Mamoni HSS FY16 Q2 Quarterly Report

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Mamoni HSS FY16 Q2 Quarterly Report MaMoni Health Systems Strengthening Activity (USAID Cooperative Agreement AID-388-LA-13-00004) Quarterly Report January 1 – March 31, 2016 Ms. Shikha Banik, Family Welfare Visitor, looking up previous medical records by scanning the health ID card of Mosammat Khairunnesa of Noapara Union. MaMoni has introduced health ID cards in Madhabpur upazila of Habiganj district as part of the Routine Health Information System (RHIS) initiative. Submitted May 6, 2016 Cover Photo Story: Ms. Shikha Banik, Family Welfare Visitor (FWV) is one of three FWVs in Madhabpur upazila who are testing an automated Maternal, Newborn, and Child service module at UH&FWC level. Here client service history can be accessed from a centralized server through a bar-code enabled health ID card, eliminating the need for paper based registers or reporting forms. This is part of USAID’s multi-partner Routine Health Information System (RHIS) initiative where MaMoni HSS, as a partner, is implementing different components of an automated health information system in Madhabpur and Lakhai upazilas of Habiganj district. Photo Credit: Imrul Hasan, Shimantik/MaMoni HSS Project This document is made possible by the generous support of the American people through the support of the Office of Population, Health, Nutrition and Education, United States Agency for International Development (USAID), Bangladesh (USAID/Bangladesh), under the terms of Associate Cooperative Agreement No. AID-388-LA-13-00004 through Maternal and Child Health Integrated Program (MCHIP). The contents of this document are the responsibility of the MCHIP Project and do not necessarily reflect the views of USAID or the United States government. Table of Contents MaMoni Health Systems Strengthening Activity ........................................................................................ 1 Table of Contents...................................................................................................................................... i Abbreviations ..................................................................................................................................ii Executive Summary ....................................................................................................................... 1 Introduction .......................................................................................................................................... 3 Program Results for the Quarter .................................................................................................. 3 IR 1. Improve Service Readiness through Critical Gap Management ................................. 3 IR 2: Strengthened Health Systems at District Level and Below ...................................... 13 2.9 Monitoring Quality of Care Indicators ........................................................................... 23 IR 3. Promote an Enabling Environment to Strengthen District Level Health Systems 25 IR 4. Identify and Reduce Barriers to Accessing Health Services ..................................... 26 Challenges, Solutions, and Action Taken ................................................................................... 27 Challenges .............................................................................................................................. 27 Opportunities ......................................................................................................................... 27 Appendix 1: Scope and Geographical coverage of Mamoni HSS project .................................. 28 Appendix 2: Case Studies ............................................................................................................ 30 Appendix 3: Program Performance Indicators (October–December 2015) .............................. 33 Appendix 4: MNCH Essential Drugs Monitoring Report .......................................................... 46 Appendix 5: Documentation and Dissemination of MaMoni Program Learning .................... 57 Appendix 6: Environmental Compliance Report ....................................................................... 58 Appendix 7: Links to Media Stories Published .......................................................................... 60 Appendix 8: Update on USAID Abortion and FP Requirement 2016 Training ...................... 61 Appendix 9: Status of Health Facility Renovations ................................................................... 62 MaMoni Health Systems Strengthening Activity: FY’16 Q2 Quarterly Report i ABBREVIATIONS AHI Assistant Health Inspector AMTSL Active management of third stage of labor BCC Behavior Change Communication BEmONC Basic emergency obstetric and newborn care BNF Bangladesh Neonatology Forum BSMMU Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujib Medical University CAG Community Action Group CB Community-based CEmONC Comprehensive emergency obstetric and newborn care CHW Community Health Worker CHX Chlorhexidine CIPRB Center for Injury Prevention and Research, Bangladesh CMAM Community-based management of acute malnutrition cMPM Community microplanning meeting CNCP Comprehensive newborn care package CSBA Community Skilled Birth Attendants CV Community Volunteer CVRS Civil registration and vital statistical system CYP Couple years of protection DDFP Deputy Director Family Planning DGFP Directorate General Family Planning DGHS Directorate General Health Services DRS District Reserve Store EPCMD Ending Preventable Child and Maternal Deaths FPI Family Planning Inspector FWA Family Welfare Assistant FWV Female Welfare Visitor GOB Government of Bangladesh HA Health Assistant HBB Helping Babies Breathe HPNSDP Health, Population, and Nutrition Sector Development Program HS Health systems HSS Health systems strengthening IFA Iron plus Folic Acid ii MaMoni Health Systems Strengthening Activity: FY’16 Q2 Quarterly Report IMCI Integrated Management of Childhood Illness IPHN Institute of public health nutrition IR Intermediate result JSV Joint supervisory visit LAPM Long-acting and permanent method LMIS Logistics management information system MAMA Mobile Alliance for Maternal Action mCPR Modern contraceptive prevalence rate MCWC Maternal and Child Welfare Center MNCH/FP/N Maternal, newborn and child health, family planning, and nutrition MNH Maternal and newborn health MOH&FW Ministry of Health and Family Welfare MOLGRD&C Ministry of Local Government Rural Development & Cooperatives MOU Memorandum of understanding MPDR Maternal and perinatal death review NIPORT National Institute of Population Research and Training NNS National nutrition services OGSB Obstetrics and Gynecology Society of Bangladesh PPIUCD Postpartum intra-uterine contraceptive device QA Quality assurance QI Quality improvement QPRM Quarterly performance review meeting RHIS Routine health information system RRQIT Regional roaming quality improvement team SACMO Sub-assistant Community Medical Officer SAM Severe Acute Malnutrition SBA Skilled Birth Attendant SBM-R Standards-Based Management and Recognition SC Save the Children SCANU Special care newborn unit SDP Service delivery point SIAPS Systems for improved access to pharmaceuticals and services SSN Senior Staff Nurse STG Strategic thematic group TBA Traditional Birth Attendant MaMoni Health Systems Strengthening Activity: FY’16 Q2 Quarterly Report iii TOT Training of trainers UEHFPSC Union Education Health and Family Planning Standing Committee UFPO Upazila Family Planning Officer UHC Upazila health complex UH&FPO Upazila Health and Family Planning Officer UH&FWC Union Health and Family Welfare Centers UP Union parishad USAID United States Agency for International Development iv MaMoni Health Systems Strengthening Activity: FY’16 Q2 Quarterly Report EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Key Accomplishments of the MaMoni Health Systems Strengthening Project (MaMoni HSS) In the second quarter of year three, the key accomplishments of the project include the following: • MaMoni HSS has been supporting the Directorate General Family Planning (DGFP) in assessing all Union Health and Family Welfare Centers (UH&FWCs) in Bangladesh for readiness to provide 24/7 delivery services. During this quarter, all remaining facilities of Dhaka, Khulna, and Rajshahi divisions have been completed, bringing the total assessment to 4,463 out of an initially projected 4,000+ health facilities nationwide. MaMoni also organized three divisional advocacy meetings in Chittagong, Rangpur, and Khulna divisions. MaMoni validated some of the key indicators of the data through an independent team of 6 who visited 7 divisions, and through its periodic service delivery point (SDP) assessment in Lakshmipur district. • MaMoni HSS has been supporting the routine health information system (RHIS) initiative of the Directorate General Health Services (DGHS) MOH&FW to pilot the automated population registry system (PRS) in Madhabpur and Lakhai upazilas of Habiganj district. As of March 31, 2016, 3,323 household members in 621 households of Lakhai upazila of Habiganj district have been registered. In Madhabpur upazila, where PRS has been completed, 1,823 health ID cards were distributed in two unions in late March 2016. MaMoni also introduced offline capability so that the data can be entered offline at the SDP level. In three unions of Madhabpur, Family Welfare Visitors (FWVs) recorded service data of 1,994 ANC, delivery, and PNC in the maternal, newborn, and child health (MNCH) e-register. MaMoni HSS also developed FP modules to record service data of pill, condom, injectables and IUD
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