September 14
Official Publication of the National Collegiate Athletic Association September 14,1987, Volume 24 Number 31 Executive Committee approves record budget A record $79,425,000 NCAA op- 1987-88 NCAA revenue: 81.2 percent will come from the 1987-88 NCAA expense: 58.9 percent of total will be paid erating budget for 1987-88 was ap- Division I Men’s Basketball Championship. directly to member institutions. proved by the Association’s Executive Committee at its August meeting, representing an increase of $22,046,000-or 38.4 percent- over 1986-87.The expected revenue increase of $20 million from the Division 1 Men’s Basketball Cham- pionship comprises 93.8 percent of the total budget increase. Of the approved budget, 68.9 percent will be returned to member institutions and conferences, or set aside for scholarships and educa- tional benefits to students. Mem- bership payments occur through distribution of receipts from cham- pionships, grants, per diem allow- ances, transportation guarantees ” N MbK’ and royalties (58.9 percent). An A. Dlvision I Men’s Basketball Championshtp _. _. _. 564,497,SOO 81.2yo A Dws~on I Men’s Basketball Champmnship- distribution additional 10 percent has been set orrece,pts* ................................. 532,150,700 40 5% aside for postgraduate scholarships, B. Grant to Nallonal Collegiate Foundation’* ...... 6,800,oOO B. Other Division I championships .,............. 5,564,100 7 0 clinics for America’s youth and es- C. Championships-transpwtation guaranlee>* ........... 4,666,200 i.; D Champwnshlpr-game and admmlstrative expense ...... 3,YYO.Oon 5.0 tablishment of a foundation to assist C.
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