SUNDAY. JAITOABT 26. 1908. 2 NEW-YORK DAILY TRIBUNE. A TRAGIC—_ EPISODE. I STAGE AFFAIES. ! "... Insanity was th<» stage tl:>-me th«a la vogue, as'blindness has been the recent one. Hu- THEATRICAL DIRECTORY. manity, not content with th» painful realities tha: adlct it, takes a stranpo delight In r^pr)ducin«; 111 i-irk I m-*4 their semblance. It 13 not infrequently th» case ACADEMY UsT KOgfC 14th St. «r..: Irving Place— 2— 111 Lw IX^ that reality, mere poignant than the most h'.grily t;ls—Tbe Girl or the Golden IPast. — wrought fiction, is concealed beneath, the and 7t»j a.vr.—2—S Vaua»vin«. trafai ILHAMEKA.BMa st. — — mask .... In Iks early part of January, 1543. ASTOn. Bmadway an<3 45ih 2:15 8:15 Irene Rachel acted for the benefit of Wycfcerle.v. Monrose. one of — the best Figaros the bo;ir>!s hart cv«r BELASCO. •»:: i=t.. sctwesa Ita and Sib aves.— 2—S:ls known. The Warrers oj Virginia. — Poor Monrose had been Indebted for his sucesaa 3EXJOI— i.r.»r;»ay, BCtaeaa 30th anij Slst Bts. 2:30—&:30 In Beaumarchais's play to -a. constant study of it Tie Comet — that had the most fatal result— insanity. He rIM EEOADWAT. butiiita 40th *ta 4i«t Bts. — —Bmaa»a». not play tho part: he had 1lf>ntlrif"i himself with 2:15 S:l"> A \va:-.: Dreaaa. CA£IN<,-. Broedwav ant! ssti St.—gJ»— —\u25a0:»—Fana'iasM it. on the 'Stage . Inconversation Bl was aye. —VauCeville. FIFTY-EIGHTH STREET, rear Sd appeared neither to hear nor und*»r- aye. — absent and -GARRICK. SC-th s?., sear Kb Under tho Greenwood sta.nd; but a quotation from the "Barbier" braaajlss Tree. a prompt animated answer, the droll gi'.atura, ICOTHJkZI. East 1-' ft.—2—S—Vaudeville. forth' — contagious laugh. forgotfn r had determined, In a VTAMMi;H?TKINB. 7th aye. and 42a «t.—2.15 !i; Vaudeville. lucid interval, to take advantage of the next ona OPERA HOUSE. 125th st. and Tth aye.— to come before tr:- public, and SBMSSBVaS' to earn. KAKLCM Order. =-. His House in 1 respite, to supply —S:ls— durlnsr that wherewith himself -HERALi» BQCARE. Uroadway and Ssta st.—2l5 with tho comforts his helpless condition required. X- Tne Girl BsssM tbe ossaaar. - —— The house was crowded; the anxiety r,t the spec- IJIprODROJIE Kti a\e. sad 44th St.—J 8 Battle :• cf Fort Arthur. The Auto Itace. and The Four Sea- tators and actors may readily sa conceived; the r sons. exacting highest ft., Broadway— 2:ls eight aras tfrrible. the trial in the -HUDSON. West 44th near S:ls— truth, dreaded, £ Her i-lstei. — degree. All. conscious of the at IRVING- PLACE, Irvine riace and 15th German each word, at each ajaotore, a letsaa of Ui^ fatal !>T-. \u25a0Mcfc company. — malady: nay, doubted whether it had not returned -KNICKERBOCKER. Broadway and 3Sth Et.—2:l5 S:ls beneath the apparent calm. The 7a oC Ne» \ork. and waa not lurkinrr evening --XJBERTY. 4-J St.. n-ir 7th ave.— 2:ls—S:ls—Polly of the The Roslne and the Almavive ot the were Circus. undT the Influence of a terror they could scarcely IJNCOLN SQUARE. Broadway, ntar 65th st.— 2:ls— disguise. The object of all this alarm seemed ta —£pooner Mock Company- — seek, by his off-hand, easy grace, his brilliant LYCEUM. West 45th St.. r.ear Broadway— 6:20— The Thief. — — sallies ar.d his smiling looks, sa reassure them. LTsnTC. 42d pt.. memr 7th ave.— 2;l5 S:15 E. H. Soth- There are. in the part of Figaro, passages but too enL as Lord I>undreary. — allusive to his unhappy state, an 4every heart aye. ar.d 5Mh St.— Tcp o- MAJESTIC 7th 2:l5 S:ls— The tn* th' beat with terror as the doomed man uttered World. act: KBV AMSTERDAM. 42d et , near• 7th aye.-2:15— 5:15— Oarea worri3 at the conclusion cf the third - Tbe Merry bfis»t. — •IIt*t fou! IIrat fou! 11 t