Texarkana College Texarkana, TX

The Integrated Postsecondary Education Data System (IPEDS) is the nation’s core postsecondary education data collection program. It is a single, comprehensive system designed to encompass all institutions and educational organizations whose primary purpose is to provide postsecondary education. For additional information see IPEDS DATA FEEDBACK REPORT

October, 2009

Dear Institutional Executive:

The National Center for Education Statistics is pleased to provide you with your institution’s annual IPEDS Data Feedback Report. The report compares data provided by your institution in 2008-09 through the Integrated Postsecondary Education Data System (IPEDS) to data for a similar group of institutions. Like last year, your institution was given the opportunity to select its own comparison group. We strongly encourage institutions to take advantage of the opportunity to select the other institutions to which they want to be compared in the report, as they generally find the report more informative. If your institution did not submit its own group, IPEDS identified a comparison group for you (see the list toward the back of this report for the institutions in your comparison group).

I also encourage you to visit the IPEDS Executive Peer Tool (ExPT) at Not only can you download a PDF of this report as it was sent to you, you can also select a different comparison group and recreate the full report in PDF format. In addition, there are a number of extra figures available in the ExPT that are not included in your original report.

Thank you for supporting IPEDS throughout the data collection process. Without your support and the high quality data that your institution provides, these reports would not be possible. If you have any comments on how we can improve the Data Feedback Report or the ExPT, please send them to [email protected].

Best regards,

Elise S. Miller IPEDS Program Director

What Is IPEDS? How Can I Use This Report?

The Integrated Postsecondary Education Data System (IPEDS) is a Upon receiving your Data Feedback Report (DFR), we strongly encourage system of survey components that collects data from nearly 6,700 you to discuss its contents with your institution’s IPEDS keyholder, or other institutions across the United States whose primary purpose is to provide institutional research professionals. Keyholders, appointed by institutional postsecondary education. IPEDS collects institution-level data on students executives, coordinate the institution’s IPEDS data submission, frequently (enrollment and graduation rates), student charges, program completions, working with colleagues across the institution to ensure timely and faculty, staff, and finances. accurate reporting. Your keyholder can answer questions about how IPEDS data are submitted, how individual indicators are defined, and how to interpret differences between your institution and the group to which it These data are used at the federal and state level for policy analysis and was compared. She or he can also assist you in identifying more development; at the institutional level for benchmarking and peer analysis; appropriate comparison groups, if needed. After discussing the DFR with and by students and parents, through the College Navigator your keyholder, we encourage you to share it with your campus leadership (, to aid in the college search process. For team. With their assistance, other ways to make use of the DFR can be more information about IPEDS, see considered, including how to appropriately incorporate the DFR into existing strategic planning efforts and whether to share parts of the DFR What Is the Purpose of This Report? with on- and off-campus stakeholders, including students, staff, faculty, governance board members, community leaders, media, and state and local officials. We are committed to ensuring the DFR is useful to campus The Data Feedback Report is intended to provide institutions a context for executives. If after working with the DFR you have suggestions for future examining the data they submitted to IPEDS. Our goal is to produce a improvements, please send them to [email protected]. report that is useful to institutional executives and that may help improve the quality and comparability of IPEDS data. Where Can I Do More with IPEDS Data?

What Is in This Report? The Executive Peer Tool (ExPT), available through the IPEDS Data Center (, is designed to provide campus The figures provided in this report are those suggested by the IPEDS executives easy access to institutional and comparison group data. Using Technical Review Panel. They were developed to provide selected the ExPT, you can produce reports using different comparison groups and indicators and data elements for your institution and a comparison group access a wider range of IPEDS variables. of institutions. The figures are based on data collected during the 2008-09 IPEDS collection cycle and are the most recent data available. Additional information about these indicators is provided in the Methodological Notes at the end of the report. Following the figures is a list of the institutions in your comparison group and the criteria used for their selection. Please refer to "Comparison Group" in the Methodological Notes for more information.


Figure 1. Unduplicated 12-month headcount, total FTE enrollment Figure 2. Percent of students enrolled who are women: Fall 2008 (academic year 2007-08), and full- and part-time fall enrollment (Fall 2008)

Image description. Image description. Enrollment measure Horizontal Bar chart with 2 items. XHorizontal scale titled Bar Number chart with of students.4 groups with 2 items per group. ItemX scale 1, Yourtitled institutionPercent of 63. students who are women. ItemGroup 1, 1,Your Unduplicated institution 6125.headcount - total. Item 2, Comparison Group Median (N=10) 64. GroupItem 2, 2, Comparison Total FTE enrollment.Group Median (N=10) 7364. line, Shape Label: Item 2,1, ComparisonYour institution Group 2171. Median (N=10) 3258. InstitutionLegend, Shape Label: Your institution ItemGroup 1, 3,Your Full-time institution fall enrollment. 2010. ComparisonGroupLegend, Shape Label: Comparison Group Median (N=10) GroupItem 2, 4, Comparison Part-time fall Group enrollment. Median (N=10) 2226. ComparisonGroupLegendLine1, Shape Label: Item 2,1, ComparisonYour institution Group 2672. MedianEnrollment (N=10) 2843. measure ComparisonGroupLegendLine2, Shape Label: Shape End of image description. line,Shape Label: InstitutionLegend,Shape Label: Your institution ComparisonGroupLegend,Shape Label: Comparison Group Median (N=10) ComparisonGroupLegendLine1,Shape Label: ComparisonGroupLegendLine2,End of image description. Label:

Unduplicated 6,125 headcount - total 7,364

Total FTE 2,171 enrollment 3,258 63

All students 64 Full-time 2,010 fall enrollment 2,226

Part-time 2,672 fall enrollment 2,843

0 2,000 4,000 6,000 8,000 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 Number of students Percent of students who are women Your institution Comparison Group Median (N=10) Your institution Comparison Group Median (N=10) NOTE: For details on calculating full-time equivalent (FTE) enrollment, see Calculating NOTE: N is the number of institutions in the comparison group. FTE in the Methodological Notes at the end of this report. Total headcount, FTE, and full- SOURCE: U.S. Department of Education, National Center for Education Statistics, and part-time fall enrollment include both undergraduate and postbaccalaureate students, Integrated Postsecondary Education Data System (IPEDS): Spring 2009, Fall Enrollment when applicable. N is the number of institutions in the comparison group. component. SOURCE: U.S. Department of Education, National Center for Education Statistics, Integrated Postsecondary Education Data System (IPEDS): Spring 2009, Enrollment component.

Figure 3. Percent of all students enrolled, by race/ethnicity: Fall 2008

Image description. YBar scale chart titled with Percent. 8 groups with 2 items per group. ItemGroup 1, 1,Your American institution Indian 0.01. or Alaska Native. GroupItem 2, 2, Comparison Asian/Native Group Hawaiian/ Median Pacific (N=10) Islander. 1. Item 2,1, ComparisonYour institution Group 1. Median (N=10) 1. ItemGroup 1, 3,Your Black institution or African 19. American. GroupItem 2, 4, Comparison Hispanic/Latino. Group Median (N=10) 15. Item 2,1, ComparisonYour institution Group 3. Median (N=10) 9. ItemGroup 1, 5,Your White. institution 77. GroupItem 2, 6, Comparison Two or more Group races. Median (N=10) 73. Item 2,1, ComparisonYour institution Group 0.01. Median (N=10) 0.01. ItemGroup 1, 7,Your Race/ethnicity institution 0.01. unknown. GroupItem 2, 8, Comparison Nonresident Group alien. Median (N=10) 0.01. Item 2,1, ComparisonYour institution Group 1. Median (N=10) 1. EnrollmentShape 100 by race/ethnicity line,Shape Label: InstitutionLegend,Shape Label: Your institution ComparisonGroupLegend,Shape Label: Comparison Group Median (N=10) ComparisonGroupLegendLine1,Shape Label: ComparisonGroupLegendLine2,End of image description. Label: 90 77 80 73 70


50 Percent 40

30 19 20 15 9 10 3 0 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 American Indian or Asian/Native Hawaiian/ Black or Hispanic/Latino White Two or more races Race/ethnicity Nonresident alien Alaska Native Pacific Islander African American unknown

Enrollment by race/ethnicity

Your institution Comparison Group Median (N=10) NOTE: For this survey year, institutions could report race and ethnicity using both 1977 (old) and 1997 (new) Office of Management and Budget categories. Categories shown in this figure are derived by adding comparable categories from both old and new; however, the "Two or more races" category appears only in the 1997 version. For more information about disaggregation of data by race and ethnicity, please see the Methodological Notes at the end of this report. Median values for the comparison group may not add to 100 percent. See "Use of Median Values for Comparison Group" in the Methodological Notes at the end of this report for how median values are determined. N is the number of institutions in the comparison group. SOURCE: U.S. Department of Education, National Center for Education Statistics, Integrated Postsecondary Education Data System (IPEDS): Spring 2009, Fall Enrollment component.


Figure 4. Student-to-faculty ratio: Fall 2008 Figure 5. Academic year tuition and required fees for full-time, first-time, degree/certificate-seeking undergraduates: 2006-07–2008-09

Image description. Image description. XHorizontal scale titled Bar FTE chart students with 2 items.per FTE instructional staff. HorizontalAcademic yearBar chart with 3 groups with 2 items per group. Item 2,1, ComparisonYour institution Group 20. Median (N=10) 19. GroupX scale 1, titled 2008-09. Tuition and fees. Shape Item 2,1, ComparisonYour institution Group $1422. Median (N=10) $1388. line,Shape Label: ItemGroup 1, 2,Your 2007-08. institution $1200. InstitutionLegend,Shape Label: Your institution GroupItem 2, 3, Comparison 2006-07. Group Median (N=10) $1347. ComparisonGroupLegend,Shape Label: Comparison Group Median (N=10) Item 2,1, ComparisonYour institution Group $1100. Median (N=10) $1250. ComparisonGroupLegendLine1,Shape Label: Shape ComparisonGroupLegendLine2,End of image description. Label: line,Shape Label: Academic year InstitutionLegend,Shape Label: Your institution ComparisonGroupLegend,Shape Label: Comparison Group Median (N=10) ComparisonGroupLegendLine1,Shape Label: ComparisonGroupLegendLine2,End of image description. Label:

$1,422 2008-09 $1,388

20 $1,200 Student-to-faculty 2007-08 ratio $1,347 19

$1,100 2006-07 $1,250

0 5 10 15 20 25 $0 $250 $500 $750 $1,000 $1,250 $1,500 FTE students per FTE instructional staff Tuition and fees Your institution Comparison Group Median (N=10) Your institution Comparison Group Median (N=10) NOTE: Student-to-faculty ratio data is presented only for institutions that have NOTE: The tuition and required fees shown here are the lowest reported from the undergraduate students; graduate only institutions are not included. For details on how the categories of in-district, in-state, and out-of-state. N is the number of institutions in the ratio is calculated, see the Methodological Notes. N is the number of institutions in the comparison group. comparison group. SOURCE: U.S. Department of Education, National Center for Education Statistics, SOURCE: U.S. Department of Education, National Center for Education Statistics, Integrated Postsecondary Education Data System (IPEDS): Fall 2008, Institutional Integrated Postsecondary Education Data System (IPEDS): Spring 2009, Fall Enrollment Characteristics component. component.

Figure 6. Percent of students receiving Pell grants: 2007-08 Figure 7. Percent of full-time, first-time, degree/certificate-seeking undergraduate students receiving Federal, State/local, and Institutional grant aid, by type of grant: 2007-08

Image description. Image description. Horizontal Bar chart with 2 items. Type of grant aid ItemX scale 1, Yourtitled institutionPercent of 8. students. XHorizontal scale titled Bar Percent chart with of students. 6 groups with 2 items per group. Item 2, Comparison Group Median (N=10) 34. ItemGroup 1, 1,Your Total institution grants. 71. line, Shape Label: GroupItem 2, 2, Comparison Federal. Group Median (N=10) 65. InstitutionLegend, Shape Label: Your institution Item 2,1, ComparisonYour institution Group 49. Median (N=10) 49. ComparisonGroupLegend, Shape Label: Comparison Group Median (N=10) ItemGroup 1, 3,Your Pell. institution 49. ComparisonGroupLegendLine1, Shape Label: GroupItem 2, 4, Comparison Other Federal. Group Median (N=10) 49. ComparisonGroupLegendLine2, Shape Label: Item 2,1, ComparisonYour institution Group 0.01. MedianType (N=10) 15. of grant aid End of image description. ItemGroup 1, 5,Your State institution and local. 12. GroupItem 2, 6, Comparison Institutional. Group Median (N=10) 20. Item 2,1, ComparisonYour institution Group 10. Median (N=10) 17. line, Shape Label: InstitutionLegend, Shape Label: Your institution ComparisonGroupLegend, Shape Label: Comparison Group Median (N=10) ComparisonGroupLegendLine1, Shape Label: ComparisonGroupLegendLine2, Shape Label: End of image description. 71 Total grants 65

49 Federal 49

49 Pell 8 49 Pell Grants 0 34 Other Federal 15

State and 12 local 20

10 Institutional 17

0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 Percent of students Percent of students

Your institution Comparison Group Median (N=10) Your institution Comparison Group Median (N=10) NOTE: N is the number of institutions in the comparison group. NOTE: Pell Grants and Other Federal Grants are included in Federal Grants above. For SOURCE: U.S. Department of Education, National Center for Education Statistics, details on how students are counted for financial aid reporting, see Cohort Determination Integrated Postsecondary Education Data System (IPEDS): Spring 2009, Student for Reporting Student Financial Aid and Graduation Rates in the Methodological Notes at Financial Aid component. the end of this report. N is the number of institutions in the comparison group. SOURCE: U.S. Department of Education, National Center for Education Statistics, Integrated Postsecondary Education Data System (IPEDS): Spring 2009, Student Financial Aid component.


Figure 8. Average amounts of Federal, State/local, and institutional Figure 9. Percent of full-time, first-time, degree/certificate-seeking grant aid received by full-time, first-time, undergraduate students receiving loans, by type of loan: degree/certificate-seeking undergraduates, by type of 2007-08 grant: 2007-08

Image description. Image description. HorizontalType of grant Bar aid chart with 6 groups with 2 items per group. HorizontalType of loan Bar chart with 3 groups with 2 items per group. GroupX scale 1, titled Total Grant grants. dollars. GroupX scale 1, titled Any Percentloan. of students. Item 2,1, ComparisonYour institution Group $1527. Median (N=10) $3478. Item 2,1, ComparisonYour institution Group 0.01. Median (N=10) 20. ItemGroup 1, 2,Your Federal. institution $1832. ItemGroup 1, 2,Your Federal. institution 0.01. GroupItem 2, 3, Comparison Pell. Group Median (N=10) $3236. GroupItem 2, 3, Comparison Non-federal. Group Median (N=10) 20. Item 2,1, ComparisonYour institution Group $1832. Median (N=10) $3101. Item 2,1, ComparisonYour institution Group 0.01. Median (N=10) 0.01. ItemGroup 1, 4,Your Other institution Federal. No data. Shape GroupItem 2, 5, Comparison State and local.Group MedianType (N=10) $767. of grant aid line,Shape Label: Type of loan Item 2,1, ComparisonYour institution Group $805. Median (N=10) $1344. InstitutionLegend,Shape Label: Your institution ItemGroup 1, 6,Your Institutional. institution $870. ComparisonGroupLegend,Shape Label: Comparison Group Median (N=10) Item 2, Comparison Group Median (N=10) $1538. ComparisonGroupLegendLine1,Shape Label: line, Shape Label: ComparisonGroupLegendLine2,End of image description. Label: InstitutionLegend, Shape Label: Your institution ComparisonGroupLegend, Shape Label: Comparison Group Median (N=10) ComparisonGroupLegendLine1, Shape Label: ComparisonGroupLegendLine2, Shape Label: End of image description. $1,527 Total grants $3,478 0 Any loan $1,832 20 Federal $3,236

$1,832 Pell $3,101 0 Federal 20 Other Federal $767

State and $805 local $1,344 0 Non-federal $870 0 Institutional $1,538

$0 $1,000 $2,000 $3,000 $4,000 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 Grant dollars Percent of students Your institution Comparison Group Median (N=10) Your institution Comparison Group Median (N=10) NOTE: Pell Grants and Other Federal Grants are included in Federal Grants above. NOTE: For details on how students are counted for financial aid reporting, see Cohort Average grant values were calculated by dividing the total grants awarded by the total Determination for Reporting Student Financial Aid and Graduation Rates in the number of recipients in each institution. N is the number of institutions in the comparison Methodological Notes at the end of this report. N is the number of institutions in the group. comparison group. SOURCE: U.S. Department of Education, National Center for Education Statistics, SOURCE: U.S. Department of Education, National Center for Education Statistics, Integrated Postsecondary Education Data System (IPEDS): Spring 2009, Student Integrated Postsecondary Education Data System (IPEDS): Spring 2009, Student Financial Aid component. Financial Aid component.

Figure 10. Retention rates of first-time, degree/certificate-seeking Figure 11. Graduation rate cohort as a percent of all undergraduate students, by enrollment status: Fall 2008 undergraduates and as a percent of total entering students (Fall 2008); graduation rate and transfer-out rate (2005 cohort)

Image description. Image description. Enrollment status of student Measure XHorizontal scale titled Bar Retention chart with rate. 2 groups with 2 items per group. XHorizontal scale titled Bar Percent. chart with 4 groups with 2 items per group. ItemGroup 1, 1,Your Full-time. institution 53. ItemGroup 1, 1,Your Graduation institution rate 12. cohort as a percent of undergraduates (N=10). GroupItem 2, 2, Comparison Part-time. Group Median (N=10) 53. GroupItem 2, 2, Comparison Graduation Group rate cohort Median as 16.a percent of total entering students (N=10). Item 2,1, ComparisonYour institution Group 44. Median (N=10) 40. Item 2,1, ComparisonYour institution Group 65. Median 50. Shape ItemGroup 1, 3,Your Graduation institution rate, 9. overall (N=10). line,Shape Label: GroupItem 2, 4, Comparison Transfer-out Group rate Median(N=7). 13. InstitutionLegend,Shape Label:Enrollment Your institution status of student Item 2,1, ComparisonYour institution Group 8. Median 23. Measure ComparisonGroupLegend,Shape Label: Comparison Group Median (N=10) Shape ComparisonGroupLegendLine1,Shape Label: line,Shape Label: ComparisonGroupLegendLine2,End of image description. Label: InstitutionLegend,Shape Label: Your institution ComparisonGroupLegend,Shape Label: Comparison Group Median ComparisonGroupLegendLine1,Shape Label: ComparisonGroupLegendLine2,End of image description. Label:

Graduation rate cohort 12 as a percent of 53 undergraduates (N=10) 16 Full-time 53 Graduation rate cohort as a percent of 65 total entering students 50 (N=10)

Graduation rate, 9 overall 44 (N=10) 13 Part-time 40 Transfer-out rate 8 (N=7) 23

0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 Retention rate Percent

Your institution Comparison Group Median (N=10) Your institution Comparison Group Median NOTE: Retention rates are measured from the fall of first enrollment to the following fall. 4- NOTE: Graduation rate cohort includes all full-time, first-time, degree/certificate-seeking yr institutions report retention rates for students seeking a bachelor's degree. For more undergraduate students. Entering class includes all students coming to the institution for information, see the Methodological Notes at the end of this report. N is the number of the first time. Only institutions with a mission to prepare students to transfer are required institutions in the comparison group. to report transfers out. Graduation and transfer-out rates are the Student Right-to-Know SOURCE: U.S. Department of Education, National Center for Education Statistics, rates. For more information, see the Methodological Notes. N is the number of institutions Integrated Postsecondary Education Data System (IPEDS): Spring 2009, Fall Enrollment in the comparison group. component. SOURCE: U.S. Department of Education, National Center for Education Statistics, Integrated Postsecondary Education Data System (IPEDS): Spring 2009, Graduation Rates component and Fall Enrollment component.


Figure 12. Graduation rates of full-time, first-time, degree/certificate-seeking undergraduates within 150% of normal time to program completion, by race/ethnicity: 2005 cohort

Image description. Bar chart with 9 groups with 2 items per group. GroupY scale 1, titled Graduation Percent. rate, overall (N=10). Item 2,1, ComparisonYour institution Group 9. Median 13. ItemGroup 1, 2,Your American institution Indian No ordata. Alaska Native (N=9). GroupItem 2, 3, Comparison Asian/ Native Group Hawaiian Median /Pacific 5. Islander (N=8). Item 2,1, ComparisonYour institution Group 0.01. Median 19. ItemGroup 1, 4,Your Black institution or African 5. American (N=10). GroupItem 2, 5, Comparison Hispanic /Latino Group (N=10).Median 7. Item 2,1, ComparisonYour institution Group 33. Median 17. ItemGroup 1, 6,Your White institution (N=10). 9. GroupItem 2, 7, Comparison Two or more Group races Median (N=0). 15. Item 2,1, ComparisonYour institution Group No data.Median No data. ItemGroup 1, 8,Your Race/ethnicity institution No unknown data. (N=3). GroupItem 2, 9, Comparison Nonresident Group alien Median (N=7). 0.01. Item 2,1, ComparisonYour100 institution Group 33. Median 0.01. Graduation rates by race/ethnicity line, Shape Label: InstitutionLegend, Shape Label: Your institution ComparisonGroupLegend, Shape Label: Comparison Group Median ComparisonGroupLegendLine1, Shape Label: ComparisonGroupLegendLine2, Shape Label: End of image90 description. 80

70 60

50 Percent 40 33 33 30 19 17 20 13 15 9 7 9 10 5 5 0 0 0 0 Graduation rate, American Indian or Asian/ Black or Hispanic White Two or Race/ethnicity Nonresident overall Alaska Native Native Hawaiian African /Latino (N=10) more races unknown alien (N=10) (N=9) /Pacific Islander American (N=10) (N=0) (N=3) (N=7) (N=8) (N=10)

Graduation rates by race/ethnicity

Your institution Comparison Group Median NOTE: For this survey year, institutions could report race and ethnicity using both 1977 (old) and 1997 (new) Office of Management and Budget categories. Categories shown in this figure are derived by adding comparable categories from both old and new; however, the "Two or more races" category appears only in the 1997 version. For more information about disaggregation of data by race and ethnicity, please see the Methodological Notes at the end of this report. The graduation rates are the Student Right-to-Know (SRK) rates. For more information see the Methodological Notes at the end of the report. N is the number of institutions in the comparison group. At least three values in the comparison group are required to calculate the median. SOURCE: U.S. Department of Education, National Center for Education Statistics, Integrated Postsecondary Education Data System (IPEDS): Spring 2009, Graduation Rates component.

Figure 13. Graduation rates of full-time, first-time, degree/ Figure 14. Number of degrees or certificates awarded, by level: certificate-seeking undergraduates within Academic year 2007-08 normal time, and 150% and 200% of normal time to completion: 2004 cohort

Image description. Image description. Time to program completion Level of award XHorizontal scale titled Bar Graduation chart with 3rate. groups with 2 items per group. XHorizontal scale titled Bar Number chart with of awards.4 groups with 2 items per group. ItemGroup 1, 1,Your Normal institution time. 7. ItemGroup 1, 1,Your Associate's. institution 453. GroupItem 2, 2, Comparison 150% of normal Group time. Median (N=10) 8. GroupItem 2, 2, Comparison Certificates Group of at least Median 2 but (N=10) less than 340. 4 years. Item 2,1, ComparisonYour institution Group 10. Median (N=10) 15. Item 2,1, ComparisonYour institution Group 0.01. Median (N=10) 0.01. ItemGroup 1, 3,Your 200% institution of normal 40. time. ItemGroup 1, 3,Your Certificates institution of 567. at least 1 but less than 2 years. Item 2, Comparison Group Median (N=10) 19. GroupItem 2, 4, Comparison Certificates Group of less Median than 1 (N=10)year. 239. line, Shape Label: Time to program completion Item 2,1, ComparisonYour institution Group 78. Median (N=10)Level 57. of award InstitutionLegend, Shape Label: Your institution Shape ComparisonGroupLegend, Shape Label: Comparison Group Median (N=10) line,Shape Label: ComparisonGroupLegendLine1, Shape Label: InstitutionLegend,Shape Label: Your institution ComparisonGroupLegendLine2, Shape Label: ComparisonGroupLegend,Shape Label: Comparison Group Median (N=10) End of image description. ComparisonGroupLegendLine1,Shape Label: ComparisonGroupLegendLine2,End of image description. Label:

453 7 Associate's Normal time 340 8

Certificates of at least 2 0 but less than 4 years 0 10 150% of normal time 15 Certificates of at least 1 567 but less than 2 years 239

40 200% of normal time Certificates of less 78 19 than 1 year 57

0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 0 100 200 300 400 500 600 Graduation rate Number of awards

Your institution Comparison Group Median (N=10) Your institution Comparison Group Median (N=10) NOTE: The Normal time and 150% graduation rates are the Student Right-to-Know (SRK) NOTE: N is the number of institutions in the comparison group. rates; the 200% rate is calculated using the same methodology. For more information see SOURCE: U.S. Department of Education, National Center for Education Statistics, the Methodological Notes at the end of the report. N is the number of institutions in the Integrated Postsecondary Education Data System (IPEDS): Fall 2008, Completions comparison group. component. SOURCE: U.S. Department of Education, National Center for Education Statistics, Integrated Postsecondary Education Data System (IPEDS): Spring 2009, Graduation Rates component.


Figure 15. Full-time equivalent staff, by assigned position: Fall 2008 Figure 16. Average salaries of full-time instructional staff equated to 9-month contracts, by academic rank: Academic year 2008-09

Image description. Image description. HorizontalStaff category Bar chart with 4 groups with 2 items per group. HorizontalAcademic rankBar chart with 7 groups with 2 items per group. GroupX scale 1, titled Instruction/ Number research/of staff. public service. GroupX scale 1, titled All ranks Average (N=10). salary. Item 2,1, ComparisonYour institution Group 146. Median (N=10) 181. Item 2,1, ComparisonYour institution Group $54855. Median $46682. ItemGroup 1, 2,Your Executive/ institution administrative/ 11. managerial. ItemGroup 1, 2,Your Professor institution (N=4). $63083. GroupItem 2, 3, Comparison Other professional. Group Median (N=10) 20. GroupItem 2, 3, Comparison Associate professorGroup Median (N=3). $54164. Item 2,1, ComparisonYour institution Group 10. Median (N=10) 48. Item 2,1, ComparisonYour institution Group $52518. Median $51847. ItemGroup 1, 4,Your Non-professional. institution 107. ItemGroup 1, 4,Your Assistant institution professor $48624. (N=3). Item 2, Comparison Group Median (N=10)Staff 112. category GroupItem 2, 5, Comparison Instructor (N=7).Group Median $44485.Academic rank line, Shape Label: Item 2,1, ComparisonYour institution Group $49658. Median $45538. InstitutionLegend, Shape Label: Your institution ItemGroup 1, 6,Your Lecturer institution (N=0). No data. ComparisonGroupLegend, Shape Label: Comparison Group Median (N=10) GroupItem 2, 7, Comparison No academic Group rank Median (N=1). No data. ComparisonGroupLegendLine1, Shape Label: Item 2,1, ComparisonYour institution Group No data.Median No data. ComparisonGroupLegendLine2, Shape Label: Shape End of image description. line,Shape Label: InstitutionLegend,Shape Label: Your institution ComparisonGroupLegend,Shape Label: Comparison Group Median ComparisonGroupLegendLine1,Shape Label: ComparisonGroupLegendLine2,End of image description. AllLabel: ranks $54,855 Instruction/ 146 (N=10) $46,682 research/ public service 181 $63,083 Professor (N=4) $54,164

Executive/ 11 Associate professor $52,518 administrative/ (N=3) $51,847 managerial 20 Assistant professor $48,624 (N=3) $44,485 10 Other professional Instructor $49,658 48 (N=7) $45,538

Lecturer (N=0) 107 Non-professional 112 No academic rank (N=1)

0 50 100 150 200 $0 $20,000 $40,000 $60,000 $80,000 Number of staff Average salary Your institution Comparison Group Median (N=10) Your institution Comparison Group Median NOTE: Graduate assistants are not included in this figure. N is the number of institutions NOTE: Average full-time instructional staff salaries for 11/12-month contracts were in the comparison group. adjusted to 9-month average salaries by multiplying the 11/12-month salary by .8182. SOURCE: U.S. Department of Education, National Center for Education Statistics, Salaries based on less than 9-month contracts are not included. Medical school staff Integrated Postsecondary Education Data System (IPEDS): Winter 2008-09, Human salaries are not included. N is the number of institutions in the comparison group. At least Resources component. three values in the comparison group are required to calculate the median. SOURCE: U.S. Department of Education, National Center for Education Statistics, Integrated Postsecondary Education Data System (IPEDS): Winter 2008-09, Human Resources component.

Figure 17. Percent distribution of core revenues, by source: Fiscal Figure 18. Core revenues per FTE enrollment, by source: Fiscal year 2008 year 2008

Image description. Image description. HorizontalRevenue source Bar chart with 5 groups with 2 items per group. HorizontalRevenue source Bar chart with 5 groups with 2 items per group. GroupX scale 1, titled Tuition Percent. and fees. GroupX scale 1, titled Tuition Dollars and perfees. FTE. Item 2,1, ComparisonYour institution Group 16. Median (N=10) 17. Item 2,1, ComparisonYour institution Group $1822. Median (N=10) $1420. ItemGroup 1, 2,Your State institution appropriations. 48. ItemGroup 1, 2,Your State institution appropriations. $5360. GroupItem 2, 3, Comparison Local appropriations. Group Median (N=10) 36. GroupItem 2, 3, Comparison Local appropriations. Group Median (N=10) $3276. Item 2,1, ComparisonYour institution Group 5. Median (N=10) 13. Item 2,1, ComparisonYour institution Group $502. Median (N=10) $1249. ItemGroup 1, 4,Your Government institution grants21. and contracts. ItemGroup 1, 4,Your Government institution grants$2285. and contracts. GroupItem 2, 5, Comparison Other core Grouprevenues. Median (N=10)Revenue 27. source GroupItem 2, 5, Comparison Other core Grouprevenues. Median (N=10)Revenue $2213. source Item 2,1, ComparisonYour institution Group 10. Median (N=10) 8. Item 2,1, ComparisonYour institution Group $1129. Median (N=10) $753. Shape Shape line,Shape Label: line,Shape Label: InstitutionLegend,Shape Label: Your institution InstitutionLegend,Shape Label: Your institution ComparisonGroupLegend,Shape Label: Comparison Group Median (N=10) ComparisonGroupLegend,Shape Label: Comparison Group Median (N=10) ComparisonGroupLegendLine1,Shape Label: ComparisonGroupLegendLine1,Shape Label: ComparisonGroupLegendLine2,End of image description. Label: ComparisonGroupLegendLine2,End of image description. Label: 16 $1,822 Tuition and fees Tuition and fees 17 $1,420

State 48 State $5,360 appropriations 36 appropriations $3,276

Local 5 Local $502 appropriations 13 appropriations $1,249

Government grants 21 Government grants $2,285 and contracts 27 and contracts $2,213

Other core 10 Other core $1,129 revenues 8 revenues $753

0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 $0 $1,000 $2,000 $3,000 $4,000 $5,000 $6,000 Percent Dollars per FTE

Your institution Comparison Group Median (N=10) Your institution Comparison Group Median (N=10) NOTE: The comparison group median is based on those members of the comparison NOTE: The comparison group median is based on those members of the comparison group that report finance data using the same accounting standards as the focus group that report finance data using the same accounting standards as the focus institution. For a detailed definition of core revenues, see the Methodological Notes. N is institution. For details on calculating FTE enrollment and a detailed definition of core the number of institutions in the comparison group. revenues, see the Methodological Notes. N is the number of institutions in the comparison SOURCE: U.S. Department of Education, National Center for Education Statistics, group. Integrated Postsecondary Education Data System (IPEDS): Spring 2009, Finance SOURCE: U.S. Department of Education, National Center for Education Statistics, component. Integrated Postsecondary Education Data System (IPEDS): Fall 2008, 12-month Enrollment component and Spring 2009, Finance component.


Figure 19. Percent distribution of core expenses, by function: Fiscal Figure 20. Core expenses per FTE enrollment, by function: Fiscal year 2008 year 2008

Image description. Image description. HorizontalExpense function Bar chart with 7 groups with 2 items per group. HorizontalExpense function Bar chart with 7 groups with 2 items per group. GroupX scale 1, titled Instruction. Percent. GroupX scale 1, titled Instruction. Dollars per FTE. Item 2,1, ComparisonYour institution Group 50. Median (N=10) 41. Item 2,1, ComparisonYour institution Group $5199. Median (N=10) $3320. ItemGroup 1, 2,Your Research. institution 0.01. ItemGroup 1, 2,Your Research. institution $0.01. GroupItem 2, 3, Comparison Public service. Group Median (N=10) 0.01. GroupItem 2, 3, Comparison Public service. Group Median (N=10) $0.01. Item 2,1, ComparisonYour institution Group 0.01. Median (N=10) 2. Item 2,1, ComparisonYour institution Group $0.01. Median (N=10) $164. ItemGroup 1, 4,Your Academic institution support. 8. ItemGroup 1, 4,Your Academic institution support. $859. GroupItem 2, 5, Comparison Institutional Group suport. Median (N=10)Expense 9. function GroupItem 2, 5, Comparison Institutional Group support. Median (N=10) $678.Expense function Item 2,1, ComparisonYour institution Group 10. Median (N=10) 12. Item 2,1, ComparisonYour institution Group $1043. Median (N=10) $943. ItemGroup 1, 6,Your Student institution services. 8. ItemGroup 1, 6,Your Student institution services. $873. GroupItem 2, 7, Comparison Other core Groupexpenses. Median (N=10) 9. GroupItem 2, 7, Comparison Other core Groupexpenses. Median (N=10) $754. Item 2,1, ComparisonYour institution Group 23. Median (N=10) 25. Item 2,1, ComparisonYour institution Group $2403. Median (N=10) $2105. Shape Shape line,Shape Label: line,Shape Label: InstitutionLegend,Shape Label: Your institution InstitutionLegend,Shape Label: Your institution ComparisonGroupLegend,Shape Label: Comparison Group Median (N=10) ComparisonGroupLegend,Shape Label: Comparison Group Median (N=10) ComparisonGroupLegendLine1,Shape Label: ComparisonGroupLegendLine1,Shape Label: ComparisonGroupLegendLine2,End of image description. Label: 50 ComparisonGroupLegendLine2,End of image description. Label: $5,199 Instruction Instruction 41 $3,320

0 $0 Research Research 0 $0

0 $0 Public service Public service 2 $164

8 $859 Academic support Academic support 9 $678

10 $1,043 Institutional suport Institutional support 12 $943

8 $873 Student services Student services 9 $754

Other core 23 Other core $2,403 expenses 25 expenses $2,105

0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 $0 $1,000 $2,000 $3,000 $4,000 $5,000 $6,000 Percent Dollars per FTE Your institution Comparison Group Median (N=10) Your institution Comparison Group Median (N=10) NOTE: The comparison group median is based on those members of the comparison NOTE: The comparison group median is based on those members of the comparison group that report finance data using the same accounting standards as the focus group that report finance data using the same accounting standards as the focus institution. For a detailed definition of core expenses, see the Methodological Notes. N is institution. Expenses per full-time equivalent (FTE) enrollment, particularly instruction, may the number of institutions in the comparison group. be inflated because finance data includes all core expenses while FTE reflects credit SOURCE: U.S. Department of Education, National Center for Education Statistics, activity only. For details on calculating FTE enrollment and a detailed definition of core Integrated Postsecondary Education Data System (IPEDS): Spring 2009, Finance expenses, see the Methodological Notes. N is the number of institutions in the comparison component. group. SOURCE: U.S. Department of Education, National Center for Education Statistics, Integrated Postsecondary Education Data System (IPEDS): Fall 2008, 12-month Enrollment component and Spring 2009, Finance component.



The custom comparison group chosen by Texarkana College includes the following 10 institutions:

Angelina College (Lufkin, TX) Bossier Parish Community College (Bossier City, LA) Cossatot Community College of the University of Arkansas (De Queen, AR) (Kilgore, TX) (Corsicana, TX) Northeast Community College (Mount Pleasant, TX) (Carthage, TX) (Paris, TX) Trinity Valley Community College (Athens, TX) (Tyler, TX)


METHODOLOGICAL NOTES Postbaccalaureate Degree Categories

Overview In 2008-09 IPEDS, new postbaccalaureate degree categories were introduced as optional. The new categories are Doctor’s degree- Research/scholarship, Doctor’s degree-Professional practice, and Doctor’s This report is based on data supplied by institutions to IPEDS during the degree-Other. In addition, the First-professional degree and certificate 2008-09 survey year. Response rates exceeded 99 percent for most categories and the single Doctor’s degree category are being phased out. surveys. Detailed response tables are included in IPEDS First Look reports, During the transition period, all First-professional students are reflected as which can be found at graduate students, all First-professional degrees awarded are reflected as Doctor’s degrees, and all Doctor’s degrees reported under the new categories are aggregated under a single Doctor’s degree category, so that data reported by all institutions are comparable. Comparison Groups Cohort Determination for Reporting Student Financial Aid and Comparison group data are included to provide a context for interpreting Graduation Rates your institution’s statistics. If your institution did not define a Custom Comparison Group for this report by July 14, NCES selected a comparison group for you based on the institutional characteristics detailed immediately Student cohorts for reporting Student Financial Aid and Graduation Rates above the listing of the comparison group institutions. (If the Carnegie data are based on the reporting type of the institution. For institutions that Classification of Institutions of Higher Education was used as an report based on an academic year (those operating on standard academic institutional characteristic in the definition of a comparison group, the 2005 terms), student counts and cohorts are based on fall term data. Student Basic version was used.) The comparison group used in this report may not counts and cohorts for program reporters (those that do not operate on reflect your institution’s peer group, or you may wish to compare your standard academic terms) are based on unduplicated counts of students institution to other groups. The Executive Peer Tool (ExPT) enrolled during a full 12-month period. ( can be used to reproduce the figures in this report using different peer groups. Description of Statistics Used in the Figures Use of Median Values for Comparison Group Core Expenses

The value for the focus institution is compared to the median value for the Core expenses for public institutions using the Governmental Accounting comparison group for each statistic included in the figure. If more than one Standards Board (GASB) standards include expenses for instruction, statistic is presented in a figure, the median values are determined research, public service, academic support, institutional support, student separately for each indicator or statistic. Where percentage distributions are services, operation and maintenance of plant, depreciation, scholarships presented, median values may not add to 100 percent. Through the ExPT, and fellowships, other expenses, and nonoperating expenses. Core users have access to all of the data used to create the figures included in expenses for private, not-for-profit and public institutions reporting under this report. the Financial Accounting Standards Board (FASB) standards include expenses for instruction, research, public service, academic support, Missing Statistics student services, institutional support, net grant aid to students, and other expenses. For all institutions, core expenses exclude expenses for auxiliary enterprises (e.g., bookstores, dormitories), hospitals, and If a statistic is not reported for your institution, the omission indicates that independent operations. Expenses for operation and maintenance of plant the statistic is not relevant to your institution and the data were not for GASB institutions are included in other core expenses, but are allocated collected. As such, not all notes listed below may be applicable to your to each of the other functions for FASB institutions. report. Core Revenues Use of Imputed Data Core revenues for public institutions reporting under GASB standards include tuition and fees; government appropriations (federal, state, and All IPEDS data are subject to imputation for total (institutional) and partial local); government grants and contracts; private gifts, grants, and (item) nonresponse. If necessary, imputed values were used to prepare contracts; investment income; other operating and nonoperating sources; your report. and other revenues and additions. Core revenues for private, not-for-profit institutions (and a small number of public institutions) reporting under FASB include tuition and fees; government appropriations (federal, state, Data Confidentiality and local); government grants and contracts; private gifts, grants, and contracts; investment return; sales and services of educational activities; IPEDS data are not collected under a pledge of confidentiality. and other sources. Core revenues for private, for-profit institutions reporting under FASB standards include tuition and fees; government appropriations (federal, state, and local); government grants and contracts; Disaggregation of Data by Race/Ethnicity private grants and contracts; net investment income; sales and services of educational activities; and other sources. In general, core revenues exclude revenues from auxiliary enterprises (e.g., bookstores, dormitories), When applicable, some statistics are disaggregated by race/ethnicity. hospitals, and independent operations. Between survey years 2008-09 and 2010-11, the categories used for the collection and reporting of race/ethnicity data in IPEDS are transitioning to those developed in 1997 by the Office of Management and Budget, and institutions may report using either those categories, the older (1977) categories, or a mixture of both. Therefore, during the transition, only derived categories that present comparable data will be displayed. Detailed information about these changes can be found at


Endowment Assets institution the following fall (as either full- or part-time), divided by the total number of full-time, first-time, degree/certificate-seeking undergraduates in Endowment assets, for public institutions under GASB standards, and the fall of first entrance. Part-time retention rates are similarly defined. For 4 private, not-for-profit institutions under FASB standards, include gross -year institutions offering a bachelor’s degree, this rate is reported only for investments of endowment funds, term endowment funds, and funds those students seeking a bachelor’s degree. For less than 4-year functioning as endowment for the institution and any of its foundations and institutions, the rate is calculated for all degree/certificate-seeking students. other affiliated organizations. Private, for-profit institutions under FASB do not hold or report endowment assets. Salaries, Wages, and Benefits

Equated Instructional Staff Salaries Salaries, wages, and benefits, for public institutions under GASB standards, and private, not-for-profit institutions under FASB standards, Total salary outlays for full-time instructional staff on 11/12-month contracts include amounts paid as compensation for services to all employees were equated to 9/10-month outlays by multiplying the outlay for 11/12- regardless of the duration of service, and amounts made to or on behalf of month contracted instructional staff by 0.8182. The equated outlays were an individual over and above that received in the form of a salary or wage. then added to the outlays for 9/10-month instructional staff to determine an Frequently, benefits are associated with an insurance payment. Private, for average salary for each rank. Salaries for staff on less-than-9-month -profit institutions under FASB standards do not report salaries. contracts are not included. Student-to-Faculty Ratio FTE for Enrollment An institution’s student-to-faculty ratio is calculated by determining the The full-time equivalent (FTE) enrollment used in this report is the sum of number of FTE students (using Fall Enrollment data) divided by the total the institution’s FTE undergraduate enrollment and FTE graduate FTE instructional staff (using the total Primarily instruction + enrollment (as calculated from or reported on the 2007-08 12-month Instruction/research/public service staff reported on the EAP section of the Enrollment component) plus the estimated FTE of first-professional Human Resources component). For this calculation, FTE for students is students. Undergraduate and graduate FTE are estimated using 12-month equal to the number of full-time students plus one-third the number of part- instructional activity (credit and/or contact hours). If applicable, first- time students; FTE for instructional staff is similarly calculated. Students professional FTE is estimated by calculating the ratio of full-time to part- enrolled in "stand-alone" graduate or professional programs and time first-professional students from the 2007 fall counts and applying this instructional staff teaching in these programs are excluded from the FTE ratio to the 2007-08 12-month unduplicated headcount of first-professional calculations. "Stand-alone" graduate or professional programs are those students. The estimated number of full-time students is added to one-third programs such as medicine, law, veterinary, dentistry, social work, or public of the estimated number of part-time students. See “Calculation of FTE health, in which faculty teach virtually only graduate-level students (also Students (using instructional activity)” in the IPEDS Glossary at referred to as "independent" programs). Total Entering (Undergraduate-Level) Students FTE for Staff Total entering students are students at the undergraduate level, both full- The full-time equivalent (FTE) of staff is calculated by summing the total and part-time, coming into the institution for the first time in the fall term (or number of full-time staff from the Employees by Assigned Position (EAP) the prior summer term who returned again in the fall). This includes all first- section of the Human Resources component and adding one-third of the time undergraduate students, students transferring into the institution at the total number of part-time staff. undergraduate level, and non-degree/certificate seeking undergraduates entering in the fall. Only degree-granting institutions report total entering students. Graduation Rates and Transfer-out Rate Tuition and Required Fees Graduation rates are those developed to satisfy the requirements of the Student Right-to-Know and Higher Education Opportunity Acts and are defined as the total number of individuals from a given cohort of full-time, Tuition is defined as the amount of money charged to students for first-time, degree/certificate-seeking undergraduates who completed a instructional services; required fees are those fixed sum charges to degree or certificate within a given percent of normal time (for the degree students for items not covered by tuition that are required of such a large or certificate) before the ending status date of August 31, 2008, divided by proportion of all students that the student who does not pay the charge is the entire cohort of full-time, first-time, degree/certificate-seeking an exception. The amounts used in this report are for full-time, first-time, undergraduates minus any allowable exclusions. Institutions are permitted degree/certificate-seeking undergraduates and are those used by the to exclude from the initial cohort students who died or were totally and financial aid office to determine need. For institutions that have differential permanently disabled; those who left school to serve in the armed forces or tuition rates for in-district or in-state students, the lowest tuition rate is used were called to active duty; those who left to serve with a foreign aid service in the figure. Only institutions that operate on standard academic terms will of the federal government, such as the Peace Corps; and those who left to have tuition figures included in their report. serve on an official church mission. Transfer-out rate is the total number of students from the cohort who are known to have transferred out of the reporting institution within the same time period, divided by the same Additional Methodological Information adjusted cohort. Only institutions with a mission that includes preparing students to transfer are required to report transfers out. Additional methodological information on the IPEDS components can be found in the publications available at Retention Rates Additional definitions of variables used in this report can be found in the IPEDS online glossary available at Full-time retention rates are defined as the number of full-time, first-time, degree/certificate-seeking undergraduate students who enter the institution for the first time in the fall and who return to the same

Texarkana College 11

Institute for Education Sciences

National Center for Education Statistics

Integrated Postsecondary Education Data System

Dr. Alan Rasco, President Texarkana College (ID: 228699) 2500 N Robison Rd Texarkana, TX 75599