Council Matters Soldiers Ready to Actjn
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Devoted to the Interests of A CLEAN, FEARLESS Belmar and Wall Township, F A M IL Y WEEKLY (INCORPORATED W ITH WHICH IS THE COAST ECHO) VOL. XXII, No. 21 BELMAR, N. J., FRIDAY, MAY 23, 19r3 THREE CENTS TROLLY TO GO HOME NEWS MORE NOISE FROM POTENTATES ARRIVE Wall Township . SPRING LAKE CHARGES THRU MANASQUAN BRIEF ITEMS OF LOCAL INTEREST FOR ROYAL WEDDING Schools Honor Roll Miss G. Harriott of New York is spend Herbert W. Hill, in Role of Account Work on the Extension Com JT is a hard m atter to recog= ing the summer at her cottage on 12th Names of Pupils Who Were Neither Avenue. Takes Stage nize our friends when menced This Week Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Kinsey of Newark Festivities Inaugurated by State Absent nor Tardy During Month are occupyieg their cottage on 10th Avenue. SPRING LAKE.—The boro officials, MANASQUAN, May 22.— '"When the their backs are toward us— who arc charged with misappropria trolley officials got ready to go thru Mr. and Mrs. E. C. Robertson of Newark Dinner. of April — Homely tions of more than $21,000, which Manasquan they can go.” have arrived at their 11th Avenue cottage. amount was increased in a report of COMO That was the statement made by a Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Ilammerslide of an. expert auditor to $37,000, are Berlin, May 23.—The czar, who with Seventh and Eighth Grades—Fred man ot prominence in the boro, who New York City are at their 9th Avenue anxious to secure the services of Her the king and queen of England will at Eggiman, Joseph Parker, Robert Gif stated that the property owners in cottage for the season. bert W. Hill, the accountant who com tend the wedding tomorrow of Prin ford, James Smith, Allan Smith, Jos. Taylor avenue had a petition signed Mr. and Mrs. Paul Coster are spending piled the report on the boro’s finances cess Victoria Louise, the kaiser’s only Eggiman, Charles Cavana, Leland by every owner ot property in that a few weeks at their 5th Avenue cottage. from Collector William W. Trout’s daughter, and Prince Ernest Augustus, avenue, asking the trolley company to son of the Duke of Cumberland, nr Combs, Truman Mortimer, Harry Mc George M. Kanenbley of New York books to go over the books for them. run its tracks thru Manasquan by rived In Berlin. Knight, Adelbert McKelvey, Eva All has arrived for the season and is occupying They told him so last Friday when he that route immediately. Further The royal wedding festivities were gor, Alice White, Daisy Bishop, Mar EDITORIAL his cottage 011 5th Avenue and C Street. was down here looking over the brilliantly inaugurated by a state din ion Combs, Matilda Taylor. more, It was authoritatively stated vouchers of the boro at the rcuest of Miss J. C. Morris is spending a few ner la the famous White hail of tho Fifth and Sixth Grades—Hugh that the little opposition that might the councilmen’s representatives, ac weeks at her 3rd Avenue cottage. royal castle. There were 250 guests, Strominger, George Chamberlain, Ken arise to the extension ot the lines cording to a statement made hy Mr. including nearly 100 royalties, gath Augustus Schuck is at his cottage on neth Johnson, William Combs, Carl down Union avenue could easily be If a man did not think enough of his job to at least Hill to a friend here. ered around a quadrangular table 3rd Avenue for the season. Newman, Frank Warwick, Fred Tay overcome. When Boro Clerk E. V. Patterson which ran the full length of each side The railway company will probably call around at the office once in a couple of months he lor, Wolcott Brown, Anna White, Em E. L. Jones, proprietor of The Columbia was asked the object of Mr. Hill's of the banqueting chamber. Tbe company displayed a dazzling ma Eggiman, Rose Copelli, Verna be asked to continue its line south Hotel Was iu town the forepart of tiie presence in the council chambers would be fired—that is, unless he owned the firm—and such medley of respendent uniforms, glit Barber, Lillian Voorhees, Anna LaSal- ward now instead of waiting, which week arranging to open the hotel. where he was going over the vouchers tering Jewels and beautiful gowns. la, Mary McKnight, Henrietta Jack it is said is the present plan. It has should be true in politics. 1. N. Williams of New York has openedlast Friday, Mr. Patterson stated that The guests entered the ball to the son, Alice Allgor, Ruth Combs. been rumored that the company’s his 9th Avenue cottage for the season. there was a statement in a report strains of the Brunswick Military Third and Fourth Grades—Harry present idea is to extend its tracks made by Sherman Dennis, the account March. George D. Bochen has opened the cot Burr, Wolcott Ferrette, Horace Hurley, across the camp ground in order to ant engaged by the boro officials, that The kaiser, in the full dress uniform Some things are carried too far-pursued until they tage on 0th A venue and V Street. Nicholas LaSalla, Roger Taylor, Flor hold the grant of the state, which interested Hill and the latter had come of the British Royal dragoons, with Mr. M. C. Colyer of Newark is spend ence Errickson, Henrietta Gifford, requires that the work be completed become objectionable even to the state of nuisance. One down to see the hooks. Hill told the Russian Andreas order across his ing the season here. Elsie Hurley, Nora Osborn, Nellie by July 1. It is said the company parties interested in the case against shoulders, led In Queen Mary. King of these carried too far practices is the “ chase ’em up ’’ Voorhees, Alma Whille, Jeannette does not intend to run its cars at Mr. and Mrs. L. A. Parsons of Railway the boro that he had come down to George, in the uniform of the Prus sian dragoons and wearing the Black Britton, Lorna Dunn. present further than the point at method of local merchants, in their wild endeavor to secure are at their cottage on 12th Avenue. look over the boro vouchers, a thing Eagle insignia, followed with tbe kai- First and Second Grades— Howard which they now stop at the entrance W. P. Richardson of Richmond, Va., that the boro officials had asked the serln, who wore a strawberry colored Gourdier, Marvin Hurley, Ernest to the grounds. the patronage of the summer resident. It is a common has arrived at Belmar for the season. complainants’ counsel to permit some court gown with emerald, pearl and Johnson, Thomas Massey,. Everett Mr. and Mrs. F’. A. Schuetz of Newark time ago. diamond ornaments. The czar, who sight any day at this season of the year to see a hack hitting Newman, Abram Newman, Jerry are at the cottage at 214 12th Avenue for What they did do tho was to re also wore a Prussian dragoon uniform Voorhees, Jay Wickham, Archie Wein- a 2.03 pace pursued by from ten to fifteen men, some afoot the season. quest him to come here and go over decorated with the Order of the Black COUNCIL MATTERS Eagle, escorted the Dowager Grand muller, Anna Cavana, Evelyn Errick the books with them. He agreed to others on bicycles while still others in wagons and auto Miss S. Mount of New York is among son, Helen Ferette, Anna Whille, do so for a stipulated amount. The Duchess of Baden. The Duke of Cum the early arrivals of Belmar’s Summer Doris Warner, Adelaide Warner, Ag mobiles. If such a procession should go along Broadway, object of the boro in engaging Hill berland led in tbe German crown Colony. princess. The crown prince escorted nes Whille. Will Apprasie Lands in An for any work cannot be understood Mr. and Mrs. Charles F. Bower of the Duchess of Cumberland. WEST BELMAR N. Y., it would probably take the police reserves to satisfy even by those friendly to the mayor Philadelphia are at their cottage on 8th Prince Ernest Augustus, looking ev Seventh and Eighth Grades—Gil nexed District-Ask For and council. In view of the report the publics curiosity that it was not Roosevelt and his new Avenue for the season. ery inch a soldier-lover, was radiantly bert VanNote, Wilbur Schenck, Ver which he has already made for the smiling as he entered with Princess non King, LaPierre Sherman, Rose Bids For Sidewalks following or Whitman with the “gun men ” after him. Yes, W. B. Weed and family of New York other parties he could not present Victoria Louise, who looked very girl Janelle. the condition is a disgrace and something should be done at are here for the summer. • any damaging figures against their ish in a pretty dress of brocade of pale At a meeting of Belmar council Tuesday By action of council there is to be no claims, it is thought. blue, her fiance’s favorite color. Fifth and Sixth Grades—Lester Glab, Clawson Chamberlain, Ezekiel evening, it was ordered that appraisers be once to abate the nuisance. more Sunday baseball playing in the boro. Boro Clerk Patterson stated that Shibla, Willie Curtis, Helen Bennett, appointed to place values on lands that Homely again. Hill had seen a copy of Dennis’ re M’ADOO BIDS FOR ADVICE. Susie Gibbs, Virginia Curtis, Lena will be affected by the opening of streets The new cluster lights 011 piers to be port on the finances of the boro.