Scott Rothkopf
JEFF KOONS –– A RETROSPECTIVE SCOTT ROTHKOPF –– With contributions by –– ANTONIO DAMASIO, JEFFREY DEITCH, ISABELLE GRAW, ACHIM HOCHDÖRFER, MICHELLE KUO, RACHEL KUSHNER, PAMELA M. LEE, AND ALEXANDER NAGEL WHITNEY MUSEUM OF AMERICAN ART, NEW YORK DISTRIBUTED BY YALE UNIVERSITY PRESS, NEW HAVEN AND LONDON NO LIMITS –– SCOTT ROTHKOPF THE MOST proved too confining; Koons is “the most subversive artist alive today” or “one of the art world’s most famous and From the beginning, Jeff Koons provoked superlatives. controversial figures.”7 And in the eyes of at least one Mere adjectives seemed insufficient to describe the jolt of writer, his achievement could not rightly be limited to the his art — and soon him. As early as 1983, just three years “art world,” when the whole world might be a more fitting after his public debut, critic Roberta Smith described his stage for “one of the most famous and popular artists on work’s “presence” as “one of the strangest and most this planet.”8 One imagines that if the presence of extra- unique of contemporary art practice,” and only months terrestrial life is ever definitively confirmed, this frame later, poet Alan Jones declared that practice “one of the might expand further still. most consistent programs of high voltage art-making Such superlatives cut both ways. Koons has also going on today.”1 By the end of the decade, Koons was been dubbed nothing less than “the most active par- hailed as the “most incisive commentator” of the age, ticipant in the debasement of art.” 9 And even the effu- as well as “the hottest young artist in America” and the sive examples cited above were not always proffered as maker of its “most shocking art.”2 This last sentiment was praise, nor would those that were be universally taken as given personal resonance in 1993 by Robert Rosenblum, such.
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