Play ball Radio station Election preview a diffgfe Candidate profiles, platforms page^ set to'/spring' into action for April 7 school balloting: Complete roundup of action S&0gM In this week's in classrooms, clubs, more See page A-2i 3 : y$ .':•' "• .." •• See Sports, page B-i Weekend See page A-13 ^

VoL.99, No. iV Thursday, April 2, 1992 A Forbes Newspaper 50 cents CRANFORD• GARWOOD- KENILWORTH

Towns wary about Seven vie for four school seats

• . . •• • • ••••,•.••• • • • • .• .• " . .'•••.#••

By BRIAN FlORtZAK is most critical," Mr. Franklin said. "Input must be gotten froaf^taff, par- THE CHRONICLE •. . • • . ~ ents, and taxpayers. X thorough Telephone books - In five days, the suspense will end investigation must take place." can be recycled for the seveiv candidates vying for In .-'addition, Mr. Franklin believes response services four seats in Ihe,Cranford Board of If you have telephone books his experience as a high school Education election.' ''.'...-. mathematics teacher would benefit you'd like to recycle, bring them By CHERYL MOULTON HEHL JFive candidates are running for the board •••:•'• to the Conservation Center on : THE CHRONICLE ' ' . ..•" " .; ..- , . •••_ . ,:^ : ~~ three, three-year terms on . . : Birchwood Avenue from 9:30 "The difficulty with the board, while two others which the local board am.-3:30 p.m. today through ••' Sharing services may be the wave of the future, butit's not getting as are hoping to win election to deals with some educa- .Sunday, or Thursday-Sunday,;. much .as .a ripple of/support from area municipalities.'/ ••-• : a one-year unexpired term. tional Issues makes me Arjnl9-12. Trie event is being" ' Cranford's Public Safety Director Robert Guertiry said this week that | know'that my vast expe- sponsored by the Union County Newcomers Bodhari Luk- all municipal officials are pressed to maintain essential services, such as rience and education Utilities Authority. ' . • the state-mandated 911 emergency calling system, but an alternative lies aschewsky, Richard Sails, Thomas Franklin and Chris- could lend a great deai in sharing services. : tine Bany along with Incum- to the board," he said. Communities.such as Kerulworth, he said, can maintain service levels • Mr, LJukaschewsky Jaycees to serve without increasing costs or initiating new: services, which previously bent Robert Slntlch, are bat- pancakes April 12 were too costly. The township of Cranford recently installed a com- tling for the three-year terms. agreed the selection of a new super- The 'two hopefuls competing for The Cranford Jaycees are munications dispatch center, which will accommodate police, fire, emer- intendent was crucial for the.district. 1 the one-year term are incumbent Dee He also warned that a budget defeat sponsoring a pancake breakfast gency medical, emergency management and 911 dispatching by three Sugalski and newcomer Wayne Or: next week would be damaging to the from 8 a.m.-1 p.m: Sunday, April operators. Public Safety, Answering Points (PSAP) and Public Safety shak. The one-year vterm became .system.*-• > • . • 12, at the Cranford VFW Hall on Dispatching Points

- - • • \ "April 2,1992 News A-3C A-2 News '"April 2, 1992 School Seven vieloFftnir sealsln Tuesday's election (Continued from page A-l) tne budget issues, will make this one of the "We must work hard to keep the programs School Board Election Preview Election Preview citizens involved in the process of education," most important years in board history," Mr. we have," Ms. Sugalski said. "Students often Mr. Orshak safd. "I feel that my professional Sintich said. "I hope part of the jfriportant don't realize their hidden talents until they've experience, as well as my community knowl- decision-making process." been touched by a course. Cranford edge and community involvement areall num- Cranford Mr. Sails, meanwhile, also wants to be part of "We have a fine school system and I'd like to ber one factors compelling me to run." the board's decision-making process. see it stay that way. The variety; of program A 13-year resident of Cranford Mr. Orshak is v "The realization that I offer skills arid per- offerings exceed most schools in the area." a coach in the Cranford Baseball League and a spectives that can add a balanced approach to former coach in the Cranford, Soccer Club In board decisions makes me want to run for the Ms. Barr moved to Cranford from Ohio three addition, he is a member of the Walnut Avenue board," Mr. Sails said. "As a business financial years ago, and has since become involved in a and Livingston Avenue schools Parents Teach- professional, I have.much experience in bud- number of township projects as evidenced by er Association. geting and planning. . her participation with the Orange Avenue PTA. Mr. Sintich also has Jived in Cranford for 13 As a school board member and a long-time "I believe in placing the child's needs first," years. Mr. Sintich agrees that, choosing an ef- Cranibrd resident (36 years in the township), Ms. Barr said. ."'VVe need to support those needs fective superintendent will be one of tho most Ms. jSugalski has seen numerous changes in. by having the best staff, programs, and facili- important tasks facing the board this. year. the school district. Maintaining Cranford's rep- ties.that this school district can afford. We ha\?e "Decisions concerning the choice of superin- utatiorTas an above-average school district is a quality school system that has the talent to tendent, along with contract negotiations, and among her top priorities. .*•••''.' • • improve with the changes from within." wary about sharing School tax hike is $156 (Continued from page A-l) ford dispatches for Winfield from (Continued from page A-l) • board could not unanimously takes in sharing of services. il p.m.-7 a.m. for $400 per month, shows a 44 percent increase in the agree on the budget, each member According to Chief David, the in- but this does not include 911 yet current expense and an 8.25 in- supported this year's document In a interview Tuesday, Mr. crease in the. tax levy. The reason 1 CHRISTINE BARR stallation of 911 does not have to "This is the first time in many RICHARD SALLS DEE SOGALSKI BOHDAN LUKASCHEWSKV THOMAS FRANKLIN . ROBERT A. SINTICH WAYNE ORSHAK be a costly venture. He anticipates, Guertin said the cost of taking on the tax levy is greater is due to a years the board has unanimously The issues ADDRESS: 113 Forest Ave, The issues ADDRESS: 10 Oneida Place ADDRESS: 36 RoselleAve. ADDRESS: 17 Mendell Ave. ADDRESS: 56 Elizabeth Ave. ADDRESS: 15 MacArthur Ave. ADDRESS:. 166 Mohawk Drive alter several meetings with tiie Kenilworth's 911 dispatching could number ofreasons, including the supported the budget and it is the cost as much as $30,000 per year. fact the district lost $243,000 in : telephone company, 911 will cost first time in many years I've sup- i'- . ••••••.•• • the borough approximately This would include hiring another state aid and the. elimination, of ported the budget," Mr. Van Horn Feels that parents and teachers .are $11,000. Cranford costs for 911 ex- dispatcher ($20,000) and sharing^ in $400,000 from the board's surplus said. "In the past I didn't feel the funds to offset the tax increase. Believes - that parents and Says continued cooperation Believes that if the board op-, How can school board members responsible for motivating students. ceeded $50,000, Cranford's finance the maintenance of.the 911 equip- board, cjid all it could do to keep Well-trained, fairly compen- • Teachers, along with parental .* .Encourages additional in«i Believes board members must be. ment . ' . . . • ; teachers,, especially In a child's between parents and teachers a cooperative manner motivate students to learn? director Tom Grady said Tuesday. Residents will be voting on the budget increases to a minimum. sated instructors can motivate siip*port, help aid the process, service training for teachers In available to spread this message He said Kenilworth must evalu- formative years, are most influ- is. key In. this. area. Believes it will benefit students. Feels Mr. Guertin, however, maintains amount of money to be raised by "This year, I am without a doubt How can school board mem- students to become enthusias- . according to .. Ms. •• Sugalski.; regards to.developing ways to throughout the community. ' ate sharing of services to deter- taxes to support the budget They 1 ential in .getting a student to-', that teachers and parents, must the cost of implementing 9li will absolutely confident this board has bers motivate .students, to '.tie .. learner,s. Board members Says board must support pro- motivate students.. Feels teach- school board- members have mine if it is practical, beneficial, will not be voting on the other grams which will benefit: stu- ers have the best opportunity learn. 'Placing students in lead- '•, the ability to create a positive •• combine forces In this, erv be far more costly, to the borough done all it.can do. Accordingly, learn? have input on the matter by '. but he does hot "want to forceKe- and cost saving, prior to making monies' that come from state or any-further reduction in this bud- • formulating well-rounded cur- dents. "..' • • - . : • to. motivate'.students to learn, • ,'. ership roles also /benefit the— .-atmosphere - for students to.— deavor. • •-....-•."-•-•: -•- :—-..„. any decision. • .. . other bond referendum^. process. . , .'..'!» learn In, •. ' .. , '.' How will you vote on the proposed Intends to vote in favor of the bud- riilworth into sharing of services. I get will have an adverse' effect on riculum. • .. • • Chief David posed several ques- "There^s no question the b6ard the quality of education in Cran- school budget w • proposed a suggestion, and if it is get S :'"•• beneficial to both then so be it" tions to council which he said has determined that a defeat/of ford. If the budget is defeated, we need to be ariswered before shar- Will support the school bud- As one of the board members Will vote in favor of the bud- this budget would have an adverse would have to cut into the bone Will vote yes on the budget, Will support the budget. Says he will vote for the bud- Chief David, on the other hand, ing services with Cranford. Among effect on the quality of education and cut back on important cduca- •• believing if the budget is de- Says approval of the budget is. get "out of habit." Feels a bud- get. Says a budget defeat who helped shape the budget, get. Believes the budget is cru- said Cranford has "extended them: How will shared 911 ser- in Cranford," Mr. Van Horn said. tiohal.\progranis and services. The would have far-reaching educa-. cial to maintaining the district's . Feels that his professional experi- themselves" by spending more How will you vote on the feated, students in the district r a ,vsound investment with a. get defeat would cause more he will support it on April .7. vices improve deployment of po- "This year, more than any other in . board cannot do that and maintain ence as a United States Postal Service than $644,000 on a new com- posed school budget? will be harmed. great return. . \ ' upheaval' than the 1991-92 tional consequences in the dis- current operation level. . . . lice • officers and police services? the board's history, the board has the quality of education in Cran- ! What compels you to run tor the Postmaster would prove beneficial. Be- munications center (which in- budget which voters . turned trict. ; ' • '" '"'. How will it affect 24-hour opera- come up with creative solutions to ford. That is why this year it is school board lieves his community knowledge and cludes the 911 system) and they down. •• . . ••.••• tion of police headquarters? How our financial problems. The board critical that taxpayers support our involvement would be to the district's are "looking^ for someone to help will police records interface with had done all it could do to lessen budget and come out to the polls advantage. pay for it" computer dispatch and who will the burden on our taxpayers. and vote." . -+ • Believes that, the school sys- Wants to provide stability, for As a long-time high school One of the main objectives be- Claims that schools in the Cranford has approached Gar- assume the cost? What control will "In prior years it may have been Feels he offers skills and wood about sharing services but In a recent speech before the tem in Cranford is • a quality children, parents and staff teacher; Mr. Franklin feels his hind his .decision to seek a district can .continue to irrv Kenilworth have over dispatchers possible to find additional monies Township Committee, Mr. Van perspectives' to the board was turned down. Currently Cran- when it concerns Kenilworth? which can add to a balanced one, and as an incumbent, members: in the district. Feels experience could help the board se^Jfls the district prove,' providing that the board The selection of a new superinten- to take out of the budget by virtue Horn told the governing body that What compels you to run for approach .toward decision- wants to continue making deci- his professional experience in board deal with pressing edu- select' a" new superintendent provides proper direction.. What Is the' most Important Issue dent of schools Is the Issue most vital of the fact the board hadn't done salaries and benefits have in- the school board? making. Hopes to use his sions which impact on district business administration, teach-, cational issues. who will benefit the district. Wants to represent children in facing the district? to the district, Mr, Orshak. Our policy on corrections all it could do to lessen the burden creased in the district by a total of on the taxpayers, but that simply $1,038,397 in the proposed budget, background In budgeting and students. ing and engineering qualifies district schools. Says the new superintendent will set The Chronicle will promptly correct errors of fact, context or presenta- planning for the. betterment of him to accomplish this task. the tone for the school board in years, isn't the case this year." while all other operating expenses to come. tion and clarify any news content that confuses or misleads readers. Unlike past years, when the have decreased by $275,000. students in the township. Please report errors to editor Stuart Awbrey by phone, 276-6000, or by mail, through the slot at the office at 102 Walnut Ave. All corrections and clarifications will appear in this space as a convenience and courtesy to Mentioned the selection pro- Believes, the choice of a new Feels the process of choosing Choosing, a new~5apennteh- " The_seJsctiqn • process behind., Hopes tQ^ea the board;. ad- our readers. Support group for moms-at-home to meet cess In i determining the new superintendent is an important a new superintendent is crucial dent wfio will benefit the district... choosing'a new superitei'denT": ministration anti" teaching staff'" Evaluation begins at CHS FEMALE (Formerly Employed their parenting and child care ex- 1 : • A byline toas inadvertently omitted from the story by Aylssa Wright, What Is the most Important superintendent of schools.. Be- one, but. feels that if the pro- in the district. ' . • . Is paramount for the educa- of schobls is the most impor- unify to form a partnership an 8th grade student at Hillside Avenue School, on the relationship of art Mothers at the Leading Edge), a periences. Call 862-7358 or 272- (Continued from page A-l) "Our last accreditation came in national support network for moth- 3574. issue facing the district lieves) th 3 passage of the pro- posed budget is passed, there tional process in Cranford. Be- tant decision the board has which would benefit all in- A charter member of the Middle andmath. lieves input is needed from had to make in years, Mr. Sin- volved. ' 1982," Mr; Seyfarth said. "Back posed budget is important to Will be. no great -issues facing . States Association, Cranford has ers-at-home, will meet at 7:30 p.m.;' Spring ahead Saturday' then they noted that we had a • A typesetting error dropped txw xoords from a sentence in the story Wednesday, April 15, at the West- ensuring the quality of educa- the district at this time. : teachers,, parents and taxpay- tich says. '"•.-•. received full accreditation every about the hockey team approval in the March. 19 edition. It should liave ers before making a selection. broad curriculum which addressed field YMCA, 220 Clark St. Daylight Savings Time returns at tion for Cranford students. : decade since 1926. Schools, Xare the needs of almost anyone Jivho read that all players who are selected for the team unit be guaranteed, ice evaluated every 10 years. The meeting will feature a panel 2 a.m. Sunday, Aril 5. Move clocks came through the door. They time regardless oftlieir ability to pay. of at-home fathers who will discuss forward one hour before retiring In preparation for; the associa- talked about the strong athletic • Matthew Brady (not Brodyj scored extraordinarily ioell in the state Saturday night. tion's visit CranfomT High Princi- spelling bee. >-• i> !')>,!. LV, i1 program and they ialked about our pal Robert Seyfarth has met with newer facilities such as the Mar- the student body to alert them to tin Gym. They also cited our up-to- Uje evaluation process. . date text books. KEEP IN TOUCH Lockers in need of paint have Pressure Treated Lumber been spruced up. Literature has Your news is important to us. Drop off your pressi releases, been prepared to make the task at photographs, letters to the editor, engagements, weddings, hand easier for the Middle States sports news, etc. at our convenient new drop box in the evaluation committee. Patricia Krayowski Scotch Plains Library, 1927 Bart/e Ave. BUILDERS'GENERAL Findings of the evaluation com- Oak Knoll A messenger will empty the bpx every week day at 9:30 a.m. mittee will be released to the dis- The deadline for submitting news for that week's publication SUPPLY COMPANY trict later this year. Incumbent is Monday 9:30 a.m. for any of the Forbes.Newspapers in Union The evaluation committee will invites you to County, including the Scotch Plains-Fanwood Press, Cranford DECKSALE! observe every teacher in a class- Chronicle and Westfield Record. Lever 4 room setting at least twice. Open House We're looking forward to hearing from you! Kenilworth Mike DiFabio Deep in debt? TREATED LUMBER Sunday, April 5, at 2 p.m. School Board

We are stocked up and ready to help; on his appointment as Marriage breaking up? •• ' - (.' ) you plan your new deck! We feature Lower School, boys and girls from kindergarten to #1 and #2 grade'Southem Yellow Sales Manager IF YOU DON'T NEED A LAWYER grade 6 in Bonaventura l^all, Ashland Road. "Balancing the budget, but NO LAW MAKES YOU HIRE ONE Pine, .40 CCA pressure treated lor never losing sight of the for Upper School, for girls in grades 7-12, in Connelly long lasting outdoor use.. Our Legal Self-Help* service best education we can offer Hall, Blackburn Road. Limited Lifetime Guarantee! REEL STRONG FUEL CO. • PREPARES ALL THE FORMS our children." Oak Knoll admits student* of any race, creed, color or national origin. LOW SPINDLE • ." ! ' ' • • GETS YOU THRU THE PROCESS This ad paid for by PRICES! Mike, formerly service manager of with NO lawyer's feel R.P.A., N. 12th St., Kenilworth. Rankin Fuel Co., has 15 years BANKRUPTCY SEPARATION DIVORCE Oak Knoll experience in the oil heating & air School of Treated Colonial W (908) 494-2232 the Holy Child conditioning field. 280 Amboy Ave., Maluchan, NJ 44 Blackburn Road Spindles Summit. New Jersey 0?90i ENDORSED BY THE CRANFORD CHRONICLE A s«/v/c« d«s/gn«d to kaup IblnQ* tlmpl* 9084 522-8109 6"X6"X8 He has worked as a service ELECT Garden Ties technician with Reel Strong for 2V2 # 2 SYP, .40 CCA years and is married to the forrYier RICHARD J. SALLS Hours: Delivery And Pressure Treated O^Sale Michele Verdi. They have an Friday 12-9 Layaway Limited Lifetime Guarantee! Ttiura. Saturday 10-9 Available CRANFORD BOARD OF EDUCATION . 30,1992 8-year-old daughter, Nicole, and a Sunday 10-7 Wo have tho largest soloclion "A Balanced Approach To Board Responsibilities" 2"x2".4O CCA #1 SYP Spindles ot treated wood in the .irt'.i' 3-year-old son, Danny. Mike has U.S. #1 Flea Market Route 1 (South) New Brunswick, N.J. " ited at the rear o> market pear produce) $152 Straight or EDEE ESTIMATES experience with all types of heating, VOTE APRIL 7, 1992 81 | ea Bevel Cut rnSZE DELIVERY and air conditioning equipment. PULL LEVER #2 SIZE Grade 81 10' 12' 14' 16' 18' 20' 22' 24' 2X4 #1 2.81 3.40 4.12 4.76 5.76 7.02 7.80 - • - Independent Candidate 2X6 #1 - 5.60 6.48 7.42 8.64 9.63 10.70 20.68 22.56 If you have any questions or problems with your present • Nine Year Cranford Resident _ 5.09 6.19 6.91 9.10 - _ _ - 5/4X6 #1 equipment, give Mike a call today at 276-0900. Parent of Two Children, 4X4 6.67 8.00 ------•• #1 Ages 5 and 2 #2 2.74 3.23 3.92 4.^8 •" 5.71 6.42 7.13 -. - 2X4 Fourteen Year Business Financial 2X6 #2 . 4.12 4.70 6.06 6.93 8.16 8.82 10.00 15.18 18.72 Let Mike take care of all your heating and air conditioning and Management Background .6.60 8.24 8.77 10.77 - 12.48 14.14 21.70 23.68 •2X8 #2 5.55 problems. Perspective and Skills to Improve 9.34 15.75 17.34 19.80 22.00 - - 2X10 #2 7.26 12.30 Education Excellence Along With 25.20 28.60 - - 2X12 #2 10.48 •11.40 15.24 15.82 20.96 Financial and Policy Responsibility 4X4 #2 4.85 7.00 8.08 8.21 10.13 12.96 14.94 - Community Volunteer Working to - 5/4X6 #2 - 4.50 5.40 5.51 7.50 11.03 12.25 - Enhance Cranford's Quality of Life MBA-Flnahce, Seton Hall University '85, REEL-STRONG FUEL B.S. Business Administration, Kean College of New Jersey 78 BUILDERS" GENERAL 549 LEXINGTON AVE. • CRANFORD • 276-0900 ^Tb^rZ^e (0 Elect Sails, Nans~ls, Treasurer, 10 Onelda Place, Cranford, Now Jersey 07016 SUPPLY COMPANY Also Featuring American Made Chairs, China Hutches, Curios, Roll-top Desks, Entertainment Centers, Bookcases, Bedroom Furniture, and Occasional Pieces Chronicle- -The Chronicle—^r—)- o •' f'"

A-4 . April 2, 1992 April 2, Commentary A-5 i seeks end to chaos Sinticlf supports budget ToTheChronicJc: creativity and enthusiasm on the , On April 7, the citizens of Ken- . part of the Board of EducatLonf^l- Letters To The Chronicle: discussion.'TSo often in these eco- ilworth .will be.: asked, to express' ministration,'.,faculty ancPshnif as During the next 12 to 18 months, nomic times it is common to look their support for various candi- well . as members of Jhe com- the ,Cranford Board of Education to other shores for answers, when dates in order to fill three seats on munity. . " .•••••'• , will have an opportunity to discuss . commonalities can be found. This the Harding School Board of Edu- The state of the economy as well • issues and subsequently make im; is certainly true,in education where cation. The opportunity to deter- ^ the state of:chaos that the De- Franklin seeks people's votes portant decisions which will truly just recently a study issued found Focus on new superiitterident .;"^es'-.-:Q&^Crariford budget mine the future of education as we partment of Education is currently To The Chronicle: which are. furthest from the chil- affect the educational climate of the U.S. student not as competitive ;/'. know it in Kenilworth must trot be operating under is having a dra- "Each day when I go to my class- dren in the unfortunate event that Cranford into' the 21st, century. as his/her counterpart in some To The Chronicle:" try in its future employees could To The Chronicle- wards with our children's educa- taken lightly. . .' . k matic effect on our children's fu- room in South Plainfield High a budget must be cut? These decisions .will include, but other capitalist countries. Although There, are a number of issues in do a great deal for balancing- a bud- If is critical-tS pass the budget in tion, in this fast-paced society. The School, I teach my students that certainly not beKlimited to the fol- voter has the power to make sure If yqu are a concerned parent, ture. ; ; • It is no secret that I belong to economic expenditures are not the education that are of concern or get, . .- , .•.. • .-.;: , ..• order to maintain programs cur- knowledge is good; knowledge, is the NJEA (one of over 100,000 lowing: . " .••..":.' only influence in educational ex- should be of concern to the citizens Curriculum is, without a doubt, rently available to our children. that our children are hot short- and7pr taxpayer, you have an obli- Before I ask you to exercise what ;. gation to let your voice be heard. I consider to be your duty as apower; honesty and forthrighthess members), nor is it a secret that A. The choice; of;^n acting superin- cellence, it certainly plays a signifi- of Cranford, One of the paramount the' heart of the school system. Our "tfes" vote for the budget will changed by drastic reductions. We is the only way. Participate actively ' hope that you wiii join us in sup- As a concerned parent, taxpayer, citizen of the borough, I urge you my wife is a Cranford teacher (one tendent of s.choolsj • cant role. The Japanese, for ex- concerns Of mine is who will be Careful planning and execution of make \ the difference in insuring to make your profession better. of over 300 CEA. members). It: is B. The review of1'a three-person ample spend 12 percent of their instructional programs at all levels that no further cuts will be made porting the budget. Let's get out to and former board rftember (1988- to please take a moment to con- chosen to lead the Cranford Public ; 1991), I ami seeking reflection to sider the impact that quality Join professional orgaizatioris to also a fact that, if elected, I would versus foUr-persbit; administration GNP on the education of their citi- Schools after Dr. Paul has retired as well as efficient .and knowledge- in personnel, programs and equip- vote/for. the candidates of our. stay up on the latest trends to help chelce and show that Cranford the Board of Education'because I schools have on our children and be only one of nine board mem- to run the_cenbal office; zens as compared to the U.S. from his duties. The. chosen person able K-12 coordination are of para- ment. .••'• ... you do a better job. Develop a good bers and not capable of engineer- C. The choice,.pf a,superintendent; which spends only 5 percent. This mount importance. It \ should be cares about the quality of educa- believe that there is a great deal of our community, then vote on April will set the tone in the district per- The budget this year has been ., - work tp be done- in order to con- 7. Vote "Yes", for the Harding work ethic. Set goals for yourself ing any sweetheart deals for any- D. The negotiation of fair, (to both may be one fact which can be cited noted, however, that the elective tion our children are accustomed ; and strive toward them. T would haps for many years to come and, tailored until only the necessities to and deserve. •"•<,<•' ' tinue to impiiQve thfe quality of ed- School budget, Vote "Yes" for the one. In the district iri which I work the administrators, staff, teachers as a cause for what some may see consequently,. • the^ .search ,, and angVco-curriculaf programs should are remaining. "The Board of Edu- nottell my students to do anything there have been a number of board as a Japanese educational advan- 1 We need your "Yes" vote on ucation our children currently re- regional school budget. Vote for and taxpayers) contract settle- ':i$$pfee' allowed to be lost in the that I would not ck> or have not tage.-. ••'. .•' ". • ..'•;.•-.• '• '• • screening probe^es should be cation has passed this, year's bud- Tuesday, April 7, from 2-9 p.m. „ ceive. Although my bid for re-the candidates \yho you believe will members either with spouses or ments with both the Cranfqrd ad- ^aken very seriously, I will not be academic shuffle. A well-rounded aone myself. I know it is, some- get by a unanimous vote of 9-0. We •' ' • • . ••., ANN BEAMS ., election last year resulted in a dis- serve in the best interest of the. relatives oh staff or who were out- ministrators and supervisors . The Cranford taxpayer will con- satisfied with' a resume and a well-"' curriculum meets the needs in do not want to take a step back-. appointing loss, I am not discoim- children in this community. But times' difficult to drill the ethics of-district *eductors•) arid ,it hasgroups (CASA) as well as the Cran- . many/fields of interest. ' . ."."•'." '; , ,•-.• PTC President tinue to spend more over the next staged •'thterview. There are too aged. most of all, "Vote with your head home to children, but I never never prevented them from doing ford Education Association (CEA); . several years on education. Yet, we many other factors involved such As a faculty member at another. and not with your heart." thought that educated adults (jour- the best job they were elected to do E. The recommendation of both V I have been a resident, in Ken- must be ready as a town, state and as management style, philosophy . community high school and as a „.„, As a concerned leader in edti- nalists^ would have a problem with and that is serve the best interests , the Fleischer Report as well as the nation to invest in the future of our Uworth since 1985 and have" two it. • • •• • .''•.' : • on curriculum, relations with sub^" .parent, I take a dim.view tCSOard Sails promises communications ',"• "dation and a friend to you fbr the of the town's children. In fact, School Budget Advisory Commit- land — the children of it. I hope weapons-toting youths and/or those . sons who currently attend the HaP ; 1 some.... were outstanding board ; ordinates, superiors, school boards, To The Chronicle: '.of'th'fe community. I'll continue the past severe years, Ithank you for As a 28-year educator, I know ' tee must be addressed; . that the citizens of bur town will ' and the community. : with a record of violence in the . . ding School.. I have been employed listening; Bid I thank you for your more about the operations of a members and recognized as such support this year's budget as I am schools. Schools should be re- The concerns that I hear as a approach evidenced during "my F. The budget for 1993-94. in public arid private education fbr support. Should ^ou have any public school because of the simple by the community. There is no rea- The close balance between the choosing to do in the election on The funding for the operation of garded as safe place?, for children board candidate indicate a need for campaign -r "getting put there," . the past 18 years, and have worn . questions or requireany additional fact that i have chosen to. devote son to believe that the situation April 7- - • .••••. . ' • the school system is always a criti- -and-youths to be and I would not balance 4-j-preparing our children being available to hear your con-: maintenance of educational quality many hats, from "classroom teach- . information, please contact me atmy life to the cause of public edu- would not work well in Cranford. versus the cost to the. taxpayers cal issue. It seems that there is a hesitate to act to maintain a safe with skills and character while pro- cerns. That's the best part of. the er to central office administrator." I DR. ROBERT A. SINTICH job — being involved. Rotating your convenience. I'll be happy to cation. Other candidates have their The state legislature does.not see it will be an item pervasive in each Board member and candidate perpetual quandary. over which school environment for staff and viding responsible policy and fi- subscribe wholeheartedly in the as a conflict or any awkward politi-... items and/or programs will get the nancial- stewardship. I will serve board, meetings, holding neighbor- make myself available for discus- talents ^and qualifications to bring •students alike. • • ' belief that school,improvement js'a^ sion purposes. Looking forward to to the board, and I have mine. A cal situation. That is why my can- axe to: get the budget to the state ' I ask the' citizens of Crahfo'rd to with that balance. As a parent, I hood forums, enhancing relations With the \Township Committee are . process,-not an event. The desire to :y.our actiYe.ftarticipation on April 7, Board of Education should be com- didacy is not only, legal, but an ex- imposed cap. I believe that the give me the opportunity to use my am empowered to ensure tlie dis- .. excel must come from' within,, Ex- "ercise of my right to be politically; Gall forPolidor e write-in quality of the education program all *way§ I iee.\_ I "In. past years, :I would see news- More letters on page • " u!Nt>A.TVlcMENAMl>l' A heliport or two in the neighborhood migrit'be^good for though it is important to have a sial at bast. As a community' we Education vital to Values • port this budget on April 1. With all David Brearley PTA president functqry than perceptive. You say paper endorsements and trust that : business executives at the Schering-Plough Corp. will not sup^rrnteTSaenf "who "poss^sses"^ 'tn'e'se' '•" Change's ' less '..':.•. . .••ViTi•.'•..,.'-'.' . '.:. ••' . '..•...:•:... pre"^t^e]'crede'h'tial£( It wiU oe'robre^tMt'g^^ ouTrselv^s To The Chronicle: our schools don't become dilapi- these three are "bdSt equipped "to • the editors know from whence they* be welcome to our already noise-laden envjronrnent. The com- • . The best single measure of thedated and the equipment in them handle the challenges that lie speak because, after all, they do pany proposes to park a helicopter pad at the firm's siteipn importSht to see how effectively from a reactionary position and that individual utilizes his/her take the charge necessary to re- desirability of a town is the quality obsolete. A proper learning, envi- ahead" but leave offjjt describing- .: see more of the candidates than an Vote SNAPPER. Morris Ayenjae, near Kean College, and is evaluating the possibil- l training and expertise to motivate quest more appropriate funding of its educational system. Good ronment is as important as .the the equipment. Being a- "pillar of. average citizen and have a feel for ity of putting one down closer to this area at the facility-off the educational community who and mandates from our state legis- towns have good schools. Fortu- type of insruction students are the community," or "former board the community. However, in the Galloping Hill Road. Schering has been a good neighbor on the nately, Cranford has-one of the given. member," or "an articulate and de- last Kenilworth Council election, will look to him/her for guidance. If lators. My motivation in serving as The Chronicle, to my astonishment, ground and should not compromise community relations by rais- this individual has the qualifica- a board member is quite simply best. This is. important if your chil- The Board of Education is the voted advocate" are fine, but these JANET GLWOS dren are of school age now.or will citizens' representative in deterem- are descriptions, not qualifications. endorsed the incumbent, newly in- ing decibels in Kenilworth and Cranford. There are already many tions necessary to acquire the po-the children. dependent, candidates for council low flying copters over the parkway area. May Schering'S evalua- sition of superintendent then that CHRISTINE BARR be in the near future because you ining the direction the schools You'describe George Schlenker want them to get the Jbest possible should take. To fulfill that func- seats. I- wondered how much re- Lever 3 tion include the sensibilities of communities that are reeling from individual must possess excep-, '.-•-• Candidate as having "a school administrative search was actually put.into those education. This is also important if tion, board members must be ac- background that could'be useful to higher aircraft. tional interpersonal skills and be Cranford Board of Education cessible and receptive to input endorsements. Those, incumbents you are a home owner because' the board" but do not choose to wound up getting less than one- Kenilwortlf Board of Education good schools help to maintain from all interested parties. I pledge , endorse him. From my brief ser- • third of the popular vote and losing • ••.-••• Paid for by Janet Glynos, Newark Ave., Kenilworth (Is one thing all 26 models of SNAPPER • SNAPPER'S revolutionary 2x2 spill property values. And even if you to make myself available for sug- vice with Mr. Schlenker on the Ke- walk mowars have in common. FroHn an level blade, cuts and recuts grass gestions, questions, and problems by landslide margins in all six vot- economical M99" model, to our top of so Una, your lawn looks like don't own a piece of Cranford but nilworth Planning Board and from ing districts,. Was The Chronicle re- tho line '69911 Sell propelled, electric you bagged the SugalskLendorses budget Voter backs candidate Barr plan to live here a while, higher before and after board meetings my reading of his letters on school start, blade brako clutch, and overhead clippings, and will solicit invitations from any . ally in touch with the people of valve engine models. To The Chronicle: tem that, is head and shoulders To The Chronicle: fairly. property values allow municipali- topics I find him to be a thoughtful Kenilworth then? Is it rrow? ties to provide, better services for group which would like to discuss and faii^jaan with the manage- Sitting on the Board of Educa- above most others, and fighting I have worked with Chris Ban- . Chris Barr is willing to donate educational issues. JOHN BURY Career Firefighters Rebut C.B.A.C Report BUILT TOUGH SUPERIOR BAGGING valiantly to stay that way, is a spe- on several volunteer operations for her time to the board because she their residents, especially senior ment skills to lead and the open- tion is probably more challenging The process of hiring a new su- ,417 North 15th St. and backed by tho best guarantee SNAPPER'S patented Hl-Vac deck Is cial thrill. Consider, t^p. the ten-the past two years and am very is concerned about the focus of the citizens, making for a better qual- March 26,1992- In Ihft business You provide usual and demanding than most activi- perintendent mUst begin as soon legendary for leaving your lawn ties in which one can become in- sion of an election day;where nec- -impressed with this particular can- board in regard to the educational ity of Jife and safer neighborhoods. To the Residents of Cranford, maintenance. Wn (Ix It FREE for Immaculately clean. essary funding to keep a spectacu- I would like to see this status as the new board is organized. I 2 years, no questions asked. Soe volved. It takes focus and daring, didate and proven advocate for the needs of the children of Cranford. promise to work for an open PTA backs two budgets your SNAPPER doaler for details'^; <%' agonizing over details, kitense,con- lar education plant on an even keel children of Cranford Chris has She is afraid the children's needs preserved in our town. I offer my Regarding the article concerning the C.B.A.C. report in the can be decided by a .handful of '35 years of experience as an engi- search, with asAvide a spectrum of To The Chronicle: sure the future education of pur centration and tension. But I would consistently adopted a watchdog will be comprised by the budget potential candidates as possible. children and to ensure that wl Chronicle on March 19, 1992. The members of F.M.B.A. Local #37 votes. This white-knuckle, wide- position in matters of policy and focus of the board and the admin- neer, manager, teacher, and ad- o The Garwood PTA executive rather sit on a Board of Education Input and participation should be school personnel and programs re- wish to provide some additional information concerning the report. eyed time is far and away more procedure coming from the board, istration. ministrator to help guide the Cran- board has voted unanimously to than do the many other things that solicited from representatives for support the passing of both the main intact. Many cuts have been breathtaking than a close Super the administration, and at the local ford schools u to be the best and The C.B.A.C. recommends that there be a two person reduction in are as attractive to me in this life. I • Cranford needs board members parents, teachers, staff, and the local school and regional high made already because of state Bowl game, a sudden^death golf school level; and has actively pur- with sensitivity and awareness of most cost effective that they can the Career Fire Department. No one from the C.B.A.C. ever publicly DETHATCH YOUR LAWN could be riding in Commander community at large. The successful school budgets on April 7. We urge mandates. match, or the last, desperate, cross- sued and attained changes in all be. Fiscal responsibility begins addressed a rank and file member of the Career Department Thatch build-up Is easily removed Rush's hot air balloon, bungi jump- children and the problems of the candidate will play a major role in all residents to vote on April 7 in court shot in a tied basketball three areas. school system. Chris Barr knows with .careful preparation and man- As citizens, we have.the respon- concerning the job that needs to be done at an emergency scene. To as you mow wllh the ing over the Delaware, climbing game. preparing our schools to enter the favor of the two budgets. sibility to see" that our children get hdp explain the reduction in the Fire Department the C.B.A.C. Thatcherlzer (self- Chris Barr is an assertive person and understands' these problems agement of budgets, something I propelled models only.) Pike's Peak, shooting the rapids on 21st century! We must find the The local school budget repre- the best education they can. After So, let's do it, Cranford — let's who clearly states her position but and is willing to face the challenge. have had to do most' of my profes- best person available for the job. suggests that a reduced level of Police protection during a Fire the Ocoee River, or hunting rattle- sents an increase of only 2.3 per- all, you must remember that chil- Bureau emergency is acceptable to the residents of Cranford. finally pass the budget and keep in takes intxvjiccount other positions I greatly admire Chris Barr for sional life. Another essential ingre- The schools in Cranford are very snakes in Tyler, Texas. However, place a school board that is con- dient in good management is long- cent, which is the lowest increase dren are the future. Please do your SHRED LEAVES as well. She takes a panoramic her strength and accomplishments good; I would like a part in making The C.B.A.C. suggests that Volunteers be depended on to absorb Clean up fall these temptations will have to wait. cerned for Cranford youth. ' we have ever had. The regional part and vote "Yes" on April 7. Vot- view of situations in order to en- and hope Cranford will take ad- range planning. This year the them even better for years to the shortage of service created by the proposed reduction in the leaves with a The result of voting on issues that high school budget represents an ing hours are 2-9 p.m. Districts 1 Snapperlzer As for me, I can climb Pike's sure that one group of issuo is not vantage ofrher,substantial abilities board has finally started a plan for affect an entire school system is come. increase of 1.36 percent. Home- Career Department. This comes at a time when volunteer organiza- Leaf Shredder. Peak some other day. slighted in favor of another. You By voting for her on April 7. systematic maintenance and re- and 2 (southside of town) will vote too rewarding to pass up. •••--> BOHDAN LUKASCHEWSKY owners with property assessed at tions statewide are losing members due to the eocnomy, legal DEESUGALSKI can be certain that, with Chris • SUES SiSfYDER placement, and I pledge tocon - Candidate at Washington School and Districts $100,000 can expect increases of ramifications, and availability of quality time with family. Mako an educated docision, In addition, being part of a sys- Incumbent candidate Barr, all parties will be dealt with 12 Sutton Place tinue and expand this effort so that Cranford Board of Education 3 and 4 (northside of town) will only $7.63 a month if the icjcoj vote at Lincoln School. The Career Fire Department is attempting to increase services to S*o your SNAPPER donlor. school budget is passed and $7.75 a JUDY SCHAEFER better protect the residents of Cranford. The proposed man power month if the regional high school President reduction will create an environment of cutbacks in the curren! levels BELLE MEAD METUCHEN budget is passed. We feel this is _HL ALYCE MEAGHER of service and the elimination of others, Hillsborough Lawn & Garden not too high a price to pay to en- President-elect Metuchen Power Mower EDITORIAL CIRCULATION One4area not addressed by the Committee in the report is the 908-874-8300 998-548-0503 • Stuart Awbrey bemadette Sudd-Harding Cheryl Fenake Rob Furth Karen Wabh ntohard Mariurt safety -of the firefighter. Firefighters have the same rights to job Editor Muikging Editor ChM Copy Edikx ; AHsmal* D«liv»iy FuHUmsnt Copy T«lsnvuk*ling Mgr. safety that any other employee has. The dynamic nature of firefight- Robin J. Phllllpi William Weatnoven Copy D**k: Kenilworth squad's 'thanks Edward Adlar Joseph Andreano Janle Rlsch Jeff Haney Dave AlleViu NancyHoeifcerg Andla Mark Daria Tanil ing removes many safety factors. Reductions of manpower or cross BROOK Bath Apone Lori Russo Scott Zucker Rosalie Gross Mike Boettther Roy Hopkins" Glen Meyer Misty Wlsbeskl To The Chronicler .maintenance and continuing train- training of police and fire personnel are not acceptable substitutes Lawnmower Repair Shop MIDDLESEX Matt Connor Stephen Strunsky* Kip Kuduk Sluvun Hart Judith-Brdnnor Eric Wno Norman Roberta Antoinette Zaretakl George Chlgl Jr. Thank you, Kenilworth. Thank ing of the members of the squad. for Career firefighters. Both of these actibns will reduce levels of Miko Oeak Robert Wagner Sports Interns Dean Puppu.i FORBES NEWSPAPERS, A DIVISION Of FORBES INC. James Laross Ken Schwartz 908-356-0846 Middlesex Power Equipment Gene Colo Joann Larue-TImm Doris Slnfllovich you for helping us to serve you During the year 1991, we re- Brian P. Dunleavy Jama* WriQht Steve Edwards New* AMUUM»: safety for all First Responders. Cross training requires additional 908-968-0778 Denlsa M. Fuhs Elizabeth Lynch Glanna Pino Charles Evorott Published avery Thursday by Forbes Newspapers, A'Division (o Forb** Inc., 102 Walnut Dana DeMarco Jacqueline Lusiik Evelyn Soak better! sponded to 489 calls and logged time and money to reach and maintain a proficient level of service. Brian Florczak Donald PUzi Jessica Brooks Florence Kessel AvcC Oanlord. NJ 0701B. Second da*a postaoa paid at CranJord, NJ POSTMASTER: Cynthia. Flavell Marilyn Malar Debora Tagllerl over 4,917 miles -using 2,934 man CLARK ... , Kathleen Hall Chariei Zaooam Photography: Minx McCkxjd pim*» iecHl chwgM kJ FoAw Mayeptpera, fyMMant QMw^&ixW, Badnrinater, NJ As we stated in last year's letter Where is the savings? In addition, the New Jersey State Attorney David Harding Office: Sharon Wilson Phyllis Reckel , 7*SdW rat^sby M> «na y*arMri«SriLHon County H2J, WtDlaiMty |26 out we purchased a new ambulance hours. With your increased sup- General's opinion is that Police & Fire personnel should not be cross Clark Power Equipment Peter Halgnsy Barry Rumple Diane Matllerd ?W tb y* M K00S009O2 « y 1 - PRODUCTION port, we will be able to sewe your ol stBto »?g. Tb mjbscrtba ca* K00-S00-9O21 which arrived in mid-August. It Paula Inqraasia Sporis: George Pacdello Jaiiaf Davlee Chariee Herrera trained because of the quantity of information and quality of the 908-381-3777 Barbara Mendoza AlUm Conover tom Torgerssn Edward Toro{rsen borough even better than before. RARITAN Daryrstone Pmaroom was on display at all the Bears, level of service that each profession provides. Cheryl Moulfcn Hen! David Slmlnoff " Unda Epstein Mallroom Manngtr Aast. Proaarooni Mang This year, please help us to help . Malcolm S. Fo*bmm, Jr.. 1 home football games. Composing: Pressroom Somerset Lawn & Garden Edtw-ln-ChW Alice Bird Angela Maselll For all. who are not aware of it you by donating what you can. We The annual cost for one Career Firefighter in Cranford is ap- CRANFORD ADVERTISING Vivian Banner Benjemon Cruz Betty Black Helena Murphy deeply appreciate all donations we 908-722-0250 A. Lyon. K«HIUM UnJnl n Had Usa Koivlt** '' Charles Davis Fabio Blanco Gradela Pardo the rescue squad has two ambu- proximately $7.00 per household. Will the reduction of 2 firefighters T & J Mower - LM Moon Linda Oarakllo PnMt*'»ni Pubbhw Vlo. P««kUn(.Ed»o GarraM MioU PuWoaW Jeff JakowieW Thomas Gentry Wayne Dataard Mary Shandor 10-years old and our goal this year residents of Cranford? We are currently under manned to do our job Danielle Led) Peter Hnasko Joanna Daslmona Mariana Clatkson Linda LaBoauf Donna PaMar Qraphloa: VkM OooWion DUotor E)-outKw Spoite Editor EnUtUnmxit Herman Storms well and the members arc very SCOTCH PLAINS Philip Majorca Anthony Wldeman Thomas Hnasko Helen Zagloboylo is to raise enough money to pur- safely, by any recognized standard. Any consideration of reductions Brad Davis Latofartca Urota Mary Raknondo Nancy Lengyol OlndOi Either Relmllnfler Wayne Wright Scott Holes happy with the program. Anyone Donna SchamHuftu Syatema M«nsg»r chase .another ambulance. Al- only places the residents of Cranford at higher risk. FORDS Anderson Lawn Mower Qragfl FlbgaraM Ron MacCbskay JM Simonalll Scott Rowlands Mallroom Anne Jackson Douglas Mlllard wishing to join the Fire De- RJta Omy Linda Nabon Heather Shapiro though it has served the borough Roger 3. Sttvey BIMi* II Davi* Jean Ca**y Rob Pain* fv*k» ScaMerra Emma Anthony Susan Lee ^ partment or the. Rescue Squad, call It is our opinion as Professionals that the $14.00 savings per Ford's Lawn Mower Sales & Service 908-322-1945 Vlo* PrwUmt. P>omo*ori DUokx Diractot o) Sophie Baron Justine Malave well, the cost of upkeep keeps 276-3791. OpmMont household docs not outweigh the .added risk to the residents! 908-738-1955 Y, CLASSIFIED growing, . ; From all the officers, and mem- Elaine ZUHo FINANCE & GENERAL OFFICE The Kenilworth Rescue Squad Bob TVoche bers of the Kenilworth Volunteer* WAV. I WESTFIELD Business Office Manager operates solely on your donations. Fire Department' and Rescue MART1NSVILLE Donna Alpaugh' Dora Qiberson . Connie Mehoney Ruth Rivera Write Us: Phone :(908) 276-6000 PresidenT Doug BaUnr'^ Christina Hanks Luclta McLean . Jane Staehle 102 Walnut Av«. Christine Adamlco Rosumary Piuchlno Alan Boyden,. • Janet Rozullo Besides buying ambulances, the Squad. Martlnsvllle Power Mower Mclntyre's Lawn Mower FAX:(908) 276-6220 Kathleen Clark Kim Strlba Mwyann Mann •... Richard Thlrlon Paid for by F.M.B.A. Local #37, W.W. Ditzd, Jr., Prcs., 7 Springfield Ave, Krlsin Benaatah Le* Hopkins Lawrence Mlrota Annutu Thomas Crarrford, NJ 07016 1 fund drive donations also go to- Fran Holllday Denlsa Wagner Joan Phoenlk. •' J.HAMILTON Cranford, NJ. 07016 908-302-1566 V 908-232-2528 Russell Raymond Honui Joyce, Musto ward supplies, insurance, building ^Captain

-The Chronicle-

\ r News News A-7



Spina honored Two projects beginning The (Sarwood Shade Tree Commission has kicked, off two projects. The Testimonial dinner first is the awarding of the tree maintalnance contract to resoh/e all the tree given for fire chief removal and pruning requests from 1991. This work should commence- Biographical PATRICIA KRAYOWSKI Board to conduct withjn a fey/ weeks and be completed.before May.This Is the reasoh why A testimonial dinner in honor of 1 Address: 37 North 12th health day Saturday Garwood Fire Chief Leonard Spina some of the trees around towa have big X's on them. inforniation The Garwood .Board of Health The second project is the spring planting of the new street trees; This •' . • . . St • ' \ ; was held at the Westfield Inn Feb will conduct a Health Day from 9- 8. Fire Commissioner Charles year,, a smaller, flowering shade tree specifically suited to areas with Occupation: Homemaker CARMINE I ,1:1 a.m. Satarday at the Garwood Ix>mbardo presented the chief with overhead wires will be planted. The tree will achieve a maximum height of ROBERT TAYLOR • First Aid'Building. It will offer an a proclamation plaque from bor- GEORGE SCHLENKER JANET GLYNQS CATHERINE IDEN Address: 312 North 25 feet and add a bit of color to the streets. : Address: South 23rd extensile-blood screening, consist- ough officials. ...•'.• Address: 501 Quintan Address: Address: 2istSt. : ing, of a SMAC 26, a. complete A limited number of these trees are available, so anyone Interested in . • St • • .. Many guests from Union County 572 Newark...Aver 15 Sherewood Road Occupation: school blood'count,(CBQ and a high den- fire departments were : present having a tree planted in front of their, house should contact borough hall to-:- Occupation: Physical Occupation: Occupation: administrator sity lipbproiein .(HDL), .The blood Capt. James Clements from the . place a request,,Due,tOj.t>udgetary constraints, the commission is hoping The issues Occiipatlon: retired as- tests will be performed! by National education teacher Homemaker Legal secre]ary linden department was \. guest to make this year's planting a community-wide effort with school children sistant superintendent Health Labs. , speaker. He is Assistant- Dean of ;•..••. Registration for the blood test is the Union County Fire Training and their parents assisting. " ' ' y' Views several chal- "Schools exist to edu- .•V.J have been following "Serving my community as' Seeking re-election.because mandatory. Sign up at the West- School and is also assistant chief of . The commission would also like to clear up a misunderstanding that Why did you decide to run for a Would like to continue to lenges facing the board, cate their students and our Board of Education a school board member he "believes there Is a great, field Health Department, 425 East . the county's new HAZMLAT team. appears to have arisen regarding the borough's shade tree ordinance. seat on the Board of Education? move •Harding, School In but-he supports the board the board Is responsible for several years, attend- means making a commitment deal of work to be done In Broad .iSt, Westfield, before 4 p.m.; Chief Spina is a member of "the This ordinance only affects tr6es on public property and within the bor- the direction cf educating focusing on making policy in making sure this is ing Its meetings and ob- to the children and being part order to continue to improve today. Registration is limited if HAZMAT team that responds to the whole child, from pre- ough tree belt It does not regulate trees on private property. Furthermore, and. seeing it is Imple- done by overseeing and serving its gradual evolve- •of their tomorrow." Decided to the cjuality of education our progr^^capatityls reached.' .. fires of a hazardous nature. DEPE klndergarden to 12 in his mented by the new su- children currently receive." .. it does/not prohibit anyone frorfTmaintaining,the borough tree in front of providing the tools." ment to the fine entity it Is run for re election-becausB "I The blood test costs $15 (cash or and EPA are called to define the 1 3rd term. Stresses the Im- perintendent and improv- check) at the time of registration. conditions.' . their house. All it requires Is the obtaining of a permit in order to Insure that portance of continuing the: today,.and I feel i could do not feel my Job is done ing board members com- V : Special presentations were made the work Is performed property. The.permit does not cost anything, and it business-like approach. be an asset to the board : .yet"\ ' ,/ • •;' :••[ ,. munication . '-'•'••' • Auxiliary to hold to Ben Cernbrola, who has 45 years is urged that anyone who wishes to. maintain, their tree obtain one as tany of service; Walt Stewart and Pat help received by commission: is helpful in maintaining all borough trees . A board member is the Supports working with Advocates placing bet- Supports . monitoring Strongly' believesl Suggests a board of educa- monthv meeting today ; DiFabio for 40 years; Matt. Hirsch within the budget. ; . . ••. •- . . . ;. How can a Board of Education "voice of the community, fellow board. members to ter teachers turning out the proper curriculum for merribers are responsible for tion is only as strong as "it's • The L^diesAiUdliary of the Gar- and • Will King for 35 years;.. Henry member make a difference? „ ..-..' -who • -has-a-responsibility reach a consensus on • Im- well : educated ' students and to the students, suggest- supporting cast," and' adyc- p^^^^^rGh^tTsTiSving "PlekarsKi "For 30 years; and- Rod to create and support a "each'"subject taught, with ( portant. Issues while striv- •who are prepared to take ing the chief school adminis- • cates employing qualified pro- their..monthly- r^eetirig at 8, p.m. Van Natta, Bob Lawrence, Tom system that allowsfor th e the board closely oversee- their place In society. trator (superintendent) is, the fessionals to implement policy . today; for .npminations of officers. Kornichak and Bill Toth, 20 years opportunity to achieve ex-, ing to fulfill their obliga- ing the choice of teachers Supports long-range plan- and to assist in attaining goals The'ihos&sses ibr thevevening are. each. ':'••'•••• .•••'...; cellence.' • tions.; In addition to in favor education expert responsible, ning and efficiency .with and administrators. Favors and objectives." : ' Angle Cernbrbia, Shirley Ray and Fire Comrhlssioner Charles Lombardo presents Chief Lenny of .establishing policy for for making -sure children re- strong curriculum. . soliciting available grants. Dcnise Pclusio. . . • Spina with a proclamation plaque from borough officials. the district. ceive a good education. ,'." Easter egg hunt planned KEG3EER Advocates ' reviewing Two fined for DWI during municipal court session In light of fiscal restraints, how Advocates "carefully . Suggests a school Maintains ft will be dif- Places rfiajor importance Indicates there must be a measures of cost contain- for Saturday, April 11 LIQUOR AND CORDiAL SPECIALS LOUIcUf can the quality of education at Hard- defining quality educa- ficult for the school board on how the budget is pre-. drastic tum-aVdund in funding » Here are cases heard in Garwood Brunswick, was fined $250 for James Brady of Roselle Park was ment in fixed line areas, board member oversees Trie, Garwood Public Celebra- Municipal Court recently: I Smirnoff Vodka Clan Castillo Rum Seagram's Ing School be Improved? tion," and developing a to maintain or improve the; pared to ensure current or the board will have to rely streamlining where , ap- and provides the tools' for DWI. She was; levied $25 in court fined $500 and assessed $25 in 1.75 liter MacGregor 1.75 ,Llter quality of education, due needs of students .are rec- on. "creative planning," in the tions Gpmmittee is sponsoring its 7 propriate; encourages re- fiscal plan based upon es- the education of children. Brian David, 42, of Westfield, was costs. ' court costs for driving with a sus- 1.75 liter 1.75 Liter to fiscal constraints-Im- ognized, Does'-not. view state... years to come. Suggests cut-, annlijil Easter Egg Hunt at 2 p.m. fined $250 and assessed court costs : tirement incentives to tablished priorities." He 1 $ Plus S3.00 $-1 C99 Projects long range plan- posed by the. state, but constraints as "harsh/ but. fa- ting administrative staff and Saturlday,' 'April... II, at the' Little pended license. Mfg. Rebate place young educators in suggests this can be of $25 for driving while intoxicated. 13" .-Rebate. IO j ning and efficiency will looking at the cost of medical League E*iejd. The hunt is open to **•*•• ••.•••• the district done by involving the suggests with ingenuity it vors emphasis on educating' Flelshmann's Irish Amaretto help. could be accomplished. the children. costs for district employees. all borough'children ages Pre-til to community. grade 3. The rain date is April 18. Margaret Hennesey, 30, of North Gin Mist Di Saronno 1.75 Liter 750 ml 750 ml . ., : : .; 9 I Would support further "Members of the board "I hope all. decisions "It is very important our "There are anxious mo- "The development, adaption S-IQ99 w A quote from the candidate's cam- containment of the budget $1599 XT need to change their made will help make Ken- children are given a well- ments In the preparation and and passage of a school bud- Mfg. Rebate palgn. and realignment of board :' :\;'; ;' .'•} Attention •, • style...begin. to listen to ilworth schools not just rounded education...and presentation pf our budget get which permits the continu- : : secretary's office to ; : GAAMU WINE & CHAMPAGNESPECIALS WARM BEER SPECIALS each other, respect good schools, but great taxpayers are getting the because of fixed costs which ation of programs and services mm present a" more "business 1 kenilworth Residents $ 99 $ 99 for their staff...reoognlze: schools, and all decisions most ibr their" money." we must deal with, but we thgt are expected by the public EilnDcy lusch like approach" to educa- 1 Ct 17 8 they have authority - as are good decisions, forthe must still fight to give our fu- will determine the amount of eg., Ught 24-12 oz. cans tion. , board members only students and the taxpay- ture of America, bur kids the VOTE Tuesday, April 7th Family Run Since 1910 FralxMwt S ;99 success a school district ex- Rbb«r»J. Smith $Q99 Cordon Nagra 5' rolsch $ 99 when the board is In ses- ers of Kenilworth." . best" periences." Vote for Accountability, Excellence, Planning 750 ml 15 o sion." If you are NOT satisfied :4-12 oz. Bottles a. O UCMondmt $399 Bnitor with average Heating Oil CtMnlnBUitc ExbiDiy oors Returnables *•( Q" ^ ELECT GEORGE SCHLENKER Service. Call us ar DAWN •fi 750 ml. 750 ml Plus S1.50 Deposit 24-12 oz. Bottles Domain* and I will tell you about 99 G*org* DuBo«uf Beck's $ 99 Chmnlomuy NOUVMU $ 16 To- BOARD OF EDUCATION MEMBER our 5 Point Gold 24-12 oz. Bottles PLAZA 750 ml 7BO ml is:Ipr: ^dilje 750ml . 24r12 QZ, Cans , 760 ml PHARMACY .. any 'local heating: oil Keep Brearley Open Pontana 123-2 N. UNION •CRANFORD company. v RMiw Candida $ ! Schaefer .$#"•• Paid for by the candidate [ 4 liter 1.5 Uw 9 U 233-4249 Reg. oi" Ught 24-t2 oz. Cans 1601 Irving St., Rahway, NJ 07065 501Qujnton Avenue Good through 4/1/9Z. AM ttla Kami .re cash ahd cany; dMvwy tvaitabta, gM vtnppktg mnd Itquor 272-8811 kenilworth 07033 "•-..' ' btkf «v2uw». Manioomont ma/ limit qtwntWu. Not ntpontlblm tor lypo wrant. Thlt coupoop nm mo«l I April Shower oE Shows ''»' f senlad at time JpMuu. Tha pricu In thli «d nr. «rt by DWridu and may not b» inntebto al • Mon. thru Fri. Nltes III Today's Economy, bo prasenlad at time JpMuu. Tha pricu In thli «d nr. «rt by DWridu and may not b» inntebto al Saturday 9-6 EVENING OF CHORAL MUSIC M oUw kxaMon* *A* priort DO NOT Include a*le» tax. - Thursday, April 2 • 7:30 p.m. I DITTRICK'S DISCOUNT WINES & UQVORS ' Allseats$3.00 $50.00 I 2 North Avenue • Garwood • 789-0525 I the Right Bank US SAVINQS BONO Seven area high school choirs: BrWgewater-Raritan, Cranford Governor Livingston, Pis- with purchase ol any . Mon.-SSt. 9 am to iq pm • Sunday 1 to 8:30 • This Sunday cataway, Ridge, Scotch Plahs-Fanwood. & Woodbridge. Good choral music. Plus Bernlo MATTRESSES AND BOX SPRINGS PREMIUM BEDDING SE fmm aaa na mm Valuable Coupon Qood Thru 4/1/92 tm ••• «« IPH mT Anderson on UCAC'is famous theatre organ. - - - MADE ON PREMISES FREE DELIVERY BROADWAY SHOWCASE is Vital Tired Of Your Mattress???

Saturday, April 4 • 8 p.m. BED FRAME \. tU , Orchestra $10 - Logo $10 Balcony $7.50 SAVE 25% to 70% OFF with porchaw ol any '. •{ .-- : Mfrs. Sugg.-Retall Price Best parts ol famous Broadway Snows: "Anything Goes," "Grease," "Damn for Your Small Business. . PREMIUM BEDDING SET-"*f ^g Nutrition Guidance • FREE - Delivery Yankees," "Soundof Music," "Guys and Dolls," "No No Nanette," "Ah/In Alley," & "Real- SEALY & SERTA ~T> ly RosJe." Performed by area high schools, & Cranford, Linden, Roselle drama clubs. To Oyorcpme Compulsive • FREE-Set-Up VOTE • Also On Display Children's & Binge Eating • FREE - Bedding Removal. — Show • Spill Queen lor Tight Spacos • Hi Risers -Water Bed Matiroo ^ with purchMa ol any • • Special Slzas • Platform pad • California King Sizes PREMIUM BEDDINQ SET I All Seats Small businesses require more JEffecjtive Exercise Mortreases • Electric Bods - not valid with any other qHef I $5.00 • Brau Beds • Convertible Sola1. financial service than any Mattresses Sunday; April 5 • 2:30 p.m. w Bfeliiavior Modification./ 908*789-0140 From slapstick to Shakespeare. Acrobatics, juggling to music. '& one-dimensional finance company can offer GARWOOD Featuring Robert and Unda Peck In aerial antics on the high wire. ,. g Reduction YO-YO DIETING 518 NORTH AVE. contra The bank your small business needs DIET FADS KRESKIN IS BACK! Barbara A. Potashkin, M.S On The Westiield-Ganvood Lino isRockBank. DMHtm/IViiMliuiiil ARTIFICIAL FOODS Refer-Me Network— H6 Soulh Ave., F«nwood, NJ. to the public! Not valid with any other otfer YES Friday, April 10 •8 p.m. Helping busy S wary Orch. $10.00 - Loge $10.00 - Bal. $7.50 Mon.-Frl. 10 A.M, - 6 P,M; • Thu consumers select I New Jersey's own Amazing Kreskin Is back again, and the "mentallsf win Ipertorm more dazzling telepathic mlndreadlng feats to amaze the service companies and •audience. Dont tniss the showl For Preferred SBA Lending status tradespeople who have a Rahway Valley JERSEYAIRES & Somerset Valley SWEET ADELINES and the years of expertise that go with it, to structure loan packages CRANFORD record of high quality Sat., April 11 • 8 p.m. (Orch. $10.00 -Logo $10.00 - Bal. $7.50) tor commercial mortgages, mortgage refinancing, working capital, performance. The Rahway Valley Jerseyakes equipment and debt consolidation.../&»! men's chorus and the Somerset Sent* ol our Mm$l ctltgorlt InckKk, Valley Sweet Adelines ladies' INDOOR POOL • Air CondHlonlno • Painting chorus, pkis quartets from both For priority service Wk organizations, wiH entertain with Exterminators ... unaccompanied four part har- from the bank committed to small business EASTER BASKETS •LawnCara "Mow* mony. Program includes "golden FITNESS CENTER 401 Centennial AVe. Crar»ford,NJ • Paving • Carpentry oldies," sentimental ballads, and for 21 years, with services tailored to business like yours, Bunnies, Bunnies, Bunnies FOR THE novelty numbers. Including Commercial Revolving Credit with no annual clean-up payment Gourmet Jetty Beans 1 For tickets call 908-499-8226 CRANFORD SCHOOL BUDGET For all your small-business banking needs Fine Homemade Chocolates Join Us. .. that finance companies just can't offer. Homemade Chocolate Novelties - Sugarfree Chocolates; • Gift Baskets For the Health of It! We Ship Anywhere • 8 Lane 25 Yard Heated Pool • Some Free Weights 125 E. Broad St., Westfield • Air Conditioned Locker Room • One On One CHRISTINE Training Available • Lap Swimming By Appointment ^SOCIATED RADIOLOGISTS, PA: • Water Exercise Classes announces the opening of our • Aerobic Classes BARR Spring Gathering • Step & Toning Classes • Cardlovascula ' for "NEW MAMMOGRAPHY CENTER" • Universal Mac Spoclal Discounts Cranford Board of Education Located at 1010 Park Ave., Plainfield, NJ Available ••" Hours: Mon-Fri. 8 AM to 5 PM DAILY HOURS Monday through Friday 6:00 AM-9:30 PM Thank You All Again for ' Sat. 8 AM to Noon The Preferred SBA Lender Small Business Prefers Unique Hand-made Crafts Saturday & Sunday 9:00 AM-6:00 PM Call: 755-2323 for appointment Antique Quilts & Furniture Your Support • Certified by the American College of Radiology call toll-free: 1-800-722-6772 Plants, Candy. & Baked Goods • Staff of specially trained technologists Thurs. April 9 9ain - S pm through this Campaign. • State of the art low dose equipment or (908) 561 -4600 Fri, April W 9am - S pm • Board Certified Radiologists Sui.. April 11 9ui)i - 4 pm paid for by The Committee to Elect Chris Ban-, Jack Millar, Treasurer, Administrative Offices: Route 22 East and Rock Avenue, North Plainfield 655 fourth Ave Wcilticld, NJ 111 Forest Ave. • Cranford. < Other o«kx>« In WE8TFIELO - SOUTH PLAINFIELD • GREEN BROOK • WATCHUMQ Ol 882 ••Prcseimd by: MEMBER FDK3 AM EQUAL OPTOHTUNfTYLENDEH PREFERRED 8BA LENDER ROCKBANK Anna & Amy Lanam

-The Chronicle- -The Chronicle- Community Life A-9

Flea market set at St. Mark's AME St. Marks AME Church, Cranford, will sponsor an indoor Flea Market 10 a.m.-4 p.m. Saturday, April 4, at the Walnut Avenue School, Cranford. Sale items will include jewelry, crafts, linens, rugs, Choir to present Easter cantata -v plants, African items, toys and clothing. Vendors arc welcome at $15 'Festival of the Arts' at churchr The Calvary Tabernacle Choir,and drama team will present,an per space. Call 276-0724 or 241-4243. • The "Festival of. the Arts", art exhibit of about 40 members' art, paint- Easter cantata, Embrace the Cross, at 7:30 p.m. Friday, April 17, arid He's a champ, a fighter ings arid crafts will be held at'the First Presbyterian Church, Cranford Monteferrante 'cousins' 6:30 p.m.'Sunday, April 19. Performances will be held at Calvary St. Michael's Rosary Society to meet , . ;,.;.' (Continued frorn page A-1) • •, from 9:30.a,m.-6 p.m. this Sunday. The exhibit will take place before,and after the St. Paul Oratorio directed by Evelyn Bleeke and accompanied Tabernacle, inside the Renaissance Building, 1155 E. Jersey St., St. Michael's Rosary Society will meet 8 p.m. Monday, April 6, in, On Jan, 3, an oncology or cancer specialist sat down with the Portals and.._ Elizabeth. . told them their son had neuroblastoma, a rapidly growing cancerous tumor!13 by Robert Grube, scheduled for 3 p.m. The art exhibit, chaired by Mary the, school cafeteria at 8 p.m. The guest speaker will be Sisjtcr Judy visit Grantord relatives 3 of the stomach. A tumor that had grown so quickly it surrounded Michael's .Nevalls, assisted by Harold Owen can be viewed jn the church library, Mirtz from Convent Stafion. President Rosemary. Kissanc will ad- spinal cord, making it inoperable. . ;. •"'• . Mettam Lounge and the board room; The committee is comprised of By BRIAN FLORCZAK Marilyn and John MacWhirter, Ann and George Weisgerber, Donald Talk to be given by Prof. Zvi Yavetz dress' the coming events for the society. May 23 is the Day pf "I felt like they were telling us about someone else, not bur Michael," THE CHRONICrjE . . • • • Widdows, June Nicholls, Dorothy Gross and Harvey Nevalls; The first Professor Zvi Yavetz will speak on "History and Memories" Sun- Recollection for members and their guests at St. Joseph's Shrine in . Amber said softly, recalling how unreal the news was. In a whisper she church art exhibit was initiatecVby Delores Sloat, titled, "Interfaith Reli- day at 10:30 am. at Temple Beth-El, Walnut Avenue. Breakfast will Sterling; The Installation of Officer's dinner is scheduled for June 8. ^x>ntinued,."Lifejuststopped, nothing else'mattered." ' •';•. The fact is, the village of Monteferrante, Italy, is about as. far from gipus Art Exhibit" The public was invited to exhibit in this juried show Donations from members are collected for Cranford Family Care "It was a nightmare," said George, his voice choking for a moment, "I Cranford as you can get. A number of township residents, however, have be served. .• ; : held May 15-22, 1966. Other art exhibits followed in '70, '71, 75 and '76. each month. A new slate of officers wijl be presented at the May kept wondering when I would wake up. But I never did." . " ; • •: . spent years building an invisible bridge between the two communities.. Dr. Yavetz is a founder of Tel Aviv University, where he is history Paintings by Mrs; Sloat, now in Arizona, will be exhibited in her honor. A meeting. . - -."!'" ' . There Was a glimmer of hope, however. Five years ago the survival rate of Last Week, Monteferrante Mayor Dr. Vincent DiFabio visited Cranford painting by an unknown artist, was given to Florence Allen's mother by. -professor emeritus. He is incumbent of the Lessing Chair of Roman children with neuroblastoma was. zero. Today, 25 percent of those dlag- History, and was recently awarded the Israeli Prize in history. 1 during a six-day stay in which he met with more than 50 local families the Droeschers of the Drpescher Mill family and will be on exhibit. ;. rrosed survive after treatment, but the road to recovery is not easy. whose relatives originated from, the Italian town. Perhaps someone can identify the mystery artist. Dr. Yavetz, a fellow of St. John University and Wolfson College in Choir and organ recital is set • •' And for Michael it would be an even harder road because the tumor In addition, the mayor and a party of 19 were feted at a dinner at Oxford, England, has lectured at all major universities in. South surrounded the spinal cord. Doctors would have to rely on chemotherapy to Youth guest exhibitor will be Christoffer" Fyhr, national and in- A choir concert and organ recital will be held at 7:30 p.m. Saturday, . reduce the size before attempting surgery. ..'.•• • ' • .'.••• Cortina Restaurant in Cranford. The dinner was hosted by the Fer- ternational LEGO championship winner. .'.'.'• ••'",.. America, and taught at Frankfurt University, Sorbonrie and Munich • Tantese Association, which was founded in 1979 by the late Anthony May 2, at Cranford United Methodist Church, Lincoln and.Walnut Michael "was an amazing little boy," who was an inspiration to.everyone University. He is the author of numerous books and articles in seven laionc, anative of Monteferrante and a local builder. ./.' .. ..'. ",.• avenues. . • • . throughout the long months of treatment, his father said. He amazed doc- ••'-a Registration open for The Acting Studio languages.' -n tors, nurses and everyone he met with his constant smile, voracious appetite . Over the past 13 years the Ferraritese Association has raised funds; for The choir, program wiil include Gloria by John Riitter and three the restoration of the 700-year-old St. John the Baptist. Church located in Registration for the spring "term of The Acting Studio will take place ' and continual sunny personality despite all he had to endure. Monday and Tuesday, 4-8 p^n. at the studio, 189 North Ave. East in Church celebrates'a new life' black spiritual pieces. The organ recital will, feature compositions by MVhen Amber and George were toldjegular chemotherapy was not toork- Monteferrante, Province of Chieti Abbruzzi, Italy. •• ' Cranford. Registration also can be done by phone or mail; The spring Bach, Colemari and^Dupre. There is no charge for. the concert, but a . ." ihg •Snv-Michael's tumor, (hey were1 scattered. There were two choices left, That restoration is indicative of the strong ties between.Monteferrante term will run from April 13-June 27. Call 275-0276. The public is invited to join United Methodists April 5-9 for a free-will offering will be collected. ;'••••• :' Less than a de-, doctors said: very heavy doses of chemotherapy, or an experimental drug and its adopted sis-, The Acting Studio offers clasises in acting, musical performance and celebration of new life through Christvia special music, dance, art, The organist will be Mark Miller, who graduated from Yale Univer- cade, ago, in 1986, teaching, preaching and innovative programs for children. The Cran- . that had never been psed. before. Throughout the ordeal, said Amber and ter city, Cranford. television for. adults,' teens and children, from beginners to experienced sity in 1989, received a master's degree from Juilliard in 1991 and George, the honesty and support of doctors, nurses, and family was their 'He's a distant cousin.; Mr. LaCorte tr'av-. ford church is one of 23 United Methodist churches in northern New professionals. Other skills taught in private classes are speech and dic- has been an organist at Union Village, Cranford United Methodist .' mairistay. So when. doctors safd heavy chemotherapy would not work, the-. ^ Mayor t)jFabio is , oiled to Montefer- tion, singing voice training or monblogues. •'.'•• . • '.:'.'• Jersey sponsoring similar programs for theireorigregations arid neai-- rante to visit his Church, and currently at Convent Avenue Baptist Church in Harlem. Portals put their faith in God and tried the experimental drug, ' a cousin of former.. •bycojTimunities^-.- ' .••••' . .. ';'•' '•'. :" •" .•' '..' ___ V- _•••._• • • "We had to take-therchance," said Qeorger "orwatchMiGhael die."0ver . Cranford' - Mayor Monteienante is ancestral; horac- Mr. Miller is part of a Young Virtuoso Goncert^Series-at-Wesleyan— >tovvn -and visited Plantation House Museum opens Sunday ~> Cranford UMC New life Mission Chairwoinan Katii Riddleberger the next several months Michael's tumor.redcjced by 80?peJrcent, enough to Paul • University. He played, for Night-Watch services at the Cathedral.of related, it's impossible the hotise where The spring opening of the Dr. William Robinson Plantation. House- said, "Our committees have been working for months to create and make surgery possible. Although 99 percent'b'f the .'tumor was removed, whose St.- John the Divine, performed with the National Baptist convention Felix: DiFabio, a his grandfather Museum, 593 Madison Hill Road, Clark, will be from 1-4 p.m. Sunday. assemble worship services and age-level activities that really allow . there was a risk if even a trace remained. '- '*"*", not to be' , in Carnegie Hall in 1992 and played for the organ rededication The only way to ensure Michael had a fighting chance was to send him to native of Montefer- spent his early There is no admission charge. The Museum Shop will be open and persons to explore and celebrate the God within them." Children's Hospital in Los Angeles for a bone marrow transplant. So Amber, rante, immigrated -- Paul La Corte years. features Easter hand-made articles as well as tin-ware, wood handcraft- Ms. Riddleberger and the Children's Ministiy Team cite the "Kids service in Bermudaon March 15,1992. * s George and Michael boarded a plane for California, and hopefully a cure. As to Cranford during ing and souvenirs* The museum will be open on the first Sunday of each Only" program as an example. While the parents are in their own Scott Griffith, choir director of the church, received a bachelor's before, George patiently told Michael everything he should expect. the first" decade of At that time, he month from April to December. Parking is on the street. Special arrange- degree in music in 1987 from Kean College, attend Summer Study in menits can be made for group tours. Call 388-8999 or 381-3081. evening worship service, 5-12-year-olds will express who God is to It was in Los Angeles that Michael earned the nickname "the champ," this century. discovered that Music at Emmanuel. College in England in 1988, and was awarded the Mr. DiFabio was actually his,cousin and last week rriarked the.first them via free-form art, dance, music and drama. Their efforts will because of his ability to withstand just about anything and still come up with result in their own worship service 7:15 p.m. Wednesday, April 8. New Jersey teaching certification in 1989. He has conducted church that winning smile and loving personality that won over everyone he came time that the mayor has come to the states. YMHA spring classes to start Sunday ••...'•••. ' GEORGE PACCIELLCVTHE CHRONICLE into contact with. • . • . "He's a distant, cousin," Mt. LaCprte said. "Everyone from Montefer- Evening worship services for adults will be offered April 5-9. Guest handbeE and vocal choirs since 1982 and has served ^churches here Throughout his 15-month battle with cancer, Michael Portal The ^-YWHA of Union County, 501 Green Lane, Union, will begin as well as in London. f, ,;. Doctors were even more amazed at how quickly Michael recuperated, rante is related, it's impossible hot to be. My grandfather was a DiFabio spring classes during the week of April 5. The session spans eight weeks missioner Rev. fidger Swanson will lead the services. - never lost his spunk or smile, not even when chicken pox While other children take weeks to begin eating normally, Michael asked for as he is, and naturally we're all related. • and offersja variety, of options in early childhood,, youth, senior, adult Special musical ^nd dance performers will highlight the hour-long Mr. Griffith will be affiliated with the newly formed Triad Arts forced him into the hospital Above, the 3-year-old Is with hot dogs and hamburgers the day .of the bone marrow transplant. His "I think the purpose of the trip was because Monteferrante has been and cultural arts, health and recreation and aquatic departments, Call services which begin on April 5, at 6:15 p.m. and April 6-9, at 7:15 Ensemble in the Music Division based in Bedminster. He has co- his parents, George and Amber, during his recent hospital resilience awed everyone. placed on a tourist itinerary or map of Italy and the mayor and the other 289-8112. .. p.m. •••••.••:•.' .'••.••.••••.•'•'.'••• written and conducted a religious anthem, The Revealing Child, for stay. Below, Michael sits alone at (rohie with a glass of Five months later the Portals headed back to New Jersey to pick up the officials from the town came over here to promote tourism and their : ; beautiful little town. After all these years where Cranford people have • . , -.'' . . ' • .""••"•' • T •••• - •:••" ;••• •'• • . ••• .'" .••'.-•• The Chancel Handbell Choir of the Westfieid Presbyterian Church choir and piano, , •.--... juice- .••••• pieces of their life. ,<••', will play on April 8. Cranford resident Anne Weisenfels, formerly a Today Michael Is free of cancer. Although he must have checkups every been going over there, they wanted to see what their sister .city was up Gasino fun night set at St. Michael Church three months, Amber and George feel their son Is cured, and so do the to.". .•.•.-..•..• •••.'.. • •. ;• " • •'• • •-• An evening of gambling for fun will take place at the first St. Michael's professional dancer with the Joffrey Ballet, will perform a liturgical Human Relations Scholarship Awards to start doctors. . . • After a number of ceremonies and sightseeing tours (the mayor toured Church Casino Fun Night at 7 p.m. Saturday, May 16. With an entry dance on the same evening. The Inter-Faith Human Relations'Committee of the Cranford Cler- Nothing will ever be the same for the Portals, but much good has come New York City Monday), Mr. DiFabio. was slated to head back to Italy ticket, participants will receive $100 of play money to gamble for fun at The closing service on April 9, will include a family worship seg- out of Michael's Hlness. Family and friends, drew even closer, while new Tuesday. A number of the others, however, will remain in Cranford for the roulette wheel, blackjack table or money wheel. There will be a 50/50 ment, Holy Communion, and contemporary music by "Touch gy Council will inaugurate a Human Relations Scholarship Award , friends offered a strong shoulder of support day arid night. One of those another week. • , drawing, a silent, auction and a live auction featuring large items and stones," a popular vocal ensemble. ' , beginning with the graduating class of 1992 announced Dr. Douglas '_ friends came in the form of the Emmanuel Cancer Foundation, which Arnber "Some of the group that wore visiting were here to visit relatives and services. Hot and cold hors d'oeiivres and a four-course buffet dinner S. Miller. This award will be given in t^bgniuon_of_oufcrtanding;_ sixfor seven had an official capacity either for the town of Monteferrante Intergenerational dinners will be provided by various church com- and George came to rely,on. will be served. A cash bar js available. The ticket price is $20 per person, mittees. A nominal love offering will be taken. Persons interested in service in community affairs and for significant contribuGof? to-the"~~ f Eleven months after Michael took sick, Amber went back to her job at or Italy," Mr. LaCorte explained. "The official event was the dinner last $25 after May 1. For information and tickets call 276-1845 or 276-7925. advancement of human relations. The criteria for the award is: A United Jersey Bank, a job they held open until she could return. In fact, co- week. Other than that, they had been going to parties hosted by relatives joining the congregation for any meal are asked to contact the and doing a lot, of sightseeing. Some went to New York on Monday, church office at 276-0936. recipient should be a Cranford resident who is a graduating senior workers and managers called every week to offer support while Michael was VFW plans Easter egg hunt attending a public or private school, must be active in his/her church ill. . •••••. . •' -,.-\ . ' • •/. • ."••••'•••••'•'•.•• while some went to Atlantic City or Washington. They were seeing the A daytime Bible study on I Corinthians 13 also is open to the sights like we did when we were over there." '.. Oranford Post 335 Veterans of Foreign Wars will hold their annual or synagogue, and must plan to continue education after high school. George, on the other hand,, lost his job, but he. bears no ill will to his Easter Egg Hunt at noon, Saturday, April 18, in Unami Park, picnic area public. The study will take place in the Education Building of the former employer. He was a "one man show," running a gas station from The good-will tour may not be over, however, as Mr. LaCorte admitted no. 1-6. The rain date is Saturday, April 25. All children ages 3-12 are church on Monday through Thursday, 10-11 a.m. Child care provided The chairwoman is Kathy Willis of Inter-Faith Human Relations pumps to books, for the owner who lived out of state. Although he had to a tour to Italy might be in store'for the summer. , ' - eligible. Post members are urged to assist in this event., . costs $1 per child and should be reserved through the office. Committee. Scholarship Committee members are: Joan Collins, 1' gW©tip hifejotyit was'a^decislob'he andiAtnbeVJi<6ached together.'George \i "There is a group of us trying to go back in August," Mr. LaCorte said. "They have a festival and we're .frying to, get ourselves organized. .We're ; A program for preschoolers and free-child Care will be offered Molly Johnson, Linda Leifer, Dr. Douglas S. Miller, Joan Wilde, Dr. •/ii.teMng'.blyear' off !to: spend tltne at n&meiMtrithe"boys while !Amber works, Deborah Wolfe, Dr. C. Paul Strockbine. .. But the experience of Michael's illness awakened: a desire in George 10 trying to get it together. It's one" of thb nicest places'I've ever beeH/'"'"" School sponsors; j)uppet;shbw • ';•;>; ,lv ' : during the evening activities. For more information call the church ; The Helen K Baldwin Nursery.School will sponsor a puppet show at 1 office weekdays between 9 a.m. and 3 p.m. The church is. at the Any contributions, will be appreciated. Send checks payable to pursue a medical career. ••-'"'. 1 Right now he is awaiting news of acceptance from one of three, radiology- p.m. Tuesday, April 21, at the First Presbyterian Church. comer of Lincoln and Walnut avenues. Overflow parking is available Cranford United Methodist Church-Humaxi Relations Scholarship, schools. He would like to work with children In the future/to give back some Puppeteer Jean Rapicaiio will present a variety of marionettes and in the library lot when the library is closed. 201 Lincoln Ave. East, Cranford, N.J. 070161. of the support and caring he and his family experienced during their son's - puppets for children of all ages. A puppeteer for 36 years, she also will lilness. . explain how she operates the puppets, Tickets are $3 in advance and Eleven months of catastrophic illness have brought about monumental, $3.50 at the door. Tickets may be purchased Monday to Friday, April 6- inconceivable medical bills, but nothing seems to get the Portals down. 10, from 11 a.m.-l p.m. at the school and Saturday, April 11, from 10 Although their savings are gone, and hopes of owning a home someday are a.m.-nopn. at the Community Center. Seating is limited. but a dream, it does not phase Amber and George. They have their family, and that is what counts. Fashion show helps Rahway Hospital FOR THE s One bill from California is more than $1 million. The rest boggle the mind. The Gran Centurion Twig of Rahway Hospital will host "A FarOare For SPRING TUNE-UP TIME Amber,' who Is in customer relations at the bank, said she works with Spring" Fashion Show to benefit the hospital's Nursing Scholarship 7 numbers every day but is unable to comprehend the bills from Michael's p.m. Tuesday, April 28. The show will be held in the Gran Ballroom of Lubrication illness. They are hopeful insurance will cover the bulk of debt, but if not, they J SICKROOM the Gran Centurion Club, 440 Madison Hill Road, Clark and will feature Oil & Filter will make it somehow. ladies' and men's fash^pns by Francesca's of Clark and Country Squire Men's Shop of Clark.- The event also will feature raffles, door prizes, Brakes & Exhaust Network helps families cope dessert and coffee. Tickets are $5. For tickets or information call Jo- Shock's & Struts Replaced (Continued from page A-1) sephine Vincenti at 382-0685 or Mary Catalano 382-1664. All proceeds Bear Electronics Wheel Emmanuel Cancer Foundation, in their son's name, in 1983. will benefit the Nursing Scholarship Fund of Rahway Hospital. The foundation, which'is based In Cranford, is a statewide, grassroots Alignment ' network of people who go Into homes and help support families with Fuel Injector Systems cancer-stricken children. Members and professional caseworkers provide Cleaned I AVIS RENT-A-CAR UNIVERSAL TEIESCOPMO financial and emotional support. VENSJUffitKH TRAPEZE AUTOMATIC dVEHBED TABLE VEKSARAll In nine years, the foundation has provided support and assistance to George Gershwin! \\ •} CERTIFIED about 850 New Jersey families — 45 in Union, 30 in Somerset and 72 in V MECHANICS 50 YEARS OF CONTINUOUS 1 Middlesex. . CoteK*rter! ./' Visa & Master Card SERVICE 1 Fashion show to raise funds According to Amanda Missey, the foundation's executive director, many Accepted for Repairs (Continued from page A-1) already sold. Items already donated people don't realize costs include travelingtong distances with a child tof Courage families — three area fami- for door prizes and to be auctioned and from treatment centers for periods of 18 months or more; long-disBWce - Irving Berliu! lies with a cancer-stricken child — include a week-long summer day telephone calls; meals and accommodations for parents of a hospitalized GRECO'S GARAGE Clark Drugs and Surgical one In Somerset, Union and Mid-camp stay for children; beauty treat- child; clothing to compensate for sizes changing frequently because of. "A Quarter 1^ 301 South Ave E • Cranford • 276-9811 60 Westfieid Ave., Clark • 381-7100 dlesex counties. ments; theater tickets; a silver quartz drugs and treatment; and the portion of medical bills not covered by Open: 7:30 am - 5:30 pm David Markowitz B.S.R.P. Est. 1962 The Emmanuel Cancer Founda- clock; a leather jacket, fitness club • Insurance. tion, a statewide, Cranford-based or- memberships; lunches and dinners Three families will be adopted through the foundation's next fund-raising Iwo Benefit Concerts far the ganization, which aids New Jersey at local restaurants; and a hot-air bal- event, Monday, April 13, co-sponsored by Forbes Newspapers. The event, children who have cancer, will admin- loon ride. the third annual "Spring Style" charity fashion show, will take place at the Westfieid Yovaag People's ister the "Adopt-A-Family" funds "In these times, we are concerned Somerset Marriott on Davidson Avenue in Franklin Township from 6:30-9:30 Performing Arts Company raised following the event. about reaching our goal, but we're p.m. Picture Your Child Elect And In addition to being for a good very optimistic," said Jean A. Casey, Tickets at $15 each can be bought In advance by calling Marlene Cmnlord Police Department With cause, the fashion show promises to show coordinator. "People have Clarkson at 722-3000 Ext. 6100. ; The mayor of Monteferrante, Italy, Dr. Vincent DiFabio, Friday, April 8 & Saturday, April 4 Bohdan Lukaschewsky be fun. reached into their pockets before and Proceeds from the event wil be divided among three "Children of visited Cranford this week. During his action packed six- Ts Crayola Bunny The show will be held at the Som- we're hoping they'll do it again for Courage"' chosen by the cancer foundation. There Is one beneficiary child Call 789-3011 day stay, Mayor DiFabio met more than 50 local families /• STEAK HOUSE to erset Marriott Hotel, Davidson Av- this worthwhile cause." in Somerset, Union and Middlesex counties. whose relatives emigrated from the Italian town. Mayor enue, Franklin Township, off Route CRANFORD 287, from 6:30-9:30 p.m. DiFabio Is seated In the judge's chair above. ' Tickets, $15 each, can be bought BOARD OF EDUCATION by calling Marlene Clarkson at 722- THE LINN HILL SCHOOL • Engineer • Manager 1 3000 Ext. 6100, at Forbes Newspa- Traveling players to present Woodacres Drive Mountainside, New Jersey (908) 654-8899 pers. • Teacher In addition to a preview of spring • Administrator fashions, the ticket will includes des- children's adult productions "Challenge through Excellence, sert (including more than 25 types of The Nebraska Theater' Caravan, Mad Hatter. All seats for this mati- Confidence through Competence" • Worked 35 years in industry and education cakes by Confections by Jon), door with more than 400 cross-country nee performance are $5. • Currently chairman of engineering department at prizes, a fund-raising auction, product tour stops to its credit, has the dis- The audience's role in Dmod is "The Linn Hill School is a beacon in the wilderness samples, discount coupons and a tinction of being a professional to help solve the mystery of the Union County College cash bar. company sponsored by an amateur title character's disappearance. The for gifted children and their families..." Free Photos Taken At Fashions for adults and children theater, the Omaha Playhouse. The reason the play has no specific — Rutgers Graduate School of Education Experienced io budget preparation and manage- will be modeled by volunteers includ- caravan arrives locally Friday, April ending is that Charles Dickens, its ing Miss Union County and the 24, at 3 p.m. with a theatrical dou- author, died midway through" the ...U- Easter Open House, April 4 ment, labor negotiations, long-range planning, ' young Children of Courage them- ble-header. wiiting of it. See what's new for Easter '92. problem solving. selves. The Union County Arts Center Tickets for Dmod are $17.50, $20 Open House Free BUnny Tales Storybook with \\il/ • Tickets, programs and posters are will present the group in'Alice, a and $22.50, All tickets, for the mati- any Hallriiork purchase when >*•• -Dedicated to: compliments of B&L Printing Co. nee and. evening, are available at you hop back Intor your play primarily for children, adapted Monday, Wednesday, Friday, April 6th 8th, 10th p Excellence In education Despite the discouraging eco- from Lewis Con-oil's Alice in Won- sthe Arts Center box office at 1G01 35mm print. Joanne's nomic climate, organizers are opti- living St., Rahway. Call 499-8220 9:30 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. Fiscal responsibility deWctnd. Then at 8 p.m. the siime for information and reservations. mistic about meeting their goal of a day, it will present the group's own A Well-Rounded Education (at 506 Boulevard Open communications The 1300-seat Union County Arts total of $6,000, or $2,000 for each production of .The Mystery of Highly Able Students sine/ 1982 KenUworth, NJ 07033 GEORGE PACCIELLO/THE CHRONICLE Center is the intersec- • Grades 1-8 I Community input family. Last year's event raised Edwin Drood, an audience partici-n $5,000. Michael (center) has some fun tion of Xrvinii -uid Main streets and Full Day Academic Kindergarten with his brother, Georgle, and dad In their apartment nation play. 276-2198 PaW lor by Committoe to Elect Bohdan Lukaschovwky, Lynn Lukaschowsky, Nearly half of the 400 tickets are Georgia now has chicken pox. Central A^ in the heart of 4 to 1 Student/Facility Advantage Alice (A Curious Adventure) fea- Individualized Course Opportunities Chal'porson, 17 Mendell Ave., Cranford. ^ Runway's historic restoration dis- , WdwtwtpioWblitcl D«lo|t« In lion. After a wedding trip to Aruba, the couple resides in Cranford. . room/dancing. This will include a public at $38 per person. The bus respectively. Ever) Center...... Mrs, Shippey, a certified genealogist, has a bachelor of fine arts degree Lynn John Myers, 84; demonstration. will leave Centennial Avenue Pool The following trips are sched- Computer instruction classes in education from the University of Nebraska and has done graduate Friday, April 10: 12:30 p.m, A rep- at 9 a.m. and,return 6 prn. Call uled: April 8, 9:45 a,m. State Capi- also will be offered this spring for work at Syracuse University. She has been active in various phases of Worked as chemist for Esso resentative from Elizabeth General 276-2849 for reservations. tol Building and Old Barracks; senior citizens at discounted rates education, with special interests in family life. She has published several CRANFORD - Lynn John Myers, Mr. Myers returned to Samla in .84, a chemist with Exxon Corp. when DIANE and MICHAEL O'DONNELL Medical Center will present a pro- Celebrating April birthdays are May 12, 11 a.m. Taj Mahal in At- in an atmosphere geared especially books on family history, including one on the Winans family. She is a 1935 and became foreman of the 1 lantic City; May 19, 9 a.m. Mohonk 1 it was known in America as Esso (for quality control laboratory at the Impe- gram on "Stress Management.' , • Ed Connolly,. Evelyn Dyas,>. Olive for their needs. . . .- member of numerous genealogical and historical societies. .. Monday, April 13: 12:30-3:30 p.m: Granitzki, Pauline Hadley, George Mountain House in New Paltz; the Standard Oil Co. of New Jersey), rial Oil refinery. He; came to the Bay- d The ' line dancing daslses,,: co- died March 16, 1992 at'Adare Medi- . way refinery ip 1943 as a chemist. In" hpaltrr-rnaintcrrance- piugian'r ui^Heir>T-Edythe-I^mbert,-Peg|y-rVaH Diane Gatto marries sponsored by the college's" Student'• Art-projessor^to address Gollege Club cal Center, Rockledge, Ha. '..'"•"•'" eludin• " g fre•' e bloo••"' d pressur' e read"- SchoickSchoick , Alex Zielinski and Robert Ocean City, Md. All trips will leave the main laboratory, became a group Government Association, are free. The College Worhen's Club.of Cranford will hold its regular monthly He was with Esso from 1930-1967 , ing,, weight and counseling. By ap- Springsted. "_,'•• . • ; from -the Centennial Avenue Pool. head In 1945, and transferred in Two time slots are available: H:i5* meeting at 7:45 p.m. Monday, April 13, at the Youth Center of the First and developed experiments using 1954 to what is now the laboratory pointment. .. , ". • .'. . For membership information call For trip information, call Mary Presbyterian Church. Pat Heath, professor of art history at Kcan College, JViichael 5'Dohrieli bacteria to consume hydrocarbons in division at Bayway. •a Tuesday, April 14: 9:30 a.m. "Walk. 709-7283. . Gosdnsky, 276-9149. noon or 12:10-12:55 p.m., both on will present a program titled, "How To Look at Art," escploring new ways waste products from:. an oil refinery. At the Bayway laboratory division Diane Lynn Gatto, daughter of The ushers were Dr. Kenneth /F.or the Health of It" through Echo Fridays, April 3-May 29. Classes ( to appreciate painting and sculpture. Mr. Myers, who lived in Cranford he was head of the analytical and Mr. and Mrs. Victor Gatto of Cran- Gatto, brother of the bride, and JLake. 9 a.m.-noon. Free tax coun- will be held,at the Yvette Dance Wednesday seniors Anniversary luncheon Studio, llSWalnui; Ave., Crariford. from 1942-1962, spent most of his test procedures development group. ford, was married on Dec. 21, 1991 •Timothy Brahm, Gerry Drass, Jo- seling and preparation. By ap- career at the Bayway refinery in LJn- __Mr. .Myers was designated ~a staff to Michael Raymond . O'Dqnnell, seph Buckshon, George Badame, set for Monday club Call 709-7590. \ pointment. . .'•••. to celebrate birthdays den and was the first person there to chemist at Bayway in 196,1 and pro- son of Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Todd Wolff and Daniel Hyland,;: Friday, April 17: Holiday. Com- Ten members of the Wednesday The Monday Senior Citizens Iri addition, "Introduction to: Per- Educator selected for 'Who's Who' be named senior staff chemist. moted to senior staff chemist In 1966. O'Donnell of Ridley Park, Pa. friends of the groom. munity. Center is closed. No bus Senior Citizens will celebrate their Club will have a board meeting at sonal Computers for Seniors".is a The publishers bt Who's Who In A native of Franklin, Pa, Mr. Myers His hobbles included making lens- The ceremony took place at The bride is a graduate of Cran- service. birthdays in April. They are Teresa 11:15 a.m. and business meeting at hands-on course to familiarize the America have announced the incl.u- emigrated to the Canadian province es for telescopes and painting In oils, Saint Michael's Church, Cranford. ford High School and East Tuesday, April 21: 9:30 a.m. "Walk Abraham, Catherine Baldoni, Alice 1 p.m. April 6. A hot dog luncheon student with the IBM and IBM- slori of Janet Mae Zahumeny in the of Ontario with his parents at the age . and he had at one time developed a Bishop Dominic Marconi and Fa- Stroudsburg University and re- For .the...Health of It" at Ocean Gray, Pat Hardman, Ruth Madas, is available. The anniversary compatible equipment it will be Third Edition (19^2-93) of Who's of 10. He received a high school di- new type of telescope to be used in ther Walter Nolan officiated. A re- ceived a master's degree in educa- Who In American Education, Grove. Lunch will, follow. 12:30 Edith Merlo, Eleanor O'Brien, Jo- luncheon will be at The Westwood held from 1-3 p.m. Mondays, April ploma from the Sarnia Collegiate In- astronomy. ception followed at The Westwood, tional, administration from Kean Ms. Zahumeny has been a rriern- stitute in Sarnia, Ontario, and earned College. She is employed by the p.m. health maintenance program seph Robertiello, Helen Som- at noon April 9. 6-27 on the Cranford campus. Mr. Myers moved to Dunedin, Ra, Garwood. ber 6f the rnathefnatlcs departmem two degrees from the University of Salem Board of Education, Salem, including free blood pressure read- merlad and Marjorie Stead. . A bus trip is • scheduled for "Professional Write for Seniors" after retiring from Esso, Since 1988 Kathleen Gatto Gurney was ma- at Roselle Park High School since Detroit: a Bachelor of Chemical Engi- he had lived in Cocoa Beach, Fla. tron of honor for her sister. The as a special education teacher. ying. • ••'••. • . On April 8 New Jersey Commis- Mount Haven Country Resort, Mil- offers instruction on a useful, ford, Pa., April 16. The bus leaves 1968. She was awarded a master's neering degree in 1929 and. a Master He is survived by his wife of 61 bridesmaids «^'were Patricia The groom is a graduate of Arch- Wednesday, April 22: 12:30 p.m.sioner Robert Jaworski will discuss though inexpensive, word- w The Wednesday Club will have a "Reverse Mortgages and the Con- Miln Street at 8:30 a.m. The cost of degree In education ^with a micro- of Science degree In physical chem- years, Loretta Myers; two sons, Ni- O'Donnell, the groom's sister, mere Academy, Del., and East processing package. The class will computer concentration from Wil- istry in 1930. •;•• "Unique Boutique" fashion. show. dition of New Jersey State Banks." $32 includes buffet breakfast, live cholas Myers of Cocoa Beach and KENNETH and KATHLEEN WILLIAMS Susan Albert and Janet Convery, Stroudsburg University. He is em- start with the basics of creating a liam Paterson College In 1990 and After he received his master's de- the bride's sisters; Maura Camp- ployed by Jerry Hampton's furni- 12:30-3:30 p.m. Health mainte- "Unique Boutique," a fashion entertainment and gourmet coun- Timothy Myers of Boulder Creek, document arid continue to more is enrolled in the master of arts pro- gree Mr. Myers became a chemist at Calif.; a grandchild; and a brother, bell, Kathleen Clausen and Susan .ture in Ridley Township, Pa., as a nance program including free show, will be presented at ihe try dinner. Departure time is 4 gram |n instruction and curriculum the Sarnia refinery of Imperial Oil Co; Kenneth Myers in Hawaii. Pjianowski, friends of the bride; salesman. blood pressure reading. [ . •'• Community Center at 1 p.m. p.m. Contact Pat Dick at 233-6159. advanced features, such as spell check and thesaurus. It will be with a computer education option at Ltd., the Canadian affiliate of Esso. In No services were scheduled. Ar- and Dr. Nancy Gatto, the bride's The couple honeymooned in Thursday, April 23: 12:30 p.m. A Wednesday, April 22. Bingo and There will be a birthday party Kean College. She has lived In More milestones on A-15 sister-in-law. : held from 1-3 p.m. "Fridays, A£ril 1931 he transferred to Colombia, as a rangements were by the Beckrnan- Kuaui, Hawaii, and now reside in medley of songs will be sung by hot dog luncheon are scheduled April 20 for members celebrating Cranford since 1971." chemist with the Tropical Oil Co., an the Side-By-Siders.. 10 and 24 in Granford. Willlamson Funeral Home, Cocoa Donald Kingsley was best man. Prospect Park, Pa. April 29 and a trip tq. Taj Mahal in March and April. March birth- She was selected by the Gover- affiliate of Imperial Oil;. Beach. : ^riday, April 24: 12:30 p.m. A pre- will be taken Tuesday, April, 21. days are Margaret Coates, Anthony "Advanced Professional Write for nor's Recognition Program in 1989. JANET MA&ZAHUMENY sentation will, be given by a rep- Scheduled for May 14 is a lunch- DiVincenzo; Elsie Fletcher, Edith S^nidrs" will cover the address resentative on "People For Fair eon and show, Hariky Pavky, at Hanselman, Betty Lawson, Kay book feature, using the address Auto Insurance.". ..'.,.',..-, ;v.. ., •••. ...;•-.-, More obituaries on A-12 tontlay, April 21: 12:30 pirn.1&30 J at '•'•• p.m. An "illusionist" will entertain 1 reservations'.' Jrom.1-3 p.m. Fridays, May 1 and 8j! S1STEK • members of the Monday ..Club. .. • Clalrk," - Augusta Cousiri8s' Alice Mueller, George Schmidt, Mary fin Cranford. Call 709-7600. ; FREE SCOTCH PLAINS The Reodor/Adviser DELIVERY St. Paul's Garwood Tarot card Readings CHRISTIAN CHURCH & United Church of Christ Presbyterian Hor Specialty Bell's Pharmacy Church 1800 Rarilnn Rd., Scotch Plnins PEACiE 7.13 Center St. A3vlco On All (By Union Co. Collt-ji!) CJ;n wood ProtDlems Of Ufe • 341 Spruce Avenue FELLOWSHIP Garwood, N.J. 07027 One Visit Convinces You She '.789-1185 "- 950 RARITAN ROAD 789-0360 b Truly A Gifted Card Reader We're Here When 889-1690 CRANFORD. NEW JERSEY 07016 Gary Wotiol, Pastor 115 North Ave.. Oantofd (201)276-8740 Rev. Frederick Rogers You Neied Us Minister Doug McCullcy Sunday School - 9:45 a.m. 908*272-9791 Puion Dean.i: Virgihu Knudien Worship ;iiid .Sund.iy School Worship Service -11:00 a.m. Sunday School 9:30 AM Sunday - 10:00 A.M. Worship 9:30 A.M. Wednesday Night Prayer Wm. a PARKHURST fr SONS. Inc FREE Cliild Care Available Great Savings on the leading name in window fashions. Sunday Worship 10:30 AM Wednesday - 7:30 P.M. Teaching Power With Praise Service • 7:30 P.M. DELIVERY Raritari Road Your children will learn of God's So if you can't make it to KENILWORTH love and gain a biblical foundation us, just pick up the phonel Hunter Douglas for life's decisions In our Sunday GOSPEL CHAPEL Baptist Church Anthony James & we'll come to you! School. THIS SPACE Newark Ave. & 23rd St., Kenilworth 611 Raritan Road., Cranford CONSTRUCTION. INC. .. * HOURS 908-272-6131 (Adjacent to the Days Inn) WAITING FOR Mon.-Fri. 8:30-10 SALE DAYS Sunday Services: YOUR PROFESSIONAL HOMETOWN BUILDER ' Sat. til 8:00 A beautiful opportunity to save up to 50%l What a difference 11 AM - Family Bible Hour and 272-7088 First Open Aliwrate Sundays these days can make to your windows. Hunter Douglas Sale Sunday School For All Ages YOUR CHURCH SPECIALIZING IN: 7:00 PM"- Evening Services Pastor Steve JNash • Room additions, add-a-lovels, kitchen Days offers all the style and elegance you'd expect from the leading name in window a very unexpected price. Wednesday, 7:30 PM'- Prayer and Bible Study Sunday Service Baptist SERVICES expansions, dormers and groat rooms. • Offering an EXTERIOR SHELL program Upto50%offl Friday, 7:00 PM • Youth Meeting Sunday School-9:40 A.M. •TAX SERVICES Friday Night Children'* Club foe the do-M-yourselfer. But hurry. These are Just so • Sunday Wonhlp-ll:00 A.M. • Architectural Blueprints with all - 7*30 PM (Grade School Ago) Wed. Evening Bible Study—7 P.M. construction orders. many days to Hunter Douglas Call For More Inlormnilon Church DIEECTCEY • Frvo year warranty. Sales Days. So come in today. And I ty' ' 170 Elm Street 499-7177 Redeemer Lutheran Church Weatf leld, New Jersey 07090 GREATER TAX PREPARATION RICHARD C. KNOX 17 H. Union Awe. • Cranlord Huntefflouglas 233-2278 (CranW WestHeld, To place Clark and CoWjwrthwalte Place MT. ZION - UHC IN YOUR HOWIE ACCOUNTING SERVICES . Scotch Plains. Fanwood . WINDOW fASMONJ ... (a Bloeka North of Lord and Taylor) Church School 9:00 AM & Vicinity) 43 ]ohnson Avenue » Computerbed PrepiraUon of your Tax Returns Worship 10:30 AM . Dedlcalsd to quality, value & sorvlca slnco 1075 Vertical Blinds WMtfl-ld, NJ Cranford, N] 07106 • Proleukxul tnd Dtpendabla J Individual Income Taxes Dr. Robert L Harvey, Pastor 276-0062 232-1517 (908) 276-0830 IT'S THAT TIME! Swvlct by Experienced Accountant J Small Business, Partnership, Horizontal Blinds your Church ; Rev. Paul £ Krttnch, Pastor We oftef NEW JERSEY'S RNEST DEUUXE ARCTIC FUR STOR- • ReMonibl* Ratei Corporate, & Trust Returns Pleated Shades PASTOR: REV. CHARLIE W. BULLOCK AGE! Our sdenUftcally controlled "air conditioned" vault fas the Roger Borchln, D.C.E. Sunday Worship Service: J We offer Electronic Filing Duette Shades , Sunday Worthlp S«V 7 Cherry Street, Cranford 276-1617 With this Ad computer* In.uring d * * Nurttry Can Provided W« r«.U« .h4tM our c.lcnt. your on.y Job, ^ ELIZABETH UNION MARKET durinfl your «ppolntm«.t we will dl«u« •» wwlWbU drdu Showroom SPECIAL DISCOUNTS ON ALL MAJOR CRUISE LINES Showroom (908) 272-8866 Child Care Provided OUR OFFICE: PLUS SPECIAL GROUP SAILINGS 686-5567 ST. BERNARD'S 276-3300 Stop By For A Drink AT •« •»•"• 965-1800 FfI/Sat. 11-9 Sun 11-6 CATHOLIC CHURCH TrwExperttin * U op«a 1 days • wa«k wlifc i»f ••«• FRIENDLY SERVICE * OUdlv Mcapto MmmlmtwJ wul VU- M-F 9-5:30 Sat. 10-4 2445 Springfield Ave. 368 Sumner Av. CUSTOM FREE TRAVEL PLANNING 261 W. Grand St. Elizabeth DRY -WEEKENDS ONLY- Plalnfield Bring this Ad and Located In tho Elmora Soctlon CLEANING" •/t P*o*liiu Yaar-roMwl »anic« Book a Crube or Land Package with 756-3393 Jacob's Well Sincoi924 A Provide* foa« talaphoai« pHc« q.*o*** UNIQUE CRUISE CENTER OR UNIQUE TRAVEL Mass Schedule An Evangelical Free Church 44 North Avenue CHRISTAKOS & CO., P.C. and racelve a FREE Souvenir Photo Album Saturday: 5:30 PWI CRANFORD UNITED STATES Sunday: 8:00, 9:30 PralMlFast:10:00AM . 560 Springfleld Ave., Weotfteld 331 SOUTH AVENUE (Opposite Klnga/Qarwood Mall) GARWOOD Hillside Avenue School (Centennial JlHUISIde Avenues, Cranford) DBAPCTY imMUSTS • DW OCAMNQ . SHMT LMMOCMNO (Located «bov« G«la«r'« B*k«ty) 11:30 AM n.wnwo«3ao*N«.cu8nMW»XM^»s«Br»»»»io SAVINGS BONDS Family and Friends Free — Camels Extra UP oovan t HANKKTS • suns & UATWR • mrnunma 908-654-4784 908-789-3303 Rev. Joseph F. Barbone, Pastor JEFFREY CHRISTAKOS, C.P^. ANNA CHRISTAKOS. C.P.A, -The Chronicle- -The Chronicle- C April 2,1992 A-12 Community Life Community Life A-13

Naomi A. Suto, 67 Joseph An unassailable fortress of acceptance Former resident of Cranford Mikus Jr. • CRANFORD - Naomi A. Suto, thi • .L, Savarese; of Clinton and. 67, a former resident of this town, Nancy J. limongello of Flanders; CRANFORD — Joseph Mikus BERNARDSVILLE - The family three grandchildren; and a sister, Jr., 67, a 'prominent veteran Who Of Roberta Reinsert Laidlaw died March 23, 1992 at her horned in: Scotch Plains. Arline Keller of Cocoa Beach, Fla. since 1990 had chaired the Me- Livingston transformed Forbes gathered with friends Sat- A grand honor Mrs; Suto' was born in Iselin and Services were held. Thursday at morial Day Parade and Services . urday at the historic Chucch of St : the Memorial iTuneral Home, Fan- •Committee In this town, .died John on the Mountain'.to remem- lived in Cranford before moving to March 27, 1992 at JFK Medical Scotch Plains in 1962. She was a wood. Burial was in Rosedale Cenv into Never-Never Land ber the woman known to her chil- etery, lindpn. • Center, Edison. Mr. Mikus was dren for her "inner courage and member of the Fanwood Presbyte- In lieu of flowers, contributions born in Bayonne and had lived The Adventures of Peter Part was presented at Livingston Avenue strength" and as an "unassailable rian Church; in Cranford since 1956. He also School on the evenings of March 25 and 27. The play, an adaptation of may be. rnade to the. Center for : fortress of acceptance." . .. She is survived by her husband,. Hope Hospice,'176 'tiussa St., Lin- lived in Dunellen and Iryington. the classic Peter Pan by JM. Barrie, includes original music and lyrics Mrs. Forbes, former wife of the Edward Suto; tvv6 daughters, Ka- den, 07036, . ..• .-•.'• -. '.':•• He was a: past commander of ,, by Steve Mugglin, George Robson and Dexter Davison. late Malcolm S. Forbes, chairman . Clark Post. 328,. American Le- ' The cast cornprised fourth-, fifth- arid sixth-graders of Livingston . and editor-in-chief ofForbes maga- gion, and a former Union County Avenue School, Ninety-seven students participated in the show. zine, died Wednesday of lung can- Viola Grace Kartychak, 62 commander of the American Le- Sixth-grader Carly Kaplan had the lead, playing the part of Peter Pan, gion. Mr. Mikus, who served in "the boy who never grew up." Jamie Turner/ a fifth-grader, was the , cer at her home In Bedmjnster at KENILWORTH - Viola Grace . the age of. 67. Mr. Forbes passed three brothers, James A. Smith of the Army during World War II, motherly Wendy who ..took care of all the Lost Boys in Never-Never Kartychak, 62, a housewife who at- Eutawville, Victor Smith of Ken- away in 1990. also belonged ta the Disabled Land. Villainous Captain Hook was played by sixth-grader ISfik Fekete. By tended elementary school in this ilworth, and/Clayton Smith of High By Born on Sept..24, 1924 to Mr. American Veterans chapter In The. PTA-spohsored production was under the direction of Judith town and graduated from the for- Bridge; and three sisters, Mabel Alexis James and Mrs. Robert, laidlaw of Engle- Clark. Among the organizations Turner, with Martha Noble as musical director and Carol Straffi as mer Springfield High School, died DeBeau of Cantonment, Fla., Betty Rlchel Schmitt wood, Mrs. Forbes and her hus- to which Mr. Mikus belonged technical director and choreographer. ; March 23, 1992 at Trident Regional JMtanfredo of Cranford, arid Evelyn band met in.Englewood in'1945 were the Fourth of July Services Medical Center, Charleston, S.C. y C^evelingof Califon.. ;,'••• during his last weekend in the U.S. Committee, the Cranford Fishing It was fun, but, Saving pennies Army upon return from World War Mrs. Kartychak. Was bom in Eliz- Arfnemorial service will be held. Club, and the Thursday Senior; II in Germany. •. .' . . •:. abeth and had been: living in Eu- April 23 at a location. to . be an- Citizens Club; all in Cranford. Mr. those grades! to save acres tawville, S.C.; at the time of her nounced. Funeral arrangements Mikus was a clerk In the Cran- In his book, More Than I On Friday and Saturday. March Livingston Avenue School stu- • death. She was of the Presbyterian were by John liberates, Charles- ford post office from 1957 until Dreamed, Mr. Forbes described 6 and 7, at 8 p.m., Hideaway dents are planning a project to faith. ..,'.••'•. that, "love-at-first-sight" meeting ton. '', .;.' . '••••"••.••.".•'.• •;" • his retirement in 1987. Prior to Haven, this year's musical 'pre- help save the Latin-American with: "Bertie 'LaidlaWi a stunning, Her parents, James A. Smith Sr. In Jieu of flowers, contributions that; he: owned.the J&J Dlnef sented, by sixth;, seventh-' and rain forests. Rain forests . are shy, sweet, blue:eyed blond." The and Violet Fairchild Smith,' are de: may. be.roadeJo_theiSantee Pres-... and • was the manager of the elghthrgraders of Orange Avenue being destroyed at the rate of couple.was married In 1926, Just - ceased. Surviving are a daughter, byterian Church, P.O. Box 649, " former Warner•'•. Bros, theater, Antoinette Fairchild was honored recently by stiidehts at School, was viewed' by many .40-50 million acres" per year. three days before Mrs^ Forbes' Beverly A. Phillips of Eutawville; Santee, S.C. 29142. both in Newark. Walnut Avenue School during Grandparents/ Senior people including ' parents, stu- This is as big as the state; of twenty-second birthday. . • Surviving are his wife, Dorothy Friends bay March 10. Mrs. Fairchild is shown with dents and friends. Washington. (From Adopt an 1 During the memorial servico, . Mikus; and two brothers, Fred- second-graders Natalia Singh and Michael Richardson. ... For close to two months, many Acre.) Roberta Laidlaw Forbes with granddaughters Isabelle and " erick Mikus and Edward Mikus. Mrs. Forbes' children —Malcolm • Marianna Kostenowczyk, 72 Mrs. Fairchild, a member of the Retired Senior Volunteer of us, members' of the cast and The students will have a Elizabeth. ' Another brother, Ernest Mikus, S. Forbes Jr. of Bedminster, Rob- CRANFORD — Marianna Koste-. American Heritage League. Mrs.. Program, was honored with Theresa Navarria and Yolanda support crew sacrificed their Penny Drive during the month of is deceased. Funeral- services Tuesdays through Fridays to en- April because Earth Week is ert of New. York City, Christopher 1 Columbaru •••.<• nowczyk, 72, a seamstress and Kostenowczyk had been a seam- were held Tuesday at the Os April 19-25. That is why we are of Far Hills, Timothy of New York inner strength equai to that of their son Steve Forbes likewise noted the sure a successful production. A prominent member of Polish orga- stress for several years with Jane ceola Presbyterian' Church, substantial amount of dancing, doing this project in April. City and Mrs. Molra Mumma of energetic father who stressed the profound impact of his mother's life nizations in New Jersey, died Clark, of which Mr. Mikus was a singing and acting held the audi- When $35 is raised, an acre Chester Springs, Pa. — spoke of the "doing and trying" of life. recalling the words of the writer that Smith's Boutique, Westfield. March 24,1992 at Brick Hospital. deacon.' Burial was" in Fain/iew ence's attention. The scenery of rain forest is saved from profound impact of their mother on Among the memories were vaca- Surviving are her husband, Stan- : High school isophomore the "true building blocks of life are- Mrs. Kostenowczyk was born in Cemetery, Westfield; Con- captured the imagination. Auspi- being destroyed because it will their lives. tion trips via stationwagon across found in the routine of every day" ley Kostenowczyk; and a daughter, tributions may be made to the ciously, we had many caring and then be bought by The Earth's Through their own experience, America to Wyoming where Mrs. Lodz, Poland, and lived in. Cran- and that "God is In the details." Margaret Kostenowczyk-Stanford Rebuilding Fund of the Osceola plans summer at Oxford artistically inclined parents 'who Birthday Project. each of the Forbes touched on a Fq>rbes was "always the first to set ford from 1959 until she moved to The service, conducted by the Presbyterian Church, 1689 Rari- Cranford High School sopho- sacrificed a few of their Saturday The PTA is giving each class- common theme: a mother who sub- foot on the soil." Her fondness for Toms River in 1989. She had re- of West Trenton.-; traditional tutorial mode. ' Rev. Alfred M. Nlese Jr., included tan Road, Clark, 07066, or. to the more Geoffrey Clay, son of Mr. and afternoons to help build, paint room containers to put the coins . stituted for discipline a faith that ac- Wyoming continued throughout her sided in Bayonne before moving to , A funeral, Mass and burial were : readings by Miguel Raurell and Rob- Cranford First Aid Squad, 6 Cen- Mrs. Donald Clay, has been se- An honors student with diverse and remodel scenery. in. After school on Fridays, cepted each child for who they were life and was recognized. during the Cranford. held Saturday in Doylestown, Pa. tennial Ave., Cranford. Arrange- some students will wrap the erta A. Forbes. Ushers included Jack lected by the Oxbridge Academic interests, Geoffrey has* been in- All of this was exciting, except and a belief that they would do what service as family and friends, ac- She was very active with the Pol- ments were by the Dopey Fu- coins. At the end of the month, Creelman, Wallace Forbes, H.O.H. Arrangements were by the Kedz Program to study at Si Peter's and volved in an independent study re- for one dilemma — the students' needed to be done for their lives to companied by JohnJ^feBaldwiri at ish festivals held at the Garden neral Home. 1 we will see how many acres we : Frellnghuysen, Peter Lagemann, Funeral Home, Toms River. Pembroke Colleges £>f Oxford. Uni- search- project concerning alter- .grades. After talking with a few work out. , ''• the pipe organ, sang fJSfaf^orftljB can buy. Drew. Mellick, John Pyne, Dennis State Arts Center, Holmdel. Mrs. versity, England, '.' through the''- native energy sources, with special actors and actresses, the one From car-pooling mom to Sunday Range. , '•* • Another project for Earth Kostenowczyk was a founding month of July. attention to solar energy, under the thing many of us found extremely morning sausage and pancake cook' The group also sang a hymn with Stewart and Prentice Talmage. Char- Week will be a "No Waste member of the New Polish Circle; . He will pursue studies in world supervision of veteran science difficult was that the continuous to a lady who preferred discussions words reflective of Mrs. Forbes quiet lotte A.M. Forbes was crucifer. Lunch Day." One day (a sur- Bayonne, and taught classes in the politics and economics, and British teacher Joseph Petrozelli. practice caused fatigue and the of issues and ideas over gossip or Music also Included "Amazing prise) we will weigh all the gar- influence:. "All things bright and history, in the classroom and in the last thing most of us wanted to prejudice, the Forbes family recalled Grace" led by bagpiper Larry Cole, Polish language within that orga- bage made at lunch time. On beautiful, all things great and small, do when' we were tired was a mother who brought to their forma- nization. another day during Earth Week all things wise and wonderful, the "Ye Watchers and Ye Holy Ones" Booley Funeral Service, Inc. studyl tive years a calming force and an Lord God made them.all." Eldest and "Ode to Joy." She also was a member of the Stein chosen for leadership seminar the students will be asked to Being in some sort of perform- ZPA Melodia Choir, Perth Amboy, Caring & Courteous Service to the Cranford High school sophomore Jason Stein has been selected to pack lunches, with reusable ance, whether it's a school play items. We want to see if it and the North Jersey Polish- participate in the Hugh O'Brien Youth Foundation leadership seminar Captain Hook (Nik Fekete) prepares to force Peter Pan (Carly or Broadway, requires a great Cranford/WestfieldAreq Since 1913 this spring. The HOBY Foundation motivates, trains, and develops . Kaplan) and Wendy (Jamie Turner) to walk the plank. makes a difference in Ihe amount of practice' and patience. ', amount of garbage made. For fiiture leaders, preparing them for positions in their schools and help- "Sirica Aha Rl.a^Vyas'now come1 ing them to expand the talents that will serve them well inthe future,;,. examplQt.we. should use a.lunch ^p^gies-to two stu(leiits to an end,.most'6f 'us "are'sad. box, not a bag; a sandwich con- Everett B. (StIM) vonCicrsdorff At the conclusion of the semmaiytwo ^deh|s.will bei selecteptiltci However, ..after, .all the .cprnrnents Westfield represent their seminar at the eight-dayr HOBY"World Le'adersKp ' Our apolbg)'e:Ft6vBro6¥si"351'iac¥"S^k'6bl; student Daniel Helmstetter; ..talner.-iTiot'a plastic bag.. (Idea DEDICATED TO DIGNIFIED we received, all of our practice from PTA Today.) Date of Birth Morel. 26, 1012 556 Westfield Avenue Congress which draws ambassadors from all over the United States whose column ran.on the March 19 School Page, for using the wrong has not only turneepnto success, SERVICE SINGE 1897. first name;. Our apologies also to Matthew Brady, whose last name was James is a sixth-grader in Mrs. Date of Death April 4, 1982 233-0255 and students from more than 30 other countries, to provide an interna- but it was well worth, the effort. tional focus on today's issues. . v'1 ' ' ' ,' misspelled, in last week's Clironicle. Sbaratta's class. Joseph F. Dooley Sadly missed by* Manager event. The project started with a- suggestion from Samantha Scutieri. activities that vvill give ideas on how to do expeiiments using materials Bethel M. voriGcrsdorff, wife, [daughters readily available at home. Fifteen families chosen by lottery will take Dorothy Goeddcrt, Mary Ln^Hlcy and GAS to participate in arts program part from 6:30-8 p.m. April. 8, 15, 29 and May 6, and 13 at Hillside Lorraine Corrltore, Richard Vaughn, son, 13 Avenue School. The workshops will be run by Mrs. Close and Miss "Imagine That" is the theme for this year's National PTA Reflections Dobbins. grandchildren and 15 grcnt-grandthildren. Cultural Arts Program. Orange Avenue School will participate in the Election day supper at Brookside program for the first time this year. • f 4 Brookside Place School PTA will sponsor-a-sub sandwich dinner "Reflections" will provide students the opportunity to express them- Reilly receives scholarship Tuesday, April 7, from 5-7 p.m. in the school auditorium. Teachers, selves creatively through the arts. The three categories are: literature, Cranford High School senior Timothy Reilly, son of Mr. and Mrs. FUNERAL DIRECTORS , Cranford % Robert Reilly of South Union Avenue, has been selected to receive a For Brides Wio hate FRED H. GRAY, JR. parents and students are invited to share a. social evening together; visual arts and music. The Reflections Committee encourages all stu- DAVID n. CRABIEL 218 North Avenue parents are encouraged to vote in the school board election after dinner. dents at Orange Avenue School to participate in the program. The $4,000 scholarship ($500 per year for the first two years and $1,500 per Wedding Photographers WILLIAM A. DOYLE 276-0255 The price of $3 per person ingludes a sandwich, soda and popcorn. students' works must reflect the theme. There will be three divisions: year for the third krid'fourth years) being awarded by the Union Chapter of the New Jersey Society of Certified Public Accountants for scores Francis J. Dooley Jr. Reservations required. Call 272-549ST)r 276-3789. Grades K-3, 4-6 and 7-8. All entries must be submitted on April 28 at 3 We specialize In photojoumallstlc weddings — pictures that tell the . • • . • • . (j . . . • . i p.m. in the cafeteria. attained on their 1991 Scholarship Examination. : story as It happened, not with phoney "set-up" shots. YOU tell us Manager The award will be presented at the 1992 Scholarship Awards Cer- what you want: candids, portraits, a theme, whatever. We listen to Students of the Week named at OAS emony and Reception to be held on April 29, at the Somerset" Holiday you. And we offer special prices to shoot only a part of the wedding. Students of the Week from Orange Avenue School are, from Mr. Giants vs. OAS dads on basketball court Inn in,Somerset. You're notlocked Into "standard packages. We're different. We're WESTFIELD: 318 East Broad St., Fred H. Gray, Jr. Mgr. 233-0143 Decker's sixth-grade, Jamie Brickwedel and Sarah Cossa. Jamie and Football players from the Giants will battle dads irom Orange Avenue CRANFORD: 12 Springfield Ave., William A. Doyle, Mgr. 276-0092 Sarah are new to Orange Avenue School. They are good students, well- School in a basketball game tomorrow at 7:30 p.m. at Cranford High Charles V. Dooley John L Dooley Matthew R. Dooley mannered and a pleasure to have in class. School. Proceeds from this game will support the eighth-grade class trip 'Pirates of Penzance' to be performed (908) 549-3333 to Washington, D.C. Gilbert and Sullivan's, comic operetta, Pirates of Penzance, will be Pupils make bracelets to raise money Admission is $10. Fans will' have an opportunity to meet the players presented liy the Savory Singers Gilbert and Sullivan Company at during a ; half-time autograph session. Autographed footballs will be Orange Avenue School on Saturday at 8 p.m. and Sunday at 2 p.m. Mrs. Krako's sixth-grade class at St. (Michael's School worked dili- given as door prizes. Refreshments will be sold. gently on braided and1 crocheted bracelets, which were sold to children in The lyrics of William Gilbert are some of his most humorous and INTERESTED IN PLACING A CLASSIFIED AV? Tickets: 276-1939, 272-6269 or 276-7207. composer Arthur Sullivan described the score as "tunier"...more fully the school during Friendship Week, March 23-27. The proceeds of the developed. CALL OR STOP W OUR WESmttD OFFICE sale are earmarked for underprivileged children through the Missions. Tickets purchased, in advance are $10; $13 at the door. Children YAMAHA Part of the project involved teaching one another the techniques of Hillside plans science night for families MONDAY «mVAY under 12 are half price. Information: Savory Singers, 22 Oakland Place, braiding and crocheting. The other part of the project involved artistic Family Science Night for third-grades and their families is a unique 8:30AM - StOOPM Summit, N.J. 07901, or 474-3098, 9 a.m.-3 p.m. weekdays; 277-6175 ability jand creative writing skills. Attractive posters were designed and opportunity for families to be involved together in six evenings of evenings and weekends. 231 ELMER ST. REGISTER catchy advertising copy was written to alert the student body to the science exploration. The families will be doing several different hands-on WESTFIELD 908-233-9696 • Rnoluiiunary 2\ 2 split lew I TO WIN FAX . Hade chops clippings into fim; mulch, t natural fertilizer. ENVIRONMENTAL TACTICS B.N.J. AUTOMOTIVE, INC. 908-232-1621 • Eliminates bagging and cosily A NEW MARC KELLEY °">'» Or.AlanJ.GIlckman YAMAHA Examinations BROKER CRANFORD EYE CARE GARY CELESTE matHnideftrtiliwrs. XT225 SER0W Eye Glasses 23 North Ave. W. IVe back the Cranford Schools COMPLETE REPAIRS • TIRES • BATTERIES • Clippitijs so Hue. it looks like Contad Lenses 1992 POST orncs BOX 143 Cranford, NJ. AIR CONDITIONING SERVICE AND REPAIRS * youbigged. IB ALDEN STREET Personal Service! (908)276^)200 I REALTORS CRANrpRD. NEW JERSEY (908) 709-1262 • N.J. INSPECTION CENTER * YAMAHA NATIONAL 070J6' I Budget NEWARK AIRPORT »ad mowing t!t<:ki (EVENINGS) (908) 272-7040 I Convmion kill Miiliblc (or (008) 270-7868 115A West North Ave. # OPEN HOUSE HITS (9O8) 372-6893 .307 CENTENNIAL AVENUE CHANTORD. N.J. 07016 • lli-Vn;'»'»lkino*frs. Hte Support Cranford Schools I PARKING RICKS APRIL 27, 28, 29, 1$92 I ACADEMIC FINANCIAL SERVICES rtmRANFORD OPHTHALMOLOGY I • Salt, H»nleFro« RALPH BRUNETTE "«//JOSEPH P. CALDERONE, JR., M.D. 1 • 24 Hr. Viltt Sirvlcn A NEW Computerized service that finds ttudentx - HAIR tU MUSICIAN AND SURGEON 1 • 24 Hr. Security _ DAY Financial Aid for HIGHER EDUCATION 1 CATERING FOR ALL OCCASIONS •24H(. F.t.ShuttliBuiTo FREE What can be cooc«ived...can be created Sloppy Joe Platter* » Hot and Cold Buffet* 908-276-3030 1 Termlmli Evtry 4 mln. PARK Our Scholarship Matching Program I 3 and 6 Fool Sub* 1DAY FREE 9UARANTEE5 RESULTS) Sandwiches »»d Sub* DIPLOMATS Or THE AMERICAN BOARD Of OCHTHAlMOlOflY • CoiWtnlinl UttUciii WITH MINIMUM 2 DAY STAY Home mad« Salad* • Cold Cuts 45 SOUTH AVENUE WtST • CRANrOfJD, NEW JERSEY O7O1S-2UIMS 25 North Ave. E • Cranford 276-2940 For FREE Information (908)709-9247 273-0370 • 15 Walnut Avenue • Cranfon), NJ. 07016 WITH THI8 COUPON TEST RIDES* SNAPPER SPECIAL WEEKLY RATE: Anythiog Lets Just WooH Cot IL $29951 LAVITOL (MO dates- ONLY... RICKS CYCLE CENTER PATRICIA MORRIS THE 14-16 W. Main St. Painting & Siding 25 Aldon Street Products W Mi ASSOCIATES, INC, NEWARK From BUDGET AIRPORT PARKING S Bound Brook, NJ. Cranford, N.J. 07016 Recycled fo» Inlomurtlon on how la g*t uddHlanal coupon!, pl*«M call 30t-M1-J«»0. Thli coupon li Hon- (908) 272-4033 Flbore tr>-i jfcrabl* and may no( twcombliwd with any othir ad or oHaf. Wnhly Kil* muat Include Buturdiy '16 Balmiere Parkway GROUP lht alay, trlih a minimum 8 day and a maximum 7 day atay. Otitt aiplrat 12717/02. rri (908) 356-1193 YAMAHA We Support The Cranford Schools' Cranford, New Jersey 07016 908-276-4746 (908) 276-8887 1-(800) 356-5083 82 Centennial Ave. LOUIS R. FERRARA 20 JjckstHl Drive, Cranlord, NJ 07016 Phona: (908)276-4000 FOR YOU AND YOUR CAR! *Muat have valid motorcycle drivers llce^p o -The Chronlcle- V,.. vo.

"V A-14 April 2, 1992 ?JI2, 1992 Community Life A-15 With Forbes ers and Merchants awn Muilenburg marries Thotoas Lies ijawh Marie Muilenburg, daugh- of Elena Muilenburg of Gran- de was married to Thomas Al- d'lieg, son of Mr. and Mrs. Al- l Lies Jr. of Cranford and Laval- e,.on Oct. 13, 1991 at the Church I St Anne, Garwood. |The Rev.. Ralph Quigley offici- ' ied. A reception followed at ['Affaire Caterers in.Mountainside. | The bride was given in marriage 1 ' he£ mother and brother. James. Faith Pukio of Rahway was maid • honor, for her cousin, and Timo- riy lies of Roselle was best man or his brother. /••••.>, Bridesmaids -were Kim Fitz-, iatrick of Springfield; Agnes Feltz' if Carteret, cousin of the bride; 'eaneeri Bissell of Roselle; Heather ies of Irvington, N.Y., and Terry ies Foppert of Bethlehem, Pa., ioth sisters of the groom. Ushers were Christopher Morris if Elizabeth, David Moran of Cran- ford, Myron, Szewczyk of Linden, 'ohn Aromando of Hamilton Township and Dean Fiadiho of Burlington. Mrs...ties is a graduate of Cran- ford pgh ^School .and Katharine Gibbs School. She is an executive secretary for ATSiT, Bell Laborato- Dr. and Mrs. Coe celebrate golden ries in Murray Hill. Mr. Ides is a graduate of Cran- fora High School and Trenton anniversary at Mass and reception State College. He is employed as a , Dr. and Mrs. Edward Coe of 217 Holly St. recently World War II from 1942 to 1946, assigned to the China- You Could sales representative for T.F. Barry celebrated their 50th wedding anniversary with family Burma-India Theater and" retired as major. . Oil Service in Berkeley Heights. and friends. A Mass of Thanksgiving concelebrated. at Dr. Coe conducted a> family practice at his home Following a honeymoon to Cana- St. .Michael's Church by the Rev. Lawrence Cull, pastor, residence and held various offices, including the presi- and Fathers Robert O'Leary and Roy DeLep, was fol- da, the couple reside in Scotch DAWN and THOMAS LIES dency in the Union County Medical Society and the Be The UUinner Of Plains. '•'.•'..'•.. lowed by a reception at Echo Lake Country Club. New Jersey Family Practice Academy, until his retire- The couple was married at St. Anne's Church, Jersey ment in 1988. He and Mrs. Coe have been active in City, on Dec. 27, 1941, at which time Dr. Coe was an Miss Ziegler is the bride of Richard Smith intern at Muhlenberg Hospital and Mrs. Coe, the former community organizations and in St. Michael's Parish. Drawing Will Be On n Margaret Helen Murphy, was a teacher of English and They are the parents of four sons and one daughter Stephanie Shawn Ziegler and Ri- chard Charles Smith, formerly of Latin at Ferris High School, Jersey City. They came to, and the grandparents of seven. The entire family ap- April 10th. Cranford, were married Nov. 30, Cranford after Dr. Coe served as a flight surgeon during pears in accompanying photo. 1991 in a double ring ceremony at Indian Creek Church of the Breth- Winners Will Be ren, Vcrnfield, Miss Schlichting The bride is the daughter of Dale and Pat Ziegler of Harleysville, Pa. Is engaged Notified By Phone, The groom is.the son of Robert No purchase necessary and Rose Smith of Irving, Texas. toA.M.Vajda The bride was given in marriage Mr. and Mrs. Charles Schlichting by her father, as Trumpet Volun- of Cranford announce the engage- tary was played on the piano by ment of their daughter, Beth Ann, JoAnn Moyer, the bride's former to A.' Michael Vajda III of Cranford, \ BEDNUNSTER DUNELLEN piano teacher. The Reys. Randall. son of -Elizabeth Lussier of Cran- MARTINSVILLE PISCATAWAY Keeler, uncle of the bride,' and ford and Albert Vajda-II of Arkan- Donald Hollinger, officiated. Dana ' sas; '••.•' • -. •' •••..• Devine's Pharmacy Somerset Trust Company Bobby & Mary's The future bride graduated from Forbes Newspapers Ziegler, brother of the bride, read a Cranford High School in 1981 and 1400 Rt. 206 374 North Ave. Martinsville Shopping Center 318 William St. poem he wrote. . . is employed by AG. Edwards and Dunellen Martinsville Piscataway The bride wore a Victorian-style, Sons Inc., investment bankers in Bedminster gown of alecon lace, • sequin and Millburn. 908-781-7900 908-968-0003 908-469-1216 908-752-4474 pearl bodice and skirt with a chap- Her fiance graduated from Bar- el-length train also with lace, se- rington High School, Barrington, 111., in 1983. He is a firefighter for quin and pearls. She carried a bou- the Cranford Fire Department;. BELLEMEAD quet of callalily, phalaenopsis or- A May wedding is planned. SOMERVILLE chids, lavender roses, greens and EDISON strings of pearls. Petrobk's Liquors Somerset Trust Company The maid of honor was Heidi 419 Amwell Road Flowers by Wesley METUCHEN 50 W. Main Street Smith, sister-in-law of the groom. Chronicle policy (Belle "Mead 1803 Route #27 Somerville Bridesmaids were Lori Poirier of for announcements 908-359-2333 Edison • 908-685-8800 Harleysville, Jennifer Ernst of Sell-.' Engagement, wedding and Metuchen S & L ersville and Carol Lancenesse of anniversary announcements may 908-985-0373 Pennsburg, all friends of the bride. 429 Main St. STEPHANIE and RICHARD SMITH bo submlttedMo The Chronicle New Jersey Savings Bank They wore plum and black irides- by mail — P.O.Box .626, Cran- Metuchen cent scalloped lace over plum, iri- Harley-Davidson 10 West High Street Rothlein, all friends. leysville, Pa., and is employed at ford — or by dropping It off at BOUND BROOK descent taffeta with drop waistline the office, at 102 Walnut Ave. 299 Rte. 1 908-548-7400 Harleysville National Bank. The Somerville and high and low hemline, and Guest book attendants were Jen- Forms are available upon re- bridegroom is a graduate of Cran- The Ice Cream lOepot Edison Ryan's Oldsmobile carried bouquets of lilies, orchids, nifer and Lisa Ziegler, cousins of quest,, Call 276-6000. 908-722-0600 ford High School and is employed greens and roses. the bride, both from Harleysville. Black and white photographs 203 E. Main Street 908-985-7546 260 AmboyAve. by Thomas Medical in Malvern, Pa. New Jersey Savings Bank Peter Smith was best man for The reception was hold at Shaw- are preferred, but good,quality Bound Brook Metuchen nee-at-Highpoint in Chalfont. Entenmann's 91 >North Gaston Avenue his brother. His grooms men were A wedding trip was taken to Walt color pictures are acceptable.' 908-271-0404 908-548-1234 David Poirier of Harleysville, Karl The bride is a graduate of Har- Disney World. The couple resides' ' There is no charge. 2120 Lincoln Hwy •• Rte. 27 Somerville Ernst of Sellersville and Mark leysville High School in Har- in Harleysville. GARY MATTEN and BONNIE SUE ALLEN Forbes Newspapers Edison Morris Stores 908-722-8953 15; Maiden Ln, 908-287-8310 417 Main St. Stacey Jo Meltzer exchanges vows with Barry Wasserman Bonnie Allen is engaged Metuchen New Jersey Savings Bank Bound Brook Plaza Diner Stacey Jo Meltzer and Barry Neil Wasserman were married Aug. 15, 908-356-2800 908-548-0900 145 W. Main St. 1991 at the Grand Marquis in Old Bridge. Rabbi Ronald Hoffberg and to marry Gary T, Matten 2066 Rte. 27 (Talmadge Rd.) Somerville Cantor Ralph Nussbaum of Temple Beth-El officiated. . The bride is the daughter of Estelle and Ira Meltzer of Cranford and John and Karen Allen, formerly of Cranford and now residents of Edison 908^26-5100 the granddaughter of Ann Lutsky of Clark. The groom is the son of Sarasota, Fla., announce thef engagement of their daughter, Bonnie Sue, 908-287-4455 Metuchen Bicycle Margie and Richard Wassenman of Livingston and the grandson of Rita to Gary Thomas Matten, son of Robert and Barbara Matten of Cranford. 457 Main St. Wasserman of Hollywood, Fla., and Selma and Joseph Leopold of North Miss Allen graduated from Cranford High School in 1990. She is Forbes Newspapers Miami Beach, Fla. enrolled at Douglass College, Rutgers University. She is the assistant BRIDGEWATER Metuchen 44 Franklin St. The maid of honor was Jill .Wasserman, sister of the groom. Brides- marketing director of the Daily Tai-gum, and will receive a bachelor's 908-548-1954 maids were Gail Sladkus and Nancy Wasserman, sisters-in-law, Jennifer degree in English and art history. FRANKLIN PARK Somerville Keil, cousin of the bride; and friends Kim Reisman, Lori Riker and Julie Mr. Matten graduated "from Cranford High School in 1987. He is Somerset Trust Company 908-722-3000 Barland, enrolled at Florida Institute of Technology while working for Edge Irttbr- Somerset Shopping Center Kingston Wine & Liquors Mark Wasserman was best man for his brother. 'Ushers were Howard mation Management Corp. as the operations manager. He will receive a Meltzer, brother of the bride, and friends Lee Lazarus, Mark Singer, Dave bachelor's degree in technical management. • • Bridgewater 3417 State Hwy. 27 Hyman, Ari Martin, Jeffrey Ldchtman and Peter Raskin. Their wedding is planned for the fall of 1994 at the First Presbyterian Franklin Park- 908-422-2324 NEW BRUNSWICK SO. PLAINFIELD The bride graduated from Cranford High School and the University of Church of Cranford. . 908-685-8929 Pennsylvania in Philadelphia and is pursuing a master's degree at Rut- Forbes Newspapers Designs By Diane gers Graduate School of Management. She is employed by McNeil Spe- cialties Products Co., New Brunswick. GARWOOD 123 Church St. 11 So. Plainfield Ave. The bridegroom graduated from Livingston High School and Emory New Brunswick South Plainfield University, Atlanta, Ga., and completed a special science program at the Unique Travel ; University .of Pennsylvania. Mr. Wasserman will graduate in May from CRANFORD 908-246-8100 "908-754-3207 the University of Medicine and Dentistry of New Jersey with an M.D. 331 South Avenue degree. He will begin an ophthalmology residency in July. Peter Pan Pharmacy After a honeymoon trip to Jamaica, the couple resides in Etlison. Cortina Restaurant Garwood 2125 Park Ave. 28 North Ave., W. 908-789-3303 irths South Plainfield Cranford 908-754-7607 Temple children to conduct seder David and Joanne Greonflold of Mascia of Brooklyn, N.Y. 908-276-5743 NO. PLAINFIELD Garwood announce the birth of their The children in graded Kt-7 in the Temple Sholom Religious School, son, Christopher David Fob. 13, Mr. and Mrs. Konnoth Flomm of HIGHLAND PARK Linden announce the birth of their WESTFIELD 815 W. 7th St., Plainfield, will conduct a model seder for children from 1992 at Rahway Hospital. He was 8 Forbes Newspapers GSB Coin Laundry -daughter, Caltlln Ann, March M, churches in the greater Plainfield area at 10:30 a.m. Sunday, April 5. pounds and 20 inches long. The '102 Walnut Ave. Harley Davidson of Edison 1194 Route 22 Forbes Newspapers 1992, at Overlook Hospital. Mnterml Rabbi Goldman will explain the importance of the seder symbols in maternal.grandparents are John and grandparents are Mr. and Mis /:- Cranford 299 Rte. 1 No. Plainfield 231 Elmer St. the, two religions at this time of liberation and hope. Special Passover • Johanna Hathaway of Cranford. Pa- bert'Bulk Jr. ol Cranford. Pator' . ••, 908-276-6000 Edison 908-668-4626 Westfield foods will be served by the parents of children in the temple school. For ternal grandmother is Jacqueline grandparents are Margaret Flernm more information, call 75G-C447. Greenfield of Murray Hill and ma- of Clark and Frederick Flemm of BARRY and STACEY WASSEPMAN ternal great-grandmother Is Eleanor Carteret.

-The Chronicle- o o A-14 April 2, 1992 April 2, 1992: Community Life A-15

•_...«»._., With Forbes Newspapers' ing Dawn Muilenburg marries Thomas Lies Dawn Marie Muilenburg, daugh- ter of Elena Muilenburg of Cran- ford, was married to Thomas Al- fred Laes, son of Mr. and Mrs. Al- fred lies Jr. of Cranford and Laval- ette, on Oct. 13, 1991 at the Church of St: Anne, Garwood. The Rev. Ralph Quigley- offici- ated. A. reception followed at L'Affaire Caterers in Mountainside The bride was given in marriage by her mother and brother James. Faith Puzio of Rahway was maid of honor for her cousin, and Timo- thy lies of Roselle was best man for his brother. • Bridesmaids were Kim Fitz- patrick of Springfield; Agnes Feltz of Carteret, cousin of the bride; . Jeaneen B.issell of Roselle; Heather Lies of Irvington, N.Y., and Terry lies Foppert of Bethlehem, Pa., both sisters of the groom. Ushers were Christopher Morris S Deposit ¥pur of Elizabeth, David'Moran of Cran- ford, Myron Szewczyk of Linden, John ' Arornando of'. Hamilton Township and Dean Fiadino of •fintry Gouppn RtTfe Burlington. ; ... ,.•.' . '.. Mrs. lies is a graduate of Gran- - "fbrd^Higrr-School^aTid^K^tefingr^ Gibbs School. She is an executive . secretary' for AT&T Bell Laborato- Dr. and Mrs. Coe celebrate golden .... .ons...... ries in Murray Hill. • Mr. lies is a graduate of Crari- • ford High School and Trenton anniversary at Mass and reception State College. He is employed as a ; Dr. and Mrs. Edward Coe of 217 Holly St. recently World War II.from 1942 to 1946, assigned to the China- Below. Vou Cou sales representative for T.F; Barry celebrated their 50th wedding anniversary with family Burma-India Theater and retired as major. Oil Service in Berkeley Heights. and friends. A Mass of.Thanksgiving concelebrated at Dr. Goe conducted a family practice at his. home Following a honeymoon to Cana- St. .vHcHael's Church by the Rev. Lawrence Cull, pastor, residence and held various offices, including the presi- and Fathers Robert O'Leary and Roy DeLeo, was fol- da,, the couple reside in Scotch DAWN and THOMAS LIES dency in the Union County Medical Society and the 60 The Winner Of Plains. : "'~ii.' . •.'. ' lowed by a reception at Echo Lake Country Club. New Jersey Family Practice Academy, until his retire- The couple was married at St. Anne's Church, Jersey ment in 1988. He and Mrs. Coe have been active in City, on Dec. 27, 1941, at which time Dr. Coe was an Miss Ziegler is the bride of Richard Smith intern at Muhlenberg Hospital and Mrs. Coe, the former community organizations and in St. Michael's Parish. 1 fin Foster Horn. Margaret Helen Murphy, was a teacher of English and They are ••Vita parents of four sons and one daughter Drawing LUill Be On Stephanie Shawn Ziegler and Ri- chard Charles' Smith,, formerly of Latin at Ferris High School, Jersey City. They came to and the grandparents of seven. The entire family ap-- Cranford, were married Nov. 30, Cranford after Dr. Coe served as a flight surgeon during pears in accompanying photo. April 10th. 1991 in a double ring ceremony at Indian Creek Church of the Breth- UJinncrs UJill Be ren, Vernfield. '.' . Miss Schlichting The bride is the daughter of Dale and Pat Ziegler of Harleysville, Pa. is engaged By Phone. The groom is the son of Robert No purchase necessary and Rose Smith of Irving, Texas. to A.M. Vajda The bride was given in marriage' Mr. and Mrs. Charles Schlichting by her father, as Trumpet Volun- of Cranford announce the engage- tary was played on the piano by ment of their daughter, Beth Ann, JoAnn Moyer, the bride's former • to A. Michael Vajda III of Cranford, piano teacher.,ThQ R^vs,,.Randal},., son of-Elizabeth Lussier of Cran- \ BEDMINSTER DUNELLEN ford and Albert Vajda II of Arkan- MARTINSVILLE PISCATAWAY Kceler, uncle of the bride,' and : sas. "...... ' ' Devine's Pharmacy Donald Hollinger, officiated. Dana The future bride graduated from Forbes Newspapers Somerset Trust Company Bobby & Mary's Ziegler, brother of the bride, read a Cranford High School in 1981 and 1400 Rt. 206 374 North Ave. Martinsville Shopping Center 318 William St. poem he wrote. is employed by AG. Edwards and Dunellen Martinsville Piscataway The bride wore a Victorian-style Sons Inc., investment bankers in Bedminster gown of alecon lace, sequin and Millburn. 908-968-0003 908-469-1216 908-752-4474 pearl bodice and skirt with a chap- Her fiance graduated from Bar- 908-781-7900 rington High School, Barrington, el-length train also with lace, se- 111., in 1983. He is a firefighter for quin and pearls. She carried a bou- the Cranford Fire Department. BELLE MEAD quet of callalily, phalaenopsis or- A May wedding is planned. SOMERVILLE chids, lavender roses, greens and EDISON strings of pearls. , Petrock's Liquors Somerset Trust Company The maid of honor was Heidi 419 Amwell Road Flowers by Wesley METUCHEN 50 W. Main Street Smith, sister-in-law of the groom. Chronicle policy Belle Mead 1803 Route #27 Somerville Bridesmaids were Lori Poirier of for announcements Edison Harleysville, Jennifer Ernst of Sell- Engagement, wedding and 908-359-2333 Metuchen S& L 908-685-8800 ersyille and Carol Lancenesse of anniversary announcements may 908-985-0373 Pennsburg, all friends.of the bride. be submitted to The Chronicle 429 Main St. New Jersey Savings Bank STEPHANIE and RICHARD SMITH Metuchen They wore plum and black irides- by mail — P.O. Box 626, Cran- Harley-Davidson cent scalloped lace over plum, iri- ford — or by dropping it off at 10 West High Street descent taffeta with drop waistline Rothlein, all friends. leysville, Pa., and is employed at BOUND BROOK 908-548-7400 Harleysville National Bank. The the office, at 102 Walnut Ave. 299 Rte. 1 Somerville and high and low hemline, and Guest book attendants were Jen- Forms are available upon re- • bridegroom is a, graduate of Cran- the Ice Cream Depot Edison Ryan's Oldsmobile carried bouquets of lilies, orchids, nifer and lisa Ziegler, cousins of quest. Call 276-6000. 908-722-0600 the bride, both from Harleysville. ford High School and is employed )-4preens and roses. Black and white photographs 203 E. Main Street 908-985-7546 260 Amboy Ave. by Thomas Medical in Malvern, Pa. New Jersey Savings Bank Peter Smith was best man for The reception was held at Shaw- are preferred, but good quality Bound Brook Metuchen nee-at-Highpoint in Chalfont.' A wedding trip was taken to Walt color pictures are acceptable. Entenmann's 91 North Gaston Avenue his brother. His grooms men were 908-271-0404 908-548-1234 David Poirier of Harleysville, Karl The bride is a graduate of Har- Disney World. The couple resides There is no charge. 2120 Lincoln Hwy - Rte>v27 Somerville Ernst of Sellersville , and Mark leysville High School in Har- . in Harleysville. GARY MATTEN and BONNIE SUE ALLEN Forbes Newspapers Edison Morris Stores 908-722-8953 15 Maiden Ln. 908-287-8310 417 Main St. Stacey Jo Meltzer exchanges vows with Barry Wasserman Bonnie Allen is engaged Metuchen New Jersey Savings Bank Bound Brook Plaza Diner Stacey Jo Meltzer and Barry Neil Wasserman were married Aug. 15, 908-356-2800 908-548-0900 145 W. Main St. 1991 at the Grand Marquis in Old Bridge. Rabbi Ronald Hoffberg and to marry Gary T. Matten 2066 Rte. 27 (Talmadge Rd.) Somerville Cantor Ralph Nussbaum of Temple Beth-El officiated. The bride is the daughter of Estelle and Ira Meltzer of Cranford and John and Karen Allen, formerly of Cranford' and now residents of Edison . 908-526-5100 the granddaughter of Ann Lutsky of Clark. The groom is the son of Sarasota, Fla., announce the engagement of their daughter, Bonnie Sue, 908-287-4455 Metuchen Bicycle Margie and Richard Wassei-man of Livingston and the grandson of Rita to Gary Thomas Matten, son of Robert and Barbara Matten of Cranford. 457 Main St. Wasserman of Hollywood, Fla., and Selm%:and Joseph Leopold of North Miss Allen graduated from Cranford High School in 1990. She is . Forbes Newspapers Miami Beach, Fla. ' enrolled at Douglass College, Rutgers University. She is the assistant BRIDGEWATER Metuchen 44 Franklin St. The maid of honor was Jill Wasserman, sister of the groom. Brides- marketing director of the Daily Tajvjitm, and will receive a bachelor's 908-548-1954 maids were Gail Sladkus and Nancy Wasserman, sisters-in-law, Jennifer degree in English and art history. FRANKLIN PARK Somerville Keil, cousin of the bride; and friends Kim Reisman, Lori Riker and Julie Mr. Matten graduated from Cranford High School in 1987. He is Somerset Trust Company 908-722-3000 Barland. • enrolled at Florida Institute of Technology while working for Edge Infor- Kingston Wine & Liquors Mark Wassorman was best man for his brother. Ushers were Howard mation Management Corp. as the operations manager. He will receive a Somerset Shopping Center Meltzer, brother of the bride, and friends Lee I

/•"\ -The Chronicle- A-16 News April 2, 1992 April2, 1992 B-1 wbilp rirting at 1:51 p.m. The car alarm sound- near exit 137 of the Garden State ed, however, and the would-be Parkway. The incident took, place thieves fled from the scene; Police 'When / was 6.1 failed a swim test at 10:50 p,m., . searched the area, but were,unsuc- -Q Youth Sports.....;.., B-2 and my family called me 'the rock'- cessful at finding'the men. . • Spring Schedules .. B-2 because I went straight to the bottom ••..••'•••••• Letters io the edi-or Charles Roberts Jr., 46, of • Scoreboard..... B-3 of the pooh' . ' Roselle Park "was arrested and -•'Charles Yarish, Jr., 33, of Roselle . •Classifieds...; B-4. .".''•• . -Ron Karnaugh Sunday, March 29 arrested and charged with criminal UiS. Olympic swim team member Direction For new board members mischief, DWI and careless driving charged with passing through a red was charged with DWI, failure to To The Chronicle: split boards and years of relative The driver's side window of a light, possession of a j,«^i."Su and having an open 1982 Honda was reported smashed after being stopped by police at ; For the past few weeks many harmony have been commonplace. 2:55 a.m. after they observed him dangerous substance, and vUii.t_x»w1 :,of alcohol in a motor ve- • I would urge this board and.fu-. while parked on Bloomingdale Av- on the • revoked list. Mr; > Robe: hicle 'in'• an incident which took people have asked me why I am enue. A pellet from a B.B. gun was driving in a. reckless manner on leaving the Board of Education. . ture Boards of Education hot to sit North and Centennial avenues; was stopped by police at .1:3.5 a.m. place on North Avenue at 1:38 a.m. re back and wait for the technology of found inside the car. near exit 137 of the Garden State Tuesday, March 24 Their comments have made, me ^ •>••"••• • , Saturday, March 28 alize my years have been well the 21st century to come to it, but Parkway. He was found in posses-' be creative, and innovative and Lori Bulwin of Winans Avenue Someone spray painted graffiti sion of four vials of cocaine. Amtrak police informed a secre- spent "Who will. look after our on the rear, portion of the Hillside tary at the South Avenue law office children?" "I cannot believe youVe meet the challenges head on. Put was stopped by police at 10:45 p.m. Friday, March 27 aside your old paradigm, "if it ain't while driving on S. Union and School, police said. The blue and A walkie-talkie valued at $400 of Kathleen Esterbrook that they, retiring." "Thank you for your red. paint included the words, recovered her pui'se, which\ years of service to the students." broke, don't fix it," and seek out. South Avenue. The SO-yearkdd was was reported stolen from the prin- new programs and new methods of "Craze" and "Notre Dame." The cipal's . office at Cranford High ported stolen earlier in the day, at.-: "Why now?" "Please stay with it subsequently charged with failure also spray Cranford hardballers. have financing and implementing them. to yield and driving while intoxi- the Newark trajn station. Ap- and do not leave." School between 10-11:30 a.m. • proximately $100 in cash, was taken- Rid yourself of special-interest cated. •'•.*•• It is hard to believe that 15 years groups who hide behind their so- from the purse, but the.other items. blend of veterans, youth of being a' school activist; nine called interest in children but are A 1986 Jeep was reportedly bro- Someone was unsuccessful at were left intact. '- • . years in the. audience, six years. qn _ Donald Hudson Sheets, 58, of stealing four tires -off a 1985 Ford, Cranford swim rt • self-serving and have a way of cor- ken into on Belmont Avenue and a Monday, March 23 By SCOn ZUCKER second. I'm glad to be back at the Board of Education with one Mount Ranier, Md., was arrested Sony cassetteKX»mpact ;disc player Mustang parked on Jackson Drive. shortstop." ; . '- roding, and eating away at public and charged with disorderly con- Police said the would-be thieves re- The Thoro^Clean Company of club lands pair THE CHRONICLE •year as board, president have education. Remember your dec!-, was taken, as was •a, pair of "roller : Junior Darryl Thomas and senior passed. duct and assault and battery in an moved the lug nuts from the car, Edison was charged with illegal sibns impact all of the students. blades. The items were valued at dumping after police saw rcpre- •: After several down years the Chris Gachko will both see time at. I have seen 'board members, incident which took place at 5 a.m. but couldn't take the tires off the in Olympics I would like to thank the many $900. . vehicle. '' .•••; . ... sentatives from. the company! Cranford, baseball program may be third base; the hot corner. Gachko principals, teachers, administrators. at the Municipal Parking Lot No. 2 ... .•.*** . ..•'•• ready, to turn the-corner this sea- is up from JV and Thomas is in his people in 1986 who took the time near the train station. Mr. Sheets Thursday, March 26 dumping grease from a 55-gallon;i By SCOTT ZUCKER and now the superintendent come to write my name on the ballot and • A 1987 Audi parked ^n the Jack-. drum into a manhole oh North Av- son. first year with the program. and go. I have seen supervisors was reportedly yelling and scream- A door of a vacant apartment at THE CHRONICLE ~ The outfield is equally unsettled. elect me to the board and to those ing in the lot and when police, re- son Drive side of the Coachman the Kahlcrest Condominiums was enue at 6:40 p.m. vPulplic Service j handle two disciplines, a strength- who did not listen .to the.special- Inn was, brokenl into and a radar and the Department of Public' The Jersey Gators, a Cran- CRANFORD BASEBALL PREVIEW Senior. Adam DiPaolo returns to^' ening, of academics at the high sponded; he became abusive and reported broken. The .condo- center field. DiPaolo hit over ,300 - interest group, "Concerned Citi- spat at them. detector valued at $40 was taken. minium .complex is located at Lin- Works also responded arid took re- ford-based swim team, Is .mak- s Although veteran coach Norm school by. limiting free electives. zens of Cranford," and voted for •' . •••*.•'•' . . • '•••'. sponsibility for the cleanup of the ' ing a strong contribution to the as a starter last year. . •' '••) ' ' ••*'**•.•' '•'•'.••••••- coln Park East. . > ;' v Koury has only three starters re- Junior Nick Lettieri and senior each year and the creation of the my re-election. ••-<• A Pioneer AM-FM cassette, radio manhole. United States' Olympic effort In supervisor of curriculum and in- Joseph Russell, 20, of Irvington Wednesday, March 25 >. ..:••'. turning, from last year's 12-15 Sean Slattery are expected to see Because of this opportunity to was reported stolen from a 1992 Sunday, March 22 Barcelona this summer, \'- squad, the Cougars have 10 letter- struction. I have also seen way too serve the town and the students as was arrested and charged with An 85ryear-old Forest Avenue Tvyo members of the Gators action in the outfield and both may DWI, possession of narcotics in a Honda parked on Doering Way. No resident told police that someone , Jeffrey Mantley of Glen Cove, men back. Cranford will Have a pitch as well. : Junior John Co- many budgets defeated after hours a member of the Cranford Board of : value of. the item was reported. . have qualified for spots on the and hours of board deliberations, motor vehicle, possession of a con- threw a snowball through the front N.Y. was charged with possession' mixture of eight seniors and nine larusso, up from '.JV after being Education, I am now ready to pur-, ;• • ' • ' ". ••*.* .-..•.••.• •../ men's 1992 Olympic . Swim juniors. '...... - To say my sik years as a board sue other interests. ... trolled dangerous substance, care- door storm window of her resi- . of under 50' grams of marijuana spotted on warsity last year, will be . after the car he was riding- in was' Team. Ron Karnaugh won the - "We . have a . solid group that member were different is an un-. LORETTASMITH less driving, running a red light, A 1984 Datsun reported stolen dence sometime around 6;43 p.m. another pitcher-outfielder. Lefty frorri" Hampton Road earlier in the stopped .by police on North Avenue ..2Q0-meter individual medley and doesn't have • the name; or status. of. Ryan Stempniewicz figures "to derstatement. Years of friction and Member, Board of Education arid operating an uninsured vehicle: No estimate of damage was given. Scott Jaffe took fourth place in in an incident which took place at day was recovered on Pittsfleld at 1:22 a.m. Upon pulling the ve-.' others but we are more mature," roUnd out the outfield rotation. : the 2(X>:meter freestyle at the 3:48 a.m. Mr. Russell was. operating Street • . . The steering column of a 1986 hide over, police saw M-. Mantley said Koiiry^'We have a pretty good Koury Will use a variety of pitch- • • * •. • Olympics trials in Indianapolis. his car in what police called a sus- Toyota was reported damaged in . smoking marijuana. nucleus; our juniors paid their ers throughout the season as he . . • • # # * - "I. am extremely happy with PTA leader for school budget picious manner on the Garden Police are still investigating the an unsuccessful attempt at stealing dues last year." searches for the proper combina- To The Chronicle: good standing. What's lost in our State Parkway near exit 137 and our swimmers, performance," Junior Chris Dorsett and senior tion. - .•••••• .'-'•• theft'' of a 1991 Ford Taurus from a' the vehicle. The car was parked oh The rear windshield of a 1084 said Gators' Coach Lou Wouldn't it be great if all of school system is our prop- when they attempted to stop his Benjamin Street residence which Commerce Drive at 1:51 p.m. at the Chevrolet parked at One Com- Chris Zarinski will share the catch- "We have seven players desig- erty values. Many of us are afraid vehicle, Mr. Russell attempted to Petrozziello. "We had four swim- ing duties. Dorsett hit .280 as the Cranford showed how much they occurred sometime on March 28. time of the incident. . merce Drive was smashed in some- mers at the trials and two of nated to do the pitching," said . cared about their children by vot- we won't be able to afford a tax flee from the police. He was No value of the automobile was re- •..*•* time between March 21-22. Noth- varsity designated hitter and back- Koury, who is in his third decade increase if the budget passes. We stopped on North Avenue. . •.: them made it. I am pleased with up catcher. Zarinski is in his first at Cranford. "We have a lot of ver- ing "Yes" on the budget? When I ported. Five males were. seen_trying to ing was missing from the vehicle, batting .500." ' .«.. say all of Cranford, I.mean every- should be more fearful of what we which belonged to C.C.CL As- year on varsity after spending last satility and I could puiftn any com- break into a 1992 Hyundai parked Karnaugh served as ah Olym- season as the JV backstop. one — high school students, col- have to lose if the budget is de- Paul Ewing, 23, of Fanwood was The passenger window of a 1982 at the Commerce Drive parking jot sociates of One Commerce Drive. bination." ' feated. pic alternate four years ago after Senior Cort Montross takes over In addition to Montross and Dur- . lege students, parents,^aunts, un- taking third at the 1988 trials. cles, neighbors and grandparents. MICHELE ANN FAZIO at second base. Montross, a good niak, Pete Cetera will be one of the Brookside School PTA president Jaffe qualified as part of the glove man, spent last season as a key moundsmen. Junior Sam Car- Take this-message to them for relay team. They take six swim- backup iniielder and pitcher. He is penter adds to the pitching depth. your children. Tell them that the mers for the relay squad. expected to do some pitching When he is not on the__ mound, budge^ has been defeated for the Karnaugh finally made the against this season. When Mon- Cetera will still be vying for a spot last five years. Tell them that we EXTERIOR HOUSE PAINTING team with a strong finish in the tross is on the mound, senior Andy in the lineup. 200 meter individual medley. He have used all our reserve money * SPECIALIZING IN CEDAR SHAKES Forbes Newspapers presents Modrak will take over at second. "He swings a pretty good bat," nearly broke his right hand at and' borrowed to our limit. Tell & ALL TYPES OF WOOD Junior Dan Durniak moves in at said Koury. "We will have him in the end of the race because the them that equipment, programs * PAINTING OLD ALUMINUM SIDING shortstop. However, .pjuniak will there, depending on what position and personnel are being taken contest was so closel do some pitching and senior Chris he will play." TO LOOK LIKE NEW "I nailed the wall so hard, I away from our children. Tell them * POWER WASHING Polito will see his share of playing Despite the questions, Koury that the budget was only defeated could hardly shake hands with time. Polito shifts over after start- feels that his team may be ready to CALL NOW anyone," said Karnaugh, who by 100 votes last year. FOR A rn_ x ing at second base last year. win. ESTIMATE has been with the Gators for five "Each position is a strength this "The key to our success is if we Cranford's reputation as a family years. "I've been dreaming town begins and ends with its year," said Polito, who is also a can get sound pitching. Our de- KORMILE 494-3561 about competing In the Olym- standout in basketball and soccer. fense is fine and they are swinging school system. A good school sys- 25 YEARS pics since I was eight years old. PAINTING EXPERIENCE "Last year we had a couple of the bat well. This could prove to be tem is on the verge of losing its "When I was six, I failed a weaknesses, but we've corrected one of the better groups we've had swim test and my family called 1 that. Everybody is waiting to see here and with all the juniors, grad- me 'the rock ; because I went what happens. We have a mixture uation will hurt us but it wouldn't Straight to the bottom of the of everything hind hopefully it will > cripple us'."- ' pool. I just stuck with it and I alongreoi^^ether. '.r , .„ ,•,,. .-,.,... Koury,...feel£. the,. cprn,pctiuon in never gave up on my goals." LINDA D EPSTEINATHE CHRONICLE Poljtftlls happy^to.rehjrnto his;;the, Watchungr>-Cp^fere,n,ce should Karnaugh will be attending Cranford Junior Chris Oorsett will split time this season between catcher and designated hftter. natural^^ shortstop- position••• after be heated this season. •' ' ' '" the New Jersey College of Med- Last year Dorsett hit .280. The Cougars were scheduled to open their season yesterday against spending last year at the-keystone, "Naturally Scotoh Plains is one (and employees of all kinds) icine and Dentistry next fall. He Plainfield. "Last year was first time I played (Please turn to page B-2) 5 a fashion show to benefit Central Jersey's expects to continue to swim and help to coach the Gators next Your Day Is Coming! winter. Rodriguez leads Bears Jaffe, a senior at University of Congrats coach! California at Berkeley made the Now's- Your Chance! Olympic 800-meter freestyle. He will cornpete on the relay with baseball youth movement In honor of Secretaries Day, April 22, we're Meh/in Stewart, Joe Hudepohl By SCOTT ZUCKER some of the catching duties. running a DRAW. YOUR BOSS CONTEST! and Doug Gjerston. "Mike has been working hard, "I never felt such pressure in THOE CHRONICLE . and played Legion ball," said La- my life," said Jaffe, who has David Brearley Baseball Coach Conte. "He is ready to take over spent one and a half years with Ralph LaConte needs just two vic- leadership role." the Gators. "I never swim well in tories to get his 150th career win. Junior Lou Kruk and senior OURA the morning but I did it this time. The young and inexperienced Jason Mogensen will both see time "My coach made sure I knew Bears should help him reach that at first base. Kruk, a basketball it had to be done in the morn- goal, but anything beyond that re- standout, brings his powerful bat ing. He reminded my daily." mains a question mark. up from the JV. Mogensen, out for Petrozzlello has been the the first time, has impressed with Oiir goal is to adopt three local families coach of the Gators for the last BEARS BASEBALL PREVIEW his bat and speed. Mogensen fig- seven years. The team consists ures to spend time at DH and may who have a child with cancer, providing 1 of 150 swimmers between the LaCohte has enjoyed amazing also to some pinch hitting. r .. a total of $6,000 worth of financial and ages of four and 26. Over half of success in his six seasons at Brear- "Kruk could be a big jmp'act counseling assistance during the year. the swimmers are Cranford res- ley, running up an 86-30 record. player," LaConte said. "He-is" an idents and the team works out But this spring he welcomes back unknown quantity right now, but These funds are administered through at the Cranford pool. only two starters from last season's he will be there eventually." - the Emmanuel Cancer Foundation. "Cranford has one of the nic- 19-5 squad, and just four varsity The rest of the infield is a bit est facilities around," said lettermen. more muddled. Junior Bill Picone Petrozziello, who competed for "We are very young in terms of is the leading candidate at second the Gators In the late 1970's. varsity experience," said LaConte, base. Picone, who served as a util-

**»&•; "You don't see too many set up who could also get his 100th vic- ity infielder on varsity last year, THE BOSS "„ i as well with the Indoor and out- tory at Brearley this year. "It has may also fill in at shortstop and Join us for an evening of fashion and fund-raising on door pools together." hurt us to not have scrimmages third. The Gators use both of those because we are so young. We've When Picone is otherwise oc- The Boss's Initials • pools as they compete In both played very little situational base- cupied, senior Brian Kasprezyk will the winter and summer sea- ball." step into the beach; Kasprezyk also Company Name • ; Monday, April 13 sons. The winter season runs Senior Mike Emery, in his third did a little pitching on the JV last from September to eariy April varsity season, is the projected, year and may be used to sure up Your Name/Initials: ' . at the and summer begins In late April starter at catcher. Emery saw lim- the mound corps. Senior Rick (optional) and runs to August. They re- ited time behind the plate last year Knierim, up from JV, also figures Kevin Duggan (right), men's basketball coach at Union County College In Cranford, accepts a Somerset Marriott cently finished competing In the and spent time at third base and in into the second base picture. plaque of appreciation from UCC president Dr. Thomas H. Brown upon being named "Coach For $10.00 we will run your illustration on a special eight-team New Jersey Winter the outfield. Emery is a good con- Senior Jose Rodriguez will be the of the Year" by Region XIX, National Junior College Athletic Association. Duggan's squad page in the papers listed below on April 22 -24. League. The 5-1B age group tact hitter with good speed and fin- key to the Bears success. Ro- won the Region XIX tournament and went on to compete In the national tournament at State vuring (Please turn to page B-2) 'ished the season over .300. Sopho- driquez, a three-sport athlete, gives University of New York at Delhi. • Complete the above picture. Use medium tip black pen Miss Somerset County, Debbie Allison more George Gyuve will share (Please turn to page B-2) for best reproduction. • Miss Union County, LuAnn Schnable • We must receive your entry no later than April 14th at 5 pm. Former Miss Middlesex County, Karen Rogers *Must be paid jn advance o Check or money order enclosed 6:30 Charity auction Door Prizes GET YOUR CAR READY WITH OUR SPRING SERVICE SPECIALS! Bill to: • Visa • MasterCard 7:00 Fashion show Cash Bar r l OOL l G STES1 1 r CC# ' Exp. Date. 9:00 Dessert and Coffee: Samples & Coupons ROTATE^ LUBE, OIL? ^ Ji ? l 'TRANSMISSION BRAKE~ • PONTIAC MASTER DEALER bn v r 10 CONSECUTIVE YEARS Name . I TIRES II & FILTER M _ f__^ll SPECIAL I INSPECTION I v 50 " Tickets are $15.00 purchased in advance by • 50 YEARS AFFORDABLE AND v ;ARS Mail to: Draw Your Boss calling 7223000 ext 6100. I $Q95 I I 95 Forbes Newspapers " $fQ $4 0 QR DEPENDABLE SERVICE 1941-1991 PO Box 699 Sponsored by Location compliments of Dessert compliments of Tickets, programs, posters I 9^ II Drain, Ikish and add up 11 i Somervllle, NJ 08876 compliments of lo 2 galJon* o» an|Hr«e_, ii• !_•»*#WhMt _£_?a 9 Forbes Newspapers I (Balancing Addiiional) | I PONTIAC CADILLAC Illustrations will be printed In: • Scotch Plains - Fanwood Press B_l Printing Co* • Highland Park Herald ||FN Expires 4I\W2 I I FN E»pk*m/16/!»2 I I ™ E«plr'ia 4/TbftC I I '"N Expifoa ^WIW I I fN Explroa 4/16/92 I • Somerset Messenger-Gazette L^to««W ^MW^^^ *^^^+ ^^^^p«^ ^^^^^d W«vJ L^^^rf ^^fe«^4 ^^^^^^ ^^^.^B^ ^^tf^H^^ fc^vAv^l ••••••J (B—^J ^^P^B*^ ^^B^M^ t^^ri^^^ ta^^.^ij p*^^^J bwW^prf ^^^^^^ to^F^^ b^M^pwrf ^^^^"^P l^rfp*rf ^4*H^ Iv^iM^d iv^iaawB^ ^H^H^PB^ ^W«*J • Bound Brook Chronicle • Cranford Chronicle • Hllls-Bedmlnster Press Coupon:; must bu present prior to write-up. Not in conj. w/any othor ollor or jnr:eiilivo Ollor ripplu's lo GM Pnssongor cars only. • Middlesex Chronicle • Michael Portal IMioto by: George Pacclello KEMPEIi • South Plalnlleld Reporter • Franklin Focus S3S • Plscalaway-Dunellen Review • Westfleld Record SALES PARTS SERVICE FKO1:I92 • Metuchen-Edlson Review • Warren-WatchUng Journal | • Green Brook-NortBrook-North PlalnllelPlalnlleld Journall •• New Brunswick FocuFOCIs | (908) 469-4500 (908) 469-2135 (908) 469-4100 "^SM^S. ROUTE 22 EAST ,,T 287 OVERPASS, BRIDGEWATER __i _•_•

-The Chronicle- TJ" /' "\ V April 2, 1992 B-2 Sports April 2, f992 Sports B-3

Send us your comments: YOUTH SPORTS Attn: Sports Editor 102 Walnut Avc. Phone (903) 276-6000 4 p.m. Cranford, NJ 07016 Fax: (908) 276-6220 ond In tho Catholic Suburban Conference and take the lead with' a second goal by Andy score was 1-0. The second half saw Centennial. CRANFORD 6 (Wed.) at Kearny :...: .... AC BASKETBALL third In .the St. Agnes Tournament. Their four Klndler, on a superb pass by Joey Crecca. add three more goals: one from midfielder 7 (Thu.) at County Tourn.... i.. TBA 11 (Mon.) at Rosollo Park ...... '...,...... 4,p.m. • losses wore by a combined total of 11 points. The fine defense of Rob Schlpper, Rob Pletro Somrna and two from midfielder Blellc- Congratulations to all the players. Sands, Phil Matt, John Anihaa,, and goalie 12,(Tuo.)atBrearley...... 4 p.m. (185)(216)(2p3)(604); Jim Callander Ball Busters 11o!5-85.5 • Cranford Rocreallon League kl,.an assists from forward Eric Ferrelra, who BASEBALL ' High Team Game: Rusty's (733). Hillside Angels...... ;... i .:. 42.5-35.5 a.m.; Race Information: (908) 821-5766 Devln Klebaur kept the lead secure. '••• - , 14 (Thu.) at. Westfield..... 4 p.m. .rn • (193)(196)(212)(601). 200 games: Tony Lopez StraightAIIOVI...... :...... '... 105-91 1 High Team Series: Rusty's (2092), •• •' . . *** ' .' . had several attempted shots on goal. Hill- IN THE NEWS Mighty Mas.. , ;...„ ...... 38-40 CSC Rowdies 3, Woodbrldge Elite 1 t ...... 4 p.m. April 5-'Five Mile Race for the Rainbow, New • (204), Jim Kuhlewoln (203), Ed Stoorger (206), 1 3 (Fri.) SCOTCH PLAINS...... ,.;...'4 p.m. 15 (Frl.) UNION CATHOUC •VJho:...C..L.u.'...., :...... ; 102-94 '. • ••• Sth-6th Grade Division BASEBALL side took advantage of a tired cenntenlal Nowcpmers.,...,: ; ...37.5-40.5 Mike Svyackhamor provided all tho scoring 4 (Sat.) at Johnson ;,,n a.m. 18 (Mon.) at Summit ':....v.,...... 4 p.m. Tom Kane Sr. (203), Mat Matthew (205), Rich . Wo Don't Caro ,..:....' .'..:..., 994)7 Brunswick (Middlesex County);'starting time: SI. Mlchael's'26, St Patricks of Chatham 22 Crantord Baseball League team In the last quarter, and scored (our Kenllworth Uttle League begin* ; St Michael's League High Rollers .'•...-..„: 36-42 for Cranford, totalling three goals. The first wsa 6 (Mon.) SUMMIT , 4 p.m. 19(Tuo.) at Now Providence : ,..;„.... .4 p.m. Sorgo (200), Robert Blndlln (211), Joe Weber Polish Power;.. ;....; ,. 93.5-102.5 11 a.m.; Race Information: (201)643-3710 St. Mike's finished tholr season with a vie-: goals within 20 minutes of play. Playing ex- Tha Konlhworth Uttfe League will kick off K's Updated Team Standings Misfits...... ; ,....'. .34-44 on a great assist by Bubba Baker and Hal B (Wed.) HILLSIDE ..4 p.m. 26 (Tuo.) WESTFIELD...... '...... 4 p.m. (222), LoU Rlzzo (216), Jim Dlxon (205)m Paul SuporSlx.. ; 92.5-103.5 April 5- Mad Anthony, Wayne Half-Marathon, tory in the consolation game o( the St. Agnes Adams Division season on Saturday, April 11, with their annual Bottor Half...... „., 68.5-39.5 High games: Mary Carvalho (191), Donna Gre- Hanssn. The Elite tied the game late in the first celient ball ware Mike Ventlttl, Jtobby Hub- :...:..... 4 p.m. ' " . • Degenhardt (217), Carl Th'ul (211), Jum Hoy- Astros 8, Red* 3 10 (Fri.) at Wostfleld. '..:....,..., Little Loaguo Parade. All children will be Pluggers .;:....•; ;,;....„. 89-107' gory (174), Mary Ann Pastuzyn (173), Donna Wayne (Passalc County); starting time: 9 a.m.; Tournament, to take third place trophies; The half, when a direct kick took a bad bounce off buch, at mldfleld, and on defense, David wood (2,15). Mike Pechlllo (212), Kevin For-, For Better of for Worso ;...... 55.5-52.5 . Fans saw a great baseball game, as Kevin 13 . 4:00p.m. •.rr>. April 1*- Spring Break ;5K Run, Betmar (Mon addod defensive support throughout the game. the Spirits took an early lead when forward 1 (Fri.) at Union Catholic ; ,.,.•...... 4 p.m.. Fruity Pebbles ...; 116-66 lukowskl (176). . (465)., :."••'. .. •-•;'• : Ip put tho Warriors up by two. St. Pat's retali- Kenny Hartmann played a strong game In giThU".) MIDDLESEX,...... ; '. 4:00 p.m. .fit • 'f ' 'i • ' •*** '•••'. April . Mini Buns...... ,.„.; ,..112-70 mouth County); starting time: 12 noon; Raco ated, tying H up at 22. With less than ono Mark Chandros scored quickly Iri the first half' 4 (Mon.) SHABAZZ ...... •....„„.,.. .J, J4 p.m. ' High series: Judd' (574)( Wlddows (568L mldfield as did Pete Drttmar. Matt Kawczyn- 10 (Frl.) ROSELLE PARK : ;...4:00 p.m. •ni Soccer Skills 8, Drills now registering ' April 4— D &.R Can 5K Run, Washlngtori : from a pass from Adam Ferrelra. Hillside 6 (Wed.) at Rahway ...... 4 p.m. Maglo Stars. ;..98-84 Blshe (553), EvarTs (550), F. Mlmlnov (517)7 •'.• • . ••• •• . " • Information: (908)449-9277 : mlnulo to go, Kevin Fontana was fouled and »kl, and Tim Ryan. The defense of Danny 13 (Mon.) DAYTON...... 4:00 p.m. .in': Soccor Skills and Drills, Inc., a year-round Cross State Park (Mjrcer County); starting For tho Reds, the pitching choros were han- 1 8 (Fri.) at East Side.... ; ...4 p.m. Triples ;...,...... ; ..„ , ..95-87 2avila(506). comploted a ono and ono situation, for a War- Vazquez, Jason Michaels, Chris Kalrelder, fought back with a goal leaving the score tied 14 (Tuo.) at A.L Johnson..:. '. .4:66 p.m; .ni soccor tutoring program for all ages Is now Hillside Avenue PTA tlmo 10 a.m;; Raco Information: (609)737-8660 April 12- Cherry Blossom 10K Run, Newark dlod by Mark Pettlto, Vincent Munoz, Whit 11 (Mon.) WESTFIELD ...... 4 p.m. Frosted Flakes. ;,•„.; : ;..... 93-89 • ' ••* .' '. ' : •' " rior two point load* Ho was then Intentionally and Fablah Herrera constantly shut down the ' at harfllme. The Spirits addod'two more'points 16 (Thu.) NEW PROVIDENCE....; 4:00 p.m. •.rn enrolling; students for its next .session which Team Standings April 4 ~- Monmouth Junction 5K Run For (Essex County);, starting time: 10 a.m.; Raco foulod with loss than 30 seconds- left, and Percy, and Jim Pfletfer. Pettlto, Jene Plrch- 13 (Wed.) UNION...... : :..... 4 p.m. Nut N' Honey.... '„•. 79-103. Elite. .. . . • .•: : ^ . ' ' •'. In tho first half, both from midfielder Brian 23 (Thu.) at St: Patrick's 4:00 p.m. .m begins April 7. Most classes are he.ld.ln the Garwood Women's League Rowdies,..' „.....,..:...... 46-32 Vision (Monmouth County); starting tlmo: 10 Information: (201)857-8530 made tho two freo throws as well, rounding out er, and Bret Gurnet chipped In with basehlts. 18 (Mon.) at Linden'.;....!; .. „,. 4 p.m. Bop Berries : ....;„...... 73-1.09 Friedman. The entire Spirit t^am played an 24 (Frl.) at St. Mary's. i,;'4;00 P.m. Wostfleld-Scptch Plains area. Team Standings tho scoring for tho game, with the scoro stand- Matt Rausch handled the catching chores 20 (Wed.) KEARNY. ...4 p.m. Honey Nuts. ;.. ,... 68-114 EZ Sockets 132.5^63.5 Scott Friedman Had a great defensive game. excellent game. Long and short passes by the 28 CTuo.) BOUND BROOK i...;..4:00 p.m. A free 45 minute presentation about' the Ing at 26-22. nicely undor "dl'flcult conditions. Scott Ivory, as well as making many fine runs Into the 27 (Wed.) IRVINGTQN...... '. .4 p.m. Klx...... :..... ; 63-119 Jo Nick Carpots ;... 129.5-66.5 defense and the midfielders created sevoral 29 (Wpd.) at Plngry: ....•...,.,'4:00 p.m. .m. school Is planned for Thursday, March 26 at 8 Chris Shaw, Ahmad Raschad, and Roderick offensive half of the field. The Rowdies had 29 (Frl.) ELIZABETH : ...... •,•'.4 p.m. Lucky Charms 39-143 Garwoid Rost 110-86 scoring opportunities. The tema Is made-up bf 30 (Thu.) MANVILLE.. ; .:..>4:00 p.m. • ,nri • • Q,m. It will be held In the building of the Echo Kevin Fontana led St. Mike's with 10 points, Aerlas nil helped contribute to a fine team many fine chances late In the game and finally High games:D. Wojclak (211)(108)(169), K. SOFTBALL .'•.•' MAY " • ' • Lako Church df Christ, located on the corner of Marano Motors ...... „..:. 105-91 and was selected to tho all-tournament team. effort. Swackhamer broke through for his third and varsity and Junior Varsityplayers from Cranford. Sarnowskl (183), M. Chlllnskl (179)(166)(166), K & 0 Welding. ; , 9Z.5-103.5 THE,. ; • -•.. i' ']'.'. 4 (Mon.l at Hillside...:.; '. 4:00 p.m. .m. East Broad St. and Springfield Avo, In West- Joe DeCandia had soyon points and clutch final goal on a defensive mlscue. Forward Dave LoVegllo did a gbof Job with ...... 4 p.m. P. ElKoury (179)(166), M: Rlmll (178)(174), A- Odds N Ends..,.;.....,.., .;. ;... 83-113 3 (Fri.) at Scotch Plains ...... 5 (Tue.) at MldrJIesox...;,; ....'..,...4:00 p.m. .ni. field.' .• "•••;' rebounding. Billy Provod, Don Mahoney, Tor- several attempts on goal, while Ayel. Stein- 10;30a.m. Sofranko (176), K. Plowcha (169)(160), J. Farr Garwood Lanos...... ; 80.5-114.5 .•'••, '•' '••• ••• • ".•-.'••'.•• 4 (Sat.) NORTH BRUNSWICK.. 7 (Thu.) at Rosollo Park..,...; ;..:... 4:00 p.m. .IV\ '. rel Lewis, and Steven Gachko all scored two SOCCER To reserve your place at this; demonstration, aono (165), J. Malpnoy (164), J. Plnkava (164). Cranford Soccer Club Centennial American! Soccer Club berg, Matt Tagllalovore, Martin Nussbaum, 6 (Mon.) at Summit 4. p.m. .rru. Lucky Girls., .....S1r145' - HARTRIDGE points apiece. Paul Herlts scored one point. 1 i (Mon.) OhATORY. 4:00 p.m. or to rocolve additional Information on the L Nielsen (163), K. Nycz (160)r-- Cranford 2, Clark 1 Centennial 4, Hillside 4 ' . •'• and Donny Andratta had superb ball control 8 (Wed.) at Hillside „..; ;... 4 p.m. ,m.r High series: .Joanne ; Howos Terry Donovan, Carmine DeNlcola, John 12 (Tuo.). A.L. JOHNSON ...... ;...... 4:00 p.m. classes, pleaso call director Tom fumbull at High series: D. Wojclak (J578), M, Chllinskl -, Crantord Dundee opened their season with With only 10 players, Cranford knew that over Hillside. Defonse was held strong by Dan 10 (Frl.) WESTFIELD 4 p.m. ! .in.i.. (522)(198)(169)(155). Evoyln Lawlor Mlcclo, Rul Fernanez, and Ed Eppla pounded 14 (Thu.) at New Providence'i i....,..4:6o p".m. (908)753-8240. .. (511), P. ElKoury (493), K. Sarnowskl (493), K. SCHOOL a Well-deserved win over tho Clark Condors.' their game against Hillside would be a tough Padllla, Anthony Flprallo, Calg Morano, 13 (Mon.) at Union Catholic ...... 4 p.m. (516)(224)(159), Patrlola . Wall tho boards. • , -15 (Frl.) at Nowark Acaderrjy ,...'.4:00 p.m. Plowcha (479), M. Rlmll (478). J. Fdraone Cranford took the early lead In the first half with one, with no substitutions. Cranford applied 15 (Wed.) SHABAZZ ..4 p.m. (505)(181)(172)(152), , Dobble Appozzalo Chad Thompson; and Mlk» Elwertowskl. 21 (Thu.) ST. PATRICK'S. ,..:..:..;4:00 p.m. (473), A. Sofranko (471). . .•..." a fine goal by Andy Klndler. Clark came back constant pressure from the opening klch off. 16 (Thura.) JOHNSON;...:...... , 4 p.m. AUTO RACING (494)(i77)(161)(156), Margo Kennedy .-' St. Mike's players loft with two trophies each. Kevin Callahan, goalie, had fine saves' and In the second half to tie It up at 1-1. With the Scoring one goal from forward Martin Topol 18 (Sat.) ROSELLE PARK ...... 4 p.m. Notes: StBr- Wojciak 45), Skunk- M. Mundy (489)(179)(170),Dawn DINuccI (471)(190), Usa With a 17-4 combined record, they woro sec- conducted the defense .well. - wind at tholr backs, Dundee scored again to dn an assist from midfielder Tim Blellckl, the . 2Q (MoriO at Rahway „ ...... 4 p.rrti SOFTBALL Flemlngton Speedway opening dates (•n- . ••'.,••.•.•,.••• Fralzor (471)(189), Joanne McCoftib 22 (Wed.) PpUNFlELD. ;...„ '.,...4 p.m. Racing will kick off this season at Remington (470)(i74)(159), Patty Yutr (469)(183)(160), 24 F.rl.) SCOTCh PLAINS ,,4 p.m. 2 (Thu.) at Plngry.. ...,ii.'....; ...'...4:00 p.m. .in., Fair Speedway on April 4th arid 5th with the Brookslde P.T.A. League Susan King (464)(174)(156), Joan Barblnl Team Standings 27 (Mon.) SUMMIT...... ;... 4 p.m. 3 (Frk) BOUND BROOK...... 4:00! p.m. .rn.'.' 92-lap Syracuse Qualifier for' Modifleds plus (461)(175)(155). ; 28 (Tuo.) at South Plalnflold ....4 p.m. 7 (Tuo.) M^iNViLLE ...... 4:00 p.m. .m.r Sportsman and Groat American Street Stocks Just Right...... 40.5-25.5 High gamos: Ellon Boylo (180), Carol Rlloy Karnaugh, Jaffe Millersville-bound : 9 (Thu.) at Middlesex...,:..,. ..;,.. 4:00 p.m. • Lucky.Charms ..„ ...,.; ; 39-27 ' .••• . . ; : .• • MAY- ' bn Saturday, (the 4th). On Sunday, the Asphalt (165)(156), Margarot'Bonkovlch (162), Marie i(Fri.) UNION CATHduc ..;.:..,....4 p:m, 10 (Fti:) at Roselle Park ..'..„;. ...;.. 4:00 p.m. Modifleds, the hew-division of TAR-CARS and Trlx...... :...... ". ;,'. ;....;.36-30 Hartung (169)(156), AnneKalsdr (160), Lois- l •'• 4*flfl n m Froot Loops i,....,;,,; ..'34-32 Gloss (159),, Mary' Anne Boyla .(157),. Edith ^(Mnr)tt(Monr)rtttt Shaba3x^Shaba3x^»;.v; T ...:;...!—i) p;m. . ^3 (Mon) at Dayton. .I....'. • .'.'..... ^^y8elea^l|lnJn.V 1 Nut n'. Honey:...;...,.....:.', .,..;, ..30;5r35.5 (Wed.) RAHWAY :„...: .,:: ....:....„ 4 p.m.; 14 (Tue.)A.L JOHNSON ...... •....'.. ;.;:..4:oo p.m. - - The following weokerid .will be the Bridgeport Guorrloro (156),DlanoGuortln.(15i), Edna Ol- OUR STUDENTS Rice Krlsples ...... 29-37 . Union County 8 (Frl.) EAST SIDE ...;...... 4 p.m. 16 (Thu.) NEW PROVIDENCE...... 4:00 p.m. Opener with a 92-lap Syracuse Qualifier for ivor (151). Carol Marano (150). ' . Olympians Forbes' Top Five 11 (Mon.) at Westfield...... ,.4 p.m. 20 (Mon.) ST. MARY'S..; .'. ,....."4:00 p.m. Modlflods,, ••'..''.' '.-.'' Choerlos ..29-37 • *•*• • . ' • ' •. KlX.. „. '.;. ;' ,.....26-)0 Boys Baseball Rankings 13 (Wed.) at Union.. :. ....;...;.. 4 p.m. 23 (Thu.) ST. PATRICK'S.' 4:00 p.m.' ,'m.i For Information, call the Speedway, 782- Garwood Young American AIM HIGH... (Continued from page B-l) High games: Helen paor (179), Mlchele Porter ( UNN ...... 4p.m. 27 (Mon.yDAYTON.: :. .!.:.. 4:00 p.m. •.2413 .'•. . • ,.• '. :•'.;'. • Bowling Alliance • • (178)(155), Ruby Kloesples (174), Pat Ronaud took third in the state at the 20 (Wed,) at Kearny....: ;..,..:..'....4 p.m. 28 (TUB.) at Bound Brook .:...:...... 4:00 p.m. Team Standings .'•...' (163), Connie Drlmones (161), Gerrl Klndler AND THEY MAKE IT! Scotch Plns-Fanwood 27 (Wed.) at Irvlngton. ,.,;....;...4 p.m. 30 (Thu.) at Manvlllo.'. ...;.. 4:00 p.m. Knights of Cloumbus ;..54-33 SIGNUPS (151), Linda Brlblesca (149)(148)(147), Donna New Jersey Junior Olympic 29 (Frl.) at Ellzaboth...... 4 p.m. • '•'• ' • •.-.'• - .MAY Potro Plastics.... , ,...., .50-37 O'Donnell (149), Irene Wolss (145), Sandy Champi- , , •-•: • •. 5 (Tue.) MIDDLESEX...... * ...4:00 p.m. Rusty's 48-39 p TRACK Pacchla (142). hi Westfield 7 (Thu.). ROSELLE PARK. '.....<. ...:4:6o p.m. \ .m.c Women's softball seeks play- Garwood Fire Dopt...... 47-39 onships. APRIL High series: Mlchele Porter (459), Linda Brlbl- When I was 4 p.m. 12 (Tue.) at A.L. Johnson ....4:00 p.m. .in.c ers Blllnskas Brothors..., '. ..44-43 7 (Tug.) at Summit.,. i...... osca (444), Helen Baer (427), Pat Renaud COME SEE 14 (Thu.) at New Providence .;...... 4:00 p.m. .rrt.i : The Kenllworth Women's softball slow VFW , ,..', ;...... 37-50 14 (Tue.) at Scotch Plains...... 4p.m. (411). . 61 failed a Elizabeth 19 (Tuo.) EUZABETH...... ; ... 4:00 p.m. pilch league.Is looking for players for their Marano & Sons.: ..:... 35-52 27 (Mon.) SHABAZZ...... 4 p.m. Note's: Connie Drlmones bowlod four .con- 21 (Thu.) at St. Patrick's ..,;, ....4:00 p.m. hewly formed organization. The league Is Garwood Auto Parts ,:,...... 33-54 MAY secutive strikes. Ruby KJopsples. arid Pat FOR YOURSELF ..4 p.m. open to women 21 an over and games will High games: Randy Banlc (182), Gregory Ry- 6 (Wed.) UNION CATHOLIC .... Renaud bowjed turkeys. . . Rahway , be .played Sundays at 6 pnrln Kenllworth. bock (168), Eric Meyer (167),'-Jennifer Evans the Cran- and my . 12 (Tue.l RAHWAY.. .4 p.m. BOYS TRACK ' The season wilt, run from May theough July. (120), Katlo Knlorlm (132), Nicole Dodge (119), at the • • .. . ' •••' . .' • ford am family called BOYS TENNIS Anyone wishing further Information may call Donlso Wall (119). t 2(Thu.) at New Providence....; ;,.4:00 p.m. .m.t: Union 272-7438 or 276-2123. Monday Senior League High series: Randy Banlc (463), Grpgory Ry- School •. /xL- 3 (Frl.) at Union Catholic 4 p.m. ,9 (Tha) MIDDLESEX MlOO p.m. .m.c, ... ' , ••* Team Standings: bock (452), Eric Mayor (417), Denlse Wall swim team, ^6 the 6 (Mon.) SHABAZZ...... ; .....4 p.m. 11 (Sat.) MOUNTAIN VALLEY RELAY at Bound bnu Bubbles ...'. 121-75 UPPER SCHOOL Giants come to Cranford (338), Jennifer Evans (328), Nicole Dodgo 7 (Tue.) at Metuchen 4 p.m Brook.. :...9:00 a.m. 3C's and 1D , , 112-84 Kim Smith rock'. Members of tho Now York Giants will take on (304).; • ;, .- ..._'••; and Jen Up-—.^ i 8 (Wed.) at Linden ..'. 4 p.m. 14 (Tuo.) at Bound Brook 4:00 10 (Fri.) at Rahway.... ;..... :4 p.m. 16 (Thu.) A.L. JOHNSON ...... 4:00 p.m. the dads of eighth graders In a charity bas- OPEN HOUSE Cougars have ketball to be held at Cranford High April 3 at Phaien, oecause i •13 (Mon.l SCOTCH PLAINS..-...... ^ p.m. 21 (Tue.) NORTH PLAINFIELD ...... 4:00 p.m. .m.c. 7:30. Tho evening will feature.a halftlme auto- 15 (Wed.) SUMMIT ;.,.;«..'. :... 4 p.m. 23 (Thu.) at Dayton...... 4;00 p.m. .m.c swim for Went graph session with Pepper Johnson,. Dave' 20(Mon.) at irvlngton ; 11 a.m. 28 (Tuo.) at Manvlllo ...... ; ',.„. 4:00 p.m. . eyes on County Moggott.Q.J. Anderson and Bobby Abrams the Gators. stralgiit6 22 (Wed.) at East Side ...,.., ,;.4 p.m. 30 (Thu.) ROSELLE PARK.. 4:00 p.m. amohg others. Admission is $1.0 and will "go 24 (Frl.) at Kearny \ ..,..;.,... 4 p.m. : MAY Several ., f „ toward tho eight grade's trip to Washington. Sunday, April 5th at 1PM 27 (Mon.) PLAINFIELO \....> : 4 p.m. 4 (Mon.) at Summit .....4:00 p.m. members of- •tne bottom championship For more Information contact Cindy or .Tony 29 (Wed.) at Unlon...:....™>A..... 4 p.m. • 9 (Sat.) MOUNTAIN VALLEY CHAMPIONSHIPS Smith at 276-1939 or John Mamrack at 276- 10% the highly of the pool.' (Continued from page B-l) 30 (Thu.) Union County Tourn ...... ;..,TBA at Ridge ..9:00 a.m. .m.t . 7207, successful SCOTT 2UCKER/THE CHRONICLE MAY 15 (Sat.) UNION COUNTY CHAMPIONSHIPS 2'i Any Muffler or Exhaust Job (of'the teams to watch) and Rah- *•• .' . . • •' St Joe's of 1 (Fri.) Union County Tourn...... ,;..rTBA .....„...:..... '.. 9:00 a.m. .rn.c. . with this coupon «xp. 3/31/91. Not valid with other offers. Cranford defensive lineman Dave Dorsett signs a letter of UCC holds net clinic way is pretty good. We have to get 4 (Mon.) at Elizabeth..... 4 p.m. 23 .(Sat.) STATE SECTIONAL CHAMPI- -iqN Metuchen ~~~~ ~ Beginning and Intermediate levels of tennis by Scotch Plains though. On the Intent to attend Mlllersvllle University (Pa.) next year. Athletic 6 (Wed.) WESTFIELD , ,...; ..4 p.m. ONSHIPS... , : 9:00 a.m. ' .m.r.' squad compete on the team. play will bo taught this spring In a specialized Director Bob Lelll, Coach Nick Brown and parents Carolyn 8 (Frl.) at Johnson.,,.... '.: 4 p.m. 30 (Sat.) GROUP I CHAMPIONSHIPS 9:00 a.m. Independently Owned & Operated St Joe's finished second in other side Union and Elizabeth 11 (Mon.) UNION CATHOUC 4 p.m. clinic offerof by Union County College. Begln- and David Dorsett look on. I'fiW, instruction will covor basic grips, forehand, are strong. There is no one we can 13 (Wed,) at Shabazz.;. :. 4 p,m. We also do most the state. GIRLS TRACK i.iih((-|jacj10 p.m.. 0 p.m.-. 7 30 Saturday: 1:40 p.m., 5 p.m., p.m., 3:10 p.m., 5:30 p.m., »r/fc Cuitinii idtfe (PG) Friday. p.m. Saturday, Sunday: 2 BOUND BROOK, NEW JERSEY Just For Kicks • 06-114 at 11:30 p.m. •1:30 p.m., 7:15 p.m.. 0:-1ii p in., 9:4"j p.m Monday- 7:20 p.m., 9:50 p.m. Sunday: 7:40 p.m., 10:20 p.m. Sun- Saturday: 2 p.m., 4:30 p.m., p.m., 4 p.m., G p.m., 8 p.m., O&MMoals 05-115 •Jhunderheart (R) Friday- p.m. Sunday: 4:30 p.m., 7:15 Ihursday: 7:06 p.m., 9.p.m. 1:50 p.m., 5 p.m., 7:20 p.m., day: 1:30 p.m., 3:30 p.m., 201-356-0604 7:15 p.m., 9:50 p.m. Sunday: 10 p.m. ) M&dom Barbor Shop 04-116 Thursday: 1:55 p.m., 4:35 p.m., 9:'I5 p.m. •Hufjy (I!) Friday, Saturday: 9:40 p.m. Monday-Thursday: 5:40 p.m., 7:40 p.m., 9:30 2 p.m!, 4:30 p.m., 7:15 p.m., Painting Plus 00-120 p.m., 7:30 p.m., 10 p.m. Lato. •Sneak preview of Fatni',ully: 4:15 p.m. Sunday: 4:05 p.m. •ThundeirhoartAR) Friday, Mon- 5:20 p.m., 7:30 p.m., 9:40 p.m. Monday-Thursday: 5:30 9:30 p.m. Monday-Thursday: Flowo's Sunaco •• 87-123 &how Friday and Saturday at Tha Lost Rainforest (G) Sunday "Snojk provit.'w of Fdtrmully: day-Thursday: 7:3,0 p.m.. 9:45 p.m. p.m., 7:40 p.m., 9:30 p.m. Mon., Tues., TIYiirs., Tri, H:W AM to ') PM 2:20 p.m., 4:50 p.m., 7:15 Mookor Sharkoy 77-133 12:20 a.m. at 2 p.m. p.m. Saturday, Sunday: 2:20 SPORTING GOODS CO. Wed. & &ir. H:H) AM to 5:30 PM . Cap-Cadoca 77-123 600. ( jisrles: Armando Martlghottl

-The Chronlcl&- -The Chronicle- V<•••. ) •••o o B-4 .April 2, 1992 April 2, 1992 B-5 rvice Advice from a marketing expert i rectory Retaflers should be atuned to changing demographics AIR CONDITIONING COMPUTING GLASS TO ADVERTISE PLUMBERS ROOFING AND SIDING By BRIAN P. DUNLEAVY chasing power, according to Dr. Grodner,,is Senior citizens, or consumers age 50 or might not be able to leave home-'for one THE CHRONICLE that of high school and college-age persons, over, are the fastest growing segment of the reason or another. Seventy-five percent of Buiiders Genera) PROVIDING QUALITY SERVICE the off-springg of the baby boomers. V/hile populationpp,, according to census data cited byy American senior citizens make a purchase AUTO SAFETY Donald S. Rockefeller th k FOR OVER 30 YEARS Trevor Systems A & S General holds trade show Union County businesses must tailor their they make up a small proportion of tirepop- Dr. Grodner. People in this category; control through maiill orderd . GLASS CD. TO PLACE YOUR PLUMBING & HEATING INC. stores to the changing habits of the 1990s ulation, theyhave a lot of discretionary in- 77 percent of the financial assets ir'i tthh e 0_ In addition to mail order, promote "se- Builders General Supply of Increase Productivity EST. 1946 SERVICE HERE, Construction consumer, according to Union County Col- come. In the late 1980s, this, group had an United States and more than 50 percent of nior citizens only" oneway shopping sprees "APPROVED INSURANCE REPLACEMENTS" Complete A complete roofing Cranford held its 10th annual YORK Maximize Efficiency IPECIMJ1IS IN AUTO AND COUMMCTM. BODY OlASt r lege marketing professor Dr. Toby Grodner. the nation's discretionary income. durin^ holiday periods. Provide services, trade show March 3 at the Gar- annual income of $234 billion and this is . ..Heating and Air Conditioning REPLACIMNTS ON W. CONSTRUCTION IQW. Plumbing and siding service. ; Control Inventory CALL ANNETTE "In our towns, all.of the markets are being projected to increase by $7 million a year. . "These consumers are loyal and thpy are hours arid discounts especially for these cus-. .--•.&, den Manor in Aberdeen. More Sales & Service ,• Electrically Operated Windows • Fully Insured than 700 contractors, builders addressed but there is a split between the "Teenagers and college students no longer not change-oriented," she said. "They want tomers. . ' ' • Humidifiers • Electronic Air-Cleaners • All Curvod*& Panoramic Windshields Heating '".• .•••.••••.a*-•'• .•,;.-_ • Free Estimates and architects attended the older and younger populations," she said. "A bUy just clothing, they do all of the shopping^^ quality products in a hassle-free environ- 0 „-.-.Adjust your., store hours. Consumers in • Clock Thermostats « Attic Fans. Small Business Specialists & Channels & Regulators Services • Blown-ln Insulation ' • Financing Available event, which featured more than town can accommodate everyone witith a and take dare of theneeds of their younger ment; so convenience is a major consider- the '90s have a limited, amount of time to • Rear Windows . State Uc, #4205 greater variety of stores representing Installation, Training, Programming 722-3000 80 booths of building products each siblings because both parents are working," ation. In general, senibr citizens patronize shop because it takes time from other acu'vir We also install Copper Roofs and services, Including hand and population group, their age and income." she said,. "Thus, they control a great deal of Neighborhood stores rather than the mall." ties., Store owners must provide shopping 241-8555 573 W.WESTFIELD AV. 276-8677 . power tools, skylites, windows, A professor at UGC since 1984/ and a how the money is spent Stores like The . Finally, working women are another group services aimed at getting customers in,and WEST ORANGE 73W844 WESTFIEU) 233-B222' (908)233-0984 EXT. 6251 201-267-7414 doors and decorative hardware. : ' ' , HETUCHEN 494-2077 ROSELLEPARK 7 Raleigh Ave. • Cranford ' former business owner and adver- • • ..•••: ..'.-.•• :'•..'••;.••.:•' ... ' ': • • ...'•' - •. '••'•• out of their store ast quickly, ef- MAN OANOCH II*T« FAMKWAV ffjslt 13F (COfMCH OfV VAlilY RO|

Highlights of the evening in- tisinv-^.tg, «—salespersonWi^,.,w,, Dr~,. con.w.*-- ,_. .-._,- '. . „ " ,•'•-, ~ T~ • • ; , . • • • ~ ficiently and helpfully as possible, cluded a hot buffet dinner and .; dducted a study of area retail busi- teenagers and College StUdentS 110 longer buyJUSt Clothing, they dO all Of the 0 Modernizing; exteriors, like door prizes. The company has what AUTO DEALERS ELECTRICAL HOME IMPROVEMENTS PAINTER PLUMBERS TO ADVERTISE nesses with the students in the rer shopping and take CatB Of thedlieeds Of theiWOUnget'SifrlingS because both . was done in Cranford, only offices In Little Silver, Oakhurst J and Edison. '••'.' tail marketing program at the col- 7. *, \ .. ., ••-»-?? •• ; ' represents 50 percent ofthe pic- lege. Recently, Dr. Grodner spoke paUBntS diVWOlKing ture. It 71s the frame around the REILLY POLYPHASE ELECTRIC Briggs Home ELOIDES GARCIA MCDOWELLS to the Cranford Chamber of Com- — '• .' .—' • . '., ... . . ——— \ ———;— , ,', .•, / '"'.,'. •— •:,..' - picture. Improve the' interior of Ail Phases of Electrical Work To Place Your : INC. Painting & Decorating Since 1928 •- Uc. #1268 Restaurant opens ; merce and called Union County a micro- Gap have done well in this area." with a large purchasing power impact. Ac- your store so that the portrait is complete, OLDSIVrOBILlE, From Pole to Plug Improvements cosrri of the nation. In her discussion, she Another changing market, the baby cording to Dr. Grodner, 50 percent of rnar: •Water Heaters in Springfield Send a message to. your customer that • '•• : •Residential • Additions, Dormers, Decks ' '' s> INTERIOR • EXTERIOR • Sewer Cleaning ~ ' • Service Here, said that businesses of all sizes must pay boomers, are entering middle age (35 to 50). ried women hold a job. This percentage will . AUTHORIZED McCormlck's Restaurant makes;a statement, about you, your, mer- • Commercial • Bathrooms, Kitchens, Roofing . a POWER WASH • PAPERHANQINQ • Sump Pumps attention to the changing demographics of Their personal income is projected to in- increase to ,65 percent by 1995. Also, 10 mil- : . , . • Ol,D$MOBILE * Drinking Wator • opened recently at the intersecr . chandise and your business. : . • • Industrial Systnms _ • Call Annette five population groups: youths, -teenagers, ; crease, depending on eeonoTOC^recovery, lion households are headed by., working- • Windows and Doors , —...••. -' ' FREE ESTIMATES . PROFESSIONAL. tion of Morris Avenue and Balr 0 Discount businesses are doing'ex- -••."•,•-;;.•••.-•. •v* ElectricrHeat.-". ^. ~ •: • Free'EstJmates FUtLV'lNSUREd . V" " •QUALITY - • Water Corldlilonlng . baby-bobniers, senior citizens arid women. anywhere from 50 to 9d percent by the year women. • • • • ••'••'"•'••. ."•'.; \. '':'.'•''. 18 Years ol Experience Systems, at tusrol Way (one block west of. tremely well. Offer merchandise at the best • Residential and Commercial Saks Fifth Avenue) in Springfield.. Projections from the 1990 census data in- to 2000, according;to Dr. Grodner. ' "The purchasing power of this . group is 232-7651 - FREE ESTIMATE - No Job Too Small dicate that-by X995, the population of chil- Dr. Grodner said the kinds of stores that enormous," she said. "In order for retailers quality and lowest price. Call in a consultant. 1 • Senior Clteen Discount 233-7469 722-3000 is owjied by Unsurpassed Quality Workmanship 450 North Averts dren age 6 to 11 will have grown to 25 mil- this- group frequents include: home enter- to succeed with.this market, they must offer A change in product line may improve busi- Lie. #7194 '•-.•-' Call Jim , ELOIDt<3 GARCIA P.O. BOX 2013 Scotty McCormlek and wife Patri- 560 NORTH AVE. E. President WESTFIELD, N.J. 07091 • Ext. 6251 lion. This group also has tremendous pur- tainrrient businesses, health arid fitness stylish merchandise at a moderate price and ness. ••••••.•. Westfield cia Their daughter, Laurielle, is chasing power, according to Dr. Grodner, be- WESTFIELD 908-276-4012 banquet manager, and son Gary stores, investment brokers, child care agen- a pleasant store environment. Merchandise (908) 789-3131 MEMBER PROFESSIONAL PAINTERS ASSOC. 233-3213 cause in general, they are born to two- cies^ honte improvement firms and busi- presentation should be upbeat and give a In general, Dr. Grodner admits that the is a cook. income families. ^ business climate is Weakened, as it is across Executive chef is Andrew Hor- nesses with home delivery of prepared fashionable-; feeling as opposed to con- ner. The restaurant features clas^ . "This is a tremendous market to target," meals. This age group wants modern stores servative and dull." , thecountry.. . .•.'.•'•. BUILDERS TO ADVERTISE HOUSEKEEPING-MAID SERVICE PAINTING PLUMBERS TREE SERVICE sic fare as well as nouvelle cui- said Dr. Grodner. "Successful stores in this with a fashionable layout and quality mer- In order to meet these changing demo- "Business is off because the economic market should be modeled after Kids Are Us chandise at discpunt prices. sine. Dinner entrees cost $7.95- graphic demands? Dr. Grodner made several conditions are bad," she said. "Consumers - $17.95, and 20 percent dis- and Toys R' Us, with toy and apparel stores "The baby boomers are Working and they recommendations to county businesses. Special Offer!! N.M. (NICKI) PAINTINGi LENNY'S PLUMBING 0 For neighborhood stores that service have had to change jobs and go back to A. BUONTEMPO counts-are offered on Monday adjacent to one another. Walden Books has don't have time to do these things on their To Place Your Residential • Commercial gotten into this area and has been extremely own," said Dr. Grodner. "Many retailers are senior citizens, provide them with a two- to school, so change with them. If business is General-Builder Since 1950 • • ;H4ip. r€C YOU •. HEATING _ and Tuesday evenings. Call 376- NJ.'s FINEST RESIDENTIAL CLEANING SERVICE successful." benefiting, from this market and its pro- three-page mail order catalog of popular bad it could be that customers can't afford • New Homes, Additions and Alterations Service Here. RESIDENTIAL SPECIALISTS •Heating Sewer 3840. : •• • • • .,.-*•• WOODSTACK Another group with tremendous pur- jected growth." items. Send this catalog out to, people who your merchandise." • New Decks, Wood Siding and Repairs S25.95/4 ROOMS . Exterior and Interior Cleaning • Steps, Sidewalks, Plastering Call Annette $4.25 EACH ADDITIONAL ROOM Brush • Spray • Roller • Plumbing & Heating TREE SERVICE • AIITypes Masonry IN AVERAGE CONDITION Repairs INSURED PUBLIC NOTICE PUBLIC NOTICE PUBLIC NOTICE PUBLIC NOTICE PUBLIC NOTICE PUBLIC NOTICE PUBLIC NOTICE PUBUC NOTICE PUBLIC NOTICE PUBLIC NOTICE PUBLIC NOTICE PUBLIC NOTICE . • New Offices and Storefronts : - ••:•• -• '"at •;•••••• .• ' INSURED **• BONDED FREE ESTIMATES • Hot Water Heaters • Repairs and Alterations • Sump Pumps Low, Low Winter Rates • Fire Damage Construction FOH FURTHER INFO. & APPOINTMENT We Power Wash Before BOROUGH Op OAnWOOD BOROUGH OF KENILWORTH (10) « shall be the obigation of the towing operator to not parked In a manner which poses a ooncern to public 722-3000 Senior Citizen Discounts SUMMARY OR BYNOPSIS OF 1S9f AUDIT REPORT TOWNSHIP OF CRANFORD : Fully Insured • Free Estimate CALLTODAYI Every Job! Free Est. • State Ucense #6249 .' ORDINANCE NO. 92-9 Immediately notify the Police. In the event that said towing safety, and the driver or owner of the vehlde requests a NOTICE TO BIDDERS OF BOHOUQH Ot= OARWOOD AS REQUIRED BY N.J.S. 4OA:5-T PUBLIC NOTICE COMBINED COMPAHAT1CE BALANCE SHEET operate* Is wholly or pertialy not operational due to mechanical specrfcalV named totting service, whether licensed or unli- Sealed bids win bs received by the Township Clerk on April . Ext. 6251 FREE ESTIMATES PUBUC NOTICE k hereby given thai ani eminence, of which failure or personnel Insufficiency. oensed. the pcfca orjeer Investigating the aeddent shall, upon Call. Nick Lenny Grleco , . , Dacambor DecerHber 24, 1992 ki the Township Committee Room d the Munldpal (908)272-5177 (908) 654-8220 the UkMdng Is • copy, was introduced, read and passed on (11) Towing operator wil notify the Polioe Desfi Offcer H a Ira return to police hsadquaners record the driver'a/owner's ' Building, Room 106, B Springfield Avenue, Crantord. New Jer- 31,1881 31,1980 tot reading, by the Mayor and Cound of the Borough of ASK ABOUT OUR OTHER SERVICES! ASSETS • vehlde le gone upon their arrival, Towing operator wV not be request to utitze the servloes c( a low operator other than the sey at 10.00 AM. prevailing time br the purchase d an aerial " License #02100 (908)245-4835 574-0480 276-5752 KenHworlh at • meeting on tie 24th day of March, 1992, end ohargedHMithecaa. • next operator on Ihe rotation 1st, In a ledger kept by tho Police truck. . ' . Cash «nd Invwtments r • $1,681,182.36 $1,795,091.69 that said Count* w« turther consider the said Ordnanoa tor TaxM »nd Assostinenls and Uonj Receivable . 210,842.17 145.258.18 (12) TOWINO OPERATOR W«X NOT RESPOND TO OR Department br sakj purposes. . Bid forms and specMcatlons may be obtained at the office ot anal passage on the!4th day of Aprt 1892. el the KerAwrtti STOP AT ANY ACCIDENT SCENE UNLESS DIRECTED BY . I. Refusal to tow at the scene of Ihe Inddenl or. refusal to tow Property Acquired for'Tanes-Assessed Value 18,034.00 24,604.00 Municipal Buldlna 567 Boulevard. Keratworth, New Jersey, at ths Fire ChW, 7 SprirVoseld Avenue, Cranford between tho Accounts Receivable 286,002.32 252,125.22 THE POLICE. UNLESS IT IS TO NOTIFY THE POUCE OF AN when designated by the owner, the type of car or vehlde hours d 8:00 AM. and 4:00 P.M. any business day. 8:00 P.M., at which Urn* and place any persons who may be UNATTENDED INCIDENT PURSUANT TO SECTION 3(t»(5). refused shut be reported by the. police officer assigned to tha TO ADVERTISE Deferred Charges to Future Taxation • General Capital . ' . 1,385,003.10 1,055,876.00 Interested therein vM be given an opportunity to be heard Al bids shal be submlttod In a seeled, clearly marked anvo- BUILDERS r'ENCING AND DECKS LANDSCAPING PLUMBING TREE SERVICE Deferred Chargee to Revenue of Succeeded Yeare . 27,800.00 10.400.00 oonpemlng such Oroinanoe. ' ' : THIS STOP SHALL NOT GIVE TOWER A RIGHT TO TOW Incident to his superior. The report of refusal thai be rurmshed lcc» reading "Purchase d an Aerial Truck" wtth the Nddw'3 WITHOUT POLICE PERMISSION, • to the Chief of Poles and the Borough Clerk as soon as name, address and1 telephone number. Each proposal Ehal bo TOTAtASSETS ' , $3,517,843.95 $3,283,354.09 Margaret AdkK, Borough Oeik (13) Towing operator W* be responsWe tor el vehicles and practical. Ths refusal to tow shal take Into consideration the acoompanJed ay a non-collusion affidavit, Disclosure Stztsmont . UABIUTIES. RESERVES AND FUND BALANCE AN ORDINANCE PftOVtOtNO. FOR THE ESTABLISHMENT, tieir contents that were towed off the roadway under the hour of the accident, the^^ destination of the tow and the weather P.L 1977. c 33. where appropriate, and aftlrmatlve urion Bonds and Notes Payable - ' $770,000,00 $756,000.00 REOULATION. AND LICENSING FOR POUCE REQUESTED Direction of the Pesos whle In his custody. An Inventory shal condtions. The Intent being to albrd tha Borough of KenAvorth aMdavk. ' ' AND NON-PREFERENCE TOWNO ANO STORAGE SER- ADVANCED Improvementt AuthorizationAuthorizationss • •'•••'' 602,700.08 - 285,713.20 be made at the eceoe to note lie contents of each vehicle, and IIS people the greatest degree of ooverege en Its roads. Bldclere are required tooomply whh the, requirements ol P.L CUSTOM DiPasquale Fence Ellis Other UablMes and Special Funds . 1.1B9.21B.3B 1,260.625.06 VICES TO THE GENERAL PUBUC UPON SUCH RATES. ' . J, Towing operators shal arrive at the scene to which ds-. CHAPMAN BROS, , CHARGES AND FEES SPECIFIED HEREN BY.THe BOR- * (14) Towkig operaforwi notify the Poloe on • weekly basis 197S. a 127, end f.L 1977, c. 33, ~^MonE= CONTRACTfNG Reserve lor Certain Assets Receivable • . •' .. • . • 313.B30.W 223,174.21 If they are ,ln custody 01 any undakned vehicles. patched within a resjensbie period of time' after-being oV The' auonnssfiil bidder shall be prepared to enter Into an : Familyownedandoperatedsince 1956 LANDSCAPING Place Your Uc. #1428 Fund Balance. 732.398.79 779,941.62 OUGH OF KEMLWORTH IN THE COUNTY OF UNION, NEW Tree Service JERSEY,.AND FOONQ PENALTIES FOR THE VIOLATION (15) Towing oporator wJ cooperele wkh olher operators In patched, under normal droumstancee, such reasonable period agreement or contract wkh tha Township upon awardby tho • Additions & Alterations Residential and Commercial T" TOTAL UABIUTIES. RESERVES AND FUND BALANCE $3,817,843.95 S3.203.354.00 THEREOF;- " ". " • • . • . the case of emergency services at the toene of aeddenrs MXV dtWbd*Jtt(15)Vte Townshb Committee. * Wood Qecks • Chain Link Fence • Plumbing ALL TYPES OF TREE CARE K. Whan any unuaual aHuaUort occura «Wch nay tvaalan or The Township Committee reserves the right to rejoct ony or • Window and Patio Door BE IT ORDAINED by the Mayor and Coundl of the Borough • Free Estimates - Service Here, • Heating - Cooling & REMOVAL COMPARATIVE STATEMENT OF OPERATIONS AND CHANGE IN ofKenlfwaihIn the County of Union: (16> If one lowing operator assists another, the cpertitor that bi) danoarou) to «w MfoV or haaKh o< ttio paopla of *» all bids and" to award the contrad to tho bidder who will bost [ Installations • Custom Wood Fences • Ornamental Fence • Spring and Fall Clean-ups FUND BALANCE CURRENT FUND Section 1. Purpose - The purpose of this nh and which kMfno operator is toeneed under the conr«>lyw» tie, oBoer ! Instructions. . P. The Kac*«o* poapa Department ahal rnaMaln a racard the last required poblcation or the data d receipt d the IAVTTOL PAINTING S1,28a,58«.3O $1,245,900.13 provisions ollhlsOroWnoe. . (22) Al towing operators she! maintain and produce proof to ol caai to loenaed ta*ing operate™ under Wa oraVwce. Said applcation by the F.D.I.C, whichever I* later. The period may PLUMBING & Less: Utilization as Anticipated Revenue TOW TRUCK . A vehicle dHven by mechanical power and , Call For JSG 580.328.00 500,000.00 t» Borough Clerk of the blowing Ineuranoe coverage: auto- racard ahal be •ialahla tor. InipecHon by any learned lowing bs extended by tw regional dree** br good cause. MICHAEL M. MASON • Exterior > Free Estimate HEATING INC. Fund Balance, December 31 $ 698,358.30 $ 745,900.13 employed tot the purpose of towng, Hnsportlng. conveying or mobts leblly In an amount not leas than S1.000.000W com- opanaor upon raaeonatile noboe. AdoMonarV, tie Kenfcwrih ; fbnoortWenoal portions d the i^jplcation He art available br rernoving any end al Wnds of veoUes. or peris of vshWes. bined single Imfc worker^ Ottnpensation as requked by stat- • Poloa Dapartmant ahal maintain record! ol bee charged to . Inspection wkhln one day blowing the'request for such He. k Utneral I'lintrurttH Service or • Interior • Fully Insured Lou DIFablo Tony DIFablo RECOMMENDATIONS whtti are unable to be operated under their own power, for ute: garage keepers IsblWy In an amount not lees than towed vahlde OMwe. Such bee anal be kept aa record, by may be Inspected In the oorporatlon'a regional offlc* during • Expert That an encumbrance accounting system and a general ledger be maintained for the Current Fund. which a servfce charge or fee Is exacted MO.OOOAO per location: garage labMy In an amount not lass SERVICES Over 35 Vrs. Experience Ihe Kenlworth Poloe Department and al euoh recorda aha! be regular business hour*. Photoooplas d inbmiallon In the non- i Carpentry That written certification of availability of funds be obtained for all contracts awarded In excess of $10,300.00. POLICE - Shal mean the Poloe Department of sS« Borough than of One Melon DdUrs (>t.000.000J») br any one oWnv. torwarded to Die Borough Clerk not bee than eemtanuay conttdsntial portions of th. application tie wit be made avail- Fuel Oil Preparation ; That all departmental receipts be deposited, or remitted to the Treasurer, within 48 hours per N.J.S. 40A:5-15. ol Kensworsi and/or Stats Peace and/or County Pesos or such ant, and Two MMon Dclars 92,000.000X10) br more than one **lch attor racoroa may be Irrapecbd by t* k*Unrj operator* able Upon request SAME DAY SERVICE That Interest elmed on the Municipal Court Fine Account and the; TraMo Ball Account be remitted tq the Treasurer on a other poke as may hava lurisddlon upon the roaoVMys, on claimant wkh One MMon Dosn tHMOMOJOO) ooverege br onheptijecgenerarty . ' Home & Grounds Maintenance "We're Still Working Our Way Throu^t Bathroom and Kitchen monthly basis., ' A tcheduw d ohergea br such ooples can be obtained from ADDITIONS • ALTERATIONS hWt^WlW<^idB^ Town and We do the, best Work Around" Ths above summary or synopsis was prepared from the report of audit of the Borough of Oarwood,. County of Union, ths regional office. • Lawn Service • Landscaping Moderlzatlons LICENSEE • Shal mean towtig operator. t»r) I Is understood and agreed by TOWING OPERATOR rjaed by tie Governing Body pumuant to Me Onlnanoe ahal Thejummlt Trust Company 908-276-0900 SALES, & REPAIRS for the calendar year 1991. This report ol audit, submitted by Suplee. Oooney & Company, Registered Municipal S«lcii 2. Uc«n»e RequVed. No to»*xi operator shsl opsr- that the Borough ot'Kenlworih and the POUCE she! In no way take eOad after noHcatlon ol auch nJea and raouWone upon DECKS • KITCHENS • BATHS SAVE ENERGY... We install SERVICE SALES REPAIRS Accounts and CertKled Public Accountants Is on tile at the Borough Clerk's OMce and may be Inspected by any 367 Springtald Avenue •Quality • Service • Satisfaction ats wknln Ihe Benugh of Kantworti wahout obtalnlnd • kens* be sable to lowing operator br any asntcaa whatsoever, which al Ihe noUan ol fceneee aa tonvlng operator*. Service ahal be Summit NJ. 07001 Vinyl Replacement Windows We Do The Complete Job (30 Years in Business) Interested person, In aooordanos wkh tie provlslone of «s ordnenoe. Spedacaty may be rendered to motor vehicles, and totting operator wf made by tonwrring auch niee and nguWone by reitaiart $83.24 CC400-1I-4/2/92 CC39* ItApr. 2,1982 FULLY INSURED • QUALITY WORK REASONABLE RATES exempted Irom t* fcenae requirement le the towing, tan*- took only to Ihe driver or Bat regatsred owner of tuch vehldee ma*, return raoalpt raqueatad, to tie loaneaa at the aottee* FREE ESTIMATES • Check our Recession Proof Prices pcrHna, conveying or removing ol vehicles Irom private prop- for oornpensatloa ^seppli«xjcpac»eel 276-5387 CENTER TV .. The She* reserves the right to sdloum this sale. erty, except In the caaa of a pofee emergency WMn Ihe • COMPETITIVE PRICES • Reel-Strong Fuel • Roofing • Leaders and Gutters SHERIFFS SALE ' (24) Al tewing operators, to the degree poeeble. shel be be given a taasnnshle opportunsy to be heerd on tuch TOWNSHIP OF CKANTOOO ' UC. #1106 RALPH FROEHUCH Borough, or by tovUng operators which ant dracaV and prt. boated In Ihe Borough of Kensworiti or an Irnrnsdatety ad|a- 907 Wood Ave. • Roselle SUPERIOR COURT OF NEW JERSEY SHERIFF valefy engaged or dse/grwlad by the owner of tie vehicle to be • ADVERDSEMENT - NOTICE TO BI DOERS Cranford 358 NORTH AVENUE E CHANCERY DIVISION" cars and contiguous munidptlty (Cranford, BpringWd. Union. Section a. Ucenee Suspension or Ravocaton. Craig QoeOfer. Ally, towed, transported, conveyed or removed upon the streets of Roeste Park) thereto In order to ensure reeponee wWn Keen Sealed bide tor Purohaae ol Senior CUban PasaenQer Bus 1 276-4048 Serving AH Of Union County 908-241-4547 272-4033 UNION COUNTY CX.72 owner designates the tow opeotor. tar to perform servlc*. and 1*1 hold**. This Womwtion requested and given shel be Moving & \.4H^k Uctmo No Job Too Small Paint & Paper Hanging VS Cods of the Borough of Kentworih/ Chapter 107, Section 60 Is p) As lowing operators and tielr drivers thai be luty trained C No lathing tohts or sirens thai be used by a towkvj In rxnformenot vjsi NJ.SX 30:10A at sac), and ahal nd «i SUBSCRIBERS Family Owned & Operated DONALD TOMAIO, SR. AND MELANIE TOMAIO hereby amended as bliowa; and knowMgeable on tha oparaaon of al tequirad equipment operator except as granted by the ChM ol Poloe and/or under any way vlclal* the conld***y that Is reposed ki th* Polo* Rcsojve your scab for your Complete Auto Body G Mechanical Aluminum Siding Reflnlshing Deparlmanl Seal Coating on Driveway also AD CAN BE SEEN HIS WIFE; UNION COUNTY BOARD OF SOCIAL SERVICES TIM primary duly of administering and enforcing this chapter and thai be aubkKl to background Investigations by the Ken- Ihe provUons of N J.BX MA si tsq> prc-paid attraction today! • Budget Plans Defendants is hereby conferred upon the Construction OMdal In regard to Iwath Pcaoe DepartnanL D. Th* Governing Bocty hereby designalas the Potc* De- Section 12. Marrienlaaon. with the latest technology. Water Seal Coating on Wood CML ACTION. WRITE OF EXECUTION, FOR GALE OF MOOT- as devWopmenl for which a bulldirvj pentt Is required and . (4) Al driven) met appear ti pareort at Ihe Kenlworth Poloe partrttenl Osrteraly. k* aptcMo dssione* and the ChW ol Peace A. Upon the adoption d tils Ordnanot, tw Borough OWk • Service Plans Quality Work at GAGED PREMISES upon Ihe Stoning Enlorcernerit Onlcer In roQard to BS other Station and be registered, prior to their operation of buck* an perticuarty, as tie eupervlalrx) auihorky to anbrc*- the provl- thai give thirty DO) rjeyt pubic nolle* d tw receipt d tw SINGLE TICKETS NJ Inspection U Reinspection 0y virtue ol the above-stated wilt of execution to nva ovbcUd d»»lopmsnts, WrudurM and usos. The KenJworth Pofc* De- tw Borough nads or rsgrwiays Hneverelng takf Borough, •lens of Ihle ordnanoe as wal as the rukM and regulatione loans* tppecation purausd to tils Onlnanc*. Publks rutlc« • Plumbing/AC Decks and etc. by 24,500 Households I shall expoee tor sale by publlo vendue, ki Noorrf 20/. In Dm P*tm*ri Is also •ulhortzsd to anloroi all parking restrictions Al driven ahaIl reana>wy VaMntaoUxna n to Ina Pcaoe on the adopted hsreunder wkh ttw utbnat* auttiorlty vesting t» »M thai bs given by publication In an appropriate newspaper Admission $10.00 per event Affordable Prices Court House. In the Oty of Elizabeth. N.J. on and/or prahlblaona on private roads or public streets In residen- IcaaUng: orlmaa, Cbabled Uahlcba, Acddsnls. Dlsaslsrs, etc. Qovemlng Body ol th* Borough of Kenllworih. circulated wkhln tw Borough. Al towVig operators, oOnsWsnt 606 South Ave., E. • Free Estimates • Fast Service WEDNESDAY, THE 29TH DAY OF APRIL. A.D., 1002 ts! dstlcxa In aooordenos wtti this Chepter. Theee oMdels ~ |6) Tc-Unfl op, Mho diva vahldes on tie E. Prior to Icenee raneWaTduring the monei of December, wkh this Ordnanot. who meal tw requiem*** wtablehed by GROUP SALES 450 North Ave. £. " AGENT ALLIED VAN LINES • Great Price at Mn o'clock In Ihe e/umoon of said day. she! have al Ihe powers oonkmed upon them by this chapter Borough roads of hkjhwaya rraverelng said Borough rnuat have tech towing; operator Iceneed under that section ahal bs tat Ordnano* thai bs elgfal* br tw Iteueno* d • Hunt* Cranford, NJ John Scott Ths property to be sold Is located In the Borough of K«i- and th. lews of the Stale and such povenl as may be resson- t driver's, aoanse wkh no isatlcaona or uundaonal andorae- rnspeded br Knees by a rapreesrsalivsi of KM Poto* Depart- upon paymsnt d tw wqlerad has. Admission $8.00 213 SOUTH AVE E 1-800-334-0531 kMirth, In Ihe County of Union and Stale of NM/ Jsnay. aUy Impled front such ordnenoes and laws. ments. awapt cendaon raqulrlna pjimi: *iay anal be d mant and ahal approprlaWy complete a new epploaeon br Section 13. The License Issuing authority aha! bs the Oov- Westfield CRANFORD 908-820-5204 Premises are commonly Imown as 621 Puialc AVWKM. Kav The ConstrtJction OMoial and ZorWlfl Enloroement OMcer good morel oharader, rnenaiey alert and praaent a neat ep- erpkig GooV of tw Borough d Ksnlworih. APRIL 112th Ikkorth, New Jersey. Bhel cnopsrale ki enlordng zoning regulations, and no action peeranos at el ames. Potsisilnn by • drivec erf an erfctaalsd P. Eacn loentad tott*X) oparalar at al times thai maintain 8ection 14. Any person, Irm or oorporaaon vioUIng tw X76-1111 TEL 276-0898 Office hours: 7:00 a.m. until 11:00 p.m. 241-7405 Tax Lot No. Unblock No. 133 taken by one (1) of them shdl be sub|sd to question on the teens*, whan mqulrad by aM Is mandatory. and cany the neoesaary tqubmars to remove Disabled or provisions d this Ordkwoe ahal. upon conviction tiered, be 4 Stage Reading* 233-3213 Dlmenalons ol Lot 71.41 (I. X 100 It. x 101.47 It. X^IO4.42 H. bests that said action was In the mu of re^onsiblky of the (!) Al totting opsratora must be a aaatrls br service on a boxed vehicles and equipment necessery to openl# or open tubkid to t line d nd mor* than KS00.00 or to Irriprlsonnwnf Naerest cross street Situate on the south side of Passalo nVbtir (24) hour saver) (7) day par week basis wkhout vsWdes to enable pubao esMy pareomal to remove entrapped lor nd more then raYwfy NO) days, or both, ki the ctsoretion d 2 Petfonnanco Artist* Avenue at the Intersection wkh the but tide of South 25tti Joseph Rego tMCeotiori t passenger*. tw Judge d tw Uuractpel Court. Youth Proiecfa/SsturtJay'j Children Street. u^ior (0) Towing operator vM notty In* Polos Desk OXcer Inv a Each towing operator, prior to departure torn tie lean* 8*ction 18. Al odnanoe* or parts d ordnenoes fooneisienl New Poets/New Jaa on a Sunday Afternoon There Is due approximately S12tJ.824.U3 with UvAJ IrHwM! ATTEST: msda*ay upon crjrnpleaon of aervtos, re: al vehicles serviced of tottlno esrvioet, thai dean and deer In* sheets of any hsrausH are hereby tapesMd Irom June 13,1091 «ndoC4U. Boougli Oak on tw Borough roads or Hghaaye taveralng said Borough. custonwy debris resulting from any aoddanl al tuch teen* Section 14 ki «w mmi any part d parts d tiai ordkwio* Comedy EnMmble There Is a Fun Legal Description on tie In thu Union Counrv (21.09 CC304 itApr, 2,1002 regerdtes o/ row tie tarvloe was origkiatsd H« wi auppV tie and thai at al *nee cany tie necessary equipment to perform ar* bund to be Unkwai, noihiicj ehal ated tw rarnantng Sheriffs OKoe. ^ — _, Omk Ok* *M\*»y*.mdm. torn* th»n*y*>«,irad,lltikMbrnia>onajavaaabtoallli*arna. respond to tw aosrw dan aoduars aacapt upon request of ATTEST: M Towtofl operator w» be oharoed wkh a tarvloe osl br an *dllJJkk*d«li Margaret AdaT, Borough Cktrk Box Offiost (908) Z49-5S60 8OO inddari serviced on In* highway, and not tie number of by tw Polo* Department to notify Icenaed totting operators of t218.7ti CCDftS 11 Apr. 2. 19U2 Group Salsw (90S) 249-SS81 nd. 17 Advertise in the Chronicle! veHdee serviced at Ihe some. In* neotssky d their preesnos. h tw swenl • CIMUIS vshlde k

C) o I ' '• ,'•:'

April 2, 1992 Classifieds B-7 B-6 . April2,1992 1010 1010 1010 1010 1010 1040 1040 Introductions 2040 2090 Introductions Introductions Introductions Introductions Personals Ptnonalm Auctions

, good looking, ma- WF- Let this 40s lady 5WM- 28, Italian, 5*7", WM- 28, 5'9, GQ looks, HI,— I am tf*student My sensitive professional. Es- add fun to your life, my 145lbs., loves animals, PSYCHIC CONSULTANT PUBLIC AUCTION ture, home owner, loves physically fit, very easy parents are npt here, ft ADVISOR- will help tablished & well edu- best features are my blue likes to party once in- a going, and down to earth. Every Wed. night at 6pm. AMELIA A ROBERTS music, looking for working cated, with a good sense looking for place to live In you through love, mar- Harvln Auction Cantor single woman, 19-36, any eyes, bright smile & slim while or relax af home' Looking for a no-strings summer and- holidays. If ANTIQUES & CRAFTS of humor & a warm, heart. figure. If you're successful .with a good movie. Look- riage & business. Call 6 Shirley Av. Somerset NJ Over 12 Crafters, March nationality, 1 child ok, to I love music, warm breez- attached relationship with you have an extra room & 908-220-OB29 908S34-9108 home share with & make In life, enjoy people, plac- ing for a serious relation- an adventurous, playful, are willing to help, please 27, 28, 29, Apr. 3; 4, 5, es & lazy Sunday mom- es, share & care, lets not ship with a slim woman, SWEDISH MASSAGE 908-8484)720 10, 11. Time: 10am-7pm a family. Give 100% re-Ings. Are you not Into the attractive, witty woman write Thomas BPO 22365 ceive 100%; Reply ext. wait too long before get- who enjoys the same. for mutual gratification. P.O. Box 1119, Plscat- Janet, CMT. Call 908-254=' Quality at 71 Huyler Rd., Branch- bar scene, Intelligent, at- ting to know each other. Reply to ext 3904 8433. By appt. only. Consignments welcome. burg. 908-722-2457. 3954 tractive & slim? A SJF be- Must be discreet. Age & away, NJ 08855. Thank Reply ext. 3711 • you! Specializes In commercial SCARLETT SEEKS tween 25-28, non- SWM— 29, tall, thin, dirty martial status unimpor- THANKSGTVINQ NOVENA and estate liquidations CRAFTERS & VENDORS IT WORKS! a, AD RATES TOLL RHETT- Single WF pret- smoker, who likes to SWF— Professional, at- blond, blub eyes, com- tant. Please call ext. OVERWEIGHT- will pay TO ST. JUDE— Holy St WANTED— Bound Brook laugh & Is looking for her tractive, slim, sincere, puter programmer who 3687. Jude, Apostle and Martyr, Presbyterian Pre-school "Lots of response! I rented the apartment PRIVATE PARTY COMMERCIAL ty, sl|m, brunette, late you to loose up to 29 lbs 2080 30s, desires attractive. , other half? I've been look- compassionate, good prefers wearing jeans. En- WM- 35, lewd, crude & next 30 days. Call 908- great in virtue and richI n Fair. May 9, 9AM-3PM, and I'm still, getting calls. I'm.most, sincerely 1 Clothing AAppanl $15/space. Rain or shine. *3Q.OO 39.2O intelligent, slim single/ di- ing for you; call & tell me sense of humor w/tradi- joys' the outdoors, arts, tatooed, handsome & 276-1502. miracles, near kinsman of 1 Call Carolyn 356-1073 very happy with my results.' •. for three weeks for three weeks ,(908)722-3000 vorced WM 5'9 or taller about yourself! Reply to tlonal values seeks - tall Jeeps, animals & fishing. healthy, blue collar man Jesus Christ, faithful inter- Ext 3539 * Ma|e counterpart 45-55, Like to meet a thin, SWF, THANKSGIVING NOVENA cessor of all who invoke for four lines. Additional lines $2.70 each. who knows what he with great, sense ,of TO ST. JUDE- Holy St. DESIGNER CLOTHING— HUGH RUMMAGE 8ALE- ' V.D., Dunellen Monday, Tuesday & Wednesday 8:30 A M--5:00 P.M. wants: Must possess good who could be" a 'best 18-26. Reply to Ext 3549 humor. Also caring, sensi- your special patronage in Beautiful tadles, like new, Flrst Presbyterian Church PAY IN ADVANCE AND SAVE 10%! SUM ATTRACTIVE WF- frieod as well as a roman- Jude, Apostle and Martyr, time of need. To you.. I tnursday & Friday 8:30 A.M.-8:0d P.M. Saturday 9:00 A.M.-5:00 P.M. sense of humor. Looking SWM- 30 yrs old, 6'2, tive & romantic. Seeking great in virtue and rich In assorted sizes. Low dis- of Metuchen, 270 Wood-. for that special chemistry 29, smoker, seeks thin, tic Interest I like music, have recourse from the count prices. 908-821- dark-haired, unattached 180 lbs. loves' sports, mu- attractive) healthy S/M/ miracles, near kinsman of bridge Ave, Social Center. DEADLINES: The deadline for Please check your advertisement Employment Wanted, Wanted to that allows best friend to dancing, movies, walking, W/BF 30-45, for discreet, depth of my 'heart and 0734; 821-4883 Frl. evening, Apt- 3, 7 PM both classified display and FAX: (908) 231 •9G38 WM mid to late 20s who talking, . caring, sharing, seums, movies, dancing Jesus Christ, faithful Inter- humbly beg to whom God the first week tt runs. Errors in Rent-, Houses to Share or be terrific lovers. I am and romantic dinners. passionate fun & friend- to 9 PM and Sat, Apr. 4, HOWTO straight classified Is 4 P.M. . advertisements running more likes to go out and have a fun times & solitude. If cessor of all who invoke has given such great LEATHER JACKET- Hunt Apartments to Share. All. ads willing to put forth the ef- Would like to meet some- ship. No alcohol or drugs. your special patronage in Club, mens, 44, tall, like 9 AM to 2 PM. Monday than one time must bo corrected .. when moving, all ads to fort required to have an good time. Must enjoy you do also please' re- power to come to my as- clubs, NYC, shore, dining one, with similar Interests Please call Ext. 3673 time of need. To you I hew. $100/BO. 369-3997 MILLSTONE- Hlllsbor- CANCELLATIONS: Accepted before the.second Insertion or addresses outside of Now Jorsoy. honest and satisfying re- spond to Ext. 3686 sistance. Help me in my PLACE correction allowance cannot bo out and quiet evenings at for fun and hopefully lead WM- 37, would like to have recourse from the present and urgent peti- ough Reformed Church; up to 4 P.M. Monday prior to , EXTRA CHARQES: lationship. Please re- SWJM, 22, Looking for a to a relationship. I'm hon- depth of my heart and publication. made. Correction allowance for spond only if you meet home. Call ext 3771. meet a yery generous, tion. In return I promise to 2060 (comer of Millstone River A CLASSIFIED AD good time with a 19-23 est and I don't play dominate bi WM. Ext.humbly beg to whom; God Rd. & Amwell Rd.) Sat errors shall not exceed the cost • Blind Ads, $3.00 for Box the above, criteria and are SM- 26, black hair, make your name known CoJJocttbJes ADJUSTMENTS: We make of the advertisement Rental $2.00 mailing charge year old SWJF who is games. If this sounds 3495. has given such great and cause you to be in- April 4, 8AM-12PM, Used •• Call 1-800-559-9495 willing to do the same. brown eyes, good looking, down to earth and enjoys good to you give me a power to come to my as- every effort to avoid mistakes in (Box.held for 30 days) . Ext, 3759 WM- 38, works nights, voked. (Say 3 Our Fa- furniture, household your Classified Advertisement-- PAYABLE IN ADVANCE: All • All capital letters $1.00 per week Forbes Newspapers well built, 5'8" 169 with good food, movies and call. Ext 3756. sistance. Help me In my COMIC BOOKS— (1600) items, collectibles, etc. • Mail to us at: secure job Is looking for seeks attractive WF, be- thers, 3 Hail Mary's, 3 ;ads for Garage Sales, , • All bold type faces $1.00 per week A' DIVISION 01 IOH$tf IHC, * ' •' * Just sitting around talking. present and urgent peti- 70's & 80's- Marvel, DC & SEEKING OFFICER AND sweet, attractive SF, with tween 25 to 45 for dis- Glory Be's). St. Jude, pray RUMMAGE SALE— Frl P.O. Box 699 '••••, Plaasa reply ext 3221. SWM- 31, wn educated tion. In return I promise to for us and all who Invoke Independent, mint A GENTLEMAN—, to nice figure, between 20- & sophisticated, 6' tall, creet lunchtime fun. Ext. make your name known April 3, 9:30AM-2PM, & Somerville, NJ 08876 SWM FOR ALL SEASONS your aid. Amen. (Publica- cond., Will sell sets & or INDEX "svyeep me off my feet. 28 for friendship and pos- dark hair, green eyes, 3754. and cause you to be in- collections. Call 469- Sat. April 4, 9:30-Noon. You are tall (5'11" and sible relationship. Please 41 yrs., 178 lbs. 5'10", tion must be promised. Cantanary UnH«d Meth- • Fax 908-231-9638 190 lbs. Loves romance, WM —. 40, successful voked. (Say 3 Our Fa-This novena has never 014Q ask for Matt. 1000'! - PERSONAL 4020 -Business Sendees 8090 -Trucks and Vans 9080-Tollhouses up) with dark hair (all of call 3951. brown hair, experienced hugs & kisses, long mas- thers, 3 Hall Mary's, 3 odlst Church, 200 Hlll- 10(0 - Introductions 4030-tarpentry . , 8100-Automotive Financing 9090 - Multi-Family Homes sailor, expert skier, look- business man seeking fe- been known to fall. This Is It), nice complexion, very sages, yery open-minded male 32-40 with good fig- Glory Be's). St. Jude, pray »ld» Av., Metuchan. (020- Singles Organizations and 4040-ChUCare 8110 Automotive Parts, Accessories 9100-Lots and.Acreage good looking, In shape, SUCCESSFUL Profes- ing for first - mate. Enjoy to be said for 9 consecu- Activities. looking for an indepen- ure, good looks & person- for us and all who Invoke 4Q50-Cleaning Services and Services 9110-Out of Area Property' never married, no chil- sional SWM, 34 with vari- tennis, I'm a good dancer, tive days). My prayers 2070 •tftr -tr -h •' • .- 1030-Lost & Found • : • 4060-Convalescent Cati> 8120 • Automotive Repair - 9120-Wanted to Buy dent, attractive WF with ality for long term rela- your aid. Amen. (Publica- dren, classy, stable, fi- ous Interests would like to understanding, romantic, have been answered: Computers CRAFTERS WANTED 1040 - Personals' 4070-Dectrical ,. 8130 - Miscellaneous Automotive 9130 - Mortgages and Financing meet an Intelligent, ad- no drugs or alcohol habits tionship. Please respond tion must be promised. CJLC, 1050 - Coming Events' 4080 -Hmdyrnan Services nancially secure, honest, sensuous, honest & I who appreciates a gentle- HOWTO S200't - MOTORCYCLES 9140 - Miscellaneous Real Estate venturous Female who is to ext. 3535 This novena has never CALL 788-7303 1060-Announcements 4090 J Health Care Services caring, romantic and sin- keep that kid in me alive. 8210-ATVs . 920ffs - VACATION PROPERTY man. Please Ext. 3674. been ' known to fail. This COMPUTER UPGRADES 2000'$ - TOR SALE' 41M-Home Improvement cere, SWM between 29- around 6' tall w/good Looking for SWF or DWF WWF- 60, sincere, out- WHAT YOU PROBABLY •CRAFT MAKERS A 8220-Mopeds 9210-Homes for Sale prayer is to. be said for 9 tired of your old IBM Com- WRITE 2010-Antiques 4105- Income Tax : . 36 years old. You know sense of humor.. Please in mid to late 30s, slim, standing personality & DONT KNOW ABOUT GAY 8230 - OtHtoad Motorcycles 9220 - Poconos Properties SWM— 35, non-smoker, consecutive days). My patible? Top slow? Let us Quality arts and crafts 2020'- Appliances 4110 - Instiuctior^Educallon call Ext. 3200. 1-900-288-7284 8240-OrnRpad Motorcycles 9230 - Resort Properties how to hold a good con- attractive, romantic, sen- good looking, romantic, looks, seeks unattached prayers-have been an- upgrade It &. save you people wanted for expan- A CLASSIFIED AD 2032030Ar0 l . 4120-. Insurance • * • $1.99/ mln. Pathfinders, 8250 -Motorcycle Parts, Accessories 9240 • Waterfront Properties ' versatlon. a'SWF 33, SWF- 20, full figured & suous, adventurous, ath- creative, college edu- well dressed, compassion- swered: O.H. $$$$. Typical XT to ATsion of an existing year 2040 Auctions . • ' 4130 - Landscaping and-Trco Caro Inc.,.Trenton, NJ 4140 -Legal Services , and Sendee 9250 - Lots and Acreage 5' petite, very attractive, attractive, hardworking letic, who wants a one on cated, many Interests. ate, honest gentleman conversion less than round crafts show. This THATSELLS 2050 Clothing and Apparel 4150- Loinsi& Finance 8260-MiscellaneousMotorcycle . 9260 • Time Shares ,' \ long, dark, curly hair, one relationship. Reply Seeking relationship with who also loves dancing, to $300i We. use most of new and exciting concept 2060 Collectibles • . seeks SWM 20-25 sin- • Start ybur ad with 4160-Masonry 8400'! - RECREATIONAL VEHICLES 9270 • Vacation Rentals ext 3744 be genuine pals with. 1050 requires no labor hours 2070 Computers hazel eyes. I love animals, cere, down to earth for nice and attractive lady. your old parts. Call 356- what you're selling. 4170 -MisceHarteous Services . 8410 • Campers and Trailers 9280 - Weekend Rentals •.•>'. Please call & listen to my 208fj Farm S Garden • ' . the shore, traveling, hot fun & possible relation- Ext 3767. Coming Einnts 8432 to discuss options. and a minimal rent com- 4180-Palnting ... 8420 -Motor Homes 9400'S - RENTALS SWM, 23 SICK OF RELA- message Ext. 3497. AdvertisaJn theClassified! • Be descriptive. List .2085 - Rrowood •'•'•• air balloons, broadway ship. No drugs or alcohol. R & D Computer' Service. mitment. Call today 4190 • Party & Entertainment Servteos 8430 W Parts, Accessories and 9410 -Homos TIONSHIPS WHERE I'M SWM- 41, 6'1, profes- 2090 • Flea Markets. Sales and. shows, going to dinner, Please call Ext. 3677 2070 Computers- ••!; (908) 808-8300. the best features of ' 4200 - Plurnbirtg. Heating & Cooling Sen/ice' ' 9420 - Muhf-Family Homes • • .,. BEING USED;- If youlre sional who Is a very hand- WWM- age 58; 5'l6", ART AUCTION B QJ2thy,h , oo,orJUJ 6 non-drinker, non-smoker, . your item first. 4210-Professional Seivfcos •• 8440 - Miscellaneous RV . 9430 - Townhousos and Condominiums '' 7 : Wy a feminist are capame of some, Intelligent, articu- PRAYER TO THE Works by Chagall, Dall, COMPUTERS FOR EV- 4220,- Roofing' . ; : 8440-Apartments - -• - , stay at home and cud feeling love & dont mind Irish religious Protestant, 2100 • Use only standard 8600V- BOATS ' ' quiet but not naive. late, sexy, romantic, af- BLESSED VIRGIN — Rockwell & others will beERYONE!- 286, 386 & 4230-Wallpapering . ' 8610-Boats 9450-Rooms " .' dling with the one special Smoker and social drink- a long friendship before fectionate, & communica- mechanically Inclined, an Art Auction 486 Systems tailored for Free to a Good Home abbreviations . 2120 - Garage Sales 9460 • Boarding (Never known to fall): Oh, SOOO't-EMPLOYMENT 8620-Power Boats man in. my life. Could this er. Seeks SWM 25 to 28, getting serious, you prob- tive gentleman. Would part-time' portrait model, on Sunday, May 3rd atyou. New special, 386 SX- 2130 - General Merchandise 9470 - Apartments to Share be you? I'm looking to fall likes auto racing, out- most beautiful flower of •Always state the 2140 • Offico Fumituro and Supplies 5010 - Career Training and Services 8630 • Sailboats 5'3" to 5'6" who enioys ably feel the same way I like to hear from a very Congregation Knesseth Is- 25, full feature w/SUPER 8640-Mctors 9480-Homos to Sharo in love, settle down and Mt Carmel, fruitful vine HAMSTERS- 3 brown fe- price of a sale item 2150 - Soltwaro 5020-Child Care Wanted shore outings, dining, do.. Race & age won't attractive, shapely, & doors,- fishing. Seeking rael,- Mountain Ave.,. VGA. $1195. C.S.E.Inc. 8650 -Marinas 9490 • Wanted to Rent create a family one day. same In lady; 30 year splendor of Heaven, male Chinese dwarf. Com- 2160-Wanledto Buy' 5030 - Employment Agencies 9500 • Miscellaneous Rentals walks in the park, sports, matter to me, if essentric highly sensuous female w/ Bound Brook. The preview 908-684-9385 and, if you're flexible 8660 - Rentals and Charters Blessed Mother of the son plete set up. Please call 3000's - PETS AND LIVESTOCK 5040 • Employment - Domestic 9600's - COMMERCIAL REAL ESTATE Smokers ok, no drugs or understanding and cbm- & artsy won't matter to similar qualities who' commitment, business- will begin at 6:30 PM, the on price, include 8670 - Slip Rentals of God, Immaculate Vir- COMPUTER— IBM COM- 908-561-5159 after 3010-Birds . 5050 • Employment - General 9610 - Business Properties for Sale alcoholics. Serious inquir- passlonate. Ext. 3764 you, but sense of humor would be Interested In de- minded lady to help buy Auction at 7:30 PM. Re- "negotiable" ip your 5060 - Employment - Health Caro 8680 • Storage. ies only! Reply to Ext and sell flea market gin, assist me In my ne- PATIBLE $395. We repair 6:30PM, leave message. 3020 • Cals . ; 9620 - Professional Properties for Salo Is a must Reply to Ext veloping a mutually re- freshments. Admission is 5070 Employment - Managerial 8690 - Bait & Fishing Supplies cessity. Oh, Star of the computers & printers. We ad. . 3030 - Dogs . • 9630 • Retail Properties for Sale 3548 ' SWF— 27, 5' 7", Swed- 3905 items. I am not a banker, 5080 • Part-Time Employment 8700 -Boat Parts, Accessories and warding relationship. Sea, help me and show $5 per person. For info or 3040-Fish .-' 9640 - Warehouse Properties for Sale ish blonde, ex-model, I am a hard-working me- buy computers & printers, CRIB— Maple, Jenny Und 5090 - Employment .Wanted Service SEEKING PROF MALE- Please call Ext. 3682, 'tickets call Uane at 908- » Be sure to include '.- 3050 - Hasos . .9650 - Office Rentals would like to hear from a SWM, 24, brown hair, chanic. Ext. 3362. me, herein you are my monitors, drives & board. style, brand new. $125. B710 • Miscellaneous Boating 356-7716 or Rochelle at • your phone number 3060 - Uveslock BOOT'S - AUTOMOBILES 9660 - Industrial Rentals 37-41 who Is kind, trust- white, very handsome, brown eyes, physically fit, SWM- 5'8", 33 yrs old. mother. Oh, Holy Mary, 908-464-7496 9000's-REAL ESTATE 908-805-9120. Call 848-8879. and times to call. • 3070 - Other Pets 6010 • Automobiles Under S1000 9670 - Retail Rentals worthy, generous, sincere tall, physically fit, finan- seeks petite SW female Enjoys movies, sports, WWWF- looking for WM Mother of God, Queen of CPA OFFICE HAS IBM— 3080 - AdOptablo Pets 9010 -Homes Under $150,000 S680-Warehouse Rentals & Is - marriage & family 55-65, for Sincere Heaven and Earth) I hum- 8020 • Automobiles Under 52500 > HlghlMd Park Har*ld cially successful, secure, 24-30. I love the shore, music, outdoors, romantic FISH 'N CHIPS DINNER 286 PS 2 Model 50, 20 • Including the word 3090 - Boarding, Training & 9020-Homes for Sale 9690 -Commercial Real Estate Wanted • SonmMl Meuengar-Giutta minded. .l',ro 39, petite, bly beseech you from the 2UJ0 8030-Automobiles • Cranford Chronicle - 28-45 yr old gentleman. great food, traveling and dinners, quiet evenings at romantic • relationship. I POTTERSVILLE- Re- MB hard drive, 3 172" & 5 "please" jp your ad Grooming . 8040 • Antique and Classic Automobile^ 9030>Faims ?800'4 - BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES • Bound Brook Chronicle attractive who enjoys trav- bottom of my heart to • Mlddlmx Chronic)* • HUto^wlinlntter Pmu Who is not allergic to having a good time. "I'll home. Looking for S/DWF, enjoy movies, dancing & formed Church Com- 1/4" floppy drives, EGA 3100 -Miscellaneous Supplies and 8050 -Luxury Automobiles 9040 - Luxury Homes & Estates 9810-Businessesfor Sale . . . elling, dining out, comedy increases response. • South PUkirtold Reporter •FrankQn Focu* cats, has a sense of try anything once and 25-40 with similar Inter- also quiet times at home. succor me in this ne- munity House on Rt. 512 color and amber monitors Soivlces 8060 - Sportscars 9050 • Mobile Homes and Lots 9820 • Franchise Opportunities shows &, romantic eve- cessity. There are none 4000's-SERVICES : 9060 -Waterfront Property •Piscataway-DurwUtn Rcvfcw • W«tJ(*ld Record humor, non-smoker, kids twice if I like It!". Please est for friendship, possibly Please reply ext. 3368. & Black River Rd. Wed, $1350. Panasonic KX- BEDROOM SET- llpc. 8070.-Family Vans 9830 - Licenses (or Sale • Warran-Watchung Journal nings. Please reply to ex- ok. No couch potatoes that can withstand your 4010 - AduJI Day Care 9070 - Condominiums 9840 T Investments/Opportunities • Matuehm-Edlum Rmkw reply Ext 3207. leading to a serious re- WWWM- 41 yrs, 5'6, April 8, 5pm-7pm. Tickets P1091I printer, $110. girls, light wood, $900, 6080 • 4x49. Sport and Light Trucks •Qre«iBrook-f4orth PUkitWd Journal • Htm Bruniwkk FocUa tentlon 3295.' " need reply. Reply to ext. power. Oh, show me here- » Scotch PUina-Fanwood PIM* • 8omarM< Quid* lationship. If you have 142 lbs in terrific shape. for full course dinner at 386/16MHZ/1 MB RAMvery good cond. 908-322- Private party rates are based on classification numbers. All classifications between 1000-2160, 3445.. SWM, 38 YEARS OLD, children, that's ok. Social in you are my mother. Oh door. Adults $7.00; chil- 7445 after 6PM • MHdl»*M Guide • SEJtY LADY-, who lives, Blond hair, blue eyes, 6', Brown hair, hazel eyes, Mary, conceived without Proteus, compatible,. 40 by the tenet that the SWF— 31, petite, cute, drinkers ok, but no drugs. well educated, successful dren under 12, $4.00. Ad- MB Seagate hard drive, 3 BEDROOM SET— 4 pc, and 8000-8640 will be billed at the Private Party rate. All other classifications will be billed at with wide range of Inter- Reply to Ext 3749 sin, pray for us who have packaging (looks) and romantic. I enjoy dining ests. Looking for Miss business man seeking a recourse to thee (3x). vance ticket purchase: 1/2" and 5 1/4" floppy white, desk, hutch, 3 & 6 the commercial fate. presentation (class) are petite, S or WWWF. I 439-2628 or 234-0364. drives, EGA color monitor, : out, dancing, the shore, Right- S/DWF, 22-30, who SWM— early 40s, works Holy Mother, I place this drawer dressers-$350. as Important ,as the con- working ; out, and quiet Is looking-for friendship nights,' actor/director NY. enjoy life. Please call Ext. cause In your hands (3x). VEGAS- 5 nights 2400 Baud Internal 469-1735 after 3PM 2000 tents' (personality). 'Look- evenings at home. Seek- that could build to serious theatre. Looking for Bi-3684. Holy Spirit, you who solve Sept 27-0ct.2nd, Leave Modem, $1750. (908) 1010 ing for GQ/ Robb Report 271-8700 BEDROOM SET- child's PERSONAL TO PLACE AN AD: ing Intelligent, attractive, relationship. Please reply sexual or straight female YOUNQ AND ENER- all problems, light all from Manvllle to Newark. TO ANSWER AN AD: Introductions man who proves the fun-loving SWM 28 to 35 3 piece set; desk a.much ext, 3223. for love, friendship, com- GETIC- SWM, 24, blond roads so that I can attain Direct flight Via Continen- IBM COMPATIBLES- more. Moving! Pis call same. Ideal - 30s, wild for lasting relationship. panionship, travel & pos- tal. Imperial Palace. $499 1»800»559»9495 SWM, 29, 6', s hair blue eyes, very physi- my goal. You who gave Super Low Prices. 386 908-647-7325 after 7pm 1*9OO?226*1OO3 ROMANTIC DWM- 40, spirit, long hair, bedroom Ext. 3761. sibly employment. Must me the divine gift to for- per person dbl. oc- 1010 IINTRODUCTIONS 5'10", light brown hair, eyes with Germanic/Italian attractive, likes going out cally active. Looking for SX, 386 DX, 486 DX. For be available daytime & cupancy. Need $100 de- BEDROOM SET— Master, Introductions A WAY FOR PEOPLE TO MEET PEOPLE SWF— 35, down to earth, .to dinner, movies, SF, 18-30, possitlve, con- give and forget all evil more Info, call 788-0782, green eyes, intelligent/ background who Is willing nights. Reply ext. 3743 against me and that In all posit Immed. 3 seats left. Lt. Pine, 4 poster bed, tri- warm hopeless romantic, to give as, good as he ex- beautiful, wavey, light outdoors, travel. Looking fidant, and eager to have ask for Michael Stallings. ple dresser/mirror w/ How to Place an Ad brown, shoulder length SWM— entrepreneur, 30, a great time. All replys an- Instances In my life you Call Irene 9 0 8- 2 FLB'« (Fun, Loving How to Answer an Ad affectionate with great pects, to get. Ext. 3755. for honest, attractive 356-1607. WORD PROCESSOR— hutch, high chest, 2 night hair and brown eyes. 5' woman 23-29 with same attractive, 5' 11", built, swered. Reply to ext.are with me, I want In this Bachelor*)— seeking 2 i. Take some time (o write down some characteristics about yoursell, and your preferences sense of humor. Enjoys short prayer to thank you Brothers WP-55. 2 mos. stands, $1800. Dk. Pine f. Note the extension numbers at the end of the ads you'd like to answer. sports, music, gourmet SEXY SWM- 31,.5'10, 6", larger frame but not Interests: Please reply metaphysical & exciting. 3814 old. Read 15 lines on Deacon Bench & Octogo- pretty, sensuous girls for about the type of person you'd like to meet. piercing blue eyes, thick for all things as you con- clubbing & fun late nights cooking, dancing, long obese, a smoker, "attrac- ext. 3376. Seeking attractive, trim to 1060 CRT. $200 Firm. Please nal end table w/storage 2. You can place your "Introductions" ad for free just by calling 1 -800-559-9495. Our specially 2. Call 1-900-226-1003 from a touch-tone phone. dark brown hair, swarthy tive, likes cooking and en- voluptuous, SWF compan- firm . once again that I Announcements out. Reply to Ext 3540 walks with stimulating SWM, 32- attractive, 1020 call 885-6452 after 5 PM. $125" ea. Klmbatl organ trained staff will help you Write your introduclions ad, to get the best responses. Deadline to '; " conversation or quiet eve- complexion, would like to joys staying.home for a ion 25-33, for casual never want to be sepa- i 3. Follow the voice prompts and record your messages. The cost Is Singles Organizations $300. All negotiate. ANN BOX 3380- you , maeUa SRi.WhoaIvJntel.- quiet evening with a physically fit, professional rated from you in eternal place your Introductions ad ,ff.Mopday by Hoop.-- :,,,/,,,,, ',1^, 'v,,,.;,~ U'..i'ji •••'"''' nings at home. No head movies, dinner, must have ARE YOU GETTING WHAT Please call 9 0 8- called but I didn't get your j .$&0O.per.minute,^ .:-.-.:- i';:.;::;.-r:r»i-s;j yK;iw r, i:nwi.-. ••••' " ligertt, artistic, energetic, tnovie or just as well as with a variety of Interests anrJActfvftfos glory. Thank you for your 3. Your ad will run forlbur w66ksi\ahtiVaribe I'enoweoatany-'kirne.''.•'•'•''.''• •'*•••'•.• ...... ••.. . •':v. games. Seeking S/ DWF sense of humor, be'Inde- YOU WANT OUT OF 752-2867 phone , please keep outspoken, passionate, going out.for the night. and a fondness for good pendent, but a listener as mercy toward me and 2080 30-38, serious attractive, times. Seeks a pretty SF, LIFE?- Lets talk about It. BEDROOM— Thomasville trying. Weds, around 4:00 You must be 18~years old or older to use this 900 line • Introductions' Is opyrat&i byForbes NeWspajsers, 44 Franklin St.. Somerville N.J., 08876 petite & sexy with similar sensual, and classically Works different hours but well.: No games, Non- ALLOW ME TO GIVE YOU mine. The person must Fam & Garden beautiful. .1 have very di- 25 + , for friendship and say this prayer 3 consecu- Free Introductory small triple dresser, night ta- is best. Thanks Dave Interests for lasting rela- kind of a night owl. Look- smbker. Reply ext. 3740. the gift of a lasting rela- discussion group forming. verse tastes, and I'm will- Ing for a sincere, honest, romance, must have tive days. After 3 days, bles, ambire Queen. ANYTHINQ WITH THE tlonshlp. Reply ext 374f ' SWM— professional, trim, tionship. Personalized, 16 Bedminster area. Call CHIPPER/SHREDDER- $9O0/BO. Call 549-0160 Ing to experience new S/DWM, children ok. Be-weekends free. Serious yrs. experience. Call Judy the request will be grant- RIGHT PERSON IS ROSES ARE RED- vio- Inquiries only, please. rugged looking, sailor, ed. This prayer must be 908-234-0413 for Mor- Bolens, 5-HP, almost like 1010 1010 1010 things; I'm looking for atween the ages of 30-45 Yorfo's Compatibles 908- maton. new. Best offer. Pis calf ALRIOHT WITH ME. 33, 1010 1010 . 1010 1010 lets are blue, I'm ready, woman who can stimulate Reply Ext 3602. -_ who enjoys family, good published after the favor 5' 11", 170 lbs., sexy, Introductions Introductions who knows how to treat a friends, travelling, danc- 707-908a. 908-722-1408. Introductions Introductions Introductions Introductions Introductions willing and able how me mentally, physically, & lady, at least 5' 10" and SWM, CATHOUC, 83- Is granted. B. H, MAKE A FRIEND...FOR Advertise SWM, professional, about you? SJF late 30s emotionally, who can be a ing, gourmet food, cruslng DATEFINDER- Singles UFEI— Scandinavian, Eu- GARDEN TILLERS- financially secure, seeks ATTRACTIVE, VIVA- over, average or solid non-drlnker, non-smoker, and club racing, the arts Personal Ads. Our 8th In the Classified! ATHLETIC, SUCCESSFUL, DBM- 44 years old 6'1", DWF— Energetic 49 year EUROPEAN STYLE- OBM, 40. attractive, S I'M A SLAVE TO LOVE. who enjoys traveling, Jazz, close friend and a pas- larger frame. Who wants a seeks honest, sincere, PRAYER TO THE ropean, Yugoslavian, Rear-tine TROY-BILT Tiller uninhibited female coun- PROFESSIONAL M/ CIOUS, YOUTHFUL- bru- honest affectionate with a old, professional, 5'2", DWF, 27, European lady, 7% chubby, college photography, skiing and sionate lover Reply ext. and all that heaven al- yearl Free copy, call toll BLESSED VIRGIN — South American, Japa- at low , direct from the terpart for serious Inti- nette, DWJF, 50 some- DBM, 41, 5'6", pleasant, one on one relationship, practicing Catholic lows. Would love to meet free 1-800-237-2117, 24 WASP, age 47. Hand- sense of humor. Looking 125 lbs., Likes tennis, 5'3& 108 Ib., very attrac- educated, sincere and se- gentle & Intelligent. En- dancing. Seeks a MAN 3958 no head games please, woman. Reply ext. 3475 (Never known to fail). Oh, nese High School ex- factory prices. For FREE mate relationship, some, tall, trim, funny, thing, sense of humor, for someone between 35- golf, dining and dancing. tive, fit, ailburn hair & who's capable of sharing, mid to late 40s, svelt, hrs. or PO Box 129, Pisca- most beautiful flower of change students...arriving catalog with prices, spe- BEDS- King sx. Craft- rious. I love travel, the Joys movies, dining, talk- only serious minded call- SWM- 24 seeks attrac- purpose: To share-all that sensitive. Seeks bright, non-smoker. Loves danc- 48 who has the same Looking for S/D/WWM 45- green eyes. Loves just theatre, dining out, and caring and daring. If SINGLE DAD- 39, good caring, sophisticated lady taway, NJ 08855. Let us Mt' Carmel, fruitful vine AugUst..HOST FAMIUES cial SAVINOS NOW IN matic electric beds. Dual ing, theater, beach, quiet Ing, walking, dancing and ers need respond. Reply tive older woman, for Inti- Improve your social life! life, offers. Together life attractive and interesting qualities with a willing- 55 who enjoys same and about all pastimes espe- quiet evenings at home. traveling. Romantic & af- you're ready to accept the looking 5'8, 165lbs, to ext #3806. with whom to share simi- splendor of Heaven, NEEDEDI American Inter- EFFECT, and Model controls, can be split for 2 can be ecstasy with the W/M/S female friend of times & more. I love life & ness to share time for has a good sense of Seeks G or Bi masculine challenge please call. Ext. brown hair & eyes, like to mate no strings attached lar interests and who is MATCHMAKER Blessed Mother of the son cultural Student Ex- Guide. Call TOLL-FREE 1- twins. $1800/BO. 908- have a lot to give the right cially skiing, water sports, fectionate. Seeking SF of right person. Reply ext. 32-41. You are a tall, styl- dancing, hiking, fishing, humor. Reply to ext. movies, music, dancing, acting, BM, 30-45 years similar Interests. Reply to 3763 bowl, ^amplng, fishing, SWF- 40s, tall, adven- relationship. Reply box really free to be happy. INTERNATIONAL- The of God, Immaculate Vir- change. Call Kathleen 800-669-3737, Dept.7. 719-2321 3213. ish, accomplished beauty man. If you're a non- tennis, picnics, and ro-3811. old for fun and possible long rides, down the 3952 Please reply ext. 3953 largest & most selective gin, assist me in my ne- (908) 389-3346 or 1- smoker & have a sense of traveling dnd writing po- Ext 3701 S/AFRICAN AMERICAN shore, movies, home turous, blonde seeks a MULCH/TOP SOIL/STONE BED— Formica cap't and with a passion for city cul- mantic quiet times at etry. Looking for SBM or relationship. Please reply SWM 40-50 who's taken SWM- 24, 6'3 175 lbs. SWM- Young 47 looking personal Introduction ser- cessity. Oh, Star of the 800-SIBUNG pick up or prompt deliv- ture and country sports- humor, please reply ext. home. Race doesn't mat- DWM, In 40's who is IF YOU ARE A BI/WF- Christian woman age 38 cooking, & lots of ro- Sea, help me and how matching chests - $300. ARE YOU A ONE IN A DBM between 28 & 38 ext. 3212. the road less traveled, by brown hair, green eyes for SWF, age unimportant. vice in the nation. Call for WELCOME ery. Retail/Wholesale. Natural wood dresser w/. not looking for marriage, 3725 ter, Call me soon ext. clean, neat, nice to be non-smoker, between 25- 5'3Vi, brown hair, med. mance. Would like to free Info. 908-218-9090 me, herein you are my MILLION- Blng Crosby with, healthy and drug who Is tall, good-looking, and knows that it makes sensitive & caring seeks Best friend, love & affec- MICHAEL Eagle Fence & Supply hutch - $95. 755-5738. like gentleman who likes but a sharing of some of 3810. QWM, 35 year old 40, looking to meet new weight, looking for African moot a single mom SWF 22-28 loyal, caring tion. Enjoys music, danc- mother. Oh, Holy Mary, ATTRACTIVE-' tall, slim, free. Seeks a^/Vhlte/j 'healthy recessional. Se Professional, 6', 185 lbs., people for friendship, American Christian' man around 33-36, good look- a difference. Looking to PATTI'S PARTIES CONGRATULATIONS 526-5775 old fashion romance, life's pleasures. and sensitive who enjoys ing, theatre, dining & Mother of God, Queen of PROUD PARENTS BUNK BEDS- mat- Reply #3807. blue-eyed blonde, forty DELICIOUS- handsome Asian or East Indlah; i'cqie and honest. If you brown hair and eyes please call. Reply-to ext. bet. ages 35-48, 5'll-6'. Ing, who'shares the same share benefits and welt Buffet, Dessert, Coffee. Heaven and Earth I I hum- SHEDS- Wood, Custom manners and movies? If something, intelligent, fun | can be Just as happy rounded life experience dining, dancing, the beach. No smoking or Dam & Penny tresses In good cond,, (II) DW exec & aspiring female, age not healthy and physically 3809 Loves bowling, dancing, Interests to share friend- Reservations limited. bly beseech you from the made, 50 sizes/styles. $150, Call 526-3765 so, this 36 yr. old SWFATTRACTIVE Bl BLACK loving, romantic, non- author, 46, seeks beauti- dressed in Jeans and stay- with one who Is confident, beach. Non-drug user, •drugs. Reply to ext. 3146 April 4th, 7;30 PM You and Daddy will have wants to spend time going Important, for discreet active. Enjoys outdoor IF YOU ARE A CUTE going to movies and ship & possibly more, non-alchollc for friendship bottom of my heart to Free delivery & Installa- after 5PM FEMALE- 29, prof- smoker seeking secure ful, co-star, an extra spe- love rendevous. Looks not Ing in as you can painting activities, Seeks GWM, 30 Broadway plays. Looking reply ext 3596 capable & a bit unconven- THIS HANDSOME SWM- 908-722-8284 succor me In this ne- to grow up together tion. Visa/Mstrcard to the beach, theater and feslonal, looking for same tall handsome profes- cial younger lady 28-35 the town red and if you blonde, brunette, red tional. Seeks one who can and possibly relationship. (maybe Daddy will) . ' CASTRO CONVERTIBLE- antique hunting with you. Important. Let me add years and older for for compatibility. Please, Dependents OK. Reply to has all but given up hope cessity; There are none 908-381-1044 for friendship. I like bicy- sional gentleman between for happily ever after. A love to your life. Reply have no problem with ei- friendship and possible head, etc. under 40, in- call Ext. 3678 SJF- 28, rebel with tra- appreciate artistic vision, of finding that beautiful . -Lave, Aunt Joyce Chair bed, like new, 1 yr. Ext. 3485. terested In a discreet re- Ext 3488 that can withstand your cling, art' exhibits, and 40 and 50. Looking for slim, athletic, playful part- ext. 3209. ther an Interracial friend- relationship. Please reply ditional values, I enjoy world travel, a passion for special girl. Dont let this 1030 power. Oh, show me here- old, Blue. Asking $500/ ARE YOU TIRED OP AN- new age music. Must be honesty and traditional ner with spunk & class, ship or relationship ext. 3214. lationship "with a tall slim SBF MOVED HERE FROM camping, photograpy, Blk- life & enduring mature SWM— 25, 5' 11", one get away. I'm 19, Into Lost A Found* 2000 BO. 908-752-9071 DWM' 47, B'lO w/««n*« professional WM, Who Is NY. WHERE ARE THE in you are my mother, oh Ads In Classified SWERING ADS7 this discreet, no drinking, values. Ext. 3757. ultra-feminine & passion- please call Ext. 3496., * eriding, giants games & a friendships. Please call 165lbs., college student. candlelight, slow dancing, Mary, conceived without FOR SALE DINQINQ ROOO SET- drugs, or smokers. Reply of humor. I Ilk* children warm caring, considerate SINQLE MEN?? 36 (Leo), could your last onel SJF, BEAUTIFUL BLONDE, 48, ate. Pluses - great leg*; EXOTIC A OOROEOUS slow pace of raquotball. 3667. Quiet type with strong moonlit walks on the sin, pray for us who have dont cost — Ethan Allen. Table w/2 to ext. #3804. oriental, long hair, tennis I do not smoke, drink or QWM— 33, established & and romantic please call, long hair, nice shape, Looking for SJM who is FOUND: Domestic Short- 34, Intelligent, attractive, elegant, successful, slim do drugs. I like good con- SWF— 27, who Is very ro- SWF- 44; 5'7", attrac- sense of humor enjoys beach, partying, romance, recourse to thee (3x). They pay! leaves + pads, 6 chairs & athletic with great legs. I pro, great sense of secure, 5'8, brown hair, ext. 3812 pretty smile, absolutely open minded affectionate theater, films, music, and music & animals. Reply & haired gray & white and a w/playful humor, old fash- versation & traditional val- mantic, sexy, funny, ex- loves people. Race unim- tive, personable, outgo- Shepherd mix, brown. Holy Mother, I place this 2000 hutch, $1500. Kitchen enjoy traveling, tennis, ATTRACTIVE DWF- A humor. A free spirit with cellent shape. Hobbles In- blue eyes, healthy & If you're • tall, fit, se- who believes In family val- the art of conversation. make, your dreams come cause In your hands (3x). set, formica top with leaf ioned values, warm & af- ues. I'm adventurous &. I portant. Looking for a Ing, enjoys humor, danc- Somerset Regional Animal AnOqumm and romantic evenings in young looking 39 yr old, fectionate, caring-& hon- the soul of an exotic clude- working out, mov- clean, witty & honest. cure, educated man of ues, & that values mo-ing, movies, plays, out- I'm new In town and kind, true, ext 3501 ' Holy Spirit, you who solve and four chairs, $175. seeking nice looking pro-, dancerrthe vision & spirit like quiet times & oc- Looking for same, 20-35, man who can make me Shelter, 100 Commons front of a fireplace. I'm est)-whose tastes lean to- casional candlelight din- ies, dancing, cooking & Integrity, 50+, who Is ments together. Reply ext. doors. Looking for tall, of shy. If your a SF, 20- all problems, light all 2085 Please call after 4 PM, looking for an Intelligent, fessional WM age 33-49, to make dreams ^come for friendship first, rela- feel special, Just because 28, WithJmagination, ba- VERY LONELY- SWM, Way, Bridgewater, NJ ward culture. Seeks tall, ner. Hobbles are golf, going to the beach. Look- bright, warm, sensitive,, 3955 SWM, 40s, friendship & 08807.7250308. roads so that I can attain BEDROOM SET— Louis Firewood 908-755-8949 handsome, well-built man who loves children. I have true & heart of gold. Reply tionship laterrReply ext. loves life, Including^ -the I'm me. You treat me like zaar sense of humor, and 45, 5'8 170 lbs., spar- terrific, successful, mar- fishing, cards, pool, music Ing for GQ man of my a queen & I'll treat you SJM (religiously relationship. Reply ext. kling, honest, Intelligent, my goal. You who gave XVI 1920's with DINING ROOM SET- with a sense of humor a 3 year old boy. Looking riage minded professional to Ext 3906. dreams, Who is SWM 25- 3750 arts, traveling, dancing, 3745 taste for the arts, Please me the divine gift tofor - Breched'Alep marble tops. for a secure, non-smoker, of the 5O's & 60's, beach, like a king. Reply to Ext subdued), 28, 5' 5", 130 warm, great sense of FIREWOOD— Seasoned table 62"x42", leaves & who would like to share to share laughter, life & cooking, trapshootlng, 30, 5'iO-6', handsome, HANDSOME SWM- 38, skiing, tennis, the out- lbs, good shape, good reply to ext.#3216. give and forget all evil 908-647-7325 after 7pm our lives. Please reply to social drinker who Is sin- doors, lakes and the sea- 3901 SWF- 5'4", 25. Looking humor, looking for young hardwood, cut, split deliv- pads, 4 padded chairs, love. Reply to ext 3525 DWC QAL- plus 45, dancing, will try anything, romantic & wild. Clean cut 5' 11", 175 lbs, very ro- looking, reddish brown SWM- 25, 6'3" blond oriental woman with fine 1040 against me and that In all ext. 3766 cere, caring, romantic, a must, (no facial hair) I think you'd like me. I'm for a SWM 26-36; looks instances In my life you ered, $100 full cord. cabinet. Must go $350. seeks younger DWC Guy- very flexible. Looking for a mantic, level headed, sin- SBF, 30,5' 3", 125 lbs., colored hair, ambitious, hair, blue eyed, looking ankles to build lasting re- Personal* 789-8388 and trustworthy with simi- Bl WF— 37, professional, Reply 3746 a DWF, 5' 5", trim, pre- single parent. I enjoy unirnportant, caring, lov- are with me, I want In this 908-968-9689 spirited and sincere to slim, SDW or Asian Fe- cere and honest, with a bold enthusiasm, very ing & reliable, drug free. I for attractive S/DWF, 20 lationship or marriage. 2020 lar interests. I love to looking for same for dis- share great times. good sense of humor, who sentable and profes- movies, dinners, dancing, outgoing, optimistic, short prayer to thank ydu ARE YOU TIRED OF work-out, dine-out, go to creet relationship. Ext. male 35-50 w/slmllar In- like to go the movies, to 30. Must have good Lbves outdoors. Ext. ADOPTION- A swlngset SHOPPING AROUND-' Ext.3762. terests - for sharing an enjoys treating a woman sional. My children are on and new experiences. competitive, college sense of humor and enjoy for all things as you con- flea markets, plays, mov- 3758. .their own. Call - maybe Seeking SM, for friend- beach, Atlantic City, ro- 3753. and sandbox, lullabies firm once again that I for someone special to DWCF— 45, petite who honest friendship & pos- Ads In Classified with style and class. educated, very mantic dinners for two at outdoors. Ext. 3769. very important ies. I like participative Bl WM- 40 + , married, Seeking serious relation- we can make each other ship and possibly serious Independent, great sense and lollypops await a spe- never want to be sepa- APPLIANCES- Kenmore take long walks to the.sports, dancing, 50-60's enjoys fine dining, danc- sible long term relation- home. Reply to Ext 3902. cial baby. We can provide washer; $40, Dryer; $95 park, drive to the moun- seeks same to share mu- ship. Please call Ext. don't cost — ship with a SWF 28-38, smile. Please respond to relationship. All replies of humor,.down to earth. I SWM— 26, brown hair & rated from you In eternal absolute music, romance and fam- ing, old movies, oldies ext. 3234. eyes, likes to work-out, go a happy, loving, and se-glory. Thank you for your or bast offer. Please call tains, strolls along the tual Interests. Must be music seeks mature, re- 3680. who is .fit and trim, that willbe answered. enjoy camping, traveling, SWF— Attractive, mature Advertise ily activities. Looking for They pay! enjoys movies, dancing, Ext. 3601. 20 yr. old, romantic at to movies, and go on long cure home. Please call mercy toward me andevenings 908-526-4577. beaches with, someone to friendship possibly lead- discreet. Reply to boxsponsible male age 43-55 IT TAKES TWO TO biking, skating, hiking, Dean and Diana collect joke/laugh with, share #3808. theater, traveling, and etc. Musically, I'm Into heart, 5*10, long brown walks, seeks female com- In the Classified! mine. The person must APPLIANCES- Refrigera- ESTATE AUCTION Ing to lasting relationship. who enjoys the same. All TANO.O— Were we made SBF- 70, 5'2, 125 lbs., panion 18 to 28 Who like (802) 235-2312 say this prayer 3 consecu- your ups & downs? If so replies will be answered. quiet times together. for each other? Lets find very Intelligent looking for folk, rock, jazz & the 6O's. hair, blue eyes, seeking tors, washers, dryers, featuring the partial contents of Ext. 3222. BI-SEXUAL WF— clean & Reply to ext. 3813. outgoing attractive SWM the same things. Ext. tive days. After 3 days, don't be shy please re- cute, 25, 5'2", 120lbs, Please call Ext. 3681. Advertise FINANCIALLY SECURE- each other and find out. BM same age w/same No clgarettos. Seeking ADOPT- A fulltime Mom, stoves. Reasonable rates. the Historical i9th Century femnlo, 25-30 - looking with a wide variety of In- 3760. the request will be grant- spond Immediately. 40, 5' ATTRACTIVE SBM- look- looking for attractive, bi- In the Classified! SWM, 27, Seeking SF, Slim and attractive, 26- background. Likes to at- WANTED WF— forty to Professional Dad & lov- All guaranteed. Call 908- Questover Mansion 4 reddish brown hair, ing for fun, reliable, caring 20-35, for companion- for a reaj person, not a terests, 20-26 yrs., pref- SWM— 28, 5 ft. 9ln. fifty, who Is lonely as I am able pets will make a ed. This prayer must be 231-1047 sexual WF of similar build It if the policy of this HI, JEWISH SINGLE 33, SJF, Is sought by tend church, enjoys the published after the favor green eyes, attractive, in female. Race unimpor- ship. Sick of the barDAD! Would you like to physically fit 35 year old "Jersey Girl" or "Hair erably tall with a great brown hair, blue eyes, for a polite, considerate, happy home for your new- & age for mutually gratify- neuiipaptr not to publish outdoors. Please call Ext.- sense of humor. I enjoy Is granted. J.T.V. OAS STOVE- Sears Ken- Saturday April 4th-9 am telllgent DWF non smoker, tant. Ages 20-30. Reply ing, discreet friendship. v scene, enjoy hiking, mov- meet a PRETTY woman SJM. Some of their pas- 3676 Farmer" . Please reply seeks single females for romantic, weekday, dis- bom. Call collect and talk any personal advettsement DWM- (7 >yrs.) 45, ext, 3208. walks along the beach, more, 30", cont. clean drug free, great sense of to Ext 3546 Reply to ext 3903 that ,may be overtly sexual, 195lbs., salt & pepper ies, tennis, volleyball, who can give you friend- sions together Include friendship and possible creet, relationship with to Usa or John (215) 376- oven. Exc cond. Remodel- (preview Fri. April 3 from 12 to 7 pm) humor, honest, pleasant SBM- 30, 6 ft., down to sunsets, long talks, quiet relationship. I'm Into rock white business man. THANKSGIVING NOVENA suggestive and/or offensive brown hair, blue eyes, bowling, dining out. Look- ship, good conversation music & dancing, movies, SJM— 20, rnature, Intelr 9742 (days ; (215) 527- ing. $3OO/B0. 469-0675, TO BE HELD ON PREMISES AT personality. Enjoys read COMMITMENT ORI- Ing for someone to share and romance In a rela- dining out, sports, the earth, loves the outdoors, evenings at home or wild music, concerts, nature Reply to Ext 3752. 4123 (eves.) . TO ST. JUDE- Holy St. 1060 CENTRAL AVENUE ENTED- DWM, 45, 5'8", to the general public. This positive person with many but I'm Just as happy at ligont, Rutger Student nights out. I also enjoy all Jude, Apostle and Martyr, STEAM CLBANER- Ex- ing, movies, concerts, Ads In Classified service is intended soley for Interests, have Job stabil- Interests with. Reply to tionship? I enjoy children, outdoors. Reply to ext hikes. Respondent must WBIM, blond, blu* DIANE'S ASTROLOGY comedies, museums & 175lbs., blue eyes, loves home. Looking for SB or who onjoys dining out, sports, especially horse- be positive minded, free great In virtue and rich In cellent condition, hot or personal advertisements for ity & bright future. Look- ext. 3229 movies, conversation, din- 3450. qulot nights at home, •y«a,5' 9", 39 years old - Astrology & Tarot card PLAINFIELD, NEW JERSEY galleries. Loves any kind don't cost — cats; boats & travel. Ing, dancing, outdoors, WF, 25 or older that Is back riding, volleyball & spirited and adverturous. miracles, near kinsman of cold up to 2000 Ib pres- singles who would like to Ing for a fun lady, 25-38, FINANCIALLY SECURE- down to earth and likes to movies, shopping and dancing. If you're looking looking for the same. readings by Diane, who AUCTIONEER'S NOTE: We are uertf proud to say of music. Seeking a S/ Thdy pay! Seeking S/DWF, 30-40 for my dog and more. LOVELY BLONDE Please call 3773. Jesus Christ, faithful Inter- sure. Will clean almost that our Auctions simply are getting better and sincere and honest rela- e- Ext 3516 car, own business. Enjoys oxt. 3311. sincere professional who student, looking for SWF, Is your racquvt and goW don't want to leave you at tennis, long walks, cook- erate drinker, In good mature sexually aggres- ing & laughing, seeks man staying home & would like with same Interests, be- possibly more. Non- agency accepting applica- and cause you to be In-leave message. elry and fine individual Collection* including In- home. Can you travel to Attractive, BF, 38, look- enjoys good conversation, for friendship, companion- suit* you to • t»«. W« voked. (Say 3 Our Fa- dian Pottery, Hugs and Jewelry, HutnmeU, Banks, Ing, and snuggling in front shape w/good teeth. sive lady w/sense of of similar temporment for to sharo these things & tween 35-40, who Is hon- smoker preferred, Reply could b* m match.' This tions from qualified adop- Europe and Asia frooly? If Ing for same- for friend- a lot of laughs, and Isn't a ship and possibly relation- to ext #3805. thers, 3 Hall Mary's, 3 Coins and more. There are over 30 pieces of Victo- of fireplaces. Looking for Looking for a permanent him jr. Let's talk. Please warm, loving & lasting re- couch potato. Her friends moro 'V/ith an attractive est and fun, with good very pretty, 5' 7", redtive parents seeking Ukra- you are about 35,.petite, ship. I like bicycle riding, I AM A PRETTY, PETITE, ship. Who enjoys all types values. Non-smoker pre- nian & Russian children & Glory Be's). St Jude, pray rian Wicker Furniture including a Heywood Wake- my one-man Cinderella relationship. Please call cr Ext. 3675 lationship. Let's enjoy the VERY EDUCATED SWF. said,"place an ad, take a SJF between 20-26, non- haired, blue eyed, widow with silken black hair and dining and dancing. Non- Ext. 3683 of food, relaxing, and smoker, with similar at- ferred. Starting as friends. SWM- 33, self- Infant orphans. (216)for us and all who Invoke field Wicker- phonooraph. This fabulous auction who can share my fire- DIM— 57, attractive 6' best that's yet to be.I am 50 yrs old, but I look chance, what have you watching movies. No employed, successful, with an easy going will also feature teoeral xelect additions including would have fun seeing the drinker, non-smoker. places, cars and Jacuzzi tributos. Please reply ext You wouldnt be dlsap- 682-3900. 9800 Boston your aid. Amen. (Publica- Sell DWF— Brown hair, green u ' Enjoys most past Please call Ext. 3688 much younger. I have got to lose?" After several heavy drinkers or drug above average looks. personality and off beat a very prominent, nearby Westfield N.J. estate. world, this financially Reply ext. 3210. and be pampered with 3742 polnted. Reply ext. 3815 Rd. N., Royalton, OH tion must be promised. 1 eyes, 5*4, petite & attrac- times, with many diverse OAL FRIDAY WANTED- much traveling experience days of thought she did... users, reply to ext. Seeking female 20-30 sense of humor. Would This novena has never There will be a 1977 Lincoln Continental (32,000 secure professional wants ATTRACTIVE, Professional love and affection from a 44122 "don't needs" very much to talk to you. ' tive, 60 yrs. young, good Interests, music, cooking, Handsome athletlc, and would enjoy someone Please reply ext. 3527 #3803. who Isn't overweight & love to meet an athletic, been known to fall. This orig. miles) and a 1917 Dodge Cruuemaster camper 42 yr. young, DWF seeks great guy. If you are 25 to sense of humor. I like dining out, boating, the who likes traveling as also has above average tall, attractive, fun-loving, FINLAND MASSAGE both in mint condition. can speak sorne Manda 40, attractive, sincere fe- youthful, SWM, 37 seeks prayar Is to be said for 9 tall, handsome, success- sports, movies, travel, city. Financially secure, well. I am searching for a looks. Sexy & classy a secure male between the for men & women. Call consecutive days). My with a rin. Nl hao. I have all my ful, S/ DWM honest, sin- male looking for your gorgeous witty Advertise This Auction will be held ruin or shine under hair, am 4Olsh, 5'10", music & dancing, quiet good sense of humor, all adventurous younger kind, honest, 60-1,, must. For friendship & ages of 52-62 who loves Albln-(908)-752-7087, prayers have been an- cere! clqssy gentleman for prince* (race unimportant) times at home. Looking to dance. Please reply after 5pm or during wknd Classified Ad a tent and SHOULD NOT BE MISSED!!! 160 lbs., with blue eyes around great guy. Looking woman to treat to marriage-minded man for Advertise in the Classified! possibly relationship. swered: T.S. Seating is limited so come early. dancing, dinners, theatre, don't wait, get the cour- for tall attractive man 50- for a SWF or DWF, 45-57, companionship. I am new Reply ext. 3727 ext. 3604. anytime. By appt. only. and \l smoke a pipe. Do golf, tennis, travelling & age and respond-you romantic Friday night you play golf? I hope you 60yre. with similar Inter- attractive, with same In- dinners and dessert. in the area and would like love relationship. Please Won't be disappointed. ests. Please call Ext. to make new friends! in the Classified! will call Ext. 3215. call Ext. 3685 Ext. 3765. terests, to enjoy life with. Reply In confidence to A Union County Forbes Newspaper 3191. Reply to box #3802. ext.,3211. Please call ext. 3603. v... B-8 Classifieds April 2,1992

2110 2110 2110 2110 2120 2120 2120 2120 JK'S April 2,1992 Furniture Furniture Furniture Furniture Garage Safes Garage Sales Garage Sales Garage Sales WALLCOVERING; Classifieds B-9 DININQ ROOM TABLE DININQ ROOM- Tradltl- NOTICE: All GARAGE S- UVINQ ROOM TABLES- PATIO- Table, 6 chairs. BRANCHBURQ- 20 Orl- BRIDQEWATER- North EDISON- 184 Grand- INSTALLATIONS JSrey/hlue#ose_marble-tap- Jonal service stripes, asking $200. ELECTRICAL SPECIAL- Free estimates. Fully In- Complete. .yajtffinalnte PAINTER evenings and week-ends. clothing. ALSO WANTED Good for rec room. Call 4000 tan home. Yd, snacks. Any Dunellen/Plalnfield loca- •basements affordable cost. No Job finished products. Free sured. Call Cedrone's GRASS ROOTS LAWN Fully Insured. Free est. NTIQUE ITEMS PRE HOTO-RESTORATION- IST— Ceiling fans, secu- nance. Grass~cutting Power washing, free Lie.#4369. 908.-725- TO CONSIGN] Antique 908-725-7369, after 6PM SERVICES age. 12 yrs exper. Non- HOUSECLEANING- Expe- tions. Eves. & weekends. •attics rity lights, circuits In- too small. Free est. Ins.Est., . : •' : . Home Improvements 908 CARE— Mowing & relate Fully insured. ' Call Mark 908-834-5036 8239 or 908-356*1029 furniture & other quality 1930— including furni- smoker. Refs. 231-1047. rienced young lady avail- No appt. needed. N*i •garages ALL WORK DONE AT OUR Is call Tom 908-231' estimates, insured, best ture; vintage clothing & stalled. Service upgrades. Call 908-389-8184 249-2090. lawn care services.. Reli- 1-800-221-8963 OIL BURNER SERVICE furniture, jewelry, quality MUSICAL INSTRU-< able to do your house client* save $10 w/ Ad. •concrete & yard debris STUDIO. BRING YOUR C.K. PAVING references. 1 Inens, toys, postcards, •.+•*.** Problems solved. 908- 9284 or Dave 248-1729. able & reasonable since Boiler & Furnace 'clean collectibles. Will consider MENTS- Violins V ' »/• V cleaning. Excellent refer- Also minor demolition & ORIGINAL FOR FREE ESTI- FENCES KITCHEN- cabinet refac MULCH FOR SALE Black-top Driveways 4 l 3 4 4 ewelry & other small 4020 CHILDCARE- Infant & TAX RETURNS 257-4734 CARPENTRY & ROOF- 1985. Fully insured. Serv- up, efficiency testing buying outright. CALL , / ,r, / , Viola V V/V/\ ences, own tra'nsp. Call removal. Prompt reliable MATE. SENIOR DISCOUNT. Installed & Repaired. Ing or new, countertops Curbing and Sidewalks 908-232-7546 terns. Willing to buy en- Business Services toddlers in my Somerset PREPARED ORONET STUDIO, 1972 ING- repair. Ceiling & ing the Immediate West delivered $25/yard. 889-7926 emergency service"'calls, NOW before the shop fills Cello, Comets, C Trumpet. 201-483-4876. service at reasonable ELECTRICAL WORK- Chalnllnk & wood. Free tile work, carpentry. Free field area. Call 233-0927. Installed $35/yard. PAINTING a WALL tire household. Call Joan home, conveniently to' By Public Accountant ROUTE 27, EDISON. 287- floor. porches, steps, estimates 908-868-8912 estimates. Pis call heat & hot water in- up for spring. 201-543- 2 single- Fr. Hr. 232-4242 cated off 287 & 527. For prices. Call JCP Carting at Complete electrical ser- l Tony KACKLE MASONRY PAPERING- "Wlnte 908-369-5381IV. msg. JAK CLEANING SERVICE, Business/Personal 908-889-8048 1234. vice, service upgrades, vi- paint. Call 356-9020 LANDSCAPERS- 1st of 908-968-8670 stalled. 722-8225 ' 6199. Tue-Sun, 11- ORLANDO/BAHAMAS VA- A-l RESUMES AND more Info, call 937-6994 FENCES- PRI SEASON 908-968-7027 Special" $50 off painting OTHER TYPING/WP SER- INC— specialize In office 908-356-3998 We Show UP! olations corrected, celling CARPENTRY *. CABIN- fering top quality dens SERVICES 5:30pm. Wed til 8pm. CATION- 8 days, 7 AURORA HO SWAT cleaning. Free estimate. RESUMES SALE. CUSTOM WOOD: MR FDWT- No Job too PAUL'S and 20% off wallpapering. PLUMBING a HEATING CARS- ASX, Tyco, Atlas, VICES. Professional work. CHILDCARE- In my Mid- TAX RETURNS— prepared "Professionally fans* new constr. "24 Hr, ETRY, FINE QUALITY- CCA-SPRUCE-CEDAR small Inside or outside. sheered Douglas Fir 6' Quality work, reasonable FULLY INSURED. W|ll Low rates. Good- service. ALLEN CHURCH nights, Inc. roundtrlp air, dlesex home by experi- Fully insured & bonded. DRIVEWAY/PARKING LOT Emergency Service." REMODELING & REPAIRS. Norway Spruce 7\ U-DI rates, Insured. No Job too cruise, hotel accommoda- tc, collector pays top Reasonable rates. Call by Certified Public Ac- SEAL COATING- Resi- Praparad" STOCKADE-VINYL CHAIN 35 yrs exp. Free est Refs TREE SERVICE beat any written esti- Drain cleaning. FreeJesti- ORGAN- 1961, model dollar. 232-2853 eve- Patsy (908) 548-4273 enced Mom. Infants 828-4098 or 422-8655. countant. Reasonable Cover Letters & Envelopes Uc.#10318. 271-4049. WINDOWS, POORS/TRIM, LINK. FREE ESTIMATES. $40-$45. State In small. Call Mike (908 mates. Interior/exterior, mates. License #6461. TCI, 2 manual 32 peddal, lons & rental car. Only through 5 yrs. $75/wk dential/Commercial. See avail. Art 908-821-5422 r removals, pruning. Com- nlngs or 322-8998 days L. A. CLEANINQ SERVICE rates. 968-3874 eves. Interview Tips ELECTRICAL WORK— KITCHENS, BASEMENTS, Pis ca|l 908-381-1044 spected. Wildflowe 685-8016. Will work weekends;, Cal Call John 988-8634 ' full AGO console, $2500. $299/perspn. Discount ATTENTION OFFICES- 968-4677. our display ad In the Busi- D.ECKS;, SATISFACTION Meadows, (Quakortown mercial & residential promotions. Call 904- We are offering select of- 10 yrs. exp. Work guar- ness? Service Directories 24 hr. turnaround Commercial, residential .' R.J.'S DECKS Quality; work. 15: yrs exp. Chris 873-1389,;,rU<. ;, 469-0991. CASH PAID- for drums, anteed. References avail. GUABANTCK JFRE&nEST K5p NJ90878$^975 MASON PLUMBIN aH 292-4752 fices.a frea candy/snack CHILDCARE- need a sit- 4110 In your local Forbes News- 908-783-7491 --and: Industrial 4Jcen6O», Fully Insured. Free est. -All big or srrtBll residen- keyboarder'guitars & am- Call 241-9418 , inded & - we b'ulid'all" sizes' and PAINTING a WALLPA ALMOST NEW- Clothing, plifiers.;-Please call 908' service featuring M&M's, 7 InstructionJEducatlon papers Classifieds. Free YOUR SENSATIONAL No. 9141, and Insured. t^s3s t LANDSCAPES;; (Firewood, troe spraying, CONTRACTORS tial work. FREE-Estlrriates jewelry, furs, accessories. HA8E CONVERTER- Free estimates. Call Vince CARPENTRY' BY QUEL fMshea\~Old-'wood- floors shapes. 10 year guaran PERING- •'Exterior/, • Inte- 359-0124 ' ...''••• health'food & Nabisco ExpiwiomiWilkprovlde lov POLISH WOMAN- look estimates. Fully Insured. RESUME reflnlshed. Free estl' LAWN MAINTENANCE feeding. 908-604-4753 Specializing In all types o rior, custom work. Com- & Answers. Evening & ENCORE QUALITY CON- Rotary type, 1 to 15 HP. ing, caring atmosphere In !ng for hoiisecleanlrig Jobs CHEM SEAL, Mendham, It now-easier than ever to Santonastaso Electrl CONSTRUCTION CO.- tee. All bur wolmanized Times are tough, get mor< ; products. This offer Is only ABC DRIVING SCHOOL mates. ACCURATE masonry: Brick work mercial/residential. FULLV dkd'M f ^ SIGNMENTS, 123 Clar- Call 52e-5225 or eve- CHERRY TIQUES made to firms with over my Edison home. FT/PT, or as housekeeper to live NJ. 908-234-2700 write your own! Quickly 968-1609. Welded vinyl replacement lumber guaranteed. Free for your money. Lawns cu PINE LANDSCAPING pp nlngs 369-3372 Special attention given t< FLOORING, 9S8-4808 estimates. Fully Insured. block work, concrete, etc INSURED. Nick 658-9235 1 emont Rd., Bemardsville. Antiques 25 employees, as our reasonable fee. Call 908- In/out. 908-862-0289 and effectively...This windows & steel doors. from $24.95 & up. 1st cui Landscape construction Ihg families. License 79 Watchung Ave., N. nervous people. 20 yr: GOLF CLUB REPAIR- ELECTRICAL— All type: FREE ESTIMATES— Call 9OS-7O7-4447 Fully Insured. Free esti- PAINTING (Ed Rellly Mon.,-Fri., 10-6pm: Thurs IAN0S BOUGHT a equipment & supplies are 494-6187 newly released book, writ- of wiring, Service changes Custom decks, additions, free. FREE estimates. & lawn maintenance. Ser- mates. #8488 John, 725-2530 Plalnfleld. Anything old ROFESSIONAL CLEAN- *xp*r. 90»78S-S8e» Get a grip on your golf "Oz" re-roofing repairs, Special spring discount Interior/Exterior— Free til 8pm. Sat 10-4pm. SOLD- Musical Instru- limited. Call immed. 9Q8- EXPERIENCED MOM- ING SERVICES— Com- game a ''new" grip that ten especially for todays & paddle fans. Additions. dormers, kitchen & bath SUPERB 90S-SS3-1233 vices included: all phases NOW OPEN ENCORE'S ments & accessories. bought & sold. We buy art FRENCH— All L*V«I*. U economy, will provide you remodeling, basements, painting, light hauling. 20* off NO JOBS estimates. Custom work. work, old toys, photos, 57-3733 will care for your child mercial & residential. Call si Let GRIPS, Etc. replace Call Harold Klouser. Uc Call days 469-3684 or LANDSCAPING * LAWNS of landscaping & lawn ANNEX. Specializing in Connie's Music Center, 22 censed, native teacher. with: drywall & taping. NO JOB maintenance. Plantings & Very neat & references. furniture,. etc. Cash paid. COMPUTER EXPERT with TLC In my So. Plain- for free estimates 908- those old worn out grips #6252. 908-572-6750. eves 356-0784 RESIDENTIAL RULINGS Driveway stone & mulch. TOO SMALL Sheetrock Repairs. Fully finest quality home fur- Davenport St., Somerville, field home. 754-4954 233-6057 Former vlstlng Prof, at now before Spring arrives. TOO SMALL! Fully Insured, by PETRO STEEL* IRON rock walls a speciality. BEST ROOFING nishings, collectibles & 908-561-8744. Rutgers. Yrs of successful •easy to follow format ELECTRICIAN- Llc.# free estimates. 908-704- Wood chips delivered+ Insured. 908-752-3767. NJ. 908-725-0737 8 yrs exp. Want to buy a $35/std. $55/ cords. Call Q+R BUILDERS WORK— Iron & aluminum spread. Call 908-356 Owner operated & cus- 369-5837 Roofing & Siding Contrac- antiques. Consignments GUNS, SWORDS, MED- computer? Don't know EXPERIENCE— woman teaching. Refs avail. 908- Greg at 908-874-7158, and examples 10062. For evenings & 0262. General Contractor PIANOS— Rent to own, will care for your child In weekends. Bonded & In' railings. Quality service 6193,8am-5pm tomer oriented. MASONRY-CONCRETE PAINTING and WALLPA- tor. New roofs to roof re- accepted by appt. Co-op ALS,, MILITARY ITEMS, where to begin? Advise, 4090 985-8721 after 4pm pis. Iv. msg. Custom club 99 action words to in- •Fully Insured 908-988-8670 PAVING PERING^ interior & pairs. Specializing In ALL space available. 908- new from $49/mo. New & my No. Brunswick. Flex- sured. Reasonable rates CARPENTRY- & Home for 14 yrs. Free est & full used. Great selection & CAMERAS- NJ & Federal installation, training, trou- Health Can Services GIVE YOUR CHILD THAT making & fitting also clude •Free Estimates Insured. 908-752-1398 LANDSCAPING- For Brick, Block, Stone, exterior. Remodeling of TYPES of roofing., Indus- 766-7760. ible hrs. 418-8963 •helpful hints and valu- Commercial, residential, mprovements. I do It ALL, quality work and reason- prices. All musical instru- icensed. Top cash paid, ble-shooting, program- EXTRA ADVANTAGE- En- avail. • Industrial. 725-7267 all phases of home im- 9O8-883-94S0 or 1-800-281-1398 Steps, Sidewalks, Drive- baths and kitchens. trial, Residential & Com- -louse' calls made. Bert ming. Reasonable rates. -ANW00D MOM- w/exp. thusiastic teacher w/10 able Information to get able rates In all your cut- PRECISE Decks installed. FREE ES- mercial. Fully InsUred.Call ANTIQUE BED FRAME- ments avail. Pianos Plus OUNSELING- with a GUTTER a LEADER provements. Free est., HAVE YOU LOOKED AT SHEETROCK/SPACKLE ways. Foundations, Fplcs., Music Center. 1-800-834- J21-4949 ALLGOOD 908-647-2936 & refs. will care for your yrs. exp. & masters de- your resume on top of the ting, clean-up, seeding patios, curbing, Belgian TIMATES. Call Tom, 755- for free estimate $45; crystal chandeliers infant/child in my home. 'rofesslonal In Adoption, CLEANING- Repaired & pile. Ins. Steve, 908-968-7042 YOUR FRONT ENTRANCE —Repairs to sheetrock & and pruning needs. Cal LAWNCARE (1)DR-$145, (l)hallway- TUNE H. O. SLOT. CARS— Au- COMPUTER HELP! gree. Certified K-12 & Installed' Quality service, 4080 THE WAY VISITORS DO? block. Insured/Refs. 6541, 1-800-300-6541. 908-231-9140 :PR & Ins. 889-2094 epresslon, divorce me- special education W/read- Handyman Service* CARPETING- Com- plaster. 572-5811. Bob C. at 463-9406 Please Call DMI (908)787-7929 $50; king sz. waterbed w/ PIANO- Baldwin, rora, etc. Top $ Paid. Pri- Confused, Frustrated? We liation, geriatrics, grief & Reasonable prices, fully Act now! Only $4.99 plus mercial/residential, shop Need art affordable new FREE ESTIMATES many extras, (can deliver) an Help! Software as- ng certification. Call insured, Call 654-5803. WINDOW A-l REPAIRS— LANDSCAPING- Spring Splnett, light brown wood. vate collector. 908-298- tress. Barbara Ronca layme at 908-422-7757. 35 «tax. at office or home. Buy di- look? We offer clean, MASONRY— Steps, side- PAINTING FULLY GUARANTEED -$150. 1/3 HP sump 110 after 6PM Istance, computer re- 'ANW00D- Experienced neat & beautiful walks. & Replace glass, putty, clean up, lawn care 276-9391 $1000. Please call 908- CSW-BCD 21&-9062 GUTTER a ROOF CLEAN- HANDYMAN rect from Mill for low, low caulk, paint & wash. walks, patios, exterior & INSURED pump (hardly used)-$30. pairs & Upgrades. C.S.E., ion-smoking & rejlable GUITAR LESSONS- With Can do most anything and patios expertly done In thatching, tree work, haul Thank you drainage, all work guaran- REMODELING 908-788.1836 / 232-4306. HIGH PRICES PAID- for nc. 908-654-9355 ill watch your children in ING a REPAIRS- house Read On Publications P.O. prices. 908-752-2928 Quality craftsmanship for Ing. Will beat any written Prices neg. 806-3434 quality postcards, sheet ohnny Charles. Jazz, trim' painting & tree trim- Box 56 (Dept. A) at reasonable rates. No paving brick. Inexpensive, ROTOTIIXINQ- with Troy- teed. Free estimates. Call • PAPERING $14/ROLLS JT PENYAK ROOFING my home. Refs. avail. Blues, Rock 4 CoUnbV. All CD HOME IMPROVE- maintenance-free & per- 25 yrs. Free estimates, in- estimate. Reliable ser- ATTENTION BANDS— music, old toys, baseball COMPUTER PROGRAM- ming. Very reasonable. Middlesex, NJ 08846 Job too small, Call 908- sured, work guaranteed, Bilt, established gardens 908-253-0827. • POPCORN CEILINGS COMPANY- Residential/ PIANO— Knabe console, Fenced yard.- 908- levels. 908-218-0690 322-1673. MENTS— Replacement manent with many shapes vice. Charlie 755-8429 2 Full P.A. spkr. stacks. 2 Items, cameras, military, MING— Customized Fox- Fully Insured. prompt service. Bob 60, cents a square- yard. QUALITY WORKMANSHIP •CARPENTRY Commercial. Roofjng, gut- Lt. mahogony. DR set w/ BASE + , FoxBASE/MAC, 189-0915 windows, Siding, Bath- & colors to choose from. 2x1? bass bins, 2 2x12 eredenza, French Provln- ypewriters, TV's, Worlds GUITAR LESSONS- your CLEAR VIEW 787-8347 3000 HANDYMAN FOR HIRE- room renovations & more.' LANDVIEW LANDSCAPE 30 yrs. exp. 534-2674. AT A REASONABLE • DRYWALL ters; & repairs) sQver 30 -air, fountain pens. 272- INFANTS a TODDLERS ome. Prof, musician/ Call' for free color bro- sw sas»ssa mlds, 2 JBL horns. ial, fruit wood. Love seat, FOXPRO, SCO FOXBASE GUTTER MAN- Cleans, EMPLOYMENT carpentry, replacement of No Job too small. Specializing in all'types of SPRING CLEANUPS — PRICE— all types of ma- • CUSTOM TRIM yrs. exp. Injured.r AJI work 1777. and SCO FoxPro program- WELCOME- in my Pisca- teacher w/BM. All styles &' chure & factory prices. WINDOW CLASS RE landscaping & mainte- $lOOO/negotlable. MUST antique, Qn. Ann, walnut. repairs & Installs leaders windows & doors, floor 908-353-2281 lawn cutting & Fall leaf sonry. For free est, pis • CHAIR RAILS guaranteed. Call Joe 908- SELL I 908-537-6941 or ming. Customization of taway home. Lots of TLC. levels. 908-351-7058 Many happy local refer- PLACED ON SITE- We nance. Reliable & afford- 753-4222 ,,':• 548-8790 UKE BOXES a PIN- & gutters. Free Est. 709- tiles, carpet Installation, ences. 908-803-9887 cleanups. Call for free es- call John 908-563-7862 • CERAMICTILING 537-2396. SBT accounting software, Go to work with peace of 5010 kitchen, bath renovation. repair, re-putty & paint able. Residential/ com- BALLS— any cond. slot, PIANO INSTRUCTION- 610 or 1-800-870-1610 CERAMIC TILE old windows & trim. Very timates 725-5806 after TAURUS HOOFING CONTRAC- POOL TABLES PLUS oth PC, Macintosh & ilnd. 356-2582 by 3:30 Quick And Dlane Olsen Galvacky, Career Training 526-5723. mercial. Call Gary 722 6PM Areas finest and most af- BABY ORAND PIANO ree delivery, guaranteed coke, arcade machines & HIGH PRESSURE Installation & Repairs HOME reasonable. INSURED. CONSTRUCTION TOR— Caflce Construc- Chlckerlng 1935, ma- larber poles.' Call 609- Unix. Exp'd In Novell OVINQ MOTHER- (cer- Convenient! available for teaching and Services HANDYMAN- Complete 4388 fordably priced service tion Co. Roofing of all lowest prices. All sizes & LAN's. Stephen Dragon ; WASHING Commercial/Residential Call Clear View, 757- SPRING SHAPE UP— Mason Contractor. Spe- available. Honest depend- hogany finish, 5'3". Com- 187-7819 ifled) will care for your 9am-2:30pm, Mon-Fri £ home improvements. Alterations 5347 LAWN & LANDSCAPING types, shlngle/flat/sjate styles. 908-968-8228 a tuoc, 908-787- hlld in my Plscataway Sat. Call 699-0636 Alum. & vinyl sldlng- S.E. QERWER have your property cializing In residential. able service. Guaranteed pletely rebuilt 1980, NON-SPORTS CARDS, concrete-decks-graffrtl re- Decks, porches, Interior/ and Additions Lawn Maintenance, cleaned-up for a healthier Portfolio & References. and leak repairs, No,job excel, cond. 908- 382. ome. Lunch & Snacks 4105 exterior work, carpentry (908) 782-2118 WINDOWS * DOORS sjirubs, sod, mulch, seed- In writing, free estimates. too small, insured, free RECIPES TAR WARS a STAR mcomoTax PIANO INSTRUCTION- moval. Menlo BIdg, Malnt. COMPUTER TRAINING— Prompt - and 'Courteous Replacement, Storm, growing season. 10% dis- 908-4244622 Excellent refs. 232-4819, anytime REK COLLECTABLES. NEED MORE CUSTOM. rovided. 908-463-3069. all levels & ages, Claslcal, Co. Fully Ins. Free est. Learn database, wordpro- work, painting. No job too Free Estimates. Services Ing, etc. Free estimates. cbunts. Anthony E. Kro- estimates, 968-6241;, ITALIAN ERS?— Build your busi- small. Free est. Steve Dl Bows, Bays, Patio doors, Call Mike at 603-0268. '* * * ± • BABY ITEMS- bed rail, SASH PAID. Call 908- Theory, Many yrs exp.90S-73S-7770 Est. 1950 cessing & spreadsheet. Fully Insured "Quality at its Best" Trlm/SMIng. Free estl posky, The Plant Shaper, TK Masonry 14 yre exp 775-5073 ROOFING-T AFFORDABLE, 54-3543. ness with attention get- MARTINSVILLE/PLUCK- IBC TAX— Experienced Middlesex 356-5951 mlno 908-752.-7863 or umbrella stroller, Infant Rlcotta & Easter JUNK REMOVAL- Attic, One-on-One training. Rea- COMPLETE HOME MAIN- mates. Tlmberllne Con- LAWN CARE/YARD 908) 725-4476 Horn* Renovators RELIABLE, DEPENDABLE. ting newsletters & ads. MIN-. Exp'd, non- Accountant. Expert Ser- sonable rates. Em 908- 1-800-585-7863 WALLACE MARK toys, diaper pail, child's pies "no crusts" moklng mom will care for PIANO LESSONS- In basement, backyards. Call TENANCE INC.- 15 yrs. struction, 908-783-5761 WORK- Best Service, SUNRISE Lawnscapers II types of masonry work. Carpentry/Painting., Free rocker, baby bath, & OST CARDS- Toys, Call Phyllis Pennlston vice. Resonable fees. Re- 469-0623. M * J DRYWALL In business, maintaining CONSTRUCTION Lowest Rates, Free Esti- Estimates. Call Bill 908- Rlcotta Cheese Plas- 908-548-3832 our child. Lots of TLC, ferral Bonus. Day & Eve. your home. Branchburg, Joe 287-1281. Mowing, Cleanups, Fertil- 'aving stone Installation, more. Call for details & Games, Trains, Banks, Illlsborough and area. Residential/Commercial. homes for'retirees, wldo- 728-3845 mates. Call 231-0358. 873-3759 Plaln, pineapple, cherry, ictivities, lunch & snacks appts. New clients LAWN MOWER REPAIR- JOB TRAINING 4130 izing, Thatching, Seeding, carpentry & related ser- PAINTING prices. 908-753-5960 Sheet Music, Political, NEWSLETTERS- bul- Call 369-4937 SPECIAL OFFER Free estimates. ers, divorcees & people HOME IMPROVEMENTS Lmndacapktg Landscaping, Trimming. vIces.Tom 968-2994 peach, rum with candled isney, Worlds Fair, Dolls, rovided. 908-231-9253 $10 discount wHh ad Tom's Lawn Mower Ser- LAWN CARE— 20 yrs. ex- Staining, wallpapering, WATER PROOFING anytime fruit, blueberry, mixed etins, brochures de- Learn computer basics 90S-M0-SS4B who Just don't have trie REPAIRS- additions, and Tree Cmre perlence-a Scotts lawn Insured. 908-388-378$ wood reflnishlng. Custom ROOFING: N^w roofing, Magazines, etc. 908-534- signed, assembled, ready Mother of one will car* 908-489-2319 PIANO LESSONS— Jazz vice. Ride-on mowers, time. We do everything 4&B0 BAHAMA CRUISE fruit, chocolate chip, and classical, beginners WP5.1, Lotus or DOS * * * * decks, wooden storage Pro. Lawns cut, thatched, SUPERLAWN- offers all colors. References. In- Leaks repaired, Masonry 5515, ask for Herb For printer by experienced for your little on* In my CCOUNTANT- Will pre- trimmers, weedeaters, for only $50 from painting to additions. sheds. All phases of home 5 days/4 nights, over strawberry. Macintosh layout artist. home. Lots of TLC. Refs welcomed, Call Andrew chain saws, Toro, Snap- MR. DO RIGHT- Will seeded. Reasonable phases of lawn care. In- sured. Free estimates. repairs, Brick* pleanlng, Easter Pies- rrtaccaronl, STAMPS— Coins, paper >are individual tax re- Also Typing Instruction Call Ray 752-9394 Improvements & repairs. ACCURATE rates, reliable service. bought, corporate rates to Reasonable rates, free vail. Juliet - 563-4861. 828-8220 er, Rally, Honda. Free clean, repair, paint: walls, LANDSCAPING cluding mowing at reason- Water repellent's. 20 Yrs. public; limited tickets. rice, vegetable, egg pud-money, old envelopes, urns. All new clients with Call 908-283-0383 ceilings, porches, attics, CUSTOM FURNITURE Visa/MC, free estimates. Walt 908-752-6730 A Good Hands Co.- 908-769-5509 xperlence. Free estl- estimates. 908-396-1548 his ad receive 10% or IANO LESSONS— prl- stimates. Free pickup & All phases of landscaped able rates. Call 725-4623 $249/c0uple. 407-767- ding. $3 en. recipe, $2 postcards, baseball cards, MOTHER OF TWO— has STAY HOME & make up OUR HOUSE 38S-OS86 mates. 908-545-1773. 10 'ate, beginners to ad- deliver. Piscataway 699- cellars,- Carpentry. BUILDINO- Design your construction. Retainer LAWN MAINTENANCE Interior/exterlor, Wallpa- PAINTING- ATB INC. 8100 ext. ># > Mon-Sat. for SB. Send with SASE model trains. Call 908- TYPIST/TRANSCRIPTION one full time opening In 10 off tax returns (which "Master of the small Job" own wall unit, cabinets, or pering, painting, power ever Is higher). Most re- vanced. South Plalnfleld 0326. to $100 a day or more. HOME SWEET HOME- walls, Brick & concrete Westfleld/Scotch PI. Area. TREE * STUMP RE- PAINTING. $50/room. Ex- 4230 • 9-9PM. to Maria DIMura, Suite 232-0539. SERVICE— for all types my Plscataway home. 8 Over 400 companies need 908-968-7540 even a magazine rack. HOME IMPROVEMENTS & patios, Belgium block Cuttlng&Clean-ups. Exp'd. MOVAL —Is your stump a washing for commercial/ terior $700 + . Wallpaper 16, 4811 Stelton Rd., So. of work- large or small- yrs. experience. Lunch & turns prepared for $60. studio. 561-5094, MOVING? Apts., Homes, Made of oak, pine, or for- residential. Call Frad. Wallpapering BARWARE- Crystal & Ml existing clients receive Homeworkers/Dlstrlbutors ODD JOBS a GENERAL REPAIRS. Carpentry, curbing, Decks, Irrigation, Free Estlmates.789-9265. pain In the grass? Free $15/roll. Roofing, & gut- Plalnfleld, NJ 07080 :omputer/word processor/ macks' Included. Call PIANO/ORGAN- In your Offices, Pianos. Llc.# N0WI Call for amazing re- mica. Reasonably priced. sheetrock, painting, 487-0984 or 888-1169 ters, free estimates. 908- glass 100pc-$50j book- 3000 52-8566 $10 for referring new cli- 00650. Palmlarl Mov- REPAIRS- Lt. hauling, Japanese Rock Gardens LAWN MAINTENANCE estimates Fully Insured. A BEAUTIFUL Jd> by aser printer capabilities. home by professional. corded message. Call Sal at day 908-757- decks, patios, etc. 914-0496 case 10', dk plne-$50; PETS AND LIVESTOCK Kathy 752-3119 or fax- ants whose returns are *r*, 90S-38S-2484 brush cleared & removed. wAVaterfalls & Walls. Gar- You grow It, I mow it. 'JUST STUMPS" 634- PAINTING A PAPER Feminine Hangups. Expert Asst bolts, nuts & screws RING— Cameo, opal, lazz/Pop/Classlc. Begln- 201-305-4694 Expert Int/ext. carpentry, 3733 or eves. 475-5670. Bathroom & basement re- dening. Unseasoned fire- 1318. 469-3322 MOTHER— of 1 will care prepared. Cheryl lers welcome. Roberta D. modeling. Free estimates, Lawn cutting, general HANGING— Interior/exte- PAINTING— Let a woman Daperhanglngi Neat pro- In caSe-$50. 494-6848 18K, Size 6, 29 diamonds Edmonds 908-389-4841 MOVINGT- Select the painting, replacement CUSTOM RENOVATIONS wood SlOO/cord,. split & rior. Quality workmanship do your painting. Neat, resslonal. Free estimates. $900, AT&T wireless se- for your child In my High- 108-249-1489 competent, experienced, competitive rates. CALL Spring cleanup. Insured. TREE MAINTENANCE- BICYCLE CARRIER- $15; 3090 WORD PROCESSING •v«a/w««k«nda 5020 windows & decks. Tree four One Stop Home Im- delivered Reasonable. for 25 years. No job too clean quality work. In- Jail Joan 908-526-0251. curity system 8000, Laser Printer,' reasonable land Park home. Reason- reasonable gentlemen of JOHN-9O8-249-««B2. ree removals, shrub Dog, able 908-572-3533 Child Care Wanted work, log splitting, gutters rovement Co. Kitchens, 90S-SS0-S389 •CALL NOW* pruning. Commercial & small. Insured. Free esti- sured. Free estimates. Rocker - $50;,Glass top $600. Please call (908) rates, fast turn-around, ACCOUNTING 4120 •SB LINE MOVERS. PM cleaned. No Job too small. DELICATE TOUCH- Ex- end table - $10; Wail Baths, Baserrients, Sky- HOUSE WASHING- vinyl, Anthony 722-5216 Msg. residential.' Quality work mate, prompt service. ll Maryann 560-9235. ert paperhanging,. ,,rell- 218-0657 medical/legal transcrlp. IORTH EDISON— experl- BOOKKEEPINO a Insuranc* #00156. 728-7733. Why break your back? If lights & Tile. aluminum, wood,. cedar AMERICAN LAWN at fair prices. Over 20 yrs. Bob Stelnman, 526- unit -$75. 722-8171. BEAOLE PUPS- 2 fe- Resumes. nced mother willing to TAX SERVICE BABYSITTER NEEDED- you don't see It, ask. Call CARE— No gimmicks, LAWN MOWING- for as PAINTINO- Tom ble, meticulous, afford- SEWING MACHINE- NIULA'S CLEAN-UP AND 908-287-6944 shake, patios, sidewalks, experience. Call 658- 3382 Hanson Painters., Interior/ ble. Recommended' by BR SET— Teak 6pc, Sears Kenmore Zlg Zag males, adorable, born 01/ 908-253-0383 irovlde chlldcare. P/T or >ll types of taxes. Expert CARTINQ SERVICBS- to care for 4 children In us today for a FREE esti- pool walkways, founda- fully insured, family little as $20. Spring clean r LOW COST HEALTH pur Bridgewater home, 4 DECKS- $7.50 per ft. or 3266 or 321-0077 exterior & wallpapering. laint stores and Interior $1500; dinette-$250; with all attachments. Ex- 11/92, AKC registered, WORDPROCESSING- /T. My home or yours. Financial & tax counsel- Junk removal-of all kinds, mate. Our 17th year. tions. Free estimates & owned business, profes- up, Thatching, shrub PAINTING kitchen set, gas grill, champion line, $300. Pis '56-5118 ng. Reasonable rates. INSURANCE days/wk, 7:30 AM to 5 826-8838 will beat any legitimate sional service, depend- planting. Will beat any le- Free estimates. Please lecorators. Call Adele Lee cellent conditon. $150/ Laser print. Resumes, ndividual, family or ppllance removal from demonstrations. Most V.A.CARNEVALE call Tom at 908-469- it 908-231-0485. dresser. Call 281-6830 BO. Call 908-232-2857. all 908-469-7196 908-249-1288 PM. Mon., Tues, Wed., Fri. offer. Custom work. Fully houses done under $200. ability, at a fair price, gltlmato price. 753-6742 .ables, Mailmerge, Let- group. Plans designed to $10 to $20. 754-6875. We seek a loving person PROFESSIONAL HANDY- nsured. Unlimited refer- "iervlng Somerset County, Exterior/Interior. Very rea- 5952 or 1-800-479- COMPUTER Telephoning :ers, Term papers. Call PRIVATE HOME Call 908-985-2727 *•** Tree sonable. References. Fully PAPERHANGING SKI BOOTS— Lange, meet your needs. Any with child rearing exp. You MAN— burglar alarms, nces. Color portfolio. all Larry for free esti- 5952. System— will save you 308-756-0563 DAY CARE BUSINESS a Doctor or Hospital. Great PIANO TUNING LAWN SERVICE nsured. 35 yrs. of ser- lo Job too small. Papor- mens, size medium, orig. 3080 Over 25 years experience. may bring your own child. electrical, TV & phone all now and save $$$. I.N.M. FENCE mate at 253-0044. PATTERSON PAINTING anglng Institute Certl- hours of cold calls. $400. cost $300 asking $175. TAX CONSULTANT maternity plan. We prefer a non-smoker Prompt, reliable, Insured. Removal /ices In this area; Please Adoptable Pets Wayne Smith, Jacks, painting, sheetrock 908-526-0005. All types of fences nterlor $75/ room, Exte- led. Free estimates. In- Call 908-356-7314 826-7551 after. 6 PM Michael M. Husbands 1-S00-S70-0718 who can drive, tpoak en- repairs, etc. Free est. ASHFORTH'S LAWNCARE Spring Cleanups; Full ser- all 968-0467. Advertise Arts and crafts and a lot 1-800-882-4838 9QS-SS4-391S DECKS'-' Custom built, Installed and repaired. Weekly lawn care lor. Free ostlmates. ured.908-92 5 - 73 60 DENTAL LAB ITEMS more activities, fenced In gllsh and live in the area. < David 908-321-6955 vice. Serving Somerset A SPECTRUM iheotrocklng & tiling. Ref- 908-463-6609 CUSTOM REUPHOL- benches, railings, lattice, Free estimates. Spring cleanups County. (908)359-1418. VENIS BROS. PAPERHANGING "CHECK benches, equipment & SONY BOOM ROX- w/CATS— 2 females 1 year In the Classified! yard well equipped. Li- $200/wk. Call Kathy or OP SERVICES erences avail. Fully In- equalizer & detachable Id. Beautiful, sweet, ax Planning, Preparation Advertise STERY— Home, Office, Joe after 5 PM 231-0759. 41OO jressuro treated, super No job too big or small. Fertilizing A Tree Experts MY SEAMS" Reliable, ex- supplies. Pis call 908- onsed and state ap- edar prices. 20 yrs, exp. SPECTRA PAINTINO sured. 908-728-8997; 722-7130 speakers. $60/B0. Call payed, shots. Please call & Electronic Filing for Auto, Marine. Fabric or 90S-4S4-9M9 Weed Control ert paperhanging. Work proved. Only 2 openings faster refunds. Free 1/2 In the Classified! plastic slipcovers. Foam Homo Improvement :all 908-753-5761 . 1-S00-300-93S9 UNDEN LANDSCAPING 389-6180 Friendly & Courteous 1-B00-780-8997 369-3997 908-9 85-1172 eft. Please call now for ervlng Westfield Area for Expert low cost lawn care. [uaranteed. Certified by Dl BETTI 4040 hr consultation. Book- robber, large fabric selec- Advertise Intoo Classified! 6 years. Free Estimate. FULLY INSURED Professional Quality The Paperhanging Insti- Child Care free registration at the DID YOU Residential & commercial. 908-849-9844 R.J.'S PAINTING IB HAMILTON ST. COMPANION ANIMAL :eeplng & Tax Services tion. Fully Insured. Hlsh- l> V *> V*l> KNOW... JED HOME REMODELING 90S-S34-9029 tute. Call Lynne at 908- BOUND BROOK TIRES- GR-78-15. New 'LACEMENT- Available UAUTY CARE DAY CARE 4140 meh's Custom Upholstery, Monthly lawn mainte- (formerly spectrum Ptg.) Where quality counts ENTER. Located in Plsca- ivailablo yr round for per- WOOD FENCES hat an ad In this local Additions, kitchens, nance, fertilizing, spring & 789-2127 Now Open. Brand Names cobra radar detector. or adoption, altered BABYSITTING- done In onal, small to medium Legal Services 112 Mountain Avo., Mid- BABYSITTER— If you baths, roofing, decks, in- • «« LAWN TREE SERVICE ANTHONY'S PAINTING 5 year guarantee. Profes- Table lamps. Clocks. Mag- away. (908) 885-1327. INSTALLED japer also goes Into 16 MAINTENANCE fall clean Up, RR ties, WALLCRAFT- Expert pa- & Vintage Clothing. Acces- adults, purebreeds and my Branchburg home. PT/ Ize businesses & new dlesex 356-2082 want this choice position, sured. Call 418-8756. Reasonable prices, wood nterior/exterior, Roofing, sional craftsmen used, navox floor model stereo. mixed breeds. Call 658- have a cheery disposition! ther local papers? Reach Complete lawn mainte- mulch, stone, etc. Snow ree estimates. Fully In- perhanging. paint trim & sories, Handcrafta, Paint- FT, and week-ends, Rea- ODDLERS WELCOME- businesses starting up. ATTORNEY AVAILABLE- •STOCKADE iver 400,000 readers splitting, shrub trimming, gutters cleaned/Installed. ings, etc. Alterations New handicapped medical 786. SPRING CLEAN UP- Baby twins & 3 yr old In •POST AND RAIL nance service & gutter tearing, free estimates. firewood. 908-647-9253 ured. ceilings. Reasonable onable rates. Providing T In my Plscataway *28 off wKh ad for first Closings, Refinancings, Basements, attics, Con- /Ith one call! Free esb 7S2-C441. available. Quality clothing walker. 100 yard carpet. ome. Lots of TLC & Mm* Client* only. our Bound Brook home. •SPLIT RAIL FK CONSTRUCTION- cleaning. Reasonable Call 90S-862-5935. ' 908-707-4447 rotes. Insured, 1tee est. GIVE SOMEONE A TLC for your, little ones. Leases, other Real Estate tractors. Call 1-800 1-800-SS9-S49B Atlantic Power Cleaning & small furniture ac- China tea set. Wall pic- MILE— Somerset Ro- ;ames. Work with peace Pis call 908-356-6275 •BOARD ON BOARD Cranford, 908-276-0856. rates. Free estimates. Special spring discount Norm 908-819-8016 ' tures & paintings. Much Call 685-3918 anytime. BUSINESS-PERSONAL matters, wills. Reasonable 427-8198 . MSCOUNT EXTERM|NAT- S4S-«104 908-7S9-90B4 WALLPAPERING BY FEM- cepted on consignment. ilonal Animal Shelter has f mind. Call anytime, rates. Unda Gotllb 908- BRIDOEWATER- Cam •CEDAR FENCES All work guaranteed. 1 LOCAL LANDSCAPE EX- TREE WORK WANTED— 20% off more. Moving. 968-2387 AFTERNOONS - NIOHTS > ax Returns prepared, by NO— termite Inspec- Power washing of all exte- ININE TOUCH- Reason- Open til 5:30 PM; Thurs. upples, kittens, dogs ianta 908-271-8748 906-0737 UNCLUTTER YOUR LIFE for our 3 mos. baby In our •MAIL BOX POSTS contractor for all your BRUSH REMOVAL- also PERT WILL- Cut lawns Pruning, storm damage, IM'S PAINTING- Inte 8PM. 908-356-3735 WEEKENDS- Respon- •ubllc Accountant. Reclaim Lost Space lons, Immediate certtflca- rior surfaces. House prep oble rates. Prompt ser- end cats. Adoption rea- 908-388-3998 home or yours. Full Time. FREE ESTIMATES needs. Large or small, we og splitting, firewood, to perfection while saving removals, chipping, shrub for painting, masonry res- lor/Extorlor, wallpapering. sible Mom of 3 available ATTORNEY HOUSE Rejuvenate closets and lon, and general pest vlce< Free estimates. No DID YOU TRUCK CAP- olum. tlnt-" sonable. Missing a pet? to provide lots of TLC for 908-356-1392 do It Bill wood chips & tree work. you money. Mike, care, Insured. Smith Tree toration, graffiti removal & 'ory neat. Freo estimates. Call 725-0308. i-l LOVING MOM— with CERTIFIED PUBUC AC- CALLS: Wills (from $70), corners/basements and (908) 534-1192 control. 908-247-4585 Free est. Mike 722-3235 908-281-0626 job too small. Coll 231- KNOW... ed windows. 58X84 $00 /our child/children In my urslng and teaching ex- Closings (from $395), In- CHILD CARE IN MY Service 908-439-2059. prevention. lall today 756-7583. that an ad In this local Or BO. 494-0263 COUNTANT- individual, attics 10282. LAST CHANCE- unable safe, non-smoking home erlence has opening for mall business & corp tax corporations,(from $226). Simplify/Organize/Utilize METUCHEN HOME- FT, paper also goes into 16 TRUCK RACK- for Ford to keep dog. Medium size, n Middlesex. Full-time, 6 wks. to 4 yrs. olds In Mon-Frl. Must be CPR A Union County Forbes Newspaper other local papers? Reach return prepared, Bridge* Call for exact fees; other Free needs assessment pick up-$150; Crossover Gm. Shep/Lab. 2 yr, fe- Part-time or occasional. er safe Dunellen home. water area, Susan Sol- .••wJces. Call The trained, for 7 mo. old on over 400,000 readers tool box-$75; 2 side male, spayed, trained, ro- Not just a sitter, someone Lunch, snacks, fun activi- apnea monitor. 908- with one; call! dlvlerl, CPA, MBA. Pis call J. DcMarilno, Esq. CLUTTER CONSULTANT boxes.-$75; 769-7250 llable pet. 908-272-2977 who caros. 563-4281. ties, ref. Call 752-9428 908-658-9210 494-5559 'K ) 908-874-8939. 7S9-O43S after 4pm A Union County Forbes Newspaper

C 1 I.I t I • \ t I \ -\ •* \ \ . I I V \ 1 I I I I I I I • t • • I • \ \ II • I

Mi: April 1,2,3, 1992 • Forbes Newspapers U-1 B-10 Classifieds April 2, .1992

5020 : •• .'_ SOSO .. 5050 5080 5050 Part-TimeEmployment CftlW Care Wantetf Employment-General Employment Employment Employment Employment Employment Pari-Jlme Employment Gonornl Gonornl GenornI Gcnornl Gcnornl FLEXIBLE PERSON ALL AROUND YARD PER CUSTOMER SECRETARY"- Small service company in NEEDED— to watch nciw- SON— class B license BOOKKEEPER-- full CUSTODIANS— 2 pos- LAWYER REAL ESTATE SALES SOCIAL WORKER- for • born in our Franklin f'ark req.., carpentry back charge, part time posi- sible custodian positions on a contingent basis re SERVICE Warren seeking P/T Long established real tho Somerset County PART TIME home. 2-3 days per week ground, dependable, red tion, P/R, C/L,. A/R, A/P, available July 1. Day hrs. garding a Judgment owned estate firm looking for 2 Board of Social Services secretary. Dally 10am- Some light cleaning re able, references req cash & accrual acct'g., during summer & schoo by a client being applied full time, aggressive and in Somerville. Full-Time 2pm. Duties Includes: quired. Perfect for an Egale Fence & Supply computer literate. Send holidays!' night hrs. during towards bankruptcy pro determined salespersons. position. 4 year degree National Westminster strong word processing; "empty nester". Call 908 526-5775. ••.: Resume. Professional En- schooljear. Direct experi- ceedings. Personal training and required. For further Infor- Bank NJ, Is seeking Word Perfect pref.; Lotus £97-7970 AN EXCITING' CAREER- gineering Assoc. Inc., .P.O. ence * Si references re- Call 1-800-750-3543 excellent commission mation or appointment, personable, motivated, 1-2-3 a plus; Good phone Box 455,. Kenilworth, NJ quired.-'. Foi info./appljca- schedule. Call for inter- outgoing Individuals for its LIVE OUT NANNY NEED National Recruiter for In 07033 LIBRARIAN- Children's & Call Anne Bradley at 908- skills and assist with ED- for 7 yr. old girl &.4 tornatlonal Co. seeking tion; call Mrs. Mulligan at view, 908-968-3600, ask 526-8800, Ext 273. Route 22W, Bridgewater office responsibilities. For 722-3266, .Branchburg Young Adult Services for for Mr. Goodman. yr. old boy, $120Avk. career minded individuals active, munlclple library. SUPERINTENDENT COU- Customer Service immediate consideration, Must be able to work Sat to consult on color, fash- TWpT.Sch. Dlst. EOE/MF Department, ": add up to this outstanding offering Creative, energetic indi- PLE-^. F/T for Garden call X908) 757-2888. & some Sun. Ok to bring ion, glamour. Unlimited FORMER OR PRESENT— vidual desired... An ALA- ^ REAL ESTATE AGENTS apartment complex In-the • Great earnings^ TELEMARKETERS : SCOTCH^PLAINS - Situated on- Income potential, prof, • Flexible day/evening" throughout, a new roof added in own child. If interested BOOKKEEPING Casino dealers for accredited MLS required Experienced. We need 4 Somerville area. Experi- PART TIME a one-plus acre private lot, with ma- UNION call 908-781-9791 after training provided. PT/FT Ma Ate Carlo Casino (MLS students will be covering. Somerset & ence in plumbing, electri- hours (until 9PM) 1990, and a wooded lot located on a 4:30PM . 722-6583. ASSISTANT • Excellent work' -turc. trees and professional land-, parties. Black jack- considered). Salary ap- Hunterdon Counties. cal, carpentry, boiler, : cul-de-sac...... • • \ Roulette- Craps. 609- prox. $25,500. depending Contact Broker , environment . " Earn eftra cash scaping is this colonial;,styie home HOUSE TOURS MOTHERS HELPER- APPOINTMENT SETTERS renting & collection. Ex- . The third largest town in Union Good phone voice & com- Insurance brokers and 265-8811 on experience. Send . re- 908422-8480 perience awnust. Pis call . flexible hours ', at 20 Allenby Lane. . ' Mature; caring, woman You will/use your 3 to 5 days per week •••.••-,'• County, Scotch Plains contains a munication skills required. benefit consultants. DEU PERSON— exp. M/sume by April 10 to Anne REAL ESTATE CAREER 908-725-2596 Offered for $499,000 through needed In my home 3 half 4-5- hours, 3-4 days per Meany, Director, Somer- customer service/sales or 6pm to 9pm The basement consists of a rec^ n^x of P"5"' and post-World War II days for. 3 children. Hours 6-9PM, Mon.-Frl. F, P/T or F/r. Stadium Deli WEIDEL REALTORS, Hill SUPERINTENDENT— Burgdorff Realtors, the home Salary plus bonuses. We week. Perfect position for 232-4440. ville Public Library, 35 bank experience to act as In our Bedminster office reation room with built-in movie homes an townhouses. The largest Please call 769-1983 individual with 2 to 3 West End Ave., Somer- sborough. We are looking Apartment houses," experi- a. liaison between $7.00 pier hour . boasts a regulation size tennis offer a paid Training Pro- for good people to join 10 1 SOMERSET- for my 20 gram to. sharpen your years bookkeeping experi- DENTAL ASSISTANT- for ville, NJ 08876 enced, own tools, plumb- customers, Branches and plus commission • screen, an office, jind two largeun- f™? ^ " * ^? ^ f the Scotch orthodontic office.. Exp. our sales staff. Whether Ing, carpentry, painting court alnd storage cabana. mo. old In my home. Non- skills & help, you to In- ence; interested in flex- the Bank Operation's for. further Info finished storage areas.'New carpet- Plains-Fanwood Board of Educa- preferred. Somerville/ LIFEGUARDS- For Coun- licensed or unlicensed, skills, good apartment, Department. Computer • •"'•- CALL Specifically, there, is a ceramic' smoker, refs. req. & own crease your earning po- ible, part time work tion, which encompasses both trarrsp. 908-964-6352 tential. Dedication & the schedule. Responsibilities Belle Mead area. Full Or tryside Manor, Basking we can get you started in benefits, references. Start (CRT) experience and tiled entry foyer featuring double ing was added in 1991; Include accounts payable, Part time. 908-526-0039 Ridge. Top pay, must be a successful. Real Estate $360/wk. 908-722-9425i;v excellent telephone RICHMARKERT Scotch Plains and neighboring WANTED IN MY BRANCH- desire to be a Winner are Career. Flexible.hours, un- door entry, two coat closets and a A three-car attached garage has pro-requisites. Office 16 deposits, filing, -.revenue DRIVER/MESSENGER— 18 or older, have first TECHNICIAN TRAINEE techniques required. FORBES NEWSPAPERS Fanwood Borough. The school dis- BURO HOME- Respon aide; lifeguardlng & CPR limited earning potential Banking experience or a 908-781-7900 powder room. electric door openers and built-in sible, non-smoker to care cated in the Watchung posting. Experience -with Morning, afternoon, re- Full time position avail, in trict consists of elementary schools area. 908-647-4947. computerized systems a certificates. Guards need- and hands-on training. customer service Ext. 7302 The living room has a beamed storage. . * for needs of a 5 yr.old & 9 sponslble, mature- Call Judi Hltt, Manager, electronics service background would be a coveringg gradeg s K-6, middle yr old. Pis call 908-369 plus, but not required. minded, well groomed; ed from Memorial Day to Industry. Duties Include cathedral ceiling, a bow window Other amenities include a secu- ARE YOU 16 YRS. OLDResumes only please: own car, (908) 874-3006 Labor Day. Contaot Arvan 908-359-7100 light production and definite plus. overviewing the rear yard, and ten- schools covering grades 7-9, and 7017 after 6pm OR OLDER?- Tired of Property Management at rity and fire system, hardwood the high school, covering grades working indoors? Uke to Hartsteln Associates, DRIVERS, FOOD PREPA- REAL ESTATE SALES- 3 inspection. '.Chemistry TELEMARKETER- for In- nis court. The banquet size dining Inc., SO Mt. Bethel Rd.,' 908-873-1144, between office firm', est. 1937 background desirable. At Interviews to be surance Co., morning floors, built-in stereo speakers 10^12. •':• '- '•'••. [ CHILD CARE NEEDED-, play games, swim and get RATION, COOKING- Will 9am-4:30pm ' conducted, immediately. will has built in shelves while the Looking for mature loving a- tan? Somerville Recre- Warron, N.J. 07059. train. New takeout/deliver soeks agent willing to de- present we are on a 4 day hours, exp. preferred but vote Individual, personal- week- Benefits and holi- For consideration/please not necessary. Call (908) family room features .'. a raised person to care for my 2 ation has the job for you! BOROUGH OF~PEAPACK restaurant, Franklin fwp., LOVE YOUR CAREER contact: F.r a n k year old toddler in my Must be certified lifeguard & GLADSTONE- F/T - FT/PT. Apply: Chicken Ma- RECRUITER/TRAINER ized attention to bur cli- days paid. Call 908-722- 302-1990 ask -for JOe or ; hearth brick fireplace with glass ents & customers; 60% to 9500 - Mike Calderaro. Smolensky; Human home or yours. Hillsbor- and crazy for kids! Call or Dap. Borough Clerk. Ex- gician, Cedar Grove Shop- Immediate openings with Resources Department, Dan. , door, built-in shelves," recessed ough/Nashanic area. stop in for an application: cell typing skills and profi- ping Center, 563-1555. WELCOME WAGON INTER- million $$ associates. No TELEPHONE SALES— TELEMARKETING- Eve- NATIONAL, Inc. for posi- franchise fees. Fischer 201-547,8117. Equal lighting and sliding doors to a cov- Please call after 6:30 PM Deadline April 30. Somer- ciency on WordPerfect re- DRIVER— Due to growth, day time & evening posi- opportunity employer M/F. nings. $5-$9 per'.hour.' ered patio. • •'....•••. 908 369-3403. ville Recreation, 25 West quired. Send resume and tion of Field Manager. Ex- Realtors, Whltehouse, tlons available Im- Call 908-757-6100 TIPSHEET End Ave., 725-2300, be- salary requirement to: full time position avail- cellent opportunity for in- Basking Ridge, Washing- mediately; Edison area, The kitchen was upgraded in tween 9 AM & 4 PM . Borough .Clerk, Box 218, able. Must have CDLI dividual with leadership ton, 908-534-4025 ~ NATIONAL TELEMARKETING^ part 5040 Knowledge of Middlesex, Earn great money In a time., evenings Monday 1991 and features.a skylight, oven, Peapack, NJ 07977. qualities. We seek self- REAL ESTATE SALES- comfortable working envi- WESTMINSTER Employment-Domestic ASSEMBLERS: h Somerset • .&' Hunterdon motivated woman or man thru Friday 6 to 9 PM. dishwasher, instant, hot water, re- Deadlines: April l-3th, . Get Serious! Now Is the ronment. Salary + com- : Excellent Income to as- Counties helpful.' Route capable of recrultfng, BANKCORP Saturdays 9 AM till noon. cessed and track lighting, trash •"'•',•. . . " •.'-'•' ••.," " • "' • •• • : •* "•.'•• DARYL STONE/FORBES NEWSPAPERS ':. CAN YOU RECRUIT?- time. lo^stert a; career; mission, no exp. nee, will HOOSEKEEPERr^malure •serrtble -products from experience -• preferred. training &.motiva.ting"oth- This is a no lay off,' op- train, call today ask for QELt-HEtP-rmust cdrppactor, garbage disposal and a This house-at "20Allehby Lane in-Scotch-Plalns-has-plentyrofamenitles^-attract potential your home. 504-646- $70,000 potential. Sales 908-562-9595 ers in greeting service yrs. old,'experience pre- $6 to $10/hr. No experi- person with own transpor- experience required. We portunity-filled Industry. If Amy 908-906-3945 wet bar.;.There is also a. laundry buyers; .'• .-': '.'"•"•'•.•. '•-'" /'•" • . '•••• :•••': •'.'.• '•'•" • ;'•'. . ••':•.'• 1700 Dept. P8331. EXECUTIVE field. Salary, excel, fringe you. are willing to be li- ferred. Call after 3PM ence necessary. All wef-. taton and references; 10 need 4 key people. Call benefits. Car a necessity, UNDERCOVER WEAR 968-8399 come. Call After 6 PM . room on the first level and.a full AM to 3- PM- Response to: Mr. Smith 908-906-0382. ASSISTANT censed, be trained and Part time sales agents 356-4555. Forbes Newspaper, Box 6, local non-profit organiza- travel in several counties work hard, We will help DENTAL ASSISTANT- hall bath with skylight. . AUTO MECHANIC CLEANING A REPAIR OF of north Jersey or central needed: Hostesses re- TEMPORIUM OFFERS P.O. Box 699, Somerville, We need an experienced tion seeks highly organ- Jersey. Experience -in di- you achieve your goals. ceive free lingerie. Month- flexlble hours, morning or The master bedroom features re- N; 0887*6 OFFICE TRAILERS— Full ized, motivated, profes- Call Pat for more informa- afternoon, some exp. pre- : • BEST;. .- •' "'• GM mechanic for.our ser- & PT help avail. Located rect sales or recruiting a ly spefctals'.; For' more In- -Benefits cessed and track lighting, two HOUSEKEEPER- Nes- vice department. Top pay sional individual, to or- plus. Call Bea Alsberry tion. 908-685-8200. formation call'Jean ferred. Sent to: GMC, P.O. In So. Plalnfleld. Hours ganize & manage presi- Box 4, Raritan, NJ 08869. -Paid Holidays walk-in closets with built-ins, a hanic Station area for 3 while working in a 7am-3:30pm. Starting 908-722-6674, 6-8pm Sales 908-287-5723 -Pay Rates children, light household pleasant atmosphere and pay $7.50/hr. Call Mike dents work flow. 5-7yrs. Thurs., April 2 or 8:30- HELPI GAL/GUY FRIDAY— ap- sauna, dressing mom with vanity clean shop, All benefits administrative assistant WAITER/WAITRESS- full -Bonuses mirror and sink, and a full bath. work, pall 908^369-5677 btWn. 7-3pm 75S-88B1. 5:30 pm, Mon., April 6. EXPLOSIVE GROWTH time, apply at Go Gyros, prox. 20 hrs per. week, -Medical Plans- for the right person. Call experience, writing, tele- EOE Full Time/Part Time some phone and com- There is an additional first floor PTMAIDWANTED- Kemper Pontlac & Clerical phone, wordprocessing, 1 470 Main St., Metuchen, -Training For Information on how to Weekdays, weekends, New high demand service . NJ 08840 puter work, opportunity -Free Gifts bedroom,' . . . Cadillac, 4619-4100. dipt-a-phone & typing MANAGEMENT Outstanding pay program. for advancement. Please scehdule a house tour fea- morning hrs. Motel experi- OFFICE SUPPORT skills. Great working envi- Call for appt. 528-8367 The second level,has three bed- AVON SALES— All areas. Full or part time. Call 908-873-2607 call (908) 469-2278. ture, call 722-3000, ext. Property sales ence perferred. PINE ronment. Send resume to Contempo Fashions Is hir- Advertise in the Classified! JEWELRY SALES WEAR & SHOW— ladies rooms and a full bath. MOTEL In Branchburg. For Information call $8-I0/hour L Segal, United Way P.O. ing & training energetic, SALES SECRETARY- fashion jewelry. Two eyes. 6335. Elizabeth Neilsen to Bernard & 908-722-9520. 1-800-662-2292 Box -308, Somerville, NJ permanent full or part Dream Job w/top national motivated self starters. co., average $180-2 eves/ $125. No investment. CRANFORD Christine Maquire, 13 Putnam MAJOR COMPANY in Som- 08876. EOE M/F Work your own hours. time. Flexible hrs., typing, Free kit. 908-756-3068. erville area needs several filing,. telephone, diversi- 5060 Wk. Call.908-725-3916 Otha & Dollie Gates to. Ronald S. Ave., $118,000 FINANCIAL ASSISTANT— Party Plan management WOMAN— needed to as- dependable people to Experienced financial as- and/or direct sales experi- fied duties. Young active Employment- LIBRARIAN- Reference, & Terecita L Harris, 208 Lambert . John & Gloria Schmeider to supply clerical support In' office seeks self-starter. sist lady from 6:30am- sistant for non-profit orga- ence a great plus. 908- Health Can Part time (12hrs./wk.) in- 9:30am to prepare for Se- St., $180,000 Shigeko Yamazaki, 10 Rainbow their CORPORATE OFFICES nization. Computerized 815-9545 for Interview in $5.50/hr. Call 769-1110 ' )••.-' cludes 1 night, alternate Reinodelers warranty protects eohsumers on a long & short term Sats. MLS required. Call nior Citizen Day Care Robert J. & Diane V. Hayek to Court, $307,500 AP/AR. WP & Accounting your area. SALES:BABY CERTIFIED NURSES Mon.-Fri. 1-5 days In Ken-. Mark . & Heidi Seruya to Helen temporary basis. Positions essential. Detail oriented, BOOMERS- Motivated AIDE— Part time 7AM- Miriam Kornblatt, West- WESTFIELD - It's ironic, but some home- the remodeled portion of the home,. An op- Somerset and Morris, the Remodelers Council Joseph J. & Dawn M. Joyce, 318 ^ will involve basic clerical MANICURIST- Bonus for field Memorial Library ilworth, 201-337-0018 Manor Ave., $138,000 Miller, 2206 Timber Oaks DRIVERS well organized Individual. following, full or part time. individuals Interested in 3PM. Only certified owners may. spend more time researching a tional 10-year protection plan is also available & secretarial responslbili- Benefits, salary range promoting nutritional & aides to apply.; Good 908-789-4090 WORK YOUR OWN and the New JerseyJBuilders Association, Mr. victor A & Joan M. Karl to Robert Road, $162,000 les including WordPro^ $17,200-$18,500. Send ~all753-2626 ecological products. In HOURS— hiring Demon- new car than they will researching a contractor through the HOW remodeler. . Early morning bulk Working conditions & good MACHINE OPERATOR- strators for New Party Annis noted that legislation is in the works T. & Teresa Ressegue, 209 Tho- Anthony & Suzanne Wagner to ce'ssihg. . resume to: United Way of MED/SURG ASSY- home, business. Excel benefits. Raritan Health & Part time, for glass grind- responsible for remodeling their home. Somerset County, P.O. RECEPTIONIST- Derma- benefits. 908-781-1449 Plan. Glftware, Precious If a warranted defect occurs, the remodeler that would require all remodelers to register mas St., $225,000. Anthony Bartqne, 37 Ventnor delivery. 1 to 3 days per Extended Care Center,, Ing & polishing. Middlesex Moments, Collectibles & Qualified candidates Box 308, Somerville, NJ, tologist's office. FT/ PT. Borough. 9AM-3PM. Pis If there's one thing Tpdd Anrjis wants to get is pledged to repair or replace the item. Should with the state and provide a warranty on every . Henry R. & Barbara A. Makowski Drive, $215,000 NEED ONLY office skills & Must have some minor SALESPERSON 633 Rte 28, Raritan, NJ Musicals. Call for free cat- week. Must have reliable -••• 08876. Attn: S. Rothchlld 08869. 908-526-8950 call 356-1461 to John J. Manginelli, 21 Yale Gary & Phyllis Frederick to Bar- basic WordPerfert experi- EOE M/F surgical exp or training. We are looking for a alog also booking parties. across to a homeowner, it's that if you're going the remodeler not accept responsibility for the project • cheerful, mature person PART TIME PERSON Denlso, 908-704-8728 Terrace, $226,000 . bara Rorex, 332 Westgate small truck or large car. ence. Send resume to: Box 8, c/ CHAIR-SIDE- PT pos- to spend a lot of money to upgrade your home, defect, or feels that the defect is not covered FULL TIME EMPLOYEE o Forbes. Newspapers who enjoys people to join sible FT. Experience pref. NEEDED— for answering . "Remodeling a home is one of the largest . Drive, $154,500 us at Cynthia's Hallmark + *, * + . .' you'd better make sure you're not' taken for a For further information call: CALL NOW & MAKE YOUR NEEDED— for work on Classifieds, P.O. Box 699, Call for interview, after service, 3-7:30PM, 4 days KEYBOARD PLAYER under the HOW program, the homeowner can expenditures somebody is going to make other Gre-Mar Co. to Janet Aspinwall, horse farm. Job Includes Somerville, NJ 08876 located at The Village In 7pm (908) 754-9593. a week, & every other CHOICEI Bedminster; P/T,. we will WANTED IMMEDIATELY ride by. your contractor. for mediation. HOW provides a dispute than buying a home or purchasing a car. We GARWOOD •19 Wisteria St., $130,000 908-688-9120 stable work and mainte- CHIROPRACTIC AS- weekend. Call 766-1799 nance. Ask for Peter. MEDICAL CLAIMS EXAM- train. Please call Cindy at for' working "Classic rock . Mr. Annis is owner of Simpsons Home Im- resolution system, known as Expedited Dis- want to make sure they are 'fully covered and Marjorie E. Brezney to Marc & 1-800-300-9321 Target INER— For small office in 908-234-2426 SISTANT- Energetic, PLAY IN YOUR SPARE band. Please call 908- 369-7671 or 369-7631 healthy person to contrib- TIME— while earning Yvette Dl Napoli, 347 Beech Human Resources evenings. Belle Mead, experience 730-9600 Iv.^essage. provement Inc. of 253 Sinclair Place. The firm pute Settlement, to resolve remodeler- fully protected," he said. "There are some HIGHLAND PARK CLERICAL— Part time required, full time, call SALES— Employee Ben-: ute to a busy chiroprac- great income/Free train- Ave,, $1^40.000 . Ext. 7303 eflts company seeks per- tic's office. Clerical skills ing & earn free kit. Call specializes in residential remodeling^ projects, homeowner disagreem,ents. A third party, rne- . 2,OQO::},000 components in a house that need to pernament position avail- Full Time' : Part Time 874-8040 •:•'••••:••'•••'•"•• RoberLStaufervberger to Caroline sonable, trustworthy Indi- required; people skills & Val with Discovery Toys although light commercial remodeling is also able with a small growing SPRING MODELS-NEW FACES- diatojr is used. The mediator's decision is bind- be integrated in a remodeling job." Tannebaum, 20 Washington consulting firm in Bedmin- vidual for salaried posi- ability to communicate a Pis call 908-381-5851 Use Your Card- TV-PRINT-LIVE FASH- tion. No prospecting. Life must. If you are willing to frerformed. The company was found in 1987; ing on the remodeler, and if the remodeler Mr. Annis said Wsv ilrm als6 does smaller Ave., $1S8,0OQ ster. 3 morning hours per OPENINGS ION— Ages 8 and up, RECEPTIONIST/ day. Mon., Wed., & Frl. to & Disability Insurance ex- be responsible to contrib- ADMINISTRATIVE according to ' '•" jobs, like hang- Harold M, Abrams to Charles P. •11 openings-local office male/female at Dcanna perience a plus. Will train. ute positive energy to this start, for *Full Co. training Trust Model, Madison, NJ. Mr. Annis. ". • • • ' • • ing and fixing Piscitelll, 627 Bouldevard, Princeton House growth and. opportunity. Must have reliable trans- office's health goals, send S.S. White "Technologies, $592,304 METUCHEN • $10.25 to start all for appointment. portation. Day & night resume to: Dr. Snyder, 1 Typing req. Will train for •Advancement Oppty. 201-377-1788. conveniently located off. His firm is doors, and up- Gary & Marion Price to Gregory light computer data entry shifts available. Please W. Cliff St., Somerville, NJ Route 287 in Plscataway, 'Students welcome NEW YEAR NEW CAREER send resume to: Bruce 08876 one of only 30 grading bath- Pikul, 159 E. Chestnut Ave., Psychiatric/Addiction and word processing. Exp. 908-704-8555 Malanga, Hartsteln As- Is lopking for a hard work- ;•.. WESTFIELD $216,000 plus. Call Kathy (908) Part time a full time DENTAL ASSISTANT- FT/ Ing, and dedicated person remodelers in rooms and Nursing Practice At Its Best.. FUND RAISERS— FT/PT. persons for telemarketing sociates, 50 Mt. Bethel Quick And Marcelia M. Matteo to Nancy G. & Thomas & Sharon Dwyer to Wil- 781-0140 or leave mes- Rd., Warren, NJ 07059 PT positions avail In oral for PT Receptionist & New Jersey to kitchens. is wailing \or you at Princeton House, the 70- sage at anytime. Must have car. No exp positions in Union based other Administrative posi- Convenient! • Haiti Smith, 205 Columbia Ave., necessary. Average $8- company. Exper. an ad- surgery office. Experience have qualified He said the Rizkalla Matteo, 1710 Boynton becj, free-standing, behavioral sciences unit of COLLECTOR $10/hr. 908-469-9155 vantage but not essential preferred. Pis call 908- tions. Ave., $220,000 $110,000. .^he^iedical Center at Princeton. • SECRETARIES 464-4664 for the insured key to his five Remex, Inc. has an open- as training given Excel- EXECUTIVE Timothy & Jane O'Donnell to John Vartanian to Ciro Oliva et ing for an experienced GENERAL HYOJENIST- lent pay package for We offer: years of busi- Registered Nurse opportunities include: Part time position leading Great opportunities in top DENTAL HYGIENIST— •good wages-up to $8.50 5090 warranty/ in- John M. & Lisa Cerra, 1000 ux.,54 Hickory St., $130,000 • Full Time Nights Collector In our Plscat- to full time employment. A the right people. Call for Fortune 100 companies. Part time 2 evenings a ness is his away Office. We are the further Info & Interview week for busy Westfleld per hour Employment Wanted surance pro- Coolldge St., $240,000 Robert Rossmeyer- to ' James • Per Diem - All Shifts collection industry leader great opportunity in a Carl 908-686-5788 Immed. need for secretar- •friendly and profes- knowledge of Scott & Susan E. Seib to John M. Koukoudelis, 330 Lake Ave., general practice. Call ies w/Wordperfect, Wang general practice. Call sional atmosphere gram offered looking for an ambitious 908-232-3550. NOTICE: All EMPLOYMENT & Wendy W. Seybold, 6 Drum- $350,000 RNs with a background in Psychiatric/Addiction Dental Temps, Inc. 908- NOW HIRING & Legal experience. •challenging and inter- by the Remod- homes. career minded person to WANTED advertisements ' mond Road, $223,000 Leonard & Clarice Wilkins to.Par- Nursing are invited to contact: J6ln our growing company. 388-3083. $400 A WEEK HOME HEALTH AIDE- esting duties We will provide FREE 21 hrs. per week, Satur- •part time hours that fit are PAYABLE IN ADVANCE elers in the "Whether the Joseph M. & Sherry L Dayon to viz Dehghani, 41 Maple Ave., Mary Ellen Obreiter, RN 908-981-1900 We have been expanding. training & .cross training. by cash, check, VISA or Coordinator of Nursing Recruitment GLUE MACHINE OPERA- ~o continue i our) growth, day AM a must. Cranford. your schedule - Home Owners home i«H90/~6O Sherry L Orrigo, 1461 Lamberts $155,000 TOR— experienced opera- We offer .tqp^salary, Med/ 908-272-0719 •on the Job training Master Card. For a quote on 253 Witherspoon St., Princeton, NJ 08540 we need help. No experi- Life in^ Holiday/Vacation Warranty Cor- or 80 years old, I Mill Road, $107,500 Estate of Ann Drake to Gene & Advertise In the Classified! tor needed for the cor- ence necessary; we train) MEDICAL ASSISTANT- cost, please call 609-497-4335 or 497-4337 pay & excel, working con- We ask that applicants 1-800-334-0531. "1" ' know what to Mary E. Debrueys to Thomas & Sharon Myers, 57 Michael Drive, rugated packaging indus- No layoffs or slow down. ditions. Call today. For Elizabeth office. Expe- poration ' ' Equal Opportunity Employ*' M/P ' try. Good salary, start im- rience preferred. F/T, no have: Loralne Bums, 523 Parkview $110,000 ' COLLEO.E QRAD— career Car needed. Must be able MANPOWER, INC. (HOW). Ba- expect and I Where tradition & innovation meet. medlately. 908-685-7600 to start Immediately. evenings. Pis call 908- CHAUFFEUR/ Ave., $310,000 George & Mary Martls to Sheri- opportunity, tired of entry Cranford 272-9120 •good organizational sically, the. pro- know what is IMAGE CONSULTANT^ 908-9881114 Edison/ 351-3535 GARDENER- Good refer- Albert D.. & Joyce K. Weldon to dan Grindstaff, 30-12 Prospect THE MEDICAL CENTER AT level position that offer skills behind the 20 to 25K? Our average or International Co. to OFFICE CLEANING- 2 Iselln 549-6880 MEDICAL ences. Call eves. 908- gram is similar Eric D. & Merry C. Wisler, 726 St., $82,000 teach color analysis, RECEPTIONIST •professional attitude 526-6722. representatives earn 40 positions in modern bulld- Somerville 722-3538 •experience with at least to HOWs new- walls. This is Tuxford Turnpike, $375,000 to 45K,,.lf you have a wardroblng & total image ng In Plscataway Mon-Frl 1 person needed for our 2 HOUSEKEEPERS, NAN- enhancement. Local train- SECRETARIES W/W.P. offices. Princeton: Mon 4- one major word pro- strictly my spe- Harry E. & Wmberty E. Hunter to PRINCETON concern for the envlro- 2Vi hrs/night. Perfect for High Power Temps needs NIES, NURSES AIDES home warranty cessing software pack- ment, some basic science Ing provided. PT/FT. call housewives. Fax letter to: 7, Thurs 4-8, Sat 8-12. AVAIL-Women of all na- cialty, making Thomas J. & Tara O. Flanlgan, 810 MIDDLESEX 908-821-1412 Dependable, Qualified Hlllsborough: Tues 12-7, age offered by background and the de- 561-5840 or mall P.O. Temporary Employees to tionalities. Applicants Village Green, $255,000 Michael & Deborah Ramesi to sire to grow with one of Frl 1-4:30. Full front desk screened. Reasonable—- builders of new mechanical SUMMER INSURANCE AGENCY Box 23, So. Plalnfleld, NJ fill Job orders from our duties. Call Mrs. Shanker To apply contact Barbara Michael & Noelle Donahoe, 1 the industry leaders In Non-smoking office ex- 07080 client companies In this Coleman at 908-752- fees. Aurora Agency, Long more than 2.3 systems work water treatment and puri- panding. Genorallst need- at (609) 921-2202. Branch, 908-222-3369 Heather Lane, $255,000 POSITIONS AVAILABLE fication call us. You may ARK RANGERS- Game area. 8300 Extension 383. million houses with old sys- DUNELLEN ed CSR position. Licensed wardens, security, main- HIGH POWER TEMPS NURSE- part time; RN HOUSEKEEPER—P/T- Ernest & Jean Schroeder to Jef- be someone we're looking preferred. Competitive preferred. Busy Somerville tems," he said. for. 908 647-4917 tenance, etc. No exp. 10S East Union Ave S.S. White Technologies References req'd. So. nationwide. Noreen Brozowski to Hugo Un- frey & Denlse Yesalavich, 5 Milton • Playground Leaders salary/benefits. Refer- necessary. For Info, call Bound Brook, NJ 08805 Allergist's office. Tues. 4- Is an Equal Opportunity Plalnfleld. CALL 561- ares et at, 675 Bound Brook Place, $145,500 ,. ences. Send resume: P.O. 8PM, alternate Sats. 8- Employer, The. remod- Consumers • Playground Leader Assistants COLLEdE STUDENT— ex- 219-769-6649, ext. 8183 908-560-9155 9446, eves & wfcnds. Road, $103,000 Jan-Con General Piping to Ed- cellent communication Box 726, Somerville, NJ 9am-9pm seven days. 11:30AM, plus relief. elers plan covr today are look- ' • Pro-School Instructor Assistant 08876 SECRETARY- estab- 231-9625 ask for Eve. Donald & Laurie Hieb to Philip & ward Boniakowskl et ux., South • Youth Open Center Supervisors skills required-part time 6 ROGRAM SUPERVI- lished So. Plalnfield Co. ers home im- ing at increasing PM to 9 PM, Mon. through SOR— Senior citizen Must be versatile and ex-,PROGRAM SPECIALIST- Joan Mqngiovi, 736 Front St., Raritan Ave., Parcel No. • Tennis Coach Frl. No selling required. INSURANCE AGENCY- co-ordinator. $27,300 to perlenced in all aspect of County Therapeutic Recre- provement master bedroom $143,000' 00361 -0000-00002, $103,000 • Tennis Coach Assistant Excellent salary with pro- expanding CSR. Personal $39,000. Qualified candi- small office. Diet., W/P, ation Dept. Responsible projects costing George & Maisy Koshy to Mark & formance bonus. 908- Lines/Commercial. Full for planning and Imple- sizes, adding a • Tennis Instructor date will oversee the day and some shorthand a GEORGE PACCIELLO/FORBES NEWSPAPERS Patricia Sandford, 48 Washing- 647-7304 benefits. Licensed pre- to day operation of the must. 9 to 5 preferred but mentation of seasonal $5,000 or more. great room to a • Park Maintenance ferred. Send resume to: recreation programs and Homeowner Joanne Tumey and Ted Annis of Simpson Home Improvement stand In a living EDISON ton Ave., $137,000 COMPUTER OPERA- Department of Parks & can adjust. Rate approx. The HOW kitchen, or other P.O. Box 950, Green $8.00/hr. Great future. special events for indi- room that was recently remodeled by the Westfleld-based firm. Adolph & Patricia Kaiser to Clif- Irving Braun to GP Provision Re- TOR- Fulltlme/parttime Recreation with specific viduals with disabilities. projects de- Applications may be picked up at: for doctors office. Pleas- Brook, NJ 08812 duties of recreation pro- Reply P.O. Box 382, Bed- program be- ford & Shari Ross, 21 Annette minster, NJ 07921. Degree in Therapeutic alty Corp., 105 William St., ant working atmosphere, INSURANCE- Progres- gram supervisor & evalua- Recreation, Special Edu- gins loh'g be- signed to in- Drive, $220,000 $475,000 excellent pay. Call 908- sive Life. & Disability In- tion; co-ordination of ac- cation, Recreation or re- crease a. home's Cranford Recreation & Parks Dept. 232-8416. come Broker Is looking for tivities & services avail- fore owners Seymour & Roma Frelllch to Lori able to the senior resi- SECRETARY- Temp, as- lated field required. Call • 200 Bloomlngdale Avenue COUNTER SALES licensed insurance pro- sign, thru July In Peapack. 908-526-5650 or TDD and remodelers first meet. Contractors' who subsequently cannot or will not remedy the living area. Payne, 51 Annette Drive, ducers to work as Ben- dents of the township. $216,000 ' NEW Cranford, NJ 07016 Busy, modern, print/copy Apply Department of TeleSearch Personnel, 908-526-4760 EOE wish to participate in the, HOW program are problem, then HOW steps in. Except for a $100 "We're very concerned with cost effective-, centor needs quality cus- efits Counselor In a rap- (201) 927-7870. Frands & Mary Rutan to Rajen dly expanding Voluntary Parks 8t Recreation, 1 carefully screened. After HOW reviews experi- deductible, HOW will have the repairs made as ness and with how much money to put into an tomer service help. Expe- Collyer Lane, Basking 5070 Maniar, 19 Aspen Circle, BRUNSWICK rienced preferred- but will Bonefits market. Qualified SECRETARY- Wood For further information call 709-7283 candidates will be paid a Ridge, NJ 07920 by April Products Sales Office In Employment- ence, past performance, customer service required'by the mediator. addition. With all this refinancing going on, $276,000 Izora Hardy to Yiping Jiang, 10 train the right person. Top 15, 1992. Managerial compensation plan. Call salary commensurate with Peapack, N.J. Must have records, and financial stability, contractors who As with HOWs new home program, the re- homeowners will be staying put for awhile. Leo Roulllard to Ronald & Sharon Comstock St., $96,000 experience. Complete Bernards Twp. EOE. 2-4 yrs. exper. & type 60 Equal Opportunity Employer Doug or Robin at 908- qualify arc admitted into the program. Once modelers HOW coverage for home im- There's not as much trading up as had hap- Eskln, 20 Baxter Road, $110,000 Pierce & Catherine Masterson to 287-3336 bonefits package includ- wpm. Experience in Word BE YOUR OWN BOSS ng profit sharing Is pro- * * * * Processing & use of PCs No limit earnings poton- in, they are eligible for HOWs insured war- provements remain in place if the property is pened in the '80s. People are trying to make Alphonse & Josephine Martino to St, Peters Properties Corp., 137 vided. Forward resume in- T/FT INCOME OP- preferred. Submit resume lal. Record setting Inter- Shifan Yuan, 3 Clemmens Gullden St., $325,000 . ORTUNITIES AVAIL- w/salary history & require- ranty/ insurance plan for major remodeling sold. This is an important selling point since their house a home," he said. cluding salary .require- national Marketing Com- Court, $153,000 Evelyn Coury et iix. to Felix ments to: Bruce Malanga, ABLE- $1000-$2000 ments to: Secretary, P.O. pany now open in Taiwan, projects. major home improvements are likely to be •Mr. Annis added the typical house is remod- Hartstoin Associates, 50 per month. Plus profit Box 636, Peapack, N.J. Stella Kwan to James & Cheryl Azcona et al, 81 Hassart St., -long Kong, Canada & value creating additions that generate extra eled after someone has lived in it for three to Mt. Bethel Rd., Warron, harlng plus medical/den- 07977. No phone calls USA. .PT/FT. Wo train. The HOW Remodeling plan has three phas- Russell, 8 Heather Drive, $100,000 NJ 07059. tal. For Information call please. EOE. es. First there is a one-year insured warranty buyer interest and demand. Projects covered , five years. I NEED HELP! Mr. Z, 908-846-6995 908-789-3710 $195,000 William Labadie to Richard Hus- "That seems to be the general mood of the sey, 23 Jefferson Ave., handle the tremendous market INTERIOR DECORATINa/ REAL ESTATE SALES SECRETARY- WordPer- SNACK BAR MANAOER- against workmanship and materials that ,do by HOW include kitchens, baths, additions, rec Stephen Deak to Robert C. Bal- SALES— Mature-minded, Experienced professionals fect needed for growing proforably supervisory & not conform to HOWs approved standards. rooms, decks and detached garages. Landscap- consumer right now. Tho consumer is very samo et ux., 16 Holly Place, $100,000 business-oriented Indlv. and newly licensed, ener- Somerset County office. ood handling oxpori- $155,000 Gerald & Kathilynn Gioglio to share and business activity we Will train. 457-0738 Diversified dutios. Salary nenco. Pis send resume These written standards are outlined in the ing, swimming pools, driveways, and sidewalks educated right now as far as trying to prevent getic beginners wanted Mesa Dev. to Nilesh Patel, 2 Brunswick & Raritan Housing, 56 enjoy. V e have a prime location for dynamic local real es- to $20k. Call Karin 668- to: William L. Welgol, 24 warranty documents that every HOW re- are not included. themselves from getting involved with a prob- . LEGAL SECRETARY tate office with a history 7300, Preferred Place- Moadow Road, East Brun- Lordlna Drive, $210,000 Joyce Kilmer Ave., $64,900 Growing law firm near 287 ment. 27 Mountain wlck, 08816 modeler must provide to homeowners. "By being a qualified remodeler, I've saved a lem contractor," he said. Chrystal Cass to Karen Coulter, with great walk-in business! if longevity and a reputa- Blvd., Warren, NJ John & Diane Shaffery to Can- & 78 seeks experienced tion for professionalism & Second, there is a two-year limited insured potential client a lot of leg work,, and with Mr. Annis recommends to get a reputable dida Bernal, 40 Monmouth Ave., 159 Lawrence St., $75,000 Experienced or not, we can show litigation secretary with Integrity. Call Gwen at SECURITY- Somerville, SOSO warranty against defects in the mechnnicals HOW checking me out, we have saved them a contractor, check out the references and in- $145,000 Dimitry & Mary Levitsky to Con- excellent skills and knowl- Barrett & Craln Realtors, Sat. & Sun. 11 PM-7 AM, Part-Time Employment Have YOU you how to earn! Call me, Isable edge of WordPerfect. In- 908-232-1800. Mon. through Fri. 4 PM- systems (HVAC, plumbing, electrical systems) lot of effort," Mr. Annis, who is a member of quire with the local Home Builders As- Donald Kline et al to Hartwyck at stantine Kornandis, 229-231 Liv- surance defense back- 12 midnight or 12 mid- Oak Tree Inc., 2040 Oak Tree ingston Ave., $210,000 Price, for your interview today! AVON SALES— All areas. of the remodeled portion of the home. the HOW Corporation of New. Jersey's Re- sociation. ground a plus. Competi- REAL ESTATE SALES nlght-8 AM. Applicants Read The Road, $237,250 Robert Beckor et ux. to Orlando tive salary. Benefits. Business is booming we must have HS/Dlploma or For Information coll modeler Advisory Committee and Underwrit- "Every consumer should thoroughly check 1-800-602-2292 Third, for. a full five years after a project is Paul & Debra Weissman to Betty & Rosalinda Vqga, 17 Stockton Roply to: need Salespeople. 100% GED, working telephone, the remodeler's. background and references to Watchung Office Weichert, Office Manager commission plan no ex- verifiable references, neat CARETAKER- for uldurly Classified completed, HOW remodelers insure against ing Committee,'said. Felix et ux., 37 Pheasant Run, Road, ' $115,500 Purcell, • Rles, Shannon, penses. Newly licensed appearance, valid driver's woman In Brldgowator, the cost to repair major structural defects in A member of the Builders Association of steer .themselves clear of any potential prob- $122,000 (Please turn to page 2) , (908) 561-5400 MulcOhya O'Neill welcome. Call Ray, Cen- license, clean police -7:30 AM-4:30 PM, April lems," he said. # I Iii The Nation P. 0. Box 754 tury 21, Mcdsa Real- record. Exp. preferred but 30, May 1st, May 11 &• This Week? L_J Bedminster, NJ 07921 ors, Rt. 302, Branch* will train. Call (908) 526-12th. Refs. 90 8- o 908-658-3800 mrg, 908-526-4440. 1147. EOE 25-3682, anytime.

A Union County Forbes Newspaper |v C") -.-,,:.,:.;•

U-2 / Forbes Newspapers RealEstateGuide April 1,2,3, 1992 April t,2>3, 1992 RealEstate( in I Forbes Newspapers /.U-3 Property sales PREFER America program can help homeowners in a faltering economy MURRAY H1IJL - Dramatic the destination of interest through says. "The country is full' of excel- -"-Ifi either case," Ms. DeMaio cale, sell their current horne and own a second home than the aver- (Continued from page 1) ',• ' 810 Harrison Ave., $127,000 $160,000 ' .••.""• Franklin, $1,367,500 . . . "•. Joseph.e. Schaeffer-ll!-e£ id:, to Anh Vkn Le changes in the economy and the the firm's membership in PHH lent alternatives to metropolitan says, "the question for them is find a new, less expensive home," age adult. Harry & Irene. Wanthouse to Anthony. &' James P. Sheehan to Lynn F. Harth, 4 Bankers Savings to Jemmy Jen Kan, 604. et ux., 4 Ivy.Lane, Belle Mead, $262,350 PISGATAWAY Dayle Giammarino, 1926 Linden Ave., real estate market signal a need to Homequity, tlie nation's largest re- living. ... .' • 'Now what?' And for them, the an- Ms. DeMaio said; ... Dartmouth Ave., $71,000 Delar Parkway, Franklin' Park, $50,000 Michael J.. Musciaho to Marian Bowser., "This group can take advantage Vincent & Linda Zuardo to Efren & Debra re-tosess plans, according to Burg- . location network. • . . "Burgdorff s REFER AMERICA swer might, be surprisingly attrac- On the, other end of the spec- • $159,000 • '•••.-•. Richard L Marton to Barbara J. Marlon, Kathleen G. ThorhaS to Stefanie C Decker, of. current lowered prices, in great Benavides, 12 Cameron Road, $182,000 672-H Marchall Road, Somerville, dorff Realtors. In response,. the Qlga Grillo to Andrew Salansky, 515 Mel- 1936 Fleldstone Road, Martinsville, 71 Fisher Drive, Franklin Park, $85,000 '<••' Barbara DeMaio, Burgdorff Re- lets people access them. With busi- tive: a move to a less expensive trum is the baby-boom generation. • Michael Cancelliere to Vivian Paszamant, $'112,000 • , . , •. •'• . company has developed its REFER vacation areas," Ms. DeMaio says. rose Ave., $115,000 .. $58,000 . Robert D. Packer to John P. Roullett et to;:, location Manager, identifies two nesses downscaling, many employ- part of the country that offers good Now entering their ,40s, they are 85 Canterbury Court, $91,000 Larken Assoc. to Barbara Patone, 30 Pol- "They can have a fine leisure base David & Laurel Miller to Gabe Gabii'elle Morel & Segal Inc. to Callxto G. Garcia et ' 8 Freeman Road, Somerset, $171,000 AjMERICA program. sectors in particular who can ben- ees have been separated from their climate, leisure activity, and- even often dual-paycheck families with Castle Group to Marc & Marie Gale, 142 hemus Drive, Belle Mead, $323,000 to enjoy now with their family, Truppi, 1089 Sherman Ave., $135,000 ux., 315 Greenfield Road, Bridgewater, Feller-Neumayer : US Corp. to Feller US . Through REFEft AMERICA, efit from REFER AMERICA - peo- companies five or 10 years earlier new income opportunities on a expendable income. Castle Point Boulevard, $136,000 . Glenn Rinker to United Natl Bank, 1214 S. $164,240 . . '• ••..-./: Corp., 130 Hampton Court, Somerset, Steven J. Sloan et ux. to Annabelle",Welch Burgdorff Relocation and Burg- ple in their 50s and 60s addressing than anticipated. smaller scale! If they reflect the findings of_ and, looking out 10 years, a re- Michael & Wendy Morgenbesser to Trent & Ninth St., $82,929; Morel & Segal Inc. to Alan Cohen et ux., , $95,000. •••:.•.. :_.'.;.; . • . & P. Davis, 997 Robin Road, Somerville, dorffs Morristown and Princeton retirement and baby-boomers in ; "That leaves them several years "Many people are using their American Demographics Magazine tirement home for the future." Marilyn Chatman, 1462 Cedarwood Drive, : ; ; Gerald & Clata Smit to George & Karen 317 Greenfield Road, Bridgewater, Leon G. Lerner et ux. to Craig E. Haase et $95,000 • . _ • • :' • . offices do a needs analysis and will the 40 age group with second- short of income they had planned severance, or early retirement pack-. and the Roper organization, they $i29,000. , • , • • ; : For further information and ma- Hogan, 1216 S. 10th Ave., $126,000 $168,035 ••••,• ux.,275 Hazlltt Way, Somerset, $130,500 Vanguard t to James Michael Hogan et sypply informations on America's home potential. . . . to accumulate before retiring, on age to start a • small business or 'are among the 41 percent, the larg- Edward Wolf, to Gabriel & Bethann Massa, terials, call Burgdorff Realtors' ".. David G. Hill et uti. to Enshi Shen et ux., Joseph H. Carter et ux: ,to Dodou Jagne et. ux., 11 Sturwood Drive, Belle Mead, most, sought-after destinations for '.'REFER AMERICA invites peo^. the other hand, the Wall Street purchase.a franchise. est ever, who regard leisure as 2604 Dover St., $40,000 . Princeton office: 609-799-7700, Mor- 1544 Mountain Top Road, Bridgewater, ux., 149 Irvington Avei, Somerset, retirement, second homes, or re- pie to see if there is lemonade in Journal (Feb. 26) reports many "Through Burgdorff s combined more important than work. They William & Patricia Strauss to Louis & Teresa $251,000.. ••• :.•. • .:'•••'• .,• • .' BEDMINSTER $270,000 $150,000 location. Burgdorff will then link some of the economic lemons that profiting from excellent early re- services, we can help people iden- are also approaching the age, 45-54, ristown office: 201-540-8009, or . Rocchetti, 41 tfety Brook Drive, $190,000'. , Michael T. Brown et ux. to John F. Marcsi- Charles Branick et ux. to Victor Mizrahi, Stephen C. Voorhees et ux. to James R, . Howard S. Schoenfeld et ux. tolling Un inquirers with a quality broker in have come bur way," Ms. DeMaio tirement packages. tify an attractive, less expensive lo- when adults are 38% more likely to Burgdorff Relocation: 908-665-2020. . Starpoint Dev. to Dilip Patel, 109 Orion sin et ux., 118. Van Dyke Court, Neshanic 412 Cardinal Lane, $140,000 Brennan et ux., 815 Thomae Ave., Bound & Chih^Ju Jou, 220 Leamington Way, Road, $46,027 • : Statlonj $230,000 . Laurence Mulligan to Deborah Laino, 31 Brook, $166,000 > Somerset, $135,000 Starpoint Dev. to Sunli Mehta, 113 Orion Country Classic to Charles R. Ketcham & S. Cedar Court, $106,500 • \ Caltori Homes to Mlng-Hsl Weng, 1705 . Levbn West to Nancy Rebecca.Faison, 10 Road, $147,990 •• Realtors say owner'js title insuraiice can save you a lot of future worries and problems . John L Grillo to Rbbet J. Delaney et ux., Vroom Drive, Bridgewater, $109,990 . Newklrk Road, Somerset, $15,500 . . Cobum, 49 Vllet Drive, Belle Mead, Starpoint Dev. to Karen. Cosenza, 110 WESTFIELD - Jim and Sandy "You can.avoid this type of situ-, "This protects the home buyers up den title problems. . buyers are. struggling to save "for a 210 Deer Haven Road, $285,000 Segal & Morel Partnership to LJoyd L LJsk James F. Earley et ux: to Barbara Lehnert, $275,000 .',. . -.:. ' closed hazard or risk that comes to Orion Road, $70,000 . Preston recently moved into their 1 ; Thomas Ltimley efc ux: to Rock.Bank, 39 et ux., 386 Watervlew Road, Bridgewater, 40 Westlake Court, Somerset, $122,000 Leonard Meyer et ux.Ao- Jonathan P. F"er- ation by purchasing owner's title light" . to the time they sell" Owner's title insurance is a one- downpayment,. owner's title in- Starpoint Dev. to Jagdish Patel,-300 Pe- new home after six monthsi of ex- Gatehouse Road, $300,900 $174,900 . ' : nald et ux., 36 Wagner Lane, Neshanic, insurance," advises Pinky Luers-• In the case of the Prestons, how- Home buyer's title insurance time fee, paid at the time of pur^ surance can seem like an unneces- gasus Road, $70,000 . ' : $335,000 . . • ; ' -. . V •"..••• tensive renovation, .fulfilling a life- sen, president of The Westfield ever, a lender's title insurance usually guarantee!? that the insurer chase — usually, included in the sary luxury," she warned. "But a •..; Starpoint Dev. to Ahzima Nero, 303 Pe- GREEN BROOK George A. Guider et ux. to Peter Fland, time dream. Board'of Realtors. "A title search would not have helped them; — will pay any legal fees for defend- closing costs. Ms. Luerssen sug- little extra investment up front can gasus Road, $149,990 . BOUND BROOK FARHILLS John Mifsud et ux. to William C, Baumann 1105 Washington Common, Somerville, Suddenly, a missing heir of a generally determines ownership only the lender. In addition, home- ing against challenges to the title gests asking your real estate agent save years of worry, or in the worst Starpoint Dev. to KeOneth & Marcia Davis, Michael F. Jakubac to Donald L Slanker et ; Ronald D. Yagoda et ux. to Robert C. Bind- et ux., 21 Fltzrandolph SL, $134,000: . r previous owner showed up and and any encumbrances affecting owners should be aware that once and will pay any valid claims. A to assist you in the purchase of case, your home." 305 Pegasus Road, $129,990 ux., 139 Lamonte Ave.,'$120,000 $131,000 . • . ... •': "•'•'••.. er et ux., 159 Lake Road, $1,550,000 claimed, title to the home. The the property, but even so, most the loan is paid off, the lender's separate owner's title policy is owner's title insurance! The Westfield Board of Realtors Commons at PI to.Troy & Vermeil Daniels, Donald F. King to Fred W. Ludwig II et ux., Theodore P. Nietzolld et ux. to Renee M. Prestons went. to court, and lost. lenders require lender's insurance. title insurance is no longer in ef- needed even if your attorney has "Most- agents can recommend a is one of more than 1,800 boards of Steltbn Road, Parcel No. 00730-0000- 415 W. Second St., $103,000 HILLSBOROUGH Paige, 358 Zlon Road, Neshanic, $134,000 Now, not only do they not have a in the amount of the mortgage, fect . performed-a title examination and list of reputable, experienced in- Realtors nationwide that comprise 00008-0001 *C0210, $99,990 FRANKLIN Slmsbury Assbc: to Diane M. Banino, 527 home, but they spent all their sav- This ensures that they have first assumed liability* for the work. An surers," says Ms. Luerssen. "Prices the National Association of Real- Justin Dev., to John & Alieta Eck, 1056 Estate of Michael Lazorchak to John E. Br- Andrla Drive, Somerville, $71,000 . "Many homeowners opt to also Stelton Road, $150,000 - BRANCHBURG zbzowski et ux., 1775 Amwell Road, Mid- . Richard M. Narula et ux, to Barbara Popp & MONTGOMERY ings defending their case. A true lien on the property in the event of purchase owner's title insurance, independent attorney's liability is will vary, so it's best to shop tors, the nation's largest trade as- Paul' & Corinne Madlinger to Matthew & Wayne A. Watkinson efc ux. to Patrick J. dlebush, $153,000 Martha Pearce, 37 Balsam Court, Belle Alexander R. Lowrie et ux. to Michael A.. . story? No, [ not in this case, but fraudulent or improperly signed written' for the amount of the. pur- limited to negligence, and does not around, and compare rates and cov- sociation and the voice for reales- Michele Fablen, 229 Ninth St.,:$133,000 Mulrooney etiix., 1958 W. Holland Brook' Aaron C. Speller to John Evans Jr., 22 Mead, $120,000 • .. . •Lowrie, 127 Brldgepolnt- Road, Belle such a scenario is not unheard of, deeds, unpaid taxes, or any undis- chase price.V says Ms. Luerssen. include responsibility for the hid- erage. At a time when many_home tate. . •••• ••' '•"••'';••; • Road, Sbmerville, $215,000 ' • Arden St., Somerset, $123,500 . • Carl E. Schaefer et ux: to Walter. A. Ca- Mead, $190,000 •;. , •'. . ' •..•-•- ..Ralph J. Dueckef et ux. to. David J. Earley Olivia Fleming to Seeman. Dev. Inc., 90.muso Jr. et 'ux.; 80 Beechwood Circle, ^ Stephen J. Doughtery et ux. toi Kenneth R.. r : v ;1 : : ^cV-Kathy-Rbssr300 Miller Aye ~ ' '' 'i'-Somerse!tr $26;500---- ; '.-'-'"-- -:."-f. ' Neshanic, ••$^-joo&"~~-'^:'—^"-^- -:—r "XJane E. Kochis; 24 BTChestnurc'ourt7 $195,000 • •. . '. : , •••• Michael Zey et ux. to Marvin Hollingsworth . Glen Meadows Inc. to Thomas W.. Ramsey PLAINRELD Princeton, $110,000 •'.•''.'' a Donald Thorsen et ux. to Steve Szakacs, et aL, 49 Bayberry Drive, Somerset, Jr. & M. Demko, 33-14 Bloomlngdale sales '.". "Carl.& Jo-Anne Stiles to Wallace & Caroline Charles R. Murer et ,ux. to George Kar.r 143 Whltpn Road, Neshanic Station, $125,000 ' Drive, HillSbbrough, $120,990 ' 1 i niadakis, 3-F; Marten Road, P/inceTon,. (Continued from page 2) . Pfizer Drive, Gladstone, $337,500- , Gordon Eleanor Brett to Kenneth & Germaise O. Beers, " '•Schu"ff' 442 Anthony AVe., $144,000 $205,000 .. ,••••- : • Somerset Valley Properties to to GRS Bel- Barbara N. Patone : to Everett Gordon Ralph & Anna Bove to John Yedinak, 1540 $157,500 . : •" .';••'. ': ' Luke R. Lamb Jr. et ux: to Michael Slatteryetux, 19 SOMERVILLE 22 Indian Rock Road, $220,000 .. mont Drive Corp., Belmont Drive, Parcel Bucrfariin, 287 Gemini Drive, Somerville,. NORTH PLAINFIELD George J. House et ux. to Bryafi R. Walter et ux., 8 Dumont Ave., $132,000 Diana Chittenden to Barbara Jean Aston et Tiger Hill Drive, Gladstone, $535,000 Jose T. Triana et ux. to Martin A-.Zobel et ux.. 100 No. 00517-O005-O0O35-00O6, Franklin, $110,500 . Mountain View Le, $220,000 John & Dawn Jegllnski to David & Jacque- BRIDGEWATER al., Sklllman Road, Parcel No. 16001- Catherine F. Rice to Seth William Kadlac et ux., 583- Eastern Ave^, $130,000 $250,000 .Andrew Paul Feldstein et ux. to Henry Ol- Est. of Ambrosio Zachary to David J. Gavin et ux., 1 line Slatky, 155 Florence Place, $134,000 Dirk Adriaanse et ux. to Frank A. Marchello 585 Mountalnvlew Drive, $134,000 George & Betsy Nickerson to Lane Robbins szyk et ux., 68 Hampton Court, Belle 0000-00028, . Montgomery,. $1fJ,000 Spring Lane, $212,500 William.Arsics to Douglas & Donna Reagan, RARIT7VN et' ux.,; 137 Bonney Court, Bridgewater, Acquisition Corp,, 92 Cortelyou Lane, Mead, ^117,500 (Please turn to page 3) •Richard A. Hearn Sr. et ux. to Proctor & Gamble Mfg. Douglas B. Brady & C. DeClcco to Rolf K. Ishem et ux., WARREN Co., 16 Stiles Road, $320,000 ,_ PEAPACK-GLADSTONE 109W. Somerset St., $95,000 Thomas Ciarletta Builders to Mary Colleen Mullens, 23 Chester Peims\& et ux. to County of Somerset, 82 Mikko Paalanen et ux. to John F. Kolanko ei ux., 8 Deerwood, $585,000 Stirling Road, $25,750J 9000 9020 REAL ESTATE Homos for Sale

BOUND BROOK doio IMMACULATE SPLIT LEVEL 9020 Homes under Homos for Sale $150,000 Newly decorated Interior offers 3 BRs, lVi baths, spacious Family Rm., COLONIA CRANFORD Super expanded Split ODD ONE large Eat-in Kitchen, ab- solutely move-in corjdl-. Level home, 3 bedrooms, CLEAN UP, PAINT UP, FIX UP Second floor of 2-famlly 1.5 baths* formal dining house, 3BRs, full kitchen, tioh. Asking $145,000. WO. Realty 968-4900 rm, kitchen skylight, new LR, DR, Basement, ga- windows, underground rage. Priced to sell BOUND BROOK sprinkler, screened porch. $119,000. Call MAGNIFICENT COLONIAL Get ready for summer in Be sure to check RAY BROOKS BROKER Prestigious Piedmont the pool with new liner/ 908-248-3223 area. Featuring 5 BR, 2 pump. $189,900. Call our "Services" and full & 2 half baths, ball- Marie 649-9400, ext. room foyer, entertainment 284, RE/MAX Realty Ads in Classified, sized LR w/ frplc, formal C»nt«r, realtors "Home Improvements" DR, FR + den. Located In BRIDQEWATER don't cost — FLEMINGTON great family neighborhood DID YOU BEACON HILL - PRIME LOCATION MANVtOE KNOW... columns for the i .Thta panlhouM. «nd unB, oAwi .miny up- ..BOCK BOTTOM PHICEI BOUND BROOK QREEN BROOK • GREAT CUTE HOME They pay.' w/loads of extras) A must . Qradea. Coma B»* thla lov«)y two bKlroom, . B.UO, W<* » l»wd not to DUfctMM — prioKl to " «nloy tWt" Concd«rra*o» townhouu. 2 1111, -Ranch, tonJty room uiHh b^mi, dual brioX toy ft™* wry rjwut> A must e, S 129,000, PROFESSIONAL HEU> SVi botln'l KnHh»tf bissnusnl, QOIBOO. DD2357. flm.; Untutlo kaoh.n: z tuW.hilt twllu, in CRANFORD— 3 BR, LR, other local papers? Reach &OH at Si 1(1,500- BD-23S1 nmt In oondillon. $317,900. BD-ZS03. to ollng «>^>Uc», 1129,900. WAKJ28. BOUND BROOK- 2 fam-- HEDMINSTEB 781-tOOO BEDMINSTER ' ' 781-1000 BEDMINSTEH . . 781-1000 WARREN OFFICE i , TS/-r7B0 WARREN OFFICE 757-7760 DR, kit., end. porch, full over 400,000 readers bsmt., detached gar,, lly duplex, 6 1/2 rooms, with ohecalll You Need! alum, siding, quiet area, basement & attic both 1-800-889-9495 conv. to rail trans. sides. $179,900. Call $148,500. 201-828- 356-589,7 or 725-4783. DUNELLEN 9394. BRI0&EWATER HANDYMAN! NEW BRUNSWICK- 3 GREAT LOCATION 3 BR, 1 bath Colonial. Call us now to find out about BR, new furnace, bsmt., Sprawling 4 BR Split, eat- Needs TIC. : full attic, $98,500. Exc. In kitchen, big DR. Fam Rm boasts raised hearth $90,000 Investment, Call 908-525- Harper Ag»ncy968-3100 SOMERVILLE $164,900 Colonial charm. Immaculate, spacious 4Brm, 1V4. bath 2534 or 908-873-8123. brick fireplace, oversized 2 car garage. 1 acre prop- colonial. Featuring LR w/fplce, formal Dr, largo E.I.K., our Guaranteed Advertising. EDISON- 3 BR, LR, DR, 9 room split level, 4 Brmg. 1V4 baths & office or study. Fam. rm. w/wood burning stovo, freshly painted Inside & SO. PLAINFIELD— Cape erty. Quiet cul-de-sac Hardvwod floors, w/ carpet, sliding door to large patio, LvElK w/sunllght, FR w/wet out. Hardwood firs, 2 car garage. Very large property. PRICED FOR ACTION AT $164,80011 Cod, 3% BR, close to street. $234,900. plenty ol cloaota. Convenient to Rts. 287, 22 a 78., Croat OuaMy r.l««JRanch In low ta* Ubanon Two. bar, deck, CAC, finished Ideal for N.Y. Commuter. SPL1550. 908-322-9102. Mow-In condition, 3 b«Jroom, 1 brth with BRANCHBURQ schools/shopplng/trans., CENTURY 21 basement, walk to sta- family neighborhood. SPL1515. 908-322-9102. \*rf Hnlstwd woodttovo, «rtirt.ln PRIVACY PLUSH EIK, full bsmt., new fur- - ' — —V ' on targa dacK with hot tub, vlatM and llonwino Guaranteed Advertising is Guaranteed Rv« badroom, 3 batht, naatlad on woodad lot. McO.EE REALTORS tion. $159,900. Please ahmba. 006-4285. . Inflround pool, pa>Mka lading, nloa nalo.hbor- nace, many items recently : 908-826-4440 call 287-2196 OLDWlpK OFFICE 439-2777 Advertising hood, aaay oorrvnutinrj. OOfl-4242. upgraded, deep yard In just the start of all we'll OLDWICK OFFICE 439-2777 BRIDQEWATER- Unden HILLSBOROUQH- Cus- Every Mfeek ood area. Reduced to 1 f 129*900. By owner. Street, New Home avail- tom Cape, 3+Brs, 2 908-756-0890. able July 92 occupancy. baths, 1 car garage, do to sell your home $169,900. Call Ray at young neighborhood. SOMERSET- 1 family 908-722-1559 or 908- $175,000. under our exclusive Ranch, finished bsmt., 5 218-9098 Cantary 21 mins. from all transp. & McOo* ReaHors markets. Asking low 908-828-4440 "Fast Start" JProgram. $140's. Lots of extras. Must sell 1 Call 908- HUNTERDON COUNTY 828-5329 North of 78, good schools and close to shopping. WANT TO SELL/BUY Private with views, lovely $325,000 FANWOOD $169,900 FRANKLIN TWP FASTI— w» ap«elallz« In older charming home with PLAINFIELD O/ool p lul baiha la a fanoad yafd. Piva mlnul.s to alor««. SOUTH BRUNSWICK * FAST OCCUPANCY bsmt., screened porch. ... PLUS . . . FINANCING METUCHEN OFFICE BO6-8200 aa balh. Builder hu prlnU. "Mual", doni paaa Ihla brta Ud. EDISON OFFICE 404-8800 EDISON OFFICE 444-8B00 EDISON OFFICE OFFICE 597^)200 • It takO9 lust two wooks from tho day your addition 1.3 ac, move-In cond. arrives until tho day your family movos In...And thoro's Flexible owner financing at competitive rates to qualified buyers. no moss. All tho moss Is loft at tho factoryl Brldgopolnt Historic Dlst. $225.000. 874-7659 COME BACK TO ENGLISH VILLAGE * COMPARE 1-1B$1lC&tfOO NOW $115,000 • Compare ull this to stick-built additions...Quality Advertise In the Claasilledl 5- $1 l^CDO NOW $105,900 ...Cost...Construction timo. Norrln Troat/ Nationwide SCOTCH PLAINS $293,000. All Offices wins ovory tlmol If wo don't already liavo a plun that 5-2A $1t£rSbO NOW $104,900 Historical oroDOrty. This colonial farmhouso on 1.13 acroa suits you, wo can mako ono. Soloct a basic plan und SCOTCH PLAINS $349,900 9-3B $12*600 ' NOW $117,500 featureVlnground pool & taco rm. for stabling horsoa. Open Until 9 PM make It youl Flroplacou, porchot, dack3, rjuragos, lo(tq.,.your person- 10-2A $t7«C500 NOW $165,500 Split level In ono of Scotch Plains most popular locations This dtetlncth/o h6mo oHors 4 Bdrms, 3.5 batha w/boam SOUTH BRUNSWICK ality, not oursl Movo up..'.Movo up to... OWN YOUR boasts large LR, w/brlck fireplace, MBR w/balcony, total 4 colling Ini kit, & dr. & flroplacos. Don't miss this onol DRASTICALLY RBOUCEOllllll 12-3A $126300 ' NOW $114,900 bdrma, 3.5 baths. 1 car garage attached, 2Vi car do- SPL1566. 908-322-9102. SOUTH BRUNSWICK If you want a great pHoe on • Ut (too/ oondO' SINCE 1956 tached fl Inground pool. Property backs up to o°" course a lUUaa 0* t« UAM MOKUl MaTrooa « minium w«h a'greal location thai MlnM 2 Doni Wall Foul bedroom, hwone-harl balha PRISTINE CENTER HALL COLONIAL SPACIOUS - QRACIOU8 OWN HOME 12A-1B $U)9C500 NOW $102,900 bad. 3 batha large bright IMng room »llh Colonial wttn baaament and gaiaga In iliun- WARREN...8 yn, young, aaa on 1.17 aorea WAMIEN TWC.UIck IradUonal Colonial In prl- many extras. Come sool SPL1530. 808-322-0102. fwaplece, walk to pool, tannla and dub house. a*tok aorea. Bmart buyera know UMMI tiontai pro/, landaoapad Uvel property. Ooen Aoor •Hrw condiUon. Many e/nenklea. CAC, cW Weichert, NORRIS TREAT NOW $96,900 Yhla la lor you. It woni leal at thll great Urloa Of oome on the merkal WiequaiMly to OMJI now. plvt oonblbulea to the warmth i charm ol thU •kV*ohli, laouul. daok. drouW drU, InlefOom/ For $1600 Full Price, COLDWeU. ItUXpo. 0B 2«M. S8-27M. 1214.000 4 ttfl, 2'.i blh home wrlh 2 keplabaa, alamv 4/3 Brt. Cal lo eaa. W29.000. WC CONSTRUCTION SOUTH BRUNSWICK SOUTH BRUNSWICK U70.000. WC* 070. •out. Government NOW $95,900 , OFFICE M7-OJ00 WATCHUNQ OFFICE 8B1-44O0 WATCHUNO OFFICE M1-H400 NATIONWIDE HOMES OFFICE 2*7-0300 Agencies 14-2B $98^00 NOW $97,000 OFFICE HOURS: The American Dream Tkam 1-800-8-MODULAR SCOTCH PLAINS Now Liquidating! 14-3C $10©#00 NOW $99,900 310 Park Avenue Monday - Friday, 9 a.m. - 9 p.m. SCHLOTT If busy dial 908-537-7991 322-9102 Saturday & Sunday, 9 a.m. - 6 p.m. 1-805-564-6500 276-0370 REALTORS* Ext. HQ2405 Clinton and Hampton, NJ SATURDAY - OPEN HOUSE 10-4 . SonK0«^W<5«r<«l«o*C>»mJ««10i»na«l. For Immediate Asslslaneo C IWI O4il*r

V ) U-4 / Forbes Newspapers April 1,2,3, 1992 RealEstate( 11 April 1,2,3, 1992 Real EsiaieGuide Forbes Newspapers / U-5 9020 Phone In: 1-800-559-9495 9020 9070 9080 9080 S400 9470 1 9630 HomesrforSale Condominiums Townhouses -9090- Homes for Safe Multi-Family Homes Out of Area Property Time Shares RENTALS Apartments Apartments Apartments to Share Retail Properties Businesses for Sale for Sale NESHANIC— Best buy in SOMERVILLE TEWKSBURY TWP.- CRANFORD- $40K EDISON— Clean-Safo- Fax In: 908-23.1-9638 NO. tDISON- By Owner. MIDDLESEX 4 FAMILY BRIDQEWATER- SOMERSET- Prof, non- NION- BAKERY/PELI town. 8 rooms plus, super Newly renovated 4BR, IVi Spacious ranch, private below cost. Modern. Ig 2 Qulet. The best In corn- Excel, cond. 3 story. FLORIDA- Retirement/ TIME SHARE UNITS- & 94SO FINDERNE- 2 BR in 2 RAHWAY- 3 room apt OMBINATION— empha- clean ranoh, 1+ acre. bath home has DR, Fam wooded, lot, features CONDO UNIT- All brick 4 Vacation Homo. Perfect campground member- completely redecorated, smoking seeking same to EDISON BR, 2 bath, elevator, prkg, temporary lifestyle. 2BR, Priced for quick sale. 2- Home* fam home.on quiet st. 1 share, 2 bedroom, 2 1/2 Is on Catering. No deliv-.. Low, low taxes. Under Rm w/woodstovo & state tennis court, in-ground walk RR. Adj. park, Deluxe 2Vi baths, 2 car garage, BRs, DR, EIK, Rec Rm., family unit. Each unit con- vacation or retirement ships. Distress sales- large kltchon with dish- SMALL SPACE sistsiwk2 BR, eat-in-klt or 2 persons. Avail June bath , 908-214-1256 EDISON ry. Rent approx. $750/ Mail'. In; P.O. Box 699 ' $190,000/negotlable. Call of the art kitchen w/mlcro- pool, cottage with 2 bldg. Sacrifice $139K or fireplace, pool, tennis. XVt baths, must See! homo on West coast of cheap! I Worldwide, selec- washer, easy walk to o. Gross Sales Linda 908-968-3765 or wave. Reasonably priced with all appliances, large Florida. Two blocks from tions. Call VACATION NET- BERKELEY HEIGHTS- 2 1st. $685/mo + utils & transportation, good area, LeasoLorSale rooms, screened-ln porch. best offer. 9d8-709-1540 Park Gate Dr. Tesh 287- $149,90 0. 9 08- sec. 908-356-1988 SOMERSET— professorial 295,000+. Price 908-754-1600. at $168,900. Won't last! Main house: 3 BR, 2 bath; 2990 weekdays. LR with deckT^Hed bath, Gulf of Mexico In Venice WORK U.S. and Canada IT story Mother-Daughter w/ no pets. $595/month. non-smoklrig female seek- 1500 sq.ft., 3000 sq.ft. Somerville, NJ 08876 HILLSBOROUQH- Im- 321-0568 to' 10,500 sq.ft. Immedl- ;150,000. Call for details PISCATAWAY ERA AMERICAN DREAM, finished basement. private bsmt, •oTf*street with well manicured, but 800-736-8250 or 305- character. 2 + BRs, dis- CRANFORD- 1st fl, 2 908-233-6945 ing same to share 2 BR, 2 Exclusive Equities, Inc. RaaHora 908-283-9000 $259,000. Call Joe at maculate 1 BR end unit FRANKLIN PARK- PISCATAWAY- End unit, parking. $439,000. Pis manageable lot, featuring 566-2203- Free rental in- tinct fplc., Florida room, 2 farri home, close to center Vi bath townhouse. In ite occupancy. Purchase TWO FAMILY Condo. AC, all appls, up- 3 BR, 21/2 baths, EIK, RAHWAY- Furnished 3# unit for >s little, as 908-322-8480 Newly listed, great New RE-MAX Of BRANCHBURG. Beacon Hill, 2 BR, 2V> call owner 908-757-8362 rose garden and citrus formation 305-563-5586. full baths. $1275 plus of town, 1 BR, Ig kit, ga- Quailbrook, W/D, LR, DR, grades, prvt balcony, CAC, bsmt., patio, no ROSELLE PARK- 2 fam- trees. Spacious layout utlls. 908-757-9453 rage,. AC, H & HW Incl., RMs, carpeted, cable, 25,000 down (If quail- Walk In: 44 Franklin Street Market location- Close. to SOMERVILLE (908) 534-5900. bath, end unit. Frplc, eat $725/month includes all CAC. fplc. Avail. Immed. pool, tennis, bsmt. In kitchen. DR, upgrades. maintenance fee, move in ily house. Presently one With two bedrooms and $650/mo. 609-858-9254 lease calf.469-6018. led). Shared secretarial Advertise everything. All large OpanHouc* WARREN COUNTY- 5 yr. $67,900. 908:359-8382 cond. Near all major 9270 CALIFON— Newly utils. Single prof, pre- ervlces available Call Somerville, NJ rooms,S 2 car detach, ga- Sun April 8th, l-4pm 2 yrs old. $119,000. half Is furnished rooms. den or three bedrooms, young 4-BR, 2Vi bath Co- HILLSBOROUOH— LOTS (908) 297-6817. y«. f Excellent Income. Live on living room, Flo.ida room, Vacation Rentals renovated bungalow. 2 DORCHESTER ferred. 908-382-9072 Carl Weiss, V.P. or Lou In the Classified! rage, 2-BR each level, 237 Dav*nport St. lonial, HOW warranty. Of- 463-8789 BR, LR, DR, carpet. Utility OF SUN! 2BRs, 2Mz baths, $14>3,9QQ; . i floor, rent the others: two full baths and eat-ln- HOUSE RARITAN-1/2 2 family Advertise In the Classified! Belfer, V.P. large lot. Estate Sale, All Value packed aluminum fering $3000 towards rm, modern bath & kit, (201)872-5500 contracts presented sided 4 BR home with full loft, garage, bsmt., fplc, FRANKLIN PARK— By Very low down payment & kitchen. Large lanal over- DELAWARE- Bethany Somerville 2 BR, LR, DR.KItchen closing' costs. Asking owner, 3 yrs. old, 3 BR, looking secluded back- Beach, private honrie, AC, attic storage, oil. heat, Refrlg, Beautiful Cond., ARCHIE SCHWARTZ 9840 To Advertise In through Century 21, bsmt., CAC, 2 car-garage, $179,900. Make offer. decks. New carpet/paint. assumable mortgage/ parking, yard, good Brandt Realty. Asking fenced yard & more. Ask- $122,900. 281-0602 2% baths, LR, DR, EIK, Ads In Classified CallT9O8-298-8152. ' yard. Easily affordable. heat, sleeps 10, walk to Free Off-St Parking COMPANY Investments/ 908-454-0198 Relocating, must sell at "Call 908-232-8415. beach, 2 baths, W&D, location. Near shopping, Luxury 9480 " EXCLUSIVE BROKER Opportunities the all-new $159,900. ing $139,900. Dlr: Rt 22 READINOTON TWP. ito/itcost — and services. Ideal for Convenient location Best to No. Bridge St., So: to all costs!!I We'll pay DW, 2 pools, 8 courts. High Rise Value at $725 + Utils Homes to Share ISCATAWAY CENTURY 21 Why rent? Put this year's points. Was $135,000, They payi 91QO FREE SALES BRO- Call 914-631-7203 seniors or professionals. BRANDT REALTY Ivanhoe to Davenport vacation money into eq- CHURE- No is the time W/D, refr. & stove Elevator Apartments Eves/Wkends 369-8695 SALE OR LEASE TO: ANYONE WHO (signs). G-2 Realty, 908- asking $i24,000/B0. tots and Acreage . 4,000 to 8,000 sq. ft. Of- Forbes Newspapers 908-752-7010 Days 9040 uity. With 5% down, you 908-422-7724 Iv, msg. to buy your summer home FLORIDA HOUSE— Palm provided. lVSz mo. sec. 722-9177 RARITAN- 1 BR apt, BEDMINSTER— Share WOULD LIKE TO HAVE A 908-382-3499 Ev»s 752-0220 Luxury Homes can own this lovely Somarset oh. Long Beach Island. Coast, No. of Daytona. 2- $925.(908) 832-2184 includes heat & water. beautiful 4 BR, furn. fice/sprinkleG/hlgh. ceil- HIGHER QUALITY LIFE- Chatham End Unit w/2 HILL8B0R0UQH BULDERS/INVESTORS- Pricies are low. & property BR, W&D, S mlns beach, $575 per month. 1 mo. home In Hills all ammenl- ings. Near Rt. 287; Call STYLE. SCOTCH PLAINS & Estates OOLFI aOLFI aOLFI CRANFORD— Unfur- Studio SOUTH PLAINFIELD BR's, 2 baths, living room After a tennis match a That's what' you'li be 8 Lot sub-dlvlslon Hunter- Is plentiful. Vandyk Group clean, reasonable, no- sec req'd. Call 526-2879. tles, deck, pool & tennis. Carl Weiss, V.P. or. Lou Kim & I have found a way BE QUICK! ; ton'. County. Priced for nished. LR, DR, kitchen, 1& 2 Bedrooms Belfer, V.P. BETTER THAN A CONDO! & dining room., Enjoy the,splash In the pool Is a doing in your spare time. Realtors. Beach Haven. 1- pets. 908-356-8216 RARITAN- 1 BR, up- $550/mo.+ util. 908- 0 be able to make more ...and be smart!.'Because BEDMINSTER • Immediate sale. den; 3 BRs, plus 2 small- DUNELLEN— 1 BR: 4 rms (201)672-5500 this home should not stay No maintenance fee, Vi pool & tennis courts. Ask- natural. Come see this Quallbrook townhouse 800-222-0131 FLORIDA OCEAN FRONT- stairs, private home,. Avail 781-9567 eves. loney than we could evejt ing $105,900. 3BR, 2^ bath George- (908)686-0290 er rooms ideal for home 2nd fl, near town. Non- ARCHIE SCHWARTZ pend, and have all the Classifieds on the market longl 4 DUPLEX only 4 years old- backs- to golf course--; KEYSVILLE, VIRQINIA- ontemp. 3-BR, Jacuzzi, April 1. $600/mo. + imo. BRANCHBURa- Mature LAMINQTON ROAD office, 2Vi baths, 2 car COMPANY bedrooms, vinyl sjdlng, 3 BRs, 2.5 baths, full Preferred UfostyU town Colonial Townhouse large deck, fireplace, E-l- FRANKLIN TWP.- 3.6 So. St. Augustine near smoker' pref. $650/mo. sec. Call 231-1047 woman to share, house. ree time to enjoy it with basement arid garage; CA, 5 BRs, 4 baths, 2-half w/finlshed bsmt., just Rt. 40 across from com- garage, convenient. No Incl all Util. 968-5019. EXCLUSIVE BROKER mr family & friends. QIVE fireplace in living room, Realty 908-707-0880 Kltchen, dining room, ga- Wooded acres for sale by munity college. 17i.65 Daytona/Orlando. $850/ $350/mo. Utlls. Incl. 908- private yard. $149,900. baths, LR, DR, Kitchen, Li- steps away from the Club rage, master bedroom relocated owner, Zoned 7 pets. $140O/mo. Avail. 4/ RARITAN- 1-BR, up- US A CALL AT 908-572- •quiet cul-de-sac street. * *. +•*••.• ,•.'•. acres. Beautiful land; 3 wk: 908-647-1419; 201- DUNELLEN— 3 rooms, 722-0515 Call Marie 849-9400, ext. brary, Study, Office area, House & only $142,900. suite & spare bedroom w/ residential, surrounding 1. 908-276-5795 or 272- stairs, heat & water fur- 1214. We will treat you $140,000. SOMERSET- Quallbrook 1 homos, .all rented. Horties 263-2623 convenient location, laun- 254, RE/MAX Realty 3 car attach, garage, Mu- ERA AMERICAN DREAM, walk-In closet & Its own property tree farm, Call 4631. nished. No pets. Sec. & BRANCHBURQ- Society like family & show you ERA SUBURB REALTY 2 BR Condo, all appli- are in excellent shape.w/ dry facilities In basement. Refs. Avail. May 1. Call 9650 Canter, Realtor*. seum .Bldg. for antique Realtor*, 808-253-9000 bath.- Just, reduced! Bob at 214-931-Y159 FLORIDA- Disney; World HIGHLAND PARK- 3 BR, Available immediately. Pis Hill. Professional, non- IOW you can do it too!- CRANFORD-$ 179,9001 AGENCY, 908-322-4434 ances, upgrades through- good tenants. Barn that Area.. Private owners In 908-725-1581 smoker to share new, lux- Office Rentals cars, Horse barn, fenced HILLSBOROUQH- 3 BR, $131,900. 11/2 bath, new kitchen, call 201-575-6225. iecor^ed message SCOTCH PLAINS- By STOP WASTING YOUR pasture, In-ground pool, out, low taxes & mainte- HARMONY-' Warren Cty. cari be renovated into 2 Klsslmmee offer lowest urious 2 BR, 2 bath OPEN HOUSE nance. $89,500. Call 2 1/2 baths, finished Preferred Lifestyle apartments. $240,000. den, Ig. yard w/6 ft. pri- RARITAN- charming 2 Now Is tho time, Owner,- cul-de-sac Walk tp TIME!- ..Call Michael on 12 acres in the heart 5 landlocked mountain possible recession beater Condo, W&D, tennls/pobl. CRANFOnD- 2 private Frank ft Kim Jackson and Cathy 908-873-0514. basement, 3 levels/lots R»atty 908-707-0580 wooded bldg. lots, 11-17 Taxes $677/yr! vacy fence, W/D. $1175/ :+ * * +: family house, down 4 ! schools. 3BR Split w/Rec of the hunt country. rutes for mid March & be- mo. 908-572-4739 rooms w/yard & deck, use $395/month+ 1/2 utils. rooms, entrance off South SUNDAY 4/5 Rickards, (llcen*«d re- of upgrades $131,500/ SOMERSET— best buy in acres each, price range CULLEN, VIRGINIA- 184 yond. Fully loaded 2 bed- EASTON, PA.- 1, 2 & 3 Ave., paneling, AC, Avail. room bsmt, 20x14 deck, WOODBRIDOE- by BR apts. & Townhouses, of bsmt., W&D, utilities 908-722-1705 leave msg altors), for personal- owner, luxurious 2/2 end nego. 874-0875 Quallbrook, end unit, w/ $25k-$75k each. Drive- acres, huge clean lake, room, 2 bath super, con- HILLBOROUOH- Stucco May 1, $450/rrio atj utili- CHIEVERS- Continue 1P.ML-4P.M. beautiful treed lot, 2369 ized service. $1,195,000 way easement, spectacu- farm house has 4 fire- Cape Cod. 3 BR, LR, DR, Luxury garden apts w/easy Inc. Sec. No pets. $650/ BRIDOEWATER- person /ith your current high Redwood Rd. $195,000. unit, excel, location., top MIDDLESEX/PISCAT- garage, 2 BR, 21/2 bath, dominiums, include kitch- mo* Call after 7PM week- ties included. Respond to 1-800-47S-S0LD AWAY AREA- 2 BR, Vh CAC, close to pool & ten- lar views, good for hunt- places.. $234,000. Taxes en utensils, towels, linens E-l-K, 2 Baths, Sun porch. access to Rt. 22 & mlns. to share home. $400/mo. 272<-5522 bet. 9AM-6PM larnings, work with us P/T 9 Roger Norton Place 908-889-7181 LAND EQUITY INC. floor, CAC, all appl. pool, $589/yr! Please call from N. J. LoW, low, Pa. days 609-466-4014 plus 1/3 utlls. Located on Realtor 908-236-6200 tennis, shopping, many up baths, full bsmt., deck, nis courts. $119,900. Call Ing; horse farm, 5 resi- & barbecue grills. Perfect AVall. May 1,. $115O/mo. until you're convince this, Welchert Realtors 908- dential homes. Low. cost, eves. 908-788-9435. Call 359-5560. rents. Call 215-559-1411 Garrison Rd. 725-6068 HIGHLAND PARK- 500 s where you should be F/ grades. $107,000/make possible Tent w/optlon. for economy minded fami- RARITAN— Exce. loc, 1st BELLE MEAD 766-7500 • owner financing. Also 2Vi lies or retirees looking to •.(••''* + + + •• ' QREENBROOK- Female sq.ft. office on the Main r. Call 908-874-7173 INDIAN VILLAGE AREA, on a cul-de-sac, has 4 BRs, HWBB/gas heat, Family Your family deserves the offer. Call 908-668-0799 $119;900.526-1827 OCEAN GROVE- If you MANVILLE- cozy 2 BR EDISON-' large 1 BR, 4 floor, LR, 2 BR+ study, Street (Raritan Ave.) of acre Wooded bldg. lot, review aroa for relocation. on large lot, LR w/fplc, to share furnished 3 BR UTENTION- men and Room addition w/Fireplace. Basement with xec. rm. Come see! make olfcr! best! Located in the Sea- 340' frontage, approvals, need a 3 room Bungalow room apt, central alt, near Ig. EIK, full rec-rooni. Highland Park. New facil- w/gas heat, enclosed $39.99 per day, lower full basement. $800/mo public transportation. house. $400/month +: 1/ ity with parking in exce|- women who don't want to sons at Belle Mead, this lovely location, $60k. Also rates for longer stays. Call $800/ mo. 766-4113 2 utiltles. Pis call 908- "f\4BR, IVi bath -Colonial porch, Corner location, plus util. 359-4949 Must see. Asking $700. ent location. Available vork for someone else all big farm house on 47 Tom, 908-422-1654. ROSELLE PARK- 4 room 752-1179 after 6pm heir lives. A. call will help has 2 Fam rooms, In- acres avail.^.on._roonu this Is for you. Only MIDDLESEX- half a dUj- Call 201-992-1590 Immed.:.Call 781-7900 $60,000. TCall~Bllls-R;E.- ; JMpleX-:2R!«,$S0/mBR!$7/ o 'oil to discover a solid op- ground pool, -and much, room/ boardTTdeal for se- HELTON HEAD ISLAND prex," 3~BR7 ny2TTath, ;-ANWO0D AREA- luxu- Including heat & Water. SlFMntViaEProf^ ext. 7500, 9-5 ask for Bil- fiiudh more! Simply unsur- Agency, 201-774-2124 non-smoker, F to share lie Davis.. lortunity for financial in- nior citizen or consider VILLA- 2 BR, close to fenced yard, $950 plus ury 5 story apt. house, 2 VA mo. security. Avail, lependence that Is prov- passed at $309,900. ERA selling for $375k. Call |olf, tennis & swimming. utlls. Security. 722-6034 br, 2 bath, $825,3 BR, 2 immod. No pets. Call 908- homo.'Furn. BR:$500/ HILLSaoROUOH- Pro- AMERICAN DREAM, Re- mo lncl util. 526-2648. m, workable, respect- Phil, 908-247-7594. 9120 ;500/wk. Call 908-752- NEW BRUNSWICK- bath $975. Required at 654-3253. ; fessional office building. able, ethical and exciting. altor*, 908-283-9000 6642 after 7PM Wanted to Buy 4 bedrooms, 2 baths, time of rental: credit ap- SO. BOUND BRO0K- WESTFIELD- Master BR 2200 sq. ft, Rt.. 206 & S can offer you the op- HILTON HEAD SC basement, central air con- plication, $900 broker w/attached full bath, in, Triangle Rd. at traffic portunity to build a home Make spaipe Lge. 5 rooms, 2BRs, quiet spacious 4 BR Split, C/A, LAND WANTED- In Beach & tennis resort. ditioning. Lots fee,(returned if'credit not area, w/w carpeting, busi- light. Available im- iased business of your V. 9070 2BR, 2 bath condo, AC, No pets. 908-545-9254. approved.) On signing of desirable area. Full use of medlateiy. 908-218-1100 iwn. Call for details and Branchburg/Readington lease: 1st mo. rent+ 1W ness couple pref. $750 + home. Non-smoking prof. Condominiums in your closets!.;. area. Resldentlal/Com- olf available near by. Utlls,2. 201-825-21790 . * + * * ixplanatlon of this.unique 575/ wk. Call 889-2292 mo. sec. Reply Box 24 c/o female. Fully furn. $550 ilgh profit' commission CRANFORD - Norlhtldu, o( Rivcrtldc CRANFOKD - Just listed! PrlMil for fast merclal/lndustriah Mail 9430 Forbes Newspapers, 44 SO.BOUND BROOK- Un- Inc. utils. Please call 233- METUCHEN- 2-3 room Drive, excollfint opportunity, teller* alrt-ady re- Sfiltf! Large Northslde home, Orange Avenue details to: Ray Relso, P.O. soil offices, prime location, plan. No selling Involved. loaded lot» o/ IKHng »p»c«7 9 rms, 2 bntlu. 4/ 77WHYRENT7\ ? Sell LBI— oceanslde clean, Ig Townhouses Franklin St., P.p. Box furnished. Private home, 9792 leave message. School Oreo, 100x152 setting, has 10 rms, 2.5 Box 5117, North Branch, 1 The benefit to you Is fl- 5 ,Bre, F«m Rm, gas heat, ciintral air. Duck Si baths, nawer Kitchen, Fam Rm., Fireplace, B 3 BR, 2 baths, washer, and Condominiums 699, Somerville, NJ 2nd floor, 1BR , remod- near train & bus, off Pnllo. Noedt your TLC to make • it better! central »lr, finished Bruomcm w/summer Kile-. NJ 08876 ' • . deck, cable, $695-$795/ eled. Couple 50+yrs. WESTFIELD- Prof. M/F, street prkg. 848-6400. anclal independence! $259,900 you can own this immac. "don't needs" 08876 non-smoker to share negotiable prlc« tit only J219.S00! hen. 4Brs + OWice/Guoit Rm. Price below iOOKINQ TO PURCHASE wk. Wkend $120/days, 3 $650/mo. 908-356-8216 - hone 908 276-0884. recent assessed value of $239,900! Condo. w/EIK, pool, tennis, BASKING RIDOE- Spring desirable north side prof, Bridgcwater Homesites storage for only $68,500. with a A HOME- In the New days mln. 908-232-7515 F L E M I N Q T O N/RI N- CAPITAL WANTED Rll^a Condo, 1 mile to aOES-. 2 BR, 2 story, •* + *••*• decorated home. 3 BR, LR Experienced wealthy in- Market, Grandviow area of LONQ BEACH ISLAND- Route 78, 1st floor, 2 BR, SOMERVILLE- Spacious w/frplc, DR, den EIK, > 4 Br. IVt baths • Full basment HEROUX REALTY Plscataway. No realtors. garage, beautifully main- Ads In Classified vestor to partner w/young Broker_ 908-873-5577 Classified Ad Beach Haven Terrace du- LR, DR, EIK, garage & tained, $770. Eves 908- 1 & 2BR garden apt. Free W&D. Full use of home. xperienced business IF WE DONT SELL > Two story entry foyer • Paved Driveway Already approved for plex. 3 BR, ocean view, basement. Pool & tennis. heat & HW, mlns. from Garage, patio, large yard. don't cost — 1 Andersen windows • Sodded Front Lawn COASTAL NC COND0S- Mortgage. Please send 359-1923/609-466-9214 man like yourself. For op- seconds from beach, TV, Avail. 4/1792. $115O/mo. Bridgewater Commons. $650/mo. Includes utili- They pay! portunity call Mr. Weiss Tabuzzi & central air • Sprinkler System startlng from $80,000. In HUNTERDON COUNTY letter w/descrlptlon & cable, VCR, phone. July/ OARWOOD— 1 BR reno- $200 move-In rebate. Call ties. 1 mo. security. Seri- YOUR HOUSE, WE'LL BUY IT* price to: House P.O. Box plus util. plus 1 1/2 mo. 201-853-3319 Fireplace golfing & tennis com- SECTION- Pottorsvllle. August $1100/week. Off security!. 464-0481 vated, apts. Secure Bldg., 908-725-2596. ous Inquiries only. Call ERA VILLAGE GREEN REALTORS munity, free membership, Approved Townhouse sites 351, Plscataway, NJ garages, close to transp. EARN $3Q0-$500 WEEK- eason weeks also avail- BEDMINSTER- "The * • + + 908-654-8677 after 7PM 908-381-7477 PREFERRED LIFESTYLE REALTY lout, taxes, no snow, 5 for 26 luxury units. Entire 08855-3lil able, families only. Call & shopping. No pets. Call &weekonds. • METUCHEN- Newly dec- LY— Assemble products minutes from beach. Brick site for sale to financially Hills" new 2 BR, bath, 908-789-9198 no fees. it home. No selling. Easy 35 BRANT AVENUE • CLARK, NJ 07066 908-699-0473/424-0803 wall to wall, AC, W&D, ga- SOMERVILLE orated office bldg. 2 Buy Direct Landing Plantation 1-800- capable builder. Please 9MO blocks to conrail station. work. Guaranteed Income. Coflli«CJ hum vour p 908-707-0580 rage, avail. May 1, QARWOOD— lovely 4 1/7 438-3006 call Lie. Bkr., Mr. Tee Miscellaneous LONQ BEACH ISLAND- 9490 Make Jewelry, toys, crafts, N. Beach Haven, Oceans- $1200/mo. 781-6141 room apt. in quiet area LUXURY APTS Walk to everything. 240 908-322-8480. * Zstute near park. $735/mo. Wanted to Rent sq. ft. to 5800 sq. ft. Call tc. Call 1-800-552-7826 tie duplex, sleeps 6 to 8. EDISON— 1 BR, new ap- Top area, 1, 2 & 3 KINQWOOD TWP. By heat, hot water and off 908-280-2815. Ext. HA-1025 (Fee) 1 1/2 blocfr to beach. W/ pliances. $650/mo includ- bdrms, air condi- GARAOE WANTED owner, 2 perced lots, 4 & REAL ESTATE D, cable TV, gas grill, street parking Incl. Avail. MIDDLESEX/SOMER- EARN OOOD PART-TIME ing heat. No pets. 1 mo. May 15 no pets, refer- tioned. Heat, hot greater Westfleld area, to 5 acres. $85,000 & OPPORTUNITY beach badges, $500 to security. 574-9671 VILLE- 200 & 500 sq.ft. OR FULL-TIME INCOME $95,000. Gently sloping $600/per wk. 526-5498. ences reqlred. 908 654- water and cooking store antique car. Please on Rt. 28. Excel, location. AT HOME— Servicing call 654-1427, Iv msg. land wA>lew on quiet HAVE YOU EVER BEEN FRANKUN PARK- Soci- 4367 after 6 PM gas included. Balco- Call 908-526-3661. customers of the Micro- NOKOMIS, FLORIDA ety Hllf. 2 BR..2 bath Diet the Revolutionary Eu- country road. Minutes to LAID OFF??? HIGHLAND PARK- Ef PROFESSIONAL FE PISCATAWAY— Office or Between Sarasota and Condo w/fplc, EIK & deck. nies, country setting, MALE— non-smoking, ropean weight loss sys- Frenchtown or Fleming- HAS YOUR EMPLOYER Venice. Available 10/1-3/ flclency, 1 person, 3rd Retail. 6,000 sq. ft. Will SUCCESS AND INTEGRITY ton. 813-540-1258. $900+ utils. Avail April walk to town. Stor- with small dog, seeks to tem how sweeping Amerl- GONE OUT 31, $500 Includes utili- fir., $450, utlls Including, divide. Also dentist office. a. Customers provided OF BUSINESS? 15th. 718-248-6466 age. Cable TV op- rent/share with same. OWNER DESIRES QUICK ties." Local phone and days/eves 908-297-7937 1 month security, no Rt. 287 & Stelton Rd thru national advertising. GO HAND-IN-HAND Consider a career in Real smoking, refs. 937-5246 tional. $620 when Must be clean & quiet, 981-1313. SALE OF 8 IMPROVED cable TV, double bed, eat residential area. Call Product also available for LOTS— will sell separate Estate & control your own In kitchen, shower and HILLSBOROUQH- 1 BR available. Individuals interested In REALTORS' destiny. In 2 weeks time, condo, with CAO, private 545-0178.. SOMERVILLE— 2 Office or package, each lot 4 + bath. Smideck, 1 mllo to Advertise In the Classified! 722-4444 Professional Suite. Panel Dlot Progam. Plaasa call acres w/panoramlc views. ,& fota-.yeryisrnall fee,,.you the beach and- fishing! basement & balcony. Per- Ing, AC, Carpeting, Privati Independent Mlcro'Olet can begin a new life & ! fect cond. $800/mo. SOMERVILLE- 1st floor, 9500 advlmor Frod Oroono Prime . Readlngton loca- Secluded! . :.,;. •.,• , (908) 874-3459 2BRs, heat Incl. Avail. Parking. Call 725-6660 tion. From $88K. Cd1l earn double digit figures. 908-3S6-3047 Miscellaneous Rentals 908-789-8407. Call Irene Olender today HILLSBOROUQH May 1. $625. PASCALE, SOMERVILLE— Reason- 722-1559 or 218-9098 SOMERSET— Quallbrook Spacious, congenial coun- ably pr/oed office space at: NORTH MYRTLE BEACH condo, 2 BR, bath, down- 908-722-1032; EVES. EARN— $400 to $4000 READINGTON TWP.~ Prime ocean front condos. try - living w/unobstructed 725-3696 QARAOES- avail. Gar- on Main St. AC & heating weekly owning a 1-900 WEICHERT REALTORS stairs back unit faqlng views. Modern secure 1 wood Soutnslde, month to Included. Pis call 908- nursery/landscaper/retall, Metuchen Office Fully equipped. Pools. No woods, Immaculate condi- SOMERVILLE- Spacious number. Hear how easy 9+ acres, farmland as- smoklng.(908) 763-4110. BR, 2 BR - 2 bath, DR, month, or by lease, $60/ 722-9116 or 526-7779 and inexpensively you (908)906-8200 tion, AC, w/w, W&D. Ask- terrace, storage, parking, 1 bdrm. apt. close to pub mo. Call 654-4367 sessment, minimal taxes. PLAN YOUR VACATION ing $840/month+ utlls. lie trans. & shopping. Off WATCHUNO— Apprbx. could be maklg money $180K. 908-218-9098 w/w carpet, dishwasher, SOMERSET- Dead stor- 500-1350 sq. ft. in pro- right now! Call 1-900- V , 9200 NOWII- Seashore-rent- Available May 1st. Pis call Individually controlled street parking, cent. A/C & als and sales. Many fine 908-873-1427 heat, balcony, laundry age, fenced yard, for fessional bldg., ample 407-0123 $3.95/mln. No SOMERSET- 2 or 3 love- VACATION PROPERTY heat & AC, master TV an- ly Vi acre wooded bldg. properties available. room. For Info 526-5128 trucks or trailers. By week parking, easy access to risk moneyback guaran- 80MERVILLE- 1 yr. tenna. No pets. Clar- or month rental. Call BUI routes 78 & 22. Avail. tee. TNT, 217 Lacey Rd., lots. In historic jomma Myers,. Realty 609-492- Tease, 11/2 mo. security, omont Towera. Near Rt. SOUTH-BOUND BROOK- Rlva area, near Easton 9210 7000. 3rd and Bay Av- Weber 908-247-4406. Immed. Call 908-561- Forked River, NJ 08731 furn. or unfurn, 2 BR, 11/ 206. Please Call 908- 2 BR, quiet street, heat/ 2600, 908-232-9323. Ave. 2 on High Bluff over Homes for Sale enue, Long Beach Island, 2 bath, full bsmt, attac, 359-3606. • hot water inc. Basement • INVESTMENT FIRM — Delaware + Rarltan Beach Haven, NJ ____ balcony, all appl., CAC, storage. $795/Mo. Avail 9600 50% Interest for Sale. Lolst. Berger Pat Connolly Vivien Cook Camle Delaney Canal. 2 w/approvod sop- HILLSBOROUQH . COMMERCIAL fery private, very • small. WILDWOOD— mint condi- POCONOS-BIO BASS cable, 4 yrs. old. $980/ Vi Duplex, 3 BR's Apr. 1. 566-8075 9660 Broker-Salesperson Sales Associate Assistant Manager Sales Associate tic designs. Public water REAL ESTATE Enjoy arbitraging, buying tion 1 BR condo, stops to LAKE— Spring/Summer, 3 mo+ util. Avail. Juno 1. Heat, Washer/Dryer WATCHUNQ- Furnished Industrial Rentals Co-Director Sales Training NJAR Million Dollar Sales Associate NJAR Million Dollar avail. Ideal for homes with BR lakefront, cable, VCR, 526-5616 & selling of securities for either historic or rustic ar- beach/boardwalk. Beauti- $975/mo. + room with private bath & our own account. NJAR Million Dollar : Sales Club 1988-1991 NJAR Million Dollar Sales Sales Club 1987-1991 fully furnished, pool, AC, boat, fishing, lodge, THREE BRIDOES 1 mo. Security. kitchen privileges for re- President's Club chitecture. Deal directly pools, beaches, free 1 CRANFORD- 2800 »q. $1,000,000. Please reply Sales Club 1981-1991 . President's Club 1988-1990 Club 1983-1987, 1990-1991 with owners, price nego- cable TV, fully equipped Hunter's Crossing. 2 BR, Call (908) 369-3744. sponsible business 9610 President's Club, 1989, 1990 President's Club 1990 Produqer's Club kitchen. $8000 yearly tennls.WK/WKNDS.Spring/ ft. Office space/ o: Box 24, %Forbes WESTFIELD OFFICE tiable. Please call Phil at 2 bath, lower level, end MANVILLE- 1st fl. 4 rm. woman. Available April. Business Properties Newspapers, P.O. Box Producer's Club 1990, 1991 WESTFIELD OTFICE WESTFIELD OFFICE Have YOU rental potential. A great Summer. Low Spring Pis call 908-757-8439 Warehouse, light mfg. 908-247-7594. unit, appl. Incl. $9OO/mo. apt. BR, LR, DR, Kit. for Sale Excellent area centrally 699, Somerville, NJ . WESTFIELD OFFICE investment. Ready to rent Rates: Summer week- + Util. 908-788-0141. or enjoy as a vacation $575. (201) 992-4903. bsmt., Gar., Sec. No pets. WESTFIELD- 1 BR & located with parking 08876. WESTFIELD- Open $645+Utils. 359-3375 studio avail., walk to NYC Available Immediately, 9-5(5 " ~ home. Asking only POCONOS-3 BRs, Den, DUNELLEN— 9000 sq.ft. OBS IN AUSTRALIA— $55,900. Also available House, Sun. 4/5, 1-4, Ig MANVILLE- 2nd floor, trains, no pets, no fee, masonry bldg. Ideal for Call 8-8, M-F, (908) 272- ixcitlng Employment Op- Oui of Area Property fireplace, skiing, indoor 1-BR, new kit, storage, ±Vi mo. sec. Studio 8743. • Read The to rent on waekly/week- pool & tennis. $250/ BR/LR combo, Kit. & bath. user/owner. Retail sales, portunities. Earn 40% to pool, N.Y. Bus. $875. $615: 1 BR, $685; heat warehousing, service busi- end basis (reasonable). weekend. 908-757-6849 Bright and airy. $560/mo MIDDLESEX— Lincoln 60% Higher Salaries. Paid BEDFORD, VA.- Country Pis call 908-821-6508. Coldwell Banker Schlott Inc. heat. 359^-4949 supplied. 908-464-6296 nesses, plumolng, eloc. Travel & Housing. Call 1- living, low taxes Blvd. Lease 1700 sq. ft. POCON0S- chalet, walk 908-233-5555. No fee. WESTFIELD- 1 br.bus. contractor, etc. Off-street office/light mfg., 3 phase 516-261-6160 X 101 Peaksvlew Realty, Linda to lake, Jacuzzi, fireplace, METUCHEN- 1BR, 1 parking, excel. Main WOODBRIDOE- by block to train, nice Victo- pers.,no pets/smok- elec. AC, parking.. Also LOCAL DISTRIBUTOR— Bohlander, 9220 cable TV, decks, cath ceil- Ing.jgar.,utlls. w/d Inc., Street exposure. ALSO, Classified owner, luxurious 2/2 end rian building, $600 Incls. 400 sq. ft. office, AC, seeks people for weight Poeonos Properties ings, near RT 80, tape, Dunellen Theatre 4800 1-800-432-8103 unit, excel, location., top heat & HW. 334 Main St. $675, 908-232-0136 parking. 469-2232 days COASTAL N.C.- Homeln 908-756-0307 sq.ft. masonry bldg. In loss. Dr. recommended & floor, CAC, all appl. pool, 908-494-3502 guar. 10-30 lbs. In 1 mo. a friendly golfing com- LAKE FRONT— New 1 of POCON0S- Lake Wai- tennis, shopping, many up 9450 good operable cond. or munity. Low taxes, mild a kind, 3 levels of glass, METUCHEN- 3 BR, Vh can be renovated for re- 9670 Also earn $1000/$2000 lenpaupak. Twnhse. 3BR, grades. $900+ utilities. Rooms Retail Rentals per mo. PT; $3000+ FT; seasons, free club mem- nestled on 1/2 acre wood- 2 baths, fully equipped baths, AC, W & D, In Vic- tall business or many Roe Dunlap Mary Ellen O'Boyle, GRI This Week? Call 908-668-0799 908-231-6979 Mlchele Elliott, GRI Karen Horwltz, CRS, GRI Kitty Lynch bership & annual golf ed lot, Jacuzzl/frplc, wrap plus W&D. Private boat torian home near train. other options open. Extra Sales Associate Broker-Salesperson Broker-Salesperson Broker-Salesperson Sales Associate cart. Homes from deck, etc, etc. near every- slip. Swimming & tennis. No pets. $1095 + utili- BRANCHBURa- PINE lot for 25 car prkg. Own OARWOOD MINI MALL- LOOKING TO EXPAND NJAR Million Dollar NJAR Million Dollar NJAR Million Dollar NJAR Million Dollar NJAR Million Dollar $130,000 near beach. thing,- $224,900. Rental $675/wk. Call 908-766- 9440 ties. 908-548-6400 MOTEL. Room & kitchen- ers will listen to reason 3150 sq. ft. good for re- YOUR INTERIOR DESIGN ette. Reasonable rates In- Sales Club 1991 Sales Club 1988, 1991 Sales Club 1988-1991 Sales Club 1985-1991 Sales Club 1991 Brick Landing Plantation also avail. 908-756-0307 6335. METUCHEN- 4 rooms, % able offers. tall or office, maybe di- OR BUND/SHADE President's Club 1991 WESTFIELD OFFICE President's Club Producer's Club 1-800-438-3006 Iv. msg. clude services & utlls. ERA BONIAKOWSKI vided. Call 201-533-1289 BUSINESS? WESTFIELD OFFICE POCONOS— Mountain bedroom, 2nd floor. 2 yr. 908-722-9520 WESTFIELD OFFICE FANWOOD OFFICE WESTFIELD OFFICE BOUND BROOK— 2 BR & lease. Vh month secu- Agency, Inc. own a successful drap- Chalet. Enjoy spririg get- HILLSBOROUQH- Trl ery business & am Inter- away wkend In the woods Efficiency apts. No pets, rity, references, credit re- BRIDOEWATER- New Ind. owned ft operated angle shopping center security required, heat & port required. $750 + construction. Kitchen fa- 908-968-0700 ested In expanding. Com- or make plans for summer avail, immediately, per bining these services can vacation. 908-231-1445 water supplied. 908- elec. Call 908-280-2815. cility, color TV, cable, MIDDLESEX feet location for laundry 526-0380 bet 9»5pm phona, prvt entrance, off double volume for you & I. This is the time SEASIDE HEIGHTS- Ad MIDDLESEX- large 1 BR Highly visible 100x125 mat/dry cleaner, video I have several Ideas to ac- BOUND BROOK— 3 apt, Include heat & hot street prkg, non-smoker. lot w/2600 sq. ft. brick/ rentals, gift/card shop. Jacertt to Ortley Beach. 908-526-1068/874-5636 complish this with little Modern condo w/ balcony, rooms, 2nd floor, heat & water, $625/month, no block building. Off-street Call Owner/landlord at risk & only a small In- to take charge of 2 BRs, sleeps six, ±Vi water Inc. No pets, middle pets. Pis call 609-492- SOMERVILLE- Furn. parking. Owner financing 908-931-6630 for details vestment. SomerVille/Mor-. baths, AC, W&D, carport, aged person preferred. 7668 rooms $80-up. Sm. apts. avail. Asking $325,000. RETAIL STORE CON- rlstown corridor & possibly Security & lease required. HOUSE OF elevator, Indoor pool & MIDDLESEX- Mld- $135/wk. Call manager HEROUX REALTY STRUCTION- remodel Mendham to Chatham your life! Call 356-6224 908-722-2107 5-7PM. THE WEEK sauna, one half block to dUaax Village. Spa- Brokar (908)873-8877 new; demolition. Over 20 areas. 908-782-1984. beach. $695/wk, June/ BOUND BROOK— 3 cloua 1 BR Cardan apt. SOMERVILLE- Nicely yrs exp In retail store con NEW Get your Real Estate September rates also $87B/mo. Includaa haat furnished room w/refrlg. MIDDLESEX- 1670 sq structlon. Call me last WESTFIELD rooms & bath on 1st. floor ft. unique free standing OPPORTUNITY license now—and avail. Call Arlene, 908- on Talmadge Ave In Bound & HW. NO PETS. Pool Non-smoker, male pref. Paul 908-247-7731 eves. Easiest & surest ' 388-1750 ext. 24, days, avail. 3B6-BB80 Iv >na< building on Its own Island, $165,000 be ready for Brook. Landlord on pre- Sec. $75/up. 725-6470 presently Dell and/Ice way to extra cash. 908-233-3767 eves. mises. 908-356-5180 9680 Free Info Carole O'Nell Ann Rlbardo, GRI Glna Surlano Greg Young, CRS, GRI A comer urtlt condominium CIOM to (pum & tratuportatlonl Two bedroom*, 2 the boom. NEW BRUNSWICK— SOMBRVILLE- working Cream Parlor, large kitch- Sales Associate Broker-Salesperson. bath), a living room flraplaca, dining area & French cloon to a privata patio & SEASIDE PARK- BOUND BROOK- 3 2 bedrm, wash/dry, dish- person only, kitchen prlv- en, quick sale by owner' Warehouse Rentals Call 908-873-3607 Broker-Salesperson Broker-Salesperson (OCEAN BLK.) Just 280 ft. You won't be NJAR Million Dollar NJAR Million Dollar NJAR Million Dollar gaVden. Ceramic tile kitchen floor 4 DW, microwava, refrig. & ttove. Whirl-. With the lowest interest rooms, 2nd floor, heat & washer, w/w, well kept. eleges. Call 722-2045 or $219,000. Call after 2 President's Club from the ocean, very large water inc. No pets, middle Suydam off Livingston. 735-3598. PM 805-9828. disappointed. Sales Club 1991 NJAR Million Dollar SalosClub 1989-1991 Sales Club 1986-1991 pool tub, washer, dryer, storage closets, w/w carpet, heated underground rates in almost 20 METUCHEN- Immediate garage, Intercom to secured front door & air conditioning. & clean apts. Sleeps 8, aged person preferred. $780 mo.W. Avail. 5/1. Producer's Club SalosClub 1986, 1989, 1991 Producer's Club President's Club years, real estate $675/wk. Sleeps 5-$475/ WARREN COUNTY- SOMERSET- Profession occupancy. Can be rented OPPORTUNITY KNOCKS Security & lease required. Section 8 OK. 247-4988, Room, Board, TLC for ac- separately. 2 offices FANWOOD OFFICE WESTFIELD OFFICE WESTFIELD OFFICE Producer's Club activity will be wk. Call us for our June Call 356-6224 llarn-7pm als, Doctors, Lawyers Turn your Crafts Into your WESTFIELD OFFICE rental rates. tive Senior Citizens. professional Center office 1000 sq. ft. & 300 sq. ft own business! Call 908- booming BOUND BROOK- 4 RM NEW BRUNSWICK- $800/mo. 908-247-7594 Ideal for small business In 908-537-2897 condos. for sale/ lease 988-0808 or 9 0 8- quiet apt, 2nd fir., car- 2 bedroom, Section 8 WESTFIELD- 1 block from 875-5500 sq. ft. storage, lab or distributor 988-8889. 19921 SO. SEASIDE PARK- peted, garage, couple accepted. $700 month + from center of town. 100% financing Off-street parking, near luxury, ocoan-front condo. prof., no pets, $735 heat utilities. IVi month 287. 908-549-3370 POSTAL JOBS Kitchen privileges, share to qualified buyer Your area, $23,700 per Spectacular views, AC. Incl. 356-1753/3166 ,__ security. 181 Lawrence Call for details Sleeps 6. $689-$769. PI bathroorn. $275/mo. year+ benefits. Postal BURGDORFF REALTORS CONGRATULATES BOUND BROOK— 5 Street. Call Days: 9800 call 908-647-7089 Monday-Friday. Includes utilities.' Call HEROUX REALTY carriers, sorters, clerks. •rooms (& 2 extra rms In 908-654-3099. BUSINESS N.J. Real Estate Commission 808-349.8860, Daw. Brokar (008)873-687 For an application & exam 1991 NJ MILLION DOLLAR CLUB, PRESIDENT'S CLUB approved prellcenslng course TOPSAIL ISLAND, NX. the back): kitchen; bath; OPPORTUNITIES Information call 1-219- LIMITED 10 Area Golf Courses separate entrance; pork- NO. PLAINFIELD- 2 - 9470 736-9807, ext. P2617 95 3 BRs, 21/2 baths, pool, Ing. Available April 1st. BRs, 1 car garage, facing Apartments to Share 9620 9AM-9PM, 7-days. TIME ocean, photos available AND PRODUCER'S CLUB WINNERS! 908-469-6155 No.Plainfleld High School Professional 9810 HAHWAY • ThU canter likll Colonial hit a ONLYI $59 201-927-1730 $675 plus Utlls. Sec. & Properties for Sale SECOND INCOME OP- living room urtlh Fmnch doom lo a ildu porch. WESTFIEU) • A cuilom built ranch with a lib BRANCHBURO- 2 fam- Businesses for Sale PORTUNITIES— Immedi- WILDW0OD NORTH- Lease. Avail. 5/1. 908-CRANFORD- Non Tha dining room hui ttalntd ulim window & «ntry,-brick wall flraplac* In tho LR + thil d«n For details call ily, 2nd floor apt., 2 BR smoking professionals ate cash with your van or thu Oik kltehan ha» « br.aWatl bar. 3 b.'d- S1"??,,10 "" •nck)W<1 Po«h. Plctur* window.In Oceanfront condo, ef- plus den with bath, large 968-4463 1-800-544-3000 wanted to Share duplex. MENDHAM- 2100 sq ft MIDDLESEX pickup. Free 24 hotline, rooms, 1V4 balh«, w/ui carpat, n pallo & na- ""• ""• or«nhouw window In th» EIK FMvolj ficiency or 2 priv. BR, fully kitchen with laundry hook- NO. PLAINFIELD- Large neighborhood office build- 908-271-8525, Dept 5. FANWOOD OFFICE WESTFIELD OFFICE r«(w. «34,500. . MBR batfi, rucruaHon m>, C/AC, rsomliu bslnl- Daytime, Evening & equipped, weekly. Call up, LR, Dock. $650 plus 3 BR, LR, DR. EIK w/dlsh- Dishwasher, W&D, 2 BE SELF EMPLOYED gd .vtiHlor. J279.900, w p blocks to train. $3OO/mo. ing, no retail. 61 W. Main 256 South Avenue 600 North Avenue West Saturday classes 908-738-0545 utlls. No pets. Call Elean- washer, w/w carpet, Lucrative established ca SECOND INCOME UN- plus V* utlls. Call 908 St. $399,900. Pis call terlng/doll being sacrificed LIMITED— Must be open Celebrating y now forming. WONDERFUL ISLAND or 908 722-6401. bsmt., garage, off-street 908-534-1325 Fanwood, NJ 07023 Westfield, NJ 07090 parking. Ige yard. Close to 709-0702. for owner's hoalth reo minded & hardworking. Major credit VACATIONS- large so BRIDOEWATER SOUTH PLAINFIELD sons. Fixtures, book o Call 908-874-3208. (908)322-7700 (908) 233-0065 of Landmark Service cards schools, shopping and LOOKINfl FOR APART REALTY. -4 iw lection homes, villas, for GRANDVIEW great Income potential business & inventory accepted. ' AHMtdlnq UiU school ocean, golf, tennis, actlvl trans. Avail. May 1st. MENT TO SHARE- noiit TIRED OY 9 TO 8 will not obllutl* you $915 + sec. 968-8700 or DOWNTOWN AREA, luxury being Includod. Call at ties, all price ranges GARDENS female, Prof, looking for W0RK7- We've got tho lo baoonw >nu)l6ytd 968-3621, ask for Bill. apt. plus 3 or moro office onco for details! Asking answer. FREE Detal'sl REALTOR" 232-8400 with our tf Ukftd \ sports packages avail 1 & 2 Bedroom Town- same, no smoking or cats. suites, SACRIFICE for $49,900. 44 ELM ST. WGSTFieiO. N.J. houses.. Central air, Indi- PISCATAWAY- 2 BR Union Co. Call Tracy 201- Rush solf stamped enve- nor ou4r*Jrt*Vyo(j nn) able. Licensed brokers quick sale bolow nppralsu CENTURY 21 lope. C.L.W., 2849 Wood- Intorvlw 0/ «W) - ' vidual storago. Walk to freshly painted, new bath 432-5959 8 AM to 4 PM Weichert purchase resale. Hilton at $239,900. Ask fo BRANDT REALTY bridge Ave. Suite 6- Real Estate *llh our trlllltud Head Island Realty 1-800 park & tennis courts $700/mo + ( utilities. Call wkdays. §08-754-0010 Joan or Diane Nobody works hairier for you than Bur^loiff. Rtkl E.UW lltokni(t). 908-782-7010 413, Edison, NJ, 08837. ( School 845-5552. " 722-8740 908-287-8680 wkends ' Park Raalty 787-7222 A Union County Forbes Newspaper A Union County Forbes Newspaper

o T • ]--•••

April 1,2,3, 1992 AutomotiweGuide \J-2J Forbes Newspapers .U-1 Forbes Newspapers April 1,2,3, 1992

ByfONYSAKKlS world's most durable car be en- The 2CV has. been seen in the windshield .glass with all the flare But other than that, they are just body really wants to know. But, '. tered in an endurance race. . • same basic clothing for some part certainly, at whatever that speed is, FORBES NEWSPAPERS , ~ ' ~ of a bent pie tin and the roof line like the little ugly ducklings that I have tried to describe the ulti-. of the past six decades - and it sweeps back of the cruise the Champs Elysees at high the car must be a frightening ride In the high-tech world.of endur- mate street car. to friends from hasn't gotten any prettier. windscreen with all the finesse of rpm and low terminal velocity. indeed. . . Automotive 'ance racing, this 24-hoiir race at time to time as being a Citroen If you've been to France you've the canvas: oh a covered wagon, Now I'm sure a 2CV is a fine. car. But Mondelio is only 1.24 miles MondeUo Park was decidedly low- 2CV (code for Deux Cheveaux) seen them roaming the streets like moving in one vulgar motion from But take a good look at what they long, and 39 semi-out-of-control tech: '.' . . ' with a Cosworth VB Turbo engine anemic rats. They're incredibly, the windshield to the back bumper. call tires on these machines. They cars on a track that small would While Porsche, Jaguar and Mer- with an Indy car chassis under the simple, incredibly sparse machines The doors, appropriately rounded are little more than bicycle tires. seem, at first thought, mayhem. cedes 'have.their collective eyes on skin — the ultimate sleeper that that are seldom seen on the Au- on the top to keep all the pieces New street motorcycles are blessed The race was.won by a fairly insig- the Jewel of the endurance sports looks like an old lady's car, but toroutes because they can riot pos- fitted correctly, are flimsily fitted with wider tires than are present nificant team of three British driv- heritage car racing championship, I^e Mans, possesses all the performance of an sibly keep up with1 the traffic, with fixed windows complete with on your garden variety Deux Chev- ers (it was a British race). The-field Citroen has its eyes on that other Indy 500 winner. This joke back- which sometimes gets up to 120 a little flip-down piece of glass that eaux. The 'round the clock compe- of 39 2GVs. however proved one. gem of racing, the Deux Oheveaux fires when I.find that few people, mph on some of the faster stretch- served as an air conditioner. Sue-, tition takes place on this thin rub- thing: Beauty is only skin deep but ByBILLRUSS . rear hatch. ;• COMFORT: The car-like interior 2.4 Hours at Mondelio: . . actually knew what a Deux Chev- es of the French superhighways. cinctly: it is a small monstrosity. ber. . •' ' . • v-," ' • :.• " .reliability takes you tc the check- FORBES NEWSPAPERS . is well laid out witfcr all knobs and >Iovy,iest ye think, it a joke, eaux is. All of you have seen it but They have a front end design that Surprisingly enough, the ugly lit- The horsepower of the 2CV is a ered' flag. Of the 39 starters, 35 The -all-new 1993 Jeep Grand switches easy to reach and dials .think again.. This is a real race, you may not have known what it is similar to the old VW Bug with tle cars are also very, very reliable. prodigious 38BHP. The Circuit Le crossed the; line at 2:00 PM the Cherokee has a heritage tha.t.goes and gauges easy to see.. When fit- with real competitors, who, I sup/ was, fenders that seem to be an after- Hence the 24 hour competition; On Sarthe at Le Mans is contended by next afternoon. That's not a. bad back . to 1941 when the original ted with the optional luxury-pack- pose, are as serious as anyone who . The 2CVis, simply.put, the ugli- thought, and.are stuck on the sides to the logistics of the racing 2CVs, machines which boast a top speed record for a field of 50 year old Jeep went, into production. Its ages the Grand Cherokee Laredo • appears, at the Circuit Le Sarthe est car on earth. It looks like the of the front hood. The hood sweeps They are only slightly modified for of something near 250 MPH; the cars. •' • .. • ••" . name was derived from GP for has all of the amenities of a deluxe each May. It is fitting that the 50-year-old car that it, in fact, is. downs from the bottom of the battle being fitted with,roll, cages. top speed of the 2CV is, well, no- eaPgiradhhjealtgoait. and Mercedes, General Purpose vehicle. Through passenger car. The AM/FM7 cas- many- model changes and varia- sette offers very good reception •'••'•.••• •'•• ' • •.' •'\-.- ' tions it is still in production. The and tone, and the climate control Cherokee nameplate first appeared system, keeps the. interior tem- in 1974. It evolved from the Grand perature comfortable. The. front Automotive Q&A Wagoneer which was the first of seats are living room comfortable, Flemington dealership the sports utility vehicles. while the rear ones- are acceptable and fold, down for added storage ByBOBHAGIN This grand old luxury workhorse space. Cargo tie down, hooks and awarded Amati franchise remained practically unchanged FORBES NEWSPAPERS .-•_ beverage holders abound. and in cbntinuous>production. frdm (Continued from page 1) . architects and builders. : Q: I'm one of those fluyswh o 1963 through 1991..Nowit.has been ROADABIlilTY:' While most of us stores. Ail - but one sell at least one Mr. Kalafer said he plans to build enjoys the idea of making odd-ball replaced by the' new Grand Chero- do not drive real off-road roads, in Japanese make and.every one has a new building to house only the. cars Into street "sleepers" — cars kee. . •. • ' • . • . the hill country of Texas I found at least one Import franchise. 15 of Amati dealership. It would be sited 1 that look meek and mild-mannered that the Laredo call readily climb the 19 franchises are in states along just north of the Route. 202-31 inter- Even though the name Jeep re- but really go \ke hell. I've observed'. mained the same , throughout the very steep wet and muddy grades the West or East coast. section at Joha.nna Farms Road. that the engine in the Ford Pinto 50 year period, the ownership in four wheel; drive. .Also when :•• "The signing of letter agreement Currently, the Ditscnman used car appears; to be the .sarne one'.that is changed several times. From its;or-r .driving 6n city streets or. the,high-' with; dealers. Is a huge step in the lot: is located at the site. Mr.: Kalafer :i in the 175'horsepower Fprd Thun- igin .as a^Wiliys-bveriand^prodUCt; T^H^feT~dlK~lt' history of Arnati and a huge step in hopes to go before the Raritan y derblrd Turbocoupe of a couple of it has been owned by Kaiser-Jeep Mazda's overall strategy In the Unit- Township Planning- Board by the smooth and • quiet as a passenger years ago. Will this engine fit into a and American Motors Corp. In ed State," said Clark vltulli. Mazda end of 1992 for site plan approval car. Its unibody construction pro- Pinto without a lot of cutting and 1987 it was acquired by Chrysler Motor of America senior vice presl-. and have construction completed vides a very solid platform for the The new Jeep Grand Cherokee Laredo continues the proud Jeep heritage under the Chrysler/. hacking?, where its products ore produced dent and chief operating officer. over the summer of 1993. multi-link suspension which con- Eagle nameplate. '•.•''.• '., • , " •;•.•;• . V- .-,. •••',•'..••.••'•• .-' '• •': • ' " : and marketed under the Jeep/ tributes to a smooth, quiet ride. • the Amati will be built in Japan Flemington Car and Truck Coun- v '•••• •• ,•: •'• •..-. :D.S.. Eagle banner. The high driver position affords ex- and is to go on sale starting in the ty, one.of the largest car dealers in Thornton, CO The Grand Cherokee program cellent vision, arid wind and road fall of 1993. The first models will the area, features 1.8 different A: As far as I can tell, the.Turbo- was. developed "using the platform • noise are minimal. A driver's air range in price from $25,000"to makes of cars and trucks including coupe engine itself would be a bolt- team approach. Under a project bag, ABS and on-demand four- Flemington Car and Truck Country $45,000. . Ford, Pontiac, Mitsubishi, .Nissan, In but the ancillary plumbing might manager, this system coordinates wheel drive provide all-around According to Frank Beniche, Mazda, Isuzu, Chrysler-Plymouth, be a nightmare. It's sure an intrigu- the many development, purchasing safety and security. Amati's dealer development man- Dodge, Buick, Infiniti, GMC, Uncoln- ing idea, however. There are lots of and production departments into a PERFORMANCE: The Cherokee is awarded an Amati franchise ager, site plans are in the process Mercury, Subaru, Chevrolet, (3EO, Pinto/Ford 302 V8 conversions. run- single "team" for a is powered by a multi-port fuel in- of being approved, for the. 19 deal- , and' BMW. In 1991,the dealership ning around here In California but ByDEANPAPPAS motive model. Quality of product, jected, 4.0 liter straight six engine Mtt. ers and they soon will be meeting celebrated its 15th year. . the extra engine weight adversely cost savings, on time produ.tion that develops 190 horsepower and FORBES NEWSPAPERS • - affects handling, They also have to and team participation are benefits a wide band of torque .of torque for use the eight-inch axle unit from a FLEMINGTON — Steven B.. Kalafer, owner of Flemington Car and Truck of this approach. on/off-road driving conditions. The 17.t . Pinto V6 to keep a rear end. County, is one of 19 franchises nationwide awarded an Amati dealership. Driving in the.Texas hill country 4-speed automatic transmission The Amati, marketed by Los Angeles-based Mazda Motor of America Inc., is a FOR CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING on the interstate and back roads in shifts smoothly up and down the luxury car that Mazda hopes to have gain a foothold in the U.S, market. It is CALLOUR sunny; and rainy weather, plus range, but "hunts" on highway similar to the Toyota Lexus or the Nissan Infiniti. FlemingtorV Car and Truck runs on steeply-graded and muddy . grades and has a high overdrive CLASSIFIED HOTLINE 8200 pressed by its investment of $1 bil- Country's Infiniti dealership opened last June; 8030 8050 8060 8080 8080 off-roads gave me the chance to cruising gear. The 4-wheel drive MOTORCYCLES lion in its design and development, "We're proud to be one of t(ie very first dealers associated with Amati in the • Automobiles Luxury Automobiles Sportscars 4x4s, Sport and 4x4s, Sport and dynamically test the Grand Chero- shifter is easy to operate. • Ught Trucks Ught Trucks as well as the building of a totally United States," said Mr. Kalafer. "Being chosen by Amati is a recognition of our 1-800-559-9495 kee. . • . SUGGESTIONS: Add assist han- TOYOTA- 86 Cellca GTS LINCOLN- 83 Towncar, new production facility to manu- efforts to fulfill the needs of our customers.!' 5 spd, all options, new Cartler Series, like new, MAZDA— 87, 626LX, fully 8230 APPEARANCE: The Laredo re- dles on the A pillar. To provide loaded, excellent condi- DODO.E— 88 Ram Charg- CHEVY- 82 Van, Fully Off-Road Motorcycles facture it,. Chrysler is not resting "Only by recruiting the best dealers can we provide the best customer service," tires, great looking & run- every option, car was ba- er. 318 V8, auto, 4x4, ps, adapted for disabled driv- tains the Cherokee "look," but it is more rear passenger, space, make ning, depend. 1 own.bied. 36K. Must be seen. tion, asking $4500. Cal on its laurels but is developing said Richard Colliver, Mazda group vice president and Amati general manager. anytime 908-750-3587 pb, ac, am/fm, 71k, Must see. 84,000 larger all around as well as more the rear seat: adjustable fore and Asking $5000. 469-0675. $11,500. Call 707-1604 cond., 13 month war- miles. Please call (908)HONDA- 81 CB G50, other new products, using the lat- "Steven Kaiafar has proven himself to be one of the nation's leaders in customer rounded. It still has its signature aft. : V • • *> TOYOTA— 86 Cresslda, or 722-5983. MAZDA- 88 MX6, ranty, 908-782-8208 781-6954. good condition, $700/BO. satisfaction, and we feel that he's exactly what we're looking for in a dealer." AC, P/Wlndows, P/Locks, Call 908-526-0116 5 PM- grille, but now'the bumpers are in- ECONOMY: The EPA averages est styling and production tech- 71K ml., auto, Silver/grey MERCEDES- 79 240 CHEVY— 88 Beauvlll van The 19 initial franchises are among 50 Amati plans to have when its two P/Mlrrors, P/Sunroof INTRODUCTIONS... 9 PM tegrated, the headlights wrap- niques. Int., loaded. $6700/ BO. dlesel, 4 dr., auto, white, A way for people to meet New tires and brakes are 15 city/21 highway. I got 17.1 908-828-3799 Excel cond, gray with- red sedans go on sale in 1994. Of the 19, 10 dealerships already have Mazda 109K. $3200/BO. Pis call Interior. 60K miles people, every 'week in tune-up, air, PS, PB around and plastic cladding pro- mpg. . PRICE AS TESTED:$24,9Z4 with J 8240 STEVEN KALAFER ..-•-. (Please turn to page 2) TOYOTA- 87 Corolla, 4- 908-499-7894 $6000/BO. your local Forbes newspa- 42,000 miles. Clean, tects the lower body sides, • up country and luxury packages. On-Road Motorcycles CONCLUSIONS: Chrysler's confi- DR, auto, Air, PS, PB, 92k' MERCEDES- 83 3OOD Call (908) 253-3465 per. The ad Is .free, then $9,000 or best offer. Call The large cabin features lots of dence in the success-of -the! ail-riew BASE PRICE: $20,125 /with base VS. ml., excel, cond. $4000/ turbo dlesel, new head- one call does It alll < 381-4311 .-:..., ; BO. Call 908-563-1778 MAZDA— 89 RX7 Turbo 1-300-SS9-949S HONDA- 79, 750LTD, glass, tail wide doors and a large Grand Cherokee series i$ best ex- Laredq equipment. • 40K, 4 new roters, load- 5 speed, red, like new, CHEVY— 89 SlO. 4x4 TOYOTA— 87 Corolla, ed, sunroof, phone, ga- ISUZU— 88 Trooper, 4 Blazer High Country, Lowmany extras, good cond. 13,600 mi., Extended 22k ml., $1100/80. 908- 5spd. Air, AM/FM stereo, rage kept. Asking $7900. warr., Loaded, $14,900 wheel drive, AC, am/fm mileage, loaded, clean. excel, cond. $3800. Call 908-233-0056, Iv. msg. cassette, 5 speed, excel- Asking $10,500. Please 424-1930 eves or Iv. msg 8000 8030 or best offer. Call (908) call (908) 752-6050. 8020 8030 8030 8030 8030 8030 Make space 908-709-1579 469-3511. lent condition, low mile- SUSUKI- 82 GS550, 4- AUTOMOBILES Automobiles Automobiles Automobiles Automobiles Automobiles Automobiles age, $7,900. Please call CHEVY— 90 Silverado cyl., 6-spd, Excel, condi- Automobiles VW— 80 Rabbit conv., Advertise NISSAN— 87 300 ZX under $2500 wht., 5 spd., ac, am/fm (9Q8) 68S-1622. Z71, 350, PS, PB, p-tion. Asking $1500 w/hel- in your closets.. In the Classified! Exc. cond. 2+2, all the CHEVY— 88 Corsica, V-6, HONDA- 86 Civic DX, JEEP— Grand wagoneer PONTIAC- 85, Firebird PONTIAC- 86 TransAm, PONTIAC— 90 Sunblrd cass., recently tuned, POST OFFICE JEEP- windows, p-locks, step met. Call Jeff 469-9020 80UO toys, low ml. $8495/BO side, tow pkg, $12,700, anytime, Iv. msg. OLDS- 82 Cl«ra, 4 dr,loaded, all power, bucket Auto, AC, exc, cond. 89, 4x4, auto, fully load- SE, Full power, V6, Blue, fully loaded, T-tops, excel- Convertible, white, 4-cyl many new parts, looks/ Excel cond. 738-8270. 1975, 39K miles, left Automobiles AUTO, PS, PB, AC, V6, un- seats with console, Im- Guarantoed $3995/BO 63K, T-tops, many extras. lent condition, metallic turbo, 34K miles,. auto, runs great, $4500 b/o, hand drive, auto., PS, PB, (908)685-1495. ed, 58k, navy, $11,700, VW- 89 JETTA Gil, 16 v, under $1000 dercoated, 82K, $2300 or maculate condition, must 738-8270. 908-832-6526 Garaged, mint cond., brown. $5,800. (9.08) AM/FM cass., AC, cruise, Sell 908-257-2951 8060 posl-tractlon, $975. Pis CHEVY— 91 SlO, 6 cyl., 8260 BO. 908-658-3254. sell by 4/1/92, $4500 pampered. Must see. 283-1377 after 6pm, excel cond. 752r5829 pw , pell, sunroof, abs call 908-463-8289 auto, AC, Taho pkg., 2 HONDA— 87 Civic, 4-dr., MERCURY— 89, Sable Sportscars brakes, recaro seats , ga- Miscellaneous BUICK- 85 Century, irm..908-781-6176 $4200 BO. 225-2578 8040 JEEP— 89 Cherokee, 4 tone, Red/silver, (908) PONTIAC- 81 TRANS auto, AC, AM/FM cass., 1 Statlonwagon, fully PONTIAC- 87 Grand Am SUBARU— 1990 Legacy "don't needs" rage kept, pert, cond., low Motorcycle Nice body, some me- AM, 350 V8, 4 BBL, Auto, CHRYSLER— 87 LeBaron owner, low mileage 43K, equipped, sunroof. Like PONTIAC— 86 Grand Am, LE, auto, am/fm cass., AC, Antiques and Classic wheel drive, 5 speed, 4.0 752-5829. 1 L, 4-DR, auto, trans, FM PONTIAC- 81 Trans Am, miles, asking ia,900, chanical work needed. Hooker headers, Hy- GTS, 4-dr hatch, loaded, $5799. Plo'aso call 908- hew. 908-469-8282. 5 speed, AC, AM/FM ster- clean, 1 owner, $3,500. Automobiles 350 V8, auto, 10 Bolt 908-494-8754 liter 6 cylinder, am/fm DODQE— 49 Army Truck. $1,000. Please call cass, AC, 32K mi., fwd, all with a stereo cassette, AC, PS, jackers In rear, p/s, p/ 4 ixcel cond., $3600/BO. 985-7073 NISSAN— 87 Sentra, 4- eo cassette, excellent Call (908) 356-1342. Post, headers, hy-Jackers, 4x4 wlnch.Rebullt engine. (908)548-4674. whl disc brakes, 10 bolt 'Is call 908-821-5509 condition. $2,900 or best pwr, excel, cond. Mldnlte PB; roof rack, tow hitch, Sandblasted-prlmed. HONDA- 87 CRX HF, 5dr., Lt. Blue, AC, PSr PB, Red, $9950 908-322- Classified Ad 29 MODEL A ROAD- s, 4whl disc brakes, pw, MOTORCYCLE MAZDA- 83 GLC, 2-drposl-roar, p/w, tilt, I NEED offer. Please call Advertise In the Classified! It, was asking $1850 but 47K miles, $10,900 or CALL 908-388-8713 DID YOU spd, 45 MPG, exc. cond., sterooAape, 40K, $4,700 8829. Must see. STER— Fully restored, S 8070 BO. Showroom condition. hatchback, AC, maroon, CASH FASTI! was asking KNOW... (908) 249-8441. I NEED CASH FAST-so DUMP TRUCK- 1965 $18 50--now asking pull-out stereo/cass, great 5-spd. (908) 241-8247 call 908-995-9460 after FamHyVaitM Call (908) 583-1586 INSURANCE very good cond, $600. Pis hat an ad In this local little car, must sell- aft 6pm. 6 P.M. $1560 or b/o, (908) 98i>- B81 Mack 10 wheel tan- call 908-369-5866 $1550 b/o, last year of 1096, call between 5-10 JEEP— Cherokee Laredo the old version, IT'S DES- aper also goes Into 16 moving, $3500 firm, 908- OLDSMOBILE- 89, AMQ— ,68 Javelin, 6 cyl- CHEVY— 87 Van. V8, PS dem. Good working condi- For Any Type J PMl 91, fully loaded, 4x4, OLDSMOBILE- 67, Cut-TINED TO BECOME A trier local papers? Reach 560-0233 Toronado, grey, 3.8 litre, inder auto, 54K miresV ladder rack, bin shelves, tion. $10,000/BO. 908- las. Good shape for re- over 400,000 readers $1000 or best offer. ALFA ROMEO- 82, GTV- auto, 27k, $16,800, 908- 756-7825 - Of Motorcycles CLASSIC!! call between 5- HONDA- 87 Crx SI, 5loaded, show room cond,, window guards, bulk 813-1001 ," ', storing. Please call (908) 10 P.M., 908-981-1096 with one call) spd, 41 K, AC, sunroof, 1 owner, 42K ml. AMC- 70 Javelin, V8, 6, 5-spd, Air, QOK ml.,head. 76K ml. Auto trans. FORD— 84 250 Econo- Also Personal 381-2609 1-800-889-9498 new tires, garage kept, $10,500/BO. 781-7859 auto, AC, 82K miles, runs & looks gfeall Many $3300. 908-654-3079. A MADZA— 86, B2000, 2 llne, 68K, $2100. PONTIAC- 86 6000, 4 whl. dr., PS, crome Watercraft PONTIAC- 78, Gran DODOE— 86, Caravan, 5 $5400/B0. 908-359- $6000 or best offer. Tiew parts. $3200/BO. Monay M«K*r, 463-0869 cyl., 4 dr., auto, loaded, •iil^ivA ffffiwi Iffij1 (908) 754-1950. 908-231-9146 wheels, 5-spd., AC, AM/ Insurance Lomaas, 4 dr, excel. pass., auto* AC, cruise, 4068, after 6 PM NISSAN— 88, 4X2 mln am/fin cass, high miles- ps, pb, cloth Int., 4 cyl., Advertise In the Classified! FM stereo cass. bedliner, The New Harley-Davldson cond. clean In/out. Runs runs well, $2500 b/o, HONDA- 87 Prelude, 5 CHEVY '88 NOVA— W/SS CHEVY- 74 Corvette, Cust. Low rider, cust 53000. 908-238-3927 Reblt. 350 motor, 4-spd, mint cond., 83K, $4000. Traveling Museum Will Be like new $675. 725-3028 908-888-1254, anytime speed, 53K miles, AC, PS, trim, 350 HP, no rust, ral- paint, rims, lowered 3' Days 771-1000, eves. auo FORD-86 Crown Victoria. new tires, excellent condi- ley wheels, asking $1,800 3K ml7motor, new clutch, low pro tire, MN roof, tint Automotive Parts, Here - April 12th TOYOTA- 71 Corona RENAULT- 86, Alliance, OLDS- 87 Cutlass Clera 526-1941. 2 DR. Loaded. 52,000ml. tion. $7,200. Pis call 908 SL, sports coupe, 1 or B/O, 908-806-3218 exhaust, carburetor, start- wind. Much morel 45K Accessories and Dlx., runs well, needs 4-dr., auto, PS, pB, Am/ er, alternator, distributor. NISSAN- 88, Pathflnder- some trans. & body work. Exc. cond-lnslde & out.766-8927. owner, 87K ml., full CHEVY— 72 Chevelle SS, mis. $5500/B0. Please Service* A Complete FM cass., 85K, new tires. $5400/offer. 359-7157. Fasti Needs paint job. call Jeff 985-8736> SE, fully loaded, exc. $300. 908-233-9676 $1250/908-249-5744 HYUNDAI- 89 Excel GL, power, white, maroon Int., 4-spd, posl traction, $5500 BO. 283-0405. well malntaned. $3850/ cond. $12,500 or BO. Selection of 2 dr hatch, moonroof, PS/ Asking $4000. (908) Please call 231-1082. A » ALL FOREIGN AUTO— 8020 HONDA- 82 Accord LX, PB, auto, AM/FM cass, dk. BO. Call 750-4614 DISCOVER WHY A PURCHASE FROM 369-4014. CHEVY- 86 Corvette, Clothes, 8030 Exc. driving cond. Good ^whlte, glass top, auto w/ SAAB— 89 900 Turbo Top dollar, buying cars. Automobiles Automobiles grey, excel cond. $4195 PLYMOUTH— 87 Sun- CHEVY— 72 Nova. 2 DR/ 8080 brakes and tires, 5-spd, B/O. 908-388-9512 or THOMAS DELIVERS A WHOLE LOT MORE Z51 p/package, only 16K conv., tow.miles, garage Collectibles under $2500 dance, turbo, all power HT, 31K orlg. ml., 307 V8, 4X4M, Sport and kept, loaded, asking Foreign parts Extras, BO, 463-3795. 908-594-4145 quick, good MPG/rellable. ml., orlg. owner. $16,500. CHEVY- 87 Cavalier exc. cond.. $3500 or BO. 908-233-0379, Iv. msg. UgM Trucks $18,900- 908-494-8754 and Accessories. HONDA— 85 Prelude, INTRODUCTIONS... $3K NOW. 908-439-2348 THAN A QUALITY AUTOMOBILE! (908) 232-9168. for sale CHEVY— 83 Camaro, Exc, Z24, Red with gray Inte- navy, 127K miles. $3600, CHEVY- 86 Monte Carlo TOYOTA— 89 4x4, extra cond., V6, new; paint rior, sunroof, excellent A way for people to meet PLYMOUTH- 91 Sun- FORD- 67 wag., 390 CU. CHEVY— 79 Pickup C-20 Tow truck, We pick-up. Good cond., Call 908- people, every week In dahce, Auto, AC, AM/FM SS, extremely clean, 41K cab, v6, Fiberglass cap, Hotline Harley-Davidson tires, and trans. $2000, condition, original owner, 281-7722 IN. eng., 90K, always ga- ml., brand new tires, 3,000 miles, new motor, 45k, 7yn/i00k warranty, (908) 297-1315 52,000 miles. Must sell. your local Forbes newspa- cass. 14K, $7495/BO raged, mint cond., passed new 'parts, good work $4,995. Please call John HONDA— 85, red 107Kper. The ad Is free, then Showrm cond. 738-8270. Power W/L, bucket loaded, $12,000 b/o, 968-7900 CHEVY- 83 Cavalier 1992 insp. shop manual, seats.Book value w/mlle- truck. Asking $2,500. 908-806-7183 of Edison after 5pm, at (908) 968- miles, best offer. Call ono call does It all! ACCORD EX " $3200 FIRM 232-8790 24 hr. service Hatchback, PS, PB, air, PONTIAC— 79 Trans Am, age Is $6975 asking Must sell, first $2,000 6577. 369-5359 1-800-559-949B • Black • Green • Bed • Mora ABSOLUTE tilt wheel, excellent condl black on black, 4-spd., 4 DOOR JAQUAR- 71 XKE Road- $6500, cash talks. 201- Please call: 299 Rt. 1, Edison tlon in and out, $1,850 oi ACURA- 89 Integra, 3 Exc. cond., 10K ml. ster, serious Inquiries 912-7286 (908)805-9246. Advertise In the Classified! CASH FOR YOUR CAR best offer. Please cal door, red, AC, auto, cas- Advertise In the Classified! $2500.609-397-4347 1992 PRELUDES only. Call 908-218-0363. CHEVY— 86 4X4 1/2 ton WE BUY ALL METALS (908) 985-7546 CHEVY- 86 Z28 IROC, 469-2202 (908) 968-1499. sette, looks and runs ex- • Black ' - Red • All-New 4W Steering Model 305, T-top, PS, PB, p-pick Up. V8, manual, Exc. CHEVY— 84 Monte Carlo cellent, 60,000 miles, 8050 wlndows, p-locks, and cond., 44500/BO, Call for 8090 ALL CARS WANTED- $7,800 or best offer. 6-cyl. Excellent condition Luxury Automobile* cloth Int., $5,500, (908) details 908-272^2791 Trucks and Vans any car old, new or Junk. 8400 (908) 725-4948. 1992 CIVICS 908-248-0213. Towing $1550. Please call 908 685-1494. DID YOU RECREATIONAL 722-0832 avail. ACURA- 90 Integra GS, • VTEC Hatchback • More CHRYSLER- 86 5th Ave, FORD- 86, Mustang, 4- KNOW... VEHICLES DOOOE— 83 Omni, excel' 5spd, loaded, sunroof, Loaded, excellent cyl, 4-spd., black tjoup, that an ad In this local HONDAS, NISSANS, TOY- lent., cond., orlg. owner, ext warranty, mint cond. Immediate Delivery! condition, leather Interior, Must be seen, like new In/ paper also goes Into 16 OTAS WANTED- also all 22,500 ml, must sell! other local papers? Reach foreign autos. Pis call auto, $1200 b/o, 908- original owner, 55K miles, out. 53K ml., $2800/heg. NEW 8410 757-8439 Asking $12,900. 908- Just For Cominq In $5800 or best offer. 561'5667 dBys ask forover 400,000 readers 908-57.2-1999 anytime Campers and Trailers 985-5952 Aulo bans., 4-cyl., p/rnck & pinion »trnp/ Ev«nln*« (908) 908' with one call! FORD— 79 Thunderblrd MO* No pu'Case ncceisciry icpised nu ono gill pe- farrr'v. C'^SP *rme suppi us last Mort or 769-5826 Iv. JUNK CARS WANTED- disc bikn., AM/FM st-cass., pAv/lks., air, 1-800-5B9-949B gd cond., orlg. 72k, V8BUICK- 84 Riviera 8 cyl 0797. MUST SELL. msg; Late model wrecks & tnt. nls., it. dol., till, aulso, bkt. sis., VIN. GMC COLEMAN COLORADO- auto, must see, $1800 b, PS/PB sunroof tilt cruise New Jersey's Volume Acura Dealer ^NBeOT^rB, 3TK.rf2T12, MSHP truoks. Top $$$ Paid. 0,908-251-3790 auto AC 87K loaded $14,164,1650 factory discount, VIP'S NEW FLEX PRICING 908-548-6582 sleeps 4, easy tow, like $3500. 287-5342 LEASE new, Immaculate, $1400. FORD- 80, LTD, Wagon, 3INST0CKATTWS4WCEI TRUCKS JUNK CARS/TRUCKS 908-359-1923 V 8, A-l condition. 71K, BUICK- 86 Park Avenue FOR • Ultra-Save Leases WANTED— any cond., 7 high mileage, tip-top 6OTHERAVAIUBLE CLEARANCE - specialized days, flat bed service. Call MOBILE HOME- 67, $1500 or Best offer College Grad First-Time Buyers Program truck bodies, Pickups, Please call 561-2191. condition, loaded. $5200 In varying models, options & prices 699-1063 12X60, 2 BRs, CAC, must Please call 846-1197 DON'T BUY • On the Spot Credit Approval Vans, Suburbans, be moved out of trailer FORD— 82 Station Jimmy's, Dump trucks, PERONE'S AUTO SAL- park, E. Brunswick, asking Wagon, 6 cylinder, AC, BUICK- 88 Lesabro • Savings Others Can't Duplicate 4WD's. Most models & VAOE— cars & trucks $6000. 908-560-9235 auto, $1399/BO. Pis calwagon, 9 pass, fully load- UNTIL YOU Med. duty chassis up towanted. Highest prices 908-548-0231 ed, 41K mi, $6,200 Get It • Low Lease/Finance Rates paid. Free pick up. Con-TRAILER- 82 16' Coach- 1986 MERCURY 1989 LINCOLN 1988 MERKUR 1991 LINCOLN 54,600# GVW. Used men, sleeps 5,. retrlg., (908) 358-3240 trucks, low priced left- tainer service available. FORD— 83 Mustdng, V6 CONTINENTAL SCORPIO y\LL • Auto Insurance Availab e On Premises AUTOMOTIVE 563-1630 stove/oven, furnace, BUICK- 88 Regal, super J SABLE LS WAGON CONTINENTAL AC, radio, automatic Urmun, & dr. MU, aulo irann., Vd, p/rath r overs, discounts, rebates, shower & toilet, water clean, low low mileage, I Auto 00 U*n4., A^oyl., fv/iACk & pJtilon SIGNATURE SERIES S plninn 'it/nQ/diAO biki,, AM/fM si.- WANTED— Automobllaa, TALK TO US! I »Uno Atoo bilu., MVFU IUIKJ, (i/w/lktl At V.I.P. • FREE Service Loaner Ca s . . . . Leasing, or 6.9% GMAC good condition. $1,400 cm*., p/w/U



SALE $ 7.592 PRICE 9592



14392 PRICE 2O592



4 CYL. AUTO, 4WD, P/B, 4 DR, 6 CYl, AUTO, P/S/B, AIR, 2 DR. 4 CYL, AUTO, P/S/B. 2 DR, V-6, Ml. 54.555, 2 DR, B CYl, SSSPD, P/S/B, AIR, AM/FM STEREO/CASS, TILT, R/DEF,, 4 DH, I tVLAHTO, I/D, M, UTILKK UUUS,«UL, MI/FH STUEt/CJUS, P/M, M/W, Dl)AL AIR, AM/FM 77.37bMI..AM/FM ' AIR, AM/FM STERE0/CAS5, Airro.AM/FM P/S/B, AIR, 71.919 ML. AM/FM T/GLSS, INT/WPR, CUST WHLS, CLOTH, ALL SEASON TIRES, UIN# P/STS, CRUISE, R/DEF, T/tlSS, IMT/WPR, ALLOY MLS, SBMRMf, CLITU, Hi SUMN TIMES, STEREO/CASS, PA SIEREOMPA.IT, Ml. 63,059. CRUISE, R/DEF, STERL. _.....,AW. ' STEtoMlllURUI^ NUM024B2, MSRP $18,745 ttUI Ml. 4,1M, WIM# H0115JM, klSRP $31^51, USS KMER MSaUHT UfiU CUSTOM WHLS, 48.233 , DL P/M. R/DEF, T/GLSS (lUST^M WHLS, CRUI5E, R/DEF, T/GLS1AL10Y T/Glffiro/WR. FULL WHL Ml. VIN#H0OO53^1 COVES, VMJ/I89460 # H695394 SUN tiOOF, VINO HA136303 SALE SALE$ WHEELS, VIN#G007fe877 PRICE 15492 PRICE 26,792 "6395 '6595 '6895 6995 '6995 CALL 1 NOW


Prices include all costs lo be paid by (ho consumer except lor licensing, reoislralion, & taxes, prices include all rebates and incentives where applicable. Prices and terms supersede all previous oilers. Ollcis not available in combination or conjunction with any other oiler or incentive. Ad caissold cosmelically as is, Nol responsible lor type errors or omissions. "Does not: apply lo advertised specials. No money down with approved credit. Triple rebiiles on selecl new models at purchase at MSRP. Savings up to $850 on selecl new models. No payments; deferred paynienis lor 90 days Irom Ford Motor Credit, dealer lo subsidize balance to buyer's farcing source unlil Jan. 1,1993. Lash tack up to $5000 on ill Crassida VIN* M008M!!>' A Union dounty Forbes Newspaper Vol.1, No .. c " April 1-3, • • • (

A Forbes Newspapers guide to your quality time Stage Immigrant^ song


Futuristic folks

Nightlife Good Rats regroup^ 16 Events Celebrating Rodgers and Hammerstein 8 . • Collectibles • Antiques • Books • Toys • Plants • Household • RUSS CX)NMD LANDSCAPING ART.. *Lawn Maintenance > WARREN *Spring Clean-Up Sat, April 4 • 7:30 PM Wednesday, April 22 • 8 PM Thursday, May 21 •7PM Weekend 1992's Premiere Event: *Free Estimates Cover photo by FLEA MARKET \ Famed Folk Singer • ROB PAINE EVERY SUN DAY Reflections of Rodgers and Hammerstein State Theatre Matt Gard, a disc 7 A.M. to 4 P.M. featuring ORCHESTRA I New Brunswick Washington Valley Vol. Fire Co. Mary Rodgers and William Hammerstein jockey at WRSU in CHRISTOPH VON DOHNANY 3, $10, $15, & $35* 146 Washington Valley Fid., Warren starring MUSIC DIRECTOR ! 'Patron seating in the Loge New Brunswick, Weekly Tables Available On A First Come • Barbara Cook . I with reception before performance. Proceeds to benefit DANCE POWER, Full Year and Marilyn Home •an'arts education program benefiting - •'. with a Broadway cast W BOX OFFICE: • First Served Basis (Mo Reservations) T.-H-E.-A---T-K-E and members of H-LvVTTvE Ticket Central (908) 246-7469 the children ol New Brunswick. prepares to spin Monthly" Reservations Available - Call 469-2443 New Jersey Symphony Orchestra NEW BRUNSWICK- (908)246-7469 NEW- BRUNSWICK a Black Flag album. Lawn Care s25.00&s50.00 $22.00 • $30.00 AMERICAN REPERTORY BALL® "TAILGATE AUCTION EVERY FRIDAY NIGHT 6:30 p.m. *New Customers Only

MM£W^ • Books • Toys • Plants •Household • Jewelry • Grafts • Clothing • DEPARTMENTS April 2 & 4 and 10 & 11 April 16th Wednesday, Apr/7 8-12th Cover story aanaaaaaaaaaiaiaia) The Largest Selection of Ladies GENESIS 1992 electrolysis MSQA ~ Department of Music L/ll Illlga « ••••••• ••••••••aaaanaaannaiaaaanliaiiin a mm JL Outerwear at Unbeatable Prices FESTIVAL Permanent Hair Removal Mozart's SUBSCRIBERS CrVVr11lO •••iniiiiiia ••maiiiaiiiiiiiii Reserve your seats for your 'I Stale Readings Spring Into Our pre-paif) attraction today! 2 Performance Artists , Youth Projects/Saturday's Children aaaiaaaaa aaaaiaaa a aaiaaaaaaa • • a a a a a Gosi fan tutte SINGLE TICKETS SPECIAL New Pocls/Ncw Jazz on a-Sunday Afternoon Fabulous Outerwear Admission 510.00 per event Comedy Ensemble aaau JL w Opera At Rutgers GROUP SALES Art Conference IN Igl I HI I K* "a aai aaaaaaa MASON GROSS SCHOOL Part of a 16-nionlli retrospective Collection For 8:00PM OF 'nil- ARTS encompassing tho first 25 years of Admission $8.00 RUTGERS multi-media works by Call for discounts Aliviii Nickolais and Murray Louis PMIIf-1 Box Office (908) 249-6650 aaaiaaxaa laidaaiaiia • Warmer Weather Group Stales (908) 249-S581 ext. 17 Your First Visit DIRECTORIES New Clients Only 5-20 Crossroads • Certified Electrologist Advertiser index...;...... -14 • 11 Years Experience • Sterile Disposable MUU I Llvll Id aaaaaiiaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaiiia JL^T ' Needles Used Call For Free Consultation /AUUdri LJIIlO aaiaaaa aaaaaaaana JL JL 1531 So. Washington Avenue o cm Piscataway Middlesex Somerville Hours: 550 Union Ave. 50 S. Bridge St. Mon-Frl. 10 AM - 4 PM "Let us take you back in time to a turn of the V/ClOl 11 vlO aaa> aaaaaiaaaaiaaaanaaa I 560-0404 722-5084 century New Orleans French Quarter Bistro." The Frog and The Peach Saturday II AM • 4 PM 968-8251 "Glorious Contemporary American Fare" a a a a . • u m a • a • • a . a a .'.'a ...... a . . . a a • JLT" Excellent • N.Y. Times lvJ OlU IT a a aaaiaaaanaiaaaaaaaaaaiaaaaaaa JL I Casual Elegance and Fine • I i ' ' . Rediscover The Beauty of Spring at The Fresh Seafood Are The F ICll/Ub Lvl. kUaiiiaiiaaaaaaaaxaaaaiiiiiia V Featuring: Hallmarks Of SEAFOOD • STEAKS The Raritan River Club P Idl itJlCl riUlllO a a * • .« ...... a a aa JLJL Sjhsk of Spring Boutique GOURMET FRENCH CREOLE CUISINE Dinner Served Til Mldnlte Frl. & Sat. Evenings QincflpQ 17 Served in an elegant but casual atmosphere. Featuring Fine Handcrafted Treasures c 't^H IglvO aaaaaaaaaaiaaaaaaaaaaaaaiaaaaaaaa iX> I Next to the Hyatt in New Brunswick • NT Reservations Suggested Created by The Area's Most i 61 -63 Church Street, New Brunswick 908/846-3216 Reservations Suggested (908) 246-3111 85 Church St. New Brunswick •OWEEKENDPLU fJ t?Cl IA" SIbaaaaaiaaiaaaaaaaaaaaaaiaaaaaaia is a feature of Forbes Newspapers, a Divisioi nI of GiftedCrafters. . ... ' (908)545-6110 Forbes Inc., and appears in the Hills-Bedminster Press, Somerset Start Your Spring in Full Bloom with Messenger-Gazette, Franklin Focus, Bound Brook Chronicle, Mid- Our Diverse Collection of: * •s a COMING THIS MAY dlesex Chronicle, New Brunswick Focus, Metuchen-Edison Review, Piscataway-Dunellen Review, South Plainfield Reporter, Highland Park i"j>a TO 5 LIVINGSTON AVE. Herald, Warren-Watchung Journal, Green Brook-North Plainfield Jour- EASTER DECORATIONS AND nal, Westfield Record, Scotch Plains-Fanwood Press and Cranford BASKET STUMERS • SILK AND Chronicle. 'OOO Letters to the editor, press releases, photographs and announce- DRIED FLOWER ments of upcoming events should be sent to: Steven Hart, Weekend- ARRANGEMENTS • SPRING Bistro Style Dining Plus Edrtor, P.O. Box 699, Somerville, NJ. 08876. The fax number Is (908) 526-2509. To subscribe to your local Forbes Newspaper, call CLOTHING AND jEWEfcRY* e- Where Preparing Food Is An Art 1-800-300-9321. GASTRONOMIAITALIANA With No Details Overlooked KTTCHEN AND HOUSEHOLD •* AN AMERICAN CAFE *$teven Hart Malcolm S. ITEMS • FRESH FLOWERS • WEEKENDPLUS. Forbes Jr. ANTIQUES (908)249-7500 828-4444 5-3131 EDITOR ' EDITOR-IN-CHIEF Micki Pulsinelli Charles A. Lyons STARS DON'T JUST FALL FROM THE SKY ENTERTAINMENT PRESIDENT and PUBLISHER March 28 - April 15 THEY ARE EARNED DISCOVER ADVERTISING Kathleen Lanini DIRECTOR VICE PRESIDENT, Mori.-Fri. 11 AM-7 PM NEW BRUNSWICKl Barry Rumple EDITORIAL Saturday 10 AM-5 PM PANICC/S GRAPHIC Jim Hayden Sunday 12 PM - 5 PM 11 Whether you're looking' for a great ARTIST 1 VICE PRESIDENT, *Closed Wednesday* Chinese Restaurant dining experience, a spectacular ' Rob Paine MARKETING Directions: 3 miles west on Route 28 Stops Away From Tho Stato Theater, Crossroads, Panico's is the place for show - or both, New Brunswick CHIEF Roger Silvey from Somerville Circle. Adjacent to the and Tho Goorgo Stroot Playhouse Fine Italian Cuisine has it all. Come discover, all PHOTOGRAPHER VICE PRESIDENT, North Branch General Store. the culture, excitement, and OPERATIONS (908)725 7358 3 Livingston Ave. New Brunswick 103 Church St. New Brunswick, NJ convenience we have to offer, ,908-846-7878 You'll be very glad you did! 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2 Weetond * Forbes'Newspapers .'April, 1-3,. 1992 -:vApril.d-8,:i!9Q2 ,\\>. Weekend Weekend

• Y azz 88/ WBGO (88.3): If TV ads were your chief source of information about radio, you might get the t happened to your Fearless Reporter a couple of •The apartheid-ish practice of cordoning off African- and idea that CD 101.9 was the area's main jazz station. Good reason not to rely on video celebrities paid to nights ago, as it's happened countless times before; it black American music from the major stations unless it's as say "it's cool to be cool." The real thing comes from the. far left of the dial, from Newark. This listener- probably, happens to you all the time, too. ; . bland as Whitney "A. Voice is a Terrible Thing to Waste" sponsored.station qualifies as. a national treasure in my book — they're militant purists about bebop,. You sit down to do something you'd like to do with Houston's.material* jettisons.its Blackness in crossing over, ". big bands, blues and soul;-they respect the stuff without embalming it; and they have no truck with the . music on (say, eat dinner). You feel like1 Hearing . has been imported by Paul Simon, or is at least 20 years' ' Muzaky fusion that some; unfortunates persist in calling jazz. Felix Fernandez' Saturday-morning classic soul somethinI g other than.the records you play all the time. You old. , ;.' ••. .•..•;..;. •.:•:••::. \ ••;•• • . ' • • show, "The Rhythm Revue," has helped, more people shake off Friday hangovers than Alka-Seltzer. Another switch on the radio, find a station, listen for just long •The proliferation of call-in shows with loud right-wing no- hopping feature is Ruth Brown's live "Bluestage.% Frequent pledge drives are the only down side to this enough to cat two or three bites, andxealize that another tal hosts like Bob Grant, of WABC (770 AM); abusing their superb musical outlet. V :••. • . • • minute of what that station's playing will wreck your di- callers and using their platform to spread overt racism (I he Rutgers University: station WRSU MOST OF US WHO LIVE HERE gestion. You find another. It's, playing something tremen- can't stand censorship, but in Mi\ Grant's case I could (88.7) is classic college radio: some of dous, challenging, delightful — but the signal is .half static, make an exception). The assumption on the part of the the jocks are wiseapple: undergrads, oth- even with the FM mono switch on. You find another station leading classical stations that anybody interested in Vivaldi. ers are longtime New" Brunswick-area HAVE GROWN ACCUSTOMED and Stravinsky also wants to hear unctuous sales pitches T and resume eating. Two minutes later you find another. By scenestefs, and the playlist is as idiosyncratic as for investments and diamonds. the end of the meal you and your dinner companion have the artwork on a dorm-room wall. Although walked over to poke buttons on the tuner a total of 13 Blame for the radio situation is easy to assign — check WRSU is;; best known for indie-label rock and TO THE SAD TRUTH Fredric Dannen's 1990 book Hit,Men for some of the dirt'on times. ' • • . ; . ' • • • • • ".. ''.. strong support of the Court Tavern-centered . how the music industry, including modern radio format- The menu for music-hungry radio listeners in northern local underground, that's not all they do. Sun- ting, got to be the way it is — but a listener can't do much and central New Jersey looks promising at a distance; after day afternoons feature a broad range of ethnic all, we're right next door to the nation's largest media about the tin-eared executives and clout-wielding wiseguys who make the decisions about what gets into heavy rota- shows (I've always wondered whether every THAT ABUNDANT center, right? But most of us who live here have grown New Brunswick resident of, say, Armenian de- accustomed to the sad truth that crowded airwaves don't tion. What we can do is search around a little. There aren't as many alternatives as there ought to be in an area this scent actually tunes in for the;?community service, that most stations radio town. used to be called the left side of the dial (before digital AIRWAVES DON'T NECESSARILY displays made "the dial" more of a metaphor than a real •only pay lip service to, but that WRSU takes (It may be hard to believe, but there are worse. One seriously. They also devote a healthy amount of Midwestern station, which I'll leave anonymous, took clas- feature on a lot of radios). College stations and listener- sponsored stations, at least to my thinking, more than time to the Scarlet Knights4n various sports. sic rock to its logical extreme last fall by running a promo- Me, J tune them in for the indie rock: have for IMPLY ABUNDANT tion caled "Zeptember." They didn't play anything but years, since way back when only hipsters had Led Zeppelin for a month. Over one 48-hour stretch heard of R.E.M. / / j they just ran a tape loop of "Stairway to Heaven," :" olumbia University's station, WKRC interrupted only by the occasional station-identification (89.9), is usually but not always au- spot: "All 'Stairway,' all the time." Public health, of- dible on this side of the Hudson, is as ficials won't confirm rumors that the suicide rate in Ceccentric, arty and diverse as you'd CHOICES that city leapt off the chart that weekend.) . probably expect frorri such a place. Their gen- Listeners who actually enjoy classic rock or light rock erous jazz broadcasts include Phil Schaap's have plenty to choose from. Program directors at sta- "Birdflight," a five-momings-a-week program \ tions like K-Rock (92.3), WNEW-FM (102.7), Z100 almost entirely devoted to the works of. Charlie Parker; not all the shows are that specialized, and not all the (100.3), and their many competitors have found that jocks rank with bebop scholar Schaap in the Guinness Book of World Records' section on. legendary the lowest-cdrnmon-denominator approach to rock 'n' contortionists — while patting himself on the back for all his erudition, he keeps twisting his arm into roll is profitable. It's also easier to pick a playlist if you curious pretzel Shapes - but all of them are tremendously well informed. They're also strong in surprising work from the assumption that genres that were well make up in adventurousness what they sacrifice in produc- genres (country and Western, contemporary avant-garde composers). The sense that you're going to face a entrenched by the mid-1970s (white blues, power ballads, pop quiz on recording dates, personnel, and songwriting credits drives some people crazy, but there are worse Broadway-derived piano rock, the metal grind, the girl- tion values and signal strength. - things to do with great musid than create an archive for it. . group prefeminist tease, a few unthreatening minor devi- It's unfair to draw absolute black-and-white distinctions ave I said enough, over the years I've been cranking out this column, about WFMU (91.1)? Perhaps, ances like disco or pseudo-gothicism, and the past decade's between stations. People's tastes in these things are as but it never hurts to repeat it for people who didn't read it the first 703 times. WFMU, out of Upsala variations on the above) are the only ones that really need idiosyncratic as their tastes in pizza parlors. Even the most to be noticed. Considering how influential punk, world beat, boring mass-market station may have a feature that catches College in East Orange, practices free-form broadcasting that deserves the name: spontaneous,.. and rap have been over the past 15 years, it's astonishing your ear during its once-a-week time slot, and even the H, funny, aggressively anti-commercial, broad-ranging, broad-minded. This is the stuff you'd never - how little these styles affect the practices of the major most calculated target-market programming — say, CBS- hear anywhere else ... "Jewish Music in the Morning" (also known as "JM in the AM"), frequent live-in- commercial stations. You can hear good songs on classic FM (101.1), the oldies station, recycling all the DJs from studio broadcasts of local bands, weeknight world-beat shows that give you the really hard-to-find stuff as rock stations, no doubt: plenty of Stones, Beatles, Doors baby-boomers' youth (Cousin Brucie, Dan Ingram, Hairy well as the onty-somewhat-hard-to-find stuff, the Alan Watts lecture series, the array of political and and Heridrix in between the "Stairway to Heaven"s and Harrison) — can grab you where you didn't mind being philosophical iconoclasts featured on the "Visionary of the Week Club," Terry Moore's "Ripoff Riffs" - he "Free Bird"s. Hearing good songs by people who are still grabbed. But one broad distinction I still find useful is the' plays things that were stolen right next to the things they were stolen from, e.g., did you know Elvis nicked alive — biologically, let alone artistically — is harder. one between stations thatoperate by selling ad time and "Love Me Tender" from the Mormon Tabernacle Choir? . . . and of course the grungiest garage rock on the Also profitable, safe, and as widespreadas herpes simplex stations you pay for directly. aii-waves, stuff that makes the Kingsmen sound like, well, the Mormon Tabernacle Choir. (The station's still is the watered-down Granted, the borderline is under attack by the way, from several surrounding stations who'd like to use an ancient FCC technicality as pop of stations like pretty gray. Even the most reso- the pretext for gobbling up huge pieces of WFMU's signal, as if it "Lite FM" WLTW STORY BY lutely anti- commercial, station weren't hard enough to pull the signal in already. So, for all the marbles, (106.7). This gets still interrupts the music with can you nanam: e your Fearless Reporter's favorite charity for 192?) played in a lot of of- plugs for its own events, and DRE (92.7, Long Island): It's pretty much classic rock, but fices and stores, on these are still commercials of a with more U2. My tuner doesn't quite get it. Since it oc- the theory that some- sort, even if they aren't hawking casionally does come in, it's worth having on a preset button, thing this bland is un- BILL MILLARD some corporation's product. But wfor the times when all the college stations are playing sports likely to displease to the extent it's possible to gen- events I'I'm not up for hearing. Maybe you do something similar with it. large groups of con- eralize, the stations that don't or not. sumers and office have to please outside advertis- NYC-FM (93.9): Probably the strongest all-around listener- workers of diverse ers by "delivering an audience" sponsored station in Manhattan, WNYC-FM takes its audi- ages and tastes. Of GRAPHICS are more likely to break.through ence's intelligence seriously. Tune to these guys for National course, that sort of the tedium — and more likely to wPublic Radio's and , thinking doesn't take speak to people who don't care along with the region's stranges classical show, SteVe Post's Morning into account the enor- to be "delivered." Pledge drives Music (jock/commentator/sitdewn comedian Post is drolly outrageous, mous displeasure in- BARRY RUMPLE are a recurrent annoyance on when he isn't being so childish you want to lack him). John Schaefer's flicted on people who listener-sponsored radio, true. New Sounds, on Sunday nights, is a tremendous outlet for music that's like to pay attention On the other hand, the few poised somewhersor e between the Knitting Factory and Alice Tully Hall. to what they're listening to. George Orwell's Newspcak weeks per year that a noncommercial station has to devote iss FM (98.7): A far-from-predictable variation on the urban term for sentimental, anesthetizing mass-cultural products to imploring us, browbeating us, and mournfully appealing contemporary idea (that's industry code for stations operated cranked out by the state in 1984, "prolefeed," seems ap- to Our Better Instincts don't begin to add up to the corv by, and targeted mainly at, black people). Catch this station at propriate here, whether or not people who swallow the stuff the right time and you can hear things the rest of the spectrum stant 'barrage of pitches punctuating the programming (and, s arc comfortable being called proles. rarely gives you; their Sunday evening reggae feature is a particular There are sonic plagues aplenty out there, and you need one always suspects, insidiously influencing it) on a com- highlight. They're also far from averse to hip-hop, although Compton- eternal vigilance at the dial to keep your stereo, clock radio, mercial station. style gangsta rap takes a back seat to healthier stuff. Another, plus: Walkman, boom box or Benzi box from triggering the emet- Without trying to cover the field exliaustively, or account generous commercial-free stretches. ic center in your brain. There are more plagues than I have for all possible tastes, here's a handful of observations {Please turn to page 6) space, or patience, to name, but a few dcseive public abuse: about some of the things your radio can probably'pick up:

A} nil ,->.... Fortes Newspapers 4 Weekend Forbes Newspapers April 1-3, 1992 u •'•^-Wp&Stfte'&i Weekend*&•.•;••

Free admission. • •Lecture series in conjunction 1725 Brigantirie Ave. HOME FRONT USA with retrospective of the artist Atlantic City (Continued from page 5) nee in a while,.talk radio Speakers ; Senior. Citizens Center (see Museums). Tours of ex- • 1-800-2-HARRAH ew York's Pacifica station can surprise you. A couple 500 Hoes Lane, Piscataway hibit at 3 p.m., program at 4 •Gypsy; musical about bur- of weeks ago, while listen- • •(908)745-4489 p.m. Admission $20 for one lesque artist Gypsy Rose Lee, WBAI (99.5), is.madden- THE ART MUSEUM •Lecture series in conjunction program, $40 for all three; in- through May 17. • , • ingly, inconsistent, .oc- ing to WNYC,(820 AM), I Princeton University .with^ the exhibit 'at the Cornelius, cludes reception. : . MERV GRIFFIN'S RES6RTS o : ! caught a daytirne ::i^nard'••-Lopatc,,'. *" T6w House/MiddlesexCouh^ ' "Barbara J. Mithick on Adolf . Boardwalk & casionally; '-. • self-righteous ; N • Gallery talks Fridays atjL2:-30 Museum (see Museums). Free, Konrad, April. 12. . North Carolina. Ave. enough to make you put. a fist interview- with: Gerry" O'Sullivntv • p.m. and Sundays at S p.m. admission; registration re- •William H. Gerdts, American ' Atlantic City • through your dashboard, horribly specialist in Satanism scares, who's through May 17 (no talks Aprils quired. urban imagery, April 26. (609)344-6000 ? maudlin at pledge-drive time.... researched this stuff far more thor- 17,19, 24; 26). Free admls- . "Dr. Clement Price and H.V. •Matthew Baigell, urban images . •Fasclnatin' Rhythms, revue, and absolutely indispensable if you oughly than. Geraldo Rivera .ever sion. . • • . Pat Reilly, 7:30 p.m. April 8. of 20th-century America, May ongoing. •Professor Karlfried Froehlich - JOSEPH MEHAN ' 17.: ' •' ' -'- •• . '; ' SHOWBOAT want the kind of news, and news did, and who's found it's, mostly on symbolism In medeival art, .. analysis, that the corporate media. buncombe.. The major menace re- Saturday, April 4, 1 p.m. Boardwalk & Delaware Ave. April 3, 5. Reformed Church Atlantic City • . routinely suppress; Financial woes sulting from Satanism; it turns out, •Professor William A. dhilds on 23 South.Second Ave. Casinos (609) 343-4OpO BAUTS GRAND recently drove the pathbreaking in- has been that the occasional bing- Greek' pottery, April 10,12. Highland Park •Good Times Variety Show, on- (201)261-0071 Boardwalk & Providence Ave. DOUGLASS COLLEGE going. vestigative show Undercurrents off bong takes it seriously — like the •Advice for arts and crafts peo- Atlantic City 1 COLLOQUIUM TAJ MAHAL the aii , but its Friday morning seg- guy who watched Geraldo's special ple "Getting Started in Busi- (609)340-7111 Room 200, Art History Hall Boardwalk & Virginia Ave, • Douglass College ness," Admission $30, pre- •Golden Girl Follies, ongoing. ment featuring Fairness and Ac- on the subject, decided his wife was Atlantic City New Brunswick " registration required. BAUTS PARK PLACE curacy in Reporting, sharply dis- a Satanist, and killed her. If you (609) 449-1000 (908) 932-9626 LUCIO POZZI Boardwalk & Park PI. secting the mis- and disinformation TRUMP CASTLE wanted One symbol of how .radio Lecture series Mondays at 7:30 Tuesday, April 7, 8 p.m. Atlantic City Brigantine Blvd. of the mainstream press, remains. can bring serious thought to bear p.m. Free admission. Brower Student Center (609)340-2000 & Huron Ave. Some of the call-in hosts, particu- •William B. Wood, "Eco- Trenton State College, Ewing •"An Evening at La Cage," on a Suoject that the.visual media Atlantic City Migrants: Where To Next?" (609)530-9187 revue, ongoing. larly Playthell Benjamin and Mai-, treat with irresponsible hype (fa- 1-800-284-TRUMP April 13. •Painter will discuss "The Next CAESARS ATLANTIC CITY achy McCourt (the thinking man's •"Salute to Swing" music, on- tally irresponsible, in this case), it GEORGE EBERL 475 Years of My Art and Life." Boardwalk & Missouri Ave. . going. . • Bob Grant), work wonders within doesn't get much clearer than this. Saturday, April 11, 2 p.m. Free admission. Atlantic City TRUMP PLAZA Clement Price, associate history professor at Rutgers University, will that nearly impossible genre. On ong.ago, in a forgotten king- Romo Books, Far Hills Center THE REALIST VISION 1-800-677-SHOW the down side, WBAI tends to give Route 202-206, Far Hills OF ADOLF KONRAD THE CLARIDGE Boardwalk & Mississippi Aye. speak on World War II and its impact on black employment op- dom by the sea, WINS Atlantic City . air time to anybody with a gripe, no (908) 234-9466 Morris Museum . Boardwalk & Indiana Ave. (1010. AM) was the station 6 Normandy Heights Rd. Atlantic City 1-800-759-TRUMP portunities April 8 at the Piscataway Senior Citizens Center, 500 matter how wack (my current least •Senior editor of Golf Journal that brought the new genre will sign copies of his book Morristown 1-800-752-SHOW •The McGuire Sisters, through Hoes Lane in Piscataway. favorite is a paranoid health guru L Golf is a Good Walk Spoiled. (201) 538-0454 HARdAH'S MARINA April 4. called rock 'n' roll to national prom- • with a business degree, a nuts-and- berries approach to cancer and inence, hiring Alan Freed out of AIDS, and an endless stream of WJW in Cleveland . . . you know venom directed at anyone with the the stoiy. Now it's rapid-fire report- letters M.D. after his or her name). age, the CNN Headline News of the COED Still, suffering the occasional mad- AM band. Useful when you want to PAULS TREE SERVICE man is a small price to pay for catch the day's big obvious sound- SNORKEL Where Do You ...... , DARYL STONE/WEEKENDPLUS bites in a hurry. But a lot of people what some of us would call free- Matt Gard, host of WRSU's "Radio Riot," with some of his colleagues in the studio. & LANDSCAPING dom. might find it sad that this sort of and 'Find Over 100 Varieties* material — radio that does what TV • PRUNING •LANDCLEARING hews does, basically — now oc- of Bottled Waters? SCUBA •ELEVATING • STUMPREMOVAL QXR (96.3): "The station of the New York- WPRB: Stick with us and you can't go too far wrong") isn't cupies the place on the dial where Freed used to freak out CLASSES Times." Classical. Respectable. Too many ads bad. Good taste in import-label obscurities. Another tricky suburban kids with LaVern Baker and the Moonglows and • REMOVAL •SPRAYING & FEEDING aimed at people who have too much money, but signal for many radios to pick up. Chuck Berry. (Television, in the meantime, has become the •CHIPPING •CABLING the Wgreat tunes when you've got the old Mozart unofficial but universal top 40, stamping its assumptions jones. AH of this also applies to WNCN (104.3) except for and values into rock 'n' roll: if you're not heard on MTV, • COMPLETE FIREWOOD SALES the alleigance to the Times. FAN (660 AM): All sports talk, all the time. Lots you're barely heard.) I'll back away from broad sweeping /t/t/C rinceton University's station WPRB (103.3) does of call-in shows, with callers' displaying a wide comments on comparative media and cultural decline, buU 155 Washington Valley Road things largely the way Rutgers' does, but with an range of intelligence (that's the more respectful can't help hoping WINS will someday pull a major refor- (Wood Yard Opposite Bardy Farms) c- atmosphere of hip privilege that can get on your Wway to describe some of them) and a ceaseless mat, start playing music again, and find some obscure DJ FREE Pnerves a little. As clever self-congratulatory college- interest in. second-guessing- the coaches, managers, and who's fallen in love with some new musical form that has station plugs go, their current one ("We never wore a Nehru owners of local teams. the honest energy to shake some people up. FIRST NIGHT (908) 604-4753 OPEN TO PUBLIC jacket. . . We never paid money to see Oiariots. of-Fire . . .,. Radio used to do things like that, didn't it? Somerset Hills YMCA APRIL Bernardsville Pool A VERY SPECIAL CLEARLY BEST HEALTH ststsr: Where to find the two best shows on public radio Thursday CANADIAN All Natural Choice of 24/11 oz. Gourmet Sodas arol, calling from Shreveport, La., is a little confused. Haven, the Magliozzis moved into more conventional car repair session on "vocables" — wordless singing. April 23,1992 ' DOLL SHOW.. She wants to know why her "85 Peugot won't start if services as their clientele went upscale. In 1976 they served as or & Natural Teas Just as the jokes on P.D.Q. Bach numbers often outstayed 7:00 PM VVYTTY.••••••••• 12/23 oz. bottles the engine is hot. She has just been told the reason is guests on a talk show run by WBUR in Boston and did so well their punch lines, the selections on Schickele Mix sometimes Ccultural: the French spend a lot of time in bistros and $ 99 that they were invited to host their own weekly program. The hang-on long after the host's point has been made. This past SATURDAY, APRIL 25th 16 24 per case would never dream of going back to their cars in less than 20 local heroes went bigtime in 1987, providing National Public Somerset Valley YMCA per case Soda - 12 oz. Tea -16 oz. minutes. Radio with its best program and the best answer to those who Sunday, showing how good singers can get away with starting a Somerville Pool 11:00 a.m. O:00p.m. If you listen to WNYC (93.9) on Sunday afternoons you know think public radio begins and ends with Garrison Keillor plucking note off flat and. then easing into tune (but never the other way Wednesday Seymour Mann Co. presents for. the first time GIFT BASKETS the show is , or "Khan Tawk" as it is called by co- straw out of his hair. around), he cut off Otis Redding in the middle of "I've Been the porcelain dolls designed by Michelle Severino hosts Tom and Ray Magliozzi, whose Cambridge, Mass., accents Loving You Too Long." Okay, fine, but then he let Cathy Berbe- May 6,1992 for are broad enough to land a 747 on. During their hour-long show, he second best public radio program is alSo on WNYC • 7:00 PM rian burble on at agonizing length from an album called Opera of'Puddin' Head Dolls" • EASTER & which WNYC broadcasts at 4 p.m., the Magliozzis ("Click and every Sunday, conveniently scheduled at 3 p.m. Schick- Stars in a Silfy Mood. Michelle will be present to sign purchases. Clack, the Tappet Brothers") answer questions from all over the ele Mix, produced by American Public Radio in Min- ZStStLA PASSOVER T Just when you're about to hit the scan button, however, the country about car maintenance and repair, though before giving nesota, is a weekly lesson in musicology hosted by Peter CALL Also: Kathe Kruse Dolls • Robin Woods, Inc. Dolls an answer they will spend several minutes bantering, reminiscing Schickele, the Juilliard-trained "discoverer" of P.D.Q. Bach and program yields up a nugget of pure gold, or at least highly for more information Monika Originals (Uonika will be present) 10% OFF about a particular car or sharing an anecdote about a ghastly no mean composer in his own right. polished pyrite. List Sunday it was Florence Foster Jenkins, the All Orders v If you cannot attend the show, call in your order to have them signed. experience one or the other brother had in the caller's city. Each program's subject is illustrated with musical selections in world's shakiest coloratura, whose quavering demolition of the 534-4090 Z/CSCLA Placed Before 4/11/92 Their voices conjure up an image of jovial, beefy mechanics unlikely groupings: the pilot broadcast, for example, offered "The Queen of Night's aria drew astonished looks at every traffic light. Ho ottor discounts ar coupons opok/ clutching beer cans and sitting on a slightly rundown porch, 'Skip-Up-An-Octave-at-an-Unexpected-Time' Song Cycle," with Don't miss our Easter Coloring Contest! Pick Up Only Her annual recitals at the Ritz Carlton Hotel, Mr. Schickele Whitehouse looking out at a yard dotted with car tires painted white and examples encompassing everything from "I Want to Hold Your 3 Age Groups • Prizes • Pick up a picture in our store, revealed, were extremely' hot tickets; after being injured when color, and return to the store by April 17 to enter! 816RT.1 IMDISON used as planters. In reality, the Magliozzis are alumni of the Hand" and Elton John to Beverly Sills singing Mozart and the Aquatic 1 Mi. North of Plainfield Ave. her cab driver got into a traffic accident, she found she could Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Tom, 52, holds MBAs Judds doing "Why Not Me." Center ^. A A A A A A \ A A ,A from and Northeastern University, while Ray, The show's special charm comes from Mr.. Schikele's wide- push her voice to even more painful heights and in gratitude 908) 287-6664 40, worked as a VISTA volunteer in Texas before moving to ranging and all-encompassing love of music, which leads him to gave the cab driver a box of expensive cigars. 6 Hwy. 22 West EA SKYDELL O LayAways Whitehouse Station Vermont for a job as a junior high school teacher. illustrate the sound of the French horn with the overture to the Now that's good radio. Dolls & Toys, Free QiftVWa ')')inK Starting in 1973 with a do-it-yourself garage called Hacker's orchestral version of Tommy, or draw on a Cree war chant for a (across from Bishops Thrlftway) —Steven Hart 476 Union Avenue, Middlesex, NJ 08846 1-908356-5400

...April 1-3/1,992 Newspapers Weekend Forbes Newspapers April 1-3/1992 \ •(:'

E N T Mark your calendar Places to go The works of celebrated songwriters,, Crafts, entertainment Oscar Hammerstein II and Richard Rodgers will be celebrated April 4 at GALLERIES the State Theatre in New Brunswick. New museum at Monmouth Festival ADOBE EAST Well ovef 200 craftsmen from New Jersey and other states will gather for 329 Millburri Ave., MiHburn. (201) 467-0770 ' of music for children . the 22nd Monmouth Festival of the Arts, running from Saturday, April 4, Specializing in fine art of the through Wednesday, April 8, at Monmouth Reform Temple, 332 Hance Ave. American Southwest. Tuesday suicide to put the ladies to the test. The New Jersey Children's Valorie Goodall, director of in Tinton Falls. \ through Friday from 9 a.m.-5 Museum, a play and teaming ' P'm- Hub City celebrates Opera at Rutgers,.noted that the In addition to the exhibit and sale of fine arts and crafts, the Monmouth center created for children and •"Kachinas on Parade," works by opera has a subtitle: The Sclioolfor Festival of the Arts also provides 30 demonstrations by exhibiting artists Hopi artists, April -3-20. Opening Mozart, Rodgers Lovers. their parents, opens Saturday, and craftsmen; special workshops and performances for children on Sun- . receptions from 6-9 p.m. April 3, April 4, from 2 p.m. to 5 p.m. noon-4 p.m. April 4. • 4'-- "By the end of the opera, not day; and a gallery cafe serving homemade foods Continually. ' • ATRIUM ART GALLERY and Hammerstein only the ladies but also their lovers Located at 599 Industrial Ave. he works of Richard Rodgers Some of the New Jersey artists, who are returning to the festival again Hall of Records, learn to 'Let reason rule our in Pararrius, the museum offers this year are painters Joan H. MoKinney of Bridgewater and Natalie Becker Morris County Courthouse and Oscar Hammerstein II, hearts'," she said. "Mozart's score, Morristown. ' • touchie-feelfe exhibits on avia- of Westfield; jeweler Patrice G. Monaghan of WesWeld; and ceramicist Rich (201) .267-1722 the songwriting team that with its sparkle and expressive vir- changed the course of Ameri- tion, fire fighting, medicine and a Freiwald of Highland Park. ...' Open to the public during court- T tuosity, soars "with the. plot to pro- house hours. . fantasy castle. Some New Jersey artists and craftsmen invited to exhibit in the MonV can musical theater, will be cel- vide some of the most beautiful •Annual show of Morris County Children can watch them- mouth Festival of the Arts for the first time include graphic designer Laurie Art Association, through April 30. ebrated in Happy Talk, set for Sat- music Mozart ever wrote." urday, April 4, at.the $tate theatre selves on TV in the studio, play Goldstein of Neshanic Station; and basket designer Elisa Kessler Caporale BASILE-FAMA FINE ARTS Da Ponte's famous libretto for of Summit. Ms. Caporale will also be giving a demonstration, Contemporary . 2 Monument Square in New Brunswick. with a working Lionel train setup . New Brunswick Cosi will be sung in the English Basketry Techniques, at 12:30-2:30 p.m. on Sunday, April 5. A blend of musical productions, and dig up fossils in the prehis- (908)828-2920 ••••;•'Wil!!'- personal reminiscences and rare language translation by Ruth and The Festival schedule of events includes: Tuesday through Friday from 10 toric cave. a.m.-5 p.m., Saturday from 1-5 film footage, Happy Talk features Thomas. Martin. Sunday, April 5: Events for Chil- The museum will be open p.m. Also by appointment.- performances by Marilyn Home, Sets are designed by faculty sce- dren - Workshops for Children •Cels, pencil drawings, master Barbara Cook, Mary Testa, Steve nic designer Joseph Miklojick Jr., daily from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Fri- (ages 4-10) between noon-2:OO backgrounds, and other works with costumes by designer Donna day is Family Night, and the mu- from the Walt Disney studios, Barton and members of the New p.m. and 2:30-4:00 p.m. perform- through April 4. Jersey Symphony Orchestra. Larsen, whose work enhanced last seum will still open until 8 p.m. ances for children: 12:30 P.M. B. BEAMESDERFER GALLERY season's Donizetti opera Belisafto, The evening, the State Theatre's Admission is $6 for children "For All My Relations," presented 6 North Second Ave. 4, which won the 1991 Opera Pro- Highland Park *"' annual benefit, will be hosted by and adults on weekdays, $7 on by Regina Ress, storyteller, ac- \ (908)249-6971 duction Competition of the Na- tress and teacher from New York Mary Rodgers and Wiliam Ham- weekends. Babies less than a Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, \ merstein, the daughter and son of tional Opera Association, lighting City. i:30 P.M. "The Puppet and Friday from 10a.m.-6 p.m.; year old are admited free. All one of the most famous songwrit- will be designed by Mitchell Dana, Lady," presented by Barbara Thursday from 10 a.m.-8 p.m.; -9/ Saturday from 10 a.m.-5 p.m, ing teams in America. who departs for Spain after the children must be accompanied Johnson, puppeteer from Tinton . Also by appointment, Prior to his work with Ham- opening of Cosi to work on a pro- by an adult. Falls. 2:30 P.M. "The Comedy "Recent paintings by Bob Paige, merstein, Richard Rodgers had al- duction of Carmen for the opening For more information, call Magic Show" presented by Bruce April 5-May 14. Reception from ready earned fame as a collaborator of Seville's new opera house. (201) 262-5151. Bray Jr. from Brick. 3:30 P.M. 5-9 p.m. April 9. BECTON GALLERY with Lorenz Hart on a series of The Rutgers University Orches- "Once Upon A Time," featuring Falrlelgh Dickinson University deft, sophisticated Broadway mu- tra will be conducted by new fac- Adaya Henis, folksinger and story- Rutherford sicals: On Your Toes, Pal Joey, ulty member Benton Hess, who Serious teller from Leonardo. (201)460-5000 Zobe/c/e, a lithographs by-the illustrator Erte, will be among the works of Babes in Arms and The Boys From Gallery hours Monday through has conducted more than 60 op- Demonstrations: Sunday, April Friday from noon-5:30 p.m., Sat- his on sale through May 25 at the Circle Gallery in Woodbridge Center. Syracuse. eras. He is music director of Opera at Wildwood/Opera Arkansas, and fun run 5,12:30-2:30 P.M. "Photocol- urday from 10 a.m.-2 p.m, At the same time, Oscar Hammerstein II had been collaborating with will spend this summer leading performances for Opera Colorado and lagen" by Jared Bernstein and •Works by New Jersey high The seventh annual Race for school students, through April 3. various composers on such operettas as The Desert Song, Rose-Marie Central City Opera. "Contemporary Basketry Tech- the Rainbow, an annual fund* CIRCLE GALLERY Open to the public Monday (609)497-3000 Open to the public Monday and his 1927 operetta with Jerome Kern, Show Boat. The Rutgers cast will feature Judith Burbank and Susan McAdoo as niques" by Elisa Kessler Caporale. | Woodbridge Center through Friday from 9 a.m.-4:30 Exhibit open during library hours. through Friday from 9 a.m.-4:45 • Starting with Oklahoma! in 1943, the team of Rodgers and Hamer- the sisters Fiordiligi and Dorabella. Both were most recently seen in the raiserfor state and local child •3:00-5:00 P.M. "Techniques of Routes 1-9, Woodbridge p.m, Free admission. •Paintings by Tim Glowski, p.m., Saturday and Sunday from stein created a new form — the musical play — and made it their own opera at the 1991 Rutgers SummerFest production of Mozart's Figaro, abuse prevention programs, hits Trompe-L'oeil Painting" by Robert Regina Ress (908) 636-7710, - • "Thesis shows by Matt Williams, through June 18, noon-4:45 p.m. with a string of phenomenal Broadway successes: Carousel, Allegro, Open during mall hours. William Gorcica, and Jim Dahl, MORTIMER GALLERY •"From Circle to Sphere," his- as well as A Viennese New Year at the State Theatre. Both are doctoral the mart* Sunday, April 5, at L Trotter and "The Art of Wood "Erte centennial show w/his litho- April 6-10. Gill St. Bernard's School toric maps since Columbus' time, South Pacific, The King and I and The Sound of Music, to name a few. candidates at the Mason Gross School of the Arts. ' Monuritent Square in New Brun- Carving" by Maria Kavalos Palumbo. 6:00-8:00 P.M., "Woven Beaded graphs and seriographs, through •Bachelor of Fine Arts thesis Mendham Rd., Gladstone Main Exhibition Gallery, through After Hammerstein's death in 1960, Rodgers continued to write for Burbank has sung with New York City Opera National Company, swick Neckpieces" by Barbara W. Saslow and "Wet, Wild, Wonderful Watercolor" May 25. : ' show, April 13-24. (908) 234-2345 April 12. - the Broadway stage and television. He died in 1979. CLAREMONT GALLERY JAMES HOWE GALLERY Open to the public Thursday and ""Going Up," early.bird's-eye Opera at Florham, Opera Theatre of Connecticut, the Pittsburgh Opera by Pat Dews. Monday, April 6, 9:30-11:30 A.M. "Introduction to Airbrush- Clarence Dillon Library Kean College Sunday from 2-4 p.m. or by ap- views and star charts, Leonard L. HAPPY TALK Saturday, April 4, at 7:30 p.m. in the State Theatre, 19 Livingston and many others. McAdoo has sung with June Opera Festival, Con- ing" by Mark Kolessar and "Developing Values in Oil Painting" by. Barbara Lamington Rdi, Bedminster. Vaughn- Eames Hall pointment. Milberg Gallery, through April 12. AVe., New Brunswick. Tickets $50 to $25. (908) 246-7469. necticut Opera and CortlandRepertory Theatre. As a frequent oratorio Waszak ferena. 12:20-2:30 P.M. "Watercolor" by Pat Lafferty and "Painting (908) 234-2345 Morris Ave., Union "Landscapes and oil paintings by PRINTMAKING COUNCIL (908) 527-2347 Ann Montgomery, April 2-26. OF NEW JERSEY on Silk" by Ellen Eichel. 3:00-5:00 P.M. "Dramatic Florals" by Margaret Monday through Thursday from soloist, she has sung in Austria and Germany, as well as with the 10 a.m.-9 p.m., Friday from 10 :. Monday through Thursday from Opening reception from 3:30- Ralph T. Reeve Cultural Center n English-language production of Mozart's comic opera Cos! fan Rutgers Oratorio Choir. Crawford and "Working with Colored Pencils" by Susan Field. 6-8 P.M. a.m.-5 p.m., Saturday from 10 . 10 a.m.-2 p.m. and 5-7 p.m., 5:30 p.m. April 5; demonstration ••- 440 River Rd., Branchburg .. tutte will be performed at 8 p.m. on two consecutive Fridays and Opera at Rutgers began as a small opera workshop in 1973 and now "Carving Carousel Animals" by George E. Hoffman and "Decorating with a.m.-3 p.m. Friday from 10 a.m.-noon. Also of pastels by Tim Gaydos at 2:30 (908) 725-2110 by appointment. Saturdays, April 3 and 4 and April 10 and 11, in the Nicholas operates throughout the year, presenting major productions, scenes and Fine Arts Throughout the Home" by Ariene Mollow. Tuesday, April 7, 9:30- •Paintings of religious women by p.m. April 5. Monday through Friday from 9 Music Center, George Street near Route 18 in New Brunswick. Kate Hammett, through April 30. •Major works by Kean students, NEW JERSEY CENTER ' a.m.-4 p.m., Saturday from 1-4 A chamber operas. It presents a Summer Opera Workshop in conjunction fee hv 11:30 A.M. "Fused Glass" by Susan Kutno and "Building and Preparing a RENEE FOOSANER through April 17. FOR VISUAL ARTS p.m. The plot turns on the old, philosopher Don Alfonso's efforts to per- with the Rutgers Summer Session and the N.J. Summer Aits Institute Canvas, How an Artist Does It" by Cynthia Genn Toffey. 12:30-2:30 "Natu- ART GALLERY HUNTERDON ART CENTER 68 Elm St., Summit •"Small Impressions '92," prints suade his two young friends that their sweethearts can't be trusted (the COSI FAN TUTTE April 3, 4,10,11, at the Nicholas Music Center, George Street ral Basketry" by Brian Jenkins and "Old Bam, Watercolor at Its Best" by Paper Mill Playhouse 7 Center St., Clinton (908) 273-9121 from American artists, April 10- rrrmintormation,call (908) 735-8415 Gallery hours Monday through June 1. Opening reception from title means "Women are like that"). Franklin Gay. 3:00-5:00 P.M. "There's a 'Fine Line' Between Watercolor Brookside Dr., MiHburn near Route 18, Douglass College campus of Rutgers University, New Brunswick Joan DeJean at (201) 643- (201) 379-3636 Thursday and Friday from 12:30- Friday from noon-4 p.m., Satur- 7-9 p.m. April 10, A series of comic twists and turns develop in which the men, abetted Tickets are $14, $12 for the elderly and Rutgers faculty, $7 for Rutgers students 3710, ;•' ', ;•'". ;t«r " and a Painting" by Beverly Golembeski and "Throwing on the Wheel" by Open to the public Friday from 4:30 p.m., Saturday and Sunday dayand Sunday from 2-4 p.m. RARITAN VALLEY by the servant Despina, use disguises, entreaties and even feigned (908)932-7511. ' Anne Yagoda. 6-8 P.M. "Polaroid^Transfer Process" by Billy Ryan and noon-3 p.m. Also open one hour from 1-5 p.m. Closed April 17-19. Free admis- COMMUNITY COLLEGE "Printmaking Without a Press" by Clara Gee Stamaty. Wednesday, April 8, before theater performances and •"Private Worlds," works by Tom sion. Route 28. Branchburg at intermission. Blatt, Danny Gayder, and Michael •Contemporary glass sculpture by (908) 218-8871 9:30-11:30 A.M. "Hand Coloring Black and White Photographs" by Bob •Members' show of N.J. Water Lewis, through April 19, 15 artisans, through April 18. Open to the public Tuesday, Happenings Bowne and "Watercolon Working Around its Foibles" by Pat San Soucie. Color Society, through May 10. "Exhibition of prints from around Public tour at 3 p.m. April 5.. Wednesday, and Thursday from 12:30-2:30 P.M. "Let's Frame It in Clay" by Patrice G. Monaghan and GALLERIES des ARTISTES the country, through April 19. "Watercolors by Lisa Suss, noon-3 p.m. •Student art show, April 10-May "Making Art a Part of Your Life" by Lorraine Niemela. 3-5 P.M. "Pastel 18 Main St., Madison A.J. LEDERMAN FINE ART through April 30. (201) 377-1631 309 Court St., Hoboken N.J. DESIGNER CRAFTSMEN 9. Reception from 7-9j3.m. April Painting" by Deede Ulant and "The Figure in Watercolor" by Roberta Carter Tuesday through Saturday from (201) 659-3570 65 Church St., New Brunswick 10. * CLARK STAMP, COIN, Cook College Campus Center (908) 820-2919 (908) 273-9121 p.m. April 3, 9 a.m.-5 p.m. •Dinner-dance to mark the Clark. 6-8 "Creating in Clay" by Barbara Bluestein and "Printmaking, 11 a.m.-5 p.m. Thursday and Friday from noon-7 (908) 246-4066 ELIZABETH SETON GALLERY BASEBALL CARD SHOW Biel Rd., New Brunswick •Cuisine from Hungary, Russia, from the near East, and more, "Gala to benefit the N.J. Center April 4. Admission $6. GALLERY AT p.m., Saturday and Sunday from Monday through Saturday from St. Poter's High School Howard Johnson Motor Inn (609) 586-8438 30th anniversary of the sum- noon-4 p.m. April 5. Adults $3, Danish Style" by Gyrithe Sidenius. Poland, Armenia, and Bulgaria, for Visual Arts, April 4. Call for MONMOUTH FESTIVAL BRISTOL-MYERS SQUIBB noon-4 p.m. Also by appoint- noon-6 p.m. Free admission. 175 Somerset St. Garden State Parkway "Art auction to benefit an agen- mer theater program, 7:30 children free. in the Newarker Restaurant time and admission price. OF THE ARTS The festival will open with a gala champagne reception for supporters Route 206, Princeton ment. •Craft workshops, April 11, May New Brunswick Exit 135, Clark cy for the autistic, 7 p.m. April p.m. April 3. Admission $25. SPRING BOUTIQUE OF CRAFTS through April 4. Call for. hours MAGIC EXPO Monmouth Reform Temple and artists on Saturday, April 4, at 7:30. Those attending have the exclu- (609) 252-6275 ""Garden and Gomorrah," paint- 2, 9. Call for information. (908) 846-8046 (908) 247-1093 PRINCETON CRAFTS Gospel Fellowship Church 11. Admission $5. and reservations,_,_ State Theatre ings about the Garden State, OFFICE CENTER Open to the public during school 332 Hanco Ave., Tinton Falls AND ARTS FESTIVAL 626 Plainsboro Rd., Plainsboro sive first opportunity to preview and purchase art work, meet many of the Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, •Monthly show and sale, 10 COUNTRY FOLK ART SHOW FOUR VIEWS OF TRENTON 453 Northampton St. and Friday from 9 a.m.-5 p.m.; through May 15. AT SHORT HILLS hours by appe'ntment. (908) 747-9365 Food for Thought Village (609) 7994945, 799-2304 a.m.-4:30 p.m. April 5. Free Exposition Hall The Contemporary Easton, Pa. participating artists and receive a free ticket for all festival events. Thursday from 9 a.m.-9 p.m.; THE MEDICAL CENTER 51 John F. Kennedy Pkwy. •Works from the sister city ol •Arts and crafts and a whole lot Route 27, Kingston "Assorted crafts on display and admission. Raritan Center. Edison 176 West State St., Trenton (215) 252-3132 The Monmouth Festival of the Arts will be open to the public on Sunday, - Saturday and Sunday from 1-5 AT PRINCETON Short Hills Fukui, Japan, through April 9. more, noon-9:30 p.m. April 5, (908) 788-8983 for sale, 10 a.m.-9 p.m. Thurs- COMIC BOOK AND (313) 634-4151 (609) 882-3726 "48th annual convention of the p.m. Free admission. 253 Witherspoon St. (201)_376-61OO STATE THEATRE 9:30 a.m.-8:30 p.m. April 6-8. •Featuring exhibitors from four day, Friday, and Saturday April 5, Noon-8:30 p.m and Monday through Wednesday, April 6-8, 9:30 COLLECTIBLES MARKETPLACE "Folk art from across the •Four distinct bus tours of Allentown (Pa.) Society of Magi- Adults $4, senior citizens and through April 11. Free admis- ""A Loving Likeness," 19th- Princeton Open to the public Monday 453 Northampton St. states, 10 a.m.-5 p.m. April a.m.-8:30 p.m. Daily admission is $4, $2 for students and the elderly. $8 Easton, Pa. Holiday Inn U.S.A., 10 a.m.-5 p.m. April 4, Trenton — historic, archive, re- cians, 9:30 a.m.-8 p.m. April students $2 per day; all four sion. century American folk portraits, (609) 497-4191 through Friday from 11 a.m.-4 11. Freo admission. series tickets provide single admission to all festival events April 5-8 (215) 258-7766 Route 22, Springfield 5. Adults $4, children 10 and ligious, and manufacturing — 9 11. Cost $25, days $8. Opening reception STAMP, COIN, AND ; April 4-May 17. Opening recep- Exhibit open during dining hall p.m. Freo admission. (908) 788-6845 SEPHARDIC FESTIVAL tion from 3-5 p.m. April 4. hours. •Members' show of the Millburn- Friday through Sunday from under $2. Preview from 5-9 a.m.-4 p.m. April 4. Cost $30, MIUTARY MINIATURES from 7:30-10:30 p.m. April 4, BASEBALL CARD SHOW The festival can be reached readily from Exit 109 on the Garden State "Comic book and science fic- Jewish Community Center MASON GROSS SCHOOL •Watercolors by Linda J. Brad- Short Hills Arts Center, through noon-4 p.m. Also open one hour p.m. April 3, admission $6. includes lunch; reservations re- Ukrainian Cultural Center admission $125-$25. Howard Johnson Motor Inn Parkway and Exit 8, Hightstown, on the NJ. Turnpike. For more infoimatio"n, tion memorabilia, 10 a.m.-4 of Central New Jersey OF THE ARTS shaw and Susan Suits Ewart, April 24. before theater performances and EASTERN EUROPEAN quired. Davidson Ave., Somerset PLAYS IN THE PARK Garden Stato Parkway call (908) 747-9.365. No strollers are permitted on Sunday; the temple is a p.m. April 5. Admission $3. 1391 Martino Avo. Downtown Arts Building • through May 14. PRINCETON UNIVERSITY at intermission. FOOD FESTIVAL IMAGES (908) 548-4119 Victorian Manor Exit 135, Clark " Scotch Plains barrier free area. 125 New St., New Brunswick MERWICK LIBRARY •Paintings by Lisa Learner, Bern- COMMUNITY LIVING Vista Hotel Beneficial Center •Toy soldiers, armor, aircraft, 2863 Woodbridgo Aye., Edison (908) 247-1093 ' (908) 889-8800 (008) 932-7511 79 Bayard Lane, Princeton (609) 258-3184 Ploaso turn to page 11 FOR THE AUTISTIC Newark International Airport Route 20C, Peapack ships, and the like, 10 a.m.-7 (908) 417-1973 "Monthly show and sale, 10 "Dances from Israel, music a.m.-4:30 p.m. April 5. Free admission.

April • 1;3, 1092 Fortes Newspapers Weekend •, 9 Forties'r^b\vspape'rl; 'April'. .'•)••

Weekend #•:$•;••'

10a.nrv5;30 p.m., Friday from WILLIAMS GALLERY everyday from 9:30 a.m.-5:3O 17. Adults $5, children under 18). •• ..- 26. Galleries 10 aim.-9 p.m., Saturday from 8 Chambers St., Princeton • p.m.; closed April 19. Adults 12 $3; group rates available. •"Hubble: Report from Orbit" : . 10 a.m.-6 p.m. (609)921-1142 . ••• $8.50, senior citizens and sfu- ..Call for shows and times. on the space telescope, 2 p.m, . "Oil paintings by Teresa Davis, Tuesday through Friday from 11 dents $7, children 2-11 $5.50; •Stargazing Saturday and Sun- Saturdays.through May 23 (no Museums Continued from page 9 through April 17. •" • , a.m.>-5 p.m., Saturday from 11 parking $4-$7. Group rates day at 1 p.m. and 3 p.m. show April 18). hard J. Suess, andTracey WALTERS HALL GALLERY . a.m.-4 p.m. - available. Directions: NJ. Turn- through June: 28; also at 1- TRAILSIDE NATURE ^_1 Howard, through April 19. Rutgers Arts Center . ""ComputerAgeFine Art," pike to Exit 7, then 1-295 south p.m: and 2 p,m. April 14-16 AND SCIENCE CENTER ANIMAL ART MUSEUM SWAIN GALLERIES George St.-and Chapel Dr. through May 16. •''...• -to 1-676 north. and April 21-24. Admission $1; New Providence Rd. St. Hubert's Giralda children under 2 not admitted. 1 575 Woodland Ave., Madison 703 Watchung Ave., Plainfield New Brunswick i , •••••• .'••••••• Mountainside (908)7564707 \ (908)932-7511 ; • | Planetariums RARITAN VALLEY (908)789-3670 (201) 377-5541 Monday through Friday from Open to the public Monday • Aquariums I COMMUNITY COLLEGE Adults $2, senior citizens '-• Animal artJVom the collection 9:30 a.m.-5:30 p.m., Saturday through Friday from 9 a.m.- Route 28, Branchburg . $1.70. Children under 6 not "' of Geraldine R. Dodge. Open from 9:30 a.m.-4 p.m. 4:30 p.m. NJ. STATE MUSEUM (908) 231-8805 admitted. Wednesday, Friday, and Satur- UPSTAIRS GALLERY •Thesis show by Scott Gregory, NJ. STATE AQUARIUM 2Q5 West State St., Trenton Adults $4, senior citizens and •"Stellar Managerie" of ani- day from 11 a.m.-4 p.m. Peddler's Village, Shop 74 April .6-10. Camden •• . (609)292-6308 • children.$3.50. mals in the sky, 2 p.m. and THE ART MUSEUM Ways To Entertain You! Routes 202-263, Lahaska, Pa. •Thesis show by Antonio Coro, (609) 365-3300 "Laser concerts with recent hits •"The Little Star That Could," 1 3:30 p.m. April 5. Princeton University (215)794-8486 • . . and Clint Yamaoka, April 13- ;, Seals, sharks, and other and classic rock, Friday, Satur- p.m. and 3 p.m. Saturdays •"Stories in the Sky," 2 p.m. Sunday through Thursday from 17. •' ' wonders of the water. Open day, and Sunday through May. through May 23 (no shows April and 3:30 p.m. April 12,19, Please turn to page 12 RUTGERS SALE DATES March 30 CLOCK Anniversary Thru REPAIR April 5 Special LEAN CUISINE AMERICAN GRANDFATHER NEW SINGLE SERVE MEAL CHICKEN WINGS ( LQ.F. RAW WING 6 La BAGG $$4.95 T-H-E-A-T-R-E The Frog CLOCKS LASAGNA BREADED WING 6 La BAO $5.95 REPERTORY SALISBURY STEAK RAW HOT WING 260-262 North Ave., s La &AQ $7.95 NEW BRUNSWICK PALLET COMPANY and The Peach AND OTHER SLICED TURKEY BREAST or ZIMMERLI DunellervNJ-0.8812 ORIG. BUFFALO .: (formerly Princeton Ballet) . GASTRONOMIA ITAUANA Extraordinary American Cuisine TYPES OF; Hours: Tues.-Thurs, 10-8; Fri. & Sat. 10-6 p.iu BREADED BREAST OF CHICKEN PARMESAN STYLE WING 3 LB. BAG $6.95 BOX OFFICE: with a touch of France ART MUSEUM Get 20% Off Your Largest Portrait MRS.TS CHEF ARGENT CLOCKS POTATO & CHEESE REAL HAYOHMAISE and 50% Off All Additional Portraits - Any Pose! PIEROGIES (908) 246-7469 (908)249-1254 (908) 249-7500 • Creation FOB Rotiuirod MTimo ol Ro3ervijlion. Rolain Your (908)846-3216 (908)932-7237 • Prompt Dalo by April 30. Have Your Portrait Taken by 29 '• ' 6LB.BAQ $3.29 $11.95 (72 KS.) ^^ ^^ PEDenR CASfkeeE Professional CALL 1-800-794-0937 TODAY $7.95 PER GAL 4/1 GAL : This Offer May Not Be Used in Conjunction with Any Other Promotion CAPEWAY IMPORTED Service BREADED UNBREADED MUSHROOM • Free Estimates FLOUNDER FLOUNDER & PIECES $13.95 PERSiaBCK $15-95 BRANCHBURG 24J4 OZ. POfmONS I PSI #10 CAN #10 CANS CLOCK SHOP IMPORTED *i\U OOOO MONDORO LANDSCAPE SUCED BACONS (908)725-1790 Spring Clean Up* RR Tics VACUUM PACK . HOTEL CHUNCK LITE TUNA WVNICOS Lawn Maintenance Gall Stone Walls ua Sod k Seeding Design Services $1.49 IB. $1.19 $4.95 I $27.95 THEATRE COMPANY George Street Shrubs Thatching BOraSBFT Mulch (908)755-3715 Hedge & Bush HERSHEVS CANDY PLAYHOUSE '••T. f PLASTIC WRAP FILM • ALMOMD^HLAN _y Top Soil Trimming •KTTKAT-REESFS WECE5 SCUBA 12 INCH. 2000 FT. $ * »95 PER RdL • REESE'S P.B. CUPS $10.95 anamerican ; commcrci&I and JResioleBiiaJ •MOUNDS*ALMOND JOY - v) 16 \NCH. 2000 FT. $1 0.95 PW ROUL TWCZZLERS BOX OFFICE: BOX OFFICE: uaftsmen cafe (wtktcd fatty it! 10%OFF 10% OFF . FREE . 10% OFF Spring Senior First Lawn Cut Hedge (908) 545-6100 (908) 249-5560 (908) 246-7717 Classes start Clcnn-Ups* Citizen With Annual & Bush (908)246-4066 Coming Soon! at the Discount* • Maintenance* Trimming' HQurs. "A Warehouse Of-Savings ,or.TinM •f,Vw Clients Only-With This Ad) following Mon-WeFri d W.'Thur8s5 & CALL FOR EASYJ3IRECTIONS 20o :zzL,n?oln Blvd m. locations: FREEESTMATES FULLY INSURED. FAMILY OWNED li % ' 908-469-8401 ' ^ -Scotch Plains YMCA WE ACCEPT FOOD STAMPS VISA & MASTER CARD MASON GOOSS SCHOOL Of W£ ABB April 20

-New Brunswick YMCA April 28 -Westfield YMCA CREATIVE April 2 THE STATE UNIVERSITY Of N6W Jf RSEV DESKTOP -Metuchen YMCA Specializing in,,. SERVICES GOURMET FRENCH CREOLE CUISINE RUTGERS May 13 Gift Certificate" Bistro Style Dining Campus ot Now Brunswick RIOR BOX OFFICE: -Highland Park YMCA COUPONS (908) 846-7878 (908) 545-6110 May 13 •Professional Computerized CAR WASH (908) 246-3111 (908) 873-3131 (908) 932-7511 Graphic Designs AVAILABLE $50oo 50 •Laser Typesetting EXTERIOR Course Fee •Newsletters with this ad!! •Brochures ' 5 WASH Whether you're looking for a great dining experience, a spectacular show - or both, New Brunswick has it all! •Announcements * Business Reports Come discover all the culture, excitement, and convenience we have to offer. You'll be very glad you did. OCEAN EXPLORERS •Direct Mail ot Publication D AQUATIC CENTER Ad Designs »„. and more 871 fit. t. Edison Place r I' Edison 287-2822 We'll design your. ith your choice of available types jr custom Discover New BrungMck. artwork, or photo i your STATE OF THE ART EQUIPMENT duplications. G*t pr$fM$f&nat results from SELF SERVICE VACUUM SYSTEM AVAIUBLE The Arts & Entertainment Capital of New Jersey! a Professionall$rkjMc DWlgiL AD DESIGN AND PRODUCTION COURTESY OF ZULLO ASSOCIATES, INC. LOCATED: Hwy.77 Edison (At Highland Parkin border) Don't settle tetj*W«i«« * (908) 821-6789 Dally tto 6pm*m; 8to 6pm Ol SfSUWI **3 -•i- 10

SGa'Apnias :'. ft). Weekend

1:30-4 p.m. Free admission. MILLER-CORY HOUSE MUSEUM •"A Mbody Light: Romanticism p.m., Saturday through Thurs- 49 Washington St., Newark .- (908)273-8787 ••'.'' : Museums EAST JERSEY OLDE TOWNE 614 Mountain Ave., Westfield in the American Landscape," day from 9 a.m.-5 p.m. Admis- (201) 596 6550 Gardens open daily from Johnson Park ' (908)232-1776 through April 26. sion $6 weekdays, $7 week; Wednesday through Sunday '.. dawn to dusk. •River Rd., Piscataway Furnished farmhouse started •"Highlights from the Native ends; children under 1 year old from noon-4:45 pirn. Donation; DR. WILLIAM ROBINSON ) : Continued from page 11 (908) 463-9077 " in 1740 by Samuel Miller; orig- American Collection," through free. . Largest museum.complex in the PLANTATION HOUSE-MUSEUM • .(609)258-3787 , Village composed of relo- inally, part of lOO-acre farm. •June 7. • . .; ''• NJ. HISTORICAL SOCIETY , state. Permanent exhibits in- 593 Madison Hill Rd., Clark < 1 Tuesday through Saturday cated 18th century structures . Sunday'from 2-5 p.m., week- • • ""From the Collection: Real 230 Broadway, Newark clude "Africa-Thp Americas-The O08)381r3081 from 10 a.m.-5 p.m., Sunday set near the headquarters of days by appointment. Adults . ism," through June 28. (201)483-3939 . ... Pacific," "Design In Native' Farmhouse built In 1690 as from 1-5 p.m. Museum shop the county park police. No $1, children 50 cents. •Sculpture from the museum's Wednesday through Friday American life," "Americarv part of a 750-acre plantation. closes 4 p.m. Western Euro- tours offered at present. Gift •Basket-weaving workshop, collection, through Aug. 23. from 10 a.m."4 p.m., third Sat- Painting and Sculpture," Nu- Open the first Sunday of each pean paintings, sculpture and shop open Wednesday through April 5. •"The American Landscape" urday of the month from 10 , mismatic Gallery, Asian Gal- month from 1-4 p^m. Free ad- decorative art from 19th and Friday from 10 a.m.-3 p.m. MINIATURE KINGDOM from Cole to Blakelock, through a.rn.-4 p.m. Guided tours by leries, Ballantine House and the •mission. 20th centuries;, also pre- EDISON NATIONAL Route 31, Washington Nov. 22. appointment. Admission free Mini-Zo6; RUTGERS GEOLOGY MUSEUM Columbian art and art of the HISTORIC SITE (908) 689-6866 MORRIS MUSEUM for society members, $3 for •"The Artist as an Outsider," : Hamilton St near College Ave. Americas. Main St. and Lakeside Ave. Daily (except Monday) from 6 Normandy Heights Rd. non-members. April 8-May 10. Reception from Rutgers University •Works by Paul Cezanne, West Orange 10 a.m.-5 p.m. Adults $4.50, . Morristown . - •"Tender in Years: Childhood in 1-3 p.m. April 12. New Brunswick through April 5. (201)736-5050 senior citizens $4, children 5- (201)538-0454 19th-century New Jersey," on- •Portraits from the museum's (908)932-7243 •Prints from the museum's col- Workshop with inventions of 18 $3.50, children under 5 . Monday through Saturday going, collection, through May 17. Monday from 1-4 p.m., Tues* lection, through April 5. Thomas Alva Edison, open $1.50. from 10 a.m.-5 p.m., Sunday NJ. MUSEUM •Textiles from sub-Saharan Af-. day through Friday from 9 a;m.- every day from 9 a.m.,-5 p.m. rica, March 28-May 31. •Spanish drawings, through MONMOUTH MUSEUM from 1-5 p.m. Closed April 19. OF AGRICULTURE noon. Free admission. Adults $2, children and senior •"Stepping Into Ancient Egypt," April 19. . Newman Springs Rd. Free admission for members. Route 1 & College Farm Rd. TRAILSIDE NATURE citizens free, Lincroft Non-member admission: adults through Dec. 1993. ' • . BLACKSMITH MUSEUM New Brunswick AND SCIENCE CENTER River S{., Millstone Borough MACCULLOCH HALL (908) 747-2266 $4, senior citizens and children (908)249-2077 OLD BARRACKS MUSEUM New Providence Rd, (908)873-2803 HISTORICAL MUSEUM Main gallery open Tuesday $2. Barrack St., Trenton : Wednesday through Saturday Mountainside Blacksmith shop from the 45 Macculloch Ave. through Saturday from 10 •Permanent gallery exhibits: di- from 10 a.m.-5 p.m., Sunday (609) 396-1776 (908)789-3670 (-Davidson® Traveling Museum 18th century, open Sundays Morristown a.m.-4:30 p.m., Sunday from nosaurs, live animals, five sens- from noon-5 p.m. Adults $3, Revolutionary War museum. to see Visitors center open every from 1:30-4 p.m. through June (201)538-2404 1-5 p.m. Becker Children's es (for children 3-5), mam- children 4-12 $1, children Tuesday through Saturday from day from 1-5 p.m. Museum 28 (closed April 19). Free ad- Reopens April 12. Gardens Wing open to the public Tues- . mals, model trains, history, under 4 free. 11 a.m.-5 p.m., Sunday from open Saturday and Sunday • mission. . will be open daily from dawn day through Friday, from 2-4:30 North American Indians, Wood- •Drawings and photographs by 1-5 p.m. Donation $2 for from 1-5 p.m. through March. years otc reat machine into one CLINTON HISTORICAL MUSEUM until dusk. Museum hours will p.m., Saturday from 10 a.m.- land Indians, rocks and miner- Rick Mitchell, through May 17. ' adults, $JL for students and se- 56 Main St., Clinton • be Sunday and Thursday from 4:30 p.m., Sunday from 1-5 als. Reception from 7-9 p.m. April nior citizens, 50 cents for chil- Registration required for pro- (908)735-4101 1-4 p.m. Adults $3, senior citK < p.m. Adults $2, senior citizens •Glass sculpture by Lucartha 3. dren under 12. grams. Daily (except Monday) from zens and students $2. and children $1; Kbhler, ongoing. NJ. STATE MUSEUM «"0f War, Law and the Third •Wildlife Sunday, April 5. monster semi (-Davidson Traveling Museum can 10 a.m.-4 p.m. Adults $3, se- •Daffodil Day, April 12. •Sculpture by Donald DeLue, •Retrospective of Realist paint- 205 West State St., Trenton Amendment," through June 1. JANE VOORHEES 2IMMERU nior citizens $1.50, children 6- •"Flora '92," exhibit of regional through July 12. ings by Adolf Konrad, through (609) 292-6464 •"Hospitable Quarters: The ART MUSEUM 12 $1. art, April 12-June 7. MONTCLAIR ART MUSEUM May 24. Lecture series 12, 26, Tuesday through Saturday Building of the Barracks at Rutgers University George and Hamilton streets seen •"Mr. Audubon in Hunterdori," METLAR HOUSE 3 South Mountain Ave. May 17 (see Speakers). from 9 a.m.-4:45 p.m. Sunday Trenton," through June 1. illustrations by the famed natu- 1281 River Rd., Piscataway Montclair •"500 Years of Discovery: from noon-5 p.m. Free admis-' OSBORN-CANNONBALL HOUSE New Brunswick ralist, through July 5. Lecture (908) 757-1144, 752-4178 (201) 746-5555 From Columbus to Space," sion (except where indicated).' Front St., Scotch Plains (908)932-7237 by Don Freiday at 2 p.m. April Piscataway Township historic Tuesday, Wednesday, Friday, April 19-Oct. 18. Reception •"Nature and the Decorative (908)889-4137 Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, 5. museum. Weekday tours by ap- and Saturday from 10 a.m.-5 from 5-7 p.m. April 26. - Arts," ongoing. Historic house from c. 1750. and Friday from 10 a.m,-4:30 •How horseshoes are made, 2- pointment. p.m. Sunday and Thursday MUSEUM OF EARLY "Exhibition acquired in Open the first Sunday of each • p.m. Saturday and Sunday from 4 p.m. April 4. • •Easter boutique, 11 a.m.-4 from 2-5 p.m.; second and TRADES AND CRAFTS 1991, through April 26. month from 2-4 p.m. Free ad- noon-5 p.m. Free admission. DRAKE HOUSE MUSEUM p.m. April 4, 5. (908) 752- fourth Thursdays of the month 9 Main St., Madison ' , • "Works by James Seawright, mission. •Young artists' depictions of 602 West Front St., Plainfield 4847. from 2-9 p.m. Free admission (201)377-2982 ' through May 17. Reception PROPRIETARY HOUSE Christopher Columbus in 1492, (908)755-5831 MIDDLESEX COUNTY MUSEUM for members. Donation for non- Tuesday through Saturday from 5-7 p.m. April 12. •• 149 Kearney Ave., Perth Amboy through Aprii 30. House built in 1746 and fur- Cornelius Low House members: adults $4, senior cit- from 10 a.m.-5 p.m., Sunday •Great mammals of the Ice (908)826-5527 •Japanese postcards from the nished with articles of the pe- 1225 River Rd., Piscataway izens and students $2, children from 2-5 p.m. Adults $1, chil- Age, April 18-Sept. 5. Adults Occupied from 1774-1776 early 20th century, through riod. Saturday'from 2-4 p.m. (908)745-4177 under 18 free. Free admission dren 50 cents. $4, senior citizens and children by William Franklin, last royal June6. Donation $1 for adults, free to Daily (except Monday) from for all on Thursday. N J. CHILDREN'S MUSEUM $2.50, school groups $2 per- governor of New Jersey under •"Here Comes the Cat!" book G< children. 1-4 p.m. Free admission. •Drawings from the Morgan 599 Industrial Ave., Paramus child. British rule. illustrations by Frank Asch and EAST BRUNSWICK MUSEUM ""Home Front USA," life in Russell Archives, through April (201) 262-5151 •"Christopher Columbus and •How to decorate May baskets, Vladimir. Vagin, through June 6. 16 Maple St., East Brunswick New Jersey during World War II, 5. Fantasy castle, a 50s fire en- the Age of Exploration," 10 a.m. April 4. Admission $5. •Rare turn-of-the-century post- (908)254-7329 through July .14. Lecture series •Prints from Currier & Ives, gine, and more exhibits for kids through Jan. 3,1993. REEVES-REED ARBORETUM : ers from Belgium, April 12-June Saturday and Sunday from April 8 (see Speakers). through April 12. to touch. Friday from 9 a.m.-8 NEWARK MUSEUM 165 Hobart Ave., Summit 6.

Natasha's Stars NEW ARRIVALS ARIES (March 21-Aprll 19) You may perk LI8RA) (September 23-Octobcr 22) -You, a with ideas for a good part of the week (some workaholic? It may just loofc that way, noth- MOONSTRUCK of them good, some of them naughty), and ing more. You do manage to make time by you will try them out for size by the week- the weekend to demonstrate the true values ond. The fallout could be very interesting, of the sign of partnership, (yes, you Libra). First Qualify Brand Names too, since it involves self-indulgence. You Take responsibility for the closeness you cre- PERIODONTIGS pick up the .pieces to start all over again. ate this weekend. Yes, it takes two at tango. $ TAURUS (April 20-May 20) You may think SCORPIO (October 23-November 21) Spring the world is your oyster for most — at least fever or creative juices — whatever — you're Jrs., Missy and Large Sizes in an offbeat mood where you must(?) be Sensible Dental Fees EXAMINATION $35.00 two-thjrds - of this week. (And you're right.). footloose and fancy free. Do make time for Aim for the bull's eye and don't get down if (Includes OraJ Cancer Screening & X-Rays) you miss at first. Remember, practice makes work and those little details that make your DR. KENNETH M. KUCHARZ life work. Otherwise, there is no stopping CLEANING (includes scaling) $35.00 perfect and you get to practice all weekend you now. Plunge into a wild/social weekend. 3 West Union Ave., long. Lucky you. EXAM + CLEANING 4 X-RAYS $60.00 SAGITTARIUS' (November 22-December21) Bound Brook GEMINI (May 21 - June 20) Right now, so it Stablize before you plunge into the next few FILLINGS.... $16.00 seems, you are unusually practical and logi- days. Somehow your timing is off all week. cal. Work first, play later. You do this jug- You play when everyone else works, and vice We Treat the Entire Family (Silver amalgam per surface) JORDACHE gling act so well. Do remember even the versa. You could find yourself sadly out of CROWNS '. :. $425.00 AVMKNYICO resourceful twin does need time to rest and sorts unless you decide to be more in synch 21 YEARS IN BOUND BROOK relax. Ask a favorite partner along for a iso- with conventional ways. Tame that indepen- (Porcelain lused (o metal) lated weekend. dence — a little. FULL DENTURES $425.00 idniour CANCER (June 21-July 22) The Moonchild CAPRICORN (December 22 • January 19) 356-0678 (Upper or Lower) Talk is cheap and another calls you on just is ever so full of daydreams and fairy tales! PARTIAL DENTURES $475.00 Raritan Mall Inman Grove Shop. Ctr. Yet others will watch you live these day- that. Don't retreat. Be that gutsy goat and Rt. 206 So., Rarilan Inman Ave. & Grove Ave. dreams and fairy tales this weekend. Let your keep on going. Ynu get your just desserts by Additional charges may be incurred for (Upper or Lower) creativity spin' you many a web and peak Saturday when others celebrate your presence. related services which may be required (near Foodtown) Edison (near Foodtown) through the many different life alternatives It was worth eating your pride. Now, let others in some cases. SIMPLE EXTRACTIONS , $40.00 908-707-8989 908-756-9898 you huvo. It could be wild. ravish you with their delight! LEO • (July 23-AuKuut 22) ToRetliDrnoss (juner- 'AQUARIUS (January 20-Fcbruary 18) You can ally pleases the old lion, as IOIIK as he has his be very, vpry ovcrindulgent (in one of your "feel- • space to pound his chest and be noticed. lylid- inc-your-oats; mood). Use cnutions, or you may be week, you launch into your independent stance singing the blues nil weekend lonf. Talk about not to return until next week. Though you love I'oclihus, and you will discover that another is the limeliclit this weekend, you also notice it's responsive. Ynu are likely to lie moon-jia/inn all You ueserve ever so lonely. Buy tisanes. weekend loni;. Satin *L Lace PISCES (February lfl-March 20) You're on VIRGO (August 23-SeptiMnhrr '•!•-) • Popularity a roll this week, ami no out? wants to (or • BRAS • Girdle* peaks and it looks like you haw the tii;cr by the Wedding Photography toil. Never take anything Tor granted, tun

. Rutgers Arts Center MARK MORRIS DANCE GROUP Highland Park piece from the pompany's first dren 8-16- Appointments re- (908)464-1437 Bound Brook High School Main St., South Bound Brook George St, New Brunswick Wednesdayi April 15, 8 p.m. (908)828-8776,873-122^ 25 years. Admission $20. quired; call between 10 a.m.-l Dance Rehearsals •For May performance of West Unfon Aye., Bound Brook (908) 572-6959, 287-0161, Place your notice in WeekendPlus (908) 932-7511 Rehearsals McCarter Theatre •For new and experienced p.m. April. 6, 7,8. DEANS OF HARMONY Verdi's Requiem w/soloists and (9.08)721-2122 . "American vocal dance and 91 University PI., Princeton' dancers; no partner needed. In- PLAYS IN THE PARK •For women who enjoy singing. : Tuesdays, 7:30 p.m. . orchestra. All voice parts wel- ' •Community orchestra w/60 CELEBRATE DANCE V music,choreographed by Clag- (609) 683-8000 • ' struction at 7:30 p,m. Ad- ; Auditions Roosevelt Park Amphitheater • •;-;---" -y.-•;;.-.•• Write to: ^s '.7 •• " Elks (odge . Continued from page 14 come. .'•.'•'• .musicians, all amateur. ' New.'members welcome; no ex- Sunday, April 5,: 3 p.m. . dia.Giteiman. Admission $11, •Dances set to the music of mission $5. • Route. 1, Edison : • ': . Washington Ave. ••• . Italian-Arnerican League RARiTAN VALLEY SUMMIT CHORALE perience necessary; Count'Basfe Theatre ' discounts available. J.5. Bach, Haydn, the Louvln (908)548:2884 East Brunswick Steven Hart, WeekendPlus Editor SYMPHONIC BAND Tuesdays, 7:45 p.m. • WESTHELD COMMUNITY 99 Monmouth St., Red Bank Brothers, Bob Wills & The Texas NIKOLAIS & BUCKS COUNTY PLAYHOUSE •Summer theater series. Audi- (908)329-3753 Hamilton Blvd. ' •• . Wednesdays, 7:30 p.m. Christ Church (908) 842-9000 MASCOWSCE Playboys. Admission $35427. MURRAY LOUIS DANCE Children's Theatre Arts Camp tions, for Little Shop of Horrors' •All-male chorus singing bar- South Plainfield ORCHESTRA •Original dartCe by members of Monday, April 13, 7:30 p.m. Thursday, April 16, 8 p.m. 70 South Main St. . and Annie Get YoyrGun April Hillsborough High School : .561 Springfield Ave. Forbes Newspapers, P.O. Box 699 bershop harmony. (908) 549-3889 •Mondays, 7:15-8:30 p.m. 26, May'l. 2; auditions for Raider Blvd., Hillsborough Summit five companies." AdmissiofiT WarMemorialv . NEW ENGLAND State Theatre New Hope, Pa. GEORGE KRAUSS •Dance band that has per- $l2-$8. • John Fitch Plaza, Trenton CONTRA DANCING 19 Livingston Ave. (215)794-5967 . Dracula May 3. Call for re^ (908)359-7485 (201) 635-5548 : Roosevelt School, Westfield MEMORIAL BAND formed under various names SdmerviUe,NJ. 08876 INGENUITY (609)392-7685 Saturday, April 11, 8 p.m. New Brqhswick . •For summer, theater series at quirements. ."' •..'.- Tuesday, April 14,8 p.m; •Community orchestra w/75 •For concert of part-songs in (908)3212-5065 April 2, 3, 4; all at 8 p.m. •National dance troupe of Po- Reformed Church for 45 years, (908) 246-7469 . theaters in Bucks County, Pa., musicians, amateur and pro- May. Call for information. * For adults antJ young people Notices should arrive no later than the Thursday New Proscenium Theater, land. Admission $30-$10. 23 South Second Ave. - •Premiere of a reconstructed and the Poconos. Open to chil- Please turn to page 15 N.J. SCHOLA CANTORUM fessional. SWEET ADELINES who play string instruments. Tuesdays, 8-10 p.m. SOMERSET VALLEY Plscataway Chorus of the week before publication. Wilson Memorial Church . ORCHESTRA Tuesdays, 7:30 p.m. . Must be able to read music Notices should be typed or clearly written; include telephone number for more information. Index of 7 Valley Rd., Watcnung . Thursdays, 7:30-9:30 p.m. Reformed Church and play first positions. Have You Always Dreamed _. Cases of UNSAFE MARC SINGER KARIWUHRER advertisers • electrical work have | (and employees of aU kinds) | of Learning to Ride? A-l Electric 14 increased -The dangers easqa Acme Nissan Car Wash...... 11 American Repertory 2 & 10 are often hidden until too late.] I Your Day Is Corning! \ Boulevard Foods, ...... 11 Be sure any work at your home I JH^gHJJg^^HTMOfME Brancnburg dock 11 •Ifirirai Russ Conrad.. 3 or office is done by Qualified,! I Now'sYour An awesome hero. Country Folk Art...... 15 Insured, Licensed Electricians.! Locations: Creative Desktop ...11 I In honor of Secretaries pay, April 22, we're Crossroads 2 & 10 A Public Awarnoss Message From] BEOMINSTER PISCATAWAY An invincible villain. Doh't Hesitate To " running a DRAW YOUR BOSS CONTEST! I VUlig* it Btdmlmtw Pltctliwiy Town* Ctr, DJne Out With Mlcki.... .21 Verify Credentials With The |(908) 781-1260 (908)981-1680 lime travel to Draw Your Boss ^...14 State Board of Examiners of EOISON SOMERSET Drinking Water ...... 7 Inmm Grov* C*nl*r Cidtf Orov* Shop. Ctr, a distant world Electrical Contractors (201) 648-2058 | (908) 561-7767 (908) 805-9191 Easy Management...... 15 o <£1 Electrolysis ...... ;...... 3 FRANKLIN PARK EAST BRUNSWICK WHAT YOU DON'T KNOW I | Pnnklln Town* C»nl#r Ctnlir _, Equine Industries.... 15 (908) 422-4300 Crinbuiv Ml Expectations 14 CAN HURT YOU It's gonna be a wild weekend Frog & Peach 2 & 10 For a Free Information Package George Street Playhouse...... 2 & 10 Call 1-800-544-9508 Hours: Sun. - Thurs. 10-10 Hartey-Davidson 13 Frl.& Sat. 10-11 NEW LINE CINEMA Kingston..... 27 PICTURES IIIIIIIIIN ft r=r.T HOME VIDEO ©1991 Republic RctucM Coiporallon Dr. Kucharz 12 LdFontana..... 2 & 10 " Misty Valley 3 Mondoro Landscape 12 Moonstruck ...12 Natasha's Stars 12 LAST CHANCE NJ. Designer Craftsmen 10 Junior & Missy Lifetime Memberships North Branch General Store ...... 3 Ocean Explorers .11 Apparel & Sportswear Old Bay Restaurant 2 & 10 Other Locations'. Panico's. .,. 2 & 10 Now Selling... He's found the perfect story. EATONTOWN PARSIPPANY COUNTRY FOLK ART Now,.. Victoria Commoni - Troy-HIIU Paul's Firewood 7 Shopping Ctnttr FREEHOLD Personally Yours 12 they're hunting x AT Barclay Squirt PUIN3B0H0 Petrock's..... 27 SHOW ^ SALE him down. HA2LET Town C»nlir RAMSEY Photos by Loewy. , 12 The Boss's Initials K-Mart Centtr COST Rt. 35 South Inlcrttitt Shopping Raritan River Club.... 2 & 10 LAWRENCEVILLE C«nl«r Company Name : . Mercir Mill, Rt. 1 SAYREVILLE Restaurants 22-27 MANALAPAN S»yr»vlll« Town* C*ri*t Rutgers Art Center.. 2 & 10 Your Name/Initials: .: ' • • Eity Vldto Plui SOMERDALE Bea Skydelte 7 MATAWAN Uonthiad PUu (optional) Town Squ»r» TOMS RIVER Stage Left...... 2 & 10 Cant« Indian Hitd Plus State Theatre 2 & 10 MIODLETOWN WALL For $10,00 we will run your illustration on a special Grand Union Canter K-Mart C«nt«r Szechuan Kitchen 2 & 10 Rl. 35 Rt, 35 2 Albany 2 & 10 page in the papers listed below on April 22 -24. flPRIL 3-4-5,1992 Washington Valley ..3 • Complete the above picture. Use medium tip black pen Coming Soon Branchburg Wes Photography 11 for best reproduction. Town & Country Shopping Center WhKehouse Aquatic 7 I EDISON, NEW JERSEY Wine Column..... 27 • We must receive your entry no later than April 14th at 5 pm. at the beautiful INTERESTED M OWNING AN Worldwide Wholesale...... 28 1 RfiRITfiN CENTER EXPOSITION HfiLL EASY VIDE? FRANCHISE* Zlmmerli Art 10 *Must be paid in advance From: NJ Tumpika, Exit «10 ' To West on CALL ^08)^48-^50 TODAY • Check or money order enclosed 11-287, ExU -I R). #514 (orw exM South d NJ Tmpk.) Rl. #514 Q_tfenS«.Pkwy.N..Ex»#127 to R-ritan Center I Pkwy.A Expo Hal Bill to: • Visa • MasterCard lQ_^nSt.Pkwy.S..ExH#t29 ** •-* Valuibl* Coupon '*—* "•" r THE UflDIHa FOLK flUT SHOW IN THE IWJON FEflTCWNQ Exp. Date fcoVER 150 OOflUTY FOLK flRTlMHS FROMflCROSS TH E COOHTRY First Come - First Serve Friday evening, 5 p.m. to 9 p.m. Adm. $6.00 (Early Buying Privileges) Name Sat &. 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( •) I G H T L IF E Weekend)

Am'ale (piano) and trio, April 8. "Entombed, Ripping Corpse, 1288 Route 22 East Albany St,, New Brunswick New Brunswick (908)940-1717 The Marchellos take the stage at a •Warren Chiasson Quartet, April Club mix Rex, April 19. Bridgewater . • (908)247-3840 ' (908)699-0570' recent club performance. 10. SHOGUN27 •Slaves of New Brunswick (w/ (908)725-1500 JohnRegan Quartet w/Chariie All shows at 8:30 p.m. 3376 Route 27, Kendall Park •Mike Hashim Quartet, April - . Glen Burtnick), April 25. •Brother.Greg (singer- ' : . Piqno brunch w/Gladys Rich- Rouse Jr;, Tuesdays. . (908)422-1117 ... Bar Continued from page 16 * ' 11- •••"'•'.', -• .•••••'. GIGGLES'N BITS songwriter), April 4. . : ards, Sundays. MAX'S SPORTS CAFE Live comedy Friday and Satur- Stormiif CHEERS TAVERN . •Ken Peplowski w/Mark Shane, Clarion Hotel "Margo Hennebach (singer- Gary Oleyan, Tuesdays. Piscataway Tdwne Center day, 1Q p.m. 548 Amboy Ave., Perth Amboy April 15 (trio), 16,17 (quartet). songwriter), April 11. 2055 Rout* 27, Edison Willie Lynch trio (Irish), Thurs-. 1282 Centennial Ave. (908)324,0028 •Dan Barrett Trio, April 22. "Gregg Cagno (folksinger), April SOUTH RIVER PUB into Jersey j. (908)287-3500 days. Piscataway Alternative dance night, Fridays. •Stephanie Nakasian Quartet, 66 Main St., South River looking for a record deal," Pepi Live comedy Friday and Satur- •Rhythm AjBfabs, Apr!) 3, 24,. (908)562-1588 18. ••.:••.. Stormin' Norman Setdlii, an- Rock dance night, Thursdays. April 24. ••Dr. Joe (political satire), April (908)257-0330 said. "But it gave me an op- day starting 10 p.m. •Vinnle D. Swing Band, April 4, other local favorite from the 70s •Strange as Angels, April li. •Joe Temperiy Quartet, April MAXWELL'S 25. Backstreets Duo, Wednesdays. HUBCITY 18. Father and son portunity to have his band, which I CITY GARDENS 25. ••.-•••. 1039 Washington St. MINSTREL SHOW COF- THE STAGE AT THE INN club scene, is back in Central •Harry Allen Trip w/John Bunch think is a terrific band, be available New Jersey for three ap- 1701'Calhoun St., Trenton FEEHOUSE Stage House Inn to me.,,I said, 'Why don't you gig (609)392-8887 (piano), April 29. Somerset County Environmen- 366 Park Ave., Scotch Plains Marchellos regroup pearances, Friday and Saturday, All-ages dance party, Fridays. COURT TAVERN tal ;..•. (908)322-4224 124 Church St. with me? We'll go do some Good April 3-4, at Danny's; 11 Bridge 95-cent dance night, Satur- Education Center STEVIEG.B.'s days, Thursdays. New Brunswick 190 Lord Stirling Rd. the Good Rats Rats songs, some Marchello songs.' Ave. in Red Bank (908) 741- (908)545-7265 26 West Front St., Red Bank "Ramones, April 12. Basking Ridge (908)530-7826 ByWlUJAMWESTHOVEN "It was just a way to make some 6900) and Sunday, April 5 at Reggae night, Tuesdays. •Fugazi. April 14. .-.'•;.• (201)335-9489 Brian Kirk & The Love Pumps, money and keep busy, and all of a : "Love Shack" dance party, AHshows at 8:30 p.m. WeekendPlus Writer Lrs, 607 Rt 71 South in Brielte •Blur, April 24. Sundays and April 16. sudden people started coming out ICLUBBENE \ •'. Thursdays. -"..-.•' •Left Field, Shelon Viber, April he path'to success for most (908) 528-0424). ' THE COVE "Unplugged" night, Wednes- Route 35, Sayreville 3- and were really, really.enjoying the 108 Chestnut St., Roselle days. rock musicians involves years Mr. SeWin, a child piano prod- (908) 727-3000 . •Open-stage night, April 10. (908)241-1226 "Turnstyles, Stuttering John of struggle, pinching pennies situation. So now we're in the stu- igy bom In Red Bank (just one •John Cafferty & The Beaver •Pat Humphries, April 17. Dave LaRue, Mondays. (from Howard Stem show), April as they schlep their equip- dio, We've already dut the tracks blockfrom Count Basils birth- Brown Band, April 3. "Chuck Pyle, April 24. T Open coffeehouse, Tuesdays. NEST AT PHEASANTS' LANDING 9. •Clint Holmes, April 4. . already, and we're going to put a . place) went on to form Joyful •Yooj, Midnight, B-Movie, Brian ment from bar to bar, just trying to "Jane Olivor, April 5.. Amwell Rd., Hillsborough •The Red House, April 16. Bellew & The Lpdi Homeboys, make ends meet. new record out. I don't know if ~4foyze, which rocked the Jersey •Physical Graffiti, April 10. (908)359-4700 STUDIO 1 April, 3. we'll call it the Good Rats, or Fa- coast throughout the decade. "Bobby. Caldwell, April 11, ORPHAN ANNIE'S 88-89 Verona Ave., Newark Gene Marchello, a young guitar- •Frankie Mob, Jiggs & The Pigs, «!4Qhr|jDjv Dirty) Valby, April 1255 Valley Rd.. Stirling (201)482-1150 ther-Son, all I know is that we're Former band members include trash Mavericks, April 4. ist from Long Island, and his band 18. ' (908) 647-0138 •Nuclear Assault, April 3. Clarence demons, who. later CRICKET CLUB went right to the top, scoring a going to make a great record." CLUB 101 Open jam, Sundays. • "Electric Angels, April 4. 415 16th Ave., Irvlngton ' Actually, Gene's first onstage ap- joined up with another popular Audition night, Wednesdays. •Sweet F.A., April 10. record deal right out of high school. Ocean Ave., Asbury Park : . (201)374-1062 shore band. (908)774-2300 THE PIPELINE •Leeway, April 11. Ironically, his legacy is one that pearance was back in 1979, when Main room: Live, dance bands, 841 Broadway, Newark House mix, Wednesdays. T-BIRDS CAFE he sang along on the Good Rats These days, Stormin' Norman Fridays. International rock acts, (201)481-0486 connects him to one of the best Alternativeftechno dance night, 707 Main St., Asbury Park Saturdays. Techno dance night, All ages admitted Fridays, Sun- song he inspired, "Gino," at both Is a one-man show with Mr. Sel* Thursdays; • (908) 502-0217 "undiscovered" local bands in his- Thursdays. days. din on a midi-enhanced piano •Bob Geiger, The pharmacy. tory. And now, he's joined his father, the founder of that legendary the Nassau Coliseum-and the Palladium. "I was 9 at'the'time, and I was Basement; Alternative rock. . PLAYPEN LOUNGE Audition showcase, Wednes- The Crash, April 3. group, to share their music with each other and a very willing public. a pretty quiet and shy kid," said Gene. "But I guess when it came to that allows him to play his New Acoustic night, Sundays. Route 35, Sayreville days. •Dr. Rain, April 11. •B.B. & The Stingers, Amition, (908) 721-0100 TAPAS CAFE music, I had it in me and as soon as I'went.out on stage, I wasn't shy Orleans blues-oriented music iCLUBXS If his name sounds familiar, it just might be that you saw his father, Gangbox, April 3. DJ. dance night, Fridays. Route 53, Denville acoustically or with full, com* 406 Boulevard, Seaside Pepi Marchello, and his uncle, Micky Marchello, fronting the Good Rats, anymore. I did like five or six shows.". •The Night, Kikapoo Joy Juice, POOR BILLY'S (201)625-1677 Heights puter-generated arrangements. Jet Black Machine, April 10. Route 9, Woodbridge Grover Kemble, Wednesdays. N who ruled the tri-state bar scene for most of the '70s and into the '80s. For the last year, or so, Pepi, Gene, bassist Jolin Miceli and drummer (908) 830-3036 ESSEX MANOR (908) 634-5454 • West End Review, Thursdays, Mr. SeWin moved from Red Classic-rock club. Yeah, remember the Good Rats? Often billed as "the world's greatest Nick DiMichino have been touring as the Good Rats featuring Pepi 41 Broughton Ave., Bloomfield . Live comedy every Sunday Bank to Jackson, Miss., In 1983 "The Band, Michael Dalton •Steve Shalit & The Midnight undiscovered band," the Rats were capable of drawing thousands of Marchello, playing covers, new originals and classic Good Rats rockers (201) 748-6590 "Song stylist Jane Olivor performs April 5 at the Club Bene in starting 8:30 p.m. Sheiks, April 3. and later moved to Fla., where Group, April 3, Jam session w/Third Degree, fans, whether opening local arena shows for the likes of Rush or the like "Tasty" and "Boardwalk Slasher." THE RIVERFRONT •The Good Fools, April 4. "New Riders of the Purple Tuesdays. Sayreville. he became the exclusive enter- 11 Main St., South River TRADE WINDS Allman Brothers or playing on their own in big clubs around Man- "We play more Rats songs in our set than our the Rats did," said Sage, April 10. •Pearls at Swine, Ing, April 8. (908) 390-4438 tainer at the Panama City Mar- "Fantastic? (Elton John tribute), 1331 Ocean Ave., Sea Bright hattan, the Jersey shore or their native" Long Island. Gene, who satisfies even the oldest of Good Rats fans while playing THE EXCHANGE 392 George St. •Lost River Hell Cats, April 10. Hoboken THE ROCK HORSE riott He also formed an enter- April 17. . . ' (908) 842-4466 Routes 202-206, Bridgewater New Brunswick •Cutting, Clifford & Gault, April (201)798-4064 Second & Kingsley, Asbury Park They never managed to win nationwide fame, though they did release intricate arrangements orignally intended for two guitars. He also gives THE CLUBHOUSE "Ramones, April 11. tainment agency, Stormin' Nor- (908)526-7090 (908)846-1070 11. . •Peter Blegvad, Sun 60, April (908) 988-9811 116WatchungAve., Plainfield •Garland Jeffreys, April 18. seven albums on several labels, including their own Rat City Records. Eddie Van Halen and the late Randy Rhodes a run for their money man Productions, which books Open blues jam, Tuesdays.' Comedy night, Tuesday. "Zaire, April 25. 3, Hard-rock night, Wednesdays. (908) 769-9267 : •Hooters, April 24. By the early '80s, the lineup featuring founder/ songwriter Pepi on while whipping through, covers like Van Halen's "Hot for Teacher." THE FAR SIDE Karaoke night, Wednesday. JOHN & PETER'S •The Judybats, Paleface, April Techno dance night, Thursdays. acts for conventions, hotels, col- Rave night, Thursdays. 789 Jersey Ave. "The Movers (w/Mike Brody), 2000 PARK AVENUE The Rutabagas (acoustic), 96 South Main St. 4. • . vocals, Mickey and John "the Cat" Gatto on twin lead guitar, Lenny "At first it was kind of strange," Gene continued. "Because people leges and company meetings •Ynot!, April 9. 2000 Park Ave., South Plain- New Brunswick Thursday. New Hope, Pa. •Fugazi, April 7 (sold out). April 3, '.'••' Kottke on bass and John Franco on drums, had gradually dissipated. wcaijld come and sometimes would expect to see the original members. COCKTAILS (908) 247-2995 •Zyris, April 4. field . nationwide. J. AUGUST'S (215) 862-0823 •The Wedding Present, April 8. 51 Main St., South River Open-mike night, Mondays. •Backwoods, April 10. Franco went on to Twisted Sister while Pepi kept things going for a But once we started playing, they realize this is legitimate, not just 19 Dennis St., New Brunswick Free admission Saturday and •The Didjits. Green Magnet (908)755-6161 (908)257-8325 FAST LANE II •Aleister Crowley, April 11. (908) 246-8028 Sunday afternoons. School, April 9. Live oldies bands Wednesday while with Schuyler Deale.(now • ' • '...'.- .•''•- some guys off the street playing Good •Turnstyles, April 3. 207 Fourth Ave., Asbury Park •Blue Oyster Cult, April 18. Hub City Jam, Sundays — bring Open-mike night, Mondays. •Hayden Thompson, April 10. through Saturday. with Billy Joel and Michael Bolt- Kiss fanatics "Backstreets, April 4. (908)988-3205 THE ROXY n / ui• si J r» u o T7 *i u> Rats songs. Some guys even come up an instrument and sit In w/ Liberty Blues Jam, Tuesdays. "Television Personalities, April •Sal Anthony's Memory Ma- "The Nerds, April 9. . The Outcry, Wednesdays. 95 French St., New Brunswick on) on bass and Bruce Kulick (now LITTLE APPLE CAFE 11. chine, April 3, 4. CORNERSTONE 99-cent dance night, Thurs- house band. (908) 545-8971 Remember the Good Rats? They were the world s md say we play t^er than the origi- •Andrew & Cirell (comedy), with Kiss) on guitar. to gather 25 New St.. Metuchen days. Gary T'To (guitar), Mondays. Route 206, Hillsborough •The Ex (w/Tom Cora), April 17. Industrial/techno dance night, greatest undiscovered band. April 10. nal Rats, which was a shock." The legend continues on Sun- (908) 549-5306 •Matthew Sweet, April 3. •The Shades of Jazz, April 8. (908) 359-0088 "The Cranes, Belly, April 18. Sundays. "I think if we had kept the band •Platinum &Gold, April 10,11. Sure, the places they play in may day, April 5at the Meadowlands Traditional Jan. No cover •Mr. Bungle, April 4. •Pandora's Box, April 9. Live entertainment Wednesday "The Jazz Butcher, Jody Grind, •Jive Bible, Eve's Plumb, April together, we might have become . . •Off Ramp, April 15. through Saturday. April 30. 7. •Class of'57. April 17, 18. J not always be Carnegie Hall, but Pepi charge. •The Judybats, April 5. like the Grateful Dead of the east *•—™ ~ ~ Hilton in Secaucus, when the "Kenny Davem Quartet, April 3, •Soul Engines, April 11. •Mike Elias, April 16. Live comedy every Sunday, MINE STREET COFFEEHOUSE SCANDALS WURUTZER'S coast," said Pepi. "That's the kind of loyal following we had." •' — has a high tolerance for the road, and 6th annual New York Kiss Con- 4. •Real People, April 17. JACK O'CONNOR'S 8:30 p.m. First Reformed Church 3793 Route 1 386 Hoes Lane, Piscataway QUALITY BEEF AND SEAFOOD MARITA'S CANTINA Neilson and Bayard streets South Brunswick (908) 463-3113 In recent years, however, the original group has been staging annual thinks it'll do Gene some good as well. vention crosses the Hudson. "Jeannie Bryson, vocals w/Lynn •Native Son. April 18, reunions in New Jersey. Around the same time, Gene's band, which "It's a tough business," said Pepi. "One day, you're playing the coli- Highlights of the show include went by the name of Marchello, was signed to CBS Records. seum, the next, you're playing for 100 people in a bar. I'll play any- an all-day video theater, a Kiss The band's first release, Destiny, sold well and spawned a video that where. Museum and over 100 dealer Kid stuff played in heavy rotation on MTV in 1989. Incredibally, Gene had "Gene knew the realities of the business, but when he got dropped, tables of rock and metal mer- reached a higher commercial status before his 20th birthday than Ms he was shocked. Now he's getting down and dirty playing in bars. I toed chandise. Former Kiss guitarist Ace Frehley will be signing aou- father's band achieved in over a decade. to save him from the bar scene, but in a way I think it's real good. I THE ART MUSEUM Saturday, April 4, 2 p.m. Morristown (908) 246-8118 8:30 p.m. April 11. Cost $7; "Dance at Holiday Inn, Som- tographs to benefit the Eric Can- (201) 538-0454 (609) 448-6225 jacket preferred. erset, 8:30 p.m. April 10. Cost Marchello followed with a cross-country tour opening for Ozzy Os- think you really need that to appreciate what goes on in music. And he Prlncoton University Fairleigh Dickinson University Singles Cancer Fund, named after the (609)258-3762 ' Dreyfuss Theatre, Madison "Grimm's fairy tale, told with •Discussion group (not church- •Country-and-Western dance at $5 before 9 p.m., $7 after 9 can really play. People are coming up to me and saying 'this is so cool, affiliated), social hour and Morristown Columbian Club, 7 p.m. bourne, Joan Jett and Meatloaf, but a change in management at CBS v late Kiss drummer. Gallery talks for children 6-12, (201) 593-8620 music by Theatreworks/USA. this father/ son thing.' They may not all be used to a 47-year-old guy •The life and legend of Christo- Admission $6.25. dancing, 9 p.m. Fridays. Doors p.m. April 12. Cost $7; jacket "Dance at Holiday Inn, Som- resulted in the band being dropped before their second album, which Saturdays at 11 a.m. through CATHOLIC ALUMNI CLUB Showtime is 10 a.m. to 11 pher Columbus as told by the ROSENSHONTZ open 7:30 p.m. Cost $6. preferred. erset, 8 p.m. April 25. Cost $5 cost spent a fortune to produce, was released playing the kind of music I do, but they're cool about it." May 9 (no talks April 18, 25). OF CENTRAL NEW JERSEY p.m. Tickets are $12 in advance Interborough Repertory Theatre. Saturday, April 4, 2 p.m. BOB FROSTT •Dance at Bridgewatw Manor, before 8:30 p.m., $7 after Children under 7 must bo ac- •Volleyball at St, Mary's Suddenly, Gene was learning the hard side of the business. But his The band continues to tour the area, where you can see them at Admission $5, group rates Count Basie Theatre (ages 39-over) 8:30 p.m. April 18. Cost $7; 8:30 p.m.. or $14 at the,door oh the day of , companied by an adult. Free ' School gym, Perth Amboy, 7 bad fortune paved the way for a unique occurance — a father and son Jammers in Avenel (April 3) or Garvey's in Jamesburg (April 18). Ladies, admission. available. 99 Monmouth St., Red Bank (201) 797-7777 jacket required. ^Dance at Frank's Corner, the show. Advance ticket buyers p.m. Wednesdays. (908) 756- "Big-band dance at Tho Wil- "Indoor picnic at Twin Oaks Allentown, Pa., 8 p.m. April 25. bring a friend. Fathers, bring your sons if they're old enough. You won't •Monet's garden, Sally Hill, DRACULA AND OTHER (908) 842-9000 playing together in a rock and roll band. 0940. lows, Green Brook, 9 p.m. Tennis Club, Morristown, 7 Cost $10. will enter first For more Infor- April 4.'- SCARY TALES •Gary Rosen and Bill Shontz, be alone. "TGIS party at Somerset Hilton Tuesdays. Free admission. p.m. April 25. Cost $12. SHORE SINGLES "When the (Marchello) record came out, it got so much attention, I mation, call (201) 507-8900. "The big picture, Abraham Sunday, April 5, 3 p.m. famed singers from tho Great hotel, 8 p.m. April 4. (908) PARENTS WITHOUT PARTNERS "Hike at Harriman State Park, really thought he would never have to dp what I had to do, all my life GOOD RATS FEATURING PEPI MARCHELLO Friday, April 3, at Jammers, 1450 Kisch. April 11. Theatre at Raritan Valley White North. Adults $10, chil- JERSEY JEWISH SINGLES , 756-0940. (ages 30-55) Mid-Jorsoy Chaptor 230 Suffern, N.Y., 11 a.m. April 4. St. George Avenue, Avenel. (908)^574-8226. THE CIRCUS COMES ALIVE! Community College dren $7. "Bninch at Forge restaurant, • Dinner at Flame and Ale res- (single parents) Meet in commuter lot at Gar- Saturday, April 11, Route 28, Branchburg- THE SLEEPING BEAUTY Woodbridge, 11:30 a.m. April taurant, Edison, 6:30 p.m. (908) 248-8840, 636-7892 den State Parkway Exit 120. 1 p.m. and 3 p.m. (908) 725-3420 Sunday, April 12, 1:30 p.m., 5. (908) 750-5648. Wednesdays. (908) 753-0203. • Dance at Quality Inn. North Members $3, non-members Club mix Villagers Theatre •Spooky stories told by the 4 p.m.. 6:30 p.m. "Dinner at Sizzler restaurant, 283-0779. . Brunswick, 8 p.m. April 5. New- $4. (908) 774-6759. •175 DcMott lane, Somerset Bennington Puppets w/Jan Theatre at Raritan Valley Edison, 7 p.m. April 7. (908) •Rap with friends in Edison, member orientation at 7:30 "Hike at South Mountain Res- (908) 873-2710 Spelman. Admission $7.50. Community College Route 28, Branchburg 287-6245. 756-0940. 7:30 p.m. April 5. Cost $2. Di- p.m. Cost $6. ervation, Millburn, 11 a.m. April "I cats from under the big top, HEIDI (908) 725-3420 CENTRAL JERSEY rections: (908) 846-1490. •Dance at Ramada Inn, Raritan 11. Meet in commuter lot at _ performed by circus artist Dave Saturday, April 4, 11 a.m. AL CIBELLJ'S (908) 469-5700 April 3. Long Branch •Daisy Cutter, Monkey Spank, Hyatt Regency Princeton SOUNDS OF THE ANDES TALL SINGLE FRIENDS NEW EXPECTATIONS Center, Edison, 8 p.m. April 12. Garden State Parkway Exit 120. CHARLEYS UNCLE Saadeh. Adults $6, children Forum Theatre 1096 Conveiy Blvd. BIRCH HILL NIGHT CLUB •World of Trouble, April 10. (908) 222-9684 afternoon April 5. Route 1 & Alexandor Rd. Sunday, April 5, 2 p.m. (women 5'10" and over, (201) 984-9158 New-member orientation at Members $3, non-members 415 Route 18, East Brunswick under 12 $5. 314 Main St., Motuchen Perth Amboy Route 9 South, Old Bridge BOURBON STREET CAFE "Lucy's Trance, FF, Paradox, * CARTERET HILL BOWL West Windsor N.J. State Museum men 6'2" and over; Call venue for directions. 7:30 p.m. Cost $6. $4. (908) 291-2763. (908) 254-4226 CHARACTER DRUNCH (908) 548-0582 (908) 826-6428 (908) 536-0650 Old Bay Restaurant April 3. 569 Roosevelt Ave., Carteret (609) 987-8018 205 West State St., Trenton ages 21-older) "Discussion group (non- "Open dance at Quality Inn, "Skate night at South Amboy Live comedy Friday and Satur- Sunday, April 5, 9:30 a.m. •The fabled story, performed by "Uve entertainment beginning Dance party, Saturdays. 61-63 Church St. •Nokturnal, Human Remains, (908) 969-1515 Headline comedy every night (609) 292-6310 (908) 704-8480 sectarian) at Morristown Uni- North Brunswick, 8 p.m. April Roller Rink, 7:30 p.m. April 16. day. Terrill Middle School the Traveling Playhouse. Ad- 9 p.m. No cover. Male revue, Saturdays, Thurs- New Brunswick Immortal Vision, Hostility, af- Audition night, Wednesdays. except Monday. • Pan pipes, unique flutes, •Bowling at Manville Lines, 1 tarian Fellowship, 8 p.m. Fri- 26. New-member orientation at Cost $5; skate rental $2 extra. "Ted St. James (psychic), April Terrill Rd., Scotch Plains mission $6. BINGO'S days. (908) 246-3111 ternoon April 4. •Talk Is Cheap, April 3. College night, Sundays and trumpets, drums, and string in- p.m. April 5. . days. Cost $6. 7:30 p.m. Members $6, non- (908) 291-2763. 8. (908)654-9791,889-4953. RAPUNZEL Regal Inn "Four Sticks (Led Zeppelin trib- BRIGHTON BAR •Insomniacs, A House Divided, •Wyld Ryde, April 4. Tuesdays. struments from South America. FORUM FOR SINGLES "Dances at Holiday Inn, Spring- members $8. between 6-9 p.m. April 15 and 16, Kingsbridge Rd., Piscataway ute), Edgar Cayce, New Dogs, 121 Brighton Ave. Karen's Lizard, evening April 4. CATCH A RISING STAR "Breakfast with characters from Admission $3.50 in advance First Prosbyterian Church field, 8:30 p.m. April 4,-25. PLUS SILHOUETTE SINGLES Events held at Central Presby- »Jo« Yannetty, April 7-12. 11 a.m. and 1:30 p.m. td page 17 children's books. Adults $5, $4 at the door. 320 North Main St. Cost $7; jacket preferred. (plus-size adults) torian Church, 70 Maple St., Morris Museum children 2-12 $4. • Hightstown "Danco at Holiday Inn, Totowa, (908) 704-8480 Summit. COLUMDUSTHE DISCOVERER! 6 Normandy Heights Rd. m .' \ • I

Music T Stage For composer Don Slepian, a fea- notes right tured performer in the Future Folk Festival at the Villagers Theatre in Somerset, electronic music is the Singing in Cornirigto new folk music. Murder the spring plays traditional folk and Ap- "Concert for art April Af- America palachian music, and Xisle, which for laughs Villagers Theatre will offer "Structured Im- ternoon," a spring concert by Vagabond Stars' Par for the Corpse, a murder is where electronic, provisations of Ethereal Atmos- the Phitomustaa Chamber Choir, mystery crossed with comedy, pheric Space Music" (obviously, all opens the season Sunday, April offers music of that technology hasn't hurt their 5, at 4 p.m. at the Unitarian opens Friday, April 3, for week- folk come together sense of humor any). Yiddish theater ByWlUJAMWESTHOVEN Society, 176 Tfces Lane In East end performances throughout Saturday, April 4, Double Trouble Brunswick, By JESSIE HAVENS WeekendPlus Writer takes the stage for a presentation WeekendPlus ThedtecJ&wewer April at the Edison Valley Play- hen searching for a truly of contemporary folk with Irish Ballads, folk songs and spiri- hristopher Cdjumbus is not house, 2196 Oak Tree Road in unique musical ex- harp and ukelele. Also on the bill tuals will be on the program, the only one toiww discov- perience in Central New will be another local talent, Dennis along with selections by guest Edison. ered America. He merely WJersey, the Villagers The- Andrews of Metuchen, who got on harpsichordist Daniel Undblom. atre in Somerset is not the venue the electronic music bandwagon a Ccame first. Millions. more\ Jack Sharkey's play starts with A donation of $8 is requested, . since then have discovered for I that would immediately come to little later that Mr. Slepian, but is a group df guests making their $6 for students and the elderly. themselves this big, exciting, per-/ mind. equally enthusiastic,about his craft. plexing land. respective ways to a party, a trip •But if you want to hear the pair- "I started as a drummer," said For more information, call (908) irijj of folk and electronic music — Mr. Andrews, 34, who studied Some came on the Mayflower marked by heavy snowfall and 246-3113. and got into the history books and isn't that a splendidly different music at Rutgers University. "Then along with Columbus. A great continuous murder. combination? — the theater is the I saw Emerson, Lake and Palmer, place to be on April 3,4 and 5, many others came steerage on Performances are Fridays and arid I was hooked. I wanted to do Keyboards stinking old steamships. They are when many of the best musicians what Keith Emerson was doing." not in the history books except as Saturdays, April 3 through April . in New Jersey will join together for While he's not given to sticking the Future Folk Festival 1992. and winds statistics. knives in his keyboard or playing a The New York Woodwind No matter, the story of these The relationship between tradi- flying pianos, Andrews will deliver tional folk and electronic music strangers in a strange land having a blend of jazz, electronic and Quintet, one of the world's best may not be obvious to most of us. difficulties sorting things out is bet- world music. known chamber ensembles, will Terrence T. Burnett, Susie Paplow, Paul Whelihan, Rose Pedone and Ray Mogenis in Vagabond Don Slepian of North Brunswick, The festival wraps up on Sunday, ter told by themselves with the however, has identified the con- perform with pianist Gilbert kal- warmth and wit which were their Stars at the Forum Theatre in Metuchen. April 5, with two shows. In the af- nection. •'-..". ternoon set, Mr. Slepian will pair ish Thursday, April 9, at 8 p.m. essential weapons of survival. in the Nicholas Music Center, Nahma Sandrow has culled from the literature of the Yiddish theater wrenching pathos, loneliness, shame, anger, despair, mighty heavy sen- "Folk music used to be music of up with Stuart Diamond of New York City for Electronic Diamond (classical music with the lyrical wind George Street near Route 18, a whole evening full of songs and skits about this amazing American timents to unpaektm stage in a space of just a few minutes. the people when they had guitars and pianos," said Mr. Slepian. "Now that everyone's got Casio and Yamaha keyboards, electronic music is instrument). Lambertville contemporary folk artist Jerry Beard shares experience, and with the collaboration of Raphael Crystal and Alan Poul Vagabond Stars is, you see, not just fun and games; it is protest too, New Brunswick. protest against exploitation and racial discrimination and the grinding the new folk music." the bill, as does David Axelrod, who will provide "Sonic Adventures in The program features on music and lyrics, these pieces have been freely translated and Electronic Composition." brought1 back to life as Vagabond Stars, a light, lively little, revue now punishment of poverty. Unlike protest theater of today, which seems to • Mr. Slepian, 41, was raised on technology and has been listening to The courtroom drama Nuts will computer-generated music since he was a small child. The nightcap will be headlined by Solstice, a popular group from Beetho**n'sQubTtettwPianoa playing at the Forum Theatre in Metuchen. be overcharged with anger and menacing resentment, this is gentle, d Winds hE Rat Mj^or.Pou- sentimental. It is no4ess genuine. The Jews are masters of the art of be performed by the New The- His grandfather invented the Betatron (atom smasher). His father, a South Jersey that will offer Celtic and Renaissance classics. Mr. Slepian It's dated material, of course, but it's timeless, too. People are people scientist who was involyed with the development of the information will also be on hand to complement Solstice with a set of "Computer lenc's! no matter what, and the Jews have a special sense of that intrinsic telling it like it is with shrug and a smile. \ atre troupe April 2, 3,4,9,10 A subway ride encounter between two old friends is a choice example. theory in mathematics, was also instrumental in the first computerized Music of the 16th Century." andPiano! quality. It is their story and this is their way of telling it. ; Dangling from their straps as they lurch uptown on the'Bronx Express, and 11 at the Knights of Colum- music recording in 1959, Rounding out the lineup will be Patrice DeVincentis (Romantic Or- fromBacn's; Fortunately, at the Forum Peter J. Loewy has staged and directed . - "I grew up with it," he said. "I even made my own electronic music in chestral Soundscapes) and the RASA Ensemble (with Alan Wasserman Vagabond Stars as a true believer. No suffocating nostalgia, no con- the prospering businessman and the fast talker compare notes; success bus Hall, Maple Street in Ber- measured in millions of buttons manufactured gradually loses its luster. third-grade with electronic motors that made a siren sound, and the of Edison), who will perform "Modern Electronic Tone Poems." descending- cuteness. He and his cast and musicians give it the fresh nardsville. sound changed when you increased the sp6ed of the motors." "I play and enjoy folk music myself, and I'm excited that this is the zest of just-ground coffee. Nothing substantial, nothing sustaining, but a Indeed, it becomes clear, grubbing for money and riding the subway, a man misses out on the best part of life in America. But, hold on. There's Tom Toper's drama, which These days, Mr. Slepian has recently abandoned his career as a first time I know of that folk and electronic music have been played nice, refreshing lift for those with a fancy for old time music all revue. programming consultant to take up music full-time. Already an ac- together in this manner," said Mr. Slepian. "I don't know what kind of Tickets are $20, $18 for the a fast scramble exit at Grand Central; then he goes on his way uptown served as the basis for a Barbra A cast of five is the whole show if we don't count the band. But they $5 poorer, and maybe, just maybe, a little bit wiser. complished musician with a degree in composing, he's been compared reaction we'll get, but I think it will be interesting and a good variety for elderly and Rutgers fecurty,$1 0 do count, a lot. This show would be nowhere without its four music . What makes this little exchange memorable is not the message but Streisand film, is about the san- to the likes of Kitaro, Brian Eno and Larry Fast for his contributions to the ear." men, who are regrettably left nameless in the program. Was somebody the high-tech genre. the subway ride, which is well observed and remarkably clever. Bits of ity trial of an abrasive, hot- FUTURE RXK FESTIVAL 1992 Friday throng Sunday, April 3-5 at the VWdgsrs For mow Wbrmatfon, can afraid thtfepiano player would totally steal the show if a name were cleverness are tucked into this show all over the place adding an extra And this weekend, he'll be featured in three of the four individual theatre, 475 DeMott Lane in Somerset. Tickets are $10 or $25 fof tie four-show added to his other star qualities? plus to the energy and enthusiasm which carries it along. tempered call gjrl. bills that make up the Future Folk Festival 1992. series, Itee to children under 12. Friday and Saturday shows begn at 8:30 p.m. (908) 932-751J. Show stealing under the circumstances is left to Paul Whalihan. He's The pace is good, the footwork dexterous. It's living, breathing, three- Performances are at 8 p»m. Friday, April 3, hell join the Land Between the Rivers Band, which Suntiay shows are at 2:30 p.m. and 7:30 p.m. (908) 873-2710. a whale of a trouper, playing all sorts of parts, none with more obvious dimensional theater, much to be preferred over the flat banality which glee than a broadly humorous female impersonation. passes for entertainment on the tube. Whether it is worth a ride to Tickets are $10, $7 for youths His capers throughout are ably supported by a good pair of stand-up Metuchen and the price of a ticket depends on whether one fancies a bit and the elderly. Soundings comics, Terrence P. Burnett ^and Ray Mogenis. The two women, it must of old hat sporting fresh ribbons. be admitted, do not deliver the same level of satisfaction. Perhaps it is VAGABOND STARS Through April 12 at the Forum Theatre, 314 Main St., , For more information, call because the sound system is less kind to their voices. Perhaps it is Metuchen. Thursdays, Fridays, Saturdays at 8 p.m.; Wednesdays, Sundays at 2:30 (908) 234-9238. because they are the ones who have the more difficult roles to play: p.m. Tickets $24 to $18. (908) 548-4670. BRUCE ADLER in one show: a dramatist, a (908) 766-2959 Theatre at Raritan Valley (908) 725-3420 ,:LJS3.Clinton Ave., Irvington Saturday, April 4,8 p.m. Sunday, April 5,8 p.m. musical ensemble, and a co- •Performing works by Haydn Community College •"Great Moments In Opera" w/ (201)242-8110 St Mary"s Abbey, Wilklns Theatre medienne. Admission $10. and other composers, plus Route 28, Branchburg the symphony's Master Cho- •Freestyle rap singer and hip- Delbarton School Kean College, Union BARBERSHOP HARMONY American Hymns. Adults $12, (908) 725-3420 rale. Adults $9, senior citizens hop dancers. Admission $10. Route 24, Morristown (908) 527-2337 Saturday, April 11,8 p.m. students $6. •Bizet's French opera, sung in and students $6. COSI FAN TUTTE (201) 538-3231 Curtain times English by the Pittsburgh Opera CICADA BROTHERS April 3,4,10,11; •Chamber quartet performs "Broadway actor sings show Union County Arts Center DAVE BRUBECK tunes and songs from the Yid- 1601 Irving St., Rahway Saturday, April 4, 8 p.m. Theatre.' Admission $27.50, Friday, April 3, 8 p.m. all shows at 8 p.m. works by Haydn, J.C. Bach, and dish theater. Adults $20, senior (908) 499-8226 Wilklns Theatre $25. Six Mile Run Reformed Church Nicholas Music Center, Carl Philip Bach. Admission $6. citizens and students $15. •Featuring the all-male Raritan Kean College, Union CELLO QUARTET Route 27, Franklin Park Rutgers Arts Center FUTURE FOLK FESTIVAL (908) 821-1324 George St., New Brunswick Villagers Theatre NOW PLAYING •"Saturday's Children," plays 'Director's Journal: A Factual 120 Flndeme Ave. Yiddish theator performed in murder mystery composed by ARBORETUM Valley Jerseyaires and the all- (908) 527-2337 Sunday, April 12, 7:45 p.m. (609) 924-0103 •Folkslngers perform w/Pamela (908) 932-7511 475 DeMott Lane, Somerset COMFORT SUITES written and performed by New Account of an Ow/'s Attack In Bridgewater English. Through April 12. Ad- Rupert Holmes. Through April CHAMBER PLAYERS woman Somerset Valley Sweot •Jazz pianist and composer Jewish Community Center •Afoye's Fludde, a play about Curtis In a coffeehouse setting. •The Mozart opera presented (908) 873-2710 3712 Hamilton Blvd. Brunswick schoolchildren, 7 Daylight by Seret Scott, 2 p.m. (908) 846-5032 mission $24-$18, discounts 4. Adults $10, senior citizens Sunday, April 12, 7:30 p.m. Adelines. Admission $10, performs with his quartet. of Metropolitan N.J. Noah and the flood. 2 p.m. and Adults $6 w/a donation of food, as part of Opera at Rutgers. Ad- Traditional and electronic music Allentown, Pa. p.m. April 4. April 11. •Voo Can't Take It with You, the available. $8, students and children $7. Reoves-Reed Arboretum $7.50. Adults $30, $20; students 760 Northfield Ave. 7 p.m. April 4. Admission $5. $5 without; children under 12 mission $12, discounts avail- in four concerts over three (215) 437-9100 •Poetry by Joseph Walker and •Conference "Charting a Moss Hart play about a Man- GEORGE STREET PLAYHOUSE MeCARTER THEATRE 165 Hobart Ave., Summit ERNA BRONSTEIN BARTON $10. Benefit tickets $100, In- West Orange THE NEW THEATRE frea. able. days. Adults $10 for one show, "Rock W You Drop, murder Elizabeth Alexander, with music Course for the Future of hattan family. Through April 11. 9 Livingston Ave, 91 University PI., Princeton (908) 232-1116 Friday, April 10, 8 p.m. cludes reception. (201) 736-3200 Knights of Columbus hall $25 for all four; children under mystery set in the 1960s. April by Ibis (all-woman reggae African-American Theater," Admission $9, discounts avail- New Brunswick (609) 683-8000 "Quartet performs works by Britton and Upton residence SID CAESAR/IMOGENE COCA •All-woman ensemble performs JUDY COLLINS CREATION Maple St., Bernardsville 12 free. 11, 25, May 9, 23. Admission band), 3 p.m. April 5. -* -* 3:30 p.m. April 11. able. (908) 246-7717 •17ie Triumph of Love, Amer- Haydn, Bartok, Brahms, and Cokesbury Rd., Cokesbury • Friday, April 10, 8 p.m. works by Vivaldi, J.S. Bach, Tho Saturday, April 18, 8 p.m. Saturday, April 11,8 p.m. (908) 234-9238 $28.50, includes dinner. •W////0 and Esther, James Gra- •Dreams told by performance FAIRLEIGH DICKINSON •Zara Spook and Other Lures, a ican premiere of a play by a Beethoven. Admission $15-$9. (908) 832-9770 State Theatre Beatles, and others. Lecture McCarter Theatre Richardson Auditorium, •Land Between Rivers Band, •Nuts, courtroom drama on CROSSROADS THEATRE ham Bronson's comedy.about artist Anna Deavero Smith, 8 UNIVERSITY comedy by Joan Ackerman- Pierre Carlet do MarK/aux set in DR. M0LEF1 KETE ASANTE/ •Pianist performs in a living- 453 Northampton St. precedes program at 7 p.m. 91 University PI., Princeton Princeton University Xisle, Don Slepian, 8:30 p.m. which the Barbra Streisand 7 Livingston Ave. two lovers who rob a bank, 8 p.m. April 11,12. Dreyfuss Auditorium, Madison Blount about threo women and an 18th-century French gardon. WOMEN'S SEKERE ENSEMBLE/ room setting. Adults $15, se- Easton, Pa. Admission $21, discounts (609) 683-8000 (609) 258-5000% April 3. movie was based, April 2-11. •Haydn's choral work, por- New Brunswick p.m. April 8. EDISON VALLEY PLAYHOUSE (201) 593-9635 their antics on a fishing trip. Through April 12. Admission PHYLUS YVONNE STICKNEY nior citizens $7.50, students (215) 252-3132 available. "Singer who became famous "Double Trouble, Dennis An- Adults $10, senior citizens $7. formod Jointly by tho univer- (908) 249-5560 •Kate's Sister, Malsha Baton's 2196 Oak Tree Rd., Edison •T/ie Fantasticks, university Through April 19. Admission $35-$12. Saturday, April 4, 8 p.m. $5. "Comedians who became fa- CENTRAL JERSEY with "Both Sides Now" and her drew, 8:30 p.m. April 4. OFF-BROADSTREET THEATRE Van Fossan Theatre, mous in the 50s through "Your SYMPHONY ORCHESTRA rendition of "Amazing Grace." sity's Glee Club and Chapel "Electronic Diamond, Jerry Genesis Festival of new plays, story of two African-American (908) 755-4654 production of the long-running $29-$18, discounts available •Mummonshanz, the best of BERNARDS 5 South Greenwood Ave. Bloomfield College Show of Shows" on TV. Admis- Saturday, April 4, 8 p.m. Admission $30-$20, Choir. Adults $6, senior citizens Beard, David Axelrod. 2:30 music, and art. Admission $10 women settling in 19th-century 'Par for the Corpse, murder musical. 8 p.m. April 2, 3, 4. HENDERSON THEATRE the mime, dance, and acro- MADRIGAL ENSEMBLE Hopewoll 467 Franklin St., Bloomfield sion $25, $23. Theatre at Raritan Valley COOLY UVE/SUDDEN CHANGE and students $3. p.m. April 5. for each show; group rates Colorado, 8 p.m. April 9. mystery authored by Jack Shar- Adults $5, students $3. Christian Brothers Acadomy batic troupe. 8 p.m. April 6. Saturday, April 11, 8 p.m. (609) 466-2766 (201) 242-8110 Community Collego Friday, April 10, 7 p.m. DELBARTON BAROQUE available. »A Family Affair, Andrea Loney's key. April 3-25. Adults $10, so- FORUM THEATRE Garden State Parkway Admission $26-$16. St. Luke's Episcopal Church CARMEN •Driving Miss Daisy, the stage "Three Afrocontrie performers . Route 28, Branchburg Irvington High School ENSEMBLE. Pleaso turn td pago 20 "Kou/aoa d'Haito. Joseph Walk- drama about incest in an Afri- nior citizens and students $9. 314 Main St., Metuchen . . Exit 109, Lincroft NASSAU PRESBYTERIAN Main St., Gladstone Saturday, April 11, 8 p.m. play on which the Oscar- er's version of Drjcula set in can-American family, 8 p.m. ENTERTAINERS THEATRE (908) 548-0582 (908) 758-1118 CHURCH winning movie, was based. Haiti, 8 p.m. April 3.' April 10. PeopleCare Center •Vagabond Stars, music of the »77ie Mystery of Edwin Drood, 61 Nassau St., Princeton Ploaso turn to pago 21 rs 18 ''''''''•'•'•'Vi'ivi'ii>MY''V'''''':';|:|:'^:|v''''^ \ Messiaen. Admission $25, Friday; April 10, 8 p.m. IN I ?-'•{• ' ' Soundings $15. Benefit tickets $2,500- Sunday, April 12, 3 p.m. : $100. ' War Memorial The Delbarton Baroque KING'S ROAD John Fitch Plaza, Trenton Ensemble (top, left) will Continued from page 19 Friday, April 10, 8 p.m. (609)394-8632 perform April 4 at the "Solstice, Don Slepia.n, Patrice Crariford High School • •The noted Puccini opera, per- Delbarton School in QeVihcentis, Rasa, 7:30 p.m.' West End PI., Cranford formed by the Boheme Opera A garden Morristown. Susan McA- April 5.. (908)233-2282 • Company of New Jersey. Ad- MATT HAIMOVITZ •Big band performs for danc- . mission $2S-$15. •••;'. doo and Judith Burbak ing. Adults $11, senior citizens BRANFORD MARSAUS M6nday, April 13, 8 p.m. ; (center) will appear as McCarter Theatre ' • ' and students $8. Tuesday, April 14, 8 p.m. Dorabella and FiordiligS of choices • 91 University PL, Princeton ANDREKOLE McCarter Theatre Patulio's in Bound Brook will (609) 683-8000 ' Saturday, April 11, 8 p.m. 91 University PI., Princeton in Mozart's comic opera host an Easter craft snow and (609)683-8000 "Cellist performs works by State Theatre Cosi fan tutte, to be flower display Saturday, April 11, Beethoven, Britten, Schumann, 453 Northampton St. •Sax star ?- who has a solo on performed April 3, 4,10, Asian Garden Easton, Pa. ; the No. 1 smash "I Love Your and Sunday, April 12. Coming . and Mendelssohn. Admission 11 at trhe Nicholas $20, $18. (215) 252-3132 Smile" by Shanice•'— performs Friday, April 24: The Fabulous •Magician who has advised , •with his trio. Admission. $31- Music Center in New HAPPY TALK a culinary tour Duprees. (908) 356-988*? w Saturday, April 4, 7:30 p.m. David Copperfield and Doug $22. . Brunswick. The New State Theatre Hennlng. Adults $15, children DICK MELDONIAN York Woodwind Quintet (908) 356-2692, 19 Livingston Ave. 12 and under $7.50. . Friday, April 3, 8 p,m. * -* * KRESKIN Watchung Arts Center (bottom, left) will also" of a continent New Brunswick Ground Round tn Green (908)246-7469 Friday, April 10, 8 p.m. 18 Stirling Rd.,Watchung perform at the Nicholas By MICKI PULSINEU •Music from the plays of Rich- Union County Arts Center , (908) 753-0190 Music Center on April 9. Brook hosts Rich Meyer on April 1601 Irving St., Rahway •Jazz clarinetist and saxophone Culinary Corespondent ard Rodgers and Oscar Ham- 24. Dont forget: kids eat for one merstein II. Admission $50- (908)499-8226 player performs in a gallery set- f a garden is a "rich, well- $25. Patron tickets $200, in- "Magician and master of illu- ting w/Marty Grosz, guitar. Ad- cent a pound Tuesdays and mission $10. cultivated region," according to cludes reception. sion. Admission $10, $7.50. Thursdays. (908) 968-8120. JEROME HINES LAKE TRIO MEN'S CHOIR OF THE GREAT Webster, then the Asian Gar- : Sunday, April 12, 3 p.m. Sunday, April 12, 3 p.m. SYNAGOGUE OF MOSCOW I den in East Brunswick is a v * * Willow Grove Presbyterian St. Mary's Abbey, Saturday, April 4,8:30 p.m. rich, well-cultivated restaurant' Coach & Paddock, Ch'urch, 1961 Raritan Rd. Delbarton School Temple Sha'arey Shalom Scotch Plains Route 24, Morristown 78 South Springfield Ave. serving the'best'in South Asian Clinton. Brunch with the Easter (908)232-5678 (201)538-3231 Springfield and Chinese cuisine. This is not Bunny Sunday, April 12. (908) (201)379-5387 •Basso profundo sings arias, •Chamber ensemble performs your garden-variety (pardon the 735-7889. show tunes, and sacred music works by Mozart, Poulenc, and •Cantors trained In the Russian w/Jong Mee Lee, soprano. Max Bruch. Admission $6. • capital, giving their first New pun) Chinese eatery. * * * Adults $10, senior citizens and LAMB Jersey performance. Admission . At this Asian Garden you can At Willie's Tavern in Bed- $50-$12. . students $8. Saturday, April 11, 7:30 p.m. order Vietnamese, Indonesian, minster, the Doug MacDonald' HYMNODY OF THE EARTH lambertville Assembly of God PAT METHENY Saturday, April 11, 8 p-.m. Route 518, Lambertville Sunday,"April 12, 8 p.m. composers in a benefit fdr the Cambodian and Singaporean as Jazz Trio will perform April 3. Count Basie Theatre (609)397-9300 • Paramount Theatre orchestra's programs. Admis- well as Chinese dishes, including (908) 234-1596. 99 Monmouth St., Reel Bank •Duo known for its Messianic 1301 boardwalk, Asbury Park sion $50, includes reception. several regional Chinese choices * * .*• (908)842-9000 Christian music. Donation. (908) 775-0959 N.Y. WOODWIND QUARTET •Poems of Wendell Barry, set LEHIGH VALLEY •Jazz guitarist who once re- Thursday, April 9, 8 p.m. such as Mandarin, Canton and Bridgewater Manor in to music by Glen Velez with the CHAMBER ORCHESTRA corded with David Bowie. Ad- Nicholas Music Center, Shanghai. . DIANE MATFLERD/WEEKENDPLUS BridgewaterriwWs a seafood fes- American Boychoir. Admission Friday, April 3, 8 p.m. * . mission $22.5Oi Rutgers Arts Center Owned and operated by the Hu Y-Li Hu, a waitress at Asian Gardens in East Brunswick, displays some of the restaurant's tival every Tuesday; 5 p.m. to 9 $22.50-$16.50. State Theatre N J. YOUTH SYMPHONY George St;, New Brunswick tempting selections. KEITH JARRETT 453 Northampton St. Sunday, April 5, 4 p.m. (908) 932-7511 family, Manager Peter Hu told us p.m., only $24.95 a person. Tuesday, April 7, 8 p.m. Easton, Pa. Unitarian Church •Ensemble performs works by that it took them over two months (908) 658-3000. McCarter Theatre (215) 252-3132 4 Waldron Ave,, Summit Beethoven, Poulenc, and J.S. to complete their menu. Even so, they are still adding and changing to Our appetizers included one of the nightly specials, spicy seaweed 91 University PI., Princeton •Beethoven's Choral Symphony (908>-273-3245, 277-3327 Bach. Admission $20, dis- * * * (609) 683-8000 No. 9 in D minoY, performed w/ •Ensembles perform works by counts available. this day. Thelnterior's white walls are intermingled with paintings by ($3.95), Cha Gio (four Vietnam spring rolls for $2.95), and Banh Mi Villa Plancone in South the Bel Canto Singers. Adults •Jazz pianist performs in one of Mozart/Beethoven, Haydn, and JANE OLJVOR Peter's brother David. Beautiful painted screens are used to divided the Chien Tom (Vietnam shrimp toast for $3.95). The seaweed, served cold, Plainfield hosts a dinner dance only two U.S. concerts tor $25, $23; senior citizens and other composers. Free admis- Friday, April 3, 8 p.m. large dining room. The table setting consists of burgundy table cloths was very spicy. The spring rolls, similar to the Chinese egg roll, was 1992. Admission $31-$22. students $12.50. sion. Morris Museum Saturday, April 4, for $34.95 per KING DAVID EDDIE LOCKE NEW PHILHARMONIC 6 Normandy Heights Rd. and pink napkins. Asian Garden's menu has 10 appetizers ($1.20 to various vegetables wrapped in a thin rice paper. The shrimp toast was person. (908) 561-2722. Sunday, April 12, 3:30 p.m. Sunday, April 5, 4 p.m. OF NEW JERSEY Morristown $7.95 for barbecued spareribs), six soups (serves for two) from $3.25 to French bread covered with shrimp.paste, and then fried. - * * * Richardson'Auditorium, N.J. Center for Visual Arts Saturday, April 11, 8:30 p.m.. . (201)538-0454 $5.25, and 3 salads, including choices from Thailand and Vietnam. Our daughter ordered the mix vegetables ($6.25)"which was assorted Princeton University 68 Elm St., Summit Morris Museum "Cabaret singer, returning after At First Place in Bridge- vegetables stir fried with soy sauce, rice wine and vegetable stock. What (609) 258-5000 (908) 273-9121 6 Normandy Heights Rd. an eight-year hiatus. Admission Entrees can be chosen from poultry and pork (17 choices from $7.95 to water, every Sunday from 7 p.m. •Arthur Honegger's mini-opera, •Jazz musician performs in a Morristown $25. $10.95, vegetatale (five forN$6.25 to $6.95), seafood (13 from $9.95 to she didn't finish, she had for the lunch the next day. : to flLO p.m. is Teen Scene, Safe, performed in a benefit for gallery setting. Admission (201)762-8449 PHILOMUSICA $11.95), duck (five from $9.95 to $28.95 for Peking duck as a three course My husband had one of the Vietnam dishes, Thit Bon Nuong ($10.95), Westminster Choir College.; also $16.25. •Performing works by Vivaldi, Sunday, April 5, 4 p.m. cle^an environment for teen-age works by Brahms, Ravel, and MADAME BUTTERFLY Mozart, J.S. Bach, and other Unitarian Society meal), beef and steak (nine from $8.25 to $12.95) and noodle, lo mein which was lemon grass spice stir fried with small chunks of beef and spaghetti, dumpling choices (11 from $6.75 to $8.95). served with marinated cucumbers, sweet and sour carrots, and served guys and gri$. (908) 218-9333. on a bed of lettuce. He liked the ligfit lemon taste of the tender beef. I can't list all of the dishes from countries other than China, but I will PJL Schnapps, Bridge- list a few. From Vietnam you can ____ I ordered the crispy duck ($9.95) which was marinated duck steamed water. Happy Hour Monday order curry chicken ($8.45), Bun through Friday, 3 p.m, to 6 p.m. If you want to try different South Asian dishes, this and then deep fried, to make crispy, Thit Nuong, (steamed rice noodles Enterteinment Thursday and Pri* and garnished with lobster chips. The with lemon grass spiced pork and is the place to go. day and a 60-inch TV screen. duck was cut in the kitchen, some lime juice, lettuce, cucumbers and (908) 722-0222. peanuts for $6.75, or Hu Tieu, which still on the bone, for easy handling. It * * * is wide rice noodles with ground : was cooked the way I prefer it: very crispy, yet not overdone. I too had to take what I didnt finish home. Bay Street, Metuchen. - pork, shrimp, beef meat balls and fresh lime for $7.75. Monday, Tuesday and Wednes- 176 Tices Lane, East Brunswick St. Mary's Abbey, about the Bishop of Myra, per- All of the desserts, except cakes which are baked by a local bakery, Indonesian dishes include Asam Babi Goreng, which is tamarind pork day (after 4 p.m.) specials lor (908)246-3113 Delbarton School formed by the Concerto Solo- sparerjbs, bite size and spicy with garlic, ginger, red chillies and tama- are made in house. I ordered a Napoleon that my daughter ate, my •Chamber choir performs bal- Route 24, Morristown ists Orchestra w/Frederick daughter ordered a carrot cake that I ate and my husband had a custard $9.99; ask about Sunday lads, folk songs, and spirituals (201) 538-3231 Urrey, tenor. Free admission. rind soy sauce ($10.95), or Sateh Panggand Udang, jumbo shrimp mari- Brunch. (908) 906-1220. w/Daniel Lindblom, harpsichord. •Quintet performs works by HEDI SALANKI nated in sateh sauce, skewer and baked served on cabbage and gar- tart that only he ate. The Asian Garden has a display case where they Adults $8, senior citizens and Beethoven and Brahms. Adults * * * Saturday, April 4, 8 p.m. nished with tomato ($10.25). sell various buns and pastry that they make. We brought home a students $6. $5, students $3. Cathedral of the Sacred Heart custard bun and a taro bun for tomorrow's breakfast. McCormlck'ft Restau- PINGRY SCHOOL RUTGERS JAZZ 4 89 Ridge St., Newark Prom Cambodia you have Kari Pangkong Lasak which is jumbo JAZZ ENSEMBLE Friday, April 10, 8 p.m. (201) 484-2400 shrimp with cucumber sauteed in a mixture of Eurry coconut and lemon Dining at the Asian Garden was a different experience for us. Al- rant, Sometville. Grand Opening Friday, April 3, 8 p.m. Somerset County Library "Harpsichordist performs the though some of the food compares favorably with the. Chinese we aire Aprij 1 (908) 704-9494. Pingry School sauce ($10.25), and from Thailand we have the Shrimp Garlic Sauce,, North Bridge St., Bridgewater Goldberg Variations of J.S. accustomed to, there are subtle differences, both in taste and presen- * * * Route 525, Martinsvillo (908) 526-4016 ext. 119 Bach. Admission $12; reserva- jumbo shrimp sauteed with mushrooms in coconut milk, garlic and (908) 647-5555 "Jazz quartet whoso members tions required. black pepper sauce ($11.95). We started our meal with a Thai spicy tation. If you want to try different South Asian dishes, this is the place Avanto in Bridgewater has »16-piece band performs w/ attend Mason Gross School of SEPHARDIC CABARET lemon flavored soup ($5.25 for an order for two). This was sliced beef in to go. We plan to schedule a return trip in the near future. been remodeled. Interior the Manhattan Jazz Collective. the Arts. Free admission. Saturday, April 4, 8 p.m. ASIAN GARDEN Edgeboro Road and Route 18 (across from the Hostways Free admission. ST. JOHN PASSION a spicy light red broth with straw mushrooms, onions, celery, carrots, changed but not the prices! Temple Emanu-EI Motel), East Brunswick. (908) 651-2282. PLAINFIELD SYMPHONY Sunday, April 12, 3 p.m. ' 756 East Broad St., Westfield celery and pineapple. The soup was served in a large covered tureen (908) 526-1677. Saturday, April 11, 8 p.m. Cathedral of the Sacred Heart (908) 889-8800 with separate soup bowls and porcelain spoons. There were three of us This column Is meant to Inform readers about dining op- -Mkkl Pulslnelll Crescent Avenue 89 Ridge St., Newark "Featuring Joe Elias & His Ladi- portunities in the area, it is not a review. Presbyterian Church (201) 484-2400 no Ensemble, Sephardic Tapes- there, and after several helpings, we still didn't finish all of it. 716 Watchung Ave., Plainfield "J.S. Bach's account of the try w/Judith Goldsmith, and an (908) 561-5140 crucifixion, sung in German by Oriental dancer. Admission $18 "Swoboda's Overture of the the N.J. Bacl^estival Chorus in advance, $25 at the door. Season; Schumann's Piano and Baroque Orchestra. Admis- EUGENIA ZUKERMAN Curtain times Concerto in A minor; Tchaik- sion $20-$5, group rates avail- Sunday, April 5, 8 p.m. ovsky's Ultle Russian Sym- able. Temple Emanu-EI phony No. 2. Adults $17, $12; ST. NICOLAS 756 East Broad St., Westfield senior citizens and students Sunday, April 5, 11 a.m. '\ (201) 762-8486 rates available. Rodgers and Hammerstein mu- other times. p.m. Saturdays. Admission opera based on the Passion Ac- $8. Continued from pago 18 tirooksido Dr., Millburn Nassau Prosbytenaji Church "Flautist performs works by Viv- sical about the Trapp family of SHERATON AT WOODBRIDGE $39, includes dinner. cording to St. Matthew. 1 (201) 376-4343 PLAYHOUSE 22 ROXBURY CHAMBER 61 Nassau St., Princeton lhroufth April 18. Admission SOMERSET VALLEY PLAYERS aldi, J.S. Bach, Mozart, and 210 Dunhams Corner Rd. Austria. April 3-May 3. Adults Route 1 South, Isclin Through April 12. Admission MUSIC ENSEMBLE (609) 924-0103 $17.25 Saturdays, $15.75 Fri- 'Oklahoma! the Rodger;: and Haydn. Adults $16, students East Brunswick $12 opening night, $10 other (908) 634-3600 Amwell Rd., Hillsborougti Sunday, April 5, 3 p.m. •Benjamin Britten's cantata days and Sundays; includes Hummerstein musical sot in the $15 Fridays and Saturdays, $8. (008) 254-3939 -, times; senior citizens and stu- "A Deadly Environment, murder (908) 369-74G9 dessert. Sooner State. Through May 10. «/•/)(,' Sound of Mimic, the dOnts $8 opening'night, $7 mystery'set at a country club. 8 •Jesus Christ Superstar, rock $20 for two tickets Sundays. PAPER MILL PLAYHOUSE Admission.$38-$2-l, group '20 Forte?1.; -!r»/vspapers April t-3, 1992 ( ) "April. 1-3, ,21 Conca Doro Our Delicious BRUNCH with the ESTAURAN Italian Restaurant nd Bit. W2 Buffet BUNNY PATULLO'S Family Dining At Affordable Prices Brunch • Sunday, April 5th & GREENHOUSE RESTAURANT Children tinder 1 NORTH VOjSS&LER AVE • BOUND BROOK DINNER SPECIALS $500 ' Sunday, April 12th' (Palm.Sunday),' : 959 Rt. 202-206 N.Bridgewater s 356-2692 • 356-9888 Adults 12 Noon until 3 PM i 526-1677 ... •'7 Fine Italian Restaurant 9.95 NY Strip • Come See Our NEWLY Remodclcil ncsi.iutanl! LUNCH & DINNER SERVED DAILY Veal Pannigiana 5 Chef Owiicr • Treat Yourself to Great Food, Service, and » The EASTER BUNNY will host the PARTY! . PIANO ; Great Atmosphere!: • Pasquale Caruso ENTERTAWMEMT /EASTER FLOWER DISPLAY IN OURGREENHGUSE Eggplant Rolletine 8.95 Pork Chop Rizzaiola. April faster EGG HUNT for the kids! * Chicken Eruo . . • Veal M.vsala Rated • * * • EVES Reserve Now for Easter • Dinner 12:00-7:00 Chicken Scallopine 10.95 NT Strip & Shrimp... (Reservations Please!) * Floundor Piccala • Sealood llaliano 5th & 12th (Forbes Newspaper * Avanlo Pasta Specials • And Much MuclvMoti' Veal Marsala 11.95 BR Flounder 9.95 12-3 pm WINE & DINE. STAR LEDGER COMING APRIL 24TH PRIZES /Special Suppliment\ Dlno5nbnly Tako-Out Only ~~\ "Caruso's is something to sing about in Plainfield Veal Piccata .11.95 Stuffed Flounder w/Crabmeat.10.95 Call now to reserve for Easter Dinner 10% OFF S1 OFF THE FABULOUS DUPREES Entire Check one Large Pizza AJl Major Credit Cards Accepted -Courier News Chicken Cacciatore (Boneless) 10.95 Whole Lobster. 9.95 Reservations Suggested 2 Shows- COACH N' PADDOCK K Coming j 757-2244 Rt. 78 JExit 12) 4 mi. W. of Clinton, N.J. CORPOnATE OPEN 7 DAVS Mon.-Thurs. 11-11. Fn i. Sj' n-12. Sun 4-'il FRI.&SAT. .. Children's menu available daily - Other specials also available 1370 South Ave. Plainfield (Near Fanwood Border) EASTER CRAFT SHOW 735-7889 ipril 30f( NITES .' 64 Somerset St. LUNCH • DINNER •COCKTAILS Closed Mondays Reservations Suggested LIVE Sat. and-Sun.*. April 11th & 12th 756-7310 North Plainfield • Weddings • Banquets '•'Parties for all Occassions Npontac.t you/ ENTERTAINMENT 10:00 A.M. Forbes advertising i A Piece of Mexico in the LUNCH SPECIALS orvMicki/at Heart of Metochcn VTIH 722-3000 ext. 6104 LCOMEAMGOS! y v vif vinr w *r *r mr v^r virir ^MEUOiENS. ® Chicken Antonio • Stuffed Calamari • Pork Chops Campagniola • many more Now Appearing In Our Lounge 1 "RICH KELLY and FRIENDSHIP" IEXIDEUCAFE EARLY BIRD SPECIALS Sunday thru Thursday Nites Coming: Next Week 'HOMEMADE MEXICAN FOOD • THE MAGIG 1400 MAIN ST. • METUCHEN Over 40 Entrees ^TQ*) CLOWM KIDS EAT FREE "RICK SHAW & FREEDOM" (NDCT TO THE TRAIN STATION) Trcscnt 906^9505 tills coupon 5:00 - 8:00 P.M. One dining adult per child. * NO COVER • NO MINIMUM Mon.-FrL 3:00-5:30 P.M. i Wed. & Sunday Night Only ;•; OPtNFORBKAXFASf.UNCHAOINNEB (Inc. Soup Or salads, Pot or Pasta, Veg.) SAnmOATSflATVSEB3QIIIS3 tHtrRBGI& Sat. & Sun* 12-3 PM 1/2 Friee Entrees N.J.'S OWN BIG APPLE WEDDFVG Catering for family parties. Monday Nights Every Tuesday Thursday Nights VALUABLE COUPON LIMITED TIME Now Open on Sundays All-You-Can-Eat DISCOUNT NIGHT All-You-Can-Eat SUPERB RECEPTIONS Fajita Dinner '10.95 Rehearsal & Shower Parties Enchilada Dinner '7.50 BABY BACK 15% OFF RIBS TOO! BANQUET We have accomotlalions to fit every Chicken Fried Steak $10.95 Easter is April 19-Dinner Served budget. 50 lo 500 Persons. RIBS TOTAL CHECK $1395 at reg. price FACILITIES OVERNIGHT ACCOMMODATIONS and receive 2nd AVAILABLE AT OUR ADJACENT MOM'S Weddings • Showers LUXURY HOTEL * Must be of equal or lesser value RISTORANTE Mon.-Thurs. Only 416 92 Dinners RESTAURANT • CATERING 1984 Rt 27, Edison (908) 287-2778 May not be combined with any other offer 20-800 Persons 172-4700 <£ui&ct& R\CKLEY'S Rt. 22 West North Plainfield 755-4400 At Parkway ExiH 36 • Cranford (Comer ttf West End Ave. and RL 22 West) Major Credit Cards Accepted I Your 776 South Washington Avenue, Piscataway 463-100Q>J/ (Corner Confectionary) D Guide . METUCHENS ' FINEST-HOMEMADE"" NCAA ' ^ ' \ "• SPANISH COOKING! Dominic's To Final Four Party HOT CHJU Ristorante RICE AND-BEAA/5 The Mon. April 6th Jiuy Any Fine Southern Italian Cuisine Fine Southern and CHAJITA5 • Free Buffet One Dinner SHOCUN27 Northern Cuisine CHltKEM TAC05 I At Rc«. Price Elegant Dining in a • 00 3376 Route 27 Kendall Park in an elegant atmosphere H Buffet & Receive 2nd FREE 200 year old Victorian Mansion PRESENTS Best CHEESE TORTILLAS $ 00 at an affordable price. • 5 Pitchers Expires 5/2/92 All food cooked and spiced to order. NEW YORK Private parties up to 60 n BREAKFAST THE Large, meeting room available. COMEDY Restaurant? AND LUIVCH MOM. - S/\J. Produced by EXCHANGE Always lots of free parking on premises Patrick Gaynor Entertainment SHOWTIME Fridays & Saturdays 10 PM Rt. 202-206 North, Bndgewater Live Piano Music Reservations Suggested - Limited Seating Fresh Veal, Chicken, Seafood and Pasta Dishes 526-7090 . Friday and Saturday Evenings Complete Dinners starting at $7.95 [FRIDAY N^GHTSTONLYI • Open Mon.-Fri. for Lunch & Dinner Buy One Comedy Show ' . OiM, Dinners Sat. starting at 5:00 PM Admission at Regular Price Caterers Ojk Tiet Open Mon.-Sal. 11:30 AM-10 PM. Sun. 4 PM-10 PM CJosed Sunday FOR MORE INFORMATION REGARDING THESE RESTAURANT PAGES Ol.idlce Comer Oak Trco Rd. & Park Avo. GLEN ANTHONY A&P * 3600 Park Avenue, South Plalnfleld, N.J. CALL 276 Hamilton Street Second Ticket Also Appearing Is (In Bradlcc's, A&P Shopping Center) Billy Naughton New Brunswick, NJ Half Price Forbes MICKI PULSINELLI OFF Paul Bond I 4/24(0? (908) 247-9674 (908) 422-1117 [ (908) 753-2696- AT jfr--,-... ---•••-,..._.•.. Newspapers Reservations Suggested 908-722-3000 EXT- 6104

April 1-3,1992 Forbes Newspapers 22 Weekend Forbes Newspapers-, April 1-3, 1992 ' '.•.•* • 1 Specializing in ••Pf MI/i'YTrC Shanghai and l/l/l/l/rl/lA J Szechuan Cuisine Restaurant & Lounge , 7^ SPRING FEVER? SHANGHAI • -.'I4 ; ;: Rest, Relax & Don't Cook V, \V^' •••.••••••:;• : ; v,::.v V: { 95 NOW TWO GREAT LOCATIONS ••" '•• '•'• • '- ' ^W' Dinner for *9 •' . Presents CHOOSE FROM "Excellent Cuisine at Affordable Prices" Roast Prime Rib of Beef . 16-oz. Delmonico Steak V Banquet Facilities Grilled Marinated Chicken Breast Fr. Calamari over Spaghettini NCAA Seafood Combination Cajun Shrimp/Buffalo Wings Combo Daily Specials Always Available / : (No Coupons)(Indudes Garden Salad, Pot. & Veg.) DAVID FINAL FOUR PARTY Party Room up to 50 People Now Serving Liquor BRAHAM COMPLETE LUNCH SUPER EARLY BIRD 435 MAIN STREET " 616 1NMAN AVENUE. SPECIALS $y.g5 DINNER SPECIALS TRIO Starting from Hr $•795 : METUCHEN, NJ . -. COLONIA, NJ with Mon., April 6th 8 p.m. Nlon.-Frl. 11:00-3:30 Every Day from # K Doris NO COUPONS NO COUPONS. (908)549-0095 (908) 382-7868 3 Spears Continental FREE HOT IIORS D'OEUVRES At The Bai * March 27 r EAT IN SPECIAL During Happy Hour Mon-Fri (»'-« 1MI1.) German American Cuisine 1 Drafts Buy One Entree at Reg DOUG DINNER COMEDY SHOW-Friday April i Oth "The Stamm Family is at your service" Price Get 2nd Entree 1/2 Price VISA MacDONALD 0 The Fabulous Comic Singers ANDRE & CIRELL (Lower Priced Entree is '/:) OPEN FOR LUNCHEON, $25 per person, Includes Dinner Show/Reservations now being accepted Cannot'be combined with other oiler JAZZ SO Hot Dogs FREE LIVE ENTERTAINMENT WED. thru SAT. I . Exp. 5/J1/92 . COCKTAILS, DINNER, SUPPER Great Bands Planing Your Favorite Oldies TRIO $ 00 Any Order Giveaways 4/10 FAMOUS COMIC 4/17-4/18 April 3 On the North Shore of the Lake •• 4/3-4/4 4/10-4/11 of $30.00 SAL ANTHONY'S SINGERS ? PLATINUM CLASS u 141 Sterling Road, Watchung, New Jersey MEMORY • or More " or More or more "ANDRE & CIRELL" OF '57 SIROCCO MACHINE DINNER COMEDY SHOW &GOLD Cannot bo comblnod Cannot he combined Cannot bo combinod Over 20 TV's to with other odor with othor odor w/othof ollor. featuring 2000 Park Ave., S. Plainfield (908) 755-6J61 Exp. 5/31/92 Exp. 5'31/92 Exp. 5/31/92 Vinnie 755-9344 Watch the Game! Cutro April 10 FOR MORE INFORMATION REGARDING THESE RESTAURANT PAGES Brid-gewater Commons Mall 218-9333 * TOM CALL t BUTTS/ MICKI PULSINELLI CHUCK WAYNE AT JAZZ 908-722-3000 EXT-6104 Favorite QUARTET iimmmAi-^x"--^ April 17

THERE IS NO UDDER! "The Finest in Northern Italian Binin; Dinin0~~DoneMyWay!" RISTORANTE —Sonny D. ^^.^ww^.^- COUPON TUESDAY, THURSDAY & SATURDAY NIXES RICHIE | SPECIALS! ATPtAHOj i Couples: NiteU! 708 Mountain Blvd., Watchung, NJ Places BEEF N1 ALE HOUSE TREAT ANOTHER WXJPIM TO DINNER FREfc (908) 755-2565 CHDI6TINES 5 Hours Open Bar *>t*RCHA$S,YOtm TWO fiWrftEBS AMD RECEIVE THE1K TWO ENTftEES Cocktail Hour 7 Course Dinner, Tiered Wedding Cake Dinner Specials All Include Baked Potato & FREE Silver Candelabras and Flowers we mi t)£ouct ttm two mwees w u&eit VALW£ moH VOUH CHECK Unlimited trip to our Salad & Bread Bar. A Of»i«hy tX »5* WtU B« Add>of 17-7.V Warren, N.I. ttoservatlon* Su our retail Butcher Shop & Deli. 908-722-3000 Moiulav-l''nen lor Dinner Only 5:0()|im- 10:00pm Ext. 6140 SNUFFVS 2991 Hamilton Blvd., So. Plainfield 9:00 to 6:00 P.M. Sinulav - Open lor Bnnuli Only K):3()am-2:30pm (Off Fit. 287) (908) 755-2575

24 Fortes Newspapers Apul 1 3. 1992 * April 1-3,1992 Fbrbes Newspapers Weekend ::3:>:. 2S

v ,' •:-.; liiii BOBBY k MARTS illllii The Restaurant You've Been Waiting For! 318 William SI, Plscatsway NOW OPEN 752-4474 WEEKEND DINNER SPECIALS at Basking Ridge Country Club • Broiled Mixed Seafdoch...... $10.95 Completely Redecorated • New Chef New York Menu At New Jersey Prices! • Chicken Caccatore.. :.„. ....:. $8.95 LUNCH Served from' 11 a.m. to 5 p.m. from Serve Yourself An Unusual & Try Our £ Ib. • 'SUNDAY Varied Choice of BLUE RIBBON BRUNCH DINNERS PORTERHOUSE *1195 PerPeraon Entrees From I Including Choice d.Soup STEAK Choice o( Complimentary or Salad • Served (rom 5 p.m. Served with Soup or Salad Glass of Champagne or Wine Won & Tuos. Every Thursday 8HEAKFAST 5 P.M.-10 P.M. CHECKS (Liquor not included) KAREOKE NIGHT mm THE MARILYN CORMACK It's New Dinner Menu 595 Morris Ave. & Baltusrol Way Frl. & Sat. EASTER SUNNY Springfield • (201) 376-3840 • Open 7 Days DANCE Wine With Reason April 4th & 11th We.Honor Reservations & All Major Credit Cards To The OldleB The Merlot was stunning. A rich purple Call for red, full of fresh, earthy smells and crushed Reservations Today cherries. It tasted of currants and berries * ENTREES* with just a hint of green pepper. Flavors Ni seemed to last forever and the Tannins RICH MEYER APPEARING APRIL 24* ° -V 5.39 were so soft that the finish melted away. The Riesling was also magnificent; * FIRST COURSES * brilliant straw color, the distinctive aroma of Mbn.-Fri. AHITUDE ADJUSTMENT HOUR The Ground Round Linalool (a citrus-y, floral smell) rising from $3.50 the glass. In. mouth, the acidity danced over egular. $18.50 4-6 PM I Louisiana Con, & Crab Chowder Petite $13-75' 990 Drafts & 100 Wings 98 Route 22 West, Greenbrook, NJ your tougue, followed by the fresh citrus S6.50 | \ || GriUed Filet Mifinon, Barol Great Place to Meet After Work flavors and just a hint of sweetness. Do I (908) 968-8120 have your attention yet? Do you want to $5.75 know what wines these are? Okay - it's the Medallions of Veallronwood, a Signature Entr« I Wrgots. Alsatian Styie 1989 Sylvln Farms Merlot and the 1991 $7.95 King's Road Riesling. These two wines IskUlc.Sea^M.^ndCnibcato.Tprta.o.BasUC shared top honors at the New Jersey Wino .$525.| Competition! Yes! Really! New Jersey! 1 Roasted Tn^or Peppers with Fresh U .11 ^ilTw ol Sn^ppe, White Wine and Herbs. Anyone who tasted N.J. Wines a few $5.501 CrijstaC borne years ago and wrote them off is really miss- | Ragout of Wild Mushrooms in Puff-Pastry Next time you're in the ing the boat. Our state Is producing serious k.UOun-. ...myrecc wines. I know, I was lucky enough to judge | FricdCalamari, Spicy Remoulade Sauce neighborhood... at the Annual N.J. Competition. Stop by where the Thirteen wineries submitted wines in | Baked Four Onion Soup neigbhorhood eats. several different categories including as the perfect place Vinifera, Hybrids and American Cultivars as iTHEXRYSTAL DOME well as fruit, dessert and sparkling wines. Presents For \he low price of $7.45 you get a cup SyMn Farms and King's Road took the of Soup, Salad, Bread and Butter, Entree Governor's Cup, the top honor, with the Early Bird Dining for great get-in-shqpe food" aforementioned wines. King's Road went on Selection, Coffee or Tea, and your choice Monday thru Saturday 3-6 PM Shape up with some good advice from "Galloping to collect-six rr e medaJs.for their, other and on Sunday 1 -5 PM of Pudding, Jello or Ice Cream. Gourmet" Graham Kerr. Gome try the Mongolian Barbeque entrants. Gold medals were also awarded to Tewksbury for non-vintage Cherry wino and at J.F? Lee's - a lot of great food {or not a lot of money. Renault Vineyards Blueberry Champagne. # LIGHTER*^* : As a member of Heart Smart Restaurants Mtemauoh- $8.961 ENTREES Judging 72 wines is not a day in the park. Somo Entrees come with Potato or Vegetable.. al, who's nutritional consultant is Graham Kerr, J.E Lee's It takes a great deal of concentration. But * SALADS* Id^SteakSandwidvIt^^P^ If a (*) is shown no Potato or Vegetable is included. guarantees customers menu selections that meet the what made it enjoyable for ma was the 1. Broiled or Breaded Pork Chops Graham Kerr requirements set by the American Heart Association and consistent quality of the wines. Some, other International Culinary most diet/weight loss programs. favorites of mine were the Sylvin Farms 2. Roast English Cut Prime Rib . Consultant WithDiwwr $2-^ Come in for lunch ($4.95) or an all-you-can-eat dinner 1990 Cabernet Franc (Silver), Alba 3. London Broil w/mushroom sauce • (Formerly TV's I Caesar Salad A U Carte $550 Galloping Gourmet) ($8.95). Takeout available by phone or fax. Vineyards 1991 Vidal Blanc (Bron7e), 4. Yankee Pot Roast Amwell Valley Gewuritramlner (Silver), 5. Roast Fresh Ham w/stuffing WithDinntr $2501 Cream Ridge 1989 Chambourcln (Silver) I SpinachSalad, Honey-Mustard Dressing A U Carte »• 6. Baked Meatloaf w/mushroom sauce and Tomasello Cuvee De Chardonnary I ClubhouseShrimp&CrabS^ad 7. Roast Half Spring Chicken w/stuffing 1988 (Silver). Pride of New Jersey Winery 8. Sauteed Chicken Breast Marsala, did some outstanding work with their 1988 Cabernet Sauvignon. It netted them a Silver Francaise or Parmigiana Medal. And Tomasello presented a mulled 9. Chicken Croquettes spice wine that I'll be serving on chilly 10. Broiled Filet of Bluefish Albany Street - Ferren Mall • New Brunswick • Phone 828-3337 • Fax 828-5858 nights. 11. Broiled Boston Scrod Since many stores are allergic to carrying 12. Fried Filet of Sole our N.J. wines (you can't blame them. 13. Broccoli Rabe w/cavatelli* We've been allergic to drinking them too 185 Mctdisomille Road Basking Ridge. NJ 07920 . 14. Stuffed Shells Parmigiana w/meatball* tong) a trip to the vineyards may be necessary to find these bottles. But a day 16. Spaghetti Carbonata* trip to the country Isn't that much to give, is Convenient^* located >A> mile from Route 287 17. Spaghetti w/broccoli* OAK TREE FOODS 18. Spaghetti Marinara w/meatball* It's worth H. New Jersey, you've come a 19. Baked Italian Lasagna w/meatball* long way, baby. Lunch: Mon-Sal 11:30 am-2:30pm Dinner: Tues.-Sun. 5:00 pm-iopm 20. Baked Greek Style Moussaka w/small Greek Salad* Farm Fresh Country Market Brunch: Sundays from 10:30 am-2:30 pm 21. Baked Greek Style Pastichio w/small Greek Salad* Sponsored by 22. Authentic Athenian Spinish Pie w/small Greek Salad* PRODUCE DELI MEATS DAIRY 23. Grilled Chicken Breast Filet Mignon Fresh Roasted Peanuts Domestic Swiss Cheese Skim 1%-2% Milk 24. Eggplant Parmigiana w/spaghetti* In The Shell (7-9 Ib. avg.) KINGSTCN 25. Baked Ziti Parmigiana w/meatball* $4 99 Wine & Liaucrs 26. Baked Manicotti Parmigiana w/meatball* I* • Ib. (by the pound) 27. Broiled Filet of Sole w/crabmeat stuffing 79'• Ib ib. custom cut 1 a Gallon (Limit 3) FRANKLIN TOWNE CENTEh 28. Chefs specials of the day SK Boiled Ham Washington State Fresh Ground Chuck (next to FOODTOWN) Open: Everyday 6 AM Close; Sun., Mon., Tues., Wed. 12 Mid. Red Delicious Apples $4 99 Jersey Large Eggs Close: Thurs. 1 AM Close Fri., Sat. 3 AM I Ib. (by 1h« pound) $-f 49 908-422-2324 $4OO Ib Gaiser's German Style 3417 Highway 27 Franklin Park, N.J Coming 2002 Park Avenue • South Plainfield 2 Ib. for a Dozon Cold Cuts featuring USDA 755-2811 Black Forest Ham Fresh. Whole Eaglo Martin's Snacks Keller's Potatoo Rolls $C99 Chickens Call 722-3000 or Nacho" Butter SPECIAL BREAKFAST $1.95 Buy 1 -Got 1 ** ib. , or your FREE Chips <" Contact your (Mon.-Frl.) 6-10 AM (by the pound) Ib. •Buy 1 Got 1 FREE*' $4 29 Forbes advertising Forbes 2 Eggs (Any Style) Potatoes (Any Style) 1 Ib. Toast, Coffee and Tea representative advertising Hours: Mon.-Fri. 9-6, Sat. 8-6, Sun. 8-2 Located on Oak Tree Road 419 Amwell Rd., Hillsborough A Forbes Newspapers or Micki at representative ICkfiQX 7CC OCCO Phone orders Next to Drug Fair across (908) 359-2333 722-3000 ext. 6104 for more -Special Suppliment for more details, \p\JO) / OO-ODUO gladly acceptedfrom Post Office ia So. Plainfield information,

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