Fall1991 University of at Urbana-Champaign

INSIDE "Folkers was a pioneer in medicinal and nutritional biochemistry." Citation exerpt, U. of I. Alumni Achievement Award, May, 1986 UFor his discoveries and leadership in combining basic chemical research and clinical medicine to achieve new treatments of diseases which have enhanced the quality of life and extended survival rates for countless people. tt Citation, President's National Medal of Science, 1990 Wolynes &search r= or ahnost 60 years Karl Folkers, B.S. page4 r with Honors, 1928, has conducted re­ search on the role of vitamins in the treatment of disease. At 85 years of age, when others have long since retired professionally, Folkers still works full time to support and guide his research group, and to persuade the FDA, the medical profession, and the media that vita­ mins have significant therapeutic value in the treatment of disease. The public-at-large un­ knowingly believes that vitamin supplements are not necessary when people eat a "nutrition· Zumdahl ally balanced diet." Folkers believes that there Promotion, page 3 is no proof ofthis popular belief. His research on Vitamin B6 and 8 12, and especially hjs work on Vitamin Q 10 (CoQ10), demon­ strates that these have important therapeutic value and should be utilized as supplements for the treatment of dis­ ease. His former colleague, Dr. Emile Karl Folkers receiving the Medal of Science 8liznakov, describes Folkers as "the true from President Bush 'father' of CoQ10 research in the United achievement although it does not have the States, , and Japan." CoQ is an 10 significance of his research on CoQ10, Library Drive indispensable vitamin that affects the because of the relative infrequency of page6 body's entire bioenergetics system. pernicious anemia compared with cardiac Folkers has concluded that a deficiency failure. of CoQ10 is an important contributory and dominant molecular cause of heart Since 1973, Karl Folkers has been the failure, today's #1 fatal disease. Ashbel Smith Professor of Chemistry at the University of Texas at Austin and Although the concept that vitamin Director of the Institute for Biomedical deficiencies cause disease is not new, such Research. Since last spring, he has been deficiency has rarely been associated with President of the Karl Folkers Foundation a widespread disease, like heart failure. for Biomedical and Clinical Research, For instance, berri berri is associated with which was recently established to support a deficiency of vitamin 8 1, scurvy with further research with funds from royalties Snyder vitamin C and pernicious anemia with and donations. AU of these might be &cognition, page 5 vitamin 8 12. During his 28 years at Merck, considered "post retirement" positions, Folkers and his coworkers were the first after he had retired from Merck & Co. in to elucidate the structure of vitamin 86 1963 and from the Stanford Research and to isolate and characterize crystalline Institute in 1968. vitamin 8 12• 8 12 was a very important continued on page 2 Karl Folkers continued from page 1

Early Years Research. He worked on a whole series of Over the years, Folkers's work has at­ vitamins, steroids and antibiotics, and tracted increasing attention and recogni· Folkers began his career as a pure organ­ helped make Merck a leader in the man­ tion. He has been a member of the Na­ ic chemist, having become interested in ufacture of natural products. tional Academy of Sciences since 1948. He chemistry in high school. One thing he has received five honorary degrees includ­ learned early was that in order to become Research on CoQ10 began in 1957 after ing a D.Sc. from the University of illinois a chemist, you had to go to college. So he its accidental discovery at the University in 1973 and an M.D. from the University went. He attended the University of Il­ ofWisconsin. Folkers continued the CoQto of Bologna, Italy, in 1990. Among his more linois because he had grown up in De­ research at Merck, and subsequently, at prestigious awards are the Perkin Medal catur, and the U. of I. was nearby. At Stanford and at the University of Texas, of the Society of Chemical Industry in Illinois he worked hard. "You weren't for a total of 34 years. 1960, and the Priestley Medal in 1986. He there to fool around but to do your best." was the first recipient of the Robert A. He was fortunate to benefit from two Post "Retirement" Posts Welch International Award and Medal for tremendous teachers, "Speed" Marvel His five years at the Stanford Research Research on Life Processes in 1972. In 1986 and "Jack" Johnson. He described Marvel the U. of I. awarded him an Alumni as "the dominant teacher in my life, who Institute were rewarding. He enjoyed the opportunity to be president of several Achievement Award to thank him "for a also had enormous goodwill for students lifetime of work that has benefited the and influenced their lives long after they thousand people working in a variety of fields including engineering and physics health of millions." left the university." in addition to chemistry. He lived a double To help meet expenses, he held a variety life. In the daytime, he worked on ad­ of jobs. As a freshman, he washed dishes ministrative matters in the president's in a "greasy spoon" restaurant and earned office. At night and during weekends, he one meal for each hour of dishwashing. continued his work on CoQ10 with about As a sophomore, he waited on tables in 25 postdocs. a fraternity. In his junior and senior years, CH3 he worked nights in the chemistry library Dr. William Shive, then head of the as an assistant to the legendary librarian, Chemistry Department at the University Sally Sparks. ofTexas at Austin had been urging Folkers to come to Texas ever since he heard that He attended Wisconsin for graduate he was leaving Merck. The position re­ studies because Speed Marvel recom­ mained open after Folkers went to Stan­ mended him to Homer Adkins and "I ford. In 1968 Folkers was persuaded to never questioned his suggestions." make the final move. As an incentive, the Folkers was still an organic chemist and President of the University of Texas had received his Ph.D. in 1931 for work on offered to establish an institute for Folkers. hydrogenation of compounds. His big A luncheon at a local restaurant, the Night Ublchlnone ..,. success occurred on a Sunday. He had Hawk, gave birth to the name, the insti­ arrived at the lab between 8 and 9, charged tute for Biomedical Research, and Folkers up the bomb with an ester and a brand has been its director ever since. new catalyst, turned on the hydrogen and gone to church. He returned to fmd that the pressure had dropped exactly the calculated amount. The keynote of his thesis was the discovery of a new catalyst that could convert esters to alcohols. As a postdoctoral associate at Yale, he worked with Professor Treat B. Johnson, who suggested that he use his chemical background to work on disease-related problems. "I took to it like a duck to water," was Folkers's recollection. After three years at Yale, he was offered two excellent positions, one at General Electric to work on polymer chemistry and one at Merck for research on pharmaceuticals in a new Laboratory for Pure Research. "It was an easy decision," Folkers said. During his 28 years at Merck, Folkers ascended the corporate ladder and retired in 1963 as Vice-President for Exploratory

·2------L------John C. Bailar, Jr. MAY 27, 1904- OCTOBER 17, 1991

A memorial service will be held on December 14, 1991 at 2 p.m. at the McKinley Foundation, 809 S. 5th Street, Champaign, IL 61801.

In lieu of flowers, the family has requested that memorial contributions be sent to the John and Florence Bailar Fund. Checks should be sent to the University of Illinois Foundation, 1401 West Green Street, Urbana, IL 61801. It is with a great sense of loss that we record the passing of one of our most beloved emeritus professors, John C. Bailar, Jr. According to Professor Theodore Brown, Director of the Beckman Institute at the University of Illinois, "Professor John C. Bailar has had an extremely important influence on the development of coordination chemistry in the . He, more than any other single person, was responsible for the advancement of in this country."

He was co-founder and chairman of the Division of Inorganic Chemistry of the American Chemical Society 1957-58, as well as President ofthe American Chemical Society, 1959. He was author of The Chemistry of Coordination Compounds, 1956 and Editor oflnorganic Syntheses, Volume rv, 1953, a series he helped establish. From 1941-1967 he was Head of the Division of Inorganic Chemistry at the University of lllinois. A highlight of his career was to receive the only Werner Gold Medal ever awarded, on the occasion of the lOOth anniversary of the birth of the Swiss chemist, Alfred Werner, the recognized "Father of Coordination Chemistry."

Despite his accomplishments as a researcher, Professor Bailar's first love was teaching and working with students. At Illinois he did both, as director of general chemistry and of the student placement program. In describing the role of the teacher, Bailar said, "I agree with the Greek philosopher that the mind is not a vessel to be filled, but a pyre to be lit." His love of teaching was communicated to his students, a very large fraction of whom went into academia. Of the 90 chemists who received their Ph. D. degrees under Bailar's supervision, three became president of the American Chemical Society.

A colleague described Professor Bailar as someone who "had a way of bringing out the best in each of the students who came his way. John was a patient man, but demanded in the end that the result was one of high quality. He always looked to educating the students beyond mere chemistry. He was concerned that the whole person be educated."

Professor Bailar was born in Golden, Colorado where his father was a chemist and professor at the Colorado School of Mines. Chemistry came naturally to him and he received both his BS and MA degrees in chemistry from the University of Colorado. Bailar took his Ph.D. in organic chemistry under Moses Gomberg at the University of Michigan in 1928. Despite offers from industry he chose the University of lllinois where he would have an opportunity to teach. He joined the faculty in 1928 and stayed at ntinois long after his retirement in 1972. The only noticeable difference was that after retirement he spent seven hours daily in his office instead of twelve.

His work has received significant recognition world wide. Among his awards were the Priestley Medal of the American Chemical Society in 1964, the American Chemical Society Award in Chemical Education 1961, and the American Chemical Society Award for Distinguished Service in the Advancement of Inorganic Chemistry, 1972. He was the first University of lllinois Professor to receive the Frank P. Dwyer Medal of the Chemical Society of New South Wales in 1965 and the J. Heyrovsky Medal of the Czechoslovakian Academy of Science in 1978. He received honorary doctoral degrees from the University of Buffalo and the University of Colorado, both in 1959, from Lehigh University in 1973 and from Monmouth College in 1983.

Additional publications of which Professor Bailar was author/editor include Chemistry with several of his students, 1978 and 1984, University Chemistry with T. Moeller and J. Kleinberg, 1965, General Chemistry for Colleges with B.S. Hopkins, 1956, Essentials of General Chemistry with B.S. Hopkins, 1946, and nearly 300 research papers.

On the occasion of his retirement, Bailar's students and colleagues established the Bailar Lecture and Gold Medal at the University of ntinois. Among the distinguished speakers in this lecture series have been Nobel Laureate , , Richard Holm, Earl Muetterties, George Parshall, Daryle Busch, Harry Gray, Robert Bergman, Jack Halpern, John Corbett, Larry Dahl, and Fred Hauthorne.

During his 80th birthday symposium, one of the speakers commented, "Only those who have worked closely with John Bailar over many years can fully appreciate his spirit of dedication that has inspired several generations of younger scientists. His impact on the chemical community is clear to all." Bailar's response at the end of the symposium was, "You have to think young," and he added, "I go along with Robert Browning, who said, 'The best is yet to be."' Zumdahl Appointed Last Year Illinois Added Four Faculty and Associate Head Record Number of Graduates of Chemistry Department


Scenes from May, 1991 graduation ceremonies

n a concert hall of the Krannert Center, Steven Zumdahl I one block from 100 Noyes Lab, with comiort· ast year, Professor Steven Zumdahl, able seats for all graduating undergraduates L director of general chemistry and chair­ and their visitors, Professor of Chemistry man of the committee on courses and cur· Eric Jacobsen congratulated the new ricula, directed an extensive review of the graduates "because it is harder now to get a The high quality of our students is reflected entire undergraduate chemistry curriculum. degree than ever before." Yet, at the Univer­ in some of the national awards received. For It is expected that the review will result in an sity of Illinois an impressive number achieved example, Scott Stevens, one of this year's enrichment and updating of the curriculum, that mi1estone. The number of chemical graduating undergraduates, received re­ especially in the areas of synthesis and spec­ engineering and chemistry BS graduates in search support from the NSF last summer. troscopy. Professor Zumdahl will oversee ACS approved curricula was higher than any His senior thesis research was supported by this effort in his new position as assodate year since 1985/86, and so was the number a Colgate-Palmolive Fellowship and he was head of the chemistry department. of Ph.D. s in chemistry, despite the nation­ co-recipient of the Thomas 0. Sidebottom According to Professor Gary Schuster, wide trends reflecting lowering enrollments Award for the best senior thesis in biochem­ head of the chemistry department, "This in the hard sciences. istry. position wiJJ carry major responsibility and Incomplete salary data suggest that our David Selinger, graduate student of will demonstrate once again the emphasis on graduates are still greatly in demand. Re­ Biochemistry Professor JoAnn Wise, received excellence in undergraduate education in ported average salary offers for Illinois a Monsanto Fellowship to support his work chemical science at the University of Illinois." graduates have risen in virtually all categories in Cell and Molecular Biology. Dave was aJso In the future, Professor Zumdahl will overse,e despite the overall slowdown in the economy. selected as a speaker at a Yeast Genetics and not just the general chemistry courses but the The number of reported offers has increased Molecular Biology meeting, and his trip was entire undergraduate curriculum, working substantially especially among those receiv· funded in part by the Genetics Society of closely with faculty in the program areas. ing their BS degrees. More than twice as America. Consuelo Alvarez, a graduate Discussing his new responsibilities, Profes­ many different companies hired at least one student in the Department of Biochemistry, sor Zumdahl commented on chemistry edu­ chemical sciences student compared with the has been supported by a Fulbright Fellow­ cation at Illinois and nationwide, as follows: year before. ship. I am pleased that, in contrast to data showi11g declining interest in chemistry by undergraduate students across the country, our undergraduate program has never been healthier. A recent article in Chemical and Engineering News, May 20, Where Do You Work? 1991, indicated that the UIUC is the only major What Do You Do? producer of BS chemists to show an increase in the number of graduating chemistry majors over the last five years. In addition to the encouraging At present, we have the answer to that question for numbers, our graduates are very high quality. only a select few. We need it for everyone in order to Although our undergraduate program is update our database. healthy, it is not without problems. Our labs are generally crowded and out of date. As additional So, PLEASE take a moment to tell us. A return reply space becomes available, we need to secure funds envelope is enclosed. You can use the KEEP IN WUCH to remodel our facilities for undergraduate instmc­ section of the newsletter or write us a note. tion. Even in the face of budget difficulties, our under~raduate program continues to be innovative and effective. We hope to do even better in the coming years. --~~------_J--...... 3 . Wolynes Elected to National Academy of Sciences for Ground Breaking Theoretical Work

n the various lines of research that other processes like the binding of ligands to in realizing the potential of the human genome I comprise his work, Peter G. Wolynes, profes­ hemoglobin. The study of glasses, however, project. Defects in the folding process have sor of chemistry, likes to be in at the beginning, logically led him to the protein folding prob­ been implicated in a variety of diseases, includ­ rather than in the end game. One of his great lem. The problem was to predict the structure ing Alzheimers and diseases caused by prions, satisfactions is seeing others get interested in of proteins from their folding sequences which such as "Mad Cow" disease in Britain. and develop a line of research that he initiated. are the consequence of intermolecular forces. One common element in these three types He recalls that when he started working on a Computer simulations did not provide insight of problems is that they all revolve around slow new statistical approach to protein folding, his into (aiding because of the limitations of com­ processes. Faster processes, experimentally first paper in 1987 elicited the comment, "Now puter time. With today's fastest computers, a the hardest to study, are more easily under­ this is really mickey mouse." Two years later, protein's motions can be simulated for up to a stood theoretically. For glasses, the ultimate this paper is already being referenced more nanosecond whereas the folding process in the state is still unknown. It might tum out to be than 10 times per year and has spawned a new test tube requires at least milliseconds. Thus, a crystal or an aperiodic structure. Again, in community of scholars using his ideas to study simulations always led to trapping in a local the study of proteins, the problem is that the both the motions and evolution of proteins. minimum, like a glass. It was necessary to find long time process of folding must be inferred Wolynes's interest in physical chemistry a "folding code" to speed up the process. from fast processes like conformational transi­ began with a book from the Museum of Science Experimental studies of proteins suggest tions, which are the only ones that can be and Industry in Chicago about chemical ther­ that the code is very degenerate and robust. studied with a computer. modynamics. Thermodynamics raised but did Many errors can be made in a sequence pattern Although Wolynes maintains his wide vari­ not answer such questions as: How do without affecting the final structure. This ety of interests in basic problems of chemical molecules reach up to and cross chemical suggests an analogy to brains and neural dynamics, he is very enthusiastic about his barriers? How does a solvent affect a chemical networks where very fuzzy patterns can be work on folding. "One advantage of working reaction? Under what circumstances do recognized. Wolynes proposed that the deter­ on protein folding is that there is a clear stan­ molecules cross over a chemical barrier and mination of energy functions describing the dard of performance," Wolynes says. "When when do they tunnel through? Why does a folding code of proteins could be found via a chemical reaction take so long when the move­ strategy like that used in neural biology where ment of molecules taking part in the reaction perceived patterns reinforce certain interac­ is so fast? He remembers puzzling about these tions between neurons and weaken others. things during summers at the beach on Lake The new models are schematic but contain Michigan. enough elements of reality that for some This line of questions led Wolynes to systems the protein folding process as simu­ examine the relation between the rate of a lated by the Cray computers can now be carried out within the nanosecond range. chemical reaction and the viscosity of a fluid. U the molecules move rapidly across the bar­ The goal of the work, not yet achieved, is to rier, viscosity apparently has no effect. U the reliably detennine the structure of any protein Predicted Structure molecules move slowly across, the rate and from its sequences alone. But in its current viscosity seem to vary inversely. Why, in some form, one gets insight into how proteins them­ situations, do the viscosity and rate of reaction selves can carry out this daunting computa­ vary together? The transition state of reactions tional task. The work may have practical be­ in liquids is still not fully understood, but the nefits as well. Protein structure prediction efforts, both experimental and theoretical, bum sequence is important in any design and motivated by his early work, have greatly enhanced the level of debate. His study of chemical reactions in liquids Jed to his interest in the formation of glasses. Glasses present an interesting form of chemical dynamics because the changes in glass are ...Figure 1a. incredibly slow compared with the vibrational movement of molecules which take part in the ... transformation. In glasses the system is trap­ Wolyn", right, ped in a local minimum energy configuration. demonatrates a There are many unsolved questions about the point to Zan dynamics of motion in glasses but the ap­ Schulten, left and proaches taken by Wolynes and coworkers are Richard Goldateln, stimulating new experiments. center. Biological reactions have been especially interesting to Wolynes because they are rela­ tively fast and there is a closer fit between the time scales of the environment and the reac­ tion. His work on reaction dynamics contri­ buted to understanding electron transfer and • 4 ...... ______Former Students Establish Scholarships to Recognize Harold Snyder

o his students, Harold Snyder was not inviting Snyder to Illinois said, in part, Tonly one of the four top chemists of the "I have just learned through Dr. Fuson Golden Age, along with Adams, Marvel, that you have decided to give up indus­ and Fuson, but also a tremendous teacher trial work and to look for an academic who always "took the extra step" for his position. It seems likely that I shall thesis students and helped them throughout have a post-Ph.D. Research Assis­ their careers. For many years, the Snyder tantship for the year 1936-37 which group met at the annual Fall ACS meetings carries a stipend of $2,000. The in cum­ {or a dinner and an evening of reminis­ bent must work for eleven months and Ftgure1 b. One tunneling path around a heme cences. is not supposed to take advantage of center obtained from quenching About two years ago, Dr. Wyvona Lane, the usual University vacations. Would you be interes ted in applying for such molecular biologists run your programs to one of the Snyder student group, sent a check to the U. of I. for the "Snyder Fund'' a position?" Harold Snyder was. In calculate structures, you have achieved a 1937 he joined the teaching staff at the standard for having solved it, at least in the and discovered that none existed. She decided to remedy this oversight. With the U. of I. and became a full professor in engineering sense. This is probably the most 1945. exciting problem I've worked on," he added. help of Dr. Robert Jones, a fellow Snyder "I really want to know the answer but the main student and chairman of this campaign, From 1957-1960 he was Associate point is that I get a lot of fun out of the entire the group has raised over $50,000, almost Head of the Chemistry Department process of doing the work." $100,000 including pledges, for an endow­ and from 1960 until his retirement in ment to fund future "Snyder Scholars." 1976 he took on added responsibilities Figure la shows the comparison of a cyto­ as Associate Dean of the Graduate chrome's predicted structure compared with The purpose of the endowment is to support undergraduate students with an College and Secretary of the Research the experimental result. This protein has only Board. During WWII, Snyder carried 27% sequence homology with other proteins interest in organic chemistry for a semester of research with a faculty member at the on work for the National Defense in the structural database and thus lies in the Research Committee, the Committee HTwilight Zone" where standard protein struc­ U. of I. Each student will receive a stipend and the endowment will cover laboratory on Medical Research, and the W.P.B. ture predictions fail. This work is the result Rubber Research Program. of a collaboration of Wolynes, Z. Schulten expenses in addition. The purpose of the and Richard Goldstein, all here at the scholarship is to provide extra stimulation In addition to supervising 125 suc­ U.I.U.C. Figure lb shows the quantum tun· for young students so that the potential cessful Ph. D. candidates, he has been neling motion of the active site of a cyto­ chemists will gain an appreciation of the co-author of two textbooks and served chrome molecule, undergoing an electron challenges and satisfactions of scientific on the editorial board of Organic Reac­ transfer reaction. This is the result of a collab­ research and will continue their studies as tions. Snyder was a meticulous editor oration of C. Zheng at Northern Illinois graduate students. The first Snyder Scholar and his editorial responsibilities were University,]. McCammon at the University was selected last summer and spent a very time consuming. Nevertheless, of Houston, and Wolynes. semester working with Professor John he found time to develop a special Shapley on the bond with each of his graduate stu­ Wolynes's theories and models have helped of c60 (see back page for additional dents, fostered in the weekly research create several communities of scientists in­ information). meetings in the "seminar room" in the terested in frontier problems of science. He basement of the Snyder home. works closely with colleagues here and else­ Professor Snyder was a classical where including three visiting faculty mem­ organic chemist who has made impor­ bers, three postdoctoral associates, six tant scientific contributions in the graduate and two undergraduate students in fields of amino acid synthesis, reac­ his Jab at the theory center. tions of amines and quaternary am­ monium salts, synthetic applications In addition to his election to the National of polyphosphoric acid, indole chemis­ Academy in May, 1991, Wolynes has received try, polymerization, the Diels Alder numerous other honors. He is a fellow of the reaction, the Mannich reaction, the American Academy of Arts and Sciences and synthesis and study of new a permanent member of the Center for Ad­ heteroaromatic systems, organoboron vanced Study at the University of illinois. In compounds and natural products. 1986 he received the ACS award in Pure Chemistry, and in 1988 the Fresenius Award Snyder was born in Mt. Carmel, of Phi Lambda Upsilon. In 1988 he was Illinois and took his B.S. in chemistry awarded a D.Sc. (han.) by Indiana University, at the U. of I. in 1931. After completing his Alma Mater. Yet his many contributions his Ph.D. at in 1935 were made in just 15 years since he received he spent a year at the Solvay Process his Ph.D. For the School of Chemical Sciences Company. The letter from Harold Snyder at the University of Illinois, his work de· monstrates that the "golden age" of chemis­ continued on back page try is not confined to the past.

------~...... 5 . $230,000- $220,000- Alumni and Friends Enthusiastically $210,000- Support Chemistry Library $200,000- $190,000- n November 4, 1991 the chemistry The appeal for 0 library will celebrate its tOOth anniver­ library funds has sary with an old fashioned birthday party. As elicited wide­ befits an elderly celebrant, the gift of the day spread support. will not be a collection of minor consumables As of August, 1991, but an endowment fund that will benefit the when this report library forever. was compiled, $120,000- over 12% of living Its effects are already visible. One of the first $110,000- alumni with items purchased with interest from the endow­ $100,000- ment was the new edition of the Kirk-Otltmer known addresses $ 90,000- Enclyclopedia of Chemical Technology, 4th Edition. as well as faculty The second edition, which was the most recent and other friends, Lester E. Coleman $ 80,000- available in our library, was seriously out-of­ had made contributions to the fund. Several $ 10.000- date. Professor Suslick, who teaches a new contributors have written to fund chairman, s 60,000- course for non-science majors, has the students Dr. lester E. Coleman, Chairman of the $ 50,000- Board of Lubrizol Corporation, expressing start with this encyclopedia for writing term $ 40,000- papers and fmds it a valuable reference work their support along with their check. for all levels of study. Contributions to date have exceeded $170,000. We hope that by the time of the Professor Steve Zimmerman, chairman of $ birthday party when the endowment fund the School's library committee, has noted a $ marked improvements as funds became avail­ will be presented officially, or at least by the able. "Over the past several yeats our mono­ end of the anniversary year, that the full $200,000 goal will have been reached. With The Library Fund as ot 8/91 graph budget has virtually disappeared to exceeded $170,000. maintain our serial collection. Many of the the final $30,000 in hand, the chemistry monographs that we have not been able to library will be able to count on an annual At this time, we would like thank aU our purchase are irreplaceable and the material is supplement of $10,000 to give our library that many friends and contributors. Dr. Coleman, not available 'on line', like articles in journals. margin of excellence that it has enjoyed in its chairman of the drive, will be presented a Hkey Our ability to pun:hase necessary monographs first 100 years. to the library" as a small token of our appreci­ has been even more important for students Supplementary checks made out to UIF/ ation. To our contributors, listed below, we than for faculty. Faculty can afford to purchase Chemistry Library Endowment Fund along would like to express our gxatitude on behalf essential materials; students frequently can­ with matching gift forms, where appropriate, ofcurrentand future students and faculty who not. The extra funds have already made a will help us to reach our full goal, and can will have the support of a premier library for noticeable impact." be sent in the prepaid envelope enclosed in their research and teaching. this newsletter.

Pilot Merit Workshop Targets High Risk Students

hat does a program for high risk stu­ Does it work? African-Americans and Wdents call to mind? Easier problems, Hispanics make up 10% of the UIUC under­ remedial instruction? Not in this case. Students graduate population. Thirty percent of the in the chemistry merit workshop work on students who dropped out of regular Chemis­ problems that tend to be more difficult than try 101 sections last fall were from these two those in regular sections of Chemistry 101. The minority groups. In contrast, the pilot merit crucial difference is that workshop participants workshop in chemistry 101 lost only one of work in groups, not alone. The participants its 23 students. are 'at risk' not because they lack achievement The program is run by Patricia Plaut, an potential. Their math ACf scores are gener· instructor in the general chemistry cur­ Patricia Plaut ally at least 27. They are "at risk" because riculum. This fall there will be two merit skills, such as pacing, with mock exams they come from isolated schools or, more sections taught by teaching assistants under typically, from inner city schools. For these Patricia's supervision. which are given just prior to the real course students the university environment tends to exams. The program changes the "feel" of be overwhelming, if not threatening. The Workshop participants get one extra hour the university environment. "Academic re· merit workshops provide them a faculty­ of academic credit for participating in the quirementsH become "interesting courses" guided, study/support group where coopera­ program. They take the same exams as other offering wide horizons in scientific disci­ tive learning is the norm . students in the course but Jearn exam taking plines as potential career avenues.

• 6 ...... ~------Thanks To All Supporters/ The following alumni and friends supported our Chemistry Library Endowment Fund campaign with gifts of $1000 or more.

Norman Bates James and Verna Hendricks Thomas E. Phipps, Jr. Theodore and Audrey Brown Julius and Frances Johnson, Jr. in memory of Donald Burney Robert Joyce Professor T. E. Phipps Gilbert and Velta Burton Thomas and Mary Krigas Herschel Porter Herbert and Elizabeth Carter Nelson Leonard Francis Pramuk Hye Kyung Cho and Mark Tim ken Walter and Helen Dickerson May Max Ferdinand Roy Lester E. and Kathleen Coleman Opal Morgan Harry Sutherland John and Joan Ehrmantraut in memory of Ruth Trosset Duane Goetsch and Nancy Mae Irving B. Morgan, '22 Warren Walton Dickerson Alan Peterson Thomas Warne

The following alumni and friends supported our Chemistry Library Endowment Fund campaign with gifts of up to $1000.

G. Warren Abbott Weldon Kay Bell Marshall Brown Elwin Chark Michael Abel Peter Bellus Robert and Ethel Brown Chemistry Engineers class ol1938 Michael and Wilma Abendroth Irving Bengelsdorf Douglas Browne c/o Howard Messman David Ackerman and Adrienne Tymiak Robert IIJid Ruth Benolfel William Browne Cheng-Chung Chen andYueh-Ung Lee Paul Adams Aleksander and Irene Beresnlewlcz Gaylen Brubaker and H. N. Cheng Paul L Adesko Arthur Berger Barbara Wlldemuth Hung-Yu Chen and lu-Chl Hsu Christopher and Elizabeth Alien K.D. and Grace limothy and Domlhy Brumlsve Judy and Allen Chen Sharon Alvarado Charles Berman Stephen Bubanovich Robert Tsun·Tze Chen Jeffrey Amelse Janice Berman Evan and Theresa Buck William and Mary Chilton Ronald and Gall Arney Peter Bernays Wslter Buehl Urn N. Chin Richard Amos Eugene Bertin VICtor and Janet Buhrke laiTy Chom Arthur Anderson Pater and Unda Bertoncini Reginald Buller John Christensen, Jr. Car1 and Char1ene Anderson Sidney Bertucci WilHam Bunney Stephanie Elizabeth Church Donald Anderson II Tony and Mary Beugelsdijk Joseph Burckhalter Roger ll11d Katherine Chy11a John and Pat Anderson Roy and Harriet Bible Douglas Burg Charlotte Cimino Peul and Maureen Anderson Robert J. Blok:tllnf Robert Burge, Jr. Fred Clark Lester Donald Apperson Homer and Edith Birch Perle and Rorence Burkard Wslter Claussen John W. and Amy Applegate E. Ray Birkhimer Pamela Burke in memory of Robert M. Arduini C&rl and MillY Bishop Donald Burness Pro~ Kbrlh H. Rodebush George Atlda Gregory A. Blackwell Alan and MillY Bumham Harry Cohen Lyda McClellen Arnett Steven Blanks William W. Burr. Jr. , Saul M. Cohen Richard and Doris Arnold Thomas Blakley GillY F. Burt Denise and Edward Cole Ray Samuelson end EleanoreArrandale Barrie and Nancy Blase Richard Bush Barbara H. Berman Coleman Peter and Betty Jean Arvan B. Peter Block Richard U. and Claire Byerbrum Harold and Dorcas Collier warren and Genavieve Ashley Murray S. and Nancy Ann Blum Blaine and Julia Byers Mlka Coltrin Maria Ann Aikins louis and Clllherine Bock Leonard Byman David Colwell Jack and Kathy Brown Austera Fred Boettner S1ephen Bym Robert and Louise Conradi Frederick M. Auaubel James Bohlen Rebecca and Allen Byrne Kenneth and Margaret Conmw Benjamin Aycock Robert and Lois Bohon Robert and Geraldine C8dwaleder Donald and Marion Cook Albert and Marion Babb Douglas Bolton, Jr. John Callahan Edward Cooney Dale and Marion Babcock Timothy A. Bonner John Callen Deborah and Corey Correnti Donald Bahr Rita M. Boltei Clayton and Sara Calli& John Cosby John and Katharine Ballar Edmond Bottorff Joseph carney Richard Cosmano Keith and Ellen Baker William Boulanger in memory of Robert Courtright Joan and Gerald Baldwin Oewayne Bowlin, Jr. Professor Helbert Lsflinen Howard Cox, Jr. Kathleen Ball Bruce and Lynn Braham Robert Camighan Kennsth Cox and Sylvia Csstano William and Elizabeth Banick Jerry and Unda Brammer E. Louis and Gladys caron Je1111 Crawford James and Julie Barbour Donald BlliJld Norman and Kathy carr Paul Creger Robert L Balrefa Ch811ea and Jane Brandt Thomas Carroll Melissa Millie Cfegier Paul and Mildred Barrick Warren Brandl Mark and Deborah Carter Henry and Mary Crespi John Barry, Jr. Anne M. Brauweiler Orwin Lee Carter Harry and Jean Cripps Eric Bar1hel, Jr. Larry A. Bray Dee Casteel Robert K. Cmll laura Bass Michael Brierly Arthur Ceulk Rk:hard Crone Cynthia E. Battiste Ben and Jellflnette Briggs Patricia Gavender and Brad Crossan Robert J. Baumann James 0. Bright Lawrence K. White Michael Crouch Peter and Sandra Beak Steven Brinduse Robert C8mlnghan Kevin D. 1111d Denise Cucci lamoyne and Margaret Bearden Lucile Adams Brink Frank Chadde George and Unda cumnan Hany C. and Lestlne Becker Jeffrey Brodsky William Champion Paul and Judith Cundy Peter D. Becker Joseph Brooks Rose and Lawrence Cheng Leon Cunningham Eric BeckwHh Kenneth Brooks James Chao Philip and Sandra Cunningham Wendy A. Bedele Gail Bmwn M.S. and Patricia Chao Robert Cunningham, Jr. Lyell Christian Behr Jerome Brown Toby and Rorence Chapman Willis and Shirley Cupery Charles and Catherine Bell Lawrence and A. Marlvane Brown Michael K. end Deborah Chappell Charles and Madonna Cupit David and Constance Curtin Heidi J. Fatland Leslie Graves Leonore Holander Karen Cwynar Larry and Mary Ann Faulknet' Ksnneltl Graziani Maloye and Norma Holmes Joseph and Mary Dailey in memory of Graham and Lee Green Robert Holmes Wesley Dale Professor Herbett LsitlnfK! Ralph and Orvena Green Joy and Keith Honegger L.klda !Wid Jirnes Danos Robert Feild Robert and Joann Green Craig Hopkins Michael Dancziger Cuneyt FeizO\IIot James Greiner Donald Hornbeck George J. Dangles Lowell Fellinger Mel1and Grieb Dorothy and Kurt Horton Stewart D. and Charis Daniela, Jr. Timothy Felthouse John and Becky Griffin Marcia and Todd Horton Rachel K. Dare Timothy R. and Mary Fengler John Griffith Leslie Horvath Michael and Virginia Darmon Brian Fetzer Robert Grlflllhs, .X. Gary and Car1ane Hougen John Davidson Thomas Fevlg John and Helen Gring Eleulheriae T. Houvouru Shllf)'n Davidson R. Gene Fickel Duncan Groebe Elizabeth Sue Hovey Jimmy Davis and Christine Menzel Benjamin Fleselmann and George Gromke Edgar Howard, Jr. lilda Davison Lynn Franceaconi J. Arthur Gross Edwald Tillson Howell David William DaW90n John Figueras, Jr. James Michael Grow Mark Hoza and Cheryl Ellolzer Gladys Olllnty Dawson Don Fllson Elbert and Mary Grubl!t' Law M. HryhOICZUk Donald J. De Coate and Lori Johnson John Finch William Guilford Hanaen and Ung-Ann Hsiung Daniel L Deadmori Robert and Mary Fischer William Gumprecht Mlng-Chu Hsu Edward Debutls, Jr. Christopher and Ame Fi6hef Fran« and &Jsan Hackmann Dean and Mini Huang Richard and Suzanne Dehm Mark Fisher Stanley Lee Hager Jack Huddleston Gerald l. and Kathleen Delker Shelia Fltzpatrtck Gilbert and Shirley Haight Donald Huffman Lawrence Denk Roland Florin Gretchen Hall Charles E. Hughes WIIMam G. and Ellen Deplerri, Jr. Norman Fogel WiUiam Hammann Gordon and Agnes Hughes Eugene F. Derose Jan18$ and Martha Foght Oc Hee Han .James t-Uleey Marvin Bradford Detar Patricia and Alex Fojtik Kenneth Hanck C. Max and Doreen Hull James R. Devoe Verlln William Foltz Jack Hancock Jelffay C. and Janet Hunsicker Donald Devries Robert Foote Norma Hansen Charles W. Hutchins Horace Dewald Jared Fold Kannelh H81bison Miles A. and Ja'l8 Hutson Wllli1111 Dial Usa Daniels Forsman EdWBid Harford Frankfin Hyde Michael Diebold Henry Foster Byron Harman David Hyman Thomas Digennaro Robert H. Foster James and Ellen Harms Marshall Hyman Peter Dimas Jeremy Rlcllard Fox Kimberly Harms Scott and Margaret Idles Ted L !Wid Nancy Disabato Andrew Fraelle David Harrington Emelllnen John P. Dismukes Howard Fraenkel Willard Harrison Howard Spencer Ingber Daniel and Emily Dixon Jo Ann K. Frank William and Usa Harler George E. Inskeep Deborah Dobson Richard and JoAnn Franklin Allen and Vicki Hartford Richard Inskeep Dhu&me Doctll and Gordon Obre<:tX Edward FriVlauf Earl Hartman Patrick and Carol Ireland Ronald and Arrrf Dombro, Jr. Ingrid Fritsch-FIWies Richard Hasbrouck Alan Irwin Justin Dooley David and Anna Malle Froehling Karen Hasaett and Keith Morgan Dennis Jachlm Palrlck Dooley Kurt and Bonnie Froehlich Martin and Eve Hastings Harold and Shirley Jackson Biljana Dopudja Fr&d S. Fry, Jr. Edward C. Haun William and Kathleen Jackson Margaret Dorrance Robert Frye Edwin lind JMe HU1 Eric Jacobsen M. Grace Doty BryantS. Fujimoto Diane Hawkins Mark S. Jaeger in mflfTIOIY of John R. Doty Millon Gallagher Christopher Hayden PauiJahn Merton H. and Plllricia Douthitt James and Carole Gano Harold and Loretla Hayes Laylln James, Jr. Gary and Helen Dowlng Wlllam Genison, Jr. Leroy Haynes Raymond Vincent Janevicius Shelton Lee Downey Gilbert Gavlln Edmund and Sara Heerdt Jefry and Julette Jwgon Moms Edward Dreyfus Don Gebhardt Jerry Heesctlen , Matk Jateko David and Gall Drown Bany Gehm Bruce Hagemann Quentin and Carolyn Jeffries Bernard and Selma Dubni<:k Bruce Geisert John Heideman Chlfles Jelinek Leonard and Pt*icla Duda Andrew Gelnwl Althur and Evelyn Helwig Clart !Wid Patricia Jena8n Lawrence Dunlap James A. Geraghty Ranger David Hemenway Edward Frederick Jochen Edward Clarence Dunlop Nancy C. Gerber Richard Henderson Phlftp Johnson EdWin and Fern Dyer Alan R. Gerling ~e Henderson Hugh and Mary Johnston Henry lee Dykema Gregory and Usa German James and Vera Hendricks James and Agalha Johnst>n Richard D'Amato Andrew Gewtrth Heathet' Hendrix Jlrl and Ana Jonas Andre and Unda D'Avlgnon Gerald and Caroline Gherardlnl George Harbert Hans Boegh Jonassen Larry Eckelman Car\in Gibbs Harry and Doris Herbrandson Loretta Jones Thomas and Mary Eder Katherine J. Gibson David and Sheila Herbst Todd and Tracy Jones John and Karan Edwards James Gieselw! David and Helen Herlocbr lentz. .X. David and Janet Lamoree David and Carolyn Matthews Oscar Neldltctl Sherrill Austin Puckett Wyvona and Joseph Lane James and Mestha Mattoon Herold Nelson Frederick Pundsack John Lang Jason R. Maxwell James Nelson Doogles Purdy and Joy Oltlonez William Langdon Melanie May Stephen Netemeyer Bhagal Singh and Betty Purewal Artlu J. and Klnn Lange R. James May Daniel Netzel Mart A. Pytosh and Wendel wMoyer Kevin and Elaine Lange Robert P. Mazurek Jacob Nevyas Hao Quinn Lisa Langston Charles McBurney Cart-Kha Nguyen James E. Quinn Elena Jeannette Lanterman Charles McCarty Robert and Mary Ann Nledzlel$ki Norman and Dorabel Rabjohn Gene Lata JoiYI McCollum Richard NlemaM Albert Rachln Rictwd l.aur8en Marti and Patricia McCraady Robert and Margaret Nlkelly Brent Referty David Leader and wallace McCurdy, Jr. Robert Y. end Mary Jane Nlng Ronald Ragsdale Susan Utteken-Leader J. Albert McDaniel Orlin Norder I

n this case, "ErC" is not the tag end ofa job Brenda Kesler working I description. The acronym stands for "En­ with high school students couraging Tomorrow's Chemists." Working with a local high school science teacher, ~ Brenda Kesler, a graduate student in organic chemistry, has persuaded fellow graduate students to help her bring chemistry into community schools. Using ideas from a science enrichment program developed in Tulsa, Oldahoma, the group has developed a series of simple experiments that are carried out by high school students under the super­ vision of Brenda and other graduate student volunteers. & Lett to right: Glenn Jlrka, Monica Baloga, Instead of giving demonstrations, Brenda Katrina Hughes, Brenda Kesler and her group write up simple experiments for the students to carry out. These are ap­ proved by the school science teacher and carried out under careful supervision. At this younger children in junior high and elemen­ them how neat and interesting chemistry can time, four graduate students in addition to tary schools. "Jt is never too early to stimulate be and to do it in the context of applications Brenda are involved in the teaching program. an interest in chemistry," is Brenda's view of that have meaning to them. The goal is to get They are Donald Seielstad, who will head the the program. "Small children seem to have more people interested at a critical time in program next year, Monica Baloga, Katrina an innate interest in science. However, some­ their lives. Brenda and her group of volun­ Hughes, and Glenn Jirka where between kindergarten and high school teers have been remarkably successful. She that gets beaten out of them. That is why we Now in its second year, the program is has done an absolutely phenomenal job." think it is particularly important to work with already so successful that colleagues of the Professor Jacobsen plans to apply for outside younger students." science teacher, who initiated the collabora­ funding and hopes that the NSF or other tion with Brenda, are beginning to consider Professor Jacobsen, faculty advisor to the sponsors will provide sufficient support so similar programs for their classes. Brenda project, is an enthusiastic supporter. that the ETC community outreach program hopes that, eventually, the program will be "Perhaps the most important aspect of the will compensate the student/teachers, as is expanded to increase the number of experi­ program," he says, "is not to instruct the done at MIT, where a similar program is in ments in each class and to reach out to students in any specific subject but to show place.

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Nelson Leonard, Professor Emeritus of Chemistry, won the 1991 George W. WheJand Faculty News Medal. The award was presented at the annual Alumni News George W. Wheland Award Symposium at the University of Chicago on March 4, 1991. Among the symposium speakers were Profes­ Professor Herbert Laitinen sor Carl R. Johnson, a fanner student of Profes­ In Memoriam sor Leonard, and Professor Gregorio Weber, a Dies at 76 Joan Fessenden, B.S. '55 (Chemistry}, well colleague at the U. of L and coauthor on several known organic chemistry textbook writer, died of Professor Leonard's papers. on March 24, 1991. Together with her husband, Ralph J. Fessenden, chemistry professor at the Professor Leonard was also invited to be­ University of Montana, she wrote The Basis of come the Shennan Fairchild Distinguished Orga,1ic Chemistry in 1971, Fundtunenta/s of Scholar at the California Institue ofTechnology Organic Chemistry, in 1990and Organic Chemis­ for a three-month period during the Fall of try, Fourth Editio11 in 1990. The latter is consi­ 1991. He was elected President of the Organic dered one of the top college-level organic Chemistry Division of TUPAC. chemistry textbooks in the world.

Walter G. Klemperer, Professor of Chemis­ Sylvan 0. Greenlee, Ph.D. '39 (Chemistry try, has been selected to receive the ACS Award with Shriner), who won the AC5 Award in the in Inorganic Chemistry, sponsored by the Chemistry of Plastics and Coatings in 1968, Monsanto Company. died on January 29, 1991. Dr. Greenlee had resigned in 1968 as director of R&D at Larry R. Faulkner, Professor of Chemistry Guardsman Chemical Coatings to open his and Dean of the College of liberal Arts and own laboratory, Greenlee Resean:h Co. in Herbert Laitinen, Professor of Chemistry at Sciences, has been selected to receive the ACS Moline, Michigan. the University of Illinois from 1940until1974, Award in Analytical Chemistry, sponsored by died on March 22, 1991 in Gainesville, Florida. Fisher Scientific Company. Richard Willet Jackson, M.S. '25 (Biochemis­ From 1953 until his retirement from the U. of try with Rose), retired head of the Northern I. in 1974, he was head ofthe analytical chemis­ Thomas B. Rauchfuss, Professor of Chemis­ Regional Research Laboratory in Peoria, n­ try division. try, received a Guggenheim Foundation Fel­ linois, died on May 10, 1991. He had been with the laboratory from 1947 until his retirement Professor Laitinen received his doctorate lowship for 1991. from the University of Minnesota in 1940. in 1966. In 1957, the Department of Agriculture honored him for his contributions to protein During World II he was a group leader in Patricia Shapley, and Andrew J. Gellman, synthetic rubber research. He lectured In and fermentation with a Distinguished Service Professors of Chemistry, have both received Award. Europe, Japan and China and was a visiting Sloan Research Fellowships for 1991. professor at the University of California at Los William Krigbaum, PhD. '49 (Chemistry Angeles, and in England, China, Korea, and I Gennany. He was an exchange visitor to Yugo­ Jonathan Sweedler, newly arrived Professor with Wall), and Professor Emeritus of Duke slavia. He also worked as a chemist at Russell of Chemistry, has received a Camille and University, died on May 14, 1991. He joined Miller Milling Co. in Minneapolis and at Henry Dreyfus New Faculty Award for 1991. the faculty at Duke in 1952 and was named DuPont in Cleveland, Ohio. James B. Duke Professor of Chemistry in1969. Eric Jacobsen, Professor of Chemistry, He served as chairman of the department from Dr. Laitinen was author or co-author of has been named to receive the Lilly Grantee 1976 to 1979. He was a member of the advisory about 200 publications, including two books. Award. board of P!Jlymu Science and on the editorial From 1966 to 1976, he was editor of the Journal boards of the Journal of Physical Chemistry, of Analytical Chemistry. Macromolecules, and Texture. He won the ACS Stan Smith and Loretta Jones, Professors of award in polymer chemistry in 1989. We appreciate the gifts that have been re· Chemistry, have jointly received the Joe Wyatt ceived by the Chemistry Library Endowment Challenge Award for their software entitled, Richard M. Lawrence, M.S. '31 (Chemical Fund in his memory. "Interactive Video Learning Center in Chemistry." Engineering) died on February 6, 1991. During Honors his career in chemital engineering, he had Faculty Wdliam Pirkle, Professor of Chemistry, has been associated with the U.S. Tariff Commis­ Peter G. Wolynes, Professor of Chemistry, received the Annual Merit Award in sion, Atlas Powder Co., Monsanto, Wyandotte Physics and Biophysics, was elected to the Chromatography from the Chicago Chemicals, A.E. Staley Manufacturing Co., Chromatography Discussion Group. National Academy of Sciences. Wolynes is also and International Minerals. He was a member at the U. of I. Center for Advanced Study and of the illinois State Academy of Science and at the Beckman Institute. He has been on the Douglas A. Lauffenburger, Professor of was a founding member of the American U. of I. faculty since 1980 and has been a Sloan Chemical Engineering, received a Halliburton Chemical Market Association. As a hobby, he and Guggenheim Fellow. (See p.4 for a descrip­ Award for teaching excellence. collected postage stamps commemorating tion of his work.) famous chemists which probably betame the Andrew Gewirth, and Eric Jacobsen, Profes­ largest chemical postage stamp collection in Theodore L. Brown, Director of the Beckman sors of Chemistry, were appointed fellows in the world. Institute and Professor of Chemistry, has been the Center for Advanced Study in 1991-1992. appointed a member of the new Chemical Abstracts Service Governing Board. ------~...... 9 . Alumni Honors tar architecture of polyethylene and his im­ given by the ACS and sponsored by Merck portant contributions to anionic polymeriza­ Sharp & Dohme Research Laboratories. Dr. Krebs Wins Welch Award tion. Carpino is with the University of Mas­ sachusetts. Edwin G. Krebs, A.B. '40, (Chemistry) won Eliel Receives Multiple Honors the Robert A. Welch Award in Chemistry for Chla·Yung Chen, Ph.D. '51 (Chemical En­ 1991. Dr. Krebs, who is now Professor of An endowed professorship is being named gineering with Johnstone) has written a book Pharmacology at the University of Wash­ for Ernest L. Eliel, Ph.D. '48 (Chemistry with on the University of illinois, together with his ington, Seattle, and Senior Investigator of the Snyder). Dr. Eliel, the W.R. Kennan Professor wife. The book, which was published in China, Howard Hughes Medical Institute at the Uni­ of Chemistry at the University of North is the fourth volume in the World Famous versity of Washington, received the award for Carolina, has also received three other awards: Universities Series. Dr. Chen is a professor at his pioneering research on the role of protein the Herty Medal of the Georgia ACS Section, the Institute of Chemical Metallurgy of the phosphorylation in the regulation of the Thomas Jefferson Award of the University Academia Sinica. of North Carolina, and the Southern Chemist's metabolism and cell:cell communication. He Paul R. Jones, Ph.D. '56 (Chemistry with Award from the Memphis ACS Section. shared the 1991 Welch Award with Dr. E.R. Fuson), Professor of Chemistry at the Univer­ Staftrnan of the National Institutes of Health. sity of New Hampshire, received a Fulbright Dr. Krebs has received many honors and Selbin Retirement Marked Fellowship for 1991-92. This was his second. awards, including election to the National by Symposium He received his first Fulbright in 1973 for work Academy of Sciences, the 3M Life Sciences at Freiburg University in Gemtany. Professor Award, and the Albert Lasker Basic Medical A symposium was Jones had received a University of New Hamp­ Research Award. In 1990 Dr. Krebs returned to held at Louisiana State shire Distinguished Teacher Award in 1982and the U. of I. to give the Ada Doisy Lectures in University to honor Dr. has been a National Science Foundation Fac­ Biochemistry together with his long time Joel Selbin, PhD. '57 ulty Fellow at the Max-Plank Institute in Got­ colleague and collaborator, Professor Edmond (Chemistry with Bailar) tingen and a visiting professor at the Institute Fischer. The Ada Doisy Lectures in Biochemis­ on the occasion of his for the History of Science and Technology in try are the department's most distinguished retirement. Among the . recognition for outstanding researchers. speakers at the sym­ posium were Dr. Gil D.W. McCall, Ph.D. '53 (Chemistry with Haight, Emeritus Pro- Gutowsky) received the Earle B. Barnes Award Honors for Minor Coon Joel Selbln fesso.r o~ the University for Leadership in Chemical Research Manage­ of Illinois, Dr. Fred ment. The award is given by the ACS and ProfessorCoon, Ph.D. '46(Biochemistrywith Basolo, Ph.D. '43 (Chemistry with Bailar) sponsored by Dow Chemical Company. Dr. Rose) was honored at an FASEB (Federation of and Dr. Daryle Busch who received his Ph.D. McCall is with AT&T at Bell Labs. American Societies for Experimental Biology) in '54 (Chemistry with Bailar}. After his satellite symposium held in his honor on April retirement, Professor Selbin will be teaching George Williams, Ph.D. '56 (Chemistry with 21, 1991. The topic was "Cytochrome P-450: at the Denver campus of the University of Gutowsky) was recipient of the University of Advances and Prospects." Among the speak­ Colorado. Utah's Distinguished Teaching Award for his ers were Dr. F. Peter Guengerich, a 1970 "excellence in teaching and dedication to graduate of the University of Illinois and Dr. learning at the U." He has· been a member of Paul F. Hollenberg, a former postdoctoral The Classes the physics department since 1964. associate of Professor Hager (Biochemistry). '30 Dr. P.N. "Butch" Burkard, B.S. '34 Robert L. WIXom, Ph.D. '52 (Biochemistry Professor Coon also received an honor­ (Otemist:ry), received a Fellow Award from the with Rose), has received the College of Agricul­ ary Doctor of Medicine degree &om the Association of Analytical Chemists, of which ture and Gamma Sigma Delta Teaching Awards I

. w...... ~------'70 John B. Covington, Ph.D. '78 Greg Cosma, B.S. '81 (Biochemistry) is an Dr. Jody Kaplan Hirsh, B.S. '80 (Biochemis­ (Chemistry with Beak) has been appointed Assistant Professor in the Department of try) is a research assistant in the Department Director of Research and Product Development Environmental Medicine of the New York of Physiology of Rush Medical College in at J.T. Baker Company in Phillipsburg, New University Medical Center. Or. Cosma received Chicago. Jersey. his M.S. and Ph.D. (1986) in Pharmacology and Toxicology at the University of Kansas and Gary A. Kaufman, M.D., B.S. '84 Michael A. Fury, Ph.D., '78 (Chemistry with completed a two year postdoctoral fellowship (Biochemistry) is joining a medical practice Jonas) has been named senior engineer man­ at the Oak Ridge National Lab. after completing a three year residency in ager in advanced personalization line support internal medicine. He will also have a teaching at IBM in East Fishkill. Dennis Delfert, Ph.D. '84 (Biochemistry position at Evanston Hospital in Evanston, with Conrad) has been promoted to group illinois. Lydia E.M. Hines, Ph.D. '71 (Chemistry leader in immunology at Abbott Laboratories with Applequist) counsels teachers as a repre­ in Chicago. Kurt A. Koppi, B.S. '88 (Chemical Engineer­ sentative of the ACS and provides hands-on ing) is working on his Ph.D. in chemical science education in elementary school class­ Lara L. Dennis, B.S. '89 (Chemistry) is a engineering at the University of Minnesota. rooms in the Kalamazoo, Michigan area. Until student at the U. of I. Medical School and 1985 she worked for the Upjohn Company. co-chair of the Student Doctor Lung Patrol. The Sangeeta D. Ramamurthi, Ph.D. '89 Patrol provides anti-tobacco education to over (Chemistry with Klemperer), a scientist at MarshaL. Langhorst, B.S. '75 (Chemistry) 700elementary school students in the Rockford Battelle Memorial Institute, was cited in the has received the Vernon A. Stenger Award public schools. New York Times for her research on aerogels that from the Dow Analytical Sciences Laboratory may one day replace polyurethane foams. of Michigan Research and Development, Erika L. Hendricksen, B.S. '89 (Chemical where she is a research leader. Engineering) is a production engineer with Scott W. Sommer, B.S. '81 (Chemical En­ Dow U.S.A. in Pittsburg, California. gineering) has become a general partner in the Terence M. Lenhardt, M.S. '75 (Chemistry engineering firm of the Delta Group, Inc. in with Belford) has taken a position as staff Tom Herrinton, Ph.D. '84 (Chemistry with Cincinnati, Ohio. pathologist at the naval hospital in Bethesda, Brown) has been promoted to Associate Profes­ Maryland after completing a hematopathology soratthe University of California at San Diego. Eleni Vassiliadou, Ph.D. '85 (Chemical fellowship. He was elected a Fellow in the Engineering with Hanratty) has been transfer­ College of American Pathologists in 1991. Michael Hill, B.S. '87 (Chemistry) has taken red from Shell Exploration and Production to a position as coatings chemist for BASF, Inc., Shell International Gas. She is working as a Andrew Lob, Ph.D. '75 (Chemistry with in Southfield, Michigan. Previously, he had business analyst for the Far East and South Natush) has been promoted to Executive been director of analytical services for Michi­ Africa. Director of Operations for Hybritech Inc. gan Biotechnology Institute in Lansing. Ronald D. Nelson, M.D., B.S. '71 (Chemis­ try) is a cardiologist with Cardiology As­ sociates, Inc. in South Bend, Indiana. He received his M.D. degree from Rush Medical College in 1974. He is Chicago board certified in internal medicine and cardiovascular dis­ The Blochem Golf Tournament ease. He is also an Assistant Professor of Medicine at Indiana University. EvefY year since 1950, the entire G. Earl Peace, Jr., Ph.D. '71 (Chemistry with blochemlatry department hal been InVIted Jonas) is a Professor at the College of the Holy to a golf tournament, usually followed by Cross in Worcester, Massachusetts. He has just a picnic, organized by the graduate stu­ completed an American Council on Education dents. This year, 34 faculty, support staff Fellowship during which he served as Assist­ and studen1s played In the tournament at ant to the President at Bucknell University in Lake-of·the-Woodl. Among the prior Lewisburg, Pennsylvania. winners were two tonner head• of the Brian E. Polivka, B.S. '73 (Chemistry) has department, a former and a cunent faculty been promoted to consultant, quality manage­ member. ment and compliance in the quality assurance operations department of Bristol-Myers Squibb Company. ~ '80 Andrew G. Chenelle, M.S. '87 Randy Sigle, graduate (Biochemistry) is a neurosurgery resident at .tudent, was low I'Nit winner -- the University ofVtrginia. He graduated from .... the University of Chicago's Pritzker School of Lee Johnatone, Medicine with honors and is a member of Louise Cox and Alpha Omega Alpha Medical Honorary. Frances Hager taking 11 break

______...... 11 • Snyder Scholarship continued from page 5

Dr. James E. Brewster, one of his former students, describes Snyder's special contribution as follows: "Snyder regarded research as a learn­ ing experience for his students rather than as a training exercise or as a source of papers for himself. He would let us make our own mistakes, but he would also give us a chance to suggest new things to try. We were ready to go when the problem had become ours as much as his." In gratitude for his patience, counsel, and kindness, the Snyder students have established an endowment for the "Snyder Schol­ ars" and hope that it will grow during the three years of the campaign so that it will fund three "Scholars" annually.

The first Snyder Scholar; Mark Hudgens came to the U. of I. for a aeme8ter of resean:fl after completing his sophomore year at Southwestern Oklahoma State Uni­ versity. He was selected by Professor Katzenellenbogen, representing the organic chemistry program, on the basis of exceptional references. Forthe summer semes­ ter, Mark joined a group In Professor John Shapley's laboratory, working on the organometallic chemistry of C10• He received a stipend of $2,000 and laboratory expenses were covered with an additional $500. He Is the first stUdent to be supported by the Harold Snyder Endowment Fund.

SCS Alumni Newsletter School of Chemical Sciences NON-PROFIT ORG. University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign U.S. POSTAGE 106 Noyes Laboratory PAID 505 South Mathews Ave. Permit No. 75 Urbana, lllinois 61801 Champaign, IL 61820

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