C rystal 99 Malden Catholic – A Xaverian Brothers Sponsored School – 99 Crystal St., Malden, MA 02148 Lancers For Life By: Vincent Swierk activities. Both Mr. Driscoll and Mr. Batista played this trip, they volunteered in the local New York Co-Editor-in-Chief football and baseball. They did not really cultivate a City area, helping the community and showing strong friendship until sophomore and junior year. what it meant to be a Malden Catholic man. With the influx of new teachers this year, Malden Both were very involved with campus ministry and Catholic was bound to see yet another alumni come they came together to create Lancers in Action, as After graduating, all three went their separate back home. Teaching in the history department, Mr. well as being very involved in school masses as ways, not knowing that they would cross paths Endicott joined the faculty as one of the “new guys”. eucharistic ministers. Also, both were chosen to be again. Mr. Driscoll went to Assumption college. Well...not really. Every day he sees and talks He described his experience as to two alumni from his graduating class one very similar to that of MC. He of 2006, as well as his aunt, Mrs. Endicott, enjoyed his time at Assumption, working in the athletic office. Twelve especially the change of scenery, years ago, both young Mr. Batista and seeing that there were now girls in Mr. Driscoll looked across their theology class with him, but, MC followed class at the one and only Mr. Endicott. him. A total of six seniors from his 2006 graduating class followed him Growing up in Malden, both Mr. to Assumption. He even roomed Batista and Mr. Endicott remember with two Malden Catholic kids playing on the same youth soccer team. while there. Closer to home, Mr. When it came time for school, they went Batista attend Merrimack College their separate ways. Mr. Endicott spent in North Andover. He described kindergarten through eighth grade at it as an easy choice; he could Immaculate Conception, while Mr. Batista still work while he commuted to attended MapleWood for K-4 until their college. Not only was it easy to close, when he moved to SalemWood for get to, it also had everything he the rest of his middle school years. One wanted to study, religious studies. city over, Mr. Driscoll spent his early life He, too, enjoyed his time in college. and education in Stoneham. When the Even though his destiny would question arose about high school, the seem to lie at Endicott College, decision was extremely easy. Malden Mr. Endicott sadly did not attend. Catholic was known to be the best and Finding his new home in New the names Driscoll and Endicott were Hampshire, he decided by flipping already very prevalent in the school. The a coin to enroll in Saint Anselm Driscoll family had both alumni of MC College. Majoring in history, it and faculty members, Mary Driscoll, a campus a part of the annual XBSS retreat (Xaverian Brothers is only logical that he is now a history teacher. minister, and Pat Driscoll, a theology teacher. Mr. Sponsored School) and this retreat helped them both Endicott had roots that ran even deeper; since 1936, to become closer friends. This and MCLI would seal Surviving another four years of education, each almost all males of his family had gone to MC. On their friendship for years to come. On the other decided they wanted to become teachers. Both the other hand, Mr. Batista was the first in his family side of the field and the classroom, Mr. Endicott Mr. Driscoll and Mr. Batista expressed interest at MC, but not the first of his relatives, for his cousin was a member of the lacrosse and tennis teams in in teaching back at MC. Eventually, both were Mike Batista graduated in the class of ‘97. Just as different years. He wrote for the newspaper, was accepted and started teaching theology classes at the the younger brothers of Mr. Endicott followed the vice president of the Spanish club, and helped very same high school they attended. Mr. Endicott him to MC, Mr. Batista’s brother also followed occasionally with campus ministry. Because of this found a job in Attleborough teaching history at suit, graduating just four years after in 2010. When overlap within campus ministry, all three became Bishop Feehen. Seven years later, he saw a job asked “why Malden Catholic”, all three answered friends within the school. In their senior years, all opening at MC and applied. Accepted, he began in more or less the same way. MC excelled in three went to New York City for a school-sponsored his new journey at Malden Catholic beginning this sports, education, and creating lifelong friendships. volunteer trip. They collectively described this school year. When asked how the transition from experience as life-changing and one of the many student to teacher was, all pretty much agreed, During their time in high school, all were very active highlights of their time at Malden Catholic. On saying that it was overall a smooth transition. and participated in many different extracurricular

In this issue... Artist Profile: Tom Guo Tom Guo, an extremely - Habitat Builds Give talented senior at Malden Back Over Break Catholic, is one of the many leaders of the school. As the - Fortnite Sweeps the vice-president of the student Nation council, Tom excels in all - Over 100 Career aspects of life, especially art. Read more about Tom on Wins from Senior page 10. Wrestlers Artwork Courtesy of Tom Guo Opinions 2 March 2018 O p i n i o n s ¡Viva La Internet! By: Alex Mitsopolous want to watch YouTube Staff Writer videos, you now have Crystal 99 to pay a monthly fee. Student Newspaper Net Neutrality is the idea that internet If you want to access service providers (ISPs) should allow any social media, you Malden Catholic High School access to all content on the internet, pay a fee. On top of 99 Crystal Street no matter where it comes from. It is a that, you are not even Malden, 02148 very simple concept, and one that has guaranteed all of the (781) 322-3098 basically defined the internet for the content on those sites. If duration of its existence. When you are something on Youtube Editors-in-Chief on a computer, you can see what you does not line up with Brett Thomas want. While this seems like a given, to your ISPs guidelines, Vincent Swierk nearly every user of the free internet, you don’t get to watch the Republican majority of the Federal it. If your ISP is owned Photo Courtesy of Global Social Change Managing Editor Communications Commission (FCC) by a Republican, they could block require some paperwork from the Patrick donnelly has a different opinion. Chairman of the Democratic sites from you. If a rivaling FCC in order to take effect. Now that FCC and serial ruiner of all things good ISP is partnered with a service, sorry, it is published, congress and we, the Editors Ryan Donnelly in this world, Ajit Pai, led the charge last you don’t get that service. It is such people of the internet, can take action. Benjamin Mawn year to dismantle Net Neutrality laws. a blatant and absurd breach of our The Democrats movements to repeal Mike Bono On December 14, 2017, he succeeded, freedom. The internet is something that Net Neutrality in the Senate has not James Mawn planning to usher in a new age of has led the way for ground-breaking been successful since they need 1 more Donovan Lafontaine premium internet packages and big innovations for nearly three decades. vote to send the law to the House to Zack Robinson business butt kissing. The internet creates careers now. vote on the proposal. If it passes the Connor Bond How will it affect us, though? Well, Musicians and entertainers get their House, it’s up to the fearless leader Carson tully imagine your TV. You pay monthly big breaks from the internet. Content himself, President Donald J. Jonah Kyle Borick for cable television so that you can creators rely on the internet for their Jameson Trump, to either veto the bill access more channels. You may also income, their lives. The internet is more or sign it into law. That process may Staff/Contributing Writers pay for a premium package that lets accessible than television ever was, so seem difficult; however, the country Alex Mitsopoulos Dylan Tamagna you record shows to watch later, or one you can not monetize it the same way. is actually united in the fight for net Steve Valente that gives you access to OnDemand However, there is still hope. The neutrality, and in a time like this, Ian Walsh or other content providing services decision to repeal Net Neutrality laws unity is a scarce commodity. Save Net Jarrod Wardwell like it. Now, imagine that you had to have only recently been officially Neutrality. Save the internet. Paul Ventura do that for the internet as well. If you published, and the new rules still Matthew Bloom Luke Ventola Brendan Christopher Government: Closed Until Further Notice Shawn Morrow Angelo Carbone Temitayo Lukan By: Ian Walsh shutdown. Similarly, 38% believe Trump stated he wanted to include Mario Cavuoto Staff Writer that it was President Trump who legislation that would protect Dream- Navid Chowdhury was responsible. A mere 18% say it ers in a bigger legislative package that RJ Curreri On January 20th, 2018, the United was Senate Republicans who were at included funding for the border wall Ms. Brianna Robbins Mr. Glenn Harvey States Government shut down after fault. Partisan identity politics played and border security. Senate Minority Democrats and Republicans in the a big role in assigning blame with a Leader Chuck Schumer and President Photo/Art Contributors Senate failed to reach an agreement overwhelming majority of each party Trump met one day before the gov- Tom Guo regarding the federal budget for blaming the other. ernment was due to shut down and Ryan Keleti the upcoming fiscal year. What is Both sides did not gain any po- ultimately agreed to work out a deal. David Jarosz a government shutdown exactly? litical advantage from it whatsoever. However, early that evening the deal Patrick Kilburn It is what happens when members The shutdown showed the American was dead, and the government shut- Mr. Michael Driscoll of Congress do not approve a people the massive political divide in down at midnight. Mr. Brian O’Donnell federal budget that would fund the Washington and no one, whether Re- I personally believe that the Demo- Mr. Mark Donnelly government for a set number of days. publican or Democrat, wants to see crats shoulder most of the burden re- When this happens, all functions the people we elected to represent us garding the shutdown because instead Faculty Advisers Mr. Christopher Cleary deemed nonessential shutdown or achieve nothing and fail to provide a of guaranteeing that Americans were Ms. Brianna Robbins close until lawmakers can agree on a better future for Americans. taken care of, they chose to put Dream- spending bill. Government workers Why did the government shut down ers before and used them for their own These opinions do not rep- that are deemed nonessential suffer in the first place? Well, Republican political gain. I believe that no matter resent the views of Malden the most from a government shutdown members of congress passed a stop- what, American citizens should be Catholic as an institution because they are sent home without gap bill funding legislation, but their every elected official’s responsibil- pay until a budget is passed. These colleagues in the Senate needed 10 ity. As I am writing this article, the Reporting on current events and publishing student opinion, we at the jobs include: working at national parks, Democrats to support the bill, which government is now funded through Crystal 99 hope to inform, challenge, maintaining government websites, and ultimately did not happen. The main March 23rd, 2018 and hopefully there and entertain our readers, and allow processing passports. For the everyday dispute was the protection for un- can soon be a long-term funding bill students an outlet to communicate American, a shutdown is not the end documented immigrants who were that will bring a bipartisan agreement with their peers. of the world, and they will most likely brought to the US as children. These from both parties to end the gridlock remain unaffected. children are also known as “Dream- in Washington D.C. When both politi- The Crystal 99 is published by School According to an NBC News poll, ers” and are protected under the cal parties work together, the whole Publications Company. 39% of Americans believe that Sen- DACA program created by former country succeeds. ate Democrats were to blame for the President Barack Obama. President ry s ta l March 2018 C 99 Opinions 3 A TrumpDate With Destiny? By: Ryan Donnelly Opinions Editor These last few weeks have been full of activity at the White House. For now, let’s focus on trade and North Korea. On Thursday March 8, 2018, President Trump signed a measure that approved new tariffs on steel and aluminum. This move comes amidst opposition from members of his own party, including Speaker of the House Paul Ryan, and from economic adviser Gary Cohn. President Trump has claimed that these tariffs will protect American businesses from European competition; however, the principle group this affects could quite actually be America. The European Union (EU) exports around $3.5 billion worth of trade to the United States while importing $308 billion worth of trade. That is quite an imbalance, yet President Trump is seeking to tamper with powers beyond his control. Furthermore, the EU has responded by threatening tariffs on various American goods, ranging from bourbon to motorcycles. that sought to combat China’s growing influence. The The EU President, Jean-Claude Juncker, has Artwork courtesy of Mike Bono deal was signed without the US, the world’s largest expressed astonishment at the “stupidity” the world economy, in response to Trump’s new tariffs and is must face these days; he has also conveyed that the North Korea made the offer, thus it is the proverbial expected to foster an estimated $250 billion in trade. EU does not seek to provoke such standoffs but will bigger man. Furthermore, by accepting the offer, However, the most important part of this deal is that stand its ground. Frankly, Mr. Juncker has hit the nail Trump has inadvertently legitimized Kim Jong the signing countries have extended an invitation to on the head. President Trump has been nothing but a Un’s power. To some, this could be construed as China. If China should join the agreement, that could headache for this country. The current trade deals are the US fearing President Kim, and to others, it can pose a rather large problem. The whole purpose of the result of painstaking negotiations and diligence, be viewed as taking steps toward denuclearization. the TPP was to combat the growing power of China but that matters little to Trump because they were Yet, the problem with the latter point of view is that in Asia, but our sage of a leader, Trump, withdrew not his ideas. Going against the advice of his party Kim relies on nuclear weapons to maintain power. from that agreement. China could gain quite a bit and advisers, Trump has put the US in a precarious It is through his nuclear weapons program that he by joining this new agreement. Not only would position, bordering on a trade war. One would can maintain what semblance of control he has, so they reap the trade benefits, but they would also be think that Trump would learn from his predecessor it seems unlikely that he would surrender them. consolidating its power in a region it is seeking to George W. Bush, who attempted a similar tariff in Additionally, North Korea would not strike a deal control. In a time where China has abolished term 2002. This tariff failed after little more than a year with the US because that would not be approved limits so President Xi Jinping can stay in power as a result of major backlash from both the EU and by its largest trade partner, China. China would be indefinitely, this is bad. America is quickly losing its the World Trade Organization. So, it seems that we mortified if the US could bring Kim to heel because global influence. have a loose cannon in the worst place imaginable: that would threaten its power in the region. It should Elsewhere, in Asia. In an unprecedented move, the White House be interesting to see this play out, especially when North Korea offered to meet with the US, and Moving from tariffs, various countries from the one of the people sitting at the negotiating table is Trump accepted. Now, Trump supporters will be Americas and Asia signed the new version of the an overweight, bipolar toddler, and the other is Kim claiming that his policies have succeeded because Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP), a trade agreement Jong Un. North Korea is yielding to us. This is not the case. Amazon Go: “It’s The End Of The World As We Know It” was in beta for around a year, but now people can visit the Amazon Go store located at 2131 7th Ave, Seattle, WA, which is just a city of trends. Some companies make a point of trying new trends, and then there is Amazon, which instead does things people have never heard of. They first started with drones, which made people lose their mind about delivery. Are drones taking over the world? Not yet, but the delivery system from Amazon is designed to safely get packages to customers in 30 minutes or By: Kyle Borick Artwork Courtesy of Kyle Borick less using drones. Photo Editor Why do we even need people? In this case, we cameras from their “Just Walk Out Technology” barely do. It is just like shopping on Amazon.com. Amazon Go: it is a new kind of store with no automatically detect when products are taken from You shop because, for some people, you do not want checkout required. So where are all the check out and returned to the shelves. The cameras keep track to deal with human interaction. That is exactly what workers? Well, nowhere; instead, they have cameras. of the items in a virtual cart, and, when you are done Amazon Go and Amazon’s drones have created. With Amazon’s “Just Walk Out Shopping”, shoppers shopping, then you just walk out. So is it free or is They have created new technology that discourages can use the Amazon Go app to enter the store, take it stealing? They say neither; how else would they human interaction and has the potential to take over the desired products from the food market, and Go make money? Apparently, you will be charged to the world. using Amazon’s “no lines, no checkout.” Instead, your Amazon account and get a receipt. Amazon Go Opinions 4 C ry s ta l 99 March 2018 Banning Guns Should Not Be Automatic

By: Mike Bono and the media’s overall News Editor unknowingness of the topic. Let me start by stating that On Wednesday, February 14, 2018, America technically, a bump stock witnessed one of the deadliest mass shootings in does not make a firearm fully its history. A deranged 19 year old, Nikolas Cruz, automatic. There it is, I said opened fire in Marjory Stoneman Douglas High it. You may be shocked upon School in Parkland, Florida, killing 17 students. reading this and thought to The aftershock of this act of terrorism has yourself, “No, CNN told me caused a considerable amount of debate on gun that placing a bump stock control including “solutions, ” if you want to call on a rifle makes it a fully them that, from President Trump to the army automatic military killing of teenagers from Stoneman Douglas, who I machine that shoots 200 understand have been affected by this tragedy in rounds per second.” None ways which I cannot begin to imagine, yet they of this is true, in actuality, do not really know what they are talking about. nothing CNN will ever say It seems that they are simply demanding the about any gun is true. They abolishment of the second amendment and the actually aired a graphic of destruction of the NRA, in order to make sense of an AR-15 with a grenade a simple failure by both the FBI and the Broward launcher clipped under it. County Sheriff’s Department, who is somehow (Just so everyone knows, I supported by the students and supportive of their think grenade launchers on cause, but more on that later. But what should be guns can only be found in done with gun control? Well, the answer is very Modern Warfare 2.) But this complicated, yet a good start could be educating is all beside the point. All a people on the topic. bump stock does is allow the Before we start getting into facts, I think it individual firing the weapon is important to state that I am in favor of the to use the recoil produced Artwork Courtesy of Mike Bono proposal made by President Trump to move by the gun to fire at a faster rate. The reason it is allow quick and enhanced response from law the age of purchasing an “assault rifle” to 21. not a “machine gun” is due to a law stating that enforcement while also keeping more weapons The reason that I put “assault rifle” in quotes is a machine gun fires multiple bullets with one out of schools. because an assault rifle is defined as “a rapid- trigger pull, while a bump stock fires more rapidly While I am fine with implementing slight fire, magazine-fed automatic rifle designed for with multiple pulls. While this is the case, a study restrictions on the age of being able to own and infantry use.” I find it strange that many students was done on AR-15s, showing that a semi-auto operate an “assault rifle,” I am completely against and Democrats have been calling for the banning fires at 5 rounds per second, semi-auto with a simply banning a gun because it is big and scary of “assault rifles,” although they have been out bump stock at 7.5 rounds per second, and fully looking. And I am against banning a gun because of production for civilians since May 18, 1986. auto at 15 rounds per second. This shows that a a lunatic who should not be able to own any sort The Firearm Owners’ Protection Act of 1986 bump stock fires at about half the rate of a fully of firearm chose to use it to harm students in a banned these weapons and detailed that the only automatic rifle, take that information as you will. school. This brings me to the Parkland case. I way someone can get a true assault rifle is by But, to be honest, it would not bother me to see a really do not want to dissect what went wrong finding someone who owned one before May 18, bump stock ban. Bump stocks are dumb. While I and what could have been done better here 1986, and purchasing it for upwards of $15,000, feel like it is funny that many liberals are calling because the fact is that innocent teenagers were something I do not see many criminals doing. The for a ban without any knowledge of what they killed. I cannot begin to imagine the horror, guilt, fact of the matter is that a small handgun fires at are, I feel like responsible gun owners should save and sadness the survivors have. I hate to act like the same rate as any “assault rifle” with no trigger their ammunition and fire a little bit slower. a liberal and play the blame game, but this is not attachments. Every gun that an owner is able to All this brings us to the final question at a gun issue. This person was deranged and was purchase today is semi-automatic. So why are hand: “Should we arm teachers across the U.S known to be a threat. He should not have been people calling for a ban on these “assault rifles?” with firearms?” The simple answer is no. The able to purchase a gun legally. But once again, the Is it because they are big, scary, and look like complex answer is that, while many teachers will FBI fails to do its job. The problem does not end something we would use in Call of Duty? Well not want to be armed, we should let some law- with the FBI either: shame on the cowardice of the yes, it is. People see these weapons, associate them abiding gun owners who happen to be teachers Parkland Sheriff’s Department for its allowing of with the military, and believe no one should own carry a handgun, while also finding a away to children to be slaughtered. them, yet if they understood the facts previously have police officers on hand at certain schools. With all of this said, we should not be banning stated, would they feel the same way? Probably, You see, this “solution” is difficult to come to. guns completely. A society starts to weaken when and that probably brings you to ask why I support Public opinion on this is pretty split. I feel that the public is unable to arm and protect itself. moving the age to 21 on rifles. I believe that if a higher up, for example a principal of some Instead we should educate the public on the topic. this change allows both parties to find a middle sort, in a school would like to carry concealed Congress should act swiftly to find a solution to ground. In recent history, it has been impossible weapon, they should be able to. I am also in favor have safer schools. I hope that both parties can to find common ground on any situation in of having retired veterans in good standing offer soon find common ground and solve a national Washington, so hopefully this move can do just their services to protect schools. An alternative epidemic while ensuring our constitutional right that. option (that I believe would work, yet I have to bear arms continues to stand. I would be unable to cover the topic of gun not seen proposed yet) would be creating small control without covering bump stocks. Bump police outposts or smaller offices either outside of stocks have been in the news lately due to schools or in between school districts. This would their appearance in the Parkland shooting March 2018 C ry s ta l 99 Opinions 5 Tax Cuts: Paying Yuge Dividends By: Ben Mawn that in 2025 that 75.5% will see a greater increase in Opinions Editor comparison to the old law. The estimated average tax cut in 2025 will be 2,530 which is a $390 bonus to Ronald Reagan once said, “Republicans believe the American people. The future is bright for both the best way to assure prosperity is to generate the American elite and the American working class. more jobs. The Democrats believe in more welfare.” Not only did the bill cut taxes, but it also cut Ronald Reagan’s vision of how the political out the individual mandate for 2019 and beyond. situation in the 1980s still holds true today because The individual mandate was a penalty for adults the tax cuts passed on December 22, 2017 by the not having health insurance, which is $695 per adult Republicans created more prosperity in America, and a family could be charged a maximum of $2,085 but the Democrats were mourning, since the bill or 2.5% of household income. The worst part, or the did not include a giant giveaway to the people best part for the greedy Democrats, is the family sitting on couches not working. Ever since the has to pay whichever tax is greater. The children’s Republicans returned to the strategies of Ronald penalty is $347.50. This mandate was put into place Reagan, nearly 250 companies have given bonuses so we could have socialized health care and become to over three million American workers. These a socialist society, which every liberal dreams Artwork Courtesy of Kyle Borick bonuses were not just $40 but a range from $1,000 of. But by removing the mandate, the Trump example Anfinson Farm Store, a family owned to $3,000. That is nothing to sneeze at. CBS News, administration is one step closer to abolishing business in Cushing, Iowa, population of 223, is researched and found out that in North Carolina Obamacare. giving its employees a $1,000 bonus and along with a single working mom making less than $40,000 Companies are also reaping the benefits from the the bonus the company raised wages by 5 percent. would save $1,300 in taxes and in a very liberal state tax cut; for example, Apple announced that they Another small business, Tampa-based Spellex in California a family making $300,000 a year, who will distribute $2,500 to all employees. Next, the tax Corporation, is giving its 26 employees a 1,000 started a cycling business and has three children plan has allowed Apple to create 20,000 jobs, and bonus check and the company put the tax cut on the would save $13,000 a year in one of the most heavily invest $30 billion in American capital expenditure checks as the reason for the bonus.The story of these taxed states in the Union. More data, which comes over the next five years. 313,000 jobs have been small and big businesses thriving are not isolated from taxpolicycenter.org, concluded that 80% of added in February which was above the projection events but events, which tell a story of a thriving Americans will receive a tax cut and 91% percent due to the tax cuts. Boeing has announced $300 American economy and in the words of President of the middle class will receive a tax cut of an million to be spent on charitable donations, Ronald Reagan, will “Let Us Make America Great average $2,140. The tax policy center even projects workplace development, and infrastructure Again.” improvement. Small businesses are benefiting; for Tax “Reform”: A Hack Job

By: Ryan Donnelly deductions, which will become a point of Opinions Editor Congressional contention in the coming months. Additionally, some of the personal Perhaps one of the best examples of partisan exemptions and other deductions are set to politics in the last few years is the new tax reform expire in 2025, at which point Congress can law. Republicans rammed this bill through decide to extend or end them. Congress, seemingly to show that they are not The Republicans have shoved through completely useless. However, the Republican a law, whose ramifications will be felt for fervor to show that they can do as they want years. More importantly, it has showcased without the Democrats may haunt them. First, a to the world how fractured our legislative little historical background. The last tax reform process is. Rather than attempting to work came in 1986 as a product of bipartisan efforts with the Democrats, Republicans went off and was designed to cut taxes without adding to on their own and crafted this “reform.” The the deficit; President Reagan signed it into law. Republicans have blown their trumpets and Furthermore, Reagan’s reform closed various cried “look what we did!” Yes, let’s look at loopholes within the tax code. Historically, tax what you did. You crafted this thing and reforms pass through Congress every thirty years called it a reform. You completely ignored or so. the other side of the aisle. You have become Meanwhile, we have President Trump bragging sycophants. about how his tax cuts are the biggest. But, one must also realize the problems that lie within the law itself. For example, this law will add an Artwork Courtesy of Mike Bono estimated $1 trillion to the federal deficit in ten opened and ready for exploitation. At this very years. In addition, the language of the law itself moment, Democrats are gathering their strength to Crystal 99 Has Gone Digital! is exceedingly vague, a fact that is only now repeal and replace this law. Should the Democrats being realized. There are two ways to clarify the retake Congress, they will make the dismantling wording: pass new legislation or have the IRS of Trump’s tax reform their top priority. If they Be sure to check out Crystal 99 on- lawyers revise the code in a limited manner. In do not retake Congress, they will use it as a major line at newscrystal99.wordpress. a time where the chasm between the right and campaign point in 2020. com for all published articles plus left grows ever wider, neither seem likely. Also, Federal politics aside, various state lawmakers many of the corporate loopholes in the tax code, are taking efforts to circumvent some of the online exclusives. which many had hoped would be closed, are still reforms, such as the limit on state and local Opinions 6 C ry s ta l 99 March 2018 The Beauty of The Olympics

By: Mr. Glenn Harvey On the other end of Social Studies Chair the spectrum, imagine putting all that time The Olympics have held a very special place in and effort in and being both world history, as well as my own personal victorious, knowing history. I remember going to the 1996 Olympics in that for the next four Atlanta with my family, and both of my daughters years you will be the are Olympic babies, my oldest being born during best in the world, an the and my youngest born Olympic champion; during the 2016 Summer Olympics. There are also this would be the ideal those milestone moments in Olympic history, Jesse time to be boastful, to Owens dominating the Summer Games in Germany show off, and to brag in the lead-up to World War II and the Miracle on about how awesome Ice in the midst of Cold War tensions. Both of these you are, but again, we events have been made into excellent movies, Race, don’t see that. Lessons and Miracle respectively. of sportsmanship This year certainly didn’t disappoint, with plenty and humility are of magical moments that stoked our pride in the evident on a daily United States. Chloe Kim became the youngest basis at the Olympics. woman to win an Olympic gold, Heartache is met with had a near-perfect final run to congratulations on overtake Ayumu Hirano to win his third gold medal a successful attempt in snowboarding, the Women’s Hockey team won or reassurance that gold in an exciting and epic shootout, and the men’s they represented Curling team was able to come back from near themselves and elimination in the early rounds of their tournament their country with to capture gold (igniting my once-every-four-year pride by victors dream of being an Olympic curler, both because it and supporters, Artwork Courtesy of Kyle Borick looks like a ton of fun and seems like something an other competitors, and fellow countrymen. The average person could do). victors can be seen hugging their competitors, could travel safely and freely, even those considered The beauty of the Olympics is not in the record- congratulating them on the competition, and enemies, and peace reigned. It was the ultimate breaking achievements or the sense of nationalistic praising others on their best efforts instead of symbolism of a world community focused on peace pride that comes from a country winning multiple vindicating their victory and bragging. It’s about and friendly dialogue. This past Olympics was very medals, but rather in the sense of community, peace the competition and love of the sport. It creates a much representative of this, as North and South and sportsmanship that the Olympics has always sense of community where athletes compete against Korea came together to form unified teams and stood for, going back to the original Olympics each other, but care for each other and support each compete under a unified flag. in Ancient Greece. The lessons that we can learn other. In a world where tensions amongst nations and from the Olympics are incredibly valuable, both This ties into the second lesson from the individuals continues to rise and division appears in victory and in defeat. Imagine training every Olympics, which is the development of a peaceful to be the popular topic of the day, this is the beauty day for four years, sacrificing friends, time with and accepting community. Going back to its origins, of the Olympics: a time where peace, community family, sometimes jobs or schooling, only to lose by the Olympics have always stood for community. and tolerance win the day. Even if its only for a a fraction of a second, especially compete on a day The Olympic Truce, or “Ekecheiria” is as old as few weeks once every two years (summer and then where course conditions aren’t ideal or simply have the Olympics themselves. The Olympics were winter), it gives us a glimpse of what the world a bad day. Under normal circumstances, this level not about war, but honest competition. The truce could be if we put aside our conflicts and focus on of adversity and heartbreak would crush someone, ensured and bolstered this sense of community. common goals and unity. but we don’t see that. Conflicts were put on hold, people and athletes A Capital Decision By Trump

By: James Mawn time as corruption allegations were recently brought ardently opposing Trump regarding Israel even News Editor against Prime Minister Netanyahu; however, the though Obama sought to take a similar course of Prime Minister continues to push ahead. Another action. Maybe anti-Semitism is running rampant Recently, the president has formally recognized problem was caused when the Church of the Holy on the Left or in Europe, or maybe left-wingers just Jerusalem as the capital of Israel. Moreover, Trump Sepulchre closed its doors in protest to proposed cannot stand Trump or anything he does. Leaders has announced plans to move the American em- laws that would cause the churches of Israel to pay should be celebrating America’s decision to accept bassy in Israel from Tel Aviv, the city formerly new taxes and proposed laws that would confiscate Jerusalem as the capital of Israel as it symbolizes a recognized as the capital, to Jerusalem. In doing Church land; however, these protests ended as the victory over the power of the radicals that run the this, President Trump has fulfilled another cam- laws were not enacted, and the Church doors were Palestinian State. paign promise; furthermore, he has come through reopened. The success of Israel is in the West’s best interest on a promise made by several former presidents, Despite these minor blunders, the main debate because the existence of the state itself proves that including former president Obama. Not only does in regards to Jerusalem took place in the United democratic principles can be applied in any region, this decision prove that America is back to sup- Nations. In a resolution chastising the United States even in the perpetually troubled Middle East. Op- porting her allies after an eight-year hiatus, but it for its decision, 128 nations foolishly voted against ponents to the president believe that we need a two also tells the world that it is unwilling to comply the President’s sovereign right to move the em- state solution and that Trump’s actions make that with opposition to Israel from countries like Pal- bassy and recognize Jerusalem as the true capital possibility less likely. However, a two state solution estine. This decision is important, for Palestine’s of Israel. 35 nations, such as Canada and México, would be an irrational choice as appeasement to a government is run by a majority consisting of the abstained from voting as they fear angering their terrorist state has historically failed to contain said Muslim Brotherhood, a group that has been named powerful neighbor, and only nine nations cast their terrorist state. Instead of focusing on allowing Pales- a terrorist organization in several Middle Eastern votes against the resolution. Those countries are tine to have control of certain areas, we should focus countries. While some claim that Trump is caus- Guatemala, Honduras, Israel, the Marshall Islands, on letting the Israeli government decide what is best ing the tensions in the region to worsen, they do Micronesia, Nauru, Palau, Togo, and the United for its own people. Likewise, we should always do not understand that he is simply trying to support States of America. America has clearly been stabbed what is best for our people even though the interna- America’s only stable, democratic ally in the Middle in the back by our so called European “allies” and tional community may disagree. East. Israel is going through a somewhat turbulent others across the globe. Many on the left have been arch ews M 2018 N e w s N 7 Jamaica Continues to Strive With Double the Numbers

By: Jarrod Wardwell Staff Writer

After a successful first trip in 2017, Malden Catholic has now completed its second annual Jamaica mission trip. This time, nineteen seniors and one junior, in addition to Mr. and Mrs. Driscoll, flew down to Jamaica to participate in a week of service to help out at the Mt. Olivet Boys School and the Mizpah Primary School. The volunteers stayed in a large house built in the 1800s called Tan y Bryn, which has always housed missionaries in Jamaica. Here, the MC students ate, journaled, and talked about their service at the end of each day in Jamaica. For their service, the students participated in physical labor, which included construction of a recreational space in the school and work in a tomato farm. However, the boys were also spiritually affected by their life-changing experience, as they formed new meaningful relationships and an of understanding the extreme inequality in living conditions between Jamaica and their lives at MC.

On the first day of the trip, MC was immediately welcomed into Jamaica by everyone there. The group attended Mass at the Mt. Olivet Church, where they were gratefully greeted by the whole congregation. For the rest of the trip, the boys continued their missionary work by visiting the Mt. Olivet Boys Home. Here, during the recess of the Jamaican students, the MC boys spent time playing football, basketball, and soccer with the other young boys and girls. MC students even Above photos from the 2018 Jamaica service trip, where students worked with Mt. Olivet Boys gave away some of their own belongings to the kids. Home and Mizpah Primary School. Photos courtsey of Mr. Michael Driscoll Students in Jamaica are required to have a pair of shoes to go to school, but many of the young children do not save the local farmer around $2,000. who came from nothing, Malden Catholic students have the luxury of owning any. Therefore, the boys discovered that they too were immensely affected by from MC gave their own shoes, shirts, and hats to the By the end of the mission trip, the MC boys had their time in Jamaica. One takeaway from the trip was children of Jamaica, so they would not only enjoy some formed unforgettable relationships with those whom a realization of the fortunate quality of life at school and new clothing, but also meet the uniform requirements they met in Jamaica. Many of the children who were at home in our own local communities. Nick Scarpello, of their school. Besides clothing, MC students also visited by MC do not have a home and come from living a junior volunteer, said, “Going to private school, we provided them with sporting goods, such as footballs on the street. When the last day of the trip rolled around, don’t realize how privileged we really are because at and basketballs. the young boys and girls, with whom the MC students some of their schools, I mean, they have nothing. They had bonded over their week of service, began to cry, have absolutely nothing. Like some of these kids didn’t At the Mizpah School, MC volunteers helped students knowing that it was time to bid their friends farewell. go to school if they didn’t have a shoe.” Noah Carlson with their studies and constructed a recreational space Such a reaction from the children goes to show we type also expressed similar feelings of gratitude towards his for them to read, study, and sit outside in the sun. of effect that both Malden Catholic and Jamaica had on own life after the trip: “After seeing the boys home and This area would give the children an opportunity to each other. Noah Carlson, a senior who went on the stuff like that, I walked into my own home, and it was spend some time out of the dark, crowded, and noisy trip said, “I think it gives them hope, honestly- seeing like walking into a different realm.” As a result of MC’s classrooms where they would typically be studying. By us come down there and knowing that there are people participation in the service to Jamaica, the whole school the end of the project, MC had built six round cement out there willing to help out no matter what.” In the has grown more aware of the good cause behind these tables and 12 benches. The boys also engraved their words of Mrs. Driscoll, “I know MC service has and missionary trips. “I believe these mission trips impact initials into the cement, so that they could leave their will continue to impact the people we met and served MC because our community has supported our efforts, mark on the school, allowing the students to remember just [as] they have impacted our lives. We have built a they have donated Tag Day money for the children, have them, even after they had left. MC even packaged bags relationship with the people at the school, on the farm asked us to share our stories and they have prayed for of school supplies, which the principal will be able to and at the orphanage, we were welcomed into their us and the people we serve,” said Mrs. Driscoll. Campus distribute to the children throughout the year. Besides church and we felt loved and appreciated. The children Ministry hopes that these annual service trips will participating in service at the Mt. Olivet Boys Home remember me and Mr. Driscoll from last year and they continue to be a consistent tradition at Malden Catholic, and the Mizpah School, the Lancers also assisted a remember MC and the kids that we brought. They but due to the widespread support within MC and the local farmer by clearing land and planting in his tomato welcomed us with smiles and hugs as though we were welcoming spirit in Jamaica, these trips look to surely field. This farmer had been using his profit from selling members of their family coming home.” remain a long-lasting necessity to both Malden Catholic his tomato sales to pay off college expenses for night and its family in Jamaica. classes after long days of physical labor in the tomato Even though they had spent a week doing missionary field. Through their efforts, the volunteers were able to service for others and spending time with children News 8 C ry s ta l 99 March 2018 A Grand New Chess Coach By: Ryan Donnelly twist of formal logic (e.g., hypotheti- time ever, to my knowledge. From a Q: Do you think you’ll be able to Opinions Editor cal disjunctions). The science of chess cultural standpoint, I want chess to be achieve a master title? comes from the fact that you empiri- the rising tide that lifts all ships. A: Empiricism suggests the answer Q: How did you start to play chess? cally test ideas. Repeated losses come is no. I’m inside the top 4% in the A: When I went to grad school to earn by way of something like a Baconian Q: What do you feel your biggest world, sitting at a rating of 1952. a Ph.D. in physics, there was a mis- scientific method. Above all, chess is coaching accomplishment was this The highest anyone has ever made it take made with my financial package: objective, and the better one gets at year? up the ratings after starting at 25-years tuition was remitted, but I didn’t have it, the more one sees that Keats was A: Definitely, it was the result in the old is just a bit more than 2000. Mak- a position or stipend. That meant I right, in that “truth is beauty, beauty North Shore Interscholastic League ing 2100 would make me the only had to work, so the U.S. Post Office truth.” Championship. On paper, Burlington person in human history with this set seemed like a good fit. I worked in From an educational standpoint, HS won that championship with five of initial conditions to achieve such a a major mail facility that may have I’m passionate about chess because I Sophomores, while MC lost two Se- feat. With that said, according to my been larger than six football fields in know what it can do for improving niors coming into this season, making analysis of metrics, there’s a chance I area. The full-time employees largely cognitive ability, developing atten- dreams of a championship a very tall will cross that number over the sum- played chess for 8-12 hours per day tion spans requisite for reading and order. Going from missing the play- mer. It will be interesting to see what and went untracked because of the problem solving, and engendering offs last year to defeating them took happens. size of the facility. I started playing logical habits of mind. I want to track a lot of student passion and coaching with the full-time employees, just after student performance in the classroom, passion. The result I turned 25 years of age. Five months as they progress on the board. One of the symbiosis was later, I played in my first US Chess Freshman chess player from last year, impressive. We very Federation tournament. now a Sophomore, has moved from nearly defeated Bur- CP math to Accelerated math –and is lington 43-3, but lost Q: Why are you so passionate about still scoring in the 90s. two good positions chess? due to time pressure. A: Many reasons. It is the perfect syn- Q: What are your goals for the MC Losing four Seniors, thesis of art, science, and mathemat- chess program? the team will require ics. Evaluation largely has to be done A: I want to win the Team National a miracle to win the aesthetically, and being deeply in Championship. I would like MC to League Championship touch with one’s emotions allows for be nationally recognized as a power- next year, but we’re no optimal intuitive understanding of po- house. The first step in this direction strangers to a little ora sitions. The calculation is very much a is competing in the Team and Indi- et labora (prayer and mathematics-like process, using visual vidual State Championships, which work). Photo Courtesy of Malden Catholic reasoning like geometry, but with a MC will be competing in for the first Case Closed: Mock Trial Puts the Hammer Down MC Introduces New Website Design By: Brendan Christopher By: Brett Thomas Staff Writer Co-Editor-in-Chief The Mock Trial Team at Malden Catholic has take on the role as a leader when the seniors he once It’s an era of changes and updates here at Malden become a strong force in a competitive world filled looked up to graduate from Malden Catholic. Catholic, and the website has finally been revised. with other talented high schools, and even some “We put an enormous amount of time and effort Thanks to the great work of the External Affairs Of- from the Catholic Conference. Led by its three into practicing for trials, and so far we have had fice, Malden Catholic students, present and future, captains, Angelo Carbone, Erick Harkness, and Brett positive results. This year, we are looking to get far have a new website to view. The site is a complete Thomas, the team has shown its committed attitude into the state tournament; Hopefully, our hard work redo; however, there are many constituencies with and hard work in the past state tournaments and will pay off,” says Captain Brett Thomas. The team the previous webpage. routine trials. In order to get a better look at just has already defeated Maimonides and Methuen and The old pictures of long-graduated classes have how this team prepares for its tough matches, one will advance to the quarterfinals. been replaced with updated photos of current stu- does not have to look deeper than the team prac- The entire Mock Trial team converses during dents. Furthermore, teachers also are present across tices. the practices and is a great way to ensure their the pictures. The new pictures show all aspects of At the conclusion of the school day, the Theology- readiness for anything and everything in a trial. Malden Catholic life, such as gym class with Mr. based Room 219 becomes a place of dedication and As Captain Thomas pointed out, it is the entire Bavaro, students enjoying lunch in the cafe, and one-on-one work in order to prepare for the next team, coaches included, that make the successful students talking to teachers. The updated website opponent. Mr. Keating, Board of Trustees member outcomes. The team not only approaches the main gives parents and students alike a glimpse at what a of Malden Catholic, begins the practice with a recap points brought up in discussion, but their attention day at M.C. truly looks like. of where the team last left off from the previous to even the tiniest of details depicts their dedication Secondly, the content of the site has rearranged meeting. Keating likes to work with the team mem- to a strive for success. It is a community effort, and slightly, despite a large percentage of it staying the bers on an individual basis, going through each these men of Malden Catholic undoubtedly show same or similar. For example, the front page still role and position person-by-person. This strategic their passion and zeal for the cause of winning the shows the upcoming events for the week, as well as work functions well with a team that bonds as well state tournament. Combined with the experience news, yet the placement is different. The changes as this particular one. The team’s main focus, as of of the upperclassmen, and the youthful prospects have made the main page look sleeker and less this moment, is to prepare for the state tournament. of the Malden Catholic Mock Trial Team, they shall crowded. Individuals can click on the tabs on the Captain Angelo Carbone has great confidence in his prevail in this year’s state tournament. top of the page to navigate the site, which contains teammates for this year’s completion: “I think we a new and improved list of the current extracurricu- have a great shot at winning the state tournament lar activities. Recent graduate, Max Doherty ‘17, a this year, for we have a great blend of youth and ex- current freshman at College, has visited the perience. We are very a very deep team, and I look new website to stay updated on the school. Doherty forward to competing at Clark University,” said approves of the new website because of its “new de- Carbone. He may be referring to the fact that al- sign is easy to navigate, especially for those who are though the seniors are the main leaders of the team, no longer in the school.” Current Malden Catholic young protégées such as Jake Morrow also help the students agree with the former valedictorian. For team to more victories. Jake Morrow demonstrates instance, Senior Shawn Morrow uses the website some leader-like qualities and is vibrant in discus- to check the school’s calendar, and he respects the sion during the practices. This shows he is willing to Photo Courtsey of Brendan Christoper hard work that it took to create the new website. March 2018 C ry s ta l 99 News 9 A Lancer in His Natural Habitat By: Luke Ventola Some other benefits of the collective identified by been forced to cancel the Collegiate Challenge Staff Writer the Junior member include a positive feeling of Build; however, multiple other builds over the gratitude gained from helping the family receiving April leave will likely replace this major event. Recently, the Malden Catholic Chapter of Greater the housing, personal benefit and spiritual growth. However, the secret recipe for the student popular- Boston Habitat for Humanity, a flourishing service Additionally, the Christmas vacation builds also ity of the organization is not very secret at all since vehicle, has been very active. Moreover, the ris- proved to be immensely successful. Specifically, the club offers multiple different aspects which ing popularity of this group is understandable, for the construction which occurred on the 19th of include a hands-on feature, service hours, bonding many view this as an opportunity for both personal December in Roslindale was effective both physi- with friends, and manifesting a Corporal Work of enjoyment, Christian service, spiritual growth, and cally and emotionally. The construction team was Mercy, “Shelter the Homeless.” physical activity. Attendance of meetings spans able to complete all of the caulking on the house in across all grades and participation at the builds addition to some scaffolding work while the stu- reaches even to the eligible members of the sopho- dents bonded with tools in hand. In addition, upon more class. Clearly, the organization is a school interviewing two Junior participants of this date, favorite for many valid reasons provided by cur- student enthusiasm about the event was apparent. rent members. David Sullo, also a Junior affiliate, seemed to be Lately, there has been a multitude of builds particularly pleased with his experience partici- over both the Christmas holiday and the February pating in caulking the seams of the entire edifice. hiatus. After speaking with three students who Sullo loved “meeting the family in need for which participated in a build from each of the vacations, the house was built;” many students like Sullo in they were evidently an outright success. Junior the club take immense pride from know that their Jarrod Wardwell, a newer member, who attended work will directly help a neighbor in need. Temi- the Thursday build over February break in Rox- tayo Lukan, another Junior student on the build, bury had nothing but positive things to say about stated that “it was good to help people in need his first on-site experience with the club: “It made while also having fun with my friends.” For many me want to get more involved with Habitat for in the group, there is certainly a positive and enjoy- Humanity,” said Wardwell Apparently, Jarrod had able aspect to working with peers and teachers in Pictured Above Malden Catholic students work a very positive experience at his first construction a non-school setting; this off-campus interaction with fellow teachers to help finish building a house. site, even if the group consisting of all three eli- is yet another positive and attractive attribute for Photo Courtesy of Kyle Borick. gible classes was merely “unloading drywall from many members. a flatbed truck to different sections of the houses.” Looking forward, the group has unfortunately NHS Feels the Honor of Service The Girls School Is Almost Here By: Jarrod Wardwell By: Jarrod Wardwell Staff Writer Staff Writer As it approaches its impending opening, the Malden Catholic School for Girls has Throughout the school year, the Brother Gilbert Chapter of the made huge strides towards complete readiness for the Class of 2022. On February 15, MC National Honor Society has committed itself to helping the commu- held the Accepted Students Night. Additionally, this night marked the first reveal of the nity around Malden Catholic by completing various forms of service School for Girls, whose construction has finally concluded after five months of drilling for children and families in need. Under the guidance of Ms. Lee, the and hammering. Ms. Cenca said, “It has been incredible to watch as the different trades- NHS has compiled bags of candy for Halloween, turkeys and canned people put this whole school together. I am humbled by how hard they worked. There goods for Thanksgiving, and bicycles for the Christmas toy drive. were so many days that the construction team labored in very very frigid conditions to Through all of these efforts, the NHS has set a leading example at keep the project going. I feel blessed to be part of such an amazing project.” This ac- MC of how to recognize the importance of giving back to the less- complishment would not be possible without the consistent diligence of the construction fortunate. workers. Although all of the construction is finished, many current students do not know During October, the NHS obtained different types of candy from how the new school looks or how it will function. the local dollar store. Later after school, the boys spent their time The two schools will share the main entrance in the front of the school. However, stuffing 80 bags with candy. This drive, run through the Bread of Life classes in any part of the school will be seperate. In the interior of the School for Girls, charity, later delivered these bags to children living in motels, so they the entrance hallway between the main office and the courtyard will feature art from would be able to enjoy some candy for their Halloween. students. There are only ten classrooms in total in the School for Girls, two of which will For Thanksgiving, Francis Ronayne, the Secretary of NHS, was able be used for classes held in seminar format. Some of these classrooms also contain brand- to acquire discounts on turkeys at Shaw’s Market, thus enabling the new mobile desks with both wheels and a backpack holder located below the seat. group to purchase the maximum number of turkeys possible. With Not only has the School for Girls been built, but the coaches have also been selected for each member additionally funding $3, the NHS was able to provide next year, some of whom are current faculty and staff members. These coaches include ten families a meal that they would have otherwise lacked. Mrs. DelGenio, who will coach cheer; Mr. Surat, who will coach cross country; Mr. Endi- Finally, during the holiday season, the officers of the NHS traveled cott, who will coach volleyball; and Mr. Creeden, who will oversee both track programs to WalMart, where they bought bicycles to be included in the annual in the two divisions of the school. Furthermore, Kathleen and Coach Joe will remain as Christmas toy drive. The purchased bikes were then split up between the athletic trainer and strength and conditioning coach. two charities, DCF in Malden (Department of Children and Families) Malden Catholic School for Girls will also include several clubs just like the School and Children’s Closet at St. Thomas Parish in Peabody. The ever-gra- for Boys. However, many clubs, based on the interest level of the girls, still need to be cious response from Rose Mini of DCF illustrated the genuine effect determined as co-ed or separated, with more girls yielding separate clubs. As of now, the actions of the NHS had on these organizations and its beneficia- Drama Club, Newspaper Club, Chemistry Club, and Chess Club will be co-ed. The clubs ries. that will be for girls only are Girls Who Code, Girls Inc. Engineering Club, and Girls Up, In retrospect, the 2017-2018 school year has been a successful which will resemble Model UN. one for the National Honor Society, not only through its academic As the very first co-divisional class since the era of Girls Catholic, Ms. Cenca has principles,but also through its dedicated efforts to help other people high hope for the class of 2022. “I hope they will be filled with the spirit to pursue their in need of care and assistance. They will continue this trend soon dreams; they will be talented in diverse ways and have a willingness to share those by creating Easter baskets as well. Through its Christian Service, the talents; they will see mistakes as a beginning point to try again when things don’t go as NHS has successfully had an effective impact on the individuals and planned, and I hope they will continually try because that is real learning; I can learn families it has supported, indicating the continuing mark Malden from them, grow with them, love them and guide them. I absolutely cannot wait to start Catholic has on its community. school in September with the new class.” Arts 10 March 2018 A rt s Loligo Will Make You Ink! Art Club Update

By: Vincent Swierk friends at all. By: Vincent Swierk go onto the national competition. He Co-Editor-in-Chief On March 3rd, the Drama program Co-Editor-in-Chief will be honored in a ceremony at Tufts, spent the whole day at Leominster and his art will be exhibited at Tuft’s Every year, the Massachusetts High School watching their competition Over the past few months, the art Breed’s Memorial Hall in March. club has been working hard behind the Educational Theater Guild organizes a and then performing. MC faced stiff On April 6th, the annual arts night scenes setting up nda planning out arts Drama Festival at multiple high schools competition from other schools like, will be held throughout Malden night. However, besides the annual arts across the state. The drama program at Saint Mary’s Lynn, Malden High, Catholic. Arts night is a festive, fun night, members have been receiving MC has been competing for many years Nashoba Valley Tech, Leominster High, experience. Student art of different awards as well as planning a big project and competed fiercely at last year’s Wakefield High, and Narragansett kinds will be hanging up on display. to help beautify the city of Malden. In the festival. This year, the seniors in the High. Sadly, Loligo was not chosen Also, the last production of the drama warmer months of May, the members program wanted to end their time with to continue into the semi-final round. club’s original play, Loligo, will be of the club, including Mr. O’Donnell, a bang! For a little over two months, Senior Donovan Lafontaine gave me performed in the Hayes Theatre. All will be working in collaboration with eight members worked diligently his take on the competition this year: of this will have music to accompany Mystic Valley Regional Charter School together every day after school, creating “We did not move on, but we put on it. Mr. Surat and the music program to paint a mural in Malden Center. This a play from scratch. The result: Loligo, the best show we could, and we are have been working hard to learn classic mural is inspired by Ed Emberley, an an all original play about a group of all very proud of our performances.” songs that will lighten the mood and American artist and illustrator who is six fisherman on a mission to kill the However, they did not leave empty- surly get everyone attending thinking best known for his children’s picture mighty King Squid. The fisherman, handed. Senior Zack Robinson and about the “good old days”. books. Like the mural MC students otherwise known as Anglers, consist of Donovan both received acting awards, created last year, this will be a great three females and three males. While on while junior Kyleigh Augustin got a addition to the city, showing the work the way to the king squid palace, these award for his great sound design. of local schools coming together. anglers encounter some problems, A school production of Loligo will be In regards to awards, the club including a big reveal at the end of the held in our very own Hayes Theater members have also been very busy. play you will have to wait to find out. during Arts night on April 6th. Though many competed, only five Maybe your closest friends are not your Artwork Courtesy of Leominster HS members received Scholastic Art Awards. Sophomore Ty Blumberg and Zekai (Matt) Lin both received honorable mentions, Ty for his comic art and Matt for his design. Seniors Ziye (Tom) Guo and Jiukan (Terry) Li also received honorable mentions for Tom’s sculpture and Terry photography. Winning big, Senior Yipeng (Eric) Zhou received a gold key for his photo named “Linear Function”. Zhou will Photo Courtesy of Mr. O’Donnell Tom Guo: Artist Profile By: Donovan Lafontaine an artistic environment. Arts Editor in many places around the school. When asked about his inspiration, Ziye Guo, also known as Tom, is Tom said, “My inspiration comes from a senior artist at Malden Catholic. all sources- such as my obsession with He has been working very closely Van Gogh, characters in movies, ironic with Mr. O’Donnell and the Art Club allusions, etc. I would say the most during his time at MC. “Although important ones are on social issues. many may have considered the arts For example, I designed a doodle being a more feminine type of activity for Google last year according to the in school, MC - although an all-boys theme of ‘What I See in the Future’. school - has always been maintained Instead of depicting all the good an artistic vibe,” says Tom. Tom fell in expectations, my work described the love with the visual arts, specifically problems of resource exhaustion, drug drawing and painting, when he was addiction, obesity, overpopulation, a young child. He has practiced his excessive reliance on technologies, and artistic skills through rigorous practice the potential of nuclear warfares. We throughout the years. humans might have to set foot again When asked about his art teachers, on the deck of Noah’s Ark, so I used Tom had this to say: “Since I first came the doodle as an opportunity to spread to MC two and half years ago, Mr. my concerns and caution society” O’Donnell has always been my great Tom has definitely left a lasting teacher and good friend: we both loved impression on the arts at MC. He may Van Gogh and playing guitars, and we in fact be one of the best artists to walk spend a lot of times sharing opinions through the doors of MC. Hopefully, A collection of Tom’s paintings and drawings, on art and music.” Thanks to Mr. Tom’s art will go on to galleries when including his rendition of a O’Donnell, countless pieces of student he goes off to college next year. Van Gogh painting. Artwork artwork have been displayed around Courtesy of Tom Guo the halls at MC, contributing to March 2018 C ry s ta l 99 Arts 11 Monster Hunter: A Whole New World the most in the game: hunt monsters, By: Zack Robinson carve their parts, use their parts to Arts Editor make better equipment, hunt bigger monsters, repeat. Although mundane Released on January 26, 2018, Monster on paper, the execution of this idea Hunter: World is the fifth installment turns out to be very fun and captivating of Capcom’s widely popular action- for two reasons: the monsters and the RPG series Monster Hunter. After a hunting. long seven year period where Monster The monsters are all interesting, Hunter made its home on Nintendo diverse, and very fun to fight. The platforms such as the Wii, Wii U, and improved AI and animations of the Nintendo 3DS, the beloved series monsters add more personality and finally made its return to Playstation life to the creatures that you encounter. as well as Xbox. Monster Hunter has Monsters can use different elements to always been popular in mainstream their advantage, while having various Japan, but with Monster Hunter: World, weaknesses depending on what Capcom has finally cemented their element or status effect you use and series in the West by selling over where you hit the monster. This allows Seven million copies in less than two players to choose how they want to The Big Bad Rathalos, King of the Sky Art Courtesy of Brittany Capezzuto months. It has now become Capcom’s approach hunts, which monsters they best selling game, but how good is the should target if they want a certain been upgraded from previous this old method would be an extreme game actually? resistance to an element, or extra games as well, allowing more ways to inconvenience to the player. However, Just as the name suggests, Monster elemental powers. New to the series, use each weapons. Ranged weapons even with all these positives, Monster Hunter: World focuses on building a there is now a monster hierarchy. The in particular are much more mobile Hunter: World still presents some flaw new world for the series. The engine status of monsters leads to random turf than before, allowing for a more fast- The armor and weapon designs has been completely remade for the wars that can trigger if two monsters paced and fun method of using the have always been a staple in the series, Playstation 4 and Xbox One, allowing are in the same area. This addition ranged weapons. Also, each weapon but in World, these designs fall a little for a breath of fresh air for a game series adds an extra element to hunting has several tutorials to help players get short. Although armor is a little more that had been reusing assets from the monsters, causing hunts to never play more comfortable with their tools of diverse, weapon designs can be very first Playstation 2 release. In addition out exactly the same. Monsters and destruction. In addition, each hunter similar to each other, which is very to mechanics, graphically the game has players can also use the environment is equipped with a slinger that can disappointing coming from a game been immensely improved; the washed to their advantage, creating an extra shoot different items scavenged on the series that allowed you to use a blade out graphics from the Nintendo dynamic while hunting. Hunting is ground or crafted before hand. These that looked like a pizza. I also have 3DS has finally been upgraded to the next key part that makes Monster items do a variety of tasks, such as mixed feelings about the endgame a true HD experience that uses the Hunter: World shine. distracting, staggering, or blinding the content. Compared to other games, power of consoles very effectively. The hunting in Monster Hunter: monster. The slinger also comes with a the endgame is not nearly as exciting Environments are all beautifully done World is one of the most fun aspects of grappling hook that makes traversing or challenging; however, with the and capture the diversity of the world the game due to the variety of choice. the huge new areas much easier. addition of free DLC, that can easily better than any game before. But There are 14 different weapons ranging Tracking the monster has changed change. enough about the graphics, is the game from blades, lances, and hammers, with the addition of scout flies. The Monster Hunter: World is one of the any good? to bows and bowguns. Each weapon player must find tracks in the area and best if not the best Monster Hunter game Monster Hunter’s gameplay is the best plays completely differently, and the fill the scout flies bar; once the bar is ever made. With the news of free DLC it has ever been. The core elements of uniqueness of each weapon makes it filled half way, the flies will lead the and constant updates to the game, I the series are still present, but tweaks feel like you are playing an entirely player straight to the monster. I prefer cannot wait to see where Capcom takes and additions have caused the game to different game with every weapon you this method of tracking over aimlessly its new project. I recommend this game be much more accessible to new players use. Each one is viable in every hunt, searching the areas for monsters and to anyone looking for a quality game and a lot more fun. Monster Hunter is and it is entirely up to the preference then simply throwing a paintball to with lots of hours of content. known for its simple mechanic loop of the players to choose which weapon keep them marked on the map. With that describes what you will be doing fits their playstyle. The combat has the new huge map layout, 9/10 Fortnite: Taking the World By Storm one standing. There is a large variety sponsoring popular YouTubers to and can make you stick out more to By: Matthew Bloom of weapons that you can use, as well play the game, rather than pay for enemies or even hinder your view. Contributing Writer as healing items and shields to prepare traditional advertising. This got the In conclusion, I think Fortnite has yourself for your next fight. One of the game plenty of attention, and when lived up to every ounce of hype it Fortnite has been taking the gaming more unique aspects of Fortnite is the the free battle royale game mode has received. It is a great game with community by storm. This 100-player ability to build. You can build massive came out, it became instantly popular. great replayability with new updates battle royale game seems to have come bases, simple walls for cover, stairs to Epic Games has done an excellent job coming every week. For me, Fortnite out of left field, as it is all people are scale other players bases, or anything constantly updating it by adding new has brought back playing video talking about. In this game, you can that your heart desires. weapons, healables, and locations, games with your friends and playing team up with a squad of three or four A lot of people are wondering how as well as fixing game mechanics. for hours on end. I certainly have no other players, play with a partner, this free cartoonish game made by One of my personal favorite things intention to stop playing any time or just run solo. The bus holding Epic Games has managed to become about the game is that Epic Games soon. everyone in the lobby flies over more popular than extremely hyped has steered clear from any sort of the map, and you jump out with a games like Call of Duty: World War II. pay to win aspects. While there are variety of locations to land in. The one In order to advertise the game, Epic different characters and gliders you objective of the game is to be the last Games made the smart decision of can purchase, they are purely aesthetic 9/10 Arts 12 C ry s ta l 99 March 2018 What’s New In The Music Scene? By: Donovan Lafontaine been in the works for a while, as the and Rasputin. When asked about the Arts Editor bands had been good friends through scene itself, Nick said, “Wicked sick Wicked Sick Music for a couple of brought more people to the scene. Its The music scene in the Merrimack years. The tour came together when a community and we all have each Valley has changed vastly over the last Nick asked the band if they wanted to others backs and it’s just a fun place decade or so. The primary underground go on tour, and in two weeks, it very to hang out with no judgement”.” To focus has shifted more so to rap and quickly came together. Nick says the support your local music scene, go to hip-hop. Therefore it is very good to progress happened way faster than a show, or give the bands a listen on know that there still exists a thriving they expected. The bands will be bandcamp. This is how bands get big: punk/rock music scene in Haverhill, filming moments from the tour, and a by starting small. Who knows, the next MA. Bands such as Red Ledger, documentary will be available on the The Wonder Years or Fall Out Boy Humans and Us, Powder Keg, Ice band’s facebook pages shortly after could come from the town next door, Cream Orphan, and girlscoutcookies the tour. When asked about gaining why not support them when they’re have made local shows a joy to attend more popularity as a band through young? Young bands grow through at Wicked Sick Music in the last three the tour, Nick had this to say: “We your support. Enjoy the music, and years or so. There are some big things just want to play music for people like Red Ledger on Facebook. happening for two bands in the scene: who wanna hear it, I don’t really Red Ledger & Powder Keg. The bands care about that stuff”. Red Ledger are embarking on a week long tour, has just released Hell Is Other People the “Hope You Find Your Dad” Tour, through Happy Dog Records, a short which will consist of the two bands but sweet EP recorded at Kennedy and local legends Suburban Samurai Studios in Burlington, MA. They said on select dates. the process was quick, fun, and easy, The opening show took place on and that they had a lot of fun doing it. March 10th, and it was absolutely Powder Keg is currently working on a Powder Keg, live at incredible. I had the chance to sit down new single, but currently their focus is Wicked Sick Music 3/10 with Justin Daddario from Powder primarily on the tour. After the tour, Photo Courtesy of Donovan Keg, and Nick Arathuzik and Ben they plan to add a new member to Lafontaine Kocur from Red Ledger, and talk to the band, a second guitarist. The band them about their bands, and the local members from both bands say to look music scene in general. When asked out for new local releases by Acadia, about the tour, Justin said that it had Shiver, Superteen, girlscoutcookies, Tiny Moving Parts’ Swell is Swell! Black Panther: Top 3 Songs By: Donovan Lafontaine for the lingering, bitter Stand out tracks such as By: PJ Ventura 1. “I Am” Arts Editor taste of love. The songs “Caution”, “Applause”, Contributing Writer Jorja Smith contain sad content, but and “Wildfire” deliver British RnB singer Jorja In a nutshell, this album it is presented in a way beautiful poetic vocals, With the highly about T’’Challa the Smith brought the right can be summed up as “You that you could headbang anthemic choruses and anticipated Black Panther king. This song is the talent to create an hurt me, I hate you. I’m your troubles away whilst just plain old “pick-you- movie out in theaters, I most appropriate for the alternative RnB song. The leaving, but I miss you,” screaming lines such as up” vibes. I think Swell decided to take a listen movie because it gives beat is complimented but that doesn’t mean it “SEND IT”, or “FOR A is... swell. This album to the soundtrack to see the listener background by a guitar, which gives doesn’t do it beautifully, SLIGHT BREAK”. I’d earns a solid 8/10, and if hip-hop heavy hitter information on the the song a unique feel and with an emotionally keep some advil for the I encourage listening to Kendrick Lamar, along setting and also the for RnB, while Smith’s moving style and rhythm neck, and tissues for the album when you’re with other talented culture of Wakanda. vocals depict a story of that never ceases to make the tears close by while feeling a little gloomy. musicians, could make strive and struggle. In the me smile and bang my listening. a soundtrack that is 2. “X” pre-chorus Smith sings “ head, even in the school worth listening to. Here Kendrick Lamar, Saudi, And I know that we have library. The Minnesotan are my top three tracks ScHoolboy Q, 2 Chainz asked for change, Don’t Emo/Math-Rock band from the Black Panther This song is similar be scared to put the fears Tiny Moving Parts Soundtrack: to “Big Shot” from to shame.” While in the released Swell on January Kendrick, delivering chorus, Smith sings,“ 26, 2018, and it hasn’t left 3. “Black Panther” another catchy chorus. When you know what my main playlist since. Kendrick Lamar The song also contains you got, Sacrifice ain’t Swell contains beautiful This song is a great song three rap verses. The that hard.” This shows lyrics about love and to start the soundtrack first comes from South that the message is that loss, such as, “All I’ve off. The song starts with African rapper Saudi, you have to sacrifice learned what’s done is a crescendo of drums the second and arguably something in order to done.And you can not until the beat switches the best verse comes fight and advocate for change the past. Helping over to piano, which from ScHoolboy Q yourself. Overall, this or hurting? I am numb puts a solemn sounding who switches his flow, song is the most unique . I haven’t felt anything mood to the song. The which makes his verse song and it also brings a in days.” The album is first verse talks about the most unique, and powerful more serious backed by even more the people who the king the third verse is from message that can relate melodically beautiful governs. The second 2 Chainz, whos verse to Superheroes in the guitar riffs by the talented verse is about what was lackluster at best. form of a strive and Dylan Mattheisen. Each the king does and why Overall, “X” is a great struggle. track delivers a relatable Photo Courtesy of Donovan Lafontaine he’s powerful. At the song which will get you feeling to those who have end of his second verse, in a party mood. been hurt, but still long Kendrick reveals that it’s March 2018 C ry s ta l 99 Arts 13 The Great Pizzeria Rivalry By: Ben Mawn Regina’s Pizza Santarpio’s Pizza Opinions Editor Service: The service at Regina’s was excellent Service: The service at Santarpio’s was horrendous Background: The rivalry between Regina’s and from the moment we walked in and were seated. since the waitress was tough to contact to ask for Santarpio’s has been going on ever since 1926, and Next, a waitress broUght some bread over, which more water and to get clean silverware. Also, one everyone in Boston and at Malden Catholic has an was a nice touch before we ordered the pizza. The of the plates was cracked, and the booth was too opinion about whether Regina’s in the North End oil served with the bread was delicious; it had a soft and uncomfortable. Next, during the ordering, or Santarpio’s in Eastie is the best. So, to settle the taste of freshly poured olive oil with a little kick of she was bothered when we asked her what sizes debate Shawn Maloney and I went to the closest red pepper to add a little bit of flavor to the bread. the pizzas came in and she said just medium with locations to 99 Crystal Street; the sites are 44 Station Our drinks were served quickly, and then our orders a condescending tone. Next, when Shawn asked her Landing Medford, MA, and 71 Newbury St. (Route were taken with no hesitation. So what did we order? for no cornmeal on the bottom of the pizza, she said 1) Peabody. We ordered what you get at Regina’s: a large cheese. “too late” and walked away with no remorse. During the meal, the waitress did not come by to refill our Pizza: The pizza came out fairly quickly, within water and when she did come by to check on things, ten minutes or so. The appearance of the large cheese we finished our two cheese pizzas. was very appetizing, with the steam rising from the Pizza: The order was two cheese pizzas which pizza and the cheese bubbling so you can hear the took and little over 15 minutes to make. When the sizzle. Furthermore, the contrast between the cheese pizzas came out the first thing which caught my and the marinara sauce painted a beautiful picture of eye was the burnt crust, this crust was not crispy the pizza. The crust was not overdone and had just like Regina’s but burnt and greasy. The cornmeal enough crispness to it. The pizza looks exactly how it under the crust did add a nice flavor and texture to would look at the original pizzeria in the North End, the pizza. However, the cheese easily fell of the crust perfect. When I go with my Uncle Paul in the North which made it difficult to eat the pizza. The sauce End, he orders the crust to be crispy, and during was okay but nothing special. I did add some red this trip, the chef nailed the crispy crust without pepper flakes to the pizza which made the pie better me telling him. When I bit into the first steaming and increase the taste of the slice. Santarpio’s in all hot slice, I could taste the classic, flavorful Italian was okay but did not live up to its reputation. marinara sauce, which Regina’s is famous for. Next, the cheese had a nice consistency and did not fall off The Verdict: the pizza as many others do. The crust brought the Regina’s is far superior in all phases of the meal, entire slice together with crisp and slightly crunchy by having bread before the pizza to getting the pizza ending. I did not just stop at one slice, for I continued out quickly and having the pizza taste delicious. to have three more slices and brought a large cheese Regina’s was welcoming, and Santarpio’s was home for dinner as well, but you can never beat cold and hostile. Santarpio’s crust was burnt while the taste of a Regina pizza right out of the brick oven. Regina’s was crispy and tore apart easily. Regina’s was the winner no doubt about it, and they continue to represent the great North End where the best Photo Courtesy of Ben Mawn Italian food in America is and always will be. 40th Kennedy Center Honors; All Honorees Are Present

has appeared in the movie Any Given Sunday and Award at the Obie Awards. Lavallade is an African- By: Kyle Borick enjoyed a starring role on the long-running series American woman who brought diversity to the ballet Photo Editor NCIS: Los Angeles. and theatre. Norman Lear, who is an American television These five honorees round the 2018 class of the The 40th Kennedy Center Honors boasted a writer and producer, is well known for producing Kennedy Center Honors. The 40th anniversary of the list of notable inductees, which included singers 1970s sitcoms such as All in the Family, The awards had strong honorees that come from different Lionel Richie and Gloria Estefan, rapper LL Cool J, Jeffersons, and Maude. His genius is appreciated by areas, whether singing, acting, or dancing. The arts TV writer and producer Norman Lear, and dancer any sitcom lover, especially if you are in your 60’s. were brought to life by these great achievers, and, as Carmen de Lavallade. A notable name who was not A performance of All in the Family was acted out at a result, they were rewarded for it. present, because of words on Charlottesville, was the center, with Norman playing his iconic character President Trump. After Lear and de Lavallade said Archie Bunker. This brought back good memories they would skip the Honors if the President attended for everyone at the center and watching on TV. the reception, the President did not go, allowing all Gloria Estefan, is a Cuban-American singer, the guests and honorees to enjoy the night free from songwriter, actress, and businesswoman. She started politics. off her career as the lead singer in the group Miami The Honorees include: Sound Machine . Her voice is well known for her Lionel Richie, a singer, songwriter, actor and three number one songs, on Billboard, “Conga,” record producer. Beginning in 1968, he was a member “Coming Out of the Dark,” and “Don’t Wanna Lose of the funk and soul band The Commodores and then You.” launched a solo career in 1982. His fame and success Carmen De Lavallade, is a dancer. She is known have remained through his music. This is evident as for her work in John Butler’s ballet Flight and Duke previous honoree Stevie Wonder played piano and Ellington’s A Drum Is a Woman. She appeared sang on Lionel’s instantly recognizable “Hello” and in several off-Broadway productions, including “Easy.” Othello and Death of a Salesman. In 2004, de LL Cool J, a hip-hop artist and actor who made Lavallade received the Black History Month Lifetime his fame with Def Jam Records in the 1980s and ‘90s Achievement Award and the Rosie Award. In 2016, with albums such as Mama Said Knock You Out. He de Lavallade received the Lifetime Achievement Artwork Courtesy of Kyle Borick Arts 14 C ry s ta l 99 March 2018 Black Mirror: A Reflection of Our Times By: Mario Cavuoto selfish nature will not. An example apart by a program that’s trying to characters and plot, with a few Contributing Writer of this is in the episode “Crocodile”, find their perfect soulmate. In a risk-it- exceptions. These exceptions happen where a woman named Mia is haunted all situation, they run away together, when a character just seems stale or Black Mirror is a Netflix original by her past when an ex-boyfriend that only to find out they’re in a simulation his/her motivations for the actions just series that was originally owned by she committed a murder with decides that they passed. The episode ends did not makes sense or line up with Channel 4 in the United Kingdom who to show up in an attempt to rectify any with their real life counterparts getting their previous actions throughout the created the first two seasons. The show past wrongdoings. This eventually matched on a dating app. episode. An example of this is at the was later bought by Netflix in 2015, leads to his death when Mia strangles I feel that Black Mirror’s take on the end of “Archangel” when the daughter and Netflix debuted the third season of him in her hotel room. She covers up future is one that is entirely possible that the mother has been spying on, the show in 2016 to a warm reception. the murder only for it to be brought and very scary to think about, watching her every move through They have since released their fourth to her front steps, when an insurance considering the main technology her eyes, gets sick of it and nearly season to critical acclaim. The fourth collector is harvesting people’s in some episodes are items that are kills her mother with the same tablet season of Black Mirror jumps around memory in an attempt to piece together currently being made or are very close she uses to spy on her daughter with. from depressing episodes to uplifting, an incident where a man got hit by a to being made. It is worrying to think I feel like the daughter’s previous happy ones, and the sudden tone truck. The woman then takes Mica’s that any of the situations in the show actions throughout the show have change between episodes could memories which show Mia murdering can be easily translated into real life. not be aggressive but instead passive, possibly throw some people off, but her ex. In a fit of rage, Mia murders this The acting in the fourth season is so when this happened, I was very not necessarily in a bad way. The young mother in an attempt to save very good, with only a few incidents surprised and couldn’t really wrap my viewer could be expecting another sad her reputation and life of freedom. Mia where it wasn’t the best. These were head around why she would do such ending and be surprised with a happy then decides to drive to the woman’s small situations where I felt that actors a drastic thing instead of just leaving. one. The setting for Black Mirror is set house and murder her husband and overreact or underreact to major Overall, I feel this season of Black all the way to the distant future to the young son in cold blood. scenes. This season does its best in its Mirror is one to be watched and not so distant. This season of Black Mirror left little small moments where the show just praised for its overall great acting and Black Mirror is a show that doesn’t to be desired, having only a few lesser stops or reflects over what just took for the amazing stories it tells. With follow a singular character, which episodes, but having “Hang The DJ” as place with somber heavy music in the a few bumps in the road that are to means each episode follows a new the best by far. What really appealed background. be expected, Black Mirror certainly character from the last, giving a new to me about this episode was that it The unique appeal of Black Mirror is surprised me with its deep emotions story and possibly a new take on old wasn’t a bleak look on the future. It how each episode is different from the and overall arching tone that left me episodes. Nearly all of Black Mirror’s instead took a lighter look and had last, in both the story and the characters wondering even after I had finished episodes have a bleak outlook on a happy ending instead of a sad or it follows. The show has yet to have a the entire season. This is why I give the future and show that technology depressing one. “Hang the DJ” follows recurring main character. Black Mirror Season 4 an, may improve but the wellbeing and two people trying to find love, only The show has an amazing script that fundamentals of human greed and to be brought together then ripped for the most part creates believable 8/10 The Last Jedi Leaves a Lasting Impression

By: Temitayo Lukan noticed in two distinct scenes of the film. some connection to the force at the end many have for other two trilogies. At Contributing Writer Many believed that when General Leia of the movie as he reaches for the broom the end of the day, Disney owns the flew out the ship she would be dead, and it flies into his hand. He could be rights to the franchise and can do as Two years of anticipation added so moments later, when she summons of importance later in this story, or they please. The added fantasy is who up for the second installment to the untapped powers to glide back into he could be a symbol that the Jedi are Disney are, and many viewers fail to Disney trilogy of the Star Wars series. the ship, it was a shock. Characters in still alive. Even with death, trials and realize that this is not exactly the same Many wondered whether it would live Star Wars can perform extraordinary tribulations, the movie still leaves the Star Wars it once was. At the end of the up to the glory of The Force Awakens. actions when they are in need, but, at viewers with hope of the future. day, although it has faults, it is still a During the two hour and thirty-two the same time, the impossible should Typically, Star Wars films are raved great film. minute film, many observations could not be allowed. The ability to survive about by the audience as masterpieces, be made. A myriad of blogs discussing in space without a helmet is proved but this is the first occurrence where the lineage of Rey offered different scientifically impossible and has never some enjoyed, it while others disliked possibilities, but no one would have been done in a Star Wars film. This sense it. For example, a friend of mine 7.5/10 expected them to be nobodies. I think of the unrealism can be also applied expressed, “That movie was so bad.” this is a failure by the writers, because to how Luke Skywalker was able to Viewers were there was an expectation that her shadow his physical appearance at the just closed- lineage would be part of the series’s rich battle, another idea that has never been minded and did history due to her strong connection to done before. On the other hand, what not like exactly the force. Contrary to popular opinion, was interesting was the reappearance the direction the I enjoyed the casino scenes. Viewers of the disappearance of a Jedi. A Jedi director went believed it was useless and distracting disappearance does not necessarily with it, but that to the main plot of the movie; however, show death but displays a passing on does not deem the I believed it was something new; it of knowledge. Now, Luke is able to movie bad. showed the lavish life of the people physically appear to Rey in a time of With this in their universe: playing games and need. This aspect of the Star Wars films Disney trilogy, I trying to win some cash. I found it neat has been extremely helpful to the main believe that too how the writers infused some aspects Jedi in obtaining the victory. much magic is of our world into the world of Star Two subtle, important scenes in play and takes Wars. introduced a new character, a little boy, away from the A sense of the unrealism can be to the Star Wars Universe. He displays the great love that Photo Courtesy of Ryan Keleti March 2018 C ry s ta l 99 Arts 15 Who’s the Better Bat? In Defense of Ben Affleck released in 2016. delivery is so emotionally driven that the shots in terms of story points, but Extremely divisive among both fans as an audience you feel the pain Bruce still, actors with a reputation like Bale’s By: RJ Curreri and critics, the new film failed to meet feels. Afterall, the origin of Batman is have the power to take their characters Staff Writer the high expectations of many fans one of pain. Bruce created the alter-ego to another level and go beyond what who had been waiting their whole lives in order to fight people like the ones is provided to them in the script. When 2005’s Batman Begins hit to see the two most iconic superheroes who murdered his parents as a young Affleck clearly understood the history theaters, critics and fans alike praised of all-time pitted against each other. boy. Affleck’s brooding approach to of Batman and the many stories told director Christopher Nolan and lead The film was criticized for its messy the character shows how all the years throughout years of the comics when actor Christian Bale’s’ fresh and plot, dreary tone, and poor editing; of pain and suffering are coming working on Batman v Superman. realistic take on the caped crusader. however, one aspect of the film seemed to a boiling-point for the character, Outside the suit, Affleck embodies the The tandem of Nolan and Bale to have saved it for many fans: Ben resulting in anger and rage towards Batman both physically and mentally. continued the series with two sequels Affleck’s performance. Affleck received the world, especially Superman. The In terms of appearance, Affleck is no which thrusted the movie industry into resoundly positive reviews for his few scenes between Affleck’s Bruce doubt the most accurate in comparison a new era of comic book blockbusters. gritty and emotional take on the Dark Wayne and Jeremy Irons’s Alfred to the comics. The design of the batsuit, Since then, Christian Bale has been Knight. There were minor complaints Pennyworth–Bruce’s faithful butler– Affleck’s bulky figure, and his filled- regarded by many as the definitive from some regarding director Zack are some of the best exchanges of out facial features surpass those of film rendition of Batman. So, when a Snyder’s approach to the character, dialogue between the two characters Bale’s, making it seem as if pages of new Batman film was announced in one being Batman breaking his one in any Batman movie, period, as they the comics were coming to life on the 2014, and it was revealed Christian rule that he does not kill; however, that capture beautifully their dynamic screen. Batman’s fighting style is also Bale would not return, fans were in an connects to why Affleck’s portrayal is relationship and dig deep into the much more brutal and calculated in uproar, mainly due the casting of Ben so great. mindset of Bruce. Batman v Superman. During the epic Affleck as Batman. Batman v Superman was a sequel to So, what separates Affleck from Bale? warehouse scene at the finale of the film, The odds were stacked against 2013’s Man of Steel and was, technically- Everything previously mentioned. Batman uses a combination of gadgets Affleck from the beginning. Fans had speaking, a Superman movie; however, Although Bale’s films were critically and martial arts skills to take down his been emotionally invested in Bale’s Affleck managed to steal the show. acclaimed and regarded as one of the foes efficiently and with purpose. This performance for almost a decade, and The Batman seen in this film is one best film trilogies of all-time, fans often makes for a far more entertaining and despite the establishment of a new DC that movie fans had never seen before. allow the quality of the film determine faithful action sequence in comparison cinematic universe, they still called for The previous iterations of Batman told the quality of the Batman. No one will to Bale’s clunky and awkward fighting Bale to continue to don the suit. The the stories of him as a younger crime- deny Bale’s masterful performance as style. casting of Affleck was highly criticized fighter, while this version clearly had Batman; however, that doesn’t mean Overall, both Bale and Affleck on all platforms of social media, with his fair share of fights. Affleck nails it can’t be surpassed. Affleck exhibited delivered passionate performances people claiming that he didn’t fit the the role of a battered and distraught the internal conflict of Bruce Wayne in that left both fans and critics overjoyed. role because he was too old or because Bruce Wayne who is growing tired of one film better than Bale was able to Affleck, however, takes the character he didn’t have the acting chops to fighting for a world that won’t get any in three. Bale’s depiction of Batman, of Bruce Wayne and Batman to a level portray such a layered character. better. Just Affleck’s facial expressions although layered, didn’t fully capture audiences have never seen before, and However, many of those critics of and mannerisms alone tell you all of the character’s attributes and unlike Bale, there is more to come. Affleck were proven wrong when everything you need to know about emotions established in the comics. Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice was this Batman. Not to mention, his line Granted, the writer and director call for such a heavy Dark Knight. Bale’s In Defense Of Christian more slender figure captures Batman’s Bale essence. Also, the sleek and clean design of Bale’s Batsuit is unparalleled. The symbol on his chest is positioned By: Navid Chowdhury Staff Writer perfectly, with enough contrast and depth to make it eye-opening. Unlike The Christopher Nolan Batman other “Batmen,” Bale separates himself trilogy will forever be known for the from Bruce Wayne perfectly. There mark it has left upon all viewers. These is a harmony between the two and movies, especially the first installment, neither persona over dominates the ushered a new era of amazing other. What distinguishes Bale from superhero films. Who was the caped the rest is the result of him donning crusader during this charge? None the suit. He becomes almost someone other than the most supreme Batman, else. Something else. That harmony is achieved because both Batman and This sadistic and insane character Artwork Courtesy of Ryan Keleti Christian Bale. changed the landscape for not only all Christian Bale’s performance as Bruce are allotted their own screen time and allowed to develop individually. future Jokers but villains as a whole. the Batman became iconic. First, his Ledger’s dedication to the character portrayal has become the image of They are separate, but still the same. Although Bale should be considered accompanied Bale perfectly, as the two Batman for so many fans. Just as became locked in an endless battle. Robert Downey, Jr., completes the Iron the better Batman right away, he cannot accomplish this feat alone. A great hero The “Batmen” prior to Bale and Man role, Christian Bale was meant those who will follow after certainly Come to Arts Night! to be Batman. Not only is his fame is only as great as his villains, and Bale had a handful of fear-inciting villains. are great contenders. There are flaws to worth noting, but Bale’s version of an otherwise perfect Batman portrayal. Friday Night, April Batman also created the modern image Tom Hardy’s Bane portrayal gave Bale more than enough challenges to However, in all regards, no Batman can 6th! of a superhero. The secret lair. The even come close to the legacy which double life. The Batmobile. All were overcome. Bane is destroying the entire city with complete tranquility. By Christian Bale has created by donning contributing factors that lead to Bale’s the cape and mask. establishment of a successful character. breaking the Bat, Bane not only forced Aesthetically, I prefer Bale’s Batman. Batman to evolve but he demanded Batman should not be incredibly buff, it. And arguably the most infamous as he is just a man. There is no need villain is Heath Ledger’s the Joker. Sports 16 C ry s ta l 99 March 2018 USA Hockey: What went wrong at the Olympics?

By: Patrick Donnelly especially on the offensive side of the puck, NHLers, like Ilya Kovalchuk and Pavel Datsyuk, Managing Editor even though there wasn’t much the Americans playing in the Kontinental Hockey League (KHL). could do against the Olympic Athletes from So, what exactly went wrong for the Americans? The U.S. Men’s Olympic hockey team has come up Russia who were able to send a roster of defunct The answer is that not enough NCAA players were empty at the Olympics just as they did at on the roster. It was astonishing to see how in 2014. Granted, aside from players like Brian USA Hockey left players like Casey Mittlestadt Gionta and James Wisniewski, there were no (Minnesota), Brady Tkachuk (BU), Jake Oettinger NHL players on the roster, but USA Hockey was (BU), Joseph Woll (Boston College), Trent Frederic still able to send a talented roster, not necessarily (Wisconsin), Tanner Laczynski (Ohio State), Erik a skilled one. However, USA Hockey only sent Foley (Providence), Nolan Stevens (Northeastern), four NCAA players, Ryan Donato (Harvard), and Adam Gaudette (Northeastern). Oettinger Troy Terry (Denver), Jordan Greenway (Boston and Woll have been among the best goaltenders University), and Will Borgen (St. Cloud State), across the nation while Laczynski, Foley, who were heads and shoulders above the rest of Gaudette, and Stevens are all among the top the roster in terms of their skill and play on the scorers in the nation. Tkachuk, Mittlestadt, and ice. Donato led the team in points (six) and goals Frederic are extremely dynamic and exciting (five) while Terry was second with five points, all to watch; all had incredible showings for the of which were assists. Although Greenway and United States at the most recent World Junior Borgen did not make a huge impact on the score Championships. If USA Hockey sent a roster with sheet, their play was impressive as they had better more than a few NCAA players, this year’s team pace and skill on par with that of other teams. Artwork Courtesy of Patrick Donnelly would have definitely been more exciting to watch The team looked outmatched at times, and potentially more competitive than it was. Breaking Down the Recent Success of the

By: Patrick Donnelly as he scored the game-winning in three straight Managing Editor contests during the latest six-game homestand. The Bruins have been absolutely on fire since late November. Prior to this stretch, the team looked The kids are up to the task: uninspired, Tuukka Rask was struggling, and no one The Bruins have incorporated a ton of youth into outside of the top line seemed capable of producing. the roster this season, including guys like Danton Then something clicked, Anton Khudobin assumed Heinen, Charlie McAvoy, Jake DeBrusk, and Matt starting duties for a few games and the team Grzelcyk. Before suffering a sprained MCL in his left looked completely different – inspired, electrifying, knee, McAvoy was playing as advertised and was fast, and effective. When Rask returned, he did in the conversation for the Calder Memorial Trophy his best impression of a brick wall, not missing a (Rookie of the Year). Although he is suffering a cold beat of Khudobin’s success. With contributions stretch lately, Danton Heinen has not looked back The Bruins take on the San Jose Sharks at TD from the lineup, the Bruins were rolling, and have since being called up from Providence with 39 points Garden back in November of 2017. Photo Courtesy of kept rolling. So, how specifically has this team in 61 games, putting him in the top-10 in rookie Kyle Borick turned into legitimate contenders? scoring. Jake DeBrusk has been a breath of fresh air on David Krejci’s left side on the second line with Additions at the Trade Deadline: MVP-caliber play from Patrice Bergeron and Brad 38 points in 62 games, also in the top-10 of rookie Don Sweeney looks like a genius after signing Brian Marchand: scoring. Matt Grzelcyk filled in nicely as an injury Gionta and trading for Rick Nash, Nick Holden, and Prior to sustaining a fractured foot that will likely replacement on the third pairing, but has found Tommy Wingels at the deadline. Gionta and Wingels keep him out until just before the playoffs, Patrice himself a permanent home in the lineup with his play. have added more energy and scoring to the bottom- Bergeron was having the best offensive season of six, Nash has fit in perfectly on David Krejci’s his career with two hat tricks in January, 27 goals, Goaltending: right, and Holden has provided solid defense and and 27 assists, good enough for 54 points through Tuukka Rask and Anton Khudobin have been production while shoring up the depth of the defense. 55 games. These may not be the gaudy numbers among the best goaltending tandems in the league of typical Hart Memorial Trophy candidates; this year. Although Rask has had a bit of a rough With 16 games remaining in the regular season, however, the award is given to the most valuable week, despite earning wins in all of his starts, his the Bruins sit comfortably in second in the Atlantic player to his team, and Bergeron has proven his play from December through February put him Division and third in the entire NHL with 94 points. value to the Bruins yet again. The same can be said firmly into the conversation for the Vezina Trophy. With a ticket to the postseason soon to be punched, of Marchand, who is having another stellar season Rask and Khudobin are also the front-runners for the Bruins are all in on this season and have a with 29 goals, 40 helpers, and 69 points through 53 the William M. Jennings Trophy as the Bruins as a legitimate shot at competing for the Stanley Cup. games. Both players have been key to the Bruins’ team have allowed the fewest goals against in the With that being said, this team will have to keep success, especially Marchand in Bergeron’s absence NHL (167) and both have played at least 25 games. doing exactly what has made them so successful. What does the J.D. Martinez Signing mean for the Red Sox?

By: Dylan Tamagna last season, a slugging percentage Contributing Writer of .690 and batting average of During the 2018 offseason, the Red Sox were in search of a power hitter. The .303. The Red Sox signed him team resolved their need via the acquisition of J.D Martinez. The Red Sox lineup to a front-loaded five-year, $110 was already a proficient lineup as they did reach the playoffs last season but fell million agreement with three Photo Courtesy of Kyle Borick short in the American League Divisional Series to the World Series Champions separate opt-out provisions. In my opinion this the Houston Astros. So the roster was already a contender and they did not was a good signing for the Red Sox. All that being said, the Red Sox have not need much improvement during the offseason. Acquiring J.D. Martinez was a made any other moves except trading outfielder Bryce Brentz to Pittsburgh for big deal for the Red Sox because now they have someone with power. While he financial considerations. The Red Sox should have a contending season as they was playing for the Arizona Diamondbacks, Martinez had forty five home runs did last year, and hopefully have a successful playoff run. March 2018 Sports 17

Alum in Olympics A New Living Jonathan Cheever Qualifies for Legend: Ryan Stewart

By: Connor Bond ture sporting events. Through intense training By: Brett Thomas Sports Editor and physical exercise, he is able to stay in shape Co-Editor-in-Chief Malden Catholic alum Jonathan Cheever re- and continue developing his skills. His hard cently participated in the Men’s Snowboard Cross work has truly paid off as in addition to qualify- Entering the gym during long block with one thought in mind, break the record for at the Winter Olympics in Pyeongchang, South ing for the most recent Olympics, Cheever has the most three pointers and become a liv- Korea. After a also made 10 appearances and several ing legend, Ryan Stewart proceeded to be successful first World Cup appearances. In fact, Cheever fin- famous. Stewart, a member of the basketball run in which ished in second place at the World Cup at the team, practices his shot daily, and the results he finished in Stoneham Mountain Resort in as well at showed after he broke the record for the most 1:42.72, good Chiesa in Valmalenco in Italy; he was also ranked three pointers in gym class. for 19th over- third in the world in Snowboard Cross in 2011. For those unfamiliar with the challenge, all in that spe- Making his career and trip to the Olympics Mr. Bavaro keeps track of the amount of three cific run, even more incredible is that he had to overcome pointers made before class officially starts. The Cheever ad- several injuries in order to make it to this point challengers are all shapes and sizes playing vanced to the in his career. Cheever has faced broken wrists, a all different sports. The challenge is relatively next round. broken humerus, and has endured two shoulder new to Mr. Bavaro’s class. The record was Unfortunately, surgeries in addition to five foot surgeries. - Per previously set at 68 three pointers by Shawn during this haps the worst injury he suffered was in March of Maloney, a senior member of the varsity bas- round, he did Jonathan Cheever 2012, when he ruptured his Achilles. The previous ketball team. Stewart, on the fateful day, made not finish in the Photo Courtesy of Getty Images year, he had been named the best snowboarder in three consecutive shots to equal the record, top three of his heat the US; it would have been easy for him to give and then create his own record. Stewart was and as a result did not qualify for the quarterfinal up and say to himself that he could never reach unable to shoot again before Mr. Bavaro blew round. Pierre Vaultier of France ended up captur- that success again following such a horrific and his whistle to begin the class. The sophomore ing the gold while Jarryd Hughes of Germany gruesome injury. However, Cheever’s ambition, was a living legend. His classmates were and Regino Hernandez of Spain earned silver and mental toughness, and love for the sport pushed pleased with the climax of the event. bronze medals, respectively. Cheever’s teammate, him to overcome the adversity and to be able to The next day, Ryan did not even attempt an- Nick Baumgartner, finished just shy of the podi- represent his home country in the 2018 Olympics other three-pointer, for he had already secured um at fourth place. Meanwhile, Mick Dierdorff of as one of the best snowboarders in the world. his status in the class. Shawn Maloney was the United States finished just behind him in fifth In 2014, the thirty-two-year-old helped to proud of his team mate’s accomplishments, place.produce the movie “SBX the Movie”. The film and is glad the title has moved on. After graduating from Malden Catholic in 2003, was the first ever documentary on the sport, and Cheever went on to Umass Lowell, where he took it follows the journey of several different snow- courses in order to become a plumber. He re- boarders while they prepared for the 2014 Winter ceived his plumbing license the following year in Olympics in Sochi, Russia. Other snowboarders 2004. While at Malden Catholic, Cheever founded in the film are Pierre Vaultier, Nick Baumgartner, the Snowboard and Ski Club and was also the and Maria Ramberger, who he proposed to Ma- President of the Student Council during his senior ria Ramberger in 2016. The two are now married. year. His love for snowboarding has been present Jonathan Cheever’s dedication and talent are throughout his life and has driven him to be the truly remarkable and admirable. His ability to per- competitor he is today; he started snowboarding severe through several injuries to get to the point where he is today simply makes his journey all the more incredible and inspirational. The entire Malden Catholic community is proud of Jonathan Cheever for his extraordinary accomplishment.

Jonathan Cheever tear- ing it up on Pictured Above: Ryan Stewart, the new the slopes. living legend, takes a three point shot Photo Courtesy against Catholic Memorial during a home of Getty Images game on January 23. The shot of course Jonathan Cheever Photo Courtesy of Getty Images went in, and Stewart finished the game with 7 points. when he was eight years old at Nashoba Valley. Although he spends many hours working as a plumber, the Saugus resident still finds time al- most every day to better prepare himself for fu- Sports 18 C ry s ta l 99 March 2018 Spring Sports Shooting for Success Lacrosse Moves Forward Baseball Hopes to Not With New Coach Strike Out

By: Angelo Carbone By: Luke Ventola Contributing Writer Staff Writer

After finishing the last season with a 9-11 record As spring sports seasons are right around the corner, the highly anticipated MC Baseball and losing in the second round of the Division season draws ever closer. Moreover, this II North tournament to Wakefield, the Lancers team looks highly promising, for many of the lacrosse team returns with high aspirations for the starters from the successful varsity team last upcoming season. With several returning starters season are back as juniors and seniors. With a Emery Zahner, senior captain, in the act of returning and new coach Doug Gallant at the helm, the tough start to the season, beginning with three team hopes to replicate and even improve upon the ball. Catholic Conference opponents, the team must Photo Courtesy of Mark Donnelly last season’s success. Before coming to Malden be absolutely ready by the start of the season. Catholic, Gallant spent several years serving as From the prior season, the team only has lost three Tennis Hoping For Best an assistant coach at Wakefield High School. Last starting seniors. With the loss of Catholic Conference year he served as the head coach of the Milford All-Star and Captain Kellen Field, the exceptional Season in Years High School lacrosse team, his first year as a head center fielder from last season, the team is looking coach. for a solution to this hole: answer Junior, Joseph By: Shawn Morrow Easing his transition will be the number of Ward. Furthermore, Ward, an outstanding player Contributing Writer returning players. On offense, starters Connor in the outfield, is capable of filling this position Tennis, an often overlooked sport at Malden Bond, Mark Delory, Brett Machado, and Dan fully. Additionally, the loss of Will Montgomery, Catholic, will have the most anticipated O’Brien are all returning. Meanwhile, Captain a second baseman, will leave another void in the season of recent history, since many three or Eric Almquist returns in net with Garrett Fogarty, infield, but the position will be sufficiently staffed four year varsity members will comprise the Will Tosi, Liam Brennan, and Will Toomey also by either Josh Doyle or Jack O’Brien. The loss of starting lineup. Moreover, with new talent returning on the defensive end. Each player short stop and talented hitter Jake Horrigan, has coming into the program such as freshman played a prominent role on the team last year and caused the coaches to look for a solution to this Zachary Goff, the Varsity team will be well will most likely feature even larger roles this year. gap in the starting nine; sophomore Chris Peguero rounded with members from all four classes. In regards to schedule, the Lancers will take will likely fill this position. Peguero played as a varsity third baseman last year as a freshman, so Returning senior members Steven Valente on both familiar and unfamiliar opponents. To he is sufficiently suited to play under pressure. and Emery Zahner will in all likelihood fill the open the season, the lacrosse team plays away The team will kick off the season playing BC second and first singles positions, respectively. at Danvers, who the Lancers beat twice last High, Xaverian, and St. John’s Prep, all formidable In addition, since Valente and Zahner will play year, once during the regular season and again opponents. The start of the season will certainly in these positions for their third consecutive in the first round round of the Division II North serve a critical test for the Lancers’ to compete year, they will be conditioned and successful tournament. Aside from the usually Catholic hard and win crucial games against bitter rivals. under pressure. Valente, a consistent player with Conference rivals, the team also plays Gloucester, Moreover, the team made an aggressive run into clean strokes, is the ideal second singles player, Woburn, and Wakefield for at least the second year the playoffs last year, so the pressure is on for the whereas Zahner is a hard hitting and aggressive in a row. Meanwhile, teams new to the schedule team to make a second playoff outing this season. player, well suited for the top spot. As for third consist of Central Catholic, Norwell, and Billerica. With young talent such as Chris Peguero, and singles, third-year junior member Luke Ventola Arguably the biggest game of the year will be seasoned veterans seniors like Ian Libby and Nick is a well-suited candidate for the slot, for he is Saturday, May 5 at 3:00 p.m. when the Lancers Ianuzzi, the team an aggressive, skillful, and powerful player; take on Catholic Memorial at Harvard Stadium. must gel in his forehand is his most dangerous weapon. After going to overtime with CM last year, the order compete As for the first and second doubles slots, Lancers hope to defeat them in what figures to effectively. By the players fulfilling these rolls will likely be a competitive matchup at Harvard Coliseum. working together as a united team, change based upon the match but could be MC baseball comprised of players such as Chris Ding, Atria hopes to build Yan, Nico Spadafora, Shawn Maloney, and off last eason and PJ Ventura . Furthermore, participants by the drive ahead full likes of Maloney and Carson Tully will likely throttle into the add much needed depth and athleticism to the playoffs. team. Although Maloney has received no prior coaching besides last season, he has proved to be a valuable addition in the doubles department. In closing, this season for the tennis team will likely be the best the program has seen in a while, for the combined talent among all grades and new athleticism has made the Senior Shawn team very multifaceted. Furthermore, all of Morrow prepares the starting players from the previous season to deliver a pitch. Above Senior Captain Eric Almquist protects his will return, so the the team spirit and effort goal late in the game. Photo Courtesy of will be ever present in the tight-knit group. Photo Courtesy of Mark Donnelly. Mark Donnelly March 2018 C ry s ta l 99 Sports 19 Basketball Stays Resilient; Earns Another Tournament Berth

By: Steve Valente Staff Writer Even with the rough season the basketball team went through this year, the players never backed down or gave up and kept fighting every game. The team finished with some great wins, including a revenge away win against Easton Boston 80-56, a big 30 point home win against Swampscott 78-48, and a another win at home against Winthrop 59-53 after losing to them on the road. The team’s record does not support their play this year because of some losses against really good conference opponents like BC High, Saint John’s Prep and the best team in the Catholic Conference, Catholic Memorial. The grit and toughness of the team led them to play to exciting and close games losing by 11 on the road, and a 10- point loss at home against conference rivals Xaverian Hawks. Senior captain and starter Jack O’Brien said this about the team’s effort this year, “I am proud to have been a captain for such a hardworking and determined group of teammates. This year did not exactly end as we would have all hoped, but I am confident that the returning players will be more than prepared for their next season. I would like to thank all of my fellow teammates, Senior Connor Bond drives the ball up the court on Senior Night against St. seniors, and coaches for making my experience within the Malden Catholic John’s Prep at Doherty Gymnasium Photo Courtesy of Kyle Borick Basketball Organization so memorable. Go Lancers!”. Even with the rough determination of the team’s effort and hard work out on the court. Unfortunately season, the Lancers made their second straight state tournament appearance the Lancers ended up losing the game 80-59, but the score does not tell the and were looking to continue the magic of last year were they made a semi- story of the team’s effort throughout the game. The Lancers will look to final run in the Division II North state tournament. The Lancers got matched up build on the success of the last two seasons of making the tournament and in a huge game against the number one seeded Beverly High School Panthers. will now look to some of the younger and returning players on the team At halftime, the Lancers were tied with the Panthers because of the grit and to keep the success of Lancers Basketball program going for years to come. Indoor Track Running in the Right Direction races, the 1600-meter (one mile) and the 3200-meter (two miles). He continually improved his times to end the season with PR of 5:18.38 and 11:43.07, respectively. One of the returning members of the team was sophomore shot putter James Guinee. Opening up the season with a huge throw of 35’ 10.25 , Guinee had By: Ms. Brianna Robbins pressure to continue this success throughout the season. Qualifying for the Faculty Advisor Conference Championship meet, Guinee competed against the powerhouse throwers from other Catholic Conference schools. He ended the season with a The first day of practice personal record of 37’ 6 to earn him the 3rd place finish in the shot put at the showed some familiar Conference Championship.Through dedication and hard work, returning top faces with some new ones sprinter, sophomore Brenden Brown, continuously ran 6.94 in the 55 Meter Dash. for the indoor track team. Qualifying for the Division III Championship, Brown ran a PR with a new time of 6.87. The familiar faces included Brown was not the only runner to qualify for individual events at the senior captains Garrett Championship meet. Returning junior Nathan Frye (300-meter), senior Fogarty, Kyle Holmes and Senior Patrick Brown competes in his event. Photo Patrick Brown (1600-meter) and junior Leonard St. Gourdin (long jump) David Sarno. Under their Courtesy of Prestige Photo competed in the Championship meet. Both the 4x200 and 4x800 relay teams leadership, the team saw huge qualified for the team events. The 4x200 composed of Nathan Frye, Brenden improvements from younger returning teammates and first-year members on the Brown, Kyle Holmes and Grant Silviera. The 4x800 relay team was composed team. One of the new faces to the indoor track team was a familiar face from the of Liam McKinnon, Derek Blanchard, Ian Brito, and Danny Ventura. outdoor program, senior Zach Morgan. Morgan threw for a personal record (PR) The team is looking forward to next year with hopes for many in the meet versus BC High with a distance of 36’ 2.5. Jarrod Wardwell, known to the returning athletes next year to add to the success of the team as cross-country team, also joined the indoor track team competing in the two longest well as no snow on the ground during the cold winter practices.

Eagles Swoop in and Fly Away as Super Bowl LII Champions to feast, consis- By: Luke Ventola tently applying Staff Writer pass pressure, Immediately, from the starting drives of the game, fans and viewers nation- hurrying Brady’s wide could discern that Super Bowl LII game was set to be another riveting passing, knock- quarterback shootout, as both defenses were playing poorly. Moreover, mini- ing him down, mal running plays had proved to be successful, except for the occasional LeGar- and getting a rette Blount break-out run. Yet again, the game was put on the the shoulders key strip-sack to of New England Patriots hero Tom Brady, and surprisingly, despite the loss, clinch the game. Brady managed to put up impressive stats; he completed 28 of 49 pass attempts Although the and threw for an eye-popping 500 yards, leaving only 113 yards of offense ex- Patriots unchar- ecuted on the ground. Furthermore, the Patriots managed to one-up the Eagles acteristically had in most passing stats: total passing yards, yards per pass, and interceptions. Ad- poor defensive ditionally, the Pats managed to rack up a total of 23 passing first-downs. and special teams So, if the passing game was so hot, why did the Patriots lose? Although New performances, Artwork Courtsey of Tom Guo England was playing at peak performance offensively, the defensive play was marked by weak lackluster at best, for the unit allowed major plays. Moreover, the Eagles suc- pressure, loose coverage, a missed field goal, and a haywire extra point, there cessfully made two fourth down conversions and converted 10 of 16 attempts are certainly some positive takeaways from a statistics standpoint. First, the on third downs, which explains why Philly crushed the time of possession defense had one penalty, costing a measly five yards, whereas the Eagles com- category, since they had the ball for nearly ten minutes more than the Patriots. pounded 35 penalty yards. However, in the end, the Eagles were able to edge Additionally, another major cause of New England’s downfall was the dis- out New England due to two crucial fourth down conversions (one of them for crepancy in pass pressure between the two defenses. Moreover, even though a touchdown) and Patriot mistakes, such as missed kicks, muffed snaps, and a the Patriots consistently rushed four defensive linemen and blitzed on passing fumble. Statistically, the Pats appeared to compose another Super Bowl victory, plays, their front eight did not rack up a single sack throughout the entire time but sometimes 613 yards of offense isn’t enough when the opponent is allowed of play. Yet, the energetic and hungry defensive line of the Eagles was ready to score 41 points. March 2018 Sports 20 Sports for Malden Youth Hockey and the Greater Boston Bright Future at the Valley Vipers together growing up, and the two star Forum II forwards carried their chemistry for three valuable seasons on the Lancers’ top six unit. By: Carson Tully The storyline of the season for Malden Catholic Sports Editor came with Junior Jerry Bazile (8 goals, 10 assists) The varsity hockey team (8-9-3) fell short this having a breakout season for 18 points in 20 season with a team full of youth in the 2017-18 games. Star Sophomore Forward Riley Duran, who season. transferred from Woburn High this season, put Going into the season, Malden Catholic Head up 17 (6 goals, 11 assists) points in 20 games for Coach John McLean knew that filling the voids Malden Catholic. Brendan Fitzgerald led the rookie of Seniors Matt Yianacopolus, Justin Collins, Kyle defensemen with seven assists in his first season Casey, and Thomas Albert would not be easy to fill with the Lancers. The Varsity Hockey team warms up before a game. Photo Courtsey of David Jarosz for a sense of both leadership and skill levels. The Kevin Burkett filled the enormous void in the absence of Senior Brian Cannata, who left the team crease for the Lancers, taking over the goaltending Fitzgerald, and Cameron Lawhorne, and a young to join the Boston Advantage of the T1EHL U18 position from star duo Brian Cannata and Kyle forward group with rising stars, the Lancers should league left the net vacant this coming season. Casey. In his first year with the team, Burkett had be on pace for success in the coming years. Jerry The team was led by Seniors Captains Ryan 17 starts, posting a 1.94 GAA and a 8.90 SVV%. Bazile was the breakout star of the year, and his Noonan and Colin Nestor, whom spent three years The Lancers fell short by missing the state production should only go up next year as a senior. with the varsity team and were members of the tournament for the first time in the recent years The Lancers will be losing nine seniors in Colin 2016 MIAA Super Eight Championship team for the after losing a close 1-0 matchup against top ranked Nestor, John Adragna, Paul Curtis, John Grove, Lancers. Ryan Noonan, of Malden, led the seniors Central Catholic (20-1-0). Before the season, Malden Henry Reznicek, Bernie Gillis, Sal Paci, Matthew with 12 points. Henry Reznicek and Colin Nestor Catholic made it to at least the quarter finals Johnston, and Ryan Noonan, but in the coming were both leaders on and off the ice for the young for the past 8 years. With a young team with a years, the leadership will fall on the shoulders of group, notching 9 points each for the Lancers. breakout goaltender in Kevin Burkett, stable blue- Jerry Bazile and Kyle Furey, and the youth will Seniors Ryan Noonan and Colin Nestor played line with collegiate prospects Kyle Furey, Brendan propel the team back to the Super 8 Playoffs. Wrestling Team Breaks Records Personal Success for the Swim Team By: Michael Defilippo By: Vincent Swierk Staff Writer Co-Editor-in-Chief The wrestling team was unsurprisingly the best winter sports team at Malden Put another year of swim into the books! With a record of two wins and eight losses, the swim team had its ups and downs this season. However, almost all Catholic this 2017-18 athletic season. MC wrestling this year was strong due to individual members broke personal records, changing noticeably for the better. the standout performances from seniors Pat Kilburn, Will Tosi, and Kevin Batting. Losing twenty-three seniors last year, leadership was desperately needed for These senior members of the wrestling team advanced to the playoffs and made the year to come. Seniors Kirill Mastrocola, Dom Odoguardi, Declan Jones, TJ all-states. Pat Kilburn and Will Tosi also had individual success by achieving 100 Hogan and Joseph Armstrong were quick to answer the call. Team captains career wins from their 4 years on the team. Safe to say, these were the leaders of Mastrocola and Odoguardi said of the season, “We overall had a good year. It’s MC wrestling that attracted underclassmen to the team and have fostered a new awesome to see the younger kids PR [Personal Record]. We both look forward to the coming years looking back. There are a lot of good swimmers in the identity of success to the Malden Catholic wrestling team. The team also had junior, sophomore and freshman classes.” Head Coach, Joseph Gaff had similar plenty of youth on the team that achieved great success. Thomas Pino showed comments saying, “The team had to focus a lot more this year because of all character and strength after a tough injury, which exemplified the fight and the seniors we lost last year, but that did not stop them, we had a really great determination of the team. Lancers wrestling will continue to be successful for group of kids. Each and every member of the team had individual goals and years to come. many accomplished them with flying colors.” Some of these personal records included Captain Mastrocola beating his previous times in the 50 freestyle and the 100 freestyle. Pictured to the left: But, the team did not stop at personal records. The whole program wanted to end Seniors Patrick Kilburn the season with a memorable and admirable cause. The team organized a swim-a- and Will Tosi celebrate thon in the name of Alex Vitale. This was used to raise money toward the Alex Vitale a historic achievement: Scholarship given out by the school in memory of a student from the class of 2016 Kilburn’s 100th win. who tragically lost his life in a car accident. The swim marathon was a great success; Kilburn won his 100th the donation goal of $4,000.00 was met and many people came out to support match during the state the team at the swimantholon. tournament. Will Tosi A personally also won his 100th successful year match, a feat which ending with is rarely done by two a successful members on the same charitable event, that seems like a team. Both wrestlers notable year to credit their success to me. their coaches and their teammates. The Vasity swim team poses for an Photo Courtesy of Patrick end of the season Kilburn team photo. Photo Courtsey of MC Athletics