SJSU by Science, Attempt to Act out the Conflict in the Seventh Street Plaza

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SJSU by Science, Attempt to Act out the Conflict in the Seventh Street Plaza GGOLDOLD FFOLDOLD AA healthy & drink E of TThehe VVa.a. TTechech mmassacreassacre hhitsits SPORTSMoston pulls down the week, page 7 ccloselose ttoo hhome,ome, ppageage 5 WAC title, page 8 Volume 128, Issue 48 Serving San Jose State University Since 1934 Thursday, April 26, 2007 SPARTANSan Jose State University 150th Anniversary D AILY Celebration Students of 150th march culminates through next week campus KYLE HANSEN STAFF WRITER The yearlong celebration of San Jose State Protesting 10 University’s 150th anniversary climaxes next week with daily events and Founders’ Day on PHOTO BY LAUREN SAGAR/ STAFF PHOTOGRAPHER Friday, May 4. Mustapha “Saif” Rashiduddin, a sophomore majoring in computer science, and Mohammad Huweih, a senior majoring in politcal percent fee hike The week includes recognition of SJSU by science, attempt to act out the conflict in the Seventh Street Plaza. the California State Legislature, Santa Clara MITCHELL ALAN PARKER County and the City of San Jose. There will STAFF WRITER also be visits to the campus by Lt. Governor John Garamendi, California State University Palestine on campus “Fewer classes, higher fees. CSU is run by Chancellor Charles Reed and U.S. Secretary thieves!” of Education Margaret Spellings. Mock Apartheid Wall, detainment set up This was the cry students chanted as they Plans for the week continue despite a change marched around campus yesterday protesting a in leadership. Jennifer Cauble, the associate CARLA MANCEBO 10 percent fee increase currently in the state leg- Dressed in army fatigues, Hanny Zaki, a junior ma- vice president of marketing and communica- islature. STAFF WRITER joring in international business and a member of Stu- tions, was head of the 150th celebration com- A student, dressed up as California State Uni- dents for Change, the campus organization that planned mittee until her departure last week. versity Chancellor Charles B. Reed — donning a Two engineering students were stopped in the Sev- the event for Palestine Awareness Week, shouted at the Larry Carr, the associate vice President of large cardboard cutout of the chancellor’s head enth Street Plaza and forced to kneel below the mock two volunteering students for proof of identifi cation, government and community relations, and towering over him — yelled from beneath a guns grasped by three students portraying Israeli sol- attracting the attention Zaki said they needed to bring Sylvia Light, the director of communications large blue veil into a megaphone: “My name is diers, in an outdoor performance representing military awareness to the plight of Palestinians. and publications, declined to comment on Charles Reed! I love executive perks! I only get checkpoints in the West Bank and Gaza. “This is a glimpse into the life of a Palestinian,” Cauble’s exit. paid $300,000 a year! I will be raising your fees by Zaki said. “In Palestine there are kids who just want Carr said that it was important for the uni- 10 percent this fall!” versity to have event such as those planned for to go to school but are unable to because of walls and this week to keep the public involved in the checkpoints. see RALLY, page 3 university. “Palestinians are not able to sustain normal lives be- “For 150 years, San Jose State has been in- see MOCK APARTHEID, page 9 see FOUNDERS’ DAY, page 10 PHOTO BY CARLOS A.BLANCO/ SPECIAL TO THE DAILY Group takes aim at Some sleepless in San Jose backpack weights Students look at lack of sleep due to stress ANDY CHU reading and the beloved comprehensive Bags shouldn’t be more than STAFF WRITER fi nal. Though a majority of last minute cram- 15 percent of body weight As the fi nal days of the semester draw mers can avoid pulling an all-nighter to fi n- near for the students of San Jose State Uni- ish their work, Junior Nicholas Carrillo, a versity, and with fi nals down the line it just mechanical engineering student, says that SAMIE HARTLEY tion sponsored Backpack Aware- adds another reason for a generation to go even students who have all their assign- ness Day by setting up a station STAFF WRITER with little or no sleep. ments in line can be pushed to stay up late at a table by the Student Union to “Who really gets enough sleep these days fi nishing work. weigh students’ backpacks while anyways?” asked Steve DeCosta, a sopho- “Yeah I don’t think anyone in my cal- Members of the Student Oc- handing out informational fl yers more majoring in business marketing. “I’ve culus class is breathing easy about the fi nal cupational Therapy Association yesterday. want San Jose State University stu- been pulling all-nighters since high school, we’re going to have at the end,” Carrillo According to Shifra Hansen, a PHOTO BY LAUREN SAGAR/ STAFF PHOTOGRAPHER dents to know about the dangers of so it’s nothing new to me.” said. “I wouldn’t be surprised if everyone graduate student majoring in occu- Nancy Gonzalez, a junior majoring in sociology, leads wearing a heavy backpack. In a few weeks students will be bom- pational therapy, a student should the march protesting fee increases across campus on barded with term papers, fi nal projects, see SLEEPLESS, page 4 To help students realize the never carry a backpack that weighs Wednesday. harm of carrying an overloaded book bag, the student organiza- see BAD BACKPACKS, page 3 Club hopes to gives voice, support to the speech impaired SAMIE HARTLEY “Everyone stutters occasionally, but some stutter more than others,” Jackson STAFF WRITER said. While a speech impediment such as Jeff Olevson, a graduate student stuttering might be an embarrassment studying meteorology, stutters when he for some, Olevson, who does not think talks. his stuttering gets in the way of his nor- Stuttering is a disruption in the normal mal routine, tries to help fellow stutterers fl ow of speech, said Jean Jackson, a com- fi nd confi dence in their speaking abilities municative disorders instructor at San by serving as leader of San Jose’s chapter Jose State University. Stuttering occurs of the National Stuttering Association, a when a person repeats a word, or part of support group for people who stutter. PHOTO BY LAUREN SAGAR/ STAFF PHOTOGRAPHER a word, when speaking or a person who “I really love being a part of this group,” Jeff Olevson, a graduate student studying meteorology and the PHOTO BY STEPHANIA BEDNAR/ STAFF PHOTOGRAPHER stutters may experience a “block” when Olevson said. “I love helping people. I’ve president of the San Jose chapter of the National Stuttering Asso- Malcolm Chow, Salina Kovachich and Chris Hyland, all majoring in communication talking and no words come out when he ciation, talks about stuttering to students in the Boccardo Business studies, walk around campus with their backpacks on. or she tries to speak. see STUTTERING CLUB, page 4 Complex on Wednesday. SPARTAN DAILY 2 QUOTE OF THE DAY: Change your thoughts and you change your world. THURSDAY — Norman Vincent Peale APRIL 26, 2007 OPINION With the Virginia Tech tragedy, should the government raise gun control policies? CAMPUS VOICES: COMPILED BY KYLE HANSEN, PHOTOS BY LAUREN SAGAR “Yes, they should. They should “Yes, if innocent victims are “Yes, they shouldn’t just allow “No, I think it is just circum- “No, its about gun control, the “No, you shouldn’t stop people restrict it a little more and getting killed, I think they should anyone to buy a gun. You have stantial. With the Columbine person is going to get the gun from having guns. It is not the maybe check (his) medical regulate it more.” to have a good reason why you thing and then Virginia Tech, if whether there is gun control or gun that kills, it is the person history.” want to own one.” people want to get guns, not, especially if they are an holding it.” they will.” adult.” Redik Sounoagatov My Sung Michael Serem Andrea Waterman Katie Webb Adam Dresher mechanical engineering kiniseology electrical engineering occupational therapy occupational therapy animation freshman senior junior senior junior senior OPPOSING VIEWS: YESYes, but let’s go back in time a little bit. Common sense dictates that fi rearms laws should NO I fi rst heard about the killings at Vir- really care. Circa September, 1791, it was written not always be enacted in reaction to people’s misuse. ginia Tech last week as I pulled paper rags It’s not an easy thing to do. People are busy. I’m … Needless to say, we are over a week away from the from a napkin dispenser at McDonald’s. sure you’re busy. Amendment II to the United States Constitution: shootings and it is past time to act. It was like a scene from a movie. I kept pulling It is hard to notice the outcasts as they wan- “A well-regulated militia, being necessary to the secu- Softer-gun-law advocates might argue that if crim- napkins out one by one as I stared intently at the tele- der in silence as you ramble on your cell phone or rity of a free state, the right of the people to keep and inals want to get guns, they will. They’ll say that a vision screen, and before I knew it, I had a fi stful of stare at the ground as you listen to a song on your bear arms, shall not be infringed.” person’s right to bear arms should not be impeded by nearly 20 napkins. iPod. … Ever. a system that requires background check after back- As I returned to campus, I wondered how some- Last week, psychology professionals were on tele- But who? Who are the people with this right? ground check.
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