Volume 17 Issue 5 THE PARISH PUMP PAGE 1

The Padbury Parish Pump

Incorporating the Church news for Adstock, , and Padbury O cto b e r 2 017 Editor Henry Paxton The Editor writes… Wayside Cottage, Winslow Road Padbury 01280 815289 A good smattering of items in this edition hence 26 sides! [email protected] Concert for the Church Roof - What an entraining and successful Benefice Newsletter Editor evening Kay Bradley 14 Well St, 01280 812965 Produce Show Report - See who won what [email protected] St Mary’s Church - The way forward and events running up to Inside this issue: Christmas The Editor writes 1 Alice Bessie Potter 2 Parish Council - Community led plan Parish Council News 3 PFA - Apple Juice for sale Produce Show 4

Raise The Roof Concert 5 Football Club - Going from strength to strength Friendly Afternoon 6

Padbury PFA 6 Village Hall - fund raising events Church Events 7 Bs, Ds & Ms 7 Harvest Lunch - 15th October To all Villagers 8 Village Hall News 9 WI - See what they are doing Padbury Pre-school 10 Womens' Refuge 10 Planning - For those of you who are interested in planning, a one Padbury Football Club 11 room house and a converted pub Michael Lunds Christmas Crakers 12 Dustbin Daze 12 Christmas - We are still only in October and the STOP PRESS Harvest Lunch 12 Pump has some Christmas items At the “Macmillan” Padbury Youth Club 13 Village Hall Coffee Advent Lunches 13 Morning on 6th October Padbury WI 15 £228 was raised by donation for Macmillan. WADAS 15 Thank you to everybody Padbury CE School 16 who attended for their Peter Austin 16 kind donations. The Church in our Community 17 Henry Paxton—Editor Church Organist 17 Planning 19 Adstock Singer's Concert 19

Do you need a Lift 20 Copy date for the NEXT BENEFICE Friday Club 20 next NEWSLETTER Please send material for the next WI - Christmas Lantern Making 21 Padbury Parish Pump Newsletter to Kay Bradley St Cecilia's, Adstock 23 Items for The Friday 24th November Holy Trinity, Gawcott 23 Padbury Parish Pump [email protected] should be sent to the editor no All Saints, Hillesden 23 14 Well Street, later than All Souls Day 23 th Buckingham MK18 1ET Friday 24 November 01280 812965 Padbury Diary 24 Pump Copy Dates 24 Village Contacts 25 Please note copy dates: It helps towards prompt issue of the newsletters St Mary’s Calendar 26 PAGE 2 THE PADBURY PARISH PUMP Volume 17 Issue 5

Alice Bessie Potter Trust

I hereby give notice that the 2017 Annual Benefit Determination Meeting of the Alice Bessie Potter Trust will be held at Lovatt View, Main Street, Padbury on 23rdNovember 2017.

Please note that previous Beneficiaries need not re-apply but others wishing to become Beneficiaries should apply before that date.

Those wishing to apply must have been inhabitants of Padbury for at least four years prior to the November 2017 Meeting and must be of pensionable age.

The Trustees wish to point out that all applications, which must be in writing, will be treated in the strictest confidence and will NOT depend on any investigation of the applicant’s financial position.

Applications may be made in writing to any Trustee, or to myself the Trust Clerk:

Trustees; Mrs R DePear Mr A Picketts Mrs M Chappell Mr A Cox Trust Clerk; Mr H Paxton, Wayside Cottage, Winslow Road, Padbury, MK18 2AW Remember - Remembrance Sunday This year’s Remembrance Sunday will be on BUCKINGHAM November 12th. With the usual gathering at the War Memorial at 10.50 am followed by the Remembrance ROTARY Service in St Mary’s Church at 11.15 am. PRESS RELEASE Buckingham Rotary Club, in partnership with the Association of Small Direct Wine Merchants, is delighted to host the Buckingham Wine Festival 2017.

The event will be held on Saturday 25 November between 10.00 am and 5.00 pm at Buckingham Community Centre in Cornwalls Meadow. It’s a perfect opportunity for you to purchase a wonderful selection of wines for your Christmas, New Year Try and use these words in conversation and/or other celebrations. ESTRAPADE - A Horse’s attempt to remove its rider  For an entry fee of just £3 per person you can taste a huge range of delicious New and Old DEFENESTRATE - To throw out of the window World wines. Buckingham Rotary raises thousands of pounds each GAMBRINOUS - Being full of beer year for local charities. For more information, please contact Jeff Samwell (telephone 01280 860111; email [email protected]). CHARIENTISM - An artful veiled insult Volume 17 Issue 5 THE PADBURY PARISH PUMP PAGE 3

Parish Council News

In the last edition of the Padbury Pump, we outlined two options for documenting and planning for the future of Padbury. The 2 options were 1) A Community Led Plan (CLP) 2)A Neighbourhood Plan (NP)…. Of course there is a third option 3) No plan/Do nothing At the meeting on the 19th September the Parish Council agreed that it thinks the best way forward would be to explore the idea of creating a CLP and gauge interest from members of our community in getting involved. What’s in a Community Led Plan A CLP usually includes the history of the village, a vision and practical action plan involving a community working with local organisations and volunteers to bring about change. A CLP can address a wide range of social, economic, cultural and environmental issues important to communities, including land use, housing issues, community facilities, play areas and transport A CLP provides evidence of community aspirations and priorities when bidding for funds to improve the community and to support discussions with developers and others to secure grants for village projects The process of making a CLP involves significant public consultation and involvement, leading to the setting of priorities for actions arising from a Plan, drafting the Plan itself and then carrying out a validation process by a formal public consultation exercise. Community Impact Bucks will support Padbury and provide a 9-stage toolkit that will walk the action group through each stage required. As previously mentioned, the Parish Council will do everything we can to facilitate and help with this plan, especially in the early stages of its development. However, as the name suggests, this Plan should be Community Led, and it would be much more appropriate for its Steering Group/Committee to be chaired by someone other than a member of the Parish Council. We would like to see a representative from each of the village groups and village areas to come together to take this forward, helping us to raise awareness of what the CLP can do for Padbury. We would also appreciate some help from interested parties in organising an information evening to ensure the whole village is aware of the plan and can get involved. If you are interested and would like to know more, please contact Jo Bonney at [email protected] or 07801 824849

Parish Council Meetings – Tuesdays at 7:30 p.m. Springfields Pavilion 17th October 14th November Your attendance at, and participation in the public session at the beginning of any of these meetings is very welcome. Full copies of the minutes from meetings can be seen on the Parish Council website (see below).

Contact details: Website - http://padburyparishcouncil.com Jo Bonney – Clerk – Mob: 07905 457784/07801 824849 e-mail: [email protected] Ken Roberts (Chairman) – 01280 813162 Mob: 07794 127943 e-mail: [email protected] Stephen Dickens (Vice-Chair) – 01280 815304 Mike Long - e-mail [email protected] Fred Morris – 01280 816059 Mob: 07803 623343 Victoria Murray - 01280 822827 Mob: 07905 317282 e-mail: [email protected] Michael Williamson – 01280 815351 Mob: 07973 388229 e-mail: [email protected] Peter Burton – 01280 308625 Email: [email protected]

Produce Show Raffle Prizes - Unclaimed

Following the very successful raffle at the Produce Show there were 4 unclaimed prizes. The raffle ticket numbers were: 9 10 18 90 If you are a winner please contact Rita Plumridge on 822998 at 26 Main Street who will present you with your prize. If the prizes are unclaimed they will be donated to the next village fund raising event PAGE 4 THE PADBURY PARISH PUMP Volume 17 Issue 5 Padbury Produce Show Once again Hugo, Fred and Stephen were in competition with each other at this year’s produce show in Padbury. Mike Long was missed. Fruit and Vegetables: 3 huge onions won Fred first prize and Fred also won first prize for his coloured and his white potatoes. Well done to Keith Templeton for 2nd prize for his sweetcorn just beaten by Stephen! Well done to Wendy Bull for her 1st prizes for her courgettes and cooking apples. Congratulations to Kevin Hodges for his first prizes for his cabbage and any other vegetable. We look forward to Kevin becoming a regular entrant. A delicious looking bunch of grapes from Stephen got him first prize. Flowers: Fred also scored first prize in classes 22, 23 and 24, well done to you. Kevin Hodges received first prize for his 3 dahlias and Sylvia Nutt achieved first prize for her exhibit in class 28. Just like last year Stephen exhibited a fantastic display of sunflowers. A beautiful fragrant display of roses from Fred won him first prize in class 30. Special Class: Well done to Stephen for his heaviest potato and longest runner bean. Congratulations to Fred for his 2nd prize in both classes. Well done to all who took part in the sunflower competition and many thanks to the members of the committee who measured the sunflowers to see who was had the tallest sunflower and was the winner. Congratulations to the following people for their growing powers and tall sunflowers: Carol Venn 60” Maggie Holloway 72” Annie Tinson 64” Sue Paxton 73” Neve Cooper 65” Pauline Stanger 78” Imogen Smith 71” Fred Morris 78” Jamie Beckenham 72” Wendy Bull 85”

Floral Art: Well done to Wendy Bull for first prize in class 33. Margaret Templeton must have more confidence in herself, her arrangement in an unusual container gained her first prize as did her entry in class 36. Cookery: Well done to Carol Venn for picking up first prize in classes 49 and 50. Crafts: A great handcrafted item from Jim Lawson. Adult and children having fun photos were a pleasure to look at. Well done to Bev for her first prize in class 56B, a stunning item which caught many people’s eyes. Children’s classes: Well done to George Mallam for his first prize with his Brexit baguette a great explanation which matched his ingredients. The Tebbutt sisters picked up first prizes in class 65, both in the 7-11years age bracket and the 12-16 years. Class 70: Well done to Hannah Jelf for her first prize in the 4-5years category. Congratulations to Joseph Freeman for his first prize in the 6-7years category. A great achievement of first prize for Phoebe Birch in the 8- 9years age bracket and a fantastic result for Florence Bursell for her first prize in the 10-11years age category. The entries from Padbury School were all stunning and it’s great to see so many entries from them each year. Class 72: A beautiful display of flower mandalas from Padbury Pre-school which was lovingly displayed by Miss Lindsey the manager, received many comments of amazing masterpieces and how wonderful they looked. Jasmin Heal scooped first prize, Sienna Beckenham received second prize and Zach Forkgen achieved highly commended. Well done to all the staff and children for the amazing entries.

Well done to everyone who took part in this year’s produce show. We look forward to next September when we do it all again. The produce show will meet for their AGM in November, if you would like Notice to all Villagers to join the committee please Please make sure that the dates for future events are contact Rita Plumridge on correct and that the Contacts for the village 01280 822998 or Grace organisations are up to date. Tearle on 01280 813600. Volume 17 Issue 5 THE PADBURY PARISH PUMP PAGE 5

’Raise the roof’ concert: 30 September What a cracker! If you missed this concert and have heard about from others, you will know by now that you missed an evening of enjoyment, in turns exciting, exuberant and enchanting. With around 50 performers giving their time and energy, forgive me if I mention groups, rather than every individual name but the concert opened with songs from the Boogienotes Rock and Pop Choir, founded by Miles Nottage, which have, from their beginnings earlier this year, developed a repertoire, ranging from unison to, at times, quite complex harmonies. All this was delivered with evident enjoyment – a great compliment as many were probably terrified at the prospect! Next up was Lara Birch, singing in her debut public performance – and what a star she is. She sang to recorded accompaniment and sang with feeling and confidence. An enchanting selection of songs. Further up the age scale, Greg Morris and Corleone Quintet (except they were one down on Saturday) – the ‘Old Fogies’, the programme says! – produced a unique set of songs from I don’t know when, accompanied by two guitars, a harmonica, a trumpet, a ukulele and a tea chest bass. You don’t see that very often in Padbury church and all good fun it was, too! After the interval, it was the turn of Four to 1, with Sanju and Aimee Birch on guitar, singer Hanniyah and Sam on timps. (If you’re awake, you’ll have spotted that it was only Three to 1 that evening). They delighted us with a variety of songs, all performed with confidence and feeling. Great show, girls, and Sam! Dawn Iverson entertained us next accompanying herself on guitar with, mainly, her own songs. Were these songs reflecting her own feelings? They certainly came across as if from the heart and what a talent to be able to write, sing and accompany your own material like that. And so to the grand finale: Miles Nottage on keyboard with his Boogienotes Jazz Quartet and Padbury’s own vocalist Megan Iliff Rolfe. Meg’s singing just gets more and more enchanting – seductive, should I say! – and a number of the audience afterwards were suggesting she might give up the day job and go full time singing. A truly delightful few songs. And then Miles and the quartet: As ever, a super top quality set of music, which set feet tapping and smiles of disbelief spreading across the faces in the audience. And that’s not just amazement at the sound from Miles but the total combo of Rob Foster on bass and Matt Crook on drums. Why Miles’ keyboard does not catch fire, I don’t know! A fantastic climax to a memorable evening. The happenings were ably compered by Jim Bursell in the first half and John Wrigley (sorry, yes, moi!) in the second half. But let’s not forget the huge support team behind the event, including Pete Tebbutt and his team at the bar, Elliott and Tracey from Padbury meats who ran the barbecue, Margaret Templeton and her merry band of flower arrangers, who decorated the church specially for the occasion; Henry Paxton and Debbie Gibbs who worked wonders on the sponsorship and programme production and Mark Ayres for his sponsorship. But most of all, we all owe a huge vote of thanks to Angela Nottage for the hours of hard labour which she put in, conceiving and organising the evening. Miles denies all responsibility for the organisation, though I’m sure he’s being modest and certainly deserving of thanks for his great contribution. And what was this all about anyway? Well, the church needs to raise something like another £30k odd, allowing for what’s already in the bank and grants promised, to repair the damage caused by ne’er do wells who nicked a quantity of lead last year and tried, unsuccessfully, to nick the rest in June. This evening has added just over £2000, which is real boost to the cause. Watch out for details of the next concert

John Wrigley

The Benefice newsletter is distributed to the Padbury Pump PDF parishes of Adstock, Gawcott and Hillesden and The Padbury Pump is also available as a pdf all Padbury items are included in the download, if you would also like to receive a copy Padbury Parish Pump. as a pdf download please contact the editor. The Pump is distributed in Padbury only PAGE 6 THE PADBURY PARISH PUMP Volume 17 Issue 5

Padbury Friendly Afternoon Group

We have already started meeting up again after our summer break. We had a good afternoon in September learning to play another version of dominoes.

There has been a change to our events for the next couple of months. Our entertainment afternoon is now going to be our October meeting, 11th October. We are having a small band of musicians playing a variety of tunes for us while we sup tea or coffee and enjoy a piece of cake and hum or sing along. Please come along and join us.

This means our quiz will be the November meeting on the 8th.

Our Christmas meeting will be Bingo on the 13th December with the Christmas dinner the following Wednesday, 20th.

We have also been very lucky to have won £100 in the Village Hall 100 Club draw! This has set us up really well for the New Year and we are very grateful indeed.

We meet on the second Wednesday in the month in the Village Hall from about 2.00 p.m. and would be pleased to see anyone who might like to come along to see what we're about.

Please contact me, Sylvia Nutt, on 01280 812333, if you would like any more information or a lift to a meeting. Friendly Afternoon Oct 11th Entertainment Afternoon Nov 8th Quiz Dec. 13th Bingo Dec 20th Christmas meal

Padbury PFA

We leapt back into action after the summer holidays with a welcome back barbecue for all school and preschool families, and the next day went foraging for apples for our apple juice (see below). For those disappointed last year by the absence of our Christmas puddings, we are delighted to say we have just placed an order for plum, sticky toffee, chocolate and lemon puddings to see you through the festive period.

Amazing Apple Day! It seemed scarcely possible that we would have sufficient dry weather this Sunday to bring in a fraction of the apple crop of last year but amazingly the sun shone and a valiant team of pickers ventured into the gardens of Padbury and Adstock to hunt and gather. Due to the bumper harvest (and the unbridled enthusiasm of Team Apple) significantly more apples were picked this year and we have taken delivery of a large quantity of PFA (Padbury's Fruitiest Apple juice) vintage 2017. Thank you to all the generous apple donors who allowed the ravaging hordes to descend on their trees and special thanks to the vast number of keen pickers, big and small, who worked tirelessly to bring those apples in. Pictured is a small selection of the many families who gathered back at the Old Red Apple (Lion) for a well-earned cuppa and crumble and our youngest field worker baby Eva, who is enjoying the company of our largest apple picked.

If you would like to buy Padbury’s Fruitiest Apple juice, please email Nina Bursell ([email protected]). A 750ml bottle is £3.50 or you can buy 3 for £10. Thank you for your support.

AGM Please join us for our AGM on Friday 3rd November at 9am in the school hall.

Wine Glasses We have about 120 Wine Glasses available for free of charge loan. Please Contact John or Sue Wrigley on 814199 or email [email protected] Volume 17 Issue 5 THE PADBURY PARISH PUMP PAGE 7

Sunday 5th November, 4.30 pm Bonfire celebration Including: soup, hot dogs and sparklers Short informal service

Sunday 3rd December 4.30pm Getting ready for Christmas – Footsteps to Bethlehem

Sunday 7th January 2018 4.30pm Epiphany: join the wise men as they follow the star

Everyone is welcome, come and give it a try Contact Rev Ros [email protected] or 01280 813162

Baptisms, Weddings and Funerals BAPTISMS Orla May Odell Holy Trinity Gawcott WEDDINGS Philippa Jayne Sutton to We offer our prayers for all these people and for Adam James Clarke St. Cecilia’s, Adstock their families & friends.

COMMITTED TO GOD’S KEEPING “Love is eternal, for love Sybil Hodding Holy Trinity Gawcott is God & God is love.” Margaret Ann Church All Saints Hillesden Frederick Hugh Scott St Mary’s Padbury



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To all Villagers We are happy to visit you at home; phone at any time. If we are out the answer machine will be on and we will M.G.Thomson MSSCh. MBChA. return your call as soon as possible. Please let us know of

anyone in hospital or at home who would like a visit. Qualified Surgical Chiropodist If you wish to discuss a possible BAPTISM or WEDDING, For an appointment please come to St Mary’s Church, Padbury between 10 am and 11.30 am on any Saturday. We will usually be there to in the comfort of your own home answer questions about these or other matters, over a cup of coffee. Please note that Baptisms Tel 01280 822202 will normally be conducted during the 10.30 am services. M/B 07976 313393 Revd. Ros on 813162 Volume 17 Issue 5 THE PADBURY PARISH PUMP PAGE 9 Village Hall Fund Raising, Meetings & News

The latest news from the Village Hall AGM. It is the Village Hall AGM on 16th November at 8-00pm. We always ask that all organisations, clubs and individuals that use the hall send a representative to this meeting, but few do so. The hall is increasingly busy and juggling bookings is getting difficult. We need to know your requirements for 2018 before the end of this year so that adequate planning for events can take place so please attend the AGM or let us have your dates for next year as soon as possible. This brings me on to another announcement. Sue Paxton, who has been our loyal and hard working Treasurer and also over the last few years Booking Secretary, has decided to stand down. She has decided to have a bit of a break after a very difficult year for her, as many of you will be aware. We thank her for all her hard work and wish her all the best. How we will replace her is hard to envisage but replace her we must.


Improving the toilet facilities We are still trying to get approval from AVDC to extend out toilet facilities. They move at glacial speed and have refused two sets of proposals. They are now considering a third much less ambitious plan so watch this space. Dates for your diary are: - 2nd December Lantern Making and Parade (weather permitting). 9th December Theatre in the Village (following the hugely enjoyable evening's entertainment provided last year by Michael Lunt we booked him again. Full details for both these events are to be found elsewhere in the Pump. I look forward to seeing many of you there.

Padbury Village Hall 100 Club The winners of the August draw for 2017/2018 100 Club were 1st Friendly Afternoon £100 2nd Fred Morris £50 The winners of the September draw for 2017/2018 100 Club were 1st Mrs & Mrs P Wrigley £50 2nd Mrs V Murphy £50 If anyone has any questions about the 100 Club please contact Sue Paxton on 01280 815289 The Village Hall Coffee Morning By the time you read this Edition of the Padbury Pump the October Village Hall coffee morning will have passed. Coffee mornings takes place on the first Friday of the month, so the next one will be November 3rd. They are well attended and a great place to catch up on village news. Everyone is very welcome so do come along. Village Hall Bookings Of course you can book the hall for events that you wish to organise and this can be done by contacting Sue Paxton on [email protected] or 01280 815289. For further details please also visit http://www.padburyvillagehall.co.uk Christmas Bingo Only 4 bingo's to the Xmas one on 8th Dec. It is ticket only & you will need 4 stamps on a card to allow one to be purchased (starts at 7-30 pm and not 8 pm). Again, many thanks to all those who help me through the year. Future Bingo Dates October 13th & 20th November 3rd & 17th December 15th All starting at 8.00 pm. For more details about the Bingo please contact Carol Bloxham on 01280 308311 Whist Drives Dates For details about the Whist Drive dates please contact David Lafford on 01280 812535 Village Hall Committee Meetings October 19th November 16th December 21st All starting at 8.00 pm PAGE 10 THE PADBURY PARISH PUMP Volume 17 Issue 5

News from Padbury Pre-school

Earlier this year Padbury Pre-school was fortunate to be selected to receive an £8,000 'Bags of Help' grant from Tesco to redesign our garden. The transformation began during the summer holidays allowing us to replace the worn and muddy surface with Playbond, a safe surface which will allow us to use the garden all year round. The surface has a fantastic roadway printed in to it which will allow the children hours of fun on their ride-on cars. We have also been able to replace an area behind the pre-school with artificial grass. Prior to the summer this area was closed to the children due to the trip hazard the surface presented. With the grant, it has allowed us to open up this space so that it can be used for sand/water play or as a quiet space for outside reading when the weather allows. The staff and children alike are delighted with the changes and we look forward to adding new items such as a playhouse, mud kitchen and bug hotel to the area over the coming months. Dates for your diary: Padbury Pre-School will be holding a coffee morning and Christmas Bazaar on Friday December 8th at Padbury Village Hall from 9am to 11.30am. Along with your coffee, tea and delicious cakes you will also be able to browse Christmas items handmade by local independent sellers. Please do come and join us for some festive cheer. All welcome and all proceeds will be going to Padbury PFA. Registration: If you would like to register your child for a place at Padbury Pre-school we are taking registrations for September 2018 and beyond. It’s never too early to register your child for the pre-school: call 01280 815158 or 01280 816495 or email [email protected]

“Busy Fingers” Stay and Play session for 0-5s and their parents/grandparents/carers Mondays (during term time), 1.30pm – 2.45pm Come and join in our friendly stay and play session in the pre-school building. With a variety of crafts, toys and activities each week, there is something to stimulate babies, toddlers and pre-schoolers alike – and it’s a great opportunity to meet other parents and carers.

The £2 per family includes tea/coffee and a drink and snack for the children

MILTON KEYNES WOMENS' REFUGE SUPPORT GROUP We are a small group who have learned the necessity for supporting women and their children leaving an abusive relationship and needing the safety of a refuge. Some of these women have sadly had to leave their home with practically nothing and so, through the kindness of donations from local residents and members of the WI, we have already packed and sent over 60 toilet bags as a welcome for them and their children. We have also sent 65 presents for the children to give their Mothers on Mothering Sunday, 65 Easter Eggs for the children and many presents for the children to give to their mothers on their birthday and vice versa. Our Refuge contact has said that these gifts really do put a smile on the mothers' faces. Christmas is coming up and we would like to send similar presents for them all plus, of course, the ongoing need for packed toilet bags and so if anyone feels that they could contribute in any way please contact Grace Tearle on 01280 813600/07341 130750 or Brenda Nunn on 07849 854484. Volume 17 Issue 5 THE PADBURY PARISH PUMP PAGE 11

Padbury Village Football Club

The Club has introduced a new Padbury Raptor’s U8’s team. It was very pleasing to see so many supporters at Springfield cheering the local youngsters’ inaugural fixture. A new first aid kit, goals and footballs were purchased for the Raptors utilising money generously donated by the Trustees of the redundant Padbury Cricket Club. Padbury Rovers U12 continues to blossom securing a fine 2-1 victory in their opening match of the season against a strong Tattenhoe side. They’ve since been very unlucky to lose their next 2 league fixtures by the odd goal in entertaining, high scoring matches. A special mention and thank you to the Marshall family: Micky, Tizzy, Tom, Jason and Ryannon (plus Aaron Choat); without whom the revival of Junior football in Padbury after decades of inactivity wouldn’t have materialised. PVFC’s Saturday men’s team secured a notable 1-0 victory against local rivals in the Inter Divisional Cup, hopefully kick starting what has been a difficult start to the season with many players moving to the darker side of Padbury brook and joining local rivals, Buckingham United. PVFC has a new Padbury BT Sunday morning team in the MK Sunday League. Playing attacking, aggressive football they’ve handed heavy drubbings to several teams including humiliating Buckingham United, Sunday team, 15 - 2. Though early in the season, hopes are high that Lewis and his team can secure some silverware this year, please come along to support their quest for glory. Off the pitch, sterling work from the Committee has secured an Vale District Council’s New Homes Bonus Micro Grant towards the costs of new Line Marking Equipment. Equipment required to assist the Club’s volunteer ground staff team (Bob & Tom), who generously prepare the pitches for all teams. The Club is seeking new Sponsors – with the coming colder months, though the youngsters look resplendent in the Padbury ‘Black & Gold’ kit, they would benefit from cold weather training tops and/or jackets. With an option for a suitable logo to be added to the front of the tops, it provides an excellent opportunity for local businesses to contribute towards such costs. We estimate to kit each team will cost approximately £200 and any Sponsorship contributions would be gratefully appreciated Please contact the following for further information about playing, supporting, coaching and/or volunteering for the Club: PVFC Adult (16+) Men & Sponsorship – Peter McHenry, [email protected], 07740930913. PVFC Rovers U12’s boys – Contact Jason Marshall, [email protected], 07783745865. PVFC Raptors U8’s – boys & girls plus Mini Kicker Training Sessions; Contact Mike Marsh; [email protected]; 07774756077.

Upcoming October Home fixtures: Saturdays - Raptors 14th; Rovers 7th & 21st all 10am; Men’s 7th/14th/28th - 3pm; Sundays Men’s 8th 10.30am


An enormous thank you to John Wrigley for all his years of service to St Mary's Church and the wider parish in his role as Church Warden. John has always been a friendly face at the church door for all the village families, no matter how small and noisy the children or how infrequent the church attendance. We are incredibly grateful for his hard work and want him to know how much he will be missed. Some grateful parishioners Next Concert for St Mary’s Roof It has been decided to postpone the next concert for St Mary’s roof until the New Year when we will have the best acts available. There will be more details in the December issue of the Pump. PAGE 12 THE PADBURY PARISH PUMP Volume 17 Issue 5

Christmas Trees available from 1st December 2017

Folly Farm Padbury Buckingham MK18 2HS

Come and select one of our traditional Norway Spruce fresh cut or alternatively pick one directly from our growing plots. Also, fresh cut Nordman Fir (Non-drop) trees available. Free local delivery.

Relatives coming to stay over Christmas? Luxury Shepherd Hut accommodation available all year.

Contact Philip Webb Phone: 07843 727868/ 01296 712413 Michael Lunts was so popular last year that he Email: [email protected] returns this year with a satirical view of the Website: webbfarms.co.uk/shepherd Christmas Festivities! Please come and join us for fun and hilarity :-

Padbury Village Hall 9th December Date Recycling Standard (Blue lid) refuse 7.30pm for an 8pm start Tickets £12

Oct 17 From - Trish Iliff-Rolfe - 01280 822643 Oct 24

Oct 31 Nov 07 Nov 14 The Annual Harvest Lunch Nov 21 At Padbury Village Hall on th Nov 28 15 October at 12.30pm. Dustbin Daze Dustbin Dec 05 Tickets available from Dec 12 Paul Cresswell on 01280 816387 Dec 19 Adult tickets are £8.00 each and Children £5.00 Volume 17 Issue 5 THE PADBURY PARISH PUMP PAGE 13

Padbury Youth Club

Where has the summer gone? The six week break seems to have flown by. It was good to see everyone back again on September 8th and to Padbury see some new faces. Our numbers are growing so there is a real buzz at the club on a Friday night. We started off gently with just a normal club night but the following week we had three-legged and piggyback races – it was mayhem but a good laugh. We then had chippy night – thank you Andrew for picking them up. Emma Tebbutt gave me a night off and we did T-shirt painting last week – I just hope the paint pens I bought from ebay at a very good price won’t run in the wash!

The rota for the next few weeks is below. We are having a two Designed by Georgie Harvey aged 8 week half term because of Bonfire Night and will return on November 10th. Please note other activities are always available if members want to do something other than what is on the programme.

Date Activity October 6th Normal Club night th N.B We are still looking for a new October 13 Pass the parcel with a twist! Youth Leader role or about the club th October 20 Bingo please contact October 27th Half Term Debbie Gibbs email: November 3rd No club due to Bonfire night [email protected] or call November 10th Normal club + soup night 01280 815044 /07967 657077 November 17th Treasure Hunt

Advent Lunches Short time of worship, bible study and reflection in preparation for Christmas. Followed By a simple lunch of soup, cheese and rolls Starting Friday 24th November Then Fridays 1st, 8th, 15th December These will all be at Saint Mary’s, Padbury at 12.30

Please let Ros Roberts know if you are coming for catering numbers. 01280 813162 [email protected] Thank you PAGE 14 THE PADBURY PARISH PUMP Volume 17 Issue 5

Editors note While trying to keep the page count down for the Pump, with the increased number of paid for adverts, some articles for the Pump have to be edited. We will though put the full text of the articles on the village web site at www.padburyvillage.com

FACEBOOK Photographs and News about Padbury can also be found on the Padbury Facebook page.

Just search Facebook for “Padbury Village”

Attention all Library Book Readers! Please note the dates and locations for the mobile library service in Padbury are: Thursdays: Old End 12.20 to 12.45 and Springfields 11.50 to 12.10




Padbury Village Hall Wednesdays 9.30-10.30am

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ANTIQUE & FINE ART AUCTIONEERS Monthly Auctions of Antiques & Fine Art, Quarterly Picture Auctions, General Auctions, Sporting & Country Pursuits Auctions, Partial & Total House Clearance undertaken, Insurance, Probate and Family Division Valuations Free Auction Valuations Available! The Claydon Saleroom, Calvert Rd. , Buckingham. MK18 2EZ Tel: Padbury 814477 Tel: 01296 714434 Fax: 01296 714492 [email protected] www.dickinsauctioneers.


Padbury Women’s Institute Latest News

If you have thought about joining our WI you can be assured of a warm welcome. Maggie Holloway is our brilliant Programme Secretary and anyone who knows her will appreciate that she is always on the lookout for speakers who break new ground to ensure a schedule of exciting and varied meetings. So please consider coming along to the village hall where we meet on the second Thursday of each month at 7.30pm. On 14th September our members were told to prepare themselves for a shock. Whatever the evening was to have in store for us remained a well-kept secret until the very last moment so anyone who saw the sign-writing and images on Tony McCarthy’s van may have had second thoughts about coming into the village hall at all! They may have been forgiven for deciding to head straight home again because it was clear that snakes, reptiles, meerkats, and a skunk were to be our companions that evening whilst Tony gave a fascinating talk on the animals and species in his care. Many members commented that they would never have expected to see these creatures at such close quarters and some were happy to touch or hold them. It was an amazing experience altogether – even for those of us who didn’t feel brave enough to stroke a snake! On the evening of Thursday 28th September, we held a fashion show hosted by Kim and Liz of the ‘Beautifully Different’ Boutique in Winslow who gave a talk about running their business, which now includes another, larger premises in Brackley, thanks to their growing success in providing a fabulous range of attractive clothing and accessories to their customers whilst giving excellent advice on how to put their outfits together so that they can be worn with maximum effect. A group of our budding would-be models wore some fabulous clothes watched by an audience of around seventy women as they paraded down the length of the hall. This was followed by a demonstration on how to use scarves in really imaginative ways to transform any outfit whether casual or dressy. No wonder there was a rush to buy during the interval and at the end of the evening. All in all, a huge success. Thursday 12th October Peter Smith will be displaying and talking about his fabulous collection of model royal carriages - renowned worldwide – and all meticulously crafted by him! Not to be missed!! Thursday 9th November What could be timelier than a demonstration of Christmas decoration -making given by Chris King who will be showing us how she makes her exquisite festive trimmings and accessories. This will be an evening packed with easy-to-follow inspirational ideas! Thursday 14th December Our Christmas Party promises to be great fun. Thursday 11th January Discussion on WI Resolutions for 2018 For further details please contact Sue 01296 711626 or Wendy 01280 822741

Winslow And District Art Society

The painting group started again on 19th September in Padbury Village Hall, meetings full of talk about summer holidays and ideas for new work. At our October meeting in Winslow, our guest demonstrator is Melanie Wright who will give a Talk & demo painting a Horse Racing Scene in charcoal & chalk. Melanie is a Cotswold based artist known for her equine and landscape paintings capturing atmosphere, action, speed and quality of light. Inspired by her surroundings and equestrian events she is often seen sketching at local point to point, race meetings and polo events. The WADAS Annual Art Exhibition will be held on Saturday 4th and Sunday 5th November at Winslow Public Hall from 11am to 5pm. Everyone welcome to come along, entry is free and the hall is next to the Winslow free car park. The Tuesday painting group will all be exhibiting. On 30th November our guest demonstrator is Heather Miller who will be painting an ‘Impressionist Landscape’ in acrylic. Her work is highly textured and expressionistic and often colourful! WADAS meets monthly on a Thursday evening at the Winslow Bowls Club Hall. All are welcome to come along, members free, visitors £3 including coffee. PAGE 16 THE PADBURY PARISH PUMP Volume 17 Issue 5

Here we are again, back in school and looking forward to another exciting and stimulating term. We have new pupils who are settling well In Maple Class and finding their way around. There are two new children in Oak Cass and we have a new member of staff as well. Welcome, Miss Allen! We are always looking for new ideas which may help with the parking problem; from the older Key Stage Two children walking on their own, to parents being encouraged to park a little further away and walking their younger children to the school. Anything to reduce the congestion on the roads is always welcome. Our new play equipment in the grounds has arrived; much to the excitement and pleasure of all the children and staff. Many thanks to the generosity of the PFA for their fundraising last year which has made this possible.

The ‘value’ for this half-term is ‘co-operation’. We have a new ‘value’ every half-term which concentrates the minds of the children on what our school ethos is and how they can implement it. We think that this is a very valuable learning experience. The clubs are now up and running and offer the children a variety of activities which helps them to engage with other members of the school community. Celebration Assemblies start again at the end of September and are usually well attended. Parents have come to value these occasions and the new Hall has meant that there is plenty of room for all. The children enjoy seeing their parents and grandparents and appreciate showing them what they have learned and how they are progressing. We are looking forward to Forest School restarting, the Hockey Tournaments and Harvest Festival in October and the Book Fair in November. Welcome back! Karen Duckworth Head teacher 10/10/2016 Autumn officially arrives at Stowe

Pull on your walking boots and get outdoors for an autumn ramble as bright displays of amber, red and burnt orange appear on the trees in the gardens at Stowe. Until 5 November, discover a variety of leaf-crunching walks and use your imagination to view the landscapes and visualise where some of the ‘Missing Monuments’ once stood in the magnificent gardens at Stowe. Find the lost Village of Lamport and ponder some of the famous literary links with past writers and poets that once visited. Choose from a variety of routes starting at New Inn visitor welcome centre when you visit or download one from our website before you leave home. At weekends families can borrow a free explorer guide to spot autumn leaves and have a go at the some of the ‘50 Things to do before you’re 11 ¾’. The gardens and New Inn visitor welcome centre at National Trust Stowe are open 7 days a week, 10am-5pm for you to make the most of these moments of autumn sun before winter descends. Don’t forget to share your favourite pictures and #autumncolour hotspots at Stowe with us via Twitter and Facebook - just search for National Trust Stowe. Normal admission applies. For more information about Stowe visit nationaltrust.org.uk/stowe Yet more Art news! In our June edition we reported that artist Peter Austin had again been selected for the Royal Academy Summer Show. He also participated in a successful exhibition at the newly opened Claydon Gallery at Claydon House whilst showing more of his work for Bucks Open Studios at his house in Bennetts Close. Peter has just heard that he has again been chosen to exhibit his work at the Royal West of Academy in Bristol. This exhibition runs from October 1st to December 3rd and full details may be found at www.rwa.org.uk. Volume 17 Issue 5 THE PADBURY PARISH PUMP PAGE 17 The Church our Community Living in a village like Padbury is different. It’s not just a collection of dwellings but a community. And this community comes together (and always has) around three institutions – the school, the church and the pub. The loss of any one would be a major blow. However, all of them sometimes come under threat. Not very long ago the school roll was so low that there was a real danger of it closing. But because of the dedication, commitment and determination of a group of people (and the support of the village) it not only survived but prospered and flourished into the success story it now is. The church in Padbury now faces a different but related set of challenges. The theft of lead from the church roof has left us with a large bill for replacement of perhaps £60,000, which we have no chance of funding without major support from the village. At the same time much of the congregation, including many of the ‘stalwarts’ who do all the day-to-day tasks necessary to keep the church open and functioning are getting older. And – with the loss of Kay Peck as Assistant Priest – Ros, our Vicar now has to lead 4 churches on her own, an impossible mission without major change. The members of the Padbury Parochial Church Council (PCC) are determined to try to tackle these issues, but we can’t do so without your help. We think we need to focus on 5 major challenges: 1. We need to fix the roof. We now have all the necessary permissions to replace the stolen lead with a form of coated stainless steel which looks like lead but is much less likely to be stolen! Next, we need to raise the funds. Already people in the village, led by Angela Nottage, have organized two fund-raising concerts which I’m sure will be well supported and will help a lot. But we urgently need to do more. So, we are organizing an Appeal for donations. We will be circulating literature in the village, but any immediate donations will be particularly welcome! Just send a cheque to our Treasurer, Henry Paxton, made payable to Padbury PCC and marked “for the roof fund” 2. We want to boost the “Friends of St Mary’s”, which comprises people who want to support the church, even though they may not go to church normally themselves. The Friends support the church in a number of different ways – through activity such as cleaning, flower arranging, grass cutting; through organizing or participating in fundraising events or by making a regular donation to the funds necessary to keep the church running (normally by Standing Order). We will be holding a Friends Day in church on Saturday 21st October (10.00am to 4.00pm). Why not come along for a chat and a coffee and find out more about the Friends and how your particular talents might contribute? 3. If we are to sustain and grow the church through time we must make sure that we reflect the needs of the people in the village. We believe that the people of Padbury want and deserve a service in the church at the same time every Sunday. So, we are planning to ensure that from the New Year there will be a service every Sunday at 10.30am. Some of these will be ‘Lay Led’ (Ros can’t be in 2 places at once!), but they will be “proper” services. These will be in addition to, not instead of, initiatives such as ‘Messy Church’. What else should we do? We need people to help us in our Services – for example by reading, by leading prayers or by providing tea and coffee. Could this be you? 4. We need to ensure that everyone who needs the help or support of the church gets it – if they are for instance ill or worried, or have just moved into the village. But we sometimes don’t hear of the need because nobody tells us! So, we have set up a mechanism to receive all such information and ensure it’s acted upon. Simply e-mail Ros at [email protected], or leave a message on 01280 813162. All information will be treated as confidential 5. Finally, we need to get better at communicating what we are doing and why. We are looking at ways of getting a church notice board in a more convenient place than it currently is. We are also going to make more use of the church website padburychurch.co.uk Of course, we do very much want to see more people, especially younger people, coming to church on a regular basis. Everyone- yes everyone is welcome! But we believe that if this is to happen in the way we would like we need to start by getting the church on a sound footing and making it a truly friendly place to be – and at the heart of the village. Please help us. Any suggestions on how we can do better would be most welcome. Your Church needs you! Paul Cresswell Lay Chairman Padbury PCC [email protected] Church Organist Do you have the talent and would you like to play the St Mary’s Church Organ on a regular basis? We are looking to find someone, preferably from the village, who would be willing to play at two 10.30 am services a month and at other ad-hoc services. Please contact Rev Ros Roberts for more information. PAGE 18 THE PADBURY PARISH PUMP Volume 17 Issue 5

Police Contact Details Winslow and District Neighbourhood Team Winslow Police Office, 81 High Street, Winslow, Bucks, MK18 3DG, Tel: 101, Tel: 999 in an emergency Web: http:// www.thamesvalley.police.uk Join us on www.thamesvalleyalert.co.uk/ to receive local crime and safety messages


Pet Services ...is a traditional East Sussex seaside town with its own micro climate A home from home for your dog… making it an ideal holiday destination in an area steeped in history.

 Overnight & holiday boarding for your dog Well equipped holiday flat available less than 100 yards from the seafront  Day care for your dog  Dog walking & home visits  Sleeps 4/5  Cats & small animals –  Walk in shower feeding & home visits  Fully wheelchair accessible  Free & unlimited WiFi We are fully insured & licensed  Any number of nights’ stay

Contact Pam: For further details contact: 07956 272819 or 01280 817577 Mrs Bradley: [email protected] [email protected] or 01280 812965 www.padburypetservices.co.uk Volume 17 Issue 5 THE PADBURY PARISH PUMP PAGE 19

Planning news that might be interesting

17/02896/APP Change of use of telephone repeater station into one dwelling. This is Former Telephone Repeater Station next to the allotments and the proposed Bloor Home development. There is just space for a one room house. An opportunity for someone with imagination.

17/03387/APP Change of use from a restaurant to a single dwelling with internal and minor external alterations. Four And 20 Main Street. A lot of people have been asking the question what “What next for the Four And 20”. Well now we have the answer. It has been a pity that it has stood empty and that if the change of use is agreed that is another pub in Padbury lost and gone for ever.

Visit the AVDC Planning website to make your comments

Stunning Flowers for Weddings & Events

Floristry Courses

Please call Joules on 07771 613306 [email protected] Www.willowandthyme.co.uk

Adstock Singers Christmas concert! ♫ St Cecilia's Church, Adstock, 10th December 5pm ♫ All proceeds to Willen Hospice. Come and join us for a celebration of festive music - from Elgar's wondrous “Snow”, to Mariah Carey's All I Want for Christmas, with a little bit of William Byrd and Christmas crooning along the way, accompanied by violins, flute and piano. There will also be a chance to join in with some traditional Christmas favourites. Tickets by programme: £8 - adults, £1 – children, on the door. For more information, call Lucy on 07798 504410, or go PAGE 20 THE PADBURY PARISH PUMP Volume 17 Issue 5

Do you need a lift? Do you need help with transport for hospital or any other appointments, or perhaps collecting shopping or prescriptions? If so, we know many people in the village who are happy and willing to help, so please contact initially either John or Sue Wrigley on 01280 814199 and although they may not necessarily be able to help you themselves, they should know a man or woman who can!"

Jeremy Holden Carpet Services

Choose from an extensive range of carpets and vinyl in the comfort of your home with our Home Selection Service.

We can also provide: - adaptations, repairs and alterations - a fitting only service

Advice and quotes freely given with very competitive prices Tel: 01296 711879 Mob: 07721 421608

Over 30 years Experience

Friday Club Would you like a holiday in a There is a club for children aged 5 and quiet (but not isolated) over, run at Padbury school every location? Friday in term time from 6 – 7 pm. Easy access to the beach; walks in abundance, If the weather is good in the summer somewhere comfortable bring your bikes and scooters and have to relax & unwind? fun in the playground. In the winter If the answer to any of the months there is fun and games inside. above is yes we have the place for you! Linda Cotton has run the club for over Apple House twenty years and it has always been Totland Bay popular with the children of Padbury. It is free and a great way for new on the Isle of Wight children to make friends in the village. Sleeps 4 plus 1, garden, parking, free wifi! If you would like more information call

www.applehousetotlandbay Linda on 07990 585080 or 01869 ETB 4 * rating 277481. Volume 17 Issue 5 THE PADBURY PARISH PUMP PAGE 21

Calling children of all ages & their parents! Padbury’s First Ever Christmas Lantern-Making Afternoon and Carol-Singing Parade* Organised by the Village Hall Committee and to be held on Saturday 2 December in the Village Hall starting at 3.30pm Materials will be available and plenty of help at hand to create something magical. (Only LED lights will be used.) *Weather permitting – the parade will involve a walk along Main Street as we sing carols before returning to the hall. Included in the ticket price will be LIGHT REFRESHMENTS FOR EVERYONE throughout the afternoon. Tickets £8 per child then £6 for each of their siblings

AFTER THE CAROL-SINGING MULLED WINE, MINCE PIES, SOFT DRINKS AND FESTIVE TREATS WILL BE AVAILABLE For further information please contact Wendy 01280 822741 wendyoldstables@btinternet Lynnese 01280 823748 [email protected]

Contact: Sue (01280)815289 07725565219 Sue’s Cakes Simple and Down to Earth Cakes of all types & sizes Also Preserves, Jams & Chutneys Christmas Cakes made to order Email: [email protected]

Contact: Henry (01280)815289 07812811919 WaysideCAD CAD Drawings & Plans to your design AutoCAD Drawings and DTP in B&W & Colour printed up to A1

Email: [email protected] PAGE 22 THE PADBURY PARISH PUMP Volume 17 Issue 5

Advertising in the Padbury Parish Pump

There may be room for new advertisers …… Why not take advantage of inexpensive rates in a Newsletter that truly is local.

For information about advertising please contact John Wrigley on 01280 814199 or [email protected]

Dog Walking around the village Everybody has a right to walk their dogs on public footpaths in the village, but they must be kept on a lead when in the vicinity of other dogs. It can be very intimidating to owners with nervous dogs when they are approached by out of control dogs. Volume 17 Issue 5 THE PADBURY PARISH PUMP PAGE 23 News from around the Benefice St Cecilia’s, Adstock

Coffee Morning dates to end of year: Fridays, 20 October, 17 November and 8 December.

Christmas Services dates for your calendar:

Carol Service 17 December, 6 pm

Carols Around the Tree 21 December, 6.30 pm, accompanied by Band.

Crib Service 24 December, 3.00 pm

Holy Trinity, Gawcott

Taize On Sunday 29 October we will be holding a Taize service at 6 pm, which will include music, prayer, scripture and reflection

Coffee Morning and Bring & Buy Friday 24 November in Church from 10:30 am – 12 noon. Everyone welcome - pop in for a few minutes, or stay a bit longer. Friendly environment to meet people or catch up with friends.

All Saints, Hillesden Our Crafty Chatter sessions continue to be very successful with a wide range of things being chatted about! They take place on the third Wednesday of every month and you can come along any time from around 7pm to share a cup of coffee or glass of wine, do a little knitting or whatever you fancy or simply enjoy a chat with friends and neighbours.

All Souls Day – 29th October 4 pm

This is a day set aside for the commemoration of the souls of the faithful departed. It has been our custom for many years now to hold a benefice service on this day at which we mention by name anyone that you ask us to remember. This year the service is on Sunday 29th October at 4.00 pm in St Mary's, Padbury. Please fill in the slip below and return it by Friday, 20th October to the Vicar, Lenborough Vicarage, Thornborough Road, Padbury, MK18 2AH. Alternatively, telephone on 01280 813162 to leave a message. All those who have been bereaved recently will be especially welcome. Coffee will be served after the service.  ………………..…………………………………………………………………………………………...

Please remember the following by name at the All Souls Service:





Signed ______ ………………..…………………………………………………………………………………………... PAGE 24 THE PADBURY PARISH PUMP Volume 17 Issue 5

PVH = Padbury Village Hall The Padbury Diary AVH = Adstock Village Hall Date Event Venue Time Contact Phone 11-Oct Friendly Afternoon - Entertainments PVH 2.00 pm Sylvia Nutt 812333 12-Oct WI - Model Royal Coaches PVH 7.30 pm Sue Chadburn 01296711626 13-Oct Youth Club - Pass the Parcel Springfields Pavilion 7.15 pm Debbie Gibbs 815044 13-Oct Bingo PVH 8.00 pm Carol Bloxham 308311 15-Oct Harvest Lunch PVH 12.30 pm Paul Cresswell 816387 17-Oct Parish Council Meeting Springfields Pavilion 7.30 pm Jo Bonney 07905 457784 19-Oct Village Hall Committee Meeting PVH 8.00 pm Di Long 823931 20-Oct Youth Club - Bingo Springfields Pavilion 7.15 pm Debbie Gibbs 815044 20-Oct Bingo PVH 8.00 pm Carol Bloxham 308311 21-Oct Friends of St Mary’s - Friends Day St Mary's Church 10.00 - 4.00 pm Just Turn up 29-Oct Benefice All Souls Day Service St Mary's Church 4.00 pm Rev. Ros Roberts 813162 03-Nov Village Coffee Morning PVH 10.30 - 12.00 pm Just Turn up 03-Nov Bingo PVH 8.00 pm Carol Bloxham 308311 08-Nov Friendly Afternoon - Quiz PVH 2.00 pm Sylvia Nutt 812333 09-Nov WI - Christmas decorations PVH 7.30 pm Sue Chadburn 01296711626 10-Nov Youth Club - Normal Club & Soup Springfields Pavilion 7.15 pm Debbie Gibbs 815044 14-Nov Parish Council Meeting Springfields Pavilion 7.30 pm Jo Bonney 07905 457784 16-Nov Village Hall Committee Meeting PVH 8.00 pm Di Long 823931 17-Nov Youth Club - Bingo Springfields Pavilion 7.15 pm Debbie Gibbs 815044 17-Nov Bingo PVH 8.00 pm Carol Bloxham 308311 24-Nov Advent Lunches start St Mary's Church 12.30 pm Rev. Ros Roberts 813162 01-Dec Village Coffee Morning PVH 10.30 - 12.00 pm Just Turn up 02-Dec PVH - Christmas Lantern Making PVH 3.30 pm Wendy Smith 822741 08-Dec Padbury Pre-School Coffee Morning PVH 9.00 - 11.30 am Just Turn up 08-Dec Bingo PVH 8.00 pm Carol Bloxham 308311 09-Dec Padbury Village - Michael Lunts PVH 7.30 pm Trish Iliff-Rolfe 822643 10-Dec Adstock Singers Christmas Concert AVH 5.00 pm Lucy Bignall 07798504410 13-Dec Friendly Afternoon - Bingo PVH 2.00 pm Sylvia Nutt 812333 14-Dec WI - Chrstmas Party PVH 7.30 pm Sue Chadburn 01296711626 15-Dec Christmas Bingo PVH 7.30 pm Carol Bloxham 308311 20-Dec Friendly Afternoon - Christmas Meal PVH 2.00 pm Sylvia Nutt 812333 21-Dec Village Hall Committee Meeting PVH 8.00 pm Di Long 823931 Jan 2018 Concert in St Mary's St Mary's Church TBA TBA 11-Jan WI -Resolutions for 2018 PVH 7.30 pm Sue Chadburn 01296711626 09-Jun St Mary's Fayre 2018 St Mary's Church 2.00 pm TBA 30-June - Open Gardens 2018 Around Padbury TBA TBA 1July Besides The Padbury Parish Pump there are also pieces of local news on the Padbury OTHER NEWS Parish Council Website. Particularly this time... Brackley Band Source Care Jobs Available

PUMP COPY DATES FOR 2017/2018 Edition Copy Date Distribution Date December Fri November 24th 2017 Mon December 4th 2017 February Fri January 26th 2018 Mon February 5th 2018 Please Note In all cases the Distribution Dates should be during the week commencing from the dates shown Volume 17 Issue 5 THE PADBURY PARISH PUMP PAGE 25 Padbury Village Organisations and Contacts

Allotments Kate Harper 817855

Benefice Newsletter Kay Bradley 812965

Bessie Potter Charity (Hire of wheelchairs) Tony Picketts 816063

Bingo Carol Bloxham 308311

Busy Fingers Parent & Toddler group Lindsay Howard 815158

Camera Club John Credland 813641

Church: Vicar Revd. Ros Roberts 813162

Friday Club (Christian) 5+ age Linda Cotton 01869 277481

Friend in Need Scheme Sue Wrigley 814199

Friendly Afternoon Sylvia Nutt 812333

Padbury Benefit Society Barry Picketts 824038

Padbury C of E First School Karen Duckworth Head Teacher 813070

Parish Council, Chairman Ken Roberts 813162

Parish Council, Clerk Jo Bonney 07905 457784

Padbury Pre-School : email [email protected] 815158

Padbury Football Club Peter McHenry 816495

Padbury Produce Show Claire McHenry 816495

Padbury School Parents & Friends Association Cassie Rigg 309368

Padbury Table Tennis Club John Osbourne 817019

Padbury Website Jack Nutine email: [email protected]

Tennis Club Lindsey Sanders 824845

Village Hall Bookings Sue Paxton 815289

Women’s Institute Sue Chadbund 01296 711626

Youth Club Debbie Gibbs 815044

Size of Copy for inclusion in the Pump In an effort to keep printing costs down please will contributors limit the size of advertisements for Padbury Village events etc. to a maximum 1/4 of an A4 page. Advertisements for events outside the village will only be accepted under special circumstances. Please, will all contributors proofread and correct their articles before submission.


Service Schedule for October 2017 and November 2017

9.00am 9.00am

4.30pm 4.30pm 4.30pm


4.00 pm 4.00

10.30am 10.30am 10.50am 11.15am 10.30am



MessyChurch MessyChurch

At War At Memorial

BeneficeService BeneficeService

All Souls All Service

Holy Communion Holy Communion Holy Communion Holy Communion Holy Communion Holy

(CommonWorship) (CommonWorship)

(Bookof Common Prayer) (Bookof Common Prayer)

RemembranceDay Service


6.00pm 6.00pm 6.00pm

10.30am 10.55am 10.30am

Evensong Evensong

Noservice Noservice Noservice Noservice


Holy Communion Holy Communion Holy


(CommonWorship) (CommonWorship)



8.00 8.00 am

10.30am 10.30am 10.30am

10.30am 10.30am 10.55am 10.30am 10.30am



CafeSunday CafeSunday

Care Care andShare Care andShare

Holy Communion Holy Communion Holy Communion Holy

(Bookof Common


(CommonWorship) (CommonWorship)

9.00am 9.00am 9.00am 9.00am

Prayer) Prayer)




Noservice Noservice Noservice Noservice

Family Family Service Family Service

Holy Communion Holy Communion Holy

(Bookof Common (Bookof Common




10 11


- -


9 9



20 20


9 17


6] 8 6] -




22 35 30




14 41



- - -








9 7 9


- -

- 12 11] -

3 3 -


10 -




- - -












16, 20 16,



8, 18 8,



9 [10 9



4a [5 4a


8 [9 8



or 90:1 or

Psalm23 Psalm70




1 John 1 3:1

Isaiah Isaiah 64.1

Isaiah Isaiah 25:1 Isaiah 45:1 Isaiah 25:1

2 Peter 2 3:8



Psalm119:9 Mark13.24

Isaiah Isaiah 40.11


Matthew22:1 Matthew5:38


Matthew22:15 Matthew24:30 Matthew25:14



1 Corinthians 1 1.3







Zephaniah1:7, 12



1 Thessalonians 1 1:1 Thessalonians 1 5:1

Nehemiah 8:1


Green Green Green


Advent 1


Trinity18 Trinity19

Proper23 Proper24

Red/White Red/White

Red/Green Red/Green

Bible SundayBible

All Saints All Day

Christ the Christ King

3rd before 3rd Advent

2ndbefore Advent

Next before Next Advent

Sunday Sunday 15thOctober Sunday 29thOctober

Sunday Sunday October 22nd

Sunday Sunday 5thNovember Sunday December 3rd of 2ndSunday Advent


Sunday Sunday 10thDecember

Sunday Sunday 12thNovember Sunday 19thNovember Sunday 26thNovember