FOGHORSan Francisco N UNIVERSITY OF SAN FRANCISCO \ Oil Ml. XX M MHl K I \\ KDNKSI) \V. SEPTEMBER 4. 1991 Father Schlegel Motivates Campus As He Takes Over tion of preparing its students to be lead­ Stephen A. Ferry tunities for faculty research and travel. 3. Increasing the diversity of lhe stu­ ers, lobe ac­ Editor-in-Chief Increas­ dent and faculty population. Although tive, cre­ ing fac­ the University started it's dnve to more Wilh background music courtesy of ative, critical ulty re­ widely diversify the campus, Schlegel lhe Welcome Week Dance in Harney and ethically search would like to see USF better reflect thc Plaza blanng through hisoffice windows. responsible undoubt­ rapidly changing ethnic make-up of the Rev. John Schlegel, S.J. spoke candidly members of edly lakes City. on his life and his plans for the Universily society time from 4. A reinsertion of USF inio thc city of of San Francisco as its 26th President. Hc across thc teaching San Francisco. USF will once again live feels comfortable around students and centuries sched­ its motto: Pro Urbe et Universitale, (For works to make their lives easier. He did and across s^ ules. His thc City and the Universily). Reflecting not mind the music, in fact he even asked all national/ plans do on the City's needs, the University will occasionally thc name of thc band per­ ethnic bor­ nol in­ take lhe responsibility on thc quality of forming. ders," he clude in­ life here. Schlegel envisions the campus Fr. Schlegel has only been in office for said during creasing becoming a place for political forums and nearly three months, but has already his speech to the size of members of the University community, outlined five specific goals for the Uni­ incoming classes or both faculty members and students, tak­ versity: students. relying on ing an active role in the city through l.To recommit the Universily io the 2. To pro­ teaching public service and internships. Jesuit and Catholic goals of caring, to vide a qual­ assistants, 5. A commitment to multi-culturalism once again be service orientated . ity education but if by capitalizing on San Francisco's focus, "It is our belief at USF that a Jesuit by improv­ needed, which includes international businesses education is value orientated, seeks the ing faculty increas­ and relations with thc Pacific Rim. truth, develops the whole person, and resources, ing the Schlcgel wants to expand international fosters personal integrity," Schlcgel said redesigning size of thc studies. in his Convocation Address. "We like lo the core cur- faculty. "I want USF lo be a model Catholic think we produce graduates who share nculum, "Al­ university," Schlcgel said. this view, graduates who have developed which is though it Fr. Schlcgel comes to the Bay Area at a mature commitment to a set of values currently in may be a time where there is much transition in and have thc necessary self discipline to committee courtesy Uif Pubkc Man expen­ the leadership of local colleges and uni live by those values." proceedings, but scheduled to be released sive, I am dedicated to providing quality "Jesuit education has a 450 year tradi­ in November, and providing more oppor­ education," said Schlegel. Please see Schleeel. oafe 6 Hohle-Duncan Resigns From Residence Life Director Search Office of Student Development Temporarily Called Off Kimberly Kauer "The position will not be dropped, but Kimberly Kauer who was Acting Residence Life Director News Editor just spread out differently among more of News Editor since former Director, Connie Foley re­ the staff members," Vice Presidentlordan- signed August 24, 1990. Cindy Hohle-Duncan, Assistant Vice Cox said. The position of Director of Residence Foley resigned to take over a similar President of Studeni Development, re­ Before moving to USF, Hohle-Duncan Life is slill open and thc search for a position at Kent State Universily. signed from her post on August 14 in was the Associate Dean of Students at replacement has been temporarily called Travenick left to take a position at St. order to complete her dissertation. Menlo College and Director of Graduate off, according to Dr. Carmen Jordan- Mary's College in Moraga. Hohle-Duncan is completing her Ed.D. Student Affairs at thc Anncnberg School Cox, Vice Presideni of Student Devel­ A Search Committee was set up to find in Organization and Leadership from thc of Communications at the University of opment. a new director, but according to Darnita School of Education here at the Univer­ Southern California. Gary Maslowski is currently serving as sity of San Francisco. Acting Director, replacing Ron Travenick, Please see Residence Ufe, page 6 Hohle-Duncan, who held her position for about three years, would like to return to an administrative position or go into leaching after her Ed.D is completed. Child Care Proposal Considered "I would like to return to a university signed members of the USF community, Kimberly Kauer setting," Hohle-Duncan said. "If not here, enthusiastically and wholeheartedly sup­ News Editor than at another university. I really do like port this undertaking and urge USF to it here, I like thc students." A petition containing more lhan 100 open an on-site child care center...Studies Hohlc-Duncan's position is not being signatures demanding that child care be show lhat employee-parents whose chil­ filled, bul lhe responsibilities she held arc provided al USF is currently silling on thc dren arc in a secure, on-site child care being spread out among different people desk of Father President John P. Schlcgel, center have higher attendance rates, in thc Office of Siudcnt Development. S.J. waiting for a decision from him. productivity, longevity and commitment According lo Dr. Carmen Jordan-Cox, Thc petitions, which were circulated in to lhe work place." Vice President of Student Development, carly June by thc Committee For Child Thc petitions were immediately re­ thc decision to not replace thc position Care, were delivered to Fr. Schlegel's sponded to by Fr. Schlcgel, who sent a was made to provide thc Sludenl Devel­ office, along with a Idler. opment Office with "more direct contact Thc letter states that "wc the under­ Please see Child Care, page 5 with thc students." NEWS SELECTED SYNOPS )F STUDENT NEWS FROM AROUND THE WORLD Federal Report Shows Change in Florida Murders Slowly Settle As Thursday, September 5 Pregnant Teenagers November Trial Nears Foghorn General Interest Meeting Interested in joining the award-winning San Francisco Foghorn, many positions available. Foghom Office GAINSVILLE- The landlord of one of the girls killed ATLANTA- A recently released report from the LL Phelan Hall 4 pm Federal Centers for Disease Control reported that during last year's string of studeni murders paid thc girl's parents approximately S35O.0O0 io settle a lawsuit. Thc increasing numbers of pregnant teenagers under age 15 Daily Mass for University Community parents claim thai the apartment security was lax. The girl, are choosing to have their babies raiher than opt for an Campus Ministry will be sponsoring a daily Mass 18-year-old Chrisia Hoyt, was a siudcnt al Santa Fc Com­ abortion. Thc report showed that in 1988, in the cases of (Monday-Friday) in Xavier Chapel. 5:05 pm girls under 15, there were 1,000 who chose to have their munity College. Meanwhile, on August 30, the prime sus­ pect in the scries of slayings of Gainsvillc college students babies for every 949 who chose to have abortions. This is Grog Nighl was convicted of armed robbery. Danny Harold Rolling the highest ratio since 1973, thc year in which abortion Associated Students Activities and Programs (ASAP) could face up to life imprisonment for thc robbery under was legalized. Thc report showed that there were is holding thc first Grog Nighl of thc year. Must be 21 laws which apply to habitual offenders. Rolling has nol been 1,371,285 abortions in the year 1988 which was up 1 and over, must have USF and one other valid picture formally charged wilh the Gainsville murders: a November percent since 1987. Statistics also showed that women ID. $3.00 Fog & Grog Pub. University Ccnter9:30 pm date has been set to present lhe case to a grand jury who did not graduate from high school were more likely - 1:30 am to give birth instead of having an abortion lhan those who pertaining to Rolling's involvement in thc killings. had completed high school. Friday, September 6 Berkeley Professor Fasts To Gain Last day to add/drop classes without faculty and dean Record-Setting Tailback Quits Publicity For His Cause signatures for undergraduates. Over Academics BERKELEY- UC Berkeley Professor Charles Schwartz Sunday, September 8 OHIO- A sophomore tailback at Ohio State who broke thc began fasting on August 20 as an attempt to persuade thc UC Student Mass freshman rushing record last year has quit thc football team Board of Regents to discuss one of his ideas at iheir next Campus Ministry welcomes everyone to our first ihis year, claiming that the coaching staff disregards aca­ meeting. Thc physics professor has been only drinking Sunday Student Mass ofthe year. St. Ignatius Church demics. Robert Smilh, a microbiology major, said he de­ water while fasting for lhe past few weeks. Schwartz's idea 9 pm cided to attend Ohio State because hc believed "it was the is to have the 26-membcr board which governs the UC best NCAA Division I school for academics and athletics." system be elected instead of being appointed by the gover­ Monday, September 9 Smith said he was told on numerous occasions to miss class nor.
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