MENTION-IN-DESPATCHES CITATIONS (MID) 1993 to 2005 First Announcements on 13 June 1993
MENTION-IN-DESPATCHES CITATIONS (MID) 1993 to 2005 First Announcements on 13 June 1993 Updated: 18 November 2018 First CG: 12 June 1993 Last CG: 13 August 2005 Pages: 45 Compiled By: Surgeon Commander John Blatherwick, CM, CStJ, OBC, CD, MD, FRCP(C), LLD(Hon) Note: No MIDs announced in the Canada Gazette in 2006 MIDs for the First Gulf War Page CG Date Name Rank Details Decorations_____/ 10 12/06/93 AFFLECK, Colin WO Imagery Analysis CD 05 12/06/93 ANDREWS, Stuart Douglas Commander CO HMCS Terra Nova CD 05 12/06/93 BARTRAM, David Watson Colonel Deputy CCFME CD 10 12/06/93 BOLDUC, Joseph Gaston André Michel Warrant Officer 1 Royal 22e Regiment CD 10 12/06/93 CHIASSON, Darrell Lewis Sergeant 1 Forward Surgical Hospital -- 09 12/06/93 CHURCHILL, Frank Winfield MWO CATGME -- 09 12/06/93 CORKUM, Ivan Douglas CPO2 HMCS Terra Nova CD 09 10/02/96 COOPER, Harold CPO2 HMCS Athabaska CD 09 12/06/93 DOWNARD, Donald William MWO 119th Air Defence Battery -- 06 12/06/93 FORCIER, Jean Yves Commander CFMEHQ - COS Ops Bahrain CD 09 12/06/93 GAUTHIER, Joseph Michael Sergeant Maritime Log Detachment -- 08 12/06/93 HEWITT, James Terrance LCdr USS Tripoli US Navy -- 08 12/06/93 HILL, Stephen Peter Captain 439 Fighter Squadron -- 05 12/06/93 JOHNSTON, Bruce Commodore DG Plans and Ops CMM CD 08 12/06/93 KELLY, Richard Daniel Major CATGME - Infrastructure CD 08 12/06/93 KENDALL, David William Major 439 Fighter Squadron CD 09 12/06/93 PALMER, John Randy MWO 1 Royal Cdn Regiment -- 10 12/06/93 RALPH, Charles Leonard Allan Sergeant Explosives Ordnance Disposal -- 08 12/06/93 ROBERTS, Dennis James LCol CATGME - COS/Acting Cdr CD 07 12/06/93 STUART, John Noel LCol CFMEHQ - Logistics (Gulf) OMM CD For more on the Mentioned in Dispatches, see the outstanding book by Directorate of Honours and Recognition at: D2-359-2016- eng.pdf (PDF, 9.55 MB).
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