killed. Balabhadra met in duel, but let him 14) Sri Krfna escaped from fire. Balabhadra and Krsna off on the request of Krsna. But, Jarasandha, supported started for Dvaraka carrying all the riches of Kalaya- by Banasura and others besieged again and vana. They met Jarasandha on their way and took to again. When Balabhadra attempted to kill Jarasandha, their heels. Jarasandha followed them to the heights of a celestial voice declared that it was not possible for Mount Pravarsana where they disappeared. Jarasandha the former to kill Jarasandha, and the war, therefore, set fire to the four sides of the mountain when ended for the time being. and Krsna escaped secretly from the fire to Dvaraka. (5) Krftia and Balabhadra meet Parasurama. The conti- Jarasandha returned to believing that both nuous war with Jarasandha reduced the financial re- his antagonists were burned to death. (Bhagavata, 10th sources of the Yadavas and to replenish their treasury Skandha) . Sri Krsna and Balabhadra started for mount Gomantaka 15) Wedding of Rama and Krsna. Balabhadra-Revatl. Balabhadra married the repository of gems and on their way they saw (1) Revati, of Anarta of former name Parasurama engaged in penance under a peepal tree. daughter King Kusasthali, Parasurama told them that there was a kingdom at the of Dvaraka. Bhlsmaka foot of the Gomantaka called Karavira ruled by King (2) Krsna-RukminL King of Vidarbha had Srgalavasudeva and advised them to kill him and collect five sons the eldest of whom was Rukmi. His sixth child was a and she was enough money and gems. Krsna and Balabhadra did daughter named Rukminl. Stories about Krsna kindled in Rukmim love for so and reached Pravarsanagiri with money and gems so him. hated wanted to sister collected. There Garuda brought back to Krsna his Rukmi, who Krsna, give his in to Rukminl sent crown which had been, sometime back, stolen away by marriage Sisupala. through a brahmin Banasura. Krsna and Rama returned to Mathurapuri. a message about the affair to Dvaraka. On the day of 's Rama and Krsna also went to Since Srgalavasudeva had been killed by Krsna and Svayamvara Kundinapuri, capital of Vidarbha. and Krsna. in the Rama, Jarasandha attacked Mathurapuri again, for the presence of all carried Rukminl in his eighteenth time. Though during all the wars Jarasandha Kings, away chariot. The who, under the of was defeated, by that time the Yadava power had been Kings leadership Rukmi, attacked Krsna were routed. A son called weakened much and so Krsna ultimately decided to was born to Krsna Rukminl. under leave Mathura and found another kingdom somewhere Pradyumna by (See else. Krsna had two reasons to come to this decision. Pradyumna) . (3) Prasena, brother of the Yadava Firstly, Jarasandha was the father-in-law of his uncle Krsna-Jdmbavati. King Satrajit, went ahunting wearing on him the Kamsa. Next, it was Jarasandha's object to conquer gem called to the latter the Sun- Mathurapuri for Kariisa's sons. Taking into considera- Syamantaka presented by god. saw a lion off the after tion the above two objects of Jarasandha, Krsna and Jambavan carrying gem Prasena. He killed the recovered the Rama voluntarily quitted Mathura with the Yadavas killing lion, gem and from it and gave it to his children to play with. A went and lived in the city built for them by VisVa- rumour was that it was Krsna who had killed karman on an island called Dvaraka in the western sea. spread under and stolen the gem. Krsna searched for the in the (See Kugasthali) . (Bhagavata, 10th Skandha). gem forest and found it out in the cave of In Krfna killed wanted Jambavan. 13) Kalayavana. King Kalayavana the duel that ensued between Jambavan and Krsna to conquer Mathurapuri for which purpose he performed the former was defeated. He recognised Krsna to be penance and secured from Siva the boon that none of the Lord, and presented Syamantaka and also his the Yadavas would be able to kill him. Krsna had JambavatI to Krsna and thus shifted to somewhat the daughter JambavatI Dvaraka, dejected by thought wife. under became Krsna's (See Syamantaka) . that Kalayavana could not be killed because of the (4) Sri Kr$na-Satyabhdma. Sri Krsna returned Syaman- protection accorded by Siva's boon. taka to Satrajit and he, in return, gave his daughter Another also at this thing happened juncture. King Satyabhama in marriage to Krsna. Though Syaman- Mucukunda, son of Mandhata had on the of request taka was given to Krsna by way of dowry he did not gone to Devaloka and defeated the in accept it. (Bhagavata, 1 Oth Skandha) . war. Indra asked him to choose his reward for this (5) Sri Kr$na-Kdlindi. The happy news that the Panda- service and Mucukunda wanted to be shown a place vas had escaped from the lac palace and were living at for him to as he had not for a sleep slept long time. Khandavaprastha took some time to reach Krsna, who Indra, showed him a cave on earth and accordingly had been pained to know that they were burned to told him that he who disturbed him in would be sleep death in the palace. As soon as Krsna knew that the reduced to ashes his look. Mucukunda went to by very Pandavas were safe at Khandavaprastha he went to sleep in that cave. them along with Yadava chiefs like Satyaki and others. Kalayavana approached Krsna to kill him and the It was then that the fire-god Vahni, requested Arjuna latter, pretending to be in fear of Kalayavana, ran for the Khandava forest for his food and Arjuna con- before him. Kalayavana followed Krsna, who entered sented to it. It was Krsna who drove Arjuna's chariot the cave where Mucukunda was sleeping and he followed in his fight with Indra at the burning of the forest by Krsna into the cave also. Kalayavana, mistaking Agnideva. (See under Khandavadaha) . Arjuna saved Mucukunda for Krsna, kicked him violently whereupon Maya from the Khandava fire and Maya, in return for he jumped up from sleep and looked at Kalayavana, the kindness, built a palace for the Pandavas at Indra- who was reduced to ashes. Then Krsna appeared before prastha. Krsna also lived there for a few days. One Mucukunda. who the praised former. On the advice of day while Krsna was strolling on the banks of the Krsna he performed penance at Badarikas rama and Kalindi in the company of Arjuna they saw a woman, attained salvation. (Bhagavata, 10th Skandha). who told them that her name was Kalindi and that