Learning Experiences
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Eco Study Tours learning experiences Publisher: Roskilde University and VisitEastDenmark – Eco Learning Experience Project Editor in Chief: Jesper Holm Authors: Associate Professors Jesper Holm and Inger Højbjerg Graphics and Layout: Mette Bødker Photographers: Rune Mariboe for the greater part Welcome to Denmark, with Line M.B. Pedersen, Eva Diekmann, Gitte Lotinga Susanne Haraszuck, VisitEastDenmark and Anette Greenfort English Copy Editor: Rebecca Jacobsen welcome to Region Zealand Print: Sangill Grafisk Produktion, licensed according In Denmark the environmental issue is on the agenda daily. Everywhere to the Nordic Eco-label The Swan, ISO 14001 certified in Danish society people take action to support making the country green. Sponsored By Region Zealand A visit to Denmark is worthwhile if you want inspiration to improve the environment in your country. In this magazine we have selected a part of Denmark namely Region Zealand, including the islands Lolland, Falster and Møn as an area easy to visit within a short drive from Copenhagen, the port of arrival for most visitors to Denmark. The short distance between various attractions suggested in the magazine means you can visit more than one sight per day. Come and visit the green side of Region Zealand. I am sure you will enjoy it. Rector, Roskilde University Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency 6 - 9 Eco Communities and Sustainable Dwellings 10 - 14 Waste as resource 15 - 17 Organic and biodynamic foods 18 - 21 Green Experiences on Danish Islands: Zealand, Lolland, Falster Accommodation and Møn We recommend you stay over- night and dine at some of the Denmark is in the process of be- heating, with developing renew- many eco-friendly hotels and coming sustainable and meeting able energy parks and with find- hostels available: the challenges of today’s world. ing renewable energy solutions to Would you like to learn how we mit- housing. May we guide you to the If you land in Copenhagen, we igate or adapt to climate change? the eco-dwellings to learn how recommend Hotel Guldsmeden, There are many opportunities to we are mitigating climate change, Copenhagen a Green Globe certified hotel, or experience the green side of Zea- and how we consider adaptation in Crown Plaza at Copenhagen land, Lolland, Falster and Møn for water management. Towers, full of sustainable your stay, technical visit or holiday. Zealand innovations. See the country from a different All of this results from conscious Hotel Scandic in Roskilde and angle than through the car window efforts by citizens, businesses, Ringsted hold The Swan Nordic driving on the motorway. researchers and politicians who eco-label. Green Key Danhostels The Danish Way have worked the length and in the region are: Præstekilde In Denmark we have brought envi- breadth of the nation for 30 years Hotel at the island Møn, Menstrup ronment and health into everyday to promote sustainable consump- Kro in Næstved, Comwell in Sorø life and into the business world. tion and production. You will have and Roskilde, Hotel Klinten in Let us introduce you to rich experi- the chance to meet experts, politi- Rødvig and the Green key Dan- ences across Zealand, Møn, Lolland, cians and entrepreneurs and be hostels in Kalundborg, Sorø, and and Falster. The combination of guided by professionals. Skælskør. More information environmentalism and tourism has www.visiteastdenmark.com traditionally focused on reducing Let us guide you through four Visit renewable energy systems the environmental impact of tour- themes: For groups above 8 participants we Fejø Møn including bio-ethanol plants, wind ism. We will take up the challenge • Renewable Energy and also recommend the manor house farms, bio-fuelled CHP – Combined and guide those who are interested Energy Efficiency Falster Jomfruens Egede, a medieval archi- Heat & Power sites, organic farms in more. • Eco Communities and tectural pearl set in the beautiful and farm shops. Stroll around Eco- Sustainable Dwellings landscape of Southern Zealand. Lolland villages and talk with craftsmen, We would like to draw attention • Waste as resource www.jomfruensegede.dk residents or builders. Visit some of to the many areas in which we use • Organic and biodynamic foods the innovative waste handling smart sustainable techno logy, use Scandinavia stations and experience waste- natural materials in new ways, and for-energy technologies. Organic manufacture and design cleaner agriculture and sites from farm products. Let us show you how to fork are available for arranged separation and recycling of waste Denmark tours. When you get hungry enjoy takes place and how we use it for a meal at an organic restaurant or energy. Come and learn from our 0 10 20km. shop at an organic supermarket. experiences with CHP and district Germany Poland 4 5 Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency Denmark is a front runner in renew- trict heating, combined heat and is at the forefront in developing slowed renewable R&D growth. able energy technologies – especially power stations, energy distribution alternative energy sources such But since 2008 a new wave of Zealand, is a frontrunner. Since the innovations and energy efficiency as wind turbines and new storage investment and an innovative pro- mid 1970´s an entrepreneurial move- schemes. techniques such as fuel cells. gramme for renewable energy has ment has successfully experimented spurred R&D including the instal- with renewable energy technologies We seek to combine areas and get This small nation has been a leader lation of one of the world’s largest – in energy savings, solar heating, them working together which has in wind energy with installed wind offshore wind-farms south of the wind turbines and other areas. The led to better buildings, products capacity of 3.7 MW in 2007 and Danish island Lolland. making of enterprises have had tre- and services that improve per- wind power providing 18% of total mendous support from politics, sup- formance and productivity while electricity. Over 18,000 people We suggest tours to renewable portive legislation and open markets. reducing energy use and waste. are employed in the wind sector energy parks and sites, visits to There have been public campaigns and it is highly profitable. Danish entrepreneurial networks and An informal culture (including politi- so everyone can participate. It has wind energy occupies 40% of the companies to hear from pioneers, cians, corporations, entrepreneurs been a widely recognized goal to world market and Denmark plays a and meetings with highly engaged and NGOs working with one another) make the economy grow while central role in developing the wind green NGO´s, experts, national and has made it possible for large energy shrinking energy consumption. energy industry. local authorities on politics, net- systems to change and innovate. working and R&D. Take advantage You can see these innovations in These efforts continue today. The political process has not been of our informal style and share research and development (R&D) in People are trying to use more free of conflict. There has been your interests with us while we renewable energy systems, renewable energy and further a green backlash and liberalism share ours with you and we will all energy planning which led to dis- improve its efficiency. Denmark versus state planning which has benefit. 6 Renewable energy and energy efficiency 7 Wind Turbine Manufacturer both as process steam at Køge Lolland Energy Community • See the large Vestas turbines on Vestas, the largest wind turbine Biopille fabrik (for compressing In Kalundborg, visit the café and Test Facility land, or one of the world’s larg- producer in the world, produces sawdust) and at Junckers Industries restaurant Edderfuglen located at Lolland has joined with compa- est offshore wind farms. blades. It is located in Nakskov at (to compress and stabilize parquet the scenic tip of the peninsula nies, international researchers and • Biomass fired combined power & Lolland. Get an impression of how flooring staves). A symbiosis! Røsnæs. The kitchen is mainly energy consultants to form Com- heat stations. big the blades are, get an overview based on local food and serves munity Testing Facilities of Lolland • Hydrogen Community Lolland in of the processing of blades and homemade bread. (Lolland CTF), an international Vestenskov which demonstrates hear why they chose the location Visit to Renewable Energy Sites test- and demonstration platform how wind power can be stored in Nakskov, why the blade profile and Communities for new sustainable energy solu- as hydrogen for later use and the looks the way it does and about Zealand has many on and offshore is currently working on finishing a tions. Lolland CTF is founded on heat from this process is used in the strategic aims of globaliza- wind farms. We recommend a large test plant for 2nd generation local resources and experiences. buildings. Be sure to visit their tion. The wind industry in Denmark guided tour to the large Vestas cellulosic ethanol. This is etha- It is aided by the Danish govern- demonstration room. would not be as successful as it is 3MW 90V turbines near Nakskov nol energy made from straw and ment’s efforts to promote envi- • Onsevig Climate park combining today without the public private where you can get up close to these waste, rather than food. It will be ronmentally efficient technologies climate mitigation and adaption: partnerships and support from the giants and give them a hug. Or try produced at Inbicons demonstration in wind, hydrogen and fuel cells, dykes keep sea water out. These Danish government in research & an impressive event, a guided boat plant, where Statoil has a refinery. water/wastewater, biomass and same dykes form pools in which development (R&D), testing and trip to Nysted wind farm. The plant will deliver five million biotechnology. You can visit over algae is cultivated for energy standards.