Al Furjan Catalogue 22.7X31cm Final

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Al Furjan Catalogue 22.7X31cm Final THE GROWTH CORRIDOR OF NEW DUBAI Al Furjan is one of Dubai’s most popular residential districts. The defining feature of Al Furjan is its spectacular location, and its vicinity to some of the city’s most popular leisure and retail hubs. أﺣــﺪ اﺣﻴــﺎء اﻟﺴــﻜﻨﻴﺔ اﺳــﺮع ﺗﻄــﻮرا دﺑﻲ اﻟﻔﺮﺟــﺎن ﻫــﻲ واﺣــﺪة ﻣــﻦ اﳌﻨﺎﻃــﻖ اﻟﺴــﻜﻨﻴﺔ اﻛــ ﺷــﻌﺒﻴﺔ دﺑــﻲ. اﳌﻴــﺰة اﻟﻔﺮﻳــﺪة ﻟﻠﻔﺮﺟــﺎن ﻫــﻲ ﻣﻮﻗﻌﻬــﺎ اﳌﺬﻫــﻞ، وﻗﺮﺑﻬــﺎ ﻣــﻦ ﺑﻌــﺾ ﻣﺮاﻛــﺰ اﻟﻓﻴــﻪ وــﻼت اﻟﺘﺠﺰﺋــﺔ اﻛــ ﺷــﻌﺒﻴﺔ اﳌﺪﻳﻨــﺔ. SERENITY AND SPLENDOR ﺳـﻜــﻴــﻨــــــﺔ وﺻــﻔــــــﺎء BE A PART OF A BOOMING COMMUNITY ﻛـــﻦ ًﺟـــﺰء ﻣـــﻦ ﻣـﺠـﺘـﻤــــﻊ ﻣــﺰدﻫـــــﺮ INDULGE IN LUSH GREENERY AND OUTSTANDING AMENITIES اﺳـﺘـﻤـﺘــــﻊ ﺑـﻤـﺴــﺎﺣــــﺎت ﺧـﻀــــﺮاء ووﺳــﺎﺋــــــﻞ راﺣـــــﺔ ﻣـﻤـﻴـــــﺰة AL FURJAN The next generation of strategic urban connectivity is brought to life with a selection of residences in Al Furjan, the growth corridor of new Dubai. The apartments at Al Furjan residences offer a choice of sophisticated and convenient studios, one-bedroom apartments, two-bedroom apartments, three-bedroom, and duplexes. اﻟـﻔـﺮﺟــــﺎن اﺧــ ﻣﺴــﺎﺣﺘﻚ اﳋﺎﺻــﺔ ﻣــﻦ ¥ﻤﻮﻋــﺔ ﳑﻴــﺰة ﻣــﻦ اﳌﺸــﺎرﻳﻊ اﻟﻔﺮﺟــﺎن أﺣــﺪ اﺣﻴــﺎء اﻟﺴــﻜﻨﻴﺔ اﺳــﺮع ﺗﻄــﻮرا دﺑــﻲ. ﺗﻀــﻢ ﻣﺸــﺎرﻳﻊ اﻟﻔﺮﺟــﺎن ﺑﺘﺼﺎﻣﻴﻤﻬــﺎ اﻧﻴﻘــﺔ وﺣــﺪات ﺳــﻜﻨﻴﺔ ﻣﺘﻨﻮﻋــﺔ، ﺗــاوح ﺑــﲔ اﺳــﺘﻮدﻳﻮ ﺷــﻘﻖ ﻣﺆﻟﻔــﺔ ﻣــﻦ ﻏﺮﻓــﺔ واﺣــﺪة ﻏﺮﻓﺘــﲔ ﺛــﻼث ﻏــﺮف ﺑﺎ²ﺿﺎﻓــﺔ ا° اﻟﺪوﺑﻠﻜــﺲ. INVEST IN ONE OF DUBAI’S MOST POPULAR RESIDENTIAL DISTRICTS Invest in Al Furjan, a vibrant neighborhood that celebrates the true spirit of a community. Be a part of this booming community in New Dubai and own a commercial or a residential space from a distinctive selection of units. اﺳﺘـﺜـﻤــــﺮ ﻓـــﻲ أﺣــﺪ اﺣــﻴـــــﺎء اﻟﺴﻜـﻨـﻴـــــﺔ اﻛــﺜــــــﺮ ﺷﻌـﺒــﻴــــــﺔ ﻓـــﻲ دﺑـــــﻲ اﺳــﺘﺜﻤﺮ اﻟﻔﺮﺟــﺎن، اﳊــﻲ اﻟﻨﺎﺑــﺾ ﺑﺎﳊﻴــﺎة اﻟــﺬي ﻳﺤﺘﻔــﻞ ﺑﺎﻟــﺮوح اﳊﻘﻴﻘﻴــﺔ ﻟﻠﻤﺠﺘﻤــﻊ. ﻛــﻦ ًﺟــﺰء ا ﻣــﻦ ﻫــﺬا اﻟﺘﻤــﻊ اﳌﺰدﻫــﺮ دﺑــﻲ اﳉﺪﻳــﺪة وﲤﻠــﻚ ﻣﺴــﺎﺣﺔ ﺳــﻜﻨﻴﺔ أو ﲡﺎرﻳــﺔ ﻣــﻦ ¥ﻤﻮﻋــﺔ ﳑﻴــﺰة ﻣــﻦ وﺣــﺪات. EXPERIENCE THE BUSTLE OF THE CITY WITHOUT HAVING TO LIVE IN IT ﺗـﺠـﺮﺑــــﺔ اﻟـﻌـﻴــــﺶ ﻓــــﻲ اﻟـﻤـﺪﻳـﻨـــــﺔ ﺑـﻌـﻴــــﺪÀ ﻋــــﻦ ﺻـﺨـﺒـﻬـــــﺎ ZERO MINUTES AWAY FROM A NEW ADVENTURE, THE UAE EXCHANGE METRO STATION IMAGINE LIVING A LIFE WHERE... ﻋـﻠـــﻰ ﺑـﻌــــﺪ ﺻﻔــﺮ دﻗﻴﻘــﺔ ﻣــﻦ ﻣﻐﺎﻣــﺮة ﺟﺪﻳــﺪة، ﻄــﺔ ﺗــﺨــﻴـــــــﻞ ﺣـــﻴــــــــﺎة ﻛــﻬـــــﺬه... ﻣــو اﻻﻣــﺎرات اﻟﻌﺮﺑﻴــﻪ اﳌﺘﺤــﺪه ﻟﻠﺼﺮاﻓــﺔ MINUTES AWAY FROM THE WORLD’S GREATEST SHOW, EXPO 2020 DUBAI ﻋـﻠــــﻰ ﺑـﻌــــﺪ دﻗـﺎﺋــــﻖ ﻣـــﻦ اﻟـﺤـــﺪث اروع ﻓــــﻲ اﻟـﻌــﺎﻟـــــﻢ، اﻛـﺴـﺒـــــﻮا 2020 دﺑـــــﻲ MINUTES AWAY FROM FAMILY FUN-FILLED ADVENTURES, THE PAVILION SHOPPING MALL, IBN BUTTUTA, FESTIVAL CITY, DUBAI MARINA MALL ﻋــﻠـــــﻰ ﺑــﻌــــﺪ دﻗــﺎﺋـــــــﻖ ﻣــــﻦ ﻣــﻐــــﺎﻣــــــﺮات ﻋــﺎﺋــﻠــﻴــــــــﺔ ﻣـﻤــﺘــﻌـــــــﺔ، ﺑـﺎﻓــﻴــﻠــﻴــــﻮن ﺷــﻮﺑــﻴــﻨــــﺞ ﻣـــﻮل اﺑـــﻦ ﺑـﻄــﻮﻃــــﺔ, ﻓـﻴــﺴـﺘـﻴـﻔــــﺎل ﺳـﻴــﺘــــﻲ، دﺑــــﻲ ﻣـﺎرﻳـﻨــــﺎ ﻣــــﻮل 15 MINUTES AWAY FROM A NEW JOURNEY, AL MAKTOUM INTERNATIONAL AIRPORT ﻋـﻠـــــﻰ ﺑـﻌــــﺪ 15 دﻗﻴـﻘـــﺔ ﻣــــﻦ رﺣــﻠــــــﺔ ﺟــﺪﻳــــــﺪة، ﻣـﻄــــﺎر اﳌـﻜـﺘـــــﻮم اﻟﺪوﻟـــــﻲ 1 IBN BATTUTA MALL 5 FESTIVAL CITY / IKEA 9 AL MAKTOUM 5 minutes 10 minutes INTERNATIONAL AIRPORT minutes 20 ﻓﻴﺴــﺘﻴﻔﺎل ﺳــﻴﺘﻲ /اﻳﻜﻴــﺎ اﺑــﻦ ﺑﻄﻮﻃــﺔ ﻣــﻮل ﻣﻄــﺎر اﳌﻜﺘــﻮم اﻟــﺪو 10 دﻗﺎﺋــﻖ 5 دﻗﺎﺋــﻖ 20 دﻗﻴﻘــﺔ 2 DUBAI EXPO 2020 6 MADINAT JUMERIAH 10 SZR / MOHAMMED BIN.... 14 minutes 16 minutes ZAYED ROAD minutes 2 ﻣﺪﻳﻨــﺔ ﺟﻤــا اﻛﺴــﺒﻮا دﺑــﻲ 2020 ﺷــﺎرع اﻟﺸــﻴﺦ زاﻳﺪ/ﻤــﺪ ﺑــﻦ زاﻳــﺪ 16 دﻗﻴﻘــﺔ 14 دﻗﻴﻘــﺔ 2 دﻗﺎﺋــﻖ 3 JAFZA 7 DUBAI MARINA / JBR 10 minutes 10 minutes دﺑــﻲ ﻣﺎرﻳﻨــﺎ/ ﺟــﻲ ﺑــﻲ آر ﺟﺎﻓــﺰا 10 دﻗﺎﺋــﻖ 10 دﻗﺎﺋــﻖ 4 PALM JUMEIRAH 8 AL FURJAN METRO STATION 16 minutes 1 minutes ﻄــﺔ ﻣــو اﻟﻔﺮﺟــﺎن ﻧﺨﻠــﺔ ﺟﻤــا 1 دﻗﻴﻘــﺔ 16 دﻗﻴﻘــﺔ 4 6 E11 SHEIKH ZAYED RD 7 E11 E11 10 1 3 11 5 AL KHAIL RD SHEIKH ZAYED RD 8 E44 AL FURJAN E44 D69 E311 E77 10 E66 AL AIN RD EXPO RD E311 SHEIKH MOHAMMED BIN ZAYED RD 2 9 E611 EMIRATES RD AL FURJAN COMMUNITY ﻣـﺠـﺘـﻤــــﻊ اﻟـﻔـﺮﺟــــﺎن CANDACE ACACIA CANDACE ASTER LIATRIS MONTRELL DELIVERED DELIVERED DELIVERED DELIVERED DAISY FIEROUZ ORCHID ROY MEDITERRANEAN DELIVERED DELIVERED DELIVERED DELIVERED FREESIA IRIS TULIP YASAMINE DELIVERED DELIVERED DELIVERED DELIVERED FARISHTA “Freshly Delivered” ﻓـﺎرﻳـﺸـﺘــــﺎ ” ﰎ اﻟﺘﺴــﻠﻴﻢ ﺣﺪﻳﺜــÊ “ Home to high-end residential apartments, Farishta offers a choice of 137 studios, 124 one-bedroom apartments and 23 two-bedroom apartment. ﻓﺎرﻳﺸــﺘﺎ ﻳﻌﺘــÌ ﻓﺎرﻳﺸــﺘﺎ ﻣﻨــﺰل ﻟﻠﻌﺪﻳــﺪ اﻟﺸــﻘﻖ اﻟﻔﺨﻤــﺔ اﻟﺘــﻲ ﺗﺸــﻤﻞ 137 أﺳــﺘﻮدﻳﻮ و124 ﺷــﻘﺔ ﻣﺆﻟﻔــﺔ ﻣــﻦ ﻏﺮﻓــﺔ واﺣــﺪة و23 ﺷــﻘﺔ ﻣﺆﻟﻔــﺔ ﻣــﻦ ﻏﺮﻓﺘــﻲ ﻧــﻮم. STEP INTO AN ARCHITECTURAL DREAM ﺗـﺼـﺎﻣــﻴـــﻢ ﻣـﻌــﻤــﺎرﻳـــﺔ ﻣـﻠـﻬـﻤـــﺔ FLOORPLAN FLOORPLAN STUDIO 1 BEDROOM BATHROOM KITCHEN BATHROOM 2.70M X 1.80M 2.40M X 1.75M KITCHEN 2.48M X 2.32M 3.30M X 1.90M BATHROOM 1.40M X 1.80M WALK IN CLOSET 2.40M X 1.55M LIVING ROOM BEDROOM LIVING ROOM 3.80M X 5.53M 3.90M X 3.94M 4.35M X 3.80M TERRACE TERRACE 3.80M X 2.55M 8.05M X 2.60M 7.05M X 2.22M SUITE AREA : 335.94 SQFT SUITE AREA : 679.96 SQFT TOTAL AREA : 452.30 SQFT TOTAL AREA : 1,123.87 SQFT FLOORPLAN FLOORPLAN 2 BEDROOM 2 BEDROOM SKY VILLA BATHROOM 1.85M X 1.40M KITCHEN BATHROOM 2.50M X 2.57M UPPER LIVING 1.30M X 1.80M 7.64M X 5.20M BATHROOM KITCHEN 1.40M X 2.20M BATHROOM 2.50M X 2.40M 2.60M X 1.90M BATHROOM 1.90M X 2.60M BATHROOM WALK IN CLOSET BATHROOM 2.40M X 1.80M 2.50M X 1.40M 2.40M X 1.80M WALK IN CLOSET 2.50M X 1.90M BEDROOM 3.90M X 4.10M LIVING ROOM BEDROOM 5.15M X 3.95M 4.60M X 3.90M LIVING ROOM TERRACE 3.95M X 5.15M 11.80M X 2.30M BALCONY BEDROOM BALCONY 9.15M X 1.00M 3.75M X 4.10M 2.60M X 2.00M TERRACE 11.80M X 2.50M BEDROOM 3.75M X 3.60M SUITE AREA : 1040.22 SQFT SUITE AREA : 1630.75 SQFT TOTAL AREA : 1297.80 SQFT TOTAL AREA : 2236.66 SQFT SAMIA “Freshly Delivered” ﺳـﺎﻣـﻴـــﺔ ” ﰎ اﻟﺘﺴــﻠﻴﻢ ﺣﺪﻳﺜــÊ “ Conveniently set within the prestigious development of Al Furjan, Samia offers a choice of 137 studios, 124 one-bedroom apartments and 23 two-bedroom appartments. ﻳﻘــﻊ اﳌﺸــﺮوع ﻗﻠــﺐ ﻣﺸــﺮوع اﻟﻔﺮﺟــﺎن اﻟﻔﺎﺧــﺮ، وﻳﺸــﻤﻞ ﺳــﺎﻣﻴﺔ 137 ﺷــﻘﺔ اﺳــﺘﻮدﻳﻮ، و23 ﺷــﻘﺔ ﺑﻐﺮﻓــﺔ ﻧــﻮم واﺣــﺪة، و124 ﺷــﻘﺔ ﺑﻐﺮﻓﺘــﻲ ﻧــﻮم. CLASSIC DETAILS WITH A MODERN TWIST ﺗـﻔـﺎﺻـﻴــــﻞ ﻛـﻼﺳـﻴـﻜـﻴــــﺔ ﻣــﻊ ﻟـﻤـﺴــــﺔ ﻋـﺼـﺮﻳـــــﺔ FLOORPLAN FLOORPLAN 1 BEDROOM TYPE 1 1 BEDROOM TYPE 2 KITCHEN KITCHEN 2.20M X 3.70M 2.50M X 2.35M LIVING ROOM 5.70M X 3.85M BEDROOM 6.00M X 4.10M BALCONY LIVING ROOM 2.26M X 6.30M 3.70M X 3.85M BATHROOM BATHROOM 1.80M X 2.70M 2.00M X 1.35M BEDROOM 5.60M X 3.85M WALK IN CLOSET 1.20M X 2.40M BATHROOM 1.80M X 2.40M BATHROOM BALCONY 1.40M X 1.90M 11.75M X 3.90M SUITE AREA : 712.68 SQFT SUITE AREA : 759.08 SQFT TOTAL AREA : 1,171.66 SQFT TOTAL AREA : 910.64 SQFT FLOORPLAN FLOORPLAN 2 BEDROOM 2 BEDROOM SKY VILLA BALCONY LIVING ROOM KITCHEN KITCHEN 2.06M X 2.30M 5.15M X 3.80M 2.50M X 2.40M LIVING ROOM 3.75M X 2.40M 4.40M X 4.20M BATHROOM 1.40M X 2.45M UPPER LIVING ROOM 4.65M X 6.05M BEDROOM BATHROOM 4.00M X 3.90M 2.40M X 1.80M BEDROOM 4.30M X 3.60M BALCONY BATHROOM 2.06M X 6.30M 2.40M X 1.80M BATHROOM 2.40M X 1.80M BEDROOM 5.15M X 3.90M WALK IN CLOSET BALCONY 2.00M X 2.40M 2.26M X 8.85M BATHROOM 2.40M X 1.80M BATHROOM 2.40M X 1.80M TERRACE BEDROOM 7.60M X 4.35M 5.40M X 3.80M 2.54M X 3.90M WALK IN CLOSET 2.25M X 2.10M SUITE AREA : 1,111.38 SQFT SUITE AREA : 1,445.93 SQFT TOTAL AREA : 1,258.20 SQFT TOTAL AREA : 2,285.41 SQFT STAR ﺳـﺘــــﺎر Integrated within new Dubai in every sense, with a choice of 310 studios, 46 one-bedroom, and 102 two-bedroom apartments. ﻳﺘﺨــﺬ ﺳــﺘﺎر ﻣﻮﻗﻌــÊ ﳑﺘــﺎزÀ دﺑــﻲ اﳉﺪﻳــﺪة وﻳﺸــﻤﻞ اﳌﺸــﺮوع 310 ﺷــﻘﻖ اﺳــﺘﻮدﻳﻮ، 46 ﺷــﻘﺔ ﺑﻐﺮﻓــﺔ ﻧــﻮم واﺣــﺪة و102 ﺷــﻘﺔ ﺑﻐﺮﻓﺘــﻲ ﻧــﻮم. LIFESTYLE ELEVATED BY ELEGANT INTERIORS ﺗـﺼـﺎﻣـﻴــــﻢ داﺧـﻠـﻴــــﺔ اﻧـﻴـﻘــــﺔ ﻟـﻨـﻤـــﻂ ﺣـﻴــــﺎة أرﻗـــﻰ FLOORPLAN FLOORPLAN STUDIO 1 BEDROOM BATHROOM BATHROOM 2.40M X 2.40M 2.40M X 1.40M BATHROOM KITCHEN 2.40M X 1.70M 2.50M X 2.50M KITCHEN WALKING CLOSET 3.80M X 1.20M 2.40M X 1.25M LIVING ROOM LIVING ROOM BEDROOM 3.95M X 3.85M 3.90M X 3.80M 3.85M X 3.85M TERRACE 3.30M X 3.30M TERRACE 7.30M X 3.30M SUITE AREA : 326.04 SQFT SUITE AREA : 670.05 SQFT TOTAL AREA : 454.14 SQFT TOTAL AREA : 946.69 SQFT FLOORPLAN FLOORPLAN 2 BEDROOM TYPE 1 2 BEDROOM TYPE 2 BATHROOM BEDROOM BEDROOM 2.65M X 1.60M 3.60M X 3.60M 3.60M X 3.60M BATHROOM 2.15M X 1.40M BEDROOM 5.15M X 3.15M KITCHEN 3.64M X 1.65M BATHROOM BATHROOM 2.40M X 1.70M 2.50M X 1.55M TOILET 1.3M X 1.75M TERRACE 4.43M X 2.85M TERRACE 6.00M X 1.10M BATHROOM 2.55M X 1.60M KITCHEN LIVING ROOM LIVING ROOM BEDROOM 2.50M X 2.7M 3.6M X 4.0M 4.61M X 3.74M 3.96M X 3.81M SUITE AREA : 838.51 SQFT SUITE AREA : 846.26 SQFT TOTAL AREA : 1003.20 SQFT TOTAL AREA : 928.93 SQFT PLAZA ﺑـــــﻼزا Set in a well-connected urban enclave in Plaza that comprises a choice of 286 studios, 46 one-bedroom apartments, and 102 appartments. ﻳﺮﺗﻜــﺰ ﺑــﻼزا إﺣــﺪى أﻫــﻢ اﻟﻮﺟﻬــﺎت اﳌﺪﻳﻨــﺔ، وﻳﻀــﻢ اﳌﺸــﺮوع 286 ﺷــﻘﺔ اﺳــﺘﻮدﻳﻮ، 46 ﺷــﻘﺔ ﺑﻐﺮﻓــﺔ ﻧــﻮم واﺣــﺪة و102 ﺷــﻘﺔ ﺑﻐﺮﻓﺘــﻲ ﻧــﻮم. SEAMLESS LIVING SPACE إﻃــــﻼﻻت ﺳــﺎﺣــــــﺮة FLOORPLAN FLOORPLAN STUDIO 1 BEDROOM BATHROOM BATHROOM 2.40M X 1.40M 2.40M X 2.40M BATHROOM KITCHEN 2.40M X 1.70M 3.80M X 2.50M WALKING CLOSET KITCHEN 2.40M X 1.25M 3.80M X 1.20M LIVING ROOM 3.85M X 3.80M BEDROOM 3.85M X 3.70M LIVING ROOM 3.80M X 3.75M BALCONY BALCONY 7.80M X 1.40M 3.80M X 1.40M SUITE AREA : 325.49 SQFT SUITE AREA : 671.06 SQFT TOTAL AREA : 388.47 SQFT TOTAL AREA : 797.50 SQFT FLOORPLAN FLOORPLAN 2 BEDROOM 2 BEDROOM SKY VILLA 12TH FLOOR BATHROOM 2.40M X 1.70M BATHROOM 2.65M X 1.60M KITCHEN 2.80M X 2.74M BEDROOM BATHROOM 3.60M X 3.60M 2.15M X 1.40M LIVING ROOM BEDROOM 4.00M X 3.36M 5.15M X 3.15M BEDROOM 3.60M X 3.60M KITCHEN 4.84M X 1.65M TERRACE 6.00M X 1.10M BATHROOM 2.50M X 1.55M BATHROOM 2.10M X 1.40M ROOF FLOOR BALCONY 3.43M X 1.26M TERRACE 5.45M X 2.00M BATHROOM TERRACE 2.55M X 1.60M 2.40M X 2.20M 3.55M X 3.21M LIVING ROOM BEDROOM LIVING ROOM 4.61M X 3.74M 3.96M X 3.81M 3.95M X 3.04M SUITE AREA : 931.47 SQFT SUITE AREA : 1718.58 SQFT TOTAL AREA : 1140.98 SQFT TOTAL AREA : 2105.26 SQFT SHAISTA ﺷـﺎ ﻳـﺴـﺘـــﺎ Perched at a convenient location, Shaista represents the comforts of home on the inside and the warmth of Al Furjan community on the outside.
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