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8254 H i g h way 17 • M ay l e n e , AL 35114 205.664.1675 REV. B O B R O W N , P a s t o r 663.2340 (H) • 427.2340 (C)

GREG RAGLAND, Y o u t h M i n i s t e r 664.7219 (H) • 936.9516 (C)

MELISSA CALTON, C h i l d r e n ’ s M i n i s t e r 6 2 0 . 6 0 2 2 ( H ) • 790.5419 (C)

M att M on k • E d u c a t i o n M i n i s t e r 663-7490 (H) • 368-8785 (C) DAVE MILLER, Music Minister 733.9351 (H) DAVE SHORT, Custodian 663-0050 (H) • 682-0778 SUNDAY SCHOOL • 9:45 / WORSHIP • 11:00 AM • 6:00 PM • WEDNESDAY FELLOWSHIP MEAL • 5:30 / BIBLE STUDY • 6:30 Comunidad Noticias DEACONS Rick Mitchell, Chairman 664.3408 (H) • 540.3772 (C) [email protected] (E) BE SURE TO VISIT US at Jim Kilpatrick, Vice Chairman SEPTEMBER 2009 663.6879 (H) www.communitybaptistmaylene.com [email protected] (E) GARY AUTHEMENT 621-9087 (H) • 901-8116 (C) [email protected] (E) BRIAN BARNETT 822-9246 (H) • 396-8494 (C) [email protected] (E) CHIC CHILDS 663-5168 (H) • 515-3560 (C) JERRY HENDON 664.1592 (H) • 913.0228 (C) [email protected] Will Lipscomb 427.5536 (C) williamlipscomb5@ hotmail.com (E) JONATHAN LOWERY 670-7027 (H) • 283-8396 (C) Significant [email protected] (E) RICHARD McCOY 663-3913 (H) • 253-1411 (C) [email protected] (E) JACKIE MIMS 685-9006 (H) • 888-307-3589 (C) [email protected] (E) MATT MONK 663.7490 (H) • 368.8785 (C) [email protected] (E) BILL NELSON 663.2024 (H) • 306.2045 (C) BO PICKETT 664.8564 (H) • 368.3459 (C) Sundays [email protected] Pages 4-5 STEPHEN RYLEE 668.9775 (H) • 586.9136 (C) [email protected](E) folksfolks justjust likelike youyou RAY WILSON 664.9895 (H) • 310.5641 (C) [email protected] SEPTEMBER 2009 P a g e 2 SEPTEMBER 2009 P a g e 3 lookin’ ahead! lookin’ ahead! snapshotssnapshots HAPPY NEW YEAR!! sunday (9-6) 7:00 pM YOUTH - s.n.a.c. time monday (9-7) LABOR day holiday ASHLEY Happy New Year! It may sound odd to you to be hearing that in Septem- SATURDAY (9-12) 2-4 pM BABY shower for jessica BROOKS, SILLS= ber, but for the Church September starts our new church calendar and fiscal year. ANTHONY DOWNY & kalel shane BAMA This being the case, I have a few thoughts to ponder and a few challenges to give: SUNDAY (9-13) 4:30 PM DISCIPLESHIP TRAINING BEGINS FAN @ * Teachers - My challenge to you is to stay faithful to that which you have 4:30 PM CHILDREN’S CHOIR BEGINS BRAVES committed. Always be early, always have studied, never under value the 6:00 PM FISHING WITH K.I.D.S - CARTER POND GAME power of God’s word and commit to building relationships with your class SATURDAY (9-19) 5:30 PM EAGLES MEETING members and their families. 6:30 PM YOUTH - LASER TAG AT GAME ZONE, * Greeters and Ushers -Realize that many you are the first contact with From pELHAM those coming to visit our CBC family, or even those members walking SUNDAY (9-20) 6:00 PM FISHING WITH K.I.D.S - lake forest through the door for a Sunday in God’s House. You are essential to be the LAke first to show God’s love. Your 7:00 PM YOUTH TO SUPPER (L-R:) * Committee and Team Members - Thank you for taking on a position that TUESDAY (9-22) 10:00 AM CBC DOVES MEETING BRENDA MIMS • may not have much “up front” glory, but represent the cogs and the inner FRIDAY (9-25) 6:00 PM kIDS FRIDAY NIGHT LIVE - GLENDA SHORT workings of our Church. You are responsible for crucial decisions that help Pastor’s pREPOSTEROUS PUMPKIN PARTY • MIKI WILSON the Church stay healthy. I ask that you become people of prayer, understand- sunday (9-27) 6:00 PM FISHING WITH K.I.D.S - barlow POND ing that you will help form the foundation for the Church’s future Heart SUNDAY (10-4) 7:00 pM YOUTH - s.n.a.c. time * New Members - Welcome to our Church family. I want you to spend this TUESDAY (10-6) 7:00 PM CBC MEN MEETING AT CHURCH year getting to know as many people as you can. God has led you here, and saturday (10-10) DEACONS training session with dr. for that we celebrate! Now I look forward to seeing you move out of the role JOE mckeever of visitor into the role of member. Join a Sunday School Class, attend fellow- SUNDAY (10-11) CBC HOMECOMING SUNDAY, FEATURING ships. We are excited you are here and excited to get to know you better. BRO. JoE Mckeever * Existing Members - You have been here a while, feels like home, so my MON-WED (10-12-14) FALL REVIVAL with brother joe OH, GROW UP!! challenge to you is to take the next step. Whatever it is you do, go one far- MCkeever ther. If you have always only attended worship, then find a Sunday School SATURDAY (10-17) TIME TBA EAGLES MEETING class. If you come only Sunday Mornings, then try Sunday nights. With our TUESDAY (10-20) 10:00 AM CBC DOVES MEETING numerous class options, including Discipleship, Choir, etc… there are plenty SATURDAY (10-24) 5-8 PM CBC FALL FESTIVAL of opportunities for you to expand you role in the Family of God. R e v E R A N D SUNDAY (10-25) 7:00 PM YOUTH TO SUPPER A Y N I G H T F E L L O W S H I P * Kids - First, thank you for reminding us what uncontrolled laughter sounds FRIDAY (10-30) NOON-3 pm YOUTH - MISSION PROJECT at various E S D S U D N M M U N I T P P E like. Your energy is infectious. You just keep being kids and we will keep E O Y R B o parks W C watching your faith and learning from it. SUNDAY (11-1) DAYLIGHT SAVING TIME ENDS SCHEDULE & MENU * Youth - You have made us proud! We have enjoyed watching you do Mis- B r o w n TUESDAY (11-3) 7:00 PM CBC MEN MEETING AT CHURCH C H N sions, watching you fill an entire section in the Church, watching you lead U C K WA G O SATURDAY (11-7) TIME TBA CWC FOXY LADY LUNCHEON us in praise and worship with your Cardboard Testimonies, and seeing God SUNDAY (11-8) 7:00 PM YOUTH - S.N.A.C. TIME move in a mighty way in your midst. To you I ask that you continue to grow FRIDAY (11-13) 6:00 PM kIDS FRIDAY NITE LIVE - THANKFUL SEPTEMBER 2 (YOUNG MARRIED CLASS) spiritually, maturing into the young men and women God would have you HEARTS BREAKFAST be. Get discipled, be in the Word … it will change your life! FRIDAY (11-22) TIME TBA YOUTH - BROOM BALL AT PELHAM CIVIC SEPTEMBER 9 (LADIES, OPEN DOOR, & So here we are, beginning a new church year. What a wonderful chance we have COMPLEX this new year to commit to giving more than we have ever given before. I chal- SUNDAY (11-22) 5:00 PM CBC THANKSPRAISE DINNER MID-ADULT CLASSES) lenge all who read this to commit to give more of themselves spiritually, emotion- SUNDAY (11-29) 6:00 PM HANGING OF THE GREEN SERVICE RED BEANS & RICE ally , physically, and financially. In fact in every aspect I challenge you to make SUNDAY (12-6) 6:00 PM CHILDREN’S CHOIR CHRISTMAS MUSICAL SEPTEMBER 16 (SENIOR ADULTS, COLLEGE & this year unlike any other. 7:00 PM YOUTH - S.N.A.C. TIME CAREER, AND 20-SOMTHINGS CLASSES) TUESDAY (12-8) 10:00 AM CBC DOVES MEETING God is Good ~ All the Time! FRIDAY (12-11) 6:00 PM kIDS FRIDAY NITE LIVE - BACK 2 SALADS Brother Bo BETHLEHEM SEPTEMBER 23 (GREEN ROOM) SATURDAY (12-12) TIME TBA EAGLES MEETING MEXICAN LASAGNA FRIDAY (12-18) TIME TBA YOUTH - CHRISTMAS PARTY (?) SAT (12-12) 6:00 PM BONUS WORSHIP CHOIR CHRISTMAS SEPTEMBER 30 (STAFF) MUSICAL SERVICE(?) PIZZA SEPTEMBER 2009 P a g e 4 SEPTEMBER 2009 P a g e 5 U UGFour ST ASignificant Sundays MADE THIS A UNIQUE TIME


Attempting to avoid the “summer doldrums” while Our square dance caller–and teacher–was Walter strengthening church members’ ties to one another, we Brough of Hoover. and his task was daunting because of the embarked on a unique course during August, known crowd and the limited space. But he and our folks all rose as “Significant Sundays.” Eight distinct groups were to the occasion, sharing nearly an hour’s work of “Alabama organized, each with a broad cross-section of ages and Lefts,” “Promenades” and the like. There was a lot of laugh- interests, and each of the groups met separately each ter and elevated spirits that arose from the event. It would Sunday evening in lieu of our normal evening worship. prove to be just another of those “we-ain’t-never-done- The goal was to enable the folks within each group that-before” things that we finally have done, with great to get to know each other more fully, and each group outcomes as a result. employed a variety of games, activities and fellowship Thanks to each of the group leaders and to everyone devices to achieve that goal. Meeting in homes, in who participated and made August a significant time in the parks, and at a variety of venues, the groupings seemed life of Community Baptist Church. to achieve their intended purpose, as folks became more familiar with other members who they’d had no SOME prior occasion to get to know. PHOTOS The culmination of the month-long “experiment” COURTESY OF MICHAEL was a Significant Sunday Square Dance on the evening PARR of August 30th. Stormy weather earlier in the day caused the event to be moved into the Fellowship Hall and the room was packed with upwards of 150 folks or so. Everyone felt even a bit “closer” because the air conditioners were on the blink, of course. But after a hearty helping of tube steaks, chips and desserts, no one cared.


As most of you know, our daughter, Hannah Grace, had heart surgery in August. This PHOTOS was her sixth surgery since we adopted her. Through all of her surgeries, this one COURTESY OF made me the most nervous. As she was wheeled away to the operating room, it was MICHAEL different. I was more nervous than usual. I was tense. It was more stressful. I am PARR sure that having a sister now that was screaming for her as they took her away didn’t help ease the stress or nervousness. Heart surgery was also more scary to my medi- cally ignorant brain. It is safe to say that my faith was truly tested during this surgery and I somewhat failed. I know that even when we put our trust in God, we still worry at times and I am not a worrier. We tend to worry a little bit more when it is our child. Somewhere inside of me, I knew that she was in God’s hands. But on the outside of at the me, I didn’t have the faith that I needed to have. I had so many “what if’s” instead of faith. I had doubts instead of trust. Through all of this, my God showed me that He is still the same. He is the same God He was before the surgery and He is the same God now. It was me that was different. It was another BIG life lesson for me. No HYM ballgame matter what troubles or worries we face in our lives, God still reigns. He is our Creator and He is righteous and just. Who am I to question Him? His love is amazing and I am so thankful for His mercy and His Grace that He gives me. Despite my lack of faith, God came through…Again!!!! Hannah Grace is doing great and she is running wide open. I sing His praises and it is my prayer that I will always remember how great He truly is. Thank each of you 4 WHAT’S COMIN’ UP: for all your prayers during Hannah Grace’s surgery. SEPTEMBER 6 • SNAC TIME: SWIMMING – Our SNAC for September will be swimming at God is Good…All the time!!!! the Carter’s. We will head out immediately following the evening services. Bring your swim- In Christ, suits. Food will be provided. Brother Greg SEPTEMBER 19 • LASER TAG AT PELHAM FUN ZONE– Meet at the church at 6:30. The cost will be $20. We will play three games. Eat before you come. Sign up sheets will be posted in the youth house. WHAT’S BEEN HAPPENIN’: SEPTEMBER 27 • YOUTH TO SUPPER AT WHATABURGER - It has been a while since we AUG. 9 • CARDBOARD TESTIMONIES – Brother Greg preached on testimonies in the morning worship have been to WhatABurger, so we will be pigging out there after church on Sept. 27. $6-7 service and ended with the youth sharing their cardboard testimonies. It was an awesome service and should cover the cost of your meal. all of the youth did an incredible job! Thanks to everyone who participated. OCTOBER 4 • SNAC TIME: JUST CHILLING – Our SNAC time in October will be hang time AUG. 15 • BRAVES BASEBALL GAME – We headed for Atlanta to catch a Braves game. It was a great after church. Bring you PS3’s or 2’s, XBOX’s, Wii’s, footballs, and we will have pizza and day for baseball!!! The weather was beautiful and the baseball was awesome! The Braves came back in just hang out for a couple of hours after church. the bottom of the ninth inning to win the game. What a game to be at! They are now 2-0 when 4HYM is OCTBOER 24 • CBC FALL FUNFEST – The youth will be running a booth at the the Com- at the game. Go 4HYM!!! youth munity Baptst Family & Friends Fall FunFest. Brother Greg will need volunteers to work. AUG. 23 • DOING THE COZUMEL LUNCH THING – Due toSignificant Sundays on Sunday nights, the Watch for details. youth went to lunch instead of supper. Following the morning service, we had lunch at Cozumel’s. The food was incredible as always!!! We had a great crowd with some great fellowship. OCTOBER 25 • YOUTH TO SUPPER AT ZAXBY’S – When: Immediately following the eve- ning service Where: Zaxby’s, How much: 7-10 dollars. AUG. 26 • CARDBOARD TESTIMONIES ON THE ROAD – The Youth had jumped at the opportunity to go on the road and share their cardboard testimonies at Enon Baptist Church in Montevallo. We are so OCTOBER 31 • YOUTH MISSION – It is Halloween and the youth will be out in the local thankful that we had an opportunity to go and share such a powerful message outside of our community! parks giving out treats with tracts. We will meet at the church at 12 noon and return at 3pm. CBC SEPTEMBER 2009 P a g e 8 SEPTEMBER 2009 P a g e 9 Welcome New Members Welcome New Members

company and lending. Most recently 2004, and her Master’s in Taxation, the but mainly grew up here and he he was employed for two years by next year before successfully sitting for graduated from Calera High School Acceptance Loans. her CPA exam in 2006. For the past in 2005. He had worked much of the He met Lisa Davis on a blind 18 months, she’s been employed as a time he was in school and continued double date a girl with whom he tax accountant at Ebsco Industries. working at Lowe’s for a while, but worked setup. They had dinner at The Burnett’s (who are not began work in October 2006 as a Lloyd’s and went bowling and the related to Mrs. Ann Burnett, by the lineman for Alabama Power; a job he rest was history. Lisa was born in way) were blessed with their first really likes. Kentucky and raised in the Paducah child, Kaitlyn, in 2007. Kaitlyn loves to For her part, the former Christi area before moving to Sheffield, AL play with friends, reading books and is Sexton was born in North Georgia, . her senior year, when her father–a “pretty outgoing” according to mom. but largely grew up in Helena and PAUL & LISA ETHERIDGE Southern Baptist pastor named Burt KEITH & CRYSTAL BURNETT Their son, Colton was born in May JASON & CHRISTY KOONS Pelham, before graduating from Calera Davis–moved there. After high 2009. Both children attend Kingwood High School a year later than Jason, in AUGUST 2 - STATEMENT OF FAITH AUGUST 16 - MEMBERSHIP TRANSFER AUGUST 23 - PROFESSION OF FAITH & school, Lisa went to the University Christian Child Development Center 2006. She also worked a lot during of North Alabama, where she gradu- where Kaitlyn takes classes in both BAPTISM her school years and works now as a Community Baptist was really blessed Keith and Crystal Burnett’s request to ated with a Bachelor’s in Math and ballet and gymnastics. She is quite the teacher for 18-24-month old children August 2nd, when two preacher’s kids become part of our church family was Music in 1989. She began gradu- tumbler and loves them both. At the conclusion of our August 23, at DaySpring Childcare on Highway whose former church home is no a no-brainer when they came forward ate level studies at the University Keith loves to fish and has done 2009, morning worship, Jason and 17. She is also in her junior year as a more asked to join us. Immediately August 16, 2009. Their two beauti- of Montevallo, but worked also for a bit of competitive bass fishing. He Christi Koons came forward, sharing Social Work student at UAB. Paul Etheridge joined the Worship ful children were already well-inte- a surgeon’s office for a number of used to hunt, but circumstances have that they both have accepted Jesus as Jason and Christi are blessed Choir and Lisa agreed to take over grated into the nursery and toddler years and then began teaching pri- limited his ability to pursue that Savior and asking that they be allowed with a beautiful and lively 3-year-old the pianist duties for us and has programs, and the couple is eager to vate music lessons. She earned her interest much of late. When she’s to join our fellowship. Of course, daughter, Kaylee. Kaylee loves books already been a real blessing. become an active and vibrant part of Master’s from Montevallo in Music, able to eke out some personal time, everyone delighted in and approved and reading and she also likes to play Paul was born in Missouri but our church. Vocal Performance, in 1994. Her Crystal enjoys visiting with old friends their request. “dress up.” Jason and Christi really came to Alabama as an infant when Keith is a civil engineer who career focus has been in private or shopping. And the Burnett’s are The Koons’ live in Calera, though appreciate having time to spend with his father, Bob Etheridge–a bi-voca- has been working on the Corridor music teaching, both vocal and piano. Alabama fans, as one might imagine. they each started life far from here. Kaylee, each other and their families tional Independent Baptist pas- X Project that is creating the four- The Etheridge’s family includes Jason, for instance, was born in Maine who also live in the Calera area. tor–came south. After a period lane corridor from Birmingham to The family calls Alabaster home oldest son, Eddie, who is 21 and a near East Lake, the family moved to Memphis. Born in Las Vegas, but writer and poet of some accomplish- alabaster when Paul was in seventh raised in Guin, AL, he graduated from ment and a budding musician. They grade. His father’s Alabaster-area Marion County High School. He also have two daughters, Rachel and church ultimately became Westwood worked for Pepsi for a while and CBC MEN HOLD FIRST MEETING “STEAK-OUT” Reagan. Rachel is an 11-year-old Baptist. Paul graduated from Calvary entered the National Guard, serv- A total of 57 guys descended on Mike and Bobby Carter’s place July 31st for the CBC Men Steak-Out gathering. Three 6th grader at Thompson Sixth Grade Christian Academy in 1980 and ing 6 years in the 877th Engineering smokers were employed to cook the steaks, and the smoke filled the air while guys played horseshoes, shot some golf pitch Center. She’s a good student, very headed to Liberty University. He Battalion, and saw a year’s duty time shots, took a swing at the bell-ringer or just hung around and visited. Finally, the time came to put on the feed bag and social and enjoys reading and playing earned his bachelor’s in Business in Iraq. Back in the States, he mar- there was no delay in taking care of the great spread of food. After some brief comments by organizer, Tim Sims and others, basketball. Five-year-old Reagan likes Finance and has worked ever since ried Crystal and “got serious,” head- the splendid evening came to a close. to entertain herself, has a vivid imagi- in banking, finance company, mortgage ing into the University of Alabama’ CBC Men will continue meeting on a regular basis, on the first Tuesday of each month at the church at 7 pm unless nation, likes to color and draw, play Engineering school, earning his sheep- noticed otherwise. Thanks to the Carter’s for their great hospitality, as always. soccer and sing. skin in 2006. They broke bread in their Paul’s obsession is football and Crystal is a Fayette, AL, native homes and ate together with the couple are devoted University of and a PK. (Her father, who died glad and sincere hearts, prais- Kentucky fans (long story!). He also last year, was pastor of Crossville’s ing God and enjoying the favor is a long-time Christian rock music Liberty Brewill Baptist Church.) After of all the people. And the Lord fan. Lisa loves playing and singing, of graduating from Fayette County High course, but also enjoys reading, espe- added to their number daily School in 2001, she headed to the cially mysteries and romance novels. those who were being saved. University of Alabama and earned her Alabaster is where the Etheridge’s Acts 2:46-7 Bachelor’s degree in Accounting in call home. SEPTEMBER MEETING WILL BE AT 7 PM, TUESDAY. SEPT. 1ST AT THE CHURCH SEPTEMBER 2009 P a g e 1 0 SEPTEMBER 2009 P a g e 1 1 mrs. melissa calton, T H E children’s minister mrs. melissa’s SENIOR ADULTS B I R D S N E S T

FROM MRS. MELISSA . . . CBC EAGLES kidzkidz noteznotez Senior Adults...Look out, HERE I COME!!! The CBC Eagles flocked to the church on Saturday afternoon, I have been granted the absolute privilege to begin August 22nd. The group truly Fall Fever.... working with you this month! enjoyed a pot luck supper and Hold on to your hats: we are goin’ 4 a ride!! then a program that included Well summer is past and Fall is HERE!! We have so many things lined up for you and your kids... reflections from our past. We Now, we’re going to continue to enjoy our Eagles stuff were encouraged to consider our lives as if we were >FISHIN’ WITH KIDS Begins September 13th for kids Grades 1-5. The three fishin’ holes we’ll visit are: looking into a mirror: Do we see just a face that we monthly and we will be adding a few things as well. September 13th - Carter Pond have seen all our lives or do we see characteristics of September 20th - Lake Forest For instance, this month we are going to travel to our Lord reflecting back at us? We discussed the eyes September 27th - Barlow Pond We will be leaving the parking lot at 6 pm to travel to the pond. We will fish and have a Bible Lesson out on Gadsden, Alabama to the Mary G. Hardin Center for being the mirrors of the soul and how they reflect our feelings and attitudes without us even realizing it at the Pond as well. Please make sure your children have a pole with artificial bait on them. We will have extra Cultural Arts to experience Scripture UP CLOSE. “Ink bait but they need one to start with. We have a “Catch and Release” policy so you will not be havin’ fish 4 times. We then shared photos from our past and told and Blood” is the name of the exhibit we will enjoy supper. We will have the kids back in The King’s Palace as close to 7 as possible. Please wait for us there. why they were important to us. There were many seeing. This is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to see >FRIDAY NITE LIVE: PREPOSTEROUS PUMPKIN PARTY!!! SEPTEMBER 25TH photos and stories that were at times very funny and at PUMPKIN MADNESS will be goin’ on September 25th at 6pm....Nachos and Cheese will be your Supper. the Dead Sea Scrolls and exhibits spanning over 5,000 other times very sentimental. There were a lot of oohs This is a FAMILY night, please come join us with the ENTIRE family. We will be painting pumkins again this years of amazing artifacts. You can “check it out” on and ahs and bursts of laughter shared. The 19 Eagles year BUT you will need to bring Pumpkins for your family...(They can be real or not and can be any size) line at: www.culturalarts.org/inkand blood. who participated now have new memories they can (Just to let you know we will be painting some of them BLACK with Eyes and LEGS on them 2 form a SPI- DER... cool huh??) The trip to the Hardin Center will be on September reflect on. We will also be making pumpkin candles... You will also need to bring: Small glass ball jars or pickle jars or 14th, a Monday morning. We will leave the parking The Eagles will gather again on Saturday, Septem- mayo jars...etc.. We will provide the other craft supplies to create your candle. lot at 9 am. The admission is $6 each and we will stop ber 19th at 5:30. More details should be shared soon. >CHILDREN’S MINISTRY TEAM MEETING SEPTEMBER 3RD - for lunch on the way home. We have a sign in sheet We begin our work September 3rd at 7pm in my office. Please make every effort to be there for our first meeting together to begin our very important work. in Gary Authement’s Sunnday School classroom so CBC DOVES >FALL FUNFEST - OCTOBER 24 please sign up so we can get a count for the van. Can’t hardly wait for the Fall FunFest to arrive. This year’s gonna be better than ever! This year we want to ask ALL SS Classes to create your own Scarecrow!!! The CBC Doves met at the Encore Consignment Shop on Hwy 31 is opening in You will be judged on your OLD CROW and we will enjoy them out by the road. The community I’m sure will church the morning of August enjoy them during the week of FALL FESTIVAL... so get those creative juices going and beging working as a September ladies!!! We will take the van down to 18th. We continued our card “team” on your OLD CROW now....we can’t wait 2 C all your designs!!! check it out on Monday, September 21st at 10 am. writing efforts and made plans for our September meet- We are also in need of as many classes as can 2 sign up 2 sponsor a game! That means you will put it up, Come join us for fun and shopping! We will be back ing. We then enjoyed a light lunch with fun fellowship. decorate your area, provide candy for your game and man it during the Festival as well as take it down and help with clean up. before lunch, so come and check out this fun new In September we will meet at the church to break If your class is willing please let Melissa Calton 620-6022 know...first come gets the best games!!! shop! into groups and we will then participate in prayer drives and visitation. We will then meet back together and Servin’ The Shepherd, Senior Adult Choir begins Tuesday, September 8th at have lunch at a local restaurant. If you receive a call to Feedin’ His Lambs 10AM in “The King’s Palace”. You won’t want to miss ask if we can visit, then I hope you will honor us with the FUN and Fullfilment of Praising God together. a yes. The visits will be brief. We just want to say hello and let everyone we visit know that we care. If Come and See what the Lord WILL do WITH you! you know of anyone of our members or regular at- Hummers sit on the back so no one can ESCAPE me!! WE’RE GONE FISHIN’ tendees who you think a visit would benefit, please let See you Tuesday Morning...I’ll have the coffee on! Reba Hatcher or Ann Gamble know before September SEPT. 13 - CARTER’S POND 22nd, which is when we next shall meet. All adults are I am just so excited to begin enjoyin’ Jesus even more welcome to join the Doves as we continue inreach mis- SEPT. 20 - LAKE FOREST with you guys. sions. SEPT. 27 - BARLOW POND

Melissa 6-7 PM SEPTEMBER 2009 P a g e 1 2 SEPTEMBER 2009 P a g e 1 3

EDUCATION & DEVELOPMENT from Brother Matt Monk Education Minister BUDGET FOR COMING YEAR APPROVED Overall 18% increase is okayed Encouragement & Inventory

Despite the perilous financial seas through which we are all navigating these days, the church family has ac- cepted and approved a budget for the 2009-2010 church year that is approximately 18% greater than its pre- decessor. This step-out in faith is perhaps less based in hopes and aspirations and more in actuality, given By the time you read this article, school will have already been in full swing for almost a month. Growing the church’s continued growth in both membership and receipts in recent months, despite the surrounding up this was always one of my favorite times of the year, next to Christmas and start of football season (War economic difficulties. Tide, everybody!!). New school years meant new classes, new clothes, new school supplies, and many times The primary contributors to the budget increase include: new commitments to work harder to make good grades. This year was different as Mary and I for the first • A 25% increase in the area of Missions, due to increased contributions to the associational missions time (but not definitely the last) have been able to experience a new school year from a parents’ perspective. as well as providing funding for the new literacy missions we begin this month. This year our oldest son, Jesse, has started to school and we are home schooling him through Hope Christian • A 15% increase in the area of Ministries to address steady–and in some areas, explosive–growth in School. As I write this article, we have finished our first week of school and are ready to begin the next one. areas such as Children’s, Preschool, and Wednesday night dinner ministries. One day during this week, I was able to work with Jesse through his lessons. We practiced writing his • A 17% increase in Christian Development budget to adequately fund growth in education pro- name, reviewing capital letters and small letters, a little math, and during his Bible time we talked about grams and our women’s ministry as well as the rejuvenation of the men’s ministry and RA ministry. Joshua and the battle of Jericho, complete with building the wall that came tumbling down as well as reciting • A 26% increase has been made in the Staff Salaries budget to address salary/benefit upgrades for Joshua 1:9 that he learned in VBS. All in all, it was an awesome experience with the only distraction being staff including both salary increases and other benefits. Lilly busting into the kitchen excited that James Spann mentioned the name Dora (her favorite cartoon char- The coming year’s budget total is $374,636, compared with last year’s total of $308,491. It is worth acter) in his weather report. noting that the church’s receipts during the first 10 months of the current church year (through June) had As we enter this new school year I encourage you to do two things: totalled more than $334,000, which by projection makes our probably annual receipts total for the current 1. Encourage the teachers in your life: Take time to let your children’s teachers know that you year top $400,000. While a variety of circumstances and conditions may certainly impact our receipts in are praying for them and you thank them for teaching your kids. Offer words of encouragement to them. the year to come, the Stewardship Team felt reasonably confident that this budget could be accomplished Also, take time to encourage the educators in our church. We have many people in our church who have given the trends in giving we have experienced in the past year. At our August 12 business meeting, the devoted themselves to educating children of all ages by working at daycare centers, teaching elementary, church family concurred. middle, and high school kids and serving as college professors. We also have several families who are An enormous note of thanks must be extended to Jackie Mims, Matt Monk, Charlotte Nelson, Jeff Pace, involved in educating their kids at home and some that are completing their education in order to devote Brian Ramsey, Stephen Rylee and Church Treasurer, Mark Brady, for not only their work on this budget but themselves to teaching others. Even at church we have those who commit themselves to teaching people their routine monthly oversight and review of our financial and stewardship condition. They have served of all ages the Bible and volunteer to work in nursery, children’s church, Wacky Wednesday, RAs, GAs, our church and the Lord exceedingly well. and with our Youth activities so that all ages who come to our church have an opportunity to learn about our Savior. These people need the encouragement and support of us as a church. Please take time to encourage them today. 2. Inventory your own spiritual education: Paul told the Phillippians that his main goal was to know Christ and the power of His resurrection. God has given us three tools that educate us spiritually: $ His Word, the Bible (2 Timothy 3:16), the Holy Spirit (John 14:26), and the church (Acts 2:42). As you “NAME BADGE WEEKS” RETURN inventory your spiritual education, the first thing you should assess is how often you are spending time HERE’S THE DEAL: If you can demonstrate to Brother Bo’s satisfaction that you with God outside of church. Do you have a time set aside daily to get into God’s word, to allow Him to know everyone by name and everyone knows you by name, then and only then speak with you, and spend time talking with Him in prayer? You should secondly consider your involve- you are exempted. Otherwise, you are subject to the following directive begin- ment (or lack tereof) in a small group Bible study at church. As mentioned several times, we do small MAYLENE, ALABAMA ning September 6th and ending on Homecoming Sunday, October 11th: groups at Community through Sunday School and Discipleship Training. Each of these ministries allow B I G WEAR YOUR NAME BADGE!! people to gather together to study God’s Word, pray for and with one another, and to fellowship togeth- DOG That’s right, it is “Wear Your Name Badge Month-PLUS,” a 6-week period when er. This allows us to learn from one another how the truth from God’s Word can apply to everyday life. the Eleventh Commandment is invoked: Thou Shalt Wear Thy Name Badge. So, please take a moment to inventory your spiritual education and see if there is anything that needs to be addressed to better prepare you to serve God. MAYLENE, ALABAMA So pull that name badge out from whatever has it covered up and missing at the moment, and clip it on each Sunday morning, proudly proclaiming to one and Finally, please remember all the Sunday School and Discipleship Training teachers in your prayers. If all that you have a given name, and it’s not “Dufus,” and you’re delighted to let you would like more information on a Sunday School class for you and your family or what is being offered during Discipleship Training this fall–as well as later in the year–please let me know. B R OMAYLENE, T H ALABAMA E R BO everyone else know what it is. M R S . If you don’t have a name badge, or the dog ate it, or it has somehow oth- erwise gone AWOL, email or call Brother Dave and he’ll be somewhat happy to Serving Christ for His Beautiful Name M E L I S S A make you a new one. His email is: [email protected]. His phone is 733-9351. Matt Monk SEPTEMBER 2009 P a g e 1 4 SEPTEMBER 2009 P a g e 1 5 COMMUNITY WOMEN CONNECTING KIDS’ MUSICAL “GPS” IS A HIT!!

Decked out in their new “Woodstock” tie-dyed T-shirts and flashing smiles all around, our Children’s Choir captivated a large and responsive crowd August 2nd. The musical, GPS (God’s Plan of Salvation) had been postponed from its original May performance date as a medical caution. But the delay did little to curb the kids’ enthusiasm and the shone brightly when the music started. Each child had at least a small solo or speaking part, and several with larger parts really out-did themselves. Chloe Brown, as the drivers license exam- iner, and William O’Stean, as the driver, were particularly impressive, espe- cially given the large volume of dialogue each had to know. Donny Herndon and Cana Brown were delightful as the traffic cops who urged Andrew in song to “Slow Down.” Perhaps the most touching moment came when Seth Gatlin and little Rosie Davidson led the choir singing “I Don’t Want to Go,” a The CBC Women’s Ministry had their “Just Soaking Up THE SON” 2009-2010 kick-off tune which expresses our desire to be where God is and meeting on Saturday August 22nd. The ladies gathered at Annette Authement’s home not where He isn’t. Quite a few tearful eyes and warm for a morning brunch and devotional time and then enjoyed some relaxing fellowship smiles greeted that song, and a standing ovation heralded around the pool. With 47 ladies in attendance, an abundance of wonderful food, and the conclusion of the evening’s performance. a beautiful summer day, we got this church year started off right! Our own Rita Miller In truth, as wonderful as the performance was, even brought us a wonderful devotion about the God-given friendship between Ruth and more remarkable was the extent to which the musical her mother-in-law, Naomi, and then we spent some time building special relationships enabled the kids to broaden and deepen their understand- with each other as we work and serve together in our ladies ministry, Community ing of spiritual truths, from the Ten Commandments, to Women Connecting! making right choices, and making that ultimate eternal We were able to stop, just for a few moments to soak up the wonderful friends and fellowship He has blessed us right choice. with here at Community Baptist Church. As is the case whenever and wherever you gather 40-plus women, the day was Thanks once more to all the kids’ families, and to those certainly a buzz of conversation and laughter! If you missed the high impact activity of four circles of old and new friends who helped with Children’s Choir in any way this spring moving clockwise, counter clockwise, up, under, and over, to bells, whistles and one VERY annoying rooster spouting alarm and summer. clock, you missed a unique display of just “ soaking” it all up with old friends and new friends alike! After being inside with wonderful breakfast casseroles, fruit, muffins, cookies, punch and coffee, those who were interested moved outside to enjoy a little nature and some fun and sun around the pool. The day was special indeed, with beautiful weather, and–best of all–a beautiful display of what God will do when we gather together to honor Him and embrace together what He is doing and what He wants to do through our ladies ministry. Please make plans to join us next time! The Lord has given us so many wonderful ladies of all ages, a wonderful church that supports our efforts to grow together in the Lord, and wonderful memories and friends with whom to share them!


PHOTOS COURTESY OF MARION BARNETT TA-DA!! A new season of Children’s Choirs gets underway at 4:30 pm, Sunday, September 13. Kids from 3-5 years old will be in a pre-school choir led by Mrs. Lisa Etheridge. JUST “SOAK UP T H E S O N ” Kids in the 1st through 5th grade are welcome to join the Children’s Choir led by Bro. Dave. a g e SEPTEMBER 2009 P 1 6 SEPTEMBER 2009 P a g e 1 7 REACHING OUT WITH MISSIONS GO & TELL! HIS HEART INTO THE our “louisiana dog days” mission trip LITERACY MINISTRY BEGINS NEW CLASSES SEPTEMBER 10TH The group may have been smaller than we had ex- Monday pected. And, yes, it was as hot as . . .well . . .Louisiana through Friday Imagine for a moment that in order to provide the that displease Him and decide to ask for forgiveness in August. But our hardy missionaries worked with was devoted to best you can for your family, you must move far away and live for Him, you will one day live forever with to a strange, new country. Though you don’t know Him in Heaven. You’re very skeptical about all of this Mary Gore and the Toledo Bend Baptist Ministry in conducting a the language there you must find a way to survive. because it is very different from what you’ve heard Zwolle, LA, for a whole week, beginning August 1st, backyard Bible Then, one day you notice an advertisement for free about God, but you decide to continue to come to and lives were changed as a result, including our own. club in Pleasant classes to learn this new language. Better yet, they class because you need to learn the new language Many may remember Hill, LA, in an are also offering your children help with their home- and the classes are free. Ms. Gore from her unlikely area. When we canvassed on Sunday, we didn’t work! That’s a double blessing in and of itself, since it Over the weeks and through the classes, you re- visit with us last fall think many would come out, but throughout the week, would be impossible to take the class if the children alize that what the teachers have been teaching about during our On Mis- we shared Christ with about 13 children, 5 youth had while you went, and you don’t is true. You receive the joy and peace of salvation in sion Celebration. The and 3 adults. God brought the crowd from down the feel that you can adequately help them with their Christ. And as valuable as learning thelanguage is, you Toledo Bend Baptist street, around the corners: .places we didn’t even can- schoolwork since you don’t know realize that this new faith is far more Resor t Ministry she vas! the new language yet. You are so valuable than the new language. Not serves was estab- A couple of afternoons, we went to different excited, because here is an op- only were you and your spouse learn- lished in 1972 on the housing projects and gave out Coke floats and played portunity to gain the skills neces- ing about Jesus, but your children also sary to communicate at the store, during the tutoring time. Even though east side of Toledo with the children. This opened up an opportunity to at your children’s school, at work, you thought you were providing the Bend Lake in Sabine Parish. Five Baptist associations share the salvation bracelets at a couple of different and throughout the community. best for your family by moving to a in cooperation with the North American Mission sites outside our backyard Bible club location. You might even be able to find a new country, you realize that God Board and the Louisiana Baptist Convention, support Monday and Tuesday evening, we helped the TBBM better job that will support your had already provided the best for you Toledo Bend Baptist Resort Ministry. Current mission prepare for a huge family even more! and your family through His Son. outreach possibilities exist in 30+ parks, marinas, and Back to School Rally. As you and your family go to the first class, you Perhaps you can appreciate now how special and numerous low-income housing projects. Our labors The day our group are a bit nervous and don’t know quite what to promising our new Literacy Ministry is and will be. It with Ms. Mary were many and varied in the week we returned home, they expect. Friendly faces greet you at the door. Most of is an opportunity to help improve the loves of others shared. shared Christ as they them don’t speak your language, but they smile and in a unique andmeaningful way and to share the love Audrey Forrest, Todd Riddle, Jennifer Riddle, gave school supplies to excitedly welcome you and your family. After you of Jesus. When our classes begin on Thursday, Sep- Michael Riddle, Krissy Mitchell, Melissa Calton, and about 500 children in register, your children go with a couple of adults who tember 10th, we will need people participating who Rebekah Parr were the “Gideon’s army” who descend- the parrish! Wednesday read with them and help them with their homework. can share Christ through teaching English to adults, You and your spouse are tested in the new language helping children and youth with their homework, and ed on Toledo Bend from CBC. Several others had night, we planned a and put in a class based on your ability to understand volunteering to fix snacks and take attendence. Most wanted and planned to go but couldn’t for different Family Evening pro- and speak in that language. importantly, we need prayer warriors! The classes reasons. gram for a church. We took Melissa’s bell buzz game, The first class is challenging, but good. You know will be held each Thursday evening, from 7 to 9 pm. The evening and other games from VBS, and encouraged a church that it will take time and practice to learn this new Please prayerfully consider whether you might help the group arrived “deep in the bottoms of Sabine Parrish” as the pastor language, but you commit to try. Something is differ- in any of these ways. If so, please contact Rebekah a campground said. Actually, the Lord blessed us immensely more ent about this class. They not only teach this new lan- Parr (531-4920) or Miki Wilson (404-202-8289). concer t was through a young lady in the church who is partially guage, but also about a man that came from Heaven There will be training soon for those who wish to rained out and deaf and has Downs Syndrome. She sang “I can only to die on what they call a cross. They say that He join us! the group went imagine” and there wasn’t a dry eye in the church. rose from the dead, so that you might know God. back to the minis- All in all, the week proved to be an awesome This man, they call Jesus, is said to be God’s Son. Thanks! try site to orga- experience for every one of us and for many of those They say that if you admit to God that you do things Rebekah Parr nize for the week we met. We’re already committed to return again ahead. next summer, (although it will be the first full week of Sunday, we spoke at 2 churches. Todd shared his June rather than August!!). We encourage everyone to testimony and Rebekah shared the salvation bracelets prayerfully consider going! There are a wide variety of Now go! I will help you speak and I will teach you what to say. that morning. That evening Krissy sang and shared and projects that we could do depending on who we take! - Exodus 4:12 Audrey shared what the Lord was doing in her life. This is a unique and rewarding opportunity to Go and Tell! PHOTOS COURTESY OF RBEKAH PARR a g e SEPTEMBER 2009 P 1 8 SEPTEMBER 2009 P a g e 1 9

NEW YEAR LEADERSHIP SET Church Leadership (Continued)

After weeks of work and meetings, our Nominating Team presented at the August monthly business meeting a slate of proposed leaders for the upcoming church year, beginning in September. With the church’s progress, changes and growth MINISTRY & SERVICE TEAM MEMBERS over the past year and trying to project and anticipate the coming months’ further developments, the Team–Jackie Mims, BAPTISM & COUNTING FLOWER STEWARDSHIP Reba Hatcher Debra Short, and Chair Matt Monk–formulated a list of proposed education, ministry and service leaders and workers LORD’S SUPPER Jackie Scott, Sue Fraklin Jackie Mims (‘10) Ann Hocutt that really draws from every segment of the church family. Jason Carter Coordinator Ann Gamble Matt Monk (‘10) Ray Hocutt The Team’s hard work seemed to pay off as the proposed leadership list as presented was unanimously approved. Denise Hollen Jane Linam Jeff Pace (‘11) Denise Hollen Sharon Kilpatrick TEAM 1 (Odd Months): Charlotte Nelson Brian Ramsey (‘11) Howard Holsomback There do remain a couple of open positions that need filling: an alternatate teacher for the Open Door Sunday Lorene McCoy Jackie Scott, Leader Charlotte Nelson (‘12) Pamela Jones School class, and an additional teacher in the young children’s area. If you or someone you know may be interested or led Richard McCoy Mattie Childs MISSION FRIENDS Stephen Rylee (‘12) Dan Lacey to fill either of those positions, please contact Matt Monk. Gwyn Mims Rhonda Florida Natalin Brady Mark Brady, Treasurer Chuck Lawson Please be faithful to lift up in prayer the folks who have committed to this service in the coming year. And prayerfully Jackie Mims Sue Franklin Jack Lill ponder whether there is a ministry, a need, or a service that God is calling on you to meet as a part of your daily walk for Glenda Short Betty Beers, Substitute MISSIONS TRANSPORTATION Jane Linam Madison Bierman Jim Bell Jim Linam and toward Him. BENEVOLENCE TEAM 2 (Even onths): Caryn Brooks Jay Cofield Helen Schliep Charles Devore Glenda Short, Leader Susan Crotzer Chuck Lawson Miki Wilson Ann Gamble Ann Hocutt Rebekah Parr Lee Pate Jack Zuiderhoek Carla Lawson Ann Johnson Stephanie Ragland Viki Pate Church Leadership Charlotte Nelson Jack Lill Jennifer Riddle WORSHIP PRODUCTION Rebekah Parr Betty Harris, Sub MULTI-MEDIA Todd Riddle Jason Carter, Charlotte Nelson, Sub Jay Cofield Scott Summerlin Audio Chief 2009-2010 CHURCH YEAR BUILDING & GROUNDS Sherri Harris Michael Parr, (September 1, 2009 - August 31, 2010) Jason Carter Darion Bates Carla Lawson USHERS Video Chief Howard Holsomback Susan Crotzer Michael Parr Jim Bell David Calton, OFFICERS Dan Lacey Katrina Smitherman, Lee Pate Charles Devore Tech Consultant Todd Riddle Recorder John Florida Greg Barlow CLERK CO-TREASURERS ASSISTANT TREASURER EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE Tim Sims NOMINATING Josh Forrest Steve Bierman Teresa Sims Mark Brady Kenneth Beers Rebekah Parr DOVES Chuck Lawson Ray Hocutt Jay Cofield DIRECTORS CHILDREN Reba Hatcher Matt Monk Jim Kilpatrick Austin Harris Melissa Calton Ann Gamble Stephen Rylee Dan Lacey Kaye Hendon EDUCATION CBC MEN COMMUNITY WOMEN CONNECTING Marion Barnett Debra Short Chuck Lawson Chuck Lawson Matt Monk Tim Sims Debra Short Denise Hollen EAGLES Jack Lill Jonathan Lowery Dana Hollingsworth Reba Hatcher OUTREACH & Lee Pate Dutch Miller CHRISTIAN EDUCATION TEAM MEMBERS Gwyn Mims Gwen Hatcher VISITATION Tim Sims Ray Wilson Jackie Mims Madison Bierman Jack Zuiderhoek EDUCATION- COLLEGE & CAREER CHILDREN, K5 YOUTH PRE-SCHOOL Miki Wilson FELLOWSHIP Caryn Brooks SUNDAY SCHOOL: Rick Mitchell Terri McGaughy Greg Ragland & NURSERY Ray Wilson Robyn Bagley Duane Schliep WELCOME & Rebekah Parr (Rotation) Cheryl Cofield Dub Short GREETING SECRETARY CHILDREN, 3 & 4 YEARS CHILDREN COMMUNITY WOMEN Darion Bates Jim Kilpatrick, Chair Carla Lawson YOUTH, 6th-12th GRADE Sherri Harris (Children’s Choir) WEDNESDAY CONNECTING Bille Boothe PERSONNEL Robyn Bagley Stephanie Brown Chuck Lawson EVENINGS Annette Authement Gwen Hatcher Robyn Bagley Darion Bates ADULTS, 60+ Jonathan Lowery PRE-SCHOOL Cindy Bell Reba Hatcher Dan Lacey Cindy Bell ADULT BIBLE STUDY Gary Authement Diana Lowery TODDLERS, 18 MOS - 2 & NURSERY Jennie Carter Ann Hocutt Carla Lawson Jim Bell YEARS (Rotation) Bo Brown Duane Schliep, Sub Susie Fedewa Ray Hocutt CHILDREN, 5 GRADE Robyn Bagley Jackie Mims Madison Bierman Audrey Forrest Karen Holsomback ADULTS, 45-49 Ray Wilson Bryan Bagley SUNDAY EVENING YOUTH BIBLE STUDY Billie Boothe Reba Hatcher Miki Wilson WORSHIP HOUR Greg Ragland Pam Jones Charlotte Nelson PROMOTION Caryn Brooks Cindy Bell INFANTS <18 MOS Rita Miller Carla Lawson Bille Brantley CHILDREN, 3rd & 4th Marion Barnett GA’s, K5 - 5th MISSION FRIENDS Rebekah Parr Susan Crotser Charles Devore OPEN DOOR GRADE Brian Barnett Stephanie Brown Natalin Brady Tracy Pickett Jay Cofield John Florida Jerry Hendon Dana Hollingsworth Stephanie Ragland Jennifer Riddle Debra Short Sharon Kilpatrick Josh Forrest PRE-SCHOOL GREEN ROOM CHILDREN, 2nd GRADE EDUCATION- RA’s & NURSERY (Rotation) Jennifer Summerlin Bobbie Carter DISCIPLESHIP Greg Barlow • TO JACKIE MIMS, DEBRA SHORT, AND MATT MONK FOR DEDICATED WORK IN Lisa Sims TRAINING: Brian Barnett YOUNG MARRIED JoshForrest FORMULATING THIS COMING YEAR’S LEADERSHIP FOR OUR CHURCH. Jay Cofield CHILDREN, 1st GRADE ADULTS Brad Goggins • TO EVERYONE LISTED ABOVE WHO HAS COMMITTED TO SERVE OUR GOD AND Gwyn Mims Matt Monk 20-SOMETHINGS Jackie Mims Duane Schliep CHURCH FAMILY IN THE COMING YEAR. Matt Monk Conrad Brooks Thanks!!Thanks!! MAY GOD RICHLY BLESS ALL OF YOU. SEPTEMBER 2009 P a g e 2 0 SEPTEMBER 2009 P a g e 2 1

From the Pen & Heart of At the Gulf THE with ® M R S . A N N My Beloved Family TAKE AWAY HIS SHARPIE . . . BIG DOG BURNETT BARKS This trip was planned for me, after an off-hand remark I had made about loving the beach at Gulf Shores. . . . and he’d still find a way to make you think and challenge you. Years back, we used to vacation there almost every year and also loved the mountains. After that remark, my That’s just the way it is with Bro. Joe McKeever. by Brother Dave Miller, Music Minister granddaughter, Jennifer Ballou, called a few days later. She informed me that we were all going to meet at In his “retirement,” Dr. Joe hasn’t seemed to slow down a bit, the Gulf for a full week in August. They rented a three bedroom, three bath, 6th floor condo overlooking as he continues to write and draw and witness in the variety of ways that God has gifted him. the beach. We stand to be so blessed in October, when Bro. Joe expects to spend nearly a week with us. First, Kathy and I were full of joy, to be seeing our whole Dallas family there and the 5 year old twins, Ethan he’ll conduct a Deacons Training course at CBC, offered by the Shelby Baptist Association in partner- and Lexie Ballou. I was also unprepared for what a gorgeous young man my grandson, Jordan “J.T.” Rus- ship with CBC to Deacons and prospective Deacons across the area. Then he’ll be our featured speaker sell, had become. These three were so stunning in person. Most of our family is not very photogenic and I Homecoming Sunday, October 11th. Then he’ll continue in our Fall Revival the 12th thorough the 14th. could hardly get over how beautiful they were. I asked Lexie what made her so pretty and she said, “God We have grown to love and respect Bro. Joe in a multitude of ways, not the least of which is his im- did.” mense capacity and willingness to impart scriptural truth and wisdom in engaging and even provocative ways. One only needs to examine his compilation “57 Leadership Insights Learned the Hard Way” on his We ate out most of the time and the few meals we had in were cooked by Jennifer, although once Kathy web site (joemckeever.com) to appreciate who and what he is. Many of those insights have found their cooked 3 bean chili. They never allowed Kathy or me to pay for anything. We loved the beautiful 7 pas- way into our ministry here at CBC, thankfully. One that especially comes to mind in the present is his senger German-made van that Kirk had just bought Jen. She is very petite and the computerized accelera- admonition that “Your Brother Is Your Partner, Not Your Competitor.” As we have striven to help our tor and brakes were set to adjust to her height, and everything in it was push button. I would have needed nearby church families–whether by direct help or by prayer or other deed–we have managed to stay true lessons to drive it. It was awesome. to our quest to follow Christ, rather than pursue some unhealthy sibling competition. And it has been The twins were the delight of my life and we bonded like glue. Hey, I have a way with children! Ethan remarkable to observe the palpable concern and empathy in our own church family’s hearts for the diffi- said he was coming to live with me and we had to take turns on which one sat by me when we ate out. Lex- culties of our sister church families. ie was quietly crying once because it was Ethan’s turn. I let her sit on my lap over her mom’s protests. What That’s just one of a wealth of ministry lessons that Bro. Joe is equipped to share with us. a blessing to have the love of these children. Now, when my pilgrimage is over they will have the memory of I, for one, can hardly wait for his arrival and the delight of having him stand before us, and doodle their GG. caricatures of us, and cartoons for us. Why, sometime I might even share the cartoon he once did related Please look over this old woman, if she is proud, in the Lord, of her family. Jen and Kirk have done a to my ministry here. It was funny and insightful all at the same time. It helped me realize that he knew great job with these kids. Ethan and Lexie, helped me several times, laying hands on my prayer journal and a lot more than I did, and made me want to know of what he knew. pray for all the names and needs in there. These are sweet, well-mannered children and were a delight to be And I also realized that such is the mark of a remarkable Christ-following witness. So hurry up, Bro. Joe. We have a ream of card stock and an ample supply of Sharpies®. We’re ready around. Kirk, my grand-son-in-law, was the best dad to these children. He did everything for them right for you to come visit and sit a spell. along with Jen. I really got to know Kirk on this trip and he is the real deal on his Christianity. He has a sweet humble spirit about him. Kirk is now recognized as one of the top 5 techies in his area of expertise, internationally. Nokia says that he has made their top line of phone do more, than they even dreamed it Blessings, Bro. Dave could do. He never fails to give God the credit for sharing His wisdom with him. I have to say a few words about my fast-growing-up grandson. He is so sweet and is not a big talker, BE SURE TO JOIN US! except when he is on the phone with his little blonde blue-eyed sweetie. J.T. is always there helping in any way he is needed. He is 5’10’ with almost black hair and blue eyes and he has really added muscles. Hey! He is only 15 and has excellent SAT scores and grade point averages. We are so proud in the Lord of him. Now, if we can just keep praying that he will keep his feet on the right path. Adolescence has a unique learning curve. Lord willing, Kirk says he wants to do this each year. Kirk said it was the best vacation he ever had. If my journey is not over, maybe we will be able to meet again next year. In the meantime I will have the most wonderful memories over the winter to keep me warm. SUNDAY • OCTOBER 11 TH Love in Christ FEATURINGFEATURING Mrs. Ann DR.DR. JOEJOE McKEEVERMcKEEVER SEPTEMBER 2009 P a g e 2 2 Flower Team Proposes Modification of Family Memorial Policy The church’s Flower Committee recently reviewed our exisitng policy concerning the church’s providing memorial floral arrangements related to family deaths. With the church’s growth it seemed prudent to evaluate whether changes need to be considered. Other churches of similar size were found to often leave it up to individual Sunday School classes or small groups. However, given all relevant considertions the Flower Committee recommends that the the current policy be modified to the following: 1. Church Member Death - A floral arrangment or plant not exceeding $65 in cost will be sent to the funeral home. If circumstances prevent delivery over a weekend when many florists may be closed, delivery may be postponed and made to the family after the funeral has already occured. 2. Spouse or Near Family Member of Church Member - If a decedent is not a CBC member, but is a spouse, parent or child of a church member, a memorial gift in the value of $25 will be made by the church to Gideons International for the purchase of Holy Bibles. The Flower Committee–Ann Gamble, Charlotte Nelson, Jane Linam, Sue Franklin and Brandi Ford–will request the church to approve this proposed policy revision at the church’s monthly business meeting in September. Any comments or recommenda- tions may be shared with the Team before that September 16th meeting. SEPTEMBER B I RTHDAYS 2 • WILL AUTHEMENT 9 • GREG RAGLAND 15 • WILLIAM O’STEAN 24 • SMITTY SMITH 2 • MICHAEL PARR 10 • CELENA MCMANUS 16 • MICHAEL FRANKLIN 25 • DORIE BELCHER 3 • JANE HUTCHESON 11 • GINGER SMITH 17 • BRAD GOGGINS 26 • PAM JONES 4 • MADISON JENKINS 12 • ROBERT JOHNSON 17 • JO GREATHOUSE 26 • MICHAELA LAMBERT 5 • JACOB WHITSON 12 • ALVIN SIMS 17 • DANA STEPHENS 26 • SCOTT THRASHER 6 • WADE HARRIS 13 • PARKER GOGGINS 20 • MARTY BEEMAN 26 • PENNY TODHUNTER 6 • JIMMY JOHNSON 13 • KEITH HOWELL 20 • TIM STOREY 28 • GAVIN PALMER 6 • KRIS PALMER 13 • THERESA LOWERY 21 • ASHLEY FERGUSON 29 • ANN GAMBLE 6 • TERESA SIMS 14 • TINA GOGGINS 22 • MYRA LILL 29 • SUSAN WILFORD 9 • SCOTT CROWSON 14 • RANDY SPRINGER 23 • ABBY BROOKS 30 • SADIE HENRY 15 • JIM BELL 24 • EMILY RAMSEY