1. These notes are designed to assist Members and bring together in one document all the information required in connection with the forthcoming Mayoral Functions.

2. The Annual Council Meeting will commence at 12 noon for the Mayor Making Ceremony and associated items. In accordance with the decision of the City Council on 8th February 2006, (Minute Number 94 refers), the business of electing a Leader and Cabinet and making appointments to other bodies will be deferred to the second part of the Annual Council Meeting to be held at 6.00pm on Thursday 11th May 2006 at Morecambe Town Hall.


(a) 10th May 2006 at 12 noon in the Ashton Hall, Town Hall, Lancaster.

(b) It is not possible to make additional car parking available. Normal public car parks should be used.

(c) Members are requested to robe and the robes will be set out in the Council Chamber.

(d) An Order of Proceedings follows, together with a seating plan. Members will process into the Ashton Hall for the start of the meeting and should therefore be lined up in the corridor outside Committee Room B no later than 11.50 am. Officers will be on hand to ensure that Members are in the order required for the procession.

(e) Individually named seats are reserved for Civic guests on the front two rows in the body of the Hall. Those with a reserved seat will have been advised of the location of their seat prior to the event.

(f) The remainder of the seating in the body of the Hall is reserved for Officers and Members’ guests.

(g) The general public and school parties will have access to the Gallery.

(h) At the conclusion of the ceremony, Members and Guests will be asked to remain in their places until the Mayoral party have left the room. Members should then disrobe in the Council Chamber. Guests are asked to make their way to the rear of the Ashton Hall for drinks. Lunch will be served in the Banqueting Suite at 1.15 p.m. Table seating plans will be on display in the Ashton Hall and at the entrance to the Banqueting Suite with names listed in alphabetical order.


(a) Sunday, 14th May 2006 at 11.30 a.m. at the Priory Church, Lancaster.

(b) Members are required to robe and the robes will be set out in the Council Chamber. Will Members please be ready by 10.40 a.m., to be received by the Mayor in the Parlour.

(c) An Order of Procession and detailed instructions accompany these notes.


(a) Wednesday, 17th May 2006 in the Mayoral Apartments at the Town Hall, Lancaster, between 3.00 p.m. and 6.00 p.m.

(b) Wednesday, 24th May 2006 at The Platform, Morecambe, between 3.00 p.m. and 6.00 p.m.



10TH MAY 2006


1. Apologies

2. Vote of Thanks to the Retiring Mayor, Consort and Mayoress

To consider a Vote of Thanks to the Retiring Mayor, Consort and Mayoress proposed by Councillor Keith Budden and seconded by Councillor Ian Barker.

The Mayor will respond.

3. To Elect the Mayor of the for the Ensuing Year

The Right Worshipful The Mayor (Councillor Joyce Taylor) will be in the Chair and pursuant to Minute No. 59 will ask Councillor John Gilbert to propose the Motion:-

“That Councillor Janie Kirkman be elected Mayor of the City of Lancaster for the ensuing year.”

The Mayor will then call on Councillor John Harrison to second the Motion.

The Mayor will then put the Proposition to the meeting.

On the Proposition being carried, the newly elected Mayor will step forward in front of the dais and will be asked by the Chief Executive to subscribe to her Declaration of Acceptance of Office.

The Beadle will then ask the Council to rise whilst the Mayor retires. The Mace will be removed and the Civic Party will leave in the following order:-

The Mace; The Mayor, Mayoress and Consort The Retiring Mayor, Retiring Mayoress and Retiring Consort The Chief Executive, Deputy Mayor and Deputy Mayor Elect.

The Mayoress, Consort, Past-Mayor, Past-Mayoress, Past Consort, Deputy Mayor and the Deputy Mayor-Elect will return to the Chamber to their allotted seats.

When the Mayor has been robed, the Civic Party will return; the Mayor and the Chief Executive to the dais.

The Mayor will take the Chair and the Mace will be installed.

The most recently elected female Councillor (Councillor Chadwick) will present a bouquet of red roses to the Mayoress.

The Mayor will then briefly express her thanks to the Council for her election.

The Mayor will invite the retiring Mayor, Mayoress and Consort to step forward and present to them their Past-Mayor’s Badge, Past-Mayoress’ Badge and Past Consort’s Badge.

4. To Elect a Deputy Mayor and a Vice-Chairman of the Council for the Ensuing Year

The Mayor will indicate that she has chosen Councillor Joyce Pritchard to be her Deputy Mayor for the ensuing Municipal Year. The Council will be asked to agree to this and also to the appointment of Councillor Joyce Pritchard as Vice-Chairman of the Council for the ensuing year.

The Proposition will be moved by Councillor Quinton seconded by Councillor Blamire and then put to the meeting.

The Chief Executive will invite Councillor Pritchard to step forward and to subscribe to her Declaration of Acceptance of Office.

The Mayor will then invest the Deputy Mayor with her Badge of Office.

The Deputy Mayor will take her seat on the dais, alongside the Mayor.

6. To appoint a Town Sergeant and Mayor’s Sergeant.

The Mayor will request that the appointment of her Town Sergeant and Mayor’s Sergeant, Tom Harrison and Jenny Kay be confirmed.

7. To receive the Mayor’s Communications.

The Mayor will announce that she intends to hold the Mayor’s Sunday Service on 14th May 2006, at the Priory Church, Lancaster, at 11.30 a.m.

The Mayoral Receptions will be held in the Town Hall, Lancaster on Wednesday 17th May 2006 and at The Platform, Morecambe on Wednesday 24th May 2006 and from 3.00 p.m. until 6.00 p.m.

--- ooOOoo ---

At the conclusion of the proceedings, the Mayoral Party will process in the following order:-

The Mace; The Mayor and the Chief Executive; The Mayoress and Consort The Deputy Mayor The past Consort and past Mayoress;

Members of the Council and Guests are requested to remain standing whilst the Mayoral Party leaves the Chamber.




14TH MAY 2006


1. The Council will take the Mayor to Church and the Mayor will lead the Council back from the Church to the Town Hall.

2. Members of the Council will Robe in the Council Chamber and then, together with the Chief Officers and Magistrates, will be received by the Mayor in the Mayor’s Parlour at 10.20 a.m.

3. During this time, the Police will be marshalling and forming up the band and other organisations in the Garden of Remembrance.

4. The Council Party will form up inside the Town Hall in the following order:-

Deputy Mayor Corporate Director (Finance & Performance) Members of Parliament Leaders of the Labour, Independent, Conservative, Liberal Democrat and Green Groups; Members of Council (in order of seniority); Magistrates; Representatives of Parish and Town Councils; Representatives of Lancaster University and St. Martin’s College; Corporate Directors and Service Heads; Deputy Mayor’s Escort and Deputy Mayoress Mayoress, Mayor’s Consort and High Sheriff’s wife Town Sergeant and Mayor’s Sergeant; Chief Superintendent Stephenson The High Sheriff of Mace Mayor and Chief Executive.

5. The main procession will move off at 11.10 am. prompt, led by the Band, and as it passes the Town Hall steps, will be joined by the Council Party.

6. The Mayoress, the Mayor’s Consort, the Deputy Mayoress, Deputy Mayor’s Escort and High Sheriff’s wife on arrival at the Church will be received by the Vicar at the Church porch and conducted to the first pew on the right-hand side of the nave.

7. On arrival at the Church, the outside organisations will divide into two ranks to form a guard of honour, at a point on the Church walk indicated by an Officer of the Authority on duty.

8. The Council Party, led by the Deputy Mayor and Corporate Director (Finance & Performance) will pass through the guard of honour and divide to extend the guard of honour to the Church door.

9. The Mayoral Party, comprising the Mayor, Chief Executive, Mace, High Sheriff, Chief Superintendent, the Town Sergeant and Mayor’s Sergeant, will pass through the guard of honour and be met by the Vicar at the door to the Church who will then escort the Mayoral Party into Church and proceed across the back of the Church to the Regimental Chapel to view the Roll of Honour.

10. Meanwhile, the Deputy Mayor and Corporate Director (Finance & Performance) will reform and lead the rest of the Procession into Church. The Deputy Mayor and Corporate Director (Finance & Performance) will occupy the second pew on the left-hand side of the nave, leaving the first pew for the Mayor, the Chief Executive, the High Sheriff and Chief Superintendent. The rest of the Council Party will continue to fill the pews on the left-hand side of the nave working backwards.

11. The Mayoral Party will then proceed from the Regimental Chapel to the nave across the back of the Church, when the Council and organisations will stand. The Mayoral Party will proceed down the nave as follows:-

Verger; Church Wardens; Vicar; High Sheriff of Lancashire; Chief Superintendent; Town Sergeant and Mayor’s Sergeant; Mace; Mayor; Chief Executive

This party will occupy seats on the left-hand side front pew, the Mace and staff being placed in position.

12. At the start of the Recessional Hymn, on a signal from the Beadle, the organisations will leave the Church and form up outside the Shire Hall. The Deputy Mayor and Corporate Director (Finance & Performance) will then lead the Council Party pew by pew from the front out of the Church to the Church gates and then divide to form a guard of honour.

13. The choir and clergy will process to the Church door.

14. The Mayoral Party will then leave the Church through the clergy and the Council Party guard of honour. Whilst this is happening, the main procession will start to move off and will be followed by the Mayoral and Council Parties.

15. The order of procession for the return from Church is:-

Band; Organisations; Town Sergeant and Mayor’s Sergeant; Chief Superintendent; High Sheriff of Lancashire; Mace; Mayor and Chief Executive; Mayoress and Mayor’s Consort Deputy Mayoress, Deputy Mayor’s Escort and High Sheriff’s wife Deputy Mayor and Corporate Director (Finance & Performance) Members of Parliament Leaders of the, Labour, Independent, Conservative, Liberal Democrat and Green Groups, Members of Council (in order of seniority); Magistrates; Representatives of Parish and Town Councils; Representatives of Lancaster University and St. Martin’s College; Corporate Directors and Service Heads.

16. On return to the Town Hall, the Band and Organisations will form up as a guard of honour and the Mayor will lead the Council through the guard of honour, up the steps and into the Town Hall.

17. Members will disrobe and refreshments will be served in the Banqueting Suite.

18. The proceedings will be closed by the Mayor proposing the Loyal Toast and the most Senior Member of the Council present proposing the Toast “The Right Worshipful The Mayor”.

--- ooOOoo ---

Ashton Hall Seating Plan

DOOR LJ/JR Corporate Director (Community Services) Deputy Mayor Burns/Pritchard Mayor Taylor/Kirkman Chief Executive Retiring Mayoress/Mayoress Retiring Consort/Consort Mayoress/Retiring Mayoress Retiring Consort/Consort Corporate Director (Regeneration) Corporate Director (Finance & Performance) Head of Democratic Services

Chadwick Gilbert Harrison Mayor Elect/Past-Mayor(Kirkman/Taylor) Mace Quinton Blamire Deputy Mayor Elect (Pritchard) Lee Budden Barker Past-Deputy Mayor (Burns) Coates Bryning Wilson Whitaker Dent Grattan Day Jean Jones Langhorn Knight Helme Gerrard Thomas Sherlock Wade Stamp Chapman Woodruff Denwood Stone

Clift Robinson Airey Bray PRESS Rogerson Fretwell Archer Johnson Gardner Hanson Ashworth Whitelegg Baxter Heath Charles Clifford Judith Jones Fishwick Barry Sands Blakely Kerr Greenall Brown Redfern Dowding Mrs. S. Strickland Colonel S. Strickland Mrs. S. M. Pearson Honorary Freeman W. Pearson Mrs. J. Stirling Honorary Freeman E. Jones Mrs. A. T. Webber Mrs. B. Spelling Ms G. Smith MP Rev. S. Shield Rev. Canon P. Cavanagh Mr. R. Stephenson, Lancs Fire & Rescue Ms N. Woodfield Chief Superintendent G. Stephenson Mrs. J. Stephenson Constable of Woolstencroft Mr. R. Mr. S. Pritchard Tisdall Major W. StC. Miss S. Kirkman Mr. J. Kenyon Miss E. Kirkman Mr. C. Deeney Mr. M. Harrison

Mr. T. E. Evans Mrs. I. J. Moneypenny Fisher Mrs. M. Fisher Mr. M. Mrs. J. Morrell Mr. J. Morrell V. Crumley Mrs. W. Mr. W. V. Crumley Mrs. C. Bulman Mr. C. Bulman Miss A. Pritchard Mr. A. Pritchard Mrs. A. Carruthers RNLI