Mamoni Health Systems Strengthening Activity (USAID Cooperative Agreement AID-388-LA-13-00004)
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MaMoni Health Systems Strengthening Activity (USAID Cooperative Agreement AID-388-LA-13-00004) Quarterly Report January 01, 2018– March 31, 2018 Submitted April 30, 2018 Cover Photo Story: Nijhum Dwip looks forward to a healthy future “I would deliver at home as I did before”, Shaheena said when she was asked what she would do if the health center were not there. Shaheena had her second baby delivered at the Nijhum Dwip (a remote island in Hatiya upazila on the south of Bangladesh) Union Health and Family Welfare Centre (UH&FWC) on the day the facility started functioning. For Shaheena, delivering at a health facility was hardly an option before. Shaheena lives in a village in Nijhum Dwip. The nearest health facility from Nijhum Dwip was in Jahajmara union which was hard-to-reach and expensive, would take at least 2-3 hours journey by engine boat and rikshaw van. For about 30,000 people who call Nijhum Dwip their home, ‘delivery at home’ had therefore been the only option. On November 1, 2017, the remote island got its first health center equipped with sufficient essentials to provide a range of basic healthcare services including normal delivery services. Six weeks later, the Nijhum Dwip UH&FWC started providing 24/7 normal delivery services to the community. Now the people of Nijhum Dwip, one of the hardest-to-reach areas in Bangladesh, have the option to avail normal delivery services by skilled birth attendants around-the-clock and free of cost. The establishment of the Nijhum Dwip UH&FWC represents a novel initiative undertaken by the district family planning department and local government with MaMoni HSS project playing the facilitation role. Instead of constructing a new building, they converted part of a shelter canter to house this health facility. With this new UH&FWC in place, Hatiya now has six 24/7 delivery centres, all of them upgraded through coordination with local government authorities, the district family planning department, and the MaMoni HSS Project. Photo (top): Shaheena with her baby boy. She is the first mother to have delivered at the new health facility in rural and hard-to-reach Nijhum Dwip. Photo (bottom): Inauguration of Nijhum Dwip UH&FWC as 24/7 normal delivery canter Photo credit: Murad Ahamed Khan This document is made possible by the generous support of the American people through the support of the Office of Population, Health, Nutrition and Education, United States Agency for International Development (USAID), Bangladesh (USAID/Bangladesh), under the terms of Associate Cooperative Agreement No. AID-388-LA-13-00004 through Maternal and Child Health Integrated Program (MCHIP). The contents of this document are the responsibility of the MCHIP Project and do not necessarily reflect the views of USAID or the United States government. MaMoni Health Systems Strengthening Activity: FY18 Q2 Quarterly Report ii TABLE OF CONTENTS Abbreviations ............................................................................................................................. iv Executive summary .................................................................................................................... 1 Introduction ................................................................................................................................. 3 Data Sources ................................................................................................................................ 4 Program results of the year ..................................................................................................... 5 IR 1. Improve service readiness through critical gap management ............................. 5 IR 2: Strengthen health systems at the district level and below .................................. 18 IR 3. Promote an enabling environment to strengthen district level health systems ........................................................................................................................................................ 31 IR 4. Identify and reduce barriers to accessing health services .................................. 35 Challenges, Solutions and Action taken ............................................................................. 39 Appendix 1: Scope and Geographical coverage of MaMoni HSS program ................ 42 Appendix 2: Data Sources ....................................................................................................... 43 Appendix 3: Program Performance Indicators (Jan-Mar 2018) .................................... 44 appendix 4. Additional National level indicators ............................................................. 54 Appendix 5: MaMoni HSS Program Learning and Documentation Matrix ............... 56 MaMoni Health Systems Strengthening Activity: FY18 Q2 Quarterly Report iii ABBREVIATIONS 5S Sort, set, shine, standardize and sustain AAP American Academy of Pediatrics ACS Antenatal corticosteroid AHI Assistant health inspector AMTSL Active management of third stage of labor ANC Antenatal care BCC Behavior change communication BMJ British Medical Journal BNF Bangladesh Neonatal Forum BSMMU Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujib Medical University CAG Community action group CC Community clinic CCSDP Clinical Contraceptive Service Delivery Program CCU Coronary care unit CDCS Country Development Cooperation Strategy CEmONC Comprehensive emergency obstetric and newborn care CHCP Community health care provider CHW Community health worker CHX Chlorhexidine CI Critical illness CIPRB Center for Injury Prevention and Research Bangladesh cMPM Community microplanning meeting CNCP Comprehensive newborn care package CS Civil Surgeon CSA Community sales agent CSBA Community-skilled birth attendant CSG Community support group CSI Clinical severe infection CV Community volunteer DC District commissioner DG Director General DGFP Directorate General of Family Planning DGHS Directorate General of Health Services DH District hospital DHIS-2 District Health Information System-2 DMCH Dhaka Medical College Hospital DP Development partner DQA Data quality assessment eAMS Electronic asset management system eLMIS Electronic logistics management information system eMIS Electronic management information system EmONC Emergency obstetric and newborn care ENC Essential newborn care EPCMD Ending preventable child and maternal deaths eTMS Electronic training management system FGD focus group discussion FP Family planning FPI Family planning inspector FTC Field training centre FWA Family welfare assistant FWV Family welfare visitor FWVTI Family Welfare Visitor Training Institute GIS Geographic information system GMP Growth monitoring and promotion GOB Government of Bangladesh GPS Global positioning system HA Health assistant HBB Helping babies breathe MaMoni Health Systems Strengthening Activity: FY18 Q2 Quarterly Report iv HI High intensity HID Health identity document HNN Healthy Newborn Network HPNSP Health, Population and Nutrition Sector Program HR Human resource HRIS Human resource information system HSCS Health systems capacity strengthening HSM Hospital services management icddr,b International Centre for Diarrhoeal Disease Research, Bangladesh ICU Intensive cate unit ID Identity document IDD Iodine deficiency disorder IFA Iron and folic acid IFB fast breathing as a single sign of illness IHI Institute of Healthcare Improvement IMCI Integrated management of childhood illness IP Infection prevention IPC Infection prevention and control IPHN Institute of Public Health and Nutrition IR Intermediate result IUCD Intra uterine contraceptive device JSV Joint supervisory visit KII Key informant interview KMC Kangaroo mother care LARC Long-acting reversible contraceptive LARC&PM Long-acting reversible contraceptive and permanent method LBI Local bacterial infection MAM Moderate acute malnutrition MCH Maternal and child health MCHIP Maternal child health integrated program MCHTI Maternal and Child Health Training Institute MCRAH Maternal, child, reproductive and adolescent health MCWC Maternal and child welfare center MEC Medical eligibility criteria MFSTC Mohammadpur Fertility Services and Training Centre MgSO4 Magnesium sulfate MIS Management information system MNCH/FP/N Maternal, newborn and child health, family planning, and nutrition MO Medical officer MOHFW Ministry of Health and Family Welfare MO-MCH/FP Medical Officer-Maternal, Child Health and Family Planning MP Member of Parliament MPDSR Maternal and perinatal death surveillance and response MSH Management Sciences for Health NGO Nongovernmental organization NIPORT National Institute of Population Research and Training NIPSOM National Institute of Preventive and Social Medicine NNHP National Newborn Health Program NNS National Nutrition Services OBGYN Obstetrics and Gynecology OGSB Obstetrical and Gynecological Society of Bangladesh OP Operational plan OT Operation theatre pCSBA Private community-skilled birth attendant PDCA Plan-do-check-act PE/E Pre-eclampsia/eclampsia PHC Primary health care PHD Partners in Health and Development PI Principal investigator PM Program Manager MaMoni Health Systems Strengthening Activity: FY18 Q2 Quarterly Report v PNC Postnatal care PPFP Postpartum family planning PPH Postpartum hemorrhage PPIUCD Postpartum intra-uterine contraceptive device PSBI Possible severe bacterial infection QI Quality improvement QIC Quality improvement committee QIS Quality Improvement Secretariat QoC Quality of care QPRM Quarterly performance review meeting RMNCAH Reproductive, maternal, newborn, child and