BULLETIN for the week beginning 2 December 2012 THE FIRST SUNDAY OF ADVENT Pray for: Kebbi (Kaduna, Nigeria) – : Edmund Akanya Diocese: Ripon Deanery - Area Dean: Matthew Evans; Asst. Area Dean: Paul Spurgeon Lay Chair: Loretta Williams

9.15 am HOLY COMMUNION 10.30 am CHORAL EUCHARIST Leeds Minster Preacher: The Precentor 10.30 am MORNING WORSHIP St Mary’s at Preacher: Canon Ann Nicholl Cromwell Street LS9 7SG 6.30 pm ADVENT CAROL SERVICE Leeds Minster The coming of the King

Church of England – and Leeds – of Leeds City Rector of Leeds: The Reverend Canon Tony Bundock [0113] 278 6237 [home] Precentor: The Reverend Sue Wallace [0113] 278 9339 [home] Pioneer Ministry Curate: The Reverend Hannah Smith [0113] 414 2178 [home] Lay Minister: Canon Ann Nicholl [0113] 245 2036 [office], [0113] 269 4045 [home]

Leeds Minster (St Peter at Leeds), Kirkgate, LS2 7DJ Parish Office: [0113] 245 2036

Holy Trinity Church, Boar Lane, LS1 5HW Church Office: [0113] 245 4268 ~ Café at Holy Trinity: [0113] 246 8196

St Mary’s Church, Lincoln Green, LS9 7SG ~ Church Office: [0113] 240 7349

St Peter’s (Aided) Primary School, Cromwell Street, LS9 7SG Headteacher: Mrs. Elizabeth Holliday [0113] 293 4411

Chaplain: Canon Ann Nicholl [see above]

www.leedsminster.org [email protected]

Monday, 3 Francis Xavier, Missionary, Apostle of the Indies, 1552  Keewatin (Kaduna, Nigeria) – Bishop: David Norman Ashdown  St John Baptist Bishop Monkton, St Leonard Burton Leonard, St Leonard’s Hall – Christopher Cornwell (H for D)  Bishop Monkton Church of England Primary School - Headteacher: Sally Richardson  Burton Leonard Church of England Primary School - Headteacher: Stuart Milner 9.45 am Morning Prayers Leeds Minster 1.05 pm Lunchtime Organ Concert – David Houlder

Tuesday, 4 John of Damascus, Monk, Teacher of the Faith, c.749 Nicholas Ferrar, Deacon, Founder of the Little Gidding Community, 1637  Kentucky (IV, The Episcopal Church) – Terry White  Holy Trinity Dacre, St Jude Hartwith, Christ Church Darley, St Saviour Thornthwaite Matthew Evans, Tony Collins, Patricia Clark (R)  Dacre Braithwaite Church of England Primary School - Headteacher: Catherine Lassey 8.50 am Prayers St Peter’s School 9.45 am Morning Prayers Leeds Minster 10.00 am Coffee Morning Lincoln Green Centre 1.05 pm Holy Communion Holy Trinity 6.30 pm Breast Cancer Haven Carols [Adult Choir] Leeds Minster

Wednesday, 5  Kericho (Kenya) – Bishop: Jackson Ole Sapit  Fountains St Lawrence, Aldfield, St Michael Sawley, St Cuthbert & St Oswald Winksley Village Hall, Studley Roger, Dallowgill St Peter, Chapel of the Resurrection, Grewelthorpe St James, Kirkby Malzeard St Andrew, Mickley St John – Caroline Falkingham, Anne Carrick (R) Adrian Roberts (R) Elizabeth Jarvis (R)  Kirkby Malzeard Church of England Primary School - Headteacher: Andrea Peacock  Fountains Church of England Primary School - Headteacher: Jill Pemberton  Grewelthorpe Church of England Primary School - Headteacher: Karen Butler 9.00 am Wednesday Worship St Peter’s School 9.45 am Morning Prayers Leeds Minster 1.15 pm Abbey Grange Carol Service Leeds Minster 6.00 pm Vestry Hour Leeds Minster

Thursday, 6 Nicolas, Bishop of Myra, c.326  Khartoum (Sudan) – Bishop: Ezekiel Kondo Kumir  Fountains Abbey Chaplaincy and other tourist spots 9.45 am Morning Prayers Leeds Minster 1.05 pm Holy Communion [BCP] Leeds Minster 7.00 pm YEP Readers’ Choices Carol Service Leeds Minster

Friday, 7 Ambrose, Bishop of Milan, Teacher of the Faith, 397  Kibungo (Rwanda) – Bishop: Josias Sendegeya; Kigali - Bishop:Louis Muvunyi  St Mary Great Ouseburn, Holy Trinity Little Ouseburn, Christ Church Marton cum Grafton, The Ascension Whixley, St Thomas Green Hammerton – Chris Parkin, Nancy Clark (R) George Rowden (R)  Marton cum Grafton Church of England Primary School – Headteacher: Marie-Louise Thirlaway  Green Hammerton Church of England Primary School - Headteacher: Carol Wallis 9.45 am Morning Prayers Leeds Minster 12.00 noon Midday Prayers Leeds Minster 12.30 pm Lunchtime Organ Music Christopher Newton Leeds Minster 1.05 pm Holy Communion Holy Trinity 7.00 pm Rotary Clubs Carol Service Leeds Minster Saturday, 8 The Conception of the Blessed Virgin Mary  Kigeme (Rwanda) – Bishop: Augustin Mvunabandi  All Saints Kirby-on-the-Moor, St Mary and All Saints Cundall, Norton-le-Clay, St Helen Skelton-cum-Newby – Alison Askew, John Helliwell (R)  Kirby Hill Church of England Primary School - Headteacher: Vicki Farby  Newby Hall Church of England Primary School - Headteacher: Peter Pozman 11.00 am Age UK Carols – The Heritage Singers Leeds Minster

The Souvenir Booklets giving all details of this month’s Lunchtime Organ Music programmes are now available from the Minster.

Next Sunday, 9 December – THE SECOND SUNDAY OF ADVENT Pray for: Kigezi (Uganda) Bishop: George Katwesigye. Diocese: pray for the work of racial justice in our diocese and communities and for Amos Kasibante installed as Racial Justice Officer today. 9.15 am Holy Communion Leeds Minster 10.30 am Choral Eucharist Leeds Minster Preacher: The Rector of Leeds 10.30 am Café Eucharist St Mary’s including drama from St Peter’s School prayer group and a choice of contemplative prayer, craft or discussion 6.30 pm Choral Leeds Minster Preacher: The Reverend Hannah Smith

FROM COPTIC TO CELTIC: Copies of the Rector’s study leave booklet From Coptic to Celtic: Celtic Spirituality and the Desert Heart are available for a donation of £5 to cover the cost of printing.

MINI-MINSTER YOUNGSTERS AT CAFÉ CHURCH: Next Sunday 9 December, children of Mini-Minster will be going to St Mary’s for the ‘Café Church’ service with crafts, a play and various activities on the theme of John the Baptist. Can parents please bring their children to the Minster for 10.20 so they can be taken by minibus to St Mary’s? They will be returned at 11.45.

IT’S ONLY 80 MILES TO CHRISTMAS: Riding Lights Theatre Company presents “a joyous cavalcade of a new play” at Leeds Minster on Tuesday 18 December at 7.00. Suitable for all ages. Tickets now available in church at £6 (Concessions £4), or by phone from the Box Office on 07767 483795. CAROLS FOR A CHORAL FUTURE: Tickets for Carols for a Choral Future are now available from the Minster and from the City Centre Box Office, Carriageworks Theatre – 0113 224 3801. Very grateful thanks indeed are expressed to the family of a Minster parishioner, one of whose members has generously come forward to sponsor the concert. SANTA GROTTO AT LEEDS MARKET: From 10.00 to 4.00 on 14 and 15 December, Leeds Churches present a free Santa Grotto in Leeds Market where children can see Santa, hear him tell the Nativity story and receive a small gift. ‘Elves’ will run children’s activities and wrap presents. This opportunity to bless the city is designed particularly for families who may not be able to afford a visit to Santa this year. St Peter’s School Project Choir directed by Helen Strange will be joining us on Friday afternoon. We’d welcome Volunteers to wrap presents, make masks with children and chat to shoppers. Please do contact Hannah Smith for more details. WORSHIP AND COMMUNICATION SURVEY: Consequent to our discussions with Why Digital Media concerning promoting the work of Leeds Minster, worshippers at our 9.15 and 10.30 services are being asked to complete a short survey form on worship and communication. Forms are now available and we ask for them to be completed and returned by mid-December, using the box provided.

PLEASE PRAY FOR: MEMBERS OF OUR CHURCH COMMUNITY in residential care Christine Caines, Maureen Coles, Ted Marks, Peter Milner, Veronica Rutkowska, Sylvia Wilkinson, Susan Williams

THOSE WHO ASK OUR PRAYERS Albert Andrews, Rose Beck, Christopher Brayne [Organist of ] David Bywater, Sonia Bywater, Eileen Christmas, Keith Christmas [CO of Lawnswood Air Training Cadets], John Cooper, Bridget Durkin, John Edmonds, David and Sonia Evans, Francesca Eyre, Logan Firth, Ivy Frampton, Peter Hart [Parish Warden], John Hardaker, Pauline Holladay, Kathleen Holway, Janet Jackson, Peter Jackson, Joanne Lebor, Karen MacDonald, Anne Matthias, Marjorie Milner, John Oliver [priest], Laverne Paraskos, Gordon Rees, Margaret Rhodes [wife of Minster Lay Clerk Peter], Jack Robins, Cathryn Robinson, Malcolm Roughton, Iris Rutkowska, John Sheldrake, Althea Shevill, Barbara Siggins, Mavis Simpson, Denis Stenning, Erik Thornton, Patricia Wagstaff, Hazel Ward, Ken Ward, [ex School], Doris Webb, Geoff Wheat, Mavis Whitehead

YEAR’S MIND Irene Revie [2 December 2011], Ernest Stamp [3 December], Edith Benten [4 December 2001],

RIP John Jordan, former Organist of Chelmsford Cathedral, King’s Lynn Minster and still in office at the Catholic Shrine at Walsingham where his funeral takes place on Friday 7 December.

FOCUS ON SAINT NICOLAS: The name-day of Saint Nicolas, Bishop of Myra, falls on Thursday this week, 6 December. Tradition credits Santa Claus with all kinds of pre-Christmas activity and endeavour! On a more serious note, Nicolas has been adopted as Patron Saint of many – children, choristers, students, archers, thieves and rogues, merchants and, particularly, sailors. The legends about him are many, and nowhere, perhaps, are they encapsulated so memorably as in Eric Crozier’s vivid and greatly-loved text to Britten’s St Nicolas Cantata composed sixty-five years ago for the centenary celebrations of Lancing College in Sussex.

The Saint is also patron of many Anglican churches and co-patron, with Our Lady, of the City of Liverpool. Few saints have engendered such love and devotion both in terms of within their own life-time and after their death.

Nicolas is associated particularly in Britain with the traditions of “Boy ” still sustained in some cathedrals and greater churches. Nicolas (without the h in his name) was also adopted by Sir Sydney Nicholson as Patron of the School of English Church Music on its foundation in 1927 – and has remained in post with its present- day successor, the Royal School of Church Music. The greatly-prized RSCM’s St Nicolas Award was for years the highest possible attainment for a young person of talent and commitment.

We give thanks for St Nicolas, his life, his ministry and his devotion to Christ as well as to his fellow human-beings. SGL