~!anon street, Back Great Russell Mexborough road, Bolton Hall rd. 2 Moorhead terrace, Windhill 23 street 11 ~Iiall street, Stansfeld street 11 Moorhead villas, Ivy rd., Shipley 23 Mark street, Gaythorne road 21 ::\fiddle st., Manor row, Cheapside 14 Moorhouse moor, Back ln. ,Allerton I ::\tarket hall, Kirkgate 7 Middle ln., rd., Clayton 22 Moorland place, Cleckbeaton road 15 Market place, Otley rd., Shipley 23 Middleton street, Whetley hill 13 Moorland terrace, Cleckheaton :M ark et street, Kirkgate, Shipley 23 l\lidgley buildings, Bierley lane 15 road, Low Moor 15 Market street, Tyrrel ~tre .. t to Midgley row, Bierley lane 15 Moorland view, Cleckheaton road 15 Kirkgate 7 Midgley street, Bierley lane 15 Moor Park road, road 4 Market street, High st., I6 Midgley yard, Abbey street 2 Moorside, Daisy hill 1 J.farketstrePt, 'Nest lane, to Upper Midland buildings, Canal road 14 l\foorside, Eccleshill 6 Green lane, Thornton 18 Midland buildings, Otley road Moorside, 15 .l'llarlborough rd., rd., Idle 10 Shipley 23 Moor Side road, Scott lane, ],farI borough rd., :;\f anningham In. 9 Midland chambers, 7 Low Moor 16 l\farlhorough ter., Manningham Midland rd., A.ireville rd., Frizing- Moor side, Stoney lane, A.llerton l lane 13 hall 2 Moorside lane, 3 Marlborough terrace, Bowling Midland road, Beanlsley road, :Moorside place, Bradford rd., Idle IO Hall road 5 Shipley 23 Moorside road, l<'agley road to 11 arley street, Garnett street 17 Midland roacl, Trafalgar street H Stony lane, Eccleshill 6 Mar hill, Valley road, Shipley 23 Midland Station yard, Valley rd. 14 Moorside pl., Bradford Moor, Idle 3 l\Iarriner's drive, road 9 Midland terrace, Canal road 2 Moorside road, road, Marsden fold, Sticker lane 5 Midland terrace, Midland road, Low Moor 16 Marsden street, Mount street, 2 Moorside road, Moorside lane, Leeds road 17 Midland terrace, Shipley Fields Bradford Moor 3 Marsden terrace, Sticker lane 5 road, Shipley 23 Moorside road, Stony lane, Marsh grove, 'fhornton lane 11 Milcar Hill lane, Oukenshaw 15 Ecclcshill 6 Marsh street, Manchester road 21 Mildred court, Leeds road 7 Moorside terrace, Moorside road, Marshall row, \V akeficld road 5 Mildred street, 'l'ennyson place 4 Eccleshill 6 l\Iarshall street, Elizabeth street I2 l\Iilford place, Heaton road 9 Moorwell place, Moorside road, Marshall's Mill yard, Portland st. 11 Mill bank, Lane bottom, Windhill 23 Ecclcshill 6 Marshfield place, Marsh street 21 Mill fields, Beacon road. Wibsey 16 ~~ oravian place, Holme 'l'op lane 12 Marshfield street, .Manchester rd. 21 Mill fold, The Green, Idle 10 Moray place, Valley rd., Shipley 23 M:arshfield terrace, :Marsh street 2I Mill lane, High street, Wibsey I6 Morley carr, Low Moor I5 M arske street, Leeds road I7 Mill lane, Manchester road I2 l\Iorlev street, road l\farsland place, Leeds road 3 Millln., ~Ianorley ln., 16 to J1~asby road 11 Mary gate, Manchester road 12 Mill street, Beacon road, Wibsey 16 Morningside, Heaton road 9 l\fary street, Bowling Back lane 3 Mill street, Canal road U Mornington villas, Manningham Mary street, Thornbury road 3 Mill street, School st., Low Moor 16 lane I3 Mary st., Caroline st., 23 l\Iillergate, A.ldermanbury 7 l\forpeth court, Melville street 11 Mary st., George st., Thornton 18 Milman lane, Apperley road, Idle 10 l\Iorpeth street, Listerhills road 11 ~Iary st., New Road side, I5 Milne street, Melville street 11 Mortimer row, Leeds road, Mary st., Perseverance st., Wyke I5 Milton street, I~isterhills road 11 Bradford Moor 3 Masbam place, Jcsmond avenue, Milward road, Wakefield road 5 l\lortimer street, Young street 13 'roller lane 9 Mint street, Otley rd., Undercliffe 4 Morton's yard, Westgate 20 Mason court, Otley road 4 Mitchell lane, Leeds road, Idle 10 }loscow, Back Heights road, Mason street, Denton street I2 Mitchell sheet, Bowling Old lane 21 Thornton 18 l\Iather's buildings, Huddersfield )litton street, lane 12 Moss street, Manchester road 12 road, Low Moor 16 Monk street. Richmond road 11 Moss street, Reservoir view, Maud street, l\1 ulgravc street. I7 Montague street, Clarges street I2 Thornton 18 Maudsley st., U ppcr Seymour st. I7 1 Montgomery street, Lum b lane 13 Mosscar street. Leeds road I7 Mavis street, Seaton street 17 Montrose street, Stanley road 2 Mossman street, Crag road, · Maw street, llalllane 5 Montrose st., Valley rd., Shipley 23 Windhill 23 ~lawson court, Sackville street 20 Montserrat, street I9 Moulson street, Bowling Old lane 2I Mawson st.,Victoria rd., Saltaire 23 Moody street, Caledonia street 5 ~fount avenue, Stone Hall road, Mayfield avenue, Huddersfield Moor bottom, Oakenshaw I!; Eccleshill 6 road, Wyke 15 Moor end, Highfield road, Idle 10 Mount pl., Saltaire road, Shipley 23 Mayfield pl., Mayfield av., 1-Vyke I5 Moor end, Shipley 23 Mount pleasant, Bottomley street, Mayfield tcrr