The Meadoword, December 2013
December 2013 Volume 31, Number 12 The To FREE Meadoword MeaThe doword PUBLISHED BY THE MEADOWS CO mm UNITY ASSO C IATION TO PROVIDE INFOR M ATION AND EDU C ATION FOR MEADOWS RESIDENTS MANASOTA, MANASOTA, FL U.S. POSTAGE PRESORTED STANDARD PERMIT 61 PAID 2 The Meadoword • December 2013 MCA BOARD Notes From the OF DIRECTORS Bob Friedlander, President Dr. Bill Grubb, Vice President President’s Desk Marvin Glusman, Treasurer By Bob Friedlander—MCA President Bill Hoegel, Secretary Claire Coyle Jo Evans During the year, the MCA Sandy Truman, operates a tractor, and works on Joy Howes staff interfaces with The Meadows Administra- special projects Dr. Harry Shannon residents either directly or through tive Assistant John Spillane other efforts. In individual and front desk Kirby Rolfe is a conversations with them, at one time receptionist, an- Maintenance Tech- COMMITTEES or another, they have expressed their swers and directs nician and a tele- Assembly of Property Owners appreciation for you—our residents. telephone calls, phone and electri- Ginny Coveney, Chairperson So on their behalf: types printed cal technician. He Claire Coyle, Liaison Whatever is good, whatever communications, and helps also does carpentry Budget and Finance brings you joy—may it be yours visitors and residents with maps, work and works on Jerry Schwarzkopf, Chairperson during this magical Season and MCA hand-outs, and other special projects. Bob Friedlander, Liaison throughout the coming year. MCA-related materials. Community Activities Have the best ever Holiday (Not pictured) David’s brother, Ginny Coveney, Chairperson Season! Liz Johnson, Ken Gindlesberger, works part- Emergency Preparedness part-time Ad- time with the maintenance group Dr.
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