Local Currency Sovereign Risk∗
Local Currency Sovereign Risk∗ Wenxin Du † Jesse Schreger ‡ Federal Reserve Board Harvard University April 8, 2015 Abstract We introduce a new measure of emerging market sovereign credit risk: the local cur- rency credit spread, defined as the spread of local currency bonds over the synthetic local currency risk-free rate constructed using cross-currency swaps. We find that local currency credit spreads are positive and sizable. Compared with credit spreads on foreign currency- denominated debt, local currency credit spreads have lower means, lower cross-country cor- relations, and are less sensitive to global risk factors. We discuss several major sources of credit spread differentials, including selective default, capital controls, covariance between currency and credit risk, and various financial market frictions. Keywords: local currency, sovereign debt, currency swaps JEL Classifications: F31, F34, G15 ∗We are especially grateful to John Campbell, Gita Gopinath, Robin Greenwood, Kenneth Rogoffand Luis Viceira for their invaluable advice and guidance. We thank the editor Kenneth Singleton and two anonymous referees, Cristina Arellano, Javier Bianchi, Emmanuel Farhi, Donna Fletcher, Jeffrey Frankel, Jeffry Frieden, Jakub Jurek, Sebnem Kalemli-Ozcan, Guido Lorenzoni, Matteo Maggiori, Rui Mano, Michael Michaux, Michael Rashes, Helene Rey, Jeremy Stein, Lawrence Summers, Vivian Yue and Adrien Verdelhan; and seminar participants at the AQR Capital Management, Cass Business School, Federal Reserve Board, Harvard, IMF Institute, Maryland, Melbourne, NBER IFM, Stanford GSB, State Street, Tsinghua, UCLA Anderson, Wharton, UCSD, UVA Darden, Western Finance Association, and the World Bank for comments and suggestions. We are also indebted to numerous people at governments, central banks, investment banks, the Emerging Market Trading Association, and the Luxembourg Stock Exchange who helped us gather data on emerging market fixed income securities.
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