Blindness prevention and delivery of eye care in areas of conflict – experience of Central Africa and Sudan

8:47 Shenoy R., Bialasiewicz A., Ganesh A. 2809-5.03 S (Muscat/MAO) Ocular complications of complementary medical treatment in Oman

8:54 Bialasiewicz A. (Muscat/MAO) 2809-5.04 L Diseases of ocular adnexal structures in developing countries

9:04 Schittkowski M. P. (Rostock/D) 2809-5.05 L Congenital cataract surgery and postoperative visual rehabilitation

9:14 Guthoff R. F. (Rostock/D) 2809-5.07 L Glaucoma – blinding disease N° 2 – the challenge of screening and treatment in third world countries Scientific Programme 28.9.2005 Wednesday,

9:24 Yenice Ö., Çerman E., Kazokog˘lu H. (Istanbul/TR) 2809-5.08 S Screening for hydroxychloroquine and chloroquine related ocular toxicity

9:31 Duerksen R., Duerksen U. G., Cibils P., 2809-5.09 L Schacht G., Esteche M., Lansingh V. (Asunción/PY) Experience with frequent retinal pathologies in a high volume setting in Paraguay (South America)

9:41 Kollmann K. H. M. (Nairobi/EAK) 2809-5.10 L Aspects of ophthalmooncology in third world countries

9:51 Keunen J. E. E. (Nijmegen/NL) 2809-5.11 L Vision 2020 Netherlands 112 Scientific Programme

Hall 4/5 Wednesday, 28 September 2005

10:30 - 12:00 Symposium European Vision Institute: 2809-6 Functional Genomics in the retina in health and disease: A new European integrated project Chair: Zrenner E. (Tübingen/D), Sahel J.-A. (Paris/F)

10:30 Zrenner E., Wheeler-Schilling T. (Tübingen/D) 2809-6.01 Introduction to the aims and goals of the European Vision Institute

10:45 Sahel J.-A. (Paris/F) 2809-6.02 Aims and Goals of ‘EVI-GenoRet’

11:00 Grimm C. (Zürich/CH) 2809-6.03 EVI-GenoRet component Therapy

11:15 Bhattacharya S. (London/UK) 2809-6.04 New developments in the genetics of retinal degeneration

11:30 Ueffing M. (Neuherberg/D) 2809-6.05 Functional genomics within the EU 6th FW Project EVI-GENO- RET: approaching mechanisms for retinal degeneration

11:45 Scholl H. P. N., Wittich A., 2809-6.06 Schmitz-Valckenberg S., Holz F. G. (Bonn/D) Fundus Autofluorescence (FAF) in Geographic Atrophy due to AMD: Photoreceptor sensitivity loss in areas of abnormal FAF and prognostic determinants derived from FAF

13:00 - 14:00 Lunch Symposium F-28-01 Alcon Laboratories, Inc. (Fort Worth/USA) A Brief Update on Glaucoma – From Pathogenesis to Therapy (For details on company symposia see page 244) Scientific Programme 113

Hall 4/5 Wednesday, 28 September 2005

14:30 - 15:30 Miscellaneous 2, Trauma 2809-7 Chair: Kuhn F. (Birmingham/USA), Schrader W. (Würzburg/D)

14:30 Neagoe R., Roata-Moale S., Ghidanac L., 2809-7.01 S Olah L. (Bucharest/RO) A rare association between two forms of coloboma: optic pit disc and choroidal coloboma

14:37 Savitch A. V., Imshanetskaya T. (Minsk/BY) 2809-7.02 S Diode Laser in treatment traction complications of proliferative diabetic retinopathy

14:44 Wolf A., Kampik A., Haritoglou C. (München/D) 2809-7.03 S Imaging of uveal melanoma using ultrasound enhancing agents (UCA) in conventional B-scan sonography

14:51 Schrage N. F., Frentz M., Reim M., 2809-7.04 O Kondring B., Becker J. (Köln/D, Aachen/D) Inflammation mediator detection in the "ex vivo eye irritation test" (EVEIT)

15:01 Schrader W., Josifova T. (Würzburg/D, Skopje/MK)2809-7.05 O On the risk of perforation in peribulbar injections – how detailed do I have to inform the patient?

15:11 Imshanetskaya T., Savitch A. V. (Minsk/BY) 2809-7.06 S Ultrasound biomicroscopic detection of intraocular foreign bodies Scientific Programme 28.9.2005 Wednesday,

15:18 Entezari M. (Tehran/IR) 2809-7.07 S Visual outcome and ocular survival in open-globe injuries

16:30 - 18:00 Physiological Optics, Neuro-ophthalmology, Lids 2809-8 Chair: Aydin P. (Ankara/TR), Schiefer U. (Tübingen/D)

16:30 Wabbels B. K., Roggenkämper P. (Bonn/D) 2809-8.01 S Long-term follow-up of patients with frontalis sling operation in the treatment of essential blepharospasm unresponsive to botulinum-toxin therapy

16:37 Pieh C., Shahani U., McCulloch D., Bach M. 2809-8.02 S (Freiburg/D, Glasgow/UK) Maturation of the visual system in infants born at term and preterm infants: a comparative study applying the temporal frequency transfer function of the flash VEP

16:44 Erb C., Ulrich T., Meyer M. W., Schröder A. 2809-8.03 S (Rostock/D, Hannover/D) Practicability of frequency doubling perimetry in children from 7 to 14 years

16:51 Müller M. I., Meyer M. W., Schröder A., Erb C. 2809-8.04 S (Hannover/D, Rostock/D) Age-dependent decline of contrast visual acuity with a new test using Landolt rings

16:58 Czepita D., Z˙ejmo M., Mojsa A. (Szczecin/PL) 2809-8.05 S The influence of reading, writing, working on a computer or watching television on the creation of myopia 114 Scientific Programme

Hall 4/5 Wednesday, 28 September 2005

17:05 Pojda-Wilczek D., Pojda S. M., Herba E., 2809-8.06 O Plech A., Makowiecka-Obidzin´ ska K., Zatorska B. (Bytom/PL) Diagnosis: retrobulbar optic neuritis. Is it certain?

17:15 Pawlowski P., Mrugacz M., 2809-8.07 S Bakunowicz-Lazarczyk A. (Bialystok/PL) Visual field loss in patients with epilepsy treated with vigabatrin

17:22 Link B., Jünemann A. G. M., Horn F. K. 2809-8.08 S (Erlangen/D) Pattern reversal ERG with LED-stimulation using cyclic summation technique

17:29 Shahriari H. A., Massoomian B. (Zahedan/IR) 2809-8.09 O Evaluation of ocular finding in B thalassemia under treatment with Desferal

17:39 Carrim Z. I., Reeks G. A., Chohan A. W., 2809-8.10 O Dunn L. T., Hadley D. M. (Glasgow/UK, Edinburgh/UK) Predicting impairment of central vision from dimensions of the optic chiasm in patients with pituitary adenoma

17:49 Grkovic D., Babovic S., Bedov T., Ivanovic S., 2809-8.11 S Tepavcevic A. (Novi Sad/SCG) Visual outcome and prognostic factors after surgical treatment of suprasellar meningioma

17:56 Spahiu K., Kaçaniku G., Shabani A., Zhuri B. 2809-8.12 S (Prishtina/KS) Correction of severe ptosis by suspension of the frontalis muscle with Zenoderm strip Scientific Programme 115

Hall 14.2 (Oslo) Wednesday, 28 September 2005

8:30 - 9:30 Round Table: New Glaucoma Treatment Concepts 2809-9 Chair: Pillunat L. E. (Dresden/D)

08:30 Pillunat L. E. (Dresden/D) Is there a need for new treatment concepts in glaucoma?

08:40 Vorwerk Ch. (Magdeburg/D) The concept of neuroprotection

08:55 Schmetterer L. (Wien/A) The concept of ocular blood flow regulation

09:10 Krieglstein G. K. (Köln/D) Aspects of lowering intraocular pressure

09:25 Final Discussion

10:00 - 12:00 Management of Orbital Diseases 2809-10 Chair: Hintschich C. (München/D)

Although the management of orbital diseases is advocated as an interdisciplinary approach, the ophthalmologist with his expertise is still the first contact for patients with orbital pathology. Therefore the ophthalmologist needs to know about the best way to diagnosis, feasible therapies and possi- ble outcomes of orbital diseases. This symposium will focus on the management of some really common and essential orbital Scientific Programme 28.9.2005 Wednesday, diseases, beginning with a practical diagnosis of orbital disea- ses based on the speed of proptosis onset and age affected. The single most common orbital pathology is Graves´ disease, and guidelines for both conservative and surgical management will be given. Finally, diagnosis, therapy and outcome of the most common benign and malignant orbital and periorbital tumours will be highlighted.

Rose G. (London/UK) 2809-10.01 What causes proptosis and when is it dangerous?

Hintschich C. (München/D) 2809-10.02 How should we deal with the Graves’ patient?

Lieb W. (Karlsruhe/D) 2809-10.03 Therapy of orbital and periorbital vascular neoplasms and malformations – state of the art

Rose G. (London/UK) 2809-10.04 Orbital lymphoma – a serious diagnosis! 116 Scientific Programme

Hall 14.2 (Oslo) Wednesday, 28 September 2005

13:00 - 14:00 Lunch Symposium F-28-02 Pfizer Pharma GmbH (Karlsruhe/D) Meeting Patient Demands for a Targeted Solution to Dry Eye Chair: Guillon M. (London/UK) (For details on company symposia see page 244)

15:00 - 16:00 Round Table: ARMD – Treatment Options 2809-11 between Pharmacological Therapy and Surgery Chair: Kirchhof B. (Köln/D), van Meurs J. (Rotterdam/NL)

Recent progress on the pathogenesis of age related macular degeneration has generated new treatment options. Growing numbers of anti-angiogenic agents as well as surgical progress in RPE translocation demands constant learning about indicati- ons to treat, but also learning to interpret statistical evaluation and relevance of clinical reports. It is the original task of the ophthalmologist to advise his patients on their specific indicati- on to treat and its expectations. This round table provides short introductions and focused discussion between experts (and open to the audience) to clarify the relevance of current treatment options relative to appearance and stage of disease and relative to each other.

Pauleikhoff D. (Münster/D) 2809-11.01 Pharmacotherapy, Recommendation of the „Macula Board“ (DOG, Ret.Soc., BVA)

Joussen A. M. (Köln/D) 2809-11.02 Significance versus Relevance (critical interpretation of clinical studies)

Wong D. (Liverpool/UK) 2809-11.03 Maculatranslocation, patient selection

Bartz-Schmidt K. U. (Tübingen/D) 2809-11.04 Maculatranslocation versus PDT

Holz F. G. (Bonn/D) 2809-11.05 Free Graft of RPE

Kirchhof B. (Köln/D) 2809-11.06 Free Graft of RPE and Choroid

Discussion on the basis of case presentations and questions Moderator: Kirchhof B. (Köln/D)

16:30 - 17:30 Poster Session 3 P-2801 Chair: Bandello F. (Udine/I), Pfeiffer N. (Mainz/D)

Selected posters from poster group P280 to P417 will be presented and discussed followed by the poster award ceremony. Scientific Programme 117

Hall 7 Wednesday, 28 September 2005

10:00 - 11:30 Glaucoma: OP 2 (DOG) 2809-13 Glaukom: OP 2 (DOG) Chair: Funk J. (Freiburg/D), Winter R. (Hannover/D)

10:00 Gracˇner T., Falezˇ M., Gracˇner B., Pahor D. 2809-13.01 S (Maribor/SLO) Six-year follow-up of selective laser trabeculoplasty in primary open-angle glaucoma Sechs Jahre Nachbeobachtungszeit der selektiven Lasertrabe- kuloplastik bei primärem Offenwinkelglaukom

10:07 Wilmsmeyer S., Lautebach S., Funk J. 2809-13.02 S (Freiburg/D) Success rate of excimer laser trabeculotomy Excimerlasertrabekulotomie: Wann ist die Operation besonders erfolgversprechend?

10:14 Jäger M., Winkler O., Schmitz P., Gerke E. 2809-13.03 S (Wuppertal/D) Trabecular aspiration in secondary open angle glaucoma with pseudoexfoliation syndrome Trabekelaspiration als minimal invasives Verfahren bei sekundä- rem Offenwinkelglaukom mit Pseudoexfoliationssyndrom (PEX)

10:21 Jordan J. F., Dinslage S., Dietlein T. S., 2809-13.04 S Konen W., Krieglstein G. K. (Köln/D) Cyclodialysis ab interno as a surgical option for refractory glaucoma Scientific Programme 28.9.2005 Wednesday, Zyklodialyse ab-interno als chirurgische Option beim therapierefraktären Glaukom

10:28 Dashevskiy A., Kotliar K. (München/D) 2809-13.05 S Two year follow-up of hypotensive effect of the non- penetrating deep sclerectomy with removal of jukstacanalicular and corneoscleral layers of the trabecular meshwork Ergebnisse zweijähriger Beobachtung des hypotensiven Effekts nach der nicht-penetrierenden tiefen Sklerektomie mit der Entfernung jukstakanalikulären und korneoskleralen Schichten des Trabekelwerks

10:35 Remky A., Kaup M., Plange N. (Aachen/D) 2809-13.06 S Retrobulbar hemodynamics in patients undergoing trabeculectomy. Pre- and postoperative results Retrobulbäre Hämodynamik bei Glaukompatienten vor und nach Trabekulektomie

10:42 Koch J. M., Heinz C., Heiligenhaus A., 2809-13.07 S Wibben A (Münster/D) Subconjunctival application of triamcinolone during trabeculectomy Trabekulektomie mit intraoperativer, subkonjunktivaler Triamcinolongabe

10:49 Reinthal E. K., Grüb M., Besch D., Denk P. O., 2809-13.08 S Bartz-Schmidt K. U. (Tübingen/D, Santiago/RCH) Dose, timing and frequency of subconjunctival 5-FU injections after glaucoma filtering surgery 5-Fluorouraciltherapie nach filtrierender Glaukomoperation: Bedeutung der Applikationshäufigkeit, der Dosis und des Zeitpunktes 118 Scientific Programme

Hall 7 Wednesday, 28 September 2005

10:56 Beuerle S., Philippin H., Wilmsmeyer S., 2809-13.09 S Funk J. (Freiburg/D) Combined cataract and glaucoma surgery: 5-year follow-up of endoscope-controlled erbium: YAG-laser goniotomy versus trabeculectomy Kombinierte Katarakt- und Glaukomchirurgie: 5-Jahres- Ergebnisse von endoskopisch kontrollierter Erbium: YAG-Laser-Goniotomie im Vergleich mit Trabekulektomie

11:03 Lüke C., Dietlein T. S., Lüke M., Hueber A., 2809-13.10 S Konen W., Krieglstein G. K. (Köln/D, Tübingen/D) Phacoemulsification and deep sclerectomy plus trabeculotomy compared with phacoemulsfication and trabeculectomy – a prospective randomized trial Kombinierte Kataraktglaukomchirurgie mit Phakoemulsifika- tion, tiefer Sklerektomie und Trabekulotomie im Vergleich mit Phakoemulsifikation und Trabekulektomie – eine prospektive Studie

11:10 Schulze A., Thieme H., Bechrakis N. E., 2809-13.11 S Foerster M. H. (Berlin/D) Comparison of Molteno implant with Ahmed valve implant in complicated glaucomas Vergleich des Molteno-Implantats mit dem Ahmed-Valve- Implantat bei therapierefraktären Glaukomen

14:00 - 16:00 Cornea 2 (DOG) 2809-14 Kornea 2 (DOG) Chair: Pleyer U. (Berlin/D), Sekundo W. (Marburg/D)

14:00 von Figura A., Müller A., Lamprecht P., 2809-14.01 S Geerling G. (Lübeck/D) Matrix Metalloproteinases (MMPs) and TIMP-1 in tears of RA-patients: is plasma the source? Matrix Metalloproteinasen (MMPs) und TIMP-1 in den Tränen von RA-Patienten: ist das Plasma die Quelle?

14:07 Kraak R., Erdélyi B., Guthoff R. F., Németh J. 2809-14.02 S (Rostock/D, Budapest/H) Confocal microscopy of the corneal epithelium in dry eye and lagophthalmus patients Konfokale Hornhautmikroskopie bei Patienten mit trockenem Auge und Lagophthalmus

14:14 Schilde T., Spörl E., Kohlhaas M., Pillunat L. E. 2809-14.03 S (Dresden/D) Enzymatic evidence of the depth dependence of stiffening on riboflavin/UVA treated corneas Enzymatischer Nachweis der Tiefenabhängigkeit der Vernetzungswirkung von Riboflavin/UVA an der Hornhaut

14:21 Grüb M., Wallenfels-Thilo B., Denk P. O., 2809-14.04 S Reinthal E. K., Bartz-Schmidt K. U., Rohrbach J. M. (Tübingen/D, Vitacura-Santiago/RCH) Adrenergic and muscarinic receptors of the cornea Adrenerge und muskarinerge Rezeptoren der Hornhaut Scientific Programme 119

Hall 7 Wednesday, 28 September 2005

14:28 Meltendorf C. G., Jaroszewski J., Hartmann C., 2809-14.05 S Ohrloff C. (Frankfurt a. M./D, Berlin/D) Endothelial cell density in porcine corneas after osmotically induced dilation of intercellular spaces Korneale Endothelzelldichte nach osmotischer Stimulation zur Erweiterung der Interzellularräume

14:35 Wallenfels-Thilo B., Grüb M., Mielke J., 2809-14.06 S Reinthal E. K., Bartz-Schmidt K. U., Rohrbach J. M. (Tübingen/D) D1- and D2-like dopamine receptors of the human cornea Dopamin D1 und Dopamin D2 Rezeptoren in der humanen Kornea

14:42 El-Wardani M., Grüb M., Wallenfels-Thilo B., 2809-14.07 S Mielke J., Bartz-Schmidt K. U., Rohrbach J. M. (Tübingen/D) Protein kinase C isoforms in human corneal epithelium and endothelium Proteinkinase C Isoformen in humanem Hornhautepithel und -endothelium

14:49 Grünauer-Kloevekorn C., Bräutigam S., 2809-14.08 S Weidle E. G., Wolter-Roessler M. J., Tost F. H. W., Froster U., Duncker G. I. W. (Halle (Saale)/D, Leipzig/D, Stuttgart/D, Rosenheim/D, Greifswald/D) Moleculargenetic and histopathological examinations for genotype-phenotype correlations in patients with BIGH3 linked corneal dystrophies Molekulargenetische und histopathologische Untersuchungen Scientific Programme 28.9.2005 Wednesday, zur Genotyp-Phänotyp-Analyse bei BIGH3-gekoppelten Horn- hautdystrophien

14:56 Linke S. J., Klemm M., Bartsch U. (Hamburg/D) 2809-14.09 S Systematic analysis of corneal dystrophies by in vivo confocal microscopy Systematische Analyse kornealer Dystrophien mit der konfoka- len in-vivo-Mikroskopie

15:03 Viestenz A., Langenbucher A., Seitz B., 2809-14.11 S Viestenz A. (Erlangen/D) Evaluation of the dynamic contour tonometry (PASCAL) in corneal pathologies Evaluierung der Dynamischen Contour Tonometrie (PASCAL) bei pathologischen Hornhäuten

15:10 Fuchsluger T. A., Steuhl K.-P., Esser J., 2809-14.12 S Meller D. (Essen/D) Amniotic membrane transplantation and botox-induced ptosis in treatment of severe corneal ulcerations Transplantation der Amnionmembran und Botox-induzierte Ptosis in der Therapie schwerer kornealer Ulzera

15:17 Schroeder A., Theiss C., Meller K., Steuhl K.-P., 2809-14.13 S Meller D. (Bochum/D, Essen/D) Human amniotic membrane serves as a substratum for neuritic growth Die humane Amnionmembran als Substrat für die Neuriten- aussprossung von Spinalganglien

15:24 Spelsberg H., Sundmacher R. (Düsseldorf/D) 2809-14.14 S Management of Mooren’s ulcer with amniotic membrane (AM) transplantation and high-dose systemic Cyclosporine A 120 Scientific Programme

Hall 7 Wednesday, 28 September 2005

15:31 Butros S., Lang G. K., Alvarez de Toledo J., 2809-14.15 S Teimann U., Rohrbach J. M., Lisch W. (Ulm/D, Barcelona/E, Dortmund/D, Tübingen/D, Hanau/D) The different opacity patterns of Lisch corneal dystrophy Die verschiedenen Trübungsmuster der Lisch-Hornhaut- dystrophie

15:38 Pogorelov P., Langenbucher A., Kus M. M., 2809-14.16 S Kruse F. E., Seitz B. (Erlangen/D, Nürnberg/D) Long-term results of phototherapeutic keratectomy for Reis-Bücklers’ corneal dystrophy Langzeitergebnisse der phototherapeutischen Keratektomie bei der Hornhautdystrophie Reis-Bücklers

15:45 Neumaier K., Geerling G. (Lübeck/D) 2809-14.17 S Controlled retrospective study of alcohol delamination (AD) and phototherapeutic keratectomy for recurrent corneal erosions Alkoholabrasio zur Therapie der rezidivierenden Erosio cornea – Ein retrospektiver kontrollierter Vergleich mit der photothera- peutischen Keratektomie (PTK) im 1-Jahres-Follow-up

16:30 - 18:00 Present and Future Clinical Studies in 2809-15 Ophthalmology Derzeitige und zukünftige klinische Studien in der Ophthalmologie Chair: Zierhut M. (Tübingen/D)

16:30 Cursiefen C., Seitz B., Kruse F. E. (Erlangen/D) 2809-15.01 Phase II Multicenter Studie zur Evaluation der Wirksamkeit topischer antiangiogener Antisenseoligonukleotide an der Hornhaut

16:40 Egger S. F., Barry P., Seal D., Grabner G. 2809-15.02 (Salzburg/A) Antibiotikaprophylaxe postoperativer Endophthalmitiden nach Kataraktoperationen - Eine europäische, prospektive, randomi- sierte multizentrische Studie

16:50 Egger S. F., Iwig M., Gläßer D., 2809-15.03 Lautenschläger C., Struck H. G. (Salzburg/A, Halle (Saale)/D) Untersuchung zur molaren Fettsäuren- und Albuminkonzentra- tion im Blut als Parameter für die Kataraktentwicklung

17:00 Becker M. D. (Heidelberg/D) 2809-15.04 Eine monozentrische, randomisierte, kontrollierte Studie zur Untersuchung von Interferon-beta zur Behandlung der Multi- plen-Sklerose (MS)-assoziierten und primären Uveitis interme- dia im Vergleich zur Standardtherapie

17:10 Wrede J., Schneider U., Joussen A. M., 2809-15.05 Holz F. G., Mester U., Dithmar S. (Heidelberg/D, Tübingen/D, Köln/D, Bonn/D, Sulzbach (Saar)/D) Pegaptanib (Macugen®) zur Behandlung des Makulaödems bei Zentravenenverschluss (EOP1011) Scientific Programme 121

Hall 7 Wednesday, 28 September 2005

17:20 Helb H.-M., Roth F., Wittich A., Eter N., 2809-15.06 Scholl H. P. N., Holz F. G. (Bonn/D) EST: Excimer Laser assistierte RPE-Sheet Translokation nach subfovealer CNV-Exzision bei AMD

17:30 Joussen A. M., Heußen F. M. A., Llacer H., 2809-15.07 Kirchhof B. (Köln/D) PATCH-Study: Peripheral autologuous translocation of the choroid In veovascular age-related macular degeneration PATCH-Studie: Peripheral Autologous Translocation of the Choroid In Neovascular Age Related Macular Degeneration

17:40 Gandorfer A., Kampik A. (München/D) 2809-15.08 Microplasmin-assistierte Vitrektomie – „MIVI Trial“

17:50 Wachtlin J., Stroux A., Schubert K., 2809-15.09 Foerster M. H., Gabel V.-P., Gamulescu M.-A. (Berlin/D, Regensburg/D)

ITAP – intravitreal triamcinolone and PDT. A prospective randomised multi-centre phase 3 study of combination therapy using triamcinolone and PDT for exudative AMD ITAP - intravitreales Triamcinolon und PDT. Eine prospektive randomisierte Multicenter Phase 3 Studie zur Kombinationsbe- handlung der exsudativen AMD mittels PDT und Triamcinolon Scientific Programme 28.9.2005 Wednesday, 122 Scientific Programme

Hall 8 Wednesday, 28 September 2005

8:15 - 9:45 Retinal Detachment 2809-16 Chair: Körner F. (Bern/CH)

Körner F. (Bern/CH) Introduction

8:15 Tamm E. R. (Regensburg/D) 2809-16.01 Embryological and anatomical aspects of the vitreo-retinal region

8:25 Bartz-Schmidt K. U. (Tübingen/D) 2809-16.02 Management of rhegmatogenous retinal detachment

8:35 Ahmadieh H. (Tehran/IR) 2809-16.03 Scleral buckling or primary vitrectomy: Results of the Iranian PARD study

8:45 Foerster M. H., Heimann H. (Berlin/D) 2809-16.04 Primary vitrectomy or buckling surgery in rhegmatogenous retinal detachment: Results of the SPR study

8:55 Kirchhof B. (Köln/D) 2809-16.05 PVR after detachment surgery: a solved problem?

9:05 Wolf S. (Bern/CH) 2809-16.06 Heavy silicone oil in complicated retinal detachment

9:15 Körner F., Garweg J. G., Körner-Stiefbold U. 2809-16.07 (Bern/CH) Effect of systemic corticosteroids after retinal detachment surgery: a randomized controlled study

9:25 Garweg J. G., Moser F., Halberstadt M. (Bern/CH) 2809-16.08 Vitreoretinal complications of anterior segment surgery

9:35 El-Rakhavy K. (Cairo/ET) 2809-16.09 ILM removal in idiopathic macular hole surgery versus myopic macular hole surgery – differences in technique and results

10:15 - 12:15 Fluorescein Angiography Symposium in 2809-17 Association with the FAN Club Chair: Wolf S. (Bern/CH), Leys A. (Leuven/B), Lang G. E. (Ulm/D)

Expert Interactive case discussion of clinical and fluorescence angiographic findings. Please register case presentations with Prof. S. Wolf. E-mail: [email protected] Scientific Programme 123

Hall 8 Wednesday, 28 September 2005

14:00 - 16:00 Neue diagnostische Möglichkeiten in der 2809-18 Augenheilkunde Chair: Guthoff R. F. (Rostock/D), Birngruber R. (Lübeck/D)

14:00 Eröffnung Prof. Guthoff, Prof. Birngruber

14:03 - 14:11 PASCAL Dynamic Contour Tonometer (Ziemer Ophthalmic Group) „Dynamische Konturtonometrie: Funktionsweise und aktueller wissenschaftlicher Stand“ Firmenvertreter: A. von Wallfeld, Leitung Marketing+Vertrieb, Technomed GmbH, Baesweiler „Dynamische Konturtonometrie im klinischen Alltag und im Vergleich mit der Intrakameralmessung“ Klinischer Anwender: Prof. Dr. F. Grehn, Dr. E. Schneider, Würzburg

14:11 - 14:14 Diskussion

14:14 - 14:22 Zyoptix Diagnostic Workstation (Bausch & Lomb/Technolas) „Vorstellung der Zyoptix Diagnostic Workstation“ Firmenvertreter: B. Roth, Leiter Technik, Bausch & Lomb, München „Iriserkennung und Umsetzung in der refraktiven Chirurgie“ Klinische Anwender: Dr. J. Wolff, Dortmund Scientific Programme 28.9.2005 Wednesday,

14:22 - 14:24 Diskussion

14:24 - 14:32 Microperimeter MP-1 (Nidek Technologies) „MP-1- Revolutionäre Perimetrie in Kombination mit dem Fundusbild“ Firmenvertreter: A. Witte, Produktmanager, Nidek Technologies Germany, Erlangen „Neue Optionen der funduskontrollierten Untersuchung mit dem Microperimeter (MP-1)“ Klinischer Anwender: Prof. Dr. K. Rohrschneider, Heidelberg

14:32 - 14:35 Diskussion

14:35 - 14:43 ConfoScan-4 (Nidek Technologies) „CS-4: In-vivo Histologie der Hornhaut in vierter Generation“ Firmenvertreter: F. Alkemade, Niederlassungsleiter, Nidek Technologies Germany, Erlangen „Automatisierte Anwendung der Konfokalen Mikroskopie in der klinischen Praxis“ Klinischer Anwender: Dr. P. Maier, Freiburg

14:43 - 14:45 Diskussion

14:45 - 14:53 HRT II – Rostock Cornea Module (Heidelberg Engineering) “Der Einsatz von non-Kontaktobjektiven zur Beurteilung des Tränenfilms” Firmenvertreter: S. Schulz, Leiter Heidelberg Engineering Academy, Dossenheim Klinischer Anwender: R. Kraak, Rostock

14:53 - 14:56 Diskussion 124 Scientific Programme

Hall 8 Wednesday, 28 September 2005

14:56 - 15:04 Visante OCT (Carl Zeiss Meditec) „Optische Kohärenztomographie für den vorderen Augenab- schnitt“ Firmenvertreter: B. Wagner, Produktmanagement, Carl Zeiss Meditec, Jena „Erste klinische Erfahrungen mit dem Visante OCT – Evaluati- on von Patienten für refraktiv-chirurgische Maßnahmen“ Klinischer Anwender: Prof. Dr. T. Kohnen, Frankfurt/Main

15:04 - 15:06 Diskussion

15:06 - 15:14 Digitale Spaltlampe bon DigiPro (bon Optic) „Digitale Dokumentation vom Augenvordergrund und vom Augenhintergrund“ Firmenvertreter: E. Pemöller, Produktspezialist, bon Optic, Lübeck Klinischer Anwender: Dr. Schmitz, Aachen

15:14 - 15:17 Diskussion

15:17 - 15:25 Topographiesystem bon EyeTop H (bon Optic) „Hornhauttopographische Dokumentation von pre- und post- operativer Katarakt“ Firmenvertreter: E. Pemöller, bon Optic, Lübeck Klinischer Anwender: Dr. Gené, Hannover

15:25 - 15:27 Diskussion

15:27 - 15:35 Ultrawidefield Laser Scanning Ophthalmoscope (Optos GmbH) “Ultrawidefield Retinal Imaging capturing up to 200 Degrees of the Retina” Firmenvertreter: Fiona Lowrie, European Sales and Marketing Director, Dunfermline, U.K. “Application of Ultrawidefiled Retinal Imaging in practice” Klinischer Anwender: Prof. Dr. A. Neubauer, München

15:35 - 15:38 Diskussion

15:38 - 15:46 Excimerlaser ESIRIS „Optische online Pachymetrie mit dem Excimerlaser ESIRIS“ Firmenvertreter: T. Magnago, Schwind eye-tech-solutions GmbH & Co. KG, Kleinostheim „Optische online Pachymetrie am Excimerlaser während der LASIK“ Klinischer Anwender: Prof. Dr. F. Fankhauser

15:46 - 15:48 Diskussion

15:48 - 15:56 C-Quant (OCULUS Optikgeräte GmbH) Firmenvertreter: R. Kirchhübel, OCULUS Optikgeräte GmbH, Wetzlar “Clinical importance and measurement of retinal straylight, a functional means to quantify optical media turbidity“ Klinischer Anwender/Inventor: Dr. Tom van den Berg, NORI, Amsterdam

15:56 - 16:00 Diskussion und Schlusswort Scientific Programme 125

Hall 8 Wednesday, 28 September 2005

16:30 - 18:00 DOG Award Ceremony Chair: Foerster, M. H. (Berlin/D)

International DOG Awards – Theodor Axenfeld Award, donated by „Klinische Monats- blätter für Augenheilkunde“ from Georg Thieme Publishers

DOG Awards – Forschungsförderung der DOG für innovative wissenschaft- liche Projekte in der Augenheilkunde - Grundlagen- forschung, Klinische Forschung und Klinische Studien – Forschungspreis der DOG, gestiftet von der Kröner Stiftung – Von Graefe-Preis der DOG – Forschungspreis der DOG, gestiftet von Bausch & Lomb GmbH – Chibret Goldmedaille – Leonhard-Klein-Preis – Promotionspreis des Hermann-Wacker-Fonds

(For details on awards see page 18) Scientific Programme 28.9.2005 Wednesday, 126 Scientific Programme

Hall 9 Wednesday, 28 September 2005

8:15 - 9:45 New Methods for Treating Retinal 2809-20 Venous Occlusion Chair: Hansen L. L. (Freiburg/D), Pournaras C. J. (Geneva/CH)

The symposium will focus on new treatment modalities during the acute phase of retinal vein occlusion. The speakers will address the feasability, the results, complications and the evidence of the new methods. In addition the possible role of intravitreal steroids in limiting and reducing permanent damage caused by cystoid macular edema will be dealt with.

Williamson T. H. (London/UK) 2809-20.01 Acute phase medical treatment in retinal vein occlusion: an overview

Hattenbach L.-O. (Frankfurt a. M./D) 2809-20.02 Arteriovenous dissection (sheathotomy) in branch retinal vein occlusion: state-of-the-art

Roider J. (Kiel/D) 2809-20.03 Radial optic neurotomy: new hope for central retinal vein occlusion?

Hansen L. L. (Freiburg/D) 2809-20.04 Retinal Endovascular Lysis: can the high expectance be fulfilled?

Pournaras C. J. (Genève/CH) 2809-20.05 Intravitreal triamcinolone – a new tool for retinal vein occlusion?

All speakers 2809-20.06 Round Table

10:15 - 12:15 EPOS@SOE Symposium: 2809-21 Genetics and Paediatric Ophthalmology Chair: Lorenz B. (Regensburg/D), Dollfus H. (Strasbourg/F)

10:15 Lorenz B. (Regensburg/D) 2809-21.01 Introduction

10:20 Franceschetti A. (Meyrin/CH) 2809-21.02 History of EPOS

10:35 Moore A. (London/UK) 2809-21.03 Genetics of childhood cataract

10:55 Munier F. (Lausanne/CH) 2809-21.04 Advances in diagnosing paediatric corneal dystrophies

11:15 Silva E. (Coimbra/P) 2809-21.05 Genetic diseases of the eye – diagnostic and therapeutic aspects

11:35 Preising M., Paunescu K. (Regensburg/D) 2809-21.06 Expanding diagnostic tools in paediatric retinal dystrophies

11:55 Dollfus H. (Strasbourg/F) 2809-21.07 Syndromic retinal dystrophies Scientific Programme 127

Hall 9 Wednesday, 28 September 2005

14:00 - 15:30 Intraocular Tumors – from Clinic to 2809-22 Molecular Genetics and Back Chair: Bornfeld N. (Essen/D), Damato B. D. (Liverpool/UK)


Zeschnigk M., Lohmann D. (Essen/D) 2809-22.01 Diagnosis and impact of monosomy 3 in uveal melanoma

Damato B. D. (Liverpool/UK) 2809-22.02 How Do I use molecular genetic information as an ophthalmologist?

Anastassiou G., Bechrakis N. E. (Essen/D, Berlin/D) 2809-22.03 New approaches in the treatment of intraocular melanoma

Kivelä T. (Helsinki/FIN) 2809-22.04 Treatment of systemic disease in uveal melanoma


Hungerford J. (London/UK) 2809-22.05 Chemotherapy of retinoblastoma – impact of ancillary treatment

Hadjistilianou T., Munier F. (Siena/I, Lausanne/CH) 2809-22.06 Alternatives to systemic therapy in retinobasltoma

Seregard S. (Stockholm/S) 2809-22.07 Scientific Programme 28.9.2005 Wednesday, Intraocular vascular tumours 128 Scientific Programme

Hall 9 Wednesday, 28 September 2005

16:00 - 18:00 Symposium Vision 2020/International 2809-23 Ophthalmology, IAPB Europe: Vision 2020 – the coming 15 years Chair: Klauß V. (München/D), Resnikoff S. (Geneva/CH)

The Symposium is aiming at analyzing the achievements so far and options for the future of the programme Vision 2020, The Right to Sight.

Seven speakers will discuss the major causes of blindness and strategies for the Prevention and Elimination: Childhood blindness, glaucoma, onchocerciasis, cataract. Options for the input of European ophthalmologists will be outlined. Two speakers will explain options for Europe's role and input in blindness prevention worldwide and for Eastern Europe and Central Asia in particular through the programme of IAPB Europe. Clear guidelines will be given regarding programmes and strategies for blindness prevention until 2020 under guidance of WHO in collaboration with National Societies of Ophthalmology, National Committees for the Prevention of Blindness and NGO’s.

Klauß V. (München/D) 2809-23.01 Introduction

Resnikoff S. (Genève/CH) 2809-23.02 Vision 2020 – strategy, achievements since 1999

Muhit M. (London/UK) 2809-23.03 Childhood blindness, targets for 5 continents

Mariotti S. (Genève/CH) 2809-23.04 Can blindness be eliminated?

Klauß V. (München/D) 2809-23.05 Can Africa follow Asia to eliminated cataract blindness?

Hopkins A. D. (Kinshasa/ZRE) 2809-23.06 Onchocerciasis: no more blindness after 2010?

Ffytche T. (London/UK) 2809-23.07 IAPB Europe – programme, successes and targets

Kocur I. (Genève/CH) 2809-23.08 Europe's role and input to blindness prevention worldwide till 2020

Preisverleihung 2809-23.09

Tropenophthalmologie-Preis, gestiftet vom Deutschen Komitee zur Verhütung von Blindheit e.V., AMO Germany GmbH, Human Optics Deutschland GmbH & Co. KG, W 2 O Medizin- technik AG

Forschungsförderung Tropenophthalmologie, gestiftet vom Deutschen Komitee zur Verhütung von Blindheit e.V., der DOG und der Carl Zeiss AG Scientific Programme 129

Hall 10 Wednesday, 28 September 2005

8:15 - 9:45 Morbus Adamantiades-Behçet 2809-24 Chair: Krause L. (Berlin/D), Pleyer U. (Berlin/D), Zouboulis C. C. (Berlin/D)

Krause L., Pleyer U. (Berlin/D) 2809-24.01 Eye involvement in Adamantiades-Behçet disease

LeHoang P., Sbaï A., Wechsler B., Cassoux N., 2809-24.02 Du-Boutin L. T. H., Bodaghi B., Duhaut P., Dormont D., Laffite C., Amoura Z., Cacoub P., Piette J. C. (Paris/F) Neuro-ophtalmic complications in behcet’s disease: evaluation of 112 patients

Kötter I., Amberger C., Zierhut M., Günaydin I., 2809-24.03 Stübiger N., Deuter C. M. E. (Tübingen/D) Interferon-alpha-2a (IFN-alpha2a) for the treatment of ocular Behçet's disease. Review of the literature, and presentation of INCYTOB – a multicenter, national, single-blind randomised study on IFN-alpha2a versus Cyclosporin A (CSA) for ocular Behçet's disease

Zouboulis C. C., Altenburg A., Papoutsis N., 2809-24.04 Orawa H., Kötter I., Djawari D., Krause L., Pleyer U., Stadler R., Kirch W., Wollina U., Martus P. (Berlin/D, Tübingen/D) Epidemiology of Adamantiades-Behçet’s disease in Germany

Treudler R., Altenburg A., Zouboulis C. C. (Berlin/D) 2809-24.05 Juvenile-Onset Adamantiades-Behçet disease in Germany Scientific Programme 28.9.2005 Wednesday,

10:15 - 12:15 Ophthalmohistoric Symposium – 2809-25 Julius Hirschberg Society Ophthalmohistorisches Symposium der Julius-Hirschberg-Gesellschaft Chair: Krogmann F. (Thüngersheim/D)

10:15 Krogmann F. (Thüngersheim/D) 2809-25.01

10:20 Freytag T., Bergdolt K. (Köln/D) 2809-25.02 Ophthalmobiotik - ocular dietetics during the Enlightenment and Romantic era

10:40 Tost F. H. W. (Greifswald/D) 2809-25.03 The detention cells in Greifswald and the ophthalmologists

10:50 Erb C. (Rostock/D) 2809-25.04 Diurnal variation of intraocular pressure in glaucoma patients – a historical view

11:10 Discussion 2809-25.05

11:20 Herde J. (Halle (Saale)/D) 2809-25.06 100 years anniversary of the impression tonometer by Schiötz

11:35 Krogmann F. (Thüngersheim/D) 2809-25.07 European Ophthalmology in the year 1843

11:50 Wenzel M. (Trier/D) 2809-25.08 The "Star" – an ophthalmological word introduced by Martin Luther

12:05 Henning A. (Berlin/D) 2809-25.09 The lunar connotation of the eye as semiotic key to paleolithic astronomy 130 Scientific Programme

Hall 10 Wednesday, 28 September 2005

14:00 - 15:30 Vitreomacular Traction 2809-19 Chair: Gandorfer A. (München/D), Hiscott P. (Liverpool/UK)

14:00 Gaudric A. (Paris/F) 2809-19.01 Clinical features of vitreomacular traction

14:15 Hiscott P. (Liverpool/UK) 2809-19.02 Epiretinal pathology of vitreomacular traction

14:25 Sheridan C. (Liverpool/UK) 2809-19.03 Cellular events in vitreomacular traction

14:35 Marshall J. (London/UK) 2809-19.04 Traction-induced changes of the macula

14:50 Haritoglou C. (München/D) 2809-19.05 Vital dyes for macular surgery

15:00 Gregor Z. J. (London/UK) 2809-19.06 Peeling of the inner limiting membrane in traction maculopathy

15:15 Gandorfer A. (München/D) 2809-19.07 Future developments of traction relief – A pathology-based approach Scientific Programme

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Hall 3 Thursday, 29 September 2005

Legend L = lecture, O = oral presentation, S = short oral presentation

8:15 - 9:45 Refractive Surgery 2909-1 Chair: Mandic ´ Z. (Zagreb/HR), Pallikaris I. G. (Heraklion/GR)

8:15 Ochalik K., Gierek-Ciaciura S. (Katowice/PL) 2909-1.01 O Contrast sensitivity function after phakic IOL implantation for correction of high myopia

8:25 Izak M. G. J., Gablasova K., Nikel J., 2909-1.02 S Bielikova A. (Banska Bystrica/SK) Artiflex Myopia PIOL Implantation

8:32 Kaymak H., Dillinger P., Mester U. 2909-1.03 S (Sulzbach (Saar)/D) Influence of intraocular lens power on ocular spherical aberration with conventional and aspherical lenses

8:39 Wygledowska-Promien´ ska D., Zawojska I., 2909-1.04 O Rokita-Wala I. (Katowice/PL) Wavefront-guided photorefractive keratectomy for myopia and myopic astigmatism – 2-year follow-up

8:49 Mrukwa-Kominek E., Gierek-Lapinska A., 2909-1.05 S Magnucka E. (Katowice/PL) The application of 0.25% sodium hyaluronate in the combined procedures PRK/PTK – own results

8:56 Herrmann W. H. A., Hufendiek K., Soergel A., 2909-1.06 S Prahs P., Gabel V.-P., Lohmann C. P. (Regensburg/D, München/D) Keratocyte density in the retroablation area after LASEK for the correction of myopia

9:03 Kupferschmid S., Lang G. K., Kampmeier J. 2909-1.07 S

(Ulm/D) Scientific Programme 29.9.2005 Thursday, Posttraumatic complications after LASIK

9:10 Rokita-Wala I., Zawojska I., Gierek-Ciaciura S., 2909-1.08 S Wygledowska-Promien´ ska D., Mrukwa-Kominek E. (Katowice/PL) Evaluation of high order aberrations of corneal and total optical pathway of the eye depending on refractive error

9:17 Stala P., Ochalik K., Gierek-Ciaciura S., 2909-1.09 O Obidzinski M. (Katowice/PL) Correction of mild myopia and myopic astigmatism in patients with large pupil

9:27 Winkler von Mohrenfels C., Angunawela R., 2909-1.10 S Patmore A., Rajan M., Marshall J., Lohmann C. P. (München/D, London/UK)

Mitomycin C and surface ablation

9:34 Duncker G. I. W. (Halle (Saale)/D) 2909-1.11 L Lamellar corneal surgery for refractive correction 134 Scientific Programme

Hall 3 Thursday, 29 September 2005

10:00 - 12:00 Retina: Rhegmat. Detachment, PVR, 2909-2 Vitreomacular Traction Chair: Pecold K. (Poznan/PL), Binder S. (Wien/A)

10:00 Kuhn F., Morris R., Mester V., Kiss G. 2909-2.10 O (Pécs/H, Birmingham/USA, Abu Dhabi/UAE) Vitrectomy with internal limiting membrane removal for significant macular edema

10:10 Hillenkamp J., Maisch T., Kobuch K., Saikia P., 2909-2.01 O Bosl C., Szeimies R. M., Gabel V.-P. (Regensburg/D) Safety testing of indocyanine green in an organotypic porcine organ culture and cell culture model

10:20 Rodrigues E. B., Meyer C. H., Mennel S., Kroll P. 2909-2.02 O (Florianopolis/BR, Marburg/D) Chromovitrectomy: concept, history, dyes and instruments

10:30 Solonina S., Zybina N., Sinyavsky O., 2909-2.03 S Kuznetsova E. S. (Saint-Petersburg/RUS) Increased hydrogen peroxide production in monocytes and superoxyde dismutase activity in the vitreous in surgical treatment of patients suffering from retinal detachment (RD) with marked proliferative vitreoretinopathy (PVR)

10:37 Barbazetto I., Ishimoto B., Liang J., Dillon J. 2909-2.04 S (New York/USA, Beijing/CN) Measurements of oxygen tension and ascorbic acid in the rabbit vitreous using modified fluorophotometry

10:44 Laganovska G., Lukina R., Mezs A. 2909-2.05 S (Riga/LV, Jelgava/LV) Results of heavy silicone oil for retinal detachment surgery

10:51 Josifova T., Ivanovska M., Antova M., 2909-2.06 O Buckovska V., Duma H., Tetesi B. (Skopje/MK) Retinal detachment surgical procedures in pseudophakic eyes

11:01 Zou X., Heimann H., Jandeck C., Kellner U., 2909-2.07 O Bechrakis N. E., Kreusel K.-M., Helbig H., Krause L., Schüler A., Bornfeld N., Foerster M. H. (Guangzhou/CN, Berlin/D, Siegburg/D, Zürich/CH, Essen/D) Surgical intervention following primary vitrectomy for rhegmatogenous retinal detachment: PVR, macular pucker and cataract

11:11 Schrader W., Janzen F., Unger S. (Würzburg/D) 2909-2.08 O Results of macular hole surgery with and without combined cataract surgery

11:21 Aslanova V., Krasnovid T., Rodin S., 2909-2.09 O Dragomiretskaya E. I. (Odessa/UA) Intravitreal gas injection in the treatment of submacular hemorrhage of different etiology

11:31 Toropygin S., König K., Hille K., Riemann I., 2909-2.11 O Löw U., Ruprecht K. W., Krause M. (Homburg (Saar)/D, Kaluga/RUS) Femtosecond laser scanning microscopy and surgery of the retinal internal limiting membrane: pilot study Scientific Programme 135

Hall 3 Thursday, 29 September 2005

11:41 Baranov A., Troyanovsky R., Solonina S. 2909-2.12 S (Saint-Petersburg/RUS) Experience in the surgical treatment infants with end stages retinopathy of prematurity (ROP)

11:48 Neagoe R., Olah L., Roata-Moale S., 2909-2.13 O Ghidanac L. (Bucharest/RO) Retinal detachment in a case with von Hippel-Lindau syndrome: exudative or rhegmatogenous?

12:30 - 13:00 Keynote Lecture K-2909 Bridging Cataract and Refractive Surgery Kohnen T. (Frankfurt am Main/D)

13:45 - 15:15 Glaucoma 2 2909-3 Chair: Grehn F. (Würzburg/D), Chiselita D. (Iasi/RO)

13:45 Pfeiffer N. (Mainz/D) 2909-3.01 L European Glaukoma Prevention Study: The results and what do they mean?

13:55 Schmetterer L., Fuchsjäger-Mayrl G., 2909-3.02 O Kolodjaschna J., Amoako-Mensah T., Rainer G., Georgopoulos M., Kircher K., Bühl W., Vass C. (Wien/A) Effects of timolol and dorzolamide on ocular blood flow in patients with open angle glaucoma and ocular hypertension

14:05 Ulrich W.-D., Moeller A., Ulrich C., 2909-3.03 S Wernecke K. D. (Borna/D, Berlin/D) The effect of latanoprost, travoprost and timolol on pressure-dependent aqueous humor outflow in patients with primary open-angle glaucoma Scientific Programme 29.9.2005 Thursday, 14:12 Scorolli L., Degli Esposti S., De Martino L., 2909-3.04 S Morara M., Scalinci S. Z., Meduri R. A. (Bologna/I) Deep sclerectomy with a non-absorbable hydrophilic acrylic implant (T-flux): surgical outcomes

14:19 Kaluz˙ny J. J., Grzanka A., Józ´wicki W., 2909-3.05 O Grzanka D., Niewin´ ska A., Wis´niewska H. (Bydgoszcz/PL) Histological study of new vessels in proximity of deep sclerectomy implants

14:29 Mandic ´ Z., Korsic J., Novak-Lausˇ K., 2909-3.06 O Zoric´-Geber M., Bencˇi´c G. (Zagreb/HR) Phacoemulsification and non-penetrating deep sclerectomy: a one site vs a two site approach

14:39 Schmitz K., Hirschfeld K., Behrens-Baumann W. 2909-3.07 S (Magdeburg/D) Comparative study of success rates after trabeculectomy vs. trabeculotomy in eyes with primary open angle glaucoma

14:46 Guthoff R., Klink T., Schlunck G., Grehn F. 2909-3.08 S (Würzburg/D) Filtering bleb confocal in-vivo microscopy

14:53 Pasenco T. V., Pasenco N. L. (Chisinau/MD) 2909-3.10 S Application of an artificial drainage in different forms of the decompensated glaucoma 136 Scientific Programme

Hall 4/5 Thursday, 29 September 2005

8:15 - 9:45 Telemedicine and Medical Informatics 2909-4 Chair: Jan J. (Brno/CZ), Michelson G. (Erlangen/D), Kampik A. (München/D)

IT-based integrated health care-systems become realty. In 2006 the electronic health card will be introduced in Germany. The ambulatory and stationary health care will be connected. The medical doctor in ambulatory care will be supported by telemedical experts. The medical education will be performed partly by internet. Thus a borderfree telematic structure between doctors in private praxis and in hospitals is an important prerequisite. In the symposium Telemedicine and Medical Informatics practitioners give methods of resolution of important aspects of telemedice and medical informatics.

I. Telematics in Health Care

8:30 - 8:50 Brunner, Manfred, Datenschutzbeauftragter 2909-4.01 der Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg Legal Aspects of Integrated Health Care – Protection of data privacy – Aspects of medical law

8:50 - 9:10 Keppler K , e-Eyecare GmbH 2909-4.02 Application of Telematics in an Integrated Health Care-system (Cataract and Retina-surgery in Bavaria) – Facilitation of communication, cooperation and coordination – Optimization of data management – Documentation of internal and external medical quality – Improvement of the compliance and the doctor/patient- relationship

9:10 - 9:40 Dr. Schmidt, Karl-Jürgen, Siemens AG 2909-4.03 Electronic Healthcard: Nucleus of Regular Health Care? – Cost and benefit in stationary and ambulatory care – The patient- his own case manager?

II. Computer-Aided Diagnosis

9:40 - 10:00 Libor Kubecka, Radim Chrastek*, 2909-4.04 Victor Derhartunian*, Berthold Lausen*, Jiri Jan, Heinrich Niemann*, Georg Michelson*, Universität Brno, Tschechia, *University Erlangen-Nürnberg, Germany Optic Disc Segmentation in Multimodal Images of Retina

III. e-learning in Ophthalmology

10:00 - 10:20 Michelson G, Virtuelle Hochschule Bayern 2909-4.05 CME-Certified Medical Education by Internet State of the art in Germany and Europe Costs and benefit Scientific Programme 137

Hall 4/5 Thursday, 29 September 2005

10:30 - 12:00 Symposium ISCEV@SOE: Recent Developments 2909-5 in the Functional Assessment of Retinal Diseases Chair: Kellner U. (Siegburg/D), Holder G. E. (London/UK)

10:30 Rüther K. (Berlin/D) 2909-5.01 Animal models with alterations of post-photoreceptoral function

10:45 Seeliger M. (Tübingen/D) 2909-5.02 Application of animal models to human retinal disease

11:00 Holder G. E. (London/UK) 2909-5.03 Electrophysiology in the diagnosis and management of inflammatory disease

11:15 Kellner U., Renner A. B., Tillack H., Foerster M. H. (Siegburg/D, Berlin/D) 2909-5.04 Retinal function, retinal morphology and molecular genetic findings

11:30 Lorenz B. (Regensburg/D) 2909-5.05 Functional assessment in young children with retinal dystrophies

11:45 Hawlina M. (Ljubljana/SLO) 2909-5.06 Functional assessment in macular dystrophies

14:00 - 15:30 Pathogenetic Factors of AMD and Current 2909-6 and Emerging Treatment Strategies Chair: Holz F. G. (Bonn/D), Bird A. C. (London/UK)

Finding the needle in the haystack – genetic factors in AMD RPE cell dysfunction and drusen biogenesis – what goes

wrong? Scientific Programme 29.9.2005 Thursday, What is the role of macular pigment and potential supple- ments? Imaging strategies in early and late AMD Pharmacological intervention in neovascular AMD Emerging treatment modalities in comparison to PDT Surgical approaches to AMD – today and beyond

Jonasson F. (Reykjavik/IS) 2909-6.01 New insights into the epidemiology of age-related macular degeneration

Bird A. C. (London/UK) 2909-6.02 Genetics of AMD

van Kuijk E. (Galveston/USA) 2909-6.03 Macular pigment: effects of supplementation

Scholl H. P. N., Wittich A., Schmitz-Valckenberg S., 2909-6.04 Holz F. G. (Bonn/D) Fundus autofluorescence in AMD

Tufail A. (London/UK) 2909-6.05 Pathogenetic factors of AMD and current and emerging treatment strategies

Pauleikhoff D. (Münster/D) 2909-6.06 Pharmacotherapy for AMD – what´s new? 138 Scientific Programme

Hall 14.2 (Oslo) Thursday, 29 September 2005

8:15 - 10:15 Conjunctival surface reconstruction / repair 2909-7 Why? – When? – How to reconstruct the conjunctival fornices Chair: Geerling G. (Lübeck/D), Kruse F. E. (Erlangen/D)

The conjunctival fornix allows the eye to follow the move- ments of the extraocular muscles and the lids to cover and protect the ocular surface, especially the cornea. Surgical or accidental trauma and inflammatory disorders such as Stevens- Johnson-Syndrome or mucous membrane pemphigoid can lead to cicatricial conjunctival changes resulting in localised (symblepharon) or generalised fornix shortening, with the fusion of the lid margin to the conjunctival or corneal surface (ankyloblepharon) as the end stage of the process. Exposure, abrasion and malnutrition, due to severe tear deficiency are pathomechanisms that lead to such sight threatening compli- cations as microbial keratitis, progressive ulcerative keratitis or limbal stem cell failure. A number of autologous natural tissues as well as tissue engineered constructs have been used to repair or regenerate the conjunctival surface. This symposi- um reviews the reasons and the results of established and evolving techniques for conjunctival fornix reconstruction and provides up to date guidelines for the perioperative clinical management of severe cicatricial changes of the conjunctiva.

Dart J. K. G. (London/UK) 2909-7.01 Why and when to regenerate / repair

Hintschich C. (München/D) 2909-7.02 Oral mucosa

Holbach L. M. (Erlangen/D) 2909-7.03 Nasal mucous membrane

Schaudig U. (Hamburg/D) 2909-7.04 Duodenal mucosa

Meller D., Fuchsluger T. A., Steuhl K.-P. (Essen/D) 2909-7.05 Fornix reconstruction with amniotic membrane transplantation

Kinoshita S. (Kyoto/J) 2909-7.06 Conjunctival constructs

Geerling G. (Lübeck/D) 2909-7.07 Combined grafts

Kruse F. E., Geerling G. (Erlangen/D, Lübeck/D) 2909-7.08 How to preserve the achievements? (Round Table) Scientific Programme 139

Hall 14.2 (Oslo) Thursday, 29 September 2005

11:00 - 12:00 Round Table: Controversies in trauma surgery 2909-8 Chair: Bartz-Schmidt K. U. (Tübingen/D)

A panel of international recognized experts share their experi- ence with the participants covering the topics: timing of inter- nal reconstruction, i.o. foreign body removal, primary enuclea- tion, treatment of traumatic cataract in children, surgery of secondary traumatic glaucoma and repair of traumatic iris defects. Participants are encouraged to bring their own cases.

Kuhn F. (Birmingham/USA) 2909-8.01 Timing of internal reconstruction

Kirchhof B. (Köln/D) 2909-8.02 I.o. foreign body removal

Rohrbach J. M. (Tübingen/D) 2909-8.03 Primary enucleation

Neuhann T. F. (München/D) 2909-8.04 Treatment of traumatic cataract in children

Koch H.-R. (Bonn/D) 2909-8.05 Repair of traumatic iris defects

Grehn F. (Würzburg/D) 2909-8.06 Surgery of secondary traumatic glaucoma

Bartz-Schmidt K. U. (Tübingen/D) 2909-8.07 Discussion on the basis of case presentations

14:00 - 15:00 Poster Session 4 P-2901 Chair: Duncker G. I. W. (Halle/Saale/D), Hawlina M. (Ljubljana/SLO) Scientific Programme 29.9.2005 Thursday, Selected posters from poster group P418 to P555 will be presented and discussed followed by the poster award ceremony. 140 Scientific Programme

Hall 8 Thursday, 29 September 2005

8:15 - 9:45 Symposium "Functional Assessment in AMD – 2909-9 More than Visual Acuity – the AMD READ Project" Chair: Trauzettel-Klosinski S. (Tübingen/D), Rubin G. (London/UK)

8:15 Trauzettel-Klosinski S. (Tübingen/D) 2909-9.01 Assessment and optimisation of macular function with special regard to reading and motor control – the AMD-READ project: an overview

8:30 Weismann M., Hahn G.-A., Gehrlich C., 2909-9.02 Hyvärinen L., Leinonen M. T., Rubin G., Vital-Durand F., Penka D., Trauzettel-Klosinski S. (Tübingen/D, Turku/FIN, London/UK, Lyon/F) New standardised texts in four European languages for assessing reading performance (AMD-READ-Project)

8:45 Rubin G., Feely M. (London/UK) 2909-9.03 Standardised assessment of reading performance in patient with age-related macular degeneration (AMD-READ project)

9:00 Messias A., Weismann M., Hahn G.-A., 2909-9.04 Gehrlich C., MacKeben M., Trauzettel-Klosinski S. (São Paulo/BR, Tübingen/D, San Francisco/USA) Macular Mapping Test (MMTest) and Tuebingen Automated Perimetry (TAP) as screening methods for early age-related macular degeneration (AMD) – AMD-READ-Project

9:15 Leinonen M. T., Hyvärinen L. (Turku/FIN) 2909-9.05 Where is the TRL? The Turku approach (AMD-READ project)

9:30 Dauxerre C., Koenig-Supiot F., Vital-Durand F. 2909-9.06 (Paris/F, Bronce/F, Lyon/F) Benefits of rehabilitation for reading in AMD patients – AMD-READ-Project

In cooperation with the International Society of Low Vision Research and Rehabilitation (ISLRR). Scientific Programme 141

Hall 8 Thursday, 29 September 2005

10:30 - 12:00 Artificial Vision, Retinal Degeneration 2909-10 Chair: Walter P. (Aachen/D)

The symposium will cover the complete field of retinal and optic nerve prosthesis research from basic research aspects to first experiences in blind RP subjects.

10:30 Eysel U., Kisvárday Z. F. (Bochum/D, Debrecen/H) 2909-10.01 Optical imaging of cortical responses during retinal stimulation

10:43 Eckhorn R., Schanze T. (Marburg/D, Aachen/D) 2909-10.02 Intracortical recordings during retinal stimulation

10:56 Stett A., Schwenger D. (Reutlingen/D) 2909-10.03 Retinal activation in vitro using MEA systems

11:09 Sachs H. G. (Regensburg/D) 2909-10.04 Surgical techniques for subretinal implantation

11:19 Rössler G., Alteheld N. M., Walter P. (Aachen/D) 2909-10.05 Surgical techniques for epiretinal implantation

11:29 Hornig R., Feucht M., Bornfeld N., Laube T., 2909-10.06 Walter P., Rössler G., Velikay-Parel M., Richard G. (Bonn/D, Hamburg/D, Essen/D, Aachen/D, Wien/A) Acute stimulation in blind RP subjects

11:42 Delbeke J. (Brussels/B) 2909-10.07 Optic nerve stimulation

14:00 - 15:30 Genetic Diseases of the Eye – Diagnostic and 2909-11 Therapeutic Aspects Chair: Rudolph G. (München/D), Silva E. (Coimbra/P) Scientific Programme 29.9.2005 Thursday, The symposium will address state-of-the-art aspects on clinical classification, phenotyping and genotype-phenotype correlati- on, that make the basis for a better understanding of retinal biology. The application of functional genomic and proteomic technology platforms to the analysis of normal and dysfunctio- nal retina, enables the clarification of the mechanisms of reti- nal degeneration and generates new information, that forms the basis for future therapeutical interventions. Inherited reti- nal dystrophies are among the next best candidates for genomic-based treatments (gene and cell therapies); however, pharmacological intervention (drug-targeting) and retinal-chip technologies will also play a crucial role in ameliorating the quality of life of these patients.

14:00 Silva E. (Coimbra/P) 2909-11.01 Introduction, Overview

14:15 Moore A. (London/UK) 2909-11.02 Inherited macular dystrophies – genotype, phenotype and prospects for therapy

14:30 Lorenz B. (Regensburg/D) 2909-11.03 Implications of clinical diagnostics for molecular genetic analysis in hereditary eye disorders 142 Scientific Programme

Hall 8 Thursday, 29 September 2005

14:45 Ueffing M., Swiatek de Lange M., Beer M., 2909-11.04 Hauck S. (Neuherberg/D) Proteome analysis of the retina: insight into mechanisms of disease

15:00 Léveillard T., Sahel J.-A. (Paris/F) 2909-11.05 Rod derived cone viability factor. New therapeutic aspects in hereditary retinal diseases

15:15 Zrenner E. (Tübingen/D) 2909-11.06 Restitution of vision by retinal implants Scientific Programme 143

Room Sydney Thursday, 29 September 2005

8:15 - 9:45 Symposia of the European Strabismological 2909-12 Association (ESA): Pitfalls in Strategies of Surgical Management in Strabismus Chair: Herzau V. (Tübingen/D)

Under- and over-corrections in the management of eso- and exotropia are discussed. Apart from basic calibrations mistakes which involve any surgical planning of strabismus, specifical problems will be addressed. For esotropia, the role of accom- modative convergence and that one of anomalous disparity vergence movements (compensation of prims) will be conside- red, as well as the presence of deep amblyopia of the deviated eye. For exotropia, the main problems concern over-correction with loss of normal binocularity in infancy and lack of prediction of relapses in adulthood. Special situations as acute comitant esotropia of myopia (Bielschowsky's strabismus) may also induce errors in the planning of surgery.

Restrictive strabismus cases represent the most challenging problems in strabismus. The strategies of management in congenital and acquired restrictive ocular motility, problems such as congenital extraocular muscle fibrosis and thyroid ophthalmopathy and others will be discussed. Surgical treatment options and possible problems related to surgery will be highlighted.

The differentiation of restrictive and paralytic problems as well as the differentiation of a partial and total paralytic conditions represents a crucial step for planning treatment. Practical methods for the correct evaluation of partial and total palsies as well as congenital and acquired paralytic disorders will be highlighted. The combined use of Botulinum toxin A with sur- gery will also be considered in paralytic ocular motility pro- blems. The indications and practical aspects of the choice of surgical treatment methods in paralytic strabismus cases will

be discussed. Scientific Programme 29.9.2005 Thursday,

Campos E. C. (Bologna/I) 2909-12.01 Pitfalls in strategy of surgical management of comitant strabismus

Özkan S. B. (Aydin/TR) 2909-12.02 Paralytic strabismus

Lee J. P. (London/UK) 2909-12.03 Restrictive strabismus

10:30 - 12:00 Uveitis in Childhood 2909-13 Chair: Zierhut M. (Tübingen/D), Heiligenhaus A. (Münster/D)

10:30 Zulian F., Zannin M. E., Pinello L., Zacchello F. 2909-13.01 (Padua/I) Epidemiology and Prognosis of juvenile idiopathic arthritis associated uveitis

10:45 Tugal-Tutkun I. (Istanbul/TR) 2909-13.02 HLA-B27 associated uveitis

11:00 Edelsten C. (Windsor/UK) 2909-13.03 Immunosuppression 144 Scientific Programme

Room Sydney Thursday, 29 September 2005

11:15 Zierhut M. (Tübingen/D) 2909-13.04 Biologicals in the Treatment of Uveitis in Children

11:30 Heiligenhaus A. (Münster/D) 2909-13.05 Cataract surgery

11:45 Kotaniemi K., Sihto-Kauppi K. (Heinola/FIN) 2909-13.06 Glaucoma secondary to childhood uveitis

13:30 - 15:30 Stem Cell Symposium 2909-14 Chair: Kruse F. E. (Erlangen/D), Reinhard T. (Freiburg/D)

The symposium will address important aspects of stem cell transplantation in various ocular tissues. Due to the recent progress in cell biology, much knowledge has been gained which enables better understanding of ocular stem cells. Stem cell transplantation for ocular surface disease is already used in clinical practice: Speakers will highlight current techniques, explain their problems and discuss further development. New and emerging applications of the stem cell concepts in other parts of the eye will be addressed such as corneal endotheli- um, retina and glaucoma.

13:30 Kruse F. E. (Erlangen/D) 2909-14.01 Introduction

13:32 Schlötzer-Schrehardt U. (Erlangen/D) 2909-14.02 Localization of stem cells in the eye

13:42 Grüterich M. (München/D) 2909-14.03 What have we learned from animal models

13:52 Meller D., Fuchsluger T. A., Steuhl K.-P. (Essen/D) 2909-14.04 Limbal allograft transplantation

14:04 Wylegala E. (Katowice/PL) 2909-14.05 Living related limbal allografts transplantation

14:16 Reinhard T. (Freiburg/D) 2909-14.06 Central limbal allograft transplantation

14:28 Cursiefen C. (Erlangen/D) 2909-14.07 Ex vivo limbal transplantation

14:40 Knop E. (Berlin/D) 2909-14.08 Conjunctival stem cells

14:50 Engelmann K. (Dresden/D) 2909-14.09 Corneal endothelial stem cells

15:00 Joussen A. M. (Köln/D) 2909-14.10 Retinal stem cells

15:15 Tamm E. R. (Regensburg/D) 2909-14.11 Stem cells in glaucoma Poster Videos 146


Poster presentations are an important and effective means of displaying scientific results. Therefore, posters will be exhibited during the entire congress (from Monday to Thursday) in the Poster Exhibition (Foyer 14.2). They will be grouped according to topics and presented in two parts.

Selected posters will be displayed in digital form during the afternoon poster session following the poster award ceremony.

All posters will be prepared in English.

Conventional Poster Presentation

Posters P001 to P279 will be exhibited on Monday and Tuesday

Posters P280 to P555 will be exhibited on Wednesday and Thursday

Poster Discussion and Poster Session First Authors are requested to attend their posters for questions and discussion as follows:

P001 to P139 Monday, 26.09.2005 09.30-10.30 hrs at the poster, 17.00-18.00 hrs in Hall 14.2 (Oslo)

P140 to P279 Tuesday, 27.09.2005 09.30-10.30 hrs at the poster, 14.30-15.30 hrs in Hall 14.2 (Oslo)

P280 to P417 Wednesday, 28.09.2005 09.30-10.30 hrs at the poster 16.30-17.30 hrs in Hall 14.2 (Oslo)

P418 to P555 Thursday, 29.09.2005 09.30-10.30 hrs at the poster 14.00-15.00 hrs in Hall 14.2 (Oslo)

Electronic Posters In addition to the conventional poster presentation, a facility for all delegates to download and view any poster on a plas- ma-display screen during the entire congress will be available. Poster Exhibition 147

Foyer 14.2 Monday, 26.9.2005, 9:30 - 10:30 hrs

P 1. Hungarian Posters

P 001 Nemes V., Wittmann I., Molnár G. A., Ludány A., Biró Z. (Pécs/H) Cataract and oxidative stress of the human lens

P 002 Lesch B., Szabó V., Vámos R., Somfai G. M., Hargitai J., Varsányi B., Farkas Á. (Budapest/H) Optical coherence tomography and electroretinography fin- dings in the cases of 4 Hungarian x-linked juvenile retinoschisis families

P 003 Somfai G. M., Nemes J., Hargitai J., Somogyi A., Salacz G. (Budapest/H) Increased macular volume measured by optical coherence tomography may be the first sign of minor macular changes in diabetes

P 004 Takács L., Tóth E., Orosz Á., Módis L., Berta A. (Debrecen/H) Corneal topographical analysis in family members of keratoco- nus patients

P 005 Vajas A., Módis L., Berta A., Damjanovich J. (Debrecen/H) Atypical posterior keratoconus. Case report

P 006 Komár T., Módis L., Tóth L., Berta A. (Debrecen/H) Melanoma of the iris with vitreus involvement – case report

P 007 Szentmáry N., Szende B., Süveges I. (Budapest/H) P27, p63, CD95, bax, bcl-2, cathepsin and survivin gene expression in corneas of patients with Fuchs’ dystrophy

P 008 Drexler D., Kolozsvári L. (Szeged/H) Volume calculation by three-dimensional ultrasonography in the case of oedema papillae

P 009 Hargitai J., Zernant J., Somfai G. M., Vámos R., Farkas Á., Salacz G., Allikmets R. (Budapest/H, New York/USA) Correlation of clinical and genetic findings in Stargardt disease patients from Hungary

P 010 Ferencz M., Kovacs I., Lesch B., Farkas Á., Somfai G. M., Poster Videos Barabasi Z., Récsán Z., Nemes J., Fiedler O., Salacz G. (Budapest/H) Assessment of possible toxic effect of Indocianine dye applied in macular hole surgery

P 011 Schneider M., Süveges I. (Budapest/H) Diabetic retinopathy: epidemiological data for Hungary

P 012 Nagy V., Takács L., Steiber Z., Pfliegler G., Berta A. (Debrecen/H) Trombophilic screening in retinal artery occlusion patients

P 013 Damjanovich J., Berta A., Bodnar A. (Debrecen/H) Analysis of Cell Surface Receptor Patterns in Uveal Melanoma Cells

P 014 Récsán Z., Gáspár Á., Ferencz M., Nemes J., Salacz G. (Budapest/H) Late or early removal of intraocular foreign bodies via pars plana vitrectomy? 148 Poster Exhibition

Foyer 14.2 Monday, 26.9.2005, 9:30 - 10:30 hrs

P 015 Szentmáry N., Seitz B., Langenbucher A., Naumann G. O. H. (Budapest/H, Erlangen/D) Repeat keratoplasty for correction of high or irregular postke- ratoplasty astigmatism in clear corneal grafts

P 016 Szabó Á., Kolozsvári L. (Szeged/H) Dysthyroid optic neuropathy (DON) complicated by ipsilaterel intracraninal meningeoma – case report

P 017 Borbandy A., Seres A., Pregun T., Szabó A., Papp A. (Budapest/H) Photodynamic therapy of subretinal neovascular membrane in idiopathic juxtafoveal telangiectasis

P 018 Gaál K., Asztalos A., Rotarides N., Orosz Á., Kerényi Á. (Budapest/H) Intraocular pressure and central corneal thickness at the begin- ning and at the end of hemodialysis

P 019 Szentmáry N., Takács L., Berta A., Szende B., Süveges I., Módis L. (Budapest/H, Debrecen/H) Cell proliferation and apoptosis in stromal corneal dystrophies

P 2. Glaucoma 1

P 020 Ang K. K., Liu H. (Orange/AUS) Effects of smoking on the postural response of intraocular pressure

P 021 Arnold L., Schmidt E., Pillunat L. E. (Dresden/D) Einfluss von Glas- und Kunststoffbrillengläsern auf Messungen mit dem GDxVCC Effects of plastic vs. glass spectacles on measurements with the GDxVCC

P 022 Asaoka R., Nakagami T., Liu Y., Ishii R., Hotta Y. (Hamamatsu/J) Levocabastinhydrochloride inhibit the proliferation of human Tenon’s capsule fibroblasts

P 023 Autrata R., Vodicˇková K., Sˇenková K., Rˇehu°rˇek J. (Brno/CZ) The role of brimonidine in the additive treatment of pediatric glaucoma

P 024 Bimbiene R. (Birzai/LT) Results of the diode laser trabeculoplasty in primary open- angle glaucoma

P 025 Böhm A. G., Kohlhaas M., Rose S., Spörl E., Pillunat L. E. (Dresden/D) Der Einfluss der Hornhautdicke, der Bulbuslänge und der Hornhautkrümmung auf die Messung des intraokularen Dru- ckes mittels Applanationstonometrie, Tonopen und OBF The effect of corneal thickness, axial length and corneal curva- ture on IOP measurements taken by applanation tonometry, tonopen and OBF

P 026 Civcic N., Aleksic P. (Belgrade/SCG) Level of lipoproteins at patients with glaucoma and PEX Sy Poster Exhibition 149

Foyer 14.2 Monday, 26.9.2005, 9:30 - 10:30 hrs

P 027 Dalianis G., Terzidou C., Petounis A. (Athens/GR) Measurement differences between Goldmann and air tonome- try in conjunction with central corneal thickness (CCT)

P 028 Dawczynski J., Königsdörffer E., Augsten R., Vater C., Strobel J. (Jena/D) Katarakt-OP bei Pseudoexfoliations(PEX)-Glaukom – Korreliert der klinische Verlauf mit der histologischen Ausprägung der PEX-Fibrillen? Cataract extraction and pseudoexfoliation (PEX) glaucoma cor- relation between clinical outcome and histological findings

P 029 Degenring R. F., Kreissig I., Akkoyun I., Kamppeter jun. B. A. (Mannheim/D) Tensioanstieg nach intravitrealer Triamcinoloninjektion Intraocular pressure after intravitreal triamcinolone acetonide injection

P 030 Derhartunian V., Lay R., Meiler C., Jablonski S., Michelson G. (Erlangen/D) Evaluation von telemedizinisch-unterstütztem Glaukom-Scree- ning Evaluation of Telemedical Glaucoma-screening

P 031 Doehmen B., Plange N., Kaup M., Arend O., Remky A. (Aachen/D, Alsdorf/D) Zeitlicher Verlauf der Sehnervenleckage während Fluoreszein- Angiographie bei primärem Offenwinkelglaukom Time course of optic disc fluorescein leakage in open-angle glaucoma and controls

P 032 Eskina E. N., Budnik A. P., Bondar V. A., Ivanova M. E. (Moscow/RUS) Steroid-induced glaucoma after excimer-laser surgery

P 033 Galambos P., Klemm M., Vafiadis J., Wagenfeld L., Matthiessen E. T., Richard G., Zeitz O. (Hamburg/D) Alteration of ocular hemodynamics in glaucoma patients at the level of the optic nerve head

P 034 Hager A., Füllhas M.-O., Wiegand W. (Hamburg/D) Glaucoma surgery with and without mitomycin C

P 035 Hentova-Sencanic P. (Belgrade/SCG) Poster Videos Systemic vascular risc factors in patients with and without glaucomatous progression of visual field

P 036 Himidi K., Attia S., Jelliti B., Jenzeri S., Lahmar N., Ben Salem A., Ladjimi A., Khairallah M. (Monastir/TN) Intraocular pressure response after intravitreal triamcinolone acetonide

P 037 Horn F. K., Gottschalk K., Lämmer R., Jünemann A. G. M. (Erlangen/D) Long-term variation and validity of sensory tests in progressive and non-progressive glaucoma patients

P 038 Jünemann A. G. M., Horn F. K., Gottschalk K., Lämmer R., Mardin C. Y., Kruse F. E. (Erlangen/D) Central corneal thickness is associated with progression in ocu- lar hypertension and early glaucoma

P 039 Junk A. K. (Bronx/USA) Is anemia a player in chronic open angle glaucoma (COAG)? 150 Poster Exhibition

Foyer 14.2 Monday, 26.9.2005, 9:30 - 10:30 hrs

P 040 Kamppeter jun. B. A., Schubert K. V. B., Budde W., Degenring R. F., Jonas J. B. (Mannheim/D) Interindividuelle Reproduzierbarkeit optischer kohärenztomo- graphischer Messungen der Papilla Nervi Optici Optical coherence tomography of the optic nerve head: Inter- individual reproducibility

P 041 Kamppeter jun. B. A., Jonas J. B. (Mannheim/D) Dynamische Contour Tonometrie zur intraokularen Druckmes- sung Dynamic Contour Tonometry for Intraocular Pressure Measure- ment

P 042 Karim-Zade K., Mielke J., Besch D., Szurman P., Ernemann U., Herzau V. (Tübingen/D) Choroidales Effusionssyndrom nach Embolisation einer Sinus- cavernosus-Fistel über die Vena ophthalmica superior Choroidal effusion syndrome after embolisation of sinus-caver- nous fistula via superior ophthalmic vein

P 043 Kawai S., Takase M., Shinoda Y., Komoda T., Kawai K., Sakurai M. (Saitama/J) Suppression of rat retinal ganglion cells degeneration following retinal ischemia/reperfusion injury, using free radical scavenger (edaravone) and iNOS inhibitor (aminoguanidine)

P 044 Klink T., Kempter S., Elsesser U., Klink J., Schlunck G., Grehn F. (Würzburg/D) Is the Wuerzburg bleb classification score objective? – An interobserver variability study

P 045 Konstas A. G. P., Mikropoulos D., Kaltsos K., Jenkins J. N., Stewart W. C. (Thessaloniki/GR, Charleston/USA) 24-hour intraocular pressure control obtained with evening dosed, versus morning dosed, travoprost in primary open- angle glaucoma

P 046 Kozich K., Lämmer R., Viestenz A., Link B., Jünemann A. G. M., Mardin C. Y. (Erlangen/D) Korrelation von Autofluoreszenz mit weiß auf weiß Perimetrie im intra-individuellen Vergleich Correlation of fundus autofluorscence with white-white-peri- metry – an intraindividual comparison

P 047 Kremmer S., Niederdräing N., Alamouti B., Steuhl K.-P., Selbach J. M. (Essen/D) Dynamische retinale Gefäßanalyse vor und nach Trabekulekto- mie Dynamic retinal vessel analysis pre- and post-trabeculectomy

P 048 Lausen B., Peters A., Horn F. K., Jünemann A. G. M., Mardin C. Y. (Erlangen/D) Glaucoma diagnosis by double bagging the combination of morphological data of the optic nerve head and visual field data

P 049 Maino A., Morgan L., Hercules B. (Stockport/UK) A comparison between single use tonometers and standard Goldmann tonometry in glaucomatous patients Poster Exhibition 151

Foyer 14.2 Monday, 26.9.2005, 9:30 - 10:30 hrs

P 050 Mardin C. Y., Lämmer R., Viestenz A., Jünemann A. G. M. (Erlangen/D) Korrelation von parapapillärer Autofluoreszenz und Papillen- morphologie in Augen mit asymmetrischem Glaukom Parapapillary autofluorescence and optic disc morphology in eyes with asymmetric glaucoma

P 3. Cataract/Biometry 1

P 051 Adámková H., Novak J., Hronková H., Krejzková T. (Pardubice/CZ) The outcomes of pentacam in secondary cataract treatment

P 052 Akhremenko N., Morkhat V., Al-Sharif J., Morkhat M. (Vitebsk/BY) Minimal damage suturing techniques and a wide sutureless corneal approach for transscleral fixation posterior chamber intraocular lenses for correction of complicated aphakia

P 053 Aleksic P., Djurovic B. (Belgrade/SCG) Cataract surgery risk factors in eyes with pseudoexfoliation syndrome

P 054 Andrushkova O., Nikolaichuk V., Hrizhymalska K. J. (Vinnitsa/UA) Treatment of inflammation reactions in patients with artifacia

P 055 Assouti M., Georgakopoulos C., Papadopoulos G., Vynios D.H., Gartaganis S. (Patras/GR) Extracellular matrix components in tears of patients with pseu- doexfoliation syndrome

P 056 Buchwald H.-J., Temiz M. O., Lang G. K. (Ulm/D) Range of focus after cataract surgery with implantation of toric silicone lenses to correct natural corneal astigmatism

P 057 Cekic S., Zlatanovic G., Dordevic´ Jocic´ J., Radenkovic M., Vujanoviic´ M., Zlatanovic M. (Nis/SCG) A possible hereditarity of presenile cataract – a case report

P 058 Cichocki M., Baumeister M., Kohnen T. (Frankfurt/Main/D) Poster Videos Intraindividueller Vergleich der Kapsulorhexisgröße von einstü- ckigen und dreistückigen faltbaren Intraokularlinsen aus hydro- phobem Acrylat Intraindividual evaluation of the capsulorhexis size between a single-piece and a three-piece hydrophobic acrylic IOL

P 059 Djurovic B., Aleksic P. (Belgrade/SCG) Capsule contraction after continuous curvilinear capsulorhexis in patients with pseudoexfoliation syndrome (PES)

P 060 Falezˇ M., Gracˇner B., Gracˇner T., Pahor D. (Maribor/SLO) Veränderungen der Lichtunterschiedsempfindlichkeit (LUE) der Netzhaut nach der Nd-Yag Laser-Kapsulotomie Changes of retinal light sensitivity after Nd-YAG laser-capsulo- tomy

P 061 Gartaganis S., Xenopoulos S., Tzimas A., Nikolopoulus D., Blatsios G., Mela E. (Patras/GR, Athens/GR) Late spontaneous in-the-bag intraocular lens posterior disloca- tion in patients with pseudoexfoliation syndrome 152 Poster Exhibition

Foyer 14.2 Monday, 26.9.2005, 9:30 - 10:30 hrs

P 062 Gochman R., Wirbelauer C., Pham D.-T. (Berlin/D) Einfluss der Okulopression auf die biometrischen Parameter bei der Kataraktoperation in topischer Anästhesie Influence of oculopression on the biometric parameters before cataract surgery in topical anesthesia

P 063 Hassenstein A., Schwartz R., Nachbaur J, Kreiner C. F. (Hamburg/D, Henningsdorf/D) Späte postoperative Eintrübung von 2 hydrophilen Acryl-Intra- okularlinsen (IOL) and elektronenmikroskopische Analyse Late postoperative opacification of two hydrophylic acrylic Intraocular lenses (IOL) and electron microscopic analysis

P 064 Hirchy R., Karczewicz D. (Szczecin/PL) Evaluation of some specific functions of the eye in pseudopha- kics

P 4. Cornea 1

P 065 Alswede L., Sundmacher R. (Düsseldorf/D) Tatooing of black „pupils“ in eyes with cosmetically irritating white corneal scars

P 066 Bachmann B., Lütjen-Drecoll E., Wiegand S. J, Streilein J. W., Kruse F. E., Cursiefen C. (Erlangen/D, New York/USA, Boston/USA) Combined inhibition of angiogenesis and lymphangiogenesis after high-risk keratoplasty improves corneal transplant survival

P 067 Berger E., Auw-Hädrich C., Saedler J., Kreiner C. F., Stave J., Reinhard T., Guthoff R. F. (Rostock/D, Freiburg/D, Henningsdorf/D) Histological and immunohistochemical characterisation of rab- bit corneas following lamellar implantation of a silicon kerato- prosthesis

P 068 Birnbaum F., Schwartzkopff J., Scholz C., Reis A., Reinhard T. (Freiburg/D, Triesen/FL) FK778 verlängert das Transplantatüberleben nach orthotoper allogener Keratoplastik im Rattenmodell FK778 prolongs clear graft survival in a rat keratoplasty model

P 069 Blomberg L., Pollmann T., Scheider U., Gockeln R. (Hannover/D) Organkultivierung von tief stromal lamellierten Schweinehorn- häuten Organ culture preservation of deeP lamellar dissected porcine corneas

P 070 Boboridis K., Ziakas N., Mikropoulos D., Georgiadis N. (Thessaloniki/GR) A 24-year review of corneal transplantation in the eye bank of greece

P 071 Böhringer D., Spierings E., Sundmacher R., Goulmy E., Reinhard T. (Freiburg/D, Leiden/NL, Düsseldorf/D) Matching des Minor-Histocompatibilitäts Antigenes HLA-A1/H- Y verbessert die Prognose der perforierenden Keratoplastik Matching of the minor histocompatibility antigen HLA-A1/H-Y improves prognosis in corneal transplantation Poster Exhibition 153

Foyer 14.2 Monday, 26.9.2005, 9:30 - 10:30 hrs

P 072 Broszinski A., Maier P., Böhringer D., Reinhard T. (Freiburg/D) Bestimmung von aktivem TGF-beta2 im Kammerwasser vor und nach Kryokonservierung Determination of activated TGF-beta2 in aqueous humor prior to and after cryopreservation

P 073 Charbel Issa P., Guthoff R. (Würzburg/D) Konfokale in-vivo-Mikroskopie einer kristallinen Keratopathie bei Paraproteinämie Confocal in-vivo microscopy of a crystalline keratopathy in paraproteinemia

P 074 Dell S., Müther P. S., Ricke S., Gavranic C., Kociok N., Joussen A. M. (Köln/D) Hemmung der cornealen Neovaskulariation durch AG 1296, Wortmannin und LY294002 Inhibition of corneal neovascularization by AG 1296, wortman- nin and LY294002

P 075 Derhartunian V., Langenbucher A., Kruse F. E., Seitz B. (Erlangen/D) Astigmatismus und zentrale Brechkraft bei makulärer Horn- hautdystrophie Astigmatism and central power in eyes with macular corneal dystrophy

P 076 Dietrich T., Schlötzer-Schrehardt U., Hofmann-Rummelt C., Seitz B., Kruse F. E. (Erlangen/D) Basement membrane composition of the human limbal and amniotic membrane epithelia

P 077 Dietrich T., Onderka J., Bock F., Zahn G., Cursiefen C., Kruse F. E. (Erlangen/D, Berlin/D) Novel expression of integrin alpha V on podoplanin-positive lymphatic vessels in vascularized corneas

P 078 Droshina G. I., Dragomiretskaya E. I. (Odessa/UA) Factors effecting time of corneal graft survival after keratoplas- ty by Hereditary Corneal Stromal Dystrophies (HCSD)

P 079 El-Gayar S., Wali U., Bialasiewicz A., Al-Belushi H., Al-Munairi A. (Muscat/MAO) Quantitative and Qualitative Corneal Morphology of Patients with Pseudoexfoliation with Secondary Glaucomas Poster Videos

P 080 Fruschelli M., Martone G., Traversi C., Caporossi A. (Siena/I) Corneal sensitivity and morphology in diabetic patients

P 081 Gaydamaka T. B., Dumbrova N. E., Artjomov A. V., Molchanjuk N. I., Grechko S. V. (Odessa/UA) Light and electron microscopic changes in herpetic keratitis – experimental study

P 082 Gronkowska J., Palacz O., Karczewicz D. (Szczecin/PL) Corneal endothelial cell density changes in patients with severe endothelial cell loss after cataract phacoemulsification and intraocular lens implantation in six months follow-up

P 083 Grüb M., Denk P. O., Mielke J., Bartz-Schmidt K. U. (Tübingen/D, Vitacura-Santiago/RCH) Konstruktion von artifiziellem Hornhautgewebe unter Verwen- dung quervernetzter Kollagen-Matrizen Construction of artificial corneal tissue using EDC-crosslinked collagen matrix 154 Poster Exhibition

Foyer 14.2 Monday, 26.9.2005, 9:30 - 10:30 hrs

P 084 Grünauer-Kloevekorn C., Bräutigam S., Froster U., Duncker G. I. W. (Halle/Saale/D, Leipzig/D) Neue frameshift- und missense-Mutationen im CHST6-Gen als molekulargenetische Ursache der makulären Hornhautdystro- phie bei deutschen Patienten Novel frameshift and missense mutations of the CHST6-gene causing macular corneal dystrophy in German patients

P 085 Hanisch C., Langenbucher A., Kruse F. E., Seitz B. (Erlangen/D) Verzögerte Epithelheilung nach perforierender Keratoplastik bei gittriger Hornhautdystrophie Delayed epithelial healing after penetrating keratoplasty for lattice corneal dystrophy

P 086 Hara Y., Shiraishi A., Tanaka Y., Ohashi Y., Shirakata Y., Hashimoto K. (Toon, Ehime/J) The signal pathways via toll-like receptor 3 (TLR3) are operative in the human corneal epithelial cells

P 087 Hasegawa T., Kiritoshi A., Kosaki R., Okumura M., Nakamura T. (Osaka/J) Automated lamellar therapeutic keratoplasty for Avellino cor- neal dystrophy using Moria CBm system

P 088 Hashemian M. N., Aghsaie M., Fallah M. R., Mansouri M. R. , Shakiba B. (Tehran/IR) Corneal endothelial cell density and morphology in normal Ira- nian eyes

P 089 Herckelrath T., Sundmacher R. (Düsseldorf/D) Diagnosis and treatment of an unusual large atopic “shield ulcer“ comprising the whole cornea

P 090 Hirneiß C., Neubauer A. S., Messmer E. M., Kampik A. (München/D) Kosten-Nutzwert-Analyse bei perforierender Keratoplastik Cost utility of penetrating keratoplasty

P 091 Horvatic´ Obradovic´ M., Stanojlovic´ Kulic´ S., Stojkovic´ M., Nikolic´ M., Golubovic S. (Belgrade/SCG) Icthyosis vulgaris and bilateral band shaped keratopathy

P 092 Hoxha L., Mazreku F. D., Ajazaj V. M., Gashi H. (Prizren/KS) Cases of HSV keratitis hospitalized in the ophthalmology ward in regional hospital of Prizren, 2001 - 2003

P 093 Jacobi C., Gottschalk K., Cursiefen C., Kruse F. E., Müller L. J. (Erlangen/D, Amsterdam/NL) Darstellung der subbasalen Nervenfaserverläufe bei Normalpro- banden mit Hilfe des Heidelberg Retina Tomographen (HRT II) und dem Rostocker Kornea-Modul Organization of the subbasal nerves in a large grouP of control human corneas visualized with the Heidelberg Retinal Tomo- graph (HRT II)

P 094 Jaksche A., Sbeity Z., Maintz L., Allam J. P., Feuring M., Wenzel J., Bieber T., Novak N., Holz F. G., Eter N. (Bonn/D) Phenotypic characteristics of the Keratitis-Ichthyosis-Deafness (KID) syndrome Poster Exhibition 155

Foyer 14.2 Monday, 26.9.2005, 9:30 - 10:30 hrs

P 095 Jehle T., Sokolovska Y., Birnbaum F., Schwartzkopff J., Sundmacher R., Reinhard T. (Freiburg/D, Düsseldorf/D) Prospektive, randomisierte Studie zur Eignung von Basiliximab (Simulect) zur Prophylaxe der Transplantatabstoßung bei Patienten nach Hochrisiko-Hornhauttransplantation: Erste Ergebnisse einer Pilotstudie Prospective randomized study of Basiliximab (Simulect) in high-risk keratoplasty: first results of a pilot study

P 096 Joko T., Shiraishi A., Ohashi Y., Higashiyama S. (Toon, Ehime/J) Transcriptional repressor PLZF (promyelocytic leukemia zinc finger) may play a role in the growth suppression of human corneal endothelial cells

P 097 Jurowska-Liput J., Jakubaszko J., Marszalik P., Marek J. (Wroclaw/PL) Acanthamoeba Keratitis diagnostic use of HRT II Corneal Module

P 098 Kim J.-I., Winterhalter S., Stammen J., Sundmacher R. (Düsseldorf/D) Limbokeratoplasty in autoimmune polyglandular syndrome

P 099 Kim J.-H. T., Sundmacher R. (Düsseldorf/D) A novel corneal amyloidosis with clinical features of Richner Hanhart Syndrome but without tyrosinemia

P 100 Knappe S., Stachs O., Kraak R., Guthoff R. F. (Rostock/D) Darstellung kornealer Veränderungen nach dem Tragen von Orthokeratologie-Linsen – eine Untersuchung mit dem konfo- kalen Laser-Scanning-Mirkroskop The cornea structure after wearing orthokeratology contact lenses – an in vivo study using a confocal laser scanning microscope

P 5. Neuro-Ophthalmology 1

P 101 Avramovic Kljakovic T., Djurovic B. (Belgrade/SCG) Changes of visual evoked potentials in patients with posterior ischemic optic neuropathies with oscillatory systemic hyperten- Poster Videos sion

P 102 Bartke T. U., Hagemann G., Finn S., Strobel J. (Jena/D) Kasuistik: Anisokorie und segmentale Anhidrosis Anisocoria and segmental anhidrosis – a case report

P 103 Becker R., Krzizok T., Wassill K.-H. (Gießen/D) Lageabhängigkeit der Augenstellung in der torsionalen Ebene bei Patienten ohne Binokularsehen Influence of body position on ocular cyclotorsion in patients without binocular vision

P 104 Bernardczyk-Meller J., Wasilewicz R. (Poznan/PL) Optic neuropathy in eyes with optic disc drusen

P 105 Cerovski B., Sˇikic´ J., Vidovic´ T., Cerovski J. (Zagreb/HR) Visual evoked potentials, visual acuity and visual field serial study after toxic optic neuropathy 156 Poster Exhibition

Foyer 14.2 Monday, 26.9.2005, 9:30 - 10:30 hrs

P 106 Cherninkova S., Tzekov C., Koev K., Naydenov E., Oscar A. (Sofia/BG) Optic pathway gliomas in children – clinical study on 33 cases

P 107 Eisert B., Förl M., Völcker H. E., Krastel H., Weimer P., Kolling G. H. (Heidelberg/D) Susac-Syndrom – Verlaufsbeobachtungen mit Gesichtsfeld, Elektrophysiologie und Angiographie Susac syndrome – Follow-up with visual fields, electro- physiology and angiography

P 108 Groppe M. H. M., Thanos S., Kugel H., Evers S., Duning T. (Worthing/UK, Münster/D) Visual field defects as an initial manifestation of multiple sclerosis simulating a mass lesion

P 109 Haufschild T., Prünte C., Orgül S., Flammer J. (Basel/CH) Increased endothelin-1 plasma levels in nonarteriitic anterior ischemic optic neuropathy

P 110 Huber K., Daneljan L., Hartmann K. (Aachen/D) Erworbenes ‘inverses Marcus Gunn Phänomen‘ (Marin-Amat Syndrom) bei Neuroborreliose Acquired ‘inverse Marcus Gunn phenomenon’ (Marin-Amat syndrome) due to neuroborreliosis

P 111 Jelliti B., Ben Yahia S., Zaouali S., Aouafi S., Ouled El Hassen M., Messaoud R., Ladjimi A., Khairallah M. (Monastir/TN) Optic disc involvement in Mediterranean spotted fever

P 112 Hyvärinen L., Raninen A., Näsänen R., Vanni S., Henriksson L. (Helsinki/FIN, Espoo/FIN) Rehabilitation of homonymous hemianopia

P 6. Physiological Optics, Electrophysiology 1

P 113 Al-Belushi H., Shenoy R., Thakral A., El-Gayar S., Bialasiewicz A., Al-Munairi A. (Muscat/MAO) Frühe psychophysische Funktionsverluste bei Diabetes Mellitus Frequency-doubled Perimetry in Diabetes Mellitus

P 114 Barnyk K., Lubnski W., Palacz O., Karczewicz D. (Szczecin/PL) Electroretinographic oscillatory potentials in insulin dependent diabetic patients – 9-year follow-up

P 115 Erb C., Stapel J., Hoeper M., Meyer M. W., Schröder A. (Rostock/D, Hannover/D) Anomaloscope matches in patients with primary pulmonary hypertension

P 116 Farahvash M. S., Mohammadzadeh S., Movasat M. (Tehran/IR) Multifocal electroretinogram in diabetic clinically significant macular edema

P 117 Georgiev R. (Sofia/BG) Abnormalities in the Humphry perimetry of patients with Mor- bus Usher Poster Exhibition 157

Foyer 14.2 Monday, 26.9.2005, 9:30 - 10:30 hrs

P 118 Gottschalk K., Jünemann A. G. M., Horn F. K. (Erlangen/D) On-/Off Ganzfeld ERG mit LED-Stimulation bei Glaukompatien- ten On-/off- Ganzfeld ERG with LED stimulation in glaucoma patients

P 119 Link B., Rühl S., Peters A., Jünemann A. G. M., Horn F. K. (Erlangen/D) Pattern reversal ERG and VEP – comparison of stimulation by LED, monitor and a Maxwellian view system

P 7. Miscellaneous 1

P 120 Azlan W., Terzi E., Kohnen T. (Frankfurt/Main/D) Pupil size under scotopic, low mesopic and high mesopic illu- mination conditions in a normal population using digital infra- red pupillometry

P 121 Brebeck B., Gümbel H. O. C. (Ulm/D) Acupuncture as an additional therapy in idiopathic central serous chorioretinopathy

P 122 Carrim Z. I., Taguri A. H., McIlwaine G. G. (Edinburgh/UK) Stress as a precipitant in recurring idiopathic anterior uveitis

P 123 Ciubotaru A., Ciubotaru C., Sram L. (Bukarest/RO) Superior oblique transposition in a case with traumatic break of three extraocular muscles

P 124 Cojocaru V. M., Puchianu E., Ciurtin C., Antohe F., Kaltsos K. (Bucharest/RO) Early diagnosis of secondary Sjogren’s Syndrome using complex analysis of tear secretion

P 125 Davidescu F.-L., Ignat F. (Craiova/RO) Laser treatment of macular exudate plaques, in patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus and dyslipidemia

P 126 Dujic M. P., Misailovic K. (Belgrade/SCG) A case of Cogan’s Syndrome Poster Videos

P 127 Falkner C. I., Binder S. (Wien/A) Accuracy of preoperative biometry in eyes undergoing cataract surgery combined with pars plana vitrectomy: Preliminary results of a prospective randomized clinical trial

P 128 Harder B., Kamppeter jun. B. A. (Mannheim/D) Wiederholte Injektion von intravitrealem Triamcinolonacetonid bei einem Patienten mit sympathischer Ophthalmie Repeated intravitreal injection of triamcinolone acetonide for chronic sympathetic ophthalmia

P 129 Hermann M. M., Üstündag C., Diestelhorst M. (Köln/D, Istanbul/TR) Complianceuntersuchung mittels neuem elektronischen Com- pliance-Monitor für Augentropfen Compliance with Topical Therapy using a new Electronic Eye DroP Monitor 158 Poster Exhibition

Foyer 14.2 Monday, 26.9.2005, 9:30 - 10:30 hrs

P 130 Huber M., Schönthaler H. B., Makhankov Y., Neuhauss S. C. (Berlin/D, Zürich/CH) The Zebrafish – a model system for human ocular pharmacology

P 131 Jaksˇic J., Jovanovic´ M. (Belgrade/SCG) Mechanical injuries of the eyeball: frequency, structure, and possibility of the prevention

P 132 Koev K., Kamenov I., Tanev I., Velchev V. (Sofia/BG) Assessment of the effectiveness of high-dose corticosteroid pusle therapy in severe forms of uveitis

P 133 Königsdörffer E., Augsten R. (Jena/D) Management nach suprachorioidalen Blutungen Management after suprachoroidal hemorrhages

P 134 Karathanasopoulou I. N., Lamari F. N., Georgakopoulos C., Exarchou A. M., Karamanos N. K. (Patras/GR) Determination of tyrosine, ascrorbic acid, uric acid and malon- dialdehyde in reflex tears with capillary electrophoresis

P 135 Maksimuk O., Pasechnikova N., Voskresenskaja L. (Poltava/UA) Retinal vein occlusion and its medical treatment

P 136 Markiewicz A., Szus´cik I., Romanowska-Dixon B., Starzycka M., Jakubowska B., Pogrzebielski A. (Krakow/PL) Doppler ultrasonography in the monitoring of the treatment of the circumscribed choroidal hemangioma

P 137 Mazreku F. D., Ajazaj V. M., Hoxha L. (Prizren/KS) Comparison of cyclopentolate versus atropine cycloplegia

P 138 Michael R., Wegener A., Barraquer R. I. (Barcelona/E, Bonn/D) Safety estimation for optical radiation from an operation microscope with and without protective filters

P 139 Uenishi Y., Miki T. (Osaka/J) Comparison of three vision related questionnaires in Japanese Poster Exhibition 159

Foyer 14.2 Tuesday, 27.9.2005, 9:30 - 10:30 hrs

P 8. Infectiology, Intraocular Inflammation, Uveitis 1

P 140 Hueber A., Lüke C., Welsandt G., Walter P. (Köln/D, Aachen/D) Listeria monocytogenes als Ursache einer fulminanten endoge- nen Uveitis anterior A fulminant endogenous uveitis anterior caused by Listeria monocytogenes

P 141 Jovanovic´ S., Jovanovic´ M., Vukosavljevic M., Jovanovic´ Z., Stanojevic-Paovic A. (Kragujevac/SCG, Belgrade/SCG) The analysis of origin of pathophysiological mechanism of the increased intraocular pressure in the eye with uveitis

P 142 Kamel H. M. (Tanta/ET) Different presentations of postoperative fungal endophthalmi- tis after phacoemulsification – a retrospective study

P 143 Kampik K., Kampik D., Schrader W. (Würzburg/D) Syphilitische Vitritis ohne Retinitis als Erstmanifestation einer HIV-Infektion Syphilitic vitritis without retinitis as primary manifestation of a HIV infection

P 144 Klotz O., Bader A., Bertelmann E., Liekfeld A., Velhagen K.-H., Hartmann C., Pleyer U. (Berlin/D) Atypische Cytomegalie Virus (CMV)-Retinitis Atypical cytomegalovirus (CMV) retinitis

P 145 Kovacevic Pavicevic D., Stanojevic-Paovic A., Begic V., Petrovic S., Kovacevic I. (Belgrade/SCG) Viral uveitis clinical aspects and laboratory findings

P 146 Kreutzer T., Ta C. N., He L., Sinnar S., Myung D., Miño de Kaspar H. (München/D, Stanford/USA) Eine dreitägige Applikation von 0,5% Levofloxazin Augentrop- fen ist nicht effektiver als eine eintägige gegebene Three-day application of 0.5% topical Levofloxacin does not prove more potent than a one-day regime

P 147 Lago M. D., Pérez E., Monsalve J., López E., Perucho S., Sáenz N. (Madrid/E) Effect of voriconazole on keratomycosis: 2 case-report Poster Videos

P 148 Lingenfelder C., Grabowy U., Kleinen L., Roth K., Spraul C. W. (Ulm/D, Rheinbreitbach/D, Tübingen/D) Radionuclid measurements for evaluation of cleaning processes and the optimization of injectors used in ophthalmosurgery

P 149 Prozornaja L. P. (Saint-Petersburg/RUS) The clinical picture and the treatment of "dry eye" syndrome in chronic blepharitis

P 150 Akgül H., Bornfeld N., Jurklies B. (Essen/D) Unilateral endogenous Scedosporioum prolificans endophthal- mitis after bone marrow transplantation at chronic myeloid leukaemia

P 151 Baydoun L., Franke I., Sbeity Z., Jaksche A., Inhetvin-Hutter C., Holz F. G., Eter N. (Dortmund/D, Bonn/D) Infliximab in the treatment of sympathetic ophthalmia in a 12- year-old boy 160 Poster Exhibition

Foyer 14.2 Tuesday, 27.9.2005, 9:30 - 10:30 hrs

P 152 Begic V., Stanojevic-Paovic A., Kovacevic Pavicevic D. (Belgrade/SCG) Congenital ocular toxoplasmosis recurence – clinical aspect and treatment

P 153 Seles S., Lang G. E. (Ulm/D) Okuläre Manifestation einer infektiösen Endokarditis Ocular manifestation of an infectious endocarditis

P 9. Plastic Surgery, Orbita, Nasolacrimal Ducts 1

P 154 Beltram M., Drnovsˇek-Olup B. (Ljubljana/SLO) 15 years of experience with HA orbital implants: a review of 432 cases

P 155 Exarchou A. M., Eliopoulou M. I., Asimakopoulou A., Nanos P., Makris N., Georgakopoulos C. (Patras/GR) Orbital and periorbital cellulitis in childhood

P 156 Georgakopoulos C., Blatsios G., Tzimas A., Ziouti N., Vynios D.H., Thomopoulos K., Labropoulou-Karatza C., Pharmakakis N. (Patras/GR) Tear protein levels in patients with Hepatitis C

P 157 Holbach L. M., Gottschalk K., Kottler U. B., Romstöck J., Kruse F. E. (Erlangen/D) Intraocular adenocarcinoma with intraorbital and intracranial optic nerve invasion

P 158 Jäger M., Ruthmann A., Gerke E. (Wuppertal/D) Temporäre Pupillenentrundung und Akkommodationsschwä- che bei 26-jähriger Patientin Temporary segmental irregularity of the pupil and defective accommodation in a 26-year-old woman

P 159 Jaki Mekjavic P., Schollmayer P., Gaberscek S., Zaletel K. (Ljubljana/SLO) The influence of radioiodine therapy on graves' ophthalmopa- thy

P 160 Juri J., Stiglmayer N. (Zagreb/HR) First experience with orbital bony decompression

P 161 Karl S. E., Wabbels B. K., Lehrer E. B., Lehnert M., Jaksche A., Roggenkämper P., Holz F. G. (Bonn/D) Chirurgische Intervention bei vollständigem Kryptophthalmus bei Fraser Syndrom Surgical opening of the palpebral fissure in a newborn child with complete cryptophthalmos associated with Fraser syndrome

P 162 Kim S.-Y., Yang S.-W. (Seoul/ROK) Orbital abscess following Porous Orbital Implant Infection

P 163 Köhler J., Ohlemutz A, Ostertag H, Welkoborsky H.-J, Wiechens B. (Hannover/D) Metastasizing basal cell carcinoma of the eye lid and the orbit

P 164 Kuhli C., Lüchtenberg M. (Frankfurt/Main/D) Konnatale Dakryostenose in Abhängigkeit vom Geburtsmodus Association of congenital dacryostenosis and mode of delivery Poster Exhibition 161

Foyer 14.2 Tuesday, 27.9.2005, 9:30 - 10:30 hrs

P 165 Lanuza Garcia A., Cortés V, Rodriguez-Pereira C., Ochoa E., Jorge M. (Castellón/E) Diagnosis of orbital B-cell lymphoma by polymerase chain reaction heteroduplex analysis

P 10. Retina: ARMD 1

P 166 Aisenbrey S., Gelisken F., Szurman P., Bartz-Schmidt K. U. (Tübingen/D) Surgical treatment of juxtapapillary choroidal neovascularizati- on

P 167 Drobek-Slowik M., Safranow K. (Szczecin/PL) Ocular and non-ocular risk factors of age-related macular degeneration (AMD)

P 168 Drobek-Slowik M., Safranow K., Jakubowska K., Rac´ M., Karczewicz D. (Szczecin/PL) Carotenoids and lipids as risk factors of age-related macular degeneration

P 169 Elsner H., Kandulla J., Hilmes M., Birngruber R., Roider J., Brinkmann R. (Kiel/D, Lübeck/D) Bestimmung der retinalen Temperaturerhöhung bei der Trans- pupillaren Thermotherapie (TTT) Measurement of the retinal temperature increase during Trans- pupillary Thermotherapy (TTT)

P 170 Fuhs A., Dasch B., Behrens T., Meister A., Krause K., Pauleikhoff D., Hense H.-W. (Münster/D, Aalen/D) Visuelle Funktion und Lebensqualität bei patienten mit alters- abhängiger Makulopathie Ergebnisse der Münsteraner Altern und Retina Studie (MARS) Visual function and quality of life in patients with age-related maculopathy results of the "Münsteraner Altern und Retina Studie" (MARS)

P 171 Gora F., Surguch V., Kraus J., Gabel V.-P. (Regensburg/D) Retinal sensitivity in patients with CNV measured by fundus- controlled perimetry (MP-1) Poster Videos

P 172 Heimes B. E., Lipina K., Meister A., Dasch B., Fuhs A., Pauleikhoff D., Hense H.-W. (Münster/D) Qualitätssicherung des Fundus-Grading bei altersabhängiger Makulopathie (ARM) – Die prospektive Münster Altern und Retina Studie (MARS) Quality assurance of fundus grading in age-related maculopa- thy (ARM) – the prospective Muenster age and retina study (MARS)

P 173 Helb H.-M., Scholl H. P. N., Holz F. G. (Bonn/D) Comparison of non-surgical treatment options for neovascular age-related macular degeneration

P 174 Ito Y., Hirata A., Tanihara H. (Kumamoto/J) Mast cells accompany microvessels in human choroidal neovas- cularization 162 Poster Exhibition

Foyer 14.2 Tuesday, 27.9.2005, 9:30 - 10:30 hrs

P 175 Kraus J., Gamulescu M.-A., Framme C., Gabel V.-P. (Regensburg/D) Photodynamische Therapie bei pathologischer Myopie – klini- sche Ergebnisse Photodynamic therapy in pathologic myopia – clinical results

P 176 Krohne T. U., Kämmerer E., Kopitz J., Holz F. G. (Bonn/D, Heidelberg/D) Lysosomal proteolytic activities in retinal pigment epithelial cells are reduced by lipid peroxidation products via two diffe- rent kinds of action

P 177 Loncarek K., Filipovic T., Stalekar H., Vatavuk Z., Petricek I., Brajac I. (Rijeka/HR, Zagreb/HR) Sub-tenon application of triamcinolone-acetonide in neovascu- lar age-related macular degeneration

P 178 Marchanka L. N., Birich T., Fedulov A. S., Krivonosov V. V., Petrov P. T., Trukhatcheva T. V., Savitch A. V., Shkadarevich A. P., Kurganovich A. M., Kharitonchik T. L., Dulub L., Fedulova A. A. (Minsk/BY) Photolon in photodynamic therapy of choroidal neovasculariza- tion in age-related macular degeneration and myopic maculo- pathy

P 179 Morimoto M., Sato T., Watanabe G., Kishi S. (Maebashi/J) Laser photocoagulation for juxtafoveal choroidal neovasculari- zation in angioid streaks

P 180 Morkhat V., Marchanka L. N., Morkhat M. (Vitebsk/BY, Minsk/BY) New possibilities of diagnosis of age-related macular degene- ration

P 181 Pehlivanl Z., Özdek S., Gürelik G., Hasanreisoglu B. B. (Ankara/TR) Transpupillary Thermotherapy (TTT) for occult choroidal Neo- vascularization in age-related macular degeneration: 17- Months follow-up

P 11. Retina: Retina, RPE Degenerations, Artificial Eye

P 182 Charbel Issa P., Göbel W., Eberwein P., Meigen T., Klink T. (Würzburg/D, Freiburg/D) Visual loss due to progressive cone dystrophy in an elderly patient

P 183 Grütters G., Reichelt J. A., Roider J. (Kiel/D) Schießscheibenmakulopathie bei Gabe von Amiodaron (Corda- rex®) Bull's eye maculopathy in amiodarone (Cordarex®) – treatment

P 184 Jarc-Vidmar M., Popovic´ P., Hawlina M. (Ljubljana/SLO) Mapping of visual function by microperimetry and autofluores- cence in patients with Best's dystrophy

P 185 Karl M. O., Wimmers S., Anders K., Marmorstein A. D., Strauß O. (Hamburg/D, Tuscon/USA) Voltage-dependent currents in freshly isolated cells of the mouse retinal pigment epithelium Poster Exhibition 163

Foyer 14.2 Tuesday, 27.9.2005, 9:30 - 10:30 hrs

P 186 Kneifel C., Krause L., Stepanyan A., Foerster M. H. (Berlin/D) Augenbeteiligung bei Luesinfektionen Ophthalmic Involvement in Lues Infection

P 187 Lange C., Zubaty V., Valtink M., Zurdel J., Doubilei V., Zander A. R., Engelmann K. (Hamburg/D, Dresden/D) Intraokulare und systemische Transplantation von mesenchy- malen Knochenmarkstammzellen in die RCS-Ratte zur Regene- ration retinaler Strukturen Intraocular and systemic transplantation of mesenchymal stem cells into RCS rats for retinal repair

P 188 Lautebach S., Hansen L. L., Agostini H. T. (Freiburg/D) OCT der Netzhautveränderungen bei einem Patienten mit Alport-Syndrom OCT of retinal changes in a patient with Alport syndrome

P 189 Lima A., Tenedório P., Ribeiro I., Rodrigues P., Bilhoto M., Pereira H. (Matosinhos/P, Vila Nova de Gaia/P) Stargardt's disease – Fundus flavimaculatus: a family study

P 190 Mackiewicz J., Maaijwee K., Lüke C., Hiebl W., Kim Y. K., Meinert H., Zagórski Z., Kirchhof B., Joussen A. M. (Lublin/PL, Rotterdam/NL, Köln/D, Neu-Ulm/D) Effect of gravity in long-term vitreous tamponade. In vivo investigation using perfluorocarbon and hydrofluorocarbon liquids

P 191 Murovski S., Ulbrich S., Gruschwitz R., Franz C., Valtink M., Müller D., Engelmann K. (Dresden/D) Adhäsion und Migration humaner retinaler Pigmentepithel- zellen (RPE) auf nanostrukturierten Collagenmatrizes Adhesive and migratory behaviour of human retinal pigment epithelial (RPE) cells on nanostructured collagen matrices

P 192 Proença H., Pinto F., Castanheira-Dinis A., Serra L. (Lisboa/P) Bilateral nanophthalmos and pigmentary retinal dystrophy – an unusual syndrome

P 193 Reichelt J. A., Grütters G., Karp J.-S., Roider J. (Kiel/D) Toxische Makulopathie bei Gabe von Desferoxamin (Desferal®) Toxic macular disorder in desferoxamin (Desferal®) – treatment

P 194 Schröder F. M., Lang O., Mennel S., Meyer C. H. (Marburg/D) Poster Videos Konzentrische Gesichtsfelddefekte und Optikusatrophie nach Vigabatrin (Sabril®)-Therapie Visual field defects and optic atrophy after antiepileptic drug Sabril® (Vigabatrin) therapy

P 195 Stein T., Schütt F., Krastel H., Dithmar S. (Heidelberg/D) Pigmentary maculopathy and cystoid macular edema in myotonic dystrophy

P 196 Strauß O., Marmorstein A. D., Bakall B., Wimmers S., Rosenthal R. (Hamburg/D, Tuscon/USA, Uppsala/S, Berlin/D) L-type Ca2+ channels in RPE cells: modulation by bestrophin-1

P 197 Sturm V., Richard G. (Hamburg/D) Ophthalmological abnormalities in long-chain 3-hydroxyacyl- CoA dehydrogenase deficiency: presentation of a long-term survivor 164 Poster Exhibition

Foyer 14.2 Tuesday, 27.9.2005, 9:30 - 10:30 hrs

P 198 Uhlmann S., Iandiev I., Uckermann O., Pannicke T., Pietsch U. C., Wiedemann P., Bringmann A. (Leipzig/D) Gliazellreaktionen nach Netzhautablösung im Schweinemodell Glial cell reactivity in a porcine model of retinal detachment

P 199 Wimmers S., Wollmann G., Karl M. O., Strauß O. (Hamburg/D, New Haven/USA) Different outwardly recifying potassium currents in the retinal pigment epithelium of the mouse

P 12. Retina: Rhegmat. Detachment, PVR, Vitreomacular Traction 1

P 200 Alge C., Priglinger S. G., Kook D., Welge-Lüßen U.-C., Kampik A. (München/D) Galectin-1 in der Pathogenese der frühen proliferativen Vitreo- retinopathie Potential role of Galectin-1 in the pathogenesis of early prolife- rative vitreoretinopathy

P 201 Babovic S., Canadanovic´ V., Bedov T., Oros A., Davidovic S. (Novi Sad/SCG) Enhancement of proliferative diabetic retinopathy after panreti- nal photocoagulation as predictive parameter in juvenile diabe- tic patients

P 202 Dragomiretskaya E. I., Aslanova V., Krasnovid T., Rodin S. (Odessa/UA) Individual prognosis of optic results in cases of submacular hemorrhage pneumatic displacement

P 203 Dudziak C., Kobuch K., Maisch T., HillenkamP J., Saikia P., Szeimies R. M., Gabel V.-P. (Regensburg/D) Indocyanine green: Effect of concentration and intensity of illumination on lens epithelial cells, retinal pigment epithelial cells and hyalocytes in vitro

P 204 Eibl K. H., Schüttauf F., Shinoda K., May C.-A., Blatsios G., Welge-Lüßen U.-C., Kampik A. (München/D, Tübingen/D, Dresden/D) Toxicitaetsstudie von Erucylphosphocholin in einem in-vivo- Modell Toxicity study of Erucylphosphocholine in an in vivo rat model

P 205 Engelmann K., Sandner D., Reinhard J., Zierhut M. (Dresden/D, Tübingen/D) Behandlung einer therapierefraktären beidseitigen exsudativen Amotio retina mit Interferon-alfa-2a Treatment of a therapy-refractory bilateral exudative retinal detachment with interferon-alfa-2a

P 206 Hashimoto H., Kishi S. (Maebashi/J) Internal limiting membrane peeling prevents recurrence in vitrectomy for idiopathic epiretinal membrane

P 207 Hollborn M., Köhler S., Wiedemann P., Bringmann A., Kohen L. (Leipzig/D) Wachtumsfaktor-induzierte Erhöhung der VEGF Sekretion bei humanen retinalen Pigmentepithelzellen in-vitro Growth factor induced increase of VEGF secretion by human retinal pigment epithelial cells in vitro Poster Exhibition 165

Foyer 14.2 Tuesday, 27.9.2005, 9:30 - 10:30 hrs

P 208 Jahn C., Sandner D., Herbrig E., Engelmann K. (Dresden/D) Ergebnisse einer geplanten zweizeitigen Chirurgie bei kompli- zierten Netzhautablösungen mit schwerem und konventionel- lem Silikonöl Results of scheduled two-stage surgery in complicated retinal detachment with heavy and conventional silicone oil

P 209 Kinoshita T., Takeda M., Imaizumi H., Okushiba U. (Sapporo/J) Vitrectomy for epiretinal membrane in young patients

P 210 Kiss C., Richter-Müksch S., Sacu S., Benesch T., Schmidt-Erfurth U., Velikay-Parel M. (Wien/A) Funktioneller und anatomischer Status der Makula nach Sili- konölentfernung bei Patienten mit vorangegangener prolifera- tiver Vitreoretinopathie (PVR) Functional and anatomic status of the macula following silico- ne oil removal after proliferative vitreoretinopathy (PVR)

P 211 Kobuch K., Wild B., Sommer F., Göpferich A., Gabel V.-P. (Regensburg/D) On the way to a cell-based vitreous substitute: proliferation and redifferentiation of hyalocytes in vitro

P 13. Retina: Vascular Diseases 1

P 212 Abdollahi A., Kadkhoda (Tehran/IR) ABO and Rh (D) frequency in Behcet’s syndrome with ocular involvement

P 213 Baleanu D., Harazny J., Pohle K., Michelson G. (Erlangen/D) Zusammenhang zwischen retinaler Mikroangiopathie und makroangiopathischen Gefäßveränderungen RelationshiP between retinal microangiopathy and macroan- giopathic vascular disease

P 214 Baleva M., Koev K., Kamenov I., Velchev V. (Sofia/BG) The role of the antiphospholipid (Anticardiolipin) antibodies in patients with central retinal vein occlusion (CRVO)

P 215 Baumane K., Sepetiene S., Laganovska G. (Riga/LV) Poster Videos Photodynamic therapy of subretinal neovascular membrane in cases of central chorioretinitis – case report

P 216 Baumane K., Laganovska G. (Riga/LV) Degree of myopia as possible PDT effect for subfoveal choroi- dal neovascularization

P 217 Apostolopoulos M., Brouzas D., Ladas J, Koutsandrea C, Moschos M. M., Georgiadou E., Moschos M. (Athens/GR) Intravitreal triamcinolone acetonide for cystoid macular edema due to central retinal vein occlusion. An OCT and MF-ERG study

P 218 Degenring R. F., Martus P., Kreissig I., Akkoyun I. (Mannheim/D, Berlin/D) Einflussfaktoren auf die Visusentwicklung nach intravitrealer Injektion von Triamcinolon Acetonid bei diffusem diabetischem Makulaödem Factors influencing visual acuity outcome after intravitreal tri- amcinolone for diabetic macular edema 166 Poster Exhibition

Foyer 14.2 Tuesday, 27.9.2005, 9:30 - 10:30 hrs

P 219 Deißler H., Lang G. K., Lang G. E. (Ulm/D) Characterization of iBREC: a novel hTERT-immortalized retinal endothelial cell line

P 220 Elsherbiny S., Menon J., Lipwoo P. (Birmingham/UK) Dilated Scleral Vessels in Ocular Ischaemic Syndrome (OIS)

P 221 Feldner B., Wiechens B. (Hannover/D) Intravitreale Triamcinolon-Injektion bei diffusem diabetischen Maculaödem Intravitreal triamcinolone-acetonid in diffuse diabetic macular edema

P 222 Feucht M., Mautner V.-F., Richard G. (Hamburg/D) Chorioretinal hyperfluorescence in neurofibromatosis 2

P 223 Fischer E., Neudeck M., Pfeiler T., Lohmann C. P. (München/D) PDT bei einem Patienten mit drei chorioidalen Hämangiomen PDT in a Patient with Triple Choroidal Hemangioma

P 224 Fünfstück C., Voigt U., Königsdörffer E., Terborg C., Strobel J. (Jena/D) Primär isolierte beidseitige, retinale Vaskulitis im Zusammen- hang mit Hepatitis-Impfung Isolated bilateral retinal vasculitis in combination with Hepatitis Vaccination

P 225 Guthoff T., Eberwein P., Guthoff R., Göbel W. (Würzburg/D) Intravitreal triamcinolone for birdshot chorioretinopathy – a case report

P 226 Hallaji Z., Abdollahi A., Daneshpazhooh M. (Tehran/IR) Association between in diabetic patients dermopathy and reti- nopathy

P 227 Harder B., Spandau U. H. M. (Mannheim/D) Vergleich des Effektes einer einseitigen intravitrealen Injektion von Triamcinolonacetonid mit der Gegenseite bei Patienten mit beidseitigem diffusem diabetischem Maculaödem Inter-eye difference in diabetic macular edema after unilateral intravitreal injection of triamcinolone acetonide

P 228 Höhn S., Lang G. E. (Ulm/D) Ocular manifestation of acute alcoholic pancreatitis – a case report

P 229 Horiuchi Y., Sato T., Kishi S. (Maebashi/J) Extrafoveal displacement of subretinal hematoma by overlying subILM hematoma in ruptured retinal arteriolar macroaneu- rysm

P 230 Imaizumi H., Takeda M. (Sapporo/J) Multiple arterial macroaneurysms in patients with sarcoidosis

P 231 Kaljurand K., Parik M. (Tartu/EST) Idiopathic retinal vasculitis aneurysms and neuroretinitis (irvan) syndrome (case report)

P 232 Khotenashvili Z., Surmava A. (Tbilisi/GEO) Diabetic retinopathy and maculopathy prevalence in populati- on of Georgia Poster Exhibition 167

Foyer 14.2 Tuesday, 27.9.2005, 9:30 - 10:30 hrs

P 233 Kocak N., Arikan G., Saatci A. O., Durak I., Soylev F. M., Oner F. H., Ergin M. H. (Izmir/TR) Effect of phacoemulsification with intraocular lens implantati- on on progression of diabetic retinopathy

P 234 Kociok N., Poulaki V., Joussen A. M. (Köln/D, Boston/USA) Die reduzierte Neovaskularization im Mausmodell der Frühge- borenenretinopathie durch Geldanamycin wird nicht über die PI-3 Kinase Inhibierung vermittelt The reduced neovascularization in a mouse model of retinopa- thy of prematurity by Geldanamycin treatment is not achieved by PI-3 kinase inhibition

P 235 Kohmoto H., Kamiya K. (Tokyo/J) Risk factors of Interferon associated retinopathy

P 14. Strabismus/Paediatric Ophthalmology 1

P 236 Arciuliene J.-V., Ceponiene R. (Kaunas/LT) The prevalence of refractive errors in preschool and school chil- dren in Lithuania

P 237 Autrata R., Vodicˇková K., Sˇenková K., Rˇehu°rˇek J. (Brno/CZ) Visual outcome after surgery of cataract with hyperplastic pri- mary vitreous – long-term experiences

P 238 Bendoriene J. (Kaunas/LT) Therapeutic use of silicone hydrogel contact lenses for children

P 239 Bobrova N. F., Tronina S. A., Khmaruk A. N., Romanova T. V., Zhekov A. K., Enukidze D. Z. (Odessa/UA) 7-year experience of foldable Acrysof IOL application in children

P 240 Canadanovic´ V., Bjelica D., Babovic S., Bedov T. (Novi Sad/SCG) Refractive errors in strabismus and amblyopia

P 241 Czepita D., Z˙ejmo M., Mojsa A. (Szczecin/PL) Development of refractive errors in low birth-weight infants

P 242 Dzajkovska E., Dimitrova G. (Skopje/MK) Poster Videos Bloch-Sulzberger Syndrome – a case report

P 243 Ryzhkova G. I., Efimova E. L., Kononov V. M. (Saint-Petersburg/RUS) Computer methods in the treatment of amblyopia in children

P 244 Fomina N., Somov E. E. (Saint-Petersburg/RUS) The treatment of retinopathy of prematurity by transscleral and by transpupillar diode laser for babies with extremely low birth-weight

P 245 Gusek-Schneider G.-C. (Erlangen/D) Ergebnisse später Amblyopietherapie bei exzentrischer Fixation Results of late onset amblyopia therapy in excentric fixation

P 246 Habermann A., Bau V., Duncker G. I. W. (Halle/Saale/D) Ophthalmologische Befunde bei proximaler renaler tubulärer Azidose Ocular abnormalities on a patient with proximal renal tubular acidosis 168 Poster Exhibition

Foyer 14.2 Tuesday, 27.9.2005, 9:30 - 10:30 hrs

P 247 Kaczmarek B., Wójcik E. (Krakow/PL) Traumatic rupture of the medial rectus muscle – a case report

P 15. Trauma

P 248 Ajazaj V. M., Mazreku F. D., Hoxha L. (Prizren/KS) Eye Injuries: An analysis of 102 severe cases admitted to a Regional Hospital, January 2003 - January 2005

P 249 Behboudi H., Heidari, Mohammadi N. (Tehran/IR) A comparative study of the results of cryopexy and scleral buckling in cases of scleral laceration along with vitreous incar- ceration

P 250 Borovic P. S., Simonovic K., Bradaric-Files E., Borovic Z. (Podgorica/SCG) Avulsive injury of upper eyelid – case report

P 251 Halas jr. M., Strmen´ P., Vavrová K., Krásnik V. (Bratislava/SK) Vitreoretinal surgery for trauma of the posterior eye segment

P 252 Herbold T. M., Busse H., Uhlig C. E. (Münster/D) Binokulare Pupillektopie und Katarakt nach Laserepilation Bilateral cataract and corectopia following laser hair removal

P 253 Kohlhof J. K., Löw U., Hille K., Ruprecht K. W. (Homburg/Saar) Frühzeitiger Spontanverschluss bei traumatisch bedingtem Makulaforamen Early spontaneous closure of traumatic maculare hole

P 254 Korolkova N., Morkhat V., Morkhat M. (Vitebsk/BY) Diagnostic potentialities of ultrasonic examination in diagnosis of endophthalmitis and localizing of poorly differentiated foreign bodies

P 255 Kuneva I., Hristova R. (Sofia/BG) Structural characteristic of eye traumas at the age under 18 years

P 256 Nili Ahmadabadi M., Piri N., Movasat M., Faghihi H., Karkhaneh R., Lashay A. R. (Tehran/IR) Prophylatic intraocular gentamicin-clindamycin for acute bacte- rial endophthalmitis after penetrating trauma: a clinical trial

P 257 Rihawi M. S., Frentz M., Schrage N. F. (Köln/D, Aachen/D) Ist Wasser die beste Erstspüllösung bei Augenverätzung? Vergleich verschiedener Augenspüllösungen anhand des intraocularen pH Is water the best treatment in eye burns? Comparison of intraocular pH following experimental eye burns and rinsing with water and other rinsing solutions

P 258 Scholtz S., Frieß R., Gümbel H. O. C. (Ulm/D) Ballistische Einwirkungen auf Schutzbrillen Ballistic impact on safety goggles

P 259 Veselinovic D., Kostovska V., Novak S., Skuletic M, Cekic S., Vujanoviic´ M., Veselinovic M. (Nis/SCG) Clinical and epidemiological characteristics of perforating wounds without intraocular foreign bodies of the eye in children Poster Exhibition 169

Foyer 14.2 Tuesday, 27.9.2005, 9:30 - 10:30 hrs

P 260 Welsandt G., Roters S., Hueber A., Dietlein T. S., Krieglstein G. K. (Köln/D) Schwere okuläre Verätzung durch Pflanzensaft Severe chemical burn after ocular contact with plant sap

P 261 Wittig C., Kohlhaas M., Pillunat L. E. (Dresden/D) Chronisches Hypotonie-Syndrom nach Contusio bulbi Chronic ocular hypotony after contusion

P 262 Yaneva A., Christova R. (Sofia/BG) Some aspects about more particular scleral injuries

P 16. Tumours

P 263 Foerster A. M. H., Jordan J. F., Söntgen I., Konen W., Krieglstein G. K. (Köln/D) Nd:YAG-Zystotomie bei symptomatischen, bilateralen Iriszysten Nd:YAG cystotomy in symptomatic, bilateral Iris-cysts

P 264 Fuchs-Koelwel B., Bechrakis N. E., Schubert K., Schölmerich J., Schlottmann K., Gabel V.-P., Schlottmann K. (Regensburg/D, Berlin/D) Vergleich der hochauflösenden Kontrastmittelsonographie mit der Histopathologie bei malignen Melanomen der Aderhaut Histopathological correlation of high resolution sonography by contrast harmonic imaging in uveal melanomas

P 265 Furmanchuk A. V. (Minsk/BY) Results of neoadjuvant chemotherapy of retinoblastoma

P 266 Herba E., Pojda-Wilczek D., Pojda S. M. (Bytom/PL) The optic nerve meningioma – 11-year follow-up

P 267 Kaçaniku G., Kobayashi A., Takahira M., Kawasaki K. (Prishtina/KS, Kanazawa/J) Laser treatment of retinoblastoma – case report

P 268 Klatt K., Coupland S. E., Vogel A., Holz F. G., Löffler K. U. (Bonn/D) Zwei junge Patienten mit Bindehautlymphom und proliferativer Aktivität im kontralateralen Auge nach Radiatio Poster Videos Two young patients with conjunctival lymphoma and prolifera- tive activity in the contralateral eye following radiation

P 269 Kojima T., Inoue R., Obata R., Mayama C. (Saitama/J) Adenocarcinoma of the nonpigmented ciliary epithelium associated with cystoid macular edema

P 270 Mennel S., Meyer C. H., Schmidt J. C. (Marburg/D) Therapieindikationen und Therapieoptionen bei retinalen Hamartomen im Rahmen von tuberöser Sklerose Treatment Indications and Treatment Options in retinal Hamar- toma secondary to Tuberous Sclerosis

P 271 Müller C., Meyer C. H., Mennel S. (Marburg/D) Opticusatrophie und Hemianopsie im Rahmen eines Jaffe-Lich- tenstein-Syndroms Unilateral Optic Atrophy and bilateral hemianopsia in a case of Jaffe-Lichtenstein dyplasia 170 Poster Exhibition

Foyer 14.2 Tuesday, 27.9.2005, 9:30 - 10:30 hrs

P 272 Novak Andrejcˇicˇ K., Debelicˇ V. (Ljubljana/SLO) Ultrasound biomicroscopy in ciliary body tumours

P 273 Schubert K., Fuchs-Koelwel B., Demmler-Hackenberg M. M., Schölmerich J., Schlottmann K., Gabel V.-P. (Regensburg/D) High resolution sonography by contrast harmonic imaging of hemangioma: a case report

P 274 Seregard S., Economou M., All-Ericsson C., Bykov V., Girnita L., Bartolazzi A., Larsson O. (Stockholm/S, Rome/I) Receptors for the liver synthesized growth factors IGF-1 and HGF/SF in uveal melanoma. Intercorrelation and prognostic implications

P 275 Seregard S., All-Ericsson C., Girnita A., Economou M., Axelson M., Larsson O., Girnita L. (Stockholm/S) The insulin-like growth factor-1 receptor (IGF-1R) inhibitor PPP attenuates crucial metastasis mechanisms of uveal melanoma: Implications for a new treatment regimen

P 276 Strumbelj V., Sterman M. (Murska Sobota/SLO) Squamous cell carcinoma of the conjunctiva

P 277 Takai Y., Kodama T., Kaizu S., Masuda H., Ohira A. (Izumo/J) Expression of c-erbB-2/HER-2 protein in human extraocular lesions

P 278 Valtink M., Engelmann K. (Dresden/D) Etablierung eines Systems zur serumfreien Kultivierung von humanen normalen choroidalen Melanozyten A serum-free culture system for normal human choroidal mela- nocytes

P 279 Mohammadi B., Huth J., Kirschkamp T., Walter P., Weinberger A. W. A. (Aachen/D) Choroidale Nävi können mit Infrarot-Bildgebung differenziert werden Choroidal nevi can be differentiated by infrared imaging Poster Exhibition 171

Foyer 14.2 Wednesday, 28.9.2005, 9:30 - 10:30 hrs

P 17. Anatomy, Pathology

P 280 Al-Samir K., Schaudig U. (Hamburg/D) Lentigo simplex – Lentigo Maligna – Lentigo Maligna Melanoma Lentigo simplex – Lentigo Maligna – Lentigo Maligna Melanoma

P 281 Auw-Hädrich C., Potsch C., Böhringer D., Mittelviefhaus H., Maier P., Finke J., Coupland S. E. (Freiburg/D, Berlin/D) Histologische und immunhistochemische Charakterisierung von Bindehautbiopsaten bei konjunktivaler Graft vs. Host Disease (kGvHD) nach hämatopoetischer Stammzelltrans- plantation (HSCT) Histological and immunohistochemical characterisation of conjunctival graft vs. host disease (cGvHD) following hemato- poetic stem cell transplantation (HSCT)

P 282 Kapsreiter M., Schroedl F., Brehmer A., Kruse F. E., Neuhuber W. L., Bergua A. (Erlangen/D) Innervation of the intraoptic nerve course of the human central retinal artery

P 283 Kodama T., Takai Y., Kaizu S., Tanito M., Ohira A. (Izumo/J) Thioredoxin protects retinal microvascular cell injury caused by hydrogen peroxide

P 284 Meiller R., Pollhammer M., Gottschalk K., Jacobi C., Cursiefen C., Kruse F. E. (Erlangen/D) Confocal laser scanning microscopy of the lens in situ with the Rostock cornea module

P 285 Pache M., Zieger B., Bläser S., Meyer P. (Freiburg/D, Basel/CH) Expression der Septine SEPT4, SEPT5 und SEPT8 im mensch- lichen Auge Immunoreactivity of the septins SEPT4, SEPT5, and SEPT8 in the human eye

P 286 Pavlidis M., Stupp T., Busse H., Thanos S. (Münster/D) Morphometric examination of human and monkey retinal ganglion cells within the papillomacular area Poster Videos

P 287 Peters S., Lamah T., Kokkinou D., Bartz-Schmidt K. U., Schraermeyer U. (Tübingen/D, Köln/D) Melanin schützt choroidale Blutgefäße vor Licht-toxischen Schäden Choroidal Blood vessels are protected from light toxicity by melanin pigmentation

P 288 Rejdak R., Hofmann-Rummelt C., Zrenner E., Zagórski Z., Zarnowski T., Schüttauf F., Schlötzer-Schrehardt U., Naumann G. O. H., Kruse F. E., Jünemann A. G. M. (Lublin/PL, Erlangen/D, Tübingen/D) Presence of L-kynurenine aminotransferases in corpora amyla- cea in the human retina and optic nerve

P 289 Sbeity Z., Jaksche A., Lehnert M., Holz F. G., Löffler K. U. (Bonn/D) Malignant B cell-lymphoma of the retina in a patient with MALT lymphoma of the stomach 172 Poster Exhibition

Foyer 14.2 Wednesday, 28.9.2005, 9:30 - 10:30 hrs

P 290 Stirn Kranjc B., Sketelj J., D'Albis A., Erzˇen I. (Ljubljana/SLO, Orsay/F) Rat ocular medial rectus muscle long-term regeneration after Marcaine induced degeneration

P 18. Conjunctiva, Genetics

P 291 Farkasová B., Potocka Nagyova M. (Sturovo/SK) Retrospective study of epidemiology and pharmacotherapy of allergic conjunctivitis in the region of Sturovo (Slovakia) from 1996 to 2003

P 292 Jaksic V., Milenkovic S., Zoric L. (Belgrade/SCG) Conjunctival calcification in patients on hemodialysis

P 293 Kogan B. M. (Odessa/UA) Condition and changes of its level in patients with different forms of dry kerato-conjunctivitis under IEMF (impulse electro- magnetic field) influence

P 294 Pasternak A., Mrukwa-Kominek E., Gierek-Ciaciura S. (Katowice/PL) Intraoperative single application of 0.1% mitomycin C after pterygium surgery

P 295 Potsch C., Engel S., Brunner T., Auw-Hädrich C., Böhringer D., Mumm A., Mittelviefhaus H. (Freiburg/D) Augenbefunde nach hämatopoetischer Stammzelltransplantati- on (HSCT) Ophthalmological findings after haematopoetic steam cell transplantation (HSCT)

P 296 Soleymani A., Sefidgar A. A., Mashmool M. (Babol/IR) Evaluation of fungal normal flora of conjunctiva in healthy per- sons (Shahid Beheshti Hospital, Babol, Iran)

P 297 Sommer F., Murovski S., Pillunat L. E. (Dresden/D) Sicca-Problematik bei okulo-mukokutanen Syndromen – Thera- piemöglichkeiten Dry eye in patients with oculo-mucocutanous syndromes – methods of therapy

P 298 Stübiger N., Deuter C. M. E., Engelmann K., Zierhut M. (Tübingen/D, Dresden/D) Systemic Mycophenolate Mofetil in severe atopic keratocon- junctivitis

P 299 Droshina G. I., Pampukha V., Livshits L. A., Vit V. V., Dumbrova N. E. (Odessa/UA) TGFBI gene mutation analysis in families with hereditary corneal stromal dystrophies (HCSD) from Ukraine

P 300 Ganesh A., Kumar N., Pilz D., Levin A., Watts P. (Muscat/MAO, Cardiff/UK, Toronto/CDN) Chorioretinal Dysplasia, Hydranencephaly and Intracranial Calcifications – A New Syndrome? Poster Exhibition 173

Foyer 14.2 Wednesday, 28.9.2005, 9:30 - 10:30 hrs

P 301 Neudeck M., Bachmeier K., Maier M., Lanzl I. M. (München/D) Welche Rolle spielt der Augenarzt bei der Entdeckung lysoso- maler Speichererkrankungen? Can ophthalmologists identify patients with lysosomal storage diseases?

P 302 Radenkovic M., Zlatanovic G., Micic S., Bojovic L., Zlatanovic M. (Nis/SCG) Clinicopathogenetic findings and management of chondrodys- trophic myotonia (Schwartz-Jampel syndrome): a case report

P 303 Varadi G., Wrede J., Singer R., Linke R., Dithmar S. (Heidelberg/D) Unilateral vitreous amyloidosis after liver transplantation in familial amyloidotic polyneuropathy due to an unusual trans- thyretin gene mutation ( TTR Phe33Val)

P 304 Maryshev Y. A., Droshina G. I. (Odessa/UA) Academician V.P. Filatov (28. 02. 1875 - 30. 10. 1956). On the 130th anniversary of his birth

P 19. Glaucoma 2

P 305 Mekada A., Tajika M., Minamikawa T., Okada A. (Otsu, Shiga/J) Intraocular pressure between different conjunctival incisions in trabeculectomy with deeP scleral tunnel

P 306 Messmer E. M., Zapp D. M., Mackert M. J., Thiel M. J., Kampik A. (München/D) In vivo confocal microscopy of filtering blebs following trabe- culectomy

P 307 Meyer-ter-Vehn T., Grehn F., Schlunck G. (Würzburg/D) Increased expression of transformig growth factor-beta type II receptor in hypertrophic scar tissue after fistulating glaucoma surgery

P 308 Mossböck G., Weger M., Temmel W., Semmelrock J., Mattes D., Schmut O., Faschinger C. (Graz/A) Poster Videos Pseudoexfoliationsglaukom und Plasma Homocyst(e)in Pseudoexfoliation Glaucoma and Plasma Homocyst(e)ine

P 309 Müller-Holz M. F., Spanier J., Schmidt E., Böhm A. G., Pillunat L. E. (Dresden/D) Vergleichende IOD-Messungen mit dem Non-Contact Tonome- ter AT555 und der Goldmann-Applanationstonometrie Comparison of IOP measurements obtained by the non-con- tact tonometer AT555 and Goldmann applanation tonometry

P 310 Nakamoto K., Yasuda N. (Tokyo/J) Comparison of effects of intraocular pressure reduction bet- ween the concomitant use of latanoprost and brinzolamide and the switch to brinzolamide monotherapy in patients non- responsive to latanoprost 174 Poster Exhibition

Foyer 14.2 Wednesday, 28.9.2005, 9:30 - 10:30 hrs

P 311 Ohlmann A., Fuchshofer R., Ohlmann A., Pfeiffer N. (Mainz/D, Regensburg/D, München/D) Die Hemmung von Thrombospondin-1 vermindert die Prolife- ration humaner Tenonfibroblasten Inhibition of Thrombospondin-1 reduces proliferation of human tenon fibroblasts

P 312 Oláh Z., Veselovsky´ J., Gressnerová S., Veselá A. (Bratislava/SK) Efectivity of the Amino Acid L-Arginine.HCl Mixture in anti- glaucomatics on the IOP in rabbits

P 313 Pasenco T. V., Pasenco N. L. (Chisinau/MD) First experience of application of the artificial drainage “Hemashield” (Meadox Medicals, USA) in glaucoma

P 314 Pichler A., Gilbert I., Will J., Aigner J., Schubert M., Assmann W., Lanzl I. M. (München/D, Garching/D) Zellbiologische Untersuchungen an Tenon-Fibroblasten nach Langzeitbestrahlung mit einem Betastrahler The effect of long-term beta irradiation on human tenon fibroblasts

P 315 Plange N., Kaup M., Arend O., Remky A. (Aachen/D, Alsdorf/D) Retrobulbäre Hämodynamik bei primärem Offenwinkelglau- kom und okulärer Hypertension: Korrelation zur Sehnerven- morphologie Retrobulbar hemodynamics in primary open-angle glaucoma and ocular hypertension are correlated to morphological damage of the optic disc

P 316 Posielek K., Steuhl K.-P., Kremmer S., Selbach J. M. (Essen/D) Episcleral venous pressure in untreated primary open angle and normal tension glaucoma

P 317 Rakhmanov V., Astakhov Y. S., Nikitina N. Y., Vasilyev V. B., Golubkov V. I., Mandelshtam M. Y. (Saint-Petersburg/RUS) Mutations and polymorphisms in myocilin and optineurin genes in primary open-angle glaucoma: applicability for pre-cli- nical diagnosis

P 318 Schallenberg M., Steuhl K.-P., Selbach J. M. (Essen/D) Sekundärglaukom bei idiopathisch erhöhten episkleralen Venendruck (Radius-Maumenee-Syndrom) Idiopathic increased episcleral venous pressure in secondary open-angle glaucoma (Radius-Maumenee-syndrom)

P 319 Schmidt E., Böhm A. G., Pillunat L. E. (Dresden/D) Einfluss der Polarisationsachse auf die variable Hornhautkom- pensation des GDxVCC Effect of a change of the polarization axis on anterior segment compensation of the GDxVCC

P 320 Schröder S., Lämmer R., Viestenz A., Mardin C. Y. (Erlangen/D) Quantifizierung von neuroretinalem Randsaumverlust mittels digitaler Planimetrie im Langzeitverlauf bei normaler und oku- lärer Hypertension Quantification of neuroretinal rim loss using digital planimetry in long-term follow-up of normals and patients with ocular hypertension Poster Exhibition 175

Foyer 14.2 Wednesday, 28.9.2005, 9:30 - 10:30 hrs

P 321 Schüttauf F., Rejdak R., Thaler S., Dietrich K., Zagórski Z., Zrenner E., Grieb P. (Tübingen/D, Lublin/PL, Warsaw/PL) Neuroprotective effects of Tempol against loss of retinal ganglion cells in a rat model of optic nerve damage

P 322 Schwarzbartl Pfeifer M. A., Zupan M., Pfeifer V. (Ljubljana/SLO) Management of primary closed-angle glaucoma with cataract extraction

P 323 Selbach J. M., Kahl C., Steuhl K.-P., Lütjen-Drecoll E. (Essen/D, Erlangen/D) Regional differences in the innervation of the ciliary body

P 324 Sˇenková K., Autrata R., Vodicˇková K., Rˇehu°rˇek J. (Brno/CZ) Safety and efficacy of latanoprost as the additive treatment for pediatric glaucoma – long-term results

P 325 Sreckovic S. B., Petrovic N. T. (Kragujevac/SCG) Argon laser trabeculoplasty in the therapy of open angle glaucoma

P 326 Terzidou C., Dalianis G., Petounis A. (Athens/GR) Corneal pachymetry (CCT) in the evaluation of ocular hyper- tensives and glaucoma patients follow-up – early results

P 327 Velchev V., Koev K., Cherninkova S., Pavlova-Hristova S. (Sofia/BG) Diagnostic role of optical coherence tomography (OCT) in the primary open angle glaucomas (POAGs) and ocular hypertension

P 328 Velten K., Oberacher-Velten I., Günther M., Lorenz B. (Geisenheim/D, Regensburg/D, Kaiserslautern/D) Multi-dimensional simulation of Goldmann applanation tonometry

P 329 Vide-Escada Eickmann A., Seldon R. P., Coelho A., Castanheira-Dinis A. (Lisboa/P, Lisbon/P) Familiar amyloidotic polyneuropathy type I (Portuguese type) – a clinical case in the context of glaucoma

P 330 Viestenz A., Langenbucher A., Viestenz A. (Erlangen/D) Ist die Dynamische Contour Tonometrie (PASCAL) unabhängig von der Hornhautdicke? Poster Videos Is the PASCAL Dynamic Contour Tonometry independent of corneal thickness?

P 331 Vitovskay O. P., Skripnik R., Rizhova I., Barbaros H. U. (Kiev/UA) Results of combined procedures in neovascular glaucoma

P 332 Vy´borny´ P., Novácˇek L., Pasˇta J., Sebesta P., Vladyka V., Lisˇcˇák R. (Prague/CZ) Leksell Gamma Knife Surgery in advanced secondary glaucoma

P 333 Wagenfeld L., Becker B., Galambos P., Matthiessen E. T., Richard G., Klemm M., Zeitz O. (Hamburg/D) Effects of different inhibitors of the carbonic anhydrase on the myofilaments of the posterior ciliary arteries in porcine eyes

P 334 Zeitz O., Wlodarsch P., Galambos P., Matthiessen E. T., Wagenfeld L., Richard G., Klemm M. (Hamburg/D) Progressive open angle glaucoma is associated with decreased diastolic blood flow velocity in short posterior ciliary artery 176 Poster Exhibition

Foyer 14.2 Wednesday, 28.9.2005, 9:30 - 10:30 hrs

P 20. International Ophthalmology

P 335 Hopkins A. (Nairobi/EAK) Are Vision 2020 objectives realistic for Central Africa?

P 336 Koss M. J., Eder M., Ferreira E. N., Mino M. T., Saucedo J. O., Celauro L., Simancas M., Klauß V., Miño de Kaspar H. (Nürnberg/D, München/D, Clorinda/RA, Stanford/USA) Vision Testing in Public School Children in Clorinda / North- Argentina

P 337 Makwanga M., Hopkins A. (Kinshasa/ZRE) The ophthalmology training centre for Central Africa (CFOAC)

P 338 Vaicaitiene R. (Vilnius/LT) Ophthalmological Care During Mission In Iraq

P 339 Bialasiewicz A., Shenoy R., Shenoy U., Al-Munairi A. (Muscat/MAO) Risk factors for bacterial stromal keratitis in 320 patients (326 eyes) in an arid dry hot climate of the tropics with special reference to complementary medicine – a 4-year evaluation at a tertiary care university eye department

P 21. Cataract, Biometry 2

P 340 Jasinskas V., Zemaitiene R., Barzdziukas V. (Kaunas/LT) Two-year clinical comparison of 3-piece AcrySof and CeeOn 911 intraocular lenses

P 341 Kottler U. B., Dietrich T., Schlötzer-Schrehardt U., Blüthner K., Kruse F. E. (Erlangen/D) Wirkung von destilliertem Wasser, hyperosmolaren Salz- lösungen und Ethanol auf kultivierte Linsenepithelzellen – Rückschlüsse auf die Nachstarprävention In vitro evaluation of new methods to remove lens epithelial cells during cataract surgery to prevent posterior capsule opacification

P 342 Meyer L. M., Dong X., Wegener A., Söderberg P. (Stockholm/S, Bonn/D) Light Scattering in the C57BL/6 Mouse Lens

P 343 Nishi Y., Auffarth G. U., Limberger I. J., Rabsilber T. M. (Heidelberg/D) Comparison of the Rayner C-Flex and Centerflex 570H in relation to posterior capsule opacification

P 344 Rabsilber T. M., Apple D. J., Auffarth G. U. (Heidelberg/D, Salt Lake City/USA) Scanning electron microscopy of enhanced 360° sharp optic edge design of one-piece foldable IOLs

P 345 Rˇehu°rˇek J., Autrata R., Vodicˇková K., Sˇenková K. (Brno/CZ) Ten-year results of various types of the secondary IOL implantation in children Poster Exhibition 177

Foyer 14.2 Wednesday, 28.9.2005, 9:30 - 10:30 hrs

P 346 Reuland A., Neens N., Holzer M. P., Rabsilber T. M., Limberger I. J., Auffarth G. U. (Heidelberg/D) Calculation of intraocular lens power for high axial myopia

P 347 Schmidt W. (Gießen/D) Astigmatismusreduktion durch Implantation torischer Hinter- kammerlinsen (Dr. Schmidt/Human Optics MS 6116 TU und Rayner 571 T) Reduction of Astigmatism by Implantation of Toric Posterior Chamber IOL (Dr. Schmidt/Human Optics MS 6116 TU and Rayner 571 T)

P 348 Schmidt W., Plesker R., Hetzel U. (Gießen/D, Langen/D, Liverpool/GB) Unusual cataracts in a laboratory colony of African green mon- keys (Chlorocebus aethiops)

P 349 Shkapa A. F., Kulikov S. M., L'vov L. V., Manachinski A. N., Sukharev S, Zykov L. I. (Sarov/RUS) Study on optical quality of intraocular lenses

P 350 Vucic D., Auffarth G. U., Nishi Y., Reuland A. (Heidelberg/D) Clear cornea incision sizes before and after implantation of 6- mm optic foldable intraocular lenses using Emerald and Sap- phire injector systems

P 351 Worgul B. V., Kleiman N., David J. (New York/USA) The lens exhibits both a positive and negative bystander effect to radiation exposure

P 352 Zlatanovic G., Jovanovic´ P., Jocic Djordjevic J., Stankovic Babic G., Micic S., Radenkovic M., Novak S., Zlatanovic M. (Nis/SCG) Complication of the cataract surgery in Sy Behcet patients

P 353 Zoric L., Miric D., Milenkovic S., Trajkovic G., Jaksic V., Radisavljevic M. (Belgrade/SCG) Level of lipid peroxidation in cataract within some systemic diseases

P 354 Zykov L. I., Kulikov S. M., L'vov L. V., Manachinski A. N., Sukharev S, Shkapa A. F., Bagrov S. N. (Sarov/RUS, Moscow/RUS) Experimental eye model for IOL tests and demonstrations Poster Videos

P 22. Contact Lenses, Lids

P 355 Kramann C., Bruns K., Pfeiffer N., Grus F. H. (Mainz/D) Effekt von Multi-Purpose-Lösungen auf die Zusammensetzung der Tränenfilmproteine: Eine ProteinChip-Studie Effects of contact lens cleaning solutions on the tear film: a ProteinChip Study

P 356 Scholtz S. K. (Heidelberg/D) Leben und Einfluss von Prof. Otto Wichterle, dem Erfinder der weichen Kontaktlinse Life and impact of Prof. Otto Wichterle, the inventor of soft contact lenses 178 Poster Exhibition

Foyer 14.2 Wednesday, 28.9.2005, 9:30 - 10:30 hrs

P 357 Bouiko A. S., Safronenkova I. A., Yelagina V. F. (Odessa/UA) Advantage of cryosurgery method in malignant epithelial tumors of eyelids treatment

P 358 Golubovic S. (Belgrade/SCG) Surgical correction of congenital euryblepharon

P 359 Holak S. A., Reinecke-Lütge A., Holak H. M., Holak N. H. (Berlin/D, Wolfsburg/D, Salzgitter/D) Akzessorische Dakryoadenitis als Ursache eines exophytischen konjunktivalen Tumors Accessory dacryoadenitis as a cause of an exophytic conjuncti- val tumor

P 360 Hristova R., Pancheva T., Georgiev K. (Sofia/BG) Contemporary lid reconstruction after trauma

P 361 Khan Y. A. (Ontario/CDN) Radiofrequency surgery: a novel surgical technique for periocu- lar/oculoplastic surgery using a high frequency/low temperatu- re energy source of 4.0 MHz radio waves to perform safe and effective surgery with minimal tissue injury

P 362 Lanuza Garcia A., Pinto J. C., Solanes C., Moreno M., Alvarez M. D., Soler F. (Castellón/E) Restoration of lower eyelid support in facial paralysis with suture anchor

P 23. Cornea 2

P 363 Knezovic´ I., Dekaris I., Gabric´ N., Cerovski J., Barisˇic´ A., Parac´ A., Bosnar D. (Zagreb/HR) Therapeutic efficacy of 5% NaCl hypertonic solution topically administrated in patients with keratopathia bullosa

P 364 Kühne C., Kohnen T. (Frankfurt/Main/D) Vergleich zwischen theoretischer und mit OCP gemessener Ablationstiefe des Technolas 217z Excimer laser (Bausch & Lomb) Ablation depth of the Technolas 217z Excimer laser (Bausch & Lomb) measured by optical coherence pachymetry

P 365 Lema Gesto I., Ruiz Fraga C., Gomez-Torreiro M., Diez-Feijoo E (Santiago/E) Nitric oxide in the tears of patients with keratoconus

P 366 Löw U., Kohlhof J. K., Kienecker C., Hille K., Ruprecht K. W. (Homburg/Saar) Gibt es eine relative Kontraindikation beim Keratokonus gegen eine tief lamellierende Keratoplastik? Keratokonus – is there a relative contraindication against deeP lamellar keratoplasty?

P 367 Maier P., Philippin H., Reinhard T. (Freiburg/D) Konfokale Hornhautmikroskopie: Vergleich des HRT II mit Ros- tock Cornea Modul und dem Confoscan IV Confocal corneal biomicroscopy: comparison of HRT II with Rostock Cornea Modul and Confoscan IV Poster Exhibition 179

Foyer 14.2 Wednesday, 28.9.2005, 9:30 - 10:30 hrs

P 368 Mayweg S., Reis A., Oberhuber H., Mathis G., Sundmacher R., Reinhard T. (Düsseldorf/D, Triesen/FL, Zürich/CH, Freiburg/D) Langzeitergebnisse der lokalen FK506-Prophylaxe von Absto- ßungsreaktionen nach allogener perforierender Normalrisiko- Keratoplastik: Eine prospektiv randomisierte klinische Studie Long-term results of topical FK506 as immunoprophylaxis after allogeneic penetrating normal-risk keratoplasty: A prospective randomized clinical trial

P 369 Mergler S., Reinach P., Yang H., Strowski M., Goencz E., Hartmann C., Pleyer U. (Berlin/D, New York/USA) Orexin-A induces Ca2+ increases in human corneal epithelial cells. A possible involvement of TRPC channels

P 370 Miller D. W., Vöhringer I., Clauss M., Auffarth G. U. (Heidelberg/D, Indianapolis/USA) Immunohistochemistry of transmembrane TNF (tmTNF) and alpha-smooth muscle actin in vascularized human corneas

P 371 Mravicˇic´ I., Gabric´ N., Sˇ uman L., Dekaris I., Karaman Z. (Zagreb/HR) The role of Langerhans cells in corneal graft rejection

P 372 Mrukwa-Kominek E., Rokita-Wala I., Gierek-Ciaciura S. (Katowice/PL) The usefulness of the confocal microscopy for the diagnosis of fungal keratitis

P 373 Osvald A., Weich C. M., Ruprecht K. W. (Homburg/Saar) Bringt die Lagerung in Optisol® vor in Kulturnahme Vorteile? Is it beneficial to store cornea transplants in Optisol® before organ culture?

P 374 Russo S., Papa V., Milazzo G., Roth H.-W. (Aci Sant'Antonio/I, Ulm/D) Comparative study of xanthan gum and carbomer containing ophthalmic gels

P 375 Pfirrmann M., Miller D. W., Hartschuh W, Völcker H. E., Dithmar S. (Heidelberg/D) Trigeminal Trophic Syndrome (TTS) and neurotrophic corneal ulcer in Wallenberg's Syndrome Poster Videos

P 376 Philipp W., Speicher L. (Innsbruck/A) Expression von junktionalen Adhäsionsmolekülen, JAM-1, JAM-2 und JAM-3 in normalen und entzündeten Hornhäuten Expression of junctional adhesion molecules, JAM-1, JAM-2, JAM-3 in normal and inflamed human corneas

P 377 Philippin H., Maier P., Reinhard T. (Freiburg/D) Konfokale Laser-Scanning-Mikroskopie: Frühe Veränderungen des humanen Hornhautepithels durch Orthokeratologie-Kon- taktlinsen Confocal laser-scanning microscopy: Early effects of overnight orthokeratology on the corneal epithelium

P 378 Rahimi F., Hashemian M. N., Monjei-Azad B. (Tehran/IR) Corneal ring infilteration following tetracaine abuse: a case report

P 379 Ribeiro I., Rodrigues P., Bilhoto M., Lima A., Tenedório P., Monteiro R. (Matosinhos/P) Keratoconus and Turner’s Syndrome 180 Poster Exhibition

Foyer 14.2 Wednesday, 28.9.2005, 9:30 - 10:30 hrs

P 380 Rokita-Wala I., Mrukwa-Kominek E., Gierek-Ciaciura S. (Katowice/PL) Keratitis – a case report

P 381 Rummelt C., Fickenscher S., Jackson D., Vorwerk C. K., Jünemann A. G. M., Neuhuber W. L., Kruse F. E., Schroedl F., Cursiefen C. (Erlangen/D, Oxford/UK, Magdeburg/D) The human cornea is devoid of blood and lymphatic vessels during development

P 382 Scholz C., Birnbaum F., Schwartzkopff J., Reis A., Reinhard T. (Freiburg/D, Triesen/FL) Topisch verabreichtes Pimecrolimus verlängert das Transplantat- überleben nach orthotoper allogener Keratoplastik im Ratten- modell nicht Topical Pimecrolimus does not prolong clear graft survival in a rat keratoplasty model

P 383 Sedláková K., Robertson M., Muckersie E., Duncan L., Filipec M., Forrester J. V. (Prague/CZ, Aberdeen/UK) FTY720 in experimental corneal transplantation

P 384 Seitz B., Resch M., Schlötzer-Schrehardt U., Hofmann-Rummelt C., Cursiefen C., Kruse F. E. (Erlangen/D, Budapest/H) Integrationsmuster von Amnionmembran in menschliche Horn- häute Integration patterns of amniotic membrane in human corneas

P 385 Serbecic N., Beutelspacher S. C. (Vienna/A, Heidelberg/D) Indoleamine 2,3-Dioxigenase Protects Corneal Endothelial Cells from UVB mediated Damage

P 386 Shiraishi A., Suzuki A., Zhang W., Ohashi Y. (Toon, Ehime/J) Up-regulated expression of novel serine protease, BSP1/Neu- ropsin, in the keratinized ocular surface

P 387 Sokol’owska-Oracz A., Klimczak-S´laczka D., Oracz G., Socha P., Gral’ek M., Szaflik J., Da¸dalski M. (Warsaw/PL, Warszawa/PL) Prevalence of Kayser-Fleischer ring in patients with Wilson’s disease

P 388 Spelsberg H., Sundmacher R. (Düsseldorf/D) Early emergency treatment of severe alkali burn with a glued- on hard contact lens: a case report

P 389 Spitzlberger G. M., Lackerbauer C., Grüterich M., Thurau S., Kampik A. (München/D) Phototherapeutische Keratektomie (PTK) bei Kindern Phototherapeutic keratectomy (PTK) in children

P 390 Stergiopoulos P., Naumann G. O. H., Cursiefen C., Kruse F. E., Seitz B. (Erlangen/D) Langzeitergebnisse der chirurgischen Therapie solider kornealer Dermoide Long-term results after surgical treatment of solid corneal der- moids

P 391 Tanaka Y., Shirakata Y., Hara Y., Morita S.-I., Shiraishi A., Yang L., Hashimoto K., Ohashi Y. (Toon, Ehime/J) Cultivation of corneal epithelial cells on the collagen gel con- taining human dermal fibroblasts Poster Exhibition 181

Foyer 14.2 Wednesday, 28.9.2005, 9:30 - 10:30 hrs

P 392 Usov V., Metelitsina I. P., Malcev E. V., Varecka T. V., Kudinov S. O. (Odessa/UA) Experimental researches of glues fixing cornea transplant

P 393 Voßmerbäumer U., Kühl S., Klüter C., Eichler H., Jonas J. B., Bieback K. (Mannheim/D) Kultivierung und Differenzierung humaner limbaler Progenitor- zellen Cultivation and differentiation of human limbal progenitor cells

P 394 Westphal G., Nölle B., Roider J. (Kiel/D) Versorgung von Hornhautulzerationen im Rahmen einer GVH- Reaktion nach hämatopoetischer Stammzelltransplantation Treatment of corneal ulcers resulting from graft-versus-host disease after hematopoietic stem cell transplantation

P 395 Wüstemeyer H., Fuchsluger T. A., Steuhl K.-P., Meller D. (Essen/D) Amnionmembrantransplantation in der Behandlung okulärer Verätzungen. Eine retrospektive Studie Amniotic membrane transplantation in the management of ocular chemical burns. A retrospective study

P 396 Zhivov A., Beck R., Guthoff R. F. (Rostock/D) In vivo confocal microscopy of cornea under the influence of the mitomycin C therapy after pterygium surgery

P 397 Zubaty V., Richter H., Valtink M., Engelmann K., Spörl E. (Dresden/D) Beeinflussung von Antigen-präsentierenden Zellen (APC) in der Schweinehornhaut durch Riboflavin/UVA-Bestrahlung Modulation of antigen presenting cells (APC) in the porcine cornea by riboflavin/UVA irradiation

P 398 Zwehl A., Wachtlin J., Bechrakis N. E., Foerster M. H. (Berlin/D) Mehrfache sekundäre korneale Amyloidose in Hornhauttrans- plantaten Secondary corneal amyloidosis multiple recurrences in corneal grafts

P 24. Physiological Optics, Electrophysiology 2 Poster Videos

P 399 Lüke M., Krott R., Warga M., Szurman P., Grisanti S., Bartz-Schmidt K. U., Lüke C. (Tübingen/D, Köln/D) Die Effekte des Tyrosinkinase-Inhibitors Genistein und Taurin auf die Funktion der isolierten umströmten Vertebratennetz- haut Effects of protein tyrosine kinase inhibitor genistein and tauri- ne on superfused vertebrate retina

P 400 Meißner A., Nebe B., Beck R., Kunz F., Guthoff R. F., Noack T. (Rostock/D) Der T-TyP Kalzium-Kanal-Blocker Mibefradil blockiert Kaliumka- näle in humanen Linsenepithelzellen (hLEC) The T-Type calcium channel inhibitor Mibefradil inhibits potassi- um currents in human lens epithelial cells (hLEC)

P 401 Pojda-Wilczek D., Herba E., Pojda S. M., Plech A., Makowiecka-Obidzin´ ska K., Je¸drzejewski W. (Bytom/PL) Congenital macular retinoschisis in three generations 182 Poster Exhibition

Foyer 14.2 Wednesday, 28.9.2005, 9:30 - 10:30 hrs

P 402 Rennings C. A., Walter P. (Aachen/D) Erprobung eines softwarebasierten Reizsystems zur Erzeugung von sweep VEPs zur Visuskorrelation Evoked potentials as responses to sweep checkerboard stimuli presented with a software based system for visual stimuli

P 403 Schröder A., Schulz U., Tebbenjohann J., Rüfer F., Erb C. (Hannover/D, Kiel/D, Rostock/D) Sind Gesichtsfelddefekte bei Patienten mit einer paroxysmalen supraventrikulären Tachykardie mit der Frequenzverdopplungs- perimetrie nachweisbar? Is the frequency doubling perimetry a sensitive method to diagnose paroxysmal supraventricular tachycardia?

P 404 Shenoy R., Bialasiewicz A., Al-Belushi H., Al-Munairi A. (Muscat/MAO) Reduktion der retinalen Sensitivität bei „Prädiabetes“ Early reduction of retinal sensitivity in "prediabetes"

P 405 Wübbolt I., von Alven S., Hülssner O., Schröder A., Erb C. (Hannover/D, Rostock/D) Vergleich der manuellen und automatischen Refraktions- bestimmung mit dem subjektivem Abgleich Comparison of three objective refractometries with the subjective dioptometry

P 25. Plastic Surgery, Orbita, Nasolacrimal Ducts 2

P 406 Macan K., Drnovsˇek-OluP B. (Ljubljana/SLO) Association between floppy eyelid syndrome and orbital fat prolapse

P 407 Maletskiy A. P., Chebotaryov E. P. (Odessa/UA) Method of evisceration with introduce of implant into scleral socket and subsequent fixation of prosthetic eye

P 408 Maresyeva E., Davydov D. V. (Moscow/RUS) Simultaneous endonasal dacryocystorhinostomy with atrauma- tic sub mucous resection of nasal septum

P 409 Moroz O., Davydov D. V. (Moscow/RUS) Results of biologically active gel patch application in treatment of post-operative orbital wounds

P 410 Nikolajenko V., Astakhov Y. S. (Saint-Petersburg/RUS) Use of porous polytetrafluoroethylene orbital implants: techni- que, results and complications

P 411 Novinec E., Drnovsˇek-Olup B. (Ljubljana/SLO) Postenucleation socket syndrome: clinical manifestations and surgical treatment

P 412 Povzun S. A., Astakhov Y. S., Nikolajenko V. (Saint-Petersburg/RUS) Porous polytetrafluoroethylene as an orbital implant material

P 413 Prosenc V. A., Drnovsˇek-OluP B. (Ljubljana/SLO) Transpositional flaP as a mechanical support in surgical treat- ment of seventh nerve palsy Poster Exhibition 183

Foyer 14.2 Wednesday, 28.9.2005, 9:30 - 10:30 hrs

P 414 Robic´ T., Drnovsˇek-Olup B. (Ljubljana/SLO) Orbitopalpebral neurofibromatosis – clinical features and surgical management

P 415 Rössler C., Nkenke E., Iro H., Neukam F. W., Holbach L. M. (Erlangen/D) Diagnosis and management of spontaneous enophthalmos due to „silent sinus syndrom“ (SSS)

P 416 Visnjic Z., Visnjic M., Veselinovic D., Novak S. (Nis/SCG) The use of mucoperiostal graft in tarsoconjuctival reconstruction of eyelids

P 417 Yang S.-W., Kim S.-Y., Choi W. C. (Seoul/ROK) Endoscopy-guided Transcaruncular Jones Tube Intubation without Dacryocystorhinostomy (DCR) Poster Videos 184 Poster Exhibition

Foyer 14.2 Thursday, 29.9.2005, 9:30 - 10:30 hrs

P 26. Infectiology, Intraocular Inflammation, Uveitis 2

P 418 Ben Yahia S., Zaouali S., Attia S., Belaid W., Boubaker N., Messaoud R., Ladjimi A., Khairallah M. (Monastir/TN) Pattern of posterior uveitis and panuveitis in a referral center in Tunisia, North Africa

P 419 Bergua A., Kittan N., Korn K., Kruse F. E., Schmidt B. (Erlangen/D) Selective innate immunodeficiency in patients with severe her- pesvirus retinitis?

P 420 Deuter C. M. E., Kötter I., Günaydin I., Stübiger N., Zierhut M. (Tübingen/D) Can interferon alfa-2a cure chronic cystoid macular edema in uveitis?

P 421 Fujiseki Y., Nambu H., Nishimura T., Matsumura M. (Yawata, Kyoto/J) A patient with Klebsiella endophthalmitis successfully treated by vitrectomy

P 422 Gürsesli M., Meier P. (Leipzig/D) Propionibakterien-Endophthalmitis bei einem Patient mit HLA- B27 positivem Antigen Propionibacteria endophthalmitis in a patient with HLA-B27 positive antigen

P 423 Hartmann K., Miño de Kaspar H., Gandorfer A., Kampik A. (München/D) Intraokulare Entzündung nach intravitrealer Injektion von Tri- amcinolonacetonid Intraocular inflammation after intravitreal injection of triamci- nolone acetonide

P 424 Heinz C., Heiligenhaus A. (Münster/D) Treatment of non-infectious uveitis with fumaric acid esters

P 425 Reuland M., Harsch N., Fleckenstein M., Heger T., Max R., Becker M. D. (Heidelberg/D) Epidemiological differences for a cohort of 1230 uveitis patients with differing anatomical localisations

P 426 Ryseck I., Spelsberg H., Althaus C., Sundmacher R. (Düsseldorf/D) Fulminante Gonokokken-Keratokonjunktivitis beim Erwachse- nen Extraordinary gonococcal keratoconjunctivitis in an adult

P 427 Schollmayer P., Hawlina M. (Ljubljana/SLO) Case report – transient myopia in haemorrhagic fever due to Puumala virus infection

P 428 Schulze-Döbold C., Schöpfer K., Kreutzer T., Gandorfer A., Klauß V., Miño de Kaspar H. (München/D) Kontaktlinsen-assoziierte Keratitis durch Pseudomonas aerugi- nosa und Proprionibacterium acnes – ein Fallbericht Contact Lens-associated Keratitis by Pseudomonas Aeruginosa and Proprionibacterium Acnes – A Case Report Poster Exhibition 185

Foyer 14.2 Thursday, 29.9.2005, 9:30 - 10:30 hrs

P 429 Silva B., Miranda M., Ferreira C., Tavares L, Metzner-Serra L, Castanheira-Dinis A. (Lisboa/P) Bilateral neuroretinitis associated with Borrelia burgdorferi (Lyme disease)

P 430 Simeonovska M., Danic M., Nikolic´ D., Simeonovski V. (Skopje/MK) Primary toxo allergic reaction of dental foci upon the uvea

P 27. Neuro-Ophthalmology 2

P 431 Kandzia C. H., Roider J. (Kiel/D) Letaler Verlauf einer Herpes zoster-Infektion Lethal Course of a Herpes Zoster infection

P 432 Kaup M., Plange N., Arend O., Remky A. (Aachen/D, Alsdorf/D) Retrobulbar hemodynamics in anterior ischemic optic neuropathy correlated with visual field defects

P 433 Kimmig M., Althaus C., Sundmacher R. (Düsseldorf/D) Transient contralateral amaurosis after retrobulbar anesthesia

P 434 Mitrovic S., Sekelj S. (Slavonski Brod/HR) Blindness in myelodysplastic syndrome

P 435 Palmowski-Wolfe A., Denninger E., Geisel J., Pindur G., Ruprecht K. W. (Basel/CH, Homburg/Saar) Fibrinogen in ocular arterial and venous occlusive disease

P 436 Pojda S. M., Pojda-Wilczek D., Herba E. (Bytom/PL) Visual evoked potentials’ changes in patient suffering from multiple sclerosis during 15-year follow-up

P 437 Preskar A., Preskar P. (Novo Mesto/SLO) Optic disc drusen associated with profound visual field defect

P 438 Risimic D., Thomas Petrovic L., Kosanovic´-Jakovic N., Ivankovic L., Milenkovic S. (Belgrade/SCG) Ocular manifestation of arteritic ischemic optic neuropathy Poster Videos

P 439 Ryzhova I. P., Scheglov D. V., Vitovskay O. P. (Kiev/UA) Endovascular treatment of anterior ischaemic neuropathies

P 440 Sˇket Kontestabile A., Brecelj J., Hawlina M. (Ljubljana/SLO) Paraneoplastic retinopathies

P 441 Ungerechts R., Mörchen M., Lang M., Emmerich K.-H. (Darmstadt/D) Atrophy of the optic nerve in Apert disease

P 28. Refractive Surgery

P 442 Bezditko P. A., Schadnikh M. A., Vlasko H. V., Zhilina I. D. (Kharkov/UA) Tangential sclera corrugation in the treatment of presbyopia 186 Poster Exhibition

Foyer 14.2 Thursday, 29.9.2005, 9:30 - 10:30 hrs

P 443 Bühren J., Kühne C., Kohnen T. (Frankfurt/Main/D) Welche Faktoren beeinflussen die Veränderung der Aberratio- nen höherer Ordnung nach wellenfrontgeführter LASIK? Analysis of factors affecting the predictability of the correction of higher-order aberrations after wavefront-guided LASIK for myopia

P 444 Cordes A. K., Emmel E., Schrage N. F. (Köln/D, Mannheim/D) Implantation einer torischen sklerafixierten IOL bei hohem Astigmatismus nach perforierender Keratoplastik – Kasuistik Implatation of a toric sulcus-fixated IOL in an eye with high astigmatism after penetrating keratoplasty – a case report

P 445 Gierek-Ciaciura S., Cwalina L., Pierzchala A. (Katowice/PL) Refractive lens exchange for the correction of high myopia

P 446 Hejcmanová M., Vlková E., Horácˇková M. (Hradec Králové/CZ) Effect of laser in situ keratomileusis on log MAR visual acuity and contrast sensitivity

P 447 Holzer M. P., Rabsilber T. M., Limberger I. J., Auffarth G. U. (Heidelberg/D) Accuracy of LASIK flap cuts using a femtosecond laser

P 448 Jurkutat S., Schulze B., Strobel J. (Jena/D) Monochromatische Aberrationen bei Falt- und PMMA-Linsen Monochromatic aberrations of foldable and PMMA lenses

P 449 Kasper T., Kühne C., Cichocki M., Kohnen T. (Frankfurt/Main/D) Flap-Dickenmessung mit optischer Kohärenzpachymetrie (OCP) nach Schnitt mit dem Hansatom Microkeratom Flap thickness of the Hansatome microkeratome measured by optical coherence pachymetry

P 450 Lackerbauer C., Kojetinsky C., Grüterich M., Kampik A. (München/D) LASIK bei großen optischen Zonen mit dem Wavelight Excimer- Lasersystem Allegretto: 4-Jahreserfahrung LASIK Treatment with the Allegretto Excimerlaser System using large optical zones – 4-year experience

P 451 Limberger I. J., Auffarth G. U., Rabsilber T. M., Holzer M. P. (Heidelberg/D) Reasons for the rejection of potential patients for refractive laser surgery

P 452 Muller L., Kohnen T. (Frankfurt/Main/D) Korneale Brechkraft nach refraktiver Hornhautchirurgie Corneal refractive power after myopic corneal surgery

P 453 Reuland A., Reuland M., Rabsilber T. M., Limberger I. J., Haigis W., Auffarth G. U. (Heidelberg/D, Würzburg/D) Comparison of central corneal thickness measured by partial coherence interferometry versus scanning slit or rotating Scheimpflug camera

P 454 Schöpfer D., Kohnen T. (Frankfurt/Main/D) Vergleich der Pupillengrösse nach Implantation phaker iris- fixierter und sulkus-gestützter Intraokularlinsen Comparison of pupil size after implantation of phakic iris-fixa- ted and sulcus-fixated intraocular lenses Poster Exhibition 187

Foyer 14.2 Thursday, 29.9.2005, 9:30 - 10:30 hrs

P 455 Scorolli L., Degli Esposti S., De Martino L., Scalinci S. Z., Morara M., Meduri R. A. (Bologna/I) Photorefractive keratectomy (PRK) in eyes previously affected by epidemic keratoconjunctivitis: long-term results

P 456 Druschel S., Kohlhaas M. (Dresden/D) Bogenförmige Keratotomie zur Astigmatismusreduktion Arcuate keratotomies for the treatment of high astigmatism

P 457 Terzi E., Kohnen T. (Frankfurt/Main/D) Epidemiologische Betrachtungen zum Komplikationsspektrum von im Ausland durchgeführten refraktiv-chirurgischen Eingrif- fen Epidemiological analysis of refractive surgery complications in patients presenting after refractive treatment abroad

P 458 Usov V. (Odessa/UA) Application of automated lamellar keratoplasty for correction of remaining ametropies

P 459 Vodicˇková K., Autrata R., Rˇehu°rˇek J., Sˇenková K. (Brno/CZ) Safety, efficacy and stability of mitomycin-C assisted retreat- ment for corneal haze and regression after myopic and astig- matic PRK

P 29. Retina: ARMD 2

P 460 Sato T., Watanabe G., Kishi S. (Maebashi/J) Posterior subtenon injecton of triamcinolone acetonide for polypoidal choroidal vasculopathy

P 461 Schmitz-Valckenberg S., Witten J., Dreyhaupt J., Bindewald A., Scholl H. P. N., Holz F. G. (Bonn/D, Heidelberg/D) Interobserver variability of the classification of abnormal fun- dus autofluorescence patterns in the junctional zone of atro- phy in patients with age-related macular degeneration (AMD)

P 462 Schroedl F., Fickenscher S., Rummelt C., Kruse F. E., Neuhuber W. L., Cursiefen C. (Erlangen/D) Novel expression and characterization of lymphatic vessel Poster Videos endothelial hyaluronate receptor (LYVE-1) in normal human choroid

P 463 Schütt F., Brügger B., Kopitz J., Völcker H. E. (Heidelberg/D) Quantifikation des Lipofuszinfluorophors A2E in einzelnen Augen mittels nano-ESI-MS/MS und Vergleich mit HPLC Quantification of lipofuscin fluorophore A2E in single eyes by nano-ESI-MS/MS and comparison with HPLC

P 464 Schweitzer D., Schweitzer F., Hammer M., Schenke S., Richter S., Königsdörffer E. (Jena/D) Application of time-resolved autofluorescence for comparison between AMD patients and healthy subjects

P 465 Seneviratne D. R., Menon J., Elsherbiny S., Tsaloumas M. (Birmingham/UK) Prospective audit of photodynamic therapy with Visudyne (PDTV) patient information leaflet 188 Poster Exhibition

Foyer 14.2 Thursday, 29.9.2005, 9:30 - 10:30 hrs

P 466 Spandau U. H. M., Jonas J. B., Harder B., Voßmerbäumer U., Kamppeter jun. B. A. (Mannheim/D) Inter-eye difference in exudative age-related macular degenera- tion with minimally classic or occult subfoveal neovascularisati- on after unilateral intravitreal injection of triamcinolone aceto- nide

P 467 Spitzer M. S., Gelisken F., Süsskind D., Partsch M., Grisanti S., Bartz-Schmidt K. U. (Tübingen/D) Surgical treatment of tears of the retinal pigment epithelium secondary to age-related macular degeneration

P 468 Tatar O., Adam A., Rohrbach J. M., Henke-Fahle S., Inhoffen W., Szurman P., Bartz-Schmidt K. U., Grisanti S. (Tübingen/D, Tuebingen/D) Expression of Endostatin in Human Choroidal Neovascular Membranes Secondary to Age-related Macular Degeneration

P 469 Trendafilova E., Koev K., Velchev V. (Sofia/BG) Automated perimetry with Humphrey Field Analyser in the early stages of Age-related macular degeneration (AMD)

P 470 Vogel A., Helb H.-M., Holz F. G., Eter N. (Bonn/D) Combination of photodynamic therapy and delayed intravitreal triamcinolone in neovascular age-related macular degeneration

P 471 Voßmerbäumer U., Kühl S., Klüter C., Eichler H., Jonas J. B., Bieback K. (Mannheim/D) Cytoengineering of retinal pigment epithelium cells from ocu- lar progenitor reservoirs

P 472 Watanabe G., Sato T., Kishi S. (Maebashi/J) Erythrocytic hemodynamics of polypoidal choroidal vasculopa- thy by laser speckle flowgraphy

P 473 Weber A., Elsner A. E., Miura M., Kompa S., Cheney M. C. (Aachen/D, Boston/USA, Tokyo/J) Beziehung zwischen fovealer Doppelbrechung und Sehschärfe bei Patienten mit neovaskulärer altersbedingter Makuladege- neration Relation between foveal birefringence and visual acuity in neo- vascular age-related macular degeneration

P 474 Wolf-Schnurrbusch U. E. K., Verdugo M., Einbock W., Wolf S. (Bern/CH, Groton/USA) Autofluorescence pattern in fellow eyes of patients with occult choroidal neovascularization: Three-year follow-up

P 475 Yu A. L., Alge C., Kampik A., Bloemendal H., Welge-Lüßen U.-C. (München/D, Njimegen/NL) TGF-beta protects RPE via an increase of Ser-59 phosphoryla- ted alphaB-crystallin

P 476 Gamulescu M.-A., Papachristou C., Framme C., Gabel V.-P. (Regensburg/D) Photodynamische Therapie bei idiopathischen CNV Photodynamic therapy for idiopathic CNV Poster Exhibition 189

Foyer 14.2 Thursday, 29.9.2005, 9:30 - 10:30 hrs

P 30. Retina: Retina Imaging

P 477 Callizo J., Cury C., Mennel S., Meyer C. H. (Marburg/D) Vitreomacular traction, macular hole formation and subfoveal choroidal neovascularization in a patient with age-related macular degeneration

P 478 Eckert S., Kampmeier J., Lang G. E. (Ulm/D) Retinopathia solaris bei Venustransit Solar retinopathy at transit of venus

P 479 Hefner L., Jochmann C., Wiedemann P. (Leipzig/D) Quantifizierung der Netzhautdicke bei exsudativer altersabhän- giger Makuladegeneration (AMD) Measurement of retinal thickness in wet age-related macular degeneration

P 480 Holak N. H., Holak H. M., Bankiel A., Holak S. A. (Salzgitter/D, Berlin/D) OCT monitoring of changes of retina after double perforation of the bulbus

P 481 Kato C., Kubo S., Asano A., Mori T. (Morioka/J) OCT findings of prolonged multifocal posterior pigment epi- theliopathy

P 482 Linde F., Mardin C. Y., Lämmer R., Lausen B., Adler W., Viestenz A. (Erlangen/D) Reproduzierbarkeit der parapapillären Autofluoreszenzmessung in der Glaukomdiagnostik Reproducibility of parapapillary autofluorescence measurement in glaucoma diagnostics

P 483 Meyer C. H., Mennel S., Cury C., Schmidt J. C. (Marburg/D) Persistierende premakuläre Lakune nach Membranotomie einer Valsalva-Retinopathie im Optischen Kohärenztomogramm Persistent premacular cavity after membranotomy in Valsalva retinopathy on optical coherence tomography

P 484 Mößner A., Einbock W., Jahn C., Holz F. G., Wolf S., Foja C. (Leipzig/D, Dresden/D, Bonn/D, Bern/CH) Visusverlauf bei Augen mit fortgeschrittener geographischer Poster Videos Atrophie und guter zentraler Sehschärfe Visual acuity over time in eyes with advanced stages of geo- graphic atrophy but good central visual function

P 485 Neubauer A. S., Chryssafis C., Ulbig M., Kampik A. (München/D) Dreidimensionale Darstellung von Netzhaut und Papille mit dem Retinal Thickness Analyzer (RTA) Three-dimensional Analysis of the Retina and Optic Nerve Head utilizing the Retinal Thickness Analyzer (RTA)

P 486 Nguyen N. X., Langenbucher A., Lämmer R., Seitz B. (Erlangen/D) The correlation between retinal thickness measured by optical coherence tomography and refraction as well as axial lenght in normal phakic eyes

P 487 Otani T., Kishi S. (Maebashi/J) Microstructures of diabetic cystoid macular edema visualized using optical coherence tomography 3 190 Poster Exhibition

Foyer 14.2 Thursday, 29.9.2005, 9:30 - 10:30 hrs

P 488 Popovic´ P., Jarc-Vidmar M., Hawlina M. (Ljubljana/SLO) Comparison of fundus autofluorescence imaging in retinal diseases with scanning laser ophthalmoscope and conventional digital fundus camera

P 489 Springer C., Bültmann S., Völcker H. E., Rohrschneider K. (Heidelberg/D) Fundus-controlled examinations in the evaluation of diabetic macular edema

P 490 Weinberger A. W. A., Lappas A., Mazinani B. A. E., Huth J., Mohammadi B., Walter P. (Aachen/D, Köln/D) Autofluoreszenz und Pseudofluoreszenz im Infrarotbereich Autofluorescence and Pseudofluorescence at 805 nm

P 31. Retina: PVR, Vitreomacular Traction 2

P 491 Korda V., Dusova J., Studnicka J., Rencova E., Hejcmanova D. (Hradec Králové/CZ) The surgical management of macular hole

P 492 Kuznetsova E. S., Troyanovsky R., Synyavsky O. A., Solonina S. (Saint-Petersburg/RUS) Retinal detachment with large retinal tear: the ballooning, buckling, vitrectomy

P 493 Markevica D., Laganovska G. (Riga/LV) Analysis of the cases of silicone sponge rejection after retinal detachment surgery

P 494 Radecka L., Laganovska G. (Riga/LV) Retrospective analysis of pseudophakic retinal detachment

P 495 Scharfenberg E., Tegetmeyer H., Meier P. (Leipzig/D) Retinal detachment in children with congenital coloboma of the iris, retina, and choroid

P 496 Solonina S., Zybina N., Sinyavsky O., Baranov A. (Saint-Petersburg/RUS) Lipid peroxidation in serum, thrombocytes, vitreous and increa- sed superoxyde dismutase activity and cytokines' level in the vitreous of patients suffering from proliferative vitreoretinopa- thy (PVR)

P 497 Synek S., Pácˇ L. (Brno/CZ) Peeling of ILM in diabetic macular oedema: clinic pathologic correlation

P 498 Theocharis I. P., Alexandridou A., Gilli N. J., Tomic Z. (Athens/GR) 25g sutureless vitrectomy with topical anaesthesia

P 499 Troyanovsky R., Sinyavsky O. (Saint-Petersburg/RUS) Vitreous substitutes (VS) in management of severe retinal detachments (RD): indications, technique and results Poster Exhibition 191

Foyer 14.2 Thursday, 29.9.2005, 9:30 - 10:30 hrs

P 500 Vehr S., Wolf-Schnurrbusch U. E. K., Wiedemann P., Wolf S. (Leipzig/D, Bern/CH) Prospektive, randomisierte Studie zur Behandlung von Makula- foramina: Autologes Thrombozytenkonzentrat versus Indocya- ningrün-unterstütztes Peeling der Membrana limitans interna Prospective randomised study for the treatment of idiopathic macular hole: Autologous platelet concentrate versus indocya- nine green-assisted peeling of the internal limiting membrane

P 501 Vidinova C. N., Voinov L., Vidinov K. N. (Sofia/BG) Fibronectin in the epiretinal membranes and subretinal fluid of patients with PVR – immunohistochemical study and clinical importance

P 502 Wrede J., Varadi G., Miller D. W., Dithmar S. (Heidelberg/D) Internal drainage of retinoschisis in macular detachment asso- ciated with optic nerve pit

P 32. Retina: Vascular Diseases 2

P 503 Kopayenko G., Zhaboedov G. (Simferopol/UA, Kiev/UA) Antiendotoxin immunity in patients with diabetic retinopathy in type 2 diabetes mellitus

P 504 Mattes D., Weger M., Renner W., Steinbrugger I., Schmut O., Temmel W., Mayer M., Haas A. (Graz/A) IL-6 -174G>C Genpolymorphismus bei Patienten mit retinalem Venenastverschluß IL6 -174G>C gene polymorphism in patients with branch reti- nal vein occlusion

P 505 Matthiessen E. T., Zeitz O., Galambos P., Wagenfeld L., Al-Samir K., Richard G., Klemm M. (Hamburg/D) Carotid intima-media thickness – indicator of ocularvascular pathology

P 506 Mejzlikova E., Novak J., Adámková H. (Pardubice/CZ) STRATUS OCT 3: Dynamics examination of edematous changes in macular area after arteria centralis retinae occlusion (ACRO) Poster Videos

P 507 Mitamura Y., Okumura A., Miyanishi K., Miyano N., Ohtsuka K., Harada C., Harada T. (Sapporo/J, Tokyo/J) Activator protein-1 in epiretinal membrane of proliferative diabetic retinopathy

P 508 Miyabe Y. (Sapporo/J) Changes in localization of hard exudates after vitrectomy in diabetic maular edema using optical coherence tomography 3

P 509 Mörchen M., Ungerechts R., Emmerich K.-H. (Darmstadt/D) Interferon-associated retinopathy during therapy for hepatitis C – a case report

P 510 Nagel E., Vilser W., Finck A., Riemer T. (Rudolstadt/D, Ilmenau/D, Jena/D) Variance of retinal vessel diameter response to flicker light. A preliminary report of a methodical study 192 Poster Exhibition

Foyer 14.2 Thursday, 29.9.2005, 9:30 - 10:30 hrs

P 511 Novak S., Zlatanovic G., Veselinovic D., Bjelakovic G., Ilic M., Tomasevic B., Mrsic J., Zlatanovic M. (Nis/SCG) Hemoglobin A1c as a factor of progression of diabetic retinopathy: a case study in Nis

P 512 Petrovic N. T., Sreckovic S. B. (Kragujevac/SCG) The results of laser treatment of diabetic maculopathy

P 513 Riederle F., Lang G. K., Lang G. E. (Ulm/D) Therapeutisches Vorgehen und Krankheitsverlauf bei der Retinopathia traumatica Purtscher Treatment and course of Purtscher's traumatic retinopathy

P 514 Spandau U. H. M., Sauder G., Schmitz-Valckenberg P., Kamppeter jun. B. A., Jonas J. B. (Mannheim/D, Koblenz/D) Dosage dependency of intravitreal triamcinolone acetonide as treatment for diabetic macular edema

P 515 Stamenkovic M., Djurovic B., Aleksic P., Stanojevic-Paovic A. (Belgrade/SCG) Interleukin(IL)-6 and tumor necrosis factor (TNF)-alpha in proliferative diabetic retinopathy

P 516 Stamenkovic M., Pavlovic M., Djurovic B., Aleksic P. (Belgrade/SCG) Vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) in proliferative dia- betic retinopathy

P 517 Sˇ tefanicˇková J., Strmen´ P., Krásnik V., Vavrová K. (Bratislava/SK) Surgical treatment of diabetic macular oedema in patients with proliferative diabetic retinopathy

P 518 Steinbrugger I., Renner W., Haas A., Schmut O., Temmel W., Mattes D., Weger M. (Graz/A) Rolle des FXII 46C>T Genpolymorphismus in Patienten mit retinalem Arterienverschluss The role of factor XII 46C>T gene polymorphism in retinal artery occlusion

P 519 Süsskind D., Gelisken F., Partsch M., Bartz-Schmidt K. U. (Tübingen/D) Chirurgische Entfernung subfovealer Lipidablagerungen im Rahmen der diabetischen Makulopathie. Drei Fallberichte Surgical removal of subfoveal lipid plaques in diabetic maculo- pathy. Three case reports

P 520 Tashimo A., Mitamura Y., Okumura A., Ohtsuka K., Harada C., Harada T. (Sapporo/J, Tokyo/J) Monocyte chemotactic protein-1 in epiretinal membrane of proliferative diabetic retinopathy

P 521 Tein P., Parik M. (Tartu/EST) Acute venous outflow disorder of the eye in cerebral transver- se sinus thrombosis

P 522 Uecker A. S., Lang G. E., Lang G. K., Deißler H. (Ulm/D) Transdifferentiation of immortalized BREC into mesenchymal cells in the presence of TGFbeta2

P 523 Veselinovic D., Visnjic Z., Zlatanovic G., Jovanovic´ P., Jocic Djordjevic J., Novak S., Veselinovic A. (Nis/SCG, Belgrad/SCG) Epidemiology and clinical characteristics of the diabetic retino- pathy Poster Exhibition 193

Foyer 14.2 Thursday, 29.9.2005, 9:30 - 10:30 hrs

P 524 Winkler O., Jäger M., Gerke E. (Wuppertal/D) Interferon assoziierte Retinopathie bei Therapie einer Hepatitis C Interferon-alpha associated retinopathy during therapy of hepatitis C

P 525 Yamaguchi Y., Otani T., Kishi S. (Maebashi/J) Preoperative tomographic features and visual outcomes in vitrectomy for diabetic macular edema

P 33. Miscellaneous 2

P 526 Neuhann I., Stübiger N., Biester S., Deuter C. M. E., Zierhut M. (Tübingen/D) Treatment of Scleritis with Mycophenolate Mofetil

P 527 Nicolcescu A. M., Mocanu C., Barascu D, Petria C, Ciuica M. (Craiova/RO) Histopathological examination in Sicca syndrome

P 528 Oner F. H., Kocak N., Saatci A. O. (Izmir/TR) Posterior Dislocation of Foldable Intraocular Lens Together with Capsular Bag and Capsular Tension Ring

P 529 Petousis V., Wachtlin J., Bechrakis N. E., Foerster M. H. (Berlin/D) Okulare Ochronose – ein Fallbericht Ocular ochronosie: a case report

P 530 Piwowarczyk A., Romanowska-Dixon B., Kobylarz J., Kubatko-Zielin´ ska A. (Krakow/PL) 15-year follow-up of 18 patients treated for retinoblastoma

P 531 Randjelovic D., Preboc M., Golijanin-Zaklan T. (Belgrade/SCG) The most frequent eye diseases in air traffic controllers who work with terminals

P 532 Sakurai T., Yoshida M., Takenaka H., Mano T. (Osaka/J) Combined photodynamic therapy with Verteporfin and Trans- Tenon's Triamcinolone Acetonide for choroidal neovasculariza- Poster Videos tion

P 533 Sidorenko E. E. (Moscow/RUS) Treatment ciliochorioidal detachment with infrasonic vacuum pneumomassage

P 534 Sidorenko E. I., Tumasyan A. R. (Moscow/RUS) Treatment of the myopia by infrasonic vacuum pneumomassa- ge on method Sidorenko – Tumasyan

P 535 Sobrado-Calvo P., Vidal-López J. (Murcia/E) Different results in the measurement of the lateral phorias with the von Graeffe method and the Bernell stereoscope

P 536 Stefanovic I. (Belgrade/SCG) The role of "30 degree test" in measuring thickness of the optic nerve by B-scan 194 Poster Exhibition

Foyer 14.2 Thursday, 29.9.2005, 9:30 - 10:30 hrs

P 537 Szus´cik I., Romanowska-Dixon B., Z˙ ygulska-Mach H., Starzycka M., Jakubowska B. (Krakow/PL) Bilateral primary uveal melanoma

P 538 Trieschmann M., Fuhs A., Dasch B., Pauleikhoff D., Hense H.-W. (Münster/D) Reproduzierbarkeit der Bestimmung der optischen Dichte des makulären Pigments aus Autofluoreszenzaufnahmen mit der 2-Wellenlängenmethode Reproducibility of the measurement of macular pigment opti- cal density in autofluorescence imaging with the 2-wave- lengths method

P 539 Vidal-López J., Sobrado-Calvo P. (Alicante/E, Murcia/E) Variation of visual symptoms along morning in high school stu- dents

P 540 Wasilewicz R., Pecold-Stepniewska H., Frajdenberg A. (Poznan/PL) Monitoring of anterior eye segment by functional acute angle closure using of Pentacam

P 541 Zahn S., Jonas J. B., Weissbrodt D., Müller R., Backhaus J. (Mannheim/D) Die nichtinvasive Messung des Augeninnendruckes durch die Nahinfrarotspektroskopie Non-invasive Measurement of Intraocular Pressure by Near Infrared Spectroscopy

P 542 Zahn S., Jonas J. B., Weissbrodt D., Müller R., Perrin J., Backhaus J. (Mannheim/D) Infrarotspektroskopische Untersuchung von Kammerwasser Infrared Spectroscopic Examination of Acqueous Humour

P 543 Ziemssen F., Schlote T., Regnery K., Freudenthaler N., Bartz-Schmidt K. U. (Tübingen/D) Influence of different stimulation patterns on blink frequency and eye surface parameters during visual display terminal work in patients with dry eye disease Poster Exhibition 195

Foyer 14.2 Thursday, 29.9.2005, 9:30 - 10:30 hrs

P 34. Strabismus, Paediatric Ophthalmology 2

P 544 Lanuza Garcia A., Pinto J. C., Gungor G., Jorge M., Arias M. C., Pinazo M. D. (Castellón/E) Surgical treatment of subperiosteal abscess of the orbit in chil- dren

P 545 Lysenko L. (Saint-Petersburg/RUS) Pathology of eyes in children with congenital aplasia of kidney

P 546 Misailovic K., Dujic M. P., Risovic D., Kovacevic M. (Beograd/SCG) Horizontal strabismus surgery in peribulbar block and adjusta- ble sutures

P 547 Risovic D., Misailovic K. (Beograd/SCG) Heterophoria in student and non-student population

P 548 Mrugacz M., Ozieblo-Kupczyk M., Bakunowicz-Lazarczyk A. (Bialystok/PL) Manifestation of ocular findings of Tay-Sachs disease in a 2- year-old patient

P 549 Muradyan H. (Yerevan/ARM) Epidemiology of myopia in school children of Armenia

P 550 Nikitina T. N. (Saint-Petersburg/RUS) Visual efficiency of children with impaired binocular sight

P 551 Oberacher-Velten I., Lorenz B. (Regensburg/D) Zentrale Hornhautdicke bei Kindern im Alter von 2 bis 10 Jahren Central Corneal Thickness in Children aged two to ten years

P 552 Park M. H., Park M.-R., Park S.-C. (Seoul/ROK) Clinical review of strabismus with high AC/A ratio

P 553 Pinello L., Cermakova I., Mazzarolo M., Maimone P., Suppiej A., Pozzan G. (Padova/I) Ophthalmic manifestations of the Alstrom syndrome in two affected siblings: the importance of a precocious diagnosis and approach Poster Videos

P 554 Saidasheva E., Somov E. E. (Saint-Petersburg/RUS) Epidemiological data from the neonatal care unit in St. Peters- burg about the incidence of retinopathy of prematurity over a period of three years

P 555 Wollensak G., Stoltenburg G., Iomdina E. (Berlin/D, Moscow/RUS) Crosslinking of scleral collagen in the rabbit using riboflavin and UVA 196 Videos

Hall 10 Monday, 26 September 2005

Video presentations are an important and effective means of displaying scientific results. Therefore, videos will be displayed and discussed during the video sessions on Monday. In addition, videos will be displayed on a plasma-display screen during the entire congress (from Monday to Thursday) in the Poster Exhibition (Foyer 14.2). All videos will be prepared in English.

The Video Award of the DOG, donated by *Acri.Tec GmbH, will be granted at the end of the last video session (2609-25).

08.30 - 09.30 VIDEOS PLASTIC SURGERY, ORBITA, REFRACTION 2609-23 Chair: Kohlhaas M. (Dresden)

8:30 Küstner M., Clemens S., Tost F. H. W. 2609-23.01 (Greifswald/D) Possibilities of minimally invasive endoscopic surgery of the lacrimal system Möglichkeiten der minimal-invasiven endoskopischen Tränen- wegschirurgie

8:40 Bengoa González Á., Riba Garcia I., 2609-23.02 Celis Sanchez J., Jimenez Amat L., Lopez-Romero Moraleda S., Garcia Torre M., González del Valle F. (Alcázar de San Juan/E) Surgical management of paralytic lagophthalmos secondary to chronic paralysis of the facial nerve

8:50 Holzer M. P., Rabsilber T. M., Limberger I. J., 2609-23.03 Auffarth G. U. (Heidelberg/D) Femtosecond laser in corneal surgery: working principle and clinical indications

9:00 Rabsilber T. M., Schweipert J., Holzer M. P., 2609-23.04 Limberger I. J., Nishi Y., Reuland A., Auffarth G. U. (Heidelberg/D) Different methods for IOL calculation after refractive surgery

9:10 Schiefer U., Grigoleit M., Grüb M., Paetzold J. 2609-23.05 (Tübingen/D, Stuttgart/D) Subjective refraction using the Jackson cross cylinder

10.30 - 12.00 VIDEOS CATARACT, IOL, CORNEA 2609-24 Chair: Reinhard T. (Freiburg)

10:30 Schmitz K., Behrens-Baumann W. (Magdeburg/D) 2609-24.01 Surgical technique in pediatric cataract surgery Operationstechnik bei pädiatrischer Katarakt-Chirurgie

10:40 Moroz Z. I., Kalinnikov Y., Kovshun E. 2609-24.02 (Moscow/RUS) Phacoemulsification of complicated cataract in case of keratoconus

10:50 Tataru C., Petrescu M., Nitu A., Craciun C. 2609-24.03 (Bucharest/RO) Managing a subluxated lens in a case of Marfan syndrome with cataract and high myopia

11:00 Tataru C., Petrescu M., Nitu A., Craciun C. 2609-24.04 (Bucharest/RO) Management of a big subluxation of lens in a case of traumatic cataract Videos 197

Hall 10 Monday, 26 September 2005

11:10 Djurovic B. (Belgrade/SCG) 2609-24.05 Anterior capsule staining for capsulorhexis in cases of white cataract

11:20 Reuland A., Reuland M., Rabsilber T. M., 2609-24.06 Holzer M. P., Limberger I. J., Auffarth G. U. (Heidelberg/D) Transscleral fixation of a foldable toric IOL

11:30 Izak M. G. J. (Banska Bystrica/SK) 2609-24.07 Artiflex Myopia PIOL Implantation

11:40 Izak M. G. J., Bielikova A., Gablasova K., Demsky P. (Banska Bystrica/SK) 2609-24.08 Ipsilateral Rotating Autokeratoplasty

15.30 - 17.00 VIDEOS MISCELLANEOUS 2609-25 Chair: Roider J. (Kiel), Pfeiffer N. (Mainz)

15:30 Nunez Sanchez A., González del Valle F., 2609-25.01 Bengoa González Á., Jimenez Amat L., Lopez Mondejar E., Celis Sanchez J., Arias Palomero A. (Alcázar de San Juan/E) Corerraphy: Intracameral suture technique of pupilloplasty for treating a postraumatic fixed, dilated pupil

15:40 González del Valle F., Dominguez Fernandez M. J., 2609-25.02 Nunez Sanchez A., Alonso Martinez I., Riba Garcia I., Bengoa González Á., Zarco Tejada J. M. (Alcázar de San Juan/E) Iridocyclectomy associated to scleral buckling, phacoemulsifica- tion and pars plana vitrectomy in ciliary body melanoma

15:50 Bergua A., Chavarria G., Michels-Rautenstrauß K., 2609-25.03 Rautenstrauß B., Reis A., Naumann G. O. H., Mardin C. Y. (Erlangen/D) Searching for glaucoma genes in Costa Rica Auf der Suche nach Glaukom-Genen in Costa Rica

16:00 Bergua A., Mardin C. Y., Knorr H. L.J. (Erlangen/D) 2609-25.04 Intravitreal Injection of triamcinolone-acetonid: a tutorial video presentation Intravitreale Gabe von Triamcinolon-Acetonid: Eine didaktische Darstellung Poster Videos

16:10 Kutschan A. (Hamburg/D) 2609-25.05 Bimedial muscle belt for convergence excess Bimedialer Muskelgürtel bei Konvergenzexzess

16:20 Dick H. B., Perez M. (Mainz/D) 2609-25.06 The fourth C: Customized Continuous Circular Capsulorhexis Das vierte C: Die Customized Continuierliche Circuläre Capsu- lorhexis

16:30 Kohnen T. (Frankfurt a. M./D) 2609-25.07 Teaching the use of the Verisyse toric phakic intraocular lens

16:40 Pfeiffer N. (Mainz) 2609-25.08

Award Ceremony Video Award of the DOG Sponsored by *Acri.Tec GmbH Preisverleihung Videopreise (Filmpreise) der DOG gestiftet von *Acri.Tec GmbH Sind Sie schon schlau genug?

Kompetent, kompakt, Die verschiedenen Operations- Wohletablierte Operations- interdisziplinär, übersichtlich, techniken erstmals zusammen- verfahren werden ebenso zahlreiche Flußdiagramme fassend in deutscher Sprache. dargelegt wie moderne und Tabellen, viele Inklusive CD-ROM mit 2 Techniken.

Warnhinweise und Tips vom Autor kommentierten 228 Seiten, 220 vorwiegend

336 Seiten, 250 Abb., exemplarischen Operationen klinische Farbabbildungen durchgehend farbig, Atlasformat 112 Seiten, 90 farbige Abb. ✃

JA! Hiermit bestelle ich ...... Exemplare Name „Praktische Neuroophthalmologie” E zum Preis von je 178,- Straße Hiermit bestelle ich ...... Exemplare „Phakoemulsifikation und Intraokularlinsen- PLZ/Ort Implantation” zum Preis von je E 84,50 Coupon einfach absenden an den Verlag oder Hiermit bestelle ich ...... Exemplare online bestellen unter www.kaden-verlag.de „Manual der Glaukomchirurgie” zum Preis von je E 129,- Dr. R. Kaden Verlag GmbH & Co. KG Ringstraße 19 b 69115 Heidelberg Datum/Unterschrift Fax 06221/ 29910 Courses and Wet-Labs

EUPO Course Wenn Sie sich nicht entscheiden können ...

... probieren Sie beide ✃

JA, ich bin neugierig auf die OPHTHALMO- Name CHIRURGIE. Bitte senden Sie mir kostenlos und unver- bindlich ein Probeexemplar der OPHTHALMO- Straße CHIRURGIE an untenstehende Adresse.

PLZ/Ort JA, ich bin neugierig auf die ZPA. Bitte senden Sie mir kostenlos und unverbindlich ein Coupon einfach an den Verlag senden oder Probeexemplar der ZPA an nebenstehende Adresse. online bestellen unter www.kaden-verlag.de Dr. R. Kaden Verlag GmbH & Co. KG Ringstraße 19 b 69115 Heidelberg Datum/Unterschrift Fax 06221/ 29910 Courses and Wet-Labs 201

Courses will be assigned in accordance with the valuation standards laid down by the Bundesärztekammer (BÄK).

Course participation will only be granted to delegates who have registered for the congress (only exception: EUPO Course, see page 151 et seqq.).

Please note that the number of participants for each course is limited and courses will be cancelled if numbers are below the respective required minimum (please check on www.soe2005.org). Participants will be put on a waiting list if their registration arrives after the maximum number of places has already been filled.

In the event of cancellation by course participant: Course fee refunds will only be made if another participant is available to stand in from the waiting list.

The names of course participants and certification for the course will be encoded on name badges.

All courses will be held in English.

C-26-01 Wet-Lab: Phaco Course for the Advanced 26 September 2005, 08.00 - 09.30 hrs Room Hongkong

Chair Tetz M. (Berlin/D) Tutors Fabian E. (Rosenheim/D), Kohnen T. (Frankfurt a. Main/D), Pham D.-T. (Berlin/D), Tetz M. (Berlin/D), Weber K. (Ludwigshafen/D), Welt R. (Ludwigshafen/D) Participants min 10 / max 20 Fee € 250

In theoretical and practical parts, this short intensive course presents the operation techniques essential in the extra- ordinary situations of phaco-emulsification or IOL-implantation.

Important topics covered are: – Application of highly viscous OVDs in a very flat anterior chamber for performing anterior capsulorhexis in the absence of red reflex utilizing Vision Blue – New nucleus management methods with high-tech phaco systems – Implantation of flexible AC-IOL; sclera fixation with various suture and implantation techniques

– Capsular tension ring in loss of zonula, iris and lens Courses and Wet-Labs coloboma, condition after injury – Viscophaco 202 Courses and Wet-Labs

C-26-02 Non-penetrating and Penetrating Glaucoma Surgery 26 September 2005, 08.00 - 09.30 hrs Room 42

Chair Pfeiffer N. (Mainz/D) Tutors Konen W. (Köln/D), Mermoud A. (Lausanne/CH), Pfeiffer N. (Mainz/D), Schwenn O. (Gau-Bischofsheim/D), Wahl J. (Mainz/D) Participants min 20 / max 100 Fee € 180

When maximal tolerated medical glaucoma therapy is not adequate patients need surgery. Standard procedures are trabeculectomy and non-penetrating glaucoma surgery. Course and Wetlab are designed for the learning glaucoma surgeon and focused on practical abilities. The following topics will be covered: 1. When to use which glaucoma surgery procedure? 2. Basic trabeculectomy 3. Basic non-penetrating glaucoma surgery 4. What is success in glaucoma surgery and how to secure it?

C-26-03 Interactive Course on Disorders of Eye Movements – Diagnosis and Management 26 September 2005, 08.15 - 09.45 hrs Room Madrid

Chair Kennard C. (London/UK) Tutors Kennard C. (London/UK), Kömpf D. (Lübeck/D) Participants min 20 / max 80 Fee € 180

Participants on this course will view a large number of different types of nystagmus, saccadic oscillations and other eye move- ment abnormalities. Interactive discussion will centre on the underlying pathophysiology, the differential diagnosis of the underlying neurological pathology and finally the various forms of therapy, including drug therapy. By the end of the course, par- ticipants should be competent to diagnose most eye movement disorders and understand the rational basis for treatment. Courses and Wet-Labs 203

C-26-04 Wet-Lab: Non-penetrating and Penetrating Glaucoma Surgery 26 September 2005, 10.00 - 12.00 hrs Room Hongkong

Chair Pfeiffer N. (Mainz/D) Tutors Erb C. (Rostock/D), Konen W. (Köln/D), Mermoud A. (Lausanne/CH), Pfeiffer N. (Mainz/D), Schwenn O. (Gau-Bischofsheim/D), Wahl J. (Mainz/D) Participants min 10 / max 20 Fee € 250

When maximal tolerated medical glaucoma therapy is not adequate patient need surgery. Standard procedures are trabeculectomy and nonpenetrating glaucoma surgery. Course and Wetlab are designed for the learning glaucoma surgeon and focused on practical abilities. The following topics will be covered: 1. When to use which glaucoma surgery procedure? 2. Basic trabeculectomy 3. Basic nonpenetrating glaucoma surgery. 4. What is success in glaucoma surgery and how to secure it?

C-26-05 Basic Course on Refractive Surgery 26 September 2005, 10.00 - 12.00 hrs Room 42

Chair Knorz M. C. (Mannheim/D) Tutors Dick H. B. (Mainz/D), Kohnen T. (Frankfurt a. Main/D), Knorz M. C. (Mannheim/D), Sekundo W. (Marburg/D) Participants min 20 / max 100 Fee € 200

The course will present an overview of refractive surgery. It will describe PRK, LASIK, LASEK, phakic IOLs and Refractive Lens Exchange, covering the basic techniques. It is targeted for the beginning refractive surgeon. Courses and Wet-Labs 204 Courses and Wet-Labs

C-26-06 Joint IOIS-IUSG-SOE Uveitis Course: Practical Approach to the Uveitis Patient in Everyday Ophthalmologic Practice 26 September 2005, 10.15 - 12.15 hrs Room Madrid

Chair Herbort C. P. (Lausanne/CH), Rao N. A. (Los Angeles/USA), LeHoang P. (Paris/F) Tutors Biziorek B. (Lublin/PL), Bodaghi B. (Paris/F), de Smet M. D. (Amstelveen/NL), Herbort C. P. (Lausanne/CH), LeHoang P. (Paris/F), Rao N. A. (Los Angeles/USA), Tugal-Tutkun I. (Istanbul/TR) Participants min 20 / max 80 Fee € 200

This course is meant for the ophthalmologist that is not specialised in uveitis but has an interest to take care of uveitis patients. Its purpose is to give importance to the conditions that can be dealt with in the ophthalmologic practice. It gives a method of approach of uveitis that is time-sparing and can be integrated into the usual course of a daily ophthalmologic practice. Finally it exposes situations of uveitis emergencies and cases for which referral is indicated.

1. Diagnosing and sorting out the patient with anterior uveitis Herbort C. P. (Lausanne/CH) 1a. Herpetic anterior uveitis: where the proper management makes the difference Bodaghi B.(Paris/F) 1b. Fuchs’ uveitis: the most misdiagnosed and mistreated uveitis Herbort C. P. (Lausanne/CH) 2. Diagnosing and sorting out the patient with intermediate uveitis de Smet M. D. (Amstelveen/NL) 2a. Pars planitis : from observation to therapeutic decision Biziorek B. (Lublin/PL) 3. Diagnosing and sorting out the patient with posterior uveitis Rao N. A. (Los Angeles/USA) 3a. Diagnosis of Behçet’s disease and novel therapeutic options Tugal-Tutkun I. (Istanbul/TR) 3b. Toxoplasmic retinochoroiditis LeHoang P. (Paris/F) 3c. Emergencies in posterior uveitis and how to recognize them Bodaghi B. (Paris/F) Courses and Wet-Labs 205

C-26-07 Plastic Surgery 26 September 2005, 10.15 - 12.15 hrs Room Sydney

Chair Hübner H. (Gutweiler/D) Tutors Hintschich C. (München/D), Hübner H. (Gutweiler/D), Meyer-Rüsenberg H.-W. (Hagen/D), Mittelviefhaus H. (Freiburg/D) Participants min 20 / max 50 Fee € 200

In this course current procedures of the most important fields of eyelid-surgery are presented by clinical pictures, diagrams and explanations, i.e. treatment of eyelid tumours, correction of en-/ectropion, ptosis, lagophthalmos, socket reconstruction and blepharoplasty. Diagnostic features, prevention and treat- ment of complications are discussed as well. The participants are requested to improve the course by questions and com- ments.

C-26-08 Wet-Lab Refractive Surgery 26 September 2005, 14.00 - 16.00 hrs Room Hongkong

Chair Duncker G. I. W. (Halle Saale/D) Tutors Ditzen K. (Weinheim/D), Duncker G. I. W. (Halle Saale/D), Kohlhaas M. (Dresden/D), Krumeich J. H. (Bochum/D), Lohmann C. P. (München/D) Participants min 10 / max 20 Fee € 250

Course will give each participant the opportunity to train LASIK and LASEK procedures with different microceratomes and excimer lasers. Additionally, phakic IOLs, ICLs, and PRLs can be inserted in cadaver eyes. The advantages and disadvantages of different refractive settings will be discussed.

C-26-09 Diagnostic and Therapeutic Aspects in Strabismus 26 September 2005, 14.00 - 16.00 hrs Room 42

Chair Lorenz B. (Regensburg/D), Haugen O. (Bergen/N) Tutors Boergen K.-P. (München/D), Esser J. (Essen/D), Lee J. P. (London/UK), Lorenz B. (Regensburg/D), Pechereau A. (Nantes/F), Roggenkämper P. (Bonn/D), Steffen H. (Würzburg/D)

Participants min 20 / max 100 Courses and Wet-Labs Fee € 200

1. Diagnosis and management of thyroid orbitopathy. Boergen K.-P. (Munich/D), Esser J. (Essen/D) 2. Application of botulinum toxin in ophthalmology. Lee J. (London/UK), Roggenkämper P. (Bonn/D) 3. Surgical techniques in the management of eye muscle disorders. Steffen H. (Würzburg/D), Pechereau A. (Nantes/F) 206 Courses and Wet-Labs

C-26-10 Management of Scleral Disease 26 September 2005, 14.00 - 16.00 hrs Room Sydney

Chair Watson P. (Cambridge/UK) Tutors Bernauer W. (Meilen/CH), Watson P. (Cambridge/UK), Zierhut M. (Tübingen/D) Participants min 20 / max 80 Fee € 170

Scleritis is a relatively uncommon disease but failure to diagno- se the disease early in its course can make it both difficult to treat and can result in rapid loss of vision. However it is equally unacceptable to give intensive treatment with potentially toxic medication for a benign condition.

This course will show that it is possible to determine very early in the disease process what treatment is required. The clinical diagnosis together with the new imaging techniques used to confirm the diagnosis will be discussed in detail. The course will also consider the complications the differential diagnosis and the pathology of scleraldisease together with the current methods of treatment.

The Clinical Manifestations of Scleral Disease Watson P. (Cambridge/UK) Ocular Complications of Scleral Disease Zierhut M. (Tübingen/D) Associated Systemic Disease and Scleritis Bernauer W. (Meilen/CH) Investigations and Imaging in Scleral Disease Watson P. (Cambridge/UK) Pathology of Scleral Disease Bernauer W. (Meilen/CH) Differential Diagnosis of Scleral Disease Zierhut M. (Tübingen/D) Treatment of Episcleritis and Scleritis Watson P. (Cambridge/UK)

C-26-11 Oculomotor and Sensorial Aspects in Strabismus 26 September 2005, 16.30 - 18.30 hrs Room 42

Chair Lorenz B. (Regensburg/D), Spiritus M. (Brussels/B) Tutors Besch D. (Tübingen/D), Boschi A. (Brussels/B), Ehrt O. (München/D), Lorenz B. (Regensburg/D), Neugebauer A. (Köln/D), Spiritus M. (Brussels/B)

Course cancelled due to technical reasons. Dieser Kurs fällt aus technischen Gründen leider aus. Courses and Wet-Labs 207

C-26-12 Phakonit – Bimanual Phaco 26 September 2005, 16.30 - 18.30 hrs Room Sydney

Chair Agarwal S. (Bangalore/IND) Tutors Agarwal A. (Bangalore/IND), Agarwal A. (Bangalore/IND), Kreiner C. F. (München/D) Participants min 20 / max 80 Fee € 200

Phakonit has undergone a tremendous transformation with the advent of the cold phaco machines, better irrigating chop- pers and the air pump. With the advent of the rollable IOL's the surgeon is able to really take advantage of Phakonit so that the patient can benefit the most. Topographic analysis of Phakonit incisions shows a tremendous decrease in astigma- tism and an early stability of refraction as compared to a nor- mal Phako incision. This technique which is India's gift to the world has brought cataract surgery to a new dimension. The course will cover for the beginner to the advanced Phakonit surgeon everything they wanted to know on Phakonit but were afraid to ask.

C-27-01 Advanced Course on Refractive Surgery 27 September 2005, 08.15 - 10.15 hrs Room Sydney

Chair Kohnen T. (Frankfurt a. Main/D) Tutors Duncker G. (Halle-Saale/D), Kohlhaas M. (Dresden/D), Kohnen T. (Frankfurt a. Main/D), Knorz M. (Mannheim/D), Sekundo W. (Marburg/D) Participants min 20 / max 100 Fee € 200

The course presents the actual development of refractive- surgical procedures (laser technology, incisional procedures and implant surgery). Additionally, discussion with participants is a substantial part of the course. It is always possible to discuss cases proposed from the participants´ side. The course also complies with the guidelines of the German Refractive Surgery Commission (KRC) and is mandatory for all users who either want to remain on one of the KRC user lists as long-time users, or who want to be included in one or several KRC lists as new users. Courses and Wet-Labs C-27-02 Diagnosis and Treatment of Lid Tumours 27 September 2005, 08.15 - 10.15 hrs Room Madrid

Chair Riedel K. G. (München/D) Tutors Mittelviefhaus H. (Freiburg/D), Riedel K. G. (München/D), Tyers A. G. (Salisbury/UK)

Course cancelled due to technical reasons. Dieser Kurs fällt aus technischen Gründen leider aus. 208 Courses and Wet-Labs

C-27-03 Modern Pars Plana Vitrectomy DryLab (Basic) 27 September 2005, 10.00 - 12.00 hrs Room Hongkong

Chair Koch F. (Frankfurt a. Main/D) Tutors Gümbel H. O. C. (Ulm/D), Koch F. (Frankfurt a. Main/D), Lemmen K. D. (Düsseldorf/D), Lucke K. (Bremen/D), Müller M. (Lübeck/D), Nikolic´ S. (Eberswalde/D), Schill M. (Mannheim/D) Participants min 10 / max 20 Fee € 250

The new quality controlled ophthalmic surgical training inclu- des traditional and new vitrectomy hardware, practice eyes and vitreoretinal training in the EYESI simulator. You will learn to manage different vitrectomy machines, entry sites of a new practice eye and instruments under the BIOM/SDI enhanced microscope. Finally you perform virtual reality surgery to train the induction of a posterior vitreous detachment, ILM peeling in different diseases, removal of blood from vitreous and retina, removal of tractional membranes and repair of retinal holes.

C-27-04 Accommodative IOLs – Myths and Truths 27 September 2005, 10.45 - 12.15 hrs Room Sydney

Chair Menapace R. (Wien/A) Tutors Findl O. (Wien/A), Guthoff R. F. (Rostock/D), Koopmans S. A. (Groningen/NL), Menapace R. (Wien /A), Stachs O. (Rostock/D)

Course cancelled due to technical reasons. Dieser Kurs fällt aus technischen Gründen leider aus.

C-27-05 Neuro-Ophthalmological Emergency Cases 27 September 2005, 10.45 - 12.15 hrs Room Madrid

Chair Landau K. (Zürich/CH) Tutors Schiefer U. (Tübingen/D), Landau K. (Zürich/CH), Aydin P. (Ankara/TR) Participants min 20 / max 80 Fee € 180

For the general ophthalmologist in a busy practice, patients with neuro-ophthalmological problems pose a special challenge. The main question is often the urgency with which further evaluation of the patient has to be pursued. In this workshop, the most important clinical settings requiring immediate or rapid action on the part of the ophthalmologist will be reviewed in an interactive fashion. Courses and Wet-Labs 209

C-27-06 Modern Pars Plana Vitrectomy DryLab (Advanced) 27 September 2005, 14.00 - 16.00 hrs Room Hongkong

Chair Koch F. (Frankfurt a. Main/D) Tutors Bornfeld N. (Essen/D), Hattenbach L. O. (Frankfurt a. Main/D), Hoerauf H. (Lübeck/D), Koch F. (Frankfurt a. Main/D), Nikolic´ S. (Eberswalde/D), Schmidt J. C. (Marburg/D), Schill M. (Mannheim/D) Participants min 10 / max 20 Fee € 250

The new quality-controlled ophthalmic surgical training inclu- des traditional and new vitrectomy hardware, practice eyes and vitreoretinal training in the EYESI simulator. You will learn to manage different vitrectomy machines, entry sites of a new practice eye and instruments under the BIOM/SDI enhanced microscope. Finally you perform virtual reality surgery to train the induction of a posterior vitreous detachment, ILM peeling in different diseases, removal of blood from vitreous and retina, removal of tractional membranes and repair of retinal holes.

C-27-07 Challenges and New Trends in Anterior Segment Surgery 27 September 2005, 14.00 - 16.00 hrs Room Sydney

Chair Lang G. K. (Ulm/D) Tutors Kammann J. (Dortmund/D), Lang G. K. (Ulm/D), Pham D. T. (Berlin/D), Wagner P. (Ulm/D) Participants min 20 / max 80 Fee € 200

There is nothing like a tough case! Tough cases in Cataract Surgery may present either an extracti- ve or a refractive challenge. Modern standard phacoemulsifica- tion techniques often need modification with the aid of additional tools to achieve the desired result. Patients demand and outcome expectations regardless a complicated or uncomplicated preoperative situation may be a real challenge. Topics: Refractive aspects of cataract extraction; toric IOLs; multifocal IOLs; refractive surprise; clear lens extraction (CLE); subluxated and luxated lens (slow motion phaco); sulcusfixated anterior chamber IOL; IOL explantation, recentration, exchange; hard nuclei (“cata-rocks”); soft nuclei (phaco assis- ted aspiration technique); combined surgery: cataract extracti- on and silicon oil removal / penetrating keratoplasty; tools: iris

hooks, capsular tension ring, iris shields, vision blue; “watch Courses and Wet-Labs the signs”: spiderweb sign, pupillary snap sign, bounce test, subluxated lens signs (iridolenticular gap, excentric nucleous, focal iridodonesis, circuferential striae), jet stream test; iris sphincter constriction suture in traumatic mydriasis; direct cyclodialysis cleft suturing in hypotonic eyes; vitreous complica- tion management: vitrectomy techniques; “Don’t forget the old techniques”: planned intracapsular or extracapsular cata- ract extraction

The course is based on video sequences to the above mentio- ned topics and totally interactive with constant possibility of questions and discussion! 210 Courses and Wet-Labs

C-27-08 Laser Course for the Treatment of Retinal Diseases 27 September 2005, 14.00 - 16.00 hrs Room Madrid

Chair Lang G. E. (Ulm/D) Tutors Lang G. E. (Ulm/D), Kampmeier J. (Ulm/D) Participants min 20 / max 100 Fee € 200

The course is based on international standards of classification, diagnosis, and laser treatment of different retinal diseases. The most important theoretical basis of laser treatment and side effects are discussed. Especially the diagnosis and treatment of age-related macular degeneration, diabetic retinopathy and retinal vein occlusions are shown in detail. The indications and exact technique of laser treatment are described for the different diseases with standard lasers as well as photodynamic therapy. Examples of faulty laser treatment are discussed.

C-27-09 Ocular Tumors – Diagnosis of Intraocular Mass 27 September 2005, 16.30 - 18.00 hrs Room Sydney

Chair Bornfeld N. (Essen/D) de Potter P. (Brussels/B) Damato B. D. (Liverpool/UK) Tutors Bornfeld N. (Essen/D), Damato B. D. (Liverpool/UK), de Potter P. (Brussels/B) Participants min 20 / max 100 Fee € 180

There are many different kinds of intraocular tumour, each having a wide variety of clinical manifestations. Ultrasonogra- phy, angiography, and an increasing range of investigations can facilitate the diagnosis but can also mislead if the results are not interpreted correctly. The management of patients with intraocular tumours also requires skill in detecting local recurrence after conservative treatment and differentiating this complication from other lesions. The aims of this practical course are to highlight in an interactive fashion the clinical features of intraocular tumours and to demonstrate the most important diagnostic pitfalls. CT and MRI features of intraocu- lar tumors and simulating lesion will be reviewed with empha- sizing about the role and indications of imaging studies in evaluating intraocular lesions. Particular emphasis will be put on fluorescence angiography including contact wide-angle and ICG angiography. Courses and Wet-Labs 211

C-27-10 Chemical and Thermal Burns in the Eye. First Aid, Treatment and Management of Complications 27 September 2005, 16.30 - 18.00 hrs Room Madrid

Chair Struck H. G. (Halle/Saale/D) Tutors Struck H. G. (Halle/Saale/D), Schrage N. F. (Köln/D)

Course cancelled due to technical reasons. Dieser Kurs fällt aus technischen Gründen leider aus.

C-28-01 Evaluation of Pupillary Function 28 September 2005, 08.15 - 09.45 hrs Room Hongkong

Chair Wilhelm H. (Tübingen/D) Aydin P. (Ankara/TR) Tutors Wilhelm H. (Tübingen/D), Aydin P. (Ankara/TR) Participants min 20 / max 50 Fee € 180

The principles of pupillary physiology will be discussed and based on this a concise clinical examination will be derived. The most important papillary disorders will be discussed in detail including clinical work-up.

C-28-02 Amniotic Membrane Transplantation in Ophthalmology 28 September 2005, 08.15 - 09.45 hrs Room Madrid

Chair Seitz B. (Erlangen/D) Tutors Meller D. (Essen/D), Seitz B. (Erlangen/D), Kruse F. E. (Erlangen/D), Grüterich M. (München/D) Participants min 20 / max 50 Fee € 180

In the mid 90s the technique of amniotic membrane transplan- tation (AMT) was re-discovered for ophthalmology. After intro- ducing the fundamental biological concepts involved, AM pre- paration and preservation will be discussed. Furthermore, the course will cover patient selection, microsurgical techniques (patch, graft and sandwich, ex-vivo-expansion of limbal stem cells on AM), potential surgical complications, postoperative treatment and follow-up care. Special indications and contrain-

dications for corneal and especially for conjunctival surgery Courses and Wet-Labs (e.g. descemetocele, symblepharon, pterygium, chemical burn, conjunctivochalasis), including lid and glaucoma surgery will be discussed critically. The merits of AMT before, instead, simultaneously with, and after keratoplasty will be highlighted specifically. In addition, histological and ultrastructural findings of corneal epithelial growth patterns in relation to the AM will be presented. At the end of the course participants should be able to command patient selection, technical implementation and follow-up care of AMT in ophthalmology. 212 Courses and Wet-Labs

C-28-03 ISCEV@SOE Course: Clinical Application of Ocular Electrophysiology 28 September 2005, 08.15 - 09.45 hrs Room Sydney

Chair Kellner U. (Siegburg/D) Holder G. E. (London/UK) Tutors Kellner U. (Siegburg/D), Seeliger M. (Tübingen/D), Hawlina M. (Ljubljana/D), Holder G. E. (London/UK)

Course cancelled due to technical reasons. Dieser Kurs fällt aus technischen Gründen leider aus.

C-28-04 Serious Ocular Trauma: An Update 28 September 2005, 10.15 - 12.15 hrs Room Hongkong

Chair Kuhn F. (Birmingham/USA) Bartz-Schmidt K. U. (Tübingen/D) Schrader W. (Würzburg/D) Tutors Bartz-Schmidt K. U. (Tübingen/D), Rohrbach J. M. (Tübingen/D), Viestenz A. (Erlangen/D), Wilhelm F. (Schwerin/D), Schrader W. (Würzburg/D), Kuhn F. (Birmingham/UK), Treister G. (Rehovot/IL), Mester V. (Abu Dhabi/UAE), Schrage N. F. (Köln/D) Participants min 20 / max 100 Fee € 200

Despite successful prevention efforts, ocular trauma remains a leading cause of visual disability. This course reviews the newest developments in the management of patients with serious eye injuries. The topics include the standardized terminology of injury types; the value and operation of stan- dardized registry systems; management of eyes with corneal and lens trauma as well as all major mechanical injury types; eyes with chemical trauma, and posttraumatic pressure problems. The course is intended both for comprehensive ophthalmologists and specialists. Courses and Wet-Labs 213

C-28-05 Management of Eyelid Ptosis 28 September 2005, 10.15 - 12.15 hrs Room Madrid

Chair Press U. P. (Trier/D) Tutors Collin J. R. O. (London/UK), Hübner H. (Gutweiler/D), Press U. P. (Trier/D) Participants min 20 / max 80 Fee € 200

The course covers the different forms eyelid ptosis and its diagnosis (congenital, traumatic, neurogenic, myogenic, dege- nerative and complex). Standard examinations as well as additional examination within complex cases will be reviewed. Depending of anatomic and functional basics of the upper lid aspects of modern surgery of ptosis will be demonstrated and discussed. Finally risks, possible complications and postoperati- ve management will be pointed out.

C-28-06 Basics for Genetic Counselling – Introduction in Methods of Molecular Genetic Analysis 28 September 2005, 10.15 - 12.15 hrs Room Sydney

Chair Besch D. (Tübingen/D) Tutors Besch D. (Tübingen/D), Gal A. (Hamburg/D), Rudolph G. (München/D), Lohmann D. (Essen/D)

Course cancelled due to technical reasons. Dieser Kurs fällt aus technischen Gründen leider aus. Courses and Wet-Labs 214 Courses and Wet-Labs

C-28-07 Fluorescein Angiographic Diagnostic in Macular Disease 28 September 2005, 14.00 - 16.00 hrs Room Hongkong

Chair Wolf S. (Bern/CH) Tutors Roider J. (Kiel/D), Soubrane G. (Créteil/F), Ulbig M. (München/D), Wolf S. (Bern/CH), Staurenghi G. (Milano/I), Leys A. (Leuven/B), Stur M. (Wien/A) Participants min 20 / max 100 Fee € 200

1. Instrumentation and basics for fluorescein and ICG angiography Staurenghi G. (Milano, Italy) 2. The fluorescein angiographic delineation of CNV lesion characteristics with focus on lesion composition and size Wolf S. (Bern, Switzerland) 3. Fluorescein angiographic findings after PDT therapy, special focus on re-treatment indications Stur M. (Wien, Austria) 4. Case discussion: CNV diagnostic challenges Leys A. (Leuven, Belgium) 5. The fluorescein angiographic detection and classification of diabetic macular edema Roider H. (Kiel, Germany) 6. Optical coherence tomography for diagnosis and follow-up of macular edema Soubrane G. (Paris, France) 7. Case discussion: diagnostic and therapeutic challenges diabetic macular edema Ulbig M. (München, Germany)

C-28-08 Current Aspects of Lacrimal Surgery Including Microsurgical Techniques 28 September 2005, 14.00 - 16.00 hrs Room Madrid

Chair Busse H. (Münster/D) Tutors Busse H. (Münster/D), Emmerich K. H. (Darmstadt/D), Meyer-Rüsenberg H. W. (Hagen/D), Schaudig U. (Hamburg/D), Fayet B. (Paris/F), Serra F. (Antibes/F), Olver J. (London/UK), Unal M. (Ankara/TR), Cohen A. J. (Downers Grove/USA)

Course cancelled due to technical reasons. Dieser Kurs fällt aus technischen Gründen leider aus. Courses and Wet-Labs 215

C-28-09 Glaucoma Therapy – How to Decide on Medication Strategies 28 September 2005, 14.00 - 16.00 hrs Room Sydney Room Change: Now in Room Madrid

Chair Pfeiffer N. (Mainz/D) Tutors Lagrèze W. (Freiburg/D), Miglior S. (Milano/I), Pfeiffer N. (Mainz/D), Thieme H. (Berlin/D), Wahl J. (Mainz/D) Participants min 20 / max 100 Fee € 200

By far most glaucoma patients are treated medically. The armamentarium of glaucoma medications is richer then ever but what is the best strategy for glaucoma treatment. In this course we try to answer the following questions: – High intraocular pressure: Is treatment always necessary? – Do we still need Pilocarpin and Co.? – What is the right “first line” therapy? – Is there a “best” Prostaglandin? – Is there an effective none IOP-lowering treatment available? – What is new?

C-28-10 Etiopathogenesis, Diagnosis, Treatment – an Interdisciplinary Challenge 28 September 2005, 16.00 - 18.00 hrs Hall 10

Chair Unsöld R. (Düsseldorf/D) Tutors Unsöld R. (Düsseldorf/D), Vester E. G. (Düsseldorf/D), Zotz R. (Düsseldorf/D)

Course cancelled due to technical reasons. Dieser Kurs fällt aus technischen Gründen leider aus.

C-28-11 Age-related Macular Degeneration: Pathogenesis and Clinical Management – an Update 28 September 2005, 16.30 - 18.00 hrs Room Hongkong

Chair Holz F. G. (Bonn/D) Tutors Holz F. G. (Bonn/D), Pauleikhoff D. (Münster/D), Staurenghi G. (Milano/D), Tufail A. (London/UK), Larsen M. (Herlev/DK) Participants min 20 / max 100

Fee € 180 Courses and Wet-Labs

This course will give an update on key pathogenetic pathways in AMD as well as on current and emerging treatment modali- ties. Determinants for RPE cell dysfunction, oxidative damage, drusen biogenesis, extracellular matrix alterations, secondary inflammatory responses as well as angiogeneic cascades will be addressed. Pros and cons of treatment modalities including PDT, anti-VEGF-drugs (Macugen and Lucentis), intravitreal and parabulbar steroids as well as combination therapies and RPE transplantation are discussed and results of treatment trials summarized. Along with emerging prophylactic approaches current clinical management strategies of patients with various manifestations of AMD is presented. 216 Courses and Wet-Labs

C-28-12 ECLSO-Kurs: Contact Lenses 28 September 2005, 16.30 - 18.30 hrs Room Madrid

Chair Franceschetti A. (Meyrin/CH) Tutors Franceschetti A. (Meyrin/CH), Subirana X. (Toulouse/F), Vogt U. (London/UK), Kanpolat A. (Ankara/TR)

Course cancelled due to technical reasons. Dieser Kurs fällt aus technischen Gründen leider aus.

C-28-13 EPOS@SOE Course – News and Views in Paediatric Ophthalmology 28 September 2005, 16.30 - 18.30 hrs Room Sydney

Chair Lorenz B. (Regensburg/D) Tutors Gottlob I. (Leicester/UK), Gräf M. (Gießen/D), Lorenz B. (Regensburg/D), Zetterström C. (Stockholm/S), Fielder A. (London/UK), Kugelberg U. (Stockholm/S), Speeg-Schatz C. (Strasbourg/F), Wabbels B. K. (Bonn/D)

Course cancelled due to technical reasons. Dieser Kurs fällt aus technischen Gründen leider aus.

C-29-01 Practice-Related Course: Uveitis – Diagnosis and Treatment 29 September 2005, 08.15 - 09.45 hrs Hall 9

Chair Zierhut M. (Tübingen/D) Tutors Becker M. D. (Heidelberg/D), Zierhut M. (Tübingen/D) Participants min 20 / max 80 Fee € 180

The main idea of this course is to teach a strategy for stepwise diagnostic approach for different uveitis entities. Which labora- tory tests should be and should not be done in which situati- on? Which clinical findings are important markers for strategic decisions? Which simple differential diagnostic approach should I use to not overlook important morphological changes? How and when do I treat topically? When do I send a patient to a rheumatologist? When is systemic immunosup- pression indicated and appropriate? Which immunosuppressive drugs should I know?

Topics – Epidemiology and terminology of uveitis – Diagnostic strategies – Differential diagnostic training with case presentations – Therapeutic concepts – new therapies for uveitis – Uveitis in children Courses and Wet-Labs 217

C-29-02 Differential Diagnosis of Eyelid Tumors 29 September 2005, 08.15 - 09.45 hrs Hall 7

Chair Holbach L. M. (Erlangen/D) Tutors Holbach L. M. (Erlangen/D), Paridaens D. (Rotterdam/NL), Jünemann A. G. M. (Erlangen/D)

Course cancelled due to technical reasons. Dieser Kurs fällt aus technischen Gründen leider aus.

C-29-03 Computer Course (Part I - Theory) 29 September 2005, 08.15 - 10.15 hrs Room Hongkong

Chair Haigis W. (Würzburg/D) Tutors Haigis W. (Würzburg/D), Kuchenbecker J. (Berlin/D), Lanzl I. M. (München/D), Parasta A. M. (München/D), Wolff J. (Dortmund/D), Frauenknecht H. (Walting/D)

Course cancelled due to technical reasons. Dieser Kurs fällt aus technischen Gründen leider aus.

C-29-04 Optical Coherence Tomography – Interpretation and Clinical Applications 29 September 2005, 08.15 - 09.45 hrs Room Madrid

Chair Gaudric A. (Paris/F) Massin P. (Paris/F) Tutors Schmidt-Erfurth U. (Wien/A), Drexler W. (Wien/A), Leys A. (Leuven/B), Gaudric A. (Paris/F), Massin P. (Paris/F), Piccolino F. C. (Turin/I) Participants min 20 / max 100 Fees € 180

This course is intended for ophthalmologists who are using OCT or would like to improve their knowledge as regard OCT images. The usefulness of OCT for the diagnosis and manage- ment of the main macular diseases will be stressed. The detection of artefacts and the way to avoid them will be illus- trated. Case report presentation will provide an opportunity to show how OCT can help IN the diagnosis of unusual cases. Lastly, new images obtained with the high resolution OCT

will be shown, and will indicate the future orientation of this Courses and Wet-Labs technology.

OCT 3, reliability and artefacts. How to improve the quality of OCT scans? Leys A. (Leuven/B) OCT for Diabetic Macular Edema: Diagnosis and assessment of treatment efficacy Massin P. (Paris/F) OCT for Age Related Macular Degeneration: A help to diagnosis and post-treatment assessment Schmidt-Erfurt U. (Vienna/A) 218 Courses and Wet-Labs

OCT for Central Serous Choroidopathy Piccolino F. C. (Torino/I) The role of OCT in the management of Macular Hole , Epiretinal membrane and Vitreomacular Traction Syndrome Gaudric A. (Paris/F) Case presentation Panel discussion Ultra High Resolution OCT. Drexler W. (Vienna/A)

C-29-05 In-vivo Confocal Microscopy of the Cornea Conjunctiva and Eye Lid Structures 29 September 2005, 10.15 - 12.15 hrs Hall 9

Chair Guthoff R. F. (Rostock/D) Baudouin C. (Paris/F) Tutors Guthoff R. F. (Rostock/D), Stave J. (Rostock/D), Kruse F. E. (Erlangen/D), Zhivov A. (Rostock/D), Kraak R. (Rostock/D), Szaflik J. P. (Warsaw/PL), Baudouin C. (Paris/F)

Course cancelled due to technical reasons. Dieser Kurs fällt aus technischen Gründen leider aus.

C-29-06 Photodynamic Therapy and Combination Strategies 29 September 2005, 10.15 - 12.15 hrs Hall 7 Room Change: Now in Hall 9

Chair Schmidt-Erfurth U. (Wien/A) Tutors Augustin A. J. (Karlsruhe/D), Schmidt-Erfurth U. (Wien/A), Leys A. (Leuven/B), Larsen M. (Herlev/DK) Participants min 20 / max 80 Fee € 200

Photodynamic therapy is a widely established treatment modali- ty approved for the treatment of neovascular age-related macu- lar degeneration (AMD). Multiple studies allowed to identify the patient characteristics which will benefit from verteporfin thera- py. Ample experience with combination of verteporfin mono- therapy with pharmacological adjuncts such as steroids has sig- nificantly improved the prognosis and efficacy of the treatment. Intravitreal administration of triamcinolon has increased the rate of patients with stabilization of vision as well as visual improve- ment following treatment while reducing the need for retreat- ments. Established and novel indications for treatment will be presented by experts in the field with a particular emphasis on discussion of rationale and procedures within the instructor panel as well as with the audience. International guidelines for mono- and combination approaches are presented and illustra- ted with respect to practical skills and tips. Courses and Wet-Labs 219

C-29-07 Conjunctivitis: Differential Diagnosis and Therapy 29 September 2005, 10.15 - 12.15 hrs Room Madrid

Chair Huang-Xuan T. (Paris/F) Kruse F. E. (Erlangen/D) Tutors Kruse F. E. (Erlangen/D), Huang-Xuan T. (Paris/F) Participants min 20 / max 80 Fee € 200

Conjunctivitis can be the result of the multitude of pathogene- tic factors which can lead to confusion regarding diagnosis and therapy. The course will offer a structured, logical approach to the differential diagnosis of both acute end con- junctivits. Participants will be able to come up with a logical diagnosis based on clinical signs and symptoms and diagnostic tests. The course will also provide an update on current thera- peutics strategies including new medications for infections, ocular inflammation and dry eye, furthermore surgery for conjunctival disease and reconstruction of the ocular surface will be presented.

C-29-08 Computer Lab (Part II - Practice) 29 September 2005, 10.30 - 12.00 hrs Room Hongkong

Chair Haigis W. (Würzburg/D) Tutors Haigis W. (Würzburg/D), Kuchenbecker J. (Berlin/D), Lanzl I. M. (München/D), Parasta A. M. (München/D), Wolff J. (Dortmund/D), Frauenknecht H. (Walting/D)

Course cancelled due to technical reasons. Dieser Kurs fällt aus technischen Gründen leider aus. Courses and Wet-Labs 220 Courses and Wet-Labs

C-29-09 Aesthetic Surgery of the Eyelid Region 29 September 2005, 13.30 - 15.30 hrs Hall 9

Chair Meyer-Rüsenberg H.-W. (Hagen/D) Tutors Meyer-Rüsenberg H.-W. (Hagen/D), Pfeiffer M. (München/D) Participants min 20 / max 100 Fee € 200

The course covers different topics on aesthetic surgery of the eyelid region: – blepharoplasty of the upper and lower lid (indication, complication, pitfalls, different types of surgery including use of CO2- and Erbium-YAG-laser) – brow ptosis and brow pexie and suspension with different approaches including endoscopic procedure – use of Botox in the periocular regions – use of different fillers in the periocular region

C-29-10 Vision 2020, International Ophthalmology, Eye Diseases in Tropical Countries: What do I need to know about? 29 September 2005, 13.30 - 15.30 hrs Hall 7

Chair Klauß V. (München/D), Ffytche T. (London (UK) Tutors Ffytche T. (London/UK). Hopkins A. D. (Kinshasa/ZRE), Kestelyn P. (Gent/B), Klauß V. (München/D), Kocur I. (Geneve/CH), Kollmann M. K. H. (Nairobi/EAK), Mariotti S. (Geneva/CH), Muhit M. (London/UK), Schaller U. C. (Nairobi/EAK)

Course cancelled due to technical reasons. Dieser Kurs fällt aus technischen Gründen leider aus. Courses and Wet-Labs 221

C-29-11 Current Concepts in the Management of Retinal Vessel Occlusion 29 September 2005, 13.30 - 15.30 hrs Room Hongkong Room Change: Now in Room Madrid

Chair Hattenbach L.-O. (Frankfurt a.M./D) Tutors Hansen L. L. (Freiburg/D), Hattenbach L.-O. (Frankfurt a. Main/D) Participants min 20 / max 80 Fee € 200

To date, there is still no consensus among ophthalmologists about the therapeutic and diagnostic approach in retinal vessel occlusion. The current course provides an overview of the clini- cal features and pathomechanisms of retinal vein and retinal artery occlusion and outlines relevant investigations. Further- more, current therapeutic approaches in patients with retinal vessel occlusion such as hemodilution, thrombolysis or the use of anticoagulant or antiplatelet drugs are reviewed to determi- ne whether these treatments are likely to improve major clini- cal outcomes. In addition, we report on various surgical treat- ment options including adventitial sheathotomy, radial optic neurotomy or the cannulation of retinal vessels.

C-29-12 Practice-Related Course: Clinical and Pathological Correlations 29 September 2005, 13.30 - 15.30 hrs Room Madrid

Chair Völcker H. E. (Heidelberg/D) Tutors Dithmar S. (Heidelberg/D), Schmack I. (Iserlohn/D), Spraul C. W. (Ulm/D), Völcker H.-E. (Heidelberg/D), Grossniklaus H. E. (Atlanta/USA), Holbach L. M. (Erlangen/D)

Course cancelled due to technical reasons. Dieser Kurs fällt aus technischen Gründen leider aus. Courses and Wet-Labs 222 EUPO Course

Hall 14.2. (Oslo) Saturday, 24 September 2005

Course Directors Prof. Dr. T. Hoang-Xuan, Paris ([email protected]) Prof. Dr. G. van Rij, Rotterdam ([email protected]) Prof. Dr. B. Seitz, Erlangen ([email protected])

Fees € 250* before 15 June 2005 € 300* after 15 June 2005 € 350* on site € 30 per person for EUPO Party on Saturday, 24 September 2005

*incl. coffee and lunch breaks, course documents (handouts)

Participants of the EUPO course who also wish to attend the SOE & DOG Congress 2005 have to pay the DOG resident fee. Furthermore all congress participants are entitled to attend the EUPO course, but will not receive coffee, lunch, handouts, course documents and certification.

08.00 Registration

09.25 - 09.30 Introduction

09.30 - 09.55 Corneal Morphology Missotten L. (Leuven/B)

09.55 - 10.20 Corneal Topography & Aberration Azar D. (Boston/USA)

10.20 - 11.45 Quality of Vision after Refractive Surgery Kohnen T. (Frankfurt am Main/D)

10.45 - 11.10 Corneal Disorders in Children and Congenital Anomalies of the Cornea Murta J. M. (Coïmbra/P)

11.10 - 11.40 Coffee Break

11.40 - 12.05 Non Inflammatory Corneal Pathology, Salzmann, Terrien (Eye Diseases) Irkec M. (Ankara/TR)

12.05 - 12.30 Tumors of Conjunctiva and Cornea Seregard S. (Stockholm/S)

12.30 - 12.55 Corneal Dystrophies Lisch W. (Hanau/D)

13.00 - 14.30 Sandwich Lunch

14.30 - 14.55 Eye Banking Ehlers N. (Arhus/DK)

14.55 - 15.20 Corneal Transplantation Surgical Seitz B. (Erlangen/D) EUPO Course 223

Hall 14.2. (Oslo) Saturday, 24 September 2005

15.20 - 15.45 Corneal Transplantation Immunology Reinhard T. (Freiburg/D)

15.45 - 16.15 Tea Break

16.15 - 16.40 Keratoconus Colin J. (Bordeaux/F)

16.40 - 17.05 Chemical Burns and Amniotic Membrane Transplantation Kruse F. E. (Erlangen/D)

17.05 - 17.30 Corneal Changes in Scleral Inflammation Watson P. (Cambridge/UK)

20.00 EUPO Party

Hall 14.2. (Oslo) Sunday, 25 September 2005

08.30 - 08.55 Bacterial Keratitis Dart J. (London/UK)

08.55 - 09.20 Herpes Simplex Infections and Herpes Zoster of the Cornea - Diagnosis and Management Remeyer L. (Rotterdam/NL)

09.20 - 09.45 Fungal and Parasitic Infection of Cornea and Conjunctiva Klauss V. (München/D)

09.45 - 10.10 Tropical and Chlamidial Infections Kesteleyn P. (Gent/B)

10.10 - 10.40 Coffee Break

10.40 - 11.05 Dry Eye and Clinical Disease of the Tear Film, Diagnosis & Management Baudouin C. (Paris/F)

11.05 - 11.30 Ocular Allergy Pleyer U. (Berlin/D)

11.30 - 12.25 Ocular Rosacea Hoang-Xuan T. (Paris/F) EUPO Course 12.25 - 13.30 Sandwich Lunch

13.30 - 13.55 Present Role of Surface Ablation & PTK Seiler T. (Zürich/CH)

13.55 - 14.20 LASIK & Microkeratome Kohnen T. (Frankfurt a. Main/D)

14.20 - 15.15 LASIK Complications Azar D. (Boston/USA)

Satellite Programme Satellitenveranstaltungen

Administrative Meetings Arbeitssitzungen


EVER 2005 , ALGARVE, PORTUGAL, October 5 - 8, 2005 PROGRAMME: Special Interest Symposia, keynote lectures, courses, free papers, posters and workshops

PRE-REGISTRATION deadline SPECIAL INTEREST SYMPOSIA September 1, 2005 ÙANATOMY/CELL BIOLOGY - Extraocular muscles, new observations and clinical implications — R Brunech, F Pedrosa, A Safran - Retinal pigment epithelium — H Uusitaloo ÙCORNEA/OCULAR SURFACE - Eye Banking — I Claerhout - Keratoprosthesis — C Liu - Corneal Wound Healing — JJ Gicquel, PL Dighiero - Corneal nerves and dry eyes — L Müller ÙGLAUCOMA - Advancements in the Medical Management of Glaucoma — A Konstas - Beyond IOP - Vascular aspects in glaucoma — I Stalmans - Intraocular pressure and Corneal Thickness — V Dayanir - Ocular Biomechanics — K Kotliar - Excimer Laser Trabeculotomy (ELT) — M Pache, U Giers ÙIMMUNOLOGY/MICROBIOLOGY - Ocular Toxoplasmosis — C Pavesio, U Pleyer - Changing concepts in infl ammatory eye diseases — A Abu El Asrar, C Herbort - Immunomodulatory therapy in Ocular infl ammatory diseases — A Dick - Emerging agents and novel aspects in infl ammatory eye diseases — L Cimino, C Herbort - Paediatric Uveitis : progress in its appraisal and management — B Bodaghi, C Herbort ÙLENS AND CATARACT - Pathogenesis and prevention of diabetic cataract — K Hegde, S Varma - Posterior capsular opacifi cation — A Galand, R Barraquer - Implications of oxidative stress in the genesis of cataracts — S Varma, P Söderberg - Workshop: Mouse model and phenotypes — J Graw - Workshop: Measurement of accommodation — A Glasser, R Michael ÙMOLECULAR BIOLOGY/GENETICS/EPIDEMIOLOGY - VEGF – from gene to therapy — A Churchill - Workshop: Epidemiology techniques — SM Saw, TY Wong ÙNEURO-OPHTHALMOLOGY/STRABISMOLOGY - Affective and cognitive vision. Neural mechanisms involved, and related clinical conditions — AB Safran - Neuro-Ophthalmics Emergencies — A Kawasaki, FX Borruat ÙPATHOLOGY/ONCOLOGY - Biopsy of intraocular tumours — E Midena, J Prause - New Concepts in Ocular & Adnexal Lymphoma — M Saornil, R Van Ginderdeuren ÙPHYSIOLOGY/BIOCHEMISTRY/PHARMACOLOGY - Ophthalmic Blood Flow Regulation & Prostaglandins — I Haefl iger, C Pournaras ÙRETINA/VITREOUS - Functional imaging of the retina — R Bernardes - Physiopathology based treatment of Macular Edema — C Pournaras - Intravitreal use of steroids — M Karacorlu, J Jonas - Emerging AMD Therapies and Novel Administration Techniques — J Cunha-Vaz, G Soubrane ÙVISION SCIENCES/ELECTROPHYSIOLOGY/PHYSIOL. OPTICS - Doctor I can’t see in the dark — J Barbur, G Holder - All you want know about the Macular Pigment — T Berendschot, D van Norren - Workshop: The Assessment of Visual Functions in People with Sight Loss ÙTECHNOLOGIES - Novel Ophthalmic Technologies III — T Missotten ÙARVO - Successfully Conducting International Research — Sally Atherton


ÙIan BAILEY, Berkeley, USA Assessment of vision - Monitoring impairments and predicting functional abilities

ÙJoaquin BARRAQUER, Barcelona, Spain — AER LECTURE Evolution of Cataract Surgery, Corneal Transplantation and Refractive Surgery

ÙDavid BEEBE, St. Louis, USA The cause and Prevention of Nuclear Cataracts: Oxygen and the Vitreous Bodyr ÙJohn FORRESTER, Aberdeen, Scotland — OPHTHALMIC RESEARCH LECTURE The Spark of Life? A Fundamental Role for Electric Fields in Guiding Cell Behavioure ÙPaul KAUFMAN, Madison, Wisconsin, USA Medical Therapy of Glaucoma in the Future: From Cell Culture to Clinicous Body ÙShigeru KINOSHITA, JAPAN Ocular surface regeneration: Present and Future

ÙPer SÖDERBERG, Stockholm, Sweden — EVER LECTURE A little bit of light on the lens


ÙDiagnostics in intraocular infl ammation — Rui D. M. B. PROENCA In conjunction with the Portuguese Society of Ophthalmology and the Portuguese Society of Uveitis ÙElectrophysiology in inherited disease — G Holder, B Leroy, C Barber ÙOcular imaging techniques — A Abu El Asrar, B Bodaghi, C Herbort, M De Smet


www.ever.be provides daily updated information Satellite Programme 227 Satellitenveranstaltungen

22. - 23. September 2005, Rostock

8. Rostocker Präparierkurs zur Lid-, Tränenwegs- und Orbitachirurgie (8th Dissection Course on Eyelid, Lacrimal and Orbital Surgery)

Please note that this course will be held in German.

Zeit Donnerstag, 22. September 2005, 13.30 - 18.00 Uhr Freitag, 23. September 2005, 8.00 - 13.00 Uhr

Referenten: Emmerich K.-H. (Darmstadt), Guthoff R. F. (Rostock), Hintschich C. (München), Holbach L. (Erlangen), Lieb W. (Karlsruhe), Press U. (Trier), Schaudig U. (Hamburg), Schittkowski M. (Rostock), Wree A. (Rostock)

Programm Inhalt des Kurses sind die komplexe Lid-, Tränenwegs- und Orbitachirurgie. Die Referenten geben jeweils eine theoretische Einführung und erläutern die anatomischen und operations- technischen Grundlagen. Im Anschluss kann der Kursteilnehmer selbst die Operation am anatomischen Präparat vornehmen.

Es werden: 1. resezierende und stellungskorrigierende Eingriffe an den Lidern, 2. Präparationsübungen am Levatorkomplex, 3. tränenwegschirurgische Maßnahmen mit mikrochirurgischen Instrumenten und, 4. eine laterale Orbitotomie nach Krönlein durchgeführt.

Durch die Anzahl der Referenten ist eine individuelle Betreu- ung am Arbeitsplatz gewährleistet. Jedem Kursteilnehmer steht ein Präparierplatz zur Verfügung (zu zweit an einem Präparat). Wir bitten um Verständnis, dass ein kleines Sortiment an Operationsinstrumenten und bei Bedarf eine Lupenbrille selbst mitgebracht werden sollten.

Teilnehmer Die Teilnehmerzahl ist auf 32 Personen begrenzt. Die Zuteilung erfolgt in zeitlicher Reihenfolge der Anmeldung. Sie erhalten nach Anmeldung eine Anmeldebestätigung und weitere Informationen zum Kurs (Einzahlungsmodalitäten, Übernachtungsmöglichkeiten, Liste der empfohlenen mitzu- bringenden chirurgischen Instrumente).

Organisation Prof. Dr. med. R. Guthoff, Universitäts-Augenklinik Rostock Prof. Dr. med. A. Wree, Anatomisches Institut der Universität Rostock

Ort Präpariersaal des Anatomischen Instituts Universität Rostock Gertrudenstraße 9, D-18055 Rostock Tel.: +49 381 494-8401

Information and Universitäts-Augenklinik Rostock Anmeldung Sekretariat Prof. Guthoff Beate Stroteich Doberaner Straße 140, 18055 Rostock Tel.: +49 381 494-8504 Fax: +49 381 494-8502 Satellite Programme E-Mail: [email protected]

Gebühren € 150 Teilnehmer alte Bundesländer € 125 Teilnehmer neue Bundesländer 228 Satellite Programme Satellitenveranstaltungen

22 - 23 September 2005, Berlin

IOIS Practical Ocular Pathology Course

Please note that this course will be held in English. The number of participants is limited to 40.

Time Thursday, 22 September 2005, 08.15 - 18.00 hrs Friday, 23 September 2005, 09.00 - 13.00 hrs

Directors Foerster M. H. (Berlin/D), Stein H. (Berlin/D)

Organizers Coupland S. E. (Berlin/D), LeHoang P. (Paris/F)

Faculty Bechrakis N. E. (D), Becker M. (D), Bodaghi B. (F), Chan C. C. (USA), Charlotte F. (F), Coupland S. E. (D), Foerster M. H. (D), Holbach L. (D), LeHoang P. (F), Loeffler K. (D), Naumann G. O. H. (D), Pleyer U. (D), Proenca R. (P), Rao N. (USA), Robert Y. (F), Stein H. (D)

Location Institut für Pathologie Charité - Universitätsmedizin Berlin Campus Benjamin Franklin Hindenburgdamm 30, D-12200 Berlin

Information and E-mail: [email protected] Registration

Fee € 150 (includes coffee breaks, lunch on 22 September and social evening)

Programme The goal of this one-and-half day course is to provide a practical guide to the evaluation of ocular specimens (e.g. diagnostic vitrectomies, biopsies, or enucleated eyes). The course will be conducted by experienced ocular pathologists and ophthalmologists, who will address the main topic of “Ocular Inflammation”. It will be case-orientated with provisi- on of microscopic slides, punctuated by summaries at the end of each session provided by invited and internationally renowned speakers. At the conclusion of the course, the participants will be provided with a course book with protocols and illustrations on each of the diseases discussed.

22 September 2005 Ocular Inflammation and Infection

08.15 - 08.30 Welcome Address, Prof. G. O. H. Naumann 08.30 - 08.40 Organisation Points, Assoc. Prof. S. E. Coupland 08.45 - 09.15 Basic Principles of Grossing Specimens in Ocular Pathology Assoc. Prof. N. E. Bechrakis

Morning Session Chair: Prof. U. Pleyer

09.20 - 09.35 Case Report 1: Herpetic keratouveitis with corneal pathology (Holbach) 09.40 - 09.55 Case Report 2: Bechet’s disease (Proença) 10.00 - 10.15 Case Report 3: Juvenile rheumatoid arthritis-related uveitis (Rao)

10.30 - 11.00 Coffee Break Satellite Programme 229 Satellitenveranstaltungen

22 - 23 September 2005, Berlin

Chair: Prof. L. Holbach

11.15 - 11.30 Case Report 4: Sympathetic ophthalmia (Bechrakis) 11.35 - 11.50 Case Report 5: Vogt-Koyanagi-Harada’s Syndrome (Chan) 11.55 - 12.10 Case Report 6: Vogt-Koyanagi-Harada-like-syndrome (Bodaghi)

12.15 - 12.30 Summary of Morning Session, Prof. N. Rao

12.30 - 13.30 Lunch

13.30 - 14.00 Additional time for viewing microscopic slides

Afternoon Session Chair: Prof. P. LeHoang

14.00 - 14.15 Case Report 7: Lyme disease (Becker) 14.20 - 14.35 Case Report 8: Acute retinal necrosis syndrome (Rao) 14.40 - 14.55 Case Report 9: Fungal endophthalmitis (Loeffler) 15.00 - 15.15 Case Report 10: Phacotoxic endophthalmitis (Bechrakis)

15.15 - 15.45 Coffee Break

Chair: Prof. Dr. Y. Robert

15.50 - 16.05 Case Report 11: Sarcoidosis involving the posterior segment (Robert) 16.10 - 16.25 Case Report 12: Juvenile xanthogranulomatosis (Rao) 16.30 - 16.45 Case Report 13: Langerhans cell histiocytosis of the posterior segment (Charlotte) 16.50 - 17.05 Case Report 14: Cytomegalovirus involving the retina (Chan) 17.10 - 17.25 Case Report 15: Necrotising scleritis (Coupland)

17.30 - 17.40 Summary of Afternoon Session, Prof. Dr. P LeHoang

20.00 Social Evening at “Die Ruine” in the Berlin Medical Historical Museum

23 September 2005 Neoplasms / Neoplastic-Like Lesions Masquerading as a Uveitis

08.30 - 08.40 Welcome Back Address, Prof. H. Stein

Chair: Assoc. Prof. S. E. Coupland

08.45 - 09.00 Case Report 16: Primary Intraocular (retinal) Lymphoma (Chan) 09.05 - 09.20 Case Report 17: Primary Intraocular (retinal) Lymphoma (Loeffler) 09.25 - 09.40 Case Report 18: Primary Intraocular (uveal) Lymphoma (Coupland) 09.45 - 10.00 Case Report 19: Secondary haematological manifestations in the eye (Charlotte)

10.05 - 10.20 Summary of haematological masquerades, Prof. C.C. Chan

10.25 - 10.55 Coffee Break Satellite Programme 230 Satellite Programme Satellitenveranstaltungen

22 - 23 September 2005, Berlin

Chair: Prof. K. Loeffler

11.00 - 11.15 Case Report 20: Masquerade Syndrome: Uveal melanoma (Bechrakis) 11.20 - 11.35 Case Report 21: Masquerade Syndrome: Retinoblastoma (Proença) 11.40 - 11.55 Case Report 22: Masquerade Syndrome: Retinal gliosis (Coupland) 12.00 - 12.15 Case Report 23: Masquerade Syndrome: Metastatic carcinoma (Proença/Coupland) 12.20 - 12.35 Case Report 24: Orbital tumour simulating Masquerade syndrome (Robert)

12.40 - 13.00 Summary of the morning and closing words of the Course, Prof. LeHoang Satellite Programme 231 Satellitenveranstaltungen

23. - 24. September 2005, Berlin

XXXIII. Jahrestagung der „Deutschsprachigen Ophthalmopathologen“ (DOP) (XXXIII Annual Meeting of the German Ophthalmopathological Society)

Please note that this meeting will be held in German.

Zeit Freitag, 23. September 2005, 15.00 - 18.00 Uhr Samstag, 24. September 2005, 9.00 - 18.00 Uhr

Programm 1. Sitzung: Okuläre Fehlbildungen, Lider, Orbita 2. Sitzung: Bindehaut, Hornhaut, Linse 3. Sitzung: Uvea, Netzhaut 4. Sitzung: Systemerkrankungen, Syndrome

Organisator Prof. Dr. Nikolaos E. Bechrakis

Tagungsort Mikroskopiersaal, Institut für Pathologie Charité - Universitätsmedizin Berlin Campus Benjamin Franklin Hindenburgdamm 30, D-12200 Berlin

Organisation Prof. Dr. Nikolaos E. Bechrakis und Anmeldung Charité - Universitätsmedizin Berlin Campus Benjamin Franklin, Augenklinik Hindenburgdamm 30, D-12200 Berlin Tel.: +49 30 84452331 E-Mail: [email protected] Satellite Programme 232 Satellite Programme Satellitenveranstaltungen

Samstag, 24. September 2005, Berlin

Basiskurs Fluoreszenzangiographie (Basic Course on Fluorescence Angiography)

Please note that this course will be held in German.

Zeit Samstag, 24. September 2005, 09.00 - 18.00 Uhr

Themen Blut-Retina-Schranke – Grundlagen Fluoreszeinangiografie – Grundlagen ICG-Angiografie – Autofluroeszenz – Hereditäre Netzhauterkrankungen – Entzündliche Netzhauterkrankungen – Netzhauterkrankungen mit weissen Flecken - Makulafora- men und Makular pucker – Teleangiektasien – Retinitis centra- lis serosa - Erkrankungen des Sehnerven – Altersabhängige Makuladegeneration (Definitionen / Klassische und okkulte Membranen / ICG-Angiografie / Photodynamische Therapie) – CNV anderer Ursache – Arterien- und Venenokklusionen – Tumoren – Anaphylaktischer Schock

Kursgegenstand Die Fluoreszenzangiografie gewinnt insbesondere durch die Entwicklung neuer Therapieverfahren makulärer Erkrankungen zunehmend an Bedeutung. Ziel des ganztägigen Kurses ist die Darstellung und Interpretation der häufigsten fluoreszenzan- giografisch untersuchten Krankheitsbilder. Besonderer Wert wird auf die Korrelation von Fluoreszenzangiografie und thera- peutischer Konsequenz, etwa vor PDT bei AMD oder Laserko- agulation bei diabetischer Retinopathie, gelegt.

Referenten Aisenbrey S. (Tübingen), Bechrakis N. (Berlin), Breckwoldt J. (Berlin), Foerster M. H. (Berlin), Gelisken F. (Tübingen), Heimann H. (Berlin), Helbig H. (Zürich), Inhoffen W. (Tübingen), Jandeck C. (Berlin), Joussen A. (Köln), Kellner U. (Siegburg), Krause L. (Berlin), Kreusel K. (Berlin), Schüler A. (Essen), Wachtlin J. (Berlin)

Leitung und Dr. H. Heimann (Berlin), Prof. Dr. U. Kellner (Siegburg), Wiss. Programm Prof. Dr. med. M. H. Foerster (Berlin)

Ort Hörsaal der Pathologie Charité - Universitätsmedizin Berlin, Campus Benjamin Franklin Hindenburgdamm 30, D-12200 Berlin (Steglitz)

Kursorganisation Sekretariat Prof. Dr. med. H. M. Foerster und Anmeldung Frau Bettina Seitz Augenklinik Charité - Universitätsmedizin Berlin, Campus Benjamin Franklin Hindenburgdamm 30, D-12200 Berlin (Steglitz) Telefon 030 8445-2331 Telefax 030 8445-4450 per E-Mail direkt an: [email protected] Nach Eingang Ihrer Anmeldung erhalten Sie eine Anmelde- bestätigung und weitere Informationen zum Kurs sowie zur Zahlung der Teilnahmegebühr.

Teilnahmegebühr € 60 (inkl. Mittagessen) Teilnehmerzahl max. 60

Teilnehmerkreis Assistenzärzte und niedergelassene Kollegen, die einen Einstieg in die Interpretation fluoreszenzangiografischer Befunde suchen.

Zertifizierung Zertifizierte Fortbildungsveranstaltung nach den Richtlinien der Bundesärztekammer Satellite Programme 233 Satellitenveranstaltungen

Sunday, 25 September 2005, Berlin

The Role of the Ocular Adnexae for the Ocular Surface

Please note that this symposium will be held in English.

Time Sunday, 25 September 2005, 10.45 - 15.30

Location Internationales Congress Centrum (ICC), Hall 10

Organizers Geerling G. (Lübeck/D), Kruse F. E. (Erlangen/D)

Lecturers L. Holbach (Erlangen/D), R. F. Guthoff (Rostock/D), F. Paulsen (Halle/D), F. E. Kruse (Erlangen/D), J. K. G. Dart (London/UK), G. Rose (London/UK), B. Nölle (Kiel/D), J.R.O. Collin (London/UK), S. Sahlin (Stockholm/S)

Programme The ocular surface and the ocular adnexae form an anatomical and functional unit, in which adnexal structures not only mechanically and immunologically protect the cornea and con- junctiva, but also provide nutrients for the ocular the surface epithelia. Diseases of the ocular surface can be primary, i.e. resulting from abnormalities of the ocular surface or secondary to abnormalities of the ocular adnexa. In secondary ocular sur- face disorders the major pathomechanisms involved are expo- sure, abrasion and malnutrition due to conjunctival scarring, fornix shortening and severe aqueous deficiency. These conditi- ons can all lead to epithelial defects, which - due to impaired wound-healing - persist and progress. For the same reasons surgical attempts to rehabilitate severe ocular surface disease frequently fail. In two sessions this satellite symposium reviews the interacti- ons of the ocular adnexae and surface, provides up-to-date guidelines on the diagnosis and medical treatment and focuses on the surgical management of ocular surface disease secon- dary to adnexal disorders. Based on the published evidence established and evolving surgical procedures of the ocular adnexae to correct exposure, fornix shortening and aqueous deficiency are discussed.

10.45 - 11.50 Session 1: Basics and Medical Management 10.45 - 10.50 Welcome address, G. Geerling (Lübeck/D) 10.50 - 11.10 Functional anatomy and immunological interactions of ocular surface and adnexae, F. Paulsen (Halle/D) 11.10 - 11.30 Classification and concepts of Ocular Surface Disease, F. Kruse (Erlangen/D) 11.30 - 11.50 Diagnosis of adnexal and ocular surface disease, J. K. G. Dart (London/UK) 11.50 - 12.00 Giant fornix syndrome*, G. Rose (London/UK) 12.00 - 12.20 Medical management of inflammatory ocular surface and adnexal disease, B. Nölle (Kiel/D)

12.20 - 13.10 Free Lunch Buffet (sponsored by Pfizer Pharma GmbH)

13.10 - 15.30 Session 2: Surgical Management 13.10 - 13.30 Correction of en- and ectropion, L. Holbach (Erlangen/D) 13.30 - 13.50 Correction of lid retraction and exophthalmus, R. Guthoff (Rostock/D) 13.50 - 14.10 Fornix reconstruction, J.R.O. Collin (London/UK) Satellite Programme 14.10 - 14.30 Optimizing tear drainage, G. Rose (London/UK) 14.30 - 14.50 Reducing tear drainage, S. Sahlin (Stockholm/S) 14.50 - 15.10 Options for tear replacement, G. Geerling (Lübeck/D) 15.10 - 15.30 Round table – Postoperative management, clinical and laboratory studies and summary, all lecturers 234 Satellite Programme Satellitenveranstaltungen

Sunday, 25 September 2005, Berlin

Satellite Symposium of the Hungarian Ophthalmological Society

Please note that this symposium will be held in English and German.

Time Sunday, 25 September 2005, 8.30 - 15.30 hrs

Organizer Kolozsvári L. (Szeged/H) E-mail: [email protected]

Location Internationales Congress Centrum (ICC), Hall 9

8.30 - 9.30 Visual function, Morbidity, Eye-care 2509-13 Chair: Németh J. (Budapest/H), Módis L. (Debrecen/H)

8.30 Németh J. (Budapest/H) 2509-13.01 O The ophthalmic health care and causes of blindness in Hungary

8.40 Lampé Z., Boncz I., Sebestyén A., Berta A. 2509-13.02 O (Debrecen/H, Budapest/H) Experiences with the Implementation of Diagnosis Related Groups (DRG) Like Financing System in the Hungarian Ophthalmologic Care

8.50 Aczél K., Markó G. (Budapest/H) 2509-13.03 O Intrafamilial heterogenity of inherited color vision deficiencies

9.00 Degi R., Janáky M., Gyetvai T. (Szeged/H) 2509-13.04 O Our experiences with cataract surgery on patients with retinitis pigmentosa

9.10 Kovacs I., Kovács B., Schvoller M., Mannino G., 2509-13.05 O Papale A., Gabrieli C. B., Feher J. (Budapest/H, Pecs/H, Rome/I)

Correlations between fundus alterations and visual functions in age-related macular degeneration

9.20 Aczél K., Markó G., Deák G. (Budapest/H) 2509-13.06 S 30-year experiences in diabetic eye care

9.30 - 10.30 Basic Research 2509-14 Chair: Berta A. (Debrecen/H), Holló G. (Budapest/H)

9.30 Kolozsvári L., Hopp B., Smausz T., Bor Z., 2509-14.01 O Nógrádi A. (Szeged/H) UV absorbance of the human lens in the 240- to 400 nm range

9.40 Kemény-Beke Á., Bodnar A., Aradi J., 2509-14.02 O Facskó A., Damjanovich J., Berta A. (Debrecen/H) Sanguinarine, Chelerythrine and Chelidonine induce apoptosis and necrosis in OCM-1 uveal melanoma cells

9.50 Losonczy G., Takács L., Vereb G., Módis L., 2509-14.03 O Muszbek L., Berta A. (Debrecen/H) TGFBI gene mutations in Hungarian patients with corneal dystrophies Satellite Programme 235 Satellitenveranstaltungen

Sunday, 25 September 2005, Berlin

10.00 Lovas P., Nógrádi A. (Szeged/H) 2509-14.04 S Development of motor innervation in human extraocular muscles

10.06 Tóth B. B., Farkas E., Farkas G. (Szeged/H) 2509-14.05 S Retinal changes following acute pancreatitis induction in the rat

10.12 Szabó V., Borgulya G., Majnik J., Racz K., N 2509-14.06 S agy Z. Z. (Budapest/H) Glucocorticoid receptor gene polymorphisms and topical steroid-induced ocular hypertension in patients treated with photorefractive keratectomy

10.30-10.50 Coffee Break

10.50 - 11.50 Ocular Tumors 2509-15 Chair: Kovács B. (Pécs/H), Kerényi Á. (Budapest/H)

10.50 Pámer Z., Kovács B. (Pécs/H) 2509-15.01 O Transpupillary thermotherapy for choroidal metastases

11.00 Kerényi Á., Gaál K., Ivaskevits K., Sápi Z. 2509-15.02 O (Budapest/H) Pseudohypopyon – an unusual presenting sign of an intraocular malignant melanoma

11.10 Szabó A., Papp A., Tóth J. (Budapest/H) 2509-15.03 O Transpupillary thermotherapy in case of choroidal melanomas – histological findings

11.20 Tóth-Molnár E., Hammer H. (Szeged/H) 2509-15.04 O Primary malignant tumours among ocular melanoma patients

11.30 Pálffy A., Gyetvai T., Valicsek E., Janáky M., 2509-15.05 O Kolozsvári L. (Szeged/H) About intra- and extraocular metastases of breast cancer

11.40 Tapaszto B., Lukats O., Tóth J. (Budapest/H) 2509-15.06 O Conjunctival malignant melanoma our clinical experience of 10 years

11.50 - 12.50 Uhr Modern Diagnostic Techniques 2509-16 Chair: Kolozsvári L. (Szeged/H), Salacz G. (Budapest/H)

11.50 Katsanos A., Toth M., Vargha P., Holló G. 2509-16.01 O (Budapest/H) Structure – function relationship with scanning laser polarimetry and W/W and frequency doubling perimetry

12.00 Németh G., Berta A., Módis L. (Debrecen/H) 2509-16.02 S A comparison of contact ultrasonographic (A-scan) and non-contact optical (Pentacam®) techniques for anterior chamber depth measurement of pseudophakic patients

12.06 Hári-Kovács A., Gyetvai T., Skribek Á., 2509-16.03 S Kolozsvári L. (Szeged/H) Satellite Programme Ultrasound biomicroscopic findings in corneal astigmatism 236 Satellite Programme Satellitenveranstaltungen

Sunday, 25 September 2005, Berlin

12.12 Skribek Á., Gyetvai T., Hári-Kovács A., 2509-16.04 O Kolozsvári L. (Szeged/H) The role of ultrasound biomicroscope in the diagnosis and treatment of marginal corneal thinning

12.22 Gyetvai T., Horóczi Z., Skribek Á., 2509-16.05 O Hári-Kovács A., Kolozsvári L. (Szeged/H) Ultrasound biomicroscopical examination of the corneal incision after cataract surgery

12.32 Erdélyi B., Asztalos A., Rotarides N., Kerényi Á. 2509-16.06 S (Budapest/H) Central corneal thickness measurement by confocal microscopy, ultrasonic and optical pachymetry

12.38 Balla Z., Ajtony C., Kovács B. (Pécs/H, Pecs/H) 2509-16.07 O Retinal nerve fiber layer measurement by OCT in primary open angle glaucoma patients with perimetric abnormalities

12.50-13.50 Lunch Break

13.50 - 14.50 Cornea 2509-17 Chair: Süveges I. (Budapest/H), Nagy Z. Z. (Budapest/H)

13.50 Berta A., Kolozsvári B. (Debrecen/H) 2509-17.01 O First Experiences with a Newly Developed Mushroom-shaped Keratoprothesis

14.00 Holló G., Toth M., Vargha P. (Budapest/H) 2509-17.02 O Advantage of enhanced cornea compensation in polarimetry

14.10 Csutak A., Silver D. M., Tözsér J., Steiber Z., Hassan Z., Berta A. (Debrecen/H, Laurel/USA) 2509-17.03 O Plasminogen activator for promoting wound healing after laser vision correction surgery

14.20 Sohar N., Sohar I., Hammer H. (Szeged/H, Piscataway/USA) 2509-17.04 S Lysosomal enzyme activities and ophthalmic observations in Sjögren’s syndrome

14.26 Kettesy B., Módis L., Berta A. (Debrecen/H) 2509-17.05 S Specular microscopic analysis of donor corneas

14.32 Resch M., Schlötzer-Schrehardt U., 2509-17.06 S Hofmann-Rummelt C., Sauer R., Kruse F. E., Seitz B. (Budapest/H, Erlangen/D)

Ultrastructural examination of amniotic membrane integration into the cornea

14.50 - 15.30 Anterior Segment 2509-18 Chair: Hatvani I. (Budapest/H), Facskó A. (Debrecen/H)

14.50 Hatvani I., Janovics A. (Budapest/H) 2509-18.01 O Use of Systane to improve re-epithelialization of corneal grafts

15.00 Facskó A., Steiber Z., Zajácz M., Berta A. 2509-18.02 O (Debrecen/H) Penetrating Keratoplasty in Early Childhood and Infancy Satellite Programme 237 Satellitenveranstaltungen

Sunday, 25 September 2005, Berlin

15.10 Füst Á., Tóth J. (Budapest/H) 2509-18.03 S Fungal corneal infections

15.16 Radó G. (Budapest/H) 2509-18.04 S About malignant glaucoma

15.22 Entz B. B., Pongrácz M., Salacz G. (Budapest/H) 2509-18.05 S Posterior capsule opacification with the new Meridian IOL

15.28 Munkácsi G., Szigeti A., Toldy E. 2509-18.06 S (Szombathely/H, Budapest/H) Measurement of tear IgE-level in EMADINE (emedastine- difumarate 0.05 %) eye drops treatment of patients suffering from perennial and seasonal conjunctivitis Satellite Programme 238 Satellite Programme Satellitenveranstaltungen

26. - 28. September 2005, Berlin (ICC)

Fortbildungsveranstaltung Ressort: „Augenärztliches Assistenzpersonal“

Please note that this Continuing Education Course for paramedical staff will be held in German.

Aus dem gesamten Bereich der augenärztlichen Tätigkeit wer- den Seminare für die MitarbeiterInnen in Praxis und Klinik angeboten. Neben Basisveranstaltungen zum Thema Abrech- nung und Augenkrankheiten werden auch spezielle Themen wie Praxismarketing und Kommunikation u. a. angeboten.

Das Programm mit den Anmeldeunterlagen ist im Internet unter www.augeninfo.de bzw. www.soe2005.org veröffent- licht.

Tagungsort Internationales Congress Centrum, ICC Berlin Räume 11/12, 13/14, 15/16 und 17/18

Sprache Deutsch

Organisation BVA-Geschäftsstelle Düsseldorf Renate Wagener Tersteegenstr. 12, 40474 Düsseldorf T +49 211 43037-14 F +49 211 43037-20 E [email protected]

Anmeldung Porstmann Kongresse GmbH Thomas Hausfeld Alte Jakobstr. 77, 10179 Berlin T +49 30 284499-17 F +49 30 284499-11 E [email protected] Administrative Meetings 239 Arbeitssitzungen

Saturday, 24.9.05 EUPO Council Meeting and General Assembly 17.30 - 19.00 hrs Organisation: van Rij G. (Rotterdam/NL) Room 26

Sunday, 25.9.05 Business Meeting of the European Academy 08.30 - 12.00 hrs of Ophthalmology and Room 43 Forum on “Ophthalmology Policies in Europe” Organisation: Cunha-Vaz J. (Coimbra/P)

Sunday, 25.9.05 Business Meeting of the DOG, SFO, RCO and SOI 10.30 - 12.00 hrs Room 26

Sonntag, 25.9.05 Sitzung der Sektion Uveitis 13.00 - 14.00 Uhr Organisation: Zierhut M. (Tübingen/D) Raum 43

Sonntag, 25.9.05 Meeting der Sektion Uveitis 14.30 - 16.30 Uhr „Diagnostik bei der Uveitis, Teil 2“ Raum 43 Organisation: Zierhut M. (Tübingen/D)

Sonntag, 25.9.05 Neue Aspekte der retinalen Gefäßanalyse 18.30 - 20.30 Uhr IMEDOS GmbH Raum 42 Organisation: Müller D. (Jena/D)

Montag, 26.9.05 Verleihung des Uveitis-Forschungspreises der DOG 09.00 - 10.00 Uhr gestiftet von Deutschen Uveitis Arbeitsgemeinschaft e.V. Raum 43 (Sponsor: Dr. Mann Pharma) Organisation: Zierhut M. (Tübingen/D)

Montag, 26.9.05 Arbeitstreffen der DOG-Sektion Ophthalmoplastische und 14.45 - 16.15 Uhr rekonstruktive Chirurgie (SORC) Raum 43 Organisation: Guthoff R. (Rostock/D)

Montag, 26.9.05 Mitgliederversammlung der DOG 13.00 - 14.30 Uhr General Assembly of the DOG Saal 7 Organisation: Foerster M. H. (Berlin/D)

Montag, 26.9.05 Sitzung der Verkehrskommission der DOG 14.00 - 16.00 Uhr Organisation: Kolling G. (Heidelberg/D) Raum 26

Montag, 26.9.05 Mitgliederversammlung der DOCH 17.00 - 18.30 Uhr (Verein Deutscher Ophthalmologischer Chefärzte) Raum 43 Organisation: Lemmen K. D. (Düsseldorf /D), Schilling C. (Suhl/D)

Montag, 26.9.05 Mitgliederversammlung der Sektion Glaukom 17.30 - 18.30 Uhr Organisation: Pfeiffer N. (Mainz/D), Grehn F. (Würzburg/D), Madrid Kriegelstein G. K. (Köln/D) Satellite Programme 240 Administrative Meetings Arbeitssitzungen

Montag, 26.9.05 Mitgliederversammlung der Sektion Kornea in der DOG 14.30 - 16.00 Uhr Moderation: Kruse F. E. (Erlangen/D) Saal 7 Reinhard T. (Freiburg/D) Seitz B. (Erlangen/D)

Dienstag, 27.9.05 Springer Verlag – Essential in Ophthalmology 13.00 - 16.00 Uhr Moderation: Philipp M. (Heidelberg/D) Raum 25

Tuesday, 27.9.05 European Leadership Development Course 14.00 - 16.00 hrs Organistion: Seregard S. (Stockholm/S) Room 43

Tuesday, 27.9.05 Meeting of the Members of the European 18.00 - 19.00 hrs Clinical Trial Network of Ophthalmology (EVI.CT.SE) Room 48 Organistion: Cunha-Vaz J. (Coimbra/P)

Mittwoch, 28.9.05 Pressekonferenz „Trockenes Auge: 10.00 - 12.00 Uhr „Neues Therapieprinzip mit Visine“ Raum 43 Organizer: Pfizer Pharma GmbH

Mittwoch, 28.9.05 Sitzung der Arbeitsgemeinschaft Deutscher 10.00 - 12.00 Uhr Hornhautbanken Raum 42 Organisation: Redbrake C. (Alsdorf/D)

Mittwoch, 28.9.05 Treffen der Sektion Internationale Ophthalmologie 13.00 - 15.00 Uhr der DOG Raum 43 Organisation: Klauß V. (München/D)

Wednesday,28.9.05 General Assembly of the European Vision Institute 18.00 - 19.00 hrs Organistion: Wheeler-Schilling T. (Tübingen/D) Room 43

Donnerstag,29.9.05 Sitzung Georg Thieme Verlag KG 10.00 - 12.00 Uhr Organisation: Dietrich U. (Stuttgart/D) Raum 26

Thursday, 29.9.05 Meeting of the Programme Committee 17.00 - 17.30 hrs Room 42 Company Symposia 241 Firmenveranstaltungen

Sunday, 25.9.05 Lunch Symposium 12.30 - 13.30 hrs *Acri.Tec GmbH (Munich, Hennigsdorf/D) Room 42 Clinical Experiences with Innovative Acrylic IOL: PCO Development, Optimization of Visual Acuity, Correction of Presbyopia Chair: J. Kammann, Dortmund/D

Speakers What Options do we have for the Optimization of Visual Acuity? J. Kammann, Dortmund/D

Yellow IOL – a must? A. Müller, Augsburg/D

PCO Development: Modern IOL Design and Biomaterials W. Wehner, Nürnberg/D

Correction of Hyperopia using Modern Implants H. Kaymak, Sulzbach/Saar/D

*Acri.Tec GmbH is one of the worldwide leading manufactu- rers of the most innovative IOL designs. Because sophisticated optic design is offering many new possibilities for IOL develop- ment the company wants to demonstrate the variety of intrao- cular implants available to the modern cataract surgeon. Numerous developments in different areas as minimal invasive cataract surgery (MICS), correction of high hyperopia, treat- ment of presbyopia as well as astigmatism correction will be presented and discussed.

Sunday, 25.9.05 Satellite Symposium 14.30 - 15.30 hrs AMO Germany GmbH (Ettlingen/D) Hall 7 Wavefront Optimization and Guidance in Cataract and Refractive Surgery Chair: M. Tetz, Berlin/D

Speakers Clinical Experience with a Modified Prolate Aspheric IOL R. Bellucci, Verona/I

Who Wins the Reading Contest? TECNIS MF vs. ReSTOR vs. Array W. Huetz, Bad Hersfeld/D

New Developments on TECNIS Technology S. Norrby, S

Introduction to Custome Vue and Iris Registration K. Greenberg, Danbury/USA Satellite Programme 242 Company Symposia Firmenveranstaltungen

Monday, 26.9.05 Lunch Symposium 13.00 - 14.00 hrs Alcon Laboratories, Inc. (Fort Worth/USA) Hall 9 Therapy and Prophylaxis of Age-related Macular Degeneration (AMD) – A Situational Analysis

Speakers U. Schmidt-Erfurth, Wien/A M. Tetz, Berlin/D A. Augustin, Karlsruhe/D

Monday, 26.9.05 Satellite Symposium 16.00 - 17.00 hrs WaveLight Laser Technologie AG (Erlangen/D) Room Madrid Case studies and treatment strategies in refractive laser surgery

Speakers T. Seiler, Zurich/CH J. Kampmeier, Ulm/D M. Maus, Cologne/D

Monday, 26.9.05 Satellite Symposium 16.30 - 18.00 hrs Pharm-Allergan GmbH (Ettlingen/D) Hall 4/5 Risk of Glaucoma Progression Chair: G. Krieglstein, Cologne/D

Speakers Progression in Glaucoma: The Risk and How to Reduce It A. Heijl, Malmö/S

Glaucoma Therapy: Is IOP Lowering Always Enough? L. E. Pillunat, Dresden/D

The Concept of Neuroprotection M. Schwartz, Rehovot/IL

Future Vision: Memantine and Glaucoma C. Migdal, London/UK

Tuesday, 27.9.05 Satellite Symposium 09.00 - 10.00 hrs Chibret Pharmazeutische GmbH (Haar/D) Hall 14.2 (Oslo) Preservatives in Glaucoma Therapy Konservierungsmittel in der Glaukomtherapie Chair: G. Krieglstein, Cologne/D

Please note that this Symposium will be held in German.

Programme Welcome and Introduction Begrüßung und Einführung G. Krieglstein, Cologne/D

Effects of Preservatives in Ocular Tissues Auswirkungen von Konservierungsmitteln auf okuläre Gewebe J. M. Selbach (Essen/D)

Glaucoma and Dry Eye Glaukom und trockenes Auge C. Erb (Rostock/D) Company Symposia 243 Firmenveranstaltungen

Medical glaucoma therapy and success of trabeculectomy Glaukomtherapie und Erfolg der Trabekulektomie G. Krieglstein, Cologne/D

Discussion and Summary Diskussion und Zusammenfassung G. Krieglstein, Cologne/D

Tuesday, 27.9.05 Satellite Symposium 10.30 - 12.00 hrs Novartis Pharma AG (Basel/CH) Hall 4/5 Verteporfin in Combination with Triamcinolone in the Management of Neovascular AMD Chair: U. Schmidt-Erfurth, Vienna/A

Speakers Welcome U. Schmidt-Erfurth, Vienna/A

Focusing on patient needs in AMD Treatment D. Pauleikhoff, Muenster/D

MOA of Verteporfin and Rationale for Combination Therapy U. Schmidt-Erfurth, Vienna/A

Verteporfin and IVTA in Subfoveal Lesions A. J. Augustin, Karlsruhe/D

Future Directions in AMD Treatment F. Bandello, Udine/I


Programme This programme will provide an update on current and emerging treatment modalities for age-related macular dege- neration, with a specific focus on combination treatment using photodynamic therapy with verteporfin and intravitreal triamci- nolone acetonide (TA). The rationale for use of verteporfin therapy as the cornerstone therapy in combination with drugs such as TA or anti-VEGF agents will be described, and results from investigations of combination treatment will be presen- ted.

Tuesday, 27.9.05 Lunch Symposium 13.00 - 14.00 hrs Bausch & Lomb / Dr. Mann Pharma GmbH (Berlin/D) Hall 14.2 (Oslo) Study Report – Macular Pigment: Changes under Ocuvite Lutein Supplementation Satellite Programme 244 Company Symposia Firmenveranstaltungen

Tuesday, 27.9.05 Satellite Symposium 16.30 - 17.30 hrs Optos GmbH (Munich/D) Room Hongkong New Technology in 200° Ultra Widefield Retinal Imaging Chair: M. Morszeck, Hamburg/D

Speakers The Laser Scanning Ophthalmoscope P200 in Practical Use (Screening, follow up) M. Morszeck, Hamburg/D

Screening of Retinopathy with children having diabetes mellitus by using the non-mydriatic Laser Scanning Ophthalmoscope P200 –OPTOMAP-System D. Brockmann, Hannover/D

Wednesday, 28.9. Lunch Symposium 13.00 - 14.00 hrs Alcon Laboratories, Inc. (Fort Worth/USA) Hall 4/5 A Brief Update on Glaucoma – From Pathogenesis to Therapy

Speakers J. Flammer, Basel/CH A. G. P. Konstas, Thessaloniki/GR H. Dubiner, Atlanta/USA C. Erb, Rostock/D

Wednesday, 28.9. Lunch Symposium 13.00 - 14.00 hrs Pfizer Pharma GmbH (Karlsruhe/D) Hall 14.2 (Oslo) Meeting Patient Demands for a Targeted Solution to Dry Eye Chair: M. Guillon, London/UK

Speakers What´s new in Dry Eye? M. Guillon, London/UK

Dry Eye Treatment: A Symptomatic Approach C. Lohmann, Munich/D

Dry Eye is Evolving: Introducing a Revolution in Dry Eye Treatment M. Rolando, Genova/I

Discussion for AccompanyingPersons Social Programme Official Social Programme Social Programme

Scientific Programme Sunday, 25.9.2005 Get Authoritative Clinical Guidance on Vitreoretinal Disorders… RETINA® The Journal of Retinal and Vitreous Diseases Editor-in-Chief: Alexander J. Brucker, MD

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A5Q639F Official Social Programme 247

Opening Ceremony Sunday, 25 September 2005, 16.00 - 18.00 hrs ICC, Hall 3 (Main Lecture Hall)

Incl. in the registration fee for participants and accompanying persons Detailed programme on page 20.

Get-Together in the Commercial Exhibition with Live Music Sunday, 25 September 2005, 18.00 - 20.00 hrs ICC, Hall 12

Incl. in the registration fee for participants and accompanying persons

SOE & DOG in Concert Tuesday, 27 September 2005, 13.15 - 14.15 hrs ICC, Hall 2 Organizer and Coordinator: F. Grehn, Würzburg/D (E-Mail: [email protected])

Incl. in the registration fee for participants and accompanying persons Detailed programme on page 23.

Organ Concert at the Berliner Dom (Berlin Cathedral) Tuesday, 27 September 2005, 20.00 - 21.00 hrs

Fee for registered participants and accompanying persons: € 50 Non-registered persons: € 60

Gala Evening at the Berliner Philharmonie Wednesday, 28 September 2005, 20.00 - 24.00 hrs

Fee for registered participants and accompanying persons: € 100 Non-registered persons: € 120 Incl. concert of 12 Cellists and Jazz Group of the Berlin Philharmonic Orchestra, as well as dinner buffet and beverages

Closing Ceremony Thursday, 29 September 2005, 16.30 - 17.30 hrs ICC, Hall 3

Incl. in the registration fee for participants and accompanying persons Detailed programme on page 21.

Detailed information on the official social programme and registration is published on the congress website www.soe2005.org. Social Programme Informations 248 Social Programme for Accompanying Persons

The registration form for this tourist programme is provided on www.soe2005.org.

Daily sightseeing tours by bus or boat

Bus Tour A: Grand Berlin Tour (approx. 3 hrs)

Start at ICC: 09:30 hrs End at ICC: 12:30 hrs Price incl. in registration fee of accompanying persons € 25 for congress participants

Experience the Capital City of Berlin, a city rich with symbols of the city’s fate and the reunification of East and West. During this professionally commentated tour, you will discover, amongst other things, the historic city centre including the Nikolai Quarter (Nikolaiviertel), Alexanderplatz, Spree Island (Spreeinsel), Unter den Linden, The Brandenburg Gate, Gendarmenmarkt, Friedrichstrasse and the new Synagogue (Neuer Synagoge). In addition the tour takes in the following other sights: The Government Quarter (Regierungsviertel), the Victory Column (Siegessäule), Potsdamer Platz, Kurfürsten- damm, Schloss Charlottenburg, the Olympic Stadium (Olympiastadion) and some remaining sections of the Berlin Wall, including Checkpoint Charlie.

This bus tour will not take place on Sunday, 25 September, as an exception, to make way for the famous annual Berlin Marathon.

Boat Tour B: Bridge Tour on the Landwehr Canal and River Spree (approx. 4 hrs)

Start at Schloss Charlottenburg: 10:00 hrs End at Schloss Charlottenburg: 13:30 hrs Price € 16

This river tour takes you via the Landwehr Canal and the River Spree through the centre of the city and reveals that Berlin has more bridges than Venice, and through its varied architecture, is an enchanting and inspiring city. The tour passes The House of World Cultures (Haus der Kulturen der Welt), Berlin Cathedral (Berliner Dom), The Pergamon Museum, the Nikolai Quarter (Nikolaiviertel), The Reichstag and more. Experience a colourful and fascinating metropolis from a totally different perspective. Social Programme for Accompanying Persons 249

Sunday, 25 September 2005

Tour 25: Walking Tour of the Government District (approx. 3 hrs, bus transfer + round trip)

Start at ICC: 10:00 hrs End at ICC: 13:00 hrs Price € 25

This walk takes you from the Brandenburg Gate (Brandenbur- ger Tor) to the Central Government District (Regierungsviertel) of the Federal Republic. At the Spreebogen (Spree bend) you will find the new Federal Chancellery (Bundeskanzleramt) and the administrative quarters of the German Bundestag. At the Reichstag you can see how German history developed and created present day Germany.

Tour 26: Potsdam Tour (approx. 5 hrs, bus round trip + walking tour)

Start at ICC: 10:00 hrs End at ICC: 13:00 hrs Price € 46

Encounter Prussian history at the gates of Berlin. The establishment of Potsdam as the second royal city of the latter Prussian Kings came into being under the Großen Kurfürsten (The Great Elector), Friedrich Wilhelm, in the 17th century. During the 18th century numerous palaces and extensive parks and gardens in Potsdam were available for Prussian Kings and Princes. Experience the old town and, amongst other things, see Schinkel’s Nikolai Church (Nikolaikirche), the Fortuna Gate (Fortunaportal), the Dutch quarter (Holländi- schen Viertel), and the Nauener Gate (Nauener Tor). The tour also includes Schloss Cecilienhof and passes the Russian colony of Alexandrowka. The highlight of the tour will be a walk through the elaborately styled park of Sanssouci and a visit to one of the world-famous palaces. Social Programme Informations 250 Social Programme for Accompanying Persons

Tuesday, 27 September 2005

Tour 27A: Walking tour of the New Architecture at Potsdamer Platz (approx. 2.5 hrs, bus transfer + walking tour)

Start at ICC: 09:30 hrs End at ICC: 13:00 hrs Price € 28

Renzo Piano, Helmut Jahn, Hans Kollhoff are amongst a number of internationally renowned architects who have all recently left their mark on Berlin. See how they have brought their bold visions to fruition through various developments at Potsdamer Platz, such as the Quartier DaimlerCrysler and the Sony Center. The walk also takes in the Kulturforum and concludes at the “Panorama” viewing platform at Kollhoff- Hochhaus (Kollhoff Tower), from where you will be able to see how one of Europe’s largest building sites mutated into the new heart of Berlin.

Tour 27B: Berlinische Galerie – Federal State Museum for Modern Art (approx. 2.5 hrs, bus transfer + round tour)

Start at ICC: 14:00 hrs End at ICC: 16:30 hrs Price € 31

The State Museum for modern art, photography and archi- tecture ranks among one of the younger and most creative museums in Berlin. In was founded in 1975 as a private asso- ciation, developed and found its own home in October 2004 in the Kreuzberg district of Berlin. The museum presents art from 1870 to the present day all of which originated in Berlin and covers: the Secessionist movement, Dada and Fluxus, Expressionism, the Russian presence in Berlin, the avant-garde in architecture and photography, Berlin under the swastika, the city as a ruin; East Berlin and West Berlin divided, the reunified city and the creative contemporary scene. Social Programme for Accompanying Persons 251

Wednesday, 28 September 2005

Tour 28A: Walking tour of Berlin’s Jewish quarter (approx. 2.5 hrs, bus transfer + tour)

Start at ICC: 09:30 hrs End at ICC: 12:00 hrs Price € 28

A walk through the Spandau region (Spandauer Vorstadt) in Berlin Mitte is where, since the end of the 17th century, many Jewish institutions can be found. Numerous buildings and sites are a reminder of the changing history of Jewish life in Berlin. In the last few years an additional centre for Jewish culture has been established near the New Synagogue. The tour includes a visit to the Otto-Weidt-Museum where the persecution of Jews in Berlin during the Nazi period is docu- mented.

Tour 28B: The Berggruen Museum – Picasso and his time (approx. 3 hrs, bus transfer + ticket)

Start at ICC: 14:00 hrs End at ICC: 17:00 hrs Price € 31

The Berggruen Museum can be found opposite Schloss Charlottenburg (Charlottenburg Palace) in the Chalottenburg district of the city. Paintings, sculptures and drawings by a variety of artists are exhibited over three floors, under the title "Picasso and his Time" and over 100 works by Picasso form the heart of the collection. The many facets of his life’s work are represented, from his student days to his later years, inclu- ding his blue and pink periods, and the cubist and classicism phases. The collection also features works of classic modern art, by artists such as Klee, Giacometti, Braque und Matisse.

Thursday, 29 September 2005

Tour 29: Tour of the Medical History Museum and its Ophthalmologic Historical Collection (approx. 3 hrs, bus transfer + round tour)

Start at ICC: 10:00 hrs End at ICC: 13:00 hrs Price € 30

The Berlin Medical History Museum of the Charité at the Institute of Pathology is famous for its pathological-anatomical collection. The museum traces medical history and has an extraordinary inventory of wet and dryly preserved specimens. With the assistance of expert help you will see the highlights of the ophthalmologic historic collection and experience the vestiges of Berlin’s famous pathologist, Rudolf Virchow. Social Programme Informations S I X T R E N T



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General Information for Participants

General Information for Authors Allgemeine Hinweise für Autoren

Announcements Kongressankündigungen

DOG Membership Mitgliedschaft


Commercial Exhibition Sponsors

Index of Authors

General Information about Berlin European Society of Cataract and Refractive Surgeons www.escrs.org

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10th ESCRS Refractive Surgery Meeting Monte Carlo, February 2006

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See a demonstration of the European Refractive Surgery Outcomes Information System General Information 255

Official Congress The official congress language will be English. Language All lectures held in the Main Lecture Hall (Hall 3) will be simul- Kongresssprache taneously translated from English into German. Lectures in the DOG part of the congress will be held in German. PowerPoint presentations for these DOG sessions will be prepa- red in a dual language manner, German and English, for simulta- neous projection. All scientific symposia and courses will be held in English.Courses and symposia of the Satellite Programme will be held in English or in German; the appropriate language will be indicated.

Die offizielle Kongresssprache ist Englisch. Im Hauptvortragssaal (Saal 3) werden alle Vorträge simultan aus dem Englischen ins Deutsche übersetzt. Im Rahmen der DOG gezeigte Vorträge werden in Deutsch gehalten. Für diese DOG-Sitzungen ist eine Doppelbeamer- Projektion (Deutsch und Englisch) vorgesehen. Alle wissenschaftlichen Symposien und Kurse sind in Englisch. Kurse und Symposien des Satelliten-Programms sind in Englisch oder Deutsch; die entsprechende Sprache ist jeweils angegeben.

Food and Coffee, tea, etc. and snacks are not included in the registra Beverages tion fee. During the entire congress food and beverages will be offered by the exhibiting companies.

Furthermore, the following bars and restaurants are open from 24 to 29 September 2005: – Cafeteria in the Main Entrance Hall of the ICC, 08.00 - 18.00 hrs – Veltins Bar in Hall 12, 08.00 - 18.00 hrs – Market Stand at the Great Star, 08.00 - 18.00 hrs – Panorama Restaurant at the Funkturm (radio tower), 11.00 - 23.00 hrs Tel.: +49 30 30382900 (for reservations)

First Aid A First Aid Station staffed by qualified DRK (German Red Cross) personnel is located close to the Industrial Exhibition. (From Sunday 25 September 2005 onwards.)

CME Credits The joint meeting will be accredited by the respective Accredi- tation Council for Continuing Medical Education for Germany, Europe and the United States to provide continuing medical education credits for physicians. Delegates who are interested in the American CME accreditati- on have the possibility to apply for it on the registration form. CME certification will be administered exclusively by coded name badges.

Name Badges All registered delegates and accompanying persons will receive a coded name badge, which they are obliged to wear during the entire conference. CME certification will be administered by coded information on each name badge. Name badges (personalised) must first be collected from the registration counter and worn in order to gain access to the congress. Only participants with an address in Germany who have registered and paid their registration fees by 15 August 2005 will receive their encoded name badge and a voucher for congress documents by post if stated on the registration form. A processing fee of € 30 will be charged for a second (lost or forgotten) name badge.

Information see page 325 Informations 256 General Information

General Information for Participants

Registration Membership of the DOG or confirmation of any oral presenta- tion, video or poster does not include the registration for the meeting.

All members of the DOG and all speakers are therefore quested to register prior to the conference. Online registration via internet www.soe2005.org is preferred. Online registration will be confirmed automatically.

If you wish to register by mail or fax, the appropriate form can be downloaded from the above mentioned website and should be sent to the congress office (PCO).

All participants with an address in Germany who have registe- red and paid their registration fees by 15 August 2005 will receive their encoded name badge and a voucher for congress documents if stated on the registration form.

A processing fee of € 30 will be made for a second (lost or forgotten) name badge.

Registration deadline: 15 September 2005, afterwards registration will only be possible on site.

Registration fees

Participation Before After On site Day ticket 15 June 05* 15 June 05

Members of DOG € 200 € 250 € 300 € 150 Residents, DOG members** € 100 € 120 € 150 € 75 Seniors, DOG members € 100 € 120 € 150 € 75 Non-members € 450 € 550 € 650 € 300 Residents, non-members** € 250 € 300 € 350 € 150 Students** € 50 € 80 € 100 € 50 Accompanying persons*** € 100 € 150 € 180 € 80

East European Ophthalmologists (EEC) € 100 € 120 € 150 € 50 EEC under 40**** € 50 € 60 € 75 € 25 General Information 257

General Information for Participants

Courses Please see page 199 for further details.

Official Social Programme

Organ Concert, 27 September 2005 Before* / After 15 June 05 Registered participants and accompanying persons € 30 / € 50 Non-registered persons € 40 / € 60

Gala Evening, 28 September 2005 Before* / After 15 June 05 Registered participants and accompanying persons € 80/ € 100 Non-registered persons € 100 / € 120

* Please note that payment has to be done by this date. ** A recent job certification is to be attached to the registration. Late submissions will not be accepted. *** Incl. one sightseeing tour, free entrance to the Industrial Exhibition, Opening Ceremony, Get-Together, participation in the official social programme at the special congress prices, one name badge, and a congress programme. **** Young EEC delegates who submitted an abstract by 31 January 2005 pay 50% of the normal DOG residents’ fee if they register before 1 April 2005, irrespective of the acceptance of their abstract.

The registration fee for participants includes the congress pro- gramme as well as congress documents and free admission to all sessions of the scientific programme including CME accreditation for Germany, Europe and the United States. Dele- gates who are interested in the American CME accreditation have the possibility to apply for it on the registration form. Furthermore, free entrance to the industrial and the poster exhibitions, and the Get-Together on Sunday will be inclusive. The registration fee does not include participation in courses and Wet-Labs, separate registration is required. For participation in the official social programme, special tickets subsidized by the congress can be obtained.

Guests interested in the industrial exhibition only have to pay a fee of € 50 (per day) in order to obtain an official confirmation of attendance. Informations 258 General Information

General Information for Participants

Payments The registration fees for participation, courses and the festive evening can be paid as follows:

Bank transfer to the following account: Porstmann Kongresse GmbH Berliner Bank AG Bank code 100 200 00 No. 43 92 444 111 BIC: BEBEDEBB IBAN: DE82 1002 0000 4392 4441 11 Payment reference: SOE/DOG 2005

Credit cards: Mastercard and Visa Cash on site

Please note that any charges have to be paid by the sender. Cheques cannot be accepted.

The fees for the social programme for accompanying persons have to be paid directly to Interklassik.

Terms of Cancellations of registration will only be accepted in writing. Cancellation In case of cancellation before 20 July 2005 registration fees will be refunded minus a handling fee of € 30. After this date there will be no refund.

Data Security Personal data will be saved by Porstmann Kongresse GmbH by means of electronic data processing. As a matter of course data security is warranted.

Liability Porstmann Kongresse GmbH acts solely as an agent and is not liable for any losses, accidents, injuries to persons or damage to property of any kind. This is without prejudice to the liability of persons or companies charged with providing the relevant service. Oral arrangements require a written confirmation. The sole court of jurisdiction is Berlin.

With his signature on the registration form the participant accepts the above mentioned conditions. General Information for Authors 259 Allgemeine Hinweise für Autoren

Opening hours of the Speakers Room Öffnungszeiten der Medienannahme

The central Media Check is located in Room 44 (ICC Berlin). Die zentrale Medienannahme befindet sich im Raum 44 (ICC Berlin).

Saturday, 24 Sep 2005 08.00 - 17.00 hrs Sunday, 25 Sep 2005 07.00 - 16.00 hrs Monday, 26 Sep 2005 07.00 - 18.00 hrs Tuesday, 27 Sep 2005 07.30 - 17.30 hrs Wednesday, 28 Sep 2005 07.30 - 17.30 hrs Thursday, 29 Sep 2005 07.30 - 15.00 hrs

Speaking Times In order to guarantee punctual organisation of the entire pro- Redezeiten gramme, all speakers are requested to keep to their allocated presentation times. The chairperson of each session will be entitled to interrupt a presentation if a speaker exceeds the time allocated.

Um einen reibungslosen Ablauf des gesamten Programms zu gewährleisten, sind alle Vortragenden aufgefordert, sich an die vorgegebenen Zeiten zu halten. Die Moderatoren der Sitzun- gen sind angehalten, bei Überziehungen Vorträge abzubre- chen.

Videos Video presentations are an important and effective means of Videos displaying scientific results. Videos will therefore be displayed and discussed during the video sessions on Monday, 26.09.2005.

In addition, videos will be displayed on a plasma-display screen during the entire congress (from Monday to Thursday) in the Poster Exhibition (Foyer 14.2).

All videos will be prepared in English.

The Video Award of the DOG, donated by *Acri.Tec GmbH, will be granted at the end of the last video session (2609-25).

Poster Poster presentations are an important and effective means of Presentation displaying scientific results. Posters will therefore be exhibited during the entire congress (from Monday to Thursday) in the Poster Exhibition (Foyer 14.2). They will be grouped according to topics and presented in two parts.

Selected posters will be displayed in digital form during the afternoon poster session following the poster award ceremony. Informations 260 General Information for Authors Allgemeine Hinweise für Autoren

In order to maintain the international character of the con- gress and to enable all delegates to present their work in an optimal manner, all posters must be prepared in English.

1. Conventional Poster Presentation Standard poster walls will be available in the Poster Exhibition (Foyer 14.2). The maximum size of a Poster should be DIN A0 (84.10 cm wide x 118.90 cm high). Adhesive material and help will be available to poster authors from the Poster Help Desk in the Poster Exhibition.

Posters will be exhibited as follows: P001 to P279 on Monday and Tuesday P280 to P555 on Wednesday and Thursday

Posters numbered from P001 to P279 should be mounted on Monday, 26 September 2005, by 09:00 hrs at the latest and should not be removed until 16:00 hrs on Tuesday, 27 Septem- ber 2005. Removal should take place between 16:00 and 18:00 hrs in order to enable the next group of authors to mount their posters to schedule.

Posters numbered from P280 to P555 should be mounted on Wednesday, 28 September 2005, between 08:00 and 09:00 hrs and will remain on display until 14:00 hrs on Thursday, 29 September 2005.

The organisers will remove posters that have not being remo- ved by the times indicated above and will deposit them at the Registration Counter, where they will remain until 16:00 hrs on Thursday, 29 September 2005 and if unclaimed will then be destroyed.

Poster Discussion First authors are requested to attend their posters for questions and discussion as follows:

P001 to P139 Monday, 26.09.2005, 09.30-10.30 hrs at the poster, 17.00-18.00 hrs in Hall 14.2 (Oslo)

P140 to P279 Tuesday, 27.09.2005, 09.30-10.30 hrs at the poster, 14.30-15.30 hrs in Hall 14.2 (Oslo)

P280 to P417 Wednesday, 28.09.2005, 09.30-10.30 hrs at the poster, 6.30-17.30 hrs in Hall 14.2 (Oslo)

P418 to P555 Thursday, 29.09.2005, 09.30-10.30 hrs at the poster, 14.00-15.00 hrs in Hall 14.2 (Oslo)

2. Electronic Poster Selected posters will be displayed in digital form during the afternoon poster session. To optimise the preparation of this presentation, all authors are asked to observe the following requirements: Maximum five pages (without animation) in Microsoft PowerPoint or PDF format. All images and graphics should be integrated and PDF documents should automatically start in full picture mode. Posters will be displayed in landsca- pe format with a screen resolution of 1024 x 768 dpi. General Information for Authors 261 Allgemeine Hinweise für Autoren

Comprehensive administrative and technical provision for digi- tal poster presentation will be supplied by M Events Cross Media GmbH.

Electronically prepared posters should be submitted to http://soe2005.m-congress.com between 10.08.2005 and 09.09.2005. Authors will receive a separate e-mail from M Events Cross Media GmbH with access information and instruction regarding formats and codec’s. PowerPoint or PDF presentations and all integrated graphic, audio and video data will be uploaded directly onto the congress server. Technical questions may be e-mailed to [email protected].

Poster- Die Posterpräsentation ist eine wichtige Form der Darstellung Präsentation wissenschaftlicher Ergebnisse. Die Poster werden in Themen- gruppen zusammengefasst und in zwei Teilen während des Kongresses (von Montag bis Donnerstag) in der Posterausstel- lung (Foyer 14.2) ausgestellt.

Ausgewählte Poster werden in digitaler Form in der am Nach- mittag stattfindenden Postersitzung gezeigt, gefolgt von der Verleihung des Posterpreises.

Um dem internationalen Charakter des Kongresses Rechnung zu tragen und allen Teilnehmern die Möglichkeit eines optima- len Verständnisses der Poster zu geben, müssen alle Posterprä- sentationen in Englisch verfasst werden.

1. Konventionelle Posterpräsentation Für Poster stehen genormte Wandflächen in der Posterausstel- lung (Foyer 14.2) zur Verfügung. Die maximale Postergröße beträgt DIN A0 (84,10 cm Breite x 118,90 cm Höhe). Befestigungsmaterial und Hilfestellung erhalten die Poster- autoren am Poster Help Desk in der Posterausstellung.

Die Poster werden wie folgt ausgestellt: P001 bis P279 am Montag und Dienstag P280 bis P555 am Mittwoch und Donnerstag

Die Poster P001 bis P279 müssen am Montag, dem 26.09.2005, bis spätestens 09.00 Uhr angebracht sein und dürfen nicht vor Dienstag, dem 27.09.2005, 16.00 Uhr, ent- fernt werden. Die Poster sollten bis 18.00 Uhr entfernt wer- den, um den Autoren, deren Poster anschließend ausgestellt werden, die Möglichkeit zur termingerechten Anbringung zu ermöglichen.

Die Poster P280 bis P555 müssen am Mittwoch, dem 28.09.2005 in der Zeit von 08.00 - 09.00 Uhr angebracht werden und bleiben bis Donnerstag, dem 29.09.2005, 14.00 Uhr, ausgestellt.

Der Veranstalter behält sich vor, alle bis zum angegebenen Zeitpunkt nicht entfernten Poster abzunehmen und zu entsor- gen, wenn sie nicht bis Donnerstag, dem 29.09.2005, 16.00 Uhr am Counter abgeholt wurden. Informations 262 General Information for Authors Allgemeine Hinweise für Autoren

Posterdiskussion Die Postererstautoren müssen zu folgenden Zeiten in der Pos- terausstellung und in der Postersitzung für Fragen und Diskus- sionen anwesend sein:

P001 bis P139 Mo, 26.09.2005, 09.30 - 10.30 Uhr am Poster, 17.00 - 18.00 Uhr im Saal 14.2 (Oslo)

P140 bis P279 Di, 27.09.2005, 09.30 - 10.30 Uhr am Poster, 14.30 - 15.30 Uhr im Saal 14.2 (Oslo)

P280 bis P417 Mi, 28.09.2005, 09.30 - 10.30 Uhr am Poster, 16.30 - 17.30 Uhr im Saal 14.2 (Oslo)

P418 bis P555 Do, 29.09.2005, 09.30 - 10.30 Uhr am Poster, 14.00 - 15.00 Uhr im Saal 14.2 (Oslo)

2. Elektronische Poster Ausgewählte Poster werden in digitaler Form in der am Nach- mittag stattfindenden Postersitzung gezeigt. Zur optimalen Erstellung des Posters ist die Präsentation von den Autoren wie folgt vorzubereiten: max. 5 Seiten (ohne Animationen) im Microsoft PowerPoint- oder PDF-Format, gute Qualität aller eingebundenen Bilder und Grafiken, PDF-Dokumente sollten automatisch im Vollbildmodus starten. Dargestellt werden die Poster im Querformat mit einer Bildschirmauflösung von 1024 x 768 dpi.

Die Verwaltung und technische Bereitstellung der digitalen Poster erfolgt komplett über die Firma M Events Cross Media GmbH.

Die elektronisch erstellten Poster sollten zwischen dem 10.08.2005 und dem 09.09.2005 über die Website http://soe2005.m-congress.com eingereicht werden. Poster- autoren erhalten hierzu eine separate E-Mail von der Firma M Events Cross Media GmbH mit den Zugangsinforma- tionen und Hinweisen zu Formaten und Codecs. PowerPoint- oder PDF-Präsentationen sowie alle eingebundenen Grafik-, Audio- und Videodateien werden direkt auf den Kongress-Server geladen. Rückfragen zur Technik können per E-Mail an [email protected] gerichtet werden.

Projection Please note Facilities The following information relates only to sessions and lectures held in the rooms and lecture halls of the International Congress Centrum (ICC Berlin) and Messe Berlin.

A central Media Check will be available in Room 44 (ICC Berlin) for the duration of the congress.

All projection data for presentation (lectures, oral presentati- ons, etc.) will be collected, administered and held on a central server during the entire congress. Administration, technical preparation and care of all digital presentations will be solely undertaken by M Events Cross Media GmbH. Speakers will be General Information for Authors 263 Allgemeine Hinweise für Autoren

able to call up their presentations directly at the lectern during each session and the projection of data will only be possible using the beamer provided.

In order to maintain the international character of the con- gress and to enable all delegates to understand and participate in all presentations in an optimal manner, PowerPoint presen- tations and lectures in the main SOE & DOG part of the congress should be prepared in English. All lectures held in the Main Lecture Hall (Hall 3) will be simultaneously translated from English into German. Lectures in the DOG part of the congress should be held in German. Double beamer projection will be available for these DOG sessions; PowerPoint presentations should therefore be prepared in a dual language manner, German and English, for simultaneous projection.

In order to ensure the smooth running of the event, all spea- kers are requested to submit their presentations in Microsoft PowerPoint file format (earliest acceptable version, Version 8 – Microsoft PowerPoint 97 or higher). Graphic data should be embedded into presentations and video and audio data must be linked to presentations and should be added separately as *.avi, *.mov or *.mpg file.

All presentations should be submitted to http://soe2005.m-congress.com between 10.08.2005 and 16.09.2005. Authors will receive a separate e-mail from M Events Cross Media GmbH with access information and instruction regarding formats and codec’s. PowerPoint presentations and all integrated graphics, audio and video data will be uploaded directly onto the congress server. Any technical questions may be e-mailed to [email protected].

Speakers will also have the opportunity to submit their presen- tations on site in the central Media Check. This should be carried out as soon as possible, but not later than three hours prior to the session where it is due to be presented. IT person- nel will then upload the data onto the central server for the duration of the congress. Presentations which have already been submitted can be viewed and amended up to three hours prior to the start of the session where it is due to be presented.

The following storage media are suitable for the transfer of data onto the on-site central server: – MS Windows compatible CD-Rom (ISO 9660). – ZIP disk (ZIP 100 or ZIP 250). – USB bulk memory stick (with drive where applicable).

The electronic information system in the halls and foyers of the ICC which provides all the presentations and details on the scientific programme is a closed system and will not facilitate the connection of a laptop. Facilities for the use of private laptops for presentation will not be provided. Finally, we ask for your understanding that slide and overhead projection facilities will only be provided in exceptional cir- cumstances. Speakers who require either of these two facilities should contact Porstmann Kongresse GmbH not later than 1 September 2005.

Please note: All stored data will be deleted irrevocably shortly after the meeting. Informations 264 General Information for Authors Allgemeine Hinweise für Autoren

Projektions- Achtung! technik Die folgenden Hinweise gelten ausschließlich für die in den Räumen des Internationalen Congress Centrums (ICC Berlin) und in der Messe Berlin stattfindenden Sitzungen.

Im ICC Berlin wird für die Dauer des Kongresses eine zentrale Medienannahme im Raum 44 eingerichtet. Sämtliche Projektionsdaten der Referate, Vorträge oder Kurz- vorträge werden vor und während der gesamten Tagung digital und zentral erfasst und verwaltet. Die Verwaltung, technische Bereitstellung und Betreuung aller digitalen Präsen- tationen erfolgt komplett über die Firma M Events Cross Media GmbH. Der Vortragende ruft während der jeweiligen Sitzung seine Präsentation direkt am Rednerpult auf, die Projektion erfolgt ausschließlich über Beamer.

Um dem internationalen Charakter des Kongresses Rechnung zu tragen und allen Teilnehmern die Möglichkeit eines optima- len Verständnisses der Beiträge zu geben, müssen PowerPoint- Präsentationen und Vorträge, welche im Rahmen der SOE & DOG gezeigt werden, in Englisch vorbereitet werden. Im Hauptvortragssaal (Saal 3) werden alle Vorträge simultan aus dem Englischen ins Deutsche übersetzt. Vorträge, welche im Rahmen der DOG gezeigt werden, müs- sen in Deutsch gehalten werden. Für diese DOG-Sitzungen ist eine Doppelbeamerprojektion vorgesehen. Die PowerPoint- Präsentationen müssen demzufolge in zweifacher Ausführung, Deutsch und Englisch, vorbereitet werden.

Um einen reibungslosen Veranstaltungsablauf zu gewährleis- ten, werden alle Vortragenden gebeten, ihre Vorträge aus- schließlich als Datei im Format Microsoft PowerPoint ab Versi- on 8 (Microsoft PowerPoint 97 und höher) einzureichen. Grafiken müssen in die Präsentation eingebettet werden. Video- und Audiodaten müssen mit der Präsentation verknüpft und separat als *.avi-, *.mov- oder *.mpg-Datei beigefügt werden.

Die Präsentationen sollten zwischen dem 10.08.2005 und dem 16.09.2005 über die Website http://soe2005.m-congress.com eingereicht werden. Alle Referenten erhalten hierzu eine sepa- rate E-Mail von der Firma M Events Cross Media GmbH mit den Zugangsinformationen und Hinweisen zu Formaten und Codecs. PowerPoint-Präsentationen sowie alle eingebundenen Grafik-, Audio- und Videodateien werden direkt auf den Kongress-Server geladen. Rückfragen zur Technik können per E-Mail an [email protected] gerichtet werden.

Darüber hinaus besteht auch die Möglichkeit, die Präsentation vor Ort in der zentralen Medienannahme abzugeben. Dies soll- te so früh wie möglich erfolgen, spätestens jedoch 3 Stunden vor Beginn der Sitzung, in der sie gezeigt werden soll. Sie wird hier von Fachpersonal für die Dauer der Tagung auf dem zen- tralen Server zwischengespeichert. Bereits abgegebene Präsentationen können bis zu 3 Stunden vor Sitzungsbeginn in der Medien-annahme eingesehen und verändert werden. General Information for Authors 265 Allgemeine Hinweise für Autoren

Zur Überspielung auf den zentralen Server vor Ort eignen sich die folgenden Speichermedien: – MS-Windows kompatible CD-Rom (ISO 9660) – ZIP-Diskette (ZIP 100 oder ZIP 250) – USB-Massenspeicher (ggf. Treiber mitbringen)

Das geschlossene Informationssystem, über welches das in den Sälen und Foyers zeitgleich ablaufende wissenschaftliche Pro- gramm angezeigt wird, lässt den Anschluss eigener Laptops nicht zu. Daher sollten eigene Laptops nicht eingeplant wer- den. Außerdem wird um Verständnis gebeten, dass der Einsatz von Dia- und Overheadprojektoren nur ausnahmsweise und nach rechtzeitiger Voranmeldung (spätestens bis 01.09.2005 an Porstmann Kongresse GmbH) möglich ist.

Sämtliche Daten werden nach der Tagung unwiderruflich gelöscht!

Disclosure of financial interest when making a presentation at the SOE & DOG Joint Congress 2005 or for the publication of the presentation in SOE & DOG journals.

The SOE and the DOG expect the declaration of financial linka- ge and maintain that disclosure of financial interest is prudent for the appraisal of published material. Financial linkage as such will not prejudice an author and will not lead to disquali- fication of a publication or a registered presentation. Delegates and scientific reviewers are the best judges of whether prejudi- ce may exist or if evidence of the manipulation of research results through financial linkage is given. The integrity of all research results will ultimately be strengthened and speculati- on about probable interests seen in the correct light as a result of these measures.

Category Abbreviation Description of Financial Interest

Product P Financial interest in equipment, process or product presented.

P c Similar interest in a potential competitor.

Investor I Financial interest in a company or companies supplying equipment, process or product presented.

I c Similar dependence on a potential competitor.

Employee E Employee of a competitor of an involved company

E c Employee of an involved company Informations 266 General Information for Authors Allgemeine Hinweise für Autoren

Category Abbreviation Description of Financial Interest

*Consultant C Commercial payment or support in den last three years in the form of research funds or material in equipment, process or products presented.

C c Similar payment or support from a potential competitor.

None N No financial interest and no commercial support in the case of the work presented.

*Example of payment or support under categories C and C c:

C 1 or C c 1 1. As recipient of regular benefits (Retainer) (e.g. salaried earner)

C 2 or C c 2 2. Contract payment for research performed

C 3 or C c 3 3. Ad hoc consultation fees

C 4 or C c 4 4. Substantial non-monetary benefits

C 5 or C c 5 5. Contribution to research or research funds

C 6 or C c 6 6. Contribution to travel expenses

C 7 or C c 7 7. Reimbursement of travel expenses for presentations at meetings or courses

C 8 or C c 8 8. Reimbursement of travel expenses for direct consultation

Examples for economic and financial linkage: – You have received travel support from a company whose product you have evaluated. – A pharmaceutical company has given you an unlimited grant for a study you will present. – A company has provided you support for the bio-statistical processing of your results. – You have carried out research on behalf of a company. – You hold a patent for the described product or you own shares in the company. – You own shares or options in a competing company whose products were described in your work. For all these categories an appropriate code as described above is required. General Information for Authors 267 Allgemeine Hinweise für Autoren

Offenlegung finanzieller Interessen bei Vortragsanmeldungen für Tagungen der SOE und der DOG und bei Publikationen in den Organen der SOE und der DOG

Die SOE und die DOG erwarten die Deklaration finanzieller Verflechtung und verfolgen die Idee, dass eine Offenlegung finanzieller Interessenslagen für die Einschätzung von Publika- tionen sinnvoll ist. Eine finanzielle Verflechtung als solche stellt noch keine Voreingenommenheit der Autoren dar und führt nicht zur Disqualifikation einer Publikation oder Vortragsanmeldung. Die Zuhörer und die wissenschaftlichen Reviewer sind die besten Juroren darüber, ob eine Voreingenommenheit vorliegen könn- te und ob Hinweise für eine Beeinflussung der Forschungser- gebnisse durch finanzielle Verflechtungen gegeben sind. Letzt- lich wird hierdurch das Ansehen von Forschungsergebnissen gestärkt und Spekulationen über eine mutmaßliche Interes- senslage in das richtige Licht gerückt.

Kategorie Abkürzung Beschreibung

Produkt P Finanzielles Interesse bei der Ausrüstung; bei dem beschriebenen Verfahren; bei dem beschriebenen Produkt.

P c Ähnliches Interesse bei der potentiellen Konkurrenz

Investor I Finanzielles Interesse an Firmen, die beschriebene Ausrüstung, Verfahren oder Produkte liefern

I c Ähnliche Abhängigkeit bei der potentiellen Konkurrenz

Angestellter E Angestellter einer involvierten Firma

E c Angestellter bei der Konkurrenz einer involvierten Firma

Kategorie Abkürzung Beschreibung

*Berater C Kommerzielle Vergütung oder Unterstützung in den letzten drei Jahren in Form von Forschungs- geldern oder -material bei der beschriebenen Ausrüstung, den Verfahren oder Produkten

C c Ähnliche Vergütung oder Unterstützung von der potentiellen Konkurrenz

Keine N Keine finanziellen Interessen; keine kommerzielle Unterstützung für die Angelegenheit der vorge- legten Arbeit

*Beispiele für Vergütung oder Unterstützung unter der Kategorie C und C c: Informations 268 General Information for Authors Allgemeine Hinweise für Autoren

C 1 or C c 1 1. Als Empfänger regelmäßiger Zuwendungen (z.B. Gehaltsempfänger)

C 2 or C c 2 2. Vertragliche Zahlungen für die durchgeführte Forschung

C 3 or C c 3 3. Ad hoc Bezahlung von Konsultationshonoraren

C 4 or C c 4 4. Wesentliche nicht-geldwerte Zuwendungen

C 5 or C c 5 5. Zuwendungen für die Forschung oder zu Forschungsfonds

C 6 or C c 6 6. Beiträge zu Reisekosten

C 7 or C c 7 7. Erstattung von Reisekosten für Präsentationen bei Tagungen und Kursen

C 8 or C c 8 8. Erstattung von Reisekosten bei direkten Konsultationen

Beispiele für wirtschaftliche und finanzielle Verflechtungen: – Sie haben von der Firma, deren Produkt Sie beurteilt haben, eine Unterstützung für Reisen bekommen. – Eine Pharma-Firma hat Ihnen ein unbegrenztes „grant“ für die Studien gegeben, die Sie präsentieren. – Eine Firma hat Unterstützung in der biostatistischen Aufarbeitung der Ergebnisse gegeben. – Sie haben die Forschung im Auftrag einer Firma durchgeführt. – Sie besitzen ein Patent für das beschriebene Produkt oder besitzen Aktien bei dieser Firma. – Sie besitzen Aktien oder Optionen bei einer konkur- rierenden Firma, deren Produkte in der Arbeit beschrieben werden.

Für all diese Kategorien sind Kodierungen in der oben genannten Art und Weise vorgesehen.

Publication of Abstracts and Scientific Papers of the SOE & DOG Congress

The abstracts and scientific papers will be published in an abstract CD.

The abstract CD will be available on site at the booth of Pfizer Pharma (12.10) in return for the voucher, which is part of the congress documents.

Sponsor: Pfizer Pharma GmbH, Karlsruhe/Germany

Publication of Scientific Contributions of the DOG

Scientific contributions that have been accepted for presentation for sessions of the DOG should also be produced in a publishable format and be ready for submission and peer-review before the meeting, during the meeting or by 31.10.2005 at the latest.

Publication is possible in either German or English. Please send your manuscript to one of the following journals: General Information for Authors 269 Allgemeine Hinweise für Autoren

German language contributions for review by the journal “Der Ophthalmologe” should be sent in triplicate to: Prof. Dr. med. H. E. Völcker Direktor der Universitäts-Augenklinik Im Neuenheimer Feld 400 69120 Heidelberg

German language contributions for review by the journal “Klinische Monatsblätter für Augenheilkunde” should be sent in triplicate to: Prof. Dr. Gerhard K. Lang Prof. Dr. Gabriele E. Lang Schriftleitung „Klinische Monatsblätter für Augenheilkunde“ Augenklinik der Universität Ulm Prittwitzstr. 43 89075 Ulm

English language contributions for review by the journal “Graefe’s Archive for Clinical and Experimental Ophthalmolo- gy” should be submitted online only. Full details concerning submission can be found at: www.medizin.uni-koeln.de/kliniken/augenklinik/graefe.html or directly at: http://graefes.manuscriptcentral.com

Copyright for lectures, oral presentations and short oral pre- sentations to be made at the SOE & DOG Congress 2005 belong to the societies (SOE and DOG). For this reason authors of oral presentations and short oral presentations are obliged to submit their contributions for review and publication by one of the following journals: „Der Ophthalmologe“, „Klinische Monatsblätter für Augenheilkunde“ or „Graefe’s Archive for Clinical and Experimental Ophthalmology“. Contributions accepted for publication by one of the above journals may not be submitted for publication elsewhere.

All Authors are kindly asked to observe the “Instruction for Authors” of the respective journals. The instructions of each journal can also be obtained from the DOG’s Office on: Telefon +49 (0)89 5160 3062. Manuscripts not accepted for publication after the review process will be returned to the respective author with the reviewer’s evaluation.

Publikation der Abstracts und wissenschaftlichen Beiträge des SOE & DOG Kongresses

Die Abstracts und wissenschaftlichen Beiträge werden auf einer Abstract-CD veröffentlicht. Die Abstract-CD ist am Stand von Pfizer Pharma (12.10) gegen den Gutschein, welcher Bestandteil der Kongressunterlagen ist, erhältlich.

Sponsor: Pfizer Pharma GmbH, Karlsruhe/Germany Informations 270 General Information for Authors Allgemeine Hinweise für Autoren

Publikation der wissenschaftlichen Beiträge der DOG

Wissenschaftliche Beiträge, die für Sitzungen im Rahmen der DOG angenommen wurden, sind in publikationsfertiger Fas- sung vor der Tagung, während der Tagung oder bis spätestens 31.10.2005 zur Begutachtung im „Peer-Review-Verfahren“ einzureichen.

Publikationen sind in Deutsch oder Englisch möglich. Bitte senden Sie Ihr Manuskript an die jeweiligen Herausgeber:

Deutschsprachige Beiträge zur Begutachtung für die Zeitschrift „Der Ophthalmologe“ in dreifacher Ausfertigung an: Prof. Dr. med. H. E. Völcker Direktor der Universitäts-Augenklinik Im Neuenheimer Feld 400 69120 Heidelberg

Deutschsprachige Beiträge zur Begutachtung für die Zeitschrift „Klinische Monatsblätter für Augenheilkunde“ in dreifacher Ausfertigung an: Prof. Dr. Gerhard K. Lang Prof. Dr. Gabriele E. Lang Schriftleitung „Klinische Monatsblätter für Augenheilkunde“ Augenklinik der Universität Ulm Prittwitzstr. 43 89075 Ulm

Englischsprachige Beiträge zur Begutachtung für die Zeitschrift „Graefe’s Archive for Clinical and Experimental Ophthalmolo- gy“ sind ausschließlich online einzureichen. Einzelheiten dazu finden Sie auf den folgenden Internetseiten: www.medizin.uni-koeln.de/kliniken/augenklinik/graefe.html oder direkt auf: http://graefes.manuscriptcentral.com

Für Referate, Vorträge und Kurzvorträge, die auf dem Kon- gress der SOE & DOG 2005 gehalten worden sind, besitzen die Gesellschaften das Copyright. Aus diesem Grund ist es für Autoren von Vorträgen und Kurzvorträgen obligatorisch, diese zur Begutachtung für eine Publikation bei den Zeitschriften „Der Ophthalmologe“, „Klinische Monatsblätter für Augen- heilkunde“ oder „Graefe’s Archive for Clinical and Experimen- tal Ophthalmology“ einzureichen. Angenommene Beiträge dürfen primär nicht anderweitig publiziert werden.

Die Autoren werden gebeten, sich an die „Hinweise für Auto- ren“ der entsprechenden Zeitschriften zu halten. Die Hinweise sind auf Anfrage auch über die DOG-Geschäftsstelle unter der Telefonnummer +49 (0)89 5160-3062 zu erhalten. Manuskrip- te, die nach dem Begutachtungsverfahren für die Publikation nicht angenommen werden, erhält der Autor mit der gutach- terlichen Bewertung zurück. Announcements 271 Kongressankündigungen

112th SFO Congress 6 - 10 May 2006, Paris

Further information: www.sfo.asso.fr and SFO-/DOG-/RCO-/SOI-Symposium Topic „Fundamental Research and Clinical Application“

Information: See page277

XXX. International Congress of Ophthalmology (ICO) 19 - 24 February 2006, Sao Paulo

Information: www.ophthalmology2006.com.br

104. Tagung der Deutschen Ophthalmologischen Gesellschaft (DOG ) 21. - 24. September 2006, Berlin Präsident: Prof. Dr. N. Pfeiffer, Mainz/D und DOG-/SFO-/RCO-/SOI-Symposium Thema: „Tränenwege“

Informationen: Prof. Dr. A. Kampik, München/D

2007 Congress of the European Society of Ophthalmology 10 - 13 June 2007, Vienna

Information: www.soe2007.org, See page 22

XXXI. International Congress of Ophthalmology (ICO) 29 June - 3 July 2008, Hong Kong

Information: www.icoph.org/congress

108. Tagung der Deutschen Ophthalmologischen Gesellschaft (DOG ) und ICO 2010 XXXII. International Congress of Ophthalmology 6 - 10 June 2010, Berlin President: Prof. Dr. Gerhard Lang, Ulm/D

Information: See page 10 Informations AB CD springeronline.com

Special off er for members of the DOG, ARVO and EVER for just € 60 per year

Graefe’s Archive for Clinical and Experimental Ophthalmology

Offi cial Organ of the Club Jules Gonin Editor-in-Chief: B. Kirchhof, Ophthalmology Department, University of Cologne, Germany

 Submit your manuscript Online! http://graefes.manuscriptcentral.com SUBMIT  rapid publication time ONLINE  free use of colour  no page charges

ISSN: 0721-832X (print version) | ISSN: 1435-702X (electronic version) Journal no. 417 | 12 issues per year Personal rate  € 159,00, incl. carriage charges Reduced rate  € 60,00 (for members of DOG, ARVO and EVER), plus Where basic carriage charges  Deutsche Ophthalmologische Gesellschaft e.V. (DOG) science  The Association for Research in Vision and Ophthalmology (ARVO) meets clinical  European Association for Vision and Eye Research (EVER) practice Members of the DOG are entitled to a free personal subscription to either Der Ophthalmologe OR Graefe’s Archive. Members that opt for a free subscription to Der Ophthalmologe can also subscribe to Graefe’s Archive for a reduced subscription rate of € 60.

For more information, free articles and an overview of the editorial board, visit  springeronline.com

Easy Ways to Order  Write: Springer Distribution Center, Haberstrasse 7, 69126 Heidelberg, Germany  Call: +49 (0) 6221-345-4303  Fax : +49 (0) 6221-345-4229  Email: [email protected] or for the Americas  Write: Springer Order Department, PO Box 2485, Secaucus, NJ 07096-2485, USA  Call: (toll free) 1-800-SPRINGER  Fax : (201)348-4505  Email: [email protected] 011866x 273 Deutsche Ophthalmologische Gesellschaft e. V.

Das Geschäftsführende Präsidium der DOG Oktober 2004 - September 2005

Prof. Dr. M. Foerster, Berlin/D Präsident

Prof. Dr. N. Pfeiffer, Mainz/D Vizepräsident

Prof. Dr. A. Kampik, München/D Generalsekretär

Prof. Dr. H. E. Völcker, Heidelberg/D Schriftführer

Prof. Dr. J. Kammann, Dortmund/D Schatzmeister

Das Gesamtpräsidium der DOG Oktober 2004 - September 2005 (in alphabetischer Reihenfolge)

Prof. Dr. J.-P. Adenis, Limoges/F Prof. Dr. B. Bertram, Aachen/D Prof. Dr. N. Bornfeld, Essen/D Prof. Dr. H. Busse, Münster/D PD Dr. K.-H. Emmerich, Darmstadt/D Prof. Dr. M. H. Foerster, Berlin/D Prof. Dr. Dr. h. c. F. Grehn, Würzburg/D Dr. R. Grewe, Münster/D Prof. Dr. R. Guthoff, Rostock/D Prof. Dr. J. Kammann, Dortmund/D Prof. Dr. A. Kampik, München/D Prof. Dr. G. Kolling, Heidelberg/D Prof. Dr. G. E. Lang, Ulm/D PD Dr. K. D. Lemmen, Düsseldorf/D Prof. Dr. B. Lorenz, Regensburg/D Prof. Dr. L. Neubauer, München/D Prof. Dr. N. Pfeiffer, Mainz/D Prof. Dr. D.-T. Pham, Berlin/D Prof. Dr. H. E. Völcker, Heidelberg/D Informations DOG Deutsche Ophthalmologische Gesellschaft e.V.

Die wissenschaftliche Gesellschaft der Augenärzte

Augenheilkunde in der alternden Gesellschaft

104. Tagung der DOG 21. - 24. September 2006 Maritim-Kongresshotel Berlin

Präsident Prof. Dr. Norbert Pfeiffer, Mainz

German Society of Ophthalmology

Ophthalmology in the Aging Society

104nd DOG Annual Meeting 21 - 24 September 2006 Maritim-Kongresshotel Berlin

President Prof. Dr. Norbert Pfeiffer, Mainz DOG Membership 275 Mitgliedschaft in der DOG

Colleagues who wish to become members of the German Society of Ophthalmology (DOG) can do so by clicking on ”membership“ at the DOG-Homepage (www.dog.org) and completing the online application form, or by downloading the form, completing it and sending it to: Kolleginnen und Kollegen, die Mitglied der Deutschen Oph- thalmologischen Gesellschaft (DOG) werden möchten, können über die DOG-Homepage www.dog.org, Button „Mitglied- schaft“, die entsprechenden Antragsformulare online ausfül- len, herunterladen oder diese anfordern bei der:

Geschäftsstelle der DOG Frau Birgit Mele c/o Augenklinik der Universität München Mathildenstr. 8, D-80336 München Tel.: +49 89 5160 30 62 Fax: +49 89 51 60 30 34 Email: [email protected]

Opening hours Monday to Thursday 8.00 am-12.30 pm Friday 8.00 am-11.30 am Öffnungszeiten Montag bis Donnerstag: 8.00 Uhr-12.30 Uhr Freitag: 8.00 Uhr-11.30 Uhr

Annual Membership Fees Jährliche Mitgliedsbeiträge

Consultants / specialists – national and c 180 international, who do not belong to any of the following groups

Fachärzte im In- und Ausland, die nicht c 180 zu unten stehenden Gruppen gehören

Medical students in training c 90 (assistant doctors)

Ärzte in der Weiterbildung (Assistenten) c 90

Consultants / specialists and medical students c 90 from the new German Federal States or from neighbouring Eastern European countries

Fachärzte und Ärzte in der Weiterbildung c 90 in den neuen Bundesländern und in den östlichen Nachbarländern

Retired members c 90 Mitglieder im Ruhestand c 90

Paying members of the DOG will automatically receive a copy of the journal Der Ophthalmologe – or alternatively the English language journal Graefe’s Archive for Clinical and Experimental Ophthalmology at no extra cost. If Der Ophthalmologe is chosen, Graefe’s Archive for Clinical and Experimental Ophthalmology can be ordered at a reduced annual rate of c 60. Informations 276 DOG Membership Mitgliedschaft in der DOG

Zahlende Mitglieder der DOG erhalten ohne zusätzliche Kosten monatlich die Zeitschrift Der Ophthalmologe – oder alternativ die englischsprachige Zeitschrift Graefe’s Archive for Clinical and Experimental Ophthalmology. Bei Wahl der Zeitschrift Der Ophthalmologe kann zusätzlich für einen Mehrpreis von c 60 Graefe’s Archive for Clinical and Experimental Ophthalmology abonniert werden.

Copies of journals received at reduced rates are exclusively for the personal use of DOG members and may not be passed on to libraries or institutes.

Exemplare zum Vorzugspreis sind ausschließlich zum persönli- chen Gebrauch des Mitgliedes bestimmt und dürfen nicht an Bibliotheken und Institute weitergegeben werden. SFO-/DOG-Symposium 277

Auslandsstipendium Frankreich Deutschland

Die gemeinsame Kommission der SFO/DOG hat sich zum Ziel gesetzt, die Zusammenarbeit in unserem Fachgebiet in Deutschland und Frankreich zu intensivieren. Aus diesem Grunde findet im Rahmen der Jahrestagungen beider Fachge- sellschaften im Mai in Paris und im September in Berlin jeweils ein gemeinsames wissenschaftliches Symposium statt, an dem vor allem junge, klinisch und/oder wissenschaftlich tätige Mit- arbeiter/innen teilnehmen sollen.

Als Thema für das deutsch-französische Symposium wird das Hauptthema der jeweils vorausgehenden DOG- bzw. SFO- Kongresse gewählt (siehe Seite 271).

Zu diesen Themen werden aus beiden Ländern je zwei Haupt- referenten von der DOG/SFO benannt. Darüber hinaus sind junge, klinisch und/oder wissenschaftlich tätige Mitarbeiter/ innen aufgefordert, freie Beiträge einzureichen, die möglichst zum Thema passen sollten. Besonders wünschenswert sind Arbeiten als Ergebnis einer realen deutsch-französischen Zusammenarbeit. Aus den eingereichten freien Beiträgen wählt die Kommission der DOG/SFO bis zu vier Vorträge aus, deren Erstautoren/innen von ihrer Fachgesellschaft die Reise- und Hotelkosten mit einem Pauschalbetrag von Euro 1.000,- erstattet bekommen. Darüber hinaus erhält der Erstautor eines der ausgewählten Beiträge eine Förderung von Euro 2.000,- für einen mehrwö- chigen Aufenthalt an einer Klinik des jeweiligen anderen Landes. Im Verhinderungsfall des Erstautors kann diese Förde- rung auch einem Mitautor übertragen werden. Erwünscht sind auch Bewerbungen nach bereits erfolgter, konkreter Kontaktaufnahme zu einer französischen/ deutschen Klinik. Sprachkenntnisse des jeweiligen Gastlandes sind nicht not- wendig, aber willkommen. Die Kongresssprachen der DOG-Tagung sind Deutsch und Englisch, die der SFO-Tagung Französisch und Englisch.

Anmeldeschluss für die nächste Tagung in Paris (6. - 10.5.2006) ist der 19.11.2005.

Anmeldung, Informationen zum Stipendium und Anforderung von Abstractformularen für die SFO ab 1. November 2005 bei:

Prof. Dr. Anselm Kampik Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München Klinikum Innenstadt, Augenklinik Mathildenstraße 8 D-80336 München Fax: +49 89 51 60 47 78 [email protected] Informations 278 Commercial Exhibition

The congress will be accompanied by an industrial exhibition, which will present the latest technology, equipment, pharma- ceutical products and literature. You are welcome in the exhibition area during the coffee and lunch breaks where beverages and snacks will be offered and scientific posters will be displayed.

The exhibition can be found in halls 12, 13, 14.1 and 15.2 of Messe Berlin and will be open throughout the entire congress. Please see below for exact opening times.

The Joint Meeting Executive Committee wishes to thank all sponsors and exhibitors for their financial support.

The exhibition hours are as follows:

Sunday, 25 September 2005 12:00 - 16:00 hrs 16:00 - 18:00 hrs, Opening Ceremony 18:00 - 20:00 hrs, Get-Together in the Exhibition

Monday, 26 September 2005 10:00 - 17:00 hrs

Tuesday, 27 September 2005 10:00 - 17:00 hrs

Wednesday, 28 September 2005 10:00 - 17:00 hrs

Thursday, 29 September 2005 10:00 - 13:00 hrs

Private Events Policy All requests from companies and organisations to host private events during the congress require approval by the Joint Mee- ting Executive Committee. Because of recent numerous requests from representatives of industry, it has been decided that two evenings will be free of any official conference social programme events. This year these two days will be Sunday 25 September 2005 and Mon- day 26 September 2005. This modification will give sponsors and exhibitors an extended opportunity to contact and interact with congress delegates, in addition to the possibilities offered by the official programme. In order to co-ordinate these events sensibly, if more than 40 guests are expected at any one indus- trial exhibition event, consent should be sought from the LOC. Sponsors 279

The Executive Committee of the SOE & DOG 2005 and the Executive Committee of the SOE would like to thank all spon- sors and exhibitors for their financial support of the 15th SOE Congress and the 103rd Meeting of the DOG. All participants are cordially invited to visit the Industrial Exhibi- tion. Today, progress in ophthalmology is very closely linked to new technical developments and without new and innovate contributions from equipment, instrument, lens and pharma- ceutical manufacturers and also the many conservative and operative techniques employed, ophthalmology would not be in the excellent condition it is in at present. Therefore the pre- sence of the industry here radically enriches our joint SOE & DOG meeting and more than warrants a visit by delegates.

Major Sponsor Novartis Pharma AG

Main Sponsors *Acri.Tec GmbH München, Hennigsdorf/Germany

Alcon Laboratories, Inc. Fort Worth/USA

AMO Germany GmbH Ettlingen/Germany

Pfizer Pharma GmbH Karlsruhe/Germany

Sponsors Bausch & Lomb GmbH / Dr. Mann Pharma GmbH Berlin/Germany

Optos UK/ Optos Deutschland GmbH Dunfermline/ München

Pharm-Allergan GmbH Ettlingen/Germany

Santen GmbH Germering/Germany Informations 280 Exhibitors

Exhibitor Booth number

*Acri.Tec GmbH, Hennigsdorf/München 12.01 20/10 PERFECT VISION, Heidelberg 14.03 AAO, San Francisco, USA 13.10 A. R. C. Laser GmbH, Eckental-Forth 12.43 ACRIMED, Berlin 14.06 Alcon Laboratories, Inc., Fort Worth, USA 12.14 AMO Germany GmbH, Ettlingen 12.46 Bausch & Lomb GmbH, Feldkirchen 12.13 Biermann Verlag, Köln 12.22 Block Optic Ltd., Dortmund 12.31 bon Optic Vertriebsgesellschaft mbH, Lübeck 14.07 Christoffel-Blindenmission, Bensheim 15.01 CCS Pawlowski GmbH, Jena 12.24 Chibret Pharmazeutische GmbH, Haar 12.12 CORNEAL Laboratoire, Paris, F 12.27 CROMA-PHARMA GmbH, Korneuburg, A 12.23 DocVital Bioshop, Potsdam 15.04 DOMILENS GmbH, Hamburg 14.12 DOMS-Eyetechnology GmbH & Co. KG, Saalfeld 12.19 EJO, Milano, I 13.07 Ellman International, Hewlett, USA 15.05 Elektronik & Präzisionsbau Saalfeld GmbH, Jena 12.03 ESCRS, Blackrock Co. Dublin, IRL 13.14 EVER, Leuven, B 13.06 Eyemaginations, Inc., Towson, USA 14.13 EyeNovation GmbH, Bielefeld 12.45 FIDUS Arztservice Wente GmbH, Darmstadt 12.29 GEUDER AG, Heidelberg 13.16 Haag-Streit Deutschland GmbH, Wedel 13.17 Heidelberg Engineering GmbH, Dossenheim 14.05 Heine Optotechnik GmbH & Co. KG, Herrsching 12.08 Highlights of Ophthalmology, El Dorado, PA 13.04 HOYA Medical Europe GmbH, Hamburg 12.32 HumanOptics Deutschland GmbH & Co. KG, Mannheim 12.17 ICO 2006, Sao Paulo, BR 13.08 ifa Systems AG, Berlin 14.02 IMEDOS GmbH, Jena 12.26 innovid GmbH, Ahrensburg 12.41 IntraLase Corp., Irvine, USA 13.12 IRIDEX Corporation, Mountain View, USA 14.08 ISOPT, Kenes Int., IL 13.19 JEN-OPHTHALMO, Jena 14.06 S. Karger AG, Basel, CH 13.05 Franz Kuschel, Großschirma 12.21 LCA Pharmaceutical, Chartres, F 15.03 Leica Microsystems AG, Wetzlar 12.35 Lheritier S.A.S., Cergy Pontoise Cedex, F 12.40 LUMENIS (Germany) GmbH, Dreieich 12.07 Dr. Mann Pharma GmbH, Berlin 12.13 Dieter Mann GmbH, Mainaschaff 14.08 med_tec Medizintechnik-Vertriebs-GmbH, Mömbris 12.06 MediVision – OIS, Yokneam Elit, IL 12.24 MENICON GmbH, Offenbach 12.04 Morcher GmbH, Stuttgart 14.09 Nidek Technologies Germany, Erlangen 14.04 Exhibitors 281

Exhibitor Booth number

Novartis Pharma GmbH, Nürnberg 13.13 Novartis Pharma AG, Basel, CH 13.13 Ocular Instruments, Bellevue, USA 14.08 Ocular Sciences GmbH, Eppertshausen 14.11 OCULUS Optikgeräte GmbH, Wetzlar 14.15 Ophthalmologische Geräte und Instrumente, Berlin 12.36 OmniVision GmbH, Puchheim 12.15 Optikon 2000 Spa, Roma, I 12.30 Optima Pharmazeutische GmbH, Moosburg 12.09 Optos GmbH, München/Dunfermline, UK 12.33 / 15.02 Peschke Medizintechnik GmbH, Nürnberg 13.12 Pfizer Pharma GmbH, Karlsruhe 12.10 Pharma Stulln GmbH, Stulln 12.16 Pharm-Allergan GmbH, Ettlingen 12.18 Plusoptix GmbH, Nürnberg 12.29 POLYTECH Ophthalmologie GmbH, Roßdorf 12.32 ProOptic Medizintechnik GmbH, Puchheim 12.28 Quantel Medical, Clermont-Ferrand, F 13.18 Rayner Surgical GmbH, Bamberg 12.44 RUMEX International Co., St. Petersburg, USA 13.12 Santen GmbH, Germering 12.11 SCHWIND eye-tech-solutions GmbH & Co. KG, Kleinostheim 14.14 SOE 2007, Stockholm, S 13.09 Steris GmbH, Huerth 14.08 Takagi Seiko Co., Ltd., Nagano-ken, J 12.25 TALIA Technology GmbH, Herzogenrath 13.01 TECHNOMED, Baesweiler 12.37 Georg Thieme Verlag KG, Stuttgart 13.03 Tomey GmbH, Erlangen 12.45 Topcon Europe B.V, Capelle a/d Ussel, NL 12.02 TRB Chemedica International SA, Geneva, CH 12.42 Trusetal Verbandstoffwerk GmbH, Schloss Holte-Stukenbrock 13.15 URSAPHARM Arzneimittel GmbH & Co. KG, Saarbrücken 12.39 VRmagic GmbH, Mannheim 14.10 WaveLight Laser Technologie AG, Fürth 12.05 Dr. Winzer Pharma GmbH, Berlin 12.38 Wirmsberger & Böhm, Essen 13.02 Wisepress, Ltd., London, UK 12.20 Wöhlk Contact-Linsen GmbH, Schönkirchen 15.06 Carl Zeiss Meditec AG, Jena 14.01

Advertisers Page 132 BMJ Journals 82 Der Augenspiegel Verlags GmbH 198, 200 Dr. R. Kaden Verlag 254 ESCRS 226 EVER 58 Highlights of Ophthalmology 40 HOYA Medical Europe GmbH 246 Lippincott Williams & Wilkins 86 Molecular Vision Inside front cover Novartis Pharma AG 324 OptometryToday Back cover 4 and 5 Pfizer Pharma GmbH 252 Sixt GmbH & Co. KG 106 SLACK Incorporated 272 Springer Informations 282 Map of Commercial Exhibition Index of Authors 283

A Alonso Martinez I. 2609-25.02 Al-Samir K. P 280 Abdollahi A. P 212 P 505 P 226 Al-Sharif J. P 052 Aboutable T. 2709-1.10 Alswede L. P 065 Aczél K. 2509-13.03 Alteheld N. M. 2909-10.05 2509-13.06 Altenburg A. 2809-24.04 Adam A. P 468 2809-24.05 Adámková H. P 051 Althaus C. P 426 P 506 P 433 Adenis J.-P. 2609-15.02 Alvarez de Toledo J. 2809-14.15 2809-2.13 Alvarez M. D. P 362 Adler W. P 482 Alyahya G. A. 2709-5.01 Aedeshiri M. 2709-2.09 Amberger C. 2809-24.03 Agarwal A. C-26-12.04 Amoako-Mensah T. 2909-3.02 Agarwal A. C-26-12.03 Amoura Z. 2809-24.02 Agarwal S. C-26-12.01 Anar R. 2609-9.04 Aghsaie M. P 088 Anastassiou G. 2609-9.05 Ágoas V. 2609-10.07 2609-9.06 Agostini H. T. 2509-10.05 2609-9.08 2609-12.08 2609-9.09 2709-15.01 2809-22.03 P 188 Anders K. P 185 Aguirre-Romo I. 2509-2.11 Ando A. 2609-10.08 Ahmadieh H. 2809-16.03 Andreic V. 2709-4.06 Aiello L. P. 2709-1.13 Andrushkova O. P 054 Aigner J. P 314 Ang K. K. P 020 Aisenbrey S. P 166 Angunawela R. 2909-1.10 Ajazaj V. M. P 092 Antal S. M. 2509-2.10 P 137 Antipova J. 2709-6.09 P 248 2709-6.10 Ajtony C. 2509-16.07 Antohe F. P 124 Akgül H. P 150 Antón A. 2709-2.02 Akhremenko N. P 052 Antova M. 2909-2.06 Akkoyun I. P 029 Aouafi S. P 111 P 218 Apostolopoulos M. P 217 Al Midwahi Y. A. 2609-5.04 Apple D. J. P 344 Al Saidi R. 2809-3.03 Aradi J. 2509-14.02 Alamouti B. P 047 Arciuliene J.-V. P 236 Al-Aswad L. A. 2709-6.11 Ardjomand N. 2709-14.04 Al-Belushi H. 2709-3.08 Arend O. P 031 P 079 P 315 P 113 P 432 P 404 Arias M. C. P 544 Albert O. 2709-3.13 Arias Palomero A. 2609-25.01 Aleksic P. P 026 Arikan G. P 233 P 053 Arnold L. P 021 P 059 Artemov A. V. 2709-6.06 P 515 Artjomov A. V. P 081 P 516 Asano A. P 481 Alexandridou A. P 498 Asaoka R. P 022 Alge C. 2709-11.05 Asimakopoulou A. P 155 2709-11.10 Aslanova V. 2909-2.09 P 200 P 202 P 475 Assmann W. P 314 Alkemade F. 2809-18.06 Assouti M. P 055 2809-18.08 Astakhov Y. S. P 317 Allam J. P. P 094 P 410 All-Ericsson C. P 274 P 412 P 275 Asztalos A. 2509-16.06 Allikmets R. P 009 P 018 Al-Munairi A. P 079 Atanassov M. 2509-19.08 P 113 Attia S. 2809-2.05 P 339 P 036

P 404 P 418 Informations 284 Index of Authors

Audo I. 2609-6.06 Bader A. P 144 Aue A. 2509-5.07 Bagrov S. N. P 354 2609-3.07 Baier T. 2709-13.04 Auffarth G. U. 2609-2.02 Bainbridge J. W. B. 2609-6.05 2609-23.03 Bakall B. P 196 2609-23.04 Bakunowicz-Lazarczyk A. 2809-8.07 2609-24.06 P 548 P 343 Baleanu D. P 213 P 344 Baleva M. P 214 P 346 Balla Z. 2509-16.07 P 350 Bandello F. 2709-22.07 P 370 F-27-01.05 P 447 Bangsgaard R. 2709-5.01 P 451 Bankiel A. P 480 P 453 Barabasi Z. P 010 Augsburger J. 2609-9.03 Baraki H. 2709-14.07 Augsten R. 2709-11.01 Baranov A. 2909-2.12 P 028 P 496 P 133 Barascu D P 527 Augustin A. J. 2609-3.04 Barbaros H. U. P 331 2609-3.06 Barbazetto I. 2909-2.04 C-29-06.02 Barisˇic A. P 363 F-27-01.04 Barnyk K. P 114 F-26-01 Barrão S. 2609-10.07 Aurich H. 2709-13.02 Barraquer R. I. 2609-2.20 2709-14.10 P 138 Autrata R. P 023 Barry P. 2809-15.02 P 237 Bartke T. U. P 102 P 324 Bartolazzi A. P 274 P 345 Bartsch U. 2609-19.09 P 459 2809-14.09 Auw-Hädrich C. 2509-10.08 Bartz-Schmidt K. U. 2509-3.05 2609-19.01 2509-6.15 P 067 2609-13.14 P 281 2609-5.12 P 295 2609-9.04 Avramovic Kljakovic T. P 101 2809-11.04 Axelson M. P 275 2809-13.08 Aydin P. 2609-18.06 2809-14.04 C-27-05.03 2809-14.06 C-28-01.02 2809-14.07 Aylward G. W. 2709-22.10 2809-16.02 Azar D. T. 2709-13.01 2809-3.11 CE-24-01.03 2909-8.07 CE-25-01.10 C-28-04.13 Azizis F. 2709-2.09 P 083 Azlan W. P 120 P 166 P 287 B P 399 P 467 Baarsma S. 2609-8.02 P 468 Babic N. 2609-2.11 P 519 Babovic S. 2609-2.11 P 543 2809-8.11 Barzdziukas V. P 340 P 201 Bau V. 2509-11.05 P 240 2509-12.09 Bach M. 2609-13.04 P 246 2709-12.01 Baudouin C. K-2709.01 2809-8.02 C-29-05.02 Bachmann B. 2709-3.04 CE-25-01.05 P 066 Bauer D. 2709-3.06 Bachmeier K. P 301 2809-2.02 Backhaus J. P 541 Bauer M. 2709-14.15 P 542 Bauer S. 2609-12.02 Index of Authors 285

Baumane K. P 215 Bergua A. 2609-25.03 P 216 2609-25.04 Baumeister M. P 058 P 282 Bavbek T. 2709-1.05 P 419 Baydoun L. 2609-2.08 Bernardczyk-Meller J. P 104 P 151 Bernauer W. C-26-10.03 Bayrhof M. 2509-2.11 C-26-10.05 Bechrakis N. E. 2509-10.10 Berta A. 2509-13.02 2509-5.02 2509-14.02 2509-6.01 2509-14.03 2509-7.01 2509-16.02 2509-7.03 2509-17.01 2509-7.04 2509-17.03 2609-19.03 2509-17.05 2809-13.11 2509-18.02 2809-22.03 2709-10.05 2909-2.07 P 004 P 264 P 005 P 398 P 006 P 529 P 012 Beck R. 2609-2.01 P 013 P 396 P 019 P 400 Bertelmann E. 2709-4.04 Becker B. P 333 P 144 Becker J. 2609-14.16 Besch D. 2809-13.08 2809-7.04 C-26-11.03 Becker K. A. 2709-1.03 C-28-06.01 Becker M. D. 2509-2.04 P 042 2809-15.04 Beuerle S. 2809-13.09 2809-2.14 Beutel J. 2709-11.09 C-29-01.02 Beutelspacher S. C. 2709-3.15 P 425 P 385 Becker R. P 103 Bezditko P. A. 2709-1.09 Bedov T. 2709-4.06 P 442 2809-8.11 Bhattacharya S. 2809-6.04 P 201 Bialasiewicz A. 2709-3.08 P 240 2809-5.03 Beer M. 2909-11.04 2809-5.04 Begic V. P 145 P 079 P 152 P 113 Behboudi H. P 249 P 339 Behrens T. P 170 P 404 Behrens-Baumann W. 2609-24.01 Bieback K. P 393 2909-3.07 P 471 Behrouzi Z. 2709-2.09 Bieber T. P 094 Belaid W. P 418 Bielikova A. 2609-24.08 Belfort Jr. R. 2709-16.02 2909-1.02 Bellucci R. F-25-02.02 Bier C. M. 2709-12.04 Beltram M. P 154 Biermann H. 2609-20.02 Ben Houcine C. A. 2709-6.08 Biester S. P 526 Ben Salem A. P 036 Biger Y. 2709-19.08 Ben Yahia S. 2609-10.03 Bilen O. 2609-3.08 P 111 Bilhoto M. 2709-6.04 P 418 P 189 Bencˇi´c G. 2609-2.03 P 379 2909-3.06 Bimbiene R. P 024 Bendoriene J. P 238 Binder S. 2609-12.05 Benesch T. P 210 P 127 Bengoa González Á. 2609-23.02 Bird A. C. 2509-12.02 2609-25.01 2909-6.02 2609-25.02 Birich T. P 178 Bergdolt K. 2809-25.02 Birnbaum F. 2709-14.13 Berger E. P 067 P 068 Bergman L. 2609-9.01 P 095

P 382 Informations 286 Index of Authors

Birngruber R. 2609-3.09 Bornfeld N. 2509-3.01 2709-7.01 2609-13.07 2809-18.01 2609-9.05 P 169 2609-9.06 Biró Z. P 001 2609-9.08 Bischoff G. 2509-8.06 2609-9.09 Biziorek B. C-26-06.05 2909-10.06 Bjelakovic G. P 511 2909-2.07 Bjelica D. P 240 C-27-06.02 Bläser S. P 285 C-27-09.01 Blatsios G. P 061 P 150 P 156 Borovic P. S. P 250 P 204 Borovic Z. P 250 Blázquez F. 2709-2.02 Boschi A. C-26-11.01 Bloemendal H. P 475 Bosl C. 2909-2.01 Blomberg L. P 069 Bosnar D. P 363 Blumenkranz M. S. 2509-2.08 Botros Y. T. H. 2809-3.08 Blüthner K. P 341 Boubaker N. P 418 Boboridis K. 2609-10.04 Bouiko A. S. P 357 2709-3.10 Bradaric-Files E. P 250 2709-4.02 Bragason D. T. 2709-11.02 2809-1.04 Brajac I. P 177 2809-1.05 Brancato R. 2709-22.02 P 070 Bratke M. 2609-2.08 Bobrova N. F. 2709-6.06 Bräutigam S. 2809-14.08 2709-6.08 P 084 P 239 Brebeck B. P 121 Bock F. 2709-3.04 Brecelj J. P 440 P 077 Brehmer A. P 282 Bodaghi B. 2609-10.06 Brennan M. W. 2609-22.10a 2609-21.01 Bringmann A. P 198 2809-24.02 P 207 C-26-06.02 Brinkmann R. 2709-7.01 C-26-06.09 P 169 Bodnar A. 2509-14.02 Brinkmann U. 2709-5.05 P 013 Brockmann D. F-27-02.02 Boergen K.-P. C-26-09.01 Broszinski A. 2609-14.08 Böhm A. G. 2509-6.05 P 072 2509-6.06 Brouzas D. P 217 2509-6.12 Brügger B. P 463 2609-11.04 Brünner H. 2709-12.05 P 025 Brunner M. 2909-4.01 P 309 Brunner T. P 295 P 319 Bruns K. 2709-2.01 Böhme G. 2709-19.02 P 355 Böhringer D. 2609-14.08 Brunsmann F. 2709-12.03 2609-14.09 Buchgeister M. 2509-7.02 2609-14.13 Buchwald H.-J. P 056 P 071 Buckovska V. 2909-2.06 P 072 Budde W. P 040 P 281 Budnik A. P. P 032 P 295 Bühl W. 2909-3.02 Bojovic L. P 302 Bühren J. 2709-13.07 Bölöni R. 2609-9.09 P 443 Boncz I. 2509-13.02 Bültmann S. P 489 Bondar V. A. P 032 Bunse A. 2509-10.15 Bor Z. 2509-14.01 2509-5.05 Borbandy A. P 017 2609-3.05 Borgulya G. 2509-14.06 2709-11.03 2709-11.11 2709-11.12 Burau H. 2609-13.04 Busin M. 2509-12.08 Index of Authors 287

Busse H. 2509-10.13 Ciuica M. P 527 C-28-08.01 Ciurtin C. P 124 P 252 Civcic N. P 026 P 286 Clauss M. P 370 Butros S. 2809-14.15 Clemens S. 2609-23.01 Bykov V. P 274 Coeckelbergh T. 2609-16.01 Coelho A. P 329 Coffey P. 2609-7.04 C Cohen A. J. C-28-08.09 Cojocaru V. M. P 124 Cacoub P. 2809-24.02 Colin J. CE-24-01.12 Callizo J. 2509-10.01 Collin J. R. 2509-20.09 P 477 2809-1.08 Campos E. C. 2909-12.01 C-28-05.03 Canadanovic´ V. 2609-2.11 Cordes A. K. P 444 P 201 Cordini D. 2509-7.01 P 240 Cortés V. P 165 Caporossi A. P 080 Coscas G. J. 2709-22.03 Cardillo Piccolino F. C-29-04.04 Coupland S. E. 2509-7.05 Carretié R. 2609-2.20 2609-19.03 Carrim Z. I. 2809-8.10 P 268 P 122 P 281 Carvalho M. 2609-1.05 Craciun C. 2609-24.03 Cassoux N. 2809-24.02 2609-24.04 Castanheira-Dinis A. 2609-10.07 Croxen R. 2609-8.02 P 192 Csakany B. 2709-10.03 P 329 Csutak A. 2509-17.03 P 429 Cunha-Vaz J. 2709-16.05 Cekic S. P 057 2709-22.01 P 259 Cursiefen C. 2609-26.01 Celauro L. P 336 2709-10.01 Celis Sanchez J. 2609-23.02 2709-14.12 2609-25.01 2709-15.02 Ceponiene R. P 236 2709-3.04 Cermakova I. P 553 2709-3.14 Çerman E. 2809-5.08 2809-15.01 Cerovski B. P 105 2909-14.07 Cerovski J. P 105 P 066 P 363 P 077 Chabal C. 2609-2.10 P 093 Chainier D. 2809-2.13 P 284 Chams H. 2609-9.07 P 381 Chan W. H. 2809-2.01 P 384 Charbel Issa P. P 073 P 390 P 182 P 462 Chavarria G. 2609-25.03 Cury C. P 477 Chebotaryov E. P. P 407 Cwalina L. P 445 Cheney M. C. P 473 Czepita D. 2809-8.05 Cherninkova S. P 106 P 241 P 327 Chernodrinska V.-S. 2509-19.05 D Chiang M. 2709-6.11 Chohan A. W. 2809-8.10 Dadalski M. P 387 Choi W. C. P 417 Daftarian N. 2709-2.09 Choritz L. 2509-6.10 Dajun D. 2609-1.03 Chrastek R. 2909-4.04 D'Albis A. P 290 Christova R. P 262 Dalianis G. 2709-5.06 Chryssafis C. P 485 P 027 Cibils P. 2809-5.09 P 326 Cichocki M. P 058 Damato B. D. 2809-22.02 P 449 C-27-09.03 Ciubotaru A. P 123 Damjanovich J. 2509-14.02 Ciubotaru C. P 123 P 005 P 013 Informations 288 Index of Authors

Daneljan L. P 110 Deuter C. M. E. 2809-2.06 Daneshpazhooh M. P 226 2809-2.09 Danic M. P 430 2809-24.03 Dart J. K. G. 2509-20.04 P 298 2909-7.01 P 420 CE-25-01.01 P 526 Dasch B. P 170 Deutman A. F. 2709-16.09 P 172 2709-22.06 P 538 Diamantopoulou K. 2609-10.09 Dashevskiy A. 2809-13.05 Dick H. B. 2609-12.09 Dausch D. 2609-12.03 2609-25.06 Dausch S. 2609-12.03 C-26-05.03 Dauxerre C. 2909-9.06 Diestelhorst M. 2509-6.14 David J. P 351 P 129 Davidescu F.-L. P 125 Dietlein T. S. 2509-6.11 Davidovic S. P 201 2809-13.04 Davis M. D. 2709-1.13 2809-13.10 Davydov D. V. 2709-4.05 P 260 2809-1.06 Dietrich K. P 321 P 408 Dietrich T. 2609-14.03 P 409 2609-26.01 Dawczynski J. 2709-11.01 P 076 P 028 P 077 Dawson D. G. 2609-14.15 P 341 de Jong P. T. V. M. 2709-1.03 Diez-Feijoo E. P 365 de Laey J.-J. 2609-22.07 Digweed M. 2609-14.06 De Martino L. 2909-3.04 Dillinger P. 2909-1.03 P 455 Dillon J. 2909-2.04 de Potter P. 2609-9.10 Dimitrova G. P 242 C-27-09.02 Dinslage S. 2809-13.04 de Smet M. D. 2609-21.02 Dithmar S. 2809-15.05 C-26-06.04 C-29-12.01 Deák G. 2509-13.06 P 195 Debelicˇ V. P 272 P 303 Degenring R. F. 2709-14.05 P 375 P 029 P 502 P 040 Ditzen K. C-26-08.05 P 218 Djawari D. 2809-24.04 Degi R. 2509-13.04 Djurdjeva E. 2509-19.08 Degli Esposti S. 2909-3.04 Djurovic B. 2609-24.05 P 455 P 053 Deißler H. P 219 P 059 P 522 P 101 Dekaris I. P 363 P 515 P 371 P 516 Delbeke J. 2909-10.07 Doehmen B. P 031 Dell S. 2609-12.01 Dog˘ u M. B. 2609-2.09 P 074 Dollfus H. 2809-21.07 Delyfer M.-N. 2609-6.06 Dominguez Fernandez M. J.2609-25.02 Demmler-Hackenberg M. M. P 273 Donate D. 2709-3.13 Demsky P. 2609-24.08 Dong X. P 342 Denis F. 2809-2.13 Dordevic´ Jocic´ J. P 057 Denk P. O. 2809-13.08 P 352 2809-14.04 Dormont D. 2809-24.02 P 083 Doubilei V. P 187 Denninger E. P 435 Doycheva D. 2509-19.05 Derhartunian V. 2909-4.04 2509-2.03 P 030 2809-2.09 P 075 Draeger J. A. 2509-6.02 Deschauer M. 2509-12.09 2509-6.10a 2609-11.07 Dragomiretskaya E. I. 2909-2.09 P 078 P 202 Index of Authors 289

Drexler D. P 008 Economou M. P 274 Drexler W. 2509-5.10 P 275 2709-21.06 Edelhauser H. F. 2609-14.15 C-29-04.06 Edelsten C. 2909-13.03 Dreyhaupt J. 2609-3.11 Eder M. 2509-2.08 P 461 2509-2.09 Drnovsˇek-Olup B. P 154 P 336 P 406 Efimova E. L. P 243 P 411 Egger S. F. 2809-15.02 P 413 Ehlers N. CE-24-01.09 P 414 Ehrt O. 2709-6.07 Drobek-Slowik M. P 167 C-26-11.03 P 168 Eibl K. H. P 204 Droshina G. I. P 078 Eichler H. P 393 P 299 P 471 P 304 Eichler W. 2709-1.01 Druschel S. P 456 Einbock W. 2609-13.03 Dua H. S. 2609-6.01 2609-3.11 2709-3.11 P 474 Dubiner H. B. F-28-01 P 484 Du-Boutin L. T. H. 2809-24.02 Eisert B. P 107 Dudichum J. 2509-2.11 Eldem B. 2609-3.08 Dudziak C. P 203 El-Gayar S. P 079 Duerksen R. 2809-5.09 P 113 Duerksen U. G. 2809-5.09 Eliopoulou M. I. P 155 Dufier J. L. 2509-12.04 Elle J. 2509-6.09 2509-12.11 El-Rakhavy K. 2809-16.09 Duhaut P. 2809-24.02 Elsesser U. P 044 Dujic M. P. P 126 El-Shabrawi Y. 2509-2.01 P 546 2709-14.04 Duker J. S. 2609-1.05 Elsherbiny S. P 465 Dulub L. P 178 Elsherbiny S. P 220 Duma H. 2909-2.06 Elsner A. E. P 473 Dumbrova N. E. P 081 Elsner H. 2709-7.03 P 299 P 169 Duncan L. P 383 El-Wardani M. 2809-14.07 Duncker G. I. W. 2509-8.02 Emmanouil I. 2809-1.02 2709-13.03 Emmel E. P 444 2809-14.08 Emmerich K.-H. C-28-08.02 2909-1.11 P 441 C-26-08.01 P 509 C-27-01.05 Engel S. P 295 P 084 Engelmann K. 2709-11.08 P 246 2909-14.09 Duning T. P 108 P 187 Dunn L. T. 2809-8.10 P 191 Durak I. P 233 P 205 Dusova J. P 491 P 208 Dyszak R. 2609-1.04 P 278 Dzajkovska E. P 242 P 298 P 397 Entezari M. 2809-7.07 E Entz B. B. 2509-18.05 Enukidze D. Z. 2709-6.08 Eberwein P. P 182 P 239 P 225 Erb C. 2709-2.03 Eckardt C. 2609-13.15 2809-25.04 2709-11.06 2809-8.03 Eckardt U. 2609-13.15 2809-8.04 2709-11.06 C-26-04.04 Eckert S. P 478 P 115 Eckert T. 2609-13.15 P 403 2709-11.06 P 405 Eckhorn R. 2909-10.02 F-28-01 Informations 290 Index of Authors

Erdélyi B. 2509-16.06 Ferencz M. P 010 2709-10.03 P 014 2809-14.02 Ferreira C. P 429 Ergin M. H. P 233 Ferreira E. N. P 336 Ernemann U. P 042 Feucht M. 2509-4.04 Ernest J. 2609-3.10 2909-10.06 Erzˇen I. P 290 P 222 Eskina E. N. P 032 Feuring M. P 094 Esser J. 2809-14.12 Ffytche T. 2809-23.07 C-26-09.01 C-29-10.07 Esteche M. 2809-5.09 Fickenscher S. P 381 Eter N. 2609-1.06 P 462 2609-13.12 Fiedler O. P 010 2809-15.06 Fielder A. 2709-9.03 2809-3.07 C-28-13.03 P 094 Filipec M. P 383 P 151 Filipovic T. P 177 P 470 Fimmers R. 2609-1.06 Etya'ale D. 2609-22.05 Finck A. P 510 Evers S. P 108 Findl O. C-27-04.03 Exarchou A. M. P 134 Finke J. P 281 P 155 Finn S. P 102 Eysel U. 2909-10.01 Fischer E. P 223 Eysteinsson T. 2609-1.02 Flammer J. P 109 F-28-01 Fleckenstein M. P 425 F Flucke B. 2609-3.09 Fluehs D. 2609-9.08 Fabian E. 2509-1.02 2609-9.09 Facskó A. 2509-14.02 Foerster A. M. H. P 263 2509-18.02 Foerster M. H. 2509-10.10 Fadeeva L. 2609-2.16 2509-5.02 Faghihi H. P 256 2509-6.01 Falezˇ M. 2509-2.07 2509-6.10 2609-14.05 2509-7.01 2809-13.01 2509-7.03 P 060 2509-7.04 Falkner C. I. 2609-12.05 2609-13.11 P 127 2609-20.01 Fallah M. R. P 088 2709-12.02 Fankhauser F. 2809-18.21 2809-13.11 Farahvash M. S. P 116 2809-15.09 Fariña N. 2509-2.09 2809-16.04 Farkas Á. P 002 2909-2.07 P 009 2909-5.04 P 010 P 186 Farkas E. 2509-14.05 P 398 Farkas G. 2509-14.05 P 529 Farkasová B. P 291 Foerster P. 2509-5.03 Faschinger C. 2709-14.04 Foja C. P 484 P 308 Fomina N. P 244 Fauser S. 2609-13.02 Förl M. P 107 Fayet B. C-28-08.04 Forlini C. 2609-5.09 Fedulov A. S. P 178 Forrester J. V. P 383 Fedulova A. A. P 178 Förster W. N. 2709-14.09 Feely M. 2909-9.03 Fossdal R. 2709-5.07 Feher J. 2509-13.05 Frajdenberg A. P 540 Feldner B. P 221 Framme C. 2609-3.09 Fellner P. 2709-14.04 P 175 Feltgen N. 2509-10.04 P 476 2509-10.05 Franceschetti A. 2809-21.02 2609-13.04 C-28-12.01 2609-19.04 C-28-12.04 Feodorov A. A. 2609-2.17 Frank R. 2709-1.06 Index of Authors 291

Franke I. P 151 G Franke S. 2709-11.01 Franz C. P 191 Gaál K. 2509-15.02 Frauenknecht H. C-29-03.04 P 018 C-29-08.04 Gabel V.-P. 2609-9.11 Frederiksen J. 2609-18.02 2809-15.09 Frentz M. 2609-14.16 2909-1.06 2809-7.04 2909-2.01 P 257 P 171 Freudenthaler N. P 543 P 175 Freyer W. 2709-11.10 P 203 Freytag T. 2809-25.02 P 211 Fricke J. 2709-9.08 P 264 Frieß R. P 258 P 273 Frimpong-Boateng A. 2609-3.05 P 476 2709-11.03 Gaberscek S. P 159 Frisch L. H. J. 2609-14.11 Gablasova K. 2609-24.08 Fröhlich S. J. 2609-12.06 2909-1.02 2709-12.04 Gabric N. P 363 Froster U. 2809-14.08 P 371 P 084 Gabrieli C. B. 2509-13.05 Fruschelli M. P 080 Gal A. C-28-06.04 Fuchshofer R. P 311 Galambos P. P 033 Fuchsjäger-Mayrl G. 2709-1.04 P 333 2909-3.02 P 334 Fuchs-Koelwel B. 2609-9.11 P 505 P 264 Galatsch A. 2609-13.06 P 273 Galinsky 2509-6.10a Fuchsluger T. A. 2609-26.02 Galkina V. 2709-6.09 2809-14.12 Gamulescu M.-A. 2809-15.09 2909-14.04 P 175 2909-7.05 P 476 P 395 Gancheva A. 2509-19.04 Fuhs A. P 170 Gandorfer A. 2709-11.05 P 172 2809-15.08 P 538 2809-19.07 Fujimoto J. G. 2609-1.05 P 423 2609-8.03 P 428 Fujiseki Y. P 421 Ganesh A. 2809-5.03 Füllhas M.-O. P 034 P 300 Fünfstück C. P 224 Ganser G. 2809-2.08 Funk J. 2509-6.04 2809-2.11 2609-11.01 Garcia Torre M. 2609-23.02 2809-13.02 Garms C. 2609-22.04 2809-13.09 Garnier F. 2809-2.13 Furmanchuk A. V. P 265 Gartaganis S. P 055 Fusch C. 2509-11.06 P 061 Fushimi C. 2609-10.08 Garway-Heath D. F. 2709-2.06 Füst Á. 2509-18.03 Garweg J. G. 2509-2.05 2709-10.02 2809-16.07 2809-16.08 Gashi H. P 092 Gáspár Á. P 014 Gáspár P. 2709-10.03 Gass C. A. 2709-11.04 Gaudric A. 2709-21.05 2809-19.01 C-29-04.05 Gavranic C. P 074 Gaydamaka T. B. P 081 Geene H. 2709-14.08 Informations 292 Index of Authors

Geerling G. 2509-20.01 Gilbert I. P 314 2509-20.12 Gilli N. J. P 498 2509-4.02 Gines A. 2509-2.09 2509-9.01 Girach A. 2709-1.13 2609-14.01 Girnita A. P 275 2809-14.01 Girnita L. P 274 2809-14.17 P 275 2909-7.07 Gläßer D. 2809-15.03 2909-7.08 Gloor B. P. 2609-22.11 Gehrlich C. 2909-9.02 Göbel W. P 182 2909-9.04 P 225 Geibel-Zehender A. 2509-11.02 Gochman R. P 062 Geisel J. P 435 Gockeln R. P 069 Geitzenauer W. 2509-5.06 Godts D. 2709-9.07 2609-3.07 Goencz E. P 369 2709-14.02 Golicova E. 2709-5.02 2809-3.09 Golijanin-Zaklan T. P 531 Gelisken F. 2609-13.14 Golubkov V. I. P 317 2809-3.11 Golubovic S. P 091 P 166 P 358 P 467 Gomez-Torreiro M. P 365 P 519 Gong N. 2609-14.10 Gené 2809-18.17 2709-3.16 Genée D. 2609-14.14 González del Valle F. 2609-23.02 2709-14.07 2609-25.01 Georgakopoulos C. P 055 2609-25.02 P 134 Göpferich A. P 211 P 155 Gora F. P 171 P 156 Goranci I. 2709-4.03 Georgaras S. 2609-10.09 Gorczynska I. 2709-3.01 George A. J. T. 2709-3.15 Goren G. 2609-1.07 Georgiadis N. 2609-10.04 Gos´ R. 2709-5.03 2709-3.10 Gosh S. 2709-5.07 2709-4.02 Gottlob I. 2709-9.03 2809-1.04 C-28-13.04 2809-1.05 Gottschalk K. 2709-2.04 P 070 2709-3.04 Georgiadou E. P 217 P 037 Georgiev K. P 360 P 038 Georgiev R. P 117 P 093 Georgopoulos G. T. 2609-2.12 P 118 Georgopoulos M. 2909-3.02 P 157 Gerber S. 2509-12.04 P 284 Gerke E. 2809-13.03 Gouguchkova-Ianchuleva P. 2509-19.07 P 158 Goulmy E. P 071 P 524 Grabner G. 2609-16.01 Gerstmeyer K. 2709-14.01 2609-16.05 Gerten G. 2609-14.04 2809-15.02 Gerth C. 2709-6.05 Grabowy U. P 148 Ghidanac L. 2809-7.01 Gracˇner B. 2509-2.07 2909-2.13 2609-14.05 Ghrissi R. 2809-2.05 2809-13.01 Gibson R. A. 2509-11.04 P 060 Giebel J. 2509-2.10 Gracˇner T. 2509-2.07 Gierek-Ciaciura S. 2609-1.04 2609-14.05 2709-3.19 2809-13.01 2909-1.01 P 060 2909-1.08 Gräf M. 2709-9.05 2909-1.09 C-28-13.01 P 294 Gralek M. P 387 P 372 Grechko S. V. P 081 P 380 Grecu P. I. 2709-2.10 P 445 Greenberg K. F-25-02.05 Gierek-Lapinska A. 2709-3.19 Greenwood J. 2609-7.04 2909-1.05 Index of Authors 293

Gregor Z. J. 2709-18.01 Gungor G. P 544 2809-19.06 Günther M. P 328 Grehn F. 2609-11.02 Gupta M. 2509-4.07 2709-13.05 2609-2.06 2809-18.03 2809-2.12 2909-3.08 Gupta Y. 2509-4.07 2909-8.06 2609-2.06 P 044 2809-2.12 P 307 Gürelik G. P 181 Greiner K. 2809-2.08 Gürsesli M. P 422 Gressnerová S. P 312 Gusek-Schneider G.-C. 2509-11.07 Grewe R. 2509-19.09 P 245 Grieb P. P 321 Guthoff G. 2709-3.02 Griffith J. 2609-2.10 Guthoff R. 2609-13.08 Grigoleit M. 2609-23.05 2909-3.08 Grimm C. 2809-6.03 P 073 Grisanti S. 2509-7.02 P 225 2609-13.14 Guthoff R. F. 2509-20.08 2609-4.01 2509-8.01. 2609-5.07 2609-15.04 2609-9.04 2609-22.09 2809-3.11 2709-2.05 P 399 2709-3.03 P 467 2709-4.06a P 468 2809-14.02 Grkovic D. 2809-8.11 2809-18.01 Gronkowska J. P 082 2809-5.07 Groppe M. H. M. P 108 C-27-04.01 Grossniklaus H. E. 2609-14.15 C-29-05.01 C-29-12.03 P 067 Grüb M. 2509-6.15 P 100 2609-23.05 P 396 2809-13.08 P 400 2809-14.04 Guthoff T. P 225 2809-14.06 Gyetvai T. 2509-13.04 2809-14.07 2509-15.05 P 083 2509-16.03 Gruber A. 2609-12.04 2509-16.04 2609-26.03 2509-16.05 Grünauer-Kloevekorn C. 2509-8.02 2809-14.08 P 084 H Grus F. H. 2609-11.03 2709-2.01 Haas A. P 504 P 355 P 518 Gruschwitz R. P 191 Häberle H. 2709-14.10 Grüterich M. 2709-11.05 Habermann A. 2509-11.05 2909-14.03 P 246 C-28-02.03 Hadjistilianou T. 2809-22.06 P 389 Hadley D. M. 2809-8.10 P 450 Häfner R. 2809-2.09 Grütters G. P 183 Hagemann G. P 102 P 193 Hager A. P 034 Grzanka A. 2909-3.05 Hagihara M. 2609-10.08 Grzanka D. 2909-3.05 Hahn G.-A. 2909-9.02 Guagnini A.-P. 2609-9.10 2909-9.04 Gualano A. C. 2709-3.07 Haigis W. 2709-14.15 Guillon M. F-28-02.01 C-29-03.01 Gulcher J. R. 2709-5.07 C-29-08.01 Gümbel H. O. C. C-27-03.02 P 453 P 121 Halas jr. M. P 251 P 258 Halberstadt M. 2809-16.08 Günaydin I. 2809-2.06 Hallaji Z. P 226 2809-24.03 Hamilton P. A. M. 2709-7.02

P 420 Informations 294 Index of Authors

Hammer H. 2509-15.04 Hassan Z. 2509-17.03 2509-17.04 Hassenstein A. P 063 Hammer M. 2509-10.07 Hassouna I. 2709-14.09 2609-1.01 Hattenbach L.-O. 2809-20.02 P 464 C-27-06.03 Hammer T. 2709-13.03 C-29-11.01 Hanein S. 2509-12.04 Hatvani I. 2509-18.01 Hanisch C. P 085 Hauck S. 2909-11.04 Hanisch F. 2509-11.05 Haufschild T. P 109 Hansen L. L. 2509-10.05 Haustein M. 2509-6.12 2609-12.08 Hawlina M. 2709-18.06 2609-13.04 2909-5.06 2709-11.02 C-28-03.03 2709-14.13 P 184 2809-20.04 P 427 C-29-11.02 P 440 P 188 P 488 Hara Y. P 086 He L. 2509-2.08 P 391 P 146 Harada C. P 507 Heegaard S. 2709-5.01 P 520 Hefner L. P 479 Harada T. P 507 Heger T. P 425 P 520 Heidari P 249 Harazny J. 2509-10.07 Heijl A. F-26-01.01 P 213 Heiligenhaus A. 2509-9.02 Hardarson S. 2609-1.02 2609-2.15 Harder B. P 128 2709-3.06 P 227 2809-13.07 P 466 2809-2.02 Hardieß G. 2609-16.04 2809-2.08 Hargitai J. P 002 2809-2.11 P 003 2909-13.05 P 009 P 424 Hári-Kovács A. 2509-16.03 Heimann H. 2509-10.10 2509-16.04 2509-3.02 2509-16.05 2509-5.02 Haritoglou C. 2709-11.04 2509-7.04 2709-11.05 2609-13.11 2709-11.10 2809-16.04 2809-19.05 2909-2.07 2809-3.03 Heimes B. E. P 172 2809-7.03 Heinz C. 2609-2.15 Harnisch J.-P. 2509-6.10a 2809-13.07 Harsch N. P 425 2809-2.11 Hartmann C. 2509-2.02 P 424 2509-2.06 Hejcmanova D. P 491 2509-6.02 Hejcmanová M. P 446 2609-14.06 Helb H.-M. 2809-15.06 2709-14.03 2809-3.07 2709-14.08 P 173 2709-4.04 P 470 2809-14.05 Helbig H. 2909-2.07 P 144 Henke-Fahle S. P 468 P 369 Henning A. 2809-25.09 Hartmann K. 2509-2.11 Henriksson L. P 112 P 423 Henriques J. 2609-10.07 Hartmann K. P 110 Henschel A. 2609-13.09 Hartschuh W. P 375 Hense H.-W. P 170 Hasegawa T. P 087 P 172 Hashemian M. N. P 088 P 538 P 378 Hentova-Sencanic P. P 035 Hashimoto H. P 206 Herba E. 2809-8.06 Hashimoto K. 2709-3.05 P 266 P 086 P 401 P 391 P 436 Index of Authors 295

Herbold T. M. P 252 Holak H. M. 2709-1.02 Herbort C. P. 2609-21.03 P 359 C-26-06.01 P 480 C-26-06.03 Holak N. H. 2709-1.02 Herbrig E. 2709-11.08 P 359 P 208 P 480 Herckelrath T. P 089 Holak S. A. 2509-10.09 Hercules B. P 049 2709-1.02 Herde J. 2809-25.06 P 359 Hergeldjieva T. 2509-19.05 P 480 Hermann B. 2509-5.10 Holbach L. M. 2509-20.07 Hermann M. M. P 129 2909-7.03 Hermans P. 2609-13.07 C-29-02.01 Herrmann J. 2509-10.05 C-29-12.02 Herrmann W. H. A. 2909-1.06 P 157 Herzau V. P 042 P 415 Hetzel A. 2509-11.02 Holder G. E. 2909-5.03 Hetzel U. P 348 C-28-03.01 Heußen F. M. A. 2609-13.16a Hollborn M. P 207 2709-11.14 Holló G. 2509-16.01 2809-15.07 2509-17.02 Hiebl W. P 190 2709-17.05 Higashiyama S. 2709-3.05 Holz F. G. 2609-1.06 P 096 2609-13.03 Hild M. 2609-10.05 2609-3.11 Hille K. 2509-9.03 2609-7.05 2609-14.12 2709-1.03 2709-14.14 2709-21.03 2909-2.11 2709-5.05 P 253 2809-11.05 P 366 2809-15.05 Hillenkamp J. 2909-2.01 2809-15.06 P 203 2809-3.07 Hilmes M. P 169 2809-6.06 Himidi K. 2609-10.03 2909-6.04 P 036 C-28-11.01 Hintschich C. 2509-4.03 P 094 2809-10.02 P 151 2909-7.02 P 161 C-26-07.02 P 173 Hirata A. P 174 P 176 Hirchy R. P 064 P 268 Hirneiß C. P 090 P 289 Hirschfeld K. 2909-3.07 P 461 Hiscott P. 2809-19.02 P 470 Hitchings R. K-2809.01 P 484 Ho C. K. 2809-2.01 Holzer M. P. 2609-23.03 Hoang-Xuan T. C-29-07.01 2609-23.04 CE-25-01.07 2609-24.06 Höcht S. 2509-7.01 P 346 Hoeper M. P 115 P 447 Hoerauf H. 2709-11.09 P 451 C-27-06.04 Honkanen V. 2809-2.10 Hoffmann E. 2609-11.05 Hopkins A. D. 2809-23.06 Hoffmann R. 2509-4.01 2809-5.01 Hofmann-Rummelt C. 2509-17.06 2809-5.02 2709-10.01 C-29-10.02 2709-10.06 P 335 P 076 P 337 P 288 Hopp B. 2509-14.01 P 384 Horácková M. P 446 Höhn S. P 228 Horiuchi Y. P 229 Höhne K. 2509-7.04 Hörle S. 2509-11.01 Informations 296 Index of Authors

Horn F. K. 2509-6.07 Irkec M. CE-24-01.06 2709-2.04 Iro H. P 415 2809-8.08 Ishii R. P 022 P 037 Ishimoto B. 2909-2.04 P 038 Ito Y. P 174 P 048 Ivankovic L. P 438 P 118 Ivanova E. V. 2709-6.02 P 119 Ivanova M. E. P 032 Horn W. 2609-14.14 Ivanovic S. 2809-8.11 Hornig R. 2909-10.06 Ivanovska M. 2909-2.06 Horóczi Z. 2509-16.05 Ivaskevits K. 2509-15.02 Horstmann C. 2509-10.15 Iwig M. 2809-15.03 Horvatic´ Obradovic´ M. P 091 Izak M. G. J. 2609-24.07 Horwath-Winter J. 2609-12.04 2609-24.08 2609-26.03 2909-1.02 Hoskins H. D. 2609-20.06 Hotta Y. P 022 J Hoxha L. P 092 P 137 Jablonski S. P 030 P 248 Jackson D. P 381 Hoy L. 2709-2.03 Jacobi C. 2609-26.01 Hoyng C. B. 2709-1.03 2709-14.12 Hristova R. P 255 P 093 P 360 P 284 Hrizhymalska K. J. P 054 Jäger M. 2809-13.03 Hronková H. P 051 P 158 Huber K. P 110 P 524 Huber M. P 130 Jahn C. P 208 Hübner H. C-26-07.01 P 484 C-28-05.02 Jaki Mekjavic P. P 159 Hueber A. 2809-13.10 Jaksche A. 2609-26.04 P 140 P 094 P 260 P 151 Hufendiek K. 2909-1.06 P 161 Hülssner O. P 405 P 289 Hümmeke M. 2509-7.05 Jaksˇic J. P 131 Hungerford J. 2809-22.05 Jaksic V. P 292 Huss C. 2609-10.05 P 353 Huth J. P 279 Jakubaszko J. P 097 P 490 Jakubowska B. P 136 Hütz W. F-25-02.03 P 537 Hyvärinen L. 2909-9.02 Jakubowska K. P 168 2909-9.05 Jan J. 2909-4.04 P 112 Janáky M. 2509-13.04 2509-15.05 I Jandeck C. 2509-10.10 2509-5.02 Iandiev I. P 198 2909-2.07 Ignat F. P 125 Janovics A. 2509-18.01 Ikeji F. C. 2709-2.06 Janzen F. 2909-2.08 Ikonomou A. 2609-10.04 Jarc-Vidmar M. P 184 2809-1.05 P 488 Ilic M. P 511 Jaroszewski J. 2809-14.05 Imaizumi H. P 209 Jasinskas V. P 340 P 230 Jedrzejewski W. P 401 Imre L. 2709-10.02 Jehle T. P 095 Imshanetskaya T. 2809-7.02 Jelliti B. 2609-10.03 2809-7.06 2809-2.05 Inhetvin-Hutter C. P 151 P 036 Inhoffen W. 2809-3.11 P 111 P 468 Jenkins J. N. P 045 Inoue R. P 269 Jenzeri S. 2609-10.03 Iomdina E. P 555 2809-2.05 Ionnides A. 2609-10.02 P 036 Index of Authors 297

Jimenez Amat L. 2609-23.02 Juri J. 2809-1.03 2609-25.01 P 160 Joachim S. 2709-2.01 Jurklies B. P 150 Jochmann C. P 479 Jurklies C. 2609-9.08 Jocic N. P 523 Jurkutat S. P 448 Joko T. P 096 Jurowska-Liput J. P 097 Jonas J. B. 2709-14.05 Jurowski P. 2709-5.03 P 040 P 041 P 393 K P 466 P 471 Kabalak G. 2609-26.05 P 514 Kaçaniku G. 2709-4.03 P 541 2809-1.09 P 542 2809-8.12 Jonasson F. 2609-1.02 P 267 2709-5.07 Kaczmarek B. P 247 2909-6.01 Kadayifçilar S. 2609-3.08 Jordan J. F. 2509-6.11 Kadkhoda P 212 2809-13.04 Kahl C. P 323 P 263 Kahn D. A. 2709-3.20 Jorge M. P 165 Kaizu S. P 277 P 544 P 283 Jörgensen T. M. 2609-1.02 Kakkassery V. 2509-2.02 Josifova T. 2809-7.05 Kalinnikov Y. 2609-24.02 2909-2.06 Kaljurand K. P 231 Joussen A. M. 2509-7.05 Kaltsos K. P 124 2609-12.01 Kaltsos K. 2609-10.04 2609-13.02 2809-1.05 2609-13.16a P 045 2609-8.02 Kaluz˙ny B. J. 2709-3.01 2709-11.14 Kaluz˙ny J. J. 2909-3.05 2709-15.03 Kamel H. M. P 142 2809-11.02 Kamenov I. P 132 2809-15.05 P 214 2809-15.07 Kamiya K. P 235 2909-14.10 Kammann J. 2609-2.08 P 074 C-26-12.02 P 190 C-27-07.02 P 234 F-25-01.01 Jovanovic´ M. 2809-2.07 Kämmerer E. P 176 P 141 Kamoun R. 2509-11.07 Jovanovic´ M. P 131 Kampik A. 2509-4.08 Jovanovic´ P. P 352 2509-5.03 P 523 2509-5.04 Jovanovic´ S. 2809-2.07 2509-5.09 P 141 2609-13.01 Jovanovic´ Z. 2809-2.07 2609-13.10 P 141 2709-11.04 Józ´wicki W. 2909-3.05 2709-11.05 Jünemann A. G. M. 2709-2.04 2709-11.10 2809-8.08 2809-15.08 C-29-02.02 2809-3.02 P 037 2809-3.03 P 038 2809-7.03 P 046 P 090 P 048 P 200 P 050 P 204 P 118 P 306 P 119 P 389 P 288 P 423 P 381 P 450 Junk A. K. P 039 P 475 P 485 Informations 298 Index of Authors

Kampik D. 2709-13.05 Keilhauer C. N. 2509-12.06 P 143 Kellner U. 2509-5.02 Kampik K. 2709-13.05 2709-12.02 P 143 2709-12.03 Kampmeier J. 2809-3.08 2709-21.02 2909-1.07 2909-2.07 C-27-08.02 2909-5.04 P 478 C-28-03.02 Kamppeter jun. B. A. 2709-14.05 Kemény-Beke Á. 2509-14.02 P 029 Kempter S. P 044 P 040 Kennard C. C-26-03.01 P 041 Keppler K. 2909-4.02 P 128 Kerényi Á. 2509-15.02 P 466 2509-16.06 P 514 P 018 Kandulla J. P 169 Kermani O. 2609-14.04 Kandzia C. H. P 431 Kestelyn P. C-29-10.08 Kanngiesser H. 2609-11.06 CE-25-01.04 Kanpolat A. 2709-19.01 Kettesy B. 2509-17.05 C-28-12.03 Keunen J. E. E. 2809-5.11 Kaplan J. 2509-12.04 Khairallah M. 2609-10.03 2509-12.05 2809-2.05 Kapsreiter M. P 282 P 036 Karaman Z. P 371 P 111 Karamanos N. K. P 134 P 418 Karandish A. 2509-10.09 Khan Y. A. P 361 Karathanasopoulou I. N. P 134 Kharitonchik T. L. P 178 Karczewicz D. P 064 Khmaruk A. N. P 239 P 082 Khotenashvili Z. P 232 P 114 Kienecker C. P 366 P 168 Kiilgaard J. F. 2609-19.07 Karel F. 2709-2.07 Kilangalanga N. 2709-2.05 Karim-Zade K. P 042 Kim J.-H. T. P 099 Karkhaneh R. 2609-9.07 Kim J.-I. P 098 P 256 Kim S.-Y. P 162 Karl M. O. P 185 P 417 P 199 Kim Y. K. P 190 Karl S. E. P 161 Kimmig M. P 433 Karp J.-S. P 193 Kindler C. 2609-26.06 Kasparov A. A. 2609-2.16 Kinoshita S. 2909-7.06 2609-2.17 Kinoshita T. P 209 2609-2.18 Kiraly L. 2809-15.03 Kasparova E. A. 2609-2.17 Kirch W. 2809-24.04 2609-2.18 Kirchengast S. 2609-12.04 Kasparova E. A. 2609-2.16 Kircher K. 2909-3.02 2609-2.17 Kirchhof B. 2609-12.01 Kasper M. 2709-11.01 2609-13.16a Kasper T. P 449 2609-5.08 Kato C. P 481 2609-8.02 Katsanos A. 2509-16.01 2709-11.14 Kaucher G. 2609-1.08 2709-15.04 Kaup M. 2809-13.06 2809-11.06 P 031 2809-15.07 P 315 2809-16.05 P 432 2909-8.02 Kawai K. P 043 P 190 Kawai S. P 043 Kirchhübel R. 2809-18.22 Kawasaki K. P 267 Kirilova Y. 2509-19.05 Kayembe D. L. 2709-2.05 Kiritoshi A. P 087 2809-5.01 Kirschkamp T. P 279 Kaymak H. 2909-1.03 F-25-01.04 Kazakova D. 2509-6.14 Kazokog˘lu H. 2709-1.05 2809-5.08 Index of Authors 299

Kishi S. P 179 Ko T. H. 2609-1.05 P 206 Kobayashi A. P 267 P 229 Kobuch K. 2909-2.01 P 460 P 203 P 472 P 211 P 487 Kobylarz J. P 530 P 525 Kocak N. P 233 Kiss C. 2609-3.07 P 528 P 210 Koch E. 2709-12.02 Kiss G. 2909-2.10 Koch F. C-27-03.01 Kißner A. 2709-13.09 C-27-06.01 Kisvárday Z. F. 2909-10.01 Koch H.-R. 2909-8.05 Kittan N. P 419 Koch J. M. 2809-13.07 Kivelä T. 2709-17.01 Kociok N. 2609-12.01 2709-17.03 2609-13.02 2709-18.02 P 074 2809-22.04 P 234 Kjuchukov B. 2509-19.07 Kocur I. 2809-23.08 Klär-Dissars U. 2709-11.09 C-29-10.01 Klatt C. 2509-5.05 Kodama T. P 277 2709-11.11 P 283 Klatt K. P 268 Koenig-Supiot F. 2909-9.06 Klauß V. 2509-2.08 Koev K. P 106 2509-2.09 P 132 2609-22.08 P 214 2809-23.01 P 327 2809-23.05 P 469 C-29-10.09 Kogan B. M. P 293 CE-25-01.03 Kohen L. P 207 P 336 Köhler J. P 163 P 428 Kohlhaas M. 2509-6.09 Klein R. 2509-2.03 2509-8.04 Klemm M. 2809-14.09 2709-13.04 P 033 2709-13.06 P 333 2709-13.08 P 334 2709-13.09 P 505 2709-13.10 Klett A. 2609-15.03 2809-14.03 2809-1.01 C-26-08.04 Klett J. W. 2609-2.08 C-27-01.03 Klevering B. J. 2709-1.03 P 025 Klimczak-Slaczka D. P 387 P 261 Klink J. P 044 P 456 Klink T. 2909-3.08 Kohlhof J. K. 2609-14.12 P 044 P 253 P 182 P 366 Klotz O. P 144 Kohmoto H. P 235 Klüter C. P 393 Kohnen T. 2509-1.05 P 471 2609-17.03 Kluxen G. 2709-12.06 2609-25.07 Knappe S. 2709-3.03 2709-13.07 P 100 2709-20.01 Kneifel C. P 186 2809-18.13 Knezovic I. P 363 C-26-01.02 Knop E. 2509-4.05 K-2909.01 2509-4.06 C-26-05.02 2709-3.16 C-27-01.01 2909-14.08 CE-24-01.04 Knop N. 2509-4.05 CE-25-01.09 2509-4.06 P 058 Knorr H. L. J. 2609-25.04 P 120 Knorz M. C. 2709-20.02 P 364 C-26-05.01 P 443 C-27-01.02 P 449 Informations 300 Index of Authors

(Kohnen T.) P 452 Korogiannis D. 2609-10.09 P 454 Korolkova N. P 254 P 457 Korsic J. 2909-3.06 Koinzer S. 2509-5.01 Korte P. 2709-14.10 Kojetinsky C. P 450 Kosaki R. P 087 Kojima T. P 269 Kosanovic-Jakovic N. P 438 Kokkinou D. P 287 Koss M. J. 2509-2.08 Koleva-Georgieva D. 2509-19.08 2509-2.09 Köller A. U. 2509-6.05 P 336 2509-6.06 Kostova S. 2509-19.02 Kolling G. H. 2609-16.06 Kostovska V. P 259 2709-9.06 Kotaniemi K. 2809-2.10 P 107 2909-13.06 Kollmann K. H. M. 2809-5.10 Kotliar K. 2509-10.06 C-29-10.05 2509-6.13 Kolodjaschna J. 2909-3.02 2609-12.02 Kolozsvári B. 2509-17.01 2709-5.04 2709-10.05 2809-13.05 Kolozsvári L. 2509-14.01 Kötter I. 2809-2.06 2509-15.05 2809-24.03 2509-16.03 2809-24.04 2509-16.04 P 420 2509-16.05 Kottler U. B. P 157 P 008 P 341 P 016 Koutsandrea C P 217 Komár T. P 006 Kovacevic I. P 145 Komoda T. P 043 Kovacevic M. P 546 Komorowski J. 2709-5.03 Kovacevic Pavicevic D. P 145 Kompa S. P 473 P 152 Kömpf D. 2609-18.02 Kovács B. 2509-13.05 C-26-03.02 2509-15.01 Kondring B. 2809-7.04 2509-16.07 Konen W. 2809-13.04 Kovacs I. 2509-13.05 2809-13.10 P 010 C-26-04.06 Kovshun E. 2609-24.02 C-26-02.05 Kowalczyk A. 2609-1.05 P 263 Kozich K. P 046 Kong A. 2709-5.07 Kraak R. 2609-26.07 König K. 2609-10.05 2809-14.02 2909-2.11 2809-18.11 Königsdörffer E. 2709-11.01 C-29-05.05 P 028 P 100 P 133 Kramann C. P 355 P 224 Krásnik V. P 251 P 464 P 517 Kononov V. M. P 243 Krasnovid T. 2909-2.09 Konstas A. G. P. 2709-17.07 P 202 P 045 Krastel H. P 107 F-28-01 P 195 Kontari I. 2609-10.09 Kraus J. P 171 Kook D. 2709-11.05 P 175 2809-3.02 Krause K. P 170 2809-3.03 Krause L. 2509-7.01 P 200 2809-24.01 Koopmans S. A. C-27-04.05 2809-24.04 Kopayenko G. P 503 2909-2.07 Kopitz J. P 176 P 186 P 463 Krause M. 2609-10.05 Köppel T. 2509-7.03 2909-2.11 Kopylova N. E. 2809-1.06 Kravchenko A. 2709-4.05 Korda V. P 491 Kreiner C. F. 2609-20.05 Korn K. P 419 C-26-12.05 Körner F. 2809-16.07 P 063 Körner-Stiefbold U. 2809-16.07 P 067 Index of Authors 301

Kreissig I. P 029 (Kruse F. E.) P 390 P 218 P 419 Krejzková T. P 051 P 462 Kremmer S. P 047 Kruse P. 2509-2.02 P 316 Krzizok T. P 103 Kreusel K.-M. 2909-2.07 Kubatko-Zielinska A. P 530 Kreutzer T. 2509-2.11 Kube T. 2709-11.02 P 146 Kubecka L. 2909-4.04 P 428 Kubo S. P 481 Krieg T. 2609-9.05 Kuchenbecker J. C-29-03.02 Krieglstein G. K. 2509-6.11 C-29-08.02 2509-6.14 Kudinov S. O. P 392 2809-13.04 Kugel H. P 108 2809-13.10 Kugelberg U. C-28-13.02 P 260 Kühl S. P 393 P 263 P 471 Krieglstein T. R. 2509-5.04 Kuhli C. P 164 2609-13.10 Kuhn F. 2509-3.03 Krivonosov V. V. P 178 2609-5.02 Krogmann F. 2809-25.01 2609-5.04 2809-25.07 2609-5.06 Krohne T. U. P 176 2609-5.12 Kroll P. 2509-10.01 2909-2.10 2509-10.12 2909-8.01 2509-7.06 C-28-04.01 2909-2.02 C-28-04.03 Krömer I. 2609-13.06 C-28-04.05 Krott R. P 399 C-28-04.07 Krumeich J. H. C-26-08.03 Kühne C. 2709-13.07 Krupsky S. 2609-1.07 P 364 Kruse F. E. 2509-17.06 P 443 2509-20.03 P 449 2509-8.05 Kuiper E. J. 2709-15.05 2509-9.05 Kulikov S. M. P 349 2609-14.02 P 354 2609-14.03 Kumar N. P 300 2609-26.01 Kumcuoglu Y. Z. 2609-2.09 2709-10.01 Kuneva I. P 255 2709-10.06 Kunz F. P 400 2709-14.12 Kupferschmid S. 2909-1.07 2709-3.04 Kurashige C. 2609-10.08 2709-3.14 Kurganovich A. M. P 178 2809-14.16 Kürzinger G. 2809-3.05 2809-15.01 Kus M. M. 2809-14.16 2909-14.01 Küstner M. 2609-23.01 2909-7.08 Kutschan A. 2609-25.05 C-28-02.04 Kuznetsova E. S. 2909-2.03 C-29-05.07 P 492 C-29-07.02 Kvanta A. 2609-19.05 CE-24-01.13 P 038 P 066 L P 075 P 076 Labropoulou-Karatza C. P 156 P 077 Lachenmayr B. 2609-16.03 P 085 Lackerbauer C. P 389 P 093 P 450 P 157 Ladas J P 217 P 282 Laffite C. 2809-24.02 P 284 Laganovska G. 2909-2.05 P 288 P 215 P 341 P 216 P 381 P 493 P 384 P 494 Informations 302 Index of Authors

Lago M. D. P 147 Lanzl I. M. 2509-10.06 Lagrèze W. 2609-18.03 2509-6.13 C-28-09.02 2609-12.02 Lam V. N. 2709-3.14 2709-5.04 Lamah T. P 287 C-29-03.03 Lamari F. N. P 134 C-29-08.03 Lämmer R. 2509-6.07 P 301 2509-6.08 P 314 P 037 Lappas A. 2609-13.02 P 038 2709-11.14 P 046 P 490 P 050 Laqua H. 2709-11.09 P 320 Larkin D. F. P. 2709-3.15 P 482 Larsen M. C-28-11.05 P 486 C-29-06.03 Lampé Z. 2509-13.02 Larsson O. P 274 Lamprecht P. 2809-14.01 P 275 Landau K. C-27-05.01 Lashay A. R. P 256 Landis T. 2609-18.05 Latinovic S. 2609-2.11 Lang G. E. 2609-1.08 Laube T. 2909-10.06 2709-1.12 Lausen B. P 048 2809-3.05 P 482 2809-3.08 Lautebach S. 2509-6.04 C-27-08.01 2809-13.02 P 153 P 188 P 219 Lautenschläger C. 2809-15.03 P 228 Lay R. P 030 P 478 Lee J. P. 2909-12.03 P 513 C-26-09.02 P 522 Lee S. 2609-12.03 Lang G. K. 2609-1.08 Lege B. A. M. 2709-14.15 2709-18.01 Legeais J.-M. 2709-3.13 2809-14.15 Lehnert M. P 161 2809-3.05 P 289 2809-3.08 LeHoang P. 2609-21.08 2909-1.07 2809-24.02 C-27-07.01 C-26-06.08 P 056 Lehrer E. B. P 161 P 219 Lehrhaft C. 2709-14.03 P 513 Lehrl S. 2709-14.01 P 522 Leicher S. 2509-2.10 Lang M. P 441 Leinonen M. T. 2909-9.02 Lang O. P 194 2909-9.05 Lange C. P 187 Leitgeb R. 2509-5.10 Lange E. 2709-3.19 Lema Gesto I. P 365 Langenbucher A. 2509-6.03 Lemmen K. D. C-27-03.03 2509-6.08 Lerche R.-C. 2509-10.03 2509-8.05 Lesch B. P 002 2709-10.01 P 010 2709-12.05 Léveillard T. 2609-6.06 2809-14.11 2609-7.01 2809-14.16 2909-11.05 P 015 Levin A. P 300 P 075 Lewandowska A. 2709-5.03 P 085 Lewis H. 2709-16.07 P 330 Leys A. 2709-22.04 P 486 C-28-07.04 Langner D. 2709-13.04 C-29-04.01 2709-13.06 C-29-06.04 Langton K. 2709-6.11 Li J. 2609-2.15 Lansingh V. 2809-5.09 Liang J. 2909-2.04 Lanuza Garcia A. P 165 Lieb W. 2809-10.03 P 362 P 544 Index of Authors 303

Liekfeld A. 2509-1.04 Lorenz B. 2709-9.01 2709-14.03 2809-21.01 2709-14.08 2909-11.03 P 144 2909-5.05 Lima A. P 189 C-26-11.02 P 379 C-28-13.03 Limberger I. J. 2609-23.03 P 328 2609-23.04 P 551 2609-24.06 Lösche C. 2609-13.07 P 343 Losonczy G. 2509-14.03 P 346 Lovas P. 2509-14.04 P 447 Löw U. 2609-10.05 P 451 2609-14.12 P 453 2909-2.11 Linde F. P 482 P 253 Lingenfelder C. 2609-2.13 P 366 P 148 Lowrie F. 2809-18.18 Link B. 2809-8.08 Lubnski W. P 114 P 046 Lüchtenberg M. P 164 P 119 Lucke K. 2509-3.01 Linke R. P 303 C-27-03.06 Linke S. J. 2809-14.09 Lücking S. 2609-2.08 Lipina K. P 172 Ludány A. P 001 Lipwoo P. P 220 Lugovaya I. 2709-6.09 Lisˇcˇák R. P 332 Lukats O. 2509-15.06 Lisch W. 2809-14.15 Lüke C. 2809-13.10 CE-24-01.08 P 140 Liu H. P 020 P 190 Liu Y. P 022 P 399 Livshits L. A. P 299 Lüke M. 2809-13.10 Ljikar J. 2709-4.06 P 399 Llacer H. 2609-13.16a Lukina R. 2909-2.05 2709-11.14 Lund R. 2609-7.02 2809-15.07 Lütjen-Drecoll E. 2609-8.01 Locarno C. M. 2709-3.07 2709-3.04 Löffler K. U. 2609-19.01 P 066 2609-19.02 P 323 2609-19.06 Lux A. 2609-26.08 2709-5.05 L'vov L. V. P 349 P 268 P 354 P 289 Lysenko L. P 545 Lohmann C. P. 2509-1.07 2609-12.02 2709-20.04 M 2909-1.06 2909-1.10 Maaijwee K. 2609-8.02 C-26-08.02 P 190 F-28-02.02 Macan K. P 406 P 223 Machowicz-Matejko E. 2709-3.17 Lohmann D. 2809-22.01 MacKeben M. 2909-9.04 C-28-06.03 Mackert M. J. 2509-4.08 Lommatzsch A. 2509-10.14 P 306 2609-13.05 Mackiewicz J. P 190 2609-13.06 Madzharova L. 2509-19.01 2609-13.07 Magnago T. 2809-18.20 2609-13.09 Magnucka E. 2609-1.04 2609-13.13 2909-1.05 Loncarek K. P 177 Maier M. 2609-12.02 López E. P 147 P 301 Lopez Mondejar E. 2609-25.01 Maier P. 2609-14.08 Lopez-Romero Moraleda S. 2609-23.02 2609-14.09 P 072 P 281 P 367

P 377 Informations 304 Index of Authors

Maier P. 2809-18.09 Massin P. C-29-04.02 Maino A. P 049 Massoomian B. 2809-8.09 Maisch T. 2909-2.01 Masuda H. P 277 P 203 Mathias C. 2609-26.10 Majnik J. 2509-14.06 Mathis G. P 368 Makhankov Y. P 130 Matsumura M. 2609-10.08 Makowiecka-Obidzin´ ska K. 2809-8.06 P 421 P 401 Mattes D. P 308 Makris N. P 155 P 504 Maksimuk O. P 135 P 518 Makwanga M. 2809-5.01 Matthiessen E. T. P 033 P 337 P 333 Malcev E. V. P 392 P 334 Maletskiy A. P. P 407 P 505 Mallo H. A. 2609-16.04 Mautner V.-F. P 222 Manachinski A. N. P 349 Max R. P 425 P 354 May C.-A. P 204 Mandelshtam M. Y. P 317 Mayama C. P 269 Mandic´ Z. 2609-2.03 Mayer M. P 504 2909-3.06 Mayweg S. P 368 Mannino G. 2509-13.05 Mazinani B. A. E. P 490 Mannucci L. L. 2709-19.04 Mazreku F. D. P 092 Mano T. P 532 P 137 Marchanka L. N. P 178 P 248 P 180 McClure M. O. 2709-3.15 Marchi V. 2709-3.07 McCulloch D. 2809-8.02 Marcus E. N. 2609-3.03 McElvanney A. 2709-19.03 Mardin C. Y. 2509-6.03 McIlwaine G. G. P 122 2509-6.07 Meduri R. A. 2909-3.04 2509-6.08 P 455 2609-25.03 Mehrabi Y. 2709-2.09 2609-25.04 Meier P. P 422 2709-2.04 P 495 P 038 Meigen T. P 182 P 046 Meiler C. P 030 P 048 Meiller R. 2709-14.12 P 050 P 284 P 320 Meinert H. P 190 P 482 Meinitzer A. 2609-12.04 Marek J. P 097 Meißner A. P 400 Maresyeva E. P 408 Meister A. P 170 Marinov A. 2509-19.02 P 172 Mariotti S. 2809-23.04 Mejzlikova E. P 506 C-29-10.03 Mekada A. P 305 Markevica D. P 493 Mela E. P 061 Markiewicz A. P 136 Meller D. 2509-19.03 Markó G. 2509-13.03 2609-26.02 2509-13.06 2809-14.12 Markomichelakis N. N. 2609-21.06 2809-14.13 Markov T. D. 2509-19.01 2909-14.04 Marmorstein A. D. 2509-12.07 2909-7.05 P 185 C-28-02.02 P 196 P 395 Marshall J. 2709-7.05 Meller K. 2809-14.13 2809-19.04 Meltendorf C. G. 2809-14.05 2909-1.10 Mély R. 2709-19.07 Marszalik P. P 097 Menapace R. 2609-17.02 Martin C. 2809-2.13 C-27-04.04 Martone G. P 080 Mennel S. 2509-10.01 Martus P. 2709-3.14 2509-7.06 2809-24.04 2609-13.16 P 218 2909-2.02 Maryshev Y. A. P 304 P 194 Mashmool M. P 296 P 270 Index of Authors 305

(Mennel S.) P 271 Mielke J. 2809-14.06 P 477 2809-14.07 P 483 P 042 Menon J. P 220 P 083 P 465 Mietz H. 2609-11.02 Mergler S. P 369 Migdal C. F-26-01.04 Mermoud A. 2609-22.10 Miglior S. C-28-09.06 C-26-04.02 Miki T. P 139 C-26-02.02 Mikropoulos D. 2709-3.10 Mertens S. 2509-4.04 2709-4.02 Messias A. 2909-9.04 2809-1.04 Messmer E. M. 2509-4.08 P 045 P 090 P 070 P 306 Milazzo G. P 374 Mester U. 2509-10.02 Milenkovic S. P 292 2709-11.07 P 353 2809-15.05 P 438 2909-1.03 Miller D. W. P 370 Mester V. 2609-5.02 P 375 2609-5.04 P 502 2609-5.06 Milton R. C. 2709-1.13 2909-2.10 Minamikawa T. P 305 C-28-04.02 Minden K. 2809-2.08 Metelitsina I. P. P 392 Mingels A. 2809-2.08 Metzner-Serra L. P 429 2809-2.11 Meyer A. 2709-2.03 Miño de Kaspar H. 2509-2.08 Meyer C. H. 2509-10.01 2509-2.09 2509-11.01 2509-2.11 2509-7.06 P 146 2609-13.16 P 336 2909-2.02 P 423 P 194 P 428 P 270 Mino M. T. P 336 P 271 Miranda M. P 429 P 477 Miric D. P 353 P 483 Misailovic K. P 126 Meyer L. M. P 342 P 546 Meyer M. W. 2709-2.03 P 547 2809-8.03 Missotten L. CE-24-01.02 P 115 Mitamura Y. P 507 Meyer P. P 285 P 520 Meyer-Rüsenberg H.-W. C-26-07.03 Mitrovic S. P 434 C-28-08.03 Mittelviefhaus H. 2609-12.08 C-29-09.01 C-26-07.04 Meyer-ter-Vehn T. P 307 C-27-02.03 Mezs A. 2909-2.05 P 281 Michael R. 2609-16.01 P 295 2609-2.20 Miura M. P 473 P 138 Miyabe Y. P 508 Michels S. 2509-5.06 Miyanishi K. P 507 2509-5.07 Miyano N. P 507 2509-5.10 Miyata R. 2609-10.08 2609-3.03 Moanda A. 2709-2.05 2609-3.07 Módis L. 2509-14.03 2809-3.09 2509-16.02 Michelson G. 2509-10.07 2509-17.05 2909-4.04 2709-10.05 2909-4.05 P 004 P 030 P 005 P 213 P 006 Michels-Rautenstrauß K. 2609-25.03 P 019 Micic S. P 302 Moeller A. 2909-3.03 P 352 Mohammadi B. P 279 P 490 Informations 306 Index of Authors

Mohammadi N. 2609-9.07 Mücke B. 2509-10.06 P 249 Muckersie E. P 383 Mohammad-Rabi H. 2709-2.09 Mueller A. J. F. 2709-11.05 Mohammadzadeh S. P 116 F-25-01.02 Mohand-Saïd S. 2609-6.06 Muhit M. 2809-23.03 2609-7.01 C-29-10.04 Mojon D. 2709-9.04 Mühlbauer E. 2709-13.03 Mojsa A. 2809-8.05 Müller A. 2809-14.01 P 241 Müller C. 2509-11.01 Molchanjuk N. I. P 081 P 271 Moll R. 2609-14.01 Müller D. P 191 Molnár G. A. P 001 Muller L. P 452 Monjei-Azad B. P 378 Müller L. J. P 093 Monsalve J. P 147 Müller M. C-27-03.04 Monteiro R. P 379 Müller M. I. 2809-8.04 Moore A. 2809-21.03 Müller R. P 541 2909-11.02 P 542 Morara M. 2909-3.04 Müller S. 2509-10.02 P 455 Müller-Holz M. F. 2509-6.12 Mörchen M. P 441 P 309 P 509 Mumm A. P 295 Moreno M. P 362 Munier F. 2809-21.04 Morgan L. P 049 2809-22.06 Mori T. P 481 Munkácsi G. 2509-18.06 Morimoto M. P 179 Munkwitz S. 2509-6.01 Morita S.-I. 2709-3.05 Muradyan H. P 549 P 391 Murovski S. P 191 Morkhat M. P 052 P 297 P 180 Murray P. I. 2609-21.04 P 254 Murta J. CE-24-01.05 Morkhat V. P 052 Mushin A. 2809-21.02 P 180 Muszbek L. 2509-14.03 P 254 Müther P. S. 2609-12.01 Moroz O. P 409 P 074 Moroz Z. I. 2609-24.02 Myung D. P 146 Morris R. 2609-5.02 2609-5.06 2909-2.10 N Morszeck M. F-27-02.01 Moschos M. 2609-2.12 Nagel E. 2509-6.13 P 217 P 510 Moschos M. M. P 217 Nagy V. P 012 Moschou M. 2609-2.12 Nagy Z. Z. 2509-14.06 Moser F. 2809-16.08 2709-10.04 Moshfeghi A. A. 2609-3.03 Nakagami T. P 022 Mossböck G. P 308 Nakamoto K. P 310 Mößner A. 2609-13.03 Nakamura C. 2609-10.08 P 484 Nakamura H. 2609-10.08 Motaref B. P 181 Nakamura T. P 087 Motarjemizadeh G. P 181 Nambu H. P 421 Moustafa B. 2709-14.14 Nanos P. P 155 Movasat M. P 116 Nareyeck G. 2609-9.05 P 256 2609-9.06 Mravicic I. P 371 Näsänen R. P 112 Mrsic J. P 511 Nascimento J. 2609-10.07 Mrugacz M. 2809-8.07 Naumann G. O. H. 2509-8.05 P 548 2609-22.12 Mrukwa-Kominek E. 2609-1.04 2609-25.03 2909-1.05 2709-10.04 2909-1.08 2709-16.01 P 294 P 015 P 372 P 288 P 380 P 390 Mrzyk S. 2609-9.05 Navumenka V. 2709-2.08 Index of Authors 307

Naydenov E. P 106 Nishimura T. P 421 Neagoe R. 2809-7.01 Nitu A. 2609-24.03 2909-2.13 2609-24.04 Nebe B. 2609-2.01 Nkenke E. P 415 P 400 Noack T. P 400 Neens N. P 346 Nógrádi A. 2509-14.01 Nemec P. 2609-3.10 2509-14.04 Nemes J. P 003 Nölle B. 2509-20.06 P 010 P 394 P 014 Novácˇek L. P 332 Nemes V. P 001 Novak Andrejcˇicˇ K. P 272 Németh G. 2509-16.02 Novak J. P 051 Németh J. 2509-13.01 P 506 2709-10.03 Novak N. P 094 2709-10.04 Novak S. P 259 2809-14.02 P 352 Neppert B. 2509-4.02 P 416 Neß T. 2509-10.08 P 511 Nestel A. R. 2509-11.04 P 523 Neubauer A. S. 2509-5.03 Novak-Lausˇ K. 2909-3.06 2509-5.04 Novinec E. P 411 2509-5.09 Nunez Sanchez A. 2609-25.01 2809-18.19 2609-25.02 P 090 P 485 Neudeck M. P 223 O P 301 Neugebauer A. C-26-11.02 Obata R. P 269 Neuhann I. P 526 Oberacher-Velten I. P 328 Neuhann T. F. 2709-14.15 P 551 2909-8.04 Oberheide U. 2609-14.04 Neuhauss S. C. P 130 Oberhuber H. P 368 Neuhuber W. L. P 282 Obidzinski M. 2909-1.09 P 381 Obrosova I. 2709-1.06 P 462 Ochalik K. 2909-1.01 Neukam F. W. P 415 2909-1.09 Neumaier K. 2809-14.17 Ochoa E. P 165 Neureither B. 2609-10.09 Offermann I. 2609-3.06 Nguyen N. X. 2709-3.14 Ohashi Y. 2709-3.05 P 486 P 086 Nicolcescu A. M. P 527 P 096 Niederdräing N. P 047 P 386 Niederstadt C. 2509-10.09 P 391 Niemann H. 2909-4.04 Ohira A. P 277 Nietgen A. 2609-14.16 P 283 Niewerth M. 2809-2.08 Ohlmann A. P 311 Niewin´ ska A. 2909-3.05 Ohlmann A. P 311 Nikel J. 2909-1.02 Ohlsson J. 2709-9.02 Nikitina N. Y. P 317 Ohm O. 2609-2.08 Nikitina T. N. P 550 Ohrloff C. 2809-14.05 Nikolaichuk V. P 054 Ohtsuka K. P 507 Nikolajenko V. P 410 P 520 P 412 Okada A. P 305 Nikolic´ D. P 430 Okumura A. P 507 Nikolic´ M. P 091 P 520 Nikolic´ S. C-27-03.05 Okumura M. P 087 C-27-06.05 Okushiba U. P 209 Nikolopoulus D. P 061 Olafsson B. M. 2609-1.02 Nili Ahmadabadi M. P 256 Olah L. 2809-7.01 Nilsson B. 2609-9.01 2909-2.13 Nishi Y. 2609-2.02 Oláh Z. P 312 2609-23.04 Oleynikov Y. 2709-6.11 P 343 Olinger A. 2709-1.02 P 350 Olver J. C-28-08.07 Informations 308 Index of Authors

Onderka J. P 077 Park M. H. P 552 Oner F. H. P 233 Park M.-R. P 552 P 528 Park S.-C. P 552 Oracz G. P 387 Partsch M. 2609-13.14 Orawa H. 2809-24.04 P 467 Orgül S. P 109 P 519 Orlic N. 2709-3.16 Pasechnikova N. P 135 Orlowska-Heitzman J. 2609-9.02 Pasenco N. L. 2909-3.10 Oros A. P 201 P 313 Orosz Á. P 004 Pasenco T. V. 2909-3.10 P 018 P 313 Osborne N. N. 2609-6.03 Pasta J. 2609-3.10 Oscar A. P 106 Pasˇta J. P 332 Osvald A. P 373 Pasternak A. P 294 Otani T. P 487 Patmore A. 2909-1.10 P 525 Pauleikhoff D. 2509-10.14 Otasevic L. 2709-3.16 2509-3.04 Ozieblo-Kupczyk M. P 548 2609-13.05 Özcan E. 2709-1.05 2609-13.06 Özkan S. B. 2909-12.02 2609-13.07 Ozsan M. 2709-2.07 2609-13.09 2609-13.13 2809-11.01 P 2909-6.06 C-28-11.04 Pác L. P 497 F-27-01.02 Pache M. 2509-6.04 P 170 P 285 P 172 Pacher P. 2709-1.06 P 538 Padge B. 2509-10.14 Paulsen F. 2509-20.02 Paetzold J. 2609-23.05 2509-9.04 Pahms N. 2709-14.08 2609-26.06 Pahor D. 2509-2.07 Paulsen F. 2509-7.02 2609-14.05 Paunescu K. 2809-21.06 2809-13.01 Paunovic S. 2809-2.07 P 060 Pavlidis M. 2709-14.09 Palacz O. P 082 P 286 P 114 Pavlova-Hristova S. P 327 Palanker D. 2709-11.05 Pavlovic S. 2509-10.11 Pálffy A. 2509-15.05 Pavluk A. 2609-2.16 Palmowski-Wolfe A. P 435 Pawlowski P. 2809-8.07 Pámer Z. 2509-15.01 Pecold-Stepniewska H. P 540 Pampukha V. P 299 Pehlivani Z. P 181 Pancheva T. P 360 Pemöller E. 2809-18.14 Pannicke T. P 198 2809-18.16 Panton C. M. 2709-6.05 Penka D. 2909-9.02 Papa V. P 374 Perani V. 2809-1.09 Papachristou C. P 476 Pereira H. 2709-6.04 Papaconstantinou D. 2609-2.12 P 189 Papadimitriou S. 2609-2.12 Pérez E. P 147 Papadopoulos G. P 055 Perez M. 2609-25.06 Papageorgiou E. 2609-16.04 Perrault I. 2509-12.04 Papale A. 2509-13.05 Perrin J. P 542 Pape S. 2509-4.02 Perucho S. P 147 Papoutsis N. 2809-24.04 Peschke E. 2709-13.03 Papp A. 2509-15.03 Peters A. P 048 P 017 P 119 Parac A. P 363 Peters S. P 287 Pararajasegaram R. 2609-22.01 Petkova N. 2509-19.02 Parasta A.-M. C-29-03.05 Petounis A. 2709-5.06 C-29-08.05 P 027 Paridaens D. C-29-02.03 P 326 Parik M. P 231 Petousis V. P 529 P 521 Petrescu M. 2609-24.03 2609-24.04 Index of Authors 309

Petria C P 527 Pinto F. P 192 Petrov P. T. P 178 Pinto J. C. P 362 Petrovic N. T. P 325 P 544 P 512 Piri N. P 256 Petrovic S. P 145 Pitz S. 2509-4.01 Petrunya A. M. 2709-1.08 2609-10.02 2809-3.04 Piwowarczyk A. P 530 Pfeifer V. 2609-2.04 Plange N. 2809-13.06 P 322 P 031 Pfeiffer A. F. H. 2509-7.04 P 315 Pfeiffer M. C-29-09.02 P 432 Pfeiffer N. 2509-4.01 Plech A. 2809-8.06 2609-11.05 P 401 2609-12.09 Pleyer U. 2509-2.02 2609-14.11 2509-2.05 2609-25.08 2509-2.06 2709-2.01 2509-9.06 2909-3.01 2609-14.10 C-26-04.01 2609-21.05 C-26-02.02 2709-3.16 C-28-09.01 2809-2.08 P 311 2809-24.01 P 355 2809-24.04 Pfeiler T. P 223 CE-25-01.06 Pfirrmann M. P 375 P 144 Pfliegler G. P 012 P 369 Pham D.-T. 2509-1.01 Ploy M.-C. 2809-2.13 2709-13.02 Pogorelov P. 2809-14.16 2709-14.10 Pogrzebielski A. 2609-9.02 C-26-01.03 P 136 C-27-07.03 Pohle K. P 213 P 062 Pojda S. M. 2809-8.06 Pharmakakis N. P 156 P 266 Philipp W. P 376 P 401 Philippin H. 2809-13.09 P 436 P 367 Pojda-Wilczek D. 2809-8.06 P 377 P 266 Picaud S. 2609-6.06 P 401 Pichler A. P 314 P 436 Pieh C. 2809-8.02 Pollhammer M. 2709-14.12 Pieh S. 2709-14.02 P 284 Pierzchala A. P 445 Pollmann T. P 069 Pietsch U. C. P 198 Pongrácz M. 2509-18.05 Piette J. C. 2809-24.02 Ponomareva L. 2509-5.05 Pillai R. 2709-3.15 Popova D. 2509-19.01 Pillunat L. E. 2509-6.05 Popovic´ P. P 184 2509-6.06 P 488 2509-6.09 Porstmann A. U. 2709-14.03 2509-6.12 2709-14.08 2609-11.04 Posch U. 2509-2.01 2709-13.09 Posielek K. P 316 2809-14.03 Potocka Nagyova M. P 291 F-26-01.02 Potsch C. P 281 P 021 P 295 P 025 Poulaki V. P 234 P 261 Pournaras C. J. 2809-20.05 P 297 Povazay B. 2509-5.10 P 309 Povzun S. A. P 412 P 319 Prager F. 2809-3.09 Pilz D. P 300 Prahs P. 2909-1.06 Pinazo M. D. P 544 Prause J. U. 2709-5.01 Pindur G. P 435 Preboc M. P 531 Pinello L. 2909-13.01 Pregun T. P 017 P 553 Preising M. 2809-21.06 Informations 310 Index of Authors

Preskar A. 2609-2.14 C-26-06.06 P 437 Raß S. 2509-10.10 Preskar P. 2609-2.14 Rauber M. 2509-10.02 P 437 2709-11.07 Press U. P. C-28-05.01 Rausch M. 2609-2.10 Pressmar S. 2509-4.04 Rautenstrauß B. 2609-25.03 Preuß B. 2509-2.03 Rawer R. 2709-14.02 Preußner P.-R. 2509-1.03 Recker K. 2609-26.06 2509-4.01 Récsán Z. P 010 Priglinger S. G. 2509-5.04 P 014 2609-13.01 Reeks G. A. 2809-8.10 2709-11.05 Regnery K. P 543 2709-11.10 Rˇehu°rˇek J. P 023 2809-3.02 P 237 P 200 P 324 Proença H. P 192 P 345 Prosenc V. A. P 413 P 459 Prozornaja L. P. P 149 Reiber H. 2809-2.04 Prünte C. P 109 Reichel E. 2809-3.10 Puchianu E. P 124 Reichelt J. A. P 183 Puliafito C. 2609-3.03 P 193 Puls S. 2609-3.04 Reichenbach A. 2709-1.01 Puska P. 2709-2.11 Reichmann H. 2609-26.10 Reim M. 2609-14.16 2809-7.04 Q Reinach P. P 369 Reinecke-Lütge A. P 359 Quagliotti-Puls A. 2609-3.04 Reinhard J. P 205 Quentin C.-D. 2709-14.07 Reinhard T. 2609-14.07 2809-2.04 2609-14.08 Quintão T. 2609-10.07 2609-14.09 2609-14.13 2709-14.13 R 2909-14.06 CE-24-01.11 Rabsilber T. M. 2609-23.03 P 067 2609-23.04 P 068 2609-24.06 P 071 P 343 P 072 P 344 P 095 P 346 P 367 P 447 P 368 P 451 P 377 P 453 P 382 Rac´ M. P 168 Reiniger I. 2709-11.04 Racz K. 2509-14.06 Reinthal E. K. 2809-13.08 Raddatz H. 2509-6.09 2809-14.04 Radecka L. P 494 2809-14.06 Radenkovic M. P 057 Reis A. 2709-14.13 P 302 P 068 P 352 P 368 Radisavljevic M. P 353 P 382 Radó G. 2509-18.04 Reis A. 2609-25.03 2609-2.19 Reis W. 2509-5.04 Ragnarsson-Olding B. 2609-9.01 Rejdak R. P 288 Rahimi F. P 378 P 321 Rainer G. 2909-3.02 Rejmont L. 2609-3.10 Rajan M. 2909-1.10 Remeijer L. CE-25-01.02 Rakhmanov V. P 317 Remky A. 2809-13.06 Rakowska E. 2709-3.17 P 031 Randjelovic D. P 531 P 315 Raninen A. P 112 P 432 Rankova C. 2509-19.02 Rencova E. P 491 Rao G. N. 2609-22.03 Renner A. B. 2709-12.02 Rao N. A. 2609-21.07 2909-5.04 Index of Authors 311

Renner W. 2509-2.01 Ritter C. 2509-7.03 P 504 Ritzert B. 2609-20.04 P 518 Rizhova I. P 331 Rennings C. A. P 402 Roata-Moale S. 2809-7.01 Resch M. 2509-17.06 2909-2.13 2709-10.01 Robert P.-Y. 2709-4.01 2709-10.04 2809-2.13 2709-10.06 Robertson M. P 383 P 384 Robic T. P 414 Reshetov I. V. 2809-1.06 Roche O. 2509-12.10 Resnikoff S. 2609-22.02 Rodin S. 2909-2.09 2809-23.02 P 202 Reuland A. 2609-2.02 Rodrigues E. B. 2909-2.02 2609-23.04 Rodrigues P. 2709-6.04 2609-24.06 P 189 P 346 P 379 P 350 Rodriguez-Pereira C. P 165 P 453 Roggenkämper P. 2809-8.01 Reuland M. 2509-2.04 C-26-09.02 2609-2.02 P 161 2609-24.06 Rohrbach J. M. 2609-10.10 P 425 2809-14.04 P 453 2809-14.06 Reyes M. 2709-2.02 2809-14.07 Rezaei M. 2609-9.07 2809-14.15 Riba Garcia I. 2609-23.02 2909-8.03 2609-25.02 C-28-04.10 Ribeiro I. 2709-6.04 C-28-04.12 P 189 P 468 P 379 Rohrschneider K. 2509-5.08 Richard G. 2509-10.03 2709-11.14 2709-22.09 2809-18.07 2809-3.06 P 489 2909-10.06 Roider J. 2509-10.15 P 033 2509-5.01 P 197 2509-5.05 P 222 2609-3.05 P 333 2709-11.03 P 334 2709-11.11 P 505 2709-11.12 Richter B. 2609-12.08 2709-7.01 Richter H. P 397 2709-7.04 Richter S. 2609-1.01 2809-20.03 P 464 C-28-07.05 Richter-Müksch S. P 210 P 169 Ricke S. P 074 P 183 Riebeling P. 2509-11.06 P 193 Rieck P. 2609-10.01 P 394 2609-14.06 P 431 2709-4.04 Rojic´ G. 2609-2.03 Riedel K. G. C-27-02.01 Rokita-Wala I. 2909-1.04 Riederle F. P 513 2909-1.08 Rieger G. 2609-26.03 P 372 Rieger R. 2509-2.06 P 380 Riemann I. 2609-10.05 Rolando M. F-28-02.03 2909-2.11 Romanova T. V. P 239 Rihawi M. S. P 257 Romanowska-Dixon B. 2609-9.02 Rinaldi E. 2509-12.03 P 136 Rinaldi M. 2509-12.03 P 530 Ringens P. J. 2709-18.02 P 537 Risimic D. P 438 Romstöck J. P 157 Risovic D. P 546 P 547 Ritch R. 2709-17.02 Informations 312 Index of Authors

Rose G. 2509-20.05 S 2509-20.10 2709-4.07 Saatci A. O. P 233 2809-10.01 P 528 2809-10.04 Sabatier A. 2809-2.13 Rose S. 2509-6.09 Sachs H. G. 2909-10.04 P 025 Sacu S. 2509-5.10 Rosenfeld P. J. 2609-3.03 2809-3.09 Rosenthal R. 2509-6.10 P 210 P 196 Saedler J. P 067 Rossini P. 2609-5.09 Sáenz N. P 147 Rössler C. P 415 Safran A. B. 2609-18.04 Rössler G. 2909-10.05 Safranow K. P 167 2909-10.06 P 168 Rotarides N. 2509-16.06 Safronenkova I. A. P 357 P 018 Sahel J.-A. 2609-6.06 Roters S. P 260 2609-7.01 Roth B. 2809-18.04 2809-6.02 Roth F. 2809-15.06 2909-11.05 2809-3.07 Sahlin S. 2509-20.11 Roth H.-W. P 374 Saidasheva E. P 554 Rozema J. J. 2709-1.03 Saikia P. 2909-2.01 Rozet J.-M. 2509-12.04 P 203 2509-12.05 Sakurai M. P 043 Rubin G. 2909-9.02 Sakurai T. P 532 2909-9.03 Salacz G. 2509-18.05 Rudnik A. Y. 2709-6.01 P 003 2709-6.02 P 009 2709-6.03 P 010 Rudolf M. 2709-11.12 P 014 Rudolph G. 2509-12.01 Salchow D. J. 2709-6.11 C-28-06.02 Sander B. 2609-1.02 Rüfer F. 2609-3.05 Sandner D. 2709-11.08 2709-11.03 2709-13.04 P 403 2709-13.06 Rühl S. P 119 P 205 Ruiz Fraga C. P 365 P 208 Rummelt C. 2709-14.12 Sápi Z. 2509-15.02 2709-3.04 Sato T. P 179 P 381 P 229 P 462 P 460 Ruokonen P. 2509-2.02 P 472 2509-6.02 Saucedo J. O. P 336 Ruprecht K. W. 2609-10.05 Sauder G. 2709-14.05 2609-14.12 P 514 2609-2.13 Sauer R. 2509-17.06 2709-14.14 2709-10.06 2909-2.11 Sauerwein W. 2609-9.08 P 253 Savitch A. V. 2809-7.02 P 366 2809-7.06 P 373 P 178 P 435 Sbaï A. 2809-24.02 Russo S. P 374 Sbeity Z. P 094 Rüther K. 2709-12.03 P 151 2909-5.01 P 289 Ruthmann A. P 158 Scalinci S. Z. 2909-3.04 Ryseck I. P 426 P 455 Ryzhkova G. I. P 243 Schachat A. P. 2609-20.03 Ryzhova I. P. P 439 Schacht G. 2809-5.09 Schadnikh M. A. 2709-1.09 P 442 Schallenberg M. P 318 Schaller U. C. C-29-10.06 Schanze T. 2909-10.02 Index of Authors 313

Scharfenberg E. P 495 Schmidt E. P 021 Schargus M. 2609-13.08 P 309 Schaudig U. 2509-4.04 P 319 2909-7.04 Schmidt J. C. 2509-10.01 C-28-08.05 2609-13.16 P 280 C-27-06.06 Schaumberger M. 2709-11.04 P 270 Schebitz-Walter K. 2609-13.01 P 483 Scheglov D. V. P 439 Schmidt K.-G. 2509-6.09 Scheider U. P 069 Schmidt S. 2509-2.06 Schenk C. 2709-1.02 Schmidt W. P 347 Schenke S. P 464 P 348 Scherer M. 2609-14.06 Schmidt-Erfurth U. 2509-5.06 Schiefer U. 2609-16.04 2509-5.07 2609-18.06 2509-5.10 2609-23.05 2609-3.02 C-27-05.02 2609-3.03 Schilde T. 2809-14.03 2609-3.06 Schill M. C-27-03.07 2609-3.07 C-27-06.07 2709-22.08 Schilling H. 2609-9.06 2809-3.09 2609-9.08 C-29-04.03 2609-9.09 C-29-06.01 Schindler A. 2609-14.13 F-26-01 Schittkowski M. P. 2609-15.04 F-27-01.01 2709-2.05 F-27-01.03 2709-4.06a P 210 2809-5.05 Schmiedt K. 2609-14.04 Schlenke P. 2709-11.09 Schmitt K.-J. 2909-4.03 Schlichting L. 2809-3.06 Schmitz K. 2609-24.01 Schlingemann R. O. 2709-15.05 2909-3.07 Schlote T. 2509-6.15 Schmitz N. G. 2809-18.15 P 543 Schmitz P. 2809-13.03 Schlottmann K. 2609-9.11 Schmitz-Gießler S. 2709-13.03 P 264 Schmitz-Valckenberg P. P 514 P 273 Schmitz-Valckenberg S. 2809-3.07 Schlottmann K. P 264 2809-6.06 Schlottmann P. 2709-2.06 2909-6.04 Schlötzer-Schrehardt U. 2509-17.06 P 461 2509-6.14 Schmut O. 2609-12.04 2609-14.02 2609-26.03 2609-14.03 P 308 2609-26.01 P 504 2709-10.01 P 518 2709-10.06 Schneider E. 2809-18.03 2709-16.01 Schneider M. P 011 2709-17.04 Schneider U. 2809-15.05 2909-14.02 Scholl H. P. N. 2609-1.06 P 076 2809-15.06 P 288 2809-3.07 P 341 2809-6.06 P 384 2909-6.04 Schlunck G. 2909-3.08 P 173 P 044 P 461 P 307 Schollmayer P. P 159 Schmack I. 2609-14.15 P 427 C-29-12.03 Scholtz S. P 258 Schmetterer L. 2709-1.04 Scholtz S. K. P 356 2909-3.02 Scholz C. P 068 Schmidinger G. 2709-14.02 P 382 Schmidt B. P 419 Schönthaler H. B. P 130 Schmidt D. 2509-10.08 Schöpfer D. P 454 2509-11.02 Schöpfer K. P 428 Schmidt D. 2509-11.06 Schrader S. 2609-14.01 Informations 314 Index of Authors

Schrader W. 2609-13.08 Schwenger D. 2909-10.03 2609-5.01 Schwenn O. C-26-04.05 2609-5.03 C-26-02.04 2809-7.05 Schwenteck T. 2509-6.02 2909-2.08 2509-6.10a C-28-04.05 Scibor M. 2509-10.07 C-28-04.06 Scorolli L. 2909-3.04 P 143 P 455 Schraermeyer U. 2609-7.03 Seal D. 2809-15.02 P 287 Sebastián M. A. 2709-2.02 Schrage N. F. 2609-14.16 Sebesta P. P 332 2809-7.04 Sebestyén A. 2509-13.02 C-27-10.02 Sedláková K. P 383 C-28-04.09 Seeliger M. 2909-5.02 P 257 C-28-03.04 P 444 Sefidgar A. A. P 296 Schröder A. 2809-8.03 Seigel G. 2709-1.06 2809-8.04 Seiler T. 2509-1.06 P 115 2709-20.03 P 403 CE-25-01.08 P 405 Seitz B. 2509-11.07 Schröder A. C. 2609-2.13 2509-17.06 Schröder F. M. P 194 2509-8.05 Schröder S. P 320 2609-14.02 Schroeder A. 2809-14.13 2609-26.01 Schroedl F. P 282 2709-10.01 P 381 2709-10.04 P 462 2709-10.06 Schubert K. 2609-9.11 2709-12.05 2809-15.09 2709-3.14 P 264 2809-14.11 P 273 2809-14.16 Schubert K. V. B. P 040 2809-15.01 Schubert M. P 314 C-28-02.01 Schüler A. 2609-9.08 CE-24-01.10 2609-9.09 P 015 2909-2.07 P 075 Schulte-Mönting J. 2509-11.02 P 076 Schulz S. 2809-18.10 P 085 Schulz U. P 403 P 384 Schulze A. 2809-13.11 P 390 Schulze B. P 448 P 486 Schulze S. D. 2509-10.12 Sekelj S. P 434 Schulze-Bonsel K. 2609-13.04 Sekundo W. C-26-05.04 Schulze-Döbold C. P 428 C-27-01.04 Schumacher M. 2509-10.04 Selbach J. M. P 047 Schuman J. S. 2609-1.05 P 316 Schütt F. P 195 P 318 P 463 P 323 Schüttauf F. P 204 Seldon R. P. P 329 P 288 Seles S. P 153 P 321 Semkova I. 2609-13.02 Schvoller M. 2509-13.05 Semmelrock J. P 308 Schwartz M. F-26-01.03 Seneviratne D. R. P 465 Schwartz R. P 063 Sˇenková K. P 023 Schwartzkopff J. P 068 P 237 P 095 P 324 P 382 P 345 Schwarzbartl Pfeifer M. A. P 322 P 459 Schweipert J. 2609-23.04 Sepetiene S. P 215 Schweitzer D. 2509-10.07 Serbecic N. P 385 2609-1.01 P 464 Schweitzer F. P 464 Index of Authors 315

Seregard S. 2609-19.10 Sinyavsky O. 2909-2.03 2609-6.04 P 496 2609-9.01 P 499 2809-22.07 Sivkova N. 2509-19.08 CE-24-01.14 Sˇ ket Kontestabile A. P 440 P 274 Sketelj J. P 290 P 275 Skribek Á. 2509-16.03 Seres A. P 017 2509-16.04 Serra F. C-28-08.06 2509-16.05 Serra L. P 192 Skripkin K. 2609-2.16 Shabani A. 2809-1.09 Skripnik R. P 331 2809-8.12 Skuletic M P 259 Shahani U. 2809-8.02 Smausz T. 2509-14.01 Shahriari H. A. 2809-8.09 Smyth N. 2609-13.02 Shandurkov I. 2509-19.04 Sobrado-Calvo P. P 535 2709-3.09 P 539 Sheetz M. J. 2709-1.13 Socha P. P 387 Shenoy R. 2809-5.03 Söderberg P. 2609-6.02 P 113 P 342 P 339 Sodi A. 2609-10.02 P 404 Soergel A. 2909-1.06 Shenoy U. P 339 Sohar I. 2509-17.04 Sheridan C. 2809-19.03 Sohar N. 2509-17.04 Sherif Z. 2509-2.05 Sokolovska Y. P 095 Shewry J. M. 2709-2.06 Sokolowska-Oracz A. P 387 Shimizu K. 2709-1.11 Solanes C. P 362 Shinoda K. P 204 Soler F. P 362 Shinoda Y. P 043 Soleymani A. P 296 Shinohata K. 2609-10.08 Solonina S. 2909-2.03 Shiraishi A. 2709-3.05 2909-2.12 P 086 P 492 P 096 P 496 P 386 Somfai G. M. P 002 P 391 P 003 Shirakata Y. 2709-3.05 P 009 P 086 P 010 P 391 Sommer F. P 297 Shkadarevich A. P. P 178 Sommer F. P 211 Shkapa A. F. P 349 Sommer K. 2509-4.02 P 354 Somogyi A. P 003 Sidorenko E. E. P 533 Somov E. E. 2709-6.03 Sidorenko E. I. P 534 P 244 Sihto-Kauppi K. 2909-13.06 P 554 Sˇikic´ J. P 105 Söntgen I. P 263 Silva B. P 429 Soubrane G. 2609-3.01 Silva E. 2809-21.05 2709-16.06 2909-11.01 2709-22.05 Silva-Papi M. 2509-10.12 C-28-07.06 Silver D. M. 2509-17.03 Soumelidis A. 2709-10.03 Simader C. 2509-5.06 Soylev F. M. P 233 2509-5.07 Spahiu K. 2709-4.03 2609-3.07 2809-1.09 2809-3.09 2809-8.12 Simancas M. 2509-2.09 Spahiu L. 2809-1.09 P 336 Spalton D. 2609-17.01 Simeonovska M. P 430 Spandau U. H. M. P 227 Simeonovski V. P 430 P 466 Simmons D. 2609-2.10 P 514 Simonelli F. 2509-12.03 Spanier J. P 309 Simonovic K. P 250 Spector A. V. 2709-1.08 Simonsz H. J. 2709-9.06 Speeg-Schatz C. C-28-13.04 Singer R. P 303 Speicher L. P 376 Sinnar S. P 146 Spelsberg H. 2809-14.14 P 388

P 426 Informations 316 Index of Authors

Spierings E. P 071 Steiber Z. 2509-17.03 Spiritus M. C-26-11.01 2509-18.02 Spital G. 2609-13.05 P 012 2609-13.06 Stein T. P 195 2609-13.09 Steinbrugger I. P 504 2609-13.13 P 518 Spitzer M. S. 2609-13.14 Stepanyan A. P 186 P 467 Stergiopoulos P. P 390 Spitzlberger G. M. P 389 Sterman M. P 276 Spivey B. E. 2709-18.03 Stett A. 2909-10.03 2709-18.05 Steuhl K.-P. 2509-19.03 Spörl E. 2509-6.05 2609-9.09 2509-6.06 2709-3.06 2509-6.12 2809-14.12 2509-8.03 2809-14.13 2609-11.04 2809-2.02 2709-13.09 2909-14.04 2809-14.03 2909-7.05 P 025 P 047 P 397 P 316 Spranger J. 2509-7.04 P 318 Spraul C. W. C-29-12.04 P 323 P 148 P 395 Springer C. 2509-5.08 Stevens M. 2709-1.06 P 489 Stewart W. C. P 045 Sram L. P 123 Stiglmayer N. 2809-1.03 Sreckovic S. B. P 325 P 160 P 512 Stirn Kranjc B. P 290 Sredkova M. 2509-19.04 Stodtmeister R. 2509-11.03 Srinivasan V. J. 2609-1.05 Stodulka P. 2609-2.07 Stachs O. 2709-3.03 Stoica C. L. 2709-2.10 C-27-04.02 Stojkovic´ M. P 091 P 100 Stoltenburg G. P 555 Stadler R. 2809-24.04 Stork W. 2709-14.02 Stala P. 2909-1.09 Strauß O. 2509-12.07 Stamenkovic M. P 515 2809-3.06 P 516 P 185 Stammen J. P 098 P 196 Stangl C. 2709-14.04 P 199 Stankovic Babic G. P 352 Strauß R. W. 2509-5.04 Stanojevic-Paovic A. 2809-2.07 2509-5.09 P 141 2709-11.05 P 145 Streilein J. W. P 066 P 152 Strmen´ P. P 251 P 515 P 517 Stanojlovic´ Kulic´ S. P 091 Strobel J. 2709-11.01 Starzycka M. P 136 P 028 P 537 P 102 Staubach F. 2609-19.08 P 224 Staurenghi G. 2709-21.01 P 448 C-28-07.01 Stroux A. 2809-15.09 C-28-11.03 Strowski M. P 369 Stave J. 2709-3.02 Struck H. G. 2809-15.03 2709-3.03 C-27-10.01 C-29-05.03 Strumbelj V. P 276 P 067 Stübiger N. 2809-2.06 Steele B. 2609-2.10 2809-24.03 Stefanescu-Dima A. 2709-2.10 P 298 Sˇ tefanicková J. P 517 P 420 Stefanovic I. P 536 P 526 Stefansson K. 2709-5.07 Studnicka J. P 491 Steffen H. C-26-09.03 Stupp N. 2509-10.13 Stegat M. 2809-2.11 Stupp T. 2709-14.09 P 286 Stur M. C-28-07.03 Index of Authors 317

Sturm V. P 197 T Subirana X. C-28-12.01 C-28-12.04 Ta C. N. 2509-2.08 Sukharev S. P 349 P 146 P 354 Taguri A. H. P 122 Sukhodoeva L. A. 2709-6.06 Tajika M. P 305 Sˇ uman L. P 371 Takács L. 2509-14.03 Sunder-Plassmann G. 2609-10.02 P 004 Sundmacher R. 2609-14.13 P 012 2809-14.14 P 019 P 065 Takahira M. P 267 P 071 Takai Y. P 277 P 089 P 283 P 095 Takase M. P 043 P 098 Takeda M. P 209 P 099 P 230 P 368 Takenaka H. P 532 P 388 Tamm E. R. 2809-16.01 P 426 2909-14.11 P 433 Tan P. H. 2709-3.15 Surguch V. P 171 Tanaka Y. 2709-3.05 Surmava A. P 232 P 086 Süsskind D. 2509-7.02 P 391 2609-13.14 Taneri S. 2709-13.01 2609-9.04 Tanev I. P 132 P 467 Tanihara H. P 174 P 519 Tanito M. P 283 Süveges I. 2709-10.02 Tao W. 2609-7.06 2709-10.04 Tapaszto B. 2509-15.06 P 007 Tarkkanen A. 2709-2.11 P 011 Tashimo A. P 520 P 019 Tasman W. S. 2709-16.03 Suzuki A. P 386 Tassignon M. J. 2709-18.02 Swiatek de Lange M. 2909-11.04 Tatar O. P 468 Sykula-Jezynska E. 2509-4.04 Tataru C. 2609-24.03 Synek S. P 497 2609-24.04 Synyavsky O. A. P 492 Tavares L. P 429 Szabó A. 2509-15.03 Tebbenjohann J. P 403 P 017 Tegetmeyer H. P 495 Szabó Á. P 016 Teimann U. 2809-14.15 Szabo C. 2709-1.06 Tein P. P 521 Szabó V. 2509-14.06 Tekeli A. 2709-2.07 P 002 Tekeli O. 2709-2.07 Szaflik J. 2709-3.12 Temiz M. O. P 056 P 387 Temmel W. P 308 Szaflik J. P. 2709-3.12 P 504 C-29-05.04 P 518 Szaja B. 2809-3.01 Tenedório P. 2709-6.04 Szeimies R. M. 2909-2.01 P 189 P 203 P 379 Szende B. P 007 Tepavcevic A. 2809-8.11 P 019 Terai M. 2609-10.08 Szentmáry N. 2709-10.04 Terborg C. P 224 P 007 Terwee T. F-25-02.04 P 015 Terzi E. P 120 P 019 P 457 Szigeti A. 2509-18.06 Terzidou C. 2709-5.06 Szkulmowska A. 2709-3.01 P 027 Szurman P. 2609-9.04 P 326 P 042 Testa F. 2509-12.03 P 166 Tetesi B. 2909-2.06 P 399 Tetz M. C-26-01.01 P 468 F-25-02.01 Szus´cik I. P 136 F-26-01

P 537 Informations 318 Index of Authors

Thakral A. P 113 Troyanovsky R. 2909-2.12 Thaler S. P 321 P 492 Thanos S. 2709-14.09 P 499 P 108 Trukhatcheva T. V. P 178 P 286 Tsaloumas M. P 465 Theiss C. 2809-14.13 Tschernjakov L. 2709-14.11 Theocharis I. P. P 498 Tschuschnig K. 2709-14.04 Theodossiadis G. 2709-16.08 Tufail A. 2909-6.05 Thiel M. J. 2509-5.09 C-28-11.02 P 306 Tugal-Tutkun I. 2909-13.02 P 485 C-26.06.07 Thieme H. 2509-6.01 Tumasyan A. R. P 534 2509-6.10 Turacli M. E. 2709-2.07 2509-7.03 Tyers A. G. 2609-15.01 2809-13.11 C-27-02.02 C-28-09.03 Tynjälä P. 2809-2.10 Thomas Petrovic L. P 438 Tzekov C. P 106 Thomas S. 2709-11.01 Tzimas A. P 061 Thomopoulos K. P 156 P 156 Thon A. 2809-2.08 Thurau S. P 389 U Thyzel R. 2709-14.12 Tillack H. 2609-13.11 Uckermann O. P 198 2909-5.04 Udziela M. 2709-3.12 Tojagic´ M. 2809-1.03 Uecker A. S. P 522 Toker E. 2709-1.05 Ueffing M. 2809-6.05 Toksoy Z. 2509-10.11 2909-11.04 Tokuda A. 2609-10.08 Uenishi Y. P 139 Toldy E. 2509-18.06 Uhlig C. E. P 252 Tomasevic B. P 511 Uhlmann S. P 198 Tomic Z. P 498 Ulbig M. 2509-5.03 Toropygin S. 2909-2.11 2509-5.04 Torun N. 2509-2.05 2509-5.09 2709-14.08 2609-13.10 Tost F. H. W. 2509-11.06 C-28-07.07 2509-2.10 P 485 2609-23.01 Ulbrich S. P 191 2809-14.08 Ulrich C. 2909-3.03 2809-25.03 Ulrich W.-D. 2909-3.03 Tóth B. B. 2509-14.05 Unal M. C-28-08.08 Tóth E. 2709-10.05 Unger S. 2909-2.08 P 004 Ungerechts R. P 441 Tóth J. 2509-15.03 P 509 2509-15.06 Unsöld R. C-28-10.01 2509-18.03 Ursea E. L. 2709-2.10 Tóth L. P 006 Usov V. P 392 Tóth-Molnár E. 2509-15.04 P 458 Tözsér J. 2509-17.03 Üstündag C. P 129 Trajkovic G. P 353 Trauzettel-Klosinski S. 2909-9.01 2909-9.02 V 2909-9.04 Traversi C. P 080 Vafiadis J. P 033 Treister G. C-28-04.11 Vaicaitiene R. P 338 Trendafilova E. P 469 Vajas A. 2709-10.05 Treudler R. 2809-24.05 P 005 Trieschmann M. 2609-13.05 Valaei N. 2609-9.07 2609-13.06 Vale P. 2709-6.04 2609-13.09 Valicsek E. 2509-15.05 2609-13.13 Valtink M. P 187 P 538 P 191 Trobe J. D. 2609-18.01 P 278 2609-18.02 P 397 Tronina S. A. P 239 Index of Authors 319

Vámos R. P 002 Viestenz A. 2509-6.03 P 009 2509-6.07 van den Berg T. J. T. P. 2609-16.01 2509-6.08 2609-16.02 2709-12.05 2809-18.23 2809-14.11 van Hagen M. 2609-8.02 C-28-04.04 van Kuijk E. 2709-21.04 P 046 2909-6.03 P 050 van Meurs J. 2609-8.02 P 320 van Rijn L. J. 2609-16.01 P 330 Vanni S. P 112 P 482 Varadi G. P 303 Viestenz A. 2509-6.03 P 502 2709-12.05 Varecka T. V. P 392 2809-14.11 Varsányi B. P 002 P 330 Vasilyev V. B. P 317 Vignati L. 2709-1.13 Vass C. 2909-3.02 Vijfvinkel G. 2609-8.02 Vassileva P. 2509-19.04 Vilser W. 2509-10.06 2709-3.09 2509-6.13 Vatavuk Z. 2609-2.03 2709-5.04 Vater C. P 028 P 510 Vavrová K. P 251 Vingerling J. R. 2709-1.03 P 517 Visnjic M. P 416 Végh M. 2709-19.05 Visnjic Z. P 416 Vehr S. P 500 P 523 Velchev V. P 132 Vit V. V. P 299 P 214 Vital-Durand F. 2909-9.02 P 327 2909-9.06 P 469 Vitovskay O. P. P 331 Velhagen K.-H. 2609-5.10 P 439 P 144 Vladyka V. P 332 Velikay-Parel M. 2909-10.06 Vlasko H. V. 2709-1.09 P 210 P 442 Velten K. P 328 Vlková E. P 446 Venkatraman A. S. 2609-3.03 Vodicˇková K. P 023 Verdugo M. P 474 P 237 Vereb G. 2509-14.03 P 324 Veselá A. P 312 P 345 Veselinovic A. P 523 P 459 Veselinovic D. P 259 Vogel A. P 268 P 416 P 470 P 511 Vogg L. 2709-13.05 P 523 Vogt U. 2709-19.06 Veselinovic M. P 259 C-28-12.02 Veselovsky´ J. P 312 Vöhringer I. P 370 Vester E. G. C-28-10 Voigt U. P 224 Vesti E. 2709-17.06 Voinov L. 2509-19.07 Vidal-López J. P 535 P 501 P 539 Völcker H. E. 2509-5.08 Vide-Escada Eickmann A. 2609-10.07 C-29-12.05 P 329 P 107 Vidic B. 2709-14.04 P 375 Vidinov K. N. 2709-1.07 P 463 P 501 P 489 Vidinova C. N. 2509-19.07 Volik E. 2709-6.09 2709-1.07 2709-6.10 P 501 Völker M. 2809-3.11 Vidovic´ T. P 105 von Alven S. P 405 von Figura A. 2809-14.01 von Gizycki R. 2709-12.03 von Wallfeld A. 2809-18.02 Vorontsova T. N. 2709-6.01 2709-6.02 2709-6.03 Informations 320 Index of Authors

Vorotnikova E. K. 2609-2.17 Watson P. G. 2609-22.06 Vorwerk C. K. P 381 2709-16.04 Voskresenskaja L. P 135 2709-18.04 Vosough P. 2609-9.07 C-26-10.01 Voßmerbäumer U. P 393 C-26-10.04 P 466 C-26-10.07 P 471 CE-24-01.07 Voultsiadou D. 2609-10.09 Watts P. P 300 Vucic D. P 350 Wax M. B. 2709-2.01 Vujanovic´ M. P 057 Weber A. P 473 P 259 Weber B. H. F. 2509-12.06 Vukosavljevic M. 2809-2.07 Weber K. C-26-01.04 P 141 Wechsler B. 2809-24.02 Vy´borny´ P. P 332 Wedel T. 2609-14.01 Vynios D. H. P 055 Wegener A. P 138 P 156 P 342 Weger M. 2509-2.01 P 308 W P 504 P 518 Wabbels B. K. 2809-8.01 Wegner J. 2609-9.04 C-28-13.01 Wegscheider B. J. 2509-2.01 P 161 Wehner W. 2709-14.06 Wachtlin J. 2509-7.01 F-25-01.03 2609-13.11 Weich C. M. P 373 2809-15.09 Weidle E. G. 2809-14.08 P 398 Weidmann A. 2609-2.01 P 529 Weidner C. 2609-15.05 Wagenfeld L. P 033 Weigmann U. 2809-1.02 P 333 Weimer P. P 107 P 334 Weinand F. 2509-10.11 P 505 Weinberger A. W. A. P 279 Wagner B. 2809-18.12 P 490 Wagner J. 2509-5.07 Weismann M. 2909-9.02 2609-3.07 2909-9.04 2809-3.09 Weiß C. 2709-11.09 Wagner P. C-27-07.04 Weissbrodt D. P 541 Wahl J. C-26-04.03 P 542 C-26-02.03 Welge-Lüßen U.-C. 2609-13.01 C-28-09.04 2809-3.02 Wali U. 2709-3.08 2809-3.03 P 079 P 200 Wallenfels-Thilo B. 2809-14.04 P 204 2809-14.06 P 475 2809-14.07 Wellmann A. 2709-5.05 Walter P. 2609-5.11 Welsandt G. P 140 2909-10.05 P 260 2909-10.06 Welt R. C-26-01.05 P 140 Wenjuan Z. 2609-1.03 P 279 Wenzel J. P 094 P 402 Wenzel M. 2809-25.08 P 490 Wernecke K. D. 2909-3.03 Wansel S. 2509-7.03 Wessely D. 2709-13.05 Warga M. P 399 Westall C. A. 2709-6.05 Wasilewicz R. P 104 Westphal G. P 394 P 540 Wheeler-Schilling T. 2809-6.01 Wasmuth S. 2709-3.06 White E. T. 2709-2.06 2809-2.02 Whittaker K. 2509-11.04 Wassill K.-H. P 103 Wibben A. 2809-13.07 Watanabe G. P 179 Wiechens B. 2809-1.02 P 460 P 163 P 472 P 221 Index of Authors 321

Wiedemann P. 2709-1.01 Wolff J. 2609-2.08 P 198 2809-18.05 P 207 C-29-03.06 P 479 C-29-08.06 P 500 Wolf-Schnurrbusch U. E. K. 2609-13.03 Wiegand W. P 034 P 474 Wiehler U. 2509-2.04 P 500 Wiescher A. 2709-5.04 Wollensak G. P 555 Wild B. P 211 Wollina U. 2809-24.04 Wilhelm B. 2709-12.01 Wollmann G. P 199 Wilhelm F. 2609-5.05 Wolter-Roessler M. J. 2809-14.08 C-28-04.08 Wong D. 2809-11.03 Wilhelm H. 2609-16.01 K-2609.01 2609-16.07 Worgul B. V. P 351 2609-18.02 Wozniak K. 2509-6.05 C-28-01.01 2509-6.06 Wilke M. 2509-4.03 Wrede J. 2809-15.05 Wilke R. 2709-12.01 P 303 Will J. P 314 P 502 Willerding G. 2509-7.01 Wübbolt I. P 405 Williamson T. H. 2809-20.01 Wüstemeyer H. P 395 Wilmsmeyer S. 2509-6.04 Wygledowska-Promien´ ska D. 2909-1.04 2809-13.02 2909-1.08 2809-13.09 Wylegala E. 2909-14.05 Wimmers S. P 185 P 196 P 199 Winkler O. 2809-13.03 X P 524 Winkler von Mohrenfels C. 2609-12.02 Xenopoulos S. P 061 2909-1.10 Xunlun S. 2609-1.03 Winterhalter S. P 098 Wirbelauer C. 2709-13.02 2709-14.10 Y P 062 Wis´niewska H. 2909-3.05 Yafai Y. 2709-1.01 Witkin A. J. 2609-1.05 Yamaguchi Y. P 525 Witte A. 2809-18.06 Yaneva A. P 262 Witte T. 2609-26.05 Yaneva D. 2709-3.09 Witten J. P 461 Yang H. P 369 Wittich A. 2609-13.03 Yang L. P 391 2609-3.11 Yang S.-W. P 162 2809-15.06 P 417 2809-3.07 Yasuda M. 2609-10.08 2809-6.06 Yelagina V. F. P 357 2909-6.04 Yenice Ö. 2809-5.08 P 461 2709-1.05 Wittig C. P 261 Yip Pui Pui T. 2809-2.01 Wittmann I. P 001 Yoshida M. P 532 Wlodarsch P. P 334 Yu A. L. 2809-3.03 Wohlfart C. 2709-14.04 P 475 Wojciechowska K. 2809-3.01 Wojcik E. P 247 Wojtkowski M. 2609-1.05 Z Wolf A. 2809-7.03 Wolf S. 2609-13.03 Zacchello F. 2909-13.01 2609-3.11 Zagórski Z. 2709-3.17 2809-16.06 2809-3.01 C-28-07.02 P 190 P 474 P 288 P 484 P 321 P 500 Zahn G. 2609-12.01 P 077 Informations 322 Index of Authors

Zahn S. P 541 Ziouti N. P 156 P 542 Zlatanovic G. P 057 Zajácz M. 2509-18.02 P 302 Zaki N. V. 2509-10.12 P 352 Zannin M. E. 2909-13.01 P 511 Zapp D. M. 2509-4.08 P 523 P 306 Zlatanovic M. P 057 Zarco Tejada J. M. 2609-25.02 P 302 Zarnowski T. P 288 P 352 Zatorska B. 2809-8.06 P 511 Zawojska I. 2909-1.04 Zografos L. 2609-9.12 2909-1.08 Zoric L. P 292 Zdzieszynska M. 2709-5.03 P 353 Zeitz O. 2809-3.06 Zoric-Geber M. 2909-3.06 P 033 Zorn M. M. C. 2609-1.08 P 333 2809-3.08 P 334 Zorn R. 2509-6.10 P 505 Zotz R. C-28-10 Z˙ejmo M. 2809-8.05 Zou X. 2909-2.07 P 241 Zouboulis C. C. 2809-24.04 Zemaitiene R. P 340 2809-24.05 Zernant J. P 009 Zrenner E. 2709-12.01 Zeschnigk M. 2809-22.01 2809-6.01 Zetterström C. 2709-17.08 2909-11.06 C-28-13.02 P 288 Zhaboedov G. P 503 P 321 Zhang W. P 386 Zubaty V. P 187 Zhekov A. K. P 239 P 397 Zhi E. 2709-1.13 Zubilewicz A. 2809-3.01 Zhilina I. D. 2709-1.09 Zulian F. 2909-13.01 P 442 Zupan M. P 322 Zhivov A. C-29-05.06 Zurek-Imhoff T. 2609-2.15 P 396 Zwehl A. P 398 Zhuri B. 2809-1.09 Zybina N. 2909-2.03 2809-8.12 P 496 Ziakas N. 2709-3.10 Zygulska–Mach H. P 537 2709-4.02 Zykov L. I. P 349 2809-1.04 P 354 P 070 Zieger B. P 285 Ziemssen F. 2609-26.10 2609-9.04 P 543 Ziemssen T. 2609-26.10 Zierhut M. 2509-19.06 2509-2.03 2809-2.06 2809-2.09 2809-24.03 2909-13.04 C-26.10.02 C-26-10.06 C-29-01.01 P 205 P 298 P 420 P 526 Zierz S. 2509-11.05 2509-12.09 Zikic Z. 2609-2.11 2709-4.06 Imprint 323

Editorial Content Prof. Dr. Michael H. Foerster President of the DOG Charité – Universitätsmedizin Berlin Campus Benjamin Franklin Hindenburgdamm 30, 12200 Berlin, Germany Tel.: +49 30 8445-2331 Fax: +49 30 8445-4450 E-mail: [email protected]

Photo Credits Page 247 (down): Berlin-Philharmonie (© galinsky) Page 248 et seqq (top down): Dresden (© Amit Chakrabarti, 2001) Schwerin (© 2005, Hans Boldt & Sylvana Grisonich-Boldt) Weimar (© DavidClubb.com) Leipzig (© 2000-2005 A. & U. Köhler) Heidelberg (© MartNet.com)

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No responsibility is taken for the accuracy of this information, for programme changes, displacements or cancellations of events. Informations OptometryToday India’s primary eye care quarterly journal with focus on optometry, orthoptics, contact lenses, low vision aids, and hearing aids

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Ophthalmic Dispensing Optics book worth US $ 50 FREE with every subscription order General Information about Berlin 325

Facts and Figures Berlin is the capital of Germany and in 1999 was reinstated as the seat of the German government. It has a population of approximately 3.5 million and, along with Bremen and Ham- burg, enjoys the status of being a Federal City State. During the cold war, from August 1961 until November 1989, Berlin was divided by the infamous Berlin Wall and consisted of two separate cities.

Berlin offers over 175 museums, more than 300 theatres, an abundance of concerts and immense cultural diversity. It is a paradise for night owls and an El Dorado for shoppers and gourmets. The city is much loved for its dynamic spirit and because it combines its old traditions with a modern way of life.

Weather and Climate At the end of September pleasant late summer weather with temperatures between 15 and 20°C can be expected. www.weatheronline.co.uk/Europe.htm

Time Germany is located in the Central European Time Zone (CET, GMT+1 hour).

Electricity Standard voltage in Germany is 220 volts.

Currency Germany belongs to the European Union; the currency is the EURO. 1 EUR (€) = 1,23 USD (as per 16 August 2005)

Public Transportation (BVG) The BVG, Berlin’s public transport authority, operates Bus, U- Bahn (underground) and S-Bahn (city train) services. To reach the ICC from the city centre please use a zone AB (single fare) ticket; there are several stops (Bus, U-Bahn and S-Bahn) close to the Congress Centre (ICC). The city motorway network (Stadtautobahn) is also convenient for the ICC and the closest exit is called Kaiserdamm. Further information on: www.bvg.de

Fare Zone AB Short trip € 1.20 Single fare ticket € 2.10 Day ticket € 5.80

Further online information about Berlin at www.berlin.de www.berlin-tourist-information.de www.berlin-info.de www.berlinonline.de www.btm.de www.zitty.de Informations 326 How to get to the Congress

By Car

The motorway network radiates out of Berlin in the form of a star. – From Munich, Frankfurt/Main and Dortmund use the A 10 Berliner Ring then the A 115 Stadtautobahn (city motorway). – From Hamburg or Rostock use the A 10 then the A 111. – From Dresden, Cottbus and Frankfurt/Oder use the A 10 then the A 115.

Signposting for Messegelände at the A 10 junction Drewitz, Oranienburg, Schönefelder Kreuz and Pankow leads directly to the city autobahns A111 and A115 (Avus) und A100 to autobahn junction Funkturm, exit at Messegelände.

The Messegelände Berlin can be reached in a matter of minutes by car or taxi from Berlin-Tegel Airport along the Stadtautobahn (city motorway).

Parking The ICC has a multi-storey car park at its disposal nearby with 600 spaces available to congress participants. A day ticket costs € 7.50. A further 5000 parking spaces are available at the exhibition centre. 327

S S-Bahn-Station

U U-Bahn-Station

BUS Bus Stop

P Car park

ZOB Central Bus Terminal Informations 328 General Information about Berlin

How to get to the Congress

By Public Transportation

– From Berlin-Schönefeld Airport: S 9, S 45 to Westkreuz or Witzleben – From Alexanderplatz (mainline station/S-Bahn/U-Bahn): to Zoologischer Garten (mainline station/S-Bahn/U-Bahn) S 5, S 75 to Westkreuz – From Berlin-Tegel Airport: Bus X9 or 109 to Jakob-Kaiser-Platz, transfer to bus X21 to ICC/Messegelände – From Berlin-Tempelhof Airport: Bus 104 to ICC/Messegelände – From Zoologischer Garten or Charlottenburg or Ostbahnhof or Lichtenberg (all mainline stations/S-Bahn/U-Bahn): S 9 and S 75 towards Spandau to Messe Süd – From Schönefeld Station (mainline station/S-Bahn): S 45 towards Gesundbrunnen to Westkreuz or S 9 towards Spandau to Westkreuz/Messe Süd – From Spandau Station (mainline station/S-Bahn/U-Bahn): S 9 towards Airport Schönefeld to Messe Süd or S 75 towards Wartenberg to Messe Süd – From Potsdam (mainline station/S-Bahn/U-Bahn): S 7 towards Ahrensfelde to Westkreuz – From the east of the city to the west of the city: U 2 towards Ruhleben to Kaiserdamm

(S = S-Bahn: metropolitan over ground railway) (U = U-Bahn: metropolitan underground railway)

Public Transportation (BVG)

The BVG, Berlin’s public transport system, operates Bus, U-Bahn (underground) and S-Bahn (city train). To go to the ICC from the city, it is necessary to use the ticket for the AB zone (single fare ticket), there are several stops (Bus, U- and S-Bahn) nearby. The ICC is located next to the city motorway close to the Kaiserdamm in the West of Berlin.