Planets and Dwarf Study Guide for Quiz…

1. Know/Remember that when we refer to “Planets”, we are talking about the 8 actual full-size planets in our . Questions on the quiz will refer to “planets” and “dwarf planets” and you need to answer the questions accordingly. 2. How many planets are in our solar system? 8 3. How many dwarf planets are in our solar system? 5 4. What is the order of and dwarf planets from the to the outside of our solar system? , , , , , , , , , , , , 5. What gases are in the ’s of the 8 planets? (if it has an atmosphere) Mercury – Very thin atmosphere, made up of blasts from the solar due to its close proximity to the Sun. Venus – It has a thick, poisonous atmosphere of and sulfuric acid. Earth – oxygen, carbon dioxide, and and other trace gases Mars – Carbon Dioxide and a small percentage of Nitrogen and other gases. Jupiter – The atmosphere is made up of and oxygen. Saturn – 75% Hydrogen and 25% Uranus – The atmosphere of Uranus is composted mainly of molecular hydrogen and helium. The third most abundant molecule after hydrogen and

helium is (CH4). It’s the methane in Uranus’ atmosphere that absorbs the red spectrum visible light and gives it the blue-green color. Neptune – Yes it is made of Hydrogen, Helium, and Methane. 6. How many planets and dwarf planets do not have ? 4 7. What are the names of the 4 major ? , , , and 8. What are the names of the 3 ? , , and 9. How far away from the Sun is the Earth? 1 AU or 149,600,000 km 10. How far away from the Sun is Jupiter? 778,412,020 km (4.95 AU) 11. How far away from the Sun is Pluto? 5.9 billion km and 39.5 AU 12. What is the name of the place where Ceres is located? Belt 13. Why are Neptune and Uranus blue? Methane in the atmosphere absorbs red wavelengths and reflects blue. 14. What gases are in the of Neptune and Uranus? See above #5… 15. Which is the brightest object in the sky besides the Sun and the Moon? Venus 16. What is the name of the largest volcano in our solar system and on which planet is it found? Olympus Mons, Mars 17. Which planet has rings? All of the gas giants. 18. The inner planets are called terrestrial or rocky. (Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars) 19. The outer planets are called Jovian or gaseous. (Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune) 20. Know how to do the math required to figure our Force problems using F=ma. 21. What is the name of the mission that landed humans on the Moon? Apollo 22. Which was promoted to that status? Ceres 23. Which dwarf planet was demoted to that status? Pluto 24. What has been happening on Jupiter for over 300 years and what is it’s name? The - hurricane like storm 25. Mars is named after the Greek god of _War_.