The Clinton Independent.


C. 8. Allison, jeweler and optician, —The Stmon liazaar stock has been »n Council. PKRMONAL. Try our 5U cent Tea. A good d keep* only tint-class good* and dues moved back to Lansing Aujoonasit ttsouLaa Mssnnt. > ing free. Call and see it, and only the best watch, clock and jewelry lit. Joan*. January 15. tail t Byron Pieros and Bgrt Passage spent —Look out for the children's Cam I-1 BLAZES AT FOWLER Sunday in Lansing. Yours Truly. C. A- Putt . NpElftRf. val at Newton hall next week. enUod to order by President DeWitt /. Spectacle* and Kye (ilasses at almost —John Hicks has been awarded the Preeeot Trustee# I logman. Hollister. Kniffln Mrs. Frank Waters is upending a few Chapin A Go. are showing the largest f wholesale prices at Krepps. DeWitt A contract for carpeting the new Episco ­ AN KAKLY SDNUAY MORNING KIKE Murdock. Paiincrand Wolcott days with friends in Ovid. and flnest line of Silk Velvets to be Co. ’s. Eyes tested free. pal churah. IN OlIK XKH1HHOMING VILLAGE. The minutes of Jan. X IN Wm. Pulton. of Ithaca, lias been visit­ found. ______On and after January 15. 1894. I will —See the Japanese Parsol drill in full ing iu town since Saturday last The following claim* presented and Hugs I Bugs : Rugs! sell for spot cash only . Japauese costume at the Children’s Car­ Th# Urf* rUarlhf Mill of C. E. BIIm, Mr*. P. K. Perriuaud daughter. Vera, 2w C. A. Purr, Grocer. nival next week. referred to the committee visited in Corunna on Saturday of last The prettiest line ever shown in St. TofShtr with IU O iwIibU. llwtrwyM No I0e-Wm G Ho tana, ft week. Johns just received at Kendrick's. —If you want to see four live frogs hf F1r»-rh» NIUUoatoiMd 4,OM Huih- IIS—A O Hunt HOME MATTERS. dauce Th- ra- ra-boom-de-ay , go to the Mrs. J. Waters was called to Pontiac Cololb *• Cl so MS# I Djrod and Children's Carnival. •U of tVhMl-Tfcr«M Kail road Car* 111-0 P DeWitt___ Saturday ou account of the death of her 1U-M r Pitta ______mother. By II. Hickey. over Clark A Hulseys □—Will those still holdiiig the "Little l.iuilrt with O—l Burn far Two Days— store. ______—Hprague A Squair want 1.000 bushels Tycoon ” books, please return tliem to lia—J W Pair**Co Hon. S. L. Kilbo trne.of Lansing, was of beans at their elevator in 8t. Johns, the library association f 114-0 C Clark, aac'y in our village, on professional business, For the best waten repairing go is About 4 o ’cloek on Sunday morning last Monday. Krepps. DeWitt #'uid Co. Every job x —Buy your gold tilled watches, of —Bom to Mr. and Mrs. Judson Dut­ Total allowed Jan. Ik. 11*4...... lit 31 warranted Krepps. DeWitt & Co , leading jewelers, ton. in this village, Wednesday. Janu ­ laat. January 14, 1894. Are was discov ­ The following communication was received C. W. Lyon, of Conway. Emmet coun ­ and save money. ary 17.1883. a daughter ered in the annex of the large flouring nod referred to the committee on Are. water ty. Mich., spent the latter part of last At Chapin A Co.'s may be found b —“ Chip O’ The Old Block. ” at New­ —Over one huudrea children and mill owned by Mr. C. E. Bliss in the and lights: week in our village. complete line of ladies fur muffs. ton Hall. Saturday evening. Jan. 31). for youug people elegantly costumed appear 8t. Johns, Mich.. Jan. *, ISM. Charley Gadt. who has been confined village of Fowler, and in a very short to his home a fortnight by an injured Fur Aule. one performance only. in songs, drills, dances, scenes, tableaux, time the entire mill was enveloped in To the Village Board of 8t. Johns pantomimes etc. at the Children's Car- The PI re Department respectfully submit back, is about again. A desireable residence on Prospect —There are but three weeks twixt flames, and in lees than two hours the street. St. Johns. Every thing new, ia this and the advent of Lent, the earliest uival. the names of W. W. Simonson. Fred Tatro Miss Jennie Maxam made a visit to modem style aud in good order. For in the season that it can cmnmenc** —We are pleased to learn that our structure was burned to the ground. and Ell Mead as highly recommended for cer­ her home in Waterford. Friday evening particulars enquire at ini* office or of A, —Special return engagement of the old friend Alvin Winegar. of Bengal, Three railroad cars, standing close to tificate* of honorary membership and who laat, remaining over Sunday. T. Cross. 1418 ever popular comedy. " Chip O’ The who was so near the threshold of death the mill, loaded with coal, also caught hare served the term of seven rears In their Mrs. Dr. L. .Jones went to Grand Cloak* : Old BIock .” at Newton Hall, Satuday. last week, is improving under the treat­ tire aud coutinued burning for two days. respective companies. I^dge Wednesday morning, called there January 30. ment of Dr. Weller. The loss to the owner is absolute as We also present the name* of ofikwrs elected by theserious illness of her father. Vow is the time to buv CIosks at your — Myrtie. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. there was uo insurance on the burned tor the year IMS. as follows: Geo. W. Estes, A. Retail, of Little Rock. Arkansas, own price At John H ickh ’. —Sprague A Squair are in the market pres: Frank Hvatt. vlcc-pres: Wm. G. Holmes, for the purchase of I .non bushel* of oar Albert Bennett, of this village, died on property. Besides, it is estimated that was shaking bands with old friends in The Lorgoal Liuou Towel Wednesday morning. January 17, of sec; M. A. Hulse. trees: Wm. Crick, chief; our village the front part of the present com, ami thev have 1 .<*** bushels of some 4.UJU bushels of wheat was burned Is to be found At Chapin A Co. ’s shelled com for sale at 50 cents per consumption, aged 1« years. The fu­ with the mill, the greater portion of M. A. Hulse. ass’t chief, and Edgar Talmadge, week. bushel. neral will be held ou Friday. which belonged to poor farmers having steward. Signed, WM. O. HOLMES. Frank II. Auten.of Little Rock. Ark., The largest aud finest line of Carpets —About forty members of the D. of It. —Mr. F. II. Bose, who has managed no granaries at their own. who had Sec’y of Dep’t. arrived in our village last Tuesday, and in St. John* is at Kendrick's, at lowest the job department of this office for the stored their wheat iu the mill at their A petition for crosswalks on the south shlc will spend a number of days hereabouts. prices. ______lodge of this village, went to Ovid last He is bale and hearty. Saturday evening to visit the Loyal past two years, is still connected with own risk. Mr. Bliss is an honorable, en­ of Gibbs street across Ottawa street and on New Hlylee In Carpel*. lodge ainl do initatiou work with the this institution, being engaged in get ­ terprising gentleman, and has the deep ­ the west side of Ottawa street across Gibbs Mrs. Louis Yauconsant went to Grand ting out The Independent . It is est sympathy of the community. New Carpets are now being received Degree Staff. street, signed by J. 8. Wolcott was presented Itapids ou Saturday to visit Theodore At John A ick V. simply a change in denartmeuts. and referred to the committee on grade* and Yauconsant. who is employed in the —While cleaning off the cobble stone The Annual Meet Ins. in front of Peroev s store on Tuesdav of —On Monday last the O. G. Wickea walks. Michigan Trust building. The Mercantile Co. pay tl»e farmers this Horton. MU«Hnanfor The regular annual meeting of the The committee on fire, water and lights re- Mr. and Mrs. A. D. Lance spent Sun ­ more cash for Butter aud Eggs than Mr. Percey. was the>#,.. lucky tinder of g'J auction and bid in by7 Albert T Hallou Clinton County Agricultural Society Ianted recommending that certificate* of hon­ day at DeWitt. the guests of her par­ any three concerns iu Clinton county. a chattle mortgage for I3.0UU held by orary membership in tne 81. Johns fire de ­ ents. A. J. Chapman and wife, who ten dollar gold piece. him. The good*, or at least the princi­ was held at the oourt bouse in this vil­ Consult your best interests aud leave —Found —A gold watch Owner inky partment be granted to W.XV. Simonson. Fred have just recovered from a siege of the pal portion of them, will be disposed of lage. on Saturday afternoon last. Janu ­ Tairo and Eli Mead. Also that the officer* os ffrip. your orders for fall and winter suits at have same by calling, proving property at retail at reduced prices. ary* 18.1894, for the election of officers and paying these charges at Krepps. reported elected by the fire department for Geo. II. Stephenson. T. S. DeGroodt ______Judd ’s. DeWitt ft Co.'s Jewelery and Optical —"Chip O' the Old Block. ” a comedy and the transaction of such other busi­ the ensuing year be confirmed by this board and Fred Swain are at East Saginaw in Best and newest patterns and styles Store, St. Johns. Mich. of an uproarious character, but witu ness as might properly come before the On motion the report was accepted aud attendance at the Grand Chapter Roval of fall and winter .suitings and oyer- climaxes of a dram die nature, which adopted. Masons, which convenes there coatings At Judd ’s. —East Boston Argus. At Newton hail will be presented at Newton Hall. Jan, assembly. A'he meeting was liberally Wednesday . January 34. Third enter­ attended by tliose who feel a keen in­ The committee on grade* and walk* report ­ this week. 30 with R. L. Scott aud the best (Mist ed In favor of constructing cross walks on the F. E. Aldrich A Co. receive subscrip­ tainment of Congregational Star course. vet seen iu this favorite success during terest in the success of the society, and Geo. Earl, who has for a long time tion* for all periodicals. Reserved seats at Hunt ’s drug store. south side of Gibbs street acres* Ottawa bsffn employed at the Manufacturing its seven years reign. Like wine, it lias their deliberations were characterized Monday, January 32. at 7 a. m. improved with age. street and also on the west side of Ottawa Co.'s shops in this village, removed 75 cent Dress Goods at 39 cents by a spirit of fairness and the best of street across Gibbs street and recommended with his to Grand Itapids on At John H ickh ’. —One day last week Dr. Wiggins re­ —A grand charity liall is to be given moved a large tape-worm from a boy- feeling throughout. that the marshal construct them at once Tuesday of this wee k. at Newton liall Friday evening. Janu ­ On motion the report was adopted named Ash. who lives in the west [Wirt After the reading of the minutes of Advertised Letters. Those "Bom ” Steel ranges at Spauld ­ ary 19. under the auspices of the charity- 'Thecommittee on claim* reported that the ing A Co. ’s are the best on the market. of town. It Is the largest one the doc ­ loving oeople iu general, the proceeds to tor ever ms- taken from a child. the last meeting and the financial state­ claims referred to them were correct at the Call and see them.______lie used for the lienertt of tne worthy ment of the last year’s fair, together January 17, ISM. —Wm. rhielJ. son John Tlnell. of poor in our midst. Cards and dancing footings and recommended that orders be I'regon. Jarre# William. H. F Cats. Dogs. Kittens. Pups and Picka­ Bengal township, died on Friday last. can be indulged iu. and a general good w itla the report of Wm. Byrne, superin ­ drawn on the proper funds for the amounts Little. Syiveeier Moor. Arthur On motion the report was accepted and Youngs. Myron ninny At Chapin A Co.'a January 12. 1804. of consumption, aged time is anticipated tendent of the grouuds. all of which V. A. CHAPIN. P. M. 34 years. The funeral was held on Mon ­ adopted. Oaeg st* . —The d o'clock tea given at Mrs. E. were accepted and adored, the meeting On motion the report of committee on fire, day at the Bengal and Riley Baptist L. White’s on Thursday evening of last MARRIED The largest and best assorted stock of church. Rev. E. D. Wav officiating. proceeded to the election, by ballot, of water and lights, reported January 1*1. was Carpets in St. Johns is at Kendrick ’s. week, for the benefit of the ladies' soci ­ n President in place of R. M. Swagart, accepted 4MITH—KEBFEK.—In Orange. Ionia county, —Mrs. Conrad Martin will sell at pub­ ety of St. John's church, was liberally January 3. 1*M, by Hev Leslie Bower, of lic auction at tier home three miles south attended and very much enjoyed bv all. who declined to serve another term. The following proposition was submitted: of Portland. Mr William W. Smith, of Leba­ Call and see the elegant line of Indian non. Clinton county, and Miss Eva L Keefer, Baskets. Hamper*, etc. aud one-half mile west of Fowler, on Mrs. Price’s parlor orchestra added The drst ballot was informal and re­ ST. John *. Michioa *. January >. ISM. of Orange F. E. A ldrich A Co.'s Tuesday. January 3U. 1804. commencing much to the pleasures of the evening. sulted as follows : To lb i/#Mr*W< lb Prnidtot ami Hoar A o) Trot- MNYDEK—8ELDON. —in Eagle. January 3 at 1 o ’clock p. m.. horses, colts, cows, The recipts were about $23. to— of tk* ViHmft 0/ 81. JoAut ISM. by Hev. Hawley, Mr. Alonso J. snyder H. L. Kendrick . . —...... 3 and Miss Tills !*eldon. both of Eagle. Do not fail to see those Towels, two calves, sheep, wagon, harness, sleighs, —TheComedian. R. L.Scott, togeatlicr Gentlemen: —In response to your request, for 35 cents. _At Chapin A Co ’s. farm implements, etc. Terms favorable F. M Spaulding ------» ABBOTT—HOPVEK.—In Emex. Jan. V. IMI. with the young and talented soubrette. Scattering ...... — ...... * we have the honor of making the following by Hev P. !. Hyker. Mr. Chaa 9. Abbott of Lamp chimneys, all sizes. 5 cent*, at and sale positive. Miss Gladys Van. assisted by a brillant propositions for the lighting of the streets of tvest Branch. Mich., and Miss Marie E Hoover, of Eseez Sherman's Bazaar. —Some of our exchanges have fallen array of novelty specialists, who come «S the village of St. Johns, via.: We will erect, into the error that then* are 15 saloous to uis with the highest enconiums of the On motion of Mr. Kendrick this bal­ equip and maintain thirty ortnUture of verv di ­ secretary-Clsreuee A. Wilcox. cedar swamp four miles north-east of Prof. II. E. Butler, or Alma College, Treasurer Cornell os H- Bennett err. Johns electric light , heat and St. Johns, which comprises nearly all verse characters. Repeated encores will preach at the Congregational Prelate Mrs. Mary b Clark. POWER CO testified to the delight of the audience.” Marshal—8. H McClmtoek. of the cedar in this county, will sell INK STATE SAVIN SAN BAI1S church next Sunday morning and even- Warden —Mrs Luells Gifford Per ROBT. O. STEEL, fiec y. pasts made to order at the following OF FOWLER. —The services at St. John's church Onard-Mrs. Era Mar Tlnkcom last Sunday were of unusual interest. — “W ball at Newton liall. Friday Sentry -R 9. Bart rani On motion the proposition was received and low prices : Five cents for 7 foot posts, CAPITAL, ilMOO. The sacrament of Baptism was admin is evening, January 19. BUI, $1.50 per ordered placed on file. and aix cents for 8 foot poets, at the tered at the morning service; and at the couple ; spectators 15 cents and supper Trustee Knlflln offered the following reso- banking place iu tin* swamp, or one NET ASSET* OF STOCKHOLDER*. officers elect of St. Johns tent No. 30H, cent additional at my residence . Orders evening service, just before his address 25 cents. may be left with John Wheat at the FRANK GRULER, PrssMeat. to the young men. the rector publicly •* Aaron, the Faithful Helper.” is the K. O. T. M.. were duly installed. Sir Rttotrtd, That the Preside nt and clerk are Rochester Clothing House. No orders FREDERICK SCHEMER. Vie*-] instituted a chapter of the Brotlierhond subject for the League. January 21,1894. Knight R. M. Winston acting as instal­ hereby Instructed to re-new contract with fit W. H. SWELLING of St. Andrew. It was an impressive Miss Jennie Richmond, leader. All Johns Electric Light Heat and Poorer Co. and received after February 1. 1894. ling officer. A floe program was rend ­ E. Durkee . DIRECTORS sight to see twelve manly men approach are invited. ered. consisting of by the orches­ the Mutual Gas Co. for lighting the street* of St. Johns. Mich.______the chancel rail and take upon them­ Adjourned regular meeting of Bliuf- tra and recitations by Miss Hattie Vree­ the village of fit. Johns for th* satar nu OoesUettas Graler, FreSertsk *ehsn selves the vows of the Brotherhood, by ham Commandery . United Friends. land and Miss Nellie Mlllis. The fol ­ of lights and on the same terms aa for the laat The flneat line of Ladles' Silk Mittens, W H. Sastllag, John H CerMt. which they are pledged to the two rules Thursday evening. January 18. A full lowing are the officers : year At Chapin A Co.'s Peter Thotur. Frmak UniIsr of prayer and service. Not a few of attendance is desired. Trustee Palmer moved that the resolution JriEcph Coil:. the large congregation which crowded The ladies'aid society, of the M. E. Commander —<4*© D. Smith TIi Consumers of Moats. Ueut Co ra Breede r—A. C. A be laid on the table. IV* Fear per coat, lalsmt said oa tin* < the church house, were moved to tears. church, will give a butterfly social, at K. K.-M.F Washburn. Whies motion prevailed I desire to liere say to my friends and Prolate ton* Hobert. That this body of men may be instru ­ the renidenoe of Mrs. 1. Holton Thurs­ The President referred all corre spondence to all consumers of Fresh and Salt Physician Henry l*aim«-; Meats. Itoultry and Fish, that i sa now ATE HANK OF ST. JOHNS. mental in " the spread of Christ's King ­ day evening. January 25. All are cor ­ M. of A.-E. E ~ paper* end plans regarding the sewag e ques­ dom. ' will be the wish and prayer of dially invited to attend. loigM-A located in the Munger store room, near ST COMMERCIAL and savtwos . every lover of the church. There will be an oyster supper given let M. of O. -Loren tCOOtlc tion to the Committee on stream end sewers Uie liead of Clinton avenue, east side, M M .ofO. —i _ to report a definite course for the village —Last Saturday was indeed a busy at the residence of Mr. Mark Gage Fri loo. Net aorootthr where may always lie found the flnest day in St. Johns. There were counted dav evening. January 29 1)111. 50 cents at the next meeting meats at prioee os ietr us tkr Imctat.— 112 teams hitched upon the west side of per couple. One and all invited. Pro- Trustee KniMn offered the foUowtag reaolu- Soliciting a share of your patronage I Clinton avenue. Iietween Railroad anti ‘ applied to Rev. Burns salary. remain Your humble servant. CAPITAL 40.SS*. State streets, and there were nearly or John Pflbohauk . U a Dl The next meeting of Pomona O instrueSad to quite as manv more on the east side, be­ NET ASfiHTC OF STOCKHOI sides the large number on cross streets | Mm ftlli MM. will be held with Bengal Grange. Jan. o n ce to secure right of way for the tu Sewing M and in the feed barns. The walks and It has been decided by the Mich let on route according to plans adopted by the I hare a number of the State Board of Healththat consumption 24. Program; Welcome address by Ben­ second hand Sewing Machines. In per­ stores were crowded with people, and gal Grange: response by F. W. Redfern: Board of Trustees of th* #11 lege of fit. Johns PORTER K. PERRIN, Presides!. every thing gave evidence of new life is a disease dangerous to the public and that said committee be authorised to fect order, which will be sold very' low, GEO F MARTIN. Tlee-PrssHiat. health, and should lie reported to the installation of ofltoars; a flfth degree and folly warranted. All kinds of and better time* Money is plenty with machine repairing promptly done. J. W. FITSnaRALb. t esMer. which to purchase everything demand ­ health authority ■■■ session will be held and an opportunity H.H FITZGERALD A ed by the people, and the banka are pre­ lution was adopted at the September given for any to join. ____ 14Sltf Gnu. D. Cooper . meeting: O. L. Bmckwtto . pared to accomodate those who have Woolen and cotton hosiery at Assofatri. That hereafter, consump ­ meat for rtugt^ the five hetl. tsn feet of 1 inch DIRECTORS: good and sufficient security for such ac Sherman ’s Bazaar . oommodations. The Mercantile Com tion laud oilier di seases due to the J*»r- hone with ro nnaot tons. and a number of rob ­ P K. Persia, O. W. Manger. Gee. P. Herein. J.E pony ware obliged to add to their iahgr iUmt tubrrmdomt) shall be included In ber coats be pa to Pure Bred CKt Os-att, J. H. Pedes s. J. W force of clerks to be able to wait upon Uie official list of Diseases dangerous On These sows are 8 to 15 months old, Mtrksei Spitz ley. Juan the large multitude of patrons on that to the public health.' referred to In see- to the good size aud form ami all liave been a S. Allison. G.E-CesMa. Ry . fc It la, tbs b—4b— la emmiM tions 187' and 187n Howell's statutes, on motion, the we wish to return oar 1 bred to n registered boar. Prices rea­ ipply andBda —d- Wit ti requiring notice by householders and DsWITT H. HUNT. sonable. F. M. Piogott . (lEO D. SMITH. Com K O. T. M true of Mt. Johns iss equallyually true of the physicians to the local health officer, as village Clerk. Residence, section 25. Lebanon. i of Michigan and the T'nttedMtatee. soon ns such s disease is rwopMsai. ” L. D PARE. P« (lore K O. T.M. 1421 tf lVistoffirc. Fowler. FatAonTtwrel CLINTON INDEPENDENT. THURSDAY JaN. 18. 1894.


to Heyrtaee Hawaii'* (loooniwooI late the . tiMMSi Mot, (Jntelljr fMsak Of»n I 4att 01 TWO PENINSULAS. Walter I’angborn. a boy about 14 A •ml Then llun - ‘fllr** Men. years old, broke through the ice and Hawh* of the Ks-gweea. A mob of about 20 mutt entered the NEWS GATHERED PROM THE was drowned on Mom Lake at Caas- PRESIDENT CLEVELAND SENDU Preaidant Dole, of Hawaii, expresses ELEVEN PASSENGERS KILLED opolis. disappointment because of the news of jail at ltusseil, Kan-, look out J. G. ANOTHER TO CONGRESS. ON THE LACKAWANNA. i Burton. William Gay aud Ms son, Jobu ENTIRE STATE. The annual meeting of the Michigan j withdrawal of the treaty for political union between Hawaii and the U o'ted Gay. and hung the b> a small rail­ Poultry Jk Pet Stock association was m lake* Coni If bat Barely States; yet relief is felt that aoice offi ­ One Train I'nuhn Into AMlhrr Cfi u • road a short distance east of Ban . Cam >utUaloMr HhnwaMl'i Annual held at Charlotte with about 1,209 the depot in that city, entries. Tn ills Ik* i> cial information upon the subject has Urlds* Over Uu I wkwot Klver Key nt died ity. These instructions then speak of Hut Utils other busineao at minor importance the following mormng. All arrange ­ increased capital. Of the nine private branch state prison ut Marquette will tha reference of the entire matter by portunity of examining Mr. Blount's was irsnssctsd. Executive m-<,|oh . Ad- bank* closed during the year the state Journod. Huim Committee or the u hole.-- ments had been made for hi* marriage. give It) per cent of their pay for Janu ­ the President to Congress, and are report, but from published quotations had no supervision whatever. It is re­ ary toward the relief of the poor and infer that a conversation whicii Mr. Mr. Wilson continued hie Kpewcb of tile pre­ U> take place that day, to Mina Bessie signed by Secretary Gresham. vious dsy upon llw new tariff measure. Ills Wick ware. The yoaug lady was with commended that they should lie under needy of the iron region. Mr. Willis' last dispatch which called Damon, of the advisory council, is addrsas was forcible and rloiiuent wllli tnnny the care of either the state or national alleged to have hail with the ex-queen is lellioir points sod wns creeled with nppiauo him during hi* sickness constantly. William (lordon. of Tecumscli, be­ forth the instructions contained a copy at the nnlsb. Mr. Burrows, of Mlclilicait. fo.- The cast* is considered a mysterious banking department. The failure of the basis for these claims: blit what Mr. lowsd In * rplendld .‘Miour speech uirtinu lbs the Central Michigan Saving* bank at came insane from excessive use of of President Dole's reply to the de ­ one. although no blame cun be at­ mand tliat Queen Liliuokalui Ire re­ Damon may have said was upon his Mil. 'I he cjoeoal nitration »•• Riven him bv learning i* gone into in detail, anil the liquor, anil was considered too violent individual responsibility and not upon both side* of the House and llir crowd.d cal. tached to the dentist or physiciun who to lie trusted with his liberty and was stored. Mr. Dole's reply ia a very able lerteasod hearty apptsuse j.uncluatrd llw .td- administered the drug. examination that led up to the arrest authority. We are not disposed dress *1 Its many stroll* •rgumsnin. Gen. J. of Cashier I trail ley on u charge of mak­ sent to Kalamazoo asylum. document The remaining communications sent to submit the fate of Ha­ (’. Hlsck. of Illinois, next molr an address ing false report* explained The Crystal waii upon the statements and favorlnir the men-ore. Mr. Hopkins, ol ldl- •lutlr* I.4«»k '» Pension Upheld. A1 Kowley. of Henton Harbor, was to congress are principally regarding nolo, opposed t be bill. Pulls hank was carried down by the arrested near there for stcuiing a 8.VW conclusion* of Mr. Hlount 'a report, Washington special: Judge Bradley failure of the 1‘iankington hank of Mil­ Minister Willis' interviews with the decide.I tlie Long pension cast* in favur horae and rig near Aurora, HI., in ex-queen. I nder dale of November 111! which we have not yet iiad the oppor Hxnatb .—1Twenty-wcond ension waa unauthorized who assisted in her overthrow and sup­ anblc assistance in allaying the iinau- A new town known as McGreg or * i* have been more clearly decided in York. had * personal war »f word*, anti Ihon by law: that it was the duty of Um» ported the provisional government. lion. T. L. Jon Hem.. (Hilo, msile a svii- eta! excitement and loaning the con ­ springing up in Sanilac county, six favor of the provisional government commissioner to revoke the orrler. sail To this the ox-queen decidedly replied sstlonsl -porch In which l,« si-orvd his early fidence of the people stronger. Not miles north of Cursonvtlle. Enough than by the recognition of our envoys. leader* for their timid manner I* band hit/ to sec that the payment of the is-nainn only for what the published but for money lias liecn raised for u depot, uud that she would behead them and con ­ Mr. Dole then very tersely says an ar­ thv tariff <|uesilon. H<-accuvwl thorn of cow- is continued to the relator. "inas ­ fiscate their property. Mr. WUliathen ardlco all slot)..- 1 he In.. . letnuvd the what sensational financial news from now its citizens are trying for a post- bitrator can only be created by two allnrrd stool rail pool and lorxiu- invoiced III much as Mr. Lochren now answer* other cities they suppressed, even ut office. asked further instructions. Later ex- rtiea and they have not consented. a wordy quarrel wltn Mr. Dalzoll. or I'eiui. that he has removed the suspension Marshul C. H. Wilson called upon Mr. sylrniiin. which ended with honors shout even. the coat of decreased sales. .Marquette suffered from a water E» quotes the queen's letter to Presi­ uud ha* directed the United States Despite the unfavorable conditions Willis with a plun of pn»eediire for the (tenki.'il agent ut Detroit to resume at famine for several days, some accident dent Harrison the day after the over ­ 8ZXATZ. —Twcnly-lUinl <|.ty.—^The Hawaiian 18 new state banks were incorporated restoration. A list of advisers accom ­ throw and she say* nothing about an once the pay incut of ]*-u*:on to the re­ huving happened to the intake pipe. panied. Mr. Willis soys the list was controversy aaniif occupied tho day an i r*ea- during the year, with a capital of Fire got in it* deadly work while the understanding to arbitrate. At no ator list ia concluded hi- speech In op;io«.Uou lator. it will not be necessity to direct JP& not composed of men who could lie re­ time until December 19 did this govern ­ lo tho policy of the prooci.l admiai-iralton. the writ lo issue, but upon filing vuoh town was without water to the exteut lied upon in the interests of good gov ­ He vary humorously referred In Ut* attempt Mr. Sherwood nay* that while in the of gtO.OOO. ment have official information of the ■it restoring llto monarchy no an open answer, which the clerk is direct or! to past he criticized the policy of electing ernment or of American interest*. claim of Presiucnt Cleveland of his iKiuge (juovti cUmoMuir for her do, judgment for the cases of this pro ­ directors who did not give proper at­ The Advance Thresher company of The Americans, who for over half a right to interfere. lost throne. ana the --allerios were ceeding shuli be entered against the century, held a commanding piace in so noisy tn tltrlr lauifhter nod applause that tention Uj the affair* of their banks, Hattie Creek, ha* hail a most prosper ­ If your contention that President it required the threat l>> cdrnr 'lie a* I left** to respondent." then* has been no cause for complaint ous year. For the year just closed a the councils of state, are ignored, and -'ipprevs them, senator lurpie matte an other nationalities. English especially, Cleveland lielieves that this govern hour's speech that was rv strum; Istti arxu- ainco May 1. The highest compliments rush dividend of 7 per cent and a stock menl and the cx*queeu have submitted The ceremonies attcntling.tbe inan dividend of 8 was declared, und a S.V).- are >laced in charge. menl based on international and tilplouiall. are paid the banker* of Detroit und their respective claims to the sover ­ law and took tho position ‘hat tlso provLIouai guraliou of lion. Frank D. Jackson ;. * I«ansing. especially for standing to ­ 000 slock surplus fund created. The ox-queen's adviser* evidently .overnnienU hnvtoK been ones. smznL ’nl l»v succeeded in getting her to alter her eignty of this country to the adjudica ­ the United Stales amt the alvlllxsal world. It governor of Iowa were very simple, al­ gether as they did during the summer tion of the United States is correct, though hig crowds were present; Iw- and uvertiug a general panic. The The residence of Mm. .lane Norton, intention regarding the behendiug of wu a fact acr imptiahed and rreounilton of Union City, was entered by two her t-nomie*. for under date of Ikceni then, may I ask when aud where has could not be withdrawn. Iloi'sk. The tariff cause of the death of Mis* Jessie, the commissioner believe*, us a result of the President held this court of arbi­ lelMlo waa I lie only busilieso of impan a daughter of lion. Iloraee lioies. the re­ closest observation, that the allowing masked burglars, who bound and l*-r 18 Mr. Willis sends a letter from Mr Hreckturidxc .ol Kentucky; Air. lUrbant*. gagged the lady and took 8200 in gold tration.' This government lias had no of Ohio; Mr. rpriuicrr. of llilnom. mui .Mr. tiring governor. The netv go rernor is of ltank* to incorporate with Ikii Ii the ex-queeu granliug full amnesty to from a truuk, leaving other valuables notice of the sitting of such a tribunal llarier. of Ohio, suppoited the IVIIsmi ldl. a Republican and lukc* the place of s commercial and saving departments all. while Mr. Dinslvy. of Maiae, and Mr. Itrwslu*. untouched. Mr. Norton ia 78 vears and no opportunity of presenting evi­ of Pennsylvania, opposed II. Democrat. was an element of strength. Miehi- dence of its claim.*- ii’k bunking law has all the good old. state Fair In Itelroll In 180*. The investigation by Mr. Hlount is ScasTB.—Tweaty-foartti dey.- Mr. I’wo ton'- Till-: UAHKKTM. S• lures of the national bunking act. When George Ixmnds, agent for the Arrangement* have l»een completed characterized as ex parte aud secret, nouiluatton as ilirertor of ibe mint wan wn- with several amendments adapted to American Express company, at Akroii, whereby the next state fair will be ; without the knowledge of the govern ­ tinned after a long delay senator Allen. the varied business interests of the held at the Detroit exposition grounds I'og.. Neb., railed up It's reoo hiinw. wiocli Tuscola county, was home he heard a ment or an opportunity by it to lie waa adopted, directluc tlie «si fi l»n of th<- Cattle—GooJ to cl»4>lce . 4 4 35 • to. $4-73 state, anil our citizens can congratulate disturbance at the door. He went, out in the early part of >eptember. A tn-aarry to inform the Senate trots wh»t Hugs ...... 5 45 .. 5.61 henni or even known who the wit­ flieep null i nffils ...... 1 7* .. 3 25 themselves that it hail been in opera ­ and was knocked down and robbed of *|iecial committee of the Detroit Expo ­ nesses were. Mr. Hlount was in Ha­ «urrv> the mild coin of this uuuatr). ouisbb- sition association, went to LunsinganJ of tbe trea-ury of the United stale* waa In­ W lit-at—lt«wl .pot No 2...... Ml*,. IDS. tion long enough to command the re- $171 of express money. There is no waii but a short time and gained no creased to the Hiitoanl ft |K»UWIdat ing tbe White spot So 1...... On — '»H* »p**«-t of the public liefore we were com ­ clue to the robbers. had a conference with a committor of lloea) >esr 1108. aa oxcreseed In lit* roeetii rv- Corn No . spot ...... MH.- MU knowledge of the affairs of the gov- unta- No ; wMiespot. •Ua. pelled to content with the unprece ­ The marshal of Otsego was noli Set! the slate Ixisrd, und later with the ▼ernaeai except through his witnesses, l»>rt for Ibot year. I lores, -mate aluot- 3IW. state l>oard, on the subject of holding ■nenta to Ibe joint reenlutMt i fet llte HiaaMiti- Hay —No 1 'll mol liy...... 10 50 .. It (M dented monetary stringency of 1893. that a crazy inan was tearing things yet President Cleveland's action is meat of a joint commission u> rxamUn- lulu 1 otutos «H .. •U The result of the enforcement of the the next state fair in Detroit. A joint ail'inoellons relsllng to In* personnel of the Itulicr—lialry per lb...... ll .. 20 all lo piece* in I). A. Drew’s house. baaed uoon his reports. The state­ « rcamery ...... 24 .. 2* 90-day rule in Detroit is evidently' When he got to the spot he found Un­ committee ufterward* held a meeting ment* in which arc emphatically de ­ navy were agrewl to. Mr. Mcl'roary preeaiilm. when final arrangements were made, i and asked unauimons consent lor Us iwesLier- KggK per do/ ...... It .. 22 pointed to with pride by the commis ­ building in Haines, and it is supposed nied by the provisional government * atton. tno lull resolution railing upon the Live 1 iiultry—Fowls ... « .. 7 sioner. as it was at his instigation the very liberal terms having been offered I re,ideui. it not ineotudslrni >«Uli tbe public 1 blcken...... 7 w the lunatic was burned to death. His executive. llUL'ks ...... 7 a rule was made operative, and greatly name was not learned. by the Detroit Exposition association. Mr. Dole then outline* his position. interest, for all Information relating lo Ha­ An effort will be made to have the waiian affairs, receivedasii. « its- 'rauenussnoi Turkeys...... * .. $• aided in allaying the excitement at It American troop* illegally assisted in of bis recent message. Tne lanll dlavoss.on UlOragi that time. A suit for damage*, brought by 1). forthcoming fair a greater success in was renewe«l and ovcupwsl tbe remainder ol A. liriant, of Slantou. against the D.. the establish me n t of the provisional Cattle—8tser« ...... 14 *1 to. Ml It is strongly urged that national in ­ every way than it ha* over been in the government it ia purely a matter of tbedny. Mr. Payue. of New York, optswlnz « ntnmoii ...... :» 25. . 4, flu vestment and building and loan asso ­ L. Jk. N. railway for the destruction of past It will be open to the world, tbe tneaaare ami Mr. Jerry -tin -on. lir«p— .Ixwd ...... ;iw . i lu Hriant's planing mill by fire which discipline I wen the United .State* sod -aa. favoring it. were i be prine«pol aeoaarr- I.SblU...... A.. ... JO) . 4/01 ciations tie under the supervision of und it is believed that the opportunity its officer*. Their uction conferred no l lie speech of tbe latter was on* of Ids best Ilogs--Mixed ...... 5 15 . 5 *) the states Such supervision of local originated from a spark from a passing afforded exhibitor* will be very gener ­ • fforu and elicited l uatdttsUs appiaoee by W nest — No 2 reil ...... •1 . St freight engine, was terminated by the authority for interference with the af­ bt* apt illustrations association* he doe* not consider so ally availed of. The exhibit* will fair* of the provisional government. ( t»rn No 2 ...... 4444, ME. ■eoeaanry jury awarding the pluintiff §4,MM. cover a wide and varied field, and no * 1st. .... 2*4, 2X4*4 If the United State* was thus made Sbnatz . —Twentt-rtfln day. So session Me.. Cork per hh|...... 13 .0- IB. 45 The (tanks paid during the year for question is entertained as to its being reaponsible to the ex-queen it is a Hofsv. — Hr!11lout oratory upon tbo lantf i.srd tier cat ...... H 25 . « M examination and supervision S7,W2.S ’i, Mrs. Catherine Hlackerhy. aged 70 a success financially, or otherwise. question Hooded ibe liouon. Hoorke i oekraii. >ew Yore. year*, died at her home near Danville. mailer for settlement with the ex­ of New York: Judge Turnor. of iseaeicia. aud while the expenses of the department queen. The provisional government Mr. Wradork. of Mlabiaai'-speakmg in favor Cnllle —Nallvo- ...... 2 3 10. lo .1 k» were gi.W- ’ W. Ky., after existing 28 days without Wayne County'* Clerkship. of tbe Wileon bill MMi (tee. Urosvener. of IIuzm ...... *•»» «•*» nourishment of any kind, tha only is a recognized sovereign power equal sheep— Good to choice...... 2 M> .. 4 uu After being out over 30 hour*, the in authority with the I nited States Oblo. Mr. Taylor, of Tonness. e. Mr. Proper, of Lamb* ...... 4 tM 5. .VI thing pussing her* lips Iteing a few sup* Oakland county jury at Pontiac in the | Maaaacliusetts. and Mn. Do >11111* sgatnsl It Wheat -No 2 rod ...... iWi.. *7 Murder Nwr Haw Paw. government, ami enjoying diplomatic oeeaptod t be dsy session. ‘I be evening **•- c.f water. All efforts to induceinduct her to j iu-ynolde-Muy. case returned a verdict skip was also occiipledi in tbe some dis4-us*iou Loru —No -' white ...... u. .. Uh take food were fruitless and she liter- fBTorm ble to Henry M. Reynold* who. relations with it, cannot be destroyed lists...... Jj .. JM» Hugh Higgins and Eugene pinch by it for the sake of discharging it* Ibe speakers la-ing. Mr Brian. " Nebraska. I HsHMo-tlW Stock. quarreled in Almena. Pinch ia dead, ally died of starvation. according to their finding, is entitled for tlie lull and Mr. Wntgouof ! onnsylvania. | obligations to the ex-queen. Upon against it. t’sttle—Mixed shipments 4 -i (JO tn. j JO while Higgins is in jail, awaiting trial Jack Meyer* and Will Shippey had a to the office of the county clerk of these grounds in behalf of my govern- slieep,...... 3 Ml. .. 4 M> for inurdi-r Higgins hail been in Kal­ row in E. U. Mvrick's saloon at Sulli- 1 Way n- county. Mr. Reynolds, it is srtAT*. -Twenty-slalli itnr. —N«» bnaineas of haul lx ...... 4 OU .. Alt menu I respectfully protest against the Importswce. In execnllvo-eeebm tbe nomm •- Hog* —'Choice weights...... T 55. .. 5*5 amazoo. and he brought a jug of van. in which Shippey used a heavy held, is entitled to the office by a ma- usurpation of it* authority. Then fol l ion of Mr. llornbinoae*. at New York, for . ouimuu and rough...... 4.75 .. 5 15 whisky book with him. Pinch joined beer glass upon Meyer*, striking him jority of 1.928, or only a few rotes lea* ustlre nf the Mipreme esMirl. was rejectwl. low* an account of Hawaiian affairs loess. - Tt* tsrlff bUl was taken up utsler 'I .oesto —Gratn. him a* the house, the two drank and over ' -ind on the tiack of the than was claimed by his counsel. for a number of years back which lead iibe nve-mlnate rale. Tbe ilotxl* was a M \Vbest-No 2 spring ...... • JMVtu d» then Pinch went away. Hut he re­ head. Dr. Hull, of Ruvenna. was The answer of the jury rsivered up to the revolution and overthrow of one. partIrlpalwl In by j*U tin ieadrrx in llw Nti i northern ...... idH. UK turned again, lliggtns refused to let called und found Meyer* in a dying everyone of the 49 question* submitted the monarchy. In concluding Mr. House. No Import a 14 4. bongos have been Corn —.in J ...... 4*** 4Bk by the supreme court. The verdict in made In tbe bUl. date —No 2 white ...... 2Wa 2»H him iu, whereupon Pinch kicked down condition. The men had quarreled Dole has only the heartiest of friendly UKhlii.Y TK.IIIK ilKYII-.tV. tin- door. In the fracas that ensued over a billiard game. the main is of three part*. These are. words and desires for and with the Drunk From a ItotHwg Teakettle. Pinch was stabbed. He ran outdoor* The ilefenae was sustained a* to the The call has l*eenlieen issuedisaueii forTor thein*- , j United States government and says: Ai nctusl le- man was only 27. Neither of the two to entertain the proposition of wluttU sat upon an elevated iwen stove, i-n-ui- In the production by lusUlstrtea Aa ha* a family. representative for every -V) members whole—le illegality of voliag in A1 and fractional thereof. 4. R. Mover- the President of the United State* pui. iA» little month U> the spout and all reiolce Uisec IU there le |i«rhapv a lUtle Deimel's precinct und the most of the that it should surrender its authority to 4lls|wnltlnn tn rm-kon the gain greater timn ! eign. the new general master work ­ other Polish precincts. , . took a drink of the boiling water. A It Is a-yet hut -eieral large wataldtehaaeats (.••••Inf'll Have a state Fair Anyhow man will be pre^t and at the con We cannot betray the physician was hastily summoned, and I.SV44-'ailed witi:.pan uirre* bopiag to In- May will again take the case to the i •acred. 7trust they have placed in our i-n-ase and morcwiualler worka hnvvatarte«l Now that the fttate Agricultural so ­ elusion of the *eo* ion will make amv- supreme court for final action. ultlbaagh the child had taken but one than have 'lopp."* 'Tiler, from dealer, ciety ha* decided to hold the state fair eral speeches in Michigan. hands, a trust which is the cause of •swallow, its Utile lungs were so se- whose .took, igsprna. ii .• teau.llas la a "tlwk on Hoe shape." Christian civilization in the whole peo vaaaAy scalded that it noon died. prominent riw Whatever tbe cumm . in Detroit this year the Central Michi­ evtxi a nioder.-Wr gain la SPiat .-beerlng. gan Agricultural society will doubtleee The commission appointed by Gov. pie of these islands. ' ' Rich to locate and erect the home for Mrs. Catherine Ketchum was con ­ %v heat Is a shade weamsi anil .Mick. In regain pneeeasion of the valuable victed at lainsing of sitting for ob ­ Mole o Hay Stark. sight ilei-rca.e but little i urn la MSternlly 1 feeble-minded are not sure that they State Imnltrani laspaettea Itroppe.l grounds in latnsing. In the deed scene pictures for distribution. Hume ambitions thieves stole a stack witeker wltn vary large nv eetn** . though .-x- ‘ will locate at I-apeer. The deeds for Thestate board health ha* sus­ tpart. are t*) |Mv rent largro than it year ago given the state society several year* The court room was crowded during of W hay from the barnyard of Jai the property, donated to the stale by pended immigrant inspection on the „ ■ . mton hn> ItM lifted by .pmnalaUoti S-M ago there was a provision that the the trial to listen to the somewhat Lnrd in Itmifnrd township. Calhoun ; Unreal. Gumm Ii the dec rwaai- la recelptt the citizens of l*apeer. have not been Michigan border owing to the adverse property should revert to the Central sensational testiinonnnony in the anas, u- i.tP1i heard the noise and b* not Urge llaek cleaeiags indicate that accepted, certain reservation* having decision of Judge Mteere. Me pa have I .h. ^a.7 ,yf ‘srgi- gskabs. .vc. urted aa yet la thevol- society in case it waa not used any one Gray-haired and beard lean youths went out just in time to see the lad* of -|J|f. neleg Jl per cem so, alter year few state fair puipoee* Last year been made, no abstract of the property already been taken to carry the cane it vanish down the road. The rest- than • ye aw ago Fattens . for tbe week having I wen received, and an option struggled with each other to obtain the Central stockholders waived this front seats and glances at the exhibiu into the supreme court. dents say if this state of affairs‘ con ­ have ueee.Gi In the I sip.1 stale, again. 1 on a certain piece of adjoining prop The outbreak of scarlet fever in the 2s* last ytw *nd 5* In 1 miada against JO last provision, bat they are not likely to do sn the cane, which were, of courae, the tinue they will be compelled to anchor erty not lieing forthcoming. School for the Deaf at Flint was or ­ so this year. picture* in question. their harm, outhouses anti wren real The annual election of the Women ’s dered investigated. denosa with log chains V. I*. Movers tev. g ko Wswk. relief* Med —• Kill—. State I'rtM Club wn* held nt Grand I)r. W. C. Ransom*, of Month llaven. The MMropolitnn Mining A I And Co. Wesley Brown, a lad IA years old. Rapid* and the following officer-, is preparing to take a trip around the Mrs. Cleveland gave a reeeptytlon at Fatal I y Shot While Mnntlng. it too more ihn . to work in the caught in a bait in the elactric chosen President. Miaa Jennie O. worltl in a s.hoontr 123 feet long. He the White llonse in honor of Mias May Clarence L., the oldest son of John Koifia East Norvte ami 1*ahst mines t work* at Albion and instantly Starkey. Detroit: viee-pre*ident. Mr*. will go through the great lake*, through II mid lea ton. of Jackson. Mich. Karr, a prominent tanner, who Uvea at Irvmwood. making a total of ntte led. Ill attended college there. M. L. Hnyne. Detroit; secretary. Mis* the Atlantic, around t ape Horn up lo Reports having bean published in 2H miles east nf Gagetown. went out now at work is these mine* The as T. M. Applegate. Adrian; treasurer. hunting a short distance from his Newport mine is working IW men. Alaska, then tk»wn to Australia, the tho Grand Rapids Dispatch that there An epidemic of scarlet fever prevail* Miss Jennie V. Datum, Grand Rapid*; Red sea and Africa, visiting all points was more provisions and clothing st home He found a sknnk under a There is a total of MX) in all the luinea t Crawford's quarry. Proaqa* l*le executive hoard. Alice M. Miller. Mus­ of interest. He expects to pay expenses Iron Mountain than noaid be disposed brash pile, and in trying to gel the ot that city. it ia believed that the kegon. Mies Etta H. Wilson. Grand by trading with the natives on the; n( to thc poo r BUd needy Gov. Rich tiqi—■ ont, wri lentally discharged Norrie group will gradually inert*** •only. Rapids: Mrs. Cora B. Martin. I*aw l*aw. hte gun. the ehargf penetrating his Us fore* to WO. Wage* are the lowest It ia reported that Lillian Rue—it. wav. Upon his return he will pot the ^ investigation The result Bancroft has voted to bond the vil­ schooner on the lakes aa a Hosting tvM B r)Mr showing which convinced aeek and lodging at the bear of the 1 ever paid on this range, varying from ke prims donna, ia to marry Signor brain He died an hour later $1,35 for contract miners down to tl erugni her new tenor lage for $10,1X10 for the purpose of get ­ museum. the governor that there ia clothing in ting factories there. ------“ plenty; that Gogebic conn tv has rations for surface men. Twenty-six onualie* of the Choctaw The Ashland, which has beep work ­ The anpervinors of Arena.- county Cleveland citizens have begun a era sufficient to last until Feb. 20: hat The widow of William Mah-peace a lion. 1. T.. have vote.! against state stole against the immoral houses of i that Diekiasoa county it ia immediate Thackerev died st l

plexity, hut ahe is the judge in mother ao I* her daughter" flefcre shipwreck on the wardrobe. And that WHERE IS MOTHER? mother who aits at the window watch­ court of domestic appeal. That i* what one deuade has paw ad you can decide Highest of all In Leavening Power. — U. S. Gov't Report. puts the premature wrinkles on so many whetherthat boy shall be a Hhyloek or ing for vain-glorious triumph of milli­ nery and fine color*, and d omes tic TABERNACLE PULPIT maternal faces, and powders white a George Peabody. Hoy* and girl* are generally echoes of fathers and reentry, will after a while hear aa WITH A GREAT SERI ao many maternal foreheads You see it ia a question that keeps on for all mother*. What an incoherent thing uad new* from her children out in the the veers of childhood. Itooanea from for a mother out of temper to punish a tattle of life, aa Misers'* mother heard the nursery and from the evening child for getting mad. or for a father from the struggle at Eadnelon. Hut if you still pres* the question stand where the boys and girls are wiio smokes to shat his boy up in s “Where* mother?" I will tell you learning theirschool lesson, and from dark cloaat because he has found where ahe ia not, though <>noe ahe waa the starting <>ut in the morning, when him with an old stump of a cigar them Home of you started with her the tippet or hat or slate or book or in hia mouth; or for that mother likens** in your faoe and her prineinlas overshoe is lost, until at night all out to rebuke her daughter for staring at Brooklyn . N. Y., Jan. 11—This in yoar soul. Hut you have oast her of breath the youngsters come ia and hers*if too much ia the looking glass, wml and unique rabjcot waa presented ouL That waa an awful thing for you shout until you can hear them from when the mother has her own mirrors by Da Talmsge thia afternoon to tha to do, but you have done it. That cellar to garret, and from front door ao arranged aa to repeat her form aaual throapi crowding the large*! hard, grinding, dissipated look you to the back fence of the book yard. from all aides. The great English po ­ Pro tea tan t ohurch in America. Tha never got from her. If yon had seen ‘’Where’s mother?*' Indeed a child's et'*. loose moral character waa decided DESULTORY READING. Over IMS oongregatlou. lad by organ and cornet, any one strike her you would have In Parts life ia ao full of that question that if before he left the nursery, and hia aang a gospel hymn to the tone of struck him down without much care Kr. Midnight is a prosperous New he lie taken away one of the things schoolmaster in the school room over ­ •‘Home, Sweet Home. ' Text: Judges whether the blow waa juat sufficient York merehanL Mat i«cursor mmaay i that the mother most misses and the heard thia oonvernation: “Hyron. your lor ll. Pvtoo U coats. 6:xxviii: "The mother of Siaera looked or fatal, but, my boy, yon-have struck Hearty 10,000 men were enlisted in silence that moat oppress rs her, is the mother ia a fool." and he answered. “I •ut at a window.** her down —struck her innocence from the United Htales army last year. absence of that question, except she know it.” You aan hear through all Joseph Hpikol to the ground of Jaal’a tent your face and struck her principles The army la lfifiS oast |U,IH,4M, la a physical wreck. hears it in a dream which sometimes the heroic life qf Senator Ham Houston lay the dead commander-in-chief of from yonr soul. You struck her down! the navy in the same year P8, 174. ISO. restores the nursery juat aa it was. and the words of bis mother, when ahe in the tanaanitinh hoaL *»«a Siaera, not The tent-pin that Jael drove three then the voice comes back so natural, the war of ISIS put a musket in his la Boston fifty families pay taxes emp's Balaam will atop tbs roach eh far from the rirer Kishon, which waa and ao sweet, and ao innocent, aad ao hand and said: “There, my son. take times into the skull of Hiaera waa not nual 1 Dooms* of about fil,090,000 *. You will mme the axrallonl effort after only a dry bad of pebble* when in ISM. ao cruel aa the stab yon have made the tintBrat doae.nose. AakA.k your friend*. about It Ns inquiring, that the dream breaks at the thisand never disgrace it, for remem­ sad 91 OS at all drunba in I*aleatinr v we croaard it, but the more than three times through your words, “Where's mother?" ber I had rather all my sons should fill The largest meteoric atone gulliea and ravines which ran into it mother's heart Hut she ia waiting If that question were put to moat of one honorable grave than that one of found ia Greenland.and weighs 10,000 Nobody hates to sse a smile com lax indicated tha poaaibility of great freeh- yet for mothers an* alow to give up Egyptlsu children are mm _ us thia morning, we would have in aay, them should turn hisback on an enemy. pounds ate like theone at the time of the text their boy* —waiting at some window,it they are a year old. if we spoke truthfully, like Htaera's Go and remember, too. that while the The air plaintiff in a Brooklyn di ­ Gan. Siaera had gone ont with MXi iron may be a window on earth or at some mother, she ia at the palace window. door of my oottage la open to all brave vorce suit states that her husband has la Olden Times chariot*, bat he waa defeated, and hia window in heaven. All others may Hhe has become a queen unto God for ­ man. it ia alwavs shut against cow ­ been in the habit ef driving out to the People overlooked the Imports arc of per­ chariot wheel* interlocked with the ever, and she la pulling hack the rich ards.' ’ Agrippina, the mother of oast you off. Your wife may osmotery, showing her the graves of manently beaeScUl effaces and were »arte> whaela of other chariot*, he could not Nero, a murderess, you are not sur­ divorce and have no mur hi* first and aeeond wives, and telling bed with transient actios: but now that 14 retreat faat enough and w he leaped with you. Your father may disinherit Is *#oerally known that Myrup of Fig* will down at us We sraeiot told the par prised that her son was a murderer. m intended to bury her permanently care habitual con- to the ground and ran till exhausted he yon and say, “Let him never again ttculamHdboeit the result-ace-of *feefla ’s Give that child an overdose of cate­ them at aa early day. well-informed people will not buy . went into Jael’a tent for aafety. Hhe darken the door of oar house.” liut laxative* which act for a time, but Ci ther, hut there ifi in that scene in chism. and make him recite verses of Th* eoal at Sonora, Mexico. Is be­ Injure the .yatem had juat been churning, and whan he there arq two persons who do not give e “Hook of Judge*" ao much about the bible as a punishment, and make yond doubt a great had—it la even aaked for water ahe gave him batter- r yon up—God and mother. einbrotfierdes an£.,nsedle work and Sunday a bore, and he will become a phenomenal. Astonishing figures of Of the 0,595 men who enlisted in the milk. which in the ee*t i* considered a How many disappointed mothers ladies ia waiting, that We kno*v her stout antagonist of Christianity, im­ th* boring are given, namely, seven ­ United Htalas armv last year twenty- moat refreshing drink. Very tired, and waiting at the window. Perhaps the Sesidenoe must have been princely and press him with the kindness and the teen feet down, six-foot vein; eighty- five per cent were laborers Other supposing hr waa safe, he went to panes of the window are not great glass palatial. Ho we hues im» art ante and geniality and the loveliness of religion one feet down, six foot vein; 971 feet, callings were represented as followm sleep upon the door, hut Jael, who plate, bevel edged, and hovered over by particular description of the palace anil he will be it* advocate and exem­ six foot two inch vein; N) feet, 99-foot School teachers, •-•; students, Mf had resolved upon hia death, exquisite lambrequin, but the window At whose window our glorified mother plar for all time and eternity. A few vein. druggists, 39; photographers. Ill took a tent*pin long and round ia made of small panes, I would Sit*, but there ia an much in the dos ­ days ago right before our express train A peculiar edvertialment recently musicians. 914; lawyers, 7; printers, and sharp in one hand ami a hammer say about six or eight of tnem, in sum­ ing chapters of the good old hook on the Louisville A Nashville railroad appeared in aa English paper. A 93; bookkeepers. 59; typewriters, t| in her other hand, and putting the mer wreathed with trailing vine, and about crowns, and pearls' big enough the preceding train had gone down woman describing herself as “a lady engineers, 79; cooks, 109; machinists, sharp end of the tent-pin to the fore ­ in winter pictured by the Raphaels of to make a gate out of one of them,new through a broken bridge, twelve cars with spare time daily" offered to play 109; farmers, about 1,900. and no oeon- head of Siaera with her other hand, the frost, a real country window. The songs. and marriage suppers, and falling a hundred feet and then con ­ bexlque with invalids or other per­ ahe lifted the hammer and brought it mother sit* there knitting, or busy harps, and white horses with kings in sumed. I saw that only one span of sons desiring a partner in tho gams down on the head of the pin with a with her needle of homely repairs, the stirrups, and gnMen candle-sticks, the bridge was down and all the other Hhe wanted remuneration, and con ­ stout stroke, when Miaeru struggled to when she looks up snd m*e* coming that we know the heavenly residence spans were standing. Flan a good clude* by asking “what offers?" rise, and she struck him again, and he across the bridge of the meadow brook Dr Plarerts Uoldra Medical Discovery, tn Of <>ur mother ia enperb. ia unique. ia bridge of morals for your sous and struggled to rise, and the third time a stranger who dismount* in front of What is the smallest light on the “ ts ceased by toroid liver or tm- colonnaded, ia embowered, ia daughters, but have the first span of For Dymmprta, Liver and Howal she struck him. and the commander-in- earth that would be seen on the fountained. ia glorified, beyond the ten years defective and through that the window. He lifts and drops the ts, sod cindrad ailment*, toolk ­ chief of the Canaanitiah host lay dead. heavy knocker of the farm honae door. moon? We will suopose that the sun it asa power of pencil or pen or tongue to they will crash down, though all the Meanwhile in the distance Siaerm'a has set a place on this side of the present, and in the window of that.pal­ rest keep standing. Oh man! Oh "Come in!’* is the response lie gires mother sits amid surroundings of moon; the earth then appears aa a ace the mother sits, watching for woman! if you have preserved your his name and says. “I have como on a wealth and pomp and scenes palatial, thin cresoent of light and the light news from the battle. What a contrast integrity and are really Christian, rad errand. ” “There ia nothing the waiting for his return. Every mother matter of my aon in the city, is there * ” which is to be noticed is placed in the between that celestial surrounding yon have first of ail to thank dark portion of the earth. Now, an PIERCE—-CURE expects her son to he victorious, aad end her once earthly surroundfcigK God. and I think next you have to >.he asks “Yea!” he says, “your son thia mother looked out at the window got into an unfortunate encounter with arc light of 400 candle power with 31V hat a work to bring up a fu rally in thank your mother. The most impres­ expecting to see him drive up in hia suitable reflectors can be seen plainly Mis Ackslu Vx the old-thnc way. vefth hut little at no sive thing at the inauguration of a young man in a liquor saloon last chariot followed by **ngons l*vi«d night, and ia badly hurt. The fact is at a distance of twenty miles on the ana. of Iferattra,, ; pt JBPrnaps for th- James A. Garfield, as President of the STP^JP, ‘ with embroideries and also by regi ­ he cannot get well. I hate to tell you surface of the earth on a dark night; wavhtng-TThr. dPTfir the swme-fflrogh- United States, was that after he had ment* of men vanquished and en ­ all. I am sorry to nay hr is dead.* if there were no absorption of the aay batter, for I ___ tering, eommoniy sailed-the “killing- taken the oath of ofilec he turned utesrstloa of the bom. slaved. I see her now sitting at the “Dead! ” ahe erica aa she totters back. light by the atmosphere it would be sis. By th* time I had day. “ There waa then no reading of round, and in the presence of the Su­ window, in high expectation. She “Oh my son! my son! my son! Would seen plainly thirty milea From these taken a bottle and a elaborate treatises on the best modes preme court and the senate of the half of Doctor Plmefli watches the furthest turn of the road. God 1 had died for thee!” That ia tha data, and remembering that the mean '•o UIm. M«iioal Dteooe* of rearing children, and then leaving United States, kissed hi* old mother. She looks for the tiring dust of the ending of all her cares, and anxieties, distance of the moon from the earth an, the blc*-.i:mr had it all to hired help, with one or two If 1 had time to take. Mat is tics out of swift hoof* The first Hash of the hit and good counsel* for that boy. That is 940,000 miles, we can easily find p*?ut* wag oow* visits a day to the nursery to see this audience, and I could ask what of the horses' bridle she will catch. ia her pay for her self-sacrifice* in hia that th* light must be M.0J0.000,000 bun if the principles announced are being proportion of yon who are Christians that I ate. My Improve, The ladies of her court stand mund behalf. That ia the txui news from candle power. . meet ares wonderful. carried out The moat of those old owe your salvation under God to ma­ and she tells them of what they shall the battle. Ho the tidings of derelict It is bast to bur hominy, beam, rice, etc. Several years have folks did tiie sewing, the washing, the ternal fidelity, I think about three- In quantities. have when her son comes up—chains or Christian sons travel to the window mending, the patching, the millinery, fourths of you would spring to your of earth, or the windows of heaven at of gold and carcanets of lieauty and the darning, the mantua-mnking. the feet- “Ha! ha!” auid the soldiers of MAKES A dresses of such wondrous fabric and which mothers sit. housekeeping, and in hurried harvest the regiment to Charlie, one of their aplcndor as the bible only hints at, but “Hut." says some one. “are you not time helped spread the hay or tread comrades. ‘What has made the change leaves us to imagine. “Ha ought to mistaken about my glorified mother . JACOBS OIL Perfect Core of down tile load in the mow. They were in von? you used to like sin as well as be here by this time.* ’ says his mother, hearing of my evil doings since she at the same time caterers, tailors, any of us.” Fulling from his pocket went away?” .Says some one else: “that battle is surely over. I hope doctors, chaplains and nurses for a his mother s letter in which, after tell­ BURNS, BRUISES, SCALDS. that freshet of the river Kishon has “Arc you not mistuken about iny glori ­ whole household all together down ing of some comforts she had sent him. not impeded him. I hope thuae strange fied mother hearingof iuv self-sacrifice with measles or scailet fever, or round she concluded: “We arc all praying CUTS AND WOUNDS. appearauces we saw last night in the and moral bravery and struggle to do the house with whooping coughs and for you. Charlie, that you may be u sky were not ominous, when the stars right?* ’ No! heaven and earth are in croups and run-round lingers and ear­ Christian." he said, “Hoys that's the Caljb O Morthern Grown ~ ?0TAT0E; seemed to tight in their eouraea No! constant communication. There are aches. and all the infantile distempers sentence. ” nil. IT PM SIU no' he is so brave in battle I know he trains running every’ five minutes — whicli at some time swoop upon every The trouble with Siaera* mother wa* trains of immortals ascending and de ­ has won the day. He will soon be large household. Some of those moth­ that while sitting at the window of my here." Hut ulas for the disappointed scending —spirits going from eaarth to ers never got rested in this world. In ­ text watching for news of her son from mother: she will not see the glittering heaven to live there. SpiriLsilescend- stead of the self-rocking cradles of our the battlefield, she had the two bad head-gear of the horses at full gallop ing from heaven to earth to minister and John A 5alzer .Seed <2 La Cr°s5E Wi$. day. which, wound up. will go hour qualities of being dissolute and being bringiug her son home from victorioua help They hear from us many time* nfter hour for the solace of the young Urn fond of personal adornment The battle. Aa a solitary messen ­ every day. Do they hear good news slumtarer. it was weary foot on the bible account says: “Her wise ladies ger arriving in hot haate rifles or tad news from this battle, rocker sometimes half the day or half answered her, yea, she returned It (Mb KOTB- up to the window at which thib Sedan, this Thermopylae, this the night—rock — rock —rock —rock. answer to herself: ‘Have they not Big 4 the mother of Hiaera sits, he cries: Austerlitz. in which every one of na is Instead of our orug stores filled with sped? Have they not divided the prey: “Your armies are defeated and your fighting on the right side or the wrong all the wondernof materiamcdica, and to every man a damsel or two: to Siaera son is dead, ’’ there ia a scene of horror side? Oh God! whose I am. and whom BRAIN-BURNISHERS: called up through a telephone, with a prey of divers colors, a prey of divers anti anguish from which wa turn I am trying to serve, as a result of this them the only apothecary short of colors of needlework, of divers colors sermon, roll over on all mothers a new •R•••••NT away four miles' ride was the garret, with its of needlework on both sides? ” Hhe sense- of their responsibility, and upon What many poUlkxana. po ­ Hv all the rules of war Siaera ought bunches of peppermint an«l penny ­ makes no anxious utterance about the i litical orators, and other* all children, tvliether still in the to have been triumphant. He had royal ami catnip and mustard and wounded in tattle, about the blood- j would like lobs. nursery nr out on the tremendous Ea- nine hundred iron ahariotsand a host camomile flowers, which werr ex­ shed, about the dying, ataut the dead, draelon of mid-life or old age. the fact of many thousands vaster than the pected to tlo everything. Juat think about the principles involved in the that their victories or defeats sound •apply tha fall Iht of co rnel mowers to a* ••ijutniaz o R **S armies ot Israel. Hut God waa on the of it! Fifty years of preparing break­ tattle going on: n battle so important KOim HKKLKTOM W«K11-*TI!I)V Klllill.Ke That for which wumm clear nut, clear up to the windows of fonrl of ahoary alUrr ndeo other side: ami the angry freshets of fast, dinner and supper. The chief that the stars and the freshets took amt If oaly paruaily aeeemafsl a proportional* rswera will sympathetic maternity. Oh, is not this b* paid for earn wiaalae amwar to xMY ONK ot Ihotear. Kishon and the hail, the lightning and music they heard was that of spinning- part, and the dash of »wonls was the minute when the eloud of blessing the unmanageable war-horses and the wheel and ruck ing-c hair. Fagged answered by the thunder of the skies. filled wit! thecxhaled tears of anxious •EA*TY capsized chariots and the stellar panic out. hcndachey. and withankles swol ­ What she thinks most of ia the bright • for all mothers shall burst in showers of in the sky discomfited Siscra. Jose ­ len. Those oid-fashionsd mothers—if colors of the wardrobes to be captured, and rspmaliy merry on thia audience! with plain faces. phus in his history describes the scene any persons ever titled appropriately and the needlework. “To Nuern a Costs NOTHING Taere is one thought that is almost in the following words: “When into a gotid. easy, comfortable heaven, prey of divers colors, a prey of diver* too tendec for utteranee. I almost TO TOY YOU* SKILL. they were come to a close fight they were the folks, ojati they got there colors of needlework, of divers colors • I *HT fear to start it lest I have not enough Mmptrwrttaoat what,after oarsfalwwdy. y______Drrtrad tn thMr “ burt- there came down from heaven and they are rested. They wear no of needlework on both side* ” w> wta * fell reward ; a,* dea ’f lsi'—‘‘ hy purMeta Ctorbatt, control of my emotion to conclude it sSSrisS5=s=3^,s3a,’,cr.«: a great storm with a vast quantity spectacles, for they have their third Now ueither Siaera** mother nor any Mltrtwll. Ik ton awl “ As when we were children we an often roar name *»7 - - - JERSEY CITY. N. J. > htwn la th. Studio. and she mid: “Here 1 am.’’ and we air permit the soldiers to make n«e of window they now sit waiting for uew* time, or of bronze, as in Pliny's time, buried our weeping face* in her lap; their swords: while this storm did not from the battle. or of steel, as in modern time: whether so much incommode the Israelites be­ lint If any one keeps on asking the laboriously fashioned an formerly by so after a while, when we get through MEND YOUR OWN HARNESS S£?£:T:TI*a*M*'sEy***t)r. cause it came on their Imck*. They question “Where's mother?" I answer, one hand, or as now, when a hundred with the pleasure* and hurts of thia also took such courage upon the ap­ life. we will, by the pardoning THOMSON'S 4MMUE piped ra" she ia in your present character. The workmen in a factory are employed to UVNNKLb’ MONTIILV. TIUJOIO. OHIO. prehension that God waa assisting probability is that your physical feat­ make the different part* of one needle mercy of Christ, enter the heavenly them that they fell upon the very ures suggest her. If there be seven It ia an inatrumeent divinely entered home and among the first ques­ SLOTTED midst of their enemies and slew a great children in a household at least six of for the comfort, for the life, for the tions, not the first, but among At -i- Price p I*r ftT'< M number of them: so that some of them them look like their mother and the health, for the adornment of the hu­ the first, will be the old question fell by the Israel lies, some fell by their older yon get the more you will look man race. The eye of the needle hath that we used to aak. the qneation that CLINCH RIVETS. ia being aaked in thousand* of places IN* tssh Oaly a hammer Mill: own horses which were put into disor ­ like her. Hut 1 speak now especially seen more domestic comfort and more te drtes aad aha ah them ratty had earthly; Patents. Trade-Mark& der. ami not a few were killed by their glatldened poverty, anti more Christian at this very moment —the question: Fx ami ant I on awd AdrW a* to falmtartllly «ff of your character, anil not of yonr latoHM* Mod far • rtraSWrah or How ..See own chariot*. ” looks This is easily explaiaed. Dur­ service than any other eye. The mod ­ “Where's mother?" And it will not am traoec. roueM sea aeeifiu erarat TASta 0TA1SILL VAHSraTW. A 0. take long for ua to find her or for tier . fr-Y* Ah tracts*, nelterm or lienee, my hearer*, the bad news ing the first ten years of yonr life yon ern sewing machine has in no wise pet np la bem brought to the mother of Siaera look ­ were almost all the time with her. and abolished the needle, but rather en ­ to find ns, for she will have been watch­ •at ctealer ter thra, or seed tee. I alUl have a tew lllsh tired. ing at the window for our coming, and 'ter e box of ■ amarlod rttaa. ing out at the window. And our your father yon saw oaly mornings throned it. Thunk God for the needle ­ _ uasraacremap *r mother, whether sitting at a window ami night*. There are no year* in any work, from the time when the I*ord with the other children of our house­ JUDSON L. THOMSON MffCL OO., FARM WAGONS hold of earth we will again gather Watfhww. Waa*. mil SAUK CIIKAI'. of earth or a window of heaven, will life ao important for impression as the Almighty from the heavens o rd ered in LLOYD EBERHANT. Joliet. IN. hear the news of our victory or defeat. first len. Then and there ia the im­ regard to the embroidered door of the round her, and she will aay: “Weill Not according to our talent* or educa ­ pression made fur virtue or vise, for ancient tabernacle: “Thou shall make a how did von get through the battle ‘ UUliiHESTER ” tional equipment or our opportunities, truth or falsehood, for bravery or hanging for the door of the tent of blue of lift? I have often heard from imr but according a* to whether God ia for cowardice, for religion or skepticism and purple and scarlet and fine-twined others about you, but now I want to beer it from yoar own souls i* or against us. Hodden iv start ont from tahind a door linen, wrought with needlework, ” SPADING WsmOKE YOUR MEAT WITH “Where’s mother?*' ia the question and frighten the child and you may down to the womanly hands which Tell me all about it. my children!” And then we will tell her of all our moat frequently aaked in many house­ shatter hia nervou s system for af life thia winter in thia tabernacle are pre­ H BOOT. ■>"cu inw E-KfiNBOUi—.MltTElUL holds. It ia aaked by the husband aa time. During the first ten years senting for benevolent purpose* their earthly experiences, the holidays, the well aa the child coming in at night­ you can te 1 him enough spook stories needlework, lint then- wa* nothing marriages, the birth-hour*, the buriala, IN MARK ST WORN NIGHT AND DAY. the heartbreaks, the I oa ses, the gains, ■TIN MT. fall. “Where’* mother?** It ia aaked to make him a onward till he die* except vanity and world lines* anti the victories, the defeat* and ahe will IN WEAHINl. by the little ones when they get hurt Act before him as though Friday social splash in what Htaera's mother qt/ALITY. and come in crying with the pain: were an unlucky day. anti it were bale­ said about the needlework ahe ex­ aay. “Never mind. It ia all over now. Beta r or Up sole r« I see each one of yon has a crown tbr wbola lose* “Where's mother**" It ie aaked by ful to have thirteen at the table, or see pected her sou would bring home from «*■ tha bool. pr. those who have areh some grand sight the moon over the left shoulder, and the battln And I am not surprised to which waa given you at the gate aa r tb* bote In dU you came through. Now east it at the te In otbar ban! or heard some good news or reeeived he will never recove r from the idiotic find that Hiaera fought on the wrong feet of theChrist who raved you and some beautiful gift: “Where's superstitions. You may give that girl aide, when hia mother at the window TtmH^njuuCT! raved me aad raved as all. Thank mother”' Hhe sometimes flaeia wearied before she ie 10 years old a of my text, in that awful exigency had God we are never to pert, and for nil leal be set off by the question, for they all aak it and for dress that will her chief thought on dry goods achieve­ the ages of eternity you will never beep asking It all the time. Hhe ia not “dummy brume," or fashion plate for ment and social display. God only again have to aak. Where a mother?'” only the first to hear every cnee of par- forty yean. Kaaktal li:xltv, “Aa la Urn knows l.ow many r |JH I


Mew Brittain. Conn., to learn the maun has added to and built other buildings Humes is a whole souied, upright •stciSMM ra»M. The Independent facture of jewelry, and was there four aa bis means would permit, always liv­ man. and haa the reaped of hie 8. H CMIfnrd. Sew Can I. W is., was TME TABLE. years, after which he came to Michigan ing wttblu his means and ‘keeping near neighbors and the community at large. UwoMed wttb Nworutgui sad ithcniuaiisn,. bis Bunaacli was disorder rd, bis Liver was in n dBOBUE B.CORBIT. 141 tor u4 Pr^ur and settled on a farm near Grand Bap- shore " He 1ms always followed the He was justioe of tlie peace seven affected to an alortuing degire. appeals Ids. where ne remained two years, ou pursuits of farming. He has enjoyed terms, township treasurer two years, fell away, and be was terribly lednced in iNovcmhur HHh. iNBJi, ST. JOHN*. THUHHDa Y. JAN. 1*. IM. the farm and in the city. Prom Grand usual good health, met with no serious school director six yean and this is bis flesh and Mrenslh Three bottles ofEiet- Uapids he went to Grand Haven, and accidents and stands in the front ranks second term as supervisor. He is a trie Bittern cured him. remained a year, engaged in a meat with the best of his fellow townsmen, member of the Masonic fraternity. Edward Hhepunl. H.tri isbitrs. 111., bad « \A ruoaiuK sore on hts leg of eight years i# who have honored him with various ALUXZ& WEBSTER. market. Then he returned to Grand stand I ok . Used tbr*e lumlrs of Electric STATION*. s * liapids, for a abort time. He came to township offices from time to time. He of Bath, was bora in White Lake town ­ Bitters and Mien boxes of BuckIso's Ht. Johns in the spring of 1861, ami has been justice of the peace one term, ship. Oakland county, October 22.1848, Arnica Halve, and bis leg is souad and IE MEN WHO COMPRISE THE < LIN. well. Jobii Hpvuner, Catawba, O., had entered the employ of Ilou. John school director 4 years and a half, and where be lived until eight yean of age. a-m. . o. m. V* TON COUNTY CONUHH n *. Swegles. who was then keeping the has represented his township upon the five Ur/e Fever wire* on bis leg. doctors DETROIT...... Lv • Ml HI t® when he moved with his parents to the said lie wa« incnndde. One tactile Elec­ Jot... ’ t* «> *h 4 ?i hotel known as the American, located board of supervisors five years at differ ­ p m. township of Middleburry, Hhiawasaee tric Bitters and one lei Boeklan's Arnica Poattao IN lid A 07 on Oakland street, between Walker and ent times. He belongs to the order of Halva cured hiui entirely. Hold at Fildew A HltfMphlwl H>M»H of tkr IUpr«onU county, where they remained seveu A Al ft MiHnieo's drug More. Hi. Johoa and Hotly ______* 28: IS M llrw >i»■ Um> tininl TDWMhl|M-4MN Higbam. Here he remained until about Odd Fellows aud is a useful and con ­ years. Then they moved to Saginaw Imran-i------» :b i « .. :*i six months after the death of Mr. sistent member. Fowler. 3 t itu*. Jet . 10 IS 2 li 7 »b Early hwiin IpUmilf RmbImImm county, remaining there one year, and Ht. Jump *...... 10 At 2 47 A at Sweeties. He then entered the employ A MeatcksiS Treasure. f M coo —A Hrniny , LlWnl Collection of WAKttBN it f'ASTHMLINIi. removed from there to White Lake. Ionia ...... 11 «9 11 !!1 of R. M. Hteel iu the “Red Front" store D. W. Fuller, of C'anajobarie, N. Y., P-ni­ tttMlMMA of Essex township, was bom in Ithaca. After a further residence at the latter tiara aar. ls 44 A 44 • iid which then occupied the lot now occu ­ N. Y„ November 7.1866. In the fall of place two years they came to Clinton ■ays that lie always keeps Dr. King'* Lowell...... 12 17! 4 UK » 24 New Discovery in tbe boose and his fami­ Ada...... — is a t 17 9 40 Below we give a brief biographic al pied by Chapin ft Co. Here he re­ 1866 he came to Clinton county with his 19 00 county, settling in the township of ly has always I'onofi tbe verr l .si results Grand Rapid, ... I 00 i M sketefl of each member of the board of mained about a year or until the busi­ parents who settled in the township of »*. R. A l. jct. 1 W t, (X)| Bath. One year after settling in Bath fellow its use ; that he would eel be with 2 Ml A Ml supervisor* of 18RS. who completed their Graad MaStaL---- ness was wound up. He then entered DeWitt. where be continued to reside the elder Mr. Webster died. Alonzo out it, it procurable. G. A. Dykeasan s tel a o»i January session in this village, on Hai­ p. mJ p. m. p. m. the employ of Charles Kipp in the hard­ until hearrived at the age of 20, during still occupies the place on which they Druggist. Caiskill, N. Y., says that I)r. «i|wnu set ^uti ti rday last. The majority of these have ware store, which then occupied the lot which time lie learned the trade of King's New DiMsovery is undoubtedly the Chicago <8tr> first settled 27 years ago. Seventeen It Cough i. lastly ; that be haa used it served in this capacity many yean, now occupied by Warner Bunday, mason with his father, working upon yean ago he married Miss Luoeta Wil­ EASTWARD. and inasmuch as the office is not a luc­ in bis familv for eight years, and it has where he remained about three years. the farm and at his trade in the village. son, also a resident of Bath, by whom ear faded todo.dl ihu' is claimed lor MP|Sh rative one, considering the amount of Uni - On the 11th of December. 1864, be was Hoon after arriving at the age of 20 he three children were born, two of them iL Why iHit trv a irniedy so louir (tied STATIONS. labor performed, they have been kept and tasted. Trial bottles freest Fildew n united in marriage with Mias Eleanor got the Texas fever and set out for that now liviug. When ills father died lie iair* in position on account of their efficiency D.. youngest daughter of Mr. and Mrs- state, where hespent one year in farm A Millni » II 4b al in their appropriations for that which ployed about a year. He then moved 1879. be was united in marriage with fl 7 to II 24 4 .T 12 27 is necessary, good and elevating. They tlie average farmer, and is yearly gel a J* 12 17 5 24 1 43 onto his farm in the south part of this Miss Elizabeth, daughter of E. D. Web­ ting more comforts about him. He has A. IO. p. m consider that every dollar expended in township. Here lie resided until the ster. of Essex, where he soon thereafter UseSalt? a 37 1 14 6 (N> i 40 needed improvements, in a substantial held some school office during the last 9 00 1 20 6 05 3 10 fall of 1882. when lie removed to Ht. bought the Horace Angell farm on sec 16 yean; was township treasurer four manner, is a benefit to every free bolder It will par yon la u Durand . S If • 34 1 47 4 35 3 A3 Johns for the benefit of his family. Mr. lion 27. containing 110 acres, and join yean, and the present is his first term tones Mm wU tfesM ail salt. This Belly .... s 10 It 2 -* 7 to 4 47 in Clinton county. They have been in­ la sapactally true as to 6 35 If !W 3 05 1 25 & 37 Butler is a member of the A. O. U. W., ing that of his father-in-law. where he as supervisor. He lias been a member MBeaskn Jet . .. 7 & II 32 S 43 «• 03 0 30 duced to improve the court house and has held the office of township treasurer lias since lived and flourished. He DETROIT ..... Ar. 7 40 11 M 4 05 9 25 7 #0 the grounds through the fact that the of tbe I. O. O. F. during the last 22 buttar. We can point you out a dlt two years, and the office of supervisor started even-handed and by earnest la fee sues tn salt. You stove forth#' SWCkatr Car. BeSbt Car aad HtoeptagCar Hcrvltc citizens of Hi. Johns have set a forcible years. For the past 16 years he lias during the last nine years. He lias bor and good business methods !uu been a consistent member of the M. E. ItT Eastward. No. 12 has P’oiaso (Merger Chicago 4* example in the thorough care of their Detroit No 14 baa Par tor Bug,! >r lllabto proved himself to be a true and good earned and paid every dollar for a farm lav streets, walks, business places and church, and for five years has acceptably Graad Haptd, (o Detroit, irxtts charge. 29 resit.i citizen, always doing unto others as lie now worth between 87,000. and 88.000 served as superintendent of the Sunday Na. If Las Chair (hr, Graad HepMt to Get ml. homes, not forgetting their cemetery Na. *2 ha« Htoossr to Dot roll. would that they should do unto him. besides enjoying a good living and school. Diamond Crystal and schools, and they expressed them EMMEHHOX B VANCE, Westward. No. II haa Chair Car. Detroit to Graad He is honored and respected by all who host of tme friends and neighbors. He Rapid*. No. If has Parlor buSst Gar attached selves as willing to keep pace with our know him. Long may lie live. is a valuable member of the Grange of l^ebanon. first saw daylight in his lroll to Ursad Rapids (extra charge. 25 rests. > citizens in this direction. Ho let there Daily Salt No. IT has Pullman •d eeper. Detroll to Chlravs. DANKO!tl> 8H ADDUCE. and a faithful and consistent member townsiiip on the 6th day of February. > done hr othsra. There's no asses No fl haa (deeper io Grssd Haptd* be a general co-operation iu tills good of the Lowe M. E. church. He 1881. and is the only sou of Emmet mt IL Write and rot parties lass JNO. W LOUD. REN FLETC HER. of Watertown, was bom in the town ­ [We grant that salt la nheap, bat I TraWr Maaager Trae. Pam Age at work in adding to the beauty of our is also a director of the Essex Vance, who luui lived in Lebanon since Tuoo. Bromley Loral Age* now already highly complimented vil­ ship of Kagle. this county. November t n goad reason why yon atoaaM 25. 1868. and was the third child of Creamery Co. and of the Clinton Countv 1848. and who was a native of the state . have the best? Look thirty ant lage and its public grounds. This be­ Wool-g ro wers' and Stock-breeders' As­ of New York. Young Vance lias al­ into ths salt question, and yea'll LEGAL NOTICES. Andrew Nhadduck, who purchased of ‘ i way to bsttsr flavored bats ing the seat of county government, sociation. He has held the office of ways stuck to the farm, (u order to YhNllNATK SEgBE-Hatr at Mtchigac every person who is thinking of buying the Government the n e t of n e i sec. J^csuaty ofCliatoa.aa. Ataaamtoo of the Fra- 24. Kagle. in 18S6. where he continued highway commissioner of his township better fit himself for his chosen avoca ­ batorsuri for tbe eouat r of Clisteo. boldeo si ths a home in the countv would naturally for two years, and is now serving his tion in life he entered the Agricultural I table ose also. Write us about It. pesksn ethee. Is thevillage of Ht. Job as. sa pay us a visit before doing so. and if to live until he died in January. 1881. [DIAMOND CHSTALSALT C0l» Wedaeeday, the 17th day of Jaaoary is the rear There was not a single cent of incum ­ second term as supervisor. Among the College of this state and graduated with sas iheuaasd stghl bund red and ninety-four he or she should here find a village the class of '84. He is now operating St-GMr, JMeta. Prvoaat.Charles M Merrill. Jndge of Proto., brance upon, or a transfer made of this many blessings of this life which have la the matter nf the estate of PARMIMA stricken with decay and presenting an been visited upon him and bis, a lovely 160 acres on section 31 and 170 on sec­ C WILRON decotood air of a grave yard instead of a busy com ­ farm until it was deeded to his daugh ­ Gs rending aad Alias the petition duly verited. ter. Mrs. Arabella Ring, who now occu ­ daughter and heiress has been bom to tion JO. in Lebanon. On tbe 22d day of of Andrew JWIsgAas. praying I Sal I ho laal will sen mercial center, as it is, with good mar­ them to share with them their good for ­ February. 1887, he was united in mar­ Terms of tbe Circuit Court. tmo ment of utd deceased may be pror.d and ad ­ kets and solid business men. as it con ­ pies it. Danfonl remained at home un ­ mitted is prob ate, sad that Jobs W r-ailey or til he had arrived al the age of 21 or tunes and the many blessings of this riage with Mias Cora L. Smith, of Hub- STATE OF MICHIGAN, i asms other waitable patooo tear bo appelateu tains, they would reconsider their plans, bardston, through which union three astb Judicial Circuit ( Admimetitior of mid estate over. On the 14th day of February. life. I do hereby Sx and appoint to* times of Thereupon It la ordered that Thursday, and nine times out of ten would shake I. A MOTT G. BATES. bright children have been bom to them. holding tbe several terms of court wttblu said the 8th day of Pabrwary, A. D. IW4 at one their heads and buy elsewhere. There 1861, lie was married to Mias Josephine circuit Tor tbe years I ms and I*., sa follows: o'clock la thoaiterooon to assigned .or the boat ­ Strong, of Cattaraugus county, N. Y., of Dupiain township, was bom in Litch­ He baa held the office of township school ing of said peril Ion. aad that the bolrt at ia* and is no village or county in the state in inspector two terms, and is now sei ving ('LINTON OOVNYT. lag * I an of aaW deceased, and all other perw-oa IS- who tiad been for a vear visiting field, Summit county. Ohio. October 13, Kim Monday in February. teroated la mid will, see required to appear at a which a better and more united feeling 1847. and in the fall of 18V» came to his seoond term as supervisor, and is Fourth Monday In April. aamtou of mid court then to be boldeo at the Pro- exists among the people, in a social and friends in Watertown. Seven children—. Last Monday In June. bale oSu is tbe Tillage of Ht. lobs,, aad show thee sons and four daughters, have been Michigan with his parents who settled the youngest member on the board. Second Monday In November. cause, if aay tbore be. »bytbe will should no: ae business way, than is accredited to Ht. He is a member of tbe Masonic frater­ (mxTtoT oudsmr. bom to them, all of whom are living. ou a farm in Fairfield, Shiawassee Aad It it further ordered, ibat notice be gi.ea Johns and Clinton county. Let no county. Here ldunott remained until nity and of the ancient order of United Second Monday in Man-ti. to ibo perrons .Bierrated la said estate of the pee cranks come within our borders to M. MERRILL, farm. Later, from time to time, lie pur­ ship of three years, returned to Michi­ a I rue opr J udre of Proto t • came from and what they liave been gan and worked seven years at his trade large circle of acquaintances. doing up to this time in life. The fol­ chased other tracts aud parcels, until he ORTHAOK MALE. Default having been with his tatiier who is also a harness- JAMBS COItTKIOHT. M made in tbe conditions of a certain mort - lowing sketches will give the essential now owns, adjoining, 3064 acres, ou Srhfdule of Twfhm Examinations gage, made by Michael Wctmer and Kacae maker, and who luui become a resident of DeWitt. was bom in Ontario county. points in their earthlv career. which he lias erected a fine residence, N. Y„ ou New Years day. 1B»), and Tl. Wctmer to Daniel Donnelly, dated July ‘J7. good ham and out buildings, on the of ('Union countv. and was foreman in For Clinton ('ountv. 1 MM 4. IMS. aad racorda d in the oMee of the Register JUSTIN W IIECKWITH, came to Michigan with his parents in of Deeds tor Clinton county. In Michigan, on portion of his farm in Watertown, this depaitment of the varied manu ­ July 27. I Mr.* in Liber :n ot Mortgages, on page of Victor, chairman of the board for the 1868, settling at Flyiuoutli. Oakland Hi. Johns. Thursday and Friday, August 3 2M: on which mortgage there la claimed to be where he lives in the midst of peace facturing business carried on by A. and 4. USB. due at the date of this notice, one bundled aud county. After a vear there the elder Ht. Johns, Friday. August S, 1MKI. last three years, was born in Cliarle- PIuinstead ft Sons in the HOs. letter twenty-two dollars aud eighty-four cents, he- and comfort, and with the latch string Cortright bought two hundred acres of DeWitt. Friday. September HR. lMKi. Hldea an attorney fee of fifteen dollars, stipu­ mont. Mass.. September 40. IffcB. and always hanging out for the use of his young Bates liecame a partner in the DeWitt. Hatunlav. March 10. lam. lated in Mid mortgage to be paid should any was the second child of a family of live mercantile business at Elsie with J. F. land in Inghatn county on contract, and HL Jobna.Thursday and Friday. MatchfVand proceedings l years of a resident of Detroit. This copartner ­ beginning life for himself by of sale In mid mortgage contained, and with a good store of |>e reeve ranee, goad working out for neighbors when he was it M WINSTON. of the statute in such cam- made and age. when he entered a scythe snath judgment, careful business methods ship continued five years iu all. In 1876 Countv Commissioner of School*. provided .notice ts herein given that factory, there located, to learn the busi­ Mi . Bates purchased Mr. Hasty s inter­ twenty years old. Tlie winter he was on Marrh 24, I SIM. at one o'clock In the af­ aud sticktoitiveness. He cleared nearly twenty he went into tlie pine woods and ternoon. at tbe west front door of th< ness. After serving two years lie be­ all of his extensive iMisseasions, est in the luismess. which lie lias since hou*e for Clinton county. In Michigan. In the came a partner iu the concern, and con ­ acted as assistant -caler, and the spring JACKSON, village of Ht. Johns, in Mid county, then- will and by keeping the wlioie under a continued with marked success, having The Merchant Tailor. lie sold at public vendue, to the highest bin­ tinued therein nineteen years. On the been enabled through his profits and following lie went into the stave busi­ der. the premise* in said mortgage described, high state of culivatioii, and conduct ­ ness for himself. September 28. 1861, via: The east halt nf the south-west quarter l.'tth day of August. 1846, he was united ing his fanning operations upon scien­ gains to buy tbe Aaron Sickels tarm, of section Twelve in Township Eight Nottb.of in marriage with Miss Sarah Upton, which is favorably situated to the vil­ he enlisted in Company F. First Michi­ Haag.- Two Weut. In Michigan. Said sale will tific and well-founded business princi­ gan Engineers and Mechanics, being ho made -object tn the payment of the re­ sister of -Install Upton, or tins village, lage. and to erect a new and larger store NEW mainder o( *aid mortgage not yet due. —Dated ples. lias succeeded well in his chosen mustered iu at Marshall, Mich. He was Dec | in her 1». IMH. then a resident of Ciiarlemont. vocation in life. Having so much of room to accommodate his rapidly grow ­ DANIEL DONNELLY. Through this liappy union three child­ ing trade. During his season of almost sent to lAMilsville, Ky.. thence to l^eba- Paaaix* A Hai .uwix . Mortgagee his own business to look after he has non. and marchinir to Somerset on the AND Alt’s, for Mortppr. „12 ren have lieen bom to bless their home not been very much identified with pub­ unbounded prosperity iu trade, lie has and guard their interests in their de ­ Cumberland river, participated in tlie OKTOAOK SALK-Drfault haring tooa lic office. This is ids first term as super­ not been unmindful of the kind acts STYLISH M loads ia Ike t-ood(Goto ot a t errain mart- clining years, upon which they iiave visor. the duties of which office lie lias and opportunities given him by Mr. battle of Mill Spriug. He was in tbe Ka*r. dated toptemtor 2d. IMO. made by Mary battle at Lavergne, Tenu.. and at tlie Clavey to Justlua Vaucoooaai. aad recorded in tbe well entered. In the spring of INK!, discharged with tluU same degree of Hastv. which enabled him to secure a uSke of tbe Register of Deeds ol Cllnroti County. having severed his connection with the siege of Corinth. The chief work of FALL Michigan, on September 2d, IMU. in Liber 74 of care as lie lias his own private business. start in life, and to make good and prof ­ Mortgage*, ou poae .T70, on which mortgage there his regiment consisted in constructing scythe snath business, lie removed to He has been highly favored anti blessed itable use of his time, and to-day Mr. is claimed io bo d^Mand unpaid at tbe date o I this bridges, stockades, railroads aud boats. . AND notice tbe sum of~ wo Hundred and nlnety.fte Clinton county aud settled in Victor during Ids business and social oper ­ Bates freely and proudly attributes his dollars and six rents (MP-YiS heaide, an attorney townslup. upon the n i and » w j of s ations. success in business to two things : The He was engaged in several skirmishes foe of Alteon dollars it1&) prodded by ualule and with bushwtiackers at Tlltou, Ga., aud WINTER In mid mortgage to bo polo should aay proceed ­ w i of section 2, embracing US) acres, He is truly a pioneer to whom the opportunity given him by his esteemed ing* be taken to fbroc loee the mmr aud no pro all of which was wild land, and of which otlier places. While at Somerset lie • eodiug* at law or in equity haring been insti­ rising generation should bow their heads friend Hasty, and to his own energies SUITINGS, tuted to rerover any port ol the dotrt mcu red by fie has now uo acres under a high stale and prudence. Here is exhibited a had tlie typhoid fever and was in the said mortgage, now, therefore, by rirtoe ol the in gratitude for the many comforts lie * power of asm con la I nod Iu said mortgage aad ot of cultivation ; a good farm house and is about to leave them to enjoy. He keen sense of appreciation. hospital nearly al) tlie winter of 1802. the statute In aoch raar'made and provided, notice comfortable bams and out buildings. He was on a train at Tullahoma, Tenu., OVERCOATINGS la hereby given thatibo said mortgage will be lero- can well recollect when lie went with Mr. Bates is Master of Elsie lodge r loved by sale of tbe pram ties therein described, at All of this luui been accomplished hia father in the ox cart, through the No. 238. F. ft A. M.; lias served hia one night when the bushwhackers luui pobltcaoetfon. to ibe highest bidder, al the West tom up the track ahead of them, and AND h rout Door ol the Court■ Imbooe. , ia the Village at through earnest industry, economy, woods to Ijuising, to witness the oper ­ township as supervisor during the years (M. Jobaa, in said Couaty of < llaloo. ou Satur- care and good judgment. Mr. Beck­ 1879. DM). 1881. 1882 and 18HCJ. He lias was on tlie tender, when the engine Hew tlar, the !4thdag of PFebruary, 11104. at 1 ations of breaking the ground for the THOWHKRINUN. o'clock la lbs atioraooo of that day. aad that the with was chosen supervisor of his town ­ stAte building, which some time since also belli the office of township clerk the track, striking tlie bank. Tlie en­ promise, are described ia said mortgage aa I allows: ship iu the years 1864-6. and every year gineer and fireman jumped and ran Lota Nea. alateon lISlaud seventeen (IT* of Meek gave place to the lieaiitifui structure several years. He is, indeed, u social, Ns. rise hundred aud twenty iIM) ia mid Village from MM2 to the present time. He lias now in use. He can also well recollect good fellow aiming men. away, leaving Mr. Cortright anti his of Hi. Jobes, arvonimr lo the recorded plot there­ held the office of justioe of the peace in captain alone. Tlie latter was badly in­ of. —Dated November rt, I AM how the ludians used to make Ids fath­ JAMBS H. IIUHXKN. JUSTINA VAl'CtfNHANl. his township seven consecutive terms jured. but Mr. Cortright extricated him I.YOU A Doougu. Mortgagee er's house a stopping place and sleep I of 111 lev. was bom in Orleans townsiiip, Attorney* for Mortgagee from the wreck anti made him more PERFECT of four years each, and that of town ­ upon the floor before the great fireplace. Ingham county. January 16.1862. and ship drain commissioner two or three comfortable. Tlie rebels came within OKTUAGK HALK.-Default having toon There are a great many interesting in­ moved with his parents into Riley town ­ KITH GUARANTEED M '“•Me la tbe roodItiooa of a rertalr years, when the drain law was drat en­ twenty feet of them but failed to dis ­ montage, made by Henry D Mmith aad Ida F. cidents in his early pioneer life in Clin­ ship in the fall of 1866. He remained ••mil n to HamueI H. Day, dated May 2Sd. INI. aad acted. He has lieen an efficient mem­ ton county which we would lie pleased at home until 21 years of age and then cover 11ietn. Upon returning home in recard ad la the oSr, of the Hegtater of Daeda for ber of the <• rung** since its organization, thefail of 1866, Mr. Cortright bought Clinton countv. la Michigan, on May 3M. IASS to here relate had we the time and worked out by tlie month on farms for la LI her :• af Mart gage*, ou pot* Mb. on watch and has been a faithful and consistent space so to do. but suffice it to say. Dan- two summers. He was married July 4, M) acres of the farm upon which be now mortgage there I* claimed to to duo at the date af member of the Congregational church Uvea, only live or six acres of which bad JACKSON. fonl Shaddock lias been successful in 1876. to Mias Charlotte B. Moore, young­ HT. JOHNS. during ttie last thirty years. • this life. est daughter of Jeremiah aud Charlotte been cleared, aud there was no building While engaged in the manufacture of upon it except a small liam. He was said mortgage aad no anil or procee d lag at law or HRNKY C. DAVENPORT, Moore, of the same township, by whom snaths lie met with a severe loss by dre. married May 4. 1866. to Miss Nancy In oqultv having been instituted to recover aay or Eagle, was tiom in Danby towusuip. four children were bom. three of whom rart of the debt savored by uM mortgage therefore leaving him considerably worse off than Ionia county. February 4. 1846. and was Livermore, a native of New York state. y virtue of the power of sole lusold mongage cos ­ ’ still survive. Soon after marriage lie ill tal nod aad of tbe statute la sash rose mode aad nothing, so far as the goods of this life tlie only son of Matthew Davenport, bought a new farm of 40 acres, being They Iiave had no children but liave ide provided, notice Is hereby given that oo Febrri are concerned. His life, in the main, brought up ami cared for two as their Msi ary lltb, ISS4, atone o'clock la the aftereoM. who died in Kansas about nine years * tlie a 4 of s | of n e i, sec. 30. About at the west frost door ol the court house for Cita­ has been an uneventful one. own. His farm now oousista of 160 to* roooty . In Michigan, in the village of Hi John, ago. In 1806 the eider Davenport ten years later lie txnight another par­ la sold couaty, there w||i to aobi at public vendue Mr. Beckwith is n gentleman who lias n nved onto the farm of whieh Henry tially improved 40. being tlie n w i of n acres—thee fl 4 of the u w 4 section 28, to the highest bidder, the promts*. In mid meet- earned a comfortable competency and the e 4 of tlie s w 4, section 21. cage described . vie: The west halt of the south- now owns a part. His possessions now e j, sac. 30. and three years ago lie ooet quarter ot soriteu fourteen. In Township seven through legitimate transactions iu busi­ consist of W acres off the south part of bought still auotlier 10. tlie n e j of s w Here lie has built a pie want home and M North, of Hange tear wvat. In Mtehtopa Hntd aato ness. and enjoys the confidence ami es­ carries on mixed farming. He lias held Hindoo ! will to made snbieet lo the pay*** 1 of the to- the n w fi j of section 2B. amt 40 acres i. sac. 30. on which he now resides, and ■tolader of said .Montage, not yet doe —Dated No- •ember 23. IMKt SAMUEL H. DAY. teem of all who Know him. off south part of n e j of section 60. all the office of highway commissioner and to as oav *. ew where lie has erected good out build ­ (•Him Fes Pgaanr* A Rai i>wix. MMEEMta THOMAS C BUTLER, iu the township of Eagle. On the I4tli this ia his second tenu as supervisor. Kwpti MsseSwp M. Xlgktlj . .ti AUy'» for Mortgager It* ings. Mr. Humes lather. James M. by nartan of Biugtuun was bom in Weathersdeld, of November. 1880. he was married to Humes, died nine years ago. Two He is a member of the Masonic order Eat Mr*)r n at DeWitt and a member of tlie Grange, ■ arttol to »ni IF YOU are indotorol to me Conn., June S). MMR. being the second Miss Helen Wallaoe. youngest daughter years ago death entered his home and SSFjGflRTuH’ ■££ with• til you planar adjust the child of a family of five children—four of Lewis Wallace, of Watertown. Two took therefrom a promising son of 14 in which lie served aa roaster one year. » by t-aah or abort Mate eons ami one daughter, all of whom have children have been bom to them. Soon summers. Aside from this his afflic­ When in tbe army he was considered note, aa I wtab to batonn all been residents of Ht. Johns. At the age after Ida marriage he erected a comfort- tions and is verses I rare been no more an unusually good drill sergeant and tstoJany. I. l»t SOLD by Travta A I . ST JOHNS GEO 8 IYIHRIT. of 16 Thomas left his home and went to able frame house, and from time to time ' than those of the average man. Mr. • on < Hfhth /MUfi. MICH aad other I'utiliako Tof Ind epcwit m CLINTON INDEPENDENT THURSDAY, JANUARY 18,

999 PBOCIXDIM I ■ • 49— Fowler A Bal r> M 191 •BM DeWltt IS THE TIME. .. or THE HOARD lir HPIRVMOMVOR for rouaty. ... allowed at. 10 08 - m—William I Bsagal drain., flUNTuN C OUNTY. MltHlUAN, COW '• 46—0. H. Marsh) sheriff fen 361 18 i of Fowler drain 8*1 19 To do buaiaew with ut. No use to complain of luurd THE TILLAUB OR NT. JO HUE, OH THE Fuller Creek drain .. _ timet when you over the Fine we mre HOITH DAY or JANUARY, MM. - 44—William M. lag. ffifi------• » look Shoe* allowed EL,.,______• M Hayworth dmta ...... Slaughtering at Price* Lom Than it Cost to Manu ­ allowed at----- 18 40 Mr. Webster moved that the report of the K repps ffMtfB...... facture them. Board was called U» order by the Chairman 46 I Jennie Marshall, dep ­ ommlttee be sorrpted and adopted, and the Lehamn deafa ------Roll called, when the following member* uty sheriff ftom ...... Jerk authorised to draw orders for their sev- Muskrat drain —------an awe red to their names: 181 Mania d rain ...... — Hath...... Alaaan W abater - 40—K. M. Winston, post ­ Ond nod liupiain drain. Victor ------1. W. Beckwttb age account ------7 BO The committee on treasury made the follow, Prairie Creek and (iundet i drain Ovid...... —...... Byrcl Parmeoter allowed at-—...... log report i WE MUST HAVE MONEY IF LOW PRICES WILL Doplato ------L. O. Male* *• 47 —William M. Leland. Ik the ffhawaHr BssrW y Hpwvissr* at LUmtam Oreanbaah...... —David L Kacglr boarding tramps.------49 90 Bins bam...... — Thotaaa C. Boiler allowed at------40 90 Your ooasmittee on treasury have compared OPEN UP THE POCKET BOOKS. Olive...... Charles B. Marti - 48 —William M. Leland. the several order* with their order books, and drain DeWltt. _...... James CoumtRht tail supplies...... - 8 46 Sad them all correct, sad have cawaalad the Bturgts dram- —...... allowed at------8 45 stubs and vou chees of ammm by stamp! Bbulter* and Biabbs drain ...... alamos H. Barnes • 40—J. V Leland. deputy aeroas Urn same, 'Allowed ooaaty trsaaai YMbaB* drafts ...... WUmUU»l*drhdy wlwb<. would not («» * ! *|U mnothw of Pin-Hho«. for- ...... lain Brown sherifffooa ------8 00 Jaauary llth. 1991." sad have them hereto Upton drafts...... —.... pair of Pine High Grade Kid (iboea. price 92.00. 92A0 auc 98.00. going Warren B. Cancel loe allowed at..... 800 burned la the preeenee of the beard; a Van Dyke drafts ...... - wither henri-tuniM or welted, for fast at 91.W...... B. K. Vance “ BO—Uideoo Durfee, deputy have filed with the ooaaty olerti all rveei) Waldo drain ------MUM. They nun of ha wirahMiiil of ____Levi W. Baldwin Funds overdrawn j any other dealer in town for lera than .beriff Mas—...... 7 00 neeeeeary for preaervattoo. All of which Is $4.00, UM or $6i». Dig Job Lot of Children's Solid Hhosa. allowed at------700 respectfully submitted. Contingent ------worth 91.00, 91.26 and 11.50. Choice Borle ...... Henry C. Daveoport “ 51—C. (i. Barnes, justice JOHN BROWN. Poor —------Another table loaded with ta.uo and now for 75c, and soon through the St. Johns Jostah Upton fees...... —------o oo W. B. C-AffnmUNE. 98 M Fine Kid Shoes to go at 92*37. allowed at-...... 000 L.W. BALDWIN. *4.1*7 44 Mr. Caster line moved that the Board adtoum “ 59—C. O. Barnes, services Outaiandi ng order* - until 9 o'clock to-morrow momma, as drain commisaionrr 198 BO Contingent...... Motion carried. allowed at------198 BO 188 BB Mr. Hates moved that the report of the AJ is whut talks in them «fays, and wc have re- committee be accepted and adopted, and the ImtradmaUaa at BUU. Total clerk authorised to draw orders for the several ( Jaime No. tB to 74. inclusive, worn presented All of w i is moat inspect fully submitted duced everything in the Shoe line to that bnsit. amounts JOHN BROWN, The Board met pnreuant to adjournment, Motion canted. and referred to the oonuaittee oo claims by L. W. BALDWIN. and wm called to order by the Chairman. The n>-----a .YJ / iw.l^WInl< iwmx Iimm. roll arm called, quorum present and ao W. B. i Agm KLINE Ik I As Dm. Jksrf gApninn at C liana Ciaalg. reported. Mr. t submitted the following reeo Minutes of Monday forenoon sesaion read t iKMTLXMKNI hereby submit the follow Mr. Parmenter moved that the report of the tug report of money expended In repairing and approved. BaaaimJ. That the sheriff be and la hereby In­ committee be accepted and adopted and piac- DUTOHER S GASH SHOE HOUSE. and painting the Coon House, excavating and structed to put up nottim oa the court aoa putting in gravel for foundation for walks, and Claims No. 1 to 52 inclusive, were presented ground, fnrtotddine persons from walhiag or lumber sod labor putting down temporary and refered to the committee on claims by the driving oo the grounds, except oo the walks walks, together with furnishing room in attic Chairman. and driveway*, or from putting any building Mr. Baldwin moved that uialm No. 7M this and bath tub in Jail as per bills on flic in Mr. Vance moved that the Board adjourn or toat or anything that wll mar the same, j bafmr tbe claim of the \1Uage of St. Johns) be County Clerks office. Total amount ex­ until 9 o'clock to-morrow mom ins. Baaaimd, That the ahertff be Instructed to disallowed. pended. 9694.99. JOS!AH UPTON. Motion canted. put a window in the attic of the Jail, on the Motion carried. Dialed. flh Johns, January 10th. 1994. teat side, the expense to be paid out of the Mr. Baldwin moved that the rmoiution of ­ Mr. Baldwin moved that the report be coftiagent fund of the county : also to ohaa fered by Mr. Hhadduok be taken from the excepted and adopted and placed on file. lOth. IMA. the Move in the attic. table. Motion carried. Motion carried. The Board met pursuant to adjournment, Mr Cmtertlae moved that the resolution le /UnAttiMat BtUi Mr. Baldwin moved that tbe resolution be and was called to order by tire Chairman. The i eeeived and laid on the table. Claims No. M to W inclusive, arete pre­ accepted ami adopted and placed on file roll arm called, quorum present and ao Motion carried. sented and refered to the committee no claims, Motton carried reported. Mr. Bairn moved that the board adjourn BIG by the Chairman. until to-morrow morning at 9 o'clock . Mr Baldwin offered tbe following resolu ­ Minutes of Tuesday forenoon sesaion read .UMmi of BaaatmtUm. and approved. tion Mr. Brown moved that the Board adjourn Asssirsd, That the members of this board OMBSMCtJ* until 9 o'clock to-morrow morning. tender to J. W. Beckwttb. chairman of this The committee on claims reported back the Saturday. January IB. 1B94. ONE-HALF OFF board of supervisors, their t banka for tlm able following claims No. 1 to &9 inclusive, except Thursday Pnranaaa aassiau. January 11th, FORENOON 8BS8WN and impartial manner In which he baa dis ­ Nos. 9. IS and S4. and recommend that they charged the duties of his station, and for the 1M4. The board met pomuant to adjournment, be allowed as reported : The Board met pursuant to adjournment, and was called to order by the chairman uotfonn courtesy which be baa at all time* No. 1 Kalamazoo Pub. Co., observed toward Ms fellow member*. and wm called to order by the Chairman. The The roll was called ; quorum present and so SALES roods for rouaty...... -9 90 90 Mr. Marsh moved that the resolution be ac­ roll teas called, quorum present and was ao r .-ported allowed at------9 90 90 cepted and adopted ami placed oo file reported. Minutes of Friday forenoon session rand and ** S-The Richmond Backus Motion carried. Minutes of Wednesday forenoon session approved. Co., good for county... «6 80 read and approved. Mr. Marsh moved that tbe board adjourn FOR NEXT TEN DAYS. allowed at------40 80 The oomaaittoe on cfalam repor ted bank the aim dia. '* 9— Ihling Bro. A Brevard Motion carried. The committees an claims reported back the following ciaiaae. No. W to 74. ieeiuMv*. ex­ goods for county —— SO 11 J. W. I1JXTCWITH. Chairman following claims. No. BS to B9. inclusive, ex­ cept No. 71. and recommended that they be al- allowed at------80 11 cept No. &6,whicb is included In M. and recom ­ O mni H MARSH AIX. Clerk We have too much Clothing •• 4—W. K. Hamilton work mend that orders be drawn for their several in Judge's room. .— 11 B0 No. O-M. N.fftllaon.Justice fees 10IB 9091 amounts, and would also recommend that Noe. on account of our two stores II B0 allowed at...... — 93 hi 8.19.91 and 94 be returned to the superintend . Tto followinc are the transaction* in tieing put together. Time to •• B—John Price, deputy “ 4i William N. Rtoi ents of the poor. i r> real estate 10 tMinton county, for one sheriff Mas...... -...... «00 No. 58- Charles T. Andrew* weeks ending. January 16, as recorded sell winter goods is when it in allowed at------8 00 1 K deputy sheriff fees...... 9 87 50 by ItaBifiter of l)eed* L. C. Meed : winter, not next summer. - © (.has. r. Hollister ius- “ 45—William M. I-eland, allowed at...... 9 87 60 Aathoey Martin and wtfbto John H Fedewra i ice fees------4 SB hoard bill of prisoners 981 fl et al. 40 acres aw 1. Dallas. 914341 ** 54 -Charles T. Andrew* allowed al ...... - 4 SB allowed El------91 93 Liovd V Atei aad wftfb to Wm A Abel et al. deputy sheriff fees. 8 25 40 arrreavr 95. Beth. 9*88» '* 7 —W. Banday gmrte for - 46—William M. Leland. look allowed at------— 3 75 Joha H F**lewa ami wlfbtoJoseph Keeper county.. ———------— 1 90 MO------.----- SI :t» dUartweser It. Dallas. 9TOO. *• 50—Corbit A Valentine 1 90 allowed at...... XI 33 washlogtou O Wile* ami wife to Frank E allowed at------goods for county ..... — 8 80 Urwgory, 60 acres me 7. Victor. 9980 ** 9—tie©. Y. Corbit. print ­ •• 47 —W. A. Norton, postage allowed at...... 8 80 ff»ir*r K Brown and wlfk to Jokti M All Men's $5 Suits or Overcoats now $2.50. ing, etc., for county. — 109 90 4 77 Brown. MO acres ear 18. Bath. 93900 ** 57 Spaulding A Co. allowed at ...—------109 80 allowed at 0 97 Mamuei Hoslta aad wit* to Freak It Moolis. $7.50 goods for county .... _ 6 90 450 acres sec 80, 97. 95. Bath. 91BOO 44 3.75. *• lO-C- C. Vaughan, print ­ Inqt allowed at-...... - 6 90 Joha H Pedewa aad wtfb to fleo K Blbw. $10.00 5 ao lot IB block 10. Fowler. 91 q c. 44 5.00. ing. etc., for county — 187 80 “ Bn Spaulding A Co. allowed at——— 187 80 allowed at...... 600 Mary A 1-ore to John lore. 40 acres ser $12.00 44 6.00. goods for county. ... - 86 58 95. Bengal ■ 91 Michigan aay^am...... ——...... -----_ 949 06 ing amounts charged to tbe treasurer, as fol lo 1.79*. pounds, broken or unbroken, at ex­ allowed at....—..------13 15 tremely low price*. “ 99—K. K. Aldrich, goods Eastern Michigan asylum....™...... M3 88 for county ...... — 7 •« K. M. Winston school exam mat ions 300 181 Uaab on band January 1st, II ■ <« allowed at.—.—..— 7 no Primary school money —...... 4.887 19 Delinquent tax—...... Wwltini Honffi ofTeml an* all " 23 lirand Kapids Litb.Co. Miwellatieous ...... 588 84 Col led ton fern-...... ------— 175 7* Fall Blood Aiiiffriaui Horw*. goods for county... — 19 76 Total ...... 910.774 ON Uquor tax------Entry fee------No InMthiigNor BronrhoN. WILSON & SON allowed at—------19 76 All Of which wr would respectfully submit. Drain tax------94-Cartas Carrus. inquest JOHN HKOWN, 1 ominimloner of land nffiee Inspection of Slock and Corm* 9 96 W. B CASTER LINK. Poor food.™ ...... *1 lowed at- ...... 2 96 | L. W. BALDWIN. pondenre Solicited. . " 9B-O.U. Wickes * Son*, Fine mowvy ------Mr. Kacg lc movr«l that the report hr ex- good* for county .™ 1 90 Primary money ______crpted and adopted allowed at-...... 1 90 Mtate and county tax------Miiiwi carried. Miscellaneous ------R. M. S1EEL " 99— W. U. Cameron, ad ­ /WW.r/». Of BUU. fit. John*, uetotirr 14. IHU. 14*» 5 00 vertising. etc—...... Claims No. do to 07 inclusive, were per- alloared at.....—----- 600 Total ...... —...... 91WJM* 73 rented and refered to the committee on claims, THE " 97 -Carina Carrus. inquest by tile Chairman. 996 Your committer have also examined tbe fata.i ------——. JMwa osi hwiiiiau. IF . . . allowed at------— 225 hooka in the Mark's office, and find tbe account FOR SALE. Mr. Parmenter offered the following . '• 99- K. M. Smith, inquest of the treasurer with the county to he an fol ­ White Sewing Machine You are thiuking of buying Hevolved : That the committee on treasury 996 low*: lu order to ctoer an rotate I want a cook be and are liervby instructed to compare the 18 STILL. XIHQ Anything in allowed at 2 96 Juror* ami vif iga' order* ...... 44,79 m *7 purchaser fine I be foilowiog tend* In the towns contingent and poor orders aritli their reaper, 99—Travis A Baker, goods Sparrow order* ...... , IP) 4t or Victor and Uatii. vtx: Tbe 8outb-*aat quor- tier order hooks, lurof* certificate*. iiuard of MARBLE OB CBANITE 7 99 Contingent order* ...... - 11581 73 trr of the North-easi quarter of *eotton eoveo school examiner*. IMrtte and deaths, sparrow allowed aU 799 Nurarfts*...... —...... —...... *pr. 44 (Hi the North-wo.i quarter of the Mouth-wool and witness certittcale*. and check the same Now i* the Time. ■ff.W Hedfem.ii Drain order*. ------lljtt* M quarter of aectton eight (KJ. oil in Town five by stamping aeroas the state: allowed Jan ­ 2 06 Kupervlsor*' pay lUftl~------MB *4 (4) north of Mange one (I) waet Aloo the uary llth. 1984, ” and after being compared allowed aU 9 05 Michigan .Aaytem...... —lffit M Mouth-east quartern! tbeHouth-weat quarters* and checked, that said orders and certificate* 81- John Hicks, goods for State treasurer'* racaipf...... fijtia 1 have the largest *tock I ever Inui soctlon thinv-two ,3Ji; the Mauth half of the be burned in the presence of the Board : also, 1 OO Births and doaftho...... 77 ** . at this time of the year, and will Moath-waet quarter of the Mouth ml quarter that the miscellaneous voucher* and receipts 1 OO laopeotorsof etoottona Ml 19 . sell it of aoctlon thirty-two (ggi. oil in town atx <4i from the house of correction and maone my. - *9 —C M. Nedfem.ts Boateni Michigan Asylum ...... 18 *9 north of Manor owe (1, west. turn and all other officer's certificates be 906 K. M. Winston, mbool examiner. ™ 79* W> Fer prices amt other particular* apply to stamped scram the facet "allowed Connty WAY DOWM, 306 Primary mbo ol money ...... lo.ioa *9 FRANK R HOBMON. Treasurer January llth. 1894," and filed in Sheriff a aedoea... — —...... i,im un If mi Hammonal Hulldlaa. Detroit. the office of the County Clerk, and that said 74 60 lastttute fund receipts ...... JM M NBK IK BKF0KK Y01 BI V. Clerk is hereby authortxed to credit the 74 50 County Treasurer with the several amounts On motton of Mr Hate* the resolution wa* 6 (Ml accepted and adopted and Place*! on file. 590 For Sale* Mr. Marsh moved that the Hoard adtoum F. F. MURDOCK until to morrow morning at u o'clock. i 90 I-caving a haionaa of IIIJM 41,1 Motion carried. 4 MO tbe several funds as follow*: J. HAMILTON, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. Fla* IBM ...... —------896 many. January |«, |gg 4 'd 44 BbSm. Corn. Ilran. HiddlisgN. « 96 fobsroox (tamioN MEM...... - ...... < orn Meal. Ground Fred. Hay, Near Belter. Nob ** Lower Price Landscape, Portrat Artist " 89 .tint. W. Hulliert. con The tear*) met pursuant h Straw and Wood, at the elrrator. uiWr Mae------1 60 and was oaUed to order by the < I make a specialty of allowed a>...... —. For quality nod variety of work. SPRAGI K A S4JI AIR. 890 The roll wm aattad: quortr LARGE WORK and " 99—James H.Ccdltns. jus­ A. H. IMLOOM. Ag.t. tice taaa.-...... 68 90 Minutes of Thursday forenoon AL J olem Midi CHILDRENS' PICTURES allowed at------—— 58 90 Iff* Hr pair* furnished for all machine* M 40—<«• C. Young, pas* Bps* af Mamdtmf CkamaM BttAia rrxu mortem examination 590 The rammftMno an eialam r*t An addition to thr above may hr found a Photographic Work of all Kinds allowed at----- 600 rial am No. ffi to Bt, inclusive, and nr place a complete ihm of ram tmptaamttM Waonwa. I'arriaovs. <>reaa*. rtc. All warrant- ""••*«'■ Tisr.rtf.iss"'"'' “ 41—Albert Hatch, mouest «d that they he allowed ao reported. Onwoiy Line drstn •1 ir*t class and at bnitnwt prfem. •Mend of CBiWott At Weal Abb CLINTON INDEPENDENT, THURSDAY JAN. 18, 1894


•MBtrktbi* Uil«r **•■! by • Uw hmrm The new "tuple* Typewriter,” The Biuro Man aaur That He Had tee Darky to Ilia Adwwt (»a«. which carried off highest honors at the Msajr Nsism to TSafels ' A letter written by mo amorous World ’s Fair, and which is destined to "Isn ’t this my old friend, Gabriel m>ifro of Memphis wan picked up o* revolutionise typewriting, is n meet Comstock, of Franklin Furnace? ” said the street recently and oarried to remarkable machine. It is n western the smiling younx' man approaching 13=1 HOLl£AlT S. 35E“2\ the stranger and ox tending his hand. thw office of the Commercial. The iuvantioo. manufactured m Des Moines, Lata of LONDON, now of CLIICAOO, wtofo a Branch Office and Laboratory at HILLSDALE, MICH, pA|>er suppreseee the name of the lows; is neatly and compactly built, "No sir.” replied thu stranger. Visited Southern Mich love-struck swain, bnt prints the and so strongly made as to insure very "My name is 'Thomas Easley, and uthem Micnispm for the past Year, and during those visits has examined and prescribed far I’m from Wheolorsburg. ” hundreds, ana effected some of tho mast Wonderful Cures ever made in the State. effusion in full, as follows: long service. "I beg your pardon. ” rejoined the This leaves mo well, and my siaeoru Its mechanism is of special interest. Ask yvwtr frtenessiwm>nO snC imneighbor*4|Ws shout Dr. Hoi man S. Humphrey There te Merest* a neighborhoodnet ta the county that has not had desire is that it will find you the same. other politely, "but the resemblance west nf liaMitor'a wonderful akfli. sad rer -Ir s farttly which has not had oee or wore ofofi (ia utemuax* witM timu dosth end mu As suggested by its name, it is a dou ­ » Im *iUi Alter Dearest girl, it has been so long 1* so extraordinary, that I thought I I tali um ble writing machine tbnt will write since I have beard from you until I could not be mistaken. ” two letters of the alphabet at the same ••'That’s ail right. There's no have come to the conclusion that I instant, and yet it is lighter sod no am a fit subject for the asylum, and harm done, ” said the stranger, pass­ A; St. Johns, Thursday. Feb. i, 1894 . One day only. Office— Parlors ot the Hotel St. Johns. larger than other standard typewrit­ ing on. if I am unfortunate in hearing from ers. this epistle my heart will be rented The World ’s Fair Examining Com* A few minutes Inter he was ao- Kxa—Imxilaa Pro* to AU. Cl. i in tears and the entire Intellect will mittee reported the following point* oosted by another smiling young man Although the doctor is ta tsary IV doctor treats no acme diseaeaa. hot 4s- who met him at a street corner and soapMlsl to um expensive Instrr merits voum bit wltoie 'Imr tu the treatment of be ruin and the informed mortal will of superiority overall other typewriting chronic and katg standing and surgical machines as conclusive reasons why stopped in great apparent astonish­ sEBmlwU la making analyses. bMw be brought down to desolation and I wQti: sad other sutentlflc exam.nations, ess—: oss — given ui> tmating nil forms ot chronic ailments of the hence permitting both hands always to aaad. face, eye, asr. thrust, oh—*. Inn —, hi which made its approach from behind be at work. Easley and I don ’t know whero mistaken In hts diagnosis In any oase. Wheelershurg is.” The doctor's‘ utor'a im-thuda differ a stomach. 11—r. splem. kidney*, bowels, rv the eastern summit of his handiwork. 3d. It has s double center, or two- from thef xi-ncral practitioner In all iw duett — organa, urinary organ*, brain "You ’re not Tom Kasloy** ’ streets. tollowlitgK«d lowing (be plan of St. U rvout system, paralysis, growths, JointJt And when the sliver queen of the points of contact for type and paper. we. piles, hip d iseases, sc'etlua. skin < itb. It is strongly built, with great "No, sir. I never board of Tom Hospital of Ixmipoo . be registers day would make its appearanoe in its articular os to tbs patlvnl's pkystoai saw wtrs sun every form of weakness a chariot of fire 1 would say to myself, probability ot long service in cfHce Easley. My name is Absalom Rein­ ttlnri uik ! mental itste. Tbs uouSUas of is or female ______Seach organ, location of say ufi ah gp will I be permitted to see the affec­ work. hart, and 1 live in Greenup. The Sector a specific medicines an straight to The ab-we points ot excellence are saarrl parts. »M whstber > nape that is or tionate of my eye and the desire of ’The smiling young man withdrew organic, together with the amount and •hediseased organ, and osu be plslnlt felt at not common to other typewriters, in evident perplexity. nature of the dlseasn. In this way the en­ wovh in the rtre.assd part* very *i->rti» after my heart before it would roll itself tire amount of vital energy — are r—iliy thetrueeU begun Thcr a— pleasant to tabs, hence the highest award was giren to mild but asarchiog In action. y*t sgr — with behind the western hills. And when tbs "Duplex' ’ in recognilicn of its pe­ "Must have got switched off on computed and tbs restoring power of tbs some other fellow, ” he muttered, as bod)- measured against (he force cud en ­ the most delicate lady or child, do not reduce the cloak of darkness was wrapping culiar and ingenuous mechanism, which ergy six! deal rue tire capabilities of tbs tfia- the strength, and con hs used while at Urn around it my heart was then made to he turned another corner. "But It’s usual oeoupatton, — many psUenu still lM( gives to it a capacity for speed and eaae. Thu a knowing the actual condition for hard work and close attention «o boslaam durability one hundred per cent greeter all right Mr. Reinhart will do just ot the tissues and the effect of specie* shed tears because I failed to see the medicine* upon every structure of tbs a— often slowly, surely, yet uneonsototmly glory of my eye and the desire of my than ‘.bat of other machines, and that as well." dying, knowing them—Ives III. yet deoet —d t*dy. unlike moat doctors, he is nial4ed to lotos falsa security, they pmeraatluat* and heart. And then came the hour of makes it possible for an operator of a Meantime the stranger pursued •ay positively whetherwhet any git few months' practice to write from curable or net. sod can also give the ap- >ut off the matter until the as— Is readersd my toil, for another wearied night his way leisurely down the street, proximate time and expense olf treatment. ncursbie. The doctor —mostly t-erpi—ta all dictation an avenge of ten letters for fper—ns under treatment to write him often, as has made its existence and. as yet. I and Ave minutes later he was con ­ and would here point out tbs every second of time,—s speed grester lusts* sbsrlg tied ov many patients tbnt Dr. HOLMAN S. HUMPHREY aoviec may be net— ry week after weak ta hadn’t been permitted to see the tbau that attained by the average fronted by a third young man with they ought to get well in a few days or order tn push any given os — on — rapidly ee an ongaging smile. weeks, notwithstanding tho fast that tbsy possible, and a good uimmmwn — statement beauty of my eye and the glory of shorthand writer. have suffered for tears. Cnrai alter all others Fail. on the pert of the patient by mall M the next mv heart, according to the Bible. We are so pleased with the sunceasof "Hello! Why, this is my old friend. thing to a personal nmsunation. And so wearied days and nights thu western enterprise that we have Absalom Reinhart How are you Delays A— Fstls fe* Mew cf All Age*. rolled on and I was compelled to sacured a cut of this wonderful time Ab? How are things in GreenupP ” Many diseases n— — dscsptl — that hundreds a— ailing with come home and leave my heart’s de ­ and labor-saving machine to place be­ "I don ’t know you, sir. My name dangerous, vet Insidious, raaiudtse, nil uneonsrtotas of their true Ry reason of false mod —ty the youth of our land a— kept ta fore our readers. is not Absalom Reinhart, and I don ’t condition. They know they a—not well, but a— sottrviy Ignorant Ignorsn — of the serious results which oenatn solitary and indiscreet sire behind. Oh. dear, is it possible of the deadly fangs fastening upon some vital organ, which must practices produce. The— vtc— If persisted In eventually nn lsnalaa that you have forsaken me! And. know anything about Greenup^ sooner or Inter utterly d —troy them unless rsaeuad by a the constitution, ledum nervous debility and early decay, igaols A— you afflicted? Your < i mayIT bebens easily ourirnhU a but dear, is it true that you are going to Never heard of it in my life." i her. every t of ne gleet brings you nearer the day waaknese. premature lorn of th# manly power*. Involuntary tom of be the cause of my death? And, oh, "Sav, who are you. anyhow?" iraolis stag* may supervene, whan th* mast skillful vital r.uids, general prostration, and oftentnn — Imbectltty and can isadsr you to sMMUavs Tbs present u outs. The chronic epilepsy. Of all maladte* afflicting mankind tbs— la will you believe me, that you are my The stranger handed him his card. may bo too uvfi. probably none about which the oomtnon family doct-r In general It boro the following inscription: practice knows so Ml tie. yet no euffe— nerd the attention of the heart's del igbt? A Life of Kxpertewe* and Opportunity. experienced specialist move than these, and here we ha— t<> minister P. S.— Oh, dear, it is with profound Kxv Hu Thatch . to* diseased body, a diseased mind, end imagination* tilled with 8V AMU MUST. Dr. Humphrey'senure Ilf* has been devot ed to the stndv end work morbid dost —* and frerful apprehensions. Dr. Hump--ey1* ua- regret that I am compelled to tell AMO of hts profession, sad is rich In preettaai experience In hospital, dis ­ parallel—success with toe — unfortunate* urtnet not only from th* you that I am in trouble and that I ItxroKMcn CuxrioBxrx Mah pensary and private practice, and many of the truly wonderful fact of the moat setontifiu end specific medication known cither la things be has seen and done, if told, would read more like fiction than this or any other country, but also to the feet of the direct Influ —— believe that your absenco am tho ■truth. In the great boapVtala of Burope bis opportunities ba­ of his powerful will upon the peculiar mental depression always eausc of it For I hare been almost Another Kind of Medusa. boon eeonod to on living man's : not only so, but be has thoroughly found In suefa on— s. by which be Is enabled to Info — a part of MS Most people have hoard of the traveled, sod hts views of life, il.ima, see... a— — bmad and memo- own energy Into their hopet—a ll—a. Were not all auoh cases held insano since you left Dear girl, I pstltan that like a Gould ora Vanderbilt to railroad business, he in the most sscrerl confidence the doctor could print Istts.'t from must come to a close, for 1 have Gorgon Medusa, a sight of whose faco keeps wsteh of ami M—rlxiks she —tire medical world constantly. thousands of grateful patient* who harebeen cured, and are tsdvg and snaky locks turned men to stono, The methods of MsKerisle. Vlreoow. Pasteur, Koch. Brown ■*.,juard. perfect men. physically end mentally. Disease or drbtiity of the re- written until my nerves have become M. Bergron. t'other*.'I lUmarU. etc., are a* familiar to him as to productive organ* of either —x raptdlr destroy* theeuergla* of both ao imbecility that I cannot commit but comparatively few inlanders thamoeivtc. a t. • «MI. I ready to grasp and retain a fset. be bolds body and mind, robs thestep of lie elasticity, dim* the bright eye. know anything of a Ash of the same fast to old friends tenaciously, and makes new ones caul lousiy . ex­ pal— the cheek, develop* cowardice, end often destroys the bright—t to memory any proposition that would perience haring long slooc proven that one oM truth well applied .« Intel last. The reproductive function Is th* mainspring of animal be of any value to you. But hoping Typewriter experts and general name which is often seen along the worth a doseti conjectures however plausible. life—preserve It at all hazards. agents concede tin- great speed and »ea coast It is shaped like a mush­ in my last words to you that if I will durability of the "Duplex'' and arc ap­ room. except tho stem is divided into Lot —t Disco —ri— sad Improvements, or organs has taken place, as to off —t the tence. lost manhood, spermatorrhe—. remind you of the fair promises you plying for and securing general agen ­ a number of *naky tentacles, covered Dr. Humphrey is the only physician who proper tunction of said organ and final!r w—tn —* and ne—gu* debility, also for pro*- ao made to me you will answer im­ cies They sav it is the commR type­ baa had the vpsctal advantage Of Ruropena gna sh down tho aetuai straaturo itself. t a title, rartvortle and nil private diseases, mediately and then you hope this writer and that it is only a question of by thousand* of suckem. Tho body beogv —l studies In ir.lm*i ..|ir of tho blood ■—n In some asms when this has bspp«t.. i whether from imprudent habits of youth ov of the medusa is tomtimos quite smi tissues, wbo came* with him a fall I Ins of uiNHsai Urfff may stop tbs dmtructl — oper ­ —xual eice*iMv in mature years, or any cau— hint will be sufficient and you will time when shorthand will be laid aside, Instruments nnd apparatus for making strict­ ation. stay the Inroads of the these—, and thatdebllttaira the sexual function*, speedily answer accordingly. And now I will aud operators will write from direct small, and sometimes a yard in ly scientific cxsroiuAtions of the vsrtgua text* give ibe patient a comfortable fihd useful and permanent It- cured. Consultation fi dictation in stout one-third of the diameter. .Sometimes it is clear as ur— sod secretions of the indy. — the urtae, Ufa Other cases. !f neglected, after pa—Ing and strictly confidential. Absolute cures gu bid you adieu. And hoping that I blood, diseharg — of any kind, catarrhal se­ a certain stage, die In spite of ail that skill *ntoed No risk incurred. may remain your affectionate and time now required for typewriting crystal, and Homclimes beautifully cretions. etc., etc., which examinations sro now condo. Heoretl Is not only dangerous to de ­ from shorthand notes. It is a surprise considered lndt«|M-n*abie to a correct diagnosis lay, but ofttlme* criminal, for most ail of ua Rpilepsy or rtt* •rtenCflrslly treated ■ most sincere friend uutil death douth colored, but mo fragile that when II— for thu— w* lo —. far more than tor positive.y cured by a never-falling m tthod. to all who see it in operation. washed a-hum it melts in the sun In ad forms of oiwcure and chronic dlsaa —a. us part------. A large deuier in typewriter supplies As very few doctors outside the larg* cities arc our —I—s. ami It Is a crime against tbc— to Per—as nnsklllfully treated by !mores t almost like a snap bubble. During thus prep*ro«i with costly outfit of mieroscnplo neat—t ourselves until prematura death pretenders -»ho keep trifling with them month was heard to remark at the World ’s doe — the eeuoe. A MUm'.culatlnn*. and other e**cntla) Instruments for making a after mouth, giving imlsouou* and injurious Fair that the Duplex Typewriter Co., their life these creatures Hwim along strictly first-class dlagtueis in many eases, the Dlsews— of Woman, compounds,to should“ call< i iand roe the dootsr. ••I’ll take thi* 7.*-cent bottle of of Des Mniuea, lias tiie finest automatic the surface of the sea in vast num ­ afflicted would do well to oall upon the doctor such as Imre baffled the skill of all other and get his opinion and learn whether the Wonderful Cur— by my Improved method perfume if you will take off this cost machinery in the world for the man­ bers. hut when anything touches pkyiiiniiM and tbetr ixtuedl —. Dr. Humph­ of treatment sccouiphnluil'ln nervous '* <>f the first urine passed In the morning for examination. While Dr. Humphrey's i Ttnanent u.i Jr—a Is will Ik - pleased to answ.-r any inquiries. fbteagu. III., owtnp to th-lar-re uutulwr of patients in Houtliern Michigan and North—stern Indiana ami Ohio, ne has located a branch for her. It never hurts a young office and diapeesa ’-y at lilUadiile, Michigan, whereall letters from this section can be addressed Cor. North and Broad Sis. A Now (train In Thibet. man ’s chances for tho object of his At a meeting in IV'ston the otber admiration to think he regards her A travoler in tho Himalayan moun ­ 'All letters inclosing stamp for posing* answered Its*. All corr —pood sure anJ consultation lu strict—t •■■•ntldence. dav under the auspices of the Massa­ tain region lias discovered that tho worth getting tho vory bast for. ” chusetts Indian association. Miss E. The bottle of perfume was sent, and natives of that country cultivate a Pauline Johnson of Canada read sev­ an evening or two later the donor grain hitherto unknown in civilised eral original pooms. She is the daugh ­ agricultural operations, which has called in person and casually pro ­ ter of a Mohawk Indian chief. Miss posed marriage. "Juntos. ” said the something the look of wheat blit has W. L. DOUGLAS Johnson appeared in the costume of 5 DOLLARS girl. "What is it. Minnie dear? ” very much longer ears, and which RIGHT’S her tribe, which inc uded a necklace has a peculiar inward curve. Tho S3 SHOE noTUtp. ••You sent me a bottle of perfume?” of cinnamon bear claws and a brace­ Do •r them? When next In need try a pair. shiny, brown grain, unlike wheat, « PER DAY ••Yea Did you like it?” "It was let of panther claws. mrnmt In tworld. DISEASE good perfume. .Jutnes, but it wasn't is, on tho other hand, much sraallor worth any $1.4*1. Seventy-live cents Professor Tyndall ’s father was a than wheat grains should be for so tSjOO AMO OTHER DISORDERS OF THE KIDNEYS 20 Easily Made. shoemaker in an Irish village and is the regular price for that perfumo large an ear. But tho interest is #400, CAN NK PERMANENTLY CURED BY Jk.NC Wc want rntn 1’ nx n, woman, boy*, und girl* to and 1 can ’t say that I have much use lived in very humble style, occupying ’ that n cereal of this character should work lura* a f<-w hour, •tally, right luamiatunad #3.90 tbetr own homes Tin- iiu-im-ss I* rssy. plrasaal, for a young man who is so caroloss rooms in the rear of his small shop. yield such heavy crops in so high ac But like inanv old time cobblers he •2.50 DR. J. H, MCLEAN'S strictl ‘ ItonuraMr, n»td |«** » better than sn> other of his money as to pay for an article altitude, where the seasons are neces ­ $2.00 had more than a share of learning odvro.1 agents. You l»vr* n dear BrW and no twice what it is worth.’* "But. Min­ sarily short and tho temperature oom|M-il:ion. Exp* ri’ lice nwl special ability aa- and was witty ana sarcastic in argu ­ #2.28 $1.75 nie------” James was going to explain low. ’The natives oall the grain rOR BOYS LIVER AND KIDNEY nrcv*»*ry. No caplin I re iidred. Wcrqetpyou but on second thought he refrained. ment. Ills son was sent to the local kowncc. #2.00 with 1 vrrvthlag that *-mi nml, trvsl yon well, grammar school, and one of his old FOR $1.75 It occurred to him that a girl might sod hrlp you to earn tea time* ordinary wage*. chums there was M. C. Ilennessy, now Artillery Haring the O iiiai Im. BALM. Women do — wsll as ct-o, and hoy* amt girt* like him less for deceiving her than a Rochester shoe manufacturer. Flo "One of my ancestors won a battle It is a safe and unfailing remedy tor all make goal pay. Am one. anvwhcre, can If yes west a •— DRESS SHOE, made ia the Uleet different tactics when ho found an ­ you a great deal of neuter. Kvefythtng !• new ise of living to be 73 years of age. baron. "But my dear baron. ” said ttytss, dso ’t pay $6 to $8, try my S3, $3.50, $4.00or and Female! Irregularities* chor girl. —Harper's Bazar. ami in groat demand. Write for our pamphlet his frienqf. "at the time of the cru­ $5 Shea. They ft eqeei to rut—• mads aad leak end rlrcnlar. anti rrroiv* full iufonaatlon. No harm writ as wall. ! f yes with to ecosossirs In ysrr futwttr, Price One Dollar Per Bottle. CURRENT LEVITIES. sades gunpowder had not yet been don* if you couciudt not to go on with the To PrnS«N> Hypnotic Tnnms. discovered. ” "I know that as well ds m hy poreheetof W. L Deegtae these. Neon aad The Dr. J. H. Mr Iran Medicine Off* buslas**. The following are the approved in ­ price ttemped — the bottom, look for it when yea bey. ST. LOUIE, MO., Mike—Whv do thim false ayes be as you do, and so did my . ” W. L. IMMICILAS. Brockton, Mae*, field hy eorge tinson o structions for bringing on hypnotic BOLE PROPNlETORR. G S &C ., made of glass now? Pat— Hltura. an ’ "How did ho win tho battle then?” Box 488, trances: Take any bright object and how else could they say throo ’em, ye "Hn brought his artillery to bear on hold it between the fiugers of tho left thick head? the Saracens, and the stupid fools, Nerve Blood ■ 9M toad INFORMATION MOOT _ PORTLAND* MAINE. hand, about a foot from tho oyes of The Wife—flow did you dare, sir, seeing tho guns, supposed that pow ­ Tonic Builder the person upon whom the experi­ to scold me before Mrs. Brown? The der had been discovered and fled in ment is being tried, in such a posi ­ Husband-Well you know. Marta. I dismay. ”—Texas Siftings. tion above the for. head as to pro- daren't scoid you when we are by our ­ duoe the graatest strain comiwtible selves. India's ropnlallwu. with a steady, fixed gazo at the ob ­ A New York widow lately secured The census of India just published, ject he is gazing at His pupiis will gives the population as 287,tKKI,tKK^ PENSIONS a husband for 910 at an agency. Tho . tbi. raass ci.a •lies ww re raNPUrtTw wwww m^ «w rg ■ • first contract and then dilate con ­ man has decamped, and the woman is about one-fifth of the entire popula ­ Send tot •OHM WEOOERBURN. Hassle - ’J siderably, and after they are well advertising for his return. tion of the earth. Nearly three- lean tptiv,. P.o iioi tax. W.U II I *ot 'n !d !c!*' putuphlvt. dilated the iirst and second Anger There are several women black­ fourths of the inhabitants are en ­ _ _ PtontX-vM I iV-Mi i. of the operator's right hand (extended gaged in agriculture. The birth * WILLIAMS’ •OLDIErTB,luibns , WIDOWS, smiths in the United States, but it ia CHILDREN,-wr. HEYf PARENTS, and a little separated) should be still the fact that woman shoos a ben rate is higher than that of any Eu­ MEDICIM CO., AHn. for Soidtero sadRalkw* •'.lashtod la tbs It— ef carried from the object toward the ropean country. except Russia, #HY la the vegwlar Army or Nsvrvmtmcc th. w*r better than she shoos a horse. Scheacctadv, If.Y. —rr 1.nrm of trv IsClan van of lJNtoUiih sad patient's eye. When this is done the reaching forty-eight in a thousand, sad Brockvlllc, 0oL thrtr .Mows, —tH»ed Old sad retretad ciaO— —as —misd to htirtsw rosea eyelids will probably dose. Carry like to soe little bora cry. Hoys who and the death rate forty-one per ■had for nrw No chars* far aevtoc. No fas out these directions and in a few get hurt should act like men. Boy — thousand. About twonty-eix per second h the person will be thorough ­ l»oo, hoo! Then I’d get licked for cent of tho children born die during ly hypnotized. swnarin'. their Aral year. Every Month "Ah—chew!" sneezed the Vaaaar many reassert suffer from Excess!vs or I Dmwliil th* Urn at Mexico. The Hlnglnc of a Ml. CURES girl, az she passed her gum to her Scant Menstruation . they don't knew ' The international boundary line friend. There is a mill in Ixswrencc. Masa. who to confide la to get proper adtriw . where the hell rings at 9 p. m., Don't confid* ia anybody hut try RHEUMATISM. between tho United Ntates and the The following brief spittle is from CsPATENTS—et*. sad Trade-Mark* obtained, and all Fta- i If s— bettta da — y— an good, d —*t btrv sent Ire*. which is the signal for the girls em­ Wmr Os I * My nngglMk or * —l t nsepsld am republic of Mexion is marked by a young lady to her lover: "Dero Jon, sot hwaiesm condectcd lor mesraarx xxxs. * msstg* of arts*. MAO pyramid « of stones placed at irregu ­ ployed at the mill to retire. Any of Own Omet is O—osrrt u. 8. Parxirr Oerter J Bracffleld ’s comata 1 pa* t a to. ” sad are caw ss—rs1 paisat in tom time than the— ' SUSOJ.SL'gSO'C. ^URZAJEto lar distances along the line ail the He, as lie is about to leave after them seen In the street after 9 rsatotofrem Kasmefftott. ^ _ _ * Female Regulator way from the Rio Grande to tho his rejection —Come, Mias Hummer, o ’clock are liable to discharge. RNuff-n tnt DrudfotM i« ftutffof W* adrtaa. II (MtaMsMs or not. iron of j faoiftc ocean Wherever it was help me on with mv overcoat Since ■ OsrlwsMds* till patent is 1 ^AHUi FLVCR.COLUSff Th* I erg —t Magnet. MCAELCS. CeiTANRM. ac . found practical to do so these pyra­ von cannot be mv wife, von may at a P»*mm, “How to Obtain IHtaaM. ' ' RYTNB Uts or * nc INVIHUC The largest magnet in the world is east ot asms la lb* U. S. aad fevmgB comm MENSTRUATION. mids were built on prominent peaks ieaet lie assister to ms. east fioa Address. SOUND DISC at WlUet’s Point. I* I. It is made Book to "WOMAN” mailed road crossings, fords, etc. The Antoine Bergen, aged 70 veara. of BRA0F1ELD RTBUIATOR 00.. Atta line was not surveyed, as is the nus- Los Angeles. Gal., has brought snlt ol condemned Dahlgren guns, each C. A. SNOW & CO. a«M by *u Smesn lorn, the location of the monuments for divneco against his wife, who ia 15-inch caliber, wound with eight Os* asrewT Oerter. I j being based on astronomical calcula­ 00 - ears old The eo^ie have lived miles of heavy cable and ahargad tions and o bservations. together for nearly forty years with electricity. CLINTON INDEPENDENT. THURSDAY JAN. 18. 1894

It U hcraiM* iwnwM who one* try Hr he (oh! so glibly. Yet lie knew that It "Every one of them. Shot down Iffcfl A LONG ISLAND MILL. "AB—chew!** sneezed Mbs Vattar Balts coach -*yruo Imijt It again would be dangerous to tell hie wife the plica-nut* In a battue, tills afternuon, yen' tfcal tU MtiM . «cuuw to «n>rmou* Th* der In the Avenue d ’Italic," pointing (s» It UrnwiH Wheal fur t.W W««l*liwl.edv in >-urlu eold. ASTORYOF BLOOD. truth—dangerous while her cheeks were friend. cough, croup Mil Kirr-Umat U • Imply mar flushed and her eyes glassy with fever. Ma­ awsy to the south. ‘Tuere is nothing lets Farmer* IflO Year* S|». v clous. man Schubert had warned him that lie must of the nest or of tlie magpie*, c to venue. ” One interesting iandnuork of the The following brief epistle Ih* from wade chin-deep in faiaehuo I rattier than al­ She clssoed her baud* before her faee, a young My to her lover: “Denr Jon, Our postal cards ars Mrusarr to ami reals d against the parapet of tbc brutga. last century remains in u ruburhan krai ths dally ilauuodt la this country. CHA FT EH IX. —COKTttf UW). low his wife's wind to become troubled. He peffion fast yielding it* rural chana coma ta f pasta te. ” must do anything in tlie world to soothe Nobody noticed her. or cared for Iter. Tlie AT! throagh that night of horror Philip in the face of the city's iuIvancing Bev. Ishaas Mills, a Massacimwttn and comfort her. La Schubert iieeeelf was roof of the thaatre waa falling In —« shower Look out for counterfeits! das that you Dtuami watched by the bedside of hie wife vanguard. s«;— the New York Hun. •**°*® r;ryn»ai».bae applied for a patent glib and Inventive, ami her presence had al­ of banting traiments was blown Across tlie t tbc genuine *alv*U.>ii till Uo not lot aiKi liar now-horn infant In the Rue (Jit ie Heturonn two sml th riM miu* nn-tii. tor wetting a hoes. s «lual«r H, ll you -oaretiunx !u»t aw good ways a soothing effect, Nhe brought Uoea dark water like a ilery rain. On But other Between two and three miles north­ C Cceur. The little street was safe hi its ob ­ but insist uoon getting ths gsnulns with Imaginary message* from her slater; and side of theriver the glare. Die smoae, the east of New York eity’* limits, und The "meanest man” was arrested in ths Hull s (Isad trails mark on tbs wrappsr. scurity, safe from Use maitee of the Incendi ­ stencil of burning were iuten»lf) ing with Iierhaps a mile and a hall beyond the New York the other dar for stealing aries. who had bigger game for their sport ; pretended to convey Itoee ’s replies. She dandled the baby, ami cooked Philip’s din ­ every moment. line of ambitious little Mount Ver­ pennies from a Mind newsdealer. A year on Jupltor Is equal to 11 ysars, M but the oonttagratton was terribly near. All "Will there Iw anything left of Pari* but month* and r. days on our glohs. ner. and made the Invalid ’s broth, all with non. ataudb Reid ’s inili. overlooking A New York widow lately secured the sky was lurid with reflected fire, and the the liveliest air, and made light of conflag ­ dust and aahe* when tlie *un rifle*?*' asked If camphor gum la placed with allrsr It thunder of the cannonade and the rush and one of tlie bystander*. the broad, flat marshes at the edge ol a iiueOand for tiO aa an agency. The will prevent the ware from tarnishing. ration and nun, although with every hour the sound. The null is approached man has decamped, and the woman ie roar of the flame* were heard in every gust the mar of caution, the hiss of mitrailleuse, Kathieeu leant against th:i bridge, motion ­ Try a hot. dry flannel over tbs seat of ol wind which blow thl* way, while every less. spsechle**, p.tralysnl by Icar. Hhe by one of the most picturesque roads advertising for bis return. neuralgic pain and renew It frequently. now and then cause the sharpsudden sound grew louder, fort answering to fort with sullen thunder, the sound of musketry close trieii to think, liut for *hhc moments of a picturesque region. It runs for These are several women black­ of an explosion —another roof blown up, an­ thought was iu)|rtM*it>ie; tier brain was a mile or more along the valley of a smiths to the United Htates, oat it is other wall falling. st band. clouded, benumbed, frozen. T n n oziite re­ little wooded stream and crosses the still tbv fact that woman shoos a hen Tim ataxxpiierc was poisoned by the odors At midday a hideou* noise resounded flection. Usauat .'tad *tu-> that l.»- would die of petroleum, and the thick rank sn> ke throughout the quarter. The house* rock ­ latter a dozen yards before it meets 1 better than she shoe* a hone, ed; fragutcm* of piaster fell from the ceil- to aavc them, light for them to l!te dentil, from the Granaries of Abundance, where these good fath. n; :• ml they haii all la*>*n tidewater. A few hundred yards Old Gentleman —My. my! I don*! “German the storm of wine, oil, and dried fish fed the lug. tnunlcreii, ami Ga*ton was ml*slug. He eastward is a rude beach and Inrm- like to see little bova cry. Bovs who 99 flerrrness of the llatnee and intensified the What was that? The explosion was loo who iiad given her st.rh faithful love had yard loading to the old mill. An old get hurt should act like men. Boy- stencil of burning. Everywhere the work loud for any shell, however formidable. It abaud ’.ned her to tlenoiallon de*palr. Dutch house, still retaining its wide Boo, hoof wa* only Uie powder magazine at tin Lux­ Then I’d get licked fur of destruction wan being hurried on. Tin* Wa* it likt-lv that he would •« uoaudon porch and broad, low caved gables, swear in'. Commune was at the last gasp; these ex* embourg. which had just been blown up her, mile*.* a higher duty claimed him? Syrup The Pantheon was wgpaetsH mom • nttrily. faces mill aud mill stream. High “It does seem to me, Ma*-tn. as if pioslons and burnings were the cicatb-ratUc. Was it likely that he would leave her for a tides rise all about the bouse, aub- I simply state thatjl am Drupjfist Tim little courtyard below Durand's win­ And still Maman ScImU-ri. with nods and space of four day* in ignorance ol hi* ta:«, you grow more foolish everv day of friendly smiles, assured her dear *st Mad ­ mortfo its flower garden und flood its your life ” “Oh. no. EJwao-d: I am a And Postmaster here and am there­ dows was alive with people, going out and un es* lie were a prisoner —or unless 1m ooilar. coming in, resiles*. anxious, alarmed, talk­ ame Durand, ’Vette imtivreeherh',’’ that the were dead? Part* reeked with Liuod. every T*. mi ... J great deal wiser now than when I fore in a position to judge. 1 have Ilto mill a throe-and-a-half story mmrriea you ’* tned many Cough Syrups but for ing to each oilier In dojrways or at o;mn Versailles lroo|M were carrying everything street wa* th« -ceuo of murder, and lie was windows, bringing in the last news, which before them. The Commune was surrender ­ gone fr< ui her—gouc wltli the rest of those shingled structure, overhangs the .. ten years past have found nothing was likely to be false ss true. ing without a blow, tinier would he restor ­ victim* of whom tlie cr iwd *)Mke with such tido race in which its wheel once . , \v, , h , . ... , equal to Boschee's German Syrup. ed, Paris at peace, by Sunday morning. .. .. ohsin—What do you think of that for Durand opened a window of the little seeming lightue**, while it looked on at dippedbuilt in and17.19 turned.byShute I heand millStanton, wo* ^^nt^im-a^lmr« , » ,hewey for a I have given it to my baby for Croup onion softly, while Rose slept, and looked ‘‘Ami we shall hear all the church-bells the burning of the city ns at thu fireworks with the most satisfactory results. out. riuglug for msoN, and *e* the p *oplc in their widen conclude some grand feu-. local millers of that day It wa^ ^ ^ ™U*h Every mother should have it. J, H. "They are burning Notre Dame,” **ld a .Sunday clothes.” concluded Maman Schu­ They were wailing for the conflagraf •»« driven bv the tide, and for several .. ». • _ Honns, Druggist and Postmaster, man in !h«* ootiri. seeing him at the window, bert to bunt from yonder mighty p !e. from generation* it ground the wheat for ”e’ “ U * ‘”ut * lear m,tBr and eager to impart his information. "'They So the long .f—■ Mlm ®a*^ r’ Moffat, Texas. We present facts, have piled barrels of petroleum all tbc through, ami it was midnight, ami there from nave anti transept, from clerestory became the owner of the mill about h#lp me on'*tth “T overcoaC Htnee living facts, of to-day Boschee’s length of the nave, half-way to the roof.and was no sign of Kathleen. ami roof : Notre Dame was to be the b.»u- quet. the middle of the last centurv, aud cannot he mv wife, you may at German Syrup gives strength to the they are going to set it on tire. The grand She whose return was so eagerly awaited was reputed an honest though some- awister to ms. body. Take no substitute. O old roof will fly Into the air presently, like In the Rue Git le C«eur was not very far "Tell me, sir.” ra d Kathleen, in a hoarse a pack of cards. D will he a sight worth afield when tlie clocks chimed luidnlzht. half-strangled voice, "was there any on* what testy miller. One Waldron j Antoln ® Bergen, aged 70 yeara. of seeing,'' he added, hurrying out as If to a Site had wandered about Pari* all ilay, •-l*o killed in tlie Avi-unu d ’liaile—an,* one afterward became owner or leasee. ^ Angelea UaL, has brought suit ~ TWO REASONS WHY jday. haunting the gate* of tlie prisons, inquiring beaklos the Dominican*-any one who was and in 170 ” a town committee was ,or dl *orce against his wife, who is "St. Ku-tach* la on lire." said another for Iter uiisaiug husband of every oae who in company with tin* good fatlnr*? ’’ appointed to regulate Miller Wal­ 60 rears old. The couple have lived I Recommend Swamp-Root. man. "and they are going to burn the ITe- seeutrd In the least likely to be able to an­ “Ye*, tlier * were a few timid sirapjicrs, I dron's toll chargoa. together for nearly forty years The Great Kidney and Liver Remedy. feetnr. ’ of Polloe. ltlgault and his chums swer. Had there l*een any new arrests undo believe, servant* of tlie reboot.'' The old mill continued its work hav.- been havings great .-upper there—sea* within the last threedays, ami amongst the ”N«> otie e:*e ‘.’'’ with various fortunes und successive Ir drow-v after a good night * there Brier HU1. N. T. August i*. lAtt. of wine. inoautxins of provision —and now new arrest* wa* Uiere a young man. tall, I* ImlljMtloii ami *tomacli «lt-nr>ler which ’’Wiiat do I know? The n**w* ha* jwsso 1 owners until within the last few Beecham * I’llL will cure. £i rent* a tats Dr Kilmer k On.. iilugiuunton. N. V. they know their day Is over, and they are slim, with dark-gray eye* ami marked brows, from unmtii to mouth. Tiicre is no official Gentlcm.It affords me unspeakable pleas­ going to blow up the building." handsome, a j Mirualist? At the gate* of years. When the region round : ure to recommend bulletin, eitoyenne. Tin Oominum* keeps about ccasod to be n wheat growing j Tim heart into which no rale fall* lie- Durand shut Ilia window. A palace more Mazas. at Ute Great and *Jn- Little Uoquettc. tho*c tilings qiii *t. It i* only hearsay.” couum parched and ale rile. your Memedfca, for at Bainle IVIa-ie, at La .Suite, the patient country the mill ground Western I two reasons. First, or I -ss, a church in >ro or leva! What did It Only hearsay! A ray cf hope lit up th- because 1 have taken matter amidst tills universal ruin? —the pilgrim appeared , weary, with garments ikseknes* of lier souk Only Itearsay! And grain into flout, and thr crooked j %mm Cetch—lrr HpaJJng IIMiali. in Aim rail several bottles of Prussian* at the door; the government whitened by Urn chalky diuu of th** hard little stream leading to the sound 1 dry mads which scorched l»er (lred feet, low many wild stoti s h ut Is** » toil in your Hvvnmp-Moot weak, vacillating, the sjwrt of circum­ Paris widiin the las; week, how horror* brought upon it* tide vessels that : Chloral wa* dl*covere«l by Liebig le ICtl. Kidney and Liver stances ; France In tatter*, unable to save drooping in bn ty, yet bravo of so il, ques­ liore grain and grist. K . mol) inyself had been bruited nb> ut winch had been nut her bishop*, her generals, her counsellors, tioning, seeking, watching, imploring, but bubbles of foul Imagining! story of Reid's mill is now slowly falling Rhlloh'a Co awimpUss ( *r« an11111111111'— hail fallen nag** :uul spoliation. Chilbt*lu».Win,I Ac. C. U. L'Uuu.. Nrw litn*. IX ngood innlnit gives the beetof sstlsfsc- p iwerless to look beyond tlie horror of the aa *he walked aimvly and wearily back to "I* it far tu (ho Avenue d ’l'.aiie?" si it beam* remain socmingly sound. An \ tton. Almost every day I hear some ooo of hour; but the min which overwhelmed hint Ilia', pirt of the d'y which she knew best, naked. oyster man now keeps his tools of 1 my customers saying: Dr. Kilmer’s Brandy wa* Ural mads In France In 1310. was not the destruction that reigned with­ where the P ut Neuf spina the S due. ami Tue bystander* answered carelessly, one trade in tho large ground-floor apart- j out his dwelling. It was the blank within, the dark tower* of Notre Dauic *t md out Swamp-Root Cured Me sayutg one tiling, one an« t'i>*r, t-arlt ami all ment of tho mill, and in the water j ir ike ::«kr •> ( tniwf Tm»6. that empty home up-stair*, which fl.oid him strong and stem ngnln-t thes;\-l!uc. Night ab-oilksl iu th * awful nipiure of ihu scene, just outside ho lias fenced u space Be wire sad dm that oi l as I well tried mnedr. Usa and telling what It lias done for them. An) with horror, which was ever In his mind us had come, but not dark lies*. The cr.n ’ent Vmw*'i motiik Vrsce for Children Teeming ami caring not a ; all for IntiirUuil ncuda whore newly caught oysters may bo j owe doubting tbit statement can write. I will a haunting fear. m<-o:i sheil her pile silvery light In the ml. ami fi*e]ing*. fattened. gtadl) answer. Yours with great respect. It was three day * sincu (la-ton had di*n|r ; and the star* were col>lwi In rue deep culm SUlhtlm prove that the Nrem in the 0.8. Yerden. (Merchant.) pea red, and now Kathleen was gone. She j azure of a cloudless sky. Hu: all at mice Oneo'e oc'; * ruck from the clock-tower Every high tido brings u mass of south lives longer than tbc Noxro tu liw of Notre Dame Kathleen wa* foounre, At Drnczlsts. .10 rent and £1.00 Mize. had slipped out unseen by the porter or by j that azure vault grew dark, nil the -tar* seaweed an.! marsh hay about the nortl ‘ -laved.' Uafcls to HalU" Ires i' ■—llsllon frss. vanished. Gigantic cloud* u comfort her, ami buoy up her sin king hopes, somehow, without ihv iund the nest de ­ use in asking for information here, where Young Mothers! serted. L ‘ft hank and ruht . anl: blitzed and.: la: <«!; a century and a half ago. when the u wlllco .tm^. u, rail ,|M> aorrrB . It Tr some stately public ( Mice, them a i:i.f- the new* wa* only hearsay, where people new shingles of tho structure were ment of the city of New i ora in 1-vi We Ogmr Few a There was no doubt ns to her , or It* answered her carelessly. In th** Avenue trkieh iiuurn Bmfrljf to purpose. The inner room was locked, and ihtnair -'s mans.ou. *.nt up U* tribute of not yet weather-stained. |------tlainc tu swc.l the funeral pyn* of the doom- d ’I lade, on Uie secne of thi* lihleous crime. —1 — ---- » Asthma Cnrwd Xi/s o(Zlot^cr anal Child. tlie key taken away; the outer room was If tiio thing were true, *Im* must more ea*ily neatly swept and garnished; every tiling •si citv. "*. }k>t and lorch, s!:o «t and NAMING THE STATES. Ry ^ehlffmann'a Atthms Cure No watting burn P wa* the order of the mgh?. Yomlcr learn the actual tact* —wire I tail fallen, how for result* it* action I* imir.eUlate. direut was in its place. Gaston ’-- bureau was lock ­ many. There she mi.lit learn the worse aadeertain A sing!r nisi conttoowa tha moat “MOTHER ’S FRIEND” ed; tlie glazed cabinet in wh ch lie kept hi* in the ltuc dc Rlvoli they were llkhtlugde*- Vermont is French tverd mont) sig ­ •keptloai Price 60 esnt* and II. of druggists Jiobo rsaRsnasal of Its cherished collection of books —not large, l>erately. K.tiliiccii ran ncros* the street TO BK COXTIXITEU. nifying green mountain or by m*U. Trial package free t.y mail *end w to Dr K scblSmaati. at Paul. Pain, Horror otoARUk. but so carefully choac.i: chosen as poverty mil list a nun of bullets, stumbling over Delaware derives its name from 1ST Arisrostagnnsbnnte«r*,’NMber‘s Friend’* I chooses tls treasure*, one by one. del b -r scattered eorps-s. deafeueil by the roar of Thomas West. Ix>rd de la Ware. Mtawl ini Hills |»aln.aod UIU imm exi>srMaes that ately, anxiously —this, too, wa* locked, ami the cannonade. Slowly, despairingly, she THE WOUNDED SPARROW. viws afterward usual ia seen cna.-gn. Virginia got its name from Queen This country • crop of baaos Is oslltoslod ahu Usee, 1 fur, Mo. Jan. uth, net. every book on Its shelf; and outlie tabu­ wander d tip and down those dreadful at :u,uuu,uuu bushel*. ■sat Or express, charges prepaid, on racistpt of lar a letter addressed to Durand: streets, perpitudly In dauger, yet pasunv The l)lr,|*s Kympathy for Kaeh OtHsr.anU Elizabeth, the "virgin queen." itlAper liotlis. 1,*.* to M.Vbrn i.uUts.1 frss. "Dear Philip, dear Brother.—1 am going seat hie** through every jieril. N<*w and the Kin'Inns, at a Family. Maryland was named in honor of The name of N. II Down*' still live*, al­ WIBI.DBEGVLATOU CO., though be ha* been dead many year* Ills to look for my husband. Ilav<- no fear ioi :liei» a savage scowling face looked at her Two fumilie* in adjoining house* in Henrietta Maria, queen of Charles L ATLANTA, GA. me. Heaven will pity ami protect mi Kllxlr for the cure of cough* sod cold* h im PCXi> XIV ALL DACOOISTS. Interrogatively, and then |>a**e*l by. S.-ntl- Massachusetts is an Indian word wretchedness. I shall lie am,at all day and neJa <|ue*lio ied, ami let her pas*. There tho upper part of Brooklyn were re­ already outlived MasflaMttfafaMSMNp everyday Kaskiii: for my b/loved ; bull cently treated to a little drami: In bird rigatfytaf "assglljr about the great and D still growing lu favor with the public was no harm in her. She had a distracted shall come back here at night for idndtei life. >ays the New York Sun. Four hills ” ------and rest. If possible. If I do not come truck look —a petrol euae who had |troved of too weak a mind for tiiat patriotic work, per­ sparrows had built their nesUi under The real name of Connecticut is All tbore who have used Baxter* Man- after dark vou may know that my wander in- „ drake Hitters speak very atronxly In tbeli lugs have taken me to* far afield.' But you haps. Women are feeble creatures. This the enve.*, and when it came time for the Qnon-eh-ta-but. It is a Mohican name praise. Twenty-live cents per bottle, need have no fear. Of one vou may oue ’* head had 'men turned. Duly an in­ young to go out into the world one wae md means "long river. ” | ______lie sure—while inv rra-ou romiw* 1 will not destroy myself. 1 wlli lie true to tlie learti- mate the more for the Matson do* Foil*. unable to fly. It hopped about on tlie Rhode Island gets its name because A hot, si mag lemonade, taken mt bad- Amidst blimi ami tire she wandered to tngof my tdtiidlioad. ami God will give me grits.* of one of Ute yards, and several ot its fancied resemblance to the tint* will break up a coin. grace to bear my troubles. and fro, pausing whenever there w a* a knot time* came near being tho proy of the The pork packer* of thl* country last "Do not let on* thought of me distrac: of idler* at a corner tn list-Mi to their talk, island of Rhodes in the Mediter ­ year killed auil packed .‘OiltOb nog*. vou from your duty of protecting Rose .uni or repeat her old Inquir e*. Had ther ’ been neighboring oats. One of the neigh­ ranean. her baby. If she ask* about me. lell her any new err’ st* within the last three days? bors. a kindly old lad)*, took compas ­ Now Hampshire takes its name 'IzniCAi. writers claim that tlie success that 1 am safe, in good hand*, well cared sion upon it, and hung it in a cage on ful remedy for na«al catarrh must be now- fur and proti«ted. Is not that the truth, Arrests? There were arrests every hour, from Hampshire. England. New Irritating easy of appll atlsu. and one that when 1 am in the keeping of the Hnlv Moth­ a man lokl her. Tlie gentlemen In power tho clothes-line. The pnrenl birds noon Hampshire was ortgtnaly trailed will reach tire remote sores ami ulcerated surfaces. The history of Uie oifort* hr treat er and lier bless, d angels'.' —Ever lovingly, were getting rabid. Shoot and bum, Uiat discovered the new abode, >tnd the rest Laconia your sister, Kathi .kkx ." was the wont. Murder and tire were their catarrh Is proof positive that only one of the day flew back and forth with Now York was so named as a com ­ remedy ha* completely met tnese condi ­ It was midnight; the long dreary day wa* rth to shoot them ilown in the prison- ing about much to the distress of the "Abuse roe all you want to. but for Uud • governor of the island of Jersey in tho sake don t forget me " time of panic; but the man bad seen noth­ vard*. or to roast them alive in their cel's. old birds. Tlie old lady spent tho British channel. B MuCilli :n|h bn Amt. Cmp. lifiaa. ing of Kathleen. lUgault and Ferre. Berizicr. Megv. these greater part of the morning driving Catarrh ('swuot be Cured VkatUtCnd Bmtiniufiiilsi Acmdante were no*, urn to surrender tamely. If three Maine takes its name from the' br Ittnar.u i la Am turn idian rrttrf it U- It had been altogether a trying day. Bose tho intruders out of the garden. with le*t blood purlber* acting weeks ago," said Hose. Lite dark tower* of Notre Dame to vomit the approach of the cat the father and t tilbson he -1 man 1 directly on the mucous surfaces. The per- UUKson, oe .t man feet combination of the two Inzredien V U CATARRH "Yes, but they vre beginning again, now flames--"anything new? Yea. we live In mother had flown away, but they now [mtrao r>nta!| stirring times. There Is always something Kiljordan —Well, you've seen Henry I what produce* such wonderful result* ia that times are better: and the government came flying back. They hovered t—t.... 1.., iu_ ,i„ in,, u,curing Catarrh *end for testimonial* frea new. The Vcr*aillal* have taken the Pan­ Irving at last How do you like him.' " p j oMhNhY * Uu.. Props Appll"^«,‘ will be restored. That’s what makes Gas­ about the empty cage for a while and KrBBtM ... tv •eSX: ton so busy,” theon. the stronghold of the Commune, just Johnson —Immensely. Cleverest take- ?old by Druggists, price ?3c Tote do, O "But Kathleen- why does she desert me?” as the Federal* were going to blow ft up. then disappeared. In a few moment* of? on Dizey I ever saw. tnoy returned, perching on the clothes "She is not very well. dear. II Is only a Mllllere ha* been shot. That Is new. Have Mrs Flock ton —I wonder ia it true 7 | Burkina were (nt made In IM you heard of the massacre of too Domini ­ line. To the ustouishmeiM of the THE JUDCES i. eold ; but It is boUrr for herto keep her People say that you romelime* go to | u^i^STtoTESZkIt Is so much easier to talk too much tbaa cans? That Is new. And Hertz er has taken spectators they were followed by as wonin cotumiAN (iposition sleep over your sermons. Parson Dul-. t Have made the "Yea. yea let her nurse herself. O, I wish to his heels— Herixler, the colonel of the many aa twenty-flvo or thirty others. that I were well, and conid go to her.” said 101st battalion ; Herixler, the hero of Isay They flew about the cage and then tn leigh—People. I suspect, judge me by | miLLON* OF DOLLAR* Hose with a troubled look. and Caattllon. The colonel is gone, and the the mother bird, touching her beak illy lost I* HIGHEST AWARDS She was devoured by anxiety about Kath­ battalion Is scattered.” "Will you give me this little hand?” planted, Now, wihen vou soxv yo« (Medals and Diplomas) to The D untutcan*: At that name Kath­ with theirs, expressing their sympathy want to reap. For instance. A. M. leen; and In spite of Iter husband'* tender ­ in tho most marked manner. A few he pleaded lovingly. "Reginald, this ness. in spite of fussy Maman Schubert's leen drew rlnaer to the group, as near as hand is already pledged," she replied. Lamb, Penn., made 93.MM) on ten acres WALTER BAKER A CO. she eoukl to the speaker, gazing at him with days later another young bird waa On each of ths following named articles: kindness. In spite even of that new and "I will redeem it,” he answered of vegetables: H. Hey. Cal., cropped wild wide-open eye*. 'Ihe Dominicans! found in the gran* unable to fly. and 1.21S bushels Halzer's onions per acre; wonderful love, the maternal last tart, absently. "If you will let me have the MIEAKFANT COCOA, . awakened In her mind by the infant that Almost the last word* she had beard from the Anders, taking warning by tha Frank Clow. Minn.. lOu bushels of nestled at tier side, like a hint under the ber husband's lip* were an Indignant pro ­ misfortune of its brother, shut it in pawn ticket." spring wheat from two acre*: A. Hahn, Premium Uo. 1, Chocolate. . parent wing, the conid not overrent* that teat against the Ill-treatment of the«n good the cellar-way under tho bars, where Young Hr‘de, pouting — Here we Wia, 1,410 bushel* potatoes per acre; Vanilla Chocolate, feeling of fear and restlessness caused It) tho eld birds could fly in and out to have only been married two days, Frank Winter. Montana. 710 bushels I "1 would shed my last drop ef blood ratti­ feed IL and where it could still be safe Clarence, and you're scolding me al-1 H pounds <*ata from one bushel planted. er tiuni that a hair of Fattier Capper’* head ,~r. This ie what Haizer nails reaping. German Hwcet Chocolate, . . "Are yon sere that shell net sartoutlv from harm. When It wa* strong ready. Huatmnd-I know my d«„.. „ T Ida own flesh Gosh! Neither do I 'Moody. Any

Sfc'TeT*?’ of IF IMITATED BUT NOT EQUALLED OUR GREAT DISCOUNT SATE. Have TToia <3-ot Xt? I v ** , Nothing Touches It. • We Mean a Grip on the Dollars. 8*1 Nothing Stops It. SYMPTOMS They Are After It—The People. A lack of int&rest in our Great Clearing Sale. A disposition to slight the many unusual offerings held Vou Get the Bargaing. forth by our every department. We REMEDY: Get the Advertisement Take daily one or more packages of our Bargains. Below we give a few of our purse persuaders: PROFITS NOT IN IT. 50c. all Wool Dress Good* ------——------—-—26c. ]>er yard 20 pounds Granulated Sugar ______....______$1 PRICES LOWER THAN EVER. 25c. one-half Wool Drew (roods —...... —------19c. per yard 25 pounds C Sugar ______\ 20c. one-half Wool Drew Goods ------—... He. per yard 21 pounds best A rata Tea.—...... 1 Ot’R MOTTO : "Good Duality and Low Price* Go Hand in Hand. ” 15c. one-half Wool Dress Goods...... 9c. per yard 2 pounds Suiokiug Tobacco ______25c. Men ’s Wool Socks, two pairs for ...... —...... —...... 25c 5 pounds Good Raisins...... This is our motto and you have only to visit our store aud look 5 pairs Men's Cotton Socks —...... —...------25c 5 pounds Soda ______...... ___.... at our Prices to see that we follow it. 2 yards Table Linen —...... -...... -...... 25c 8 pounds Rolled Oats______10 Per Cent. Discount on Every Do lar for the Heat Shoes Made. 50c. Men ’s working Pants —...... 25c 1 pound Dr. Price’s Baking Powder ______Cottonade Pants ...... 79o 12-oz. call Baking Powder ______...______2 cans Boy brand Peas------MERCANTILE CO. SHOE DEPT.

ving his fourth successive term as again in 1883. lie is n genial gentle ­ engaged in mercantile business in the _>EPORT OF THE C WD1TION r0UNTY legislators V The Independent . supervisor. He is an enterprising, pub­ man and lias the comldence and best village of Fowler. He held the office of or nil lic-spirited man and a valued member j wishes of his townsmen Continual from fourth payt. commissioner of highways three years, ST.JOHNS. THURSDAY. JAN 19. 1591. of society. He is connected with the i john drown aud in the spriug of 1870 was elected Masonic order and the Grand Army of of Bengal, was bom In County Antrim, supervisor of his township, being re­ -THE- conducted most of the drilling in his .I&im*ry i, IS*! own company. He waa also detailed at the Republic. , Ireland. December 4. 1834. He was elected each year lor twenty years there­ hut seven rears of age when lie came after. During seven years of that time RECEIPTS 9070411566^^55 Elk River Tenn., to drill the tirst regi ­ JOSlAH UPTON. to this country with his parents and set­ he was chairman of the board. He was Dora ------9tf.7U jo ment of Tennessee colored troops, lie of Bingham, was bom in Heath. Mass., Uumam paU____ J.S3S 40 is now president of the Co-operative As­ April 5,1824. and waa the tifth child of tled in Oakland county, this state. In elected to the Michigan House of Rep­ Urmituma______74* II ST. JOHNS. MICH. 18.52 came to this county resentatives of ltAl-2. He was again n*a ...... 3S4 « urer, which lie held three successive j was married to Miss Sarah Teneick in the Itowele open. Bacon a Celery King for Buttct. . 10* 1.1 then returned to New York state 1858. and they liave been blessed writli tbc nerves is a vegetable preparation and Total- ...... - -..•M.718 GO Bean* ...... — .S0O1.I5 terms, iie removed to lit. Johns, where acts as a natural laxative, and is tbe great ­ fallow...... and worked his fattier's farm one year. • three children. Mr Brown has lieen Value ola share in each earico January 1, IBM. Hay. per ton...... amrSNext tie spent ope year reading lie has since resided. While in Victor est remedy ever discovered for tbe care of Potatoes ------»t«t.«A he held the office of town treasurer ofteu solicited to dll positions of trust Dyspepsia. Liver Complaint, and all blood, Series. No. weeks ran. Dues. Prsdt. Total Popcorn, per 100 imunda i.• law . taught school the following winter, . 1st. MS Ml SS IS M *40 54 Potk ...... itrfa S5 three or four terms ; also served as a 1 aUt* r**PO**MbilitV in his township and liver and kidney disease* Call on C. E. Jd. IP) 47 80 7 SS fifi 0.1 Onions ...... M and in the spring of 1883 came to Ovid member of the county board of superin- ' 9een supervisor ten years in succes- VouBickle. 41 Clinton Ave., «o!e agent, and fid. IS* S» 50 A 07 44 57 Oern ...... —...... -...... - jaa township and worked his father’s farm 1 get a trial package free. LfirgestsenOc —4 4th. ISO » 90 S M 55 SR .10 teudents of the poor for a number of slon - °nt * year acting as chairman. He Slh. 1M 34 00 2 25 » 35 «=:=•: l.oottijn (E. A. l’armenter, who had preceded 6th 44 14 SS M IT 15 years. lie lias held the office of super- a* so 518 trwuum three years, 7th. Hides ------.-5*34 him by only a few years and purchased . legenc S» 9 73 SI 10 er, Pelts------10ft*' visor of Bingham township six terms. tand for lwo ■ fars waa township drain ment or too>o longIons repose —life is short­ F. M. 9PAULDIKO. Nae’y. Chickens, live------»«t T*pe*de*r« tkould rrmtS tkU tfkt on fW»- of school directoi in this district seven- a member and trustee of the United | lieen bom to them. That same spriug teen years, without remuneration, and Brethren church. He iiegan life at the Wheeler’s Nerve Vltalizer Tne Pioneer Manufacturer and Say at ameh >ni. and ml Imtrr than ITsdassSay mam- i he purchased a farm of 54 acres, being Wf. JsiMpMU NaMcmnNlM trill iwkiMaSsi- the duties of that office are many, im­ bottom round of tbe ladder ami has Dealer In Mae. 71* •rriSsr's namr muat St firm, mat far pah- the old Tinkham farm ju/t north of portant. and oftimes arduous. lie lias climbed to the top. where lie can now- A Dealer’s Opinion. 'ieafam. if to drairrd. bat as raimaat* at paad faith .Shepardsville, where he now esides. consented to perform these duties for see prosperity- and an excellent degree In the year 18Rh lie engaged iu the boot of success. His farm uow consists of Light and Heavy Harness KOWL.KIC. and shoe business in Ovid village with the love aud interest lie has had in our public schools. He has Ijeen one of the 180 acres and the tine buildings he has IN ST. JOHNS. January ISM h Mr. Mindger. aud in which tie re­ Glare . Mich.. Dec. 2.1883. IS. most ambitious men in our community, erected upon it are an ornament to the mained two years, when lie returned to A. Schbiick & Sox : Will offer to tbe public, this F*J. and Winter Mr. F. II. (idler is the heaviest tax­ and is entitled to the kindest thanks township. _____ payer of Fowler at present. his fami. He lias held the office of peter ntKR. Please send me one barrel Buckwheat a superb line of and fullest gratitude for the free and Mr. Thomas Long is gradually recov ­ township school inspector four years, Flour for my oin» use. 1 cannot get ering from his attack of grip and valuable service he has given our public of Westphalia, was lx>m in l'rusaia on and the office of supervisor three years. I the 7th day of March. 1833. His mother along very well without it. as it is the asthma. schools. best I ever used. Robes and Blankets. Mrs. G. Havens and daughter, of While in Ovid he held the office of vil­ having died in that country. Peter em­ lage assessor, lie is a member of the iu the spriug of 1W2. while leadiug Very truly, Muskegon, are visiting her old frieuds . his cow to pasture, the animal, in its igrated to this country with his father at Fowler. A. O. U. W. His life has been a suc­ in fall of 1854. and landed in New York C. 8. CHASE. Tire Fowler lodge of the Maccabees cessful one. free from financial reverses antics, thrust one of its horns into his Therefore Don ’t Buy Until Yon Mare right eye with such force as to break ou the 22d day of December, and they is pleasanliv located at the additional and accidents. In a commercial way arrived at Westpha(ta on the 31st of the Examined These Goods and store-house of L. W. Baldwin's hard­ he lias bought aud shipped a consider ­ the tjones .-surrounding the eye and to Learned the Prices. ware store. completely destroy its use. Since then same month, at the home of his brother. Messrs. F. ii. (ieller and I. II. Fede- able amount of hay, wool.etc., in recent Matthias, now decased. who had pre­ years. He enjoys the reputation of be­ he lias not lieen so active, especially in wa have sold the so-called Wilcox farm public gathenugs. as before He (tears ceded them eight years. The first year situated in Kilev township, to Mr. Mar­ ing a tirst-class citizen, and a valuable after his arrival in this country he work ­ tin. of the same township. his misfortunes manfully, and has tbe accession to any community. ed for his brother and then bought a BUCKWHEAT THEY ARE MADE UPON HONOR The vounsunen. at Fowler, are tnak fullest confidence in an all wise and AND FULLY WARRANTED. mg preparations to give an intellectual DAVID L. KAKOLR. merciful (tod. partially Improved farm of 80 acres, treat to the inhabitants of Fowler and of (ireenbusli, was bom in Morris where he resided five years, when he 7 Every Day! vicinity in (ieller’s hall in the near fu­ county. X. J.. April 8, 1833, and was CHARLES S MARSH. went to the village of Westphalia and ture. scarcely more than an infant w hen his of Olive, is the son of William and engaged in the manufacture of boots All Goods and Woifc War­ Saloon keepers of Fowler are comp ­ parents went to Ohio and settled in Tam son Marsh, who emigrated from and shoes, which lie continued for four laining of hard times, since people, oth­ ranted aa Represented. erwise in good standing in temperance Knox county, lu 1848 his father settled Glaatonhurg. England, in the latter part years and which persuasion tie aband ­ of the 40s. and settled in Farmington. oned on account of his health. After We are paying 50to Ho rents a circles, are beavelv in arrearage in their in Greenbush township, this county, ! 1. !l book accounts. where lie is still living at the good age Oakland county, this state, where Chas. discontinuing his business his services bushel for this grain. Tiiat ever active and ever obliging 8.. the subject of this sketcli was bom were sought by his friends aud neigh­ gentleman. Mr. Ilenry Arbour, the of 88 years and here David attained his Fowler Druggist, has made a better majority, taking a part in the develop ­ on the 2d day of .September. 1854. On bors and he served the people. First he A. SCHENCK Sl SON, LIVER ing processes in which his father was January 10. 1882, his father died, leav­ was elected township treasurer one rear; -AND- Christinas holiday sale this year than >UII. KICK ever before. We' congratulate Messrs. engaged and adding to Ids education ing a family of seven children homeless, then he was elected justice of the peace, Fildew & Millman to their acquisition. with but a mother’s care. Charles8- which office he lias held continuously Their drug-store is no more a meeting whenever circumstances permitted. In place for loafers, where a decent man his early manhood lie went to Whiteside received his early training and a mod -' from 1870 to the present time; was super­ was afraid oral ashamed to step in. county. Ill., to work on a farm, and orate education while engaged upon a ' visor from 1883 to 1880. and in 1882 and when the war broke out lie enlisted farm. When about 18 years of age he 1888. lie was married on tbe 9th day- decided to learn a trade, and chooeing of June. I860, to Miss Elizabeth Martin, iMMUtlr sn<1 convenient I r located near tbe there in Company B, Thirty-fourth northwest corner of the Court House No other medicine in the world «u ever Illinois Infantry. The drat real battle that of a carpenter commenced working daughter of Conrad Martin, deceased, Square. given each a test of its curative qualities, in which Mr. Eaegle fought was at with an older brother, E. W. Marsh, who 8be was the tint white child bom in as Otto's Care. Thousands of bottles of NT. .JOHNM. MICH. this grant German remedy are being dis ­ Bhiloli. which occurred on the anniver ­ was a skilled workmau. This. In time, the township of Westphalia. Their tributed frra of i-hsrge, by druggist* in sary of his birth, April 8. 18R2. Soon necessitated his removal to Olive town ­ union has been blessed by ten children, Boarding Stable this eminirv. in those afflicted with Con ­ after this came the battle of Stone Rlv-1 ship. this county. April 16, 1877. where four of whom died in infancy . Mr. Fetich Lars* carriage floor, roomy, clean sad airy stalls, end dean food, end all st reasonable FINK TURNOUTS OF ALL KINDS sumption. Aoti.OM. Croup, severe Coughs. er. where with fifteen others he was he continued his trade with hia brother has been a life Jong membet of the Paeumoi is uud all Throat and Lang dis ­ captured and taken to Libby prison, until some time in March. 18K1. when Catholic Church. Ills genial qualities. Spsstsl at teat lea gtraa Is RestdlBg Horaca First eases, gl vim : the |>eople proof that Ottofe claaaeatStaftmUshed tar CaoMtscctslUse. Cor* will <-irr them, and that it is the where he spent several month* in con- his brother. E. W.. sold his farm to his ! keen perception and faithful friendship Kuacral* Ploaaure Partis*. Bt grandest triumph of medical science. For linemen t. He was final ly exchanged brother. Geo. II.. who transferred it to has won him a wide circle of friends The Livery Department 80 rsiassc ha * lac Law* sad Disabled Horae* sale only >»v C. C. VaoSickle, 41 Clinton and returned to his company and regi ­ Chas. 8., E. W. returning to Farming- A large family and much sickness lias is well equipped with pood Vehicles sad R will Sad lb* hast sf rarltltlsa far------mu at ray Ave. Hem pi- free. Large bottles AOr 3 cUhlac.M.C. UVSSAY. Vaternsry flunssa,In at- ment and subsequently took part in the ton. Charles continued to work at the prevented him from accumulating much es. Cali sod see toe. tasds saa Stable* M dear Waat sf Tbe W*w Nwrtk •!«• ntm ■oskltHi* AraiM Ssiv*. battles of Mission Ridge. Resaca. Ga.. carpenter business in Olive and adjoin ­ of this world ’s goods. He has been an IStttf n r. MILX.KK l»rea' The Best Halve in the world for Cota, and Bentonville. and waa one of the gal ­ ing towns, building some of the largest acute sufferer during the past year, but FRdffR wumwrittf.I» Prsp-8. Bruiaos, Horae, Cleers, dolt Khoam. Favor lant sixty thousand who marched with bams In this section. On the 28th of we are pleased to my his health is now Haros, Tetter, Chapped Hands, Chllblanss. Sherman to the sea. He received bis December, 1881, he was married to fairly good and we hope to see his pleas RICHMOND * OR BORN Coras sad all Hkm Eruptions, and posi ­ Man E., daughter of Mr. and Mrs. ant face on the board for many session* tively cares Film, or no nay required. It final discharge from the sendee of his isguranteed to give per feet satisfaction* country Julv 18.1886, and returned to Wm. H. Krepps, of Bt. Johns, and on to come. General Insurance Agents or money refunded Fru • 55 cants par this county. He waa married Jnne 18. the 25th day of July. 1885. a lovely urn W. BALDWIN. Ower Allison a Jewelry Store. has. For solo by Fildsw A Millmau, Ht 1B8R. to Miss Carrie C. Tripp, a daugh ­ daughter was bom to them, being their of Dallas, was bom in Jamestown, | Johns and Fowler. ter of Edwin and Margaret Tripp, early only child. Realizing the importance Chautauqua county N. Y., March 28. ST. JOHNS. MICH A.physician inexperienced in settlers of the county. There have and comforts at a home, he contracted 1888. and in the fall of 1812. with his I B« present! mr the fhllswlw OorapoMs lblee may doctor you for the wrong been for the s e i of the s e 4 of sec. 2, Olive, parents moved to Niagara county, final­ !GrtkwisUni National, of Milwaukee, trowL ------— -----„ four children, all girls, bom to M K The Han Fire, or London. thing. Dr.rTwr Wheeler 5 's HiNerve Vltalizer them, two of whom are still living. for which he has paid every penny- ly locating in the village of Oieott is made by a specialist who knows what Th* InsuranceCo., of North America, is needed.' Linnte J., the older daughter is now the through his own energies and labors. where he resided until he came to Mich­ The Rtmi, of Hartford, wife of Clark A. Putt, of this vlR*e. Mr. Marsh is a doer observer of nation ­ igan in the spring of 1886. locating in III apfafftoM. of Hprtajrffeld. Mam., If you can't sleep nights you are run ­ Mr. Eaegle has been treasurer of (4 teen - al and state matters. He has held the Clinton county, where he followed the Mssitfold, of Rockford, III.. ning down. do to the druggist's for a office of township treasurer, and was occupation of carpenter and fanner un- ; Ulus Tbe 1 C berates to o.. IbTMsh, of Now York, book* of Dr. Wheeler's Nerve Vltalizer bush township three terms, highway 1*1 w, Weateheoter, of New fork. at once. commissioner one term, and is now ser­ first elected supervisor in IMS. and til 18TB. since which time he has been SeMtsSI. Jebsssedt •II Irani* Boylrteu, of Moot on. Moss