בס"ד Holy Language Institute - Hebrew Prayer with Yisrael Levitt

~ P’zukei D’zimrah–פְסּוקֵי דְ זִמְרָ א–Lesson 24 (Verses of Praise)

בֹּאּו שְ עָרָ יו, בְ תֹודָ ה--חֲצֵרֹּתָיו בִתְהִ לָ ה “Enter into His gates with thanksgiving, and into His courts with praise” (Tehillim— 100:4)

Pezukei D’Zimra ~פְ סּוקֵי דְ זִמְרָ א THE BASICS—A Brief Overview of

 Praise before prayer

דרש רבי שמלאי: לעולם יסדר אדם שבחו של הקדוש ברוך הוא ואחר כך יתפלל. “R. Simlai taught: ‘One should always first recount the praises of the Holy One, blessed by He, and then pray.’ (b. Berachot 32a)

 Instructions of Prayer o “Through Him then, let us continually offer up a sacrifice of praise to G-d, that is, the fruit of lips that give thanks to His name.” (Letter to the Hebrews 13:15; also see Hosea 6:6)


בס"ד Holy Language Institute - Hebrew Prayer with Yisrael Levitt o “Be filled with the Spirit, speaking to one another in psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, singing and making melody with your heart to the L-rd” (Letter to the Ephesians 5:17-8)


Ashkenazi order:   Baruch She’amar  Songs of thanksgiving

 Hodu—Divrei Hayamim I—1 Chronicles 16:8-36  Pesukei D’rachamei—Verses of Mercy (collection of Tehillim— Psalms)  (omitted on , and certain holidays)  Yehi Chevod  () ( and psalms 145-150)  Baruch Hashem L'Olam  Vayeivarech  Ata Hu Hashem L'Vadecha  Az Yashir 


בס"ד Holy Language Institute - Hebrew Prayer with Yisrael Levitt


15:1 Now David built houses for himself in the city of David; and he prepared a place for the ark of G-d and pitched a tent for it…3 And David assembled all Israel at Jerusalem to bring up the ark of AD-NAI to its place which he had prepared for it. 4 David gathered together the sons of Aharon and the Levi’im [Levites]…16:1 And they brought in the ark of G-d and placed it inside the tent which David had pitched for it, and they offered burnt offerings and peace offerings before G-d. 2 When David had finished offering the burnt offering and the peace offerings, he blessed the people in the name of AD-NAI…4 He appointed some of the Levi’im [Levites] as ministers before the ark of AD-NAI, even to celebrate and to thank and praise AD-NAI G-d of Yisrael. (also see 1 Samuel 4-6)


.Splendor and majesty are before Him הֹוד רוְהָדָ לְ פָ נָיו, עֹזוְחֶדְ וָהבִּמְ קֹמֹו. Strength and beauty are in His sanctuary. הָ בּו ל יְיָ מִּשְפְ חֹות ע מִּ ים, הָ בּו ל יְיָ Ascribe to AD-NAI, you families of the peoples, ascribe to AD-NAI glory and strength. Give to כָ בֹוד וָעֹז. הָ בּו ל יְיָ כְ בֹוד שְ מֹו, שְ אּו AD-NAI the glory due to His Name. Bring an מִּנְחָה ּובֹֹֽ אּו לְ פָ נָיו, הִּשְת חֲוּו ל יְיָ offering and come into His courts. O worship בְהדְרת קֹֹֽדֶ ש. חִֹּֽ ילּו מִּלְ פָ נָיו כָ ל AD-NAI in the beauty of holiness; tremble before G-d, all the earth. Say among the הָאָֹֽרֶ ץ, ף א תִּ כֹון ל תֵּבֵּ ב ל תִּ מֹוט. nations, AD-NAI reigns. The world also is set יִּשְמְ חּו השָמ ֹֽיִּם וְתָ גֵּלהָאָֹֽרֶ ץ, וְ יֹאמְ רּו firm that it cannot be moved. G-d shall judge ב ּגֹויִּם, יְיָ מָלָ ְך. יִּרְ ע ם ה יָםּומְ לֹואֹו, the peoples with equity. Let the heavens rejoice, and let the earth be glad; let the sea י עֲֹלץ ה שָדֶ הוְכָ לאֲשֶ רבֹו. זאָ יְר נְנּו roar, and the fullness thereof; let the plain יעֲצֵּ ה יָֹֽע ר, מִּ לִּפְ נֵּי יְיָ, כִּ י בָ אלִּשְ פֹוט exult and all that is therein; yes, let all the trees אֶת הָאָֹֽרֶ ץ. הֹודּו ל יְיָ כִּ י טֹוב, כִּ י of the forest sing for joy, before AD-NAI, for He comes to judge the earth. G-d will judge the לְעֹולָםחסְ ּדֹו.וְאִּמְ רּוהֹושִּ יעֵּנּו אֱֹלהֵּ י world with righteousness, and the peoples in יִּשְעֵּנּו, וְק בְצֵֹּֽ נּו וְהצִּ ילֵּ נּו מִּ ן ה ּגֹויִּם, G-d's faithfulness. And say, "Save us, O G-d לְ הֹדֹות לְ שֵּ ם קָדְ שֶֹֽ ָך, לְהִּשְת בֵּח of our salvation, gather us and rescue us from the nations, to thank your holy Name and to בִּתְהִּ לָתֶ ָך.בָ רּוְך יְיָ יאֱֹלהֵּ יִּ שְרָ לאֵּ מִּ ן glory in your praise!" Blessed is AD-NAI, the G-


בס"ד Holy Language Institute - Hebrew Prayer with Yisrael Levitt d of Israel from this world to the world to הָעֹולָ ם וְ ע דהָעֹולָ ם, ו יֹאמְ רּו כָ ל הָ עָם come. And let the entire people say, " אָמֵ ן, וְה לֵּ ל ל יְיָ . and praise to G-d!"


בס"ד Holy Language Institute - Hebrew Prayer with Yisrael Levitt

THE TEXT—A Comparison

1 Chronicles 16:8 Oh give thanks Psalms 105:1 Oh give thanks to to AD-NAI, call upon His name; AD-NAI, call upon His name; Make known His deeds among make known His deeds among the peoples. 9 Sing to Him, sing the peoples. praises to Him; speak of all 2 Sing to Him, sing praises to His wonders. 10 Glory in His holy Him; speak of all His wonders. name; let the heart of those 3 Glory in His holy name; let who seek AD-NAI be glad. the heart of those who seek AD- 11 Seek AD-NAI and His strength; NAI be glad. 4 Seek AD- Seek His face continually. NAI and His strength; seek His 12 Remember His wonderful face continually. 5 Remember deeds which He has done, His His wonders which He has marvels and the judgments done, his marvels and from His mouth, 13 O seed of the judgments uttered by His Israel His servant, Sons of mouth, 6 O seed of Abraham, Jacob, His chosen ones! 14 He is His servant, O sons of Jacob, AD-NAI our G-d; His judgments His chosen ones! 7 He is AD- are in all the earth. NAI our G-d; His judgments are 15 Remember His covenant in all the earth. 8 He forever, the word which He has remembered His covenant commanded to a thousand forever, the word which He generations, 16 The commanded to a thousand covenant which He made with generations, Abraham, and His oath to 9 The covenant which He made Isaac. 17 He also confirmed it to with Abraham, and His oath to Jacob for a statute, to Israel as Isaac. 10 Then He confirmed it to an everlasting covenant, Jacob for a statute, to Israel as 18 Saying, “To you I will give the an everlasting covenant, land of Canaan, as the portion 11 Saying, “To you I will give the of your inheritance.” 19 When land of Canaan as the portion they were only a few in number, of your inheritance,” 12 When Very few, and strangers in it, they were only a few men in 20 And they wandered about number, very few, and strangers from nation to nation, and in it. 13 And they wandered from one kingdom to another about from nation to nation, people, 21 He permitted no man from one kingdom to another to oppress them, and He people. 14 He permitted no man reproved kings for their to oppress them, and sakes, saying, 22 “Do not touch He reproved kings for their My anointed ones, and do My sakes: 15 “Do not touch My


בס"ד Holy Language Institute - Hebrew Prayer with Yisrael Levitt prophets no harm.” 23 Sing to anointed ones, and do My Psalms 96:1 Sing to AD-NAI a new AD-NAI, all the earth; Proclaim prophets no harm.” song; sing to AD-NAI, all the good tidings of His salvation earth. 2 Sing to AD-NAI, bless His from day to day. 24 Tell of His name; proclaim good tidings of glory among the nations, His His salvation from day to day. wonderful deeds among all the 3 Tell of His glory among the peoples. 25 For great is AD-NAI, nations, His wonderful deeds and greatly to be praised; He among all the peoples. also is to be feared above all 4 For great is AD-NAI and greatly gods. 26 For all the gods of the to be praised; He is to peoples are idols, but AD-NAI be feared above all gods. made the heavens. 27 Splendor 5 For all the gods of the peoples and majesty are before Him, are idols, but AD-NAI made the strength and joy are in His heavens. 6 Splendor and majesty place. 28 Ascribe to AD-NAI, O are before Him, strength and families of the peoples, ascribe beauty are in His sanctuary. to AD-NAI glory and strength. 7 Ascribe to AD-NAI, O families of 29 Ascribe to AD-NAI the glory the peoples, ascribe to AD-NAI due His name; bring glory and strength. 8 Ascribe to an offering, and come before AD-NAI the glory of His name; Him; worship AD-NAI in holy bring an offering and come into array. 30 Tremble before Him, His courts. 9 Worship AD-NAI all the earth; indeed, the world in holy attire; tremble before is firmly established, it will not Him, all the earth. 10 Say among be moved. 31 Let the heavens be the nations, “AD-NAI reigns; glad, and let the earth rejoice; indeed, the world is firmly and let them say among the established, it will not be moved; nations, “AD-NAI reigns.” 32 Let He will judge the peoples the sea roar, and all it contains; with equity.” 11 Let the heavens let the field exult, and all that is be glad, and let the earth in it. 33 Then the trees of the rejoice; let the sea roar, and all forest will sing for joy before it contains; 12 Let the field exult, AD-NAI; for He is coming to and all that is in it. Then all judge the earth. the trees of the forest will sing for 34 O give thanks to AD-NAI, joy 13 before AD-NAI, for He is for He is good; for His coming, for He is coming to lovingkindness is everlasting. judge the earth. He will judge the 35 Then say, “Save us, O G-d of world in righteousness and the our salvation, and gather us peoples in His faithfulness. and deliver us from the nations, to give thanks to Your holy name, and glory in Your praise.” 36 Blessed be AD-NAI,


בס"ד Holy Language Institute - Hebrew Prayer with Yisrael Levitt the G-d of Israel, From everlasting even to everlasting.