m fi'■ : \ K OF MILLBURS A\D SHORT HILLS Volume 99, " __ f ’ ‘ "" Thursday, July 2,1987 < Q Member, Audit Bureau of Circulations Wl* " * B,.Mwn! hip/orS,y ear, 35 Cents per Copy. $15 per Y ear by M ail to Your Door Merchants, residents air traffic plaints Calls for immediate action to “perhaps two or three decks of park relieve parking problems in the ing on Essex Street.” downtown area and for other actions Mr. Mazur’s suggestion of a park which would force motorists driving ing deck drew endorsements from through the community’s residential several members of the business areas to reduce their rates of speed community, one of whom said that in were put before the municipality’s “this affluent community it is not a parking-traffic study committee concern where the dollars to pay for Tuesday night. a deck are coming from.” That That committee, which was ap­ speaker went on to suggest the park pointed by Mayor Frank W. Long ing deck question be put before the earlier in the year and which Tues­ public through a referendum. day night was holding its first public “You had better be concerned session, is embarking upon a year­ about where the money is coming long study of parking and traffic pro­ from," Louis Weinberg, chairman of blems, according to the group's the Planning Board and a member of chairman, Michael J. Vernotico. the study committee, responded to More than 50 persons attended those remarks. “If you put it (the Tuesday’s meeting.,Most of the com­ parking deck issue) on a referendum ments about parking in the downtown and say it’s going to raise your taxes, area were made by members of the I’ll bet 8-to-l the referendum will fail business community while residents — I’ll vote against it.” generally directed their statements Another person to address the to the problem of speeding in the Continued on Page 4 community. Two persons, one a Great Oak Driye resident and the other a Cres­ cent Place homeowner, urged that Garbage the police department establish more radar traps on local streets and noted that the past two weeks have seen four accidents involving cars and strike children riding bicycles "The problem of these bicycle ac­ cidents must be addressed,” said IN D EP E N D E N C E SYMBOLS — Flags of the 50 states and banners for a morning flag-raising ceremony and at right Mrs. George Jacobstein of [47 Cres­ on ‘hold’ the U.S. Constitution will be spotlighted during the Mr. Lowery helps Kalman Oravetz of the Constitution cent Place. “Perhaps we need more township's Independence Day celebration Saturday at bicentennial group assemble posters for a Constitution policemen, perhaps we need the use BULLETIN Taylor Park. At left, Clement Kaupp, Alfred Harris and ex h ib it. of more radar on small streets. ” Gerald Lowery of the Fourth of July Committee gather the Labor and management John Caffrey of 10 Ocean Street negotiators agreed late yesterday described the intersection of Hobarl morning to extend provisions of a Avenue and White Oak Ridge Road drivers and landfill operators con­ as the “Indy 500." tract through Monday. The agree­ “The blinker light at the corner,” ment means that normal garbage he said, “should be a traffic light. I -T , fj j* " ’7 collections will take place In the Cars conie alround the bend in the township today, tom orrow a n d Mon- j , ,,) , ^ iin in i ,,.T, .. _ will be a two very popular exhibits,” Mr, stitution committee members will be bration once again wdfbave ac­ road like they’re racing in the Indy day. All-Star softball'game. The Lowery continued. “Across the on hand to explain other display 500.” tivities fot the young and “young at pltyott -naVe been selected from Taylor Park pond, the famed Morgan items. The afternoon program will The threat of a strike on the part of 'heart” but with a patriotic focus, ac­ Other residents who spoke at Tues each [of the fourth, fifth and sixth Rifle Corps will set up camp. This conclude at 4:30. day’s session echoed the views of (he Teamster Union drivers and landfill cording to Gerald Lowery, president grade, teams making up the Girls’ non-profit educational organization The evening program at Millburn operators which would have halted of the Millburn-Short Hills Fourth of will enable adults and kids to ex­ business people at the meeting who Softball League. High School field will start at 7:15. called for improvements in the park­ township garbage collection service July Committee. “The committee is excited about perience military life as it was in Music again will be provided by yesterday morning was averted — at Revolutionary times. We also will ing situation in the downtown area The day will begin in Taylor Park this new event,” said Mr. Lowery, Krazy Kat, a disc jockey, who pro­ Mrs. Edmond Borneman of 87 least for the time being — when union have the nostalgic and shiny antique and management representatives at 9;30 a.m. with a flag-raising “and wishes to thank Joanne Early mises musical selections for all ages. Great Hills Road said that she, on oc­ ceremony. In addition to the United auto exhibit for the fourth con­ At the front of the parking lot, near late Tuesday night agreed to extend for organizing this big game. We ex­ secutive year.” casion, enjoyed going to New York Stiites flag,,all 50 state flags will be pect to play ball at 10:15 a.m.” The the high school gym, the New Jersey City but at 8:15 in the morning was contract talks. displayed in the flagpole area. parents’ group of Millburn A,special exhibit honoring the Con­ National Guard will provide a Although the extension of talks stitution will be housed in a large tent unable to find a place to park in the “In cooperation with the commit­ Cooperative Nursery School will be display of military weapons and meant that garbage was picked up near Main Street. Here the public lots near the Millburn railroad sta­ tee for the celebration of the selling drinks, hot dogs and snacks transportation equipment. The tion. yesterday and Town Hall officials during the game and later during the will be invited to sign a copy of this Millburn Springfield Kiwanis Club were “hopeful” that a contract.set­ bicentennial of the U.S. Constitution, historic document. Featured will be “Finally,” she continued, "I go to we are putting our focus on the docu­ afternoon program. will offer hot dogs, hamburgers, soft Whittingham Terrace where parking tlement would be reached, those of ment which serves as the foundation “The afternoon fun will kick off at 2 posters made by Millburn High drinks and snacks at the south side of is limited to two hours - it’s worth ficials could give no assurances as of our nation's beliefs,” Mr. fiowery o’clock and run till 4:30. Parents and School students to publicize events the field. the ticket. Where are we supposed to this edition of The Item went to press said. children alike can enjoy a variety of celebrating the bicentennial. Student In order to help people move freely, park when the lots are full? ” that collections would take place to­ activities, rides, games, moonwalk, artists Annie Sakayan, Jack Huang, into the area, signs designating gate The complaint of the long-term lots day. Participating in the flag raising clowns and pony rides plus a puppet Devra Rosenberg, Darian will be the color guards of the entry points will be posted. People near the railroad station being full “All we can suggest,” a Town Hall show and balloons provided by the Schlossberg, Danielle Klein, Laura are asked to enter by the gate closest was expressed by several other spokesman said, “is that residents American Legion, the police depart­ Paper Mill Playhouse. Steier Silver and Marlissa Laszlo last week ment and the fire department. The to their preferred seating. Tickets speakers during the course of the telephone our garbage collection and his band again will be on hand to received resolutions of appreciation will be collected at three gates. The 2-hour session. One member of the hotline number, 564-7000, to receive service will include an invocation by provide the musical merriment," from the Township Committee. Con­ the Rev. Gordon Tremaine, rector of Continued on Page It study committee, Owen Lampe, the latest information?’ Mr. Lowery said. however, voiced an opposite view. Residents were advised also that St, Stephen’s Episcopal Church. The the hotline number has a "bug"; on Pledge of Allegiance Avill be led by “As you stroll around the games, Mr. Lampe, who was chairman of a feel free to have your children’s pic­ municipal parking study which com­ some occasions when the 564-7000 Erika Dreifus, the 1987 recipient of number is called a recorded, tbe Daughters of the American tures taken, again compliments of pleted its work lour years ago, said the Paper Mill Playhouse. Thanks to there were 40 spaces available in the telephone company message will in­ Revolution Award. Lyons, Holiday closings form the caller that the number is not chairman of„,the Constitution com­ Kings Super Market, free popsicles parking lot adjacent to First Aid will be available to ticket holders of Squad headquarters Tuesday morn­ in service. mittee, will give a brief address on The Independence Day weekend will be no collection July 4 "We are trying to have this pro the significance of the Constitution. all ages, The committee wishes to re­ ing and 40 spaces available in that lot will get underway tomorrow for Normal mail delivery will take blem corrected," Lynn Rogers, Elected township officials also are mind everyone that children and many, but far from all township place tomorrow. Service windows at the preceding morning expected to attend this opening township clerk, said. “All I can sug­ adults must wear tags at all times to residents and business people. the Millburn Post Office will close at Eliot Mazur, proprietor of the ceremony and the community is in­ participate,” he added. jewelry store at the corner of gest is that if the ‘not in service’ Closed Friday, Saturday and Sun­ 2 p.m. Friday and the Short Hills message is received, the caller hang vited. * * “We are delighted to welcome back day will be The Item office, Town Millburn Avenue and Main Street, Post Office will shut its windows at 1 said the parking situation in town up and redial the number.” Hall and the public library as well as p m. that day. There will be no postal Residents also were reminded by all state offices and motor vehicle in­ “has gone downhill" since he located service Saturday. his business here in 1959. Town Hall that even if a strike does spection stations. In the event there not occur and garbage collections is a settlement of the Teamsters “The customers are complaining, Virtually all area retail they are getting resentful and they take place as normal today and Union drivers and landfill operators’ Establishments and financial institu­ strike municipal garbage collections are getting antagonistic,” he said. tomorrow, there will be no collec­ tions will be open tomorrow and clos­ He called for the addition of a new tions on Saturday due to the In- will take place here Friday, but there ed Saturday. parking lot in the center area, Continued on Page 4 Recycling law set for Sept. 1 Township residents and business for the collection by municipal crews for a second, 10-year period Hobart Avenue, brook and culvert places will Be required to separate Of large household appliances such as The ordinance scheduled for public work in the Cora Hartshorn Ar­ glass and aluminum cans front their refrigerators and washing machines hearing and final adoption authorizes boretum and sealcoating of 26 dif­ garbage beginning September 1 from curbside. capital projects and purchases with a ferent township streets. under terms of an ordinance which is As plans now stand municipal per­ total cost of $260,000. Of the total $260,000 cost, $35,000 scheduled to be introduced at Tues- sonnel will be available every Tues­ Major projects covered by the or day’s Township CommitteeCommitl meeting. will be taken from the capital im­ day of the month for the appliance dinance include the reconstruction of provement fund and the municipality Glass, separated by ccolor (green, pick-up service. Residents who wish storm drainage and sanitary sewer brown, and clear), along with will be authorized to sell $225,000 in to use the new service will be respon­ work on Mountainvjew Road and bonds, under terms of the ordinance. aluminum cans, will be ! collected sible for telephoning the public works every other week of the monthi under department, 564-7060, no later than ...... terms of the ordinance. th e collec- the Monday before they will be plac­ Coun- ing an appliance at the eurh Public Ss""*'** ty Occupational Center) the same crews will go only to the ad- kMiv organization which conducts semi- requesting a pick-up. The inside story 0 monthly newspaper collections here, Other items on the Township Coin- and on the same day Of the week that m ittee’s agenda for Tuesday, the on- Town firemen have raised M newspapers are picked up, but on ly busini session of the governing $4,000 for burn victims C lassifed...... 9-11 J / k alternate weeks from the newspaper be held this month, through the sale of aluminum E d ito ria l...... 4 introduction of one other include the introduction of one other cans. Story, Page 3. M ovies...... 4------13 ; Residents anti business people will ordinance and public hearing and required to place their glass, final adoption ofOf a capital improve­improve- Obituaries — ...... 1 $ separated by color, and aluminum in- ment measure. Police are seeking the Religion...... 4 1 . n_. toseparatecontainers. The second ordinance scheduled public's assistance in locating Social...... ST A BIG BATH n stru c to r Lori At the same time the recycling or- for introduction authorizes the award a car which struck a bicyclist ie«ltr halpaLorana Sports...... • to th e w a te r a t dinance goes into effect Town Hall of the municipality’s cable television last Thursday. See Page 4. pdoldui will initiate a new program provi franchise to Suburban Cablevision y. ••• i • I l l w m ,I - H» . I> THE ITEM of Millburn and Short Hills, N. J., July 2,1987 Junior highhonor rolls . n>uU VrniuniuilH DkWra Kuhlrk. MutlVMU VVakwanl, B IW M l. K# Katal Vyas, Melissa WeiiHtock, Jodi Drellus, Sara EKenberger. David Kronengold, Rebecca Kublck, Melbew drees Faber, Madeleine Fatl Nicholas J. Navarino, principal Of Lewlt, Julia Liberman, Enid Lloyd, Joshua Weiabart, Rachel Wplper and Andrew Zletinskj. Loinar, Daborah Molar, Holly McDermott, Dana Gr«4«itlnft . y;'„ v^y- ’■■Gembonl, Allison Gallust. O Millburn Junior High School, this Mlddlemark, Yaal Mlrelman. Hobart Mlakewltz; Evan Baumgerten, John Borges, Jonathan niter Griggs, Bobeck Hastlml Bowman/ Richard 0raner, Gerard Brlllantee, An­ tlana Klhlczak,hlczak.MlchaolKOtierzi Michael Kolia . ..■ ■ ■ week announced The names of Also, Jannlfer O’Nalil. Jodi O'Neill, Jannlfar Cory Marshak, Nichole McAtee, Robert students on the honor rolls in grades Pendergrass, Elista Pari, Robyn Perl, Andrew nie Chen, Kathffine Cottenbader', . Joanna . Alio, Plron, Adam Randall, Thomas Richard III, Amy seven, eight and nine for the 1986-87 Robinson, Jill Rosenbaum, Charles Rosenblatt, school year. Mot Rubin, Vanessa Rubinstein, Lewi! Rubovltz, Arts center*slates Jamie Ruddy, Arash sadeghl, David Samanlego, Peer Support Groups For Women To be placed on the high honor roll, Suzanne Sentner, Linda Sliver, Jeremy Soller, a student must earn an “A-” average Jennifer Taylor, Mlchaol Turnamlan, Lawrence faculty exhibition in academic subjects. To be placed Unger, Debra Warren, Kate Webstar, Sarah My 16: Wlldman and Jonathan Zarembok. The annual faculty exhibit of the iht Control on the honor roll, a student must earn New Jersey Center for Visual Arts T u e s d a y : better than a “B” average for the will open July 12 with a reception WMlnMday: Widow* total of grades in academic subjects. ^U lrtke Ahl. Donna Antonelll, Janet Blank, Ken­ Thursday: Living w ith Your Teenager neth Caplan, Keith Cerlton, Robert Carter, Roger from4to6p.m. Chang, Detang Chan, Robert Cheslav, Jason The exhibition offers an opportuni­ USO FORMING: Woman without Custody, High honor roll Clewant, Shema Detal, Max Ooertler, Andrea Women w ith Aging P»rentB. Women ConsWWlno Separation, Dory, Richard Dunn, Meredith Francis, Robert ty for the public tb view some of the Improving You. M wftoge, Single MoUtera, Sing a By Choice Francis, Thomas Goffney, Mark Gordon, Craig Gradeseven contemporary work being produced Wives of Workaholics, Women w ith Grown Children Uving at * Lyn Aborn, Maha Ahmad, Andrew Bogan, Ryan Greenwaldj ■ , Caveney, Jennifer "Pain, Alexander Gildengers, Also, Joseph Hecht, Emily Here, Jean Huang, by the -centers teaching staff. A Home, New Okection* for the Older Woman Geoffrey Henry, Michael Lamer, Devin Mahn, Eric Hughes, Sarah Inweod, Andrew Jacobs, “Salute to Instructors” party will be Susan Maslow, Pantea Morshedl, Samuel Sharon Jacobsen, Steven Klgel, Joceltn Krasner, held at the closing of the show To Register: 994-4994 • Prajact GRO Pearlman, Amle Perl, Tori Profeta and Robin Elliot Krlchman, Deborah LeltrtrancV Levan son, Jonathan Levey, Justine Low, Paolo Marciano, Non Structured • t S e estone • Non Sectarian Other Groups Available Stein. September 13 from 6 to 8p.m. Daniel Marcus, Anne McGinn, Jennifer Other, Gallery hours are weekdays from ^ S jianiinradJivjlCJW IEeaax County Section Qrede eight Richard Pagnlllo, David Panzer, Swell Patel, Anne Patten, Julie Pollcerplo, Eric Price, noon to 4 p.m. and weekends from 2 Haroon Cheema, Christopher Chiu, David Cho, Also, Jill Quaiter, Amende Rablnowltz, Colin Min Chung, William Dahms, Mariam Erenburg, to 4 p.m. New Jersey Center for Ranlerl, Daniel Rebeck, Marlssa Rotheum, M it­ Morrla Gabbay, Deborah James, Grace Kim, chell Rothman, Melissa Rozenwald, Laura Ruf- Visual Arts is located at 68 Elm Richard Kim, John Lee, Jeanne Manlschewitz, flno, Traci Saber, Allison Schwartz, David Street, Summit. Further information Roxanne Matkiwsky, Elyse Michaels, Martin Schwartz, Jeffrey Andrew Schwartz, Kimberly SERIO Mlllman, Andrew Newens, Vincent Pan, Senior. Freidrlch Smith, Sarah Tapper, Reshma may be obtained by calling 273-9121. Robert Wildrick Christina Remollna, James Roberts, Rana Shanawani, Lori Solomon, Eliza Sporn, Michael BY A PHYSICIAN: Welnbach, Christopher Whltely and Richard It's Barbecue Time • It's Barbecue Time • It's Barbecue Scouts honor W orth. * Arthritic Disorders G rade nine Jonathan Aborn, Matthew Abramovitz, Laura * Sports Injuries Bell, May ling Birney, Lawrence Cheung, Kipp MARTIN CASPER R.N. Wildrick DeVeer, Mark Gerson, Jonathan Goldberg, * Neck and Back Disorders Rebecca Goldsmith, Susannah Green, Stephanie Harris, Dvora Inwood, Jeremy Kestler, David Robert N. Wildrick of 63 Coniston Levithan, Margaret Manda, Stephen Oxman, All types of Barbecue Grills * Rehabilitation and Physical Therapy Road recently received the Silver Marcie Rabin, Carolyn Rendell, Gary Rothbard, Lauren Shapiro, Darius Shey, Jeffrey Slcat, Judy * Injuries of the Limbs Beaver award, the highest adult Silver, Kai Teh Tao, Elana Vatsky and Joshua Reasonably Priced $ UeaHarhpc honor bestowed by the Boy Scouts of W einberg. $500 America. Honor roll Installed and Serviced In addition to being a board G rade seven • Most parts on hand PAIN MANAGEMENT LABS OF N.J. member of the Boy Scouts of David Applebaum, Jonathan Bachelor, Pamela America, Mr. Wildrick has been ac­ Balbach, Kimberly Beyer, Catherine Bruce, Ser Off ban Buretea, Suzanne Bursiek, Vincent Chao, with this a d Douglas Ashendorf, M.D., Director tive in the National Alliance of Samuel Chung, Alicia Dee, Natalie Dhakhwa, Call the Experts Businessmen and the Urban League. Matthew Durham, Dana Harmon, Kristen Helde, He also has been an active fundraiser Patrick Hsu, Krista Jacobsen, Nadia Klhlczak, Radio Dispatched 992.2174 164 Shunpike Rd., Springfield 379-3060 for the Children’s Medical Fund, the s j i • awn ansaqjeg s j i • auii± anaaqjeg s j i • auii± Fashion Institute of Technology and Cedars Sinai Hospital, Los Angeles. He is senior vice president and general manager of Belk Stores Ser­ vices Inc. MILLBURN SHOE REPAIR The award was conferred on Mr. Wildrick at a reception at the Plaza Specializing in restoring your fine Hotel, New York City, by Austin S. shoes to their original condition using only Murphy, chairman of the Silver top grade materials with excellent workmanship. Beaver committee, on behalf of the National Council of the Boy Scouts of Allen Edmonds • Alan McFee • Brooks Brothers America. Churchs • Florsheim • Johnston & Murphy The award signifies the “deep ap­ preciation of the Boy Scouts of 357 Millburn Ave. America for exceptional service and (opp. M illburn Theatre) 376-7227 devotion to scouting as well as other services for the youth of the com­ munity." Hospital cites Marriage and Family H.J. Frankel by Barbara T. Fishbein, A.C.S.W. Dr Howard .! Frankel of Westview Road was honored for his AM I STILL IN LOVE? service as president of the medical staff of East Orange General It’s not unusual for a person to Love is often blocked by fear of Hospital during the hospital’s recepL wonder from time to time being vulnerable and getting annual board of trustees dinner. ^ whether he or she still loves his or hurt, or by anger and pent-up President of the medical staff from hfeFspouSe. ■ " > > ' resentments. Sometimes you 1985 to 1987, Dr. Frankel is chief of Love is a feeling, just like have to ask yourself if there is the department of nephrology. He anger, disappointment, joy or something about loving your earned his medical degree from sadness and, like most feelings, partner that frightens you, or if Boston University School of Medicine comes and goes and then comes you feel resentment that you and completed a fellowship in back again. Some people worry have not been able to express. If medicine from Cornell University that something must be wrong if you are very confused about your Medical College. they don’t feel love all the time. feelings, counseling can often be In addition to East Orange General Not so. a very good way to begin to open Hospital, he is a member of the atten­ Love is not easy. It requires a up. ding staff at Newark Beth Israel maturity, openness and will­ Medical Center, Orange Memorial ingness to care. Love is separate Presented as a community Hospital and Saint Barnabas Medical from romantic or sexual attrac­ service by Barbara T. Fishbein, Center. He is board certified in inter­ tions. It involves internal feelings A.C.S.W.. N.J. Licensed Mar­ nal medicine and nephrology and is of appreciation and respect as riage and Family Therapist. The licensed to practice in New Jersey, well as those positive feelings you Rabbinic Center for Research New York and California. openly express. and Counseling. By Appointment: 233-0419.

Need an Electrician?

Larry and Ron, formerly Lancaster Elecl trie Co. employees have formed Lar-Ronl Electric Service, Inc., in order to con [ tinue to serve the commercial andl residential needs of the area. Fully in] sured and bonded. License No. 7009. We install Fire and Burglar Alarms WINE‘ LIQUORS Lar-Ron Electric Member Service Inc. Associated Liquor Quality Work at Fair Prices Is Discounters Our Trademark 2531 Clover Terrace WINE SPECIALS Union, N.J. 07083 Zaca Mesa 6870443 Cuvaison Chardonnay Sutter Home White Tepusquet Claret Laboure - Roi Cote Du Rhone Car W ash Sebastian! Blanc Beringer s h l* Hawk Crest Sauvignon Blanc B.&G. Blanc de Blanc Cypress Lane White Zinfandel R.H. Phillips Chenin Blanc Cuvaison Jean Bouchard Pouilly Fuisse Monterey Chenin Blanc B.V. Beautour Cabernet Sauvignon Cypress Lane Chardonnay Sterling Cabernet Blanc Pacifica White Cuvee Sebastiani Zinfandel Robert Mondavi White Zinfandel The Car Spa Fetzer Chardonnay Beringer Fume Blanc SPRINGFIELD AVE Silverado Cabernet Sauvignon 00373609 00373706 UNION LIQUOR SPECIALS |in The Union Market Peikini Lot) Smirnoff Vodka Clan McGrbgor Scotch Gordon's Gin Im Beam Bourbon STRICTLY CASH A CARRY ON SALE MERCHANDISE 3 Highland Place, Maplewood 762-0435 T - T T - m TT

LLlUL5AJ i! 5 i ^ m U . ® . : : = v,.:. AW X r v c ■ • ' , -a ■■ THE ITEM of Millburn and Short Hills, N.J., J|ily 2,1987 Pf>ge3 Dr. Fuller is director of the burh center at Saint Bariiabas Medical Local Hadassah Center and Dr. Nance is chairman of that medical center’s department of receives awards surgery. Several township residents were burn. . * Pcenter X»?A $4,000 Dr. Fuller is a member of the recognized at the recent regional Contributions from the Millburn $13,000 mark, American Burn Association, the conference of the northern New firefighters* Aluminum Cans for “We have helped some 20 children American Medical Association and Jersey region of Hadassah. Burned Children program have now throughout central and northern New the Surgical Infection Society. He is a Lonye Rasch of Greenwood Drive topped the $4,000 mark, Michael Jersey with clothing, toys, meals, fellow of the American College of was installed as corresponding Roberts," president...... of the township. rehabilitation equipment and Surgeons and of the American secretary and Lenora Fish of Nor- local of" the Firemen’s Mutual transportation for out-patient Association for the Surgery of wood Terrace was named spring con Benevolent Association, announced therapy. It’s a great feeling to be able Trauma. ference coordinator. ; today. a! to help these kids, and it’s a terrific Dr. Nance served as president of The Tziona Group of Millburn- Under the program off-duty program because it is there for all the American Burn Association and short Hills Hadassah received educa- firefighters take aluminum cans the young burn victims, not just one the American Association for tion and fund-raising awards and the brought'by residents,to either of the or two," Mr. Roberts said. Surgery of Trauma He is a clinical local chapter received a membership two town firehouses or to the professor of surgery at the Universi­ award. municipal garage recycling center at ty of Medicine and Dentistry of New A senior citizen coordinator Is on duty in the the municipal garage and transport Burn board Jersey-New Jersey Medical School township to plan social and cultural programs for them to the Alcoa Recycling Co. and is professor emeritus of Loui­ older adults. The telephone number of the-Town plant in Newark. That firm pays the siana State University Medical Hbll office is 564 7091. fiirefighters approximately one cent names two Center.c e p for each can and that money is r. Nance is a member of the a 0 M S W M M E donated to the state burn center at town doctors"^American Surgical Association, the Saint Barnabas-Medical Center. Two township physicians, Dr. F.W American College of Emergency •The town firefighters launched the Fuller of 23 Ferncliff Terrace and Dr. Physicians, the American College of program early in 1986. I, Francis Carter Nance of 309 White Surgeons, the Southern Surgical ^BASKET! Mr. Roberts, who also serves as Oak Ridge Road, have been named to Association and 20 other national pro­ chairman for the New Jersey the board of trustees of the Saint Bar­ fessional organizations. 2 5 % ! FMBA’s Aluminum Cans for Burned nabas Burn Foundation. OFF ! Children program said that 13 fire The foundation was established in Earns diploma departments are now participating in April to support burn education, Jessica Wells, daughter of t h e 3«0m:aUrn-T S f. ,, the program and total contributions ^prevention and rehabilitation pro­ FOR BURN VICTIMS — Millburn firefighters have turned Elizabeth Wells of 25 Undercliff to the burn center have topped the grams. Road, graduated last week from p r a i r i e over more than $4,000 to the burn center at Saint Barnabas Vail-Deane School, Mountainside. r o s e Medical Center. The money was raised through the sale of She will attend the University of West aluminum cans for recycling. Pictured are (from left) Fire Florida this fall. Chief Terry Murray, Battalion Chief Ken Sachse and firefighters,Pete Rooney, Ron Donner and Gus Huth. Alexander Lyon elected chairman of theater board (n o n e . h t x m — A Alexander B. Lyon Jr. of 20 Hard- secretary-treasurer. well Road Was elected chairman of Newly elected trustees are former the Paper Mill Playhouse board of township resident William Ridgway trustees at its recent annual meeting. III and Sharon Sandbach. Reelected Mr. Lyon, a retired vice president to new terms as trustees were Floyd of Chemical Bank of New York, is a Bragg, Allen Hegarty, Irving Marsh, former Township Committeeman Sandy Appruzzese, Dr. William and mayor. He is a director of the Na­ Tansey III, John White Jr. and tional Society to Prevent Blindness, Clarence Williams. chairman of the Hospital Center at G r e a t B ig Orange Foundation and an honorary trustee of that hospital. He is also a, national director of the Navy League of the United States and chairman of the township’s committee for the celebration of the Bicentennial of the U.S. Constitution. A SEMl Angelo Del Rossi, Paper Mill’s ex­ “Commitment to value & service” SALE ecutive producer, was reelected a t president. Township residents Shirley Sarpi and Maurice Ferris ^L ittle P rices” were reelected vice chairmen. Richard Scudder will continue as 2 0 % C 1 O riginal D ress Sam ples vice president and Wade Miller as OFF Jewelry Silks Belts Sweats Christensen Mens and Women’s Spring & Summer Shoes Sweaters Etc. t93 main street, millburn, n.j. • 376-2362* w w m m & - bank office Eric G. Christensen has been nam­ ed manager of the Pilgrim State RED DOT SALE Bank office scheduled to open later this month in The Esplanade, 150 Essex Street. Hurry In For Best Selection The Pilgrim branch will be a full service facility offering complete business and personal banking ser­ SHORT HILLS • The Mall at Short Hills • 376-7575 Semi Annual vices. (upper level next to A&S) Mr. Christensen, who will be an Open Sun. 1 2-5 assistant treasurer of Pilgrim, had Clearance Sale been an assistant branch manager for First Fidelity Bank in Rumson. WAYNE • NATURALIZER • Willowbrook Mall • 890-0555 He has spent most of the past 10 (upper level across from Steinbach's) years in the banking industry and at­ Open Sun 1 2-5 Now In Progress tends Middlesex County College. Founded in 1971, Pilgrim State Bank has other offices in Cedar WESTFIELD • 82 Elm Street • 232-3680 Grove, Montclair, Upper Montclair, During our Roseland and Verona. It is a member of the Ramapo Financial Corp. semi-annual clearance sale, DR. NANCY SIMPKINS A STEP AHEAD you will find Announces the Opening of Her Offices Limited to the Practice of “formerly Flex City 1 substantial savings proudly announces the addition INTERNAL MEDICINE on men's and women's of tailored clothing,

124 East Mt. Pleasant Ave. 591 Stuyvesant Ave. furnishings, Livingston, N.J. 07039 Irvington, N.J. 07111 992-6864 375-9743 TICKET and sportswear, MASTER as well as lowing Soon ‘ men's shoes. to its Secaucus outlet store. O riental *Gourt Hurry in for Remember those great values on best selection. W CUISINE OF CHINA designer clothing? SZECHUAN • HUNAN , Now get great seats for entertainment and CANTONESE SPECIALTIES sporting events too!

m Jfe ' 8 6 6 - 0 0 0 9 ROOTS 600 Meadow I and Pkwy Secaucus, New Jersey The Mali at Short Hills Boston on Boylston Street between Arlington & Berkeley / 247-0700 In New lersey. Summit 277-1234 • Red Bank 747 1 80 0. Morristown 267-1234 open 7 days Riverside Square 342-6500 • The Mall At Short Hills 467-4670 379-3888 , Short Hills, N.J. 379-3975 a - 2 E

. j; , * . ,;,v . - ■ ' i •' ■ . V’ sA.’-r • K ■ ' ‘ l*> Page 4 THE ITEM of Millburn and Short Hills, N. J., July 2,1967

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As Americans we celebrate this year the bicentennial of of large Districts of People, unless those People would relin­ themselves'invested with Power to the United States Constitution ** a remarkable legal docu­ quish the Rights of Representation in the Legislature., a Right CasesPnsPR whnbwievorwhat ter.' i ■ .. ment representing a contract between people and their inestimable to them, and formidable to Tyrants only. He has a jited Government here, by iringusoutof government. Few other documents have so well stood the test He has called together Legislative Bodies at Places his waging War against us, ' i . '■■■ has plundered our Seas, ravaged our Coasts, burntburn! our of time. unusual, uncomfortable, and distant from the Depository of Hehai 'A i But this is not a weekend to celebrate a contract, this is a their Public! Records, for the sole Purpose of fatiguing them towns.i, and destroyed the Lives of our People. time when we celebrate a declaration of pride in mankind into Compliance with his Measures. He is, at thitfTime, transporting large Armies of foreign and in those rights beyond any power vested in government. He has dissolved Representative Houses repeatedly, for Mercenaries tocompleat the works of Death, Desolation, and Take the few moments from this holiday weekend to read the opposing with manly Firmness his Invasions on the Rights of Tyranny, already begun with circumstances of Cruelty and words of this Declaration of Independence. The words are as the People. meaningful to the world in 1987 as they were when they were He has refused for a long Time, after such Dissolutions, to adopted July 4,1776 by the Continental Congress. / cause others to beelected; whereby the Legislative Powers, incapable of Annihilation, have returned to the People at - 0------—— — ——J, to become the large for their exercise; the State remaing in the mean time Executioners of their Friends and Brethren, or to fall exposed to all the Dangers of Invasion from without and Con­ themselves by their Hands. When in the Course of human Events, it becomes necessary vulsions within. for one P eop le to dissolve the Political Bands which h ave con­ He has excited domestic Insurrections amongst us, and has nected them with another, and to assume among the Powers He has endeavoured to prevent the Population of these endeavoured to bring on the Inhabitants of our Frontiers, the of the Earth, the separate and equal Station to which the States; for that Purpose obstructing the Laws for Naturaliza­ merciless Indian Savages, whose known Rule of Warfare, is Laws of Nature and of Nature’s God entitle them, a decent tion of Foreigners ; refusing to pass others to encourage their an undistinguished Destruction, of all Ages, Sexes and Condi­ Respect to the Opinions of Mankind requires that they should Migrations hither, and raising the Conditions of new Ap­ tions. ,« declare the causes which impel them to the Separation. propriations of Lands. In every stage of these Oppressions we have Petitioned for We hold these Truths to be self-evident, that all Men are He has obstructed the Administration of Justice, by refus­ Redress in the most humble Terms: Our repeated Petitions created equal, that they- are endowed by their Creator with ing his Assent to Laws for establishing Judiciary Powers. have been answered only by repeated Injury. A Prince, certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liber­ He has made Judges dependent on his Will alone, for the whose Character is thus marked by every act which may ty, and the Pursuit of Happiness — That to secure these Tenure of their Offices, and the Amount and payment of their define a Tyrant, is unfit to be the R uler of a free People. Rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving Salaries. Nor have we been wanting in Attentions to our British their just Powers from the Consent of the Governed, that He has erected a Multitude of new Offices, and sent hither Brethren, We have warned them from Time to Time of At­ whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of Swarms of Officers to harrass our People, and eat out their tempts by their Legislature to extend an unwarrantable these Ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish Substance. Jurisdiction over us. We have reminded them of the Cir­ it, and to institute new Government, laying its Foundation on He has kept among us, in Times of Peace, Standing Ar­ cumstances of our Emigration and Settlement here. We have such Principles, and organizing its Powers in such Form, as mies, without the consent of our Legislatures. appealed to their native Justice and Magnanimity, and we to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Hap­ He has affected to render the Military independent of, and have conjured them by the Ties of our common Kindred to piness. Prudence, indeed, will dictate that Governments long superior to the Civil Power. disavow these Usurpations, which would inevitably interrupt established should not be changed for light and transient He has combined with others to subject us to a Jurisdiction our Connections and Correspondence. They too have been Causes; and accordingly all Experience hath shewn, that foreign to our Constitution, and unacknowledged by our deaf to the Voice of Justice and of Consanguinity. We must, Mankind are more disposed to suffer, while Evils are suf­ Laws; giving his Assent to their Acts of pretended Legisla­ therefore, acquiesce in the Necessity, which denounces our ferable, than to right themselves by abolishing the Forms to tion: Separation, and hold them, as we hold the rest of Mankind, which they are accustomed. But when a long Train of Abuses For quartering large Bodies of Armed Troops among us: Enemies in War, in Peace, Friends. and Usurpations, pursuing invariably the same Object, For protecting them, by a mock Trial, from Punishment evinces a Design to reduce them under absolute Despotism, for any Murders which they should commit on the In­ We, therefore, the Representatives of the UNITED it is their Right, it is their Duty, to throw off such Govern­ habitants of these States: STATES OF AMERICA, in General Congress, Assembled, ment, and to provide new Guards for their future Security. For cutting off our Trade with all Parts of the World: appealing to the Supreme Judge pf the World for the Rec­ Such has been the patient Sufferance of these Colonies ; and For imposing Taxes on us without our Consent: titude of our Intentions, do in the Name, and by Authority of such is now the Necessity which constrains them to alter For depriving us, in many Cases, of the Benefits of Trial by the good People of these Colonies, solemnly Publish and their former Systems of Government. The History of the pre­ Jury: Declare, That these United Colonies are, and of Right ought sent King of Great-Britain is a History of repeated Injuries For transporting us beyond Seas to be tried for pretended to be, Free and Independent States; that they are absolved and Usurpations, all having in direct Object the Establish­ Offenses: from all Allegiance to the British Crown, and that all political ment of an absolute Tyranny over these States. To prove this, For abolishing the free System of English Laws in a Connection between them and the State of Great-Britain, is let Facts be submitted to a candid World. neighbouring Province, establishing therein an arbitrary and ought to be totally dissolved; and that as Free and In­ He has refused his Assent to Laws, the most wholesome Government, and enlarging its Boundaries, so as to render it dependent States, they have full Power to levy War, conclude and necessary for the public Good. at once an Example and fit Instrument for introducing the Peace, contract Alliances, establish Commerce, and to do all He has forbidden his Governors to pass Laws of immediate same absolute Rule into these Colonies: other Acts and Things which Independent States may of right and Importance, unless suspended in their Opera­ For taking away our Charters, abolishing our most do. And for the support of this declaration, with a firm tion till his Assent should be obtained; and when so suspend valuable Laws, and altering fundamentally the Forms of our Reliance on the Protection of divine Providence, we mutually ed, he has utterly neglected to attend to them. Governments: pledge to each other our lives, our Fortune, and our sacred He has refused to pass other Laws for the Accommodation For suspending our own Legislatures, and declaring Honor. asrYjA TD^r.p erU -pf- :.-s Senior Traffic and parking Continued from Page 1 Mr. Vernotico, who at the outset of citizen parking deck referendum possibility the session noted that he and other was Richard Futter of Futter’s Shoes members of the study committee who said there “were a lot of ques­ were on hand Tuesday night just to tions to be answered before a listen to the rnmments of residents referendum is considered.” He con­ and business people, said at the activities tinued his comments by saying the meeting’s conclusion that the study Mondays municipality should investigate what group would meet again in two weeks 8:30 a.m to noon Senior citizen of­ types of financing might be and would consider what immediate fice open at Town Hall. available, the possibility of actions could be taken to relieve Tuesdays assessments and how much the parking and speeding problems. 11 am . to 12:30 p.m. Free art general taxpayer would have to pay. “The question of a parking garage course, Millburn High School, Room “Nobody knows if a parking deck is will be looked at," he said. “That 126. a possibility,” Mr. Futter said, “but quesion needs to be addressed. 12:30 to 4 p.m. Senior citizen coor­ we should look into it.” Perhaps the residents of the com­ Other speakers during the course munity don’t want a deck, but we dinator available at town swimming THEY'RE OFF — Millburn Avenue and Essex Street became a race track last Thursday pool, Gero Park, for senior citizen of (he meeting suggested the number have to consider it.” evening as runners from throughout the state took part in the 5,000-meter President's Cup of parking permits sold for the long­ pool members. Mr. Vernotico said he expected the Township minibus available for race. Elliot Bikani of Teaneck took the men's state championship in 14 minutes and 37 term parking lots be limited to the seconds while Doreen Schwarz of Bloomfield won the women's title in 17 minutes and four number of spaces in those lots and work of his committee to take ap­ food shopping at Shop-Rite. Phone proximately a year. The summer 564-7076 before 8:30 a m preceding seconds. Top times for township residents were turned in by Jonathan Claman (17:32) and voiced contrasting opinions on the value of the center’s one-way street months, he continued, would be ad­ day. l.isa Suitovsky (20:43). pattern. dressed to “immediate action items” Wednesdays and then the group would be discuss­ 8:30 a.m. to noon. Senior citizen of­ ing “mid term — 2- to 3-year actions fice open at Town Hall. and finally long term — 4- to 10-year Thursdays — solutions to the problems.” 9:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. Senior open house, senior citizen coordinator pre­ The study committee chairman sent, Millburn Library (upstairs of­ also said he hoped that his group fice). would have a “draft report” com­ 10:30 a.m, to 2:30 p.m. Old Guard Speeders and animals pleted by early spring and public meeting, Bauer Community Center. comment would be asked on that Fridays Traffic and speeding and Millburn is absurd. published in the weekly paper and ing of Millburn becoming a safe and report. Sixty days after the comple­ Our neighborhood in Colorado, 11a.m. to 1 p.m. Friday Friends Editor, The Item: tickets were given freely for quiet residential area. tion of the draft report the study meeting, Bauer Community Center. Cherry Hills Village, used radar speeding. Signs were posted on main Mary Joan Foley group's final recommendations I am writing to you after reading every day. When traveling through Township minibus available for the recent letter to the editor regar­ streets entering Cherry Hills Village 68 Baltusrol Way would be submitted to the Township food shopping at Kings. Phone the township one would never know stating the speed limit and that ding the traffic and speeding in the when one would come upon a police Committee, Mr. Vernotico said. * 564-7076 before 8:30 a.m. preceding township, Baltusrol Way in par­ speeding and drunk driving laws Wild animals car patroling for speeders. Con­ week were enforced. day. ticular. sequently, our streets were safe. Editor, The Item: Monday, July 20 Our family has lived here almost Never in the eight years we lived I really feel that Millburn is very Daniel Pariso, the township animal 11:30 a.m. to 2 p.m. Life-Lighters Garbage four years, having moved back after there can I recall a child being struck lax in this regard. Beginning to en­ control officer, gave your readers special summer meeting, Bauer living in Colorado for eight years. force speeding and drunk driving on a bicycle or a young person in­ important information for keeping Continued from Page 1 , Community Center. I agree wholeheartedly with Mrs. jured or killed in a motor vehicle ac­ laws, regardless of who is stopped — Thursday, July 23 one’s property free of wild animals. I Sullivan. The speeding on Baltusrol cident. young or old, newcomer or promi­ would like to stress one point that he dependence Day holiday. 9 a.m.'to 5 p.m. Life-Lighters trip and through the streets of Short Hills The names of drunk drivers were nent resident — would be the beginn- If a strike does occur, the recycling to Peddlers’ Village and New Hope, made. Over 75 per cent of the wild animals trapped and released in new center at the town garage will be Pa open tomorrow morning from 8 a.m. Friday, July 29 environments die. The reservation and the Arboretum have their own to noon. If the strike does not take 10:30 a.m. Friday Friends trip to Police seeking hit-and-run car place, the recycling center will be Hunterdon Hills Playhouse. animal populations. Please don’t closed tomorrow as /will all other Township police are asking for help the past week. back seat. trap wild animals and release them r Town Hall offices. from the public in locating an Seventeen-year-old John A. Gregory Melton, 21, was charged to an almost certain death. “In the event of the strike,” Mayor THE Up ITEM automobile that was involved in a hit- Fischer of Maplewood wqs taken to with possession of stolen property Elizabeth Naughton Frank W. Long said, “the recycling and-run accident with a 15-year-old Overlook Hospital the afternoon of and for having a suspended driver’s 296 Lupine Way center will be opfen Friday morning W M IU H l U \ a rut SHOHT H IU * township bicyclist last Thursday June 24 for treatment of a chest in­ license. Kenneth Manns, 22, was ar­ so that residents will be. able to afternoon on Old Short Hills Road. Publisher jury and bruises he suffered when the rested on a warrant issued by reduce the amount of bulk at their M ary Louise Sprague The youth told police he was riding bicycle he was riding collided with an Newark police, where he was wanted Police to conduct homes.' I emphasize-,” the mayor past Old Short Hills Park when the open automobile door on Millburn on a burglary charge. said, “that perishable garbage and Editor General Manager Carter J. Bennett chain on his bicycle broke, causing Avenue. Burglars entered a Meadowbrook random check non-perishable wastes Mil not be ac­ him to fall into the street where he The driver of the vehicle told police Road residence last Thursday after- cepted at the recycling center. Only THE ITEM of M illburn and ShoH H ills was struck in the leg by a passing she had just pulled into a parking noon through a basement window. Township police will be conducting newspapers, glassware and (USPA 346 690) 1987 is published every Thursday by The Item automobile. The boy, who was able to space on Millburn Av enue and had Stolen during the burglary were a random stop sign enforcement and aluminum cans may be brought Publishing Co., Inc , a corporation al return to his Spring Street home after looked to make sure no traffic was stereo, a video Cassette recorder, a 35 radar checks during the coming there.,” - v % 100 Millburn Avenbit, Millburn, NJ,O I the accident, was taken to Saint Bar­ coming before she opened her door. milimeter camera and two suitcases. days, according to Sgt. Ramon The strike, which was scheduled to ficlal newspaper o» the Township of nabas Medical Center for treatment. When she opened the door, the A burglary over the weekend from Millburn, subscription rates by mail Batiato of the department’s traffic begin at 12:01 a.m. yesterday would /post paid: one year, within Essex, Police described the car that hit bicyclist ran into the door and was a trailer at a construction site on bureau. have halted garbage service in 600 Union and M o rris Counties $15, the youngster as a 4-door limousine thrown to the street, she said. Kennedy Parkway resulted in the Radar checkpoint sites will be Hol­ municipalities in 13 New Jersey elsewhere, $30. Entered as Second with New Jersey plates, tinted win­ Two Newark men were arrested theft of 1,200 feet of welding cable. Class M atter October 6,1101 at tho Post ly Drive, Great Oak Drive, White counties. ">■> dows, two antennas and an in­ Friday night’ at The Mall at Short The value of the stolen cable was Olfice of ASillburn, New Jersey, Under Oak Ridge Road, Wyoming Avenue Although municipal sanitation Act of M arch 3, 1179, and second class operative rear safety light. Anyone Hills for possession of stolen property placed at $1,700. department employee* are not postage was paid at Millburn, New seeing a car matching this descrip­ by township police responding to a Several acts of crimihal mischief and Old Short Hills Road. Jersey 07041. Telephone (201)37* 1200. tion is asked to calf police head­ report of stolen hubcaps. Mall securi­ Stop sign enforcement locations members of Teamsters Union Local Postmaster; Send address changes to also were reported in the township in will be at the corners of Parkview 945, the strike by that organization Item Publishing Co., Inc., 100 Millburn quarters at 564-7001. ty officer Scott Leshick pointed out to the past week. would have closed the landfill area kv*.. M illburn, N j ; 07041. The township was the scent of Drive and Whittingham Terrace and police a car with the two siispects sit­ Automqbiles were driven over Highland Avenue and Kartahorn Which serves this and other Essex ting inside am) the hubcaps in the IkWIKL *fid window* were broken. Drive. • . County communities. - ■ ■ ...... , ____ As;''■ m gS . : ;. ' -. ' , y/-;: ' :' ■.:■,■■ :; - .■' ,. := ■ ■y/4 “ ■ M THE ITEM of Millburn and Short Hills, N. J., July 2,1987 Page 5 - ; : ' ’ ' x, ' . ‘ ‘ ' " * * m < ' 4i \ ■ • ' . . :■, ‘s’*;

Lido h-JJ? . 40 Chatham Road • Short Hills

Gail Lowenstein, Realtors 271 Essex Street • Millburn

S. Marsh & Sons Jewelers 265 Millburn Avenue • Millburn

Masur’s, Inc. 341 Millburn Avenue • Millburn Michael’s Men’s Hair Stylists 387 Millburn Avenue (Rear) • Millburn

* Millburn Camera * 345 Millburn Avenue • Millburn + * * Millburn Delicatessen * * 328 Millburn Avenue • Millburn * * * Millburn Florist * * 38 Main Street • Millburn * * * Millburn Fur * » 315 Millburn Avenue • Millburn * * * Millburn Music Center » * 358 Millburn Avenue • Millburn * * * Millburn-Short Hills Chamber of Commerce * The Courtyard Mall - Second Level * * P.O. Box 651 • Millburn * * * M illburn Tire & A u to * * 680 Morris Turnpike • Short Hills * * * * Newark Blind and Drapery, Inc. * * 313 Millburn Avenue • Millburn * * * Sheila Nussbaum Gallery * * 358 Millburn Avenue • Millburn * * * P alu m b o’s E xxon * 238 Springfield Avenue • Millburn * * * + Panache * 239 Millburn Avenue • Millburn * * + Paper Mill Playhouse * * Brookside Drive • Millburn * * + The Park Deli * 41 Park Avenue • Summit ¥ ¥ ¥ q Pat’s Hair Fashions ¥ It's privilege to be port of this great democracy... ¥ ^..tatoUvlagthegreotAmericarv^dreamourforefothers 368 Essex Street • Millburn ¥ H’ yfa*'m ■ >« m tpirr ¥ fought for, so long ago. Let's show our pride on the 4th. ■ ¥ * The Pink Parrot ¥ Antiques and Collectibles ¥ ¥ | 34 Watchung Avenue • Chatham ¥ t ¥ * ¥ ¥ PTK Oriental Rug Center ¥ ¥ 327 Millburn Avenue • Millburn ¥ ¥ ¥ * ¥ ¥ * ■flYl Radeen’s Home Decorators ¥ ¥ ¥ 351 Millburn Avenue • Millburn ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ Rug & Kilim ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ 509 Millburn Avenue • Short Hills ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ 1 9 8 7 ¥ Schlott Realtors ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ Advanced Digital Paging Degnan Boyle Realtors 527 Millburn Avenue • Short Hills ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ 743 Northfield Avenue • West Orange 59 Main Street • Millburn ¥ ¥ Seymour Kinsler, Schermerhorn, Inc. ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ A.G. Edwards & Sons, Inc. ERA R.G. Schaffer Realty Co. 116 Short Hills Avenue • Short Hills ¥ 55 Essex Street • Millburn ¥ t 311 Millburn Avenue • Millburn ¥ Sharpe Realty ¥ t ¥ ¥ Allure Beverlee Fisher 32 Morris Avenue • Springfield ¥ ¥ 356 Millburn Avenue • Millburn ¥ ¥ 508 Millburn Avenue • Short Hills ¥ ¥ Sneaker Factory ¥ ¥ irma L. Altman, Realtor 315 Millburn Avenue • Millburn ¥ French Dressing * ¥ t1 Main Street • Millburn 506 Millburn Avenue • Short Hills ¥ ¥ Stationery, Thoughts ’n Things ¥ American Home Improvement Company Nivi C orp. ¥ ¥ Futter’s Shoes ¥ ★ Tad Bates ★ Jeff Triolo 333 Millburn Avenue • Millburn 323 Millburn Avenue • Millburn ¥ t Millburn ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ Grooming Room Szerlip & Company ¥ ¥ Appliance Repair ¥ ¥ 344 Millburn Avenue • Millburn 288 Main Street • Millburn ¥ ¥ 15 Short Hills Avenue • Short Hills ¥ ¥ t Hair Designs by Charles Tall Fashions ¥ ¥ ASAP One Hour Photo 356 Millburn Avenue • Millburn ¥ 41 Main Street • Millburn Salon Sakura ¥ 515 Millburn Avenue • Short Hills ¥ ¥ BeiUni Baby Furniture Tanguay Associates, Inc. * ¥ Inter-Community Bank The Courtyard • Millburn * 770 Morris Tpke • Short Hills * I 52 Millburn Avenue • Springfield * ¥ * Al Beth Jewlers Towne Pharmacy * I* 350 Millburn Avenue • Millburn Instant Rent-A-Car \ 196 Essex Street • Millburn * * 74, M illburn A ven u e • M illburn * Travel Headquarters 1 Buncher’s Hardware *t 320 Millburn Avenue • Millburn The Item 535 Millburn Avenue • Short Hills * t * 100 Millburn Avenue • Millburn * Burgdorff Realtors y; Rob Trugman’s Salon Reincarnation, * * 545 Millburn Avenue • Short Hills Jalm an International award winning * * 27 Main Street • Millburn 279 Millburn Avenue • Millburn Salon in Summit » / 4 Carvel Jack-B-Quick 1 Vintage Wine and Cheese 32 Main Street • Millburn 299 Millburn Avenue • Millburn 56A Main Street • Millburn * Carchman Pharmacy * ■ i, .if Kenny’s for Physical Fashion Wayside Gardens * 290 Millburn Avenue • Millburn 387 Millburn Avenue • Millburn 54 Morris Turnpike • Summit *

d Connolly, Realtors ’ Dorlne Lerner t Weichert Realtors Street • Millburn 93 Main Street • Millburn 505 Millburn Avenue • Short Hills *★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★*★ *★ **★ *...... J ■ . v /. •; "g'rfcV :yj'H' - • : : y 1 ■ i . : :,,i i '’I*1' ' ■ -■ © ' ...... ' ...... f r V r '...... ■ • i f /

-■ ' ; . ’ . * ...... * ..t ■ ' ' , • ...... -UiV T ' ■ i t ■, ,&■ : ■ V ' U■ - **- - THE ITEM of Millbum and Short Hills, N. J., July 2,1987 •% ■ . ' , ! 1 •

Bilan Flynn married > to Debra Wallenburg The Metropolitan Ecumenical Debra Claire Wallenburg, tion was held at the Madison Hotel, Ministry will sponsor a 2-day Project daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Fred W. Convent Station. Read training session for new tutors Wallenburg of Wayne, was married Cheryl Foster was maid of honor, at Wyoming Presbyterian Church May 17 to Brian KitsonFlynn, son of for her cousin. Mary Kitson Flynn this month. Project Read is a Mr. and Mrs. Simon J. Flynn of served as bridesmaid and Sheila volunteer program designed to teach Forest Drive. Flynn was flower girl; both are illiterate adults to read through one- nieces of the bridegroom. to-one tutoring. 4, The wedding took place at Kevin Flynn was his brother’s best According to Doris Lindner, chair­ Preakness Baptist Church, Wayne. man. Lee Wallehburg, brother of the man of Wyoming Church’s outreach Officiating were the Rev. LJoyd Ke­ , bride, was groomsman. "■> committee, the tutors are trained in nyon, pastor, and the Rev. George Both the bride and the bridegroom the Laubach Literacy method of in­ Trabold of St. Rose of Lima Church. are employed by Blue Cross and Blue struction which has assisted A reception followed in the church’s Shield of New Jersey, Florham Park. thousands of students in learning to Kenyon Hall and an evening recep­ The couple is residing in Parsippany. read. The training course will be offered in two 6-hour sessions July 11 and 18 from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. Tutors must at­ Stevens elected president tend both sessions and are asked to ■m ■ « ■ bring lunch; beverages will be pro­ Mrs. Brian Flynn vided. of St. Rose Parish Council After completion of the training, Harry J. Stevens of Martindale Rosemary Heckman, Christopher Geriatric center Project Read will assign each tutor Road has been elected president of McCarthy and Sofia Sicat. an adult who wants to learn to read. the St. Rose of Lima Parish Council Regular council meetings will honors volunteers Weekly meetings between student to succeed Bernard Speckhart. resume in September. and tutor may be scheduled at the Other 1987-88 officers elected at Several township residents were chUrch or at the public library, last week’s council meeting are vice honored recently for their volunteer Reading specialist and Wyoming president Adrian Doherty of Pine service ''at Daughters of Israel congregant Patricia Cullen-Bender Terrace West and secretary Bernice Geriatric Center, West Orange. will coordinate the program at the Bertrand of Pine Terrace East. Florence Rosenman of Old Short church. Hills Road was cited for 1,500 hours ^ t Mr. and Mrs. Craig McHugh Mr. Stevens, a St. Rose parishioner since 1939, is a retired attorney. A of service over a prolonged period, C f t n i n r c ’ i l n v i S d * and Leo Sturm of Rahway Road was graduate of Princeton University and recognized for more than 1,000 hours. Rutgers Law School, he is president Recognition for 200 to 300 hours at pool Tuesdays Suzanne Adams bride of the latter’s alumni association. He during 1986-87 went to Betty During the months of July and also is a volunteer at Overlook Lubin of Oval Road. Also cited for August township senior citizen coor­ 'Hospital and a board member of the service within the past year were dinator Judith Rinsky will be of sales vice president local chapter of the American Red Aline Bernard, Rita Horowitz, Aileen available Tuesdays from 12:30 to 4 Cross. Marmon, Janet Mayer, Beverly Orel, p.m. at the municipal swimming pool Suzanne Marie Adams, daughter of John W. Adams II of Norwalk, Council members were elected at Joy Rudy, Eleanor Schupack and in Gero Park for those senior citizens Arlene P Adams of Ferncliff Ter­ Conn., and Mark W. Adams of Fern- recent parish-wide elections. They Stanley Starr. who are members of the pool. During race and Byron K. Adams of East cliff Terrace, other brothers of the include: at-large representatives Others interested in participating this time the Tuesday open house at Brunswick, was married June 20 to bride, were among the ushers. David Helen Coen, James Feely, Richard in the center’s volunteer program Bauer Community Center in Taylor Craig Laurence McHugh, son of Mr. L. McDonnell of San Bruno, Calif., Holmes, Mary Newman, Dr. Richard may contact Fay Hortz, director of Park will be suspended but will and Mrs. John L. McHugh of Hum­ Dennis P. McDonnell of Portola Riva and Mr. Stevens; district volunteer services at 731-5100. resume again in September. ble, Texas. Valley, Calif., Reed K. Thompson of representatives Charles P. Stanley The nuptial mass took place at St. San Mateo, Calif., and Kelly S. Keith Jr., Dr. H. Stephen Fletcher, Marie Rose of Lima Church. Officiating of San Francisco also were McCormack and Mr. Doherty; and Treat Yourself to Your was Monsignor Harrold Murray, groomsmen. youth representative Stephen Fox. The bride is a graduate of Rose- New members of the parochial former pastor. The bride, attired in school board are Kenneth Dougherty, Own Personal Trainer her mother’s gown of Alencon lace mont (Pa.) College and a provisional Gerard Rooney and Dr. Margaret and satin, was given in marriage by member of the Junior League of New Harry Stevens from the Exercise Store! her brother, Byron Adams Jr. of York City. She is employed by Delta McIntyre Rosen and of the religious Woodside, Calif. Airlines education board Maureen Hauck, The wedding party included her The bridegroom graduated magna 7 Week Program or 5 Week Program sisters, Mrs. J. Frank Stone of cum laude from St. Mary’s College (Free) Consultation Southern Shores, N.C., and Mrs. He is vice president of sales for Birth TEENAGE Kenneth Dougherty of Hobart Foremaster/Magnetic Design, San Mr. and Mrs. Jack Atkins of Oak - in your home or office Avenue, and niece Susanne Dougher­ Jose, Calif Hill Road announce the birth of a son, NITE CLUB , (201) 378-8227 ty. Bridesmaids included Mrs. Following a wedding trip to Caneel Scott Allen, June 19 at Saint Bar­ every Thursday Steven Mury of Irvine, Calif., and Bay and Little Dix, the couple will nabas Medical Center, Livingston. DOORS OPEN 7:30 P.M. Cathy McHugh of New York City, reside in San Mateo. He joins a brother, Douglas Brian, 3. DJ DAVID KRAMER ONE-TO-ONE both sisters of the bridegroom, as THE EUROPEAN well as Colleen McMenamin and HEADQUARTERS TECHNIQUE Marie Davis, also of New York City. O u r 69th PLAZA HOTEL EXERCISE OF CHURCH FARM year. MORRISTOWN 898-9100 PERSONALIZED EXERCISE Mrs. Pollack C r * U A A I B0YS BOARDING s c h o o l STORE ^ V n y v l b COLLEGE PREP CURRICULUM FALL ’87 APPLICATIONS NOW BEING ACCEPTED' Einstein unit SALE EFFECTIVE THROUGH WEDNESDAY JULY 8th THE UNIQUE. NEW (HOLIDAY HOURS BELOW) president ffNDERS K eepers Marsha Pollack of Farmstead “ The off price fashion specialty store of the future" Road recently was installed as presi­ dent of the New Jersey chapter of the National Women’s Division of Albert Einstein College of Medicine of Yeshiva University. The installation luncheon was given by past president Brenda Sichel at Cedar Hill Country Club, Livingston. UP TO Mrs. Pollack is a member of Na­ tional Council of Jewish Women, the Women’s Association of Congrega­ For students in grades 7-12 where mother and father no longer live tion B’nai Jeshurun, Theresa Grotto ’ together or sons of active m ilitary personnel or clergy. Low annual cost. and Daughters of Israel. Active sports and extracurricular programs. Small student body. Also installed as officers for 1987-88 were Barbara Gering, Liz Excellent teacher to sludeni ratio 1 to 8. 1.700-acre campus 25 Greenebaum, Marie Morrocco and miles west o f Philadelphia, PA. > Carol Smith, vice presidents; Nancy W rite or phone: Dir. o f Adm issions, Box S-3, Paoli, PA 19301. Bernstein, treasurer; Nancy Fiver- 215 363-7500. son, financial secretary; Vera Chap­ Mail 10: Oil. o f Admissions, Box S-3, Paoli, PA 19301 man, recording secretary; Margo Hertz, corresponding secretary; Name o f Parent______Age o f Son _ Martha Rich, historian. The National Women's Division is Address.. undertaking a new 5-year $9 million campaign for the future. This endow­ ment will benefit cardiology, on­ cology, neurology and metabolic research. Covenant slates services, study VUE Covenant Presbyterian Church will hold Sunday morning worship ser­ EMBRACE vices at 10 o’clock now through Labor FAMOUS Day. THE The Rev. Michael Conord, pastor, CALIFORNIA will continue his series on the book of Acts. Nursery care will be provided HEART] during services. The public is in­ MAKER vited. AS, Covenant’s singles group will hold DECORATED a Bible study Tuesday at 7:30 p.m. at WGMgfJ SHIRTS the home of Mr. and Mrs. Mitchell WELL AS Kaplan, 343 Milltown Road, Spr­ ManytB>catching styles ingfield. Edward Adelman will lead the mind: in the selection. At our the study on the book of John. great savings, you’ll want a For further information those in­ School Registration in Progress! wardrobe-full! Style shown terested may call 467-8454. . . . Do something wonderful for the part of group. S, M, L. children you love. Come, join us. JULIA LIPPMAN . . A Parenting Center for young Jewish parents and their infants. MSW, ACSW . . . Religious School programs (P re­ Diplomate in school through 12th Grade) Clinical Social Work designed to create open, SELLING24 ELSEWHERE" Imaginative and meaningful encounters for our Jewish *54 to 168* Licensed Marriage Counselor children. Children • Adult . . . an award winning Youth Group and . . . We learn. We slh0. We laugh. We Family Therapy share life together.

Treating problems related to THE UNIQUE, depression, stress, anxiety, divorce, separation, single­ parent, pre m arital and fam ily AMFOnMCONOMOATION c o n f lic t s . __ B, O.M., CUbbl WITH A LOVE FOR TRADITION M*fW1 WMMT, fUMN Emsrltus Hours by Appointment: Theedwe Arons**, Ctntof/Educati im a m i akm •* * , school pm “Wo Find The Values, You Keep The Savings" WE HONOR 37 Rawley Place Millburn, N.J. ■ 4M Scotland Read SIS South Livingston Avs., Livingston, N.J. 07039 (201) 740-1577 * South Orange, N. J. 070' 763-411S "■(Formsrly------*" ths...... — Livingston *“ “Rollsr “ »r RRink) lr - ‘ ..... 201-376-9119 OPEN MON. (7/6) 104 Tue».-Ffl. 10 A,M.-« P.M,; SATURDAY 10 A.M,-7 P.M.; SUNDAY 11 A.M.-S P.M. AND YOUR* rf " " ' ’' t; -Sis. ■ ■■■• -*■■■ H :m , tap# • v *4 '•'kk-' b- :: THE ITEM of Millburn and Short Hills, N.J., July 2,1987 Page 7 local Hadassah women Business women honor local art gallery owner is designated to honor a business or Interior Design. She is a member of The BPW award will be presented to attend annual convention The Business and Professional , . . . a ------: — „ n ______: i professional woman who has the American Craft Council, at the ninth annual Woman of Five members of the'jjrflllburn- Women’s Club of Millburn-Short Hills and'ta'Hadasgah-H^breW Universi­ has named Sheila Ford Nussbaum, distinguished herself in her career Jewelers of America, Millburn-Short Achievement dinner October 21 at Short HiUs chapter of Hadassah, the ty Medical Cehter at Ein Karem. owner and director of the Sheila and in the community. Hills Chamber of Commerce, New the Summit Hotel. The event will women's Zionist organization of both in Jerusalem, and a network of Nussbaum Gallery here, its -1987 Mrs. Nussbaum has given in­ Jersey Philharmonic Society, Tem­ mark the opening of the America,~*>' *****have * ■#BrMbeen PmimOd f iueu projects in career education and - Woman of Achievement. The award ple Sharey Tefilo-Israel, South organization’s 2-day “Showcase of delegates to Hadassah’S 73rd na­ counseling, youth welfare, and land valuable assistance to the advance­ ment of women artists, according to Orange, and the National Council-of Women Artists” in celebration of Na­ tional convention July 12 to 15 in reclamation and development. Jewish Women. tional Business Women’s Week. Baltimore, Md. ... In the United States Hadassah pro­ club president JoAnn Kudisher. “She They are Barbara Cohen, Paula vides programs in Jewish education, has provided support both on a one- Gornstein, Beverly- Orel, Lbnye personal and leadership develop­ to-one basis and through her lectures Rasch anil Rose Schwartz. ment, Zionist and American affairs while giving suggestions on the many V ^oc. jfinTIC. The annual convention is being and Zionist youth activities. aspects concerning changing artistic (Business F.st. 1881) held in the hometown of Hadassah’s direction including resumes, MEMBERS NEW YORK STOCK EXCHANGE. INC founder, Henrietta Szold, an marketing and presentation skills,” AND OTHER LEADING EXCHANGES educator, scholar and Zionist Mrs. Kudisher said. S lu vkv Bunds, ( ommudilirs. Investment and Advisors Service pioneer. It is the concluding event in Mr. Gridley In fulfillment of a dream to nurture Suite 500 Hadassah’s 6-month 75th anniver­ superior artistic talent, to assist col­ 382 Springf ield A venue sary celebration. The convention lectors and to educate the art-buying Memorial services will be held 201-273-2100 IH O M A K S. P A I.IK K agenda includes four days of working public, Mrs. Nussbaum opened the Summit, N.J. 07901 Manager sessions on a broad range of issues of Wednesday at 11 a.m. at Community gallery located at 358 Millburn concern to American Jewish women Congregational Church . for Avenue in 1982. During the last five publishing executive Donald B. and on Hadassah’s programs in the years the gallery has hosted Gridley, 64, of Morris Turnpike and United States and Israel. About 3,000 numerous art benefits for organiza­ delegates and guests from New York City who died Sunday in tions including Jeffrey Dworkin In­ 18.00% Coupon throughout the United States and Denver (Colo.) General Hospital. fant and Child Center, The Hospice Israel are expected to attend. Mr. Gridley, who had an extensive Inc. of Montclair, Albert Einstein background in the publishing field, E xxon Hadassah, with 385,000 members Medical School and Brandeis founded Gridley Publication Inc., Women’s Committee. New Zealand Notes nationwide, is the largest women’s Summit, in 1976 with his wife, the volunteer organization — and the A graduate of the University of Rated: AAA/AAA former Jean Keast. The company s X j Pennsylvania, Mrs Nussbaum at­ largest Zionist organization — in the was purchased by Harcourt Brace t \ Yield to Maturity: 14.18% world. In Israel, Hadassah establish­ tended the New School for Social Jovanovich Inc., New York City, and Sheila Nussbaum Research and the New York School of Price: 103.7/8 Australian as of 6/26/87 ed and maintains the Hadassah- he remained as publisher. A 1944 Maturity Date: 9/1/88 University Hospital on Mt. Scopus graduate of Northwestern Universi­ Non Callable ty, he served in the U.S. Navy during ROLLS ROYCE World War II. Joan Gassner Born in Chicago, Mr. Gridley mov­ and other fine European Cars We own and offer subject to currency/price change ed here in 1960. He was a member of Private services have been held for and availability. Call to find out if this is a suitable Canoe Brook Country Club and the Complete Maintenance and Repair investment for you: (201) 564-6951 (800) 242-0883. Joan Stermec Gassner, 77, of Princeton Club, New York City. He Millburn Avenue who died June 23 in in Modern Fully Equipped Facilities was a past chairman of the board of Don Sarner, Account Executive the White House Nursing Home, deacons and former president of the 201-379-2393 Orange. Men’s Club, both at Community Con­ Born in Conemaugh, Pa., Mrs. gregational Church where memorial Auto Place International Gassner lived in The Bronx, N.Y., contributions may be sent. • Prudential-Bache before moving here 15 years ago. Survivors include his wife; a son, 382 Millburn Ave., Millburn, NJ Her husband, William, died in Oc­ The Mall al Short Hills, Shorl Hills, N.J. 07078 Securities' tober. Surviving are a brother, Ken­ Paul of New York City; and two step­ SALES - SERVICE - LEASING neth Stermec of Conemaugh, and brothers Dale and Charles Bauer. three siste rs, Ruby Doty of Miamisburg, Ohio, Betty Johnson of Due to space limitations, The Item is unable to use wedding pictures submitted more than two Dayton, Ohio, and Olga Lapolla of m onths a fte r the cerem ony. Larchmont, NY. PolaroidSpectraSystem Your camera is worth $30 when you trade-up to Spectra. Trade any camera (in any condition) between February 1 and July 8 1 9 8 7 , toward a new Polaroid Spectra System camera and you can qualify for a $ 3 0 trade-up allowance.

Come in today for details. i m . Golden Equity Line of Credit lets you convert the equity in your home into ready cash. It gives you a line of credit from $ 10,000 to $ 100,0 00 or We Also Buy, Sell and Trade Used Cameras All Year Long! more to use at any time, for any reason. Millburn Camera Shop Livingston Camera Mart 345 Millburn Avenue 37 S. Livingston Avenue You pay nothing for Golden Equity credit until you use it, then a low annual percentage Millburn, N.J. 07041 Livingston, N.J. 07039 rate just 1 V i % above the prime interest rate* Apply now and your Golden Equity rate will be only 7.50% for the next three months. - .....iiMMSM;' B^-8383: " * Chatham Cameta Once you establish your credit linej write yourself a loan Just by writing a check. Use it to 4 S. Passaic Avenue pay for college, for bill consolidation, home improvements, whatever. Take years to repay Chatham, N.J. 07928 in convenient monthly Installments or pay the full balance at any time without penalty. 635-6223 Tax Savings: Check with your tax advisor—you may be able to deduct the interest of a Golden Equity Line of Credit on your yearly tax return. To apply for your Golden Equity Line of Credit, call or visit your nearest Inter Community Bank office. We care about the financial needs of our customers. A GOLDEN LOAN OPPORTUNITY FOR HOMEOWNERS.

Whitesell's Limousine Service A name you can always depend on no matter where you want to go.

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X. INTER • We welcome corporate accounts COMMUNITY • Telephone equipped luxury cars » at compact rates BANK M e m b e r FD(C o • Open 24 hours a day FREQUENT TRAVELER DISCOUNT PROGRAM MAIN QHICEi 52 Millburn Ave., Springfield, N| 07081 • (201)467-8800 MILLBURN OFFICE: 343 M illburn Ave.. M illburn. N| 0 7 0 4 1 LINDEN OFFICE: 1658 St. George Ave.. Linden, N) 07036 WHIPPANY OFFICE: 54 Whlppany Rd., Whlppany.-N| 07981 UNION OFFICE: Ideal Professional Park. 2333 M orris Ave.. Union. N| 07083 ---— — ......

JJUSJIKj p v', " ' - 1m h ft ■,r>. ' t v to;;# I Sw - T i. # '

THE ITEM of Millburn and Short Hills, N.J., July 2,1987

A 3-game winning streak has pull­ they bunched together three hits off ther trouble when he fanned the first ed. < ed the Millburn Atlantics to within starting and winning pitcher Bob hitter he faced to end the inning. bunt to second half a game of Southern Division Sosnowski (1-0). Left fielder Andy Gallitelli gave the Atlantics some and third, was intentional- alsb had three hits, scored three runs p m. and Montclair Mom leader Kenilworthin the Essex Coun­ Humphrey of the Atlantics kept the breathing room when he homered |y walked 9 load the bases. Bedell and drove in one. Dill had two hits Bloomfield W(ll be ^® °PP®s*ti°n ty Baseball League. game tied' when he threw but a over the center fielder’s head in the struck out t 'out of the Hi­ and two RBI. Winning pitcher Bedell Tuesday at the high school at 8 pm . Roger Cantor went four for four Kenilworth runner trying to score. top of the seventh. allowed three runs, one earned on and on Wednesday the Atlantics are with two runs batted in and Robert Millburn came right back in the top Sosnowski pitched 5 2/3 innings and . : eight hits while walking one and slated to play under the lights at Gallitelli was two for three with a half of the third when Gallitelli and gave up two runs, both earned, on -0) pitched three Striking out one in sue innings Union at 8 p.m. home run to lead the Atlantics (9-7) Jamie Shriner opened the inning with seven hits while striking out three ...... _ get the win. Mike Fiorelli retired the side in order for to a 4-2 victory over Kenilworth Mon­ singles. After a souble steal by and walking two. Jones, who darned iiy started’for Millburn and day night on the division leader’s Millburn in the seventh. Pinch run­ Tickets available Gallitelli and Shriner, Cantor follow­ his second save, fanned two and Uved-a/ter five innings by Jim ner Jim Jackson suffered a broken home field. ed with a single that drove in walked one in 11/3 innings. The Atlantics got on scoreboard in pbo allowed all three Parsip- ankle sliding into second base on a Tickets are still'available for the Gallitelli. Shriner scored on a ground Nick Pannullo’s lOth-inning single as he gave up four hits and successful stolen base attempt and the first inning on a bunt single by out by Humphrey. ■; Sunday afternoon drove in Sosnowski four waik8 in twoinnings’ ~ Volvo Tennis/New Jersey tourna­ Robert Holiday, a walk to Gallitelli Player-manager Peter Jones will he sidelined for the rest-of the ment to be played July 12 to 19 at with the winning run to give the ATLANTIC WAVES — Hie Atlan season. M Newark Academy, Livingston. and an RBI single to right field by relieved Sosnowski with the tying run Atlantics a 4-3 triumph over Parsip- tics broke a 3-|------1 ’ “ - * • More information about the tourna­ Cantor. on third base and two outs in the sixth pany at the high school Thursday with a 12-3 drubbing of Millburn is scheduled to host South Kenilworth (10-7) tied the game at after Kenilworth had cut the lead to Orange for the second time In a week ment may be. obtained by contacting Millburn took a 1-0 lead in the fifth South Orange at the high school. tonight at 8 p.m. at the high school. Nanette Norbitz at 1-212-696-4884. 1-1 in the bottom of the second when 3-2. Jones got the Atlantics out of fur- without the benefit of a base hit. Can­ Millbum’s 12 runs and IS hits were tor drew a 1-out walk off Parsippany both season highs. Gallitelli and pitcher John Hennessey and stole se­ Humphrey each had three RBI — Post’s Rosenberg hurls cond base. Cantor moved over to with Humphrey’s three coming on a. third when a pick off throw by Hen­ nessey sailed into center field when no one failed to cover the bag for Par­ Richard Lander, m .d ., f.a .a .p . second straight shutout sippany. After Andy Dill grounded Rec office in park Mitch Rosenberg tossed his second in the first inning, a lead that held up back to Hennessey for the second out, is pleased to announce the relocation consecutive shutout and Ted Remig until the bottom of the fourth when Larry Beimfohf walked and advanc­ dosed Saturday scored on a ninth inning error Mon­ Post 140 scored twice to take a 2-1 ed to second on a wild pitch. day afternoon to lead American of his practice of lead. Brad Bedell, pinch-hitting for The recreation department’s Gero Legion Post 140 to a 1-0 victory over David Larner was two for two and Park registration office will be clos­ Livingston Post 201 in Livingston. first baseman Wayne Routh also was designated hitter Eric Ladden, hit a PEDIATRICS AND ADOLESCENT MEDICINE grounder back to Hennessey for what ed Saturday because of the Fourth of The win improved Post 140’s two for two with a double for Post 140. July holiday. to record to 2-4 while Livingston fell to Losing pitcher Ken Jonach tossed a should have been the third out of the The final Saturday hours for 1-4. 5-hitter for Millburn. inning. Hennessey’s throw was in the Remig tripled and scored when registering for municipal swimming Post 140 scored three times in the dirt and first baseman Steve Wigdor pool, par three golf or tennis permits 203 Hillside Avenue Livingston threw the ball away while third inning June 24 at the high school was unable to come up with it. Cantor trying to throw him out at third base. will be July 11 between 10 a.m. and 3 without the benefit of a base hit en scored on the miscue to put Millburn p.m. at Gero Park. Livingston, New Jersey 07039 Rosenberg, who has both of Post route to a 5-0 triumph over South in the lead. Orange Post 220. Rosenberg held Beginning July 13 registrations will 140’s victories this season, held Liv­ be accepted only at the recreation ingston to just one hit over the first South Orange to just two hits to pick Parsippany scored twice in. the 992-5588 994-2377 sixth and once in the seventh to tike department’s office in Town Hall seven innings. Rosenberg finished up the victory. Mondays through Fridays between 9 the game with a 4-hitter. Walks by losing pitcher John Gar­ a 3-1 lead heading into MillbujATs a.m. and 4 p.m. final at bat. Newark Post 10 pushed across rick to Routh, Rosenberg and David More information about registra­ three runs in the top of the seventh in­ Lam loaded the bases for Post 140 Pannullo reached first on an error Hospital Affiliations: leading off the inning but was forced tion procedures may be obtained by ning Friday afternoon to defeat Post with on one out in the third. Two calling the recreation department at 140 4-2 at the high school. more walks to Mike Meyers and Tom at second when Holiday grounded in­ 564-7097. St. Barnabas Medical Center Newark Post 10 (3-1) took a 1-0 lead Pizzano forced in Routh and to a fielder’s choice. Gallitelli came Overlook Hospital Rosenberg. Post 140 got its third run through With a single, and after a Mountainside Hospital " of the inning when Mike Resnick was double steal, Shriner singled to drive B uy D irect Suburbans win hit by a pitch, allowing Lam to score. in the tying runs. OVERHEAD Post 140 added two insurance runs Millburn’s game-winning rally season opener in the sixth inning on three singles, a began when Sosnowski singled GARAGE sacrifice bunt and a South Orange er­ leading off the 10th and Cantor walk- DOORS Randy Shields and Marshall ror. Announcing Chapin combined on a 10-strikeout Singles by Routh and Rosenberg performance to lead the recreation opened the sixth for Millburn. A department's Suburban baseball sacrifice bunt by Lam advanced the & s . NOW OPEN team to a recent 5-2 season-opening runners and Routh came around to victory over Verona score on the play on a South Orange FOCUS Shields fanned eight and allowed error. Mike Meyer's single plated MONUMENTS both Verona runs in six innings Rosenberg with the second run of the TOURS & TRAVEL Chapin struckout two Verona batters inning. jSllizabetl} iflonum entB • Real Wood • Solid Mil (work • 1000 in the seventh in recording the save. South Orange's Garrick tripled for Doors in Stock •.Som e Specials Mfg. under new management Millburn scored twice in the bot­ the game’s only extra base hit in the While You Wait, Others 3-5 Days. • Call second inning off Rosenberg. Rita M. Cesario Today for our Free New 24-page Brochure tom of the third to open the scoring. formerly with and Compare Our Specs. • Also Available: Chris Lombardy reached base on an LEGION LINES — Upcoming Bronze ft Granite Memorials of Clifton Steel, Fiberglass. Aluminum. • Prices by 1878 SPRINGFIELD AVE infield error and scored all the way games for Post 140 are tomorrow at phone. home against Verona and Monday at 1200 No. Broad St. Hillside Call TollFraa: 1 -BOO-872-4980 MAPLEWOOD, NJ from first on a hit-and-run double to New Rd., Monmouth Jet. NJ 763-0680 • 763-0845 right field by Nick Biase. Shawn Cedar Grove. Both games are 352-5775 Op*n: 8 till 4:30 - Set till ifc Laverty, running for Biase, scored on scheduled to start at 5:45 p.m. a triple to deep center field by Peter Rooney. A ground out by George Medley drove in Rooney with the finye-ai o r r third run. distinctive ringing Speed calling of up The Suburbans added two more to six frequenfly called numbers is also runs in the sixth inning Chapin open­ N ew JerseyB ell available, as are security features. ed the inning with a single to right P R E - O W N E D LUXURY IMPORTS Another example of New Jersey field. A Keith Carlton single and a Bell technology helping business walk to Jon Sands loaded the bases ■ NOW IN-STOCK PLUS MANY MORE ■ P uts Technology and consumers is Public Data Network Leith Nippes followed with a single to (PDN). PDN provides inexpensive access drive in Chapin and Carlton. 1986 P0RCHE 911 CARRERA 1984 P0RCHE 944 COUPE T o W o r k . to data bases over regular phone lines. Millburn is scheduled to visit Sum Guards Red/F|llmlno Leather Lite Blue Mettalic/ PDN already has helped bring mit tonight at 6 p m Power seats, Whale Tail, Sport Cloth Interioi the speed and power of computers to Power Sunroof 38,039 miles real estate agents. In Morris County, 9,976 miles PDN has enabled the Board of Realtors Only *3 5 6 .79 ** to automate its multiple listings so Diving team opener Only 9684.70* B y Williams. McKinley ■86 IAGUAR XI 6 SON that individual agents can find your 86 MERCEDES 190E 2.3 Sedan External affairs Manager ' 'dream house' ’ at the touch of a button. slated for Monday Black/Silver tea int. Dove Grey/Brgndy Ithr. 11,192 miles Agents can search the listings 15,823 mi. using 28 different criteria - like pnee, The township diving team is Only $424.88* Only 544.59* and maintain system hardware in your scheduled to open its season with a Last year, New Jersey Bell spent building, instead, the "brains” lot dimension, school system, type ol "48 mo closed end lease, e id tax l M.V. lees. For total cost multiply payment by 48. NO over $1.6 million a day to improve and of Centrex 111 are located in our local heating and style of home. It can even home meet Monday at 6 p.m. at the compute mortgage rates and related municipal pool against Berkeley MONEY DOWN. 1st payment and security deposit. expand its statewide telecommunications switching centers. That gives our network, and with good reason. customers a big savings in cost along financial information. Heights. "Based on 36 mo. Please call Mr. Davis lor an appointment Unlike weekly real estate catalogs Coach Doug Wheeler has a veteran That money helps keep New with added convenience.. .and theirs Jersey Bell’s phone rates the lowest in no capital outlay for an expensive PBX. that are often out of date when pub­ squad returning this year. Liz the countiy. By investing in new We've now spun offa high- lished, this data is always current. McAllister and Nicole Riva are the technology we gain efficiencies that we tech variation of Centrex III called Without PDN, this kind of top returnees in the girls' 15 to 17 age DOUGl/gC may pass on to out customers. Community Centrex. computerized quick access system group. Kelly Gallagher, Virginia 430 MORRIS AVENUE, SUMMIT, NJ • (201) 277-1313 „ What's more, new technology Community Centrex brings would probably be too costly for Graziano and Melissa Schreiber helps us provide new and better services residential and business tenants in the county board and local agents. should excel again in the 13-and foryou. large, modem buildings a choice of With PDN, costs are kept down and 14-year-old group. Sisters Laura and Centrex 111, our premiek business state-of-the-art telecommunications agents cqn enjoy this timesaving and Melissa Hanson will dive for communications system is one of those services. The developer or owner convenient service that helps them Millburn in the 10-and-under age services. It has all the innovative installs the system capability into the serve their customers better and faster. group. T h is J u ly 4t h , features any business might need, like building ana the tenants can select Next time you read about a Joseph Bookstaber, Billy Crosson automatic callback, call transfer and those phone services they want from “high-tech" service from New Jersey and Daniel Langsam will compete in call pick-up. And, it's a flexible system. a long menu of offerings. Bclk be assured that it will bringyou the best communications at the lowest the 10-and-under boys' age group you deserve a Beefeater When your office layout or communi­ For instance, there's abbreviated Ken Gualtieri, in the 11 and 12-ycar- cations needs change, the phone dialing and other standard Centrex system can easily ire changed right services that tenants can subscribe to. old age group, and Stephen Wheeler, Celebration. from the telephone in your office. And, there are special phone services > New Jersey Bell in the 13-and 14-year-old group, also There's no need to purchase, house like call forwarding, call waiting and A M Atlantic‘Company will be counted on. Newcomers to the team are Leah Tyler, Luciana Silverman, Linda Laniado, Chris Engler, Daniel Bookstaber, Mark Tyler and Guiller­ mo Silverman Tickets on sale Tickets for the 1987 U S. Women’s Open to be played July 20 to 26 at 250 Morris Ave. Plainfield Country Club are available Springfield *467-1199 for purchase at the club. Tickets will be on sale Monday through Friday between 10a.m. andSp.m, DISCOVER FOR YOURSELF.. Sun, sea, and V 2 S ® ^ T H E AREA’S BEST NEW DINING SECRET the SAT. Come Out and Visit with your friends Prepare your child for the SAT and neighbors who have already found us. without sacrificing the summer. Many students who have taken We serve LARGE PORTIONS of GREAT FOOD our prep course have increased their scores 150, 200, even in a comfortable atmosphere at REASONABLE PRICES. 250 points. Call. We ll have your teenager tanning and The best o f times We specialize in Prime Ribs, Lobsters and many lest-prepping too. seafood dishes. Selections from our luncheon menu deserve the best o f taste). are avaiiabie at aU times. Our Entire Menu is also KAPLAN available for Take-Out. SIAMCYH KAPlANfDUCAllONAiaNIW lID Beefeater Qln, 94 proof, 100% grain neutral spirits. -OPEN 7 DAYS- The worfcf? leading Imported from England by KobronpCorp. N.Y., N Y, LUNCHEQN DINNER test prep Organization. Mon-Sat 11:00.3:00 . Mon-Thur.^ iioO.JO.00 F rl-S a t 5:00-11:00 SUMMER CLASSES BEGIN PACKARD’S FINE SHOPPERS WORLD DAVE'S S un 3:00.10:00 7/8,7/10, and 7/30 WINE 6 SPIRIT SHOP Of LIQUORS We accept Visa, MasterCard, American Express'! LIQUOR MART Diner * Club and Discover. For more Info, pteaae call Kings Supermarket $ Millbtirn Am . 188 Essn St. Parklitls wkr ' or visit ue at: Short Hills Springfield JMIIburh 147 Columbia Tnpk. 376-7341 376-0005 376-4202 i

i . A t* ■ - - - , . / ■■ THE ITEM of Millburn and Short Hills, N.J., July 2,1987 Page 9 f * s r * 77t- ? ~ w m m m m RATES P/T RECEPTIONIST additional word If you are a person Classified Display! *7.25 par column Inch. concerned about Tf Mac* CtenifM M i Pham 376*1200 DEAOUNE,-3 p.m. tim d* others, interested In health & have a Right to Clawliy, edit or rejrtiny desire to help people, laerndbyThe Item Pubttiishlng Co. WE WANT Y O U ! W e are a growing chiro­ practic center seek­ ing 2-3 adults to w ork directly with pa­ tients. Previous ex- SHORT HILLS V, per. Is not nec., w ill train. Exc. starting v K j, DESIGNED TO DELIGHT salary. Receptionist position 2-9 p.m . (w ill Picture perfect. Four bedroom colonial, form al spacious living and consider 4-9 p.m .), dining rooms, beautiful new Oat-in kitchen. Lovely first floor den one afternoon during overlooking gorgeous treed backyard with patio. Charming, conve­ week & Saturday nient and excellent location. Asking 1385,000. Call Joan Chesley to 8:30-4:30. Doctor p r e v ie w . ■ Asst. — all shifts; SEYMOUR KINSLER SCHERMERH0RN, INC. SHORT HILLS anatomy knowledge not mandatory. Day 379-3434 COUNTRY CLASSIC 8. even, interviews Anne Sylvester's REALTY CORNER is proud fo present this "One in a Million" avail. Apply in per­ homlel We believe the discriminating buyer will appreciate the line quality son, 492 Springfield ,REALTORS 116 Short H ills Ave. Eves. 467-1469 details In this true center hall Dutch colonial situated on almost two luscious Ave., Berkeley acres In Short Hills. The first floor features a 40 foot living room with fireplace,- Heights or call formal dining room with bow window overlooking the rear property and 665-JI770.______gardens; beamed celling country kitchen with stone fireplace; beamed celling P ART TIME permanent sacra mailed library with fireplace; cathedral celling Florida room; powder room; tary, Livingston. Monday Kvely guest or maid's bedroom with bath. The second floor oilers four family Friday, 9-1. Non-smoker. bedrooms and two bathrooms. In addition there is a fantastic 40 loot "English 922-4995. Pub" recreation room with fireplace, plus a small soundproof office. Priced at PART TIME can be college or high school student. 3 after­ 11,200,000 this wonderful *,000 sq. foot home Is centrally air-conditioned and is noons per week. Clerical duties. ready for your inspection. Call our office today at 376-2300 to arrange your ap­ 447-3222. ______pointment. S ECRETARY/Typist, part time. For doctor's office. Flexi ble hours, pleasant enviorn m ent. 379-75M. C ALL 376-2300 T O D A Y ! F U L L TIME LEGAL SECRETARY. Millburn sole practitioner seeks competent and pleasant legal secretary for congenial office. Salary com mensurate with experience. Call J ill, 379-1553. A P A R T M E N T CHADWICK BEACH. Ocean TO SHAR E____ side. 4 bedrooms, sleeps 8. FAST paced office looking for RAMAPO’S Available July 5 18 and July people oriented person. Respon FEMALE wanted to share 2 25 August 15. $850./week. slble for front office duties In bedroom apartment with same. 4*7-0003 o r793-9133. Non-smoker preferred. Call Bet­ ophthalmology practice. Ex sy, 822-1392. SPRING LAKE. 1 block from ce lle n t b enefits, 4'/a d ay week beach. 4 bedroom, air condition­ Including Saturday a.m. Please BUILDING ed Cape Cod. Yard, ca ll R uth, 444-4*00 o r 273-0700. FOR RENT washer/dryer. Available A u g u st 1 to La b o r Day. 449-4913. TELEPHONE Operators. West LIVINGSTON. Rt. 10 proles Orange Answering Service. Dal $500,000 sional b u ild in g , 1500 8. 3500 sq CAPE COD, Falmouth. 3 ly , 8-5, 1-6, 4-9 s h ifts and week ft. Will divide. Custom design bedroom ranch. Glass sided sun end hours. Will train. Typing ed, your needs. 30 day occupan deck, near beach. Private pool and car necessary. Call cy. Reasonable rent, JO and tennis, free bicycles, 731-6500. 740-1000 washer/dryer. $500 per week J u ly , $600. p e r week A ugust. FEDERAL, STATE, A CIVIL. FURNISHED ROOM 276-6*32_Ways_L7*3-3SM_(eves.) - Jobs now hiring In your area. FO R R E N T C all 1-619-565-6S13, to r c u rre n t LIVINGSTON. Immediate oc DELUXE Poconos lakeside list. 24 hrs. cupancy. Quiet home, private chalet. Private lake, beach, bath, private entrance for sleeps 10. Fishing, swimming, ' DIRECTOR Of DEVELOPMENT boating. Golf nearby Call business or professional person. AND ALUMNI RELATIONS BI-WEEKLY MORTGAGE Linens, aJI utilities, maid ser­ 635-2586, a fte r 6:00 p.m . v ic e supplied 5500./m o . 992-7*99. Independent, k 12 c o e d school seeks motivated, HELP WANTED qualified individual to HOUSE FOR RENT An extra large mortgage AIRLINES/CR UISESNI P job direct alumni events, and lists guarantee Immediate open development affairs Send deserves an extra special MILLBURN ings all occupations. resume to: Vail-Deane 1-716-M2-2900 D a ys/E ve s/W kn d . School, Woodacres Drive, 2 BR, 2 bath, central a/c. All product. Ramapo's Jumbo E x t. 9 0 4 1 . ______Mountainside, N.J. 07092. brand new. Township ASSISTANT Physical Thera Bi-Weekly offers dramatic membership to swim pool pIst/Exercise Physiologist/Stu Includedl Immediate dent needed. Contact Lisa interest savings and ANTIQUES 8* Interior sales possession. A sking $1,400 Dorian at Summit YWCA, 1 0 . 2 5 1 oriented person for interesting CkMfiood uUemo/tics accelerated equity gain REALTY CORNER, 273-4242. ANNUAL INTEREST RATE shop In Chatham. 3 5 days, R e a lto r, 374-2300. CLERK wanted. Accounting 10:30-5 p.m Call Lee, *35-0450 or that pay-off for you! skills for receiving, blending, 2*7-6279 (eves.) ------are stirred when entering this w arm , cheerful 5 m a n u fa c tu rin g A shipping pe 1 0 . 6 2 0 % troleum products A com PUBLIC Health Nurse Im bedrooms, 1 1/2 bath Colonial. Spacious entry hall with Call today for further modifies. Inventory control. mediate opening for part time ANNUAL PERCENTAGE RATE MILLBURN nurse for small, friendly Good pay, good benefits. Send Visiting Nurse service. unique staircase, living room with fireplace, dining information Rate subject to change without notice Unfurn. house Avail resume: Gordon Terminal Ser­ August 1. 3 BRs, I'/j bath, Millburn/Short Hills area. Call room, country kitchen. Large yard, l-car attached v ic e C o m p a n y , Box 143, Ba 376-0433. appliances Close to train & yonne, NJ 07002. garage. Wyoming area in M illburn. Offered at $315,000. RAMAPO'S bus. $1,250./p r. mo. plus DAY Camp Counselors. All HIRING! Government jobs u tilitie s 761-5373. specialists and general your area. $15,000 $68,000 C all counselors. Licensed van (602 ) 838-8885, E x t. 2133 d riv e rs also. 992-77*7. MAPLEWOOD O F F IC E P A R T T I M E — S A L E S FOR R E N T Specialized computor hardware EXCELLENT Income for part Dunn, Hartford & Durkin Division & software. Must have own car time home assembly work. For Call D A T A T R O N IX , 7*3-8375. l Rlcalton Sq. (at the station); LIVINGSTON. 1500 sq. ft in fo . c » ll 504-641-1003 E x t. 8948. private office; conf. rm .8300 storeroom, secrefaria HEAD teacher for nursery 'HfcAL ESTATE SALES' - reception area. $2644 per mo school enrichment classes, DISTINCTIVE PROPERTIES, RAMAPO MORTGAGE COMPANY plus electric. Quiet. New bldg afternoons. College degree re INC. AT THE MALL AT SHORT Office in Basking Ridge, Chatham, Fan wood, Livingston, quired. Education background TMi RAMAPO BANK • PILGRIM STATE BANK A m p le p a rkin g . Im m e d ia te oc HILLS is presently interviewing cupancy. JO 740-1000. preferred. JCC of Summit, call for full time sales associates Maplewood, Mendham, Morristown, Murray Hills, 11 Hlgnpomt Drive, W&yne, New Jersey 07470 273 3448 o r *35-5031. Our prime location and in New Providence, Pittstown, Quakerlown, Short Hills, HOT LINE 201-635-7317 • 201-633-5900 IVINGSTON. Private office DENTAL RECEPTIONIST for •novative marketing techniques :available in suite Share waiting Stockton, Summit, Tewksbury, Warren and Westfield. ■ a\ modern, friendly office. Some enable our associates to be room Psychologist or other pro assisting. Experience prefer among the highest earners in the, An exclusive affiliate for fessional desired. No secretarial red, but will train capable per profession. Licensed and ex , services available. Reasonable son. C all 376-52*5 evenings. perienced applicants preferred re n t. JO 740-1000. S0THEBY PARKE BERNET INTERNATIONAL REALTY C0RP. fc Q U H iU DEVELOPMENT/PR ASSIS Contact Tom Skobo, 564-9700 ROOMATE TANT. Part time. Needed for WANTED small independent day school Typing, P/C computer entry, MILLBURN TWO young Wall Street profes­ data base management, sionals seek 3rd professional for w riting, coordinating events, RESUMES! house share. $350./p e r mo. plus running errands. Flexibility, Each resume a result of in 1/3 Utilities. Call 7*3-3*85 after 6 perseverance a must. In depth interview and genuine p.m . teresting job for right person. concern for your needs Call No smokers, please. Send an appointment SPACE FOR resume with telephone number RENT to : The Ite m , P.O. Box 601, 273-2015. SPACE available in rapidly M illburn, N.J. 07041. REALTORS growing Short H ills salon. KERN A. ULRICH Clothes, nails, (ewelry, etc. EXCELLENT Income for part Great location, plenty of park time home assembly work. For ing. C all 5*4-78*8. Info, c a ll 504-641-8003 E x t. 8984 TOWN HOUSE MEDICAL. Technologist. Im HIGH school student for light FOR R E N T mediate full time day position in secretarial duties 12 our Group Practice facility for TWO Bedroom townhouse avail ho u rs/w e e k. 376-5323. Medical Technologist, ASCP able. Excellent location. Air HIRING! Government [obs registered or eligible. Previous conditioning, heat and hot water yo u r area. $15,000 568,000. Call micro biology experience included No brokage fee. Call (602) 838-888S, E xt. 2133. preferred and proficiency in all SOUTH MOUNTAIN ESTATES Bfcgw-. , , f _ OFFICE ASSISTANT. Home of phases of laboratory procedures UNFURNISHED APARTMENT fice of growing entrepreneurial are requ ire d . We o ffe r a 37'/2 h r. work week. Competitive salary, Delightful home in most desirable area. Featuring over­ APARTMENTS, HOUSES, company. Work with automated accounting system. Com excellent company paid benefit, , TOWNHOUSES AND SHARES. municate with branches and program and are located in sized living room with fireplace, dining room, new bath, All sizes and prices, no fee suburban Summit, just minutes unless you rent. WEICHERT new deck off eat-in kitchen, 3 bedrooms, IV2 baths, 221 ft p a r t tim e Flexible hours. from the Garden State Park RENTALS, BROKER. 379-7557. 467-4144. w ay. C all Personnel, 277-8*33. Celebrate America deep lot. This one's a winner! Reduced to $265,000. Summit Medical Group, P.S. 120 VACATION RENTALS Summit Ave., Summit. Eves, call Marilyn Brief 522-1048. HELP! H A R V E Y C E D A R S . L B I PART TIME bookkeeper. One beach house, first back from B U S Y ophthalmolo day a week, flexible hours. Ex ocean. 3 bedrooms, IV2 baths. >erienced through general Available 7/11, 8/0, 8/15, 8/29, gist office needs so edger. C all 4*7-4350. f l e w u r itkrktffl f i l t t h M 9/5.(609) 924-3*48, (609) 494-5735. meone full time with PART TIME. Experienced. For medical office exper. diversified office work, oph thamologist's office. Call REAL EETATE for technical help. 37**400. NANTUCKET Contact lenses, visu al testing, etc. Some PART TIME secretary, bright 8. organized, 9 a m. 2 p.m. ac 221 Main Street, Millburn 376-9393 Everything for gracious llv front desk work also curate typist willing to learn (9 ing 8. fun in this charming 4 req'd. Prior opthal- word processing for West BR, 2 bath salt box; Ig. deck mic/optometric ex Orange insurance/pension of w/gas grill, all appliances, fice. C all 731-4900, between 11 per. pref. Additional a.m 8. 1 p.m.____ linens, etc; sun, fish 8. wind surfer from nearby seclud. training offered. R ECEPTIONIST. For very busy physician's office in Short beach. A v a il. Ju ly $1,300./ Good personality Hills Must be pleasant and wkly, Aug. $l,400./wkly, essential & must be a dependable. Please submit w rit Sept. $1,000 , Oct , Nov. "m over". Reply ten resum e to : T h t Ite m , P.O. $800. 7*6-2350 Box 599, M illb u rn , NJ 07041. E velyn, 992-5200, References required. Mon., Tues. Thurs., F ri., 9 12, 2 5. MODELS interview for new SPAIN MEDITERRANEAN faces at Deanna Trust Models. Ages 6 through 65. C o m m e rcia l VILLA fashion types. C all 377-1718 to r Modern Andalusian villa additional information. overlooking the sea 3 6/R. 2 SECRETARY for Summit law baths Well appointed, own RN’S . Excellent typing and pool, Beach, tennis, goll 7 am 3 pm 8. transcribing skills are essential. nearby Convenient to - ,1 pm 7 am. No steno. Experience preferred Granada. Seville. Malaga but will consider ambitious Rent monthly, bi weekly. Paid medical p la n beginner. Call Mrs. Christian, Call tor details, 467 0149 for full time and part 277-2200. time. Paid holidays, sick days 8. vaca P/T RECEPTIONIST NEW LISTING IN SPRINGFIELD LONG BEACH ISLAND tion. Call: Great for homemaker or M ove right in and enjqy thi* 4 bedroom home — updated and presented someone returning to work. Luxury contemporary PINE ACRES w ith tender loving care. Fam ily life and entertaining w ill be a breeze Start at S5./pr. hr. Can ad — w ith an open feeling AND central air. Be among the first to see this Gracious master suite, NURSING HOME vance Handle busy phones, ! company. Chen with everything, rear M/F ______Estate Broker, equal hows kitchen. «720./mo. plus tlec deck, outside shower. July FRIENDLY HOME PARTIES m^iped gatehouse. ing serving the Short Hills a. fric. Call Bldg, euptrlntan 635-0200 $850./week, Aug. $850./week. PART TIME help wanted for has openings for managers and vicinity. 379-7117* ( A a. M- deni, 447-4234. ia»1> HI-1347, doctors office In Summit. dealers in your area. Largest Varied hours on Mon.. Tues., li•ne ------in party plan- “Free feT_ Y-1 lt Secluded, let 2 acre LONG Beach island, "The Wed., 4. Fri. No Saturdays. MILLBURN. 2 bedroom*, V Dunes". Aug. 23-29, Augs. Brand------new Christmas ... ___ j* catkcatMog .. . owner, 29-Sept 5. 4 bedroom home Duties include receptionist, ap Toy, G ift, and home deepr bath. Bal-IP kitchen, Large llv polntments, l answering catalog. Over MO Itemt. Tap itiable. mg room. >lanty ol parking, across from beach, deck with telephones. Need dependable & *41. 383 Main St., Chatham, NJ ocean view, laundry, commission A hostess gifts- Call laundry room epact on let floor. dishwasher. 5*4«1«1, days; congenial person. Call for ap for free catalog t-M8-H7>1i18 or M50. plut utilities. 444-3724 altar 994-1173, eves p o ln tm e n t, *$4 *544. call collect g-stWH-gwi. • t. ■ NEW LISTING SHORT HILLS - This 2 story 11 PRIME SHORI HILLS room residence on approx 1 acre SHORT HILLS - Must see this,this features high ceilings, sunny well maintained 4 bedroom, one rooms, fireplace in living room, owner home featuring plasterpiaster custom designed kitchen, den ad­ walls, hardwood floors & generous joins kitchen & library adjoins living sized rooms, Family room, room. Relax on the private brick bedroom & bath downstairs leads patio overlooking professionally out to large lush fenced in landscaped lot in prestigious area. Get more money babkyard. Fairly priced at Priced at $865,000. Weichert, $ 4 3 9 ,0 0 0 . Weichert, Realtors. Realtors. Short Hills Office. for your home. Short Hills Office.Office, Call for our own helpful guide entitled "More Money for Your House". It contains IS key points that can help you get more money for your house. 376-4545

u u

MOVE-IN HISTORIC TUDOR THIS HOME PUTS YOU. . . CHARM GALORE SHORT HILLS — Features A COLONIAL FOR THE 4th SHORT HILLS — Where your am­ MILLBURN — Natural oak with ex­ dramatic living room & dining room, SHORT HILLS - ALMOST NEW bitions are! Good house for enter­ quisite leaded glass bookcases in large custom kitchen, den & family colonial. Paint is hardly on the new HERE’S YOUR SAVINGS AC­ taining. Every amenity. Enjoy the living room & dining room. The room + three bedrooms & addition! Master bedroom & bath, COUNT! outdoor splendor on your patio, in charm continues to the eat-in kit- j separate master suite, 2nd kitchen den, powder room & wrap around MILLBURN — a free standing the pool or on the basketball court. chen, three bedrooms, one a half | for entertaining or mother- deck. Living room with fireplace, building with elite location in a chic A must to invest in — 6 bedrooms, baths, rec room, garden and patio. /daughter arrangement makes this dining room, eat-in kitchen,' three shopping area. There’s no better 3 Vi bath luxury home and priced to A great investment. $ 2 4 5 ,0 0 0 . a unique home for $ 5 4 9 ,5 0 0 . additional bedrooms + two baths. way to brighten your economic sell at $675,000. Weichert, Weichert, Realtors. Short Hills 01- Weichert, Realtors. Short Hills Of­ $ 4 2 5 ,0 0 0 . Weichert, Realtors. future. $699,000. Weichert, Realtors. Short Hills Office. fice. Short Hills Office. Realtors. Short Hills Office.


SHORT HILLS Over 200 otticw Ip Connecticut, New Jersey, New York, P eiuuylvinli end Delewire. 201-376-4545

HEALTH CARE OPpb^OHTrtB witEirifiwsri^^ REAL ESTATE The Summit Medicel Group; P A , a multi-specialty Group Prac­ Position avail, for an experienced R N w ith tice is now accepting applications for the following ideal oppor Cardiology background. Must possess strong tunities. SALES leadership qualities. Responsibilities w ill in­ Medical Technotogist-FT clude daily departmental supervision, Medical TranscribersF/PT scheduling 8. planning, in addition to orienta­ Excellent training Patient Accounts Clerk-FT tion of new employees. Pleasant environ­ program, very lucrative Phlebotomist-FT ment, ex. co. pd. bene. Hand written cover Receptionist Ft letter 8, Salary history 8< requirements must income for licensed full RNsFPT accompany your resume. Please send to Per­ and part-time sales X-Ray Technician-Pi sonnel Dept. people. Beautiful Wa offer excellent salaries; company paid benefits wilh most suburban office. Discuss positions. If interested call Personnel,- 4J2-8633. Summit Medicel Group, P A , 120 Summit M., SumiBRr S u * K * * x t M tjLictl Q\tn+^, A the many advantages of 120 SUMMIT AVENUE, working with Century 21, A. A SUMMIT, NEW JERSEY 07901 one of America's largest 120 SUMMIT AVENUE, real estate companies. SUMMIT, NEW JERSEY 07901 Bonuses and incentive X-RAY TECHNICIAN-Pt program. For personal DREW UNIVERSITY We are now accepting applications for ARRT X-Ray Technician for our Group interview call Frank. MADISON, N.J. Practice facility. Pet idem schedule 8. week ends. If interested call Personnel, 277-8533. We have Interesting positions that offer you COLONY SUBURBAN the stimulation of an academic environment, 286 Irvington Ave M t / i c r d P . ( \ South Orange contact with students and -faculty,, office automation, excellent benefits including tui­ 761-7100 120 SUMMIT AVENUE, tion and a beautiful and spacious campus. Put Number 1 to work for you. SUMMIT, NEW JERSEY 07901 Call 377 3000 ext. 223 fo r in fo rm a tio n about these |obs. We have a reputation for being a R a ta il. WOMAN seeks 5 day's work nice place to w o rk . INSURANCE housecleaning. Good references and own transportation. Call 742-1153. •PART TIME SECRETARIES GROUP ADMINISTRATOR Mature, self motivated in­ PATIENT ACCOUNTS CLERKS - FT •SECRETARY/PRESIDENTS OFFICE dividual with up to 3 years NANNY'S EAST Full time entry level position available In our Credit Dept' •WORD PROCESSOR experience In a group In­ Proficient typing required. Pleasant atmosphere, excellent ' •ADMINISTRATIVE ASSISTANT/FINANCIAL AID OFFICE surance environment. Ideal Hire an American nanny to company benefits package. If interested please call Person­ candidate would have ex­ live in your home. Do you lA Classic nel, 277-8633. •ACCOUNTS PAYABLE CLERK posure to computer ad need an extra pair of hands •PART TIME SWITCHBOARD OPERATOR/WEEKENDS ministration and knowledge fo provide loving care for of medical claims servicing. It's a Center Hall Colonial that's charming, decorated •MAIL ROOM ASSISTANT your children? Experience M e M & d A /) . Thirty five hour work week 6. references checked. Call * •SHIPPING 8 RECEIVING CLERK/BOOKSTORE with excellent benefite flis 740-0204. with warmth, and offers a gracious living room with package In convenient fireplace, a solarium, a panelled recreation room, 4 1 2 0 SUMMIT AVENUE, Cranford location. Send SUMMIT, NEW JERSEY 07901 resume to Box #600, The CHILD CARE bedrooms, 3 full baths, a slate roof, and a freshly DENTAL ASSISTANT' Item, 100 Millburn Ave., painted exterior. In Millburn, for $317,000. Millburn, N.J, 07041, Person needed for oral RECBPTiONlST/Secratary. CHILD CARE surgery office in Livingston. Pull time, Active real estate 4V? days, wilt train. Call MILLBURN office seeks sharp Individual for Mature, older m-4750. ______27 Main Street diversified office duties. Typing available week necessary. Call Elletn, 533-0660. week ends Retail SALES 376-2266 EMPLOYMENT Part & Full Tima WANTED 467-0011 Office in Basking Ridge, Chatham, Fanwood, Livingston, B R A ZILIA N woman seeks Positions available w ith day's work houiisecleaning.______Own. Maplewood, Mendharn, Morristown, Murray Hills, Whitney & Rhodes, an transportation and reference, SALES English haberdashery shop 248-0640, CareGivers New Providence, Pillstown, Quakertown, Short Hills, opening soon in the Short HOUSEKEEPER. Woman look Slocklon, Summit, Tewksbury, Warren and Westfield. Hills Mall. Must have Ing for |ob. Experienced, own A PROFESSIONAL strong apparel selling skills transportation. Please call CHILDCARE An exclusive affiliate for CONSULTANTS and ability to develop 375-8326. AND DOMESTIC SERVICE clientele following. MY excaregivtr (babysitter) is SOTHEBY PARKE BERNET INTERNATIONAL REALTY C0RP. EQ U ltfl . a wonderful young woman. She Housekeepers, child care, We offer guaranteed salary, is looking for a position with a mldWest nannies A medical and life insurance, family to take care of children Mother's helpers, campa Macy’s Livingston a generous employee dis and light housekeeping. Recent nions for the elderly, live in count as well os manage excellent references, Uveout. or out. Child care for work ment opportunities. Monday-Frlday oniy. Call ihg parents a specialty. It you're highly motivated, quick to learn and eager to reap the 171-2508.______272-3110 To apply, call Mr. Reis at SPANISH girl wants day work. 6 12 Union Ave„ Cranfbrd rewards of retail sales at its best, we 're here to make it happen. At (800) 243 on 1 and leave Experienced with references. 300 Main St., Orange Macy’s, we'llprovidethoorientation, training and support to helpyou message Mon Frl., 10 AM Call Myra, S74-42M. eves 4 PM. WOMAN seeks night -hours earn a salary from $12,000-20,000. You provide the enthusiasm cleaning offices. References MOTHER’S HELPERS and a hair for sales and service. Opportunities now available In: and own transportation. H I A l T O R S /^CAFETERIA 300-2828. We have nannies from the mid west. No wait,- per • Cosmetics WOMAN seeks day's work • Women’$ Shoos housecleaning. Experienced sonally select the nanny HELP wlthreferences. 474-1007/?>g that's right for you!I Sum-, • Resdy-to-Weer • Accessorise mar or Yairty Employ WOMAN seeks p rlv a t^ b u ty ment. Call NANNIES PLUS, HELP WANTED WANTED BARN 140-860 per day. Deliver work 8. babysitting. Call 184 S. Livingston Av#., Liv­ We offer excellent benefits, generous store-wide discounts and Full time summer 4S7-P5J8.______ing telephone directories in the help. 5 days per ingston. 535-5888. brt time secretary for Essex, Wayrte, >Par$lppany, the family environment that has made Macy’s a success. Apply INSURANCE Morristown and Kearny areas. week; general kit- INSIDC SALES REP small investment banking In person to the Personnel Office, Macy’a Livingston, South ~0D0 JOBS firm in Springfield. Flexiblt •Deliveries‘ “ * - * to 'begin — mi Immediate------ichen help, Call Sell Pprsenal Line ,iy. Must have dependable vehl Orange Ave. A Walnut St. We are an equal opportunity em­ INSTRUCTIONS hours. Will train on word ’cle with liability Insurance, before 11:00 a.m. or College architectural stu insurance. Aft leads 'processor. Excellent typing ployer, m/f. dent will paint, clean win provided. Minimum 2 yrs Work 6-8 hri. ^er day for ap after 1:00 p.m., ask jlkills required. Call wtokt. Coll dows. carpentry, etc, Call PIANO LESSONS hiYtu. Pur 8711242, forOretchen. Danny, 004-2003 8 a.m. interview cell BALES Aulitant, lull tlmt. NQUSECLBANINO - woman IN MY HOME 577*9991 oreena contiuentihi Buoy Invottmunt firm Moki a ABA FOOD SERVICE ALL AOES returned; Weichert moturo-mlnOod, conoclanclout W & f S S i 20 years experience Iniurence Afency, Inc., Me MM/Yeer, Now Hlrlnst Coil porton to work for o largo 87S-SM4, avas. It..' P.0, ie« IM, -) tine l-Stl-4M-3ott Ext. productr. Typing, filing, 522-7607 Medium. NJU7VW. P5551A»1A for Into...... 24 hr. ganortl qjflet dutlw^tolory a, POBTUOUBIB woman m k i BETTY DYKM4N . 1 :OE M/F Buy'u work twle. « wuuk. Ruftrunen, own tronuportutlon. 375-1411 ittoi 1 5 *. 0011455.9555,

L.v, THE1TEM of Millbum and Short Mils, N.J., July 2,1987 Page 11

»«m«aeMampaudmwwaBa| LUXURY LIVINfr ARTHUR’S HOME J * m m m m • RRMCN WIN IMPROVEMENT J recognize CitMiW/lirttfiw Painting j LIGHT HAUUK For F«t Estimsts * Ken L e m 447-1845 EAUMAI/HCAitHMOMI PM44t meoertek, PnotofyPiNM ' W l 371-2728 " » students from town WvrgntMd and tnawad InataNoUan ■f (Cantraetor Peckagae AvaUaMe) rti Is now offering Lee Bernstein, daughter of Mr. and Richard M, Blrnholz, son of Mr. nstruction to a limited wousacLaamwa O a L PAINTING Training designed to iriMt, Professional washing Mrs. George Bernstein of 28 Exeter and Mrs. Jack Birnholz of North of students. Call now. CONTRACTOR Miami Beach, Fla., formerly of t in needs of m r y dog o w iw . and waxing at your CIS Road, has been elected to the 1987 Call: 763-BONE • Interior Painting h o m e . HOME MAINTENANCE Outstanding College Students of Ridgewood Road, graduated last (3463) • Repairing • Sheetrocking AmeHca. Lee, who attends month from Stanford University C0RP. where he received bachelor’s & 9 3 r a r e £ 4 e * 2 LOW PR IC ES >*•9 **Im Fim Esbmates Washington University in St. Louis CA LL: 467-95B8 CAtPET CLEANING where she is a senior in the business degrees with distinction in political ~h o u i e s i t t Tn~o . 3 5 5 -4 P 9 g o l d e n FLOOR WAXING school has also been named to science and in economics. He plans to WINDOW CLEANING RELIABLE med student' with r e t r i e v e r excellent references available Gamma Sigma, national business enter UCLA law school in August. CALLIGRAPHY for housesitting. Will care for INTERIOR t EXTERIOR MULTI Certified Teacher/ PUPPIES FULLY INSURED a n im a ls. 533-0516. honorary society. Counselor BA, m a , A B D ,t PRINTING Martha R. Ryan, daughter of Mr. Teacher of Gifted, will tutor Born 6/8. AKC, hip 8. 992-5987 •Industrial Painting and Mrs. R.F. Ryan of 79 Minnisink subject study skills. Computer Ca l l ig r a p h y ' JANITORIAL SERVICE Robert Gary Marx, son of Mr. and assisted (A p p le ). 374-3427. eye certified. Dews •Paper Hanging A Removal Road, has been named to the dean’s off. invitations, envelopes, •Rooting Mrs. Daniel Marx of 54 Whitlingham VETERAN list for the spring semester at St. 875-1514. poems, Stationery, cer­ Terrace, graduated last month from HOUSE CLEANING JANITORIAL SERVICE •Free Estimate* Lawrence University. Martha par­ tificates, cards. Will pick up Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute TEACHE T & d e liv e r. C all N ancy. EXPERIENCED •Commercial 925-3107 ticipated in the St. Lawrence off- Excellent References with a bachelor's degree in computer Vyith MA Guidance, M a GRAND Knabe piano. 6 ft. 4 In., 762-1889 •Industrial science and was also named to the campus study program in Austria , Reading, w ill tutor reading, Walnut, excellent condition. I Have A Car •Residential Free Estimates Insured BORIS RASKIN PAINTING. last fall. math (all levels). Spanish, 378-2940. Call after 4 p.m . dean’s list for the spring term. He related sublecfs in privacy Exterior, Interior Experienced, has accepted a position with Morgan of students home. Refer CARPENTRY 351-3074 insured, references. Free Ethan Cancell, son of Mr. and Mrs. ences. Mr, Friedman, 376-7267 estimates, reasonable repairs. Guaranty Bank, New York City. 274-8474. (15 years in Short 564-9293. David Cancelluof 236 Glen Avenue, H ills ). QUALITY "LIT LARRY DO IT" LIGHT HAULING has been named to the dean’s list for REBUILT PIANOS ¥ l t ★ ★ dr W ★ * * * * ! ★ ★ George T. Donohue, son of Mr. and TUTORING all suoiects/ Mrs. George J. Donohue of 286 Hart­ the 1986-87 academic year at grades. Teachers are N.J. cer­ DEPENDABLE CLEANING { AMERICAN 1 * J IIOM t ¥ tified. Summer programs. The N W B V I R U a MOVING 1 shorn Drive, has graduated with a Bucknell University. i IMPKON KMtSI ( O. *. Learning Center, 743-3722, Largest selection in N.J. fcJU r t-J.t.l i | U. j u Two ambitious, dependable/ LIGHT TRUCKING bachelor of arts degree from Hobart BEGINNING reading spec) STCIWWT SPECIALISTS STEPS ft PORCHES honest women will clean allots (Ph. 0). will work with Finished Basements homes, offices 8. apart­ Will move furniture. College. Lauren Dana Lowenberg, daughter youngsters to boost early learn WAREHOUSE PIANO ments at reasonable rates. pliances, apartments, | ‘ of Mr. and Mrs. Sy Wane of 26 Tall Ing. S u m m e r/fa ll. 743-3722. 776 B loo m fie ld Ave., Verona Home Improvements References. Free estimates^ household Items, etc. with » 239 4191 E venings : m \ Insured/Free Eitimatei C all 483-5942 carpeted van and truck ■ Pine Lane, was awarded a bachelor’s by appointment J H M Nathaniel Edward Brochin, son of Fully insured. Low rates 5 * Cash paid for used pianos 7434407 T IMKKIOK KXIKKIORJ degree in speech June 20 by Nor­ C all Rpb. • Mr. and Mrs. Murry Brochin of 62 J PAIMIM, J thwestern University where she con­ TUTORING 467-6598 j Sagamore Road, has received his * Reserve Now ¥ bachelor of arts degree from Oberlin centrated in communications and By AT & T SCIENTIST and IMPROVE YOUR HOME v For « College where he was an art history political science. experienced teacher. MATH MOVING and PHYSICS. Can help WITH GIL JSpring Painting J major. with any problem. Reas a n d MaryBeth Comerci, daughter of Rates. ¥ ORIENTAL RUGS HAULING •Kxprrl Prrpuruliiin ¥ Mary Beth Ratner, daughter of Dr. and Mrs. John Comerci of Kean Work ¥ Road, has been named to the dean’s Periian, Indian, Chinese, CHARLIE VINCENT •(Juglii> Palm Juliette Ratner of Walnut Avenue DECKS 3251 Valley Rd. ¥ 233-6210 P akistan, R om ainian u p to •10 Yearn Kxpi-ricmc and the late Sheldon Ratner, has list for the spring term at Middlebury 30H below siore sale prices. 10 Y e a r s E x p e r ie n c e 964-8364 West Millington, N.J. in Millhurn-Shnrl Milk ¥ 447 2236 (Vt.) College. MaryBeth, a political Oriental Ruy Association JIVe w ill beat any legitim ate com petitive prices^ •Rpltrpnifs ¥ been named to the dean’s list at the 424 Main SI.. Chatham L IC No PM00315 ¥ University of Maryland where she is science and Italian major, will begin Jeff Tnolo Tad Bates ¥ I 435-4900 her junior year at the Middlebury PERSONALS E 376-033S * a senior. She is also membership CHAUFFEUR SERVICE HOUSECLEANING GOING to Arizona^ Willing to ¥ ************ chairman of Alpha Xi Delta sorority. campus in Florence, Italy this fall. accept passenger for any — e a e e e e e e destination In between to share U S E D C A R S expenses. Preferably female. 79 V O LK S W A G E N R a b b it. 4 Joseph L. Brennan III, son of Mr, Steven Hillson of 66 Whittingham Leaving eany July, Replay: door, air conditioning, 4 speed, HOME CLEANING Terrace graduated from Emerson The Item7\ P-O. Box Stl, stereo w ith' cassette, Mlchelln E-Z RIDERS and Mrs. Joseph L. Brennan Jr ' of M)Hbum,f4.j. 07041. ______tires, 84,000 miles, SI,400. FOR PEOPLE ON THE GO! A. MAARTEN College May 11 and received a 379-7435- 110 Old Short Hills Road, June 12 IM P R O yW your accent. Your Car - Out Drivers bachelor’s degree in theater arts. Discover'a simplified approach •3 Ho n d a Accord, LX. 2 door, "SaiCiaiTY 0» THE HOUSE” ROOFING received a m aster’s degree in 5 speed stick, excellent condl m to better American English Call For Rates speech. Experienced Teacher, lion, anti-theft system. New PROGRAMS DESIGNED BY New Roofs • Repairs business administration from the " M .A . 742-4391______tire s . A sking S4.500, C all (212) YOU TO MEET YOUR Wood roof oiling Wood, slate Graduate School of Management at Michele Meyer, daughter of Mr and 594-1414 M o nday F rid a y , (201) 731-6688 asphalt, fiberglass Gutters in 379-4455 evenings & week-ends. NEEDS! UCLA. He also was named an Ed­ Mrs. Andrew Meyer of 746 ^ ASTERCARD/VllAt Regard stalled, repaired and cleaned. less of credit history. Also, new 73 CONTINENTAL 2 door sport F ree estim a te s, fu lly insured. ward W. Carter Fellow for ranking in Ridgewood Road, was awarded a credit card. No one refused! coupe. A real "cream puff” . 2 4 5 -19 4 5 For info, call 1-315-733-6062. Garage kept. Ride with dignity, 467-4502 the top 2 per cent of his class and bachelor’s degree in animal science EXECUTIVE and PROFESSIONAL EXT. M-2131. p rid e and lu x u ry . O nly $5,000 awarded the Finance Faculty Award cum laude May 31 from the Universi and serious Inquiries only. s HOME CARE. INC. 376-0321. FULLY INSURED G 32 for Academic Excellence. ty of Delaware. WIHDOW CLEXHIHQ '13 SCIROCCO, Wolfburg Clean ups. Fast, MRS. WALTERS lim ited edition. One owner. reliable service. •GIFT CERTIFICATE AVAILABLE • PSYCHIC 44,000 m i. F u ll le a th e r in te rio r, 5 speed, A/C, radio/cassette. Basements, attics, Excellent condition. garages, yards, gut Tarot card reader Maintenance records available. ters. Appliances Two summer programs helps & advises on Best o ffe r ove r $6,500. 273-3194. FURNITURE STRIPPING removed, all typOs of Lie APM00433 all problems of life. '43 CADILLAC Coupe DeVille. Loaded. Super c o n d itio n . 51,000 trash removed. A ll readings private m ile s , $7,100. 635-7975. PKrS LIGHT Please call M ic h a e l CARRIAGE HOUSE MOVING l TRUCKING slated at town library 8, confidential. '•2 PONTIAC Hat chback. 4 cycllnder, air condl H aley 635-7098. BIX SERVICE Furn moved Specialty in 233-1281 honing, automatic, power steer with oceans The sessions will deal Ing, power brakes, cruise. small local moves Large “Quest for Yrarbil,” a children’s appliances moved or remov 376-2271. CLEAN UP. Attic to cellar. Ap with life in the ocean, food from the ed Rubbish removed Irom pliences and yards. CHARLIE Senieg Summit Art* 15 Veers summer reading program, will con­ CARS, JEEPS & TRUCKS cellar, garage 8. attics ocean, jewelry from the ocean and VINCENT, M7-MM. ______M tsfiu tm interiors. tinue until September 2 at the F O R S A L E under S300/BUY DIRECT! exploration and research. Children Local Gov't sales. SIEZED a Millburn Library. Elementary school REPO vehicles. Call NOW! 377-9310 children may -register for the pro­ will make a stuffed starfish and a fish RENAISSANCE aT ti<5ijeSj 1-518 459-3535 E x t. J5351A fo r I Lic.IPMOO.33 mobile and learn about unusual food .directory. 24 HRS. gram and preschoolers may par­ I - PUT'S CLEAN UP Our Summer Sale con stripped eed rtfUrished MESSAGER WE DO WINDOWS ticipate in the “Read-to-Me" dub. from the sea among other projects tinues with reductions on t d e u u u t FOI>R an excellent ex relaxing body Registration will continue this ory-M ah.,pak UtclM R caMRBll m atit ia g e , C all D oitqa ,K )e in . R«sid«ntal window cleaning Each child will receive a reading W»l*.lsn roPYiowod- 3781-1762 aafter 7 p.nr Women our specialty. Call for ap month. The fee is $25 and class dates pictures, chli,„ _. collars, attics & garages. | Wttr, Art eed smeee'dMUi, log and treasure map and earn pieces only. pointment and free esti decorative accessories. MOTORCYCLE One item or a truckload. Ap­ Fumituri stripping are July 2, 9, 16, and 30 from 10 to 11 mate, or leave message. for a mobile by reading books There Open 11 5 this Friday only, pliances moved or removed. MISCELLANEOUS a m. Either the child registering or July 3rd. Closed July 4th. '15 B M W m o to rc y c le , R 80, RT, Furn. moved, specializing ki PefinisAing, cenieg, rushing also will be puzzles, mazes, riddles new 9/86, 800 a d u lt m ile s , Aspen 410 Ridgewood Rd., ^ small local moves. Metel polish IRV CAN FIX ITI Painting, GRETTA J.C. BERMAN his parent must have a Millburn blue, wind shield, saddle bags, eed pianOng and other games for earning points. M aplew ood, 761-7450. New carpentry, electrical, plumbing, Library card garaged. Superb condition. Full repairs. No job too small 379 7479 a rriv a ls w eekly. warranty until 9/89. $4,500. The “Quest” will conclude with a 377-9310 Reliable, reasonable. 273-4751. For further information on either 467-5465. ______277-3815 party September 8 A hands-on science program will of the above programs call Patl CARPETS PAPERHANGING be offered to those aged 4 to 6 at the Kent, children’s librarian, al PERSIAN CARPETS Fine U SEDCARS WANTED library next month The instructor 376-1006 CLEANUP HOME DECORATING quality Tabriz, Herekfe and LOCAL new car dealer w ill pay others. From private collection. E. FRITZ will be Sharon Brendzel of 5 Gilbert over wholesale book price for Attics, cellars, garages cleaned DECORATOR HOUSE CALLS. Call 763-0229. Place. She has taught for 13 years at clean suburban used cars. Im out. Rubbish removal. Ballon, Roman shades, unique B0EGERHAUSEN Got mediate cash. Call Mr. Carr, slipcovers, dust ruffles, All types of wall coverings. a Service al! grade levels and has expertise in CONSIGNMENTS 763-6226. M l. PRENDEVILLE draperies, pillows. Alterations, Quality workmanship since re p a irs on clo th in g . 762-8848. to Sell? earth, biological and environmental July 4th 635 8815 1931. Estimates cheerfully given. science. HOME IMPROVEMENTS 376-2384 The 5-week program will consist of Continued from Page 1 YESTERDAY'S CHILD science learning and crafts dealing 50% OFF STOREWIDE. Come to our spec WELLBUILT high school track will be covered RICK’ S CLEANi-up : with protective tarps and attendees ta c u la r SUMMER CLEARANCE SALE. CONSTRUCTION PAINTING EVERYTHING MUST GO before we close Basements, garages, attics, are asked to walk on designated for the summer. You won't believe the building material 8. any We do it all, big 8. small HOUSE PAINTING St. Barnabas areas only. In connection with this other debris you can think Masonry, carpentry, root The Old Bonnell covering, the track will be closed bargains. We are located in ing", additions, renovations, interior, Exterior Free House, 34 W atchung Avenue, Chatham. spas, landscaping, etc. Estimates. Work done by beginning today. Professionals The best job seeks junior The fire department will light en­ Phone:635-7696. Hours: Tues Sat. 1 4. 273-7083 Lowest prices and p rice . Free estimates trances and exits. Police and First 736-1896 Aid Squads will be on duty to assist if FREE PICK UP. A MAGNIFI­ 589-1732 volunteers WAYNE'S TOWNING - All CALL CENT RESALE SHOP for your necessary new and used clothing. Earn junk and used cars or trucks Township young people, ages 14 to “When darkness falls everyone money with "Once Is Not wanted. Top dollar paid. 24 hr. | REPAIREPAIR & CLEAN UP "TH E ITEM” p ic k up 465-7581 or 272-3519. should be in his or her place for the Enough." Accepting Summer HOUSE REPAIRS & 18, are invited to share in community Consignments. Men's, women's | SERVISERVICE FOR HOME SHEMTOV CLASSIFIEDS opening ceremonies of the evening,” 8. children’s clothing. 214 Main COLLECTOR DEALER looking IMPROVEMENTS service by volunteering their time to purchase clean antiques and GROUNDS St., Orange, N.J. 675-5599, No job too small. Call IVAN Painting Service 376-1200 and energy at Saint Barnabas Mr. Lowery said. Rev Tremaine will classic cars, also makes of con 10:30-5. for all around the house ser vertibles Paying very generous Exterior Painting A N D S E T offer the invocation followed by the vice. Medical Center, Livingston. prices. Certified estate and In • lod fr a m e p u ll u p 8. collector will guarantee inge chairs produced at to pay the highest DAVIES 8 COX tional help in various departments all mittee for more-than 40 years, will »turn of the century. Also ? Expert watch & clock repair* can be part of a day's work Junior serve as master of ceremonies for gilded curio cabinet. One A prices (or your jewelry, done on prem ltei. Antique and Just Moved In? the 25th time. Garden State yx top table A several f m odern tim e pieces. volunteers, who are scheduled for a jrwegian rose marble ^ antiques, sterling silver 74 iBBdnwd I I. Sn m H minimum of three hours on ategular Fireworks again will present the qies. allII LouisLOUIS AXV. V ‘-Call O " ■ and coin collections. pyrotechnic display. I 6434 orr 277 6472 between j 2734274 Moving's no fun. but you can beat the unpacking weekly basis, often are assigned to II and 21 8 Alt items used A blues w ith a refreshing Welcome Wagon visit spread cheer or to offer a friendly If weather prevents the afternoon sold as is 1LBCTRICAL CONTRACTOR program, the town whistle will sound 376-3192 A phone call Is all it lakes to arrange my visit, and word. Besides performing these services, one long signal at 1 p.m In case of in­ 1 have a basketful of good things for you Gifts, helpful clement weather that evening, the information and cards you can redeem for more gifts junior volunteers in turn derive op­ FURNITURE portunities and satisfaction, accor­ signal will sound at 7 p.m and the al businesses In the area. It s all free to you. and LIONEL IVES ding to Estelle Davis, director of evening program will be rescheduled White Provincial bedroom AMERICAN FLYER l SPURR ELECTRIC there's no obligation. Please call me soon for the next clear night. set, $525, 1 pastel colored OTHER TOY TRAINS volunteer services. “The health care tu fte d couch, 9 0 ", $135; IMMEDIATE CASH License 8. Bus. Perm it #7280 Recessed Lighting, Smoke field provides many careers a person marble topped end tables & TOP PRICES PAID Tickets may be obtained in ad­ Detectors, Security 334 4708 may pursue,” Mrs. Davis said. coffee table, Provincial Lighting, Landscape Call: Iris Grubel 379-2177 vance for $3 from local merchants. 435 2058 “There is a nich for almost everyone. style, $825; gold lam ps, 1 Lighting, Alterations 8, New W, Tickets may be purchased also at the dining cart, $75. Call Developments. Mary Ann O’Connor 467-3547 The surest way to find one is by being 444-4134 o r 277-4472 between Excellent Service 8. a volunteer. Volunteering serves a high school ticket booths Saturday 8 8. l l o r 2 & 8. Reasonable Rates. evening for $4. Tickets purchased in GOOD BOOKS 851-9614 twofold purpose. It is helping you to JTIVE desk and creden- observe all facets of the health care advance arfc good for all afternoon lr. Hardwood dark stain, BOUGHT A SOLD B LIS S ESTABLISHED 1882 and evening festivities entertainment field and at the same time to be of in d itlo A . 447-4446. High prices paid, prompt The Fourth of July Committee is an removal. Browsers wel service to someone else . ” all-volunteer non-profit township come, free parking. COMEDY, MAGIC ft FUN Applications can be obtained at the group dedicated to the celebration of D California. Must THE CHATHAM BOOKSELLER For Btrfhdays & All Occa volunteer office, lower level of the «w Crystal fok Nir America. It receives no support from I Greenvillage Rd., Madison slops with Live Rabbits & e ngth. P aid $6,000 medical center, Monday through Fri­ 17. First reasonable Colored Doves. Adult "THIS tax dollars but seeks contributions. 822-1361______IS YOUR L IF E " Roasts day from 8:30 a m, to 4:30 p.m. For Clip 8. Save Ad. Call MR. Checks payable to the M A G IC , NOW , 322-7077. BLACK CARPENTER ANTS further information on the volunteer Millburn/Short Hills Fourth of July S bedroom ar. mol res, program those interested may call r a. shelf, t f t kk 4 chair; CAN DAMAGE YOUR HOME Committee may be mailed to P.O. pafsortb tfeble 4. 6 Y OLD BOLLS, PLEASE! GUTT1RS 533-5592. Box 4, Short Hills, 07078. thhairs; airirjin Jai sen piano; 010 JEWELRY, PLEASE! Bliss to the rescue! Black Carpenter Ants excavate extensive galleries „ pool rool table; call for ap lent, 374-1443. OA0 ANYTHING, HfcASEt in wood to serve as nesting places and can seriously harm your Antique* A Elderly Things! GUTTERS CHAMPION W anted by home. They're unsightly and unsanitary but they are no match for SNOOKER pool table. 5 X 10 RUSSELL feet. Slate bed, walnut rolls, LEADERS Bliss trained technicians. Ask about ourPREVENTIVE M AINTENANCE ping pdn« top and all ac STARTER cessorlot: Like new. 4800. Thoroughly -C)«)ndd, Flushed PLAN; it's backed by over a century of reliability. < 379-1919? Free appraisals for 1 Insured. S30-S50 Senior citiiens Minor Tree Trimming and Quality House Ph o n e : 676-8888 JLl B gemabk J ACK L * LANNE matlrne Sales Conducted membarshlp. 4S4 annually to 1 N Passaic Ave., Chatham NED STEVENS renew. Any existing location In? atom ?bss'In. i4 eluding now Livingston Olympic 226-7379 spa. worth 41,050 - 41,190; ask » m i b n ing 4450.179-7391. 5-9 PM, 7 days ^OVER 150 COLLEGES l UNIVERSITIES REPREREPRESENTED T-Shirts • Team Jcritys • Shorts Jackets a Sweat Shirts A Pants EXTERMINATORS X v f W f t C d f I f i I (W *rs Call 3761200 108 West South Orange Ave„ South Orange, N.J. I s ? ';L, ■ ONI OfTHEOLD8*T AND LARGEST M M M mmukivrniimmmm • k n f /►. • ; f * • .

P a g e 12 2r 1987 THE ITEM of Millburn and Short Hills.N.J., July • : ^ ^ jHpMI, |J|PI., ^ j i a ■ F“* Public works W m rM 'y School '' ■ ■ v ■ - The township police department Stuart Licht, son of Mr. and Mrs. Steven, who was also named a and the municipality’s public works Members of the Essex > County bills and, through the u!se of existing Irving Licht of 504 Long Hill Drive, is Millburn High School delegate to employees have joined forces in the Charter Study Commission have staff, examine the county’s system of among 100 high school seniors atten­ Boy’s State but chose to attend the fight a ga inst crime in the township. begun work on their final report — a financial controls. ding the Goyernor’s School at Mon- Governor’s School, was among the Detective Roger Novrit and eapt. report through which the existing The report will contain also a mouth College. top lf> scorers In physics competi­ F. Warren Ebert of the policedepart- executive-freeholder form of govern­ recommendation that the freeholders The 4-week program which focuses tions sponsored by the National ment June 24 instructed the town’s ment will be retained in Essex Coun­ and the county executive "Set with on the study of public issues and the Science League. He is a member of ty, but will call upon both govern­ the high school’s'chess club and par­ public works employees on the new dispatch and in concert” with the future of New Jersey opened June 27. Public Works Employee Response mental branches to tighten controls Essex County legislative delegation ticipates in the student science train-' Particlptints in the program are (POWER) program. - “ over the county’s fiscal operations. in urging the state to assume full selected by Monmouth College ihg program in biology research. He A final draft of the report is is a graduate of the Central Hebrew “The Millburn public works responsibility for court and welfare following nomination by their home employees, in cooperation with the scheduled to be completed by the end costs. Court and welfare operations, schools and screening by their county High School in West Caldwell where c iiip I O jw o , »•• > w r — -— — ~~ ... of July. Following the study commis­ he wds active in the teen leadership Millburn Police Department; will sion's approval of the draft report the which are mandated by the state, superintendents of education. Fun­ help in the fight against crime in the represent 17 per cent of the county’s ding of the program is provided by mission, a program which gives document will be printed and cir­ teienagers the opportunity to learn township,” said Sgt. Ramon Batiato culated, a process which is to take $349 million budget and more than 27 the state and through private con­ of the department’s traffic bureau. per cent of the $219.5 million tax levy. Stuart Licht about politics and Jewish issues in place during August. tributions; no tuition is charged the Washington and to undertake com­ “The new program will be an exten­ sion of the Neighborhood Watch pro­ Since the report will contain no students who represent each of the munity service projects. recommendation for a change in the Pingry lists honor students state’s 21 counties. gram already in effect, ’ ’ he added. form of county government, there At the Governor’s School students Supervising the program will be will be no vote by the public on the Several township residents have Kate Grossman, Victoria Jueds, spend their mornings in seminars Delbarton lists superintendent of public works John document. been named to honor rolls at Pingry Brian Kane, Laura Pyle',’ Catherine dealing with such public issues as the Collas. School, Martinsville. Shih and Stewart Wallace; and environment, urban planning, con­ honor students Public works employees have been Among recommendations included flict and conflict resolution, human instructed to notify the police via freshmen Mark Dubovy, Michael Several township residents have in the report will be: Listed on the academic honor roll Gerstein, Andrew Goldstein, Joanna services, international banking and radio if they observe any suspicious That a review committee be con­ for the trimester and the school year trade, and ethics and public policy. been named to the Delbarton School Pruzon and Hemant Sharma. headmaster’s list for the 1986-87 activities. Department employees vened on a regular basis to study the were seniors Harold Colton, David Seniors Paul Cooper and Elizabeth Once a week they take field trips to also have been told not to become efficiency of county government; Farber, Guy Paduano and Melissa government agencies, institutions school year. duBusc and junior John Hiser also Highest honors went to junior “physically involved in any That the annual county budget be Weiss; juniors Kenneth Blau, Fedra and other organizations dealing with were named to the year academic Joseph Carter, freshmen Suk situation,” Sgt. Batiato said. prepared by representatives of both Fateh, James Grossman, Margaret these issues. All of the department’s vehicles honor roll. On the trimester Evenings are devoted to lectures Namkoong and Samuel Scuilli and the freeholder and executive bran­ Nadler, Laura Pisani, Shari Solomon academic honor roll only are juniors participating in the program will and Gardiner Welch; sophomores by visiting specialists from the public eighth grader Chandler Harben. ches of government; Ravi Jhaveri and Jason Rothman, bear a crime watch decal. That a system be “put in place” Ben Lee, Lee Murnick andid .Jennifer ‘ affairs field, including Governor High honors were earned by juniors Weiss; freshmen Diane Dubovy, sophomores Heather Pearlman and Patrick Noone and Michael Nugent, which will allow for more frequent Tina Rosenblum and eighth grader Kean who meets with the students on African exhibit budget reports and financial audits; Louise Handler, Sanjiv Jhaveri, campus at least once each session; to sophomore John Cuddihy, freshmen Alissa Lee and Douglas Tansey ; and Jordana Horn. Listed on the “Ritual and Ceremony in African and trimester effort honor roll only were debating, or to participation in situa­ David Barger and Joshua Smith and That the Board of Freeholders take seventh grader Jacob Bennett. tion simulations and workshops. seventh grader Roger Oen. Junior Life,” an exhibition of more than 150 eighth graders Alissa Bennett, Ed­ objects from the Newark Museum’s g reater advantage of its in­ Named to trimester and year Free afternoons are reserved for John Donohoe and sophomores ward Lee and Christine Wilson and ethnology collection, will run until vestigatory powers, specifically with academic honor rolls as well as the seventh graders Alison Adler, Lee cultural, creative and recreational Robert Failla, Brian Maher and regard to the timely payments of effort honor roll were eighth graders Engel and Sara Farber. ___ activities. Robert Routh earned honors. the end of the year at the museum. BUSINESS & SERVICE DIRECTORY For Information call 376-1200

AUTO RENTAL AUTO REPAIRS BUILDER - CARPENTER BUILDER-CARPENTER CARPENTRY CARPENTRY CARPENTRY CARPENTRY Craig Lowery L PACE CARPENTERS BROTHERS RUSS HOME REMODELING Carpentry INSTANT BUILDER-CARPENTER 'SPECIALIZING IN DECKS* CUSTOM BUILDERS CARPENTERS & REPAIR Repairs, Additions •Additions CUSTOM DECKS RENT-A-CAR •Additions • Inside Alterations •Renovations Decks • Patios Kitchen, Additions, •A dditions Foreign Car • Custom Decks Alterations Windows A Doors •Sun Rooms Additions • Baths •Kitchens *Baths Daily-Weekly-Monthly Railroad Ties - Walls • Repair W ork Renovations, Repair Specialists REPAIRS • F orm ica • Ceramic Tile • Roofing CUSTOM BATHS sad Ml Types of Carpentry Windows, Doors B M W • R R •Sauna • Painting BASEMENTS Ml Typos Docks Plaster • Trim PICK UP A DELIVERY Jag • Mercedes Custom Framing •Fully Insured Good Work Fail Prices •Steam Bath •G u tters Y/,, Local raforsness Windows • Doors 376-2623 Fully insurad • I

CLEANING CUSTOM BATHS CARPENTRY/RESTORATIONS DECKS DELICATESSEN DRIVEWAY PAVING DECKS SPEED CLEANING SERVICE CUSTOM BATHS ^ H e r i t a g e ADAMS are our specialty! Millburn Fast Professional Cleaning R estorations ASPHALT PAVING & Delicatessen Home or Office SEAL COATING A CWBRltt* .Complete '06ia c a w (dries In S-S hours) Batin m m MMtomidni bnrica, PIUS' Repair Dm ! with tht man who AT SUPER SAVINGS! will bo doing pour |ob Renovation OPEN DAILY CALL NOW FOR ALFARO Restoration’ 9 AAA to 6 PM Specializing In Older Homes C LO SE D SUMMER SPECIALS 455-0846 4 6 7 -4 4 5 5 •PERIOD CONSTRUCTION EXPERT WORKMANSHIP WEDNESDAY AND FAST SERVICE •INTERIOR WOODWORK REFINISHING Ovtr 25 v«*r» oxporlonco Redwood * Cedar Treated Wood ALFARO WILL SEAL AND •BOTH LARGE ft SMALL PROJECTS 328 M illburn Ave. frM estimates licensed in REPAIR YOUR DRIVEWAY MIKE SCANNIELL0 GLADLY CONSIDERED - Call for free estimate - many townships FREE ESTIMATES FREE ESTIMATES •FREE ESTIMATES • FULLY INSURED 379-5800 379-5226 580-0814 ANYTIME, day nr eras: FULLY BONDED 431-8073 Maplewood, N.J. LOCAL REFERENCES 485-4963

ELECTRICIAN FUELOIL GUTTERS GUTTERS - LEADER! GUTTERS- LEADERS HOME MAINTENANCE HOME REMODELING GUTTERS, SICKLEY BROS GUTTERS CLEANED LEA DER S / R fnA sJS s^ cT ^ JERZY INTERIOR BARNETT ELECTRIC 7 W. So O r. A vs. ROOFING-SLATE-ASPHALT thoroughly HOME REMODELING South O rsn(0 Flashings»Repairs*lnstalled cleaned, •customized home care ELECTRICAL programs FINISHING CHIMNEY CLEANING GUTTERS • LEADERS HEATING Oil - DIESEL flushed •all home core services from Basements & Attics CONTRACTORS • Underground Drains PESTS REMOVED pointing to pruning No. 1 WHITE KEROSENE CHIMNEY CAPS INSURE! REMODELING LIC NO. 5935 Thoroughly cleaned •free emergency heme repair jft MESH • DAMPERS $30 to «50 Bathroom s/Kitchens BURNER SERVICE • RESIDENTIAL MASON REPAIRS -& Flushed service to our subscribers MINOR TRCt TRIMMING CARPENTRY Average house - $35-540. • COMMERCIAL SPECIAL SENIOR CIT. RATES Sum m it, 762-1840 All debri bagged from above Clip *n Save Renaissance in home Reasonable/Dependable • INDUSTRIAL FREE ESTIMATES Millburn, Short Hills C.J. CONDON Repairs • Replacements Ned Stevens cate, Inc. FREE ESTIMATES Our 108th year 1878 1986 Est. 1928 Fully Insured - Free Estimates 3 7 9 - 5 3 6 6 2 2 6 - 7 3 7 9 379-1230 We Buy O ld Trains 635-7287 3 79 -4 0 2 2 Short Hills MarkMeise 379-5366 X.Oays - 5-9 PM Best Time


SAB’S LIMBACH’S Brubaker JOSEPH EPISCOPO SHORT HILLS Lawn Qare JULIUS 0KSENH0RN LANDSCAPING LANDSCAPING •Mason Contractor & Builder BOB’S CLEANING INTERIORS Al Garfield’s FIVE STEP ANNUAL Additions • Alterations Designers & Creators Design & Contracting PAINTING of Fine Jewelry Lawns • Shrubs AWN CARB&PROGRAM •Concrete Walks "Wills SERVICE All Interior Painting Sod • Patios •p la n tin g *8011,50(1 •Walks •Patio* "I do my own work •Flows -Fiteplacet PLUS Diamonds Railroad Ties ■patios •R.R. ties Office Cleaning •Slaps -Wood Decks • Driveway Sealing and guarantee it" Precious Stones Wall Drainage Pipes •decks •pruning •Carpentry •Plasteilni Day or Evening Spring Cleanup •mulch "grading •Sump Pumps Installed • Minor Repairs INTERIOR WORK Fine Watches Weekly Maintenance •Grading I Drainage Wwk Quality & Dependable • Yard Cleanups QUALITY MATERIALS by Lucien Piccard Chemical Lawn Treatment B.S. Landscape •Repair Work or New Work» S e r v ic e architecture, For "Home Town” •Free Advice ft Designing* 467-4466 Best Millburn References 3 79 -15 9 5 Qualify Service Bulgers U n i v . Personal Service & Maplewood, N.J. 300 M illb u rn Avenue At It’s BEST! Free Lawn Analysis 277-0286 763-3771 - Free estimates 541-4419 After 5 p.m. Free Estim ates George Limbach, Jr. cheerfully given - M illb u rn 541-9105 Anytime 762-1090 377-4715 763-1123 PAINTING & PAINTING PAINTING PAINTING PAVING PLASTERING CONTRACTING Jerzy Painting VIKING CO. ALPHA OMEGA EPISCOPO EXTERIOR A. DeLUCA Home Improvement FRANK'S PAINTING “ Low Spring Rates" 8 Repair CORP. interior INTERI0R/EXTERI0R Exterior and Interior paper hanging PAINTING Painting PAVING Ceilings - Complete Painting Service sheet rocking Millburn«Sbort Hills*Summit Driveways*Patios New or Patch Interior-Exterior Excellent Work Scraping with sand machine panelling ... Steps-Walks EXPERT WORK Local References Work Heartily As Gutters-Leaders Decks/Patlos Onto The Lord” All types mason work • Sheet Rock Available Col. 3:23 • Alterations In s u re d AesidentiatoCommercial FREE ESTIMATES • Carpentry ( Reasonable rates Nigh quality O ver 20 yrs. exp. FULLY INSURED 377-1484 • R e p a ir s Dependable Free estimates Fully insured FREE ESTIMATES 372-4764 Known ft Recommended FREE ESTIMATES Insured Free Estimates L o c a l. R e fe re n c e s In Summit ft Short Hills 298-0287 References 3 79 -5 3 6 6 yEVES. 464-8022 665-0761 PLUMBING & HEATING PLUMBING & HEATING ROOFING ROOFING TREE SERVICES TREE EXPERTS WATERPROOFING WINDOW SHADES

CHARLES ROGERS ROOFING R00FING»SLATE»ASPHALT A DRY MAPLEWOOD L&S Flashings-Repairslnstalled CO., INC. BASEMENT Plumbing 8 Heating CONNELLY LARRY Awning 8 Shade G Got tu . 1911 CHIMNEYS CLEANED Switch to efficient Plum bing GUARANTEED 762-1230 • 761-651 a ServicervL. ,744-0820 PESTS REMOVED-CHIMNEY CAPS CAREW dean economical MESH-DAMRCRS Cement Work l o S & H eating Coppn Wood Slat* Tile koefs f Window Shades ell? MASON REPAIRS N J . Codified • P a tio s I GAS HEAT ReRestored and Installed NO JOB TOO SMALL GUTTERS CLEANED Stock i Custom 1 Take adnntag* of the Aichjctechiral Metal Work Trot Exped • Drains Souring OFF SEASON RATES. CALL Ahphalt/Flbergtass Hoofs SPECIAL Fre* Estimates Mini Venetian Blind repaired and installed 80 Millburn Am , Free m b m a to. a n d s a r n y i Shod Hills, Summit SENIOR CIT. RATES A FEW SPECIAL MIN MEMBER BETTER leaders and gutters Woven Wood Shade y MW’ 3 7 6 - 1 2 0 0 Millburn 7«a-im BUSINESS BUREAU 6 Vicinity Capper and Aluminum C J. CONDON CAU MY M EVENING Chimney Work N .J . C e rtifie d T re e E x p e rt B i t : 1928 762-1365 376-8742 273-2767 Fill Roofs 1 ply systems AAepiewood, M. J. Joe Russomando 1789 Springfield Am . Residential, Churchas, Maplawood N.J. Uc. No. SM3 Commercial 379-4022 Short Hills 377-6250

/ ■•av: ' "■ ' 1 ■ - ■ : . - ' ;'V ■ A \ . : I V - THE ITEM of Millburn and Short Hills, N.J., July 2,1987 Pagel3 Premiere performance to open fall season The world premiere of "Sayonara” guidance of Angelo Del Rossi, ex­ September 16 will open the fall ecutive producer, and Robert Johan- season at the Paper Mill Playhouse. son, artistic director, the project was Rehearsals will start August 6 for created in response to the need for the musical version Of the James new musicals for the American Michener novel that deals With the stage. The project is funded by the love story f an American ser­ New Jersey State Council on the Arts viceman and a Japanese‘dancer dur­ and the Geraldine R. Dodge Founda­ ing the Korean conflict. tion. Discovered by Maryan Stephens, The “Sayonara” creative team literary adviser, and coordinated by consists of William Luce (book), Philip McKinley, the musical first George Fischoff (music) and Hy was presented in a staged reading in Gilbert (lyrics). December as part of Paper Mill’s Musical Theatre Project. Under the Mr. Luce won a Christopher Award for his Broadway and London suc­ cess, “The Belle of Amherst” starr­ Theater ing Julie Harris, and received the Peabody Award, the Ohio State Award and Columbia University’s timetable Armstrong Award for his radio play MILLBURN “Currer Bell, Esq.” His play Millburn Twin 1 — Thurs; DRAGNET (PG13): “Lillian” starring Zoe Caldwell open­ 2; 4; 6; 8;05; 10:10; Frl; thru Thurs; 2; 4; 6; 8; 1 0 : 10. ed on Broadway at the Ethel Bar­ Millburn Twin 2 — Thurs; HARRY 8< THE rymore Theater in 1986, and George HENDERSONS: 2:30; 4:45; THE BELIEVERS: 7:10; 9:30, Frl; thru Thurs; ADVENTURES IN C. Scott and Eva Marie Saint starred BABYSITTING (PG13): 2:10; 4:10; 6:10; 8:15; in his television movie “The Last 10:15. MAPLEWOOD Days of Patton.” Maplewood Theater — Thurs; F rl; Mon, Tues; Wed; THE UNTOUCHABLES (R): 7:10; 9:30; Mr. Fischoff, a Juilliard graduate, Sat; Sun; 2:30; 4:50; 7:10; 9:30. LIVINGSTON composed “Lazy Day,” “98.6” LOCAL THESPIAN — George Tynan as Hortenslo attempts Colony Theater — Thurs; Mon, Tues, Wed; and “When” as well as songs ROXANNE (PG): 2; 7:30; 9:30; Frl; 2; 8, 10; recorded by Pearl Bailey, Jerry Vale to seduce Bianca in the N J. Shakespeare Festival's produc­ Sat; Sun; 2; 4; 6; 8; 10. CREATIVE TEAM — Collaborating on the Paper Mil • WEST ORANGE and The New Christy Minstrels. He tion of "The Taming of the Shrew." Essex Green Cinema 1 — Thurs, thru Wed; Playhouse's premiere of "Sayonara" are, from left, lyricist F U L L M E T A L J A C K E T (R ): 12:30; 2:45; 5; 8; also wrote the music for the Tony 10:15. nominated Broadway musical Hy Gibert, composer George Fischoff and author William Essex Green Cinema 2 — Thurs; thru Wed, Luce. Township native appearing BEVERLY HILL? COP II (PG13): 1; 3; 5:15; “Georgy.” Last year he became the 7:30; 9:35. first artist of this decade to have Essex'Green Cinema 3 — Thurs; thru Wed; THE PREDATOR (R): 1:15; 3:15; 5:15; 7:30; three instrumental hits on the with Shakespeare company 9:35. Billboard charts in a single year. Turnpike braces for high BERKELEY HEIGHTS George Tynan Crowley, son of Mr. sary year. Berkeley Cinema — Thurs; BENJI THE Mr. Gilbert’s lyrics have been and Mrs. George Crowley of 12 Ben­ The actor has played a number of HUNTED (G): 1:30; 3:30; 7:30; Fri; thru Thurs; traffic load over weekend BENJI THE HUNTED: 1:30; 3:30; 7; TIN MEN recorded on every major label in­ son Court, is a member of this Shakespearean roles including Pro­ ( R ) : 9. cluding RCA, Columbia, Capital, Today is expected to be the nel have been advised of the an­ season’s Actors’ Equity company of teus, Bottom, Trinculo, Lysander, UNION Lost Picture Show — ThurS; Sat; Sun; Mon; Decca and MGM. He has contributed heaviest traffic day on the N.J. Turn­ ticipated high traffic volume and in the N.J. Shakespeare Festival at Solanio, Ferdinand, Lucentio, Rosen- Tues; Wed; FULL METAL JACKET (R): 2; material for such diverse works as pike during a 5-day period which structed to be particularly on the Drew University. crantz, Friar Francis, Don Pedro, 7:30; 9:40; F rl; 7:30, 9:40. Tennessee William’s “A Streetcar RKO Union Twin 1 — Thurs; SPACE BALLS ends Monday. alert for drivers who appear to be The township native whose stage Silvius, Cassius, Touchstone, (PG): 2:10; 4:10; 6:10; 8:10; 10:10; Fri; thru Named Desire,” William Saroyan’s Today, according to the turnpike fatigued or under the influence of name is George Tynan graduated Berkeley and Orsino at such theaters Wed; 2:15; 4:1$; 6:15; 8:15; 10’ 15. “The Time of Your Life” and Arthur authority’s estimate, will see 641,580 alcohol or narcotics. RKO Union Twin 2 — Thurs; thru Wed; Miller’s “Death of a Salesman.” from Millburn High School in 1969 as Chicago’s Court, the Colorado B E V E R L Y H IL L S COP II (P G 13): 2; 4; 6; 8; 10. vehicles on the road. Tomorrow will The turnpike’s 13 service areas will and won that year’s student drama Shakespeare Festival and the Union Five Points 1 — Thurs; WITCHES OF Mr. Johanson will direct be almost as bad with 572,320 be open around the clock with in award. He then earned his bachelor’s EASTWICK (R): 7:30; 9:45; Fri; thru Wed; WIT American Shakespeare Theatre. He CHESOF EASTWICK (Call theater for times). “Sayonara.” He directed the past vehicles expected to travel the turn­ creased numbers of service station and master’s degrees in speech, Union Five Points 2 — Thurs; thru Wed; IN season’s “Annie Get Your Gun” in pike. and restaurant workers to meet the theater and drama from North­ appeared in Emil Di Antonico’s film NER SPACE (PG): Call theater for times. Saturday, Independence Day, is fuel and food needs of travelers dur “In the King of Prussia” with Martin HANOVER TOWNSHIP addition to “Naughty Marietta” and western University. Morris County Mall Cinema 1 — Thurs; thru many of the recent musicals at the expected to see the traffic load dip to ing the peak periods. New to the Madison festival, Mr. Sheen and was assistant director of Wed; ADVENTURES IN BABYSITTING 420,140 vehicles and Sunday it is (PG13): 1:15; 3:20; 5:25; 7:30, 9:35. local theater. Motorists with disabled vehicles or Tynan appears as Hortensio in its Zoe Caldwell at the American Morris County Mall Cinema 2 — Thurs; thru estimated there will be “only” other problems are urged to stay production of “The Taming of the Shakespeare Festival in Stratford, Wed; BEVERLY HILLS COP II (PG13): 1:45; Ted Kociolek, musical director, 408,500 vehicles traveling the turn­ 3:45; 5:45; 7:45; 9:45. with their vehicles until a trooper ar Shrew.” He is cast as a Roman Conn. MORRISTOWN and Michael Anania, Paper Mill’s pike. Traffic, according to the rives. Turnpike officials note this ex citizen in “The Tragedy of Cor Community Theater — Thurs, WITCHES OF resident scenic designer, will be join­ estimate, will climb to 561,260 This fall Mr, Tynan plans to begin a EASTWICK (R): 2; 7:30; 9:30; 11:30; Fri; Mon; pedites the process of getting ap iolanus” and as the rogue Autolycus 3-year program in directing at the Tues; Wed/ 7;30; 9:30; 11:30; Sat; sun, 2; 4; 7:30; ed by choreographer Susan Stroman vehicles Monday. propriate emergency services to the in “The Winter Tale” for the re­ Yale University drama school where 9:30; 11:30. in the production. Turnpike and state police person­ scene. mainder of the classical repertory he expects to earn a master’s degree season, the festival’s 25th anniver­ in fine arts. Neil Simon’s ‘Biloxi Blues’ opens Summerfun season Neil Simon’s “Biloxi Blues” will just from situation, but from the peo­ TOWNSCAPE VII open Summerfun Theater Inc.’s 1987 ple portrayed. Even the formidable professional season. The show will Sgt. Toomey untimately escapes the T u n how though 3 « ! y 4 at the Weis neMMoWi ’ outiiMa-' often associated Arts Center of Montclair Kimberley with sbch characters. I ,iU Academy. “Biloxi Blues” will be followed in Set In 1943, “Biloxi Blues” follows Summerfun’s newly expanded season by Frederick Knott’s “Dial is coming Simon's alter ego, Eugene Morris Jerome through the twin perils of ‘M’ for Murder,” playing July 7 basic training and first love. Both ex­ through It, periences are fertile fields for the of laughter, and the com Library displays bination of the two has even more potential. Yet, as audiences to this Wilson paintings October 15, 1987 New Jersey professional debut of the show are bound to discover, Simon’s Paintings by Yvonne Wilson of true genius is not just his speed with Summit are on display at Millburn a wise-crack, but his capacity for Library this month. compassion in the middle of chaos. Mrs. Wilson graduated from the The result is a mix of situation and in­ Kansas City Art Institute where she sight that is at the same time majored in fashion illustration. After hilarious and gratifying. raising a family of three, her interest From the recruit’s first efforts at returned to fine art. She has been correctly responding to their drill painting full time for the past 10 A TTENTIO sergeant (miserable failures) to years. Eugene’s earnest search for the Mrs. Wilson has exhibited locally, words “I love you” (an almost winning awards for her work in miserable failure) “Biloxi Blues” pastels and oils. Her favorite subject hums with comic energy derived not matter is children engaged in daily activities, rather than formal por­ ADVERTISERS! traits. She also does room portraits Art museum for decorators and house sketches suitable for stationery. TOWNSCAPE VII, a complete guide to community living in Her landscapes, pet portraits and shows varied still life paintings in watercolor, oil or pastel are represented in private Millburn/Short Hills, will be published in the October 15 edition of collections in Colorado, California, perspectives the midwest and the eastern THE ITEM. Visitors to the Montclair Art seaboard. Museum in the next several weeks Mrs. Wilson is a member of several will be able to see art from a number area art associations. of different perspectives. This colorful and popular book on white stock will include up-to- The paintings and drawings of Joseph Floch are on exhibit through Chinese troupe date officers of social and religious organizations, current infor­ July 31. Born in Vienna, Mr. Floch studied at the Vienna Academy of to perform here mation about township schools and municipal departments and Fine Arts. He moved to Paris in 1925 and worked as a protege of Bethe As part of their United States tour, a theater guide. Weill in the company of Pascin, The Chinese Golden Dragon Valadon, Utrillo and Vlaminck. His Acrobats and Magicians of Taipei works were included in the Salon will offer a display of show business D’Automne and the Salon des Oriental style for the entire family at Tuileries in 1926. the Paper Mill Playhouse at 8 p.m. The Millburn/Short Hills Chamber of Commerce 1987-88 He emigrated to New York in 1941 from July 14 to 19, at 11 a.m. July 15 and worked in the United States with and at 3 p.m. July 19. f membership list will be included along with advertisements of sculptor Chaim Gross and painters The troupe will present acrobatics Leon Kroll, Raphael Soyer, Louis combined with Oriental magic, com­ local and nearby merchants and realtors. This advertising infor­ Boucher, Jack Levine and Ben edy, balancing feats, Kung-Fu and Shahn. Mr. Floch died in 1977. costumed girls who perform tradi­ mation is a valuable reference for readers. On view in the museum’s Indian tional Chinese dances. Gallery through July 31 are more Based on centuries of tradition go- than 100 examples of Indian ‘ing back as far as 200 BC., Chinese - | , basketry. acrobatics are an art form requiring For more information on any of the many years of training and TOWNSCAPE is a resource book kept and used throughout the above exhibitions call 746-5556. discipline. year by local residents.

MOTHERS Children going to‘camp? For extra copies available upon order before publication, Possessions left behind? call the advertising department Camp Supplies, Gifts, ’ “ CARE Packages” Let Us pack and ship them for you. UNIVERSAL PACK A SHIP INC. 1 376-1200 117 W. Mt. Pleasant Ave., Livingston Nita Spitzer Lois Eppinger Marsha London Gretchen Hamilton 535-0817 , ; , / '' lilt! ‘ , / ^ ^ r-r v f £ Page 14 THE ITEM of Millburn and Short Hills, N. J., July 2,1987

Let us help you to make your holiday weekend a celebration to remember, All When it comesnes to produce, opr Fan you have to do is tour our store for one appetizing special after another. from the freshest;hest Celery, Cucumbers yBell Peppers to the plumpest In our Butcher's Corner, you’ll find inspirations galore for the grill. For Jersey Fresh Blueberries, Florida Ma California Peaches and example, our USDA Choice selections include Center-Cut Chuck Steaks and Rib- ^Nectarines. Eye Steaks and Roasts as well as Shoulder London Broil and Boneless.Butterflied Tb add some special touchesJtiivb iu ttiiy v u iu w Leg of Lamb. include freshly Gazpacho, Redskin and Pesto/ Tbftellini And along with our tender Loin and Rib Chops of Milk-Fed Veal, our Grain- Salad. Fed Pork is yours in Country-Style Spare Ribs and Tenderloins and our Franks As for all the extras you’ll from Charcoal, Plates, Cups qnjJ Napkins to are from Best, Boarshead and Oscar Mayer. Crackers, Pretzels, Relishes and lourmet Rolls, they’re all a yours in our Grocers For more special ideas, our Seafood Corner offers you freshly prepared^ Shark Corner. • * - Kabobs and Blue Ridge Mountian Rainbow Trout Fillets, not to mention our Key So come to Kings this week and start your holiday weekend witfra world ot West Pink Shrimp. freshness. . The Butcher's Corner The Farmer's Corner The Dairy Corner The Deli Come.’ The Grocer’s Comer USDA Choke Beef Jersey Fresh Minute Maid Country Style, White or Louis Rich Solid White Plump Sweft Pink Lemonade, Grapeade or Meat Caterer’s Heinz B oneless Fruit Punch. ______V4 gal. 99* $ 3 9 9 Blueberries Turkey Breasts ib?24* Ketchup 2 lb. btl. Rib Eyes it> Iropicana Pure Premium Whole or Half Untrimmed The most flavorful Honey Cured Ham Vfe lb. *2.99 Vintage Land O Lakes American Cheese USDA Choice Beef: O range California Summer Fruits SJ29 Colored or White ______lb. *2.89 hr. btl. Boneless Rib Eye Steak Seltzer 4/ 99c Sweet Yellow Juice qt Schaller & Weber 6 to a pkg______Jb.*4.39 Regular or Homestyle Bockwurst ______V4 lb. *1.99 Crosse & Blackwell Boneless Rib Eye Steak(single)lb.*449 Peaches Soups Consomme, Red or Clear Minute Maid Zion Kosher All Beef Red Blush Q Q ^ Frankfurters _____ Gazpachio or Vichyoissel3 oz. can 99* USDA Choice Beef Grapefruit Juke. Vi gal. *1.99 12 oz. *1.79 Nectarines ib. y y Buy One Get One Free! Guldens Mustard Colombo Vbgurt, ___ 8 oz. 59* Squeeze Bottle ____ 12 oz. btl. 89* Shoulder (extra large size 2-3 per lb. avg.) La Vbgurt Vbgurt. ___ qt. *1.39 Shra-Lin Pita Bread 6 oz. ea.*LD9 Nacho Chips B & G Relishes ____ 10 oz. jar 49* Kingston! Charcoal 20 lb. bag *4.99 London Broil lb. Sweet Red Blush Axelrod Regular or Unsalted__12 oz *1.29 9 9 c With Love From Kings Lipton Lemon USDA Choice Beef Florida Sour Cream pt. Pkante Sauce ______lb. *2.99 Freshly Made Cold Soup ea. Polly O String Cheese__ 5 oz. *149 Iced Tea Center Cut M angos Gazpacho or Seasonal (extra large 9 size-1 lb. avg. weight) Friendship Cottage Cheese Fresh Fruit. lb. >4.59 M ix 3 lb. can Chuck Steaks n>. All Varieties ______lb. *1j09 New Zealand Small Half-Sour Philadelphia Dixie Stoneware or ftstel Prints: Kiwi Fruit lg. 33 size _ Pickles ______qt. cont. *1.99 Cream Cheese______8 oz. 89* Cold Cups 7 oz. pkg of 100 *1.59 Kings or ftrdue Lotus Brand Golden Ripe Freshly Made Red Skin Kraft American Singles ftp er Plates 7 in. pkg. of 48 *1.59 Puerto Rican Pineapples Extra Lar|e Potato Salad ______Vi lb. *1.29 Boneless Yellow or White______12 oz. *1.89 Paper Plates 9 in. pkg. of 48 *1.79 8 size avg. weight 5 lbsrea. Kings Homemade Pesto Kraft Natural Sharp Hudson Flair Napkins______69* Chicken Ibrtellini Salad ______Vi lb. *3.19 Extra Large Cheddar Chunk___ .8 oz. *1.89 Juicy Juke ______9.35 oz. pt. 99* Breast Kraft Natural Extra Sharp Kraft Barbecue Sauce Green Cheddar Chunk ____8 oz. *1.99 The Freezer Corner Regular All Varietieslb. 2 oz. btl. 99* Maybud Baby Edam or Kings Milk Fed lb. Minute Maid Country Style, White or Bell Peppers Baby Gouda ______7 oz. *1.89 Perrier $ 7 9 9 Pink Lemonade, Grapeade or lb. Veal Chops Chez Bon CustardChocolate, Fruit Punch. ______Vi gal. 99* Water Loin (tail removed) or Rib (short Cut) California Vanilla or Flan 2-4 oz. cups *1.29 ^ Tropicana Pure Premium Nabisco Trbcuits or Wheat Thins Fresh from the West Pascal Celery „ 99c Land O Lakes Regular or Low Salt__10 oz. *149 Corn Ffed Pork Country Style (extra large 24 size stalk) O range Keeoler Pretzels Knots-Braids Spare Ribs ______lb.*2.29 B utter lb. qtrs. -Nibbler-Mini Knots 8.5 oz. bag 69* Ifenderloins Whole or (salt or sweet) ______Juice qt White Rain Shampoo or Medallions______lb.»3.79 Long Green Crisp Parkay Margarine Jb. 59* Regular or Homestyle ConditionerAll Var. pt. 2 oz *149 USDA Choke American Lamb Cucum bers Marzetti Salad Dressing Ban Roll-On Boneless Butterflied Minute Maid All Varieties . 8 oz. *1.89 Deodorant ____ 3.5 oz pkg. *2.99 leg of lamh Jb. *349 Grapefruit Juke____ Vi gal. *1.99 Crisp Colombo Vbgurt.______8 oz. 59* Comtrex Allergy Caplets (16’s) Best King Size The Cheese Comer Alt B e a Franks lb. *1.99 Rom aine La Vbgurt Vbgurt------— qt. ' U 9 — — ’2.9* Oscar Mayer Imported from France: Axelrod Fabrk Softener______Vi gal.*1.99 Smoked Slked Bacon Lettuce Super Brie Jb. *.59 9 9 c Cashmere Bouquet Regular or Thick Jb. *2.79 New Vbrk State Cheddar Cheese Sour Cream pt. Soap____ 4 pkgrlb. 8 oz. pkg. 99* A lf Beef Franks Jb *149 The Bakery Corner Colored or White ______lb. *3.99 All Detergent 9 lb. 13 oz. box *4.99 All Meat Franks Jb *149 Rdly O String Cheese__5 oz. *149 Rondele Cheese Garlic and Herbs Frkndship Cottage Cheese Wlsk Detergent______gal *5.99 Boarshead Natural Casing Baked Fresh Daily or Garden Vegetables_____ lb. *5.99 All Varieties ______lb. *149 Palmolive Liquid Dish Detergent All Beef Franks lb. *3.29 Apple P ie. 34 oz. *4.99 Wisconsin Philadelphia Reg. or Lemon Lime qt. btl. *1.79 Great Amerkan Colby Cheddar Cheese__lb. *2.99 Cream Cheese______8 oz. 89* Chocolate Cake 32 oz. *9.99 Alpine Lace Ix>-Fat Lo Cholesterol Kraft Amerkan Singles •' All Varieties JJ Breadflats Swiss Cheese ______lb. *3.99 Yellow or White______12 oz. *149 : Lays or Ruffles All Varfcties __ . 5 oz. *149 Imported from Norway: Kraft Natural Sharp Ms Desserts ! POTATO Our Independence Jarlsberg______Jb. *3.99 Cheddar Chunk . .8 oz. *149 Lemon Pound Cake __Vi lb . *2.19 Day greetings come Kraft Natural Extra Sharp iCHIPS from Bonnie Vaughan, : 7.5oz.bag Cheddar Chunk ____ 8 oz. *1.99 With this ; a cashier at Kings Maybud Baby Edam or Coupon ; in Short Hills *149 Baby Gouda ______7 oz. Good thru 7/07/87 IAJ135 . Chez Bon Custard Chocolate, . . . . . I.im it one coupon per customer ...... Vanilla or Flan 2-4 oz. cups *1.29 Regular, Diet or Caffeine Free The Seafood Comer : PEPSI COLA • PEPSI FREE or Fresh Whole Blue Ridge SLICE Mountain Rainbow Trout lb. *3.99 : 6-12 oz. can$ With this Fresh Blue Ridge Mountain Coupon Good thru 7/07/87 LU134 Rainbow l.im il one coupon per ustom er...... * Trout Fillet ib. (8-12 oz. each) ; Minute Maid i ORANGE Freshly Prepared j JUICE Shark : Vi gal. With this K abobs ib. Coupon Chunks of Mako Shark, Peppers Good thru 7/07/87 , LU136 and Onions on a skewer laced with • • • • Lim it one coupon per customer...... our own Seafood Vinaigrette. Approximately two per pound. ; Fleishmanns : Regular or Sweet Key West : MARGARINE Pink : lb. qtrs. 79c Shrimp With this ( S S f f l p m v . Frozen) ” Coyptin Good thru 7/07/87 ' LU137 Fresh Sau Sea ...... Limit one coupon per custom er...... Shrimp Cocktail 4 oz jar ea. 99* Toward the purchase of a S ^ d w ^ a n ^ S h r i m p are lb.’or more o f ■ . blended into Fresh Chopped summer Vegetables and delicately seasoned to DAVID’S create the perfect Soup— i ib. *4.59 i COOKIES OFF; freshly Prepared With this • Orange Roughy FllletStuffed with ('"upon : LobsterI nhster Filling. Fillina______lb *8.99 Good thru 7/07/87 LU138 : Lim it one coupon per customer P.S, All prices effective through July 4. 1987 We The tosta Comer reserve the right to limit quantities; we do not sfcll to dealers; and we cinnot be responsible for typographical With love from Kings: ■■■ "• Frah Sheet PW a; =“ Spinach > I g A T w V * " ‘ “ J " . Bfpuw 7 oz. *449 We will be open on Saturday, July 4th Bolognese Sauce 15 oz. *449 Please check the store for hours. Have a safe and happy holiday! ke, Short Hills mmnmttfmmmm. -o'* *■ v ‘