NMML Acquisitions: September 2001
NMML Acquisitions: September 2001 This list is for informational purposes only, indicating volumes currently in the NMML Library collection. This is a searchable PDF file. Press Ctrl+F and type the keyword you are searching for. Aparicio, J.M. & Cordero, P.J. 2001. The effects of the minimum threshold condition for breeding on offspring sex-ratio adjustment in the lesser kestrel. Evol. 55, 1188-1197. Araya, M., Cubillos, L.A., Guzm*n, M., PeÞailillo, J. & Sep*lveda, A. 2001. Evidence of a relationship between age and otolith weight in the Chilean jack mackerel, {ITrachurus symmetricus murphyi} (Nichols). Fish. Res. 51, 17-26. Barlow, K.E. 2001. The timing of egg loss in macaroni penguins. Antarct. Sci. 13, 286-287. Barraclough, T.G. & Nee, S. 2001. Phylogenetics and speciation. Trends in Ecology and Evolution 16, 391-399. Bass, Ronald E., Albert I. Herson and Kenneth M. Bogdan. 2001. The NEPA Book: a Step-by-Step Guide on How to Comply With the National Environmental Policy Act. 2nd edition. Point Area, CA, Solano Press Books. 475p. KF3775 .B37 2001 Benton, M.J. & Pearson, P.N. 2001. Speciation in the fossil record. Trends in Ecology and Evolution 16, 405-411. Bittner, Tonia. 2001. Results of Seabird Monitoring at St. Paul Island, Alaska in 2000: Summary Appendices . Homer, AK, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service. (U.S. Fish and Wildl. Serv. Rep. AMNWR 01/05) 58p. SK367 .A41 A569 no. 01/05 Boersma, P.D., Kareiva, P., Fagan, W.F., Clark, J.A. & Hoekstra, J.M. 2001. How good are endangered species recovery plans? BioSci.
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