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The Ledger & Times, May 26, 1956

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1956 Selected As A Best All Round Kentucky Community Newspaper

Largest Largest Circulation In The Circulation In The City; Largest 2, City; Largest it. Circulation In Circulation In tt, The County rs. The County my, es 2, IN OUR 77th YEAR May 26, 1956 MURRAY POPULATION 10,100 Vol. LXXVII No. 126 U. United Press Murray, Ky., Saturday Afternoon, ly n- The New $100,000 Electric And Water Plant Building iht Open House Planned Here At New Utilities Building

Large Head Lettuce '!.-1 Attend- Miss Stout Is Is Brought To L&T Public Invited To A P. Slaughter of South 11th And Inspect Modern Facilities Entry In street brought in a head of lettuce this morning that measured 141e inches in diameter The large head• The new office building of the is* the home last year averaged which sound Beauty Contest was to the center. Murray Electric System and the less than one cent a kilowatt weighed three pounds and four Water and Sewer System hour In 1943, average cost for --- Murray ounces. will be officially opened on Mon- home use -.vas 3 11 cents a kwh. Miss Beverly Jeanne Stout, Mr. Slaughter said that he had day, May 28, E S Ferguson. Taxes Paid The electric system daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Carl eaten English peas for the past Superintendent of the Electric paid into the city's general fund Stout. has been selected by the two weeks and had plenty of hard System. announced today. last year about $25.000 in tax Murray Junior Chamber of Com- head cabbage. The new building will be open evuivalents. merce as their entry in the Min He said that he got an early for the public's inspection from Robert Hine. Superintendent of West Kentucky Queen's contest start by preparing his garden in 10:00 a.m. tit 7 p.m.. Ferguson Murray's Water and Sewer System to be held in Paducah. tonight. the fall and ridging the roan. said. Light refreshments will be cited these examples of the pro- There she will compete with other In the Spring. the rows are all served and visitors will be con- gress of the water and sewer entries for the title "Miss West ready and he last has to plant ducted through the building system. Kentucky" Mr. Slaughter scl,s that he does Plant Value: Now stands at According to Ferguson. the build- Miss West Kentucky Queen's not have to worry about tile $895,000 Total assets to plow .n ing. the newest and most modern Customers: Water customers--11.230.000. total Contest is sponsored by the Pa- soil being too wet in Murray. was built at a total the ducah Junior Chamber of Com- the Spring, by preparing his rows 2,400. almost 1.600 people use cost of about $100.000. It was System beautifully landscaped grounds was done merce The winner will represent in the fall. sewer system Pictured above is the new Murray Electric The financed entirely from earnings. people Garden Department the Paducah Jaycees in the National Use of Water- Last year and Murray Water System building located at the in- through the cooperation of the The electric system paid for 70 of 267.764.650 Cotton Queen's Contest to be held in Murray used a total tersection of North Fourth and Olive. of the MurrayWoman's Club. per cent of the building and the an average of at Blytheville. Arkansas comet:me Former Murrayan Is gallons of water, water and sewer system. 30 per a day. in September. 733.000 gallons Honored With 0ffice cent. Capacity: The city la Arts Department MISS Stoll( is a senior at Murray Pumping "We cordially invite everyone three 'wells. two High School, where she has been Club supplied from Girl Scouts Plan Summer Surplus Food In WOliklites to come in and go through the of 600 gallons Will Hold Meeting with a capacity very active in school activities: "It's own- building." Ferguson said. minute each and one with a She was selected Best Looking Conover. NC. — Mrs Walter a -C-reatsue- --Arta- Department.. ed_ lax Abe.etestufg._,A_Murray and 800 -gallona_a. miaow L,ir'l or"'Mr - Seiner Claer-111111F-Zrme 'set-I-Rower orrhird Avenue will be just Training To Be Given -- of - the- Murray Wyman's- Club will we know that they 'The Water and Sewer System Projects For Murray High. Basketball Sweet NE. Conover was elected secretary as we are." said. have a luncheon meeting at the as proud of it is in excellent shape." Huie Heart of Fourth District and Foot- of the North Carolina Junior Worn featured club house on Monday. May 28 "We ve added several new ball Queen for two years. Her an's Club at the State Convention The beautifulness building is Special surrener projects planned tour through Audubon Park and workshop will be held begin- , new equipment during Out On June 1 A I major in high school is Home througlPIIit Besides the and much by two of Murray Council Girl through the zoo in Evansville A, of the North Carolina Federation modern The present ning at ten o'clock in the morning the past 10 years 0 Economics_ of Women's Clubs held in Durham usual office space. it has a large the Scout troops )00M large in the Henderson Girl Scout troop of followed by the luncheon at noon. system LS capable of handling vacation hap- Mrs. Isenhower. who has been auditorium and all electric kitchen. taking list of important similar age has issued an invita- Surplus food commodities will After the business meeting Bak city's present needs and MOSQ1:11TOES FOUGHT SD active member of the Conover It's electrically heated and a:r pens tion to Troop 15 to spend some be distributed at the back of group will attend the Industrial etre of future growth." 156 JswaOr v'omen's Club for the past conditioned with three 5-ten h' at 111bop 12, under the leadership time together during their stay. Tabers Upholstery Shop on North Arts Open House Exhibit at Murray three yeafs was Installed as Pried- pumps There is a night depository Mrs. Ario Sprunsar. ij working arid i Henderson tin/real has invit- Third street:on Friday June 1 from State 2o11eee. MADISONVILLK May 26 SP — dent of the local club She is the for the convenience of customers. Kills Parents hard in preparation for a trip to ed the troop to attend services. 8:30 to 4:30. All members are urged to attend. Boy Aerial spraying to control halt former MIS'S Carolyn Vaughn dau- 'The growth of the electric Berea. Kentucky, July 23 through The girls hove voted to attend Persons picking up food for an- They marsh mosquitoes was completed and Mrs. C L Vaughn system, plus the growth of the Because August 2. to see "Wilderness both Sunday School and the serv- other person, are urged to bring ghter of Mr. in Hopkins County Friday but a Murray.' Ky. an 4 a graduate water and sewer system. is re- Road". the much publicized dra- ice in a body Four adults will that persons card and a note of "Hated Him" Murrayans In neighboring county may need the cf Murray State Coltege at Murray sponsible for this new building." matic production telling the story accompany each cabin-full of girls. signed authorizing them to get spraying planes Mrs. Isenhower is a member of Ferguson said "We had to have WATSEKA. tn.. May 26 V —A of chats in a phase of Kentucky Scrtbe Doran reports as civic the food Those getting food are School Exercises the state advisory board of the more space and more modern -year-old boy shot his foster history In witneteng the play the activities performed by Troop'IS also urged eo bring a container. The four planes used in com- 15 students will re- Children's Home in Greensboro. a facilities in order to continue to parents to death Frisby night be- tie% will are enacted before their the recent stint of baby-sithng for A total of 872 batting the insects sprayed the Applications will again be taken University of position she has held for the past keep up with the progress of cause they "hated him." eyes events of the past that have little folks during PTA meeting. ceive degrees at the Flat Creek and Clear Creek wa- on the following Monday at the commence- two years Active in all religious, Murray" Lester Deffenbach, first blasted May 2. at Kentucky's 89th annual tersheds in the Nebo section Fri- shaped the !sots of today's living— uahering the PTA Horse house for those who have affairs here since Ferguson gave these examples with three court ment program to be held Monday day civic and social Stanley Jensen. 34, which is one of the hart ways to Show. and participating in the signed up for her home. progress in Murray. shotgun. not as yet morning. May 28 at Memorial adopting Conover of electrical rounds from a 12 gauge apprectateathe impse.-t of history presentation of prizes Troop 15 has these commodities is a member of Plant Value' Now stands wife. In the future Colesetan in Lexington In Marshall County residents Mrs. Isenhower Electric Then he pursued Jensen's The play is to further t h e also been busy with various skills four times will be given out on the first have _reported swarms of the Concordia Lutheran church, where at more than $775,000, Margery. 31. and he kOled her scouts badge work in history, necessary for the Day Camp week. University President H L. Don- when Murray Friday of each month. mosquitoes and officials said the she is active in the Young Bible what it was in 1942 with a single shot from and the trtp micron the state will practicing especially lashing and Cecil ovan. who will retire from the In low cost TVA Mrs Buford Hurt and Mrs_ planes would be used there in Class and the Dorcas Society started distributing rifle knot tying, and presidency on September 1. will caliber 1;kewise add enrichment material rehearsing rules Farris are in charge of the food the nw few days The spraying garden club work she is a member generated electricity gave up quiet- a/1- 'Deffenbacti. who for this badge. as well as their of safe practise in the operation deliver the commencement Garden Club. Hours Sold: Last year distobution in Hopkins County has been a of the Pine Cone Kilowatt ly after the shootings, told sher- Traveler's badge. while their of a camp program dress. He is completing his 15th Randall 40 million In 1943 success. County Jude( R Slaton She has one son. Charles totaled almost iff's deputies he had been plan- camping in the state park area Mrs William Wallace. troop year as president of the university. Murray used just a little said (Randy) Isenhower. people in ning "for •months" to kill the farm while at Berea will add to their leader, reports that her popular University Registrar RL•beit L. 4 million kilowatt Murray Students To )mode than couple. but didn't have the nerve carriperdhip qualificatkmns In pre- assistant. (Mrs Alton). "Spangie" Mills reported that this year's class hours. to do it until Friday night. the have been Rodgers. at last report plane Degrees Monday includes graduates from 101 Ken- Home Use: Last year paration. scouts to Get Average Authorities said the boy was an divided into patrols responsible for be beck in Murray for the Day ----- counties. 23 other states, This Week's Balance Sheet climbed to 8.195 kwh. That is inmate of the St Charles. m., of their journey Camp week, providing the con- Dr Harry Sparks of Murray and four foreign countries. Seven- times the national average various aspects three school for boys. a state institution tinued State College will be the speaker teen doctorates. 133 ma st ers and., as much as was across the state and camp - out arnprovernent of her father. and seven times until the Jensens of bache-. In The Hot And Cold Wars for delinquents, while at Berea Menus have been recently seriously ill, warrants her at the graduation exercises professional degrees and 722 used in 1948. used took him into their home in July, planned, necessary equipment de- return Well-wishing of all Murray Reit:118nd High School on Tuesday. lors degrees will be awarded, he Average Cost. Electricity 1954. scouters goes to Mrs May 29 at 800 o'clock added. By CHARLES M. MCANN home with • more favorable view 1 cided upon. Itinerary studied for tygers now Deffenbach said he armed him- , the of sight-seeing. plus in New Jeraey. At 2:00 pm on Sunday. tomor- Those from Murray who will United Press Staff Correspondent of American policy. • maximum Subs self with Jensen's three guns dur- value. plus time and row. Dr H C. Chiles will deliver receive degrees are Bobby Hutch- The weeks good and bad news The Bad More Atomic historical ing the afternoon while they were the Baccalaureate sermon in the ens, Robert Foy, Gene Wells, ,rid on the international balance sheets : 1 The increasing friendliness of travel-aaving. The individual girls To Be Constructed out. When Jensen Pepped into the earning their Frost Causes school gynasium Bobby Dowdy The Good preeident-Ptemier Camel Adbel are busy necessary kitehen Friday night. the boy was Nasser of Egypt to the Communists 26 II?- funds, and intermit is high. Heavy Damage 1 The United States dropped an WASHINGTON. May waiting with agi ebotgun, a pistol Waynette Doran. of Troop caused serious misgivings in Wash- more atomic Scribe H-bomb from a B52 intercontinen- Construction of two and a rifle. ington Secretary of White John larg- 15. reports similar activities and tal plane over little Namu submarines -- one the Navy's toldlikte he killed By bomber Foster Dulles expressed regret The youth plans for her troop, under the United Press Industrial Arts Display At at its fastest — will Island in the western Pacific. The est, the other Jensen instantly with the shotgun, A late spring frost struck the Nasser's recognition of Communist at Groton, direction of Mrs William Wallace. test was completely successtul. It start next Tuescity threw the weapon into a cistern, several nation's northeast Friday causing China. President Eisenhower, at For the past weeks, teamed the terrible destructive Conn. and then waited for Jensen's wife. damage estimated at $5 million his press conference said he craft Waynette's notes on troop business Parker Motors For Two Days power of the H-bomb to the Keels of the new undersea ffenbach emptied the nine- to the Massashusetts fruit crop thought Nasser was making a fanfare at have been concerned with the world's fastest giant bomber. Thus will be laid with little stint pistol at Mrs Jensen' when alone. mistake Nasser. the next day. Divi- planned week -end trip to Hender- there was added to the American the yards of Electric Beat trent door with In the Southwest, more thhnder- There will be an exhibit of in- Murray exhibit The winning pro- announced that he had accepted she came in the ck son and Audubon Park, June 1. which could General Dynamics Corps. arsenal a new weapon invitation to visit •Chinese sion of her two daughters. Sandra. 9, and showers were expected to send chietrial arts projects made by jects Will be selected by a judging an Red to nine the of Troop 15 is working on Traveler's destroy any city, anywhere in the The two craft bring Sharon. 5. but missed all shots swollen Oklahoma rivers over their students at Murray High School team and approxsmately five per- Premier Chou En-Lai. It was subs built Badge The scouts have mapped world, in answer to an attack on total of atomic powered Mrs Jensen fled screaming from bank in the wake of three straight and the Trarninc School in the cent of the best projects will be announced also that Nasser would are out their route, figured the milage the United States. It was reported or being built Another six her daughtere. The rain-drenched .days Parker Motors show room on Sat- eligible to be sent to Dearborn send • military mission to Peiping. the house with )its and planned their tame to the that in further tests. next month. scheduled for construction during close behind with Early crops on truck farms urday. May 28 and Sunday. May at Ford's expense to compete in the Red capital, led by his defense youth followed last available minute and activity. the United States might set off the fiscal• year starting July 1 shouted: )n. 11/ throughout Connecticut. New 27 the National Contest in July. minister. the rifle and Patrols have. been formed, two to weapon -- possibly new submarine will be Rhode Island. Neew another new France seemed heading toward The big "There's no use in running. Hampshire. This exhibit is being sponsored 2. to each of the two cabins to be oc- Parker Motors and two local an H-bomb warhead attached to a a radar picket boat, designed husband is dead " Jersey and New York were h.t jointly by the. Ford Motor Corn- another of its many cabinet crises. Your ith cupied. and housekeeping charts high .chools cordially invite every- pilotless missile. screen naval task forces against ran about 300 yards hard by the hard frost Alfalfa Awards Divi- Pierre Mendes-France, co-leider of Mrs Jensen set forth the responsibilities of pany Industrial Arts attack. It wn.1 and clover crops of cattlefeed one to vIFIl the industrial arts the government coalition, resigned air. sea or undersea before collapsing from exhauto sion, Dearborn, Michigan. Parker 2. President Eisenhower had some with every scout, while charts show exhibit today and Sunday in the premier weigh 6,000 tons,..compared Hon. Diffenbach said she begged •ou growers also guttered. Motors, local Ford dealer. the comforting words for Americans from his post as vice the activities planned for the locad Ford dealers show rooth In- with the 3.000-ton Nautilus--the world's for her life when he caught up Western Kentucky Industrial Arts the free world is because of disagreements journey and the stay. Menus and who fear thet atomic sub. Early reports fom New Jersey cluded in the exhibit will be a Communists Premier Guy Mollet over Algerian first with her, but he ignored her pleas Astor-Salton, Murray High ashttol losing ground to the ,radar wardrobes have been discuaaed and indicated whole fields of tomatoes large variety of furniture pieces, and other issues:. Mollet announced A g.-eat weight of modern and killed her with a ehot in the and the Training Sdhool. in the cold war H said that 'OU decided upon Activities will In. were destroyed Rockland County plastic projects. leathercraft pro- demand a vote and other detection gear for de- chest. troublesome new problems were that he would chide swimming and hiking. a farmers In New York a For several years the Ford jects and metal projects which next tecting attacks conning from any ran counted West-East competition. of confidence in a debate The daughters to nearby Motor Company has sponsored an rising in crammed into the total loss estimated as high as were mode by students in the in- military. week on North African policy. direction will be farm houses from where neigh- nag Industrial Arts award program on economic as well as only 3300.000 Strawberry and cherry dustrial arts shops at Murray High He was expected to win it. But hull of the sub, now known bors called authorities Sheriff's on out- Things are far from perfect, he said WEATHER crops in the area were reported the national lee.] whereby School and the Training School. as submarine No. $86. The boat deputies said the boy made no at- lest in a Washington press conference. his shaky goverment appeared to wiped out. standirrg industrial arts school These students have done very will be driven by two atomic re- to eecape. REPORT But, he held • "I think there is be getting steadily weaker. tempt The cold mese of air sent tem- !shop proje:ts have been sent to outstanding work this year and actors trio much pessimism. .we are 3. The Cyprus situation got in- Ry United Press peratures skidding to a Dearborn. Michigan to compete in it the parents The second sub. designed for at- record would appreciate if making progress, although it is creasingly explosive. In London, Southwest Kentucky -- Mostly low of 42 in Newark. N.J. and a rational judging contest in whict. cit.zens w!ll conic were tack. will be more astonishing in Pre-School Clinic and by to see sldiosawppoa inndtintgertuous. and, at times. special guards given cabinet cloudy with scattered showers and to 27 in eastern Long Isiand, numerous prizes have been award- the beatibitul projects they have ministers and the Duke of Edin- many ways than any of the ear,'Set For .mm the time Concord possible thunderstorms today Sho- N.Y ed. This year for first made in their classes. burgh, husband of Queen Elizabeth. her atomic-powered -vessels Nam- the Ford Motor Company is soon- wers ending tonight and becoming Turbulent weather in the. South- 3 The visit of President Sukarno in fear of assassination attempts ed the Skipjark, it will feature New Concord preschool clink 74 Low eoriror jointly with local agencies Fred Scriustz is instructor of In- partly cloudy High today west brought a flurry of Tornado of Indonesia, a leading Asian by Greek Cypriots who want a teareirop shaped "Albacore" hull will be held May 29. 1956 at the community industrial arts school dustrial arts at Murray High Mr. tonight 65 Sunday partly cloudy reports Into Texas and Oklahoma "neutralist," to the United States the island handed to Greece. which takes its name from the County Health Center between shop exhibits throughout t h e Schultz was assisted by Teddy and warmer weather bureaus Friday One- was promised to bring good results. In Turkish Cypriots, enraged by the experimental. conventionally-pow- 9 AM and 11 30 AM for all im country prier t6 the national ex- Lath and Kenneth Cremer The sighted near Eldorado. °kin , his speeches. Sukarno criticized murder of a Turkish policeman ered sub Albacore children who will enter school a.m temperaturer hibit which will be held at Dear- instructors of industrial arts at Some 5:30 Friday night by Ground Observer the American military aid program. in Cyprus. stoned Greek shops. The combination of high-speed this fall Parents are requested Pa- the Training School are student Louisville 62. Lexingtein 59. Corps. Two funnels were reported born. Michigan on July 11. 12 and But he also had many friendly British troops intervened to prevent hull and single atomic reactor are to bring their child at that time. 61. Lon- under supervision of ducah 63. Bowling Green elsewhere in the state, and a pair 13. Approximately 25 Ford gold teachers the things to say He showed a warm. new outbreaks The Cypriot ex- expected to give the Skipjack It is a state law that every child pins Mr J don 57. Covington $8 and Hopkins. In Texas and XI-Certificates will be Ronald Baird of the indus- appealing personality which won tremists called out school children. much more speed than the Nau- ..must have a small pox vaccination to in- trial arts department at Murray villa62. None were confirmed, and no awarded students entering him friends. There seemed reason including girls six years old, to tilus. which itself zips along under and physical examination before Ky. Evansville, Ind., 64. damage was reported. dustrial arts projects in the local State College. to hope that he would return insult and stone British than 20 knots. soldiers. water at more l entering school.


• •

a, LEDGER &•TIINTB KT, SATURDAY — MAY 26, 1956 PAGE TWO THE MURRAY, ee COOL TEIEP`t 'NEITHER SNOW NOR.. .' MOVING HOUSE AWAY THE LEDGER & TIMES -SPORT PARADE GREENFIELD. Iowa It? — Bur- glars, thinking of their own com- lac., BIlitHED BV LEDGER TIMEs PUBLISHING COMPANY. fort, first rolled a supermarket Murray Ledger. The Calloway Times, and The ;aonsolidatein of the ilubhi use. I Lit like they all were cafe into the meat cooler .ind !hen West By OSCAR FRALF1 l'imes-Heiald. October 20, 1928, and the Kentuckian, January robbed of $800 United Press sparta la 1. 'old friends of mine." it 1, 1942. • I W YORK - T.a a • tiail Magoe's hopes are high as he JAMES C. W1LLNAMS. PUBLISHER world looks on the arrival of contemplates pitching oath that 1,61.1111140141111111160111111 Sal Maghe with the Broaklyn Adverttsing. Letters to the Editor. • famed Dodger power behind him. vie reserve the right to reject any Dedgios as one of the a eOdest Funeral Wreaths are not for the best or Public Voice items which in our opinion events in the history of the aarne "1 oasnt pitching well for a and Sprays interest of our readers. while bicauee of a bad baak." he Ni..: even the days wlien "Favo ong it gave roe 4 rtistically Arrang-td NATIONAL REPRESENTATIVES. WALLACE WITMER CO. 1368 explained. • Made a habit of putting three pitching habits. but tin Monroe. Memphia, Tema: 250 Park Ave New York; 307 N Michigan bad men on base -- the same base— Out now aidI feel Ave., Chicage; 80 Bolyston St., Boston etiaightened a candle to the aBaraer" okay. I ULM, I can help Brook- antered at the Post Office. Murray. Kentucky, for transmission as over a Flatbush chair The lyn." !once was that he'd better Second Class Matter Whicn, whether he admits it or keep his razor handy. 15th at Poplar — Call 479 i not, art words you never thought SUBSCRIPTION RATES: By Carrier in Murray. per week 20c, per Maglie. once one 01 the i you'd hear from "the Barber." thon.n 85c. In Calloway and counties, per year $3 SO: eLSb Bat to r.- of the hated Giants, the than who paced the dramatic seri here, $.3.50. detested ,•', 'just like coming home." !Giant pennant march which un- the Dodgers in 1951 SATURD.-XY — NIAY 26. 197,6 ;seated _— _ _ li was a much stianger feeling Now. ,f the Dodgers can only a ea.!, the G.arts arOd me to get oantay Thomson from Mawau- . . MURRAY t e aa!ii nd .n rnid- i 951." Mag tie kee that o .a will be complete. Five Years Ago Today ,ex• 'anted as he sat in the Dod er ,driassIrg rocen with 'that unlarnaiie DRIVE-IN Ledger and Times File lettering across his chest. -rtt:.. *ai reaay a startling Robinson feeling." SATURDAY ONLY! J. D. "Dillon" Purdom. age 84. passed away at the Five O'Clieek Shadow Murray Hospital yesterday. May 21 at 10:00 o'clock f°1- Sal had a faraway look .n h * DOUBLE FEATURE * ha?: at lowing a pneumonia attack. He been a patient the t ycs as he ran a hand acrao Elated Over "MONTANA TERRITORY" hospital for the past four years. ais fame five ticket sharloo in TECHNICOLOR ever-blooming stubble whiaa !he snow nor rain nor with Lon McCallister He is survived by one son, %'ells Purdom of Murray: whet, N. postman certainly fulfills the mail carrier creed, "Neither •esultcd In his nickname THIS ALBANY, y., and Wanda Hendrix 0 )0 these couriers from the swift completion of their appointed rounds." To com- a daughter, Mrs. Kelly Dick of Paris, Tenn., two brothers 7, came up to the Gants al I heat nor night stays to chase this house down the Weer... He is shown climbing up to — P-L-U-S — and three grand-children. 1950 after playing in the Mexican ----- plete his appointed round he had (International Boistielplioto) "THE STRATTON STORY" League. That was when Leo Du- .By JACK CUDDY put mail in the mailbox. Jim "Miss Writer starring Phyllis Herrold and Slattery were named a cher took one glance and grunt- United Press Sports - - at St. Louis .Body Beautiful" and "Mr. Body Beautiful," respectively id: LOS ANGELES 4I4 —C Nt Louis 6 Chicago 1. night with itt--the Physical Education and "M"' Club's annual Sprin;! Sugar Ray Robinson. elii'i .0 aHe looks Tore like the Barber Carl LEAGUE SUNDAY and MONDAY Water Carnival held—in Carr Health Building May 8 and ' his "no fluke" knockout over MAJOR Games handling the end chair" return mid- Today's ,IIIHINEmMumommismos 9. fivei"Bobo" Olson in their After which in more thar "GENTLEMEN MARRY titlelght. said today. Brooklyn at New York ! l'O SAVE MONEY About 2.000 Shriner?: will meet in Murray on May :30 seasons as a Giant. Maglie "shaved' BRUNETTES" I I wolud make my next Pittsburgh at Philadelphia for their Spring Ceremonial, according to information a lot of rivals — the the closest On Your Plumbing in Technicolor and Cinemsticope edefense against Carmen Basilic> in Cincinnati at Milwaukee contained in the order's publication. "The Rezpah Roc- razor jobs held in reserve Jane Russell, Jeanne Crain, t New York" Chti.ago at St. Louis ket". Through that perfor ad Alan Young and he Dodgers The 35 year-old Raa, who again Mr. and Mrs. B. Futrell and Jr.. he wen from Bra, klert and Elroy Sykes Scott Brady A. son. A. B. and flattened ex-champ Olson May 18. BY ios anly six, hurling five shutouts daughters. Nell and Joan. left Wednesday for Pineville to before 20.000, at Wrigley Field. t' rrts) Tomorrow's Games PLUMBING CO the club he most loved to - attend the Mountain Laurel Festival being held this at explained, "Chairman Julius Hell- ?KESS Brooklyn at New York zirESM-4 week. Jean is representing Murray State Cellege in the beat. and, of the New York Boxing But then he was sold to Cleve- Pittsburgh at Philadelphia, 2 Queen contest of the festival. Her escort is Billy Joe lth Cammission asked me to make the STANDINGS land and • there, among a we•- Cincinnati at Milwaukee • Crass, student at the University of Cincinnati, who is Nev. York defense, and I would of pitchers. Maglie got lost. Lest like to do it' Basin° of Syracuse. AIN ST. MOTORS the son of Mr. and Mr. Dewey Crass,. aea_ea r he pitched only 26 innings N.YY. is an ex-welterweight champ. CULL BROOD SOWS NOW. James L Johnson, Tax Commissioner of Calloway for the Indians_ This spring they Ray `added. "Maybe I'd really SAYS, SWINE SPECIALIST Cqunty. today announced that the tax assessment of used him for only five innings 1. W L Pct. GB get a chance to show whether my Calloway County hod risen to over fifteen million dollars in two games 'before taking Brook- New York 25 11 OH e . legs are gone against Ekisiao." Cull your ib.riouodw-_sojaLoows tieno:,e says is pleased to announce fot 1951. yri's cash last week Cleveland ...... 19 13 504 4i: Grady Sellards. !Kentucky Eiten- the He said he didn't get a chance -Going to Cleveland was 17 14 548 5,1 get-, •61:41..y 18 becaioso_h_.4 thel4:317t"" mon Service swine specialist, t u ht'agtti Instated 14 15 519 Si, - the of lowly -and -4asesticalatt ausalsato niu rid employment -e eied nie slew 0 441 • unore 13- sows that are unsatisfactory from WYears_Ago This Week leariunates -ft knocked out Bah _Franciaceit • n 13 19 406 '10 Boon at 2.5f-- of the-fon-mei -rated. ans4g_ cty cunformatian standpuinta_.. - Ledger and Times File ase af strange parks. strange Detroit • 13 20 394 10r, Ring Illittery Repeals Lao rs and nothing but rtrange Washington 13 20 .394 10fa Another good reason for such Comcuientally. it was at 2:51 of CLYDE STEELE ;Misses Frances and Nell Caraway. south Fourth (aces" culling now. Sellards says. o that gr.n on the second round in Chicago. last . stzleet, spent the week-end with their friends. Mr. and Thin.. was a satast.ed hogs prices are not too high and face which Dec. 9. when Robinson climaxed Yesterday's Games his herb set of Pleasant Grove. the lean. saturnine the farmer can get Mrs. Woodrow Rickman South his comeback by re- Baltimore 2. night glowers habltually when he is on Now York 10 for the time when prices will be •Claude L. Miller has qualified for a trip to the crown and mourd capturing the middleweight Washington 10 Boston 5. night better later. 'Jubilee Convention for Agents of the Mutual Benefit the Like Ceasing Hume for the second time on a kayo Kansas Cat), 6 Detroit 3. night Life Insurance Company from all over the country. The like cornesg over Bobo. Cleveland I. night Cull out sows that are "lard. -Th•S is almost Chicago 2 :onvention will be held at the Edgewater Beach Hotel. known aft That December ending came so type" indiv:cluals, he says, the. home After all. °Tv, know all that kind that produce lard-type pigs. CHESLEY BUTT'ERWORTH :.1'hicago. on October 15. 15. and 16. these s toe "taro I qui* and unexpectedly Today's Games pare and I men considered it a Such sows have pigs that run Logan Wrather was found dead in his bed at Cold- the National League when I Ray and Washington at Boston to excessively high moportions of water. Tuesday. A corner's inquest was held by Max knot. the littera - Sven i Accordingly. as New and Car Salesmen Cleveland at Chicago drive- Used here. the Dodger Bobd went into the ring at "even tat-cuts and lard. and help Thurchill who stated that Mr. Wrather died of a heart • liced in City at Detroit money" for their s...heduled- 15- Kansas pork consumption down. Attack. He was living alone. Yank at Baltimore, n.ght :16 rounder at sunset May 18. New If you plan on buying, selling or trading cars, be Bis1,ee's Comedians will be in Murray starting Mon- Sows that are not good pig. of Spying There was so much uncertainty day, Slay 27. Bisbee's Comedians signity the best and Tells raisers, or are not prol-fic. or are sure to drop in and see them. about the outcome that an esti- , Tomorrow's Games irritable, or, do not have the • cleanest entertainment of its kind on the road, according paid an es- mated 20.000 fans Cleveland at Chicago. 2 instinct. shouto to he manager. J. C. Bisbee. inherited pig-raising timated $200.000" gate. The state's Kansas City at Detroit or g. new be culled- Try ta keep, Tucker's Motor Service is the name of' the garage . richest fight May 118 was addition Baltimore New York at sews that will raise a good average. that opened May 20: at Stella. This business specializes ally by $100.000 from radio . gilded Washington at Boston year, no advised. Motors pigs a Street 16 Main say in brake service and meitiq- ttlninteeeied etc. and television • Champion and challenger were Replace poor sows with good. 1406 W Main St. Phone 59 guaranteed $75,000 each by the National League big sows that produce W. L. Pct. GB Hallyweaod American Legion Sled - pigs This type makes a goad 2.CA Years Ago This Week 14 9 6011 -•••-••••• urn which promoted the bout. Milwaukee . contribution to production of ta, Ledger and Times File St. Louis' . 20 13 606 Ea.h had the privilege of taking with meat-type carcasses. Too BIG TIME PROFESSIONAL 18 12 600 30 per cent of the net receipts .f Cincinnati maturing hogs gem:tally reaci, 17 13 567 1, A free exhibit for the purpose of discovering Callo- they exceeded the $75.000 guaran- PiVrabu rgh 'Lmit in lean ms•at, then a 16 14 533 1 1- way County products adaptishle to small industries is tee. The estimates indfrate that 30 Brooklyn . weight by building fat. WRESTLING 14 17 .542 4 to be held in the Shroat Building in Murray. Saturday. per ceirit w3u1.1 be about 578.000 New York 10 20 333 7,1 Seliards warned that purchase AT May 30. This is a movement under its auspices of the Both Need Dough Philadelphia 8 19 246 8 of a good. meat-type boar a• Onward Kentucky Foundation Organization of the Cal- B.••!.. Ray and Bobo n..ed theie Chicago time of sow-culling will be g 20, purses badly. Robinson owes the loway County unit made May with sea, Jim 's Roller Rinks vernment 881.004 in back taxes. economy. These boars. A. B. Beale and Son. local merchants, are building ▪ Yesterday's Games I 0:son',. wife announced May ed sows, will produce meat-type NORTH 18th STREET a new brick warehouse on North Third Street. at the thus can have a 18 a separate' maintenance suit New lark 6 B:,v,klyr: 5. hogs; farmers MAY 29 where the hitching lot and TUESDAY rear of Wall's Grocery tnat vr.II t:e up and perhaps ab- Cincirmat. 6 Milwaukee 5, night better "pig harvest" when prxes years. swa ping ring has been fe,r several' -orb all has outsets. Pittsburgh it. Philadelphia .5. night are better. • DOUBLE MAIN EVENT • Mayor and Mrs. Warren S. Swann will. leave Murral.- Olson. scaling 160 pounds to New York where they will ait Saturday eve ning for Robinson's 159O. was just brew - FINE TIME Girls Girls Girls Thursday etening on the Dollar Liner President Har- ...rig to .me on well In the fourth riAV I NU A VERY rison on a five months trip which will Lake them a,und when the cloudless shy tea * FIRST MAIN EVENT * THOMAS L SLACK, Newark, around the globe. ,n on hun. — 2 'cut of 3 FALLS - 60 MIN. TIME LIMIT N. J., chemist, is shown in services were held for John Wesley Ward. In the fourth session. Bob) w ss Funeral Washington as he testified be- Man warned fur the second time an the JEANETTA age 76, from the First Methodist Church, Monday, fore the Senate internal secur- pout beosuse he 'needed on keep- IS. at 3 p.m. The Rev O. A. Marrs and the Rev. J. H. ity committee on Frying for mg tne top of his head in Robn- COLLINS Thurman officiating. Burial v.-as in the Elm Grove Russia out of -fear" that Red would harm him if he eon's fate. Bobo landed a hard :emetery. agents THE KY. WILDCAT broke away. Black, named by left hook to" the head then a r ght Surviyine Mr. %Van, are five daughters. Mrs. Daniel •-., the temple that knocked the convicted atomic spy Harry Ky. Mrs. J. W. Outland. Mrs. Herman Futrell, from Columbus, McKeel. Gold as the man who started champion sideways. He followed son, Mrs. Eabbie Lassiter, Mrs. Hardin Morris. 'line him on the espionnee road, said wiah a right and left to the body :lint Ward. he became "disaffected" in 1936, as ;in exchange started. — VS. — The 16th annual Calloway County Big Singing will but kept up contacts with So- Then wham! Robinson shot a fourth Sunday in viet agents for another ten -traight right to ElobM's body. ano be held at the Court House here the RAMONA years. OaterserNosalA :a earn!—a :eft hook to the head June, the 28th. oust dropped Bobo on his back on WAUKAZO trie canvas. He rolled . over and THESE ARE THE PLANES ASSIGNED TO H-BOMB DROP aled to get up, but was only hall- INDIAN PRINCESS sitting when counted out. ., ------Granddaughter of a real ACit'IDENT. BOY SAYS -- --- GLOUCESTER. Mass., May 24 Indian Chief -A 14-yeter-old boy claimed shot a having a fine time as she chats with tedey he accidentally 13 PRINCESS ANNE seems to be * SICOND MAIN EVENT • Elizabeth, in the pony paddock at Windsor, yrao-old schouhrsate during target her mother, Queen the Duke of Folinbureh. play pri,rtice. but police invetittgat?d to England, after watching her fathela (later-national 8orndphoto) 2 out of 3 Falls - 60 Min . deo rthine wiaMiver the death was in a polo match. a slayirg. '-- Time Limit i The teenager led p01.:e Wife. 4 akitrIP t day to tne body of Walter H Me SEE THE NOBLE J. GREGORY STORY CHICO "HOT TAMALE" . III. carefully concealed benea• rucks and leaves on a Ione. "IT MEANS SOMETHING" CORTEZ , wasteland known as Dogtiewn co., Mexico City, Mex. man on the -outskirts of this h. over KEN'S-TV Channel 12 !Oisr,c fiehirg_ port -- VS. — Cape Girardeau Sunday A fternoon Police questioned the buy . !iiaht end then released him : 5:::0 Daylight Saying Time TONY eustady of 'his parents. He' was '. and over ROSS be questtoned again today Channel 5, Nashville The boy was gaoled as saying WLAC-TV Detroit, Mich, 5:35 Daylight Saving Tim , 50c-$1.00 PLANES assigned to the H-bomb drop operation are shown winging over Eniwetok Island In the Mar- oe accidentally shot Muse with, a Monday afternoon ADM shall, in a practice flight. The big job is the B-52 drop plane. Others are a 11-57 (top left t, B-47 22 'caliber revolver while th.;ay ' VOTE FOR GREGORY FOR CONGRESS 8:00 p.m. (top riot). Lower group (from left) ihicludes F-84. B-60 and R-101. (Internationa) Soundohoto) were at target practice

_ —



f • SATURDAY — MAY 26, 1956 THE LEDGER & TrMES — MURRAY, HT. PAGE THREE 56 "MEW AMIN5505/Mb.m/m.05.1m.m RUG and UPHOLSTRY cleaning. Visit Of It happens that at this time re- go over well Alerea.. Moth-proffed at no extra cost Wall 'Racket' Witness tenons between Indonesia and The Dutch Foreign Minister hoeph cleaning service. Call "Sprialty" Indonesia Netherlands, from which it won its hi. A. H. Luna said in Parliament: Rs: ur- Wall and Rug Deterger Co., 6634. independence in 1949, are exceed- EXCHANGE is shocked m- ,J20C Chief, Pain ingly bad. Indones.a has broken "The government UNeiroirr.. and dieetipointed that Mr. Dulles ket its last political ties with The impression ien RE By CHARLES M. McCANN Netherlands. . . . h.ts created the lay YOrk40:6-Airig0y FrJR.- RENT United Press Staff Correspondent that the United States government The visit of Posident Sukarno One reason — among several — approves the actions of the Indo- 2, •s-4-44 Src of Indonesia to the United States for these bad relations is t h e nesian government against The 010141tril is" AVAILABLE JUNE 1, 3 room un Rt. has the makings of a big head- claim of Indonesia to Netherlands Netherlands . . . " furnished apartment. Bath, hard nt, ache for the State Department. New Guinea, covering an area of Hence it looks as if Dulles — ter „„, 041rOD541- wood floors, private entrance and 151,000 square miles. and President Eisenhower , — will 'rs. vairarts t31 furnace heat. 506 Poplar, MAE It Is unlikely that the visit of Australia possesses the remain- have to walk a diplomatis. tight- brother Sukarno, as Indonesians ing 159,000 square miles of New rope in any statements thilf may jss call him, will result in any im- 2 BEDROOM HOUSE, unfurnished. Guinea, the world's second larg- make to Sukarno. Anything that 2, portant agreements. 311 S. 13th St. Call 1260 or 150. est island. It owns part outright could possibly be interpreted as Rt. M26P Nor is it likely to change the and holds the rest under a United siding with Indonesia against The Ily Spinet pianos. Sedeurn White, 403 Full price $6,450.00. Baucum trend in the South Asia area. This Nations trusteeship. Netherlands or in favor of Indo- Ky. M26P Realty Agency, 500 Main. Office trend, in which Indonesia is a 4, FOR SALE Chestnut St., Murray, 3 ROOM unfurnished apartment. The Netherlands refuses to give nesia's ambitions, certainly will 2, phone 48. Ntelt 961-M or 1447. leader, is toward "neutralism." up its part of New Guinea. Aus- be interpreted that way. 79 FREEZE. All 11694. M2EC Private entrance, wired for electric DEEP But two countries whose friend- tralia refuses to entertain the idea a _ PLYMOUTH 4-door DeLuxe sedan. FOR SALE: LOVELY UNUSUAL stove. Available in June.- Phone • ship is valuable to the United that Netherlands New Guinea be' Radio, heater, defroster. Good coffee table—Solid Oak, blonde 165-M, 303 S. 6th. M27C 1. NEW three bedroom brick on States will be watching every de- come part of Indonesia. In fact, motor, clean throughout $12500. finish. Phone 1402-M. m29c nice lot, east front, kitchen, dinet- velops-rent during Sukarno's visit It is very probable that if it came Ei l&th and Mean. Phone 1303. M26P Hear with See & te, large living rocen, car port FRIGIDAIRE REFRIGERATOR: WANTED with close attention — and to a showdown, Australia would and storage room, electric heat, Priced to sell. Runs good. You su.spicion. fight to keep Indonesia out. Gov. la ten DODGE Lt, FOR SALE: 1953 fully insulated. well located. will get your money's worth. Call DO YOU need a machine to staple These two countries are The When Seeretary of State John has tong wheelbase,6:50x16 from 8 pages Netherlands and Australia. pickup 2. NICE twe bedroom brick with 1240-J or see G. R. Garst 122 Vet booklets and folders Foster Dulles visited Indonesia Waterfield is a member Harry L. 6 ply tires, heater, electric wind- one year old. This Village. m29p to 128 pages? See the Bostitch The Netherlands last March he commented on the. garage, only "Jimmy beck bumper nice lot Saddle Stapler at he Inny Ledger NEW YORK MOBSTER of the North Atlantic Treaty Or- similarity between the early days shield wipers, steel house is well built, one in- Speak For Office Supply, Ph. Doyle" Plumeri, a racketeer ganization. A small one, it is true, AN hitch. This truck has never in new addition, has east front. & Times ss Tr of the United States and the pres- volved in terrorizing the gar- one. used for hauling, and is in will trans- I NOTICE i but an important ent status of Indonesia in their been Hits FHA loan. Owner ment industry in the 1930s, I/ you need a Australia is allied with the Unit- development from colonial status. perfect oandition. fer. is shown on Senate investiga- Joe B. Bates ed States in the Southeast Asia good pickup, this is it — $750. Ask SIX room house on S. 15th St, WHY B1.1 t NEW MOTOR when HELP WANTED witness Meaningless Compliment 3. tions subcommittee al- at the Ledger get one completely re- Treaty Organization. It also 'is Dulles undoubtedly intended it Candidate for Burnis Killebrew only one block from college, large you can stand in Washington, where he Democratic 8 am. and price of new OFFICE SECRETARY. Position lied with this country directly in to be simply a diplomatically and Times between screened-in beck porch, garage, built for one-half was questioned about possible :o the United States-Australia - New meaningless for U. S. Senator 4 pan. could easily be made motor, from one horse power now open, interesting work: 51e racketeering in military uni- compliment. lot 75x200, Zealand defense treaty which was from Kentucky apartments. Plenty of one hundred horse power. We also day week. 8:30 to 4:30. Attractive form procurement. Plumeri has But it roused the greater anger USED PIANOS. large stock in- into two signed in San Francisco on Sept. garage apartment. buy, sell, and exchange. Piercedll surroundings. Write immediately a record of nine arrests dating in The Netho-lands. And it did not TODAY 5:30-6 P•rn. Anal ones. N e w room on lot for Y" cluding scene Electric. W. Broadway, Mayfield, to Box 32-R giving your qualifica- back to 1923. (International) 1, 1951. KFVS-TV — Channel 12 phone 2173, night in 34211C Relations Are Bad Senator t Answer to Yesterday's Punt* Kentucky. Day tions detail. CHECK SUPPLIES NOW Bates for CROSSWORD PUZZLE 1626-M. J7P FOR FREEZING BERRIES Committee via P S U. OF CALIFORNIA ACROSS ss--nsase at Wass E 'HERE'S THE SPRINGAT 26—Egg ea A7F1-j 1R Do you forget The strawberry season is upon MI—Harvest A T E SP I tf 0,1- BUSINESS MEN! 1—Seasoning L $6\ or us, and every housewife who plans 5— Healthy goddess EA PETE AN those important appointments II—Turkic $1— Identical to freeze some of this delicious --Baker'• D pertaps remember them at the tribesmen 40 fruit should check supplies, says 11—Law making os.%15,:t last monent? Do you need a corn- 11— Vacation body n book for Mrs. Pearl Haak, specialist in -foods 13—Pronoun {1—Bright star it\O pact attractively bound RED E at the University of 14—Animal jelly 44—Bons appointments, memoranda, diary Kentucky. LS—Centigram 45—Upright, Strawberries are one of the (abbr four sided A P r) and addresses? We have just the pillar I Bible 17—Falsehood N.PPE T in a Wascon Day-At-A. 11—Small drum 47—Chinese mile O PI thing most successfully frozen foods, but 30—Th. urlal 41—More B T Glance. Undated, refillable and they do not can well, she points 21—Sea eagle Inquisitive E (epilog.) pocket-size with simulated leather out. •23—New Zealand bird 110—Pou with inner pocket. lodger & School S—Tall behind case Glass jars, tin cans with lacquer- 14—Reward foe Departrnent, 15—Puff up nickname 4—Allowarsoe Times Office Supply ed lining and plastic boxes are --Single thing wrist* 21—Pairs 11 I—lnheritor Phone 55 TF recommended for freezing whole CHURCH OF 211—Mature DOWN 11-01ri's name SO—Beverage (abbr.) berries For berries that are sliced 111-11 eraldie 1—Sarcasm 7—A stat• DO YOU neeo protection against CERIST 1—Near {—Engraves wit& or pureed, plastic bags may be Bearing (54.) of your valuables by iiire? acid the loss used. 7th and Poplar S—Raked rear Theft? Buy a compact Victor Trea- 2 3 CI 5 6 7 10—Abets Strawberries, as well as rat- 11-1Curop•an certified by ',,he Netion- sure Chest berries and blackberies, may be June 1 PO ermine Association of Safe Manufac- May 28 thru al frozen without sugar if the berries expletive Daily Ledger & Times turers. The art sweet. If emir is used. VI 6. -.41-- - L. ,7 itY -15—Man's phorm-51. —Classes For All Agrga„,...._ -.• - aleknams met survy.- le guy!. to eash quart of _strew- ' It--Make bigger 444. i I "Pei Vt, 30—Iroquoian material berries that have been washed • _ NIONUMENTS first class E.- Chavengez. Indians selec- carefully Oa had _stems removed. Bro, L 'W1I) 11—King a birds granite and marble, large 34—Distance Call 85, home Mix sugar with • berries," then fill teacI the high school (PS) tion styles sizes. 77 71i. measure containers to 'within Li inch of 54—Golf mound phone 526. See at Calloway Monu- and college class. 2S—Armed conflict Orr, owner. top for pints or 1 inch for quarts 30 31—Prayer ment Works. 79 7 Seal and freeze. ,i i• i 31—Sedate West Main St., near college. J5C Kester will see Bro. Don el31 2 13—Moving In preparing the berries, 99wnw 34—Charm for an and teach the adult class. no—Above and I HAVE YOU been looking that they are ripe, firm, touching cabinet .tiat is handy, free of white or hollow cent.., 17—Crony (colien.j Veen filing easy to carry? We have or green tips, the foods authority Daily to ;,,rxiii 111—V71fe o oomact, 8:30-11:00 a.m. Oeraint Steearnaster File-It Cases. advises. '47 , 41—Son of Adam it in the with lock berr:es. ready . id—Brother et All construction toughed or pureed will be held on Jacob picnic Ai carrying handle. On for use over ice cream, may he A .. 41—Lubricat• and easy and a 41—Blood relation clay in he Office Supply De- frosts?. Crush or ' press berries Friday afternoon 5 411—Compass point Daily Ledger & at the University of California, Ber- a coarse sieve, add 2/3 for 111—Symbol for partment of the EXCITEMENT at its height at the big panty raid through program is planned l HERE'S THE row, and around $10,000 in damage was for each quart. then Tunes, phone 55. TF 3,000 male students ganged up on sorority cup sugar Was .4 44444 Pm.% 600444 keley, Some roughed up a bit, too, when Friday night, dousing some of the coed., got. Some got mix well Fill containers. leaving totaled. This photo :,leyes the , Sound photo) leternational head space as given above. leLEgority houses v, cio invaded. By Ern.;e Bushinillaa NANCY Challenge For Dr. Mays 1 I READ THAT ITS ROTATE A new novel by ELIZABETH SEIFERT. GOOD TO of the publisb• THIS IS SILLY by Elisabeth Seifert. Reprinted by permission e 1055. Xing Features Syndicate. 'YOUR CROPS or. Dodd, Mired & Co., Inc Distributed by • BUT I'LL TRY IT sortie State "Medical Association, the ! ?Enough to buy the building A group of doctors In the Midwest- Health Service, the Heart , and equip it. Seventy-five thou- ern suburb of Burbank try to estab- Public lUdi • free screening chute despite and Cancer and Tuberculosis or- sand, at least." lack of money and opposition from ganizations. "No strings?, the County Hospital. Dr. Jobs the clinic Blandia a strong booster of the And with their help "Well, she'll be on our Board." proJect. returns from • meeting and was 'darted. Some day the doc- "Do you think you want Alice tells his wife. Rolm that enough tors hoped to have all the equip- money haa been donated to set up Milburn running your clinic, ment and personae.1 that they the clinic, John ?" needed. CHAPTER 2 "But now." John announced ab- "She won't run R. We shall, JOHN BLANDIN did "go on," ruptly, "we can do all we want to Helen." j catching up the threads of the do, and it can be free." "Not with Alice on the Board. County doctors' reasons for want- Helen jumped. She'd grown • She'll dictate policy, if she doesn't ing the clinic In the first place. little drowsy during the recapitu- do more. You know that!" Each of the four suburbs in ques- lation of the clinic's history, John smiled ruefully, and tion was as large as many a city, which was as familiar to her as rubbed his hand up the back of he said, with homes and famUles the chronological record of her his neck and head. "I know all. given By Raeburn Van Burets in greater proportion than most marriage to John Blandin. that," he admitted. "I've ABBIE as' SLATS municipal settlements enjoyed. "What changed things tonight? the matter some thought." SS GROGGI NS --HE'S Stores had been opened to serve What's the clinic going to use for "But the money talked, Of WHAT DID HE SAY HIS BATH L E course." A DISREPUTABLE CHARACTER these suburban families; doctors money?" NAME WAS ? TOWN, had come to live there, too, and John stood up. "The same thing "Seventy-five thousand? May- FROM MY HOME II had opened their offices, though the Milburn' use, my sweet." be a f undred? flute, it yelled. T....CRABTREE CORNERS; most of them also affiliated with Helen leaned back in her chair Alice is honest, and Intelligent hospitals in the city, to study his face. "Oh," she She agreed readily when I sug- But the doctors needed a way moaned, "not Alice!" gested that her attorney should to reach the County people in the "We want our clinic," he said represent her on the Board. And same fashion that the various tightly. "And Alice—Mrs. Mil- If we do a good job of running hospital and clinic services were burn—la ready to give us the the clinic, sticking to our pur- avallable--handy --to the people necessary cash to set us up prop- pose, she'll let us alone." In the city. Three years ago, with erly. Immediately." "I know Alice Milburn. The this sort of service in mind, the "Not just 'Ike that?" cried lavender-and-old-lace lady is hon- doctors had formed an organiza- Helen, "Not just tonight—out of est, and she is intelligent. But tion; their initial step had been the blue?" where • personal prejudice is to establish a night emergency He sat down beside her, and concerned, she can also be a call service. At fire they rented put his hand affectionately upon snake in the bouquet of sweet- a small store for a desk and their her forearm. "I'll make it brief," heart roses. She—she—" Her records, and the necessary book- he promised. "My idea was that cheek, were poppy red. "I'm sor- keeping. Slight emergencies had the clink might get the support ry, John," she said contritely. come in there, or were brought, of the Women's Club. I had "It's definitely decided then?" Inthe mistaken idea that a doc- hoped the whole Club would "Yes. We chose a Board. Three tor would be present The next underwrite the clinic as a finan- doctors; I'm one of them. A rep- By Al Capp step was to have one on hand. cial project" resentative from each of the LIL' ABNER That predicated some equipment, Helen kept her face smooth sponsoring organizations. Mrs. WHUT EF NEARLY GIVE LET YORE OLD SENATOR LOOK and the makeshift quarters were and her tongue still. Until to- Milburn, or her attorney. And WI-40 KIN DON'T CRIME-BUSTIN' EXTINK LIFE one other—we called him a 'citi- YORESELF GIT TM'CREDIT FO' VCR E unsatisfactory for the purpose. night, John had not mentioned Al-4 GIVE DID R.). WILL DO `10'‘ Country this idea to her; she could have zen.'" TO SOME CAPTURE AN'EXECUTION. ¶K About that time the -AN'THASS TH'STORY MAHSELF UP DEWEY-Fa 11 ANY GOOD, Day School gave up its property told him— "Choose him?" 7 STRANGER, 4 saying, a little ask 0' MAH CRIME, SENNY- UP TO KEFAUVER!.• S a% INN-TOR, at the edge of Burbank. The doc- "But." he was "Tentatively. We must him "some F06/VE BK.DY.F.r IS WELCOME tors were asked if they would be frown between his brows, to serve—It's Joseph Radman at TOR. 1-/EVV/N Interested in the "plant" as a pollUcs--female, and thus incom- the bank." ME FO'7711.5-4/'L WHITE TC.O.T permanent location. A favorable, prehensible to me—it had to do Helen began to gather her L/E terms on Redman king-term mortgage was offered somewhat with so many papers together. Mr. r. them, and was accepted, hesi- the Club's Board of Directors— might not serve; his wife be- was politics, and In longed to the Women's Club. A .11 tantly. anyway, It t In the heart of the new shop- the counts of it—or would It be "We've had another bit of )„?) ping center, the location was them ?—the Club turned the thing luck," John announced. "As I told 1/14 idea!, The doctors' plan was to down, But fortunately for us—" you, this things been cooking t , establish an examining clinic, He headtated. "Fortunately for since Christmas. And it seems A 4 e. a screening clinic, for well peo- us," he repeated, "Alice took their certain now that we shall be able asa slap at her, to get Chad Maya to set us up 741); ple- refusal direct 41 If they could make a house- since she was the one who was and get us running in high wife take an hour from her shop- pushing support of the clinic. Just gear." that was Chad Mays . . . Helen whirled ping to go in for a check-up; if to show those women husband her termI—she has offered to about. "Not the wonder boy!" she she would then send her g 4 --.4.11 .61., finance the whole thing alone. Al cried. In, and Ming her ohildren . /MTh '54 4• Wm.nonnIr/M.5 50.1M There grevi YgliOUS CeiralaIRS- abs ow of course." John nodded. time rowdy to help them, the 'now much?" asked Belem (To Be Continued), 48; i••• _ —

• 414.



auhumommini. S.-- • —:•••••• 'bra


Designed, Selected and Supervised by the Garden Department of the Murray Woman's Club.

• Modern Building

Murray's newest and most modern build- ing houses the electric system and the water and sewer system. Paid for from earnings, it cost about $100,000. The elec- tric system financed 70'; of the building, the sewer and water system, 30';-. It's completely modern throughout, a building to be proud of.

• Refreshments

During the open house light refreshmenta will be served to all people visiting the building. Refresh- ments will be served in the all electric kitchen.


• All Electric Kitchen

Every woman wil4 want to see the wonderful all electric kitchen. This kitchen and auditorium will be used for meetings and demonstrations about better and more economical ways to use electricity, in the home.


• •


• •••••• a


2, Rt. Ott, tier Irs. :oy. 1,i 2, NEW UTILITY BUILDING! Rt. dly en- 2,

A progressive city requires a progressive utilitS,r system. And that Murray is a progressive city is obvious from the remarkable growth of the city's electric system during the past 15 years. These two municipally owned utilities have grown because you people in Murray have demanded growth; they have had to grow in order to keep up with your demands for more and better electric service, for a better II water and sewer system. This beautiful new building is the result of Murray's progress. The old of- fice was much too small and crowded; we had to have more space, more modern facilities, so we could give you the kind of service you want. Our new headquarters is modern in every respect. It's electrically heated and air conditioned with the amazing heat pump; the lighting is beautiful and meets modern lighting standards; the all electric kitchen features the latest electric appli- sit ances; office furniture and equipment is new; there's a night depository for your convenience.. You'll be proud of the new Municipal Puilding. Plan now to come to its formal opening on Monday, May 28, from 10 a.m. til 7 p.m. See Murray's newest and most modern office building.

Electrical Growth In Murray Murray's Water And Sewer 3 Remarkable in Past 15 Years Systems Valued At $900,000

The Murray Electric System started distributing low A pure and adequate supply of water is essential cost TVA electricity on June 11, 1942. Since then, the to the welfare and progress of any city. So is a good city's electrical growth has been rapid and steady. sewer system. Fortunately, Murray has both. The City den Here are some of the highlights of the system's of Murray took over the operation of the water system growth . . and some of the reasons why the new in September, 1942. Then in January, 1943, they be- Ibuilding was necessary. .•• came a combined utility. Since that date, much has been One to improve and expand Murray's water and sewer system. Today's water and sewer system is in excellent Highlights of electrical growth condition, ready and able to take care of Murray's needs 004 for many years. • Electric Plant Value: Now stands at more than $775,000 . . . almost four times what it was in 1942, Facts About Murray's Water when we started distributing low cost TVA gene- rated electricity. 1.• Killowatt-hour Sales: Last year reached almost 40 And Sewer System million. Total kwh sales in 1943 was only a little E. S. FERGUSON is Superintendent of the • Plant Value: now stands at $895,000. Total assets more than 4 million. Murray Electric System. $1,230,000. ROBERT W. HUIE is Superintendent of Mur- ray's • Consumers Served: Now stands at 3,000; we Water and Sewer System. delivered electricity to only 1,500 in 1943. • Debt: water and sewer system debt is $898,000. Payments are being made on schedule. Money Last 8,195 IFFIL • Average Home Use: year jumped to 4111111114 was borrowed, at low interest, to expand and kwh. That's more than seven times as much as improve system. you used in your homes in 1943 . . . and it's total 2,400. Al- • more than three times the national average Customers: water customers most 1,600 people use the sewer system. In • Average Cost For Home Use: Last year dropped 1947, the water system served only about 1,600. I be to less than 1 cent a kwh. In 1943, you paid an average of 3.11 cents a kwh for ,the electri- • Use of Water: people in Murray last year used -esh- - city you used in your homes. Your electric rates an average of 733,000 gallons of water a day— are among the lowest in the nation. a total of 267,764,000 during the year. • TAXES PAID: Your Electric System pays t, • Pumping Capacity: city has three wells, one the City of Murray $4,814.84—to the County which will deliver 800 gallons of water a min- $20,871.04. ute; two will deliver 600 gallons per minute • each. a THE BEAUTIFUL, all electric kitchen will be used . , for meetings and demonstrations about new and more Here's the water and sewer system's cashier's counter. economical ways to use electricity in the home. Directly across the lobby from this counter is the electric system's cashier's counter.

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Responsible for the policies under which Murray's Electric Sys- THE WATER ANI) SEWER SYSTEM is under the direction of tem operates is the Electric Plant Board. From left to right are• the city council. From left to right are H. W. Wilson, Burgess System Superintendent Ferguson, I. W. Purdom, Russell, Parker, W. T. Slecid, Jr., Mayor George S. Hart, Guy Billington, J. C. Wallis, Guy Billington, and P. W. Ordway. W. Darrell Shoemaker and Galen Thurman, Jr.

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ai 11011. A Look Ahead Sports Outlook Middleweight c ha in pion Sugar Club Negms Activities SUNDAY SCHOOL Ray Robinson's next title opponent Women's Page is likely to be the one who, he LESSON At The News figureçpossible44\ will help draw the biggest Jo Burkeen, Editor . . Phone 694-M-4 or 763-J Weddings Locals ate ,but who can't heet By him. Robini would risk a beat% a Daytime Show for a b:g - money gate against L Dr. H. C. Chiles • light - heavyweight king Archie Moore. But Moore has designs Temperature Tips By CHARLES M. MCCANN ocial Calendar on the heavyweight crown. Hence, PERSONALS S On Use Of Eggs United Press Staff Correspondent Robinson's next title defense pro- MORGANTOWN W Va V —It United Press correspondents bably will be against Carmen BEGINNING OF with abundant courage and with Saturday. May 26 is no secret that eggs must be around the world look ahead '-at Basilo, termer welterweight cham- Dr. an Mrs. F E Cr,iwf rd the parents Alpha WORLD MISSIONS the blessed assurance of success. the ot son, Gary Wayne, The DePartinent of the kept cold to retain their fresh news that will make the head- pion whom he'd outweight; Art reeeived word Tliorsday, Murray Woman's Acts 13:1-4, 44-49 These missionaries went forth lines. May 24. • weighing elght pounds th ree Club will meet qualities., but for suscess in cook- Aragon, a low-rated welterweight that they now are a.--andparnts. ounces, Has- at the club house at two-thirty ing. This lesson has to do with the at- without earthly weapons or protes- born at the Murray homemakers are often in Presidential Powerhouse who nevertheless is a big draw A son was bs,rra , to Mr. and Mrs. ptal Saturday, May 12 o'clock. tempt of the early Christians to tion from any public official, carry- Insiders say doubt as to when the chill ehould Pres:dent Eisen- on the West Coast. or Chart Pat • • • • • . • • take the gospel of Christ to their ing only the -Sword of the Spirit" hower C:aa-ford. C..larnbus. Ohio. 1 be taken off the egg in advance. will deliver a powerhouse France. • • • world. Humes of IMonday, May 28 That effort was expressed in and an eagerness to tell the story preuncement on foreign policy in A daughter. what is Mr. and Mirs. Lex e Ray have Patricia Ann, The American Legion Uzi:Lary Here are some temperature tips designated as Paul's First of ,Thrists redeeming love. When .his commencement address at returned Ito the r.h.tne after spend weighing six pounds four ounces, w.11 meet at the Legion Hall at cited by specialists of the West Missionary Journey. that ship, on which these heroic Baylor University, Waco. Tex.. was born to Mr. and Acts 13:1-4. men were passengers, left ing theri Wt7h pare-Its Mrs. Frank seven o'clolt. The district presi- 'Virginia University Agricultural the bar- Friday. One big feature probably Mr. and Mrs. 0:7is Pat:or. F.:- of Golden Pond on Friday. dent will be present. Extension Service Young as was the church at An- bor pt Seleueia. the gospel went to will be foreign trade The occasion • tioch. the past eso yesrs 'Mr and Mi.!! M. 11. at the Murray Hospital. • • • there were a munber of pro- sea for the first time, and for the for the visit to Baylor: To collect • • • • -quality' Sep- Thy .. bees : ..• - C. The Proternus Homemakers Club 1 A high raw eel phets and teachers in it. Such are first time there was launched an an honorary doctorate of laws. _ will meet ,with Mrs C. C. Weath- arates into white and yolk most necessary for the beet church lite. organized effort to %On men, other Mr and Mrs Benjamin W. Tol- The Queen erford at one-thirty o'clock. easily when it's 50 to 60 degrees The prophets make known the will than Jews*, to a saving knowledge Says No s°r"' F:a ...ver 1107 Main Street, announce Buckingham Palace • • • • • An egg just out of the refriger- and purposes of God, and the tea- in Christ - circles say A 1•". • r .n.? birth of a daughter, Virginia that its white These m.ssionaries, Queen Elizabeth has reached her great on of t -h.• !f CArist The Woman's Missionary Society ator is so cold clings chers explain the meaning of the who were weighing nine pounds one decision Co whether to make there. of the Memorial Baptist Church to both shell and yolk, making Word of God. Unon the hearts of chosen, called, commissioned, ener. her se born at the Murray coildren pioneers in Hos- will hold its separation difficult. On the other these servants of God He laid gized and directed by the Holy Britain's ensi- general meeting at the polio mtal Saturday, May 12- hand, when an egg warms up to Spirit, promptly and vaccination campaign. Her las asi Mrs It, •-bert the church at seven-thirty o'clock. evangelization of the world in such cheerfully • • • • answer "No." Prince Charles. Dirk. • • • • 75 degrees F or more, the yolk a way that they refrained from eat- went forth to proclaim' the good 7. 310 15th Street. ..!re and Princess tends to flatten ing in news wherever the Lord' might Anne, 5. are expected Cs-nth:a Kay is the Tue•day, May 29 order to ascertain His will in name chosen to go without shots at least until Miss Lillian Watters will present prayer. How much every Christian open the door. Led by the Spirt. by Mr and Mrs. Coel Compton 2. For cake-making, eggs should reports on the first batch are a group of her piano pupils in a needs divine wisdom and guidance they sailed from Seteueia to the is- Rowland's Is Scene Jr. of Murray Route Two for be at room temperature to com- in. recital at 7:30 o'clock at the M in daily life Because the great is- land of Cyprus. on which Barnabas their daughter, weighing eight bine well Talked Out Of Turn Of llartins- Chapel sues of life may be determined formerly resided. pounds 12 ouftees. born a. ray High 9chool. by the Acts 13:44-49. Look for reports that British • • • • whites whip more the simples of choices, we need TISCS Reettlar Meet Murray Hoapital Wednesday. May 3. Egg quickly Foreign Secretary Selwyn Lloyd guidance at every point in life. It Paul and those who accompanied The VS -resn's Society of Chris, 16 and to a greater volume when the is on his, way out. The Hiroshima Maiden is elorioue that the Holy him continued their journey until probably tim S rs:Ce of the • • • • chill is off The best whipping tem- Sntrit is Martins ch:,pa'., they won't materialize. But Lloyd is in 77 de- ready. willine and able to give the arrived in Antioco of Pisidia. MethoSis" Csh's:-..1-1 met with Mrs.' Has Heart Attack perature ranges from 64 to bad. London says Prime- Minister Mr and Mrs Gerald Edmond believer in Christ oroner guidance There they attended the services in Nest (.• R.• . r d far th, regular grees. Anthony Eden is dissatisfied with Thweatt of Alm° Route in every detail of lee. the synagogue on the Sabbath. Ob- rneeteg n Tuosday. May =. Ore are NEW YORK. May 25 IP -One his work. To make things worse. 5PRED , the parents of a daughter. 4. For cooking in the shell take in -this first Gentile church there serving Paul and Barnabss. and be- Patty of the "Hiroshima Maidens" died it is reported that in a speech at Mrs Vcrran R borts presidedI Lou. weighing the chill off the egg before it goes immediptely aoneared a genuine in- ing very favorably impressed by seven pounds 101a of a heart attack Thursday n:ght a secret North Atlantic treaty SATIN aril r •,-.d an ir.t.7r,:rsting pro- ounces. born at into hot water to avoid cracking terest in the salvation of those It. the dignified appearance of these te Murray Haspi- during humanitarian surgery to re- meeting in Paris, he made some gram -My Needs In Other tal 5. Hard cooked eggs seem to the regions beyond_ The members visaors, the rulers of the synavogue TIE LATEX WONDER PAINT on Wednesday. May 16 move the disfiguring scars left by sharp ccmments on the visit of Lars.. . • • • separate mon easily from shells realized their resnonsibility invited them to give any word of You'll be color-right every • the world's first atorn bomb raid. for .xhortation they had for the people, RI/Mies Mr. B. and Mr. K. to time with new Glidden SPRED Tss es• • • ad • scriestsii• Tornako when cold. As soon as they are others. While in the nathway of IfOther & Ilakalsayashi. 26, died Britain. Lloyd didn't elear the SATINDramatoneColors!Now aver r.a 4, -ay Mrs Cl.ftor natiebter ,00ked, cool rapidly in cold run- Christian duty. the Holy Spirit upon the completion of the reading Harei. six hours after the plastic sur- speech with Eden you can choose colorsyou want commanded therd saying. of the Scriptures_ In response to fcEoverr.s t 5:n21rg of a hyn- nif/ffi'r lc field Br gery at Mt Sinai Hospital. It was ning water "Separate from giant 4'color chips that lay Barnabss and Saul for the sem+ l he'r invitaticra Paul arose, waved perfect harmony the z•eup T es en fesse her third operation to remove the me Cheeses for congressionel enact assure you of Th Re?Pli' Club whereunto I have called them." .Ho his hand. which was both a Jewish with room fabrics, e'sschins. are he.,:th were e scars of World W-ar II the beauty that nature gave to us. I ment of revised excise taxes are The Murree Business and Pro- spoke thus because He wanted them trait and an oratorical gesture. and floor coverings. erecussed by Mrs lisrmssi but we live in hope." one of the getting slimmer day by day. The net!. Mrs! fessenral Wernen's Club met She was one of 25 Japanese to do pioneer missionary work preached a great and memorable •Us• SPRED SATIN Ra:eh Robertson, Mrs.' girls said at a shy, irricehng re- House Ways and Means Committee for walls, r•Ilinsi, 17 at the Woman's girls unevangelized in distant sermon to those who were assem- Ner.tie R v ' ard Mrs Jeer,''r T""itaY. May whc came to t h e United ception upon their arrival one among the has approved a long list of woodwork. Club ffmrse for a Mother and States to hope again for the places. Deeply spiritual and resnon- bled. In his presentation of the •erusk•s, rollers Byr.urn. beauty year ago changes But tax experts figure .1•00•11ns•errerlr Diu Lord'g message Paul was blessed in After, a hymn by the group. -Leiter dinner. they lost during the historic level- sive to the guidance of the Holy it will take 'two to four weeks with rooter I l raise any .ques- glor.ous fashion In a most lo- Mrs R:bc-'s had each member ing of Pliro.shirna or. Japan's in- Named the "Hiroshima Maid Spirit, they did not to draft. They fear it will be Thss devotion was even by Mrs. eical and convincing manner he v:a cird on the land sea ens- by a sympathetic public tions. such as how their church too close to adjourriament then August Wilson Fallowing the din- two dealt with them. using theis own HUGHES altar and oserve a rrament of Scene were so': hidesouly dis- they were warmly received every- could get along without their for both House and Senate to • ner end erouo smitrinr. a wele-irrie Instead. they were se Smotures to prove his points H takeis, s'e7-1.• - 13: .*,..ywas1 figured they lived the lives of re- where and taken in to Aniericar ablest men. Cosed 1•7le PAINT & WALLPArEils_ 1 fiCTIT Dv Mrs. cluses in _liomei to _live _while they awaiteii yieTded to Rim that. th-OV-Vreetielfire sermarri-nret with stark -a-resedieseele- Mrs Maher's. the _ him'addfeali to_ eternal .1sfes They .,ere grateal theseee Shipley. Mrt James Shay hoepirees over- winiTig_ to give up their leaders to that. at the close of the service. _ Mrs firasel'sed served daissty-m- rose agaiezts I'm= the rubble. rr tuna at the -beyond words for -what this Lord ,STORE Allbritten guest of Mrs R. D. "It operating room the missionary cause Had they be- manY requested fresnirreri '-he Ih'rteen men,- imps sable to recover crowded did for therm and they sought dili- Taaneeten, gave the reeparese many present-day church them again 'on the 'following Sab- en like gently to glorify Him by carrying The Membership Committee pre- they would have held or bath. On the part of many there 401 Maple Ph. 383 members. His gqspel to others. cliMsVa*- *-3.*Nek sented a very interest:ne program HE GUESSED IT--112 to the best and most capable ones was a great hunger for the Word ",,,•!5.51 ins( of a skit 'Perfect for themselves Rather. they gave of Life For them Paul's message TERMITES ".tstitier's Cake" with Mrs Wavne their very best. as directed by the had touched the deepest needs of FPFE INSPECTION rora and Mrs Loyd Boyd The Spirit, and thst without a single the:r lives Kelley's zaect speaker. Mrs Harry Ramp. complaint God deserves the best Imag'ne the utter consternation A RILEY'S Pest 'her esve. "A Tribute To Mother." from all of H.s children. the Jews when they saw the great Control Offirers for the coming year After fasting and praying. in a crowd ofsGentiles who had assem- FURNITURE & APPLIANCES are: President. Mrs. Alma Tracy: very impressive service they laid bled to hear Paul on the next Sab- —Licensed and Insured— o re president Betty Laren: their hands on Barnabas and Saul bath. Instead of rejoicing over the •'From The Kitchen To The Parlor Phone 441 earresponding secretary, Mrs Myr- their most brilliant and beloved way in which the Gentiles re- Sam Kelley tle Farmer: treasurer. Mrs Mary men, and sent them forth FS, their sponded to Paul's message, the Murray, Kv Telephone 687 Allb-itter.. recording secretary. missionaries Thcy were convinced Jews were extremely env:taus. jea- erreimIRIVIARNIPPIPSIIIMMIRINPUIR111 • Vireiria Moore that, inasmuch as •Thristian breth- lous and angry sThey contradicted ren rim broUght the gospel of hie mesa:iee and railed at his work. Christ to them, they should carry it They illustrated the fact that j! to the unsaved elsewhere In the lousy always makes a fool out • Dale & performance of this great taint their its victim By their rejection of !: • Stubblefield Drug gospel they proved themselvee best was not tco good for them to HOLLAND DRUG give Thereafter, this church in An. be unworthy of everlasting PRESCRIPTIONS Poch was a great arid famous cen- This bitter opposition of the J. ter of Christian activity and mis- dad not silence Paul and Barnet, . L sionary effort As such it enjoyed it simely made them macn bok Will Be OPEN This Sunday the marvelous blessings of the Lord. in their proclamation of Gr. truth. Having been selected by the Holy When the Gentiles were told ti. for your Drug, Prescription and Sundry Needs. Spirit. and set apart and commis- God had provided salvation t sioned by the church at Antioch. them in Christ. "They were glas WE WILL BE CLOSED from Wallis Paul went forth, tak- 11-00 a. in. to 1:00 p.m. for Dri---ing Barnabas end Many of them believed and disc... Church Hour attendant or WE HAVE ing John Mark as their ered that they had been ordain. IT WE WILL GET IT helper, to proclaim the gospel of Christ It must have been encour- OR IT CAN'T BE HAD aging to them to know that they MRS. RICHARD NIXON, wife of the ‘1,•* president. COOS thrusgs were definitely God-chosen. God' the same disappointments as you and 1 at an amusement park, qualified. God-sent and God-direct- Frazee, Melugin & Holton this one being Echo Glen, Washington. There she is on the scales, ed. That consciousness alone would INSURANCE AGENTS tipping thern at 112, Just what the man guessed. (international) have been sufficient t- r.i1 them AUTOMOBILE — FIRE — CASUALTY BRITAIN'S NEWEST AND MOST FEARSOME CARRIER Telephone 331 Gatlin Building LAS-I" TIMES TONIGH-r BIG FEATURES! Murray, K CIO rick \ F-2— • BEIm4o w "It Does Make A Difference Who Writes Your Insurance" 91.!!!!!!!!!!!!! - .LADD • PRESTON .6011.10E1p, NrSIALL•CRISP ..... CLOSE - OUT SUNDAY MONDAY — TUESDAY The story of A FABULOUS M... SALE A WONDERFUL GIRL and the IXCITIM MUSIC they made together! IS STILL GOING ON AT RILEY'S SAVE 40 - 50 - 60% ON HOUSEHOLD FURNISHING OUR AUCTION HAS ENDED AND WE CLOSING OUT THE REMAINDER OF OUR STOCK AT BARGAINS -roma. simALLEN.DoNNAREED THIS INCLUDES HUNDREDS OF ITEMS OF VAPOR ALMOST "smokescreens" Britain's atomic carrier Ark Royal at London as a Supermarine' FURNITURE and APPLIANCES gad the othotheetobk mew worded by BEA/NY GOODMAA/ N 113 Jet fighter revs up on 'teem catapult. The Ark ix Britaitex‘most modern carrier, specially while the crew is with GENE KRUPA * LIONEL HAMPTON designed for atomic warfare. For instance, It can be operated by remote control sheltered in special compartments. The Jet rub fighter also is designed for atomic warfare, can car- CASH or TERMS TILTON HARRY JAMES and MARTHA ( ry an atom bomb. Three Ark Royal features, th,ssteaip cat4p4p, &ogled deck and mirror sight land- Soundphoto), MCI• bIL ZiovY! ' ,U_Itteraptional

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