THE DEVIL’S CHILD THE MAKinG OF THE Omen! BLOODY VALENTINES EXPLOitatiON MOvie KinG JOHN DunninG IntervieWED! MEDIEVAL MADNESS THE BLOOD On Satan’S SCARY MOVIE ClaW! ROUNDUP NEW DVDS and Blu-Rays DSD RevieWED! FREE! 06 Check out the teaser issue of CultTV Times... covering everything from NCIS to anime! Broadcast the news – the first full issue of Cult TV Times will be available to buy soon at Follow us on : (@CultTVTimes) for the latest news and issue updates For subscription enquiries contact:
[email protected] Introduction MACABRE MENU A WARM WELCOME TO THE 4 The omen 09 DVD LIBRARY 13 SUBS 14 SATAn’S CLAW DARKSIDe D I G I TA L 18 John DUnnIng contributing scripts it has to be good. I do think that Peter Capaldi is a fantastic choice for the new Doctor, especially if he uses the same language as he does in The Thick of It! Just got an early review disc in of the Blu-ray of Corruption, which is being released by Grindhouse USA in a region free edition. I have a bit of a vested interest in this one because I contributed liner notes and helped Grindhouse’s Bob Murawski find some of the interview subjects in the UK. It has taken some years to get this one in shops but the wait has been worthwhile because I can’t imagine how it could have been done better. I’ll be reviewing it at length in the next print issue, out in shops on October 24th. I really feel we’re on a roll with Dark Side at present.