Planning and Highways Committee 22nd December 2020 Agenda Item No.: 8

Dear , & PCs

We are pleased to confirm that we have accepted the grant offer from the Department of Transport to deliver the second phase of Emergency Active Travel Fund (EATF) projects.

The bid included a scheme which proposed to restrict access to Lawrences Lane, Thatcham to deter through traffic and therefore make it more attractive for walking and cycling between Cold Ash, Bucklebury and Thatcham.

We intend to consult all affected residents, businesses and stakeholders in February 2021. The type of restriction, whether a physical closure or a Traffic Regulation Order will depend on the results of the consultation.

In the meantime, I have contacted landowners directly to ensure that they are aware of the scheme first-hand so that any proposals that we draw up take into consideration their rights of access (letter attached).

If you have any questions regarding the scheme, please do not hesitate to contact me directly.

Kind regards

Josh Kerry ITS & Sustainable Travel Transport & Countryside, West Council, Market Street, Newbury RG14 5LD

27 November 2020

The Owner/Occupier Transport & Countryside Lawrences Lane District Council Thatcham Council Offices Berkshire Market Street, Newbury Berkshire RG14 5LD

Our Ref: Lawrences Lane (By Hand) Please ask for: Customer Services Team Direct Line: 01635 519182 e-mail: [email protected]

Dear Sir/Madam


West Berkshire Council’s Environment department have been successful in a bid to the Department for Transport to fund active travel improvements. The funding is to be used to encourage cycling and walking across the district in response to the pandemic and difficulties in using public transport. We asked residents, councillors and local organisations what improvements they would like to see and among the many suggestions received there were requests to restrict through traffic from using Lawrences Lane to make it more attractive to walk and cycle.

Restricting motorised traffic from using Lawrences Lane as a through route would allow residents of Bucklebury and Cold Ash a safer active travel route into Thatcham both for commuting and school trips as well as providing residents of Thatcham safer access to the countryside for walking and cycling.

Lawrences Lane is a single-track road which is not well suited to through traffic due to the narrow carriageway and limited passing places. Therefore we are writing to the properties of Lawrences Lane to enquire as to whether you would have any objections to a proposal to restrict access for non-residential motorised traffic. We will make allowances to maintain access for residents, tenant farmers and landowners.

There are several options available, from a physical closure to access only signs, and so we would like to start a conversation with local residents to explore whether these may be viable.

Please can you contact me at your convenience using the details provided to discuss your specific access requirements.

Yours faithfully

Josh Kerry

ITS & Sustainable Travel Transport & Countryside Service West Berkshire Council - Lawrences Lane Propoerties / Accesses









26 / 11 / 2020 14 : 18 : 00 1:4,000 Points 0 0.045 0.09 0.18 mi

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West Berkshire Council Reproduced from Ordnance Survey map with the permission of the Controller of Her Majesty's S tationery Office (c) Crown Copyright 2020. West Berkshire District Council 0100024151