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Boise S T a Te Men's Ba Sketball BOISE STATE MEN’S BASKETBALL RECORD BOOK ALL-TIME LETTERWINNERS A Frazier, Ray ’73-‘74 Ludwig, Scot ’79-‘81 Tharp, Scott ’94-‘96 Alford, Montigo ‘15-16 Fried, Richard ’03-‘04 Lyons, Justin ’96-‘98 Thomas, Anthony ’06-‘10 Allen, Kevin ‘15 Fulk, Brent ’92-‘93 M Thomas, Steve ’84-‘86 Alston, Derrick ’18-PR G Maldonado, Jim ’81-‘82 Thomas, Tony ’77-‘78 Anderson, Derek ’79-’82 Gainous, Kenney ’00-’03, ’04-‘05 Marks, Derrick ‘12-15 Thompson, McNeal ’04-‘05 Anderson, John ’78-‘80 Garner, Aaron ’08-‘09 Martin, John ’83-‘86 Thompson, Mikey ‘13-16 Anderson, La’Shard ‘09-’11 Gely, Michael ’99-‘00 Maxwell, Ron ’70-‘74 Tiedeman, Tyler ’05-‘08 Archibald, Damon ’92-‘95 Gerichs, Robbie ’01-‘02 Mayfield, John ’76-‘80 Tillman, Trever ’97-’99, ’01-‘02 Armstrong, Delvin ’98-‘01 Gillespie, Joe ’68-‘70 McCllhenny, Scott ’73-‘75 Thurber, David ’84-‘85 Arnold, Robert ‘10-’11 Goetz, Kevin ’76-‘77 McCollum, Bob ’71-‘73 Townsend, Tom ’76-‘77 Atkinson, Jim ’92-‘94 Graham, Scotty ’97-‘98 McKenna, Sean ’75-‘79 Tolman, Mike ’92-’93, ’95-‘98 Atkinson, Scott ’70-‘71 Green, Andrew ’04-‘05 McKinney, Larry ’79-‘81 Tracey, Steve ’06-‘07 Auer, Wayne ’68-‘69 Greene, Jamar ’08-‘09 McNorton, James ’82-‘84 Trent, Dezmyn ‘14-15 Austin, Paris ‘16-’17 Grooms, Matt ‘17 Miller, Terry ’73-‘76 Trotter, Michael ’90-‘92 Austin, Ron ’68-‘71 Grossart, Ron ’82-‘84 Montgomery, Ryan ’88-‘89 Trutanich, Dominic ’75-‘76 Avgerinos, Kostas ’02-‘04 H Monroe, Larry ’68-‘69 U B Hadden, Mark ’89-‘90 Montreal, Daequon ‘10-’11 Usitalo, Doug ’86-‘88 Bailey, Eric ’80-‘82 Hadziomerovic, Igor ‘12-15 Moritz, Zach ’08-‘11 V Banks, Tezarray ’04-‘06 Hagman, Mike ’93-’94, ’95-‘98 Morgan, Richard ’98-‘02 Van Kirk, Kenny ’95-‘98 Barnes, Billie ’68-’70, ’72-73 Haliburton, Jermaine ’91-‘93 Morgan, Tommy ’75-‘76 Van Scoyoc, Ric ’91-‘92 Barrett, Steve ’75-‘78 Hallberg, Colin ’05-‘07 Morris, Sherman ’92-’93, ’94-‘95 Van Uden, John ’80-‘81 Bates, Josh ’02-‘04 Hamilton, Darrious ‘13 Morin, Marty ’69-‘71 Van Weerdhuizen, Dustin ’98-‘99 Bates, Rodger ’78-‘81 Hanstad, Joe ‘12-15 Mundee, Mike ’78-‘79 Vaughn, Lance ’89-‘93 Bauscher, Matt ’05-‘08 Haney, Zach ‘16-Pr Myhre, Tom ’90-‘91 Vujovic, Vukasin ‘13 Beard, Tanoka ’89-‘93 Harris, Franco ’03-‘05 N W Bellamy, Eric ’92-‘94 Hart, Wendy ’68-‘69 Nabors, Booker ’00-‘04 Wacker, David ‘15-Pr Bergersen, Roberto ’96-‘99 Hart, Wyand ’68-‘69 Nealey, Chris ‘15 Walk-Green, Keith ’94-‘96 Bertsch, Shad ’92-‘93 Harwell, Malek ‘17-Pr Nelson, David ’88-‘89 Walker, Bernard ’93-‘95 Blackburn, Jermaine ’03-‘05 Hayes, Eric ’85-‘87 Nelson, Matt ’06-‘08 Wallace, Steve ’70-‘72 Blythe, Rich ’88-‘90 Hayes, Rawn ’81-‘84 Ness, Jake ‘13-15 Warren, Mark ’84-‘85 Boldin, Bruce ’81-‘85 Haynes, Aaron ’02-‘04 Newell, Kip ’74-‘76 Warren, Mike ’74-‘75 Bropleh, Thomas ‘11-’14 Hays, Tim ’99-‘00 Nichols, Tre ‘11-’12 Washington, Gerry ’95-‘99 Brown, Booker ’71-‘73 Hazel, Mike ’81-‘85 Noonan, Paul ’08-‘11 Watkins, Ryan ‘11-’14 Brown, Randy ’79-‘81 Helaire, Jarvis ’88-‘89 Norman, Tony ’96-‘97 Weathersby, Jimmy ’91-‘92 Brown, Rock ’82-‘83 Heyer, Rob ‘15 O Webb III, James ‘15-16 Buckingham, Maurice ’72-‘74 Hicks, Sam ‘11 O’Keefe, Mike ’74-‘75 Whitney, Buster ’81-‘82 Buckner, Kenny ‘12-’13 Hill, G.A. ‘11 Okoye, Ike ‘09-’10 White, Patrick ’82-‘83 Bunn, Greg ’70-‘73 Hill, Ricky ’89-‘90 Oliver, Jon ’83-‘85 Wiley, Drew ‘12 Burke, Keith ’68-‘70 Hill, Rodell ’68-‘69 Oliver, Steve ’68-‘69 Wilkerson, Matt ’78-‘81 C Hinchen, Vince ’81-‘84 Olsen, Cale ’95-‘96 Williams, C. J. ’98-’00, ’01-‘03 Chaffee, Bart ’68-‘69 Hizon, Vince ’90-‘91 Olsen, Dan ’86-‘87 Williams, Dave ’76-‘77 Childs, Chris ’85- ‘89 Hobbs, Alex ‘17-Pr Oluyitan, Cameron ‘17 Williams, Dave’79-‘80 2017-18 BOISE STATE BASKETBALL BOISE STATE 2017-18 Christianson, Mark ’74-‘76 Hodges, Tony ’76-‘79 Ortiz, Cory ’02-‘03 Williams, Fred ’77-‘79 Christon, Cam ’18-Pr Holt, Marc ’76-‘78 Otey, Bill ’68-‘70 Williams, Lexus ‘18 Clevenger, Cal ’72-’73 Hoke, Pat ’72-‘76 P Williams, Shambric ’92-‘94 Clifford, Steve ’71-‘73 Hordemann, Clint ’98-‘01 Pearson, Michael ’88-‘89 Wilson, George ’73-’74 Coggins, Alonzo ’72-‘73 Hoskot, Tom ’68-‘69 Perkins, Bill ’85-‘86 Wilson, Kenny ’05-‘07 Coker, John ’91-‘95 Hughes, Lonnie ’77-’78, ’79-‘80 Perryman, Westly ‘10-’12 Wombolt, Kyle ’87-‘88 Connor, Brett ’77-‘79 Huleen, J.D. ’93-‘97 Powell, Carl ’77-‘79 Woods, Darnell ’92-’93, ’94-‘95 Connor, Steve ’74-‘78 Humphrey, Greyle ’90-‘92 Putzier, Jeb ’99-‘00 Woods, Kejuan ’97-‘01 Cope, Rick ’80-‘81 Hunt, Dave ’70-‘71 R Wright, Archie ’89-‘93 Copland, Ken ’79-’80 Hutchison, Chandler ‘15-18 Rawlins, Kelvin ’84-‘86 Wright, Darryl ’89-‘91 Cottrell, Bill ’71-‘74 I Reid, James ‘17 Wyatt, Joe ’95-‘97 Crayton, Jarrell ‘12 Imadiyi, Sean ‘09-’11 Rennie, Rich ’70-‘71 Wyatt, Solomon ’02-‘03 Cunningham, Kurt ’06-‘10 J Reyes, Neftali ’80-‘82 Y D Jackson, Abe ’98-‘02 Richardson, Dave ’77-‘80 Young, Tyler ‘09-’10 Davis, Willie ’80-‘81 Jackson, Charles ’81-‘82 Robinson, Frank ’89-‘91 Defares, Bryan ’00-‘04 Jackson, Frank ’83-‘85 Robinson, Seth ’04-‘07 Dendary, Joe ’75-‘76 Jackson, Lonnie ‘16 Rockholt, Jim ’83-‘84 Denker, Chris ’85-‘86 Jackson, Roland ’85-‘86 Rodman, Phil ’93-‘96 Debrouwer, Scott ’83-84 Jansen, Jim ’77-‘79 Ross, Kevin ’80-‘81 Dickey, Clyde ’72-‘74 Jardine, Casdon ‘18 Ross, Mike ’95-‘96 Dickinson, Marcus ‘17-Pr Jessup, Justinian ‘17-Pr Rouse, Shawn ’08-‘09 Dille, Mark ’94-‘95 Johnson, Jon ’87-‘91 Rowe, Kenny ’86-‘88 Dodd, Greg ’86-‘88 Johnson, Trent ’74-‘78 Ruth, Renee ’68-‘70 Donyes, Adam ’01-‘03 Jones, Arnell ’86-‘88 S Dlouhy, Duane ’82-‘83 Jones, Dan ’90-‘92 Salzwedel, Justin ‘09-’11 Drmic, Anthony ‘12-16 Jones, Dan ’74-‘78 Sanchez, Mark ’08-‘09 Duncan, Nick ‘14-17 Jones, Orentha ’91-‘92 Sanor, Jeff ’90-‘91 Dunn, Bobby ’87-‘88 Jorch, Robin ‘16-Pr Sanor, Mike ’86-‘88 Dust, Dave ’92-‘93 Jorgensen, Terry ’70-‘71 Samilton, Maury ’88-‘89 E K Schimbke, Ron ’80-‘84 Ecklund, Dean ’71-‘72 Karl, Coby ’04-‘07 Scott, Tyrone ’81-‘82 Eisenrich, Pete ’89-‘90 Kelley, Jeff ’83-‘87 Sengfelder, Chris ‘18 Elle, Scott ’81-‘83 Kern, Scott ’88-‘89 Sherrill, Jason ’93-‘96 Ellis, Jason ’01-‘05 Keyes, Jim ’73-‘74 Sherron, Dave 76-‘77 Elorriaga, Jeff ‘11-’14 King, Brian ’87-‘90 Shephard, Steve ’93-’94, ’95-‘99 Erickson, Bob ’80-‘81 L Skiffer, Joe ’99-‘03 Evans, Dan ’88-‘90 Lane, Eric ’03-‘07 Smith, James ’74-‘75 F Labrum, Denny ’70-‘71 Smith, Roland ’84-‘86 Fikes, Billy ’90-‘92 Larsen, Nate ’08-‘10 Speed, Leonard ’92-‘93 Flanagan, Shane ’95-’96, ’97-‘98 Larson, Steve ’70’-‘72 Sperry, Brian ’85-‘89 Folsom, Josh ’94-95 Larry, Reggie ’07-‘08 Spjute, Craig ’84-‘86 Forrester, Ed ’76-‘78 Lee, Terry ’81-‘82 Stewart, Marvin ’75-‘76 Foster, Jeff ’86-‘87 Lliteras, Mark ’68-‘70 Stewart, Matt ’93-‘95 Foster, Wilson ’87-‘89 Lloyd, Kareem ’04-‘06 Stone, Derek ’91-‘92 Foster, Wally ’76-‘77 Lloy, Tom ’78-’80 Sullivan, Pat ’82-‘85 Fox, Clinton ’96-‘98 Long, Howie ’77-‘78 Swanson, Steve ’73-‘74 Franklin, Ron ’71-‘73 Lords, Greg ’93-‘94 T Fraser-Dauphinee, S. ’99-’00, ’01-‘02 Lowery, David ’86-‘90 Tate, Steve ’83-‘86 ALL-TIME NUMERICAL ROSTER 00 Copland, Ken ’79-’80 Maxwell, Ron ’70-‘74 Jones, Dan ’74-‘78 Wright, Darryl ’89-‘91 Dendary, Joe ’75-‘76 McKinney, Larry ’79-‘81 Morin, Marty ’69-‘71 0 Hadden, Mark ’89-‘90 Trotter, Michael ’90-‘92 Mundee, Mike ’78-‘79 Dickinson, Marcus ‘17-Pr Hoke, Pat ’72-‘76 Wilkerson, Matt ’78-‘79 41 Trent, Dezmyn ‘15 Labrum, Denny ’70-71 25 Tharp, Scott ’94-‘96 Watkins, Ryan ‘13-’14 Larsen, Nate ‘07-‘10 Banks, Tezarray ’04-‘06 42 1 Nealey, Chris ‘15 Dille, Mark ’94-‘95 Brown, Booker ’71-‘73 Arnold, Robert ‘11 Oliver, Jon ’83-‘85 Jackson, Lonnie ‘16 Buckner, Kenny ‘12-’13 Christon, Cam ’18-Pr Powell, Carl ’77-‘78 Noonan, Paul ‘08-‘11 Clifford, Steve ’71-‘73 Defares, Bryan ’00-‘04 Ross, Kevin ’80-‘81 Trent, Dezmyn ‘14 Evans, Dan ’88-‘90 Perryman, Westly ‘10 Ross, Mike ’95-‘96 30 Hicks, Sam ‘11 Rouse, Shawn ’07-‘09 Ruth, Renee ’68-‘70 Anderson, Derek ’79-’80 Jones, Arnell ’86-‘88 Thompson, McNeal ’04-‘05 Sherron, Dave 76-‘77 Armstrong, Delvin ’98-‘01 Mayfield, John ’76-‘80 Thompson, Mikey ‘13-16 Smith, James ’74-‘75 Austin, Paris ‘16-17 Newell, Kip ’74-‘76 2 Tracey, Steve ’06-‘07 Barrett, Steve ’75-‘78 Rennie, Rich ’70-‘71 Marks, Derrick ‘12-’15 Van Scoyoc, Ric ’91-‘92 Bertsch, Shad’92-‘93 Schimbke, Ron ’81-‘84 Montreal, Daequon ‘10-’11 Vojovic, Vukasin ‘13 Brown, Booker ’71-‘73 Swanson, Steve ’73-‘74 Williams, Lexus ’18 Williams, Fred ’78-‘79 Brown, Rock ’82-‘83 Warren, Mark ’84-‘85 Wilson, Kenny ’05-‘07 15 Jackson, Frank ’83-‘85 Williams, Shambric ’92-‘94 3 Bauscher, Matt ’05-‘08 Lee, Terry ’81-‘82 43 Drmic, Anthony ‘12-16 Bropleh, Thomas ‘11-’13 Lliteras, Mark ’68-‘70 Sanchez, Mark ‘07-‘08 Graham, Scotty ’97-‘98 Haynes, Aaron ’02-‘04 McCllhenny, Scott ’73-‘75 Schimbke, Ron ’80-‘81 Hill, G.A. ‘11 Hutchison, Chandler ‘15-18 Perryman, Westly ‘11-’12 Sengfelder, Chris ’18 Jessup, Justinian ‘17-Pr Putzier, Jeb ’99-‘00 Ortiz, Cory ’02-‘03 44 Lane, Eric ’03-‘07 Reyes, Neftali ’81-‘82 Samilton, Maury ’88-‘89 Bunn, Greg ’70-‘73 Lords, Greg ’93-‘94 Van Weerdhuizen, Dustin ’98-‘99 Stewart, Matt ’93-‘95 Burke, Keith ’68-‘70 Okoye, Ike ‘09-’10 20 Usitalo, Doug ’86-‘88 Coker, John ’91-‘95 Williams, C.
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