What’s In Your Cup? Your guide to the complicated world of

Espresso Milk Foam Hot Water Steamed Milk Black Coffee Espresso Espresso Espresso Caffé Americano Red Eye Caffé A single shot of Hot water added Black coffee 1 shot of espresso pure espresso to espresso in with 1 shot with 2 parts equal parts of espresso steamed milk, 1 part milk foam

Chocolate Syrup Milk Foam Steamed Milk Milk Foam Half & Half Steamed Milk Black Milk Foam Coffee Espresso Espresso Espresso Café Au Lait Café Mocha Macchiato Caffé Breve Black coffee with 1 shot of espresso A dash of milk 1 shot of espresso, 1/3 steamed milk with 2 parts foam atop of 1 2 parts half & half, steamed milk, 1 shot of espresso topped with a thin part milk foam and layer of milk foam chocolate syrup

Whipped Cream Milk Foam Espresso Black Milk Steamed Hot Water Espresso Espresso Café Mélange F lat White 1 shot of espresso Black coffee Espresso added Unsteamed milk mixed with 1 part topped with to hot water in added to 1 shot steamed milk, 2 whipped cream equal parts of espresso parts milk foam

Steamed Milk Espresso Sweetened Honey Whipped Cream Cinnamon Condensed Milk Ice Black Cream Coffee Espresso Espresso Café Bombón Affogato Vienna Coffee Café Miel 1 shot of espresso fill topped 1 shot of espresso Black coffee, cup with sweetened off with espresso topped with cinnamon, and condensed milk whipped cream honey topped with steamed milk

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