Opy of BO Much of the Said Plans, Sections, and Books
5046 «opy of BO much of the said plans, sections, and cham, Altringham, Hale, Halebarns, Ashley, Ring- books of reference as relates to each of the way, Ring way-within-Hale, Lindow, Northcliffe, parishes hereinbefore mentioned, from, in, through, Bollin-cum-Norcliff, Mobberley, Wilmslow, Ful- or into which the said railways, branch railway, shaw, Pownall F6e, Styal, Stanilands, Morley, ferry, and works will pass or be situate, will be Bollin Fee, Hough and Deanmw, all in the county deposited with the parish clerk of each such of Chester. parish.—Dated this fifth day of November 1845, And also to make and maintain a branch rail- Savery, Clark, and Co., Bristol, Solicitors. way, with all proper works and conveniences con- nected therewith and approaches thereto, diverging in an easterly direction from the said in- Lancashire, Cheshire, and Staffordshire Junction tended main line of railway firstly herein- Railway. before-mentioned, at a point in the township of Carington, in the parish of Bowdon, in the OTICE is hereby given, that application ia county of Chester, and terminating at and by a N intended to be made to Parliament in the junction with the Manchester and Birmingham ensuing session, for an Act or Acts to make and Railway, at a point in the township of Cheadle maintain a railway, with all proper works and Moseley, in the parish of Cheadle, in the county conveniences connected therewith, and approaches of Chester, there to communicate with the branch thereto, commencing by a junction with, or from railway from the said Manchester
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