)Vol. XVI.-No. 11. V NOVEMBER, 1932


Editors: I'.iI R. R. JAMES. ;^J M .t,Jr-'e, , F. A. WILLIAMSON-NOBLE. Assistant Editor: , _. H. B. STALLARD. Editorial Commnittee EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE. SIR JOHN HERBERT PARSONS, C.B.E., F.R.S. (Chairman), E. W. BREWERTON J. HERBERT FISHER, SIR WILLIAM LISTER, K.C.M.G., M. S. MAYOU, LESLIE PATON, A. HAROLD LEVY, H. B. STALLARD (London); CYRIL WALKER (Bristol) ERNEST THOMSON (Stirling). GENERAL COMMITTEE L. V. CARGILL, E. TREACHER COLLINS, J. B. LAWFORD, A. F. MACCALLAN, C.B.E. (London); T, HARRISON BUTLER, PRIESTLEY SMITH (Birminlgham); CYRIL WALKER (Bristol); T. SNOWBALL (Burnley); HARRY LEE (Leeds); T. H. BICKERTON, E. STEVENSON (Liverpool); J. GRAY CLEGG (Matnchester); P. E. H. ADANIS (Oxford); J. R. ROLSTON (Plymiouth). PERCIVAL J. HAY (Sheffield): BERNARD CRIDLAND (Wolverhampton). SCOTLAND. G. MACKAY, W. G. SYM (Edinbutrgh); C. H. USHER (Aberdeen); A J. BALLANTYNE (Glasgow). IRELAND EUPHAN MAXWELL, Louis WERNER (Dublin); JAMES CRAIG (Belfast). WALES. F. P. S CRESSWELL (Cardiff) F. G. THOMAS (Swansea). INDIA. LT.-COL. J. N. DUGGAN (Bombay): LT.-COL. E. O'G. KIRWAN (Calcutta); LT.-COL. R. E. WRIGHT, C.I.E. (Madras). AFRICA. D. J. WOOD (Cape Town); A. G. BRINTON (Johantnesburg); E. A. SEALE (Graham's Town). AUSTRALASIA. F. A. POCKLEY (Sydney): SIR J. W. BARRETT, K.B.E. (Melbourne), J. LOCKHART GIBSON (Brisbane); SIR H. LINDo FERGUSON, C.M.G. (New Zealand). CANADA. W M. GORDON BYERS, F. TOOKE (Monitreal); JAMES MACCALLUM (Toronto); R. B. BOUCHER (Vancouver). CHINA. G. M. HARSTON- (Hong Kong). ABSTRACT SUB-COMMITTEE. R. R. JAMES (Chairmant), SIR JOHN PARSONS, F. A. WILLIAMSON-NOBLE, A. HAROLD LEVY, HUMPHREY NEAME AND H. B. STALLARD (Secretary). LONDON: PIINTED AND PUBLISHED FOR THE BRITISH JOURNAL OF OPHTHALMOLOGY, LTD., By GEO. PULMAN & SONS, LTD., AT 24, Thayer Street, Marylebone, W.I. Issued Monthly: Single Copy 5 shillings net: Annual Subscription Two Guineas, post free. BOOK NOTICES 76] BOOK NOTICE

The Extra Pharmacopoeia. Revised by W. HARRISON MARTIN- DALE, PH.D., F.C.S. 20th Edition. Vol. I. Foolscap 8vo. Pp. 48+1,216. London: H. K. Lewis & Co., Limited. 1932. Price (in Great Britain), 27/6 net. Martindale and Westcott's Extra Pharmacopoeia is so well known that no words of recommendation are necessary. It is an indis- pensable book to the physician, and we hold it to be above criticism. Since the publication of the first vol. of the 19th edition in 1928, new editions of official pharmacopoeias have appeared in Italy (1929), Belgium and Spain (1930). These, and the new edition of the B.P. (1932), have undergone abstraction for the present volume. A useful synopsis of the principal additions and changes in the B.P. (1932) is appended as well as the handy tables of weights and measures, thermometric equivalents and atomic weights. The main part of the work is arranged alphabetically from "acacia green " to "zinc." There is also a copious list of supplementary drugs, sections on vaccines and antitoxins, on organo-therapy, a schedule of poisons, a summary of the Dangerous Drugs Acts and a therapeutic index of diseases. It is interesting to note that this is the jubilee year of publication, the first volune by W. Nlartindale and Dr. Wynn Westcott having appeared in 1883. After Mr. Martindale's death in 1902, his son, Mr. W. Harrison Martindale, collaborated with Dr. Wynn Westcott till the latter's death in 1925. Since that date he has shouldered the bulk of the work. He deserves the thanks and congratulations not only of his own profession but also of all medicQ men.


ANDREW FREELAND FERGUS, LL.D.. F.R.S.E. THE passing of Andrew Freeland Fergus on October 24 last, leaves a gap in the friendships of the older generation of medical men, more especially in Glasgow and the West of Scotland. It surely is an unusual circumstance that a man should be a distinguished ophthalmologist, a teacher of Physics, and also an expert navigator and skilled seaman. Nor can it often happen that he should occupy the Presidential chair of an important public body, a chair which his father had occupied not so many years before, and that he should be followed a few years later in the same honourable position by his younger brother. NOTES 765 The following are the results we obtained after a lengthy investi- gation. Atropine was used for nearly all the smaller animals. Among the animals examined myopia, including mixed astigmatism, was found as follows: Rabbits ...... 6 in 52 eyes. Guinea pigs ...... 5 ,, 26 Mice ...... None ., 10 White rats (half wild) 1 ,, 10 Cows ...... 1 10 Horses ...... None ,, 6 Cats ...... 4 , 14 Dogs ...... 2 ., 6 The myopia was under 2 D. except in guinea pigs where it was much higher in degree. As many of the eyes were emmetropic by retinoscopy there may have been some additional instances of slight myopia. The following wild animals were examined:-3 deer, 1 jackal, 1 peccary, 1 jeannette cat, 1 paradoxus cat, 1 Australian native cat, 1 mongoose, 2 hyenas, 1 opossum, 1 porcupine. None of these were myopic. Of eleven monkeys two were myopic but we were unable to ascertain how long the monkeys had been in captivity. From these facts there emerges one definite conclusion, that the prolonged use of eyes for near work is not by any means the chief factor in causation, though it may well be a powerful source of aggravation. I am, etc., JAMES W. BARRETT. MELBOURNE, September, 1932.


Appointment Mr. FRANK W. LAW has been elected Assistant Surgeon to the Central London Ophthalmic Hospital. * * * * THE officers for the curreint year are as follows: MidlandOphtihalmo-logical Society President: Norman Pike; Vice - President: B. H. St. Clair Roberts; Treasurer: T. Ash- down Carr; Secretaries: T. Harrison Butler and N. P. R. Galloway. 766 THE BRITISH JOURNAL OF OPHTHALMOLOGY WE have received a letter from Mr. Alex. S: Cameron, of Chicago, referring to a paper in our issue of April, 1932, p. 225, which describes a device for preventing glare in electric ophthalmoscopes. He writes: "It may interest you to learn that I have in my extensive collection of various types of ophthalmoscopes, an illu- minating ophthalmoscope with a tube projecting through the mirror opening, which was patented in January, 1904-28 years ago. This instrument was made by the late Mr. de Zeng in Camden, New Jersey."


1932 December 6.-Midland Ophthalmological Society, at Birmingham and Midland Eye Hospital. December 9.-Royal Society of Medicine, Section of Ophthalmology (Clinical Meeting). December 9.-North of England Ophthalmological Society, at Leeds. 1933 January 13.-Royal Society of Medicine, Section of Ophthalmology. January 27.-Midland Ophthalmological Society, at Nottingham and Midland Eye Hospital. February 3.-North of England Ophthalmologlcal Society, at Newcastle-on-Tyne. February 10.-Royal Society of Medicine, Section of Ophthalmology. March 3.-North of England Ophthalmological Society, at Liverpool. March 10.-Royal Society of Medicine, Section of Ophthalmology Clinical Meeting). March 31.-North of England Ophthalmological Society, at Sheffield. Ap5ril 4.-Midland Ophthalmological Society, at Oxford Eye Hospital. April 17-21.-XIV International Ophthalmological Congress, at Madrid. May 11-13.-Ophthalmological Society of the United Kingdom, Annual Congress, at the Royal Society of Medicine. May 26. - Midland Ophthalmolo.gical Society, at Gloucester Royal Infirmary. June 9.-Royal Society of Medicine, Section of Ophthalmology (Annual Meeting). CONTEMPORARY OPHTHALMIC LITERATURE 767 July 5-8.-Oxford Ophthalmological Congress, at Oxford. October 6.-Midland Ophthalmological Society, Annual Meeting, at Birmingham and Midland Eye Hospital. December 5.-Midland Ophthalmological Society, at Birmingham and Midland Eye Hospital.


American Journal of Ophthalmology. October, 1932. JACKSON. The eyes of school children. CASTROVIEJO. Keratoplasty. COBB. Light-sense. HILDRETH. Ultra-violet light in ophthalmology. COBLENTZ. The transmissive properties of tinted lenses. CORDES and HORNER. Contusion of the eyeball with delayed intraocular hemorrhage. VON DER HEYDT. The fitting of contact glasses. STINE. Optic neuritis and optic atrophy due to thallium poisoning following the prolonged use of Koremlu cream. LEBIENSOHN. Radiational cataract. Archives of Ophthalmology. October, 1932. HOLTH. Vertical limbal or oblique extra-limbal incision for iridencleisis in : the efficiency of iridectomies before 1884. GIFFORD. The Machek operation for ptosis. ABRAHAM, S. V. Chorio-retinitis juxta-papillaris (Jensen): First histologic report. GUNDERSEN. Germicidal effect of ultra - violet rays on the virus of herpes. Experimental studies. DUANE. The monocular movements. SPAETH. inclusion operation in the eye of the rabbit. A histologic study. RONES. Development of the human-cornea. Annales d'Oculistique. September, 1932. Charles Abadie (1842-1932). SIEGRIST. The pathogenesis and medical treatment (non-operative) of senile cataract. JUNES. The operation of choice in trachomatous entropion of the upper lid. Low tarsotomy and horizontal sutures. JOHN EVANS. The application of angio-scotometry to the study of sinus infections of nasal origin. DELORD and VIALLEFONT. On a case of intermittent exophthalmos. Klinische Monatsblatter ffir Augenheilkunde. October, 1932. EIDENBENZ. The macula lutea and its neighbourhood in the light of earlier methods of red-free ophthalmoscopy. " Red-free " or " green " light. GNAD. On the success of Rontgen and Bucky ray treatment in interstitial keratitis. KNAPP and BXCHTIGER. Observations on the question of the effect of light on the eyes in electric welding. STOCKER. On the value of the bone-free radiographs in the discovery and localisation of intra-ocular foreign bodies. BARTELS. Operative cure of detached retina in spite of co-existing miners' nystagmus. 768 THE BRITISH JOURNAL OF OPHTHALMOLOGY VOM HOFE. Atypical coloboma of the iris, partial aniridia and aplasia of both foveae. BUSACCA. The connective tissue groundwork of trachomatous pannus. MIKLOs. The growth of bacteria in lens-containing nutritive media. SUGITA. On a perithelioma of the deep nasal part of the orbit. PUSCARIU. Mixed tumour of the upper lid. NAGY. On the inclusion bodies of and other affections of the conjunctiva. WARSCHAWSKI. Experiences with trachoma in Baku. FAZAKAS. On the topography of the accessory sinuses with particular regard to their relationship to diseases of the optic nerve. Bollettino d'Oculistica. September, 1932. SGROSSO. On the pigmentogenous power of the uveal membrane in albinos. MARGOTTA. On the increased weight of the lens in accommodation. FEDERICI. Experimental researches into the potentialities of Novocaine and Phenol. BENCINI. Corneal ulcer from "paracoli." FONZI. The conjunctival plastic in wounds and ulcers. GIANNANTONI. A rare case of ocular injury. Lettura Oftalmologica. September, 1932. GIANNANTONI. The total chlorates of the blood in glaucoma. BAQUIs. Recurrent vitreous haemorrhage of adolescents. POSSENTI. Clinical and anatomico-pathological study of a case of xanthomatosis bulbi. An-ales de la Sociedad Mexicana de Oftalmologia y Oto-Rino- Laringologia, October-November- December, 1931. EsPINO. Note on early blindness in infancy. ESTRADA. Cyst of the superior lacrimal canaliculus. CHAVIRA. Relation between the intra - ocular tension and the general arterial tension. TORROELLA. Note on the observation of living micro-filarias in the human eye. HAMBURGER. Progress in the investigation and treatment of glaucoma. Archivos de Oftalmologia Hispano-Americanos. October, 1932. DE LA TORRE. Biomicroscopy of the lens. MARQUEZ Ocular movements of direction and convergence. LLORCA. Contribution to the origin and the nature of the vitreous. Boletin de Informacion Oftalmologica. July-August, 1932. SILVA. Diabetic retinitis. DAMEL, Acquired anophthalmia and permanent disfiguration. BELGERI and ARANA. A case of papilloedema with exophthalmia. DAMEL. Hysteria in ophthalmology. Revista Oto-Neuro-Oftalmologica y de Cirujia Neurologica Sud-Americana. October, 1932. MAYER. On the radiological examination of tumours of the cerebello-pontine angle. MONIz. New aspects of cerebral angiography. PAVIA and PORTELA. Bilateral absence of the lens. Microphthalmia and monocular hyalitis. Endocrine factor. General toxi-infection. INDEX.

Original Communications and Clinical, Pathological and Bacteriological Memoranda.

PAGE Adams, P. H.-Diabetic retinitis in a patient aged 22 years ...... 38 Adie, W. J.-Complete and incomplete forms of the benign disorder characterised by tonic pupils and absent tendon reflexes ...... 449 Anderson, J. Ringland.-Anterior dialysis of retina: disinsertion or avulsion at the ora serrata ...... 641, 705

Barrow, R. H. Balfour and Stallard, H. B.-Case of primary melano- carcinoma of ciliary body ...... 98 Biggam, J.-Paralysis of ocular muscles following spinal anaesthesia ... 552 Butler, T. Harrison.-Iridencleisis and trap-door iridectomy in the treatment of glaucoma ..: ...... 741 Optic atrophy after injections of arsenic ...... 356

Spontaneous cure of cataract ...... 35 Treatment of limbal tumours with radium ...... 152 Two rare corneal conditions:-(i) acute conical cornea; iii) kerato-

conus posticus circumscriptus ...... 30 Clark, W. E. Le Gros.-A morphological study of the lateral geniculate body ...... 264 Colle, J. C.-See Duke-Elder, W. S. Collins, E. Treacher.-The physiology of weeping ...... 1 Duke-Elder, P. M.-See Duke-Elder, W. S. .Duke-Elder, W. S. and Duke-Elder, P. M.-The clinical significance of the ocular musculature ...... 321 Duke-Elder, W. S., Duke-Elder, P. M. and Colle, J. C.-The effect of adrenaline on the intra-ocular pressure and its clinical significance 87

Foster, J.-Optical iridectomy, indications, method and value ...... 476

Gluck, B.-Glioma of the optic nerve ...... 406 Harman, N. Bishop.-A device for preventing glare in electric ophthalmo- scopes ...... 225 An electric ophthalmoscope ...... 102 Hird, R, Beatson.-Papilloma of the lacrymal sac ...... 416 Hutchinson, H. P.-Recurrent intra-ocular haemorrhage in young adults' (Eales' disease) ...... 513 James, R. R.-A seventeenth century letter dealing with ophthalmic matters, etc...... 427 William Briggs, M.D. (1650-1704) ...... 360

Kanda, Kanji.-Kanda's curved screw roller forceps (a new model of modification from Knapp's roller forceps) ...... 424

Law, Frank W.-Uni-ocular zonular cataract ...... 385 Livingston, P. C.-The study of sun glare in Iraq ...... 577 iv'. INDEX-ORIGINAL COMMUNICATIONS, ETC. PAGE McDowall, V. and Marks, E. O.-Case of retinal glioma treated by the

insertion of radium needles in the orbit ...... 686

Mackay, G.-A hand campimeter for the confrontation test ...... 750 Mackay, G., Stewart, C. P. and Robertson, J. D.-Note on the inorganic constituents of normal and cataractous human crystalline lenses 193 Marks, E. O.-See McDowell, V. Meyer, R. C. J.-The intracapsular extraction of cataract. An analysis of ...... 67 cases ...... 156 Meyerhof, Max. -Short history of ophthalmia during the Egyptian

campaigns of 1798-1807 ...... 129

Michail, D.-Metastatic carcinoma of the orbit ...... 537 ...... Michaelson, I. C.-Angina capitis ...... 202 Milner, J. G.-Retinitis pigmentosaand retinitis punctata albescens ... 418 Moore, R. Foster and Stallard, H. B.-Metastatic carcinoma of choroid. A report of two cases where the primary neoplasm was in the lungs 532

Nayar, K. Koman and Pillai, A. K.-Case of filariasis oculi 549

Paton, Leslie.-Vestibulo-ocular reflex paths ...... 257 Pillai, A. Kandaswami.-See Nayar, K. Koman.

Robertson, Jean D.-See Mackay, G.

Rycroft, B. W.-Contact glasses ...... 461

Scott, A. A. B.-Retinal detachment occurring probably after herpes zoster

ophthalmicus in a case of simple glaucoma ...... 358 Shaw, M.-See Sorsby, Arnold. Sobhy, Mohamed.-A contribution to the study of exfoliation of the lens capsule, or glaucoma capsulo-cuticulare with anatomical preparations 65 Somerville-Large, L. B.-Iris anaesthesia by retrobulbar injection and paralysis of the orbicularis oculi by seventh nerve block 166

Sorsby, A.-A late sixteenth century ophthalmic book in English ... 345 Acute glaucoma: an historical note ...... 555 Hardness of the eye: an historical note ...... 292 John Zachariah Laurence-A belated tribute ...... 727 School myopia ...... 217 Sir William Read's treatise of the eyes ...... 335 Sorsby, Arnold and Shaw, M.-The refraction in cases of congenital torticollis associated with hemiatrophy of the face ... 222 Srinivasan, E. V.-A family of Groenouw's dystrophy 296 An interestingplhenomenon in a case of ectopia lentis... 297 Stallard, H. B.-See Moore, R. Foster. -- See Barrow, R. H. Balfour. Stewart, C. P.-See Mackay, G. Stutterheim, N. A.-The convergence of human binocular vision 20

Thomson, Ernest.-Memorandum regarding a family in which neuro-retinal disease of an unusual kind occurred only in the males 681

Usher, C. H.-Coloured areas in the sclerotic ... 671

Walker, 3. P. Spencer.-Progressive myopia. A suggestion explaining its

causation, and for its treatment ... 485 Whittington, T. H.-New device for training and testing binocular vision ... 105 Williamson-Noble, F. A.-Tuberculin in ophthalmology ...... 285 Wilson, J. A.-Twins with eye defects-ametropia and strabismus 421 Wood, D. J.-A suggestion as to the cause of glaucoma following thrombosis of the retinal vein ...... 423 Unusual result following traumatic irido-cyclitis 546 Wright, R. E.-The contact glass as an aid in corneal plastic surgery 473 INDEX-BOOK NOTICES. v.

Book Notices.

PAGE Anatomy of the Human Orbit, and Accessory Organs of Vision, 2nd Ed. (S. E. Whitnall), 1932 ...... 441

Cairo, Department of Public Health, Ophthalmic Section, Annual Reports, 1929, 1930, Cairo ...... 181, 244 Calcutta Medical Journal, Vol. XXVI, No. 8, February, 1932 ...... 505 Cirurgia ocular (Mattos), Sao Paulo, Brazil ...... 310

Das Glaucom (A. Peters), Berlin ...... 56 Das menschliche Auge und seine Erbanlagen (P. J. Waardenberg), The Hague, 1932 ...... 571 Die Erkrankungen des Uvealtraktus (W. Gilbert) Graefe-Saemisch Handbuch 309 Die Intrakapsulare Starextraction (A. Elschnig), Berlin, 1932 ...... 633

Eldments de Biomicroscopie Oculaire tLemoine et Valois), Paris, 1931 ... 123 Experimental Study of Reading (M. D. Vernon), Cambridge, 1931 ...... 59 Extra Pharmacopoeia, The. Vol. I, 20th Ed. (W. H. Martindale), London,

1932 ...... 761

Fundus of the Human Eye. An Illustrated Atlas for the Physician (E. Clarke),

London, 1931 ...... 122

Giza Memorial Ophthalmic Laboratory, Cairo. Fifth Annual Report,

Cairo, 1930 ...... 184 Government Ophthalmic Hospital, Madras.... Annual... Report, Madras, 1931 379

Handbook of Ocular Therapeutics (S. R. Gifford), London, 1932 ...... 443 Handbuch der biologischen Arbeitsmethoden (E. Abderhalden) ... 379

Index of Prognosis and End-Results of Treatment (A. Rendle Short) ... 183 Injuries of the Eye: Diagnosis and Treatment- Forensic Procedures and Visual Economics (Wurdemann), 2nd Ed., London, 1932 ...... 699 Introduction to the Literature of Vertebrate Zoology (Casey A. Wood),

...... 57 London ...... Iris Pattern in the Vertebrates (Ida Mann), London, 1931 ...... 180 Irish Journal of Medical Science, Centenary Issue ...... 635

Kurzes Handbuch der Ophthalmologie. Auge und Nervensystem, 1931 ... 311

Lehrbuch und Atlas der Spaltlampenmikroscopie des lebenden Auges (A. Vogt), 2nd Ed., Berlin, 1931 ...... 119 Letters and Diary of Theodor Axenfeld (H. Axenfeld), Stuttgart, 1931 ... 377

Medical Social Service in Eye Clinics ...... 183

Ofthalmologicky Sbornik, Prague ...... 184 Ophthalmic Hospital of Venerable Order of St. John of Jerusalem. Report for 1931. London...... 442 Ophthalmo- und Oto-Neurologie (E. A. Spiegel and I. Sommer) Berlin, 1931 56 vi. INDEX-BOOK NOTICES.

PAGE Palestine. DepArtment of Health Annual Report, 1930 182 Praktische Fragen aus dem Gebete des Augenzitterns der Bergleute (J. Ohm) Berlin, 1932 .634 Proceedings of All-India Ophthalmological Society, Vol. II, 1931 ... 506

R6ntgen Ray Diagnosis and Treatment in Ophthalmology (W. Hoffmann), Leipzig ...... 377 Royal Westminster Ophthalmic Hospital, 115th Annual Report, 1932 ... 699

Sight Saving Bureau, Vol. II, No. 2 (National Society for Prevention of Blindness), U.S.A., 1932 ...... 698 Stereoskopischer Atlas der aiissern Erkrankungen des Auges (Wessely), Munich ...... 123 Survey of Light-Saving Classes in the Public Schools of the United States (Myers)...... 312

Textbook of Ophthalmology, Vol. I (W. S. Duke-Elder), London, 1932 ... 375 Transactions of the American Ophthalmological Society, Vol. XXIX, 1931 308 Transactions of the Ophthalmological Society of the United Kingdom. Vol. LI, London, 1932...... 244

Ueber den Augendruck und die vorderen Intraokularen Gefisse (Larsson), Stockholm, 1930 ...... 310

Vision and,Colour Vision (R. A. Houston), London ...... 378

Wills Hospital of Philadelphia (W. C. Posey and S. H. Brown) ...... 115 INDEX-NAMES. vii.



...... Abraham, V. S ... 697 Evans, E. I...... 694 Accardi 760 Adams, P. H. 38 Favaloro ...... 754 Adie, W. J...... 449 Fergus, A. Freeland (Obituary) 761 Adler, F. H. A . . 306 Ahlbom, H. 175 Ferrer, H. ... 695 Finoff, W. C. ... 300 Anderson, J. Ringland ...641, 705 Fischer, E. ... 177 Fisher, J. Herbert 170 Bailliart .. 372 Fontana ...... 760 ... 44 Bainbridge, W.... Foster, J. ... 476 Baquis ...... 691 Bardelli, L. .. 239 Barrett, J. W . .. 508 Gasteiger, H. ... 369 Barrow, R. H. Balfour ... 98 Gerard, G. ... 233 Bartels, M ...... 235 Gibson, Lockhart 61 Bauer, A . ... 298 Gifford, S. R. 302 Beauvieux, J ...... 505 Giraudi, G. 695 Behr, C. .. 52 Gluck, B. ... 406 Bellavia ...... 436 Gorst, P. Eldon... 172 Goulden, Charles 53 Bennett, A. E...... 46 Gourfein, D. ... 502 Berens ...... 55 Birch-Hirschfeld, A. ... 243, 438 Gourfein-Welt, L. 441 Graf, K. 501 Blatt, N...... 570 Brain, Russell ... 629 Gray, W. A. 510 Branbergen, R. T ... 567 Gualdi, V. ... 236 Bretagne ...... 238 Guist, G...... 232 Bulson, A. E...... 50 Bunnell, S...... 501 Haden, H. C. H. 229 Butler, T. Harrison 30, 35, 152, Hanssen, R. 303 356, 741 Hardy ...... 55 Harman, N. Bishop 102, 225 Calhoun, F. P ... 305 Hird, R. Beatson 416 Carter, L. F. ... 374 Hirschman 503 Casini ...... 757 Hubin, R. 231 Cattaneo, D...... 570 Hutchinson, H. P. 513 Cave, H. A ...... 629 Chambers, E. R...... 438 Ishikawa ...... 759 Chapman, V. A...... 690 Clark, W. Le Gros ...... 264 Cole, L...... 567 Jaensch, P. A. 232, 631 Colle, J. C...... 87 Jahnke, W. 230 M...... 46 Collins, E. Treacher ... 1 James, R. Cosmettatos, G ...... 440 James, R. 360, 427 Craig, W. M. .. 370 Jeandelize ... 238, 754 Cucchia ...... 47, 436 A. M. C. ... 304 Culler, 235, Kanda, K. ....* 424

Cunningham, J. F. (Obituary) 509, 572 Kantor, D. W...... 49

Kazdan, L...... * 569

Davis, F. A...... 757 Keen, R. ... * - . ... 694 Dejean, Ch. ... 45 Kirby, D. B. .. 569, 693

Derby, G. S. (Obituary) 125, 187 Knutti ...... 752

Duke-Elder, P. M...... 87, 321 Koby, F. E...... 498

Duke-Elder, W. S...... 87, 321 Koyanagi, Y. *. ...** 43 viii.viii.~~INDEX-NAMES.


Landegger ...... 436 Rawic-Scerbo, W. A...... 299 Larsson, S. .. 372, 632 Redslob ...... 753 Law, F. W. ..385, 765 Rehsteiner, K. 241 Lebensohn, J. E. .. 503 Robertson, J. D. .. 193

Lediard, H. A. (Obituary) .. 763 Roselli, Professor (Obituary) 188

Leech, V. M...... 568 Rosengren, B. .. .. 229 Lewis, Park ...... 696 Rossi ...... 307 Lillie, W. L. 370 Royle, N. D. .. .. 439 Livingston, P. C. . 577 Rumjanzewa, A. F.I.. .. 178 Lumbroso 755, 756 Rycroft, B. W. 461

Mackay, G. . 193, 750 Salzmann, M. ... 50 McDowall, V.' . 686 Samuels ...... 692 McKee, S. H. .. .. 628 Santonastasio, A. .. .. 48 MacMillan, J.'AA . . 691 Santori, G...... 45 Majewski, K. W. . 51 Sartorius, F...... 174 Margotta ...... 307 Marks, E. 0. . . 686 Scalinci ...... 236 Scott, A. A. B...... 358 Maxwell, E. M...... 307 Mayer, L. L. . .. 697 Shaw, M...... 173, 222. T...... 110 Mayou, M. S...... 701 Sj6gren, ... 690 Merrill, H. G...... 302 Smith, Priestley 509, Sobhy, Mohamed ...... 65 Mets, A. de .... 178 Somerville-Large, L. B. ... 166 Meyer, R. C. J...... 152 Sorsby, A...... 217, 222, 292, M...... 129 Meyerhof, 335, 345, 509, 555, 727 Michaelson. I. C. ... 202 W. C...... 242 Michail, D...... 371, 537 Souter, E. V.'4 .. 297 Milner, G...... 418 Srinivasan, 296, J. Stallard, H. B ...... 98, 532 Mirimanoff, A...... 439 C. P...... 193 Montanelli ... 630 Stewart, Moore, J. E. . ... 301 Stark ...... 55 Stine, G. H. . ... 47 Moore, R. Foster .. ... 532 Morax, V. 752, 754, 756 Stutterheim, N. A. ... 20 Swab, C. M .. 48 Motais ...... 754 Mussabeili, U. C. ... 46

Talbot ...... 753 Nayar, K. K. ... 549 Tessier,G .... 54

Nichelati ...... 499

...... Ernest .. 681 Nicolle .. 755 Thomson, Noiszewski, K... 49 Tilley, J. L. 0. ... 630 Towbin, B. G...... 299

...... 752 Oaks, L. W...... 302 Tyler

Olitsky...... 752 Usher, C. H...... 671 Pagenstecher, H. (Obituary) .. 380

Papagno ...... 438 Vancea, P...... 437 Parker, W. R. .. 304 van Duyse, M. ... 503 Paton, D. D. .. 509 van Sant ...... 755 Paton, Leslie...... 257 Verderame, F...... 499 Pergola ...... 756

Peter, Luther C. .. 306, 629 A. K. Pillai, .. 549 Walker, C. B. ... 437, 501 D. L. Poe, .. 299 Walker, J. P. Spencer ... 485

Poos, Fr... . 174, 175 Walls, G. L. ... 235

Powell, L. S.. 696 Weekers, L. .. .. 230, 231 Puscariu, E. 54 Whittington, T. H .. 105, 179 Widersheim, 0.. ... 176

Quaglio .. .. 47 Williamson-Noble, F. A .. 285 Wilson, J. A. ... 421 I. M. Rabinowitch, .. 628 Wood, D. J. .. 423, 546 E. B... Rabkin, .. 759 Woods, A. C. .. 237 W. Rauh, .. 54 Wright, R. E. .. 172, 473 INDEX-SUBJECTS. ix.


PAGE PAGE Aberdeen, Dr. William Harvey Aqueous humour, albuminous and ...... 242 content and refractive Accommodation, cyclic weakness index of, effect of vital of, in dysmenorrhoea 570 colouring on ...... 760 for distant objects 49 Arachnoiditis, local, chronic, Acuity of direct vision, alterations chiasmal syndrome pro- of, in diseases of optic produced by ...... 370

...... injections nerve ... 436 Arsenic, of, optic Adrenaline, effect of, on intra- atrophy after ...... 356 ocular pressure and its Arterial hypertension and the eye ...... clinical significance ... 87 232 Alcohol poisoning, ocular com- Atropine or pilocarpine, pro- plications in 307 tracted instillation of, Algiers, trachoma in, bacterio- into conjunctival sacs of logical researches on 752 rabbits during first year Alsatian soldiers trapsported to of life, effects of ... 54 Russian front, trachoma Avertin as anaesthetic in eye in ...... ' 753 surgery ...... 757 Amaurotic idiocy, juvenile,... clini- cal and hereditary study 110 America, Latin, Second Oph- Bacterium granulosis and other thalmological Re - union micro-organisms, corneal in ...... 381 reactions to ...... 752 Ametropia and strabismus in relation to aetiology of twins ...... 421 trachoma...... 755 Anaesthesia of iris by retiobul- Bandages, post-operative case bar injection and paraly- without ...... 759 sis of orbicularis oculi Bathing, follicular conjunctivi- by seventh nerve block 166 tis of ...... 756 Anal origin of focal infection 503 Belgique, un Siecle d'Ophtal- mologie en ...... 178 Angina capitis ...... 202 Bi-nasal hemianopia ...... 45 Annotation (Certification of Binocular vision, human, con- blindness and ascertain- vergence of ...... 20 ment of causes of blind- training and testing of, new ness) ...... 108 device for ...... 105 (Fishy vision)...... 227 Biomicroscopy, detection of (Glasgow clinic for certifica- earliest evidence of sym- tion of the blind) ... 626 pathetic ophthalmitis by 238 (Instruction in treatment of Blind, certification of, Glasgow ophthalmia neonatorum) 428 scheme for ...... 626 (Libraries of medical men and leading the ...... 189 their ultimate disposition) 169 Blindness associated with reti- (Prevention of blindness) ... 368 nitis pigmentosa, treat- Anterior chamber, depth of, with ment of ...... 439 special reference to pri- certification of, and ascertain- mary glaucoma ...... 229 ment of causes of blind- punctures in relation to in- ness ...... 108, 246 tra-ocular tension ... 697 in India ...... 248 Anti-virus therapy in ocular in- importance of keratoma- fections ...... 236 lacia as cause of ... 172

Appointments ... 250, 316, 382, 765 prevention of ...... 368 x. INDEX-SUBJECTS.

PAGE PAGE Blindness, prevention of, Inter- Conjunctiva, infection of, by national Association for 39 larvae of oestrus ovis, Briggs, William, M.D. (1650- two cases of ...... 499 1704) ...... 360 Conjunctival sacs of rabbits, British Medical Association, effects of protracted in- Centenary Meeting 380, 562 stillation of atropine or Ophthalmologists, Council pilocarpine into, during of, Annual Report ... 430 first year of life ... 54 , follicular, of bathing ...... 756 Calcium in relation to cataract 693 Contact glasses ...... 461 Campimeter, hand, for confront- as aid in corneal plastic ation test...... 750 surgery ...... 473 lenses, use of, for optical cor- Car sickness ...... 503 rection of conical cornea 569 Caruncle, melanoma of ...... 690 Convergence of human binocular after 567 Cataract thyroidectomy vision ...... 20 calcium in relation to ... 693 Cornea, conical, acute ...... 30 in eyes of fresh-water fishes, optical correction of, use due to invasion of larvae of contact lenses for ... 569 of trematoid worms ... 696 Kayset-Fleisclher ring in, in intracapsular extraction of... 156 case of Wilson's disease 299 operations with. and without living, thickness of ...... 498 prepared conjunctival visualization of, teleradio- flap, comparison of re- graphy with ...... 175 sults ... 438 Corneal complications of relation of parathyroid gland trachoma, treatment of 756 to ..694 conditions, rare, two cases of 30 spontaneous cure of...... 35 plastic surgery, the contact zonular, uni-ocular ...... 385 glass as aid in ...... 473 Cavernous optic atrophy ... 43 reactions to bacterium granu- Cells in endophthalmitis, origin losis and other micro- and disposition of ... 691 organisms ...... 752 Cerebrogpinal syphilis, pig- tattooing by chloride of mentary degeneration of platinum method ... 499 retina in ...... 308 Correspondence ... 124, 186, 246, 314 Chiasmal syndrome produced by 380, 444, 507, 637, 701, 764 chronic local arachnoid- Corrigendum ... 190, 254, 381, 766 itis ...... 370 Council of British Ophthalmolo- Children, young European, in gists, Annual Report ... 430 the Colonies, trachoma- Cranio - facial dystrophies and ocular disturbances ... 439 tous contamination of ... 754 Chloride of platinum method of Crystalline lenses, human, normal and cataractous, corneal tattooing ... 499 inorganic constituents of 194 Cholesteatoma of orbit ...... 371 Choroid, leuco-sarcoma, case of. Difficulty in diagnosis ... 441 Diabetes mellitus, hyperme- metastatic carcinoma of: tropia developing during report of two cases where treatment of ...... 307 primary neoplasm was in Diabetic retinitis in patient aged lungs ...... 532 22...... 38 Ciliary body, primary melano- Diascleral localization of oph- carcinoma of, case of ... 98 thalmoscopic lesions, Clinoid processes, anterior, great method of ...... 51 enlargement of, diffuse Diet deficiency and trachoma 61, 124 hyperostosis of sphenoid Diphtheria, eye paralysis in ... 173 with ocular manifesta- Disc, hole at, without ophthal- tion ...... 695 moscopic findings ... 631 Compositors, myopia in, racial Disciform degeneration of aspect of ...... 49 macula, anatomical

Cone nuclei, ectopic ... 235 changes in ...... 303 INDEX-SUBJECTS. xi.

PAGE PAGE Divergence excess ... 55 Eyes, normal, action of tuber- Dura mater and epiphyses, cal- culin on ...... 175 cification of, familial of hyperpietics ...... 372 macular degeneration associated with...... 307 Face, hemiatrophy of, congenital Dutch Ophthalmological Society, torticollis associated Fortieth Anniversary ... 316 with, refraction in ... 222 Dysmenorrhoea, cyclic weak- Filariasis oculi, case of ...... 549 ness of accommodation in 570 Fishes, fresh-water, cataract in Dystrophies, cranio-facial, and eyes of, due to invasion ocular disturbances ... 439 of larvae of trematoid

worms ...... 696 Fishy vision ...... 227, 701 Eales' disease ...... 513 Focal infection of anal origin ... 503 Ectopia lentis, case of, interesting Foreign bodies in eye, new phenomenon in ...... 297 method of localizing ... 175 Ectopic cone nuclei ...... 235 French course in Ophthalmology 189 Egypt, Ophthalmological Society Ophthalmological Society, of, Annual Meeting of ... 189 50th Anniversary of 190, 559 Egyptian Campaigns of 1798- post-graduate course in oph- 1807, ophthalmia during, thalmic surgery ...... 637 short history of ... 129, 314 Future arrangements ... 62, 126, 190, Electric current, optic atrophy 254, 317, 382, 446, 510, and retinal changes 573, 638, 702, 766 caused by ...... 44 ophthalmoscope ...... 102 Endophthalmitis, cells in, origin General paralysis of insane and and disposition of ... 691 tabes, is there an iris- English, a late sixteenth century syndrome in ? ...... 437 ophthalmic book in ... 345 Giza, Egypt, Memorial Ophthal- Enophthalmos, traumatic, origin mic Library, require- of ...... 637 of ...... 243 ments Eosinophilia, seasonal modifica- Glare in electric ophthalmo- tions of, spring catarrh scopes, device for pre- and .757 venting ...... 225 Exfoliation of lens capsule, study Glasgow clinic for certification of, with anatomical prep- of the blind ...... 626 arations ...... 65 Glaucoma, acute: historical note 555 Exophthalmos of central origin 629 associated with facial naevus, Extra-ocular muscles, reciprocal histological findings in innervation of ...... 306 case of ...... 230 Eye during first years of life, c a p s u I o - cuticulare, with state of refraction of ... 48 anatomical preparations 65 foreign bodies in, new method experimental, in the dog, of localizing ... . 175 with special reference to hardness of: an historical changes in optic nerve... 759 note ...... 292 following thrombosis of reti- injuries, compensation of, re- nal vein, cause of ... 423 port on, of Council of glaucosan in treatment of ... 54 British Ophthalmologists 495 iridencleisis and trap - door normal, acuity of peripheral iridectomy in treatment vision in ...... 47 of ...... 741 paralysis in diphtheria ... 173 iris-inclusion, operation in, traumatic injury of, followed results of...... 231 by changes in tension in primary, depth of anterior undamaged eye: does chamber with special the condition exist clini- reference to ...... 229 cally ? ...... 372 simplex ...... 229 Eyebrows, reconstruction of, surgical treatment in, mode vertical skin-grafts for 501 of action of ...... 230 +. INDEX-SUBJECTS.

PAGE PAGE Glaucosan in treatment of glau- Intra-ocular haemorrhage, re-

coma ...... 54 current, in young adults

Glioma of optic nerve ...... 406 (Eales' disease) ...... 513 of retina treated by insertion pressure, effect of adrenaline of radium needles in on, and its clinical sig-

orbit, case ...... 686 nificance ...... 87 Gonococcal infection, stomosine papilloedema and ...... 178 therapy in ... 438 tension, effect of vital colour- Groenouw's dystrophy, farnily of 296 ing in ...... 760 Gullstrand Gold Medal of Intra - ocular tension, anterior Swedish Medical Society, chamber punctures in award to Prof. Priestley relation to ...... 697 Smith ...... 690 post-traumatic, consensual lowering of ...... 632 Iraq, sun glare in, study of ... 577 Haemorrhage, intra-ocular, re- Iridectomy and injury to lens ... 501 current, in young adults injury to lens in, and its (Eales' disease) ...... 513 prevention by external Hand campimeter for confront- iridectomy ...... 50 ation test ...... 750 optical, indications, method Hardness of the eye: an histori- and value ...... 476

cal note ... 292 trap-door, and iridencleisis Harvey, Dr. William, and Aber- in treatment of glaucoma 741

deen ...... 242 Iridencleisis and trap-door iri- Hemianopia, bi-nasal ... 45 dectomy in treatment of Heredity in ocular maladies 503 glaucoma...... 741 Herpes zoster ophthalmicus 696 Irido-corneal angle: its r6le in in case of simple glaucoma, ocular hydrostatics ... 505 retinal detachment after 358 Irido - cyclitis, traumatic, un- Heterophoria, latent, as noted usual result following... 546 after prolonged monocu- Iris anaesthesia by retrobulbar

lar occlusion ...... 48 injection and paralysis Hole at disc without ophthalmo- of orbicularis oculi by scopic findings ... 631 seventh nerve block ... 166 Honours .... 509 Iris-inclusion operation in glau- Hypermetropia developing coma, results of...... 231 during treatment of dia- Iris-syndrome in tabes and betes mellitus, cases of 307 general paralysis of in- Hyperostosis, diffuse, of sphenoid sane, does it exist? ... 437 with great enlargement Iritis, acute, etiology of, review of anterior clinoid pro- of literature on ...... 302 cesses: ocular manifest- tuberculosis in etiology of 300 ation ...... 695 foetal, persistent posterior Hyperpietics, the eyes of 372 fibrovascular sheath of lens caused by ...... 568 syphilitic ...... 301 Idiocy, amaurotic, juvenile, clini- cal and hereditary study 110 Italian Oto-Neuro- Ophthalmo- logical Congress ... 638 Illustration blocks, disposal of 315 India, bindness in...... 248 blindness in, importance of Janus Stolp Prize ...... 509 keratomalacia as cause of 172 Jewish Health Organization of Innervation, reciprocal, of extra- Great Britain ...... 445 ocular muscles 306 International Association for Prevention of Blindness 39 Kanda's curved screw roller for- Trachoma Prize ... 445 ceps (new model of modi- Intracapsular extraction of cata- fication from Knapp's ract ...... 156 roller forceps) ...... 442 INDEX-SUBJECTS. xiii.

PAGE PAGE Kayser-Fleischer ring in cornea Macula, disciform degeneration in case of Wilson's of, anatomical changes in 303 disease ...... 299 Macular degeneration, familial, Kerato - conjunctivitis, scrofu- associated with calcifica- lous, relation of, to tion of dura mater and tuberculosis ...... 299 the epiphyses ...... 307 Keratoconus posticus circum- star in non-renal cases, for- scriptus ...... 30 mation of...... 305 Keratomalacia as cause of blind- Madrid, XlVth International ness in India, importance Congress of Ophthal- of ...... 172 mology at ...... 381 Knapp's roller forceps, modifi- Melano-carcinoma, primary, of cation from, new model ciliary body, case of ... 98 of ...... 424 Melanoma of caruncle ...... 690 Krukenberg's spindle, origin of 298 Mercurochrome, treatment of ocular diseases with ... 438 Metastatic carcinoma of choroid. Lacrymal gland, palpebral, Report of two cases where anatomy and physiology primary neoplasm was in of, variations of...... 236 lungs ...... 532 sac, papilloma of ...... 416 of orbit ...... 537 Larvae of trematoid worms, in- Mid lan d Ophthalmological vasion of, causing cata- Society, Officers ... 765 ract in eyes of fresh- Monocular occlusion, prolonged, water fishes ...... 696 latent heterophoria as mor- noted after ...... 48 Lateral geniculate body, Muscles, ocular movements, and phological study of ... 264 judgments ...... 170 Laurence, John Zachariah-a Musculature, ocular, clinical belated tribute ...... 727 significance of ...... 321 Leber's disease, case of, first M yopi a, aetiology of, racial anatomical examination factors in ...... 49 of ...... 241 alterations of vitreous in ... 570 Lens capsule, exfoliation of, study in compositors, racial aspect of, with anatomical pre- of...... 49 parations ...... 65 progressive: suggestion ex- crystalline, anterior capsule plaining causation and of, exfoliation of most for treatment ... 485 superficial lamella of ... 569 school ...... 217 injury to, in iridectomy, and its prevention by external Naevus, facial, glaucoma asso- iridectomy ...... 50 ciated with, histological iridectomy and ...... 501 findings in case of ... 230 persistent posterior fibrovas- Neosalvarsan, intravenous in- cular sheath of, caused jections of, severe by foetal iritis ...... 568 specific complications in protein, chemical and im- course of treatment by... 233 munologic researches on 237 Neuritis, retrobulbar ...... 45 Letter, 17th Century, dealing retrobulbar, and multiple with ophthalmic matters 427 sclerosis ...... 437 Leuco-sarcoma of choroid, case Neuro-retinal disease, unusual of. Difficulty in diagnosis 441 kind of, family in which it occurred only in males 681 Libraries of medical men and their North of England Ophthalmo- ultimate disposition ... 169 logical Society ... 62, 445 Limbal tumours, treatment of, Notes ... 60, 124, 188, 250, 315, 380, with radium ...... 152 445, 509, 637, 702, 765 Lipaemia retinalis ... 304, 628 Literature, ophthalmic, contem- Obituary ... 125, 187, 188, 380, porary ... 63, 127, 191, 254, 509, 572, 761, 763 317, 382, 447, 511, Ocular changes, unusual, in 573,639, 703, 767 thyroid disorders ... 369 XiV . INDEX-SUBJECTS.

PAGE PAGE Ocular complications in alcohol Ophthalmoscopic lesions, poisoning...... 307 method of diascleral disturbances, cranio - facial localization of ...... 51 dystrophies and ... 439 Optic atrophy after injections of hydrostatics: r6le of irido- arsenic ...... 356 corneal angle in ... 505 cavernous ...... 43 infection, anti-virus therapy syphilitic, early develop- in ...... 236 ment of ...... 436 maladies, heredity in ... 503 with retinal changes caused muscles, movements and by high tension current 44 judgments ... 170 nerve, changes in, experi- paralysis of, following mental, glaucoma in dog spinal anaesthesia ... 552 with special reference to 759 musculature, clinical signifi- diseases of, alterations of cance of ...... 321 acuity of direct vision .. 436 pathology due to disease of glioma of ...... 406 paranasal sinuses, clinical Optical iridectomy, indications, types of ...... 629 method and value ... 476 tuberculosis, diagnostic diffi- Ora serrata, disinsertion or avul- culties in ...... 440 sion at: anterior dialysis Oculogyric crises in postencepha- of retina ...... 641, 705 litic state ...... 46 Orbicularis oculi, retrobulbar in- Oestrus ovis, larvae of, infection jection and paralysis of, of conjunctiva with, two by 7th nerve block, iris cases of ...... 499 anaesthesia by ...... 166 Ophthalmia during Egyptian Orbit, cholesteatoma of ...... 371 Campaigns of 1798-1807, metastatic carcinoma of ... 537 short history of ... 129, 314 radium needles in, case of neonatorum, treatment of, glioma of retina treated instruction in ...... 428 by...... 686 Ophthalmic book in English, reticuloma of ...... 691 late sixteenth century ... Orbital tumours ...... 692 345, 508 Orbito-ocular disease, illustra- literature, contemporary ... 63, tions of, by means of casts 54 127, 191, 254, 317, 382, 447, Oxford Ophthalmological Con- 511, 573, 639, 703, 767 gress, XXIInd Annual matters, seventeenth century Meeting, 1932 316, 446, 488 letter dealing with ... 427 Ophthalmitis, sympathetic, detection of earliest Painter, the, vision and the work evidence of, by biomi- of ...... 176 croscopy ...... 238 Papilloedema and intra-ocular sympathetic, tuberculotoxic pressure ... 178 origin of, problem of ... 174 development of ...... 177 Ophthalmological C o n g r e s s, experimental, in man ... 52 XIV th, Madrid ...... 381 Papilloma of lacrymal sac ... 416 directory ...... 702 Paralysis of ocular muscles fol- Society of United Kingdom, lowing spinal anaesthesia 552 Annual Congress (1932) Paranasal sinuses, disease of, at Edinburgh ... 60, 125, 431 ocular pathology due to, Ophthalmologists, British, clinical types of... 629 Council of, report on Parathyroid gland, relation of, subject of compensation to cataract ... 694 for eye injuries ...... 495 tetany and cataract ...... 567 Ophthalmology, a wider view of 179 Petrous bone, tumours of, at apex some terms used in, thoughts of, syndrome of... 695 concerning ...... 632 Pineal gland tumour, bilateral Ophthalmoplegia, sensory-motor 436 paresis of superior Ophthalmoscope, electric ... 102 oblique as the one dis- Ophthalmoscopes, electric, de- turbance of motility in... 232 vice for preventing glare Postencephalitic state, oculo- in ...... 225 gyric crises in ...... 46 INDEX-SUBJECTS xV .

PAGE PAGE Post-operative case without Retrobulbar neuritis ...... 45 bandages ...... 759 and multiple sclerosis ... 437 Psychology, Tenth International Royal London Ophthalmic Hos- Congress of, Copenhagen 126 pital, Annual Dinner Pterygium, refraction in ... 46 125, 250 Ptosis, new operation for 239 Society of Medicine, Section Pupil, closed, surgery of ... 50 of Ophthalmology, diameter of, effect of vital officers ...... 702 colouring on ...... 760 Alsatian soldiers reaction, consensual, are there Russian front, special nerve-fibres for ? 235 transported to, trachoma ...... 753 Pupillary zones, visual and Xin .... extravisual, variations in refraction of ...... 47 St. Margaret's Hospital, Annual Report, 1931 ...... 251 Radium, treatment of limbal School myopia ...... 217 tumours with ...... 152 Read, Sir William, treatise of Sclerosis, multiple, retrobulbar neuritis and ...... 437 the eyes ...... 335 Recession operation, controlled, Sclerotic, coloured areas in ... 671 for treatment of conver- Sensory-motor ophthalmoplegia 436

gent strabismus ...... 172 Seventeenth century letter deal- Refraction in congenital torti- ing with ophthalmic collis associated with matters, etc. ... 427 hemiatrophy of face 222 Seventh nerve block, iris anaes- in pterygium 46 thesia by retrobulbar in- of eye during first years of jection and paralysis of state ...... 48 life, of orbicularis oculi ... 166 of visual and extravisual en Bel- pupillary zones, varia- Siecle d'Ophtalmologie gique ...... 178 tions in ...... 47 Sixteenth century (late), ophthal- Reticuloma of orbit ... 691 mic book in English 345, 508 Reticulo - endothelial system, Skin-grafts, vertical, for recon- tumours of ...... 691 Retina, anterior dialysis of, dis- struction of eyebrows ... 501 Slit-lamp appearances, clinical insertion or avulsion at significance of ...... 53 ora serrata ... 641, 705 Spinal anaesthesia, paralysis of detachment of, experimental, ocular muscles following 552 vitreous in ... 697 treated inser- Sphenoid, diffuse hyperostosis glioma of, by of, with great enlarge- tion of radium needles ment of anterior clinoid in orbit, case ...... 686 processes: ocular mani- pigmentary degeneration of, festation ...... 695 in cerebro-spinal syphilis 308 Spring catarrh and the seasonal Retinal detachment occurring modifications of eosin- probably after herpes ophilia ...... 757 zoster ophthalmicus in in case of simple glaucoma 358 Stomosine therapy gonococcal infection ...... 438 vein, thrombosis of, glaucoma Strabismus and ametropia in following, cause of ... 423 Retinitis, diabetic, in patient twins ...... 421 convergent, controlled reces- aged 22 .... 38 pigmentosa and retinitis, sion operation for treat- ment of ...... 172 punctata albescens ... 418 treatment of blindness Sun glare in Iraq, study of ... 577 associated with...... 439 S u p e r i o r oblique, bilateral punctata albescens, retinitis paresis of, as sole dis-

pigmentosa and...... 418 turbance of motility in Retrobulbar injection and pineal gland tumour ... 232 paralysis of orbicularis rectus, paralysis of, tendon oculi by 7th nerve block, transplantation for ... 306

anaesthesia of iris by ... 166 Syphilitic iritis ...... 301 XV1i. INDEX-SUBJECTS

PAGE PAGE Tabes and general paralysis of Tuberculosis in etiology of acute insane, is there an iris- iritis ...... 300 syndrome in? 437 ocular, diagnostic difficultes Teleradiography with visualiza- ill ...... 440 tion of cornea ...... 175 relation of scrofulous kerato- Temporal lobe lesions, distur- conjunctivitis to ... 299 bances of visual patlh- Tuberculotoxic origin of sym- ways ...... 629 pathetic ophthalmitis, Tendon reflexes, absent, and problem of ...... 174 tonic pupils, benign dis- Tumours of apex of petrous order characterised by, bone, syndrome of ... 695 complete and incomplete Tunisia, Soutlhern, a year of forms of ...... 449 prophylactic trachoma transplantation for paralysis training in ...... 753 of superior rectus ... 306 trachoma in military terri- Tetany, parathyroid, and cataract 567 tories of ...... 753 Thrombosis of retinal vein, glau- Twins with eye defects-ame- coma following. cause of 423 tropia and strabismus... 421 T h y r o i d disorders, unusual ocular changes in ... 369 Uni-ocular zonular cataract ... 385 Thyroidectomy, cataract after 567 Uveo-parotitis ...... 302 Tonic pupils and absent tendon reflexes, benign disorder Vaccinia in the eye ...... 630 characterised by, com- Vestibulo-ocular reflex paths ... 257 plete and incomplete Vision and the work of the forms of ...... 449 painter ...... 176 Torticollis, congenital, associ- binocular, human, conver- ated with hemiatrophy gence of ...... 20 of face, refraction in ... 222 new device for training Trachoma, aetiology of, relation and testing ...... 105 of bacterium granulosis direct, acuity of, alterations

to ...... 755 of, in diseases of optic and its corneal complications, nerve ...... 436 ...... treatment of ...... 756 fishy ... 227, 701 campaign against 125 organ of, local immunity of 502

diet deficiency and ... 61, 124 peripheral, acuity of, in immunity against experi- certain ocular diseases, mental re - inoculation clinical examination of 47 after natural and cured acuity of, in normal eye ... 47

attack of the disease ... 755 Visual pathways, disturbances iii Algeria, bacteriological of. Temporal lobe ... researches on ...... 752 lesions ...... 629 in Alsatian soldiers trans- Vital colouring, effect of, on ported to Russian front 753 intra-ocular tension, di- in military territories of ameter of pupil, albu-

Southern Tunisia ... 753 minous content and re- little known mild forms of... 754 fractive index of aqueous North African, new bacterial humour ...... 760 cultures isolated in, by Vitreous, alterations of, in ...... Noguchi's technique ... 755 myopia 570 papillary, difficulty in diag- in experimental detachment ...... nosis of ...... 754 of retina ... 697 training, prophylactic, in Voluntary Hospitals Ophthal- Southern Tunisia, a year mic Clinics ...... 61

of ...... 753 Trachomatous contamination of Weeping, physiology of...... 1 young European children White Oak Hospital, Swanley,

in the Colonies ...... 754 returns from ...... 253

Trephine operation ...... 501 Wilson's disease, case of, Kayser- Tribromethanol (avertin) as Fleischer ring in cornea anaesthetic in eye surgery 757 in ...... 299 Trichinosis and its ocular mani- festations...... 374 Xerophthalmos and xerostoma, Tuberculin, action of, on normal case of ...... 630 eyes 175 Xerostoma and xerophthalmos,

in ophthalmology ...... 285 case of ...... 630